Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant     [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement      [ ] Confidential, for use of the Commission
                                         only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ] Definitive Additional Materials

[ ] Soliciting Material under Rule 14a-12

                                 OAK VALUE FUND
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of person (s) filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) (4) and 0-11.

     1.   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2.   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3.   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

     4.   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5.   Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11 (a) (2) and identify the filing for which  the offsetting fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filling.

     1.   Amount Previously Paid:

     2.   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3.   Filing Party:

     4.   Date Filed:

           Please fold and detach card at perforation before mailing.

                                 OAK VALUE FUND

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                December 15, 2003


The undersigned  hereby appoints Margaret C. Landis and John F. Splain, and each
of them, as Proxies with power of  substitution  and hereby  authorizes  each of
them to represent and to vote,  as provided on the reverse  side,  all shares of
beneficial  interest of the Oak Value Fund that the  undersigned  is entitled to
vote at the special  meeting of  shareholders to be held on December 15, 2003 or
at any adjournment  thereof,  as fully and with the same force and effect as the
undersigned might or could do if personally present.

The undersigned  acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting and Proxy
Statement dated November 12, 2003.

                               Date:   _________________________________________

                               Note:   Please  sign exactly as your name appears
                                       on this Proxy.  If signing for an estate,
                                       trust  or  corporation, title or capacity
                                       should be stated.  If the shares are held
                                       jointly,  both signers should sign.

                                       Signature(s) PLEASE SIGN IN BOX ABOVE

           Please fold and detach card at perforation before mailing.


Please fill in box(es) as shown using black or blue ink or a number 2 pencil.

1.   With respect to approval of a new  investment  advisory  agreement with Oak
     Value Capital Management, Inc.

         FOR                       AGAINST                        ABSTAIN
       [    ]                      [    ]                          [    ]

2.   With respect to the election of three Trustees:

     01     Larry D. Coats, Jr.       03     Charles T. Manatt
     02     Matthew F. Sauer

     FOR ALL                     WITHHOLD ALL                  FOR ALL EXCEPT
     [    ]                        [    ]                          [    ]


     To withhold authority to vote for any Nominee(s), mark "FOR ALL EXCEPT" and
     write the Nominee number(s) on the line provided.

3.   In their  discretion,  the Proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     matters as may properly come before the meeting.


                                 OAK VALUE TRUST
                         3100 Tower Boulevard, Suite 700
                          Durham, North Carolina 27707

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                December 15, 2003

                      Important Voting Information Inside!


Letter from the President .................................................    1

Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders .................................    2

Proxy Statement ...........................................................    3

      Proposal 1:  Approval or Disapproval of New Advisory Agreement ......    4

      Proposal 2:  Election of Trustees ...................................    7

      Outstanding Shares and Voting Requirements ..........................   12

      Oak Value Capital Management, Inc. ..................................   13

      Information on the Operation of the Fund ............................   14

      Principal Shareholders ..............................................   15

      Other Matters .......................................................   15

      Exhibit A:  New Management Agreement ................................   17

      Exhibit B: Audit Committee Charter ..................................   23

                            LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT

                                 Oak Value Trust
                              3100 Tower Boulevard
                                    Suite 700
                          Durham, North Carolina 27707

                                                               November 12, 2003

Dear Shareholder,

     I am writing to inform you of an upcoming  Special  Meeting of Shareholders
of the Oak Value Fund (the "Fund") to be held on December  15, 2003.  As most of
you are  already  aware,  George W.  Brumley,  III was  tragically  killed in an
airplane  crash  in July  2003.  Mr.  Brumley  was one of the Oak  Value  Fund's
co-portfolio  managers and one of the founders of Oak Value Capital  Management,
Inc.  ("Oak Value"),  the Fund's  investment  adviser.  On October 14, 2003, Oak
Value  purchased  the shares of Oak Value owned by Mr.  Brumley's  estate.  This
transaction resulted in a change of control at Oak Value, which in turn resulted
in the termination of the investment  advisory  agreement  between Oak Value and
the Fund. At the Special Meeting of Shareholders, you are being asked to approve
a new advisory  agreement with Oak Value under  substantially  the same terms as
the previous advisory agreement.  NO FEE INCREASE WILL RESULT FROM APPROVING THE

     I'm sure that you,  like most  people,  lead a busy life and are tempted to
put this proxy aside for another day.  Please don't.  When  shareholders  do not
return their  proxies,  additional  expenses  are incurred to pay for  follow-up
mailings  and  telephone  calls.  PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO REVIEW THIS PROXY

     The Board of  Trustees of the Fund has  approved  the  proposals  described
herein and  recommends  a vote "FOR" each  proposal.  If you have any  questions
regarding the issue to be voted on or need  assistance in completing  your proxy
card, please contact us toll free at 1-800-680-4199.

     I appreciate your consideration of these important proposals. Thank you for
investing with the Oak Value Fund and for your continued support.


/s/Larry D. Coats, Jr.
Larry D. Coats, Jr.


                                 OAK VALUE TRUST

                                 OAK VALUE FUND

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 15, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special  meeting of  shareholders  of the Oak
Value  Fund,  a series of the Oak Value  Trust,  will be held at the  offices of
Ultimus Fund Solutions,  LLC, 135 Merchant Street, Suite 230,  Cincinnati,  Ohio
45246, on December 15, 2003 at 11:00 a.m., Eastern time, to consider and vote on
the following matters:

     1.   To approve or disapprove a new investment  advisory agreement with Oak
          Value  Capital  Management,  Inc.  NO FEE  INCREASE  WILL  RESULT FROM

     2.   To elect three Trustees; and

     3.   To transact any other business, not currently  contemplated,  that may
          properly  come before the meeting in the  discretion of the proxies or
          their substitutes.

     Shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on October  24, 2003 are
entitled to notice of and to vote at this meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                           By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                           /s/John F. Splain
                                           John F. Splain
                                           Assistant Secretary

November 12, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                 OAK VALUE TRUST

                                 OAK VALUE FUND

                         TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 15, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation by
the Board of Trustees of the Oak Value Trust ("the Trust") of proxies for use at
the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Oak Value Fund (the "Fund") or at any
adjournment thereof. The principal address of the Trust is 3100 Tower Boulevard,
Suite 700, Durham,  North Carolina 27707. This proxy statement and form of proxy
were first mailed to shareholders on or about November 12, 2003.

     The  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  is being  held  for the  following
purposes:  (1) to consider approval of a new investment  advisory agreement (the
"New Advisory Agreement") with Oak Value Capital Management, Inc. ("Oak Value");
and (2) to elect three Trustees.

     A proxy, if properly executed, duly returned and not revoked, will be voted
in accordance with the specifications therein. A proxy that is properly executed
but has no voting instructions with respect to a proposal will be voted for that
proposal.  A  shareholder  may revoke a proxy at any time prior to use by filing
with the Secretary of the Trust an instrument  revoking the proxy, by submitting
a proxy bearing a later date, or by attending and voting at the meeting.

     The cost of the  solicitation,  including  the  printing and mailing of the
proxy materials,  will be borne by the Fund and the Adviser in equal amounts. In
addition to solicitation through the mail, proxies may be solicited by officers,
employees and agents of the Fund without cost to the Fund. Such solicitation may
be by  telephone,  facsimile  or  otherwise.  The Fund and/or the  Adviser  will
reimburse  brokers,  custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries  for the  reasonable
expenses incurred by them in connection with forwarding solicitation material to
the beneficial owners of shares held of record by such persons.


