EXHIBIT 10.10.4


     THIS SUBLEASE is made as of November 16, 1999, by and between Brigham Oil &
Gas, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Sublandlord"),  and ShowSupport.com,
Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Subtenant").


     A. Sublandlord  leases certain office space in the office building known as
Two Bridge  Point,  located at 6300 Bridge  Point  Parkway,  Austin,  Texas (the
"Building"),  pursuant  to the Two  Bridge  Point  Lease  Agreement  dated as of
September 20, 1996, attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Original Lease"), between
Investors Life Insurance Company of North America, a Washington corporation,  as
landlord,  and Sublandlord,  as tenant, as amended by (i) First Amendment to Two
Bridge  Point Lease  Agreement  dated as of April 11, 1997,  attached  hereto as
Exhibit B, (ii) Second Amendment to Two Bridge Point Lease Agreement dated as of
October 13, 1997, attached hereto as Exhibit C, and (iii) Third Amendment to Two
Bridge Point Lease Agreement dated November,  1998, attached hereto as Exhibit D
(the Original  Lease,  as so modified,  is herein called the "Base Lease").  The
Building is now owned by HUB Properties Trust, a Maryland real estate investment
trust ("Owner").

     B. Subtenant  desires to sublease  certain space within the 34,327 Rentable
Square Feet of space  leased to  Sublandlord  as the  "Premises"  under the Base
Lease.  Sublandlord  is willing to sublet such space to Subtenant upon the terms
and conditions hereinafter set forth.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  Sublandlord,  in consideration of the rent to be paid and
the  covenants  and  agreements to be performed by Subtenant as set forth below,
hereby subleases and demises to Subtenant,  and Subtenant takes and accepts, the
following  premises  on  the  fourth  floor  of  the  Building  (the  "Subleased

          (a) 5,296.11  Rentable  Square Feet of space within the Premises shown
     as the "Lease  Space" on the floor plan  attached  hereto as Exhibit E (the
     "Floor Plan"); and

          (b) An  undivided  one-half  interest in the space within the Premises
     shown as the "Shared  Corridor Space" (herein so called) on the Floor Plan,
     which interest shall be deemed a sublease of 97.48 Rentable  Square Feet of
     space,  but shall  entitle  Subtenant  to use the  entirety  of the  Shared
     Corridor  Space,  in common  with  Sublandlord,  for access to and from the
     Subleased Premises.

     The  Subleased  Premises are leased by  Sublandlord  to  Subtenant  and are
accepted and are to be used and possessed by Subtenant upon the following  terms
and conditions:


     1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Sublease without definitions
have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Base Lease.

     2. Term.  The term of this Sublease  shall  commence on the date hereof and
shall end November 30, 2001 (the "Expiration Date").

     3. Base Rent.  Subtenant  shall pay to Sublandlord  during the term hereof,
without demand and without any setoff or deduction, minimum rental ("Base Rent")
of (i) $11,798.48 per month from the date hereof through and including  November
30,  2000,  and (ii)  $12,697.41  per month from  December  1, 2000  through and
including the  Expiration  Date.  Base Rent shall be payable  monthly in advance
beginning on the first day of the term hereof and  continuing  thereafter on the
first day of each calendar month. Should the term of this Sublease commence on a
day other than the first day of a  calendar  month or  terminate  on a day other
than the last day of a  calendar  month,  the Base Rent for such  partial  month
shall be prorated. Each installment of Base Rent shall be paid to Sublandlord at
the address  specified in this Sublease or elsewhere as designated  from time to
time by written notice from  Sublandlord  to Subtenant;  provided,  however,  if
Owner wishes to collect Base Rent directly from Subtenant and credit Sublandlord
therefor  under the Base Lease,  then  Subtenant  will pay Base Rent directly to
Owner  at  the  address  of  Owner   specified   in  the  Base  Lease  and  will
simultaneously  send evidence of such payment to Sublandlord.  Owner will not be
considered to have assumed Sublandlord's  obligations hereunder by reason of the
acceptance of any payment directly from Subtenant.

