Company number

                         THE COMPANIES ACTS 1908 TO 1917


                             THE COMPANIES ACT 1985


                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                            UNITED BUSINESS MEDIA plc

1.      (1)The name of the Company is "United Business Media plc".

2.      The Company is to be a public company.

3.      The registered office of the Company will be situate in England.

4.      (2)The objects for which the Company is established are:

        (1)    To be the holding company of companies carrying on or engaged in,
               or about to carry on or engage in, or formed  for the  purpose of
               carrying  on or  engaging  in,  any  businesses  or  transactions
               whether or not being businesses or transactions which the Company
               is  authorised  to carry on or engage in, and for that purpose to
               acquire (whether by purchase,  subscription or otherwise),  hold,
               deal in and  dispose  of  shares,  stocks,  debentures  and other
               securities  of  any  such  companies  and to  promote,  organise,
               incorporate,  float,  re-organise,  finance and to aid and assist
               financially or otherwise any such companies.

- ----------
1       The Company was incorporated  under the name "United  Newspapers  (1918)
        Limited", changed its name to "United Newspapers Limited" on 10th April,
        1989 and to "United News & Media plc" on 1st June,  1995 and adopted its
        present name on 15th December, 2000.

2       By special  resolution  passed on 17th May, 1988  paragraphs (1) to (37)
        inclusive and the  declaration in this clause were  substituted  for the
        then existing paragraphs (1) to (43) inclusive and the declaration.


        (2)    To  co-ordinate  and  manage  the group  (hereinafter  called the
               "Group") consisting of the Company, its subsidiary companies, any
               holding  company  of the  Company,  any  subsidiary  of any  such
               holding  company,  and any other  company in which the Company is
               for the time being  directly  or  indirectly  interested,  and to
               exercise  all the rights and powers (if any) of the Company  over
               or in  relation  to any such  companies;  and in this  clause any
               reference  to  the  Company's   advantage  or  to  the  Company's
               interests  shall be construed as a reference to the  advantage or
               to the interests,  as the case may be, of any of (i) the Group as
               a whole, and (ii) one or more of the companies for the time being
               comprising the Group.

        (3)    To make or do or assist in making or doing such  arrangements and
               things as may be considered  desirable with a view to causing any
               of the  businesses  of any of the  companies  for the time  being
               comprising the Group to be carried on economically and profitably
               and to  promote  the  success  or  best  interests  of  any  such
               companies,  by mutual  assistance  and by  co-operation  with one
               another or by any other means.

        (4)    To  employ  the  funds  of the  Company  in the  development  and
               expansion of all or any of the businesses of any of the companies
               for the time being comprising the Group and of any other company,
               whether now existing or  hereafter  to be formed,  engaged in any
               business like to, or ancillary to, or which can  conveniently  be
               carried  on in  connection  with  any  of  those  of  any  of the
               companies for the time being comprising the Group.

        (5)    To  act  as  managers,  secretaries,   directors,  registrars  or
               transfer or other  agents of or for any  company,  whether or not
               for the time being comprised in the Group and to take part in the
               formation, management,  supervision or control of the business or
               operations  of  any  such  company,  and  to  provide  transport,
               managerial,   executive,   supervisory,   consultant,   advisory,
               technical,  secretarial,  administrative,  accounting  and  other
               supplies,  staff or services  (including the provision of office,
               factory,  plant or other  accommodation),  to engage,  employ and
               remunerate    staff,    to   institute,    manage   and   operate
               superannuation,  insurance  and other  schemes and  generally  to
               perform any services or  undertake  any duties to or on behalf of
               or in other manner to assist any such company and either  without
               remuneration  or on  such  terms  as to  remuneration  as  may be

        (6)    To carry on in all  their  facets  the  trades or  businesses  of
               proprietors  of  newspapers,  magazines  and  other  periodicals,
               publishers, printers,  photographers,  journalists, book binders,
               book  and  print  sellers,   literary   agents  and   newsagents,
               advertising  agents, ink manufacturers,  stationers,  papermakers
               and paper merchants.