                                   PROPOSAL 1


     In July 2003, George W. Brumley,  III, co-portfolio manager to the Fund and
a founding  member and  controlling  shareholder  of Oak Value,  was  tragically
killed in an airplane crash. Oak Value,  under the leadership of David Carr, Jr.
(co-portfolio  manager of the Fund and the other founding  member of Oak Value),
appointed  Larry D.  Coats,  Jr. and  Matthew F. Sauer to serve with Mr. Carr as
co-portfolio  managers to the Fund. Messrs.  Coats and Sauer have each been with
Oak Value in excess of 8 years and serve on Oak Value's investment committee.

     On October 14, 2003, Oak Value repurchased the shares of Oak Value owned by
the Estate of George W. Brumley, III (the "Transaction"). The Investment Company
Act of 1940 (the "1940  Act")  provides  in part that an owner of 25% or more of
the outstanding voting securities of an entity is presumed to have a controlling
interest in that  entity.  Because Mr.  Brumley's  ownership in Oak Value was in
excess of 25%, the Transaction resulted in a change of control of Oak Value and,
pursuant to relevant  provisions  of the 1940 Act,  effectively  terminated  the
investment  advisory  agreement  between  the  Trust and Oak  Value.  Therefore,
shareholders  of the Fund are being asked to approve the New Advisory  Agreement
in order for Oak Value to continue as the Fund's investment adviser.  There may,
from time to time, be additional  repurchases that change the relative ownership
of the remaining  shareholders of Oak Value, however,  these repurchases are not
expected  to result in an  "assignment"  and  automatic  termination  of the New
Advisory  Agreement.  Messrs.  Carr,  Coats and Sauer will  continue to serve as
co-portfolio  managers for the Fund  following  the approval of the New Advisory
Agreement by  shareholders.  As discussed more fully below, the terms of the New
Advisory Agreement are substantially identical in all material respects to those
of the former advisory  agreement,  except that the New Advisory Agreement has a
different effective date and termination date.


     As a  result  of the  Transaction  having  occurred  prior  to  shareholder
approval of the New Advisory  Agreement,  the Trust does not have an  investment
advisory  agreement in place for the Fund that has been approved by shareholders
in  accordance  with the 1940 Act.  In order for Oak  Value to  continue  as the
Fund's investment  manager,  the Board of Trustees,  including a majority of the
Trustees  who  are  not  interested  persons  of  the  Trust  (the  "Independent
Trustees"),  at meeting held on October 22, 2003,  approved an interim  advisory
agreement  (the  "Interim  Advisory  Agreement")  with Oak  Value.  The  Interim
Advisory  Agreement was approved within 10 days of the termination of the former
advisory  agreement  as required  by Rule 15a-4 under the 1940 Act.  The Interim
Advisory  Agreement is dated October 14, 2003, the date of the Transaction,  and
replaced the former  advisory  agreement as of such date.  The Interim  Advisory
Agreement  will  terminate  upon  shareholder   approval  of  the  New  Advisory
Agreement,  unless it sooner  terminates  according  to its terms,  as described


     The Interim Advisory  Agreement is substantially  identical in all material
respects to the former advisory agreement and the New Advisory Agreement, except
that it has a maximum  term of 150 days as required by Rule 15a-4 under the 1940
Act. The Interim Advisory  Agreement provides for the same level of compensation
to Oak Value as the former advisory agreement.


     The terms of the New Advisory Agreement are substantially  identical in all
material respects to those of the former advisory agreement, except that the New
Advisory Agreement has a different  effective date and termination date. The New
Advisory  Agreement,  if  approved  by  shareholders,  will  replace the Interim
Advisory Agreement. Under the New Advisory Agreement, Oak Value will continue to
be responsible for selecting portfolio securities and for providing a continuous
investment program for the Fund,  including  providing  investment  research and
management  and  purchasing,  retaining and selling  securities for the Fund and
placing orders for the execution of the Fund's  portfolio  transactions,  all in
accordance  with the 1940 Act and any  rules  thereunder,  the  supervision  and
control of the Board of Trustees,  and the  investment  objective,  policies and
restrictions  of the Fund. Oak Value will continue to pay all expenses  incurred
by it in connection  with its  investment  advisory  services  pertaining to the
Fund.  The Fund will  continue  to pay all of the  expenses  relating to its own
operations,  including brokerage fees and commissions,  taxes, interest charges,
the fees of Oak Value and the fees and  expenses  of the  Fund's  administrator,
transfer agent,  fund accounting agent and custodian,  audit and legal expenses,
costs of Trustees' and shareholders' meetings,  costs of maintaining the Trust's
existence as a legal entity,  federal and state  registration  or  qualification
fees and expenses,  costs of printing and mailing  Prospectuses  and shareholder
reports to existing shareholders,  fees and expenses of the Independent Trustees
and extraordinary expenses.

     Fees paid to Oak Value under the New Advisory  Agreement will be calculated
at the same  rate as the fees  previously  charged  under  the  former  advisory
agreement and those presently charged under the Interim Advisory Agreement.  The
advisory fee paid by the Fund is equal to the annual rate of 0.90% of the Fund's
average daily net assets.

     The New Advisory Agreement,  if approved by shareholders,  will continue in
effect for an initial  period of two years from the date of such  approval,  and
from year to year  thereafter,  provided that its  continuance  is  specifically
approved (1) by the Board of Trustees or (2) by a vote of a majority (as defined
in the 1940 Act) of the outstanding shares of the Fund.

     The New  Advisory  Agreement  may be  terminated  at any time upon 60 days'
written notice, without payment of any penalty (1) by the Board of Trustees, (2)
by a vote of the majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund, or
(3) by Oak Value. The New Advisory Agreement will automatically terminate in the
event of its assignment (as that term is defined in the 1940 Act).

     The New Advisory  Agreement,  like the Interim  Advisory  Agreement and the
former  advisory  agreement,  provides that Oak Value will not be liable for any
error of judgment,  mistake of law or for any other loss suffered by the Fund in
connection  with the  services  that


Oak Value  provides to the Fund and further  that Oak Value will be  indemnified
against a loss  related to or  resulting  from the  services  it provides to the
Fund,  except,  in each case, a loss  resulting  from a breach of fiduciary duty
with respect to the receipt of  compensation  for  services or a loss  resulting
from Oak Value's willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross  negligence,  or from
reckless  disregard  by Oak Value of its  obligations  and duties  under the New
Advisory Agreement.

     The  description of the New Advisory  Agreement in this Proxy  Statement is
only a summary.  The form of the New Advisory  Agreement  is attached  hereto as
Exhibit A. You should read the New Advisory Agreement.

     If the  shareholders of the Fund do not approve the New Advisory  Agreement
within 150 days of the effective  date of the Interim  Advisory  Agreement,  the
Trustees will consider  other  appropriate  actions in accordance  with the 1940


     On November 11,  2003,  the Board of Trustees,  including  the  Independent
Trustees,  unanimously  approved,  subject to the required  shareholder approval
described herein, the New Advisory Agreement.

     In making the  determination  to  recommend  approval  of the New  Advisory
Agreement to shareholders of the Fund, the Board of Trustees carefully evaluated
information the Trustees  deemed  necessary to enable them to determine that the
New  Advisory  Agreement  would  be in the  best  interests  of the Fund and its
shareholders.  The Board of Trustees  gave  substantial  weight to the Adviser's
representations  that:  (i) the  responsibilities  of Oak  Value  under  the New
Advisory  Agreement  are the same in all  material  respects as under the former
advisory  agreement and the Interim Advisory  Agreement;  (ii) the operations of
Oak Value and the level or quality of  advisory  services  provided  to the Fund
will not be materially affected as a result of the New Advisory Agreement; (iii)
the same  personnel  of Oak  Value who  currently  provide  investment  advisory
services to the Fund will  continue to do so upon  approval of the New  Advisory
Agreement;  (iv) the overall  management fees payable by the Fund will be at the
same rate as the  compensation  now  payable  by the Fund;  and (v) the  overall
financial  condition of Oak Value remains strong following the Transaction.  The
Board of Trustees  believes that the Fund should receive  investment  management
services  under the New  Advisory  Agreement  at least equal to those  currently
received by the Fund,  with no change in the overall  management fees payable by
the Fund. The Board of Trustees therefore unanimously recommends approval of the
New Advisory Agreement by shareholders of the Fund.

