STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIP

                         AND SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT




                            HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY


                           CLEARCOMMERCE CORPORATION


                               SEPTEMBER 30,1999

                             STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIP
                           SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT

 This Strategic Relationship and Software License Agreement (this "Agreement")
 is made as of September 30, 1999 ("Effective Date") by and between HEWLETT-
 PACKARD COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation and its subsidiaries, divisions and
 affiliates ("HP"), and CLEARCOMMERCE CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation

 WHEREAS, HP and ClearCommerce have entered into a Bundled Software License
 Agreement dated March 31, 1999 ("Bundled Software License Agreement) and
 ClearCommerce License Purchase Form No. 98-1203 executed by HP on March 29,
 1999 (collectively the "Prior Agreements") for the licensing of certain
 ClearCommerce products to HP; AND

 WHEREAS, HP and ClearCommerce desire to expand their relationship into a
 strategic relationship which covers all ClearCommerce products and services;

 WHEREAS, HP and ClearCommerce desire to supercede the Prior Agreements with
 this Agreement;

 NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:


      1.1.  "Program" means ClearCommerce's software program(s) listed and
            described in Exhibit A hereto, including all Enhancements and
            localized versions thereto as further set forth below.

      1.2.  "Enhancements" mean all bug fixes, error corrections, updates,
            modifications, new features, new functionalities, upgrades or
            versions of the Program or Documentation.

      1.3.  "Documentation" means the manuals and other documentation that
            ClearCommerce ordinarily makes available with a Program and any
            other documentation and information regarding the Program which HP
            reasonably requests for evaluation and use of the Program as
            contemplated herein, including those items listed and described in

            Exhibit A hereto.

      1.4.  "Complete Copy" of a Program includes (i) a master copy of the
            Program in object code form (as specified on, Exhibit A hereto) on
            the media described on Exhibit A that satisfies all functional
            specifications set forth in the Documentation, (ii) copies of all
            tools, software programs, and documentation used to certify the
            correct operation of the Program, and (iii) all Documentation and
            technical manuals for the Program in the form(s) and on the media
            described in Exhibit A.

      1.5.  "HP Product(s)" means any HP product, in all its supported
            configurations and with all associated peripherals.


      1.6.  "Subsidiaries" will mean an entity controlled by or under common
            control with a party to this Agreement, through ownership or control
            of more than fifty percent (50% ) of the voting power of the shares
            or other means of ownership or control, provided that such control
            continues to exist.

      1.7.  "Commerce for The Millennium Program ('CFTM')  shall mean HP's
            electronic commerce solution for service providers to deliver e-
            commerce services to businesses.

      1.8.  "Store License" is defined as a per storefront license under the
            CFTM for a set or open ended number of months, such that a Merchant
            (as defined below) with two (2) storefronts will require two (2)
            Store Licenses.

      1.9.  "Store-Months" will consist of one (1) month of license per Store
            License under the CFTM.

      1.10. "Merchant" is a business entity that is selling goods or services
            via the Internet under the CFTM.


      2.1.  Delivery.  ClearCommerce agrees to deliver to HP a Complete Copy of
            each Program listed in Exhibit A not already received and tested by
            HP no later than ten (10) days after the execution of this

      2.2.  Acceptance.  HP will be entitled to test and evaluate any Program by
            whatever means it deems appropriate consistent with ClearCommerce's
            rights in the Program, and ClearCommerce hereby grants to HP any
            licenses necessary for HP to perform its evaluation. Such licenses
            will include the right of HP to use third party subcontractors to
            achieve the foregoing. HP and ClearCommerce agree that after the
            initial license order represented by the License Fee specified in
            Exhibit C. the acceptance criteria for the initial HP Proposed
            Enhancements under Section 5.3 shall be as stated in Section 1 of
            Exhibit B. Acceptance criteria for future Program Enhancements will
            be discussed and mutually agreed to by the parties. If HP returns a
            Program for rework, ClearCommerce agrees to correct the listed
            defects and resubmit the Program for re-evaluation under the same
            acceptance procedure. In the event HP rejects a Program after the
            initial license order, it will give ClearCommerce written notice of
            rejection stating the reasons for its unacceptability; and this
            Agreement will terminate with respect to that Program.

      2.3.  Enhancements.  ClearCommerce agrees to deliver to HP a complete
            copy of any Enhancement within five (5) days of its release to
            manufacturing by ClearCommerce. HP will have the right to test and
            evaluate the Enhancements under the acceptance procedure described


      3.1.  License to the Program. ClearCommerce hereby grants to HP, under
            ClearCommerce's intellectual property rights, [*] license to [*]

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


           [*]. Such use limitation will not apply in the case of [*] for
           distribution to customers for [*] purposes. Such license will include
           the right of HP to continue distributing Program versions that are
           first distributed by HP and subsequently updated or upgraded to a new
           release during the Term of the Agreement. Such license will include
           the right of HP [*]. ClearCommerce warrants that HP's distribution
           rights are [*] and shall use its [*] to ensure that ClearCommerce's
           existing or subsequent third party distribution arrangements do not
           infringe HP's distribution rights.

      3.2. License to the Documentation. ClearCommerce hereby grants to HP,
           under ClearCommerce's intellectual property rights, a [*] license to
           [*] of (a) the Documentation; and (b) modifications, derivative works
           and compilations based upon the Documentation for use with a Program.
           These rights are exercisable in any medium. Such license will include
           the right of HP [*]. The right to [*] is granted solely for the
           purposes of [*].

      3.3. License to [*]. ClearCommerce hereby grants to HP, under
           ClearCommerce's intellectual property rights, a [*] license to [*],
           if any, and to [*] in connection with HP's marketing and support of
           the Program and training with respect to the Program. Such license
           will include the right of HP to [*].

      3.4. Restrictions. HP will not disassemble or otherwise modify any
           Program without written authorization from ClearCommerce, except as
           necessary to ascertain interfaces or as permitted by law.

      3.5. Localized Versions.

           3.5.1.  The licenses granted hereunder with respect to the Program
                   and associated Documentation will include all localized
                   versions thereof available from ClearCommerce. Upon the
                   request of HP, ClearCommerce agrees to localize the Program
                   for additional countries upon a schedule to be agreed upon in
                   good faith by the parties.

           3.5.2.  In the event that ClearCommerce fails to make commercially
                   available such a localized version of the Program under the
                   schedule agreed upon, then ClearCommerce hereby grants to
                   HP, on terms to be reasonably agreed upon in

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


                 good faith; [*] Notwithstanding the foregoing, ClearCommerce
                 may pay HP's costs [*] HP may subcontract its localization
                 efforts subject to confidentiality restrictions reasonably
                 satisfactory to ClearCommerce. Under such license,
                 ClearCommerce will provide HP with [*].

