                                                     OMB APPROVAL
                                                     OMB Number:     3235-0570

                                                     Expires:   April 30, 2008

                                                     Estimated average burden
                                                     hours per response:  19.4

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR


Investment Company Act file number   811-09000

                                 Oak Value Trust
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

  3100 Tower Boulevard, Suite 700        Durham, North Carolina        27707
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip code)

                               Larry D. Coats, Jr.

Oak Value Capital Management, Inc.   3100 Tower Boulevard     Durham, NC 27707
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     (Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (919) 419-1900

Date of fiscal year end:    June 30, 2007

Date of reporting period:   June 30, 2007

Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with
the Commission not later than 10 days after the  transmission to stockholders of
any report that is required to be transmitted to  stockholders  under Rule 30e-1
under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1).  The Commission may
use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review,
inspection, and policymaking roles.

A registrant  is required to disclose the  information  specified by Form N-CSR,
and the  Commission  will make this  information  public.  A  registrant  is not
required to respond to the  collection  of  information  contained in Form N-CSR
unless the Form  displays a  currently  valid  Office of  Management  and Budget
("OMB")  control number.  Please direct comments  concerning the accuracy of the
information  collection  burden  estimate and any  suggestions  for reducing the
burden to Secretary,  Securities and Exchange Commission,  450 Fifth Street, NW,
Washington,  DC 20549-0609.  The OMB has reviewed this collection of information
under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. ss. 3507.


                                  ANNUAL REPORT
                                  JUNE 30, 2007

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]
                                 OAK VALUE FUND


LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS                                            August 9, 2007

Dear Fellow Oak Value Fund Shareholders:

We are pleased to report that the Oak Value Fund handily  outperformed the broad
market (as  measured  by the S&P 500 Index) for the fiscal year which ended June
30, 2007,  posting an impressive return of 25.03% compared to the S&P 500 return
of 20.59%* (see page 9 for complete performance information).  We attribute this
outperformance  to the disciplined  focus on buying higher quality,  sustainably
advantaged  businesses  where the  risks  assumed  are more  than  appropriately
reflected in the prices that have been paid.  Our task is not that of completely
eliminating risk or uncertainty. Alternatively, we believe that our charge is to
identify,  understand  and price risk and to take  advantage of that  mispricing
when we believe the rewards are attractive.

There is an old adage in the stock market that rising stock prices climb a "wall
of worry." Such was  certainly  the case over the Oak Value Fund (the  "Fund")'s
most  recent  fiscal  year.  Foremost  among these  worries  was a slowing  U.S.
economy,  a slowing housing market, a shakeout in the sub-prime mortgage market,
continued concern over the risk of terrorism,  high energy prices,  and the risk
of inflation resulting from increased  commodity prices.  While never completely
immune to the indirect  impact of these and other  "worries" that may be present
in the market at any given  point in time,  the  collection  of  businesses  (in
aggregate)  in which we have invested on behalf of Fund  shareholders  performed
particularly well during the year.

It is human  nature to worry about recent  events or factors  which are apparent
with the  benefit  of  hindsight.  An  obvious  example  of this  "worry" is the
presumption  that the shares of a company  contain  more "risk"  after a decline
that has been caused by some short-term disappointment or surprise. The ultimate
risk that we attempt to guard  against is that of a  permanent  loss of capital.
The  balancing  of  potential  short-term  volatility  with  the  potential  for
significant  long-term  appreciation is an essential ingredient in our work. Our
pedigree as value investors  requires not that we "torment"  ourselves with this
task, but that we embrace the challenge as potentially ripe with opportunity.

We have often  referenced  this challenge as sorting the "wheat from the chaff."
The author  Nassim  Nicholas  Taleb states that  "Sometimes a lot of data can be
meaningless;  at  other  times  a  single  piece  of  information  can  be  very
meaningful."  Our research  efforts are keenly tuned to that which we believe to
be relevant in the long-term  though  ignored by the general market in the short
term.  We believe  that it is more  important  to  "worry"  about that which may
happen as opposed to that which has happened and to make sure that we


have reflected such in our decisions. It is not necessarily our opinion that all
"worry" is useless;  we would argue that it is most  important  that an investor
"worry" about the things that are relevant to long-term  business models and the
valuations  thereof.  This  discipline  is not easy.  In fact,  it is often very
difficult and periodically contrary to public sentiment.

Fortunately,  we operate with the confidence of a proven set of principles  that
have  withstood  the test of time.  We believe our  philosophical  framework  of
searching  out "good  businesses  with good  management  at  attractive  prices"
continues to serve Fund  shareholders  well.  The recent  results only reinforce
this confidence, as we remain focused on MAKING GOOD INVESTMENT DECISIONS.

The operating  results and related  information for the Fund's fiscal year ended
June 30, 2007 are presented in the pages that follow.  We welcome  questions and
comments from Fund shareholders and encourage you to visit  www.oakvaluefund.com
for various periodic commentaries and publications that we make available.

We thank you, our fellow Fund  shareholders,  for your interest in the Oak Value
Fund and the confidence you have placed in our team.

Oak Value Fund Co-Managers,

/s/ David R. Carr, Jr.                     /s/ Larry D. Coats, Jr.

David R. Carr, Jr.                         Larry D. Coats, Jr.

Note: Please see the Important Information section of this report for disclosure
that applies to both this letter and the Management Discussion and Analysis that

* The S&P 500 Index returns referenced include the reinvestment of dividends.



The  Fund's  performance  for the fiscal  year  ended June 30,  2007 can be most
notably  attributed to the  outstanding  performance of holdings  across a broad
spectrum of market exposure.  The market beating performance of Fund holdings in
the Consumer,  Financials,  Industrials,  Technology and Materials  sectors more
than compensated for the headwinds created by the lack of direct exposure to the
Energy, Telecommunications and Utilities sectors. Below we summarize some of the
specifics.  (Table B  provides a full  listing  of the  Fund's top  contributors
during the fiscal year.)

o     The single largest contributor to the Fund's performance during the period
      was  Apollo  Group,  as  the  shares  of  this,  the  largest   for-profit
      educational  company in the country,  advanced  nearly 60 percent from the
      Fund's initial purchase price.

o     Shares of Cadbury  Schweppes,  a long-term and  significant  Fund holding,
      advanced  nearly 40 percent during the fiscal year. As the world's largest
      confectionary company, the value of this fine collection of businesses was
      alas given its due (somewhat).

o     Advancing  more than 35 percent  during the fiscal year were the shares of
      insurance  brokerage firm Willis Group. Our investment  thesis in the case
      of Willis was predicated on the  realization of growth  opportunities  the
      company pursued after the shake-up in its industry nearly three years ago.

o     The Fund's  investment  in the  shares of  Fidelity  National  Information
      Services  during the year was  actually a  continuation  of a  longer-term
      investment thesis.  Having owned shares in its predecessor company Certegy
      for several years, we returned to this relatively unknown company early in
      the fiscal year. Its shares advanced nearly 40 percent as well.

o     Specialty and industrial gas producer  Praxair  advanced 33 percent during
      the fiscal  year as the  company  continued  to  deliver on the  long-term
      potential we identified a couple of years ago.

o     Shares of Harley  Davidson  advanced  nearly 30  percent by  mid-year  and
      provided  us with  the  opportunity  to exit  this  position  at near  our
      conservative estimate of its intrinsic value.

o     Finally,  the shares of Oracle  advanced  more than 35 percent  during the
      fiscal  year  adding  this  fine  company  to  the  list  of   outstanding
      contributors for the period.

In reviewing the list of Fund  portfolio  holdings that did not keep pace during
the period,  we note that several of them are among the "new purchases." We view
the presence of these recent additions amongst the Fund's underperformers as the
seeds of future  harvest.  This  list  includes  Microsoft,  Capital  One,  UPS,
Medtronic and Omnicare.


Portfolio activity  (purchases and sales) for the Fund is summarized in Table C.
We use this opportunity to remind shareholders that the information  provided in
Table C is limited to the holdings  which were new to the  portfolio  during the
year and those which were completely eliminated during the period.  Furthermore,
we note that the  number of issues  added and  eliminated  during  the period is
greater than has been the case in recent fiscal years.  This increased  activity
is  primarily  a function of the  particularly  appealing  "opportunity  set" we
experienced during the year.

