WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                     FORM 10-Q

                          SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

/X/  Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934

For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2001

/ /  Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934

For the transition period from _____ to _____

Commission file number: 0-18497

                        Fidelity Leasing Income Fund VI, L.P.
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                                  23-2540929
     (State of organization)               (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

     1845 Walnut Street, Suite 1000, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19103
                (Address of principal executive offices)   (Zip code)

                                   (215) 574-1636
                (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the regis-
trant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such fil-
ing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes  __X__  No _____

                                 Page 1 of 12

Part I:  Financial Information
Item 1:  Financial Statements

                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                          (Unaudited)             (Audited)
                                         September 30,           December 31,
                                             2001                    2000
                                         _____________           ____________

Cash and cash equivalents                 $3,644,829               $1,982,752

Accounts receivable                          244,501                  209,878

Due from related parties                      37,301                   42,133

Net investment in direct financing
 leases                                    4,576,071                6,111,432

Equipment under operating leases
 (net of accumulated depreciation
 of $477,002 and $1,296,798,
 respectively)                               396,081                  603,611

Equipment held for sale or lease             431,255                  431,668
                                          __________               __________
       Total assets                       $9,330,038               $9,381,474
                                          ==========               ==========


     Lease rents paid in advance          $   45,162               $   35,179

     Accounts payable and
      accrued expenses                        22,070                   36,415

     Due to related parties                    9,150                   28,044
                                          __________               __________
       Total liabilities                      76,382                   99,638

Partners' capital                          9,253,656                9,281,836
                                          __________               __________
       Total liabilities and
        partners' capital                 $9,330,038               $9,381,474
                                          ==========               ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS


                                  Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                                     September 30             September 30
                                   2001       2000          2001        2000
                                   ____       ____          ____        ____

     Earned income on direct
      financing leases            $106,871   $119,550      $360,274  $  353,967
     Rentals                        44,325    182,584       211,594     569,491
     Interest                       30,464     18,904        75,398      64,737
     Gain on sale of equipment,
      net                             -        53,644        46,259      49,645
     Other                           8,663     10,233        15,905      29,759
                                  ________   ________      ________  __________

                                   190,323    384,915       709,430   1,067,599
                                  ________   ________      ________  __________

     Depreciation                   32,735    130,823       150,848     465,349
     Write-down of equipment to
      net realizable value            -        16,000          -         16,000
     General and administrative     35,862     28,601        98,492      87,834
     General and administrative
      to related party              43,111     39,279       111,551     110,475
     Management fee to related
      party                         20,320     21,636        61,719      63,101
                                  ________   ________      ________  __________
                                   132,028    236,339       422,610     742,759
                                  ________   ________      ________  __________

Net income                        $ 58,295   $148,576      $286,820  $  324,840
                                  ========   ========      ========  ==========

Net income per equivalent
  limited partnership unit        $   1.93   $   4.96      $   9.53  $    10.85
                                  ========   ========      ========  ==========

Weighted average number of
  equivalent limited partnership
  units outstanding during the
  period                            29,716     29,691        29,756      29,649
                                  ========   ========      ========  ==========

     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                         STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL

                  For the nine months ended September 30, 2001


                                General      Limited Partners
                                Partner     Units       Amount         Total
                                _______     _____       ______         _____

Balance, January 1, 2001        $4,800     75,264    $9,277,036     $9,281,836

Cash distributions              (3,150)      -         (311,850)      (315,000)

Net income                       3,150       -          283,670        286,820
                                ______     ______    __________     __________

Balance, September 30, 2001     $4,800     75,264    $9,248,856     $9,253,656
                                ======     ======    ==========     ==========