     In addition,  the Trustees  considered a wide range of  information  of the
type they  would  regularly  consider  when  determining  to  continue  a fund's
management  agreement as in effect from year to year.  The  Trustees  considered
information about, among other things:

     o    Oak Value and its personnel  (including  particularly  those personnel
          with  responsibilities for providing services to the Fund),  resources
          and investment process;


     o    the terms of the New Advisory Agreement;

     o    the  scope  and  quality  of the  services  that  Oak  Value  has been
          providing to the Fund;

     o    the  investment  performance  of the Fund  compared  to similar  funds
          managed by other investment advisers over various periods;

     o    the management fee rates payable by the Fund compared to similar funds
          managed by other investment advisers; and

     o    the total  expense ratio of the Fund compared to similar funds managed
          by other investment advisers.

     After carefully  considering the information described above, the Trustees,
including  the  Independent  Trustees,  unanimously  voted  to  approve  the New
Advisory Agreement and to recommend that the Fund's shareholders vote to approve
the New Advisory Agreement.


                                   PROPOSAL 2:
                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

     The Board of Trustees of the Trust is proposing that three individuals (the
"Nominees") be elected by  shareholders  to the Board at the Special  Meeting of
Shareholders.  It is  intended  that the  enclosed  Proxy  will be voted FOR the
election of the three  Nominees  named below as Trustees,  unless such authority
has been withheld in the Proxy.  Each person  elected as Trustee shall serve for
an indefinite term, until his  resignation,  retirement or removal.  Information
regarding each Nominee is set forth below.  Each Nominee has consented to serve,
or to continue to serve, as a Trustee if elected.

     Shareholders  are being  asked to elect the three  Nominees to serve on the
Board of Trustees of the Trust in order to ensure  that at least  two-thirds  of
the members of the Board have been elected by the  shareholders  of the Trust as
required  by the 1940  Act.  Currently,  the  Board  consists  of five  Trustees
(Matthew F. Sauer,  C. Russell  Bryan,  John M. Day,  Joseph T. Jordan,  Jr. and
Charles T. Manatt), of which three (Messrs.  Bryan, Day and Jordan) were elected
previously by  shareholders  of the Fund.  The Board of Trustees has nominated a
sixth  individual,  Larry D. Coats,  Jr., an interested  person of the Trust, to
fill the vacancy  created by the death of George W.  Brumley,  III. The 1940 Act
provides,  however, that vacancies on the Board of Trustees may not be filled by
Trustees unless  thereafter at least  two-thirds of the Trustees shall have been
elected by shareholders.  To ensure  compliance with the 1940 Act,  shareholders


being asked at the Special  Meeting to elect Messrs.  Sauer and Manatt,  who are
both  currently   Trustees  but  who  have  not   previously   been  elected  by
shareholders,  and to elect Mr.  Coats as a new member of the Board.  Consistent
with the Trust's Bylaws,  and as permitted by Massachusetts  law, the Trust does
not anticipate holding annual  shareholder  meetings unless required by the 1940
Act.  Thus,  the Trustees  will  effectively  be elected for  indefinite  terms,
subject to  retirement,  resignation  or removal.  Each Nominee has  indicated a
willingness to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees if elected.  If any of
the  Nominees  should not be  available  for election at the time of the Special
Meeting,  the persons named as proxies (or their substitutes) may vote for other
persons in their discretion.  However,  management has no reason to believe that
any Nominee will be unavailable  for election.  In evaluating the Nominees,  the
Trustees took into account their  background  and  experience,  including  their
familiarity with the issues relating to the Fund and its underlying  investments
as well as their careers in business,  finance,  politics,  law and other areas.
The Trustees also considered the prior  experience of certain of the Nominees as
Trustees of the Trust.


     The Board of Trustees  oversees the  management  of the Trust and generally
meets at least quarterly to review reports about Fund operations.  The Board has
the  authority to manage the  business of the Trust on behalf of its  investors,
and it has all powers necessary or convenient to carry out that  responsibility.
Consequently,  the Trustees may adopt Bylaws  providing for the  regulation  and
management  of the  affairs  of the Trust and may amend and  repeal  them to the
extent  that such  Bylaws do not  reserve  that right to the  Fund's  investors.
Subject  to the  1940  Act and  applicable  Massachusetts  law,  they  may  fill
vacancies on the Board or reduce the number of Board members,  and may elect and
remove such  officers  and appoint and  terminate  such agents as they  consider
appropriate.  They may appoint from their own number and establish and terminate
one or more  committees  consisting of two or more Trustees who may exercise the
powers and  authority  of the Board to the extent that the  Trustees  determine.
They may, in general,  delegate such authority as they consider desirable to any
officer of the Trust, to any Committee of the Board and to any agent or employee
of the Trust. Any determination as to what is in the interests of the Trust made
by the Trustees in good faith shall be conclusive.


     The  following is a list of the  Trustees  and  Nominees and the  Executive
Officers of the Trust. Each Trustee who is an "interested  person" of the Trust,
as defined by the 1940 Act, is  indicated  by an  asterisk.  The other  Trustees
and/or  Nominees  are  independent;  that is, among other  things,  they are not
employees  or officers of the Trust and they have no  financial  interest in Oak
Value or any of the  Trust's  other  service  providers.  During the most recent
fiscal year,  the Board of Trustees met five times.  Each Trustee  attended over
75% of the  meetings  of the Board of  Trustees,  and each member of the Trust's
Audit  Committee (as discussed  below)  attended over 75% of the meetings of the
Audit Committee.

     INTERESTED  TRUSTEES  AND  OFFICERS.  The table  below sets  forth  certain
information about each of the Trust's Trustees/Nominees and Executive Officers.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        NUMBER OF
                                                TERM OF                                PORTFOLIOS       OTHER
                               POSITION(S)     OFFICE AND                               IN FUND     DIRECTORSHIPS1
                                HELD WITH      LENGTH OF     PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION(S)    COMPLEX        HELD BY
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Larry D. Coats, Jr.*          President and   Indefinite;     President, Chief              1            None
3100 Tower Boulevard             Nominee      Since:          Executive Officer and
Suite 700                                     July 2003       Portfolio Manager with
Durham, NC 27707                                              Oak Value Capital
Age: 43                                                       Management, Inc.; prior
Date of Birth: 05/21/60                                       to July 2003, Executive
                                                              Vice President and
                                                              Portfolio Manager with
                                                              Oak Value Capital
                                                              Management, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Matthew F. Sauer*               Trustee,      Indefinite;     For more than the past        1            None
3100 Tower Boulevard           Nominee and    Since:          five years, Mr. Sauer has
Suite 700                    Vice President   February 2002   been Senior Vice
Durham, NC 27707                                              President, Director of
Age: 42                                                       Research and Portfolio
Date of Birth: 10/20/61                                       Manager with Oak Value
                                                              Capital Management, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert G. Dorsey             Vice President   Indefinite;     Managing Director of
135 Merchant Street                           Since:          Ultimus Fund Solutions,
Suite 230                                     June 2003       LLC and Ultimus Fund
Cincinnati, OH 45246                                          Distributors, LLC;
Age: 46                                                       prior to March 1999,
Date of Birth: 04/08/57                                       President of Countrywide
                                                              Fund Services, Inc. (a
                                                              mutual fund services company).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark J. Seger                   Treasurer     Indefinite;     Managing Director of
135 Merchant Street                           Since:          Ultimus Fund Solutions,
Suite 230                                     June 2003       LLC and Ultimus Fund
Cincinnati, OH 45246                                          Distributors, LLC;
Age: 41                                                       prior to March 1999,
Date of Birth: 01/04/62                                       First Vice President of
                                                              Countrywide Fund
                                                              Services, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John F. Splain                  Secretary     Indefinite;     Managing Director of
135 Merchant Street                           Since:          Ultimus Fund Solutions,
Suite 230                                     June 2003       LLC and Ultimus Fund
Cincinnati, OH 45246                                          Distributors, LLC;
Age: 47                                                       prior to March 1999,
Date of Birth:  09/07/56                                      First Vice
                                                              President/Secretary of
                                                              Countrywide Fund
                                                              Services, Inc. and
                                                              affiliated companies.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    Messrs. Coats and Sauer may each be deemed to be an "interested person," as
     defined by the 1940 Act,  because of his employment  with Oak Value Capital
     Management, Inc., the investment adviser to the Trust.