      3.6.  Trademarks. Neither party is granted any ownership in or license to
            the trademarks, marks or trade names (collectively, "Marks") of the
            other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ClearCommerce
            acknowledges that HP may use ClearCommerce's name and the name of
            the Program in the course of marketing and distributing, such
            Program as bundled with the HP Product.

      3.7.  Ownership. Subject to the rights and licenses granted to HP
            hereunder, ClearCommerce retains all right, title and interest in
            the Programs and Documentation, including all copyrights.

      3.8.  Copyright Notices. HP agrees that it will not remove any copyright
            Notices, proprietary markings, trademarks or tradenames of
            ClearCommerce from the Program or Documentation. ClearCommerce and
            HP agree that a second HP copyright notice in HP's standard
            copyright notice form may be added to any authorized HP

      3.9.  Software License Terms. HP will be entitled to [*]. HP will use
            reasonable efforts to include any specific Program information which
            affects how Programs are licensed to licensees in Program
            documentation provided by HP.


      4.1. Sales Model. Upon execution of the Agreement, HP and ClearCommerce
           agree to establish a co-selling program [*]. ClearCommerce agrees
           that its sales force, or other ClearCommerce sales channels [*]. HP
           and ClearCommerce will meet within thirty (30) days of execution of
           the Agreement to mutually agree upon the rules of engagement for the
           co-selling program, including revenue and commission allocations for
           the HP and ClearCommerce sales forces.

           Notwithstanding the above, HP and ClearCommerce agree that upon
           execution of the Agreement, any sales of the Programs to HP
           subsidiaries and divisions shall be credited

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


            exclusively to HP, excluding any sales that were in progress and
            generated exclusively by ClearCommerce prior to execution of the

      4.2.  Sales Training. ClearCommerce agrees to provide sales assistance to
            HP personnel, including [*] as is mutually agreed upon by the
            parties, and marketing material such as Program Documentation,
            coursework, reviewer guides, competitive product analyses and
            product literature. ClearCommerce grants HP the right to reproduce
            such marketing material for internal use and external distribution.


      5.1.  Maintenance and Support.

          5.1.1. ClearCommerce agrees to provide HP and its customers with
                 ongoing maintenance and support for the Programs under the
                 terms as set forth in Exhibit D hereto. ClearCommerce
                 agrees to maintain such number of qualified personnel as is
                 necessary to provide such timely and knowledgeable maintenance
                 and support service. [*]

          5.1.2. Notwithstanding the above, HP may continue to obtain training
                 and support from ClearCommerce for the CFTM Program on mutually
                 agreeable terms.

      5.2.  New HP Products. The parties intend that during the term of this
           Agreement, the Program will be compatible with future releases and
           revisions of the HP Products, including new or revised versions of
           the operating systems for the HP Products, provided that such new HP
           Products support the Program. [*]

      5.3.  HP Proposed Enhancements. ClearCommerce agrees to perform
           functionality Enhancements to the Programs for HP in accordance with
           the requirements and timeframes set forth in Exhibit B. Any future
           Enhancements proposed by HP will be discussed by the parties and
           undertaken on mutually agreeable terms. Notwithstanding any change in
           control of ClearCommerce, ClearCommerce agrees to continue making
           Enhancements to the Programs in accordance with the above terms.

      5.4.  Escrow Agreement. [*]

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.



      6.1  Obligations. ClearCommerce shall dedicate its engineering and other
           resources, as required to migrate the CFTM Hosting Engine licenses
           from Version 3.7 to Version 3.8 by November 1, 1999, and to integrate
           the BroadVision system to the Merchant Engine, Version 3.8 by
           November 1, 1999.

           7.   PAYMENT

     7.1.  Payment. HP agrees to pay ClearCommerce according to Exhibit C.
           -------                                              ---------

     7.2.  Audit.  Upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to HP,
           ClearCommerce may, at its own expense, appoint a nationally
           recognized independent auditor, to whom HP has no reasonable
           objection, to audit and examine such records at HP's offices during
           normal business hours, solely for the purpose of confirming the
           accuracy of royalty payments hereunder. Such audit may be made no
           more often than once every twelve (12) calendar month period. In the
           event that an audit reveals an overpayment by HP, ClearCommerce
           agrees to promptly refund or credit HP for such overpaid amount. In
           the event that such audit reveals an underpayment by HP, HP agrees to
           promptly pay ClearCommerce the amount of such underpayment. This
           right of audit will be subject to ClearCommerce's auditor executing
           HP's standard Confidential Disclosure Agreement.

     7.3.  Fee Warrant. ClearCommerce warrants that the amounts payable
           hereunder by HP are no greater than those for any other licensee
           under similar terms and conditions, and ClearCommerce agrees to pass
           on to HP the lowest rate or price it has given to such other
           licensee, commencing effectively on the date it so grants the lower
           rate or price to any other licensee.

     7.4.  Taxes. ClearCommerce will be solely responsible for taxes on
           royaltie paid to ClearCommerce under this Agreement, including all
           state and local use, sales, withholding, property (ad valorem) and
           similar taxes.


     8.1.  General Warranty. ClearCommerce warrants that it has full power and
           authority to grant HP the rights granted herein and that each Program
           and accompanying Documentation are free of any and all restrictions,
           settlements, judgments or adverse claims.

     8.2.  Program Warranty. ClearCommerce warrants that the Program referred to
           herein will operate in accordance with and substantially conform to
           the Documentation, manuals, any specifications provided or agreed to,
           and any relevant data sheet or promotional literature distributed by

     8.3.  Year 2000 Compliance Warranty. ClearCommerce warrants that all
           Programs will be


                 "Year 2000 Compliant." Year 2000 Compliant Programs will
                 perform without error, loss of data, or loss of functionality
                 on account of any inability to process, calculate, compare or
                 sequence date data accurately. In addition, Year 2000 Compliant
                 Programs will not cause any HP Products in which they may be
                 used to fail in any of the ways described above. This Year 2000
                 Compliance warranty will remain in effect through December 31,
                 2000, notwithstanding any other warranty period specified in
                 this Agreement.

           8.4.  No Infringement.  ClearCommerce warrants that the Program,
                 accompanying Documentation, trademarks, copyrights and trade
                 names referred to in this Agreement do not violate or infringe
                 any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other
                 proprietary right of any third party and that ClearCommerce is
                 not aware of any facts upon which such a claim for infringement
                 could be based. ClearCommerce will promptly notify HP if it
                 becomes aware of any claim or any facts upon which a claim
                 could be based.

