AREA OF MUTUAL INTEREST
                        TIGRE POINT AND ROB-L PROSPECTS
                          VERMILION PARISH, LOUISIANA

    Special Note: Tigre Enery Corporation must receive a signed copy of this
           Agreement by Fax @ (713) 468-1352 no later than 5:00 p.m.,
                             Monday, March 6, 2000
                (Tigre and its partner will not bid at the Sale
                       unless these requirements are met)

     When  executed by all parties  hereto and a faxed copy has been received by
Tigre Energy  Corporation on or before 5:00 p.m.,  Monday,  March 6, 2000,  this
Agreement (the "Agreement")  between Tigre Energy Corporation  ("TEC"),  Brigham
Oil & Gas, L.P. ("BOG"), Resource Investors Management Company ("RIMCO") will be
deemed to be in effect at 5:00 p.m.,  Monday,  March 6, 2000 and will modify the
original  agreement  executed by the parties on or about January 24, 1997,  with
respect to their exploration efforts in the RIMCO/Tigre Project (being ownership
interest in all  leasehold and other  property of every kind located  within the
lands described on Exhibit A hereto).

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of good and valuable  considerations,  the
receipt  and  sufficiency  of which is hereby  acknowledged,  and the  premises,
mutual  covenants and agreements  contained  herein TEC, BOG, and RIMCO agree as

     1.  Distribution of Interests - If the requirement for prompt response from
BOG and  RIMCO is met (as set oiut in the  "Special  Note"  above),  TEC and its
partner,  acting through Cypress Energy, the lease broker, will provide funds to
bid in an attempt to acquire all or part of the nominated acreage located within
the above defined AMI at the State Lease Sale scheduled for 9:00 AM,  Wednesday,
March 8, 2000. TEC, the TEC Partner,  Huerfano  Corporation,  BOG and RIMCO will
each hold the following  estimated  interests,  and no other, in the RIMCO/Tigre

                       Before Project Payout     After Project Payout
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                          W.I%      R.I%           W.I%       R.I%
                          ----      ----           ----       ----

Drilling Participant(s)  100.00    75.00          80.00      60.000
TEC                        0.00     0.50           7.50       6.125
TEC Partner                0.00     0.50           7.50       6.125
BOG                        0.00     0.50           2.50       2.375
RIMCO                      0.00     0.50           2.50       2.375
Huerfano                   0.00     3.00           0.00       3.000
State of Louisiana         0.00    20.00           0.00      20.000

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL(%)                 100.00   100.00         100.00      100.00

     2.  Availability  of 3-D  Seismic  data -  Subject  to the  terms  and  the
applicable license  agreements,  BOG will make available all seismic data, along
with  interpretations  which BOG has within its possession or control related to
the  RIMCO/Tigre  Project (the "3-D Data").  Further,  for a period of two years
from the date hereof,  subject to the terms of the  applicable  seismic  license
agreements,  BOG will provide prospective drilling  participants the opportunity
to  review  the 3-D Data and  TEC,  or its  designee,  will be  responsible  for
marketing the  RIMCO/Tigre  Project.  BOG will also make  available all computer
equipment  necessary to review and analyze the 3-D Data to prospective  drilling

     3. UNOCAL/AMOCO Farmout. BOG will provide limited assistance to TEC, or its
designee,  in obtaining a farm-out  agreement  with  UNOCAL/AMOCO  for leasehold
rights in Vermillion Block 14, which is contained within the AMI.

     4.  Terms  of the  Trade - TEC  will  provide  the  Terms  of the  Trade in
marketing the project to  prospective  Drilling  Participants.  Distribution  of
interests   will  be  similar  to  those  set  out  in  Paragraph  1  above  and
reimbursement  of sunk costs will be limited to actual lease  acquisition  cost,
brokerage  fees and  miscellaneous  expenses to TEC and its partner for lease(s)
acquired  after March 6, 2000.  Terms of the Trade could vary  depending  on the
market for prospects  during the coming year(s).  The final terms of trade shall
remain within the sole  discretion of TEC and the parties  acknowledge  that (i)
before-payout  revenue-interests  and (ii)  after-payout  revenue-interests  and
working-interests  may have to be adjusted in order to  successfully  market the
Project.  Any  such  adjustments  will  be  made  proportionately  to all  those
interests  described  in the  table  set forth in  Paragraph  1 above,  with the
exception of the State of Louisiana and the Drilling Participants.

     5. Drilling Obligations.  This Agreement eliminates any and all obligations
of BOG to perform any drilling within the AMI.

Time is the essence of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of and
effective on the 6th DAY of MARCH, 2000


 /s/ A.L. Jordan                        /s/ Jeffrey W. Wheelock
_________________________________       _________________________________
By:     A.L. Jordan                     Jeffrey W. Wheelock, President
Title:  President


/s/ Ben M. Brigham
By:     Ben M. Brigham
Title:  President