     4. Additional Rent.

          (a) The Base Rent payable by Subtenant shall be increased by an amount
     ("Additional  Rent") equal to Subtenant's  Pro Rata Share of the Base Lease
     Obligations.  For purposes of this Sublease, "Base Lease Obligations" shall
     mean the share of Operating Expenses and all other amounts that Sublandlord
     is  obligated  to pay under the Base  Lease for the term of this  Sublease,
     except for  Sublandlord's  obligation  to pay "Base Rent" as  specified  in
     Section 3.01 of the Base Lease. "Subtenant's Pro Rata Share" shall mean (i)
     15.71% with  respect to all Base Lease  Obligations  except for charges for
     off-hour and nonstandard air conditioning,  heating and electricity used in
     the Subleased  Premises,  and except for Base Lease Obligations that become
     due because of a default by  Sublandlord  under the Base  Lease,  (ii) 100%
     with respect to any Base Lease  Obligations  that become due because of the
     use of off-hour and nonstandard air  conditioning,  heating and electricity
     in the Subleased  Premises,  it being understood that such charges are made
     according to Building zones as provided in Article 5 of the Base Lease, and
     that the Subleased Premises, except for Offices 447 and 448 as shown on the
     Floor Plan,  exclusively  comprise "Zone 4B" of the Building's HVAC system,
     (iii)  100% with  respect  to any Base Lease  Obligations  that  become due
     because of a default by Sublandlord under the Base Lease if such default is
     caused by Subtenant's  failure to abide by the terms of this Sublease,  and
     (iv) 0% with respect to any Base Lease  Obligations that become due because
     of a default by  Sublandlord  under the Base Lease,  if such default is not
     caused  by  Subtenant's  failure  to abide by the  terms of this  Sublease.
     Sublandlord's  failure to pay any  amount  due under the Base  Lease  after
     Subtenant has failed to pay a corresponding amount under this Sublease will
     be considered a default caused by Subtenant's failure to abide by the terms
     of this Sublease.


          (b) Payments of Additional  Rent which are  attributable  to Operating
     Expenses  shall be made by Subtenant to Sublandlord on the first day of the
     term hereof and on the first day of each  succeeding  month  throughout the
     term,  simultaneously with the payment of Base Rent,  according to the most
     current, Estimated Operating Expenses then payable by Sublandlord to Owner.
     Payments of any and all other Additional Rent owing hereunder shall be made
     by  Subtenant to  Sublandlord  within 10 days after  Subtenant  receives an
     invoice therefor, provided that Subtenant shall not be required to make any
     payment of Additional Rent more than 10 days prior to the date  Sublandlord
     is required to pay the underlying Base Lease Obligation. Should the term of
     this  Sublease  commence  on a day other  than the first day of a  calendar
     month or  terminate  on a day other than the last day of a calendar  month,
     the  Additional  Rent for such partial  month shall be  prorated.  If Owner
     wishes to collect  Additional  Rent directly from Subtenant and credit such
     Additional  Rent  against the  underlying  Base Lease  Obligations  owed by
     Sublandlord,  then  Subtenant  will pay  Additional  Rent directly to Owner
     within  the time  periods  set out in the Base  Lease for  payment  of such
     underlying  obligations  and  will  simultaneously  send  evidence  of such
     payment to Sublandlord.

          (c) Sublandlord shall provide Subtenant with copies of all information
     concerning  Additional Rent within a reasonable time after it receives such
     information  from  Owner.  In the  absence  of  manifest  error,  any  such
     information  from  Owner  shall  be  presumed  to  be  correct  as  between
     Sublandlord  and  Subtenant.  To the extent  that  Sublandlord  makes or is
     credited for payments of Base Lease  Obligations  on the basis of estimates
     by Owner (e.g.,  a payment on the basis of Estimated  Operating  Expenses),
     and  Sublandlord  shall be required to make an  additional  payment of Base
     Lease   Obligations   because  Owner's   estimates  are  determined  to  be
     understated, then Subtenant shall pay to Sublandlord,  within 10 days after
     Subtenant  receives an invoice therefor,  Subtenant's Pro Rata Share of the
     excess payment required to be made by Sublandlord.  If Sublandlord receives
     a  refund  of or  credit  for  any  part  of its  payments  of  Base  Lease
     Obligations   because  Owner's   estimates  are  determined  to  have  been
     overstated,  then  Subtenant  shall  receive a refund of or credit  for any
     Additional  Rent paid on account of the previous  overpayment  of such Base
     Lease Obligations.