           8.5.  Intellectual Property Protection.

                 8.5.1.  ClearCommerce will, at HP's option, defend and hold
                         harmless HP, its subsidiaries, and customers from any
                         claim, suit, or proceeding alleging that the Program,
                         or any combination of the Program with an HP Product,
                         (provided that the HP Product is not the sole cause of
                         the claim, suit or proceeding) or any documentation, or
                         any part thereof, or any product provided as part of
                         ClearCommerce's support services furnished by
                         ClearCornmerce under this Agreement constitutes an
                         infringement of any third party's patent, copyright,
                         trademark, trade name, other proprietary right, or
                         unauthorized trade secret use. ClearCommerce agrees to
                         pay all damages and costs awarded with respect to such
                         claim or agreed to in any settlement of that claim.

                8.5.2.   In case any Program or Documentation or any part
                         thereof in such suit is held to constitute an
                         infringement and its use is enjoined, ClearCommerce
                         will, at its own expense and at its option (i) procure
                         for HP and its customers the right to continue use, or
                         (ii) if applicable, replace the same with, a
                         noninfringing program and documentation of equivalent
                         function and performance, or (iii) modify them so they
                         become noninfringing without detracting from function
                         or performance.

                8.5.3.   HP will give ClearCommerce prompt notice of any such
                         claim or action, and will give ClearCommerce the
                         authority, information, and reasonable assistance (at
                         ClearCommerce's expense) necessary to defend. If
                         ClearCommerce does not diligently pursue resolution of
                         the claim nor provide HP with reasonable assurances
                         that it will diligently pursue resolution, then HP may,
                         without in any way limiting its other rights and
                         remedies, defend the claim.

                8.5.4.   Notwithstanding the foregoing, ClearCommerce will have
                         no responsibility for claims arising solely and
                         directly from (i) unauthorized modifications of the
                         Program made by HP if such claim would not have arisen
                         but for such modifications, or (ii) unauthorized
                         combination or use of the Program with products not
                         contemplated herein if such claim would not have arisen
                         but for such combination or use.



      8.6.  Warranty Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN,


      9.1   Payment to HP. ClearCommerce agrees to pay all costs incurred by HP
            as a result of the Programs listed on Exhibit A not being Year 2000
            Compliant (as defined in Section 8.3 above). This payment shall
            include but is not limited to, costs associated with any replacement
            efforts, including HP and HP subcontractor engineering time
            dedicated to the replacement effort, as well as penalties and lost
            revenue suffered by HP as a result of schedule delays on the
            affected systems.

      9.2   Indemnification. ClearCommerce will, at HP's option, defend and hold
            harmless HP, its subsidiaries, and customers from any claim, suit,
            or proceeding that a Program listed on Exhibit A is not Year 2000
            Compliant. ClearCommerce agrees to pay all damages and costs awarded
            with respect to such claim or agreed to in any settlement of that


      10.1  Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier under this Section 9, this
            Agreement will commence as of the date first set forth above, and
            will continue [*]. This Agreement will renew automatically for [*]
            and the Agreement will renew automatically for additional one (1)
            year periods thereafter unless written notice is given by one party
            to the other as to its intention not to renew this Agreement at
            least sixty (60) days prior to the end of the initial or any
            subsequent term.

      10.2  Termination for Breach.  Either party may terminate this Agreement
            by written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any
            material provision of this Agreement and such breach is not cured
            within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof is received by
            the breaching party.

      10.3  Effect of Termination. Notwithstanding any termination of this
           Agreement, all licenses granted to end users for use of the Program
           will survive.

      10.4.  Survival. Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, the
           provisions of

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


           Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement regarding support,
           warranty, indemnification, limitation of liability, confidentiality,
           effect of termination and the miscellaneous provisions. will survive.


      8.5 ABOVE.

      Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the parties agree that
      ClearCommerce's liability to HP for any breach under the Bundled Software
      License Agreement shall be governed by the terms of Section 8 of the
      Bundled Software License Agreement which provides that the aggregate
      liability of either party to the other party, its officers and employees
      or any third party for any claim arising under the Bundled Software
      License Agreement, or otherwise arising from the transactions contemplated
      under the Bundled Software License Agreement, and regardless of the form
      of action, including, but not limited to, actions for breach of contract,
      negligence, strict liability, recission and breach of warranty, shall not
      exceed the fees actually paid to ClearCommerce for the specific program
      license(s) and the specific services provided under the Bundled Software
      License Agreement, but that the limit does not apply to actions brought
      under Section 6.5 of the Bundled Software License Agreement.


      12.1  [*]

      12.2  Confidential Information. During the term of this Agreement, either
            party may receive or have access to technical information, including
            without limitation source code, as well as information about product
            plans and strategies, promotions, customers and related nontechnical
            business information which the disclosing party considers to be
            confidential and which is marked as confidential at the time of
            disclosure or which, if disclosed orally, is identified as
            confidential at the time of disclosure and is followed within thirty
            (30) days of disclosure with a written memorandum so stating to the
            receiving party's Designated

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


            Recipient for Notice ("Confidential Information'). Confidential
            Information will be used by only those employees of the receiving
            party who have a need to know such information for purposes related
            to this Agreement.

      12.3  Protection of Confidential Information. The receiving party will
            protect any such Confidential Information of the disclosing party
            from unauthorized disclosure to third parties with the same degree
            of care as the receiving party uses for its own similar information
            for a period of [*] from the date of disclosure, unless otherwise
            provided in this Agreement. The foregoing restriction will not apply
            to any information which is (i) already known by the receiving party
            prior to disclosure, (ii) independently developed by the receiving
            party prior to or independent of the disclosure (iii) publicly
            available, (iv) rightfully received from a third party without a
            duty of confidentiality, (v) disclosed under operation of law, or
            (vi) disclosed by the receiving party with the disclosing party's
            prior written approval.


      13.1  Notices. All notices to be given under this Agreement must be in
            writing addressed to the receiving party's designated recipient
            specified in Exhibit E. Notices are validly given upon the earlier
            confirmed receipt by the receiving party or three days after
            dispatch by courier or certified mail, postage prepaid, properly
            addressed to the receiving party notices may also be delivered by
            telefax and will be validly given upon oral or written confirmation
            of receipt. Either party may change its address for purposes of
            notice by giving notice to the other party in accordance with these

      13.2  [*]

      13.3  [*]

      13.4  Exhibits. Each Exhibit attached to this Agreement is deemed a part
            of this Agreement and incorporated herein wherever reference to it
            is made.

      13.5  Independent Contractors. The relationship of the parties established
            under this Agreement is that of independent contractors and neither
            party is a partner, employee, agent or joint venturer of or with the

      13.6  Assignment.  Neither this Agreement nor any part hereof may be
            assigned by either party without the other party's prior written
            consent, and any attempted assignment is void. [*]

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.



