Stock Purchase Agreement
                                   made as of
                                  JUNE 1, 2000,

                            Elite technologies, inc.,


                                 AC TRAVEL, Inc.
                         ASIF BALAGAMWALA, Individually,

                                Table of Contents


1.       DEFINITIONS.                                               1

         1.1.                                              "APPLICABLE CONTRACT"
         1.2.                                                           "BREACH"
         1.3.                                                            "BUYER"
         1.4.                                                    "BUYER'S STOCK"
         1.5.                                                          "CLOSING"
         1.6.                                                     "CLOSING DATE"
         1.8.                                                          "CONSENT"
         1.9.                                        "CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTIONS"
         1.10.                                                        "CONTRACT"
         1.11.                                                         "DAMAGES"
         1.12.                                             "DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE"
         1.13.                                                     "ENCUMBRANCE"
         1.14.                                      "ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS"
         1.15.                                                           "ERISA"
         1.16.                                                      "FACILITIES"
         1.17.                                                            "GAAP"
         1.18.                                      "GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATION"
         1.19.                                               "GOVERNMENTAL BODY"
         1.20.                                                             "IRC"
         1.21.                                                             "IRS"
         1.22.                                                       "KNOWLEDGE"
         1.23.                                               "LEGAL REQUIREMENT"
         1.24.                                                "OPERATING INCOME"
         1.25.                                                           "ORDER"
         1.26.                                     "ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS"
         1.27.                                        "ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS"
         1.28.                                                          "PERSON"
         1.29.                                                            "PLAN"
         1.30.                                                      "PROCEEDING"
         1.31.                                                  "RELATED PERSON"
         1.32.                                                  "REPRESENTATIVE"
         1.33.                                                  "SECURITIES ACT"
         1.34.                                                          "SELLER"
         1.35.                                                          "SHARES"
         1.36.                                                      "SUBSIDIARY"
         1.37.                                                      "TAX RETURN"
         1.38.                                                      "THREATENED"

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         ----                                                             ------
         2.2.                                                     BUYER'S STOCK.
         ----                                                      -------------
         2.3.                                                           CLOSING.
         ----                                                            -------
         2.4.                                               CLOSING OBLIGATIONS.
         ----                                                -------------------

3.       REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER.                            7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         3.1.                                    ORGANIZATION AND GOOD STANDING.
         ----                                     ------------------------------
         3.2.                                            AUTHORITY; NO CONFLICT.
         ----                                             ----------------------
         3.3.                                                    CAPITALIZATION.
         ----                                                     --------------
         3.4.                                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.
         ----                                               --------------------
         3.5.                                                 BOOKS AND RECORDS.
         ----                                                  -----------------
         3.6.                                 TITLE TO PROPERTIES; ENCUMBRANCES.
         ----                                  --------------------------------
         3.7.                                        NO UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.
         ----                                         --------------------------
         3.8.                                                             TAXES.
         ----                                                              ----
         3.9.                                        NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE.
         ----                                         --------------------------
         3.10.                                        EMPLOYEE BENEFITS MATTERS.
         -----                                         -------------------------
         3.12.                                        LEGAL PROCEEDINGS; ORDERS.
         -----                                         -------------------------
         3.13.                            ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES AND EVENTS.
         -----                             -------------------------------------
         3.14.                                           CONTRACTS; NO DEFAULTS.
         -----                                            ----------------------
         3.15.                                                        INSURANCE.
         -----                                                         ---------
         3.16.                                            ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS.
         -----                                              --------------------
         3.17.                                                 EMPLOYEE MATTERS.
         -----                                                  ----------------
         3.18.                      INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE COMPANY.
         -----                       -------------------------------------------
         3.19.                                                 CERTAIN PAYMENTS.
         -----                                                  ----------------
         3.20.                                                       DISCLOSURE.
         -----                                                        ----------
         3.21.                                               BROKERS OR FINDERS.
         -----                                                ------------------

4.       REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYER.                            21
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         4.1.                                    ORGANIZATION AND GOOD STANDING.
         ----                                     ------------------------------
         4.2.                                                         AUTHORITY.
         ----                                                          ---------
         4.3.                                                 INVESTMENT INTENT.
         ----                                                  -----------------
         4.4.                                               CERTAIN PROCEEDINGS.
         ----                                                -------------------
         4.5.                                                BROKERS OR FINDERS.
         ----                                                 ------------------

5.       COVENANTS OF SELLER PRIOR TO CLOSING DATE.                          22
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         5.1.                                          ACCESS AND INVESTIGATION.
         ----                                            -----------------------
         5.2.                          OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY.
         ----                           ----------------------------------------
         5.3.                                                 NEGATIVE COVENANT.
         ----                                                  -----------------
         5.4.                                                REQUIRED APPROVALS.
         ----                                                 ------------------
         5.5.                                                      NOTIFICATION.
         ----                                                       ------------
         5.6.                                                    NO NEGOTIATION.
         ----                                                     --------------
         5.7.                                          CLOSING OF BANK ACCOUNTS.
         ----                                           ------------------------

6.       COVENANTS OF BUYER PRIOR TO CLOSING DATE.                           23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         ----              -----------------------------------------------------
         6.2.                                          ACCESS AND INVESTIGATION.
         ----                                           ------------------------
         6.3.                          OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY.
         ----                           ----------------------------------------
         6.4.                                                      NOTIFICATION.
         ----                                                       ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         7.1.                                       ACCURACY OF REPRESENTATIONS.
         ----                                        ---------------------------
         7.2.                                              SELLER'S PERFORMANCE.
         ----                                               --------------------
         7.3.                                                          CONSENTS.
         ----                                                           --------
         7.4.                                              ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.
         ----                                               --------------------
         7.5.                                                    NO PROCEEDINGS.
         ----                                                     --------------
         ----                ---------------------------------------------------
         7.7.                                                    NO PROHIBITION.
         ----                                                     --------------
         7.8.                                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT.
         ----                                               -------------------
         7.9.                                 REGISTRATION OF SHARES FOR SELLER.
         ----                                  ---------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         8.1.                                       ACCURACY OF REPRESENTATIONS.
         ----                                        ---------------------------
         8.2.                                               BUYER'S PERFORMANCE.
         ----                                                -------------------
         8.3.                                                          CONSENTS.
         ----                                                           --------
         8.4.                                              ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.
         ----                                               --------------------
         8.5.                                                     NO INJUNCTION.
         ----                                                      -------------

9.       TERMINATION.                                                         1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         9.1.                                                TERMINATION EVENTS.
         ----                                                 ------------------
         9.2.                                             EFFECT OF TERMINATION.
         ----                                              ---------------------

10.      INDEMNIFICATION; REMEDIES.                                           1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         10.1.                                 AGREEMENT BY SELLER TO INDEMNIFY.
         -----                                  --------------------------------
         10.2.                                 AGREEMENTS BY BUYER TO INDEMNIFY.
         -----                                  --------------------------------
         10.3.                                  MATTERS INVOLVING THIRD PARTIES.
         -----                                   -------------------------------

11.      POST-CLOSING AGREEMENTS.                                             1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         11.1.                                         CONSISTENCY IN REPORTING.
         -----                                          ------------------------

12.      GENERAL PROVISIONS.                                                  1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         12.1.                                                         EXPENSES.
         -----                                                          --------
         12.2.                                             PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS.
         -----                                              --------------------
         12.3.                                                  CONFIDENTIALITY.
         -----                                                   ---------------
         12.4.                                                          NOTICES.
         -----                                                           -------
         12.5.                                 JURISDICTION; SERVICE OF PROCESS.
         -----                                  --------------------------------
         12.6.                                               FURTHER ASSURANCES.
         -----                                                ------------------
         12.7.                                                           WAIVER.
         -----                                                            ------
         12.8.                                ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATION.
         -----                                  --------------------------------
         12.9.                                              DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE.
         -----                                               -------------------
         ------                 ------------------------------------------------
         12.11.                                                    SEVERABILITY.
         ------                                                     ------------
         12.12.                                  SECTION HEADINGS; CONSTRUCTION.
         ------                                   ------------------------------
         12.13.                                                 TIME OF ESSENCE.
         ------                                                  ---------------
         12.14.                                                   GOVERNING LAW.
         ------                                                    -------------
         12.15.                                                    COUNTERPARTS.
         ------                                                     ------------

                            Stock Purchase Agreement

     THIS STOCK PURCHASE  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement") is made as of April 28, 2000,
by Elite Technologies, Inc., a Texas corporation, ("Buyer"), and Al-Hamdd, Inc.,
d/b/a/ AC Travel,  Inc., a Georgia Corporation,  Asif Balagamwala,  individually
and collectively hereinafter referred to as ("Seller").


     Seller desire to sell, and Buyer desires to purchase, all of the issued and
outstanding  shares (the  "Shares") of capital stock of AC Travel,  Inc. for the
consideration and on the terms set forth in this Agreement.


         The parties, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

     For  purposes of this  Agreement,  the  following  terms have the  meanings
specified or referred to in this Section 1.:

         1.1.  "Applicable  Contract" - any  Contract  (i) under which Seller or
Company has or may acquire any rights; (ii) under which Seller or Company has or
may become  subject to any  obligation  or liability or (iii) by which Seller or
Company or any of the assets owned or used by it is or may become bound.

         1.2.  "Breach" - a "Breach" of a  representation,  warranty,  covenant,
obligation,  or other  provision of this Agreement or any  instrument  delivered
pursuant to this  Agreement  will be deemed to have  occurred if there is or has
been (i) any  inaccuracy  in or breach  of, or any  failure to perform or comply
with, such representation, warranty, covenant, obligation, or other provision or
(ii) any claim (by any Person) or other  occurrence or  circumstance  that is or
was inconsistent with such representation,  warranty,  covenant,  obligation, or
other  provision,  and the term  "Breach"  means  any such  inaccuracy,  breach,
failure, claim, occurrence or circumstance.

         1.3.     "Buyer" - as defined in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

         1.4.     "Buyer's  Stock" - 2,000,000  restricted  shares  of  Seller's
                   capital stock.

         1.5.     "Closing" - as defined in Section 2.4.

         1.6.     "Closing  Date" - the  date and  time as of which  the Closing
                   actually takes place.

         1.7      "Company" - AC Travel, Inc.

         1.7.     "Consent" - any approval,  consent,  ratification,  waiver, or
                   other     authorization     (including    any    Governmental

         1.9.     "Contemplated  Transactions" - all    of    the   transactions
                   contemplated by this Agreement, including:

         A.       The transfer of the Shares by Seller to Buyer;

         B.       The  execution,  delivery,  and  performance  of  the  Closing
                  Obligations set forth in Section 2.5;

         C.       The  performance  by  Buyer  and  Seller  of t heir respective
                  covenants and  obligations  under this Agreement;

         D.       Buyer's  acquisition and ownership of the Shares  and exercise
                  of control over the Company; and

         E.       The transfer of Buyer's Stock to Seller; and

         F.       Payment by Buyer to Seller of the Reimbursement Amount.

         1.10.  "Contract" - any agreement,  contract,  obligation,  promise, or
undertaking  (whether  written or oral and whether  express or implied)  that is
legally binding.

