WASHINGTON, DC 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

         Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): July 18, 2003

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

                              333-32518 55-0749125
           (Commission File Number) (IRS Employer Identification No.)

                          Route 522 North, P.O. Box 187
                      Berkeley Springs, West Virginia 25411
          (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code)

                                 (304) 258-2500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 2.  Acquisition or Dispostion of Assets

     On April 10, 2003, Better Minerals & Aggregates Company signed an agreement
for the sale of its aggregates  business,  Better  Materials  Corporation,  to a
subsidiary of Hanson Building Materials America,  Inc. ("Hanson"),  the proceeds
from which  would be used to reduce  outstanding  indebtedness  under its senior
secured  credit  agreement.  On July 18, 2003, we completed the sale,  receiving
total cash  consideration  of $158.3 million before fees and expenses.  Proceeds
have not been  reduced  for the  effect of a $2.0  million  non-interest-bearing
contingent   note  payable  to  Hanson  that  will  be  forgiven   when  certain
post-closing  zoning and permit objectives are achieved.  We believe achievement
of these  objectives  will be  reached  within  the  five-year  term of the note
payable. Proceeds from the sale are less than we originally anticipated due to a
$3.0 million purchase price reduction, reflecting an estimate of the damages and
losses  caused  by an  incident  that  occurred  on June 25,  2003 at one of the
operating sites included in the sale. While we believe that some portion of this
loss will be  recoverable  under our insurance  policies,  there is no guarantee
that we will receive any reimbursement from the claim.  Attached to this Current
Report on Form 8-K as Exhibit 99 is the press release  announcing  completion of
the sale.

Net proceeds from the sale,  after deducting $4.9 million in fees,  expenses and
interest on our senior secured term loans,  were $153.4 million and were used to
permanently  reduce and  eliminate  our tranche A and tranche B term loans under
our senior secured credit  agreement,  totaling $107.9 million in the aggregate,
and $45.5  million  of the $50.0  million  available  to us under the  revolving
credit  facility,  including  $5.5 million in cash  collateral  for  outstanding
letters  of  credit,  as  required  by the terms of our  senior  secured  credit
agreement. After taking into effect the remaining letters of credit that reduces
the amount  available to us under the revolving  credit  facility,  we have $1.3
million  available  for our  immediate  use. Our  outstanding  letters of credit
include $3.4 million that still support surety  requirements of Better Materials
Corporation,  our  divested  subsidiary,  that  will be  cancelled  when  Hanson
provides  substitute  collateral  in place of our  letters of credit.  When that
substitution  occurs,  the full $4.5 million of the  remaining  working  capital
revolver will be available  for our use for general  corporate  purposes.  After
taking into account these permanent  reductions of debt under our senior secured
credit agreement, we currently have approximately $164 million of long-term debt
outstanding,  consisting of approximately  $14.5 million  outstanding  under our
tranche C term loan under the senior secured  credit  agreement and $150 million
of 13% senior subordinated notes due 2009.

Based on our current projections of the remaining  industrial minerals business,
we believe  that we will  generate  sufficient  cash flow to meet our  operating
requirements  over the next 12 months.  However,  assuming our current revolving
credit facility continues to be our only source of external working capital,  we
do not believe that we will have sufficient  liquidity to make the $9.75 million
interest  payment  due  on  September  15,  2003  with  respect  to  our  senior
subordinated notes. We are currently in discussions with a financial institution
for a new asset based  revolving  credit  facility  that we believe will provide
working capital for our remaining business and sufficient  proceeds to repay the
remaining $14.5 million of tranche C term debt under the existing senior secured
credit  agreement,  canceling  that agreement  (including the related  revolving
credit facility),  and to make the senior subordinated notes interest payment on

schedule.  While we are reasonably confident that we will be able to obtain this
new source of financing,  we cannot  guarantee  that we will be able to do so on
terms  satisfactory  to us, in a timely  manner  (including by the September 15,
2003 interest payment due date) or at all.

In addition to the above, as of June 30, 2003 we were not in compliance with the
financial  covenants of the senior secured credit  agreement as amended on April
17, 2003,  and  accordingly  we are in default under the senior  secured  credit
agreement,  and our lenders could declare all amounts  borrowed under the senior
secured credit  agreement  together with accrued  interest,  immediately due and
payable.  Even though after  taking into  account the proceeds  from the sale of
Better  Materials,  we  would  have  been in  compliance  with  these  financial
covenants if the sale had  occurred as of June 30, 2003,  that does not cure the
actual  default as of that date.  Accordingly,  if we do not  replace the senior
secured credit agreement with a new financing  arrangement as previously  noted,
even if we do generate  sufficient cash flow to meet the $9.75 million  interest
payment  due on  September  15,  2003,  we could  be  a)required  to  repay  all
outstanding  borrowings and/or b) prevented from making the interest payment due
until we either  amended  the senior  secured  credit  agreement,  or received a
waiver from our senior secured  lenders.  While we have obtained  amendments and
waivers  under the senior  secured  credit  agreement  in the past,  there is no
assurance  that this  amendment  or waiver  will be  granted or that it would be
granted on terms satisfactory to us.

To assist us in evaluating all of our strategic  options,  including the current
liquidity  issues,  we  have  hired  Jefferies  &  Company,  Inc.  to act as our
financial advisor.