        (7)    To carry on in all  their  facets  the  trades or  businesses  of
               collectors, disseminators and distributors by whatsoever means of
               news,  knowledge,  information and entertainment by all and every
               means including radio,  television,  satellite,  cable, facsimile
               and telecommunication  transmission systems and by all processes,
               inventions and apparatus for recording or reproducing  printed or
               legible  material,  speech  and other  sounds  or  light,  and of
               literary,  scientific  and  political  propagandists,  lecturers,
               caterers   for   public    instruction,    education,    pastime,
               entertainment  and  amusement  of  every   description,   and  of
               proprietors  and managers of libraries,  clubs,  halls,  lecture,
               concert and other rooms, theatres, cinemas and places of meeting,
               discussion, amusement or entertainment.

        (8)    To  carry  on the  business  of the  provision  of  computer  and
               information systems offering computerised  accounting,  financial
               systems and  information  services and of


               directors,  designers,  manufacturers  and dealers in  connection
               with the provision,  installation and maintenance  thereof and as
               advisers in connection therewith.

        (9)    To apply for,  obtain and hold,  and to  negotiate  with or enter
               into any contracts,  or other  arrangements  with any government,
               authority,  power or  company  for the  grant or  transfer  to or
               acquisition  by the  Company  or any other  company  in which the
               Company may be or become interested, or may form or register, of,
               any leases, licences, options, pre-emptions, permits, concessions
               or  other  rights  or  authorisations  for  or  relating  to  the
               exploration,  exploitation,  development, acquisition, or working
               of  any  lands,   whether   within  the  United  Kingdom  or  its
               territorial  waters  or  its  continental  shelf  or  within  the
               Continent of Europe or its territorial  waters or its continental
               shelf or  elsewhere in the world,  and whether on land,  or under
               inland  water  or sea,  for the  purpose  of the  production  and
               exploitation of petroleum,  any other mineral oils,  natural gas,
               asphalt,  ozokerite and solid, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons of
               every  description  and  their  products  and  chemical  of every
               description and metals,  coal, oils,  fuels, ores and mineral and
               vegetable substances and materials of every description.

        (10)   Generally to acquire,  develop,  work, dispose of and deal in the
               resources of any lands, territories, estates or properties in any
               part of the world and in  particular  to drill for,  search  for,
               win, get, mine for, obtain,  produce,  exploit,  develop,  store,
               manufacture, render suitable for market or trade, smelt, calcine,
               refine,  handle,  carry away and sell petroleum and other mineral
               oils,  natural  gas,  asphalt,  ozokerite  and solid,  liquid and
               gaseous  hydrocarbons of every description and their products and
               chemicals of every  description and metals,  coal,  oils,  fuels,
               ores and mineral and vegetable  substances and materials of every

        (11)   With a view to the objects referred to in paragraphs (9) and (10)
               of this clause, to finance,  organise, employ, equip and despatch
               expeditions,  commissions,  engineering,  mining,  geological and
               other experts and agents,  and to prepare or cause to be prepared
               or assist in or subscribe  towards the  preparation of any plans,
               examinations, surveys, reports and specifications of any kind and
               nature whatsoever.

        (12)   To carry on the  business  of  farming  in all its  facets and to
               acquire, produce by cultivation,  manufacture,  treat, deal in or
               otherwise  turn to  account  any  mineral,  vegetable  or  animal

        (13)   To  carry  on  all or any of  the  businesses  of  importers  and
               exporters including the provision of agency services to others in
               connection  with the import or export of goods and merchandise of
               every description.

        (14)   To  establish   competitions  in  respect  of   contributions  or
               information  suitable for  insertion in any  publications  of the
               Company  or any member of the Group or  otherwise,  or for any of
               the  purposes  of the  Company or such  member,  and to offer and
               grant prizes,  rewards and premiums of such character and on such
               terms as may seem expedient.

        (15)   To carry on any other business of any nature whatsoever which may
               seem to the  directors  to be  capable  of  being  advantageously
               carried on by way of  extension  of, in  connection  with,  or as
               ancillary  to any  of the  businesses  of the  Company,  or to be
               calculated  directly  or  indirectly  to enhance  the value of or
               facilitate  the  realisation  of or  render  profitable  or  more
               profitable any of the property or rights of the Company, or to be
               likely to be to the Company's advantage.


        (16)   To  purchase,  take on lease or in  exchange,  hire or  otherwise
               acquire and hold,  any real or personal  property or any interest
               in any such  property,  and to improve,  manage,  develop,  grant
               rights or privileges in respect of or otherwise  turn the same to
               the Company's advantage.