         1.11.  "Damages"  - any loss,  liability,  claim,  damages  (including,
without limitation,  incidental and consequential damages),  expense (including,
without limitation, costs of investigation and defense and reasonable attorneys'
fees) or diminution of value, whether or not involving a third party.

         1.12.  "Disclosure  Schedule" - the  disclosure  schedule  delivered by
Seller to Buyer concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

         1.13.  "Encumbrance" - any charge, claim,  community property interest,
condition, equitable interest, lien, option, pledge, security interest, right of
first refusal,  or restriction  of any kind,  including any  restriction on use,
voting,  transfer,  receipt of income,  or  exercise of any other  attribute  of

         1.14.  "Environmental  Requirements"  - means federal,  state and local
laws relating to pollution or protection of the  environment,  including laws or
provisions relating to emissions, discharges, releases or threatened releases of
pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic materials, substances, or wastes
into air,  surface  water,  groundwater,  or land, or otherwise  relating to the
manufacture,   processing,  distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  disposal,
transport,  or  handling  of  pollutants,  contaminants  or  hazardous  or toxic
materials, substances, or wastes.

         1.15. "ERISA" - the Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 or
any successor law, and  regulations and rules issued pursuant to that Act or any
successor law.

         1.16. "Facilities" - any real property,  leaseholds, or other interests
currently  or formerly  owned or operated by Seller and any  buildings,  plants,
structures,  or equipment (including motor vehicles) currently or formerly owned
or operated by Seller.

         1.17.  "GAAP"  -  generally    accepted   United   States    accounting
principles,  applied on a basis consistent with the basis on which the financial
statements referred to in Section 3.4. were prepared.

         1.18. "Governmental  Authorization" - any approval,  consent,  license,
permit, waiver, or other authorization issued, granted, given, or otherwise made
available by or under the authority of any Governmental  Body or pursuant to any
Legal Requirement.

         1.19.    "Governmental Body" - any:

                  A.  Nation,  state,  county,  city, town,  village,  district,
                      or other  jurisdiction of any nature;

                  B.  Federal,   state,   local,   municipal,  foreign, or other

                  C.  Governmental or quasi-governmental authority of any nature
                      (including  any governmental agency,  branch,  department,
                      official, or entity and any court or other tribunal);

                  D.  Multi-national organization or body; or

                  E.  Body   exercising,   or   entitled    to   exercise,   any
                      administrative,  executive, judicial, legislative, police,
                      regulatory, or taxing authority or power of any nature.

         1.20.  "IRC" - the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor law,
and regulations  issued by the IRS pursuant to the Internal  Revenue Code or any
successor law.

         1.21.  "IRS"  - the  United  States  Internal  Revenue  Service  or any
successor agency,  and, to the extent relevant,  the United States Department of
the Treasury.

         1.22.   "Knowledge" - an individual will be deemed to have  "Knowledge"
of a particular  fact or other matter if:

         A.   Such individual is actually aware of such fact or other matter; or

         B. A prudent  individual  given his position  with the Company could be
reasonably  expected to discover or otherwise become aware of such fact or other

         1.23.  "Legal  Requirement"  - any federal,  state,  local,  municipal,
foreign,   international,   multinational,   or  other   administrative   order,
constitution,  law, ordinance, principle of common law, regulation,  statute, or

         1.24.  "Operating  Income"  -  means  the  net  income  of the  Company
determined  in  accordance  with GAAP  before  income  taxes and after all other
charges except:

         A. Unless otherwise  approved by Buyer, any general and  administrative
expense  (i.e.,   allocation  of  the  Company's  general  corporate   overhead)
attributable  to the Company  and all  subsidiaries  of the Company  that is not
directly  related to the  operation  of the  Company in the  Ordinary  Course of
Business;  provided,  however,  Operating Income shall include  reimbursement by
Seller of expenses at a fair market price mutually agreed to by Buyer and Seller
for expenses  previously  incurred by Seller,  but that have for  administrative
convenience or efficiency reasons been centralized with Buyer; and

         B.  Any amortization of goodwill of the Company and all Subsidiaries of
the Company.

         C. In the event that  certain  expenses  incurred by the Seller are for
the  principal or partial  benefit of the Company or other  subsidiaries  of the
Company, then the parties hereto shall endeavor to track and determine in a fair
and  equitable  manner that  portion of such  expenses  that  should  fairly and
reasonably  be  allocated  to the  Company  or such  other  subsidiaries  of the
Company, and therefore not included in arriving at Operating Income for purposes
of this Agreement.

         1.25.  "Order" - any  award,  decision,  injunction,  judgment,  order,
ruling,  subpoena,  or verdict entered,  issued, made, or rendered by any court,
administrative agency, or other Governmental Body or by any arbitrator.

         1.26.  "Ordinary Course of Business" - an action taken by a Person will
be deemed to have been taken in the "Ordinary Course of Business" only if:

                A. Such action  is consistent  with the past  practices  of such
                   Person and is taken in the  ordinary course of the normal
                   day-to-day operations of such Person;

                B. Such  action  is  not  required  to   be  authorized  by  the
                   board of directors of such Person (or by any Person or  group
                   of  Persons  exercising similar authority); and

                C.  Such action is similar in nature and  magnitude  to  actions
                    customarily  taken,  without any  authorization by the board
                    of  directors  (or   by  any  Person  or  group  of  Persons
                    exercising similar  authority),  in  the ordinary  course of
                    the normal day-to-day operations of  other Persons that  are
                    in the same line of business as such Person.

         1.27.  "Organizational  Documents" - (i) the Articles or Certificate of
Incorporation  and the  Bylaws of a  corporation;  (ii) any  charter  or similar
document  adopted  or  filed in  connection  with the  creation,  formation,  or
organization of a Person and (iii) any amendment to any of the foregoing.

         1.28. "Person" - any individual,  corporation (including any non-profit
corporation),  general or limited partnership,  limited liability company, joint
venture, estate, trust, association,  organization, labor union, or other entity
or Governmental Body.

         1.29.    "Plan" - as defined in Section 3.10.1.

         1.30.   "Proceeding"  -  any  action,   arbitration,   audit,  hearing,
investigation,  litigation,  or suit (whether civil,  criminal,  administrative,
investigative,  or  informal)  commenced,  brought,  conducted,  or  heard by or
before, or otherwise involving, any Governmental Body or arbitrator.

         1.31.    "Related Person" - with respect to a particular individual:

         A.  Each other member of such individual's Family;

         B.  Any Person  that  is  directly  or  indirectly  controlled  by such
individual  or one (1) or more members of such individual's Family;

         C.  Any Person in which such individual or members of such individual's
Family hold  (individually or in the aggregate) a Material Interest; and

         D. Any Person with respect to which such  individual or one (1) or more
members of such  individual's  Family  serves as a director,  officer,  partner,
executor, or trustee (or in a similar capacity).

         With respect to a specified Person other than an individual:

         A.  Any Person that directly or  indirectly  controls,  is  directly or
indirectly  controlled  by,  or is directly  or indirectly under  common control
with such specified Person;

         B.  Any Person that holds a Material Interest in such specified Person;

         C.  Each Person that serves as a director,  officer, partner, executor,
or trustee of such specified Person (or in a similar capacity);

         D.  Any  Person  in  which  such  specified  Person  holds  a  Material

         E.  Any Person with respect to which such  specified  Person  serves as
a general  partner or a trustee (or in a similar capacity); and

         Any Related Person of any individual described in clause B. or C.

     For purposes of this definition, (i) the "Family" of an individual includes
(1) the individual;  (2) the  individual's  spouse and former  spouses;  (3) any
other natural person who is related to the individual or the individual's spouse
within the second degree and (4) any other natural  person who resides with such
individual  and (2)  "Material  Interest"  means  direct or indirect  beneficial
ownership (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934)
of voting  securities  or other  voting  interests  representing  at least [five
percent (5%)] of the outstanding  voting power of a Person or equity  securities
or other  equity  interests  representing  at least [five  percent  (5%)] of the
outstanding equity securities or equity interests in a Person.

         1.32.  "Representative"  - with  respect to a  particular  Person,  any
director, officer, employee, agent, consultant, advisor, or other representative
of such Person, including legal counsel, accountants, and financial advisors.

         1.33.  "Securities  Act" - the  Securities Act of 1933 or any successor
law, and regulations and rules issued pursuant to that Act or any successor law.

         1.34.    "Seller" -as defined in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

         1.35.    "Shares" - as defined in the Recitals of this Agreement.

         1.36.  "Subsidiary"  - with  respect to any Person (the  "Owner"),  any
corporation or other Person of which  securities or other  interests  having the
power to elect a  majority  of that  corporation's  or other  Person's  board of
directors or similar governing body, or otherwise having the power to direct the
business and policies of that corporation or other Person (other than securities
or other  interests  having such power only upon the  happening of a contingency
that  has  not  occurred)  are  held  by the  Owner  or one  (1) or  more of its
Subsidiaries;  [when used without reference to a particular Person, "Subsidiary"
means a Subsidiary of the Company].

         1.37.  "Tax Return" - any return  (including any  information  return),
report,  statement,  schedule,  notice,  form, or other  document or information
filed with or submitted  to, or required to be filed with or  submitted  to, any
Governmental Body in connection with the determination,  assessment, collection,
or payment of any Tax or in connection with the administration,  implementation,
or enforcement of or compliance with any Legal Requirement relating to any Tax.

         1.38.  "Threatened" - a claim,  Proceeding,  dispute,  action, or other
matter will be deemed to have been  "Threatened"  if any demand or statement has
been made  (orally or in  writing)  or any  notice has been given  (orally or in
writing),  that  would  lead a  prudent  Person to  conclude  that such a claim,
Proceeding,  dispute,  action,  or  other  matter  is  likely  to  be  asserted,
commenced, taken, or otherwise pursued in the future.


         2.1.     Shares.  In  exchange for  the transfer of Buyer's  Stock,  as
set forth in  Section  2.2,  and  subject  to the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement, at the Closing, Seller will transfer the Shares to Buyer.

         2.2.     Buyer's  Stock.  In exchange  for the  transfer of Shares as
set forth in  Section  2.1,  and  subject  to the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement, at the Closing, Buyer shall transfer to Seller the Buyer's Stock.

         2.3.     Closing.  The purchase and  sale (the "Closing")  provided for
in this  Agreement  will take place at the offices of Morris,  Manning & Martin,
L.L.P., at 1600 Atlanta Financial  Center,  3343 Peachtree Road, N.E.,  Atlanta,
Georgia 30326, at 10:00 a.m. (local time) on May 28, 2000, or at such other time
and place as the parties may agree.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 9.,
failure to consummate  the purchase and sale  provided for in this  Agreement on
the date and time and at the place determined pursuant to this Section 2.3. will
not result in the  termination  of this Agreement and will not relieve any party
of any obligation under this Agreement.