      13.7  No Waiver. The waiver of any term, condition, or provision of this
            Agreement must be in writing and signed by an authorized
            representative of the waiving party. Any such waiver will not be
            construed as a waiver of any other term, condition, or provision
            except as provided in writing, nor as a waiver of any subsequent
            breach of the same term, condition, or provision.

      13.8  Export Control. The parties agree to comply with all applicable
            United States laws and regulations which may govern the export of
            Program abroad, including the Export Administration Act of 1979, as
            amended, any successor legislation, and the Export Administration
            Regulations issued by the Department of Commerce.

      13.9  Definition Of Days. All references in this Agreement to "days" will,
            unless otherwise specified herein, mean calendar days.

      13.10 Headings. The Section headings used in this Agreement are for
            convenience of reference only. They will not limit or extend the
            meaning of any provision of this Agreement, and will not be relevant
            in interpreting any provision of this Agreement.

      13.11 No Publication. Neither party may publicize or disclose to any third
            party, without the written consent of the other party, the terms of
            this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing
            sentence, no press release may be made without the mutual written
            consent of each party.

      13.12 Severability. If any provision in this Agreement is held invalid or
            unenforceable by a body of competent jurisdiction, such provision
            will be construed, limited or, if necessary, severed to the extent
            necessary to eliminate such invalidity or unenforceability. The
            parties agree to negotiate in good faith a valid, enforceable
            substitute provision that most nearly effects the parties' original
            intent in entering into this Agreement or to provide an equitable
            adjustment in the event no such provision can be added. The other
            provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

      13.13 [*]

      13.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement comprises the entire understanding
            between the parties with respect to its subject matters and
            supersedes any previous communications, representations, or
            agreements, whether oral or written. Specifically, the parties agree
            that this Agreement supersedes the Prior Agreements and that the
            Prior Agreements are no longer in full force and effect except as
            set forth in Section 11 above. For purposes of construction, this
            Agreement will be deemed to have been drafted by both parties. No
            modification of this Agreement will be binding on either party
            unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


     13.15  Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed in all respects by
            the laws of New York without reference to any choice of law

      13.16  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each
           of which will be deemed an original.



By: /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]                     By: /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
   ------------------------------           ------------------------

Print Name: [ILLEGIBLE]                 Print Name: [ILLEGIBLE]
            ---------------------                   ----------------

Title: GM. E.Commerce Division          Title: VP. Sales
       --------------------------              ---------------------


Exhibit A  -   Description of Program and Documentation
           -   Form and Media of Program and Documentation

Exhibit B  -   Enhancements To Be Performed by ClearCommerce

Exhibit C  -   Pricing

Exhibit D  -   Maintenance and Support

Exhibit E  -   Relationship and Account Managers
           -   Designated Recipient for Notice

Exhibit F  -   Escrow Agreement


                                  EXHIBIT A

                             LICENSED PROGRAM


     ClearCommerce ClearLink API on HP-UX and Solaris - Version 3.8 or later
     This software provides SSL security for the customer purchase information
     between the storefront and the ClearCommerce Hosting Engine. It interfaces
     almost any third party or in-house developed storefront to the Hosting
     Engine. This software is tested and released by ClearCommerce as platform
     and release-specific software; it may be available on other platforms.
     Depending on the configuration of the web server and Hosting Engine, one or
     more copies of the ClearLink API must be installed in order to allow
     multiple storefronts to interface with the Hosting Engine.

     ClearCommerce Hosting Engine on HP-UX and Solaris - Version 3.8 or later
     The ClearCommerce Hosting Engine is an Internet commerce transaction
     processing, reporting, and tracking engine for managing Internet sales.
     Modules included with the engine are Payment, Fraud, Merchant Reporting,
     Electronic Software Download, Shipping, Tax and one small merchant
     application API per merchant. SNMP support is also provided with the
     Hosting Engine with the installation of third party SNMP software by
     Hosting Engine Licensee. For each user of the Hosting engine a non-
     transferable per merchant per year fee is required. The ClearCommerce
     Hosting Engine is licensed to customers who want to support 1000's of
     merchants. It is not licensed to companies who which to support multiple
     divisions or support multiple storefronts or multiple merchant ID's. This
     capability is supplied with the Enterprise Merchant Engine.

     ClearCommerce Enterprise Merchant Engine on HP-UX and Solaris - Version 3.8
     or later The ClearCommerce Enterprise Merchant Engine is an Internet
     commerce transaction processing, reporting, and tracking engine for
     managing Internet sales. The Storefront is interfaced into the Enterprise
     Merchant Engine with the ClearCommerce ClearLink API on HP-UX. Modules
     included with the engine are Payment, Fraud, Merchant Reporting, Electronic
     Software Download, Shipping, Tax and legacy API's. SNMP support is also
     provided with the Enterprise Merchant Engine with the installation of third
     party SNMP software by Enterprise merchant Engine Licensee. The Enterprise
     Merchant Engine is licensed to a single business entity that needs to
     support multiple storefronts or multiple merchant ID's on a single system.

     ClearCommerce Merchant Engine on HP-UX and Solaris - Version 3.8 or later
     The ClearCommerce Merchant Engine is an Internet commerce transaction
     processing, reporting, and tracking engine for managing Internet sales. The
     Storefront is interfaced into the Enterprise Merchant Engine with the
     ClearCommerce ClearLink API on HP-UX. Modules included with the engine are
     Payment, Fraud, Merchant Reporting, Electronic Software Download, Shipping,
     Tax and legacy API's. SNMP support is also provided with the Merchant
     Engine with the installation of third party SNMP software by Merchant
     Engine Licensee. The Enterprise Merchant Engine is licensed to a single
     business entity that needs to support only a single storefronts and single
     merchant ID's on a single system.