        (17)   To build, construct,  equip, maintain, alter, enlarge, pull down,
               remove or replace any buildings,  works,  plant and machinery and
               all other works and conveniences  which may seem to the directors
               necessary or convenient for the business of the Company or likely
               to be to the Company's  advantage and to work, manage and control
               the same or to join with any  person or  company  in doing any of
               the above.

        (18)   To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire and protect,  prolong
               and renew any  patents,  licences  and the like,  conferring  any
               exclusive or non-exclusive or limited right of user or any secret
               or other  information as to any invention which in the opinion of
               the directors may be likely to be to the Company's  advantage and
               to use,  develop,  manufacture under or grant licences in respect
               of,  or   otherwise   turn  to  account   and  expend   money  in
               experimenting  upon and  testing and in  improving  or seeking to
               improve any rights and  information so acquired or proposed to be

        (19)   In any manner to invest  and deal with the monies of the  Company
               not immediately required.

        (20)   To lend and  advance  money or give  credit  to such  persons  or
               companies  and on such terms as may seem to the  directors  to be
               expedient,  and in  particular  to  customers  and others  having
               dealings with the Company and to receive money on deposit or loan
               from and give  guarantees  or become  surety  for any  persons or

        (21)   To borrow or raise  money in such  manner and upon such terms and
               on such security as may seem to the directors to be expedient and
               in  particular by the issue or deposit of debentures or debenture
               stock and to secure the repayment of any money  borrowed,  raised
               or owing by  mortgage,  charge or lien upon the whole or any part
               of the  undertaking,  property  and assets of the  Company,  both
               present and future, including its uncalled capital, and also by a
               similar  mortgage,  charge or lien to secure  and  guarantee  the
               performance  by the Company or any other person or company of any
               contracts, engagements,  liabilities or obligations undertaken by
               the Company or any other person or company as the case may be and
               generally to give  guarantees and  indemnities  and give security
               therefor  either  with  or  without  the  Company  receiving  any
               consideration or advantage therefrom.

        (22)   To draw,  make,  accept,  indorse,  negotiate,  execute and issue
               scrip and other  negotiable or  transferable  instruments  and to
               discount,  buy, sell and deal in bills, notes, warrants,  coupons
               and other negotiable or transferable securities or documents.

        (23)   To pay for any rights or property acquired by the Company, and to
               remunerate  any  person  or  company  rendering  services  to the
               Company in any  manner  and to pay all or any of the  preliminary
               expenses of the Company and of any company  formed or promoted by
               the  Company,  in every case  whether  by cash  payment or by the
               allotment  of  shares,  debentures  or  other  securities  of the
               Company credited as paid up in full or in part or otherwise.


        (24)   To  subscribe or guarantee  money for any  national,  charitable,
               benevolent,  educational or social object,  or for any exhibition
               or for any public,  general or useful  object which the directors
               may think desirable or to the Company's advantage.

        (25)   To establish  and  support,  or to aid in the  establishment  and
               support  of, any  society,  club,  institution,  organisation  or
               scheme  which in the  opinion of the  directors  may  further the
               Company's  interests  or may  benefit any persons who are or have
               been  officers  or  employees  (i) of the  Company,  (ii)  of any
               company which is the Company's holding company or a subsidiary of
               the Company or of any such holding company, or (iii) of any other
               company,  or  wives,  husbands,  widows,  widowers,  children  or
               step-children  under the age of 18 years and other  relatives and
               dependants of such persons,  or may be connected with any town or
               place where any company  within the Group carries on business and
               to establish and support profit sharing or share purchase schemes
               for the benefit of any such  persons and so far as the law allows
               to lend money to any such  persons or to trustees on their behalf
               to  enable  any  such  purchase  schemes  to  be  established  or

        (26)   To grant bonuses, gratuities,  pensions,  superannuation or other
               allowances or benefits or  charitable  aid to any persons who are
               or have been  officers or employees  (i) of the Company,  (ii) of
               any  company  which  is  the  Company's   holding  company  or  a
               subsidiary  of the  Company or of any such  holding  company,  or
               (iii) of any other company, and to the wives,  husbands,  widows,
               widowers, children or step-children under the age of 18 years and
               other  relatives  and  dependants  of such  persons,  and to make
               payments   towards   insurance   and  to  establish  and  support
               superannuation  and other funds or schemes for the benefit of any
               such  persons and of their  wives,  husbands,  widows,  widowers,
               children  or  step-children  under  the age of 18 years and other
               relatives and dependants.