Though we remain  focused on  individual  security  selection  from a  bottom-up
perspective, readers will observe that a top-down view of the portfolio reflects
a reduced  exposure to Consumer  related  holdings  and  increased  exposures to
Health  Care,  Technology  and  Industrial  businesses  as compared to the prior
fiscal year end. We view this "shift" purely as a function of the  opportunities
afforded  by  a  rising,  though  still  somewhat  manic  market  and  encourage
shareholders to share that view. Our charge of investing in good businesses with
good  management  at  attractive   prices  requires  that  we  be  prepared  and

On a final note,  the capital  gains  distributions  made by the Fund during the
fiscal year were larger than in years past. The realization of gains in the Fund
is first and foremost a by-product  of the ongoing  management  of the portfolio
toward the  objective  of  producing  above  average  returns for the benefit of
shareholders.  The gains  realized  during the period were also  impacted by the
level of shareholder  activity the Fund experienced.  Throughout the life of the
Fund,  nearly 80% of the capital  gains  distributions  have been in the form of
long-term gains.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE - FISCAL YEAR 2007
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           3RD             4TH             1ST          2ND
                         QUARTER         QUARTER         QUARTER      QUARTER
                           2006            2006            2007         2007
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oak Value Fund             7.29%           6.47%           1.24%        8.12%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S&P 500 (with dividends)   5.67%           6.70%           0.64%        6.28%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The performance  information  quoted above  represents past performance and past
performance does not guarantee future results.  Investment  return and principal
value  of an  investment  will  fluctuate  so that an  investor's  shares,  when
redeemed,  may  be  worth  more  or  less  than  their  original  cost.  Current
performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance
data,  current to the most recent  month end, may be found at the Oak Value Fund
("Fund")'s website www.oakvaluefund.com.  An investor should consider the Fund's
investment  objectives,   risks,  and  charges  and  expenses  carefully  before
investing.  The Fund's prospectus contains this and other important information.

The Fund imposes a 2% redemption fee on shares  redeemed within 90 days of their
purchase  date. See the Fund's  current  Prospectus for more  information on the
Fund's  redemption fee. Please keep in mind the  performance  information  above
does not reflect the imposition of a 2% redemption fee. You may obtain a copy of
the Fund's  prospectus  at  www.oakvaluefund.com  or by calling  1-800-622-2474.
Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest or send money.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2007
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOP 5 SECURITIES                      % OF                BOTTOM 5 SECURITIES           % OF
BY CONTRIBUTION                     NET ASSETS            BY CONTRIBUTION             NET ASSETS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apollo Group, Inc. - Class A          5.77%               Omnicare, Inc.                2.02%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cadbury Schweppes PLC - ADR           4.09%               Masco Corp.                   Sold
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Willis Group Holdings Ltd.            4.00%               CBS Corp.                     Sold
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Praxair, Inc.                         5.26%               Estee Lauder Co.              Sold
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fidelity National Information                             Medtronic, Inc.               3.44%
Services, Inc.                        5.73%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                JULY 1, 2006 - JUNE 30, 2007 PURCHASE ACTIVITY
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3M Co.                             Manufacturing & Marketing                    Industrials
                                   Technology Products/Services
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American Express Co.               Charge Card, Travel, Network,                Financials
                                   & Global Payments
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aon Corp.                          Insurance Brokerage, Consulting,             Financials
                                   & Supplemental Insurance
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apollo Group, Inc. - Class A       Education & Training Services                Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBS Corp.                          Diversified Media Broadcasting               Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital One Financial Corp.        Financial Services                           Financials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
eBay, Inc.                         Online Marketplace, Payment Services         Information Technology
                                   & Communications
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fidelity National Information      Financial Transaction Processing             Information Technology
Services, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harley-Davidson, Inc.              Heavyweight High-End Motorcycles             Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Medtronic, Inc.                    Medical Appliances and Equipment             Health Care
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Microsoft Corp.                    Software Development and Manufacturing       Information Technology
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Omnicare, Inc.                     Geriatric Pharmaceutical Services            Health Care
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tiffany & Co.                      Fine Jewelry Retailer                        Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United Parcel Service, Inc.        Air Delivery and Freight Services            Industrials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                JULY 1, 2006 - JUNE 30, 2007 SALE ACTIVITY
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBS Corp.                          Diversified Media Broadcasting               Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diageo plc ADR                     Global Premium Alcohol Business              Consumer Staples
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Entercom Communications Corp.      Radio Broadcasting                           Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equifax, Inc.                      Credit Reporting Services                    Industrials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Estee Lauder, Inc.                 Beauty/Skin Care Products                    Consumer Staples
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harley-Davidson, Inc.              Heavyweight High-End Motorcycles             Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masco Corp.                        Home Improvement & Building Products         Industrials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tiffany & Co.                      Fine Jewelry Retailer                        Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Time Warner, Inc.                  Entertainment & Information/Media            Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tyco International, Ltd.           Diversified Manufacturing & Services         Industrials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   TOP TEN HOLDINGS AS OF JUNE 30, 2007(1)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPANY                            PRIMARY BUSINESS                             S&P SECTOR
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3M Co.                             Manufacturing & Marketing Technology         Industrials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American Express Co.               Charge Card, Travel, Network,                Financials
                                   & Global Payments
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apollo Group, Inc. - Class A       Education & Training Services                Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.           Insurance, Reinsurance & Capital Allocation  Financials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.    Chemicals                                    Materials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
E.W. Scripps Co. (The)             Entertainment & Information/Media            Consumer Discretionary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fidelity National Information      Financial Transaction Processing             Information Technology
Services, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oracle Corp.                       Database, Middleware, & Application Software Information Technology
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Praxair, Inc.                      Industrial Use Atmospheric & Process Gases   Materials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United Technologies Corp.          Diversified Manufacturing and Service        Industrials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1    Top Ten Holdings  are presented to  illustrate examples of the securities in which the Fund may
      invest. Because they are presented as of the dates indicated and change from time to time, they
      may not be representative of the  Fund's current or future investments. Top Ten Holdings do not
      include money market instruments.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



This Management  Discussion and Analysis seeks to describe some of the Oak Value
Fund ("the Fund")  managers'  current views of the market that  shareholders may
find  relevant  and to  provide  a  discussion  of  the  market  conditions  and
investment strategies that significantly  affected the Fund's performance during
its latest fiscal year.

Any  listing  or  discussion   of  specific   securities  is  intended  to  help
shareholders  understand the Fund's  investment  strategies  and/or factors that
influenced the Fund's  investment  performance,  and should not be regarded as a
recommendation  of any security.  We believe we have a reasonable  basis for any
opinions expressed,  though actual results may differ,  sometimes  significantly
so, from those we expect and express.  Statements referring to future actions or
events, such as the future financial  performance or ongoing business strategies
of  the  companies  in  which  the  Fund  invests,  are  based  on  the  current
expectations  and projections  about future events provided by various  sources,
including  company  management.  These  statements  are not guarantees of future
performance,  and actual  events and  results may differ  materially  from those
discussed herein.

Any  opinions and views  expressed  related to the  prospects of any  individual
portfolio  holdings  or  grouping  thereof or of the Fund  itself  are  "forward
looking statements" which may or may not prove to be accurate over the long term
when viewed from the perspective of hindsight. Forward looking statements can be
identified by words,  phrases,  and  expressions  such as  "believe,"  "expect,"
"anticipate,"  "in our view," "in our  opinion,"  or  similar  terminology  when
discussing  prospects for particular  Fund  portfolio  companies or groupings of
companies,  and/or  of the Fund  itself.  We cannot  assure  future  results  or
performance.  You should not place undue reliance on forward looking statements,
which  are  effective  only as of the  date  of this  report.  We  recognize  no
obligation  to update or alter such  forward  looking  statements,  whether as a
result of changes in our opinion or  analysis,  subsequent  information,  future
events, or other circumstances.

Any displays detailing a summary of holdings (e.g., top holdings,  purchases and
sales, largest net contributors,  etc.) are based on the Fund's holdings on June
30,  2007 or held  during the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2007.  References  to
securities  purchased or held are only as of the date of this  communication  to
shareholders.  Although  the Fund's  investment  adviser  focuses  on  long-term
investments, holdings are subject to change.