This Current Report on Form 8-K includes  "forward-looking  statements." We have
based  these   forward-looking   statements  on  our  current  expectations  and
projections about future events.  Although we believe that our plans, intentions
and expectations  reflected in or suggested by those forward-looking  statements
are  reasonable,  we can  give  no  assurance  that  our  plans,  intentions  or
expectations will be achieved.  We believe that the 13 following factors,  among
others,  could affect our future  performance and cause actual results to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking  statements:
(1) general  and  regional  economic  conditions,  including  the economy in the
states in which we have production facilities and in which we sell our products;
(2)  demand  for  residential  and  commercial  construction;   (3)  demand  for
automobiles  and other vehicles;  (4) the  competitive  nature of the industrial
minerals  industry;  (5)  operating  risks  typical of the  industrial  minerals
industry;  (6) fluctuations in prices for, and availability of,  transportation,
power,  petroleum  based  products and other  energy  products;  (7)  regulatory
compliance,   including   compliance  with  environmental  and  silica  exposure
regulations,  by us and our customers;  (8) litigation  affecting our customers;
(9) product  liability  litigation  by our  customers'  employees  affecting us,
including the adequacy of indemnity  and insurance  coverage and of the reserves
we have recorded relating to current and future litigation;  (10) changes in the
demand for our products due to the  availability  of substitutes for products of
our  customers;  (11) labor  unrest;  (12)  interest rate changes and changes in
financial  markets  generally;  and (13) the  ability to obtain  new  sources of
financing  to  serve  the  working  capital  needs of our  remaining  industrial
minerals business.

Item 5.  Other Events and Required FD Disclosure.

Reeves Separation Agreement

On June 20, 2003, we announced that John A. Ulizio had replaced Roy D. Reeves as
our  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer.  Upon his  departure,  our parent
company entered into a Separation Agreement and General Release with Mr. Reeves,
a copy of which is attached to this Current Report on Form 8-K as Exhibit 10.

Item 12.  Results of Operations and Financial Condition.

Silica Health Risks and Litigation

Our principal operating subsidiary,  U.S. Silica Company,  continues to be named
as defendant in product liability suits that claim that our silica products were
defective or that we acted  negligently in selling our silica products without a
warning,  or  with an  inadequate  warning.  Since  we  filed  our  last  public
disclosure  on this matter,  we were named as a defendant in an estimated  1,530
new product  liability claims served on U.S. Silica between May 1, 2003 and June
30, 2003 as compared with 196 similar new product liability claims served in the
same two month period in 2002.

For the six-month  period between January 1, 2003 and June 30, 2003, U.S. Silica
was named as a defendant in an estimated 14,990 new product liability claims, as
compared to an estimated 1,235 claims between January 1, 2002 and June 30, 2002.
During the six month period ended June 30, 2003, new claims by state were 11,989
in  Mississippi,  1,986  in  Texas,  730  in  Louisiana,  217  in  Ohio,  67  in
Pennsylvania  and 1 in  Indiana.  Total open  claims as of June 30, 2003 were an
estimated  21,742 as compared to an  estimated  7,141 open claims as of December
31, 2002 and an estimated 3,505 as of June 30, 2002.

In the six-month period ended June 30, 2003, we paid $6.3 million in defense and
settlement  costs,  and invoiced ITT Industries  $4.2 million under the terms of
the indemnity  agreement  with them  resulting in retained  losses to us of $2.1
million in the period. For the comparable  six-month period ended June 30, 2002,
we paid  $0.9  million  in  defense  and  settlement  costs,  and  invoiced  ITT
Industries $0.7 million, resulting in retained losses to us of $0.2 million.

Please see our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2002,
and our  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended  March 31,  2003,
"Significant  Factors  Affecting  Our Business - Silica  Health Risks May Have a
Material Adverse Effect on Our Business" for more details on these matters.

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

Item 12.  Results of Operations and Financial Condition.

(b)     Pro forma financial information.

     1. Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed  Consolidated  Statement of Operations for
the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2000.

     2. Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed  Consolidated  Statement of Operations for
the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2001.

     3. Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed  Consolidated  Statement of Operations for
the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2002.

     4. Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed  Consolidated  Statement of Operations for
the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002.

     5. Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed  Consolidated  Statement of Operations for
the Three Months Ended March 31, 2003.

     6. Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma  Condensed  Consolidated  Statements of

     7. Unaudited Pro Forma  Condensed  Consolidated  Balance Sheet at March 31,

     8. Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet.

The  above-referenced  unaudited pro forma  consolidated  financial  statements,
which appear immediately after the signature page of this Current Report on Form
8-K, reflect the sale of our aggregates  business,  referred to in the unaudited
pro forma consolidated  financial statements as Better Materials  Corporation or
BMC, and the  permanent  reduction of a  substantial  portion of our  borrowings
under our senior secured credit agreement as described in this Current Report on
Form  8-K,  referred  to in  the  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  financial
statements  as Senior  Debt.  The  unaudited  pro forma  consolidated  financial
statements  have  been  prepared  by  applying  pro  forma  adjustments  to  our
consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended  December  31, 2002,  as amended (the "2002 Form 10-K"),  and our
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2003 (the
"First Quarter 2003 Form 10-Q") (the  "Historical  Financial  Statements").  The
unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated  statements of operations reflect the
sale of the aggregates business, and the related reduction in debt, assuming the
transactions  had  been  consummated  as of the  beginning  of the  fiscal  year
presented. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet reflects
the sale of the aggregates business, and the related reduction in debt, assuming
the transactions had been consummated as of March 31, 2003.

The pro forma adjustments,  as described in the notes to the unaudited pro forma
consolidated  financial  statements,  are estimates based on currently available
information and certain adjustments that management believes are reasonable. The
unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated   financial  statements  are  presented  for
informational  purposes only and is not necessarily  indicative of the operating
results or  financial  position  that would  have  occurred  had the sale of the
aggregates business, or the related reduction in debt, been consummated on or as
of the dates  indicated nor is it  necessarily  indicative  of future  operating
results or financial  position.  The unaudited pro forma consolidated  financial
statements  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  the  Historical   Financial
Statements  and the related  management's  discussion  and analysis of financial

condition and results of  operations,  which are contained in our 2002 Form 10-K
and our First Quarter 2003 Form 10-Q.