         2.4.     Closing Obligations.  At the Closing:

                  A.       Seller will deliver to Buyer:

                           (i)      Certificates. Certificates representing  the
Shares,  duly  endorsed (or  accompanied  by duly  executed  stock  powers)  for
transfer to Buyer;

                           (ii)     Good Standing Certificate. Seller shall have
delivered to Buyer a certificate  evidencing the good standing of the Company as
of a recent practicable date;

                           (iii)    Certificate. A certificate substantially  in
the form of Exhibit A  hereto, executed by Seller  representing  and  warranting
to Buyer that each of Seller's  representations and warranties in this Agreement
was accurate in all respects as of the date of this Agreement and is accurate in
all  respects as of the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date (giving full
effect to any  supplements  to the  Disclosure  Schedule that were  delivered by
Seller to Buyer prior to the Closing Date in accordance with Section 5.5.); and

                           (iv)     Mutual Release. Seller shall  have delivered
to Buyer a  mutual  release,  executed by  Seller,  substantially in the form of
Exhibit B to be attached at closing
- -----------------------------------

                           (v)      All    Corporate    records,   organzational
documents,  minutes of Board of Director and Shareholder meetings and corporate

                  B.       Buyer will deliver to Seller:

                           (i)      Certificates.   Certificates    representing
Buyer's Stock,  duly endorsed (or accompanied by duly executed stock powers) for
transfer to Seller, or a Board of Directors  resolution  signifying the order of
the transfer of shares to Seller to be effectuated immediately, without delay;

                           (ii)     Certificate.  A  certificate  in the form of
Exhibit C  hereto   executed by Buyer  to the effect that,  except as  otherwise
stated in such certificate,  each of Buyer's  representations  and warranties in
this Agreement was accurate in all respects as of the date of this Agreement and
is  accurate in all  respects  as of the Closing  Date as if made on the Closing
Date; and

                           (iii)    Mutual Release. Buyer  shall have  delivered
to Seller a Mutual  Release,  executed  by Buyer,  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit B to be attached at closing.
- -----------------------------------


         Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows:

         3.1.     Organization and Good Standing.

                  A. Schedule 3.1 of the Disclosure Schedule contains a complete
and accurate list of the Company's  name,  its  jurisdiction  of  incorporation,
other  jurisdictions  in  which  it  is  authorized  to  do  business,  and  its
capitalization  (including  the identity of each  stockholder  and the number of
shares held by each).

                  The Company is a corporation duly organized, validly existing,
and in good standing under the laws of Georgia,  with full  corporate  power and
authority  to conduct its business as it is now being  conducted,  to own or use
the properties and assets that it purports to own or use, and to perform all its
obligations under Applicable Contracts.

                  Seller  is  duly   qualified  to  do  business  as  a  foreign
corporation  and is in good  standing  under  the  laws of each  state  or other
jurisdiction  in which either the  ownership or use of the  properties  owned or
used by it, or the  nature of the  activities  conducted  by it,  requires  such

                  B. Seller  has  made   available  to  Buyer   copies  of   the
Organizational  Documents  of the Company, as currently in effect.

         3.2.     Authority; No Conflict.

                  A. This Agreement  constitutes the legal,  valid,  and binding
obligation of Seller,  enforceable  against Seller in accordance with its terms.
Upon the execution and delivery by Seller of the closing  documents set forth in
Section 2.4A  (collectively,  the "Seller's  Closing  Documents"),  the Seller's
Closing Documents will constitute the legal,  valid, and binding  obligations of
Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance with their respective terms.

                  Seller  has  the  absolute  and  unrestricted   right,  power,
authority,  and capacity to execute and deliver this  Agreement and the Seller's
Closing  Documents and to perform his  obligations  under this Agreement and the
Seller's Closing Documents.

                  B.  Except  as set  forth in  Schedule  3.2 of the  Disclosure
Schedule,  neither  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  nor  the
consummation  or  performance  of  any of the  Contemplated  Transactions  will,
directly or indirectly (with or without notice or lapse of time):

                           (i)      Contravene,  conflict with,  or result in a
violation of (1) any provision of the Organizational  Documents  of the  Company
or   (2)  any  resolution   adopted  by   the   board   of   directors   or  the
stockholders of the Company;

                           (ii)     Contravene,  conflict  with,  or  result  in
 a  violation  of, or give any  Governmental  Body or other  Person the right to
challenge  any of the  Contemplated  Transactions  or to exercise  any remedy or
obtain any relief under,  any Legal  Requirement or any Order to which Seller or
the Company, or any of the assets owned or used by Seller, may be subject;

                           (iii)    Contravene,  conflict  with,  or result in a
violation of any of the terms or requirements of, or give any Governmental  Body
the right to revoke,  withdraw,  suspend,  cancel,  terminate,  or  modify,  any
Governmental  Authorization  that is held by Seller or that otherwise relates to
the business of, or any of the assets owned or used by, the Company;

                           (iv)     Cause Buyer or Seller to become  subject to,
or to become liable for the payment of, any Tax;

                           (v)      Contravene,  conflict  with,  or result in a
violation or breach of any provision of, or give any Person the right to declare
a default or  exercise  any remedy  under,  or to  accelerate  the  maturity  or
performance of, or to cancel, terminate, or modify, any Applicable Contract; or

                           (vi)     Result in the imposition or creation  of any
Encumbrance upon or with respect to any of the assets owned or used by Seller.

         Except as set forth in Schedule 3.2 of the Disclosure Schedule,  Seller
nor the  Company  is or will be  required  to give any  notice to or obtain  any
Consent from any Person in  connection  with the  execution and delivery of this
Agreement  or the  consummation  or  performance  of  any  of  the  Contemplated

         3.3.     Capitalization.  The  authorized  equity  securities  of   the
Company  consist of 1000  shares of common  stock,  .01 par value per share,  of
which 1000 shares are issued and outstanding and constitute the Shares.

     Seller is and will be on the Closing Date the record and beneficial  owners
and holders of the Shares, free and clear of all Encumbrances.

     With the  exception of the Shares  (which are owned by Seller),  all of the
outstanding  equity  securities and other securities of the Company are owned of
record and beneficially by Seller, free and clear of all Encumbrances. No legend
or other  reference to any purported  Encumbrance  appears upon any  certificate
representing equity securities of the Company.

     All of the  outstanding  equity  securities  of the Company  have been duly
authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and nonassessable. There are no
Contracts  relating to the issuance,  sale, or transfer of any equity securities
or other  securities  of the  Company,  including,  but not  limited  to,  stock
options,  warrants,  convertible  securities,  redemption  rights,  registration
rights and the like.

     None of the  outstanding  equity  securities  or  other  securities  of the
Company  was  issued in  violation  of the  Securities  Act or any  other  Legal

         3.4.     Financial  Statements.  Seller shall deliver to Buyer, at
closing date to be attached as Schedule  3.4:
                  A. Unaudited balance sheets of Seller as of August,  1999, and
as of,  together with the related  statements of income,  changes in stockholder
equity and cash flow (collectively,  the "Financial Statements") for the periods
referred to in such financial statements.

                  B.  The Financial Statements were prepared in accordance  with
this Agreement and with GAAP consistently applied.

     The Financial  Statements and notes,  if any,  fairly present the financial
condition and the results of operations,  changes in stockholders'  equity,  and
cash  flow of the  Company  as at the  respective  dates of and for the  periods
referred to in such Financial Statements,  all in accordance with GAAP, subject,
in the case of  interim  Financial  Statements,  to  normal  recurring  year-end
adjustments (the effect of which will not, individually or in the aggregate,  be
materially adverse) and the absence of notes.

         3.5.  Books and  Records.  The books of account,  minute  books,  stock
record  books,  and other  records of the  Company,  all of which have been made
available  to Buyer,  are  complete  and  correct  and have been  maintained  in
accordance with sound business practices.

     The minute books of the Company  contain  accurate and complete  records of
all  meetings  held of, and  corporate  action taken by, the  stockholders,  the
Boards of Directors,  and  committees of the Boards of Directors of the Company,
and no meeting of any such  stockholders,  Board of Directors,  or committee has
been held for and no  material  action has been taken at any  meeting  for which
minutes have not been prepared and are not  contained in such minute  books.  At
the Closing, all of those books and records will be in the possession of Seller.

         3.6.  Title to  Properties;  Encumbrances.  Seller  owns (with good and
marketable title in the case of real property,  subject only to the Encumbrances
permitted  by this  Section)  all  the  properties  and  assets  (whether  real,
personal,  or mixed and whether tangible or intangible) that they purport to own
located in the  facilities  owned or operated by Seller or reflected as owned in
the books and records of the Company, including all of the properties and assets
reflected in the Closing Date Financial Statements (except for assets held under
capitalized  leases disclosed or not required to be disclosed in Schedule 3.6 of
the  Disclosure  Schedule  which shall be attached to this Agreement as Schedule
3.6 at the closing date.).

     All material  properties and assets reflected in the Closing Date Financial
Statements  are free and clear of all  Encumbrances  and are not, in the case of
real  property,  subject  to any  rights  of  way,  building  use  restrictions,
exceptions,  variances,  reservations, or limitations of any nature except, with
respect to all such properties and assets:

                  A.    Mortgages  or  security  interests  shown on the Closing
Date  Financial Statements  as securing  specified  liabilities  or obligations,
both, would constitute a default) exists;

                  B.    Liens for current taxes not yet due; and

                  C.    With respect to real property:

                           (i)      Minor imperfections  of title,  if any, none
of which is substantial in amount, materially detracts from the value or impairs
the use of the  property  subject  thereto,  or impairs  the  operations  of the
Company; and

                           (ii)     Zoning  laws and other land use restrictions
that do not  impair the present or  anticipated  use  of  the  property  subject

     All buildings, plants, and structures owned by Seller lie wholly within the
boundaries  of the real  property  owned by Seller and do not encroach  upon the
property  of, or  otherwise  conflict  with the  property  rights  of, any other
Person.  All property and assets of the the Company  shall be in the  possession
and control of Seller at Closing, including but not limited to, all Facilities.

         3.7. No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.7 of
the Disclosure Schedule,  Seller has no liabilities or obligations of any nature
(whether  known  or  unknown  and  whether  absolute,  accrued,  contingent,  or
otherwise)  except for liabilities or obligations  reflected or reserved against
in the Closing Date Financial Statements and current liabilities incurred in the
Ordinary Course of Business since the respective dates thereof.

         3.8.  Taxes.  Except as set  forth on  Schedule  3.8 to the  Disclosure
Schedule,  Seller has timely  filed all tax returns  and reports  required to be
filed by it, including,  without  limitation,  all federal,  state and local tax
returns, and has paid in full or made adequate provision by the establishment of
reserves  for all taxes and other  charges  which  have  become due or which are
attributable to the conduct of Seller's  business prior to Closing.  Seller will
continue to make adequate provision for all such taxes and other charges for all
periods through the Closing Date.

     Except as set forth on  Schedule  3.8 to the  Disclosure  Schedule,  Seller
shall have no Knowledge of any tax  deficiency  proposed or  threatened  against
Seller. There are no tax liens upon any property or assets of the Company.

     Except as set forth on Schedule 3.8 to the Disclosure Schedule,  Seller has
made all payments of estimated taxes when due in amounts sufficient to avoid the
imposition of any penalty.

     Except as set forth on Schedule 3.8 to the Disclosure  Schedule,  all taxes
and other assessments and levies which Seller was required by law to withhold or
to collect have been duly withheld and collected, and have been paid over to the
proper governmental entity.