1    Represents  directorships  held  in  (1)  any  other  investment  companies
     registered  under the 1940 Act, (2) any company with a class of  securities
     registered  pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
     as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")  or  (3)  any  company  subject  to the
     requirements of Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act.


     INDEPENDENT  TRUSTEES.  The following table sets forth certain  information
about the Trust's Independent Trustees.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                       NUMBER OF
                                                TERM OF                               PORTFOLIOS        OTHER
                              POSITION(S)      OFFICE AND           PRINCIPAL           IN FUND     DIRECTORSHIPS1
                               HELD WITH       LENGTH OF          OCCUPATION(S)         COMPLEX        HELD BY
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C. Russell Bryan                Trustee      Indefinite;     Managing Director of          1            None
112 Tryon Plaza                              Since:          Brookwood Associates,
Suite 1500                                   May 1995        LLC (an investment
Charlotte, NC 28284                                          banking firm); prior to
Age: 43                                                      April 1999, Principal
Date of Birth: 06/13/60                                      with NationsBanc
                                                             Montgomery Securities,
                                                             Inc. (an investment
                                                             banking firm).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John M. Day                     Trustee      Indefinite;     For more than the             1            None
5151 Glenwood Avenue                         Since:          past five years, Mr.
Raleigh, NC 27612                            May 1995        Day has been Managing
Age: 49                                                      Partner of Maynard
Date of Birth: 04/28/54                                      Capital Partners (an
                                                             investment firm).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph T. Jordan, Jr.           Trustee      Indefinite;     For more than the             1            None
1816 Front Street                            Since:          past five years, Mr.
Suite 320                                    May 1995        Jordan has served as
Durham, NC 27705                                             the President of
Age: 57                                                      Practice Management
Date of Birth: 04/17/46                                      Services, Inc. (a
                                                             medical practice
                                                             management firm).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Charles T. Manatt, Esq.       Trustee and    Indefinite;     Founder of Manatt,            1            None
1501 M Street, NW               Nominee      Since:          Phelps & Phillips,
Suite 700                                    February 2002   L.L.P. (a law firm);
Washington, D.C. 20005                                       from 1999 to 2001,
Age: 67                                                      U.S. Ambassador to
Date of Birth: 06/9/36                                       the Dominican
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1  Directorships held in (1) any other investment companies registered under the
   1940 Act, (2) any company with a class of securities  registered  pursuant to
   Section 12 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
   Act") or (3) any company subject to the  requirements of Section 15(d) of the
   Exchange Act.

         AUDIT COMMITTEE.  Messrs.  Bryan, Day, Jordan and Manatt constitute the
Trust's Audit  Committee.  The Audit Committee  reviews  annually the nature and
cost  of  the  professional   services  rendered  by  the  Trust's   independent
accountants,  the  results  of their  year-end  audit  and  their  findings  and
recommendations as to accounting and financial  matters,  including the adequacy
of  internal  controls.  On the basis of this review the Audit  Committee  makes
recommendations to the Trustees as to the appointment of independent accountants
for the  following  year.  The Audit  Committee  has adopted an Audit  Committee
Charter  which serves as a guideline in carrying out the above stated duties and
responsibilities.  See Exhibit B for a copy the Trust's Audit Committee Charter.
The  Trustees  have not  appointed  a  compensation  committee  or a  nominating
committee.  The Audit Committee meets  periodically,  as necessary,  and met two
times during the most recently completed fiscal year.


     OTHER COMMITTEES. The Trust does not have a compensation committee or other
committees  performing  similar  functions.  While  the  Trust  does  not have a
standing nominating committee,  the selection and nomination of the Trustees who
are not  interested  persons of the Trust are committed to the discretion of the
Independent Trustees.


(1)                            (2)                               (3)
                              THE FUND                    INVESTMENT COMPANIES
C. Russell Bryan           $10,001--$50,000                 $10,001--$50,000

John M. Day                   $1--$10,000                      $1--$10,000

Joseph T. Jordan, Jr.        Over $100,000                    Over $100,000

Charles T. Manatt, Esq.    $50,001--$100,000                $50,001--$100,000

Larry D. Coats, Jr.          Over $100,000                     Over $100,000

Matthew F. Sauer             Over $100,000                     Over $100,000


*    Each Trustee  and/or  Nominee  owns less than 1% of the Fund's  outstanding
     shares.  All Trustees,  Nominees and officers as a group owned of record or
     beneficially  less than 1% of the Fund's  outstanding  shares on the Record

     BOARD COMPENSATION.  Trustees of the Trust who are not directors,  officers
or  employees of Oak Value or the  Distributor  receive from the Trust an annual
retainer of $12,000  and a fee of $2,500 for each Board of  Trustees  meeting of
the Trust attended, and are reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses related to
attendance at such meetings.  Trustees who are directors,  officers or employees
of Oak Value or the Distributor do not receive  compensation from the Trust. The
table below sets forth the  compensation  received by each  Independent  Trustee
from the Trust during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           PENSION OR                                      PAID FROM
                                                           RETIREMENT                                       FUND AND
                                   AGGREGATE            BENEFITS ACCRUED            ESTIMATED                 FUND
                                 COMPENSATION            AS A PART OF            ANNUAL BENEFITS           COMPLEX TO
NAME OF TRUSTEE                    FROM FUND             FUND EXPENSES            UPON RETIREMENT           TRUSTEES
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C. Russell Bryan                    $22,000                    -0-                      -0-                  $22,000

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John M. Day                         $19,500                    -0-                      -0-                  $19,500

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph T. Jordan, Jr.               $22,000                    -0-                      -0-                  $22,000

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Charles T. Manatt, Esq.             $22,000                    -0-                      -0-                  $22,000

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         (1)                  (2)                (3)                 (4)                (5)                 (6)
                       RELATIONSHIPS TO                           SECURITY           SECURITIES
C. Russell Bryan              N/A                N/A                 N/A                None                N/A

John M. Day                   N/A                N/A                 N/A                None                N/A

Joseph T. Jordan, Jr.         N/A                N/A                 N/A                None                N/A

Charles T. Manatt, Esq.       N/A                N/A                 N/A                None                N/A


1    Oak Value Capital Management, Inc.
2    Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC



     The Board of  Trustees  has fixed the close of business on October 24, 2003
as the Record Date for the  determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of
and to vote at the Special Meeting of  Shareholders of any adjournment  thereof.
As of the Record Date, there were 9,193,016.91 shares of beneficial interest, no
par value, of the Fund outstanding.  All full shares of the Fund are entitled to
one vote, with proportionate voting for fractional shares.