This Letter to Shareholders  and Management  Discussion and Analysis may include
statistical and other factual information  obtained from third-party sources. We
believe  those  sources  to be  accurate  and  reliable;  however,  we  are  not
responsible  for errors by them on which we reasonably  rely.  In addition,  our
comments are  influenced by our analysis of  information  from a wide variety of
sources and may contain syntheses,  synopses,  or excerpts of ideas from written
or oral  viewpoints  provided  to us by  investment,  industry,  press and other
public  sources  about various  economic,  political,  central  bank,  and other
suspected influences on investment markets.

Although  our  comments  focus  on the  most  recent  fiscal  year,  we use this
perspective only because it reflects industry convention and regulatory


expectations  and  requirements.  The Fund  and its  investment  adviser  do not
subscribe to the notion that  twelve-month  periods or other short-term  periods
are either  appropriate  for  making  judgments  or useful in setting  long-term
expectations for returns from our, or any other,  investment strategy.  The Fund
and its investment  adviser do not subscribe to any particular  viewpoint  about
causes and effects of events in the broad capital markets,  other than that they
are not predictable in advance. Specifically, nothing contained in the Letter to
Shareholders  or  Management  Discussion  and Analysis  should be construed as a
forecast of overall market movements, either in the short or long term.

Any headings, titles, section dividers, quotations, or other devices used herein
are provided for the  convenience of the reader and purposes of style.  They are
not  required  elements  of the  presentation  and  may or  may  not be  applied
identically in similar publications over time.

We do not  attempt to address  specifically  how  individual  shareholders  have
fared, since shareholders also receive account statements showing their holdings
and  transactions.  Information  concerning the  performance of the Fund and the
Fund's  portfolio  holdings over the last year are available  upon request.  You
should not assume  that future  recommendations  will be as  profitable  as past

Comparisons to benchmarks have  limitations  because  benchmarks have volatility
and other material  characteristics  that may differ from open-end mutual funds.
Because of these  differences,  benchmarks should not be relied upon as an exact
measure of  comparison.  Indices are unmanaged and do not reflect the payment of
advisory  fees  and  other  expenses  associated  with  open-end  mutual  funds.
Investors  cannot  directly  invest in an index,  though index funds designed to
replicate the  performance of various indices are generally  available.  The S&P
500 index is  weighted by market  value,  and its  performance  is thought to be
representative  of the stock market as a whole. The S&P 500 index was created in
1957, although it has been extrapolated backwards to several decades earlier for
performance  comparison  purposes.  This index  provides a broad snapshot of the
overall U.S.  equity market;  in fact, over 70% of all U.S. equity is tracked by
the S&P 500.  The index  selects its  companies  based upon their  market  size,
liquidity,  and sector.  Most of the companies in the index are mid cap or large
cap  corporations.  The S&P 500 Index  referenced  includes the  reinvestment of

Past  performance is no indication of future  performance.  Any performance data
quoted represents past performance and the investment return and principal value
of an investment in the Fund will fluctuate so that an investor's  shares,  when
redeemed,  may  be  worth  more  or  less  than  their  original  cost.  Current
performance may be higher or lower than performance quoted.  Performance data is
updated monthly and is available on the Fund's website at www.oakvaluefund.com.

An investor  should  consider  the  investment  objectives,  strategies,  risks,
charges and expenses of the Fund before investing.  The prospectus contains this
and other important information about the Fund. For a prospectus,  please call 1
(800)  622-2474 or visit the Fund's  website at  www.oakvaluefund.com.  Read the
prospectus carefully before you invest.

Oak Value Fund is distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC.



                  IN THE OAK VALUE FUND AND THE S&P 500 INDEX

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

           OAK VALUE FUND                        S&P 500 INDEX
           --------------                        --------------

         DATE         VALUE                  DATE           VALUE
         ----        -------                  ----         -------
       06/30/97     $ 10,000                06/30/97      $ 10,000
       12/31/97       11,452                12/31/97        11,058
       06/30/98       13,456                06/30/98        13,016
       12/31/98       13,620                12/31/98        14,218
       06/30/99       14,370                06/30/99        15,978
       12/31/99       13,194                12/31/99        17,209
       06/30/00       13,234                06/30/00        17,136
       12/31/00       15,591                12/31/00        15,643
       06/30/01       16,320                06/30/01        14,595
       12/31/01       15,518                12/31/01        13,783
       06/30/02       13,577                06/30/02        11,970
       12/31/02       11,741                12/31/02        10,737
       06/30/03       13,937                06/30/03        12,000
       12/31/03       15,511                12/31/03        13,817
       06/30/04       15,811                06/30/04        14,293
       12/31/04       16,748                12/31/04        15,321
       06/30/05       16,791                06/30/05        15,197
       12/31/05       16,519                12/31/05        16,073
       06/30/06       16,512                06/30/06        16,508
       12/31/06       18,861                12/31/06        18,612
       06/30/07       20,646                06/30/07        19,907


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            TOTAL RETURNS(A)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                           YEAR-TO-DATE      SINCE
                                                                                                               2007       INCEPTION*
                   1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004     2005     2006     6/30/07)     06/30/07)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oak Value Fund    37.70%   18.93%   -3.12%   18.17%    -0.47%  -24.34%  32.11%    7.97%   -1.37%   14.18%    9.46%(B)    395.89%(B)
S&P 500 Index     33.36%   28.58%   21.04%   -9.12%   -11.90%  -22.10%  28.68%   10.88%    4.91%   15.79%    6.96%(B)    351.42%(B)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS(A)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     FOR THE PERIODS ENDED JUNE 30, 2007
                                        ONE YEAR   THREE YEARS   FIVE YEARS    TEN YEARS   INCEPTION*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oak Value Fund ......................    25.03%       9.30%         8.74%        7.52%       11.72%
S&P 500 Index .......................    20.59%      11.68%        10.71%        7.13%       11.00%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*     Inception date of the Oak Value Fund was January 18, 1993.
(A)   The  returns  shown do not reflect the  deduction  of taxes a  shareholder
      would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
(B)   Not annualized.




                                                 Consumer Related - 22.5%
                                                 Finance Related - 25.7%
                                                 Healthcare - 12.2%
       [GRAPHIC OMITTED]                         Industrials - 11.8%
                                                 Information Technology - 17.6%
                                                 Materials - 10.1%
                                                 Cash Equivalents - 0.1%


                                                             % OF
            COMPANY                                       NET ASSETS
            Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.(A)                      9.34%
            Apollo Group, Inc. - Class A                     5.77%
            Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.     5.73%
            E.W. Scripps Co. (The) - Class A                 5.40%
            Praxair, Inc.                                    5.26%
            E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.                  4.87%
            3M Co.                                           4.82%
            Oracle Corp.                                     4.77%
            United Technologies Corp.                        4.73%
            American Express Co.                             4.53%

(A)   Class A and Class B shares combined.


JUNE 30, 2007
Investments in securities:
   At cost ..................................................   $    98,786,367
   At market value (Note 1) .................................   $   142,537,693
Receivable for capital shares sold ..........................            14,527
Dividends receivable ........................................            34,301
Other assets ................................................            43,763
   TOTAL ASSETS .............................................       142,630,284

Payable for capital shares redeemed .........................           138,767
Accrued investment advisory fees (Note 3) ...................           106,803
Payable to administrator (Note 3) ...........................            19,165
Other accrued expenses and liabilities ......................            26,084
   TOTAL LIABILITIES ........................................           290,819

NET ASSETS ..................................................   $   142,339,465

Net assets consist of:
Paid-in capital .............................................   $    98,592,946
Distributions in excess of net realized gains
  from security transactions ................................            (4,807)
Net unrealized appreciation on investments ..................        43,751,326
Net assets ..................................................   $   142,339,465

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding
  (unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value) .....         5,516,319

Net asset value, offering price and redemption
  price per share (A) .......................................   $         25.80

(A)   Redemption  price may differ from the net asset value per share  depending
      upon the length of time the shares are held (Note 1).