     Except as set forth in Schedule 3.8 to the Disclosure Schedule, the federal
and state  income tax  returns and local  returns,  if any, of Seller have never
been audited by the income tax authorities,  nor are any such audits in process.
Except as set forth in Schedule  3.8, to the  Disclosure  Schedule  there are no
outstanding   agreements  or  waivers   extending  the  statute  of  limitations
applicable  to any  federal or state  income tax  returns of the Company for any

         3.9.     No Material  Adverse Change.  Since January,  1996  there  has
not been any material  adverse change in the business,  operations,  properties,
prospects,  assets,  or condition  of the Company,  and no event has occurred or
circumstance exists that may result in such a material adverse change.

         3.10.    Employee Benefits Matters.

                  3.10.1 Schedule 3.10.1 lists all plans,  programs, and similar
agreements,  commitments or arrangements, whether oral or written, maintained by
or on behalf of Seller or any other party that provide  benefits or compensation
to, or for the benefit of, current or former employees of the Company ("Plan" or
"Plans"). Except as set forth on Schedule 3.10.1 to the Disclosure Schedule only
current and former employees of the Company  participate in the Plans. Copies of
all Plans and, to the extent applicable, all related trust agreements, actuarial
reports, and valuations for the most recent year, all summary plan descriptions,
prospectuses,  Annual  Report  Form  5500s or  similar  forms  (and  attachments
thereto) for the most recent year, all Internal  Revenue  Service  determination
letters, and any related documents requested by Buyer, including all amendments,
modifications and supplements thereto,  have been delivered to Buyer, and all of
the same are or will be true, correct and complete.

                  3.10.2   With respect to each Plan to the extent applicable:

                           A.       No litigation  or  administrative  or  other
proceeding is pending or threatened involving such Plan;

                           B.       To the  Knowledge  of Seller,  such Plan has
been  administered  and operated in  substantial  compliance  with, and has been
amended to comply with all applicable laws,  rules, and regulations,  including,
without limitation, ERISA, the Internal Revenue Code, and the regulations issued
under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code;

                           C.       Seller and its  predecessors,  if  any, have
made and as of the Closing  Date will have made or  accrued,  all  payments  and
contributions  required, or reasonably expected to be required, to be made under
the provisions of such Plan or required to be made under  applicable laws, rules
and regulations, with respect to any period following, such amounts
 to be  determined  using the  ongoing actuarial and funding assumptions of  the

                           D.       Such  Plan is  fully  funded  in  an  amount
sufficient to pay all liabilities accrued (including liabilities and obligations
for  health  care,  life  insurance  and other  benefits  after  termination  of
employment) and claims incurred to the date hereof;

                           E.       On the Closing  Date such Plan will be fully
funded  in an  amount  sufficient  to pay  all  liabilities  accrued  (including
liabilities  and  obligations for health care, life insurance and other benefits
after  termination  of employment)  and claims  incurred to the Closing Date, or
adequate reserves will be set up on the Company's books and records,  or paid-up
insurance will be provided, therefor; and

                           F.       Such  Plan  has   been  administrated    and
operated only in the ordinary and usual course and in accordance with its terms,
and there has not been in the year prior hereto any increase in the  liabilities
of such Plan beyond increases typically  experienced by employers similar to the

         3.11.  Compliance With Legal Requirements; Governmental Authorizations.

                  A.      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.11 of the Disclosure

                           (i)      The  Company   is,  and  at all times  since
January,  1996, has been, in full compliance with each Legal Requirement that is
or was  applicable  to it or to the conduct or  operation of its business or the
ownership or use of any of its assets;

                           (ii)     No   event   has  occurred  or  circumstance
exists  that (with or  without  notice or lapse of time) (1) may  constitute  or
result in a violation by Seller of, or a failure on the part of Seller to comply
with,  any Legal  Requirement or (2) may give rise to any obligation on the part
of  Seller  to  undertake,  or to bear all or any  portion  of the cost of,  any
remedial action of any nature; and

                           (iii)    Seller has not received,  at any  time since
January,  1996, any notice or other communication (whether oral or written) from
any  Governmental  Body or any other Person  regarding (1) any actual,  alleged,
possible,  or  potential  violation  of, or  failure to comply  with,  any Legal
Requirement or (2) any actual, alleged, possible, or potential obligation on the
part of Seller to  undertake,  or to bear all or any portion of the cost of, any
remedial action of any nature.

                  B.       Schedule 3.11 Except as set forth in Schedule 3.11 of
                           -------------                        -------------
the Disclosure Schedule:

                           (i)      The  Company  is,  and  at all  times  since
January,  1996,  has  been,  in full  compliance  with  all  of  the  terms  and
requirements of any applicable Governmental Authorization;

                           (ii)     No event has occurred or circumstance exists
that may (with or  without  notice or lapse of time)  (1)  constitute  or result
directly or indirectly in a violation of or a failure to comply with any term or
requirement of any applicable Governmental  Authorization or (2) result directly
or  indirectly  in the  revocation,  withdrawal,  suspension,  cancellation,  or
termination   of,  or  any   modification   to,  any   applicable   Governmental

                           (iii)    Seller has not received,  at any time  since
January,  1996, any notice or other communication (whether oral or written) from
any  Governmental  Body or any other Person  regarding (1) any actual,  alleged,
possible,  or  potential  violation  of or  failure  to comply  with any term or
requirement  of any  Governmental  Authorization  or (2) any  actual,  proposed,
possible,  or  potential  revocation,  withdrawal,   suspension,   cancellation,
termination of, or modification to any Governmental Authorization; and

                           (iv)     All   applications  required  to  have  been
filed for the renewal of the Governmental Authorizations have been duly filed on
a timely basis with the appropriate  Governmental  Bodies, and all other filings
required to have been made with respect to such Governmental Authorizations have
been duly made on a timely basis with the appropriate Governmental Bodies.

     The Seller has obtained any Governmental Authorizations necessary to permit
the Company to lawfully  conduct and operate their businesses in the manner they
currently  conduct and operate such  businesses and to permit the Company to own
and use their  assets in the  manner in which  they  currently  own and use such

         3.12.    Legal Proceedings; Orders.

                  A.      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.12 of the Disclosure
Schedule, there is no pending Proceeding:

                           (i)      That has been commenced by or against Seller
or  that  otherwise  relates to or  may affect the business of,  or any  of  the
assets owned or used by, Seller; or

                           (ii)     That challenges, or that may have the effect
of preventing,  delaying,  making illegal, or otherwise interfering with, any of
the Contemplated Transactions.

         To the Knowledge of Seller,  (i) no such Proceeding has been Threatened
and (ii) no event has occurred or  circumstance  exists that may give rise to or
serve as a basis for the commencement of any such Proceeding.  Seller shall have
delivered to Buyer copies of all pleadings,  correspondence, and other documents
relating to each Proceeding listed in Schedule 3.12 of the Disclosure  Schedule.
The Proceedings listed in Schedule 3.12 of the Disclosure Schedule will not have
a material adverse effect on the business,  operations,  assets,  condition,  or
prospects of the Company.

                  B.      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.12 of the Disclosure

                           (i)      There is no Order to which any of Seller, or
any of the assets owned or used by the Company, is subject;

                           (ii)     Seller  is not  subject  to  any  Order that
relates to the  business of, or any of the assets owned or used by, the Company;

                           (iii)    No officer,  director, agent, or employee of
the  Company  is subject to any Order that  prohibits  such  officer,  director,
agent,  or employee  from engaging in or continuing  any conduct,  activity,  or
practice relating to the business of the Company.

                  C.      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.12 of the Disclosure

                           (i)      Seller is,  and at all  times since January,
1996, has been, in full  compliance  with all of the terms and  requirements  of
each Order to which it, or any of the assets owned or used by it, is or has been

                           (ii)     No event has occurred or circumstance exists
that may  constitute  or result in (with or  without  notice or lapse of time) a
violation of or failure to comply with any term or  requirement  of any Order to
which Seller, or any of the assets owned or used by Seller, is subject; and

                           (iii)    Seller  has not received,  at any time since
January,  1996, any notice or other communication  whether oral or written) from
any  Governmental  Body or any  other  Person  regarding  any  actual,  alleged,
possible,  or potential  violation  of, or failure to comply  with,  any term or
requirement  of any Order to which the  Company,  or any of the assets  owned or
used by the Company, is or has been subject.

         3.13.    Absence of Certain  Changes and Events.  Except as set forth
in  Schedule 3.13 of the Disclosure Schedule,  since January,  1996, the Company
has conducted its business only in the Ordinary Course of Business and there has
not been any:

                  A. Change in the Company's authorized or issued capital stock;
grant of any stock  option or right to purchase  shares of capital  stock of the
Company;  issuance of any security convertible into such capital stock; grant of
any registration rights; purchase, redemption,  retirement, or other acquisition
by the  Company of any  shares of any such  capital  stock;  or  declaration  or
payment of any dividend or other distribution or payment in respect of shares of
capital stock;

                  B. Amendment to the Organizational Documents of the Company;

                  C. Payment or increase by Seller of any bonuses,  salaries, or
other  compensation to any  stockholder,  director,  officer,  or (except in the
Ordinary Course of Business)  employee or entry into any employment,  severance,
or similar Contract with any director, officer, or employee;

                  D. Adoption  of, or increase  in the  payments to or  benefits
under,  any profit  sharing,  bonus, deferred compensation,  savings, insurance,
pension,  retirement,  or other employee  benefit plan for or with any employees
of the Company;

                  E. Damage to  or destruction or  loss of any asset or property
of the Company,  whether or not covered by insurance,  materially  and adversely
affecting the properties,  assets,  business, financial condition, or  prospects
of the Company, taken as a whole;

                  F.  Entry  into,  termination  of,  or  receipt  of  notice of
termination of (i) any license,  distributorship,  dealer, sales representative,
joint venture,  credit, or similar agreement or (ii) any Contract or transaction
involving  a total  remaining  commitment  by or to the Company of at least Five
Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000.00);

                  G. Sale (other than sales of inventory in the Ordinary  Course
of  Business),  lease,  or other  disposition  of any asset or  property  of the
Company or mortgage,  pledge,  or imposition of any lien or other encumbrance on
any material  asset or property of the Company,  including the sale,  lease,  or
other disposition of any of the Software and Intangibles;

                  H.  Cancellation   or  waiver  of  any  claims or rights  with
a  value  to  the  Company  in  excess  of  Five  Thousand  and  No/100  Dollars

                  I.  Material  change  in  the  accounting   ethods used by the
Company; or

                  J.  Agreement, whether oral or written, by Seller to do any of
the foregoing.

         3.14.    Contracts; No Defaults.

                  A. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.17(A) of the Disclosure

                           (i)      Other  than as set  forth  or  provided  for
on the Financial  Statements,  the Company has not or may not acquire any rights
under,  and the Company has not or may not become  subject to any  obligation or
liability  under,  any  Contract  under which the Company is  obligated  to make
payments totaling, or services having a value equal to, $5,000 or more ; and

                           (ii)     To  the  Knowledge  of  Seller,  no officer,
director, agent, employee,  consultant, or contractor of the Company is bound by
any  Contract  that  purports  to limit the ability of such  officer,  director,
agent,  employee,  consultant,  or  contractor  to (1) engage in or continue any
conduct,  activity,  or practice  relating to the business of the Company or (2)
assign  to the  Company  or to any other  Person  any  rights to any  invention,
improvement, or discovery.