     5. Security  Deposit.  Subtenant  will pay  Sublandlord on the date of this
Sublease a security  deposit of $35,395.00 (the "Security  Deposit") as security
for the  performance  of the terms hereof by Subtenant.  Subtenant  shall not be
entitled to interest thereon and Sublandlord may commingle such Security Deposit
with  any  other  funds  of  Sublandlord.  The  Security  Deposit  shall  not be
considered an advance payment of rent or a measure of  Sublandlord's  damages in
case of default by Subtenant.  If a default by Subtenant  shall occur under this
Sublease,  Sublandlord  may,  but shall not be  required  to, from time to time,
without prejudice to any other remedy,  use, apply, or retain all or any part of
the Security  Deposit for the payment of any rent or any other sum in default or
for the  payment  of any  other  amount  which  Sublandlord  may spend or become
obligated to spend by reason of Subtenant's default or to compensate Sublandlord
for any  other  loss or  damage  which  Sublandlord  may  suffer  by  reason  of
Subtenant's default,  including,  without limitation,  costs and attorneys' fees
incurred by  Sublandlord  to recover  possession of the Subleased  Premises.  If
Subtenant shall fully and faithfully perform every provision of this Sublease to
be performed by it, the Security  Deposit shall be returned to Subtenant  within
30 days after the Expiration  Date.  Subtenant agrees that it will not assign or
encumber or attempt to assign or  encumber  the monies  deposited  herein as the
Security Deposit,  and that Sublandlord and its successors and assigns shall not
be bound by any such actual or attempted  assignment or encumbrance.  Regardless
of any  assignment of this Sublease by Subtenant,  if Subtenant and its assignee
fail to provide  evidence  satisfactory  to  Sublandlord of an assignment of the
right to  receive  the  Security  Deposit  or any part of the  balance  thereof,
Sublandlord may return the Security Deposit either to the original  Subtenant or
to the assignee,  without any liability to the other. Following the execution of
this Sublease,  Sublandlord  and Subtenant shall attempt to agree upon the terms
and conditions of a letter of credit to replace the Security  Deposit  described
in this Section 5. In the event that Sublandlord and Subtenant are able to agree
upon the terms and  conditions of a letter of credit as  aforesaid,  Sublandlord
shall reimburse Subtenant the full amount of the cash Security Deposit described
in this Section 5 within fifteen (15) days of Sublandlord's receipt of the fully
executed and binding letter of credit. Subtenant shall reimburse Sublandlord for
the reasonable  attorneys'  fees incurred by Sublandlord to negotiate and review
all  drafts of the  letter of intent  within  fifteen  (15) days of  Subtenant's
receipt of Sublandlord's invoice for any such attorneys' fees.

     6. Finish Work.  Sublandlord  shall perform (or cause to be performed)  the
following work (the "Finish  Work") as soon as racticable  following the date of
this Sublease:

          (a) Construct a temporary  construction  wall in the location shown on
     the Floor Plan;

          (b) Re-key the entry doors providing access to the Subleased Premises;

          (c) Construct a common exit corridor within the Shared Corridor Space,
     which  Sublandlord  and  Subtenant may use in common for access to and from
     the  Premises and the  Subleased  Premises,  respectively.  Included in the
     construction  of the Shared  Corridor  Space shall be the  relocation of an
     entry door from the Shared  Corridor  Space to an area that will be outside
     of the Shared Corridor Space, the  installation of an additional  sprinkler
     outside of the Shared Corridor Space and the relocation of a security panel
     to Sublandlord's new access door. In the event that Subtenant believes that
     the bid received by  Sublandlord  to construct  the common exit corridor is
     excessive,  Subtenant shall have the right to have other contractors bid to
     perform substantially the same work and in the event that Subtenant is able
     to  obtain  a  bid  that  is  significantly  less  than  that  received  by
     Sublandlord,  and the  contractor  which  provided  such bid is  reasonably
     acceptable to Sublandlord  (and Owner to the extent required by the Lease),
     Sublandlord shall utilize the contractor obtained by Subtenant to construct
     the  common  exit  corridor.   Upon   completion  of  such  exit  corridor,
     Sublandlord shall remove the temporary construction wall.


