We have issued our report dated March 8, 2005, accompanying the
consolidated financial statements and schedule included in the annual report of
Ocean Bio-Chem, Inc. on Form 10-K as of December 31, 2004 and for the year then
ended. We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference of the aforementioned
report in the Registration Statement of the Company on Form S-8 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC') on February 2, 2004 (File No.
333-112440) registering the resale of shares issued under the Company's 1991
Incentive Stock Option Plan, 1992 Incentive Stock Option Plan and 1994 Incentive
Stock Option Plan.

         /s/ Levi Cahlin & Co.
         Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
         March 8, 2005