          Payment: This includes secure order management and payment processing.
          Most modem interfaces to most processors are supported although
          certain modem hardware may be required;
               NOTE: Lease line Interface: Unique and specific interfaces are
               needed from ClearCommerce for a lease line interface to a card
               processor, one interface is provided with the Hosting Engine
               license. ClearCommerce supports several specific card processors
               at this time and may be able to provide other card processor
               interfaces for additional fees and schedules. Check with
               ClearCommerce at time of purchase for the availability of lease
               line card processor interfaces. In addition ClearCommerce also
               supports several Internet based payment connections to selected
               card processors.
          Fraud: The Internet Fraud protection module performs Internet specific
          fraud checks to help reduce the merchant's fraud exposure in doing
          business over the Internet.
          Merchant Reporting: This module provides web-based tabular and
          graphical reports for the sales transactions accepted through the e-
          commerce site. The Reports module provides the quantitative
          information for sales reconciliation as well as statistical
          information on sales. Reports are individually based on a Merchant ID
          or Merchant Account Number, not the storefront.
          Shipping Module and Tax Module: These modules when interfaced properly
          to the SSL Storefront API allow for automatic calculations of tax and
          Electronic Software Download: This module when properly interfaced
          into the SSL Storefront API allows for delivery of digital goods to
          the consumer after credit authorization.
          Legacy System API: These API's act as translations between the
          ClearCommerce Enterprise Merchant Engine and the ClearCommerce
          Merchant Engine (not available on the ClearCommerce Hosting Engine)
          and the merchants pre-existing information systems (fulfillment,
          accounting, call center, inventory, etc. Database schema and
          cryptography are included with the feature to allow the merchant to
          implement the integration.

 DOCUMENTATION: Associated end-user, installation and training manuals or

   Hosting Engine on CD-ROM; ClearLink API normally delivered on CD-ROM
      PDF files on CD-ROM with Program software, or separately by email


                                  EXHIBIT B

                          PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS

 ClearCommerce shall perform Enhancements to the Programs as set forth below.
 The Enhancements must be able to do the following in order for HP to accept
 such Enhancement.

 1) Hosting and Merchant Engines
 .   Performance:
     ClearCommerce Hosting Engine and Merchant Engine 3.8.2 with Performance
     Enhancements, operated in the following configuration:
     K-580 server, 500 MB memory
     HP-UX 11.0,
     Oracle 8.0.5,
     or later or upgraded versions of all these products, will achieve [*]
     ClearCommerce financial transactions per second with a 1-second delay by
     January 2000.

 .   Scalability (number of storefronts):
     ClearCommerce Hosting Engine and Merchant Engine, operated in the above
     configuration, will support [*] configured storefronts at the above
     performance level.

 .   Clustering:
     ClearCommerce Hosting Engine and Merchant Engine, operated in the above
     configuration, [*]

 .   Reliability:
     ClearCommerce Hosting Engine and Merchant Engine with be integrated with HP
     Service Guard technology and [*]

2)  Porting Parity
Except to the extent of any performance limiting features of an HP Product, all
Programs shall perform on the HP-UX platform with features, functionality, and
speed no less than that of the performance of the Programs on any other Unix
operating system. In addition, any subsequent Enhancements to the ClearCommerce
Merchant Engine resulting in a major or minor release will be [*]

3)  QA Cycle
ClearCommerce will permit HP to send an engineer to evaluate ClearCommerce's QA
processes at its development site(s). ClearCommerce will make changes to improve
its QA processes as mutually agreed by ClearCommerce and HP.

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


4)  Year 2000 Upgrade
ClearCommerce will upgrade all existing ClearCommerce customers running on HP
hardware where the ClearCommerce software is licensed by HP so that their
Programs are Year 2000 Compliant as defined in Section 7.3 of the Agreement.


                                     EXHIBIT C


All [*] specified below shall apply for the full Term of the Agreement unless
otherwise agreed by HP and ClearCommerce.

1. Pricing for ClearCommerce Programs
HP agrees to pay ClearCommerce a license fee [*] ("License Fee") of the License
Fee will be due and payable upon execution of this Agreement. The remainder of
the License Fee shall be paid as set forth in Sections 4 and 5 below.

HP will receive credits for royalties, excluding credits for Support as set
forth below, owed to ClearCommerce against the License Fee according to the
following [*] for all ClearCommerce Programs:

Product                            Royalty
- -------                            -------

All Programs                       [*] of Net Revenue Generated by HP's
                                   Shipments of Programs

CFTM                               [*] of Average Selling Price of [*]
Hosting Engine Licenses
[Exception: Sec 2(iii) below]

Support: Level 1 and Level 2       [*] of ClearCommerce List Price for Support
                                   And Upgrade Per Server Assuming List Price
                                   Equals [*] of Initial License List Price

When ClearCommerce's cumulative royalties have exceeded the License Fee, HP will
pay to ClearCommerce per copy royalties in accordance with the above [*]. No
royalty will be due for any package item subsequently returned for a refund or
other adjustment. No royalty will be due for any Program used by or distributed
by HP or its distributors or subcontractors for reasonable demonstration,
training, testing, development or support purposes.

All accrued per copy royalties (less any offset for fees previously paid to
ClearCommerce by HP for copies of the Program that were returned or subject to
adjustment) will be paid by HP to ClearCommerce within [*] after the end of each
[*]. Royalties for CFTM Hosting Engine Licenses will not accrue to HP until
shipment to HP's CFTM customer of the CFTM solution. Payments will be
accompanied by a report stating the number of copies of the Program distributed
in the relevant quarter, and the calculation for the royalty payment.

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


2. CFTM Pricing
In addition to the License Fee and [*] specified in Section I above, HP will
continue to pay ClearCommerce the following CFTM fees:

(i)   "Per Store-Month Fee" royalty in the amount of [*] for each Store License
      of the Program that HP uses internally or distributes for use in
      conjunction with a HP Product. Such royalty will include the right to
      reproduce and distribute associated Documentation. A [*] payment for
      Store-Months will be due by March 1, 2000.

(ii)  Incremental licenses will be purchased in minimum increments of [*], for
      which HP will pay quarterly.

(iii) Pricing for the next three (3) Hosting Engine licenses from the date of
      this Agreement for transfer or sale to a third party under the CFTM will
      be at a total price of [*].

3. Non-CFTM Per Merchant Per Year Pricing For Hosting Engine
In addition to the License Fee and discount schedule specified in Section 1
above, HP will pay ClearCommerce the Per Merchant Per Year fees for Hosting
Engine licenses used for non-CFTM Customers according to the following [*]:

Quantity            Per Year       Net Pre-Pay Amount       OR Royalty on Per Year Fee
- --------            --------       ------------------          -----------------------
[*]                   [*]                                         [*]
[*]                   [*]           [*]                           [*]
[*]                   [*]           [*]                           [*]
[*]                   [*]           [*]                           [*]
[*]                   [*]           [*]                           [*]

4. Fees to migrate from Hosting and Merchant Engine Version 3.7

If on or prior to November 1, 1999, ClearCommerce completes its obligations set
forth in Section 6 of the Agreement, 1HP shall pay ClearCommerce [*] of the
License Fee upon such completion. For every week that ClearCommerce is late in
completing its obligations under Section 6, provided the delay is solely caused
by ClearCommerce, HP shall subtract [*] from the [*].