        (27)   To compensate for loss of office any directors or any officers of
               the Company and to make  payments  to any persons  whose  office,
               employment or duties may be terminated by virtue of a transaction
               in which the Company is engaged.

        (28)   To apply for,  promote or obtain any  provisional  order,  Act of
               Parliament  or  licences  of the  Department  of  Trade  or other
               authority  or body for  enabling  the Company to carry any of its
               objects into effect or to advance its  interests or for effecting
               a  modification  of the Company's  constitution  or for any other
               purpose which may seem to the  directors to be expedient,  and to
               oppose any  proceedings or  applications  which seem  calculated,
               directly or indirectly, to prejudice the Company's interests.

        (29)   To enter into any arrangement with any government or other public
               body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, or any
               company or person and to obtain from any such government,  public
               body,  authority,  company  or person  all  charters,  contracts,
               decrees, rights, concessions and privileges which may seem to the
               directors  to be conducive  to the  Company's  purposes or any of
               them or likely to be to the Company's advantage and to carry out,
               exercise and comply with any such charters,  contracts,  decrees,
               rights, concessions and privileges.

        (30)   To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of
               the business,  property,  assets, liabilities and transactions of
               any person or company carrying on or engaged in or about to carry
               on or engage in any business  which the Company is  authorised to
               carry on or  engage  in or which  may  seem  likely  to be to the
               Company's advantage.


        (31)   To amalgamate or enter into partnership,  or into any arrangement
               for   sharing   profits,   union   of   interest,   co-operation,
               participation, joint adventure or reciprocal concession, with any
               person or company carrying on or engaged in, or about to carry on
               or engage in, any  business or  transaction  which the Company is
               authorised  to carry on or engage in, or which may seem likely to
               be to the Company's advantage.

        (32)   To promote,  finance or assist any other  company for the purpose
               of  acquiring  all  or  any  part  of the  property,  rights  and
               liabilities  of the  Company or for any other  purpose  which may
               seem  to  the  directors  to be  likely  to be to  the  Company's

        (33)   To subscribe  for, take,  purchase or otherwise  acquire and hold
               shares or other interest in or securities of any company carrying
               on any  business  capable of being  conducted  so as  directly or
               indirectly to benefit this company.

        (34)   To  sell or  otherwise  dispose  of the  undertaking,  assets  or
               services   of  the   Company  or  any  part   thereof   for  such
               consideration  as the  directors may think fit, and in particular
               for shares (whether fully or partly paid),  stock,  debentures or
               other securities of any other company and to hold and retain,  or
               sell, mortgage and deal with any such shares,  stock,  debentures
               or other securities so received.

        (35)   To  distribute  among the  members of the Company in specie or in
               kind any property of the Company,  and in particular  any shares,
               stock,  debentures or securities of other companies  belonging to
               the  Company  or of which  the  Company  may  have  the  power of

        (36)   To do in any part of the world all or any of the things mentioned
               in this  clause  and  either  as  principals,  agents,  trustees,
               contractors or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with
               others and either by or through agents, trustees, sub-contractors
               or otherwise.

        (37)   To do all  such  other  things  as may be  deemed  incidental  or
               conducive to the  attainment  of the above objects or any of them
               or usually carried on in connection therewith.

        AND it is hereby declared that:

        (a)    the  objects set forth in each of the  paragraphs  of this clause
               shall   not  be   restrictively   construed,   but   the   widest
               interpretation shall be given thereto, and they shall not, except
               where the context expressly so requires, be in any way limited to
               or restricted by reference to or inference  from any other object
               or  objects  set  forth in this  clause  or from the terms of any
               other  paragraph  of this  clause or by the  order in which  such
               paragraphs appear or by the name of the Company,  but the Company
               shall have full power to exercise all or any of the powers and to
               achieve  or to  endeavour  to achieve  all or any of the  objects
               conferred by and provided in any one or more of such  paragraphs;

        (b)    the word "company" in this clause, except where used in reference
               to this Company,  shall be deemed to include any  partnership  or
               other body of persons,  whether corporate or  unincorporate,  and
               whether  domiciled in the United  Kingdom or  elsewhere  and (but
               without  limitation) any company which is a subsidiary or holding
               company  of the  Company  or a  subsidiary  of any  such  holding
               company or in which the Company is for the time being directly or
               indirectly interested.