     The vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund is required
for approval of the New Advisory Agreement  (Proposal 1). The vote of a majority
of the  outstanding  shares  for  purposes  of  Proposal 1 means the vote of the
lesser of (1) 67% or more of the shares  present or  represented by proxy at the
meeting,  if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding  shares are present
or represented by proxy,  or (2) more than 50% of the outstanding  shares.  With
respect to the election of Trustees  (Proposal 2), the three Nominees  receiving
the highest number


of affirmative  votes cast at the meeting will be elected,  so long as the votes
FOR each Nominee exceed the votes AGAINST the Nominee.

     A quorum is the  number of shares  legally  required  to be at a meeting in
order to conduct business. The presence, in person or by proxy, of more than 50%
of the Fund's  outstanding  shares is  necessary  to  constitute a quorum at the
meeting.  If the meeting is called to order but a quorum is not  represented  at
the meeting,  the persons named as proxies may vote those proxies that have been
received to adjourn  the meeting to a later date.  If a quorum is present at the
meeting but sufficient  votes to approve the proposal  described  herein are not
received,  the persons named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of
the meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies. Any such adjournment will
require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of those shares  represented at the
meeting in person or by proxy.  The  persons  named as  proxies  will vote those
proxies  received that voted in favor of a proposal in favor of such adjournment
and will vote those proxies  received which voted against a proposal against any
such adjournment.

     Abstentions and "broker non-voters" are counted for purposes of determining
whether a quorum is present but do not  represent  votes cast with  respect to a
proposal. "Broker non-votes" are shares held by a broker or nominee for which an
executed  proxy is  received  by the  Fund,  but are not voted as to one or more
proposals because instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners
or  persons   entitled  to  vote  and  the  broker  or  nominee  does  not  have
discretionary voting power.  Accordingly,  "broker non-votes" and abstentions on
any of the Proposals effectively will be a vote against that Proposal.

     The  Trustees of the Trust  intend to vote all of their  shares in favor of
each of the proposals described herein.


     Oak Value is a North Carolina corporation organized in 1992. In addition to
serving  as  investment  adviser  to the  Fund,  Oak Value  provides  investment
advisory services to individuals, pension and profit sharing plans, other pooled
investment  vehicles,  charitable  organizations  and  corporations.  Oak  Value
manages  more than $1.3  billion in  assets.  Oak Value is located at 3100 Tower
Boulevard, Suite 700, Durham, North Carolina 27707.

     During  the  fiscal  year ended  June 30,  2003,  the Fund paid  investment
advisory fees of $2,078,807 to Oak Value. The former advisory  agreement between
Oak Value and the Trust (which  terminated  on October 14, 2003, as discussed in
Proposal 1 above) was last  submitted  and  approved by the Board of Trustees on
May 13, 2003 and by shareholders of the Fund on May 22, 1995.

     The controlling shareholders (shareholders owning 25% or more of Oak Value)
of Oak Value are David R. Carr, Jr. and Larry D. Coats, Jr. The directors of Oak
Value are David R. Carr, Jr., Larry D. Coats, Jr., Matthew F. Sauer and Margaret
C. Landis.  The address and  principal  occupation of each  principal  executive
officer and director of Oak Value are set forth in the table below.


NAME AND ADDRESS                                PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David R. Carr, Jr.                 Chairman, Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio
3100 Tower Boulevard               Manager and Director of Oak Value
Suite 700
Durham, NC 27707

Larry D. Coats, Jr.                President, Chief Executive Officer, Portfolio
3100 Tower Boulevard               Manager and Director of Oak Value
Suite 700
Durham, NC 27707

Matthew F. Sauer                   Senior Vice President, Director of Research,
3100 Tower Boulevard               Portfolio Manager, Assistant Treasurer and
Suite 700                          Director of Oak Value
Durham, NC 27707

Margaret C. Landis                 Vice President, Director of Compliance,
3100 Tower Boulevard               Secretary, Treasurer and Director
Suite 700                          of Oak Value
Durham, NC 27707

     Each of the following persons is both a Trustee or officer of the Trust and
a director, officer or employee of Oak Value:

                                                                          Position with
  Name                             Position with Oak Value                the Trust
  -------------------------        --------------------------             ----------------------
  Larry D. Coats, Jr. *            President, Chief Executive Officer,    President
                                   Portfolio Manager and Director

  Matthew F. Sauer**               Senior Vice President, Director        Trustee/Vice President
                                   of Research, Portfolio Manager,
                                   Assistant Treasurer and Director

  Margaret C. Landis               Vice President, Director of            Assistant Secretary
                                   Compliance, Secretary, Treasurer
                                   and Director

*    Larry D. Coats, Jr. is currently a Nominee for election as a Trustee at the
     Special Meeting of Shareholders.

**   Matthew F. Sauer  currently  serves as a Trustee.  He is also a Nominee for
     election at the Special Meeting of Shareholders.



     Ultimus Fund Distributors,  LLC (the  "Distributor"),  135 Merchant Street,
Cincinnati,  Ohio  45246,  serves  as  the  Fund's  principal  underwriter.  The
Distributor  is  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Ultimus  Fund  Solutions,  LLC
("Ultimus"), the Fund's administrator, transfer agent and fund accountant.



     The Fund has entered into  agreements  with Ultimus,  135 Merchant  Street,
Suite 230,  Cincinnati,  Ohio  45246,  whereby  Ultimus is  responsible  for the
provision of administration,  fund accounting and transfer agent and shareholder
services to the Fund.  For providing  administration  services to the Fund,  the
Fund pays  Ultimus a fee at the annual rate of .10% of the average  value of its
daily net assets up to $50  million,  .075% of such  assets  from $50 million to
$200 million, .050% of such assets in excess of $200 million, provided, however,
that the minimum fee is $2,000 per month.

The Fund will furnish,  without charge,  a copy of its most recent annual report
and semi-annual report upon request. To request these documents,  please call us
toll free at 1-800-622-2474,  or write to John F. Splain,  Secretary,  Oak Value
Fund, P.O. Box 46707, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246-0707.

     As of  the  Record  Date,  the  following  were  five  percent  or  greater
shareholders of the Fund:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      SHARE BALANCE             PERCENTAGE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.             3,573,896.17                38.88%
101 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94104
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
National Financial Services LLC        1,278,727.30                13.91%
1 World Financial Center
New York, New York 10281
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     The proxy  holders  have no present  intention of bringing any other matter
before the meeting other than those specifically referred to above or matters in
connection  with or for the  purpose of  effecting  the same.  Neither the proxy
holders  nor the  Board of  Trustees  are  aware  of any  matters  which  may be
presented  by others.  If any other  business  shall  properly  come  before the
meeting,  the proxy holders intend to vote thereon in accordance with their best

     The Trust has not received any  shareholder  proposals to be considered for
presentation  at the  Meeting.  Under  the  proxy  rules of the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission,  shareholder  proposals may, under certain conditions,  be
included in the Trust's  proxy  statement  and proxy for a  particular  meeting.
Under these  rules,  proposals  submitted  for  inclusion  in the Trust's  proxy
materials  must be received  by the Trust  within a  reasonable  time before the
solicitation is made. The fact that the Trust receives a shareholder proposal in
a timely  manner does not insure its inclusion in its proxy  materials,  because
there are other requirements in the proxy rules relating to such inclusion.  You
should  be  aware  that  annual  meetings  of  shareholders  of the Fund are not
required as long as there is no particular requirement under the 1940 Act, which
must be met by


convening such a shareholder meeting. Any shareholder proposal should be sent to
Margaret C.  Landis,  Assistant  Secretary of the Trust,  3100 Tower  Boulevard,
Suite 700, Durham, North Carolina 27707.