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Dividends ...................................................   $     1,911,666
Other .......................................................            13,200
   TOTAL INCOME..............................................         1,924,866

Investment advisory fees (Note 3) ...........................         1,453,570
Transfer agent and shareholder services fees (Note 3) .......           154,344
Administration fees (Note 3) ................................           133,463
Trustees' fees and expenses .................................           106,285
Professional fees ...........................................            63,670
Postage and supplies ........................................            61,322
Insurance expense ...........................................            51,917
Fund accounting fees (Note 3) ...............................            40,136
Registration fees ...........................................            34,641
Compliance service fees (Note 3) ............................            24,101
Custodian fees ..............................................            21,824
Printing of shareholder reports .............................            16,677
Interest expense (Note 4) ...................................             4,360
Other expenses ..............................................            18,118
   TOTAL EXPENSES ...........................................         2,184,428

NET INVESTMENT LOSS .........................................          (259,562)

Net realized gains from security transactions ...............        43,370,966
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation
  on investments ............................................        (8,062,465)


NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATIONS ..................   $    35,048,939

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                                                                    YEAR              YEAR
                                                                   ENDED             ENDED
                                                                  JUNE 30,          JUNE 30,
                                                                    2007              2006
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net investment income (loss) .............................   $    (259,562)   $     566,488
   Net realized gains from security transactions ............      43,370,966       15,683,448
   Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation
     on investments .........................................      (8,062,465)     (20,219,133)
                                                                -------------    -------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from operations .......      35,048,939       (3,969,197)
                                                                -------------    -------------

   From net investment income ...............................            (446)        (566,042)
   From net realized gains from security transactions .......     (43,116,232)     (15,290,172)
                                                                -------------    -------------
Net decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders     (43,116,678)     (15,856,214)
                                                                -------------    -------------

   Proceeds from shares sold ................................      17,453,371       37,744,165
   Reinvestment of distributions to shareholders ............      42,229,998       14,515,519
   Proceeds from redemption fees collected (Note 1)  ........          63,530           11,580
   Payments for shares redeemed .............................    (110,363,326)     (80,204,484)
                                                                -------------    -------------
Net decrease in net assets from capital share transactions ..     (50,616,427)     (27,933,220)
                                                                -------------    -------------

NET DECREASE IN NET ASSETS ..................................     (58,684,166)     (47,758,631)

   Beginning of year ........................................     201,023,631      248,782,262
                                                                -------------    -------------
   End of year ..............................................   $ 142,339,465    $ 201,023,631
                                                                =============    =============

   INVESTMENT INCOME ........................................   $          --    $         446
                                                                =============    =============

   Shares sold ..............................................         594,036        1,242,359
   Shares reinvested ........................................       1,587,288          514,088
   Shares redeemed ..........................................      (3,844,593)      (2,647,888)
                                                                -------------    -------------
   Net decrease in shares outstanding .......................      (1,663,269)        (891,441)
   Shares outstanding, beginning of year ....................       7,179,588        8,071,029
                                                                -------------    -------------
   Shares outstanding, end of year ..........................       5,516,319        7,179,588
                                                                =============    =============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                                               YEAR               YEAR               YEAR              YEAR               YEAR
                                              ENDED              ENDED              ENDED             ENDED              ENDED
                                             JUNE 30,           JUNE 30,           JUNE 30,          JUNE 30,           JUNE 30,
                                               2007               2006               2005              2004               2003
                                           -------------      -------------      -------------     -------------     -------------
Net asset value at
  beginning of year .....................  $       28.00      $       30.82      $       29.02     $       25.58     $       24.92
                                           -------------      -------------      -------------     -------------     -------------

Income (loss) from investment operations:
  Net investment income (loss) ..........          (0.05)              0.08              (0.12)            (0.15)            (0.07)
  Net realized and unrealized gains
    (losses) on investments .............           6.61              (0.60)              1.92              3.59              0.73
                                           -------------      -------------      -------------     -------------     -------------
Total from investment operations ........           6.56              (0.52)              1.80              3.44              0.66
                                           -------------      -------------      -------------     -------------     -------------

Less distributions:
  From net investment income ............          (0.00)(A)          (0.08)             --                --                --
  From net realized gains from
    security transactions ...............          (8.77)             (2.22)             --                --                --
                                           -------------      -------------      -------------     -------------     -------------
Total distributions .....................          (8.77)             (2.30)             --                --                --
                                           -------------      -------------      -------------     -------------     -------------

Proceeds from redemption
  fees collected (Note 1) ...............           0.01               0.00(A)            0.00(A)           0.00(A)          --
                                           -------------      -------------      -------------     -------------     -------------

Net asset value at end of year ..........  $       25.80      $       28.00      $       30.82     $       29.02     $       25.58
                                           =============      =============      =============     =============     =============

Total return(B) .........................          25.03%             (1.66%)             6.20%            13.45%             2.65%
                                           =============      =============      =============     =============     =============

Net assets at end of year (000's) .......  $     142,339      $     201,024      $     248,782     $     259,488     $     272,582
                                           =============      =============      =============     =============     =============

Ratio of expenses to
  average net assets ....................           1.35%              1.29%              1.25%             1.25%             1.36%

Ratio of net investment income
  (loss) to average net assets ..........          (0.16%)             0.24%             (0.39%)           (0.52%)           (0.33%)

Portfolio turnover rate .................             44%                29%                29%               24%               28%

(A)   Amount rounds to less than $0.01 per share.

(B)   Total return is a measure of the change in value of an  investment  in the
      Fund over the periods  covered,  which  assumes any  dividends  or capital
      gains distributions are reinvested in shares of the Fund. Returns shown do
      not  reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes a  shareholder  would  pay on Fund
      distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


JUNE 30, 2007
SHARES   COMMON STOCKS -- 99.9%                                       VALUE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
140,450  Apollo Group, Inc. - Class A (A) ...................    $    8,206,493
168,245  E.W. Scripps Co. (The) - Class A ...................         7,687,114
108,262  Viacom, Inc. - Class B (A) .........................         4,506,947
         CONSUMER STAPLES -- 8.2%
107,175  Cadbury Schweppes PLC - ADR ........................         5,819,602
243,150  Constellation Brands, Inc. - Class A (A) ...........         5,903,682
         FINANCIALS -- 25.7%
 67,200  AFLAC, Inc. ........................................         3,454,080
105,500  American Express Co. ...............................         6,454,490
 56,450  AON Corp. ..........................................         2,405,335
     93  Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. - Class A (A) .............        10,181,175
    863  Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. - Class B (A) .............         3,111,115
 67,600  Capital One Financial Corp. ........................         5,302,544
129,150  Willis Group Holdings Ltd. .........................         5,690,349
         HEALTH CARE -- 12.2%
144,925  IMS Health, Inc. ...................................         4,656,440
 80,200  Johnson & Johnson ..................................         4,941,924
 94,450  Medtronic, Inc. ....................................         4,898,177
 79,775  Omnicare, Inc. .....................................         2,876,687
         INDUSTRIALS -- 11.8%
 79,075  3M Co. .............................................         6,862,919
 42,650  United Parcel Services - Class B ...................         3,113,450
 94,875  United Technologies Corp. ..........................         6,729,484
151,625  eBay, Inc. (A) .....................................         4,879,292
150,149  Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. .......         8,150,088
177,725  Microsoft Corp. ....................................         5,237,556
344,300  Oracle Corp. (A) ...................................         6,786,153
         MATERIALS -- 10.1%
136,475  E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. ....................         6,938,389
103,925  Praxair, Inc. ......................................         7,481,561

         TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $98,523,720) .............    $  142,275,046


SHARES   CASH EQUIVALENTS -- 0.2%                                     VALUE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262,647  First American Government Obligations Fund - Class Y
         (Cost $262,647).....................................    $      262,647

         (Cost $98,786,367)..................................    $  142,537,693

         LIABILITIES IN EXCESS OF OTHER ASSETS -- (0.1%).....          (198,228)

         NET ASSETS -- 100.0%................................    $  142,339,465

(A)   Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depositary Receipt

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


JUNE 30, 2007


The Oak Value Fund (the "Fund") is a diversified  series of Oak Value Trust (the
"Trust").  The Trust,  registered as an open-end  management  investment company
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940  Act"),  was
organized as a  Massachusetts  business  trust on March 3, 1995.  The Fund began
operations on January 18, 1993 as a series of the Albemarle Investment Trust.

