EXHIBIT 99.1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE DIVISION In re: ) ANTARES RESOURCES CORP. ) Case No. 3:04-bk-06408-JAF Debtor. ) Chapter 11 ___________________________________ FINANCIAL REPORT OF DEBTOR IN POSSESSION FOR BUSINESS FOR PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005 AND ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2005 Trustee, Michael P. Phelan, gives notice of filing the attached Financial Report of Debtor in Possession for Business for the period beginning October 1, 2005 and ending October 31, 2005. SMITH HULSEY & BUSEY By /s/ Raymond R. Magley -------------------------------- Raymond R. Magley Florida Bar Number 0511056 225 Water Street, Suite 1800 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 (904) 359-7700 (904) 359-7708 (Facsimile) Attorneys for Trustee UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE DIVISION In re: Antares Resources Corp. Case No. 3:04-bk-06408-JAF APPLICABLE DEBTOR All cases Jointly Administered Under Case No. 3:04-bk-06408-JAF CHAPTER 11 TRUSTEE'S MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR THE PERIOD FROM 10/01/05 TO 10/31/05 Comes now the above-named debtor and files its Periodic Financial Reports in accordance with the guidelines established by the United States Trustee and FRBP 2015. Raymond R. Magley Chapter 11 Trustee Chapter 11 Trustee's Address Attorney's Address and Phone Number and Phone Number Michael P. Phelan Raymond R. Magley, Esq. Michael Moecker & Assoc. Smith Hulsey & Busey 6861 SW 196 Ave., #201-04 225 Water Street, Suite 1800 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 (954) 252-1560 (904) 359-7700 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR BUSINESS For The Period Beginning 10/01/05 and ending: 10/31/05 Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number: 3:04-bk-06408-JAF Date of Petition: April 27, 2005 CURRENT CUMULATIVE MONTH PETITION TO DATE ------- ---------------- 1. CASH AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD 0 2. RECEIPTS: A. Cash Sales 0 Less Cash Refunds 0 Net Cash Sales 0 B. Collection on Postpetition A/R 0 C. Collection on Prepetition A/R 0 D. Other Receipts - Pymnt from Creditor 25,000.00 E. Other Receipts - Interest Deposit 8.16 28.84 3. TOTAL RECEIPTS 8.16 25,028.84 4. TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE FOR OPERATIONS (Line 1 + Line 3) 25,028.84 5. DISBURSEMENTS A. U.S. Trustee Quarterly Fees 250.00 1,500.00 B. Net Payroll C. Payroll Taxes Paid D. Sales and Use Taxes E. Other Taxes F. Rent G. Other Leases (Attachment 2) H. Telephone I. Utilities J. Travel & Entertainment K. Vehicle Expenses L. Office Supplies M. Advertising N. Insurance (Attachment 7) O. Purchases of Fixed Assets (Attachment 3) P. Purchase of Inventory (Attachment 3) Q. Manufacturing Supplies R. Repairs & Maintenance S. Payments to Secured Creditors T. Other Expense 170.00 1,455.00 Mailout Expense 9,402.62 9,402.62 6. TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS 9,572.62 12,357.62 7. ENDING CASH BALANCE 12,671.22 (Line 4 - Line 6) I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement and the accompanying schedules are true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief. This 9 day of November, 2005 /s/ Michael P. Phelan -------------------------- Michael P. Phelan, Trustee ATTACHMENT 1 MONTHLY ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AGING AND RECONCILIATION Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number:3:04-bk-06408-JAF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AT PETITION DATE: 0 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE RECONCILIATION (Include all accounts receivable, pre-petition and postpetition, including charge card sales which have not been received) Beginning of Month Balance 0 PLUS: Current Month New Billings 0 LESS: Collection During the Month 0 End of Month Balance 0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGING: (Show the total amount for each age group of accounts incurred since filing the petition) 0-30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days Over 90 Days Total - --------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----- 0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0% ATTACHMENT 2 MONTHLY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND SECURED PAYMENTS REPORT Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number: 3-04-bk-06408-JAF Reporting Period beginning 10/01/05 and ending 10/31/05 In the space below list all invoices or bills incurred and not paid since the filing of the petition. Do not include amounts owed prior to filing the petition. Date Days Incurred Outstanding Vendor Description Amount - -------- ----------- ------ ----------- ------ None - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACOUNTS PAYABLE RECONCILIATION (Post Petition Only): Opening Balance (total from prior report) 0 PLUS: New