(c)     Exhibits.

     10.  Separation  Agreement  and General  Release  dated as of June 24, 2003
(effective June 30, 2003) between Roy D. Reeves and USS Holdings, Inc.

     99. Press release dated July 21, 2003.


Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  Better
Minerals &  Aggregates  Company  has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                       Better Minerals & Aggregates Company

Date:  July 31, 2003                   By:  /s/ Gary E. Bockrath
                                              Name:  Gary E. Bockrath
                                              Title:  Vice President and
                                                        Chief Financial Officer

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
       Unaudited Proforma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                  For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2000
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                             Materials        Pro Forma
                                              Historical    Corporation      Adjustments   Pro Forma
                                              ----------    -----------      -----------   ---------
Sales                                           $ 299,335    $(107,598)   $     853   (1)  $ 192,590
Cost of goods sold                                222,754      (82,185)       1,110   (2)    141,679
Depreciation, depletion and amortization           35,895      (11,754)          25   (3)     24,166
Selling, general and administrative                26,541       (9,141)       2,622   (4)     20,022
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Operating income                           14,145       (4,518)      (2,904)           6,723

Interest expense                                   36,359      (11,592)      (3,154)  (5)     21,613
Other income, net, including interest income       (1,575)        (577)         -             (2,152)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Loss before income taxes                  (20,639)       7,651          250          (12,738)

Benefit for income taxes                          (11,091)      (3,224)       4,216   (6)    (10,099)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Net loss before cumulative effect
        of  change in accounting for goodwill   $  (9,548)   $  10,875    $  (3,966)         $(2,639)
                                                =========    =========    =========        =========

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
       Unaudited Proforma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                  For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2001
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                             Materials        Pro Forma
                                              Historical    Corporation      Adjustments   Pro Forma
                                              ----------    -----------      -----------   ---------
Sales                                           $ 307,947    $(120,833)   $   2,633   (1)  $ 189,747
Cost of goods sold                                229,193      (90,692)       3,612   (2)    142,113
Depreciation, depletion and amortization           32,670      (15,603)          52   (3)     17,119
Selling, general and administrative                23,905       (8,931)       2,691   (4)     17,665
                                                ---------    ---------     --------         ---------
        Operating income                           22,179       (5,607)      (3,722)          12,850

Interest expense                                   35,625       (9,142)      (4,348)  (5)     22,135

Other income, net, including interest income       (1,103)        (506)         -             (1,609)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Loss before income taxes                  (12,343)       4,041          626           (7,676)

Benefit for income taxes                           (8,299)      (3,121)       3,438   (6)     (7,982)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Net income (loss) before
        cumulative effect of change in
        accounting for goodwill                 $  (4,044)   $   7,162    $  (2,812)       $     306
                                                =========    =========    =========        =========

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
       Unaudited Proforma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                  For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2002
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                             Materials        Pro Forma
                                              Historical    Corporation      Adjustments   Pro Forma
                                              ----------    -----------      -----------   ---------
Sales                                           $ 300,495    $(118,645)   $   2,897   (1)  $ 184,747
Cost of goods sold                                232,591      (94,823)       3,983   (2)    141,751
Depreciation, depletion and amortization           30,013      (14,173)          77   (3)     15,917
Selling, general and administrative                46,419       (8,784)       2,916   (4)     40,551
Asset impairment                                  107,882     (107,882)          -              -
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Operating income                         (116,410)     107,017       (4,079)         (13,472)

Interest expense                                   32,089       (7,066)      (3,433)  (5)     21,590
Other income, net, including interest income       (1,673)      (1,223)         -             (2,896)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Loss before income taxes                 (146,826)     115,306         (646)         (32,166)

Benefit for income taxes                          (56,846)      46,853        2,200   (6)     (7,793)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Net loss before cumulative effect
        of change in accounting for goodwill    $ (89,980)   $  68,453    $  (2,846)       $ (24,373)
                                                =========    =========    =========        =========

                             Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
              Unaudited Proforma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002
                                    (Dollars in thousands)

                                                             Materials        Pro Forma
                                              Historical    Corporation      Adjustments   Pro Forma
                                              ----------    -----------      -----------   ---------
Sales                                           $  56,134    $ (13,477)   $     321   (1)  $  42,978
Cost of goods sold                                 48,228      (14,964)         602   (2)     33,866
Depreciation, depletion and amortization            6,643       (2,790)          19   (3)      3,872
Selling, general and administrative                 6,104       (2,192)         755            4,667
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Operating income                          (4,841)        6,469       (1,055)             573

Interest expense                                   8,264        (1,759)      (1,133)  (5)      5,372
Other income, net, including interest income        (420)         (111)         -               (531)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Loss before income taxes                  (12,685)       8,339           78           (4,268)

Benefit for income taxes                           (3,782)       1,865          636   (6)     (1,281)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Net loss before cumulative effect
        of change in accounting for goodwill    $  (8,903)   $   6,474    $    (558)       $  (2,987)
                                                =========    =========    =========        =========

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
       Unaudited Proforma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                    For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2003
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                             Materials        Pro Forma
                                              Historical    Corporation      Adjustments   Pro Forma
                                              ----------    -----------      -----------   ---------
Sales                                           $  55,034    $ (11,401)   $     293   (1)  $  43,926
Cost of goods sold                                 50,130      (15,334)         530   (2)     35,326
Depreciation, depletion and amortization            6,452       (2,312)          17   (3)      4,157
Selling, general and administrative                 5,232       (2,287)         620   (4)      3,565
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Operating income                           (6,780)       8,532         (874)             878

Interest expense                                    8,079       (1,631)        (981)  (5)      5,467
Other income, net, including interest income         (230)           2         -                (228)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Loss before income taxes                  (14,629)      10,161          107           (4,694)

Benefit for income taxes                           (2,880)         218          600   (6)     (2,062)
                                                ---------    ---------     --------        ---------
        Net loss before cumulative effect
        of change in accounting for goodwill    $ (11,749)   $   9,943    $    (493)       $  (2,299)
                                                =========    =========    =========        =========

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

(1)     The adjustment reflects intercompany sales between BMC and the Company.