                  B. Except   as   set  forth   in  Schedule    3.17(B)  of  the
Disclosure  Schedule,  each material Contract is in full force and effect and is
valid and enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                  C. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.17(C) of  the Disclosure

                           (i)      The  Company  is,  and  at  all times  since
January,  1996,  has been,  in full  compliance  with all  applicable  terms and
requirements  of each Contract under which such Seller has or had any obligation
or  liability  or by which such Seller or any of the assets owned or used by the
Company is or was bound;

                           (ii)     Each  other  Person  that  has  or  had  any
 obligation or liability  under any Contract  under which the Company has or had
any  rights  is,  and at all  times  since  January,  1996,  has  been,  in full
compliance with all applicable terms and requirements of such Contract;

                           (iii)    No event has occurred or circumstance exists
that (with or without notice or lapse of time) may contravene, conflict with, or
result in a violation  or breach of, or give Seller or other Person the right to
declare a default or exercise any remedy under, or to accelerate the maturity or
performance of, or to cancel, terminate, or modify, any Applicable Contract; and

                           (iv)     Seller has not given to or received from any
other Person, at any time since January, 1996, any notice or other communication
(whether oral or written) regarding any actual, alleged,  possible, or potential
violation or breach of, or default under, any Contract.

                  F. There are no renegotiations of, attempts to renegotiate, or
outstanding rights to renegotiate any material amounts paid or payable to Seller
under current or completed Contracts with any Person and no such Person has made
written demand for such renegotiation.

                  G. The Contracts relating to the sale, design, manufacture, or
provision  of products or services by the Company  have been entered into in the
Ordinary Course of Business and have been entered into without the commission of
any act alone or in concert with any other Person, or any  consideration  having
been  paid  or  promised,  that  is  or  would  be in  violation  of  any  Legal

         3.15.    Insurance.

                  A.       Seller have delivered to Buyer:

                           (i)      True and  complete  copies of  all  policies
of  insurance  to which the  Company  or  Seller  is a party or under  which the
Company,  or any  director of the  Company,  is or has been  covered at any time
within the two (2) years preceding the date of this Agreement;

                           (ii)     True  and  complete  copies of  all  pending
applications for policies of insurance; and

                           (iii)    Any   statement   by   the   auditor  of the
Company's  financial  statements  with regard to the  adequacy of such  entity's
coverage or of the reserves for claims.

                  B.       Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  3.15(B)  of the
Disclosure Schedule:

                           (i)      All policies to which Seller  is a  party or
 that provide coverage to Seller,  the Company, or any director or officer of an
the Company:

                                   (1)  Are valid, outstanding, and enforceable;

                                   (2)  Taken    together  in   the   reasonable
judgment of Seller,  provide adequate  insurance coverage for the assets and the
operations  of the  Company  for all risks to which  the  Company  are  normally

                                   (3)  Are  sufficient  for compliance with all
Legal  Requirements and Contracts to which Seller is  a party or by  which it is

                                   (4)  Will  continue  in full force and effect
following the  consummation  of the Contemplated Transactions; and

                                   (5)   Do not  provide  for  any retrospective
premium  adjustment  or other experienced-based liability on the part of Seller.

                           (ii)     Neither Seller nor the Company has  received
(1) any refusal of coverage or any notice that a defense  will be afforded  with
reservation of rights or (2) any notice of cancellation or any other  indication
that any  insurance  policy is no longer in full  force or effect or will not be
renewed or that the issuer of any policy is not  willing or able to perform  its
obligations thereunder.

                           (iii)    Seller has paid all premiums  due,  and have
otherwise  performed all of their respective  obligations,  under each policy to
which  Seller is a party or that  provides  coverage  to the Company or director

                           (iv)     Seller  has given  notice  to the insurer of
all  claims  that may be  insured

         3.16.    Environmental  Matters.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.16
                   ----------------------                          -------------
of the  Disclosure  Schedule,  at all times  since  January,  1996,  Seller  has
obtained  and  is  in   compliance   with  all   permits,   licenses  and  other
authorizations required to do business by Environmental Requirements.

         3.17.    Employee Matters.

         Except as set forth on Schedule 3.17, at all times since January, 1996,
Seller has  complied in all  respects  with all Legal  Requirements  relating to
employment, equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination, immigration, wages,
hours,  benefits,  collective  bargaining,  the payment of social  security  and
similar taxes, occupational safety and health and plant closing.

         Except as set forth on  Schedule  3.17,  Seller is not  liable  for the
payment of any compensation, Damages, taxes, fines, penalties, or other amounts,
however,  designated,  for  failure to comply  with any of the  foregoing  Legal

         3.18.    Intellectual Property Rights of the Company.

                  A.  Definitions.  As used in this  Agreement,  and in addition
to any other terms fined in this  Agreement,  the following terms shall have the
following meanings.

                           (i) "Software" means any computer program,  operating
system,  applications  system,  firmware  or  software  of any  nature,  whether
operational,  under  development or inactive,  including all object code, source
code, technical manuals,  compilation  procedures,  execution  procedures,  flow
charts, programmers notes, user manuals and other documentation thereof, whether
in machine-readable  form, programming language or any other language or symbols
and whether stored,  encoded,  recorded or written on disk, tape,  film,  memory
device, paper or other media of any nature.

                           (ii)     "Owned  Software"  means all Software  owned
by the Company,  whether purchase from a third party,  developed by or on behalf
of the Company, currently under development or otherwise.

                           (iii)   "Customer Software" means all Software, other
than the Owned Software,  that is, directly or through Distributors,  either (x)
offered or  provided to  customers  of the Company or (y) used by the Company to
provide information or services to customers of the Company for a fee.

                           (iv)     "Seller Software" means  the  Owned Software
and the Customer Software.

                           (v)      "Other Software" means all  Software,  other
than the Company's Software,  that is licensed by the Company from third parties
or otherwise used by the Company for any purpose whatsoever.

                           (vi)     "Intangible" means:

                                    (1)     Patents, patent applications, patent
disclosures,  all  re-issues, divisions, continuations, renewals, extensions and
continuation-in-parts thereof and improvements thereto;

                                    (2)     Trademarks,   service  marks,  trade
dress,  logos,  trade   names,  and  corporate   names  and  registrations   and
applications for Registration thereof and all goodwill associated therewith;

                                    (3)     Copyrights,   Registrations  thereof
and  applications  for  Registration thereof;

                                    (4)     Maskworks, Registrations thereof and
 applications  for  Registration thereof;

                                    (5)     Trade   secrets   and   confidential
business  information   (including ideas,  formulas,  compositions,  inventions,
 whether  patentable or  unpatentable  and whether or not  reduced to  practice,
know-how,  manufacturing and production  processes and techniques,  research and
development   information,    drawings,   flow   charts,    processes,    ideas,
specifications,  designs, plans, proposals, technical data, copyrightable works,
financial, marketing, and business data, pricing and cost information,  business
and marketing plans, and customer and supplier lists and information);

                                    (6)     Other proprietary rights;

                                    (7)     All income,  royalties,  Damages and
payments  due at  Closing or  thereafter  with  respect  to the Owned  Software,
Customer  Software,  Other Software,  or other  Intangibles and all other rights
thereunder including, without limitation, Damages and payments for past, present
or  future  infringements  or  misappropriations  thereof,  the right to sue and
recover for past, present or future infringements or misappropriations thereof;

                                    (8)     All  rights  to   use  all  of   the
foregoing forever; and

                                    (9)     All other rights in, to,  and  under
the foregoing in all countries.

                  B.       Ownership and Right to License.

                           (i)      Except  as set  forth  in  Schedule  3.18
of the Disclosure  Schedule,  to the Knowledge of the Seller, at all times since
January,  1996,  Seller has good and marketable  title to the Owned Software and
Intangibles  attributable to the Owned Software,  and have the full right to use
all of the Customer  Software and Other Software,  and Intangibles  attributable
thereto,  as used or  required  to  operate  Seller's  businesses  as  currently
conducted and as contemplated in the future in accordance with Seller's  written
business  plans,  free and clear of any liens,  claims,  charges or encumbrances
which would affect the use of such Software in connection  with the operation of
Seller's  business as currently  conducted and as  contemplated in the future in
accordance with Seller's written business plans.

                           (ii)     To the  Knowledge  of  Seller,  no    rights
of any third party not  previously  obtained are  necessary to market,  license,
sell,  modify,  update,  and/or create  derivative  works for any Software as to
which Seller take any such action in their  respective  businesses  as currently
conducted and as contemplated in the future in accordance with Seller's  written
business plans.

                           (iii)    To the  Knowledge  of  Seller,  none of  the
Software or Intangibles or their  respective  past or current uses by or through
Seller have violated or infringed upon, or is violating or infringing  upon, any
Software,  patent, copyright, trade secret or other Intangible of any Person. To
the knowledge of Seller,  Seller has adequately maintained all trade secrets and
copyrights with respect to such Software.

         To the  Knowledge  of Seller,  Seller  has  performed  all  obligations
imposed upon them with regard to the Customer  Software and Other Software which
are required to be performed by them on or prior to the date hereof,  and Seller
nor, to the  Knowledge of Seller,  any other  party,  is in breach of or default
thereunder  in any  respect,  nor to the  Seller's  Knowledge is there any event
which  with  notice  or  lapse  of time  or  both  would  constitute  a  default

         3.19.    Certain  Payments.  Since January,  1996,  neither  Seller nor

any  director,  officer,  agent,  or  employee of the  Company,  nor to Seller's
Knowledge any other Person associated with or acting for or on behalf of Seller,
has directly or indirectly:

                  A.  Made  any  contribution,   gift,  bribe,  rebate,  payoff,
influence payment,  kickback, or other payment to any Person, private or public,
regardless  of form,  whether  in money,  property,  or  services  (i) to obtain
favorable  treatment in securing business;  (ii) to pay for favorable  treatment
for  business  secured;  (iii) to  obtain  special  concessions  or for  special
concessions already obtained,  for or in respect of the Copmany or any affiliate
of the Company or (iv) in violation of any Legal Requirement.

                  B.      Established  or maintained  any fund or asset that has
not been recorded in the books and records of the Company.

         3.20.    Disclosure.

                  A. No  representation  or warranty of Seller in this Agreement
and no  statement  in the  Disclosure  Schedule  omits to state a material  fact
necessary  to  make  the  statements   herein  or  therein,   in  light  of  the
circumstances in which they were made, not misleading.

                  B. No notice given  pursuant to Section 5.5.  will contain any
untrue  statement  or omit to  state  a  material  fact  necessary  to make  the
statements therein or in this Agreement,  in light of the circumstances in which
they were made, not misleading.

                  C.  There  is no  fact  known  to  Seller  that  has  specific
application  to Seller or the Company  (other than general  economic or industry
conditions)  and that  materially  adversely  affects  or, as far as Seller  can
reasonably  foresee,  materially  threatens,  the assets,  business,  prospects,
financial condition,  or results of operations of the Company (on a consolidated
basis) that has not been set forth in this Agreement or the Disclosure Schedule.