     All Finish Work shall be designed and  constructed at Subtenant's  expense.
Contemporaneously  with the execution of this Sublease,  Subtenant shall deposit
with Sublandlord (in addition to the Security  Deposit) the cash sum of $10,000.
Sublandlord  may draw against  such  deposit to pay the design and  construction
costs of the Finish Work.  Sublandlord  shall provide to Subtenant copies of all
invoices  submitted  for the Finish  Work for which  draws are made  against the
deposit. If the deposit shall be insufficient to pay all design and construction
costs of the Finish Work,  then upon demand from  Sublandlord,  Subtenant  shall
deposit with  Sublandlord  such additional  funds as may be necessary to pay the
excess  costs.  If the deposit  shall exceed the total  design and  construction
costs of the Finish Work, as calculated  upon the completion of the Finish Work,
then  Sublandlord  shall  promptly  return  the excess to  Subtenant.  Subtenant
acknowledges  that the  temporary  construction  wall will  prevent  Subtenant's
access to Offices  447 and 448 within the  Subleased  Premises,  as shown on the
Floor Plan.  Subtenant agrees that while the temporary  construction  wall is in
place,  Subtenant will access Offices 447 and 448 only under the  supervision of
an employee of Sublandlord.

     As soon as  practicable  following  the  date of this  Sublease,  Subtenant
shall, at its expense,  construct a wiring closet for the Subleased Premises and
install  new  telecommunications   wiring  within  the  Subleased  Premises  for
Subtenant's  telephone and computer  systems in accordance with a wiring diagram
that must be pre-approved by Sublandlord.  Subtenant shall cause such work to be
performed  in a good and  workmanlike  manner,  free of liens,  according to all
Building rules and regulations  applicable to the work, and utilizing procedures
approved by Sublandlord  which will minimize the  disturbance  of  Sublandlord's
operations in the Premises.  Subtenant shall reimburse  Sublandlord and Owner on
demand for any damage  caused to any  property of  Sublandlord  or Owner by such
work,  and Subtenant  shall  indemnify  Sublandlord  and Owner against any third
party  claims  arising  out of the work.  Sublandlord  and Owner may each have a
representative present throughout performance of the work.

     Upon  termination  of this Sublease,  Sublandlord  may elect to restore the
Shared  Corridor Space to its condition  existing prior to this Sublease  and/or
remove from the  Subleased  Premises  the wiring  closet and  telecommunications
wiring installed  hereunder.  In such event,  Subtenant shall pay to Sublandlord
the cost of such  restoration  and/or removal within 10 days after  receiving an
invoice therefor.

     7. Telephone System.

          (a)  Sublandlord   shall  allow   Subtenant  to  temporarily   utilize
     Sublandlord's  telephone  system until Subtenant  establishes its own phone
     system as provided in subparagraph (b) below. Throughout the period of such
     temporary use,  Subtenant will reimburse  Sublandlord for all long distance
     charges incurred by Subtenant,  and will pay to Sublandlord Subtenant's Pro
     Rata Share of the  telephone  charges  (other than long  distance  charges)
     billed to  Sublandlord  by the  telephone  utility for the operation of the


