April 7, 2009

Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549
Attn: Joe Foti, Senior Assistant Chief Accountant

Re: Hangman Productions, Inc.
    Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008
    Filed March 5, 2009
    File No. 000-50892

Dear Mr. Foti:

     The  following  is in response to the  comments  received  March 30,  2009,
related to the  Company's  filing on Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31,
2008. Items #1 through #6 correspond to comments #1 through #6 in your letter.

     1. Future  filings  will  include  quarterly  bid data for each of the most
     recent two fiscal years.

     2. Future  filings  will not include  Item 301  "Selected  Financial  Data"
     pursuant to Regulation  S-K. The disclosure is not required to be provided
     by the  Company due to scaled  disclosure  available  to smaller  reporting

     3. Future  filings will include a discussion  of  discontinued  operations,
     including a description of the operations,  how these  operations  differed
     from the Company's current operations, and when it was sold.

     4. See the table below for information regarding the $56,997 gain reflected
     in  additional  paid in  capital  resulting  from  the  disposition  of the
     Company's former consolidated subsidiary, 4th Grade Films, Inc.

                   Gain on Disposoal of 4th Grade Films, Inc.

 Activity                      Investment in Subsidiary   Income from Subsidiary
 ----------------------------- ------------------------   ----------------------
 Legal Expenses paid 06/30/07                  $  5,212
 Quarter-end 06/30/07                                                  $ (5,326)
 Quarter-end 09/30/07                                                  $ (8,871)
 Quarter-end 12/31/07                                                  $ (7,051)
 Quarter-end 03/31/08                                                  $ (5,118)
 Date of Disposal 05/31/08                                             $ (6,044)
                               ------------------------   ----------------------
 Balance as of 05/31/08                        $  5,212                $(32,410)

 Investment Balance                                                    $(27,197)

 Journal Entry
 Cash                                          $ 29,800
 Investment                                    $ 27,197
 Additional paid in capital                                           $  56,997

     Due to the related party nature of this  transaction,  the Company recorded
     the  gain to  additional  paid in  capital  based on an  interpretation  of
     paragraph 20 of APD 26 (footnote 1).

     5. Future  filings will be signed by persons  designated  as the  Company's
     principal executive officer and principal financial officer. The designated
     officers are indicated on the  signature  page of this  correspondence  and
     will also be indicated on future filings.

     6. Shane Thueson serves in the capacity of Principal  Executive Officer and
     James Doolin serves in the capacity of Principal Financial Officer.  Future
     filings will include Exhibit 31 Certifications signed by both the Principal
     Executive Officer and the Principal Financial Officer.  Furthermore,  James
     Doolin was the Principal  Financial Officer in the December 31, 2008 Annual

     The Company  acknowledges  that:  it is  responsible  for the  adequacy and
accuracy  of  the  disclosure  in the  filing;  staff  comments  or  changes  to
disclosure in response to staff  comments do not foreclose the  Commission  from
taking any action  with  respect to the  filing;  and the Company may not assert
staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the Commission or any
person under the federal securities laws of the United States.

     If you have any other  questions  or  concerns  please  contact  me at your


James Doolin
Principal Financial Officer

Principal Executive Officer