(2)     The adjustment reflects intercompany activities between BMC and the
        Company as follows:
                                     2000    2001    2002   Q1-2002  Q1-2003
                                     ----    ----    ----   -------  -------
         Intercompany transactions    853   2,633   2,897      321      293
         Reversal of corporate        257     979   1,086      281      237
         allocations to BMC
                                    -----   -----   -----    -----    -----
                                    1,110   3,612   3,983      602      530
                                    =====   =====   =====    =====    =====
(3)     The adjustment reflects the reversal of intercompany corporate
        allocations to BMC.

(4)     The adjustment reflects intercompany activities between BMC and the
        Company as follows:
                                    2000    2001    2002   Q1-2002  Q1-2003
                                    ----    ----    ----   -------  -------
         Reversal of corporate     2,622   3,254   3,495      903      743
         allocations to BMC
         Corporate employees           -    (563)   (579)    (148)    (123)
         transferred with the sale
                                   -----   -----   -----    -----    -----
                                   2,622   2,691   2,916      755      620
                                   =====   =====   =====    =====    =====

 (5)    The adjustment reflects interest related to removing Senior Debt and
        intercompany interest eliminations, as follows:
                                       2000     2001     2002   Q1-2002  Q1-2003
                                       ----     ----     ----   -------  -------
         Term A Facility               3,752    2,837    1,560     428      323
         Term B Facility               9,549    7,600    5,472   1,288    1,333
         Revolving Credit Facility       682    1,558    1,600     200      488
         Senior Debt Fees                851      986      539     598      134
         Derivatives for Senior Debt   (220)      291    1,021     307      265
                                      ------   ------   ------  ------   ------
                                      14,614   13,272   10,192   2,821    2,543
         Intercompany elimination    (11,460)  (8,924)  (6,759) (1,688)  (1,562)
                                      ------   ------   ------  ------   ------
                                       3,154    4,348    3,433   1,133      981
                                      ======   ======   ======  ======   ======

 (6)    The adjustment reflects the income tax benefit at an effective rate
        of 36% for the aforementioned items.

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
            Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                At March 31, 2003
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                                    Materials        Pro Forma
                                                     Historical    Corporation      Adjustments   Pro Forma
                                                     ----------    -----------      -----------   ---------

      Cash and cash equivalents                        $  1,873     $    (250)   $   5,401   (1)  $ 7,024
      Accounts receivable:
         Trade, less allowance for doubtful accounts     39,142       (11,429)         -           27,713
         Other                                            6,086          (440)         -            5,646
      Inventories                                        32,359       (14,888)         -           17,471
      Prepaid expenses and other current assets           5,836        (1,185)       5,542   (2)   10,193
      Deferred income taxes                               5,215        (2,311)         -            2,904
                                                        -------       -------      -------        -------
         Total current assets                            90,511       (30,503)      10,943         70,951

Property, plant and equipment:
      Mining property                                   151,358      (131,096)         -           20,262
      Mine development                                    7,245        (2,839)         -            4,406
      Asset retirement cost                               5,905        (1,296)         -            4,609
      Land                                               26,986       (11,076)         -           15,910
      Land improvements                                   6,624        (2,571)         -            4,053
      Buildings                                          36,627        (4,643)         -           31,984
      Machinery and equipment                           179,774       (56,895)         -          122,879
      Furniture and fixtures                              2,205        (1,537)         -              668
      Construction-in-progress                            8,352        (6,712)         -            1,640
                                                        -------       -------      -------        -------
                                                        425,076      (218,665)         -          206,411
      Accumulated depletion, depreciation and
      amortization                                     (154,075)       49,848          -         (104,227)
                                                        -------       -------      -------        -------
         Property, plant and equipment, net             271,001      (168,817)         -          102,184

Other noncurrent:
      Noncompete agreements                                  20           (20)         -                -
      Debt issuance costs                                 9,869           -         (3,259)   (3)    6,610
      Issuance for third-party products liability claims 45,574           -            -            45,574
      Other noncurrent assets                             6,440        (2,639)         -             3,801
                                                        -------       -------      -------         -------
         Total other noncurrent                          61,903        (2,659)      (3,259)         55,985
                                                        -------       -------      -------         -------
         Total assets                                  $423,415     $(201,979)   $   7,684        $229,120
                                                       ========     =========    =========        ========


      Book overdraft                                   $  3,196     $    (766)   $     766  (4)   $  3,196
      Accounts payable                                   15,269        (3,935)          -           11,334
      Accrued liabilities                                12,888        (4,233)          -            8,655
      Due to parent                                       2,351       (35,005)      35,005  (5)      2,351
      Accrued interest                                    2,393           -         (1,574) (6)        819
      Current portion of capital leases                   1,049          (856)          -              193
      Current portion of long-term debt                  13,169          (294)     (10,600) (7)      2,275
      Income taxes payable                                  463            (9)       2,458  (8)      2,912
                                                        -------       -------      -------         -------
         Total current liabilities                       50,778       (45,098)      26,055          31,735