         3.21.    Brokers or Finders.  Seller and its agents have incurred no
obligation or liability, contingent or otherwise, for brokerage or finders' fees
or  agents'  commissions  or  other  imilar  payment  in  connection  with  this

         Buyer represents and warrants to Seller as follows:

         4.1.     Organization and Good Standing.  Buyer is a Texas corporation.

         4.2.  Authority.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the legal,  valid,  and
binding  obligation of Buyer,  enforceable  against Buyer in accordance with its
terms.  Upon the  execution  and delivery by Buyer of the closing  documents set
forth in Section 2.5.B  (collectively,  the "Buyer's  Closing  Documents"),  the
Buyer's  Closing  Documents  will  constitute  the  legal,  valid,  and  binding
obligations  of  Buyer,  enforceable  against  Buyer in  accordance  with  their
respective  terms.  Buyer has the absolute and  unrestricted  right,  power, and
authority  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and the  Buyer's  Closing
Documents and to perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement and the Buyer's
Closing Documents.

         4.3.     Investment  Intent.  Buyer is  acquiring  the  Shares  for its
own  account  and not with a view to their  distribution  within the  meaning of
Section 2(11) of the Securities Act.

         4.4.     Certain  Proceedings.  There is  no  pending  Proceeding  that
has been commenced against Buyer and that challenges,  or may have the effect of
preventing,  delaying, making illegal, or otherwise interfering with, any of the
Contemplated  Transactions.  To Buyer's  Knowledge,  no such Proceeding has been

         4.5.  Brokers  or  Finders.  Buyer  and its  agents  have  incurred  no
obligation or liability, contingent or otherwise, for brokerage or finders' fees
or  agents'  commissions  or other  similar  payment  in  connection  with  this
Agreement  and will  indemnify  and hold Seller  harmless  from any such payment
alleged to be due by or through  Buyer as a result of the action of Buyer or its
officers or agents.

         4.6. Full  Disclosure.  To the best knowledge of Buyer,  it's officers,
directors or agents, no representation,  warranty or covenant of Buyer contained
in this Agreement or in any other written statement or certificate  delivered by
Buyer  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  or in  connection  with  the  transactions
contemplated  herein or in any SEC filing  contains  or will  contain any untrue
statement  of a  material  fact or omits or will omit to state a  material  fact
necessary to make the statements contained herein or therein not misleading.  To
the best  knowledge of Buyer,  it's officers,  directors or agents,  there is no
fact  which  adversely  affects,  or in the  future may  adversely  affect,  the
business,  operations, cash flows, affairs,  prospects,  properties or assets or
the condition,  financial or otherwise of the Buyer which has not been disclosed
in this  Agreement,  or in the documents,  certificates  and written  statements
furnished to Seller for use in  connection  with the  transactions  contemplated
hereby or in any SEC filing.


         5.1.     Access and  Investigation.  Between the date of this Agreement
and the  Closing  Date,  Seller  will,  and  will  cause  the  Company  and  its
Representatives to:

                  A.       Afford Buyer and its Representatives  and prospective
lenders and  their  Representatives  (collectively,  "Buyer's   Advisors")  full
and    free   access  to  the   Company's   personnel,   properties   (including
subsurface testing), contracts, books and records, and other documents and data;

                  B.       Furnish Buyer and Buyer's Advisors with copies of all
such contracts,  book s and records,  and other  existing documents  and data as
Buyer may reasonably request; and

                  C.       Furnish  Buyer  and  Buyer's   Advisors   with   such
additional financial,  operating,  and other   data and information as Buyer may
reasonably request.

         5.2.     Operation  of the  Business of the  Company.  Between the date
of this  Agreement  and the Closing Date, Seller will:

                  A.       Conduct  the  business  of  the  Company only in  the
Ordinary Course of Business;

                  B. Use its commercially  reasonable efforts to preserve intact
the current business organization of the Company, keep available the services of
the current  officers,  employees,  and agents of the Company,  and maintain the
relations  and  good  will  with  suppliers,  customers,  landlords,  creditors,
employees,  agents, and others having business relationships with the Company or

                  C.       Confer with Buyer concerning operational matters of a
material nature; and

                  D.       Otherwise   report  periodically  to Buyer concerning
 the  status  of  the  business, operations, and finances of the Company.

         5.3.     Negative Covenant.  Except as  otherwise  expressly  permitted
by this  Agreement,  between the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing  Date,
Seller will not without the prior consent of Buyer, take any affirmative action,
or fail to take any reasonable  action within their or its control,  as a result
of which any of the  changes  or events  listed in  Section  3.13.  is likely to

         5.4. Required  Approvals.  As promptly as practicable after the date of
this  Agreement,  Seller  will,  and will cause the Company to, make all filings
required by Legal  Requirements  to be made by them in order to  consummate  the
Contemplated  Transactions.  Between the date of this  Agreement and the Closing
Date, Seller will, and will cause the Company to:

                  A.       Cooperate with Buyer with respect to all filings that
Buyer reasonably  elects to make or is required by Legal Requirements to make in
connection with the Contemplated Transactions; and

                  B.       Cooperate  with  Buyer  in  obtaining  all   required

         5.5.  Notification.  Between the date of this Agreement and the Closing
Date,  Seller will promptly  notify Buyer in writing if Seller  becomes aware of
any fact or  condition  that causes or  constitutes  a Breach of any of Seller's
representations  and warranties as of the date of this  Agreement,  or if Seller
becomes aware of the occurrence  after the date of this Agreement of any fact or
condition that would (except as expressly  contemplated by this Agreement) cause
or  constitute  a  Breach  of any  such  representation  or  warranty  had  such
representation  or warranty  been made as of the time of occurrence or discovery
of such fact or condition.

         Should any such fact or condition  require any change in the Disclosure
Schedule if the  Disclosure  Schedule  were dated the date of the  occurrence or
discovery of any such fact or condition, Seller will promptly deliver to Buyer a
supplement to the Disclosure  Schedule  specifying such change.  During the same
period,  each Seller will promptly  notify Buyer of the occurrence of any Breach
of any covenant of Seller in this Section 5. or of the  occurrence  of any event
that may make the  satisfaction  of the  conditions in Section 7.  impossible or

         5.6. No  Negotiation.  Until such time,  if any, as this  Agreement  is
terminated  pursuant  to  Section  9.,  Seller  will  not,  and will  cause  its
Representatives not to, directly or indirectly solicit,  initiate,  or encourage
any  inquiries  or  proposals  from,  discuss or  negotiate  with,  provide  any
non-public  information to, or consider the merits of any unsolicited  inquiries
or proposals  from,  any Person (other than Buyer)  relating to any  transaction
involving the sale of the business or assets (other than in the Ordinary  Course
of Business) of the Company,  or any of the capital stock of the Company, or any
merger,  consolidation,  business combination,  or similar transaction involving

         5.7.     Closing of Bank  Accounts.  Seller shall cause the closing of
all Company bank accounts for which Seller, or its officers and directors,  have
ole signature authority.


         6.1. Approvals of Governmental Bodies/Third Party Consents. As promptly
as practicable after the date of this Agreement, Buyer will, and will cause each
of its Related Persons to, make all filings required by Legal Requirements to be
made by them to consummate the Contemplated Transactions.

         Between the date of this  Agreement and the Closing  Date,  Buyer will,
and will cause each Related Person to:

                  A.       Cooperate  with  Seller  with  respect to all filings
that  Seller is required by  Legal  Requirements to make in connection  with the
Contemplated Transactions; and

                  B. Cooperate with Seller in obtaining all consents  identified
in Schedule 3.2 of the  Disclosure  Schedule;  provided that this Agreement will
not  require  Buyer to  dispose  of or make any  change  in any  portion  of its
business or to incur any other burden to obtain a Governmental Authorization.

         6.2.     Access and  Investigation.  Between the date of this Agreement
and the Closing Date,  Buyer will, and will cause its Representatives to:

                  A.      Afford Seller and its Representatives  and prospective
lenders  and  their  Representatives  (collectively,  "Seller's  Advisors") full
and  free  access  to  Buyer's  personnel,   properties  (including   subsurface
testing),  contracts,  books  and  records,   and  other  documents  and   data;

                  B.       Furnish Seller  and  Seller's  Advisors  with  copies
of all such  contracts, books and records, and other existing documents and data
as Seller may reasonably request; and

                  C.       Furnish   Seller  and  Seller's   Advisors  with such
additional  financial,  operating,  and other data and information as Seller may
reasonably request.

         6.3.     Operation  of the  Business of the  Company.  Between the date
of this  Agreement  and the Closing Date, Buyer will:

                  A.   Conduct the business of Buyer only in the Ordinary Course
of Business;

                  B.   Use commercially  reasonable efforts  to  preserve intact
the current business organization of Buyer; and
A.       Confer with Seller concerning operational matters of a material nature.

         6.4.     Notification.  Between  the date of  this  Agreement  and  the
Closing  Date,  Buyer will  promptly  notify  Seller in writing if Buyer becomes
aware of any fact or  condition  that causes or  constitutes  a Breach of any of
Buyer's  representations and warranties as of the date of this Agreement,  or if
Buyer becomes  aware of  theoccurrence  after the date of this  Agreement of any
fact  or  condition  that  would  (except  as  expressly  contemplated  by  this
Agreement) cause or constitute a Breach of any such  representation  or warranty
had such  representation  or warranty  been made as of the time of occurrence or
discovery of such fact or condition.


         Buyer's obligation to purchase the Shares and to take the other actions
required to be taken by Buyer at the Closing is subject to the satisfaction,  at
or prior to the Closing,  of each of the following  conditions (any of which may
be waived by Buyer, in whole or in part):

         7.1.     Accuracy of Representations.

                  A. All of  Seller's  representations  and  warranties  in this
Agreement  (considered  collectively),  and  each of these  representations  and
warranties  (considered  individually),  must have been accurate in all material
respects as of the date of this Agreement,  and must be accurate in all material
respects as of the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date,  without  giving
effect to any supplement to the Disclosure Schedule.

                  B. Each of Seller's  representations and warranties in Article
3. must have been accurate in all respects as of the date of this Agreement, and
must  be  accurate  in all  respects  as of the  Closing  Date as if made on the
Closing  Date,  without  giving  effect  to any  supplement  to  the  Disclosure

         7.2.     Seller's Performance.

                  A.  All  of the  covenants  and  obligations  that  Seller  is
required to perform or to comply with pursuant to this  Agreement at or prior to
the  Closing  (considered  collectively),   and  each  of  these  covenants  and
obligations  (considered  individually),  must  have  been  duly  performed  and
complied with in all material respects.

                  B. Each document required to be delivered  pursuant to Section
2.4. must have been delivered  by closing,  and each of the other  covenants and
obligations  in Section 5. must  have been  performed and  complied  with in all

                  C. The results of  any  investigation  performed  by  Buyer in
connection   with  Section  5.1. shall  be  satisfactory to  Buyer  in  its sole

         7.3.     Consents.  Each of the Consents  identified in Schedule 3.2 of
                 --------                                       ------------
the  Disclosure  Schedule  must have been obtained and must be in full force and

         7.4.     Additional  Documents.  Seller shall deliver such other
documents as Buyer may reasonably  request for the purpose of (i) evidencing the
accuracy of any of Seller's representations and warranties;  (ii) evidencing the
performance  by Seller of, or the  compliance  by Seller  with,  any covenant or
obligation  required to be  performed  or complied  with by such  Seller;  (iii)
evidencing the  satisfaction of any condition  referred to in this Section 7. or
(iv)  otherwise  facilitating  the  consummation  or  performance  of any of the
Contemplated Transactions.