The  Fund's  investment  objective  is to seek  capital  appreciation  primarily
through  investments  in equity  securities,  consisting of common and preferred
stocks and  securities  convertible  into common  stocks  traded in domestic and
foreign markets.

The following is a summary of the Fund's significant accounting policies:

SECURITIES  VALUATION -- The Fund's  portfolio  securities  are valued as of the
close of business of the regular  session of the  principal  exchange  where the
security is traded.  Securities  traded on a national  stock exchange are valued
based upon the closing  price on the  principal  exchange  where the security is
traded.  Securities which are quoted by NASDAQ are valued at the NASDAQ Official
Closing Price.  Securities which are traded  over-the-counter  are valued at the
last sales price, if available,  otherwise, at the last quoted bid price. In the
event that market quotations are not readily available, securities are valued at
fair value as determined in accordance with procedures  adopted in good faith by
the Board of Trustees.  Such methods of fair valuation may include,  but are not
limited  to:  multiple of  earnings,  discount  from market of a similar  freely
traded security,  or a combination of these or other methods.  The fair value of
securities  with remaining  maturities of 60 days or less has been determined in
good faith by the Board of Trustees to be  represented  by amortized cost value,
absent unusual circumstances.

SHARE VALUATION -- The net asset value per share of the Fund is calculated daily
by  dividing  the total value of the Fund's  assets,  less  liabilities,  by the
number of shares outstanding.  The offering price and redemption price per share
of the Fund is equal to the net asset value per share, except that shares of the
Fund are subject to a  redemption  fee of 2% if  redeemed  within 90 days of the
date of purchase.  During the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006,  proceeds from
redemption fees totaled $63,530 and $11,580, respectively.

REPURCHASE  AGREEMENTS  -- The Fund may enter into  repurchase  agreements  from
financial  institutions  such as  banks  and  broker-dealers  that  the  Trust's
investment adviser deems creditworthy under the guidelines approved by the Board
of Trustees,  subject to the seller's agreement to repurchase such securities at
a mutually agreed-upon date and price. The repurchase price generally equals the
price  paid by the  Fund  plus  interest  negotiated  on the  basis  of  current
short-term  rates,  which  may be more or less  than the rate on the  underlying
portfolio securities.  The seller, under a repurchase agreement,  is required to
maintain the value of collateral held pursuant to the agreement at not less than
the repurchase price (including accrued interest).

INVESTMENT  INCOME -- Interest  income is accrued as earned.  Dividend income is
recorded on the ex-dividend date.

DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS -- Dividends  arising from net investment  income,
if any, are declared and paid  semi-annually  to  shareholders  of the Fund. Net
realized  short-term  capital gains,  if any, may be distributed  throughout the
year and net realized  long-term capital gains, if any, are distributed at least
once each year. The amount of distributions  from net investment  income and net
realized  capital gains are  determined in  accordance  with federal  income tax
regulations which may differ from accounting  principles  generally  accepted in
the United States of America ("GAAP"). These "book/tax" differences are either



temporary or permanent in nature and are primarily due to losses deferred due to
wash sales. The tax character of  distributions  paid during the year ended June
30, 2007 was $5,256,740 of ordinary income and $37,859,938 of long-term  capital
gains.  The tax character of  distributions  paid during the year ended June 30,
2006 was $566,042 of ordinary income and $15,290,172 of long-term capital gains.
Dividends and  distributions  to  shareholders  are recorded on the  ex-dividend

SECURITY  TRANSACTIONS -- Security transactions are accounted for on trade date.
Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on a specific  identification

ESTIMATES -- The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with GAAP
requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported
amounts of assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial  statements and
the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual
results could differ from those estimates.

FEDERAL  INCOME  TAX -- It is the  Fund's  policy  to  comply  with the  special
provisions of Subchapter M of the Internal  Revenue Code applicable to regulated
investment companies.  As provided therein, in any fiscal year in which the Fund
so qualifies and  distributes  at least 90% of its taxable net income,  the Fund
(but not the shareholders)  will be relieved of federal income tax on the income
distributed. Accordingly, no provision for income taxes has been made.

In  order  to  avoid  imposition  of the  excise  tax  applicable  to  regulated
investment companies, it is also the Fund's intention to declare as dividends in
each calendar year at least 98% of its net investment  income (earned during the
calendar  year) and 98% of its net realized  capital  gains  (earned  during the
twelve months ended October 31) plus undistributed amounts from prior years.

The following  information  is computed on a tax basis for each item as June 30,

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tax cost of portfolio investments ...........................     $  98,804,036
Gross unrealized appreciation ...............................     $  43,882,304
Gross unrealized depreciation ...............................          (148,647)
Net unrealized appreciation .................................     $  43,733,657
Undistributed ordinary income ...............................            12,862
Total distributable earnings ................................     $  43,746,519
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  difference  between the federal income tax cost of portfolio of investments
and the financial statement cost is due to the certain timing differences in the
recognition  of capital  losses  under  income tax  regulations  and  accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.  These "book/tax"
differences are temporary in nature and are primarily due to the tax deferral of
losses on wash sales.

For the year ended June 30, 2007, the Fund  reclassified its net investment loss
of $259,562 against  distributions in excess of net realized gains from security
transactions on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.  Such reclassification,
the result of permanent  differences  between the financial statement and income
tax reporting requirements,  has no effect on the Fund's net assets or net asset
value per share.


During the year ended June 30, 2007,  cost of purchases  and proceeds from sales
and  maturities  of investment  securities,  excluding  short-term  investments,
amounted to $70,978,008 and $162,507,030, respectively.




The Fund's  investments are managed by Oak Value Capital  Management,  Inc. (the
"Adviser")  under  the  terms of an  Investment  Advisory  Agreement.  Under the
Investment  Advisory  Agreement,  the Fund  pays  the  Adviser  a fee,  which is
computed and accrued daily and paid  monthly,  at an annual rate of 0.90% of the
Fund's average daily net assets.

Certain  trustees and officers of the Trust are also  officers of the Adviser or
of Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC ("Ultimus"),  the Fund's administrator,  transfer
agent and fund accounting  services agent. Such trustees and officers receive no
direct payments or fees from the Trust for serving as officers.

Under the terms of an Administration  Agreement with the Trust, Ultimus provides
internal  regulatory   compliance  services  and  executive  and  administrative
services.  Ultimus  supervises  the  preparation  of  tax  returns,  reports  to
shareholders  of the  Fund,  reports  to and  filings  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission and state securities commissions, and materials for meetings
of the Board of Trustees.  For the performance of these services,  the Fund pays
Ultimus a fee at the annual rate of .10% of the  average  value of its daily net
assets up to $50 million,  .075% of such assets from $50 million to $200 million
and .05% of such assets in excess of $200 million,  provided,  however, that the
minimum fee is $2,000 per month.  During the year ended June 30,  2007,  Ultimus
was paid $133,463 of administration fees.

Under the terms of a Transfer Agent and Shareholder  Services Agreement with the
Trust,  Ultimus  maintains the records of each  shareholder's  account,  answers
shareholders'  inquiries  concerning  their  accounts,  processes  purchases and
redemptions of the Fund's shares,  acts as dividend and distribution  disbursing
agent and performs other shareholder  service  functions.  Ultimus receives from
the Fund for its services as transfer  agent a fee payable  monthly at an annual
rate of $16 per account,  provided,  however, that the minimum fee is $2,000 per
month.  In addition,  the Fund pays  out-of-pocket  expenses,  including but not
limited to,  postage and supplies.  Accordingly,  during the year ended June 30,
2007, Ultimus was paid $53,988 of transfer agent and shareholder services fees.

The Fund has entered into agreements with certain  financial  intermediaries  to
provide  record  keeping,  processing,   shareholder  communications  and  other
services to the Fund. These services would be provided by the Fund if the shares
were held in  accounts  registered  directly  with the  Fund's  transfer  agent.
Accordingly,  the  Fund  pays a fee  to  such  service  providers  in an  amount
equivalent  to or less  than the per  account  fee paid to the  transfer  agent.
During the year ended June 30, 2007,  the Fund paid $100,356 for such  services.
These fees are included as "Transfer agent and shareholder services fees" on the
Statement of Operations.