5.      The liability of the members is limited.

6.      (3)The capital of the Company  is(pound)2,000,000 divided into 2,000,000
        shares  of(pound)1  each.  Any of the said  shares  for the  time  being
        unissued  and any new shares  from time to time to be  created  may from
        time  to  time  be  issued  as of  different  classes  and/or  with  any
        preferential,  special,  qualified  or deferred  rights,  privileges  or
        conditions attached thereto.  Any such rights,  privileges or conditions
        shall be abrogated,  abridged,  altered,  interfered  with,  affected or
        otherwise  dealt  with only in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the
        Articles  of  Association  of the  Company  for the time  being  and not

- --------
3       By virtue of  various  resolutions  the  authorised  share  capital  was
        reorganised and increased and by special resolution passed on 1st March,
        1996 the  authorised  share capital was increased to  (pound)165,000,000
        divided into 660,000,000  ordinary shares of 25p each and by virtue of a
        special resolution passed on 6th April, 2001 was reorganised to comprise
        486,851,630  ordinary  shares  of 25 p each,  507,901,885  B  Shares  of
        823/44p each and 5 undesignated shares of 25/44p each.


WE, the several persons whose names and addresses are  subscribed,  are desirous
of being formed into a Company in pursuance of this  Memorandum of  Association,
and we  respectively  agree to take the  number of shares in the  capital of the
Company set opposite to our respective names.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     NAMES, ADDRESSES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF                      Number of Shares
                  SUBSCRIBERS                                   taken by each

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Henry Dalziel, Bart., M.P.,                                          One
1, Portland Place,
London, W.1.

Howard Spicer, K.B.E.,                                               One
Long Cross House,
Long Cross,

Charles Sykes, K.B.E.,                                               One

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DATED the 18th day of December, 1918

WITNESS to the above signatures:

Right Hon. Sir Henry Dalziel, Sir Howard Spicer and Sir Charles Sykes

A. Rhys Roberts,
63 Queen Victoria Street,
London,  E.C.4.

                 Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name

                               Company No. 152298

     The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales hereby certifies that

                             United News & Media PLC

                 having by special resolution changed its name,
                     is now incorporated under the name of:

                            United Business Media plc

Given at Companies House, London the 15th December, 2000

                                                  MR N RICHARDS
                                                  For the Registrar of Companies

                 Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name

                               Company No. 152298

     The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales hereby certifies that

                    United Newspapers Public Limited Company

                 having by special resolution changed its name,
                     is now incorporated under the name of:

                             United News & Media plc

Given at Companies House, London the 1st June, 1995

                                                  Mrs. L. Mills
                                                  For the Registrar of Companies

       Certificate of Incorporation on Re-registration as a Public Company

                               Company No. 152298

                             I hereby certify that:

                    United Newspapers Public Limited Company

               has this day been re-registered under the Companies
                 Acts 1948 to 1980 as a public company, and that
                             the company is limited.

Dated at Cardiff the 25th November, 1981

                                                          Registrar of Companies

No.  152298

                          Certificate of Change of Name

                             I hereby certify that:

                        United Newspapers (1918) Limited

          having, with the sanction of a Special Resolution of the said
              Company, and with the approval of the BOARD OF TRADE,
                         changed its name, is now called

                            United Newspapers Limited

          and I have entered such new name on the Register accordingly.

Given under my hand at London, this tenth day of April
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-Nine.

                                              Registrar of Joint Stock Companies

No.  152298

                          Certificate of Incorporation

                             I hereby certify that:

                        United Newspapers (1918) Limited

                       is this day incorporated under the
                      Companies Act 1908 to 1917, and that
                             the Company is Limited.

Given under my hand at London, this eighteenth day of December
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighteen.

                                              Registrar of Joint Stock Companies

                         THE COMPANIES ACTS 1908 TO 1917


                             THE COMPANIES ACT 1985





                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                            UNITED BUSINESS MEDIA plc

                       INCORPORATED ON 18TH DECEMBER, 1918

                                   NO. 152298

                                  ALLEN & OVERY