     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

              For the nine months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000


                                                     2001          2000
                                                     ____          ____
Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income                                  $  286,820     $  324,840
                                                 __________     __________
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
      cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation                                   150,848        465,349
     Write-down of equipment to net
      realizable value                                 -            16,000
     Gain on sale of equipment, net                 (46,259)       (49,645)
     (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable     (34,623)      (105,889)
     (Increase) decrease in due from related
      parties                                         4,832         36,541
     Increase (decrease) in lease rents paid
      in advance                                      9,983        (61,918)
     Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and
      accrued expenses                              (14,345)         1,724
     Increase (decrease) in due to related
      parties                                       (18,894)           537
                                                 __________     __________
                                                     51,542        302,699
                                                 __________     __________
     Net cash provided by operating activities      338,362        627,539
                                                 __________     __________
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Investment in direct financing leases         (652,894)    (1,551,816)
     Proceeds from sale of equipment                103,355        177,447
     Proceeds from direct financing leases,
      net of earned income                        2,188,254      1,377,346
                                                 __________     __________
     Net cash provided by investing activities    1,638,715          2,977
                                                 __________     __________
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Distributions                                 (315,000)      (255,000)
     Redemption of capital                             -              -
                                                 __________     __________
     Net cash used in financing activities         (315,000)      (255,000)
                                                 __________     __________
     Increase in cash and cash equivalents        1,662,077        375,516
     Cash and cash equivalents, beginning
      of period                                   1,982,752      1,983,958
                                                 __________     __________
     Cash and cash equivalents, end of period    $3,644,829     $2,359,474
                                                 ==========     ==========
     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                               September 30, 2001


The accompanying unaudited condensed financial statements have been prepared
by the Fund in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States of America, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission.  In the opinion of Management, all ad-
justments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for
a fair presentation have been included.


    The Fund has equipment leased under the direct financing method in accor-
    dance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 13.  This
    method provides for recognition of income (the excess of the aggregate
    future rentals and unguaranteed residuals upon expiration of the lease
    over the related equipment cost) over the life of the lease using the
    interest method.  The Fund's direct financing leases are for initial
    lease terms ranging from 19 to 59 months.

    Unguaranteed residuals for direct financing leases represent the estimated
    amounts recoverable at lease termination from lease extensions or disposi-
    tion of the equipment.  The Fund reviews these residual values quarterly.
    If the equipment's fair market value is below the estimated residual value,
    an adjustment is made.

    The approximate net investment in direct financing leases as of Septem-
    ber 30, 2001 is as follows (unaudited):

          Minimum lease payments to be received          $4,189,000
          Unguaranteed residuals                            733,000
          Unearned rental income                           (278,000)
          Unearned residual income                          (68,000)


    The Fund also has equipment under operating leases.  The Fund's operating
    leases are for initial lease terms of 58 to 60 months.  Generally, operat-
    ing leases will not recover all of the undepreciated cost and related ex-
    penses of its rental equipment during the initial lease terms and the Fund
    is prepared to remarket the equipment.  Fund policy is to review quarterly
    the expected economic life of its rental equipment in order to determine
    the recoverability of its undepreciated cost.  Recent and anticipated
    technological developments affecting the equipment and competitive factors
    in the marketplace are considered among other things, as part of this re-


                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)

1.  EQUIPMENT LEASED (Continued)

    view.  In accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
    United States of America, the Fund writes down its rental equipment to its
    estimated net realizable value when the amounts are reasonably estimated
    and only recognizes gains upon actual sale of its rental equipment.  As a
    result, there was no write-down of equipment to net realizable value for
    the nine months ended September 30, 2001.  For the nine months ended
    September 30, 2000, $16,000 was charged to write-down of equipment to
    net realizable value.  Any future losses are dependent upon unanticipated
    technological developments affecting the types of equipment in the port-
    folio in subsequent years.