5. Fees for Enhancements

If prior to January 31, 2000, ClearCommerce completes the Enhancements set forth
on Exhibit B, HP shall pay ClearCommerce [*] of the License Fee upon such
completion. For every week that ClearCommerce is late in completing its
obligations under Exhibit B, provided the delay is solely caused by
ClearCommerce, HP shall subtract [*] from the [*].

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


                                     EXHIBIT D

                         MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT

1. Definitions.
a)  "Customer(s)" shall mean an end user licensee of the ClearCommerce Programs
    who purchases technical support from HP and is under a current contract.

b)  "HP Support" shall mean the first and second-level technical support
    services for the ClearCommerce Programs provided by HP to its Customers.
c)  "ClearCommerce Support" shall mean the third-level technical support
    services for the ClearCommerce Programs provided by ClearCommerce to HP as
    specified in Section 4 below.

d)  "Service Agreement(s)" shall mean a phone in support agreement(s) between
    HP and a Customer. Such agreements shall be identified on HP's internal
    systems as options H02 (8*5 support) or H24 (24*7 support).

e)  "Failure" means the Program does not substantially perform in accordance
    with the User Documentation.

f)  "Permanent Fix" means a fully tested and quality controlled error
    correction to a Failure in the Program.

g)  "Workaround" means the temporary prevention of the reoccurrence of a Failure
    after implementation of a specific procedural or process change.

h)  "Relief" means (i) an immediate solution or Permanent Fix to a Failure or
    (ii) a Workaround that avoids the Failure or reduces the impact of such
    Failure until such time that a Permanent Fix is available. This will not
    include recovery, which is the restoration of a system database or similar

2. Scope.
a)  In General. HP agrees to administer Customer orders for technical support,
    to provide Customers with Program installation assistance, and to provide
    first and second-level technical support services for the Programs in
    accordance with the terms of this Exhibit D. ClearCommerce agrees to
    provide technical training, applicable Documentation and Updates, and
    third-level technical support services for the Programs to HP and to
    Customers in accordance with the terms of this Exhibit D.

b)   [*] Implementation. ClearCommerce and HP will implement the terms of
     the Agreement [*] where HP has a support presence.

c)   Obligation to Customers. Neither HP nor ClearCommerce will make any
     obligations to Customers on behalf of the other, nor commit the resources
     of the other to Customers, without the other party's prior consent.

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


 3. Services Provided By HP.
 a)  Conflict Administration and Service Orders. Upon the request of Customers
     and approval by HP, HP, at its option, will accept service orders for HP
     Support directly from Customers and will enter into and administer,
     including invoicing, Service Agreements.

 b)  Installation Assistance. HP will provide Installation Assistance.
     "Installation Assistance" will include support and skilled instruction to
     Customers regarding the use and installation of the Programs, including but
     not limited to, telephone and email support, and working with the Programs
     to verify proper equipment and network configuration for the hardware and
     software to be ordered, installed and set up prior to installation of the

 c)  Level One Support. HP will provide Level One Support. "Level One Support"
     means the initial response (and any follow up response as appropriate) to a
     support request from a Customer and is available twenty-four (24) hours a
     day, seven (7) days a week. Level One Support includes initial information
     gathering and may include, without limitation, some or all of the
     following: verification of entitlements, answering product installation,
     configuration or usage questions, initial problem information gathering,
     problem isolation and identification, providing standard fixes and
     Workarounds to known problems, the dispatch of field technicians for on-
     site remedial hardware services, the distribution and installation of field
     change orders, the assignment of an Error Severity, Level (as outlined
     below) and the referral of support requests to Level Two Support when
     Relief cannot be provided within predetermined elapsed time guidelines.
     Wherever possible HP will provide Customers with Level One Support in the
     local country language during normal working hours for the local country.
     Outside of these hours and during periods of local public holidays, the
     Level One Support will be provided in English.

 d)  Level Two Support. HP will provide Level Two Support. "Level Two Support"
     means promptly responding to support requests referred by Level One Support
     resources by providing Relief acceptable to Customers. Level Two Support
     consists of additional information gathering/problem isolation, reproducing
     the Customer's problem within the HP Response Center environment, providing
     Relief for both new and known complex problems, referring unresolved
     problems or those requiring formal fixes to Level Three Support, and
     working with Level Three Support teams to recreate and resolve the

e)   Error Severity Levels. "Error Severity Levels" shall be defined as follows:

             Severity 1      Critical Business Impact (Urgent): The problem
                             results in the failure of the complete software
                             system, of a subsystem, or of a software unit
                             within the system, and there is no workaround.
                             Program financial transactions can not be completed
                             (complete lo ss of service).

             Severity 2      Serious Business Impact (High): The problem results
                             in the failure of the complete software system, of
                             a subsystem, or of a software unit within the
                             system, and there is a workaround or alternative
                             (significant loss of service).

             Severity 3      Minor Business Impact (Medium): The problem does
                             not result in a


                           failure, but causes the system to produce incorrect,
                           incomplete or inconsistent results or the problem
                           impacts the system usability (minor loss of service).

               Severity 4  No work being impeded (Low): The problem does not
                           cause a failure, does not impair usability, and the
                           desired processing results are easily obtained by
                           working around the problem (information requested or
                           reported only).

 4. Services And Rights Provided By ClearCommerce
 a) ClearCommerce Training. Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement and for
 the term of this Agreement, ClearCommerce will provide, [*], to the HP response
 center engineers identified by HP, [*] on the ClearCommerce Programs to enable
 HP to deliver HP Support to Customers plus [*] for each new Version or Major or
 Minor Release (defined in subsection j below). HP may purchase additional
 training from ClearCommerce at, a rate of [*] (if a ClearCommerce trainer
 provides training at a remote HP site). In addition, ClearCommerce will make
 commercially reasonable efforts to provide HP with the following information:

           a)   Program descriptions and functionality
           b)   Information relating to the interaction between the
                ClearCommerce Program and the operating system
           c)   Technical procedures to identify the ClearCommerce Programs
           d)   Minimum configurations for the ClearCommerce Programs
           e)   Troubleshooting techniques
           f)   Error correction information
           g)   Reports of bug fixes incorporated in the current release of the
                ClearCommerce Program
           h)   Identification of known bugs
           i)   Compatibility matrix for hardware platforms and associated
                ClearCommerce Program versions

b) Right to Copy Education Materials. ClearCommerce grants HP a license to
reproduce, in whole or in part, any education materials distributed to HP by
ClearCommerce in conjunction with the above referenced ClearCommerce training to
be used solely by HP technical support engineers for the sole purpose of
providing HP Support to Customers. All titles, trademarks, copyright and
restricted rights notices shall be reproduced in any copies. Education materials
do not include Documentation; Documentation is addressed in subsection (c)

C) ClearCommerce Documentation. ClearCommerce shall provide HP at no charge, two
(2) copies of ClearCommerce's standard documentation for each ClearCommerce
Program (Documentation), for reproduction and distribution by HP. ClearCommerce
shall provide HP two (2) copies of any updates to ClearCommerce Documentation
within three (3) business days of the update's availability. ClearCommerce
Documentation will be provided in CD-ROM format, subject to availability.

