Exhibit 5.1

                                                               6225 Smith Avenue
                                                  Baltimore, Maryland 21209-3600
                                             main 410.580.3000  fax 410.580.3001

                                December 8, 2004

One Penn Plaza, Suite 4015
New York, New York  10119

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         We have  served as  special  Maryland  counsel to  Lexington  Corporate
Properties  Trust,  a  Maryland  statutory  real  estate  investment  trust (the
"Trust"),  in connection  with the issuance of 3,100,000  shares (the "Preferred
Shares") of 6.50% Series C Cumulative  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  par value
$.0001  per share  (the  "Series C  Preferred  Stock"),  of the Trust  under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the  "Act"),  pursuant to a  Registration
Statement on Form S-3 of the Trust (File Number  333-109393) (the  "Registration
Statement"),   filed  with  the   Securities   and  Exchange   Commission   (the
"Commission").  The Preferred  Shares are  convertible  into shares (the "Common
Shares")  of Common  Stock,  par value  $.0001  per  share,  of the  Trust.  The
Preferred  Shares and the Common  Shares are  collectively  referred  to in this
opinion as the "Shares." This opinion is being  furnished to you at your request
in connection  with the filing with the  Commission of a Current  Report on Form
8-K related to the sale of the Preferred Shares (the "Current Report").

         In our capacity as special Maryland counsel, we have reviewed originals
or  copies,  certified  or  otherwise  identified  to our  satisfaction,  of the
following documents:

               (a) The Declaration of Trust of the Trust, as amended,  corrected
          and  supplemented to date (the  "Declaration of Trust"),  certified by
          the  Department of  Assessments  and Taxation of the State of Maryland
          (the "MSDAT"),  including the Articles  Supplementary  relating to the
          Series C Preferred Stock filed with the MSDAT on December 8, 2004.

               (b) The  By-Laws of the Trust,  as amended  and  restated  and in
          effect on the date hereof.

               (c) The Registration Statement.

               (d) The Current Report.

               (e) The  resolutions  of the Board of  Trustees of the Trust or a
          committee  thereof  relating  to the  organization  of the Trust,  the
          authorization of the Registration Statement, and the authorization and
          issuance of the Shares.

                                           LEXINGTON CORPORATE PROPERTIES TRUST
                                                               December 8, 2004
                                                                         Page 2

               (f) A short-form good standing certificate for the Trust, dated a
          recent date, issued by the MSDAT.

              (g) An Officer's Certificate (the "Certificate") of the Trust,
         dated the date hereof, as to certain factual matters.

              (h) Such other documents as we have considered necessary to the
rendering of this opinion.

         In our examination of the aforesaid documents, we have assumed, without
independent investigation, the genuineness of all signatures, the legal capacity
of all  individuals  who  have  executed  any of the  aforesaid  documents,  the
authenticity of all documents submitted to us as originals,  the conformity with
originals of all documents  submitted to us as copies (and the  authenticity  of
the originals of such copies), the absence of other agreements or understandings
among the parties that would modify the terms of the  proposed  transactions  or
the respective rights or obligations of the parties thereunder, and the accuracy
and completeness of all public records reviewed by us. In making our examination
of documents executed by parties other than the Trust, we have assumed that such
parties  had the  power,  corporate  or other,  to enter  into and  perform  all
obligations  thereunder,  and we have also assumed the due  authorization by all
requisite  action  (corporate,  trust,  partnership  or  other),  and the  valid
execution  and  delivery by such  parties of such  documents  and the  validity,
binding effect, and enforceability  thereof with respect to such parties.  As to
any facts material to this opinion, we have relied solely upon the Certificate.

         Based  upon  the  foregoing,  subject  to the  additional  assumptions,
qualifications,  and limitations  set forth below,  having regard for such legal
considerations  as we deem  relevant,  and limited in all respects to applicable
Maryland law, we are of the opinion and advise you that:

               (1) The Trust has been duly  formed and is validly  existing as a
          statutory real estate investment trust in good standing under the laws
          of the State of Maryland.

               (2) The  Preferred  Shares  have  been duly  authorized  and when
          issued in accordance  with the provisions of the  