Under  the  terms  of a  Fund  Accounting  Agreement  with  the  Trust,  Ultimus
calculates  the daily net asset  value per share and  maintains  such  books and
records as are  necessary  to enable  Ultimus to perform its  duties.  For these
services,  the  Fund  pays  Ultimus  a base fee of  $2,000  per  month,  plus an
asset-based fee at the annual rate of .01% of the average value of its daily net
assets up to $500  million and .005% of such  assets in excess of $500  million.
During the year  ended  June 30,  2007,  the Fund paid  Ultimus  $40,136 of fund
accounting  fees.  In  addition,  the Fund  pays all costs of  external  pricing

Under the terms of a Compliance  Consulting  Agreement  with the Trust,  Ultimus
provides an individual with the requisite  background and  familiarity  with the
Federal  Securities  Laws  to  serve  as the  Chief  Compliance  Officer  and to
administer the Trust's compliance  policies and procedures.  For these services,
the Fund pays Ultimus a base fee of $1,500 per month, plus an asset-based fee at
the annual rate of .01% of the  average  value of its daily net assets from $100
million to $500  million,  .005% of such assets from $500  million to $1 billion
and .0025% of such  assets in excess of $1  billion.  During the year ended June
30, 2007,  Ultimus was paid  $24,101 for such  services.  In addition,  the Fund
reimburses Ultimus for its reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses relating to these
compliance services.




The Fund has an unsecured $25,000,000 bank line of credit. Borrowings under this
arrangement  bear  interest at a rate per annum equal to Prime Rate minus 0.50%.
During  the year ended  June 30,  2007,  the Fund  incurred  $4,360 of  interest
expense related to borrowings under the line of credit. Average debt outstanding
during the year ended June 30, 2007 was $55,484.  As of June 30, 2007,  the Fund
had no outstanding borrowings.


The Fund indemnifies the Trust's  officers and trustees for certain  liabilities
that  might  arise  from  their   performance  of  their  duties  to  the  Fund.
Additionally,  in the normal  course of business the Fund enters into  contracts
that  contain a variety of  representations  and  warranties  and which  provide
general  indemnifications.  The Fund's maximum exposure under these arrangements
is unknown,  as this would  involve  future  claims that may be made against the
Fund that have not yet occurred.  However, based on experience, the Fund expects
the risk of loss to be remote.


On July 13, 2006, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board (FASB) released FASB
Interpretation No. 48 (FIN 48) "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes." FIN
48 provides  guidance for how  uncertain  tax  positions  should be  recognized,
measured,  presented and disclosed in the financial statements.  FIN 48 requires
the evaluation of tax positions  taken in the course of preparing the Fund's tax
returns to determine  whether the tax  positions are  "more-likely-than-not"  of
being  sustained by the applicable tax authority.  Tax benefits of positions not
deemed to meet the  more-likely-than-not  threshold  would be  recorded as a tax
benefit or expense in the  current  year.  Adoption  of FIN 48 is  required  for
fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 2006 and is to be applied to all open
tax years as of the effective date. Recent SEC guidance allows  implementing FIN
48 in fund NAV  calculations  as late as the Fund's last NAV  calculation in the
first required financial  statement reporting period. As a result, the Fund will
incorporate FIN 48 in its Semi-Annual Report on December 31, 2007. Management is
in the process of determining the impact of the adoption of FIN 48.

In September  2006,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board (FASB)  issued
Statement  on  Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS)  No.  157,  "Fair  Value
Measurements." This standard  establishes a single  authoritative  definition of
fair  value,  sets  out a  framework  for  measuring  fair  value  and  requires
additional  disclosures about fair value  measurements.  SFAS No. 157 applies to
fair value  measurements  already  required or permitted by existing  standards.
SFAS No. 157 is  effective  for  financial  statements  issued for fiscal  years
beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years.
The  changes  to  current  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  from the
application  of this  Statement  relate to the  definition  of fair  value,  the
methods used to measure  fair value,  and the  expanded  disclosures  about fair
value measurements.  As of June 30, 2007, the Fund does not believe the adoption
of SFAS No. 157 will impact the amounts  reported in the  financial  statements,
however, additional disclosures may be required about the inputs used to develop
the measurements  and the effect of certain of the measurements  reported on the
statement of changes in net assets for a fiscal period.



To the Board of Trustees of
Oak Value Trust
and the Shareholders of the Oak Value Fund

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities,  including
the  schedule  of  investments,  of the Oak  Value  Fund,  a series of shares of
beneficial interest of the Oak Value Trust, as of June 30, 2007, and the related
statement of  operations,  the  statement of changes in net assets and financial
highlights  for the year then ended.  These  financial  statements and financial
highlights are the responsibility of the Fund's  management.  Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these financial  statements and financial highlights
based on our audit.  The  statement  of changes in net assets for the year ended
June 30, 2006 and the financial highlights for each of the four years ended June
30, 2006 were  audited by other  auditors  whose  report  dated  August 11, 2006
expressed an unqualified opinion on such statement and financial highlights.

We conducted  our audit in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of
securities owned as of June 30, 2007 by  correspondence  with the custodian.  An
audit also includes  assessing the accounting  principles  used and  significant
estimates  made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial
statement  presentation.  We believe that our audit provides a reasonable  basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements and financial  highlights referred to
above present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial  position of the
Oak Value Fund as of June 30, 2007, the results of its  operations,  the changes
in its net assets  and the  financial  highlights  for the year then  ended,  in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of

                                          /s/ BRIGGS, BUNTING & DOUGHERTY, LLP

                                          BRIGGS, BUNTING & DOUGHERTY, LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 31, 2007



We believe it is  important  for you to  understand  the impact of costs on your
investment.  As a  shareholder  of the Fund,  you incur two types of costs:  (1)
transaction costs,  including redemption fees; and (2) ongoing costs,  including
management fees and other Fund expenses.  The following examples are intended to
help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and
to compare  these  costs with the ongoing  costs of  investing  in other  mutual

A fund's  ongoing costs are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets.
This figure is known as the expense  ratio.  The expenses in the table below are
based on an  investment  of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and
held for the entire period.

The table below illustrates the Fund's costs in two ways:

ACTUAL FUND RETURN - This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that
you paid over the period.  The "Ending  Account Value" shown is derived from the
Fund's actual return,  and the third column shows the dollar amount of operating
expenses that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the
Fund. You may use the information  here,  together with the amount you invested,
to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply  divide your account  value by $1,000 (for  example,  an $8,600
account value  divided by $1,000 = 8.6),  then multiply the result by the number
given for the Fund under the heading "Expenses Paid During Period."

HYPOTHETICAL 5% RETURN - This section is intended to help you compare the Fund's
costs with those of other mutual  funds.  It assumes that the Fund had an annual
return of 5% before expenses during the period shown, but that the expense ratio
is  unchanged.  In this case,  because the return used is not the Fund's  actual
returns,  the results do not apply to your investment.  The example is useful in
making comparisons  because the Securities and Exchange  Commission requires all
mutual  funds to  calculate  expenses  based on a 5% return.  You can assess the
Fund's  costs by  comparing  this  hypothetical  example  with the  hypothetical
examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

Note  that  expenses  shown in the table  are  meant to  highlight  and help you
compare ongoing costs only. The Fund does not impose any sales charges. However,
a  redemption  fee of 2% is applied on the sale of shares sold within 90 days of
the date of purchase.  The  redemption  fee does not apply to the  redemption of
shares acquired through reinvestment of dividends and other distributions.

The  calculations  assume no shares were bought or sold during the period.  Your
actual  costs may have been  higher or lower,  depending  on the  amount of your
investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

More information about the Fund's expenses,  including annual expense ratios for
the  prior  five  fiscal  years,  can be found in this  report.  For  additional
information on operating expenses and other shareholder  costs,  please refer to
the Fund's prospectus.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Beginning        Ending
                                 Account Value    Account Value   Expenses Paid
                                January 1, 2007   June 30, 2007   During Period*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Based on Actual Fund Return         $1,000.00       $1,094.60         $6.96
Based on Hypothetical 5% Return
  (before expenses)                 $1,000.00       $1,018.15         $6.71
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*     Expenses  are  equal to the  annualized  expense  ratio  of 1.34%  for the
      period,   multiplied  by  the  average  account  value  over  the  period,
      multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).