         7.5. No Proceedings.  Since the date of this Agreement,  there must not
have  been  commenced  or  Threatened  against  Buyer,  or  against  any  Person
affiliated with Buyer, any Proceeding (i) involving any challenge to, or seeking
Damages or other relief in connection with, any of the Contemplated Transactions
or (ii) that may have the effect of preventing,  delaying,  making  illegal,  or
otherwise interfering with any of the Contemplated Transactions.

         7.6. No Claim Regarding  Stock  Ownership or Sale Proceeds.  There must
not have been made or  Threatened  by any Person any claim  asserting  that such
Person (i) is the holder or the beneficial owner of, or has the right to acquire
or to obtain beneficial ownership of, any stock of, or any other voting, equity,
or  ownership  interest  in,  any of  Seller or (ii) is  entitled  to all or any
portion of the Purchase Price payable for the Shares,  except as has been orally
disclosed to Buyer.

         7.7. No Prohibition.  Neither the  consummation  nor the performance of
any of the  Contemplated  Transactions  will,  directly or  indirectly  (with or
without notice or lapse of time),  materially  contravene,  or conflict with, or
result in a material  violation of, or cause Buyer or any Person affiliated with
Buyer to suffer any material adverse consequence under, (i) any applicable Legal
Requirement  or Order  or (ii)  any  Legal  Requirement  or Order  that has been
published, introduced, or otherwise proposed by or before any Governmental Body.

         7.8.     Employment  Agreement.On or before the Closing Date, Seller(s)
shall have  entered  into an employment agreement with Buyer.


         Seller's  obligation  to sell the Shares and to take the other  actions
required to be taken by Seller at the Closing is subject to the satisfaction, at
or prior to the Closing,  of each of the following  conditions (any of which may
be waived by Seller, in whole or in part):

         8.1. Accuracy of  Representations.  All of Buyer's  representations and
warranties  in this  Agreement  (considered  collectively),  and  each of  these
representations  and  warranties  (considered  individually),   must  have  been
accurate in all material  respects as of the date of this  Agreement and must be
accurate  in all  material  respects  as of the  Closing  Date as if made on the
Closing Date.

         8.2.     Buyer's Performance.

                  A. All of the covenants and obligations that Buyer is required
to perform  or to comply  with  pursuant  to this  Agreement  at or prior to the
Closing (considered  collectively),  and each of these covenants and obligations
(considered  individually),  must have been  performed  and complied with in all
material respects.

                  B. Buyer  must have  delivered  each of the documents required
to be  delivered  by Buyer pursuant to Section 2.5.

         8.3.     Consents.  Each of the Consents  identified in Schedule 3.2 of
                  --------                                       ------------
the  Disclosure  Schedule  must have been obtained and must be in full force and

         8.4.     Additional  Documents.  Buyer must have  caused the  following

ocuments to be delivered to Seller such other documents as Seller may reasonably
request for the purpose of (i) evidencing the accuracy of any  representation or
warranty  of  Buyer;  (ii)  evidencing  the  performance  by  Buyer  of,  or the
compliance by Buyer with, any covenant or obligation required to be performed or
complied  with by Buyer;  (iii)  evidencing  the  satisfaction  of any condition
referred to in this Section 8. or (iv) otherwise  facilitating  the consummation
of any of the Contemplated Transactions.

         8.5.     No  Injunction.  There  must not be in effect any Legal
Requirement  or any injunction or other Order that (i) prohibits the sale of the
Shares by Seller to Buyer and (ii) has been adopted or issued,  or has otherwise
become effective, since the date of this Agreement. 8.6.

         8.6      Employment  Agreements.   Buyer  and
Asif  Balagamwala  shall  enter into an  Employment  Agreement,  in a form to be
mutually agreed by the parties.


         9.1.     Termination Events.

         This  Agreement  may, by notice  given prior to or at the  Closing,  be

                  A.       By either Buyer or Seller if a material Breach of any
provision of this  Agreement  has been  committed by  the other  party and  such
Breach has not been waived;

                  B.       (i)      By  Buyer if  any  of  the   conditions   in
Section 7. have not been  satisfied as of  the Closing Date or  if  satisfaction
of such a condition is or becomes  impossible  (other than  through the  failure
of Buyer to comply with its  obligations under this Agreement) and Buyer has not
 waived such condition on or before the Closing Date;

                           (ii)     By  Seller,  if  any of  the  conditions  in
Section 7. have not been  satisfied  of the Closing Date or if  satisfaction  of
such a condition  is or becomes  impossible  (other than  through the failure of
Seller to comply with their obligations under this Agreement) and Seller has not
waived such condition on or before the Closing Date; or

                  C.       By mutual consent of Buyer and Seller; or

                  D. By either  Buyer or Seller if the Closing has not  occurred
(other than through the failure of any party seeking to terminate this Agreement
to comply fully with its  obligations  under this  Agreement) on or before March
31, 2000, or such later date as the parties may agree upon.

         9.2.     Effect of  Termination.  Each party's  right of  termination
under  Section   9.1.  is  in  addition to  any other  rights it  may have under
this Agreement or otherwise, and the exercise of a right of termination will not
be an election of remedies.  If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section
9.1.,  all  further  obligations  of  the  parties  under  this  Agreement  will
terminate, except that the obligations in Sections 12.1. and 12.3. will survive;
provided,  however,  that if this  Agreement is terminated by a party because of
the Breach of the Agreement by the other party or because one (1) or more of the
conditions to the terminating  party's  obligations  under this Agreement is not
satisfied  as a  result  of  the  other  party's  failure  to  comply  with  its
obligations  under this Agreement,  the terminating  party's right to pursue all
legal remedies will survive such termination  unimpaired.  10.  INDEMNIFICATION;

         10.1.    Agreement by Seller to  Indemnify.  Seller (the  "Seller
Indemnifying Party"), agrees that they will indemnify and hold Buyer harmless in
respect of the aggregate of all indemnifiable Damages of Buyer.

         For this purpose,  "indemnifiable Damages" of Buyer means the aggregate
of all Damages incurred or suffered by Buyer resulting from:

                  A.       Any  inaccurate  representation  or  warranty    made
 by  Seller  in or  pursuant  to this Agreement;

                  B.       Any  default  in  the   performance   of  any  of the
covenants or agreements  made by Seller in this Agreement; or

                  C.       The  failure  of any  Seller  to pay,   discharge  or
perform any  liability or  obligation  of Seller or of Seller resulting from the
operation of Seller's business prior to the Closing Date.

         With respect to the measurement of "Indemnifiable Damages", Buyer shall
have the right to be put in the same  financial  position  as it would have been
had each of the  representations  and warranties of Seller been true and correct
and had each of the covenants of Seller been performed in full.

         The  amount of any  indemnifiable  Damages  otherwise  payable to Buyer
hereunder shall be reduced if the  indemnifiable  Damages incurred by Buyer will
provide Buyer with income tax deductions or credits. The amount of the reduction
shall be the amount of the actual cash tax savings realized by Buyer as a result
of such deductions or credits, discounted to its present value as of the date of
the  payment  of the  indemnifiable  Damages  from the date  such  indemnifiable
Damages were  incurred by Buyer at the rate of interest  charged on such date by
the Internal Revenue Service on underpayment of taxes.

         The  foregoing  obligation  of Seller  Indemnifying  Party to indemnify
Buyer shall be subject to each of the following principles or qualifications:

                  1. Each of the  representations  and warranties made by Seller
in this Agreement or pursuant hereto, shall survive for a period of one (1) year
after the Closing;  provided,  however,  that the representations and warranties
made by Seller to the extent they relate to Seller's  title to the Shares  shall
survive forever and that the  representations  and warranties made by Seller and
Shareholder in Section 3.8.  hereof  ("Taxes")  shall in each case survive until
the first (1st) anniversary of the later of:

                           A.       The  date  on  which  applicable   period of
limitation  on assessment or refund of tax has expired; or

                           B.       The date  on which  the  applicable  taxable
year (or portion  thereof)  has been closed.

         No claim for the recovery of  indemnifiable  Damages may be asserted by
Buyer against Seller  Indemnifying  Party or their  successors in interest after
such  representations  and  warranties  shall  be thus  extinguished;  provided,
however,  that claims first  asserted in writing  within the  applicable  period
shall not thereafter be barred.

         10.2. Agreements by Buyer to Indemnify.  Buyer (the "Buyer Indemnifying
Party"),  agrees to indemnify and hold Seller (the "Seller  Indemnified  Party")
harmless  in respect of the  aggregate  of all  indemnifiable  Damages of any of
Seller Indemnified Parties.

         For this purpose,  "indemnifiable Damages" of the of Seller Indemnified
Party  means the  aggregate  of all  Damages  incurred or suffered by the Seller
Indemnified Party resulting from:

                  A.       Any  inaccurate  representation  or warranty  made by
Buyer or pursuant to this Agreement; or

                  B.       Any default  in  the  performance  of  any   of   the
covenants or  agreements  made by Buyer in this Agreement.

         With respect to the measurement of "Indemnifiable  Damages", the Seller
Indemnified Party shall have the right to be put in the same financial  position
as they would have been had each of the  representations and warranties of Buyer
Indemnifying  Party been true and correct and had each of the covenants of Buyer
Indemnifying Party been performed in full.

         The amount of any indemnifiable Damages otherwise payable to any Seller
Indemnified  Party  hereunder  shall be  reduced  if the  indemnifiable  Damages
incurred by Seller  Indemnified  Party will  provide  such Party with income tax
deductions or credits.  The amount of the  reduction  shall be the amount of the
actual cash tax savings realized by Seller Indemnified Party as a result of such
deductions  or credits  discounted  to its  present  value as of the date of the
payment of the indemnifiable  Damages from the date such  indemnifiable  Damages
were  incurred by Seller  Indemnified  Party at the rate of interest  charged on
such date by the Internal Revenue Service on underpayment of taxes.

         The  foregoing  obligation  of Buyer  Indemnifying  Party to  indemnify
Seller Indemnified Party shall be subject to each of the following principles or

                  10.2.1  Each of the  representations  and  warranties  made by
Buyer in Article 4 of this Agreement  shall survive for a period of one (1) year
after the Closing Date, and thereafter all such  representations  and warranties
shall be extinguished.

         No claim for the recovery of  indemnifiable  Damages pursuant to clause
(i) of Section 10.2. may be asserted by Seller  Indemnified  Party against Buyer
Indemnifying Party or its successors in interest after such  representations and
warranties  shall be thus  extinguished;  provided,  however,  that claims first
asserted in writing within the applicable period shall not thereafter be barred.