Noncurrent liabilities:
      Deferred income taxes                              25,561       (43,262)         -          (17,701)
      Obligations under capital lease                     2,136        (1,927)         -               209
      Long-term debt, net of current portion            294,802          (550)    (130,700) (9)    163,552
      Third-party products liability claims              73,434           -            -            73,434
      Other noncurrent liabilities                       42,564      (103,184)     100,000  (10)    39,380
                                                        -------       -------      -------         -------
         Total noncurrent liabilities                   438,497      (148,923)     (30,700)        258,874

Commitments and contingencies

Stockholder's Equity
      Common stock                                          -             -            -              -
      Additional paid-in capital                         81,377      (103,871)     103,871  (11)    81,377
      Loan to related party                              (1,362)          -            -            (1,362)
      Retained deficit                                 (140,621)       95,520      (91,149) (12)    36,250)
      Accumulated other comprehensive loss               (5,254)          393         (393) (11)    (5,254)
                                                        -------       -------      -------         -------
         Total stockholder's equity                     (65,860)       (7,958)      12,329         (61,489)
                                                        -------       -------      -------         -------
         Total liabilities and stockholder's equity    $423,415     $(201,979)   $   7,684        $229,120
                                                       ========     =========    =========        ========

                      Better Minerals & Aggregates Company
      Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

(1)     The adjustment reflects the terms of the sale including sources and uses
        and the exclusion of BMC's cash, as follows:
                Total Sources                       158,273
                Total Uses                         (153,122)
                BMC Cash Retained                       250

(2)     The adjustment reflects cash deposited with the Senior Lending Agent as
        collateral for outstanding letters of credit.

(3)     The adjustment reflects the write-off of debt issuance costs associated
        with the Senior Debt.

(4)     The adjustment reflects the terms of the sale relating to the exclusion
        of BMC's cash.

(5)     The adjustment eliminates intercompany amounts due.

(6)     The adjustment represents the payment of accrued interest on Senior

(7)     The adjustment reflects the payoff of the current portion of Senior

(8)     The adjustment reflects the tax effect at 36% of these pro forma

(9)     The adjustment represents the payoff of long-term debt as follows:
                Term A Facility              21,500
                Term B Facility              89,000
                Revolving Credit Facility    30,800
                Less Current Portion        (10,600)

(10)    The adjustment eliminates intercompany notes.

(11)    The adjustment represents the elimination entries required to reflect
        the unconsolidation of BMC.

(12)    The adjustment reflects the after-tax income effect of the sale, related
        debt repayment, and elimination entries required to reflect the previous
        consolidation of BMC, as follows:
                Consolidation elimination     (95,520)
                Loss on Sale                    2,285
                Debt Issuance Cost Write-off    2,086

                                        EXHIBIT 10


     THIS SEPARATION AGREEMENT AND GENERAL RELEASE is made as of the 24th day of
June, 2003 (this "Agreement"),  by and between Roy D. Reeves, who resides at 304
Lake  Circle  Drive,  Greenville,  South  Carolina  29602,  ("Reeves")  and  USS
Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company").

     WHEREAS,  Reeves has been employed by Better Minerals & Aggregates  Company
("BMAC") as its Chief  Executive  Officer  pursuant to an  Employment  Agreement
between Reeves and BMAC dated April 19, 2000 (the "BMAC  Employment  Agreement")
and by the Company as President and Chief Operating  Officer of Stone Materials,
LLC, a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of BMAC,  ("Stone  Materials")  pursuant to an
Employment  Agreement  between  Reeves and the Company dated April 19, 2000 (the
"USS Employment Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  BMAC has entered into a Purchase  Agreement dated as of April 10,
2003 (the  "Purchase  Agreement")  pursuant  to which it has  agreed to sell its
Membership Interests in Stone Materials to Hanson BMC Acquisition Corp.; and

     WHEREAS, as a result of the sale, the Company and BMAC will allow Reeves to
resign his employment with BMAC and the Company for "Good Reason" as provided in
Section 4(e) of the BMAC Employment Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  Reeves and the  Company  desire to settle  fully and  finally any
differences,  rights and duties arising between them,  including,  but in no way
limited to, any and all differences, rights and duties that have arisen or might
arise out of or are in any way related to Reeves'  employment  with BMAC and the
Company, and the conclusion of that employment;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  payment,  benefits  and  other
covenants  contained in this Agreement,  which Reeves acknowledges are in excess
of any benefits to which he would  otherwise be entitled,  the parties  agree as

     1.  Resignation.  Reeves  resigns his  employment  with BMAC under the BMAC
Employment  Agreement  and  his  employment  with  the  Company  under  the  USS
Employment Agreement effective June 30, 2003 (the "Resignation Date").

     2. Employment Agreements. Reeves and the Company agree that each of the USS
Employment  Agreement  and the BMAC  Employment  Agreement  shall be  terminated
effective as of the  Resignation  Date.  Thereafter,  neither the USS Employment
Agreement  nor the BMAC  Employment  Agreement  shall be of any further force or
effect,  except as  specifically  preserved by the express written terms of this

     3.  Separation  Payments.  Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of this
Agreement, the Company agrees as follows:

      (a) The Company shall pay Reeves, or his estate, should Reeves pass away
          before all payments are made pursuant to this Section 3(a), in the

          aggregate two million five hundred sixty-six thousand two hundred
          twenty-five dollars and ninety-two cents ($2,566,225.92), less all
          applicable payroll deductions, as liquidated compensation for Reeves'
          decision to resign his employment for "Good Reason" under Section 4(e)
          of the BMAC Employment Agreement.  This amount shall be payable
          according to the following schedule:

          (i)    The Company shall pay Reeves four hundred forty-six thousand
                 two hundred ninety-eight dollars and ninety-eight cents
                 ($446,299.98) less applicable payroll deductions, within ten
                 business days of the Resignation Date.