OFFICERS AND INTERESTED TRUSTEES. The table below sets forth certain information
about  each  of the  Trust's  Interested  Trustees,  as  well  as its  executive

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      NUMBER OF
                                                 TERM OF                                              PORTFOLIOS        OTHER
                          POSITION(S)         OFFICE; TERM                                             IN FUND      DIRECTORSHIPS(1)
                           HELD WITH            SERVED IN            PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION(S)           COMPLEX         HELD BY
NAME, ADDRESS, AND AGE       TRUST               OFFICE                DURING PAST 5 YEARS             OVERSEEN        TRUSTEE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Larry D. Coats, Jr.*      Trustee and        Indefinite term;       President, Chief Executive            1             None
3100 Tower Blvd.          President          President Since        Officer and Senior Portfolio
Suite 700                                    July 2003;             Manager with Oak Value
Durham, NC 27707                             Trustee Since          Capital Management, Inc;
Age: 47                                      December 2003          Prior to July 2003, Executive
                                                                    Vice President and Portfolio
                                                                    Manager with Oak Value
                                                                    Capital Management, Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Margaret C. Landis        Vice President     Appointed              Senior Vice President, the
3100 Tower Blvd.                             annually;              Chief Compliance Officer,
Suite 700                                    Since                  Treasurer and Secretary
Durham, NC 27707                             May 2007               of Oak Value Capital
Age: 49                                                             Managment, Inc.; Prior to
                                                                    December 2003, Vice
                                                                    President, Director of
                                                                    Compliance, Treasurer
                                                                    and Secretary with Oak Value
                                                                    Capital Management, Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert G. Dorsey          Vice President     Appointed              For more than the past five
225 Pictoria Drive                           annually;              years, Mr. Dorsey has been a
Suite 450                                    Since:                 Managing Director of Ultimus
Cincinnati, OH 45246                         June 2003              Fund Solutions, LLC and
Age: 50                                                             Ultimus Fund Distributors,
                                                                    LLC, the Fund's principal
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark J. Seger             Treasurer,         Appointed              For more than the past five
225 Pictoria Drive        Chief              annually;              years, Mr. Seger has been a
Suite 450                 Compliance         Since:                 Managing Director of Ultimus
Cincinnati, OH 45246      Officer            June 2003              Fund Solutions, LLC and
Age: 45                                                             Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John F. Splain            Secretary          Appointed              For more than the past five
225 Pictoria Drive                           annually;              years, Mr. Splain has been a
Suite 450                                    Since:                 Managing Director of Ultimus
Cincinnati, OH 45246                         June 2003              Fund Solutions, LLC and
Age: 50                                                             Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*     Mr. Coats is an "interested  person," as defined by the 1940 Act,  because
      of his employment with Oak Value Capital Management,  Inc., the investment
      adviser to the Trust.
 1    Directorships held in (1) any other investment  companies registered under
      the  1940  Act,  (2) any  company  with a class of  securities  registered
      pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
      (the "Exchange  Act") or (3) any company  subject to the  requirements  of
      Section  15(d) of the Exchange  Act.



INDEPENDENT  TRUSTEES.  The following table sets forth certain information about
the Trust's Independent Trustees.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      NUMBER OF
                                                 TERM OF                                              PORTFOLIOS        OTHER
                          POSITION(S)         OFFICE; TERM                                             IN FUND      DIRECTORSHIPS(1)
                           HELD WITH            SERVED IN            PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION(S)           COMPLEX         HELD BY
NAME, ADDRESS, AND AGE       TRUST               OFFICE                DURING PAST 5 YEARS             OVERSEEN        TRUSTEE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph T. Jordan, Jr.     Chairman and       Indefinite Term;       For more than the past five           1             Director of
1816 Front Street         Trustee            Trustee                years, Mr. Jordan has served                        Cardinal
Suite 320                                    Since May 1995;        as the President of Practice                        State Bank
Durham, NC 27705                             Chairman               Management Services, Inc.
Age: 61                                      Since January          (a medical practice
                                             2005                   management firm).

C. Russell Bryan          Trustee;           Indefinite Term;       For more than the past five           1             None
121 W. Trade Street       Chairman of        Since:                 years, Mr. Bryan has been a
Suite 3000                Governance,        May 1995               Managing Director of
Charlotte, NC 28202       Nomination and                            Brookwood Associates, L.L.C.
Age: 47                   Compensation                              (an investment banking firm).

John M. Day               Trustee;           Indefinite Term;       For more than the past five           1             None
5151 Glenwood Ave.        Chairman of        Since:                 years, Mr. Day has been
Raleigh, NC 27612         Audit              May 1995               Managing Partner, Maynard
Age: 53                   Committee                                 Capital Partners (an
                                                                    investment firm).

Charles T. Manatt, Esq.   Trustee            Indefinite Term;       Founder, Manatt, Phelps &             1             Director of
700 12th Street, N.W.                        Since:                 Phillips, L.L.P. (a law firm);                      FedEx
Suite 1100                                   February 2002          from 1999-2001, served as                           Corporation
Washington, DC 20005                                                U.S. Ambassador to the
Age: 71                                                             Dominican Republic.

 1    Directorships held in (1) any other investment  companies registered under
      the  1940  Act,  (2) any  company  with a class of  securities  registered
      pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
      (the "Exchange  Act") or (3) any company  subject to the  requirements  of
      Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act.

The Statement of Additional  Information ("SAI") includes additional information
about the Trust's  Trustees and officers.  To obtain a copy of the SAI,  without
charge, call (800) 622-2474.


A description  of the policies and  procedures the Fund uses to determine how to
vote proxies relating to portfolio  securities is available  without charge upon
request by calling toll-free  1-800-622-2474,  or on the Securities and Exchange
Commission's ("SEC") website at  http://www.sec.gov.  Information  regarding how
the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio  securities  during the most recent
12-month  period ended June 30 is also available  without charge upon request by
calling toll-free 1-800-622-2474, or on the SEC's website http://www.sec.gov.

The Trust files a complete  listing of portfolio  holdings for the Fund with the
SEC as of the end of the first and third  quarters  of each  fiscal year on Form
N-Q.  The  filings  are  available  without  charge  upon  request,  by  calling
1-800-622-2474. Furthermore, you will be able to obtain a copy of the filings on
the SEC's  website  at  http://www.sec.gov.  The  Trust's  Forms N-Q may also be
reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public  Reference Room in  Washington,  DC, and
information  on the  operation of the Public  Reference  Room may be obtained by
calling 1-800-SEC-0330.



On May 8, 2007, Deloitte & Touche ("D&T") was replaced as independent auditor of
the Fund, and Briggs, Bunting and Dougherty,  LLP was selected as the Fund's new
independent auditor. The Fund's selection of Briggs, Bunting and Dougherty,  LLP
as its independent auditor was approved by the Fund's Audit Committee and by the
Fund's Board of Trustees.

D&T's reports on the Fund's financial statements for the fiscal years ended June
30, 2006 and 2005 did not contain an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion,
and were not qualified or modified as to uncertainty,  audit scope or accounting
principles. During such fiscal years, and through the date of D&T's replacement,
there were no disagreements between the Fund and D&T on any matter of accounting
principles or practices,  financial statement  disclosure,  or auditing scope or
procedures,  which  disagreements,  if not resolved to the  satisfaction of D&T,
would  have  caused  it  to  make   reference  to  the  subject  matter  of  the
disagreements  in connection  with its reports on the financial  statements  for
such years.


In accordance with federal tax requirements, the following provides shareholders
with information concerning  distributions from ordinary income and net realized
gains made by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2007.  For the fiscal year
ended  June 30,  2007,  certain  dividends  paid by the Fund may be subject to a
maximum  tax  rate of 15%,  as  provided  by the  Jobs  and  Growth  Tax  Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2003. The Fund intends to designate up to a maximum amount
of  $5,256,740  as taxed at a maximum  rate of 15%,  as well as  $37,859,938  as
long-term gain distributions. Complete information will be computed and reported
in conjunction with your 2007 Form 1099-DIV.


