[SERVOTRONICS, INC. LETTERHEAD]

NOVEMBER 14, 2007

                      SERVOTRONICS, INC. (AMEX- SVT REPORTS
                    FOR THE PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2007

     Servotronics,  Inc. (AMEX - SVT) reported an approximate  110% year to year
increase in net income to a record  $476,000  (or 25 cents per share  basic,  22
cents per share diluted) on an approximate  50% increase in revenues to a record
$8,464,000  for the third quarter ended  September 30, 2007.  The comparable net
income for the third  quarter of 2006 was $227,000 (or 12 cents per share basic,
11 cents per share diluted) on revenues of  $5,646,000.  Year to year net income
for the nine month period ended September 30, 2007 increased  approximately  48%
to a record $1,119,000 (or 58 cents per share basic, 53 cents per share diluted)
on an  approximate  31%  increase  in  revenues  to a  record  $23,368,000.  The
comparable  net income for the nine month  period ended  September  30, 2006 was
$758,000 (or 38 cents per share basic,  35 cents per share  diluted) on revenues
of $17,811,000.  The Company attributes the increased revenue and net income for
the nine and three month periods ended September 30, 2007 to increased shipments
and demand for its products in  conjunction  with  continuing  cost  containment
activities and the onset of certain production  programs whose development costs
were appropriately expensed in prior periods.

     The Company is composed of two groups - the Advanced Technology Group (ATG)
and the Consumer Products Group (CPG). The ATG primarily  designs,  develops and
manufactures  servo  control and other  components  for various  commercial  and
government  applications (i.e., aircraft, jet engines,  missiles,  manufacturing
equipment,  etc.). The CPG designs and manufactures cutlery, bayonets,  machetes
and  combat,  survival,  sporting,  agricultural,  and  pocket  knives  for both
commercial and government applications.

     The ATG  continues  its  aggressive  business  development  efforts  in its
primary  markets and is broadening  its focus to include new - both domestic and
foreign - markets that are consistent with its core  competencies.  Based on the
success of these efforts and in conjunction with the onset of certain production
programs, the ATG expects this upward trend in sales to continue into 2008.

     The CPG continues to have a strong backlog for government-related  survival
oriented  cutlery  products  that  require  deliveries  in 2007  and  2008.  The
Company's increased sales activities in foreign markets are continuing to result
in prototype orders for new programs and application opportunities. In the third
quarter of 2007, the CPG acquired a significant  amount of tooling and assets of
Camillus  Cutlery  through  a  secured  creditor's  auction  with the  intent to
reconnect with the previous  customers of Camillus  Cutlery and expand the CPG's
current product lines.

     In  January  of 2006,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  authorized  the
purchase by the Company of up to 250,000  shares of its common stock in the open
market or in privately  negotiated  transactions.  As of September 30, 2007, the
Company has purchased 194,357 shares under this authorization.

                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS
     Certain  paragraphs  of this  release  contain  forward-looking  statements
within the meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E
of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  such  as  those  pertaining  to the
Company's  expectation of new business and success in its entry into new product
programs.  Forward-looking  statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties.
The  Company  derives a material  portion of its  revenue  from  contracts  with
agencies  of the U.S.  Government  or their  prime  contractors.  The  Company's
business is performed  under fixed price  contracts and the  following  factors,
among others,  could cause actual results and future events to differ materially
from  those  set  forth  or  contemplated  in  the  forward-looking  statements:
uncertainties  in today's global economy and global  competition,  difficulty in
predicting  defense  appropriations,  the vitality and ability of the commercial
aviation  industry to purchase new aircraft,  the willingness and ability of the
Company's  customers to fund long-term purchase programs,  and market demand and
acceptance  both for the Company's  products and its  customers'  products which
incorporate  Company-made  components.  The success of the Company  also depends
upon the trends that affect the national and international economy.  Readers are
cautioned  not to place undue  reliance  on  forward-looking  statements,  which
reflect management's analysis only as of the date hereof. The Company assumes no
obligation to update forward-looking statements.