          (b) No later than December 1, 1999,  Subtenant shall establish its own
     phone system and account with the telephone utility.  If Sublandlord can do
     so without interfering with or hampering  Sublandlord's  existing or future
     phone  system  (the "PBX  System"),  Sublandlord  will allow  Subtenant  to
     install   separate   trunking   cards   and/or   digital  line  cards  into
     Sublandlord's  PBX System, in order to set up Subtenant's own phone system.
     During the term hereof, Subtenant shall pay Sublandlord a monthly fee equal
     to $10.20 per port  accessed or installed  into or from  Sublandlord's  PBX
     System,  as  independent  consideration  for  the  installation  right,  in
     recognition  of costs  incurred by  Sublandlord to install and maintain the
     PBX  System.  Subtenant  shall  establish  an  account  directly  with  the
     telephone  utility  for the  payment  of  Subtenant's  phone  charges.  All
     installations that may in any way impact or affect Sublandlord's PBX System
     must be pre-approved  by Sublandlord  and Sublandlord  shall have the right
     and adequate  opportunity to have a representative  present during any such
     installations.  Subtenant shall be solely  responsible for all of the costs
     associated with the creation or installation of its phone system. No use by
     Subtenant of  Sublandlord's  PBX System shall make Sublandlord a "provider"
     of telephone service or otherwise impose any  responsibility on Sublandlord
     for the quality or continuity of phone  service  provided to Subtenant,  it
     being agreed that  Subtenant  shall look directly to the telephone  utility
     for resolution of all such issues.

          (c) Sublandlord shall allow Subtenant to temporarily  utilize up to 10
     phone sets while  Subtenant  is in the process of  obtaining  its own phone
     sets. Subtenant may not utilize Sublandlord's phone sets after December 30,
     1999 and shall  return to  Sublandlord  all of such  phone sets in the same
     condition in which they were received on or before December 30, 1999.

          (d) Subtenant  shall pay all charges owing by Subtenant to Sublandlord
     under this Section 7 within 10 days after receiving an invoice therefor.

     8. Acceptance of Subleased Premises.  Prior to Subtenant's occupancy of the
Subleased Premises, Sublandlord shall clean the Subleased Premises in accordance
with its customary cleaning  procedures for the Premises.  Otherwise,  Subtenant
hereby (i) accepts the Subleased Premises as suitable for the purposes for which
same  are  leased,  without  the  need  for any  additional  improvements  to be
constructed  therein  other than the Finish  Work;  (ii)  accepts the  Subleased
Premises and each and every part and appurtenance thereof as being in a good and
satisfactory  condition,  subject to  completion  of the Finish Work;  and (iii)
waives any defects in the Subleased Premises and its  appurtenances,  other than
defects  discovered  in the  Finish  Work.  Sublandlord  shall  not be liable to
Subtenant or any of its agents, employees,  licensees, servants, or invitees for
any  injury or damage  to person or  property  caused in whole or in part by the
condition  or design or by any defect in the  Subleased  Premises or its systems
and equipment, and Subtenant,  with respect to itself and its agents, employees,
licensees,  servants, and invitees, hereby expressly assumes all risks of injury
or damage to person or property,  either  proximate or remote,  by reason of the
condition of the Subleased  Premises.  Notwithstanding any provision in the Base
Lease to the contrary,  neither  Sublandlord nor Owner shall have any obligation
to construct any leasehold improvements to the Subleased Premises other than the
Finish  Work.  Subtenant  may not  make or  allow  to be made  any  alterations,
installations,  additions or  improvements in or to the Subleased  Premises,  or
place safes,  vaults or other heavy  furniture  or  equipment  within the Leased
Premises, without the prior written consent of Sublandlord and Owner.


     9.  Parking.  Subtenant  may use the parking  facilities  of the  Building,
subject to Owner's rules and regulations  therefor, at a ratio not to exceed one
parking  space per [279]  Rentable  Square Feet within the  Subleased  Premises.
Subtenant shall not have the right to lease any executive parking spaces beneath
the  Building,  notwithstanding  Section  15.19  of the  Base  Lease,  it  being
understood  that  any such  arrangement  shall be  negotiated  directly  between
Subtenant and Owner.