                                    By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                    /s/ John F. Splain
                                    John F. Splain

Date:    November 12, 2003

Please complete,  date and sign the enclosed Proxy and return it promptly in the


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of the ____ day of _______, 2003, by and between
OAK VALUE TRUST, a Massachusetts business trust, on behalf of its OAK VALUE FUND
series (the "Fund"), and OAK VALUE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT,  INC. (the "Advisor"),  a
North  Carolina  corporation  registered  as an  investment  advisor  under  the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.

WHEREAS,  the  Trust  is  registered  as  a  diversified,   open-end  management
investment  company of the series type under the Investment Company Act of 1940,
as amended (the "1940 Act"); and

WHEREAS,  the Trust desires to retain the Advisor to furnish investment advisory
and  administrative  services  to the Fund,  and the  Advisor  is  willing to so
furnish such services;

NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the promises and mutual  covenants  herein
contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:

1.   APPOINTMENT.  The Trust hereby  appoints  the Advisor to act as  investment
     advisor  to the Fund for the  period  and on the  terms  set  forth in this
     Agreement.  The Advisor accepts such  appointment and agrees to furnish the
     services herein set forth, for the compensation herein provided.

2.   DELIVERY OF  DOCUMENTS.  The Trust has  furnished  the Advisor  with copies
     properly certified or authenticated of each of the following:

     (a)  The Trust's  Declaration of Trust,  as filed with The  Commonwealth of
          Massachusetts  (such  Declaration,  as  presently  in effect and as it
          shall   from  time  to  time  be   amended,   is  herein   called  the

     (b)  The Trust's  Bylaws (such  Bylaws,  as presently in effect and as they
          shall from time to time be amended, are herein called the "Bylaws");

     (c)  Resolutions  of  the  Trust's  Board  of  Trustees   authorizing   the
          appointment of the Advisor and approving this Agreement;

     (d)  The Trust's Registration Statement on Form N-1A under the 1940 Act and
          under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  relating to shares of
          beneficial  interest of the Fund (herein called the "Shares") as filed
          with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and all amendments
          thereto; and

     (e)  The Fund's  Prospectus and Statement of Additional  Information  (such
          Prospectus  and Statement of Additional  Information,  as presently in
          effect and all  amendments and  supplements  thereto are herein called
          the "Prospectus").


           The Trust will  furnish  the Advisor  from time to time with  copies,
           properly  certified  or  authenticated,   of  all  amendments  of  or
           supplements  to the foregoing at the same time as such  documents are
           required to be filed with the SEC.

3.         MANAGEMENT.  Subject  to the  supervision  of the  Trust's  Board  of
           Trustees,  the Advisor will provide a continuous  investment  program
           for the Fund,  including  investment  research  and  management  with
           respect to all securities,  investments, cash and cash equivalents of
           the  Fund.  The  Advisor  will  determine  from  time  to  time  what
           securities and other investments will be purchased,  retained or sold
           by the Fund.  The  Advisor  will  provide  the  services  under  this
           Agreement  in  accordance  with  the  Fund's  investment  objectives,
           policies and  restrictions as stated in its  Prospectus.  The Advisor
           further agrees that it:

          (a)  Will  conform  its  activities  to  all   applicable   rules  and
               regulations  of the  SEC  and  will,  in  addition,  conduct  its
               activities under this Agreement in accordance with regulations of
               any  other  federal  and state  agencies  which may now or in the
               future  have   jurisdiction   over  its  activities   under  this

          (b)  Will place orders pursuant to its investment  determinations  for
               the Fund  either  directly  with the issuer or with any broker or
               dealer.  In placing  orders with brokers or dealers,  the Advisor
               will attempt to obtain the best net price and the most  favorable
               execution of its orders.  Consistent  with this  obligation,  the
               Advisor may consider the financial  responsibility,  research and
               investment information and other services provided by brokers. It
               is understood that research and investment  information  provided
               by such brokers may be useful to the Advisor in  connection  with
               its services to other clients;

          (c)  Will provide certain executive  personnel for the Trust as may be
               mutually  agreed  upon  from  time  to time  with  the  Board  of
               Trustees, the salaries and expenses of such personnel to be borne
               by the Advisor unless otherwise mutually agreed upon; and

          (d)  Will provide,  at its own cost, all office space,  facilities and
               equipment necessary for the conduct of its advisory activities on
               behalf of the Fund.

4.         SERVICES  NOT  EXCLUSIVE.  The  advisory  services  furnished  by the
           Advisor  hereunder  are not to be deemed  exclusive,  and the Advisor
           shall be free to furnish  similar  services  to others so long as its
           services  under this  Agreement  are not impaired  thereby  provided,
           however,  that  without  the  written  consent of the  Trustees,  the
           Advisor will not serve as investment  advisor to any other investment
           company having a similar investment objective to that of the Fund.

5.         BOOKS AND RECORDS.  In compliance with the requirements of Rule 31a-3
           under the 1940 Act, the Advisor  hereby agrees that all records which
           it  maintains  for the  benefit of the Fund are the  property  of the
           Trust and further  agrees to  surrender  promptly to the Trust any of
           such records upon the Trust's request.  The Advisor further


          agrees to preserve for the periods  prescribed by Rule 31a-2 under the
          1940 Act the records  required to be maintained by it pursuant to Rule
          31a-1 under the 1940 Act that are not  maintained  by others on behalf
          of the Fund.

6.         EXPENSES. During the term of this Agreement, the Advisor will pay all
           expenses  incurred by it in connection  with its investment  advisory
           services  pertaining  to the  Fund.  In the  event  that  there is no
           distribution  plan under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act in effect for the
           Fund,  the Advisor will pay the entire cost of the promotion and sale
           of Fund shares.

           Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Fund shall pay the expenses and
           costs of the following:

          (a)  Taxes, interest charges and extraordinary expenses;
          (b)  Brokerage   fees  and   commissions   with  regard  to  portfolio
               transactions of the Fund;
          (c)  Fees  and  expenses  of the  custodian  of the  Fund's  portfolio
          (d)  Fees and  expenses  of the  Fund's  administrator,  transfer  and
               dividend  disbursing  agent and the Fund's fund accounting  agent
               or, if the Trust performs any such services without an agent, the
               costs of the same;
          (e)  Auditing and legal expenses;
          (f)  Cost of maintenance of the Trust's existence as a legal entity;
          (g)  Compensation  of Trustees who are not  interested  persons of the
               Advisor as that term is defined by law;
          (h)  Costs of Trustees' and shareholders' meetings;
          (i)  Federal  and  state   registration  or  qualification   fees  and
          (j)  Costs of  setting in type,  printing  and  mailing  Prospectuses,
               reports and notices to existing shareholders;
          (k)  The investment  advisory fee payable to the Advisor,  as provided
               in paragraph 7 herein; and
          (l)  Distribution  expenses,  but  only in  accordance  with a Plan of
               Distribution  as  approved  by the  shareholders  of the  Fund in
               accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act.

           It is  understood  that the Trust may desire to  register  the Fund's
           shares for sale in certain states which impose expense limitations on
           mutual  funds.  The Trust  agrees  that it will  register  the Fund's
           shares in such  states  only with the prior  written  consent  of the

7.         COMPENSATION.  The Trust will pay the Advisor  and the  Advisor  will
           accept as full  compensation  an investment  advisory fee, based upon
           the average daily net assets of the Fund, computed at the end of each
           month and payable  within five (5) business days  thereafter,  at the
           annual rate of nine tenths of one percent (0.9%) of such assets.

