12268 VIA LATINA
                                  DEL MAR, CA 92914

        May 20, 2002

        Richard Levinson, Executive Manager
        ChangeBridge Entertainment, LLC
        40 Barkmill Terrace
        Montville, New Jersey 07045

             Re: Acquisition by Cavalcade of Sports Media, Inc. of
             ChangeBridge Entertainment Television under IRC Sec.

        Dear Mr. Levinson:

        This is to serve as a formal Letter of Intent ("LOI") and a binding
        agreement, until superseded by a more formal Reorganization
        Agreement for the acquisition by Cavalcade of Sports Media, Inc.
        ("Cavalcade") of one hundred percent (100%) of the ownership
        interests of ChangeBridge Entertainment Television ("ChangeBridge").
        This LOI supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations,
        understandings, memoranda and specifically the two draft LOI's sent
        to you for review.

                            GENERAL FORM OF TRANSACTION

        This transaction is structured such that Cavalcade will acquire
        100% of the ownership interests in ChangeBridge by a merger of
        ChangeBridge with and into a wholly-owned corporate subsidiary of
        Cavalcade to be formed for the purposes of the transaction
        ("Newco").  The owner(s) of ChangeBridge will receive, in exchange
        for their ownership interests in ChangeBridge, shares of the
        ChangeBridge Acquisition  Series of Convertible Preferred Stock of
        Cavalcade.  At the end of three (3) years (i.e., upon receipt of
        the audited financial statements of Cavalcade and ChangeBridge (as
        a separately stated subsidiary), the shares of the Convertible
        Preferred Stock will automatically convert into shares of the
        Common Stock of Cavalcade on the agreed formula in V below.


        At present, ChangeBridge is a limited liability company organized
        under the laws of New Jersey.  There is one (1) member: you, owning
        an interest of one hundred percent (100%).  The limited liability
        company will be merged into a corporation, to be newly-formed by
        Cavalcade for purposes of the merger.  The merger will be tax-free
        to you under Section 358(a)(1)(A) - that is, no tax will be payable.

        Richard Levinson, Executive Manager
        ChangeBridge Entertainment Television, LLC
        May 20, 2002
        Page 2

        upon the exchange of the ownership interests for the ChangeBridge
        Acquisition Series of Convertible Preferred Stock.

                           CHANGEBRIDGE ACQUISITION SERIES
                            OF CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCK

        The ChangeBridge Acquisition Series of Convertible Preferred Stock
        will consist of one hundred thousand (100,000) shares.  Each share
        will have a par value of $.001, a stated capital of $.001 ($10.00),
        will be entitled to one (1) vote per share and will vote with the
        Common Stock of Cavalcade as a single class, will be entitled to
        elect 49.9% of the Board of Directors of Newco, will receive such
        dividends as the Board of Directors of Cavalcade shall determine,
        but only to be paid from the earned income of Newco and will be
        entitled to convert into shares of the Common Stock of Cavalcade on
        the basis of the agreed formula set forth in V below.

                               MANAGEMENT AND FUNDING

        A.  Management

        You (Richard Levinson) will receive a Management Agreement from
        Cavalcade, giving you exclusive management of Newco (subject only to
        certain financial controls).  In addition, you will receive an
        employment agreement from Newco itself, under which you will be
        employed as CEO.  Pending managerial buildup of Newco, at the
        request of Newco, at ChangeBridge's option and at Cavalcade's
        expense, Cavalcade will supply other officers, who will be replaced
        as you bring on executives and officers.  The intent is that you,
        and your management team, will control the growth and development of
        Newco so that the data used for the conversion formula calculations
        will be based on your efforts, without interference.

        B.  Funding

        You and Cavalcade's Management shall prepare a cash flow budget
        projection and estimate the amount of funding required.  The parties
        will endeavor to obtain institutional financing, at least for that
        portion of the requirements applicable to the purchase of parts for
        installation.  For the balance of the funding (or all of the funding
        if institutional financing is unavailable, Cavalcade will designate
        a second series of convertible preferred stock, similar to the
        acquisition series, to be called the "ChangeBridge Funding Series of
        Convertible Preferred Stock".  The ChangeBridge

        Richard Levinson, Executive Manager
        ChangeBridge Entertainment Television, LLC
        May 20, 2002
        Page 3

        Funding Series of Convertible Preferred Stock will have a par value
        of $.001 per share, a stated capital of $10.00 per share, will be
        entitled to cumulative dividends at the rate of 10% but solely based
        upon and derived from the earnings of Newco, will have one vote per
        share, and will vote with the Common Stock as a single series.  The
        series will be automatically convertible into shares of Common Stock
        of Cavalcade at the time of the conversion of the ChangeBridge
        Acquisition Series.

        The conversion rate into Cavalcade Common Stock would be that the
        shares of the ChangeBridge Funding Series and all accrued dividends
        (at the 10% rate) would be added to the number of issued and
        outstanding shares of the ChangeBridge Acquisition Series and the
        combined series converted as a single series as provided in V

        We would issue up to 200,000 shares of the Funding Series at a price
        of $10 per share, to raise gross proceeds of $2,000,000.  All of the
        net proceeds (gross proceeds less 10% commissions and 3% expense
        allowances) would go to Newco, for its own financing purposes.

                                 CONVERSION FORMULAS

        At the present time, ChangeBridge is a newly-organized business
        entity with no revenues, assets, or income.  Accordingly, the
        parties have agreed that the value of ChangeBridge will be
        determined upon receipt of the audited financial statements of
        Cavalcade for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005; i.e., after
        three years of operations.  During the intervening period, Cavalcade
        will have its auditor separately state the audited financial
        statements for ChangeBridge.  Upon receipt of the audited statements
        as of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005) the net income of
        ChangeBridge, after federal and state income taxes, shall be
        determined. Such after-tax net income shall be multiplied by the
        same price earnings multiple "P/E Multiple" given by the market for
        Cavalcade.  The result of multiplying the after-tax net income by
        the P/E Multiple shall be divided by the average of the Closing bid
        and Asked prices of the Cavalcade Common Stock for the twenty (20)
        sequential trading days prior to and including the date of the
        calculation, which shall be deemed to be the date of the auditor's
        report on the financial statements.  The result shall be the number
        of shares of Common Stock of Cavalcade into which the total number
        of shares of both (1) the ChangeBridge Acquisition Series of
        Convertible Preferred Stock and (2) the ChangeBridge Funding Series
        of Convertible Preferred Stock shall be converted, adding the

        Richard Levinson, Executive Manager
        ChangeBridge Entertainment Television, LLC
        May 20, 2002
        Page 4

        shares of each Series together and converting pro rata.

        Yours truly,                           AGREED AND ACCEPTED:
                                               TELEVISION LLC

        By:  /s/ Edward Litwak                 By:  /s/ Richard Levinson
           -------------------------              -------------------------
        Edward Litwak, President/CEO           Richard Levinson, Exec. Mgr.

        Dated: 5/25/02                          Dated: 5/25/02