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


d) ClearCommerce Updates and Upgrades. For the Term of this Agreement,
ClearCommerce grants HP a non-transferable license to use and to reproduce, in
whole or in part the above-referenced ClearCommerce Documentation and updates
and upgrades provided to HP by ClearCommerce. The ClearCommerce Documentation
and updates and upgrades shall be used solely by HP technical support engineers
for the sole purpose of providing HP Support to Customers. All titles,
trademarks, copyright and restricted rights notices, shall be reproduced in any

e) ClearCommerce Programs. ClearCommerce will provide for each ClearCommerce
Program, at no charge, two (2) copies of the ClearCommerce Program and of the
upgrades and updates for reproduction and distribution by HP.

f) Right to Use and Distribute. For the Term of the Agreement, HP shall have a
nonexclusive, non-transferrable, world-wide license to use and distribute to
Customers who have entered into Service Agreements the following items provided
by ClearCommerce: (i) updates, when available and in accordance with
ClearCommerce's standard policies and procedures; (ii) Documentation provided
with the updates; and (iii) software bug fixes to the ClearCommerce Programs.
These items shall only be used for the sole purpose of providing training and
technical support to HP employees and/or Customers for the ClearCommerce
Programs. All titles, trademarks, copyright and restricted rights notices shall
be reproduced in any copies.

g) Notification of Changes. ClearCommerce will notify HP of any changes in
ClearCommerce support policies and procedures that are reasonably expected to
materially affect HP's ability to support the ClearCommerce Programs under the

h) Notification of Discontinuance. In accordance with ClearCommerce's standard
procedure of providing advance notification to customers with regard to
ClearCommerce's intention to discontinue support for a product, ClearCommerce
will notify HP of ClearCommerce's intention to discontinue technical support of
any ClearCommerce Program. Notwithstanding the above, ClearCommerce shall
continue to make available for distribution and support Programs that are
updated or upgraded in accordance with subsection (j) below.

i) Diagnostic Tools and Troubleshooting. If made available by ClearCommerce and
subject to mutually agreeable terms, ClearCommerce may provide HP with
appropriate troubleshooting techniques and diagnostic tools for the
ClearCommerce Programs that ClearCommerce may have or develop which will assist
HP in software problem resolution. HP will only use such diagnostic tools
provided by ClearCommerce to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

i) ClearCommerce Programs Obsolescence Policies. ClearCommerce Programs are
identified by a numbering scheme to identify updates. This numbering scheme has
a minimum of two numbers placed in the following format: x.y. However, sometimes
ClearCommerce uses a numbering scheme which has three numbers placed in the
following format: x.y.z.

A "Version" shall be identified by the number in the "x" position. A "Major
Release" shall be identified by the number in the "y" position. A "Minor
Release" shall be identified by the number in the "z" position. A "Terminal
Release" shall be the last Update before a new Major Release or a new Version is


            (i)  When a new Version or a new Major Release is made available by
                 ClearCommerce, ClearCommerce will continue to provide the
                 following services to HP for the Terminal Release upon the then
                 current supported operation systems that the Clear Commerce
                 software performs under for a period of [*] until the next
                 major release whichever comes first:

                 (a) telephone technical assistance;

                 (b) bug fixes for Severity I and escalated Severity 2 bugs,
                     including software error correction and backporting of

                 (c) migration path information;

                 (d) certification with supported products or newer operating
                 system releases; and

                 (e) escalation support, response times, and skill availability
                 as specified below.

                 ClearCommerce will continue to provide telephone, technical
                 assistance, available pre-existing workarounds and fixes for
                 known problems that do not require any development effort, and
                 migration path information for an additional period of [*] for
                 the Terminal Release after the initial [*] period.

           (ii)  Upon release of a new Version or a new Major Release,
                 ClearCommerce will provide [*] of telephone
                 assistance only for all prior Minor Releases, excluding the
                 Terminal Release, within the immediately prior Major Release

           (iii) ClearCommerce will give HP timely notice, but no less than
                 ninety (90) days prior written notice of planned Terminal

In the event ClearCommerce changes its support policies from those as set forth
above, the changes will be provided to HP. If the changes are functionally
equivalent to those policies specified above, then the new policies will become
effective immediately. In the event that the changes are not functionally
equivalent to those as set forth above, the new policies will become effective
upon HP's acceptance of the changes.

The decision about any ClearCommerce support policy changes being functionally
equivalent to the policies specified above will be made jointly by the Strategic

(k) "Level Three Support". ClearCommerce will provide at a minimum the following
maintenance and support with respect to the Program:
           (i)  Take appropriate corrective action on any defect report it
                receives in accordance with the schedule below, including source
                code reading when the problem requires detailed analysis of
                memory dumps and creating patches and patch installation
                scripts.  ClearCommerce will provide HP with the necessary data
                or software to allow HP to distribute the solution to Customers.
                Error classification is determined by HP, but

[*] Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with
    the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to
    the omitted portions.


                 ClearCommerce reserves the right to reasonably change a
                 classification after it is escalated to ClearCommerce.
          (ii)   Maintain a telephone number and technician to receive calls
                 during normal business hours concerning problems and
          (iii)  Provide prompt notification and assistance in the event
                 ClearCommerce determines a problem exists.
          (iv)   Provide normal evolutionary enhancements, upgrades and
                 updates, including instructions for implementation.
          (v)    Provide a designated, knowledgeable support contact for
                 providing technical support, who may be changed by written
          (vi)   Provide "Escalation" support to HP if HP declares a customer
                 situation requires immediate action as described below. This
                 may require ClearCommerce to give additional attention,
                 extra resources or assist a HP engineer on-site. An
                 Escalation may require ClearCommerce to respond in a
                 twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week
                 support when the situation is judged by HP as being Error
                 Severity Level 1: Critical.

 l) Response Time And Effort. ClearCommerce shall respond to HP Level Two
 Support referrals according to the following schedule:

                                                                                   Response Effort - issue worked...
                                  Error              Initial Response
          Error Severity      Classification              Time*
               1              Critical               less than 30 minutes       7X24 until resolved, the issue is
                                                                                downgraded in Severity level, or both
                                                                                parties agree that that the procedural or
                                                                                reasonable workaround is available.
               2              Severe                 less than 1 hour           Normal working hours
               3              Medium                 less than 2 hours          Normal working hours
               4              Low                    less than 2 hours          Normal working hours