                       OAK VALUE FUND

                       INVESTMENT ADVISER
                       Oak Value Capital Management, Inc.
                       3100 Tower Boulevard, Suite 700
                       Durham, North Carolina 27707

                       Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC
                       225 Pictoria Drive, Suite 450
                       Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

                       ACCOUNTING FIRM
                       Briggs, Bunting & Dougherty, LLP
                       Two Penn Center
                       Suite 820
                       Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

                       US Bank, N.A.
                       425 Walnut Street
                       Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

                       BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                       Joseph T. Jordan, Jr., Chairman
                       C. Russell Bryan
                       Larry D. Coats, Jr.
                       John M. Day
                       Charles T. Manatt

                       Larry D. Coats, Jr., President
                       Margaret C. Landis, Vice President
                       Robert G. Dorsey, Vice President
                       Mark J. Seger, Treasurer/
                          Chief Compliance Officer
                       John F. Splain, Secretary

            This report is for the  information of the  shareholders
            of the Oak  Value  Fund.  It may not be  distributed  to
            prospective   investors   unless  it  is   preceded   or
            accompanied by the current fund prospectus.


As of the end of the period covered by this report, the registrant has adopted a
code of ethics that applies to the  registrant's  principal  executive  officer,
principal  financial officer,  principal  accounting  officer or controller,  or
persons performing  similar  functions,  regardless of whether these individuals
are employed by the registrant or a third party.  Pursuant to Item  12(a)(1),  a
copy of  registrant's  code of ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.
During  the  period  covered  by this  report,  the code of ethics  has not been
amended,  and the  registrant  has not granted any waivers,  including  implicit
waivers, from the provisions of the code of ethics.


The  registrant's  board of trustees has  determined  that the registrant has at
least one audit committee  financial expert serving on its audit committee.  The
name of the audit committee financial expert is Joseph T. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Jordan
is "independent" for purposes of this Item.


         (a)      AUDIT  FEES.  The  aggregate  fees  billed  for   professional
                  services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of
                  the registrant's  annual financial  statements or for services
                  that are normally  provided by the  accountant  in  connection
                  with  statutory and  regulatory  filings or  engagements  were
                  $14,000  with  respect to the  registrant's  fiscal year ended
                  June 30,  2007.  The  aggregate  fees billed for  professional
                  services  rendered by the former principal  accountant for the
                  audit of the registrant's  annual financial  statements or for
                  services  that are  normally  provided  by the  accountant  in
                  connection   with   statutory   and   regulatory   filings  or
                  engagements  were  $21,500  with  respect to the  registrant's
                  fiscal year ended June 30, 2006.

         (b)      AUDIT-RELATED  FEES. No fees were billed in either of the last
                  two fiscal  years for  assurance  and related  services by the
                  principal  accountant  that  are  reasonably  related  to  the
                  performance  of  the  audit  of  the  registrant's   financial
                  statements  and are not reported  under  paragraph (a) of this

         (c)      TAX FEES. The aggregate fees billed for professional  services
                  rendered by the principal  accountant for tax compliance,  tax
                  advice,  and tax  planning  were  $2,000  with  respect to the
                  registrant's  fiscal year ended June 30, 2007.  The  aggregate
                  fees billed for professional  services  rendered by the former
                  principal  accountant for tax compliance,  tax advice, and tax
                  planning were $2,200 with respect to the  registrant's  fiscal
                  year ended June 30, 2006. The services  comprising  these fees
                  are the  preparation  of the  registrant's  federal income and
                  excise tax returns.

         (d)      ALL OTHER FEES.  No fees were billed in either of the last two
                  fiscal  years  for  products  and  services  provided  by  the
                  principal  accountant,  other than the  services  reported  in
                  paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item.

         (e)(1)   The audit committee has not adopted pre-approval  policies and
                  procedures  described  in  paragraph  (c)(7)  of Rule  2-01 of
                  Regulation S-X.

         (e)(2)   None of the services described in paragraph (b) through (d) of
                  this Item were  approved  by the audit  committee  pursuant to
                  paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

         (f)      Less than 50% of hours expended on the principal  accountant's
                  engagement to audit the registrant's  financial statements for
                  the most recent fiscal year were  attributed to work performed
                  by persons  other than the principal  accountant's  full-time,
                  permanent employees.

         (g)      During  the  fiscal  year  ended  June  30,  2007,   aggregate
                  non-audit  fees of  $2,000  were  billed  by the  registrant's
                  accountant for services rendered to the registrant. During the
                  fiscal year ended June 30, 2006,  aggregate  non-audit fees of
                  $2,200 were billed by the registrant's  former  accountant for
                  services  rendered to the  registrant.  No non-audit fees were
                  billed  in  either  of  the  last  two  fiscal  years  by  the
                  registrant's   accountant   for   services   rendered  to  the
                  registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser
                  whose  role  is   primarily   portfolio   management   and  is
                  subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser),
                  and any entity  controlling,  controlled  by, or under  common
                  control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the

         (h)      The  principal  accountant  has  not  provided  any  non-audit
                  services to the registrant's investment adviser (not including
                  any sub-adviser whose role is primarily  portfolio  management
                  and is  subcontracted  with or overseen by another  investment
                  adviser), and any entity controlling,  controlled by, or under
                  common  control  with the  investment  adviser  that  provides
                  ongoing services to the registrant.


Not applicable


Not applicable [schedule filed with Item 1]


Not applicable


Not applicable


Not applicable


The registrant's governance, nomination and compensation committee will consider
shareholder  recommendations  to fill  vacancies  on the  registrant's  board of
trustees if such  recommendations  are submitted in writing and addressed to the
committee at the registrant's offices. The committee may adopt, by resolution, a
policy  regarding its  procedures  for  considering  candidates for the board of
trustees, including any recommended by shareholders.


(a)  Based on their  evaluation  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls  and
procedures  (as defined in Rule  30a-3(c)  under the  Investment  Company Act of
1940)  as of a date  within  90 days of the  filing  date  of this  report,  the
registrant's  principal  executive officer and principal  financial officer have
concluded that such disclosure  controls and procedures are reasonably  designed
and are operating  effectively to ensure that material  information  relating to
the registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries,  is made known to them
by others within those  entities,  particularly  during the period in which this
report is being prepared,  and that the information  required in filings on Form
N-CSR is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported on a timely basis.

(b) There were no changes in the  registrant's  internal  control over financial
reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940)
that  occurred  during the second fiscal  quarter of the period  covered by this
report that have  materially  affected,  or are reasonably  likely to materially
affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


File the  exhibits  listed  below as part of this  Form.  Letter or  number  the
exhibits in the sequence indicated.

(a)(1) Any code of ethics,  or  amendment  thereto,  that is the  subject of the
disclosure  required  by Item 2, to the extent  that the  registrant  intends to
satisfy the Item 2 requirements through filing of an exhibit: Attached hereto

(a)(2)  A  separate  certification  for each  principal  executive  officer  and
principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under
the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2(a)): Attached hereto

(a)(3) Any written  solicitation to purchase  securities  under Rule 23c-1 under
the Act (17 CFR 270.23c-1) sent or given during the period covered by the report
by or on behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons: Not applicable

(b)   Certifications   required  by  Rule   30a-2(b)   under  the  Act  (17  CFR
270.30a-2(b)): Attached hereto

Exhibit 99.CODE ETH       Code of Ethics

Exhibit 99.CERT           Certifications required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Act

Exhibit 99.906CERT        Certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Act


Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant)   Oak Value Trust

By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ Larry D. Coats, Jr.
                            Larry D. Coats, Jr., President

Date   August 22, 2007

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and the
Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  this  report  has been  signed  below by the
following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ Larry D. Coats, Jr.
                            Larry D. Coats, Jr., President

Date   August 22, 2007

By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ Mark J. Seger
                            Mark J. Seger, Treasurer

Date   August 22, 2007

* Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.