FILED VIA EDGAR

December 8, 2004

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

    Re:  Oak Value Trust (the "Trust")
         File Nos. 811-09000; 33-90358
         Response to Commission's Comments on Form N-CSR for Fiscal Year
            Ended June 30, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Ms.  Christina  Delano of the  Commission's  staff  contacted us to provide
comments on the Trust's Form N-CSR for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004.  The
following are the comments provided and the Trust's response to each:

     1. It should be disclosed in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities  (page
9) that the  redemption  price per share may differ from the net asset value per

RESPONSE:  Currently a  cross-reference  is given to Note 1, which discloses the
terms of the redemption fee. In future Annual and Semiannual Reports, disclosure
will also be added to the  Statement of Assets and  Liabilities  itself  stating
that the  redemption  price  may  differ  from the net  asset  value  per  share
depending upon the length of time the shares are held.

     2. It is  recommended  that the  discussion of fair  valuation of portfolio
securities in the Notes to Financial Statements (page 15) be expanded to discuss
the factors considered in determining fair valuation.

RESPONSE:  In future  Annual and  Semiannual  Reports,  the  discussion  of fair
valuation will be expanded to discuss the factors  considered in determining the
fair valuation of portfolio securities.  Securities that are fair valued will be
identified in the Portfolio of Investments.

P.O. Box 46707     Cincinnati, Ohio 45246-0707     Phone: 1-800-622-2474     Fax: 513-587-3438     www.oakvaluefund.com

     3.  Within  the  discussion  of the Bank  Line of  Credit  in the  Notes to
Financial Statements (page 17), it should be disclosed whether or not there were
any borrowings during the fiscal year.

RESPONSE:  In future Annual and Semiannual Reports, it will be disclosed whether
or not there  were any  borrowings  against  the Bank Line of Credit  during the
period covered by the report, and the outstanding  balance as of the end of such

          We acknowledge that:

     o    the  Trust  is  responsible  for  the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
          disclosure in Trust filings;

     o    staff  comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments
          in the filings  reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the  Commission
          from taking any action with respect to such filings; and

     o    the Trust may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding
          initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities
          laws of the United States.

     Thank you for your comments. Please contact the undersigned at 513/587-3402
if you have any questions.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Mark J. Seger

Mark J. Seger