    The future approximate minimum rentals to be received on noncancellable
    operating and direct financing leases as of September 30, 2001 are as
    follows (unaudited):

                 Years Ending December 31      Operating         Financing
                 ________________________      _________         _________

                           2001                 $ 44,000        $  821,000
                           2002                  167,000         2,421,000
                           2003                  117,000           874,000
                           2004                     -               73,000
                                                ________        __________
                                                $328,000        $4,189,000
                                                ========        ==========


    The General Partner receives 5% or 2% of rental payments from equipment
    under operating leases and full pay-out leases, respectively, for adminis-
    trative and management services performed on behalf of the Fund.  Full pay-
    out leases are noncancellable leases for which rental payments during the
    initial term are at least sufficient to recover the purchase price of the
    equipment, including acquisition fees.  This management fee is paid monthly
    only if and when the Limited Partners have received distributions for the
    period from January 1, 1990 through the end of the most recent quarter
    equal to a return for such period at a rate of 12% per year on the
    aggregate amount paid for their units.

    The General Partner may also receive up to 3% of the proceeds from the
    sale of the Fund's equipment for services and activities to be performed
    in connection with the disposition of equipment.  The payment of this sales
    fee is deferred until the Limited Partners have received cash distributions


                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)


    equal to the purchase price of their units plus a 12% cumulative compounded
    priority return.  Based on current estimates, it is not expected that the
    Fund will be required to pay this sales fee to the General Partner.

    Additionally, the General Partner and its parent company are reimbursed by
    the Fund for certain costs of services and materials used by or for the
    Fund except those items covered by the above-mentioned fees.  Following is
    a summary of fees and costs of services and materials charged by the
    General Partner or its parent company during the three and nine months
    ended September 30, 2001 and 2000 (unaudited):

                              Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                 September 30                  September 30
                               2001         2000             2001        2000
                               ____         ____             ____        ____

       Management fee         $20,320      $21,636         $ 61,719    $ 63,101
       Reimbursable costs      43,111       39,279          111,551     110,475

    During the first quarter of 2001, the Fund transferred its checking and
    investment accounts from Hudson United Bank to The, Inc.
    (TBI).  The son and the spouse of the Chairman of Resource America, Inc.
    are the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, respectively, of TBI.  The
    Fund maintains a normal banking relationship with TBI.

    Amounts due from related parties at September 30, 2001 and December 31,
    2000 represent monies due the Fund from the General Partner and/or other
    affiliated funds for rentals and sales proceeds collected and not yet re-
    mitted to the Fund.

    Amounts due to related parties at September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000
    represent monies due to the General Partner for the fees and costs men-
    tioned above, as well as, rentals and sales proceeds collected by the Fund
    on behalf of other affiliated funds.


    The General Partner declared and paid three cash distributions of $35,000
    each subsequent to September 30, 2001 for each of the months ended July 31,
    August 31 and September 30, 2001 for an aggregate of $105,000 to all
    admitted partners as of July 31, August 31 and September 30, 2001.


                      FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.



    Fidelity Leasing Income Fund VI, L.P. had revenues of $190,323 and $384,915
for the three months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively, and
$709,430 and $1,067,599 for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000,
respectively.  Earned income on direct financing leases and rental income from
the leasing of equipment accounted for 79% and 78% of total revenues for the
third quarter of 2001 and 2000, respectively and 81% and 86% of total revenues
for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  The de-
crease in total revenues in 2001 was primarily attributable to the decrease in
rental income.  During the nine months ended September 30, 2001, rental income
decreased by approximately $358,000 because of equipment that terminated and
was sold during 2000 and 2001.  Additionally, the decrease in other income
also contributed to the overall decrease in revenues during the nine months
ended September 30, 2001.  Other income decreased because of a reduction in
transfer fees received for investor account transfers in 2001 compared to 2000.

