2700 TWO COMMERCE SQUARE
                               2001 MARKET STREET
                             PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103
                              PHONE: (215) 988-7800
                            FACSIMILE: (215) 988-7801

Terrance James Reilly
Tel. 215.988.7815
Fax 215.988.7801

July 8, (2005)

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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC  20549

               SEC FILE NOS. 33-24041/811-5646

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     On behalf of New Century  Portfolios (the "Trust"),  attached  herewith for
filing pursuant to paragraph (a) of Rule 20a-1 under the Investment  Company Act
of 1940,  as amended (the "1940 Act") and pursuant to the  requirements  of Rule
14a-6(b) under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, is a definitive copy of the
cover letter to  shareholders,  notice of meeting,  proxy  statement and form of
proxy  (collectively,  the "Proxy Materials") to be furnished to shareholders of
each Portfolio of the Trust in connection with a Special Meeting of Shareholders
to be held on August 17, 2005 (the "Special Meeting").  The Proxy Materials will
be sent to shareholders on or about July 8, 2005.

     The  Portfolios of the Trust are the: New Century  Capital  Portfolio,  New
Century  Balanced  Portfolio,  New  Century  Aggressive  Portfolio,  New Century
International Portfolio and New Century Alternative Strategies Portfolio.

     At the Special Meeting, shareholders will be asked to approve or disapprove
separate new investment advisory agreements between the Trust, on behalf of each
Portfolio,  and Weston Financial  Group,  Inc.  ("Weston"),  the Trust's current
investment adviser. These new investment advisory agreements are being submitted
to the Trust in connection with a proposed change in control at Weston.  The new
investment advisory agreements have substantially the same terms and conditions,
including the provisions for fees, as the Trust's

U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
July 8, 2005
Page 2

current investment advisory  agreements.  The Trust also may transact such other
business as may  properly  come before the  Special  Meeting or any  adjournment

     Questions  concerning  these  proxy  materials  may be directed to Terrance
James Reilly at (215)  988-7815,  or in his absence,  Steven M.  Felsenstein  at
(215) 988-7837.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     /s/ Terrance James Reilly
                                                     Terrance James Reilly

cc:      Steven M. Felsenstein
         Jackson B. R. Galloway
         Wayne M. Grzecki
         Nicole M. Tremblay