indebtedness Incurred this Month 0 LESS: Amount Paid on Prior Accounts Payable 0 Ending Month Balance 0 SECURED: List the status of Payments to Secured Creditors and Lessors (Post Petition Only) Secured Date # of Post Petition Total $ Creditor/ Payment Payment Payments Amount of Lessor Due Amount Delinquent Post Petition - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None ATTACHMENT 3 INVENTORY AND FIXED ASSETS REPORT Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number: 03-04-bk-06408-JAF Reporting Period Beginning 10/01/05 and ending 10/31/05 INVENTORY REPORT INVENTORY BALANCE AT PETITION DATE: Inventory Balance at Beginning of Month 0 Inventory Purchase During Month 0 Inventory Used or Sold 0 Inventory on Hand at End of Month 0 METHOD OF COSTING INVENTORY: N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXED ASSET REPORT FIXED ASSETS FAIR MARKET VALUE AT PETITION DATE: 0 (Includes Property, Plant and Equipment) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (First Report Only): - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXED ASSETS RECONCILIATION: Fixed Asset Book Value at Beginning of Month 0 LESS: Depreciation Expense 0 PLUS: New Purchases 0 Ending Monthly Balance 0 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIXED ASSETS PURCHASED OR DISPOSED OF DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT 4 MONTHLY BANK ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number: 03-04-bk-06408-JAF Reporting Period Beginning 10/01/05 and ending 10/31/05 A separate sheet is required for each bank account, including all savings and investment accounts, i.e. certificates of deposit, money market accounts, stocks and bonds, etc. NAME OF BANK: Bank of America BRANCH: Dallas, TX ACCOUNT NAME: Antares Resources Corp. ACCOUNT NUMBER: XXXX PURPOSE OF ACCOUNT: ----------------------------------------------------------- Beginning Balance 22,478.53 Total of Deposits Made 8.16 Total Amount of Checks Written 12,357.62 Service Charge Closing Balance 12,671.22 Number of First Check Written This Period 1007 Number of Last Check Written This Period Total Number of Checks Written This Period 1 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Type of Negotiable Instrument Face Value Purchase Price Date of Purchase - ------------------ ---------- -------------- ---------------- N/A ATTACHEMENT 5 Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number: 03-04-bk-06408-JAF Reporting Period Beginning 10/01/05 and ending 10/31/05 CHECK REGISTER NAME OF BANK: Bank of America BRANCH: Dallas, TX ACCOUNT NAME: Antares Resources Corp. ACCOUNT NUMBER: XXXX PURPOSE OF ACCOUNT: ------------------------------------------------------------ Account for All Check Numbers, Including voided, Lost Stopped Payment, etc. Date Check Payee Purpose Amount - ---- ----- ----- ------- ------ See Attached ATTACHMENT 6 MONTHLY TAX REPORT Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number: 03-04-bk-06408-JAF Reporting Period Beginning 10/01/05 and ending 10/31/05 TAXES PAID DURING THE MONTH Report all post-petition taxes paid or deposited into the tax account Date Bank Description Amount - ---- ---- ----------- ------ None - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAXES OWED AND DUE Report all unpaid post-petition taxes including Federal and State withholding FICA, state sales tax, property tax, unemployment tax and state workmen's compensation. Date last tax return file __________________________ Period return covers _______________________________ Name of Taxing Date Authority Payment Due Description Amount - -------------- ----------- ----------- ------ None ATTACHMENT 7 SUMMARY OF OFFICER OR OWNER COMPENSATION SUMMARY OF PERSONNEL AND INSURANCE COVERAGES Name of Debtor: Antares Resources Corp. Case Number: 03-04-bk-06408-JAF Reporting Period Beginning 10/01/05 and ending 10/31/05 Report all compensation received during the month. Do not include reimbursement for expenses incurred for which you have receipts. NAME OF OFFICER OR OWNER TITLE AMOUNT PAID - ------------------------ ----- ----------- None - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL REPORT Full Time Part Time Number of employees at beginning of Period 0 0 Number hired during the period 0 0 Number terminated or resigned during period 0 0 Number of employees on payroll at end of period 0 0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIRMATION OF INSURANCE List all policies of insurance in effect, including but not limited to workers' compensation, liability, fire, theft, comprehensive, vehicle, health and life. Agent & Date Phone Coverage Expiration Premium Carrier Number Type Date Due - ------ ------- -------- ---------- ------- N/A ATTACHMENT 8 SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS DURING REPORTING PERIOD None We anticipate filing a Plan of Reorganization and Disclosure Statement on or before____________ Unknown