    Expenses were $132,028 and $236,339 for the three months ended Septem-
ber 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively, and $422,610 and $742,759 for the nine
months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  Depreciation expense
comprised 25% and 55% of total expenses for the third quarter of 2001 and
2000, respectively and 36% and 63% of total expenses for the nine months
ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  The decrease in expenses
for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 was primarily related to the
decrease in depreciation expense resulting from equipment that terminated
and was sold during 2000 and 2001.  Additionally, the decrease in write-down
of equipment to net realizable value contributed to the overall decrease in
expenses in 2001.  Based upon the quarterly review of the recoverability of
the undepreciated cost of rental equipment, there was no charge to write-down
of equipment to net realizable value during the nine months ended September 30,
2001 compared to $16,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2000.  Any
future losses are dependent upon unanticipated technological developments
affecting the types of equipment in the portfolio in subsequent years.

    The Fund's net income was $58,295 and $148,576 for the three months ended
September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively, and $286,820 and $324,840 for the
nine months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  The earnings per
equivalent limited partnership unit, after earnings allocated to the General
Partner, were $1.93 and $4.96 based on a weighted average number of equivalent
limited partnership units outstanding of 29,716 and 29,691 for the three months
ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  The earnings per equivalent
limited partnership unit, after earnings allocated to the General Partner, were
$9.53 and $10.85 based on a weighted average number of equivalent limited
partnership units outstanding of 29,756 and 29,649 for the nine months ended
September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.


                       FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

         RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (Continued)


    The Fund generated cash from operations of $91,030 and $241,755, for the
purpose of determining cash available for distribution, during the quarters
ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  The Fund paid three cash
distributions of $35,000 each subsequent to both September 30, 2001 and 2000
for the three months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000.  For the nine months
ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, the Fund generated $391,409 and $756,544 of
cash from operations, for the purpose of determining cash available for dis-
tribution.  The General Partner declared cash distributions totaling $315,000
and $285,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respec-
tively.  The Fund paid six cash distributions of $35,000 each during the nine
months ended September 30, 2001 and three cash distributions of $35,000 each
subsequent to September 30, 2001 for the nine months ended September 30, 2001.
The Fund also paid three cash distributions of $35,000 each during the first
nine months of 2001 for the months of October, November and December 2000.
The Fund paid three cash distributions of $25,000 each and three cash dis-
tributions of $35,000 each during the nine months ended September 30, 2000
and three cash distributions of $35,000 each subsequent to September 30, 2000
for the nine months ended September 30, 2000.  For financial statement pur-
poses, the Fund records cash distributions to partners on a cash basis in the
period in which they are paid.


    The Fund continues the process of dissolution during 2001.  As provided in
the Restated Limited Partnership Agreement, the assets of the Fund shall be
liquidated as promptly as is consistent with obtaining their fair value.
During this time, the Fund will continue to look for opportunities to purchase
equipment under operating leases or invest in direct financing leases with
cash available from operations that was not distributed to partners in
previous periods.  The Fund invested $652,894 and $1,551,816 in direct
financing leases during the first nine months of 2001 and 2000, respectively.

    The cash position of the Fund is reviewed daily and cash is invested on a
short-term basis.

    The Fund's cash from operations is expected to continue to be adequate to
cover all operating expenses and contingencies during the next twelve month


Part II:  Other Information

                       FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

                                 September 30, 2001

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings:  Inapplicable.

Item 2.  Changes in Securities:  Inapplicable.

Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities:  Inapplicable.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Securities Holders:  Inapplicable.

Item 5.  Other Information:  Inapplicable.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K:

         a)  Exhibits:  None

         b)  Reports on Form 8-K:  None



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the regis-
trant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the under-
signed, thereunto duly authorized.

                       FIDELITY LEASING INCOME FUND VI, L.P.

         11-13-01    By:  Freddie M. Kotek
         ________         _____________________________
           Date           Freddie M. Kotek
                          President of F.L. Partnership Management, Inc.
                          (Principal Operating Officer)

         11-13-01    By:  Marianne T. Schuster
         ________         _____________________________
           Date           Marianne T. Schuster
                          Vice President of F.L. Partnership Management, Inc.
                          (Principal Financial Officer)