8.(a)      LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.   The  Advisor shall  not be liable for  any
           error of  judgment,  mistake of law or for any other loss  whatsoever
           suffered  by the  Fund in


           connection  with  the  performance of this  Agreement,  except a loss
           resulting from a breach of fiduciary duty with respect to the receipt
           of  compensation  for  services or  a  loss  resulting  from  willful
           misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of the Advisor
           in the  performance of its duties or from reckless disregard by it of
           its obligations and duties under this Agreement.

  (b)     INDEMNIFICATION  OF ADVISOR.  Subject to the  limitations set forth in
          this  Subsection  8(b),  the Trust  shall  indemnify,  defend and hold
          harmless  (from the assets of the Fund) the Advisor  against all loss,
          damage and  liability,  including  but not limited to amounts  paid in
          satisfaction  of judgments,  in compromise or as fines and  penalties,
          and  expenses,  including  reasonable  accountants'  and counsel fees,
          incurred by the Advisor in connection  with the defense or disposition
          of any action,  suit or other  proceeding,  whether civil or criminal,
          before any court or administrative or legislative body,  related to or
          resulting  from  this   Agreement  or  the   performance  of  services
          hereunder,  except with  respect to any matter as to which it has been
          determined  that the loss,  damage or liability is a direct  result of
          (i) a  breach  of  fiduciary  duty  with  respect  to the  receipt  of
          compensation for services;  or (ii) willful misfeasance,  bad faith or
          gross  negligence on the part of the Advisor in the performance of its
          duties or from  reckless  disregard  by it of its  duties  under  this
          Agreement (either and both of the conduct described in clauses (i) and
          (ii) above being referred to hereinafter  as "Disabling  Conduct").  A
          determination that the Advisor is entitled to  indemnification  may be
          made by (i) a final  decision  on the  merits by a court or other body
          before whom the proceeding was brought that the Advisor was not liable
          by reason of Disabling Conduct, (ii) dismissal of a court action or an
          administrative  proceeding  against the Advisor for  insufficiency  of
          evidence of Disabling  Conduct,  or (iii) a reasonable  determination,
          based upon a review of the facts,  that the  Advisor was not liable by
          reason of  Disabling  Conduct by (a) vote of a majority of a quorum of
          Trustees  who are  neither  "interested  persons"  of the Trust as the
          quoted  phrase is  defined  in  Section  2(a)(19)  of the 1940 Act nor
          parties to the action, suit or other proceeding on the same or similar
          grounds that is then or has been pending or threatened (such quorum of
          such  Trustees  being  referred  to  hereinafter  as the  "Independent
          Trustees"),  or (b) an independent legal counsel in a written opinion.
          Expenses,  including  accountants' and counsel fees so incurred by the
          Advisor (but excluding  amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments,  in
          compromise or as fines or penalties), may be paid from time to time by
          the Fund in advance of the final disposition of any such action,  suit
          or  proceeding;  provided,  that the Advisor shall have  undertaken to
          repay  the  amounts  so  paid  if it  is  ultimately  determined  that
          indemnification   of  such  expenses  is  not  authorized  under  this
          Subsection  8(b) and if (i) the Advisor shall have  provided  security
          for such  undertaking,  (ii) the Trust shall be insured against losses
          arising by reason of any lawful  advances,  or (iii) a majority of the
          Independent  Trustees,  or an  independent  legal counsel in a written
          opinion, shall have determined, based on a review of readily available
          facts (as opposed to a full trial-type inquiry),  that there is reason
          to  believe   that  the  Advisor   ultimately   will  be  entitled  to
          indemnification hereunder.

          As to any matter  disposed of by a  compromise  payment by the Advisor
          referred to in this Subsection  8(b),  pursuant to a consent decree or
          otherwise,  no such indemnification


          either for said  payment or for any other  expenses  shall be provided
          unless such indemnification shall be approved (i) by a majority of the
          Independent  Trustees  or (ii) by an  independent  legal  counsel in a
          written  opinion.  Approval by the  Independent  Trustees  pursuant to
          clause (i) shall not  prevent  the  recovery  from the  Advisor of any
          amount paid to the Advisor in  accordance  with either of such clauses
          as  indemnification  if the Advisor is  subsequently  adjudicated by a
          court of competent jurisdiction not to have acted in good faith in the
          reasonable  belief that the Advisor's  action was in or not opposed to
          the best  interests  of the Fund or to have been liable to the Fund or
          its Shareholders by reason of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross
          negligence or reckless disregard of the duties involved in its conduct
          under this Agreement.

          The right of  indemnification  provided by this  Subsection 8(b) shall
          not be  exclusive  of or affect any of the rights to which the Advisor
          may be  entitled.  Nothing  contained  in this  Subsection  8(b) shall
          affect any rights to  indemnification  to which Trustees,  officers or
          other  personnel  of the Trust,  and other  persons may be entitled by
          contract  or  otherwise  under  law,  nor the  power  of the  Trust to
          purchase  and  maintain  liability  insurance  on  behalf  of any such

          The Board of  Trustees  of the Trust shall take all such action as may
          be necessary and  appropriate  to authorize the Fund  hereunder to pay
          the  indemnification  required  by  this  Subsection  8(b)  including,
          without  limitation,  to the extent needed,  to determine  whether the
          Advisor is entitled to  indemnification  hereunder and the  reasonable
          amount of any indemnity due it hereunder,  or employ independent legal
          counsel for that purpose.

  (c)     The provisions contained in Section 8 shall survive the  expiration or
          other  termination of this Agreement,  shall be deemed  to include and
          protect the Advisor and  its directors, officers, employees and agents
          and shall inure to  the benefit of  its/their  respective  successors,
          assigns and personal representatives.

9.        DURATION AND  TERMINATION.  This  Agreement shall become  effective on
          the date hereof and,  unless  sooner  terminated  as provided  herein,
          shall  continue  in effect for two years.  Thereafter,  this Agreement
          shall be renewable for successive periods  of one year each,  provided
          such continuance is specifically approved annually:

          (a)  By the  vote of a  majority  of  those  members  of the  Board of
               Trustees  who are not  parties to this  Agreement  or  interested
               persons  of any such  party (as that term is  defined in the 1940
               Act),  cast in person  at a meeting  called  for the  purpose  of
               voting on such approval; and

          (b)  By vote of either the Board of  Trustees  or a majority  (as that
               term  is  defined  in the  1940  Act) of the  outstanding  voting
               securities of the Fund.

           Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  this Agreement may be terminated by
           the Trust or by the  Advisor at any time on sixty (60) days'  written
           notice, without the payment of any penalty, provided that termination
           of the  Trust  must be  authorized  either  by vote of the


           Board of Trustees or by vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting
           securities of the Fund. This Agreement will  automatically  terminate
           in the event of its assignment (as that term is defined  in  the 1940

10.        AMENDMENT OF THIS  AGREEMENT.  No provision of this  Agreement may be
           changed,  waived,  discharged  or  terminated  orally,  but only by a
           written  instrument  signed by the party against which enforcement of
           the change,  waiver,  discharge or termination is sought. No material
           amendment of this Agreement shall be effective until approved by vote
           of the  holders  of a  majority  of  the  Fund's  outstanding  voting
           securities (as defined in the 1940 Act).

11.        MISCELLANEOUS.  The  captions  in this  Agreement  are  included  for
           convenience  of  reference  only and in no way define or limit any of
           the  provisions  hereof or  otherwise  affect their  construction  or
           effect.  If any  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be held or made
           invalid  by  a  court  decision,  statute,  rule  or  otherwise,  the
           remainder  of the  Agreement  shall  not be  affected  thereby.  This
           Agreement  shall be binding  and shall  insure to the  benefit of the
           parties hereto and their respective successors.