     10. After-Hours  Service.  Subtenant  acknowledges that Offices 447 and 448
within the  Subleased  Premises  (as shown on the Floor  Plan) fall  outside the
Building zone  applicable  to the  remainder of the  Subleased  Premises for air
conditioning  and heating service (as set forth in Section 4(a) above).  Without
Sublandlord's prior, written consent,  Subtenant shall not attempt to secure air
conditioning  or heating for Office 447 or 448 before or after  normal  Building

     11.  Security.  Sublandlord  shall  program  its  security  system to allow
Subtenant's  employees to separately  access the  Subleased  Space with security
cards  issued  by  Sublandlord.   Subtenant  shall  reimburse   Sublandlord  for
Subtenant's  Pro Rata Share of the costs incurred by Sublandlord to maintain and
operate the security  system.  Such  reimbursement  shall be paid to Sublandlord
from  time to time  within  10 days  after  Subtenant's  receipt  of an  invoice

     12.  Compliance with Base Lease.  Subtenant agrees to comply with and abide
by all terms and  provisions of the Base Lease (except for the payment of rent),
and to perform and assume all of Sublandlord's obligations under the Base Lease,
insofar (but only insofar) as such terms,  provisions and obligations  relate to
the Subleased  Premises and to the term of this  Sublease.  Subtenant  shall not
commit any act that would constitute a default under the Base Lease. Subtenant's
obligation  under  this  paragraph  shall  be  enforceable  both  by  Owner  and
Sublandlord.  Subtenant  agrees  that with  respect to the  Subleased  Premises,
Sublandlord shall have all rights as against Subtenant that Owner has as against
Sublandlord  under the Base Lease.  Such rights of Sublandlord  include (but are
not limited  to) (i) the right to receive any notices  that Owner is entitled to
receive under the Base Lease,  (ii) the right to require that  Subtenant  obtain
Sublandlord's  consent in any and all circumstances  that require the consent of
Owner  under  the  Base  Lease,  including  without  limitation  consent  to any
assignment  of  this  Sublease  by  Subtenant  or any  further  sublease  of the
Subleased  Premises,  and (iii) the right to be indemnified by Subtenant against
certain  damages,  costs and expenses as if the indemnity  provisions  under the
Base Lease  applied to Subtenant  and  Sublandlord  instead of  Sublandlord  and
Owner,  respectively,  and to  the  Subleased  Premises  instead  of the  entire
Premises  covered by the Base Lease.  Such rights also  include the right to act
upon a default  hereunder  by  Subtenant in the same manner that Owner might act
upon a comparable  default by Sublandlord  under the Base Lease, it being agreed
that  Subtenant  shall be in default  under this  Sublease if Subtenant  acts or
fails to act in a manner which would constitute a "Default" under the Base Lease
were  Sublandlord  to have engaged in a comparable act or failure under the Base
Lease.  In addition,  if Subtenant  should fail to fully perform its obligations
hereunder,  Sublandlord  shall have the right to  perform  such  obligations  on
behalf of Subtenant and to charge  Subtenant all costs  thereof,  whether or not
Owner could similarly  perform such  obligations on behalf of Sublandlord  under
the Base Lease. Subtenant agrees to notify Sublandlord  immediately of any claim
by Owner that the Base Lease has been  breached  with  respect to the  Subleased
Premises.  The rights of Sublandlord and obligations of Subtenant set out in the
other  provisions  of this  Sublease  shall  supplement,  not be in lieu of, the
rights of Sublandlord and obligations of Subtenant under this paragraph.


     13.  Services.  Subtenant  acknowledges  and agrees that the only services,
amenities  and rights to which  Subtenant  is entitled  under this  Sublease are
those to which  Sublandlord  is  entitled  under the Base Lease  (subject to the
restrictions and conditions imposed under the Base Lease). Sublandlord shall not
be liable to  Subtenant  for  Owner's  failure  to  provide  any such  services,
amenities or rights,  nor shall such failure be construed as a breach  hereof by
Sublandlord or an eviction of Subtenant or entitle  Subtenant to an abatement of
any of the rent under this  Sublease,  except to the extent that  Sublandlord is
entitled to treat the failure as an  eviction or to receive an  abatement  under
the Base Lease with  respect  thereto.  Paragraph  7 of the  Consent to Sublease
referred to in Section 26 below  authorizes  Subtenant to obtain  "services  and
materials" related to the Subleased Premises. Subtenant agrees it has no need to
acquire  services or materials from  Sublandlord or Owner beyond those expressly
set forth in this Lease. Subtenant will not seek to acquire any such services or
materials  from Owner without the prior,  written  consent of  Sublandlord,  and
Sublandlord  may  condition  its  consent  on  the  deposit  by  Subtenant  with
Sublandlord (for payment to Owner) of all costs of the services or materials.