* "Initial Response Time" is the time for a return call from ClearCommerce to HP
to acknowledge the error and to estimate the time for delivery of the

5. Escalation of Customer Problems
a) Initiating Escalation. The escalation procedure ("Escalation") will be
followed if either party believes a Customer situation requires additional
attention by the other party to resolve the problem. Either party will initiate
Escalation if the normal avenues for problem resolution have been exhausted.
Conditions which will trigger Escalation include high levels of Customer
anxiety, disagreement between the parties as to responsibility for pre-screened
problems, Clearcommerce's failure to meet the response time under Section 4(l)
above, HP's failure to adequately co-operate with ClearCommerce, or recurring
intermittent critical Problems which remain unresolved after two (2) attempts.


b) Escalation Process. Either party's Strategic Contact will call the other
party's Strategic Contact to request Escalation. Once a party requests
Escalation, appropriate contacts are designated within each party's
organization. The individual designated as the escalating party's Problem Site
Manager will then contact the other party's Problem Site Manager to develop and
write an Action Plan, as defined below. This Action Plan will outline the
specific steps the parties, both individually and mutually, will take. The
Action Plan is then followed and updated as necessary. When the problem has been
resolved, or it is determined that a resolution is not possible, the monitor
phase is initiated. When monitoring indicates that the problem is resolved, the
Escalation is closed.

If Escalation is consistently requested by either party for a number of
Customers over a period of time, then either party may request in writing that
the Support Operations be reviewed by and discussed between the appropriate HP
and ClearCommerce Vice Presidents. The Vice Presidents shall develop an
appropriate Action Plan to resolve the situation. The effectiveness of the
Action Plan will be reviewed after three (3) months. Agreed upon changes shall
then be made to the Support Operations.

c) Designated Contacts. Once Escalation has been requested, each party will
designate individuals with the responsibilities listed below and will promptly
report these designates and their telephone numbers to the other party's
Operational Contact. An individual may fulfil multiple roles, provided he/she
can carry out the described responsibilities. Once designated, the individuals
will establish and maintain direct contact with their counterparts until the
escalation is closed as described below.

         i.    Problem Site Manager. The Problem Site Manager ensures the Action
               Plan is developed, written, and communicated properly, provides
               the highest level of technical knowledge short of factory/lab;
               provides on-site assistance as appropriate; and ensures problem
               replication and generation of technical "work-around," if

         ii.   Factory Problem Manager (designated whenever needed; does not
               have to be designated initially). The Factory Problem Manager
               manages Escalation communications within factories/labs involved;
               utilizes factory/lab resources for escalated problem support;
               analyses problem data sent from field; reviews action plan; and
               ensures prompt factory/lab response to escalated field requests

         iii.  Strategic Contacts. If at any time during Escalation, one party
               feels the problem is not being dealt with or the other party is
               not responding adequately to requests for assistance, the
               respective Strategic Contact will be notified. The Strategic
               Contacts will then work together to resolve the issue.

d) Action Plan. The designated contacts will work together to develop a mutual
Action Plan as quickly as possible which establishes, at minimum:

               *  Actions to be taken, which may include (i) reprioritizing
                  commitments, (ii) increasing resources, (iii) establishing
                  remote dial into Customer system for direct observation, or
                  (iv) sending engineers on-site.
               *  Responsibility for each action
               *  Purpose or desired result of each action
               *  Expected completion of each action
               *  Contingency/next step if desired results are not achieved


               This Action Plan will be modified by mutual agreement among the
               designated contacts whenever the situation requires.

e) On-Site Visits. During Escalation, either party may request that the other
party send engineers on-site to resolve escalated problems. Typical situations
for which a party may request on-site Visits may include: (i) when the Customer
perceives that its business relationship is deteriorating due to persistent
problems with the ClearCommerce Programs, or (ii) when it is not possible or is
extremely inconvenient to reproduce the problem remotely, at the ClearCommerce
site, or at HP in a timely fashion.

f) Status Updates. Each designated contact will establish a schedule of follow-
up, status update communications with his/her counterpart that will ensure
timely exchange of information.

g) Monitor Phase. The purpose of the monitor phase is to evaluate the Customers
environment over some period of time to verify that the problem has been
resolved. Both parties will co-ordinate monitoring activities and mutually agree
to close the monitor phase when it is clear the problem is resolved.

h) Closing Escalation. When both parties agree that the problem has been
resolved or the situation no longer requires Escalation, the Escalation is
closed. Each designated contact will exchange final reports with his/her
counterpart summarizing the Customer problem(s), actions taken, results of those
actions, likelihood of problem recurrence, and recommended future actions.

6. Relationship Management
a) Strategic Contacts. ClearCommerce and HP will each designate an employee who
shall serve as the sole liaisons between HP and ClearCommerce as each party's
strategic contact for support related matters ("Strategic Contact"). Each party
shall notify the other whenever the designated Strategic Contacts'
responsibilities are transferred to another employee. The Strategic Contacts
will be the focal points for general relationship and process issues and will be
responsible for managing the overall support relationship of the parties. The
initial Contacts are set forth below.

                CLEARCOMMERCE                        HP
            Strategic contacts:              Strategic Contacts:

            Mindy Kerber                     Jim Bignell
            Phone:                           Phone: (650) 691-5140


b) Cooperation. HP and ClearCommerce acknowledge that the timely provision of
and access to assistance, co-operation, complete and accurate information and
data from their officers, agents, and employees are essential to performance of
any technical support services, and that each party's ability to provide such
services is dependent upon same


                                   EXHIBIT D

                            ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES

LICENSOR                            Copy to:
- --------                            --------

Name ____________
Title ___________
Address _________
Phone ___________

HP:                                 Copy to:
- ---                                 --------

Name _____________
Title ____________
Address __________
Phone ____________

- -------

Name _____________
Title ____________
Address __________
Phone ____________


                                   EXHIBIT E

                         ACCOUNT/RELATIONSHIP MANAGERS

HP                                CLEARCOMMERCE

_____________________             _______________________
_____________________             _______________________
_____________________             _______________________
_____________________             _______________________
_____________________             _______________________
_____________________             _______________________

Tel: ________________             Tel: __________________
Fax.:________________             Fax:___________________


HP                                CLEARCOMMERCE

_____________________             _________________________
_____________________             _________________________
_____________________             _________________________
_____________________             _________________________
_____________________             _________________________
_____________________             _________________________

Tel: ________________             Tel:_____________________
Fax: ________________             Fax:_____________________