12.        APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with,
           and governed by, the laws of the State of North Carolina.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this  instrument to be
executed by their officers  designated  below as of the day and year first above

ATTEST:                                OAK VALUE TRUST

By: ___________________________        By: ___________________________

Title: ________________________        Title: ________________________

ATTEST:                                OAK VALUE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.

By: ___________________________        By: ___________________________

Title: ________________________        Title: ________________________


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER
                                 Oak Value Trust

     Pursuant  to Article  IV,  Section  4.2 of the  By-Laws of Oak Value  Trust
(formerly the Tuscarora  Investment Trust) (the "Trust"),  the Board of Trustees
hereby  establishes this Audit Committee  Charter (the "Charter") and adopts the
following as the governing  principles of the Audit Committee (the  "Committee")
of the Trust.


The Committee  will consist only of members of the Board of Trustees who are not
"interested  persons"  as that term is defined  under  Section  2(a)(19)  of the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"). The Committee shall
elect from its own members a Chairperson, who shall preside over each meeting of
the Committee.

To effectively  perform his or her role,  each  Committee  member will obtain an
understanding  of the  responsibilities  of Committee  membership as well as the
Trust's accounting, financial reporting and operational processes.


The Committee is designed to assist the full Board of Trustees in fulfilling its
oversight  responsibilities  with regard to the financial  reporting process for
the Trust.  The  purposes  of the  Committee  are:  (i) to oversee  the  Trust's
accounting and financial reporting policies and practices, its internal controls
and the internal controls of its service providers;  (ii) to oversee the quality
and objectivity of the Trust's  financial  statements and the independent  audit
thereof;  (iii)  to act as  liaison  between  the  investment  adviser  and  the
administrator (collectively, "management"), the Trust's independent auditors and
the  full  Board  of   Trustees;   and  (iv)  to  perform  or  oversee   special
investigations, as required.

The function of the Committee is oversight.  Management's  responsibility  is to
maintain  appropriate  systems for accounting,  financial reporting and internal
control;  the independent  auditors'  responsibility  is to plan and carry out a
proper audit.


To carry out its purposes, the Committee will have the duty and power to:

     A. Recommend the selection,  retention and  termination of the  independent
auditors and, in connection therewith,  to evaluate the: (i) independence of the
auditors,  including the procedures  followed to ensure the firm's  independence
and whether the independent auditors provide any services to management or their
respective  affiliates,  including consulting services, or are otherwise engaged
in any relationship  that may impact their  objectivity and  independence;  (ii)
knowledge  and  experience  in the industry  and the number of other  investment
companies  serviced by the firm;  (iii) policy  regarding  rotation of personnel
assigned to the engagement; (iv) nature and quality of other services offered by
the firm, (v) firm's manner of  communicating  weaknesses  noted in the internal
control system of the Trust or its service providers;  and (vi) firm's basis for
determining audit fees.


     B. Take or  recommend  that the full Board of  Trustees  take,  appropriate
action  to  ensure  the  independence  of the  independent  auditors,  including
requiring that the  independent  auditors  discuss their  independence  with the
Committee and provide an annual written  representation  that (i) confirms that,
in the professional judgement of the independent auditors,  they are independent
of the Trust,  and (ii)  identifies all  relationships  between the  independent
auditors  and their  related  entities and the Trust and  management,  and their
respective  related  entities that, in the  independent  auditors'  professional
judgement, may reasonably be thought to bear on independence.

     C.  Approve  (i)  all  audit  and  non-audit   services  that  the  Trust's
independent  auditors provide to the Trust, and (ii) all non-audit services that
the Trust's  independent  auditors provide to the Trust's investment adviser and
any  entity  controlling,  controlled  by,  or  under  common  control  with the
investment adviser that provides services to the Trust ("advisory  affiliates"),
if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial  reporting of
the Trust. De minimis non-audit services do not require pre-approval.1

     D. Meet with the  independent  auditors,  the  Treasurer of the Trust,  the
internal auditors and/or management, as necessary, to:

     1.  consider the audit scope and plan  relating to the annual audit and any
special  audit(s) to ensure  completeness  of  coverage,  reduction of redundant
efforts and effective use of audit resources;

     2. review the financial  statements and related footnotes  contained in the
prospectus and annual and other periodic reports to the shareholders;

     3. review the results of any annual or special audit(s) including:  (i) the
report of the independent  auditors and any significant  audit findings;  (ii) a
discussion  of  significant  judgments  and  accounting  estimates  required  by
management in the preparation of the financial statements; (iii) the independent
auditors'  views as to the  adequacy of  disclosures  in the  Trust's  financial
statements in relation to generally  accepted  accounting  principals;  (iv) any
serious disputes with management encountered in the course of the audit; (v) any
restrictions  on the  independent  auditors'  scope of  activities  or access to
required  information;  (vi)  significant  changes to the audit plan;  and (vii)
other matters related to the conduct of the audit that are to be communicated to
the Committee under generally accepted accounting standards;

     4.  consider  the  comments of the  independent  auditors  and the internal
auditors  with  respect  to the  Trust's  or  the  relevant  service  provider's
financial policies,  accounting practices and internal controls and management's
responses thereto,  including the status of any previous audit  recommendations;

     5. review the form of opinion the independent auditors propose to render to
the Board of Trustees and the shareholders,  including any qualifications in the
independent auditors' opinion.

- ----------------------------------
1/ A non-audit  service is de minimis if: (a) the total amount of the  non-audit
service is not more than 5% percent of the total amount of revenues  paid to the
auditor by the Trust,  its  investment  adviser,  and advisory  affiliates  that
provide  ongoing  services to the Trust for services  otherwise  requiring audit
committee pre-approval during the fiscal year in which the non-audit service was
provided;  (b) the Trust did not recognize these services as non-audit  services
at the time they were provided;  and (c) these services are promptly  brought to
the attention of the Committee and the Committee  approves them before the audit
is complete.


In addition to such  meetings as may be held  according to this  provision,  the
Committee will also meet in executive session with the independent auditors (and
the  internal  audit  staff,  if  necessary)  at least once a year  outside  the
presence of management representatives.

     E.  Consider  the effect  upon the Trust of any (i)  changes in  accounting
principles or practices proposed by management or the independent auditors; (ii)
significant  tax accounting  policies  elected by the Trust  (including  matters
affecting  qualification  under  Subchapter M of the Internal  Revenue Code) and
their effect on amounts distributed and reported to shareholders for Federal tax
purposes;  and (iii) legal and regulatory  matters  (including  reports received
from  regulators and litigation  matters) that may have a material impact on the
Trust's financial statements and related compliance policies.

     F.  Review  the fees  charged  by the  independent  auditors  for audit and
non-audit services,  including meeting with management, as appropriate, to learn
its assessment of the independent  auditors and the appropriateness of the audit

     G.  Investigate  improprieties  or suspected  improprieties  in the Trust's
accounting, auditing or financial reporting operations.

     H. In its discretion, consider from time to time any other matters that the
Committee believes are required of it in keeping with its responsibilities under
this Charter.


     A. The  Committee  will meet on a regular  basis and is  empowered  to hold
special meetings as circumstances  require.  The Committee will maintain minutes
or other records of its meetings and activities.

     B. The Committee  will report its  activities to the full Board of Trustees
on a regular  basis  and make such  recommendations  as the  Committee  may deem
necessary or appropriate.

     C. The Committee  shall have the resources  and  authority  appropriate  to
discharge  its  responsibilities,  including  the  authority  to retain  special
counsel and other experts or consultants at the expense of the Trust.

     D. The Committee  will review this Charter at least  annually and recommend
any changes to the full Board of Trustees.

Revised February 25, 2003