          (ii)   Commencing in July 2003 and continuing through March 31, 2006,
                 the Company shall pay Reeves each month sixty-four thousand two
                 hundred forty dollars and eighteen cents ($64,240.18), less
                 applicable payroll deductions.  These payments will be made in
                 accordance with the Company's normal payroll payments (which
                 currently is semi-monthly).

      (b) Within three business days of the date the sale of BMAC's Membership
          Interests in Stone Materials to Hanson BMC Acquisition Corp. (or any
          entity related thereto or otherwise affiliated with Hanson PLC) closes
          pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Company shall pay Reeves one
          million dollars ($1,000,000.00), less all applicable payroll
          deductions, as a special separation payment.  The Company had no
          previous contractual obligation to pay Reeves this amount.

The  Company  will treat the  payments as  Supplemental  Wages  consistent  with
Publication 15 of the Internal Revenue  Service.  Other than as specifically set
forth  in  this  Agreement,  Reeves  is  not  due  any  compensation,  including
compensation for unpaid salary, unpaid bonus, or accrued or unused vacation time
or vacation pay or sick time or sick pay.

     4. Employee Benefits.

   (a) Reeves' participation in the Company's employee benefit plans will end
       on the last day of the month in which the Resignation Date falls.
       Thereafter, Reeves shall be eligible to elect continued health coverage
       with the Company for eighteen months pursuant to the provisions of the
       Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 ("COBRA"), as
       amended, and the requirements and limitations thereof.  The Company
       will provide Reeves with additional information concerning his right to
       elect continued coverage under COBRA separately.

   (b) The amounts payable to Reeves under Sections 3(a) and (b) of this
       Agreement shall not be included in the calculation of any benefit
       otherwise due to Reeves under the terms of the Supplemental Retirement
       Plan that BMAC established for Reeves pursuant to Section 3(e) of the
       BMAC Employment Agreement (the "Plan").  Attached to this Agreement as
       Appendix A is a Summary of Benefit Calculation that calculates the
       benefit due Reeves under the Plan.  The Company and Reeves hereby agree
       that Appendix A is an accurate calculation of the benefits due Reeves
       under the Plan.  The benefit shown in Appendix A shall be paid in the

       form of a 100% joint and survivor annuity, such that Reeves will
       receive a monthly annuity from the Company for the remainder of his
       life and, if Reeves is survived by his current spouse, Barbara Roberts
       Reeves, at the time of his death, she will then receive a monthly
       annuity in an equal amount for the remainder of her life.  Such monthly
       payments shall begin in July 2003, and each such monthly payment shall
       equal the annual benefit shown in Appendix A divided by 12.


   (a) Reeves shall retain all right, title and interest that Reeves has in
       twenty-seven thousand five hundred (27,500) shares of the Company's
       Class A common stock.

   (b) On the Resignation Date, Reeves agrees to sell to the Company, and the
       Company agrees to purchase from Reeves, thirty thousand (30,000) shares
       of the Company's Class C common stock at a purchase price of $0.01 per

     6. Announcement of Resignation. The Company has issued a press release in a
form  substantially  similar to  Appendix  B. The  Company  represents  that its
officers and directors will make no other statement  concerning  Reeves contrary
to such press release.

     7. Release

     (a) By Employee.  Reeves, for himself and for his children, heirs,
         administrators, representatives, executors, successors and assigns,
         releases and gives up any and all claims and rights which he has, may
         have or hereafter may have against the Company or against BMAC and
         their respective owners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates,
         predecessors, successors, assigns, officers, directors, shareholders,
         employees and agents and all of their predecessors, successors and
         assigns (the "Releasees") from the beginning of the world until the
         date of the execution of this Agreement, including, but not limited to,
         any and all charges, complaints, claims, liabilities, obligations,
         promises, agreements, controversies, damages, remedies, actions, causes
         of action, suits, rights, demands, costs, losses, debts and expenses
         (including attorneys' fees and costs) of any nature whatsoever, whether
         known or unknown, whether in law or equity (collectively, "Claims"),
         including, but not limited to, (i) any Claims arising out of or related
         to the USS Employment Agreement; (ii) any Claims arising out of or
         related to the BMAC Employment Agreement; (iii) any Claims arising out
         of or related to Reeves' employment with the Company and BMAC; (iv) any
         Claims arising out of or related to Reeves resignation from his
         employment; (v) any Claims based on wrongful termination (vi) any
         Claims based on contract whether express or implied, written or oral;
         and (vii) any Claims arising under the United States and/or State
         Constitutions, federal and/or common law, and/or rights arising out of
         alleged violations of any federal, state or other government statutes,
         regulations or ordinances including, without limitation, the National

         Labor Relations Act, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Age
         Discrimination in Employment Act, the Older Workers' Benefit Protection
         Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1866
         (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1981), the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Equal Pay Act,
         the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act and the
         Employees Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, all as amended.  This
         release specifically includes, but is not limited to, the right to the
         payment of wages, vacation, pension benefits or any other employee
         benefits, and any other rights arising under federal, state or local
         laws prohibiting discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of age,
         race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, mental or
         physical disability, alienage or citizenship status, marital status, or
         any other basis prohibited by law.