     14. No Implied  Waiver.  The failure of  Sublandlord  to insist at any time
upon the strict  performance  of any  covenant or  agreement  or to exercise any
option, right, power or remedy contained in this Sublease shall not be construed
as a  waiver  thereof.  The  waiver  of any  violation  of any  term,  covenant,
agreement or condition contained in this Sublease shall not prevent a subsequent
act, which would have  originally  constituted a violation,  from having all the
force and effect of an original  violation.  No express  waiver shall affect any
condition  other than the one specified in such waiver and that one only for the
time and in the manner specifically stated. A receipt by Sublandlord of any rent
with  knowledge  of the breach of any  covenant or  agreement  contained in this
Sublease  shall  not be  deemed  a  waiver  of such  breach,  and no  waiver  by
Sublandlord  of any provision of this Sublease shall be deemed to have been made
unless expressed in writing and signed by Sublandlord.

     15.  Attorneys'  Fees  and  Legal  Expenses.  Should  either  party  hereto
institute any action or  proceeding in court to enforce any provision  hereof or
for damages by reason of any alleged breach of any provision of this Sublease or
for any other judicial remedy, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive
from the losing  party all  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and all court  costs in
connection with such proceeding.

     16. Subordination.  This Sublease and all rights of Subtenant hereunder are
subject and subordinate to (i) the Base Lease,  and (ii) any mortgage or deed of
trust,  blanket or otherwise,  which now or may  hereafter  affect the Subleased


     17. Quiet  Enjoyment.  Provided  Subtenant pays the rent payable under this
Sublease as and when due and payable  and keeps and  fulfills  all of the terms,
covenants,  agreements  and  conditions to be performed by Subtenant  hereunder,
neither  Sublandlord  nor any  person  lawfully  claiming  by,  through or under
Sublandlord  shall  disturb  Subtenant's  peaceable  and quiet  enjoyment of the
Subleased  Premises during the term of this Sublease,  but Subtenant's  right to
such  enjoyment  is  expressly  subject  and  subordinate  to the  restrictions,
requirements,  and  conditions  of the Base  Lease  and of any deeds of trust or
mortgages  which are superior to this  Sublease,  as hereinabove  set forth.  No
warranties,  express  or  implied,  are made by  Sublandlord  as to title to the
Subleased Premises except as expressly set out in this paragraph.

     18.  Notices.  Each  provision  of  this  Sublease,  or of  any  applicable
governmental  laws,  ordinances,   regulations,   and  other  requirements  with
reference to the sending,  mailing,  or delivery of any notice or with reference
to the making of any payment by Subtenant to Sublandlord,  shall be deemed to be
complied with when and if the following instructions are complied with:

          (a) All rent and other  payments  required to be made by  Subtenant to
     Sublandlord  hereunder  shall be payable to  Sublandlord at the address set
     forth below,  or at such other address as Sublandlord may specify from time
     to time by written notice delivered in accordance herewith.