         10.3. Matters Involving Third Parties.  If any third party shall notify
Buyer or Seller (the  "Indemnified  Party") with respect to any matter which may
give  rise  to  a  claim  for  indemnification  against  any  other  Party  (the
"Indemnifying  Party") under this Section 10., then the Indemnified  Party shall
notify each Indemnifying  Party thereof  promptly;  provided,  however,  that no
delay on the part of the Indemnified  Party in notifying any Indemnifying  Party
shall relieve the Indemnifying Party from any liability or obligation  hereunder
unless (and then solely to the extent that) the  Indemnifying  Party  thereby is

         If any Indemnifying Party notifies the Indemnified Party within fifteen
(15) days after the  Indemnified  Party has given  notice of the matter that the
Indemnifying Party is assuming the defense thereof, then:

                  A.       The  Indemnifying  Party  will defend the Indemnified
Party  against  the  matter  with  counsel  of  its choice  satisfactory  to the
Indemnified Party;

                  B. The Indemnified Party may retain separate co-counsel at its
sole cost and expense  (except that the  Indemnifying  Party will be responsible
for  the  fees  and  expenses  of the  separate  co-counsel  to the  extent  the
Indemnified Party concludes that the counsel the Indemnifying Party has selected
has a conflict of interest);

                  C.       The   Indemnified  Party  will  not  consent  to  the
entry of any  judgment or enter into any  settlement with  respect to the matter
 without the written consent of the  Indemnifying  Party  (not to be withheld or
delayed unreasonably); and

                  D. The Indemnifying Party will not consent to the entry of any
judgment with respect to the matter, or enter into any settlement which does not
include a provision whereby the plaintiff or claimant in the matter releases the
Indemnified  Party from all liability with respect thereto,  without the written
consent of the Indemnified Party (not to be withheld or delayed unreasonably).

         If no Indemnifying  Party notifies the Indemnified Party within fifteen
(15) days after the  Indemnified  Party has given  notice of the matter that the
Indemnifying  Party is assuming the defense thereof,  then the Indemnified Party
may defend against,  or enter into any settlement with respect to, the matter in
any manner it may deem appropriate.

         10.4. Limitations on Indemnification. Notwithstanding the provisions of
Sections  10.1 or 10.2  hereof,  neither  party  shall  have  any  liability  to
indemnify  the  other  until  and to the  extent  that the  aggregate  amount of
indemnifiable  claims  hereunder  equals or exceeds  $5,000,  and the cap on any
indemnification claims hereunder shall in no event exceed an amount equal to one
half of the  value of  Buyer's  Stock  transferred  hereunder  valued  as of the
Closing Date.

         11.1.    Consistency  in  Reporting.  Each party hereto  agrees that:
(i) the transaction is intended to qualify as a tax-free  transaction  under the
I.R.C.;  (ii) the transaction  shall be reported for Federal income tax purposes
as a tax-free transaction;  (iii) for purposes of all financial statements,  tax
returns and reports,  and  communications  with third parties,  the transactions
contemplated in this agreement and ancillary or collateral  transactions will be
treated  as a  tax-free  transaction;  and (iv) if the  characterization  of any
transaction  contemplated  in this  agreement  or any  ancillary  or  collateral
transaction  is  challenged,  each party hereto will testify,  affirm and ratify
that  the   characterization   contemplated  in  such  agreement  was  with  the
characterization  intended by the party; provided,  however, that nothing herein
shall be construed as giving rise to any obligation if the reporting position is
determined  to  be  incorrect  by  final   decision  of  a  court  of  competent
jurisdiction. 12. GENERAL PROVISIONS.

         12.1.  Expenses.   Except  as  otherwise  expressly  provided  in  this
Agreement,  each  party to this  Agreement  will  bear its  respective  expenses
incurred in connection with the preparation,  execution, and performance of this
Agreement and the Contemplated Transactions,  including all fees and expenses of
agents, representatives, counsel, and accountants.

         Seller will cause the Company not to incur any  out-of-pocket  expenses
in connection with the Contemplated Transactions. In the event of termination of
this  Agreement,  the  obligation  of each party to pay its own expenses will be
subject to any rights of such party  arising from a breach of this  Agreement by
another party.

         12.2.  Public   Announcements.   Any  public  announcement  or  similar
publicity with respect to this Agreement or the Contemplated  Transactions  will
be  issued,  if at all,  at such time and in such  manner  as Buyer  determines.
Unless consented to by Buyer in advance or required by Legal Requirements, prior
to the  Closing,  Seller  shall,  and shall  cause  the  Company  to,  keep this
Agreement  strictly  confidential  and  may  not  make  any  disclosure  of this
Agreement to any Person.

         Seller and Buyer will consult with each other  concerning  the means by
which the  Company's  employees,  customers,  and  suppliers  and others  having
dealings  with Seller will be informed  of the  Contemplated  Transactions,  and
Buyer will have the right to be present for any such communication.

         12.3.  Confidentiality.  Between  the  date of this  Agreement  and the
Closing Date,  Buyer and Seller will maintain in confidence,  and will cause the
directors, officers, employees, agents, and advisors of Buyer and the Company to
maintain in  confidence,  and not use to the  detriment of another  party or the
Company any written,  oral, or other  information  obtained in  confidence  from
another party or an Seller in connection with this Agreement or the Contemplated
Transactions, unless:

                  A.       Such  information  is  already  known  to such  party
or to others  not bound by a duty of confidentiality or such information becomes
publicly available through no fault of such party;

                  B.       The  use  of  such  information   is   necessary   or
appropriate  in  making   any  filing  or obtaining  any  consent  or   approval
required for the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions; or

                  C.       The   furnishing  or  use  of  such   information  is
equired by or necessary or appropriate in connection with legal proceedings.

         If the Contemplated  Transactions are not consummated,  each party will
return or destroy as much of such  written  information  as the other  party may
reasonably  request.  Whether or not the Closing takes place, Seller waives, and
will upon Buyer's request cause Seller to waive, any cause of action,  right, or
claim  arising  out of the access of Buyer or its  representatives  to any trade
secrets or other confidential information of the Company.

         12.4. Notices. All notices, consents, waivers, and other communications
under this  Agreement  must be in  writing  and will be deemed to have been duly
given when (i) delivered by hand (with written  confirmation  of receipt);  (ii)
sent by telecopier (with written confirmation of receipt),  provided that a copy
is mailed by registered mail, return receipt requested or (iii) when received by
the addressee,  if sent by a nationally  recognized  overnight  delivery service
(receipt  requested),  in each case to the appropriate  addresses and telecopier
numbers set forth below (or to such other addresses and telecopier  numbers as a
party may designate by notice to the other parties):

                                        AC Travel, Inc.
                                        822 Concord Road, Suite 110
                                        Smyrna, GA 30080
                                        Attn:        Asif Balagamwala

                  With a copy to:
                                        Michael Smith, Esq.

                  Buyer:                Elite Technologies, Inc.
                                        3700 Crestwood Parkway
                                        Suite 1000
                                        Duluth, GA  30096

                  With a copy to:       Morris, Manning & Martin, L.L.P.
                                        1600 Atlanta Financial Center
                                        3343 Peachtree Road, N.E.
                                        Atlanta, Georgia 30326-1044
                                        Attention:   Bryan G. Harrison, Esq.
                                        Telecopy No.:  (404) 365-9532

         12.5.  Jurisdiction;  Service  of  Process.  Any  action or  proceeding
seeking to enforce any  provision of, or based on any right arising out of, this
Agreement  may be brought  against any of the parties in the courts of the State
of Georgia,  County of Gwinnett,  or, if it has or can acquire jurisdiction,  in
the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia,  and each
of  the  parties  consents  to the  jurisdiction  of  such  courts  (and  of the
appropriate  appellate  courts) in any such action or proceeding  and waives any
objection to venue laid therein. Process in any action or proceeding referred to
in the preceding sentence may be served on any party anywhere in the world.

         12.6. Further Assurances. The parties agree (i) to furnish upon request
to each other such  further  information;  (ii) to execute  and  deliver to each
other such other  documents  and (iii) to do such other acts and things,  all as
the other party may  reasonably  request  for the  purpose of  carrying  out the
intent of this Agreement and the documents referred to in this Agreement.

         12.7.  Waiver. The rights and remedies of the parties to this Agreement
are  cumulative  and not  alternative.  Neither the failure nor any delay by any
party in exercising any right,  power,  or privilege under this Agreement or the
documents  referred to in this Agreement will operate as a waiver of such right,
power, or privilege, and no single or partial exercise of any such right, power,
or privilege will preclude any other or further  exercise of such right,  power,
or privilege or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege.

         To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law:

                  A.       No claim or right  arising out of this  Agreement  or
the  documents  referred to  in  this  Agreement  can  be  discharged by one (1)
party,  in whole  or in part,  by  a waiver  or  renunciation  of  the  claim or
right unless in writing signed by the other party;

                  B.       No  waiver  that  may be given  by a  party  will  be
applicable  except  in the  specific instance for which it is given; and

                  C. No notice  to or demand on one (1) party  will be deemed to
be a waiver of any  obligation of such party or of the right of the party giving
such  notice  or  demand  to take  further  action  without  notice or demand as
provided in this Agreement or the documents referred to in this Agreement.

         12.8. Entire Agreement and Modification.  This Agreement supersedes all
prior  agreements  between  the  parties  with  respect  to its  subject  matter
(including the Letter of Intent between Buyer and Seller) and constitutes (along
with the  documents  referred to in this  Agreement)  a complete  and  exclusive
statement of the terms of the agreement  between the parties with respect to its
subject matter.  This Agreement may not be amended except by a written agreement
executed by the party to be charged with the amendment.

         12.9.    Disclosure Schedule.

                  A. The  disclosures in the Disclosure  Schedule,  and those in
any Supplement  thereto,  must relate only to the representations and warranties
in the Section of the  Agreement to which they  expressly  relate and not to any
other representation or warranty in this Agreement.

                  B. In the event of any inconsistency between the statements in
the body of this Agreement and those in the Disclosure  Schedule  (other than an
exception expressly set forth as such in the Disclosure Schedule with respect to
a specifically  identified  representation  or warranty),  the statements in the
body of this Agreement will control.

         12.10. Assignments, Successors and No Third-Party Rights. Neither party
may assign any of its rights under this  Agreement  without the prior consent of
the other parties,  which will not be unreasonably  withheld,  except that Buyer
may assign any of its rights under this  Agreement to any  Subsidiary  of Buyer.
Subject to the preceding  sentence,  this Agreement will apply to, be binding in
all respects  upon,  and inure to the benefit of the  successors  and  permitted
assigns of the parties.

         Nothing expressed or referred to in this Agreement will be construed to
give any Person other than the parties to this  Agreement any legal or equitable
right, remedy, or claim under or with respect to this Agreement or any provision
of this  Agreement.  This Agreement and all of its provisions and conditions are
for the sole and  exclusive  benefit of the parties to this  Agreement and their
successors and assigns.

         12.11. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid
or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the other provisions of
this  Agreement  will remain in full force and  effect.  Any  provision  of this
Agreement  held invalid or  unenforceable  only in part or degree will remain in
full force and effect to the extent not held invalid or unenforceable.

         12.12. Section Headings; Construction. The headings of Sections in this
Agreement are provided for convenience only and will not affect its construction
or  interpretation.  All  references  to  "Section" or  "Sections"  refer to the
corresponding  Section or  Sections  of this  Agreement.  All words used in this
Agreement will be construed to be of such gender or number as the  circumstances
require.  Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided,  the word "including" does not
limit the preceding words or terms.

         12.13.   Time of  Essence.  With  regard to all dates and time  periods
set forth or  referred  to in this Agreement, time is of the essence.

         12.14.   Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  will begoverned  by the laws
of the State of  Georgia  without regard to conflicts of laws principles.

         12.15.   Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in  one or  more
counterparts,  each of  which  will be  deemed  to be an  original  copy of this
Agreement and all of which,  when taken  together,  will be deemed to constitute
one and the same agreement.