     (b) By Company.  The Company, BMAC and the Releasees hereby release and
         give up any and all claims and rights which any of them has, may have
         or hereafter may have against Reeves or any of his children, heirs,
         administrators, representatives, executors, successors, and assigns,
         from the beginning of the world until the date of the execution of this
         Agreement, including, but not limited to, any and all Claims,
         including, but not limited to, (i) any and all Claims arising out of or
         related to Reeves' employment with any of the Releasees; (ii) any
         Claims arising out of or related to Reeves resignation from his
         employment; and (iii) any Claims based on contract whether express or
         implied, written or oral, except that the Company, BMAC and the
         Releasees do not release or give up any Claims that they may have
         against Reeves that arise out of or are related to any unlawful or
         criminal conduct or intentional wrongdoing committed by Reeves during
         the term of his employment with the Company and BMAC.

     8. Covenant Not To Sue.  Reeves has not filed against the Company,  BMAC or
any of the  other  Releasees,  any  complaints,  charges  or  lawsuits  with any
government agency, arbitral tribunal, self-regulatory body, or any court arising
out of the USS Employment  Agreement,  the BMAC  Employment  Agreement,  Reeves'
employment  by the Company and BMAC or any other  matter  arising on or prior to
the date hereof. Reeves will not, directly or indirectly, commence or prosecute,
or assist in the filing,  commencement  or  prosecution  in any court,  arbitral
tribunal, self-regulatory body or local or state government agency, any claim or
charge against the Company,  BMAC or any of the other  Releasees  arising out of
any of the matters set forth in this  Agreement  or based upon any common law or
statutory claim against the Company, BMAC or any of the other Releasees that can
be brought under  federal,  state or local law relating to any matter arising on
or before the date of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Reeves may
commence a proceeding  under this Section 8 for the sole and limited  purpose of
enforcing his rights under this Agreement.

     9. No Admission of Liability.  This  Agreement does not constitute or imply
an admission of liability or wrongdoing by the Company, BMAC or any of the other

     10. Non-disparagement. Reeves will neither make any negative or disparaging
statements about nor intentionally do anything that damages the Company, BMAC or
any of the other Releasees,  their services,  their reputation,  their financial
status,  their business  relationships  or any of their  directors,  officers or

employees.  The  Company  and BMAC  will not make any  negative  or  disparaging
statements about Reeves nor  intentionally do anything that damages Reeves,  his
reputation, his financial status or his business relationships.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing,  the  prohibitions  described in this Section are not intended to
prevent one party from  representing  that particular  business terms offered by
that party are more  favorable  than those  offered by the other  party in those
limited  circumstances in which Reeves on the one hand and the Company,  BMAC or
any of the Releasees are soliciting  business from the same person,  corporation
or other entity.

     11. Confidentiality.

     (a)  The parties agree to keep the terms of this Agreement completely
          confidential except that Reeves may disclose the terms of this
          Agreement to his immediate family members, legal counsel or tax
          accountants and that the Company and BMAC may disclose the terms of
          this Agreement to their directors, officers, legal counsel, tax
          accountants and as necessary to administer the Agreement.  All of the
          foregoing disclosures must be made on a confidential basis.

     (b)  The Company may disclose the terms of this Agreement if required to do
          so by law.

     (c)  Either Reeves, the Company or BMAC may disclose the terms of this
          Agreement to respond to a valid subpoena or other legal process to the
          extent required by law, provided that the party receiving such notice
          notify Reeves in the case of the Company or BMAC or the Company in the
          case of Reeves within two (2) business days of receiving notice of the
          subpoena or legal process.

     12. Non-Competition. Reeves agrees that during the period commencing on the
Resignation  Date  and  ending  on  March  31,  2006 he will  not,  directly  or
indirectly,  own,  manage,  operate,  control or  participate  in the ownership,
management  or control of, or be  connected as an officer,  executive,  partner,
director, or otherwise with, or have any financial interest in, or aid or assist
anyone else in the conduct of, any entity or business  which  directly  competes
with the business of US Silica Company,  within the United States of America, or
within any other area in which US Silica  Company  conducts  its business on the
date hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Reeves' ownership of securities of a
public company engaged in competition with the business of US Silica Company not
in  excess of five (5)  percent  of any  class of such  securities  shall not be
considered a breach of the covenants set forth in this Section12.

     13. No Reliance. Reeves represents that in executing this Agreement he does
not rely and has not relied upon any  representation  or statement not set forth
in this  Agreement  that the  Company or any of its agents,  representatives  or
attorneys  may have made with regard to the subject  matter,  basis or effect of
this Agreement.

     14. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of New York  without  regard to any  state's  conflict  of law

     15. Remedy for Breach.  In the event of any breach of this  Agreement,  the
parties may only  institute an action for specific  enforcement  of the terms of
this  Agreement  and seek damages  resulting  from such  breach.  Reeves may not

institute any  proceeding  based on any Claims  arising out of or related to the
USS Employment Agreement, the BMAC Employment Agreement, Reeves' employment with
the Company and BMAC or the resignation of his employment because of a breach of
this Agreement by the Company.  The prevailing party in any such action shall be
entitled to an award of attorneys' fees and costs in addition to any other legal
or  equitable  relief,  except  that the  Company  will not be  entitled  to its
attorneys'  fees  or  other  damages  if  Reeves   challenges  the  validity  or
enforceability of this Agreement.

     16.  Severability.  If at any time, after the date of the execution of this
Agreement,  any provision of this Agreement shall be held in any court or agency
of competent  jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable,  such provision
shall be of no force and effect.  However, the illegality or unenforceability of
such   provision   shall  have  no  effect  upon,   and  shall  not  impair  the
enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement.