          (b) Any notice or communication  required or permitted hereunder shall
     be given in  writing,  sent by (i)  personal  delivery,  or (ii)  expedited
     delivery service with proof of delivery, or (iii) prepaid facsimile or (iv)
     United  States  mail,  postage  prepaid,   registered  or  certified  mail,
     addressed as follows:

         To Sublandlord:

         Brigham Oil & Gas, L.P.
         6300 Bridgepoint Parkway
         Building 2, Suite 500
         Austin, Texas 78730
         Attn: David Brigham
         Fax: (512) 427-3393

         To Subtenant:

         ShowSupport.com, Inc.
         6300 Bridge Point Parkway
         Building 2, Suite 450
         Austin, Texas  78730
         Attn:  Mr. Vinay Bhagat


     or to such  other  address  or to the  attention  of such  other  person as
     hereafter  shall be designated in writing by the  applicable  party sent in
     accordance  herewith.  Any such notice or communication  shall be deemed to
     have been given either at the time of personal  delivery or, in the case of
     delivery service or mail, as of the date of first attempted delivery at the
     address  and in the manner  provided  herein or, in the case of  facsimile,
     upon receipt.

     19.  Real  Estate  Commissions.  Sublandlord  has agreed to pay to Colliers
Oxford  Commercial,  Inc.  ("Agent") a commission for negotiating  this Sublease
pursuant to a separate agreement with the Agent. Under that agreement, the Agent
will share the  commission  with CB Richard Ellis,  Inc., as cooperating  agent.
Except as set forth in the preceding two sentences,  each party  represents that
it has not  authorized  any broker or finder to act on its behalf in  connection
with  this  Sublease  and  that it has not  dealt  with  any  broker  or  finder
purporting  to act on behalf of any other  party.  Each party  agrees to defend,
indemnify  and hold  harmless  the other from and  against  any and all  claims,
losses,  damages,  costs or  expenses  (including  reasonable  attorney's  fees)
arising out of or resulting  from any agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding
alleged  to have been made by such  party or on its  behalf  with any  broker or
finder in connection with this Sublease or the transaction contemplated hereby.

     20.  Severability.  If any  term  or  provision  of  this  Sublease  or the
application  thereof  to any  person  or  circumstances  shall be to any  extent
invalid and unenforceable, the remainder of this Sublease, or the application of
such term or provision to persons or circumstances  other than those as to which
it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby.

     21. No Representations.  Sublandlord and Sublandlord's  agents have made no
representations  or promises  with respect to the Subleased  Premises  except as
herein expressly set forth and no rights, easements, or licenses are acquired by
Subtenant  by  implication  or otherwise  except as  expressly  set forth in the
provisions of this Sublease.

     22. Entire Agreement. This Sublease sets forth the entire agreement between
the parties and no amendment or  modification  of this Sublease shall be binding
or valid unless expressed in a writing executed by both parties hereto.  Any and
all  agreements,  written or oral,  entered by the parties  prior to the date of
this Sublease are merged into, and superseded by, this Sublease.

     23. Paragraph  Headings.  The paragraph headings contained in this Sublease
are for  convenience  only and  shall in no way  enlarge  or limit  the scope or
meaning of the various paragraphs hereof.

     24. Binding Effect. All of the covenants, agreements, terms, and conditions
to be observed and  performed by the parties  hereto shall be  applicable to and
binding upon their respective heirs, personal  representatives,  successors and,
to the extent assignment is permitted hereunder, their respective assigns.


     25.  Options.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  in the  Base  Lease  to the
contrary,  Subtenant  shall have no right to exercise  any  renewal,  extension,
expansion, right of first refusal, cancellation or other similar option or right
afforded to Sublandlord under the Base Lease.

     26.  Contingency.  This  Sublease is  contingent  upon Owner's  consent and
approval,  which is to be  evidenced  by the  signature of Owner to a Consent to
Sublease on a form prepared by Owner and  reasonably  acceptable to  Sublandlord
and   Subtenant.   Contemporaneously   with  the  execution  of  this  Sublease,
Sublandlord and Subtenant shall execute such Consent to Sublease.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Sublandlord and Subtenant have executed this Sublease
as of the date first above written. BRIGHAM OIL & GAS, L.P.

                             By:      Brigham, Inc., a Texas corporation,
                                      Managing General Partner

                                      By:  /s/ David T. Brigham
                                           Name: David T. Brigham
                                           Title: Vice President

                             SHOWSUPPORT.COM, INC.

                              By: /s/ Vinay Bhagat
                                  Name: Vinay Bhagat
                                  Title: President & CEO