     17.  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  sets forth the  entire  agreement
between the parties with respect to the subject  matter  hereof.  This Agreement
supersedes any and all prior  understandings and agreements between the parties,
including the USS Employment Agreement and the BMAC Employment Agreement, except
Sections 6(a) (but as to (a)(iv),  limited to US Silica Company ("US  Silica")),
(b),  (c)  and (e)  (but as to (e),  limited  to US  Silica)  and 7 of the  BMAC
Employment Agreement shall survive the termination of the BMAC Agreement and the
execution  of this  Agreement.  Reeves  acknowledges  that he  remains  bound by
Sections 6(a) (but as to (a)(iv),  limited to US Silica),  (b), (c) and (e) (but
as to  (e),  limited  to US  Silica)  and 7 of the  BMAC  Employment  Agreement.
Otherwise,  neither party shall have any obligation to the other party except as
set forth in this Agreement.

     18.  Modifications.  This  Agreement may not be modified  except in writing
signed by all parties.

     19.  Enforceability.  The parties are bound by this  Agreement.  Anyone who
succeeds  to the  parties'  rights and  responsibilities,  such as their  heirs,
executors, successors or assigns, is also bound.

     20.  Headings.  The  headings  contained  in  this  Agreement  are  for the
convenience of reference only and are not intended to define,  limit,  expand or
describe the scope or intent of any provision of this Agreement.

     21. Expenses. The Company shall reimburse Reeves for out-of-pocket expenses
incurred by Reeves in connection with  negotiating,  drafting and executing this
Agreement (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and accountants' fee),
provided that the amount to be so reimbursed shall not exceed $5,000.

     22. Breach of this Agreement.

(a)  If either Reeves or the Company breaches this Agreement,  the non-breaching
     party may  institute and  prosecute  proceedings  in any court of competent
     jurisdiction,  either  in law or in  equity,  to  obtain  damages  from the
     non-breaching party (including without limitation, any attorneys' fees that
     party may incur) for any  material  breach of this  Agreement or to enforce
     the specific performance of this Agreement.

(b)  Further,  if Reeves  breaches  his  obligations  under  Section  12 of this
     Agreement  or  Sections  6(a),  (b),  (c) or (e) or  Section  7 of the BMAC
     Employment  Agreement  (to the extent  such  sections  survive  pursuant to
     Section 17 hereof),  that breach would cause the Company  irreparable  harm
     for which no adequate remedy at law would be available.  In that event, the
     Company will also be entitled to injunctive  relief preventing or enjoining
     any breach by Reeves of his obligations  under Section 12 of this Agreement
     or  Sections  6(a),  (b),  (c) or (e) or  Section 7 of the BMAC  Employment
     Agreement  (to the extent  such  sections  survive  pursuant  to Section 17
     hereof) without the need to post any bond.

(c)  Reeves and the  Company  specifically  consent to the  jurisdiction  of the
     United States  District Court for the Southern  District of New York, or if
     that  court is unable  to  exercise  jurisdiction  for any  reason,  to the
     Supreme Court of the State of New York,  New York County,  and  irrevocably
     waive any  objection  either party may now have or hereafter may have as to
     the venue of any action brought under this Section.

     23. Acknowledgements. Reeves acknowledges that:

     (a) Reeves has carefully read and understands this Agreement;

     (b) Reeves has been given twenty-one (21) days to consider his rights and
         obligations under this Agreement and to consult with an attorney;

     (c) The Company advised Reeves to consult with an attorney and/or any other
         advisors of his choice before signing this Agreement;

     (d) Reeves understands that this Agreement is legally binding and by
         signing it he gives up certain rights;

     (e) Reeves has voluntarily chosen to enter into this Agreement and has not
         been forced or pressured in any way to sign it;

     (f) Reeves knowingly and voluntarily releases the Company and all of its
         parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents and
         employees from any and all claims Reeves may have, known or unknown, in
         exchange for the benefits Reeves has obtained by signing, and that
         these benefits are in addition to any benefit Reeves would have
         otherwise received if he did not sign this Agreement;

     (g) The General Release in this Agreement includes a waiver of all rights
         and claims Reeves may have under the Age Discrimination In Employment
         Act of 1967 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 621 et seq.); and

     (h) Reeves has seven (7) days after he signs this Agreement to revoke it by
         notifying the Company in writing.  The Agreement will not become
         effective or enforceable until the Company receives a copy of this
         Agreement signed by Reeves and the seven (7) day revocation period has

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
first written above.

ROY D. REEVES                       USS HOLDINGS, INC.

_____________________________               By:    ___________________________



                                   EXHIBIT 99

                             SALE OF BETTER MATERIALS CORPORATION

     BERKELEY SPRINGS,  WV, July 21,  2003-Better  Minerals & Aggregates Company
(BMAC), a leading U.S. producer of industrial  minerals,  announced it completed
the sale of  Better  Materials  Corporation,  its  crushed  stone  and hot mixed
asphalt business,  to a subsidiary of Hanson Building Materials America, Inc. on
July 18, 2003.

     Total  cash  received  at  the  closing,  before  fees  and  expenses,  was
approximately  $158  million,  including  an  adjustment  for  changes in Better
Material's  working  capital  since the terms of the stock  purchase  were first
announced  April 16,  2003.  BMAC  intends  to use the  proceeds  to reduce  its
outstanding debt.

     A  portfolio  company  of J. P.  Morgan  Partners  and D.  George  Harris &
Associates,  BMAC is a leading  supplier of high quality  silica sand and aplite
for the glass, foundry, chemical,  recreational and construction industries, and
fine ground silica and kaolin clay  products for the paint,  plastic and ceramic
industries.  The company  employs 760 people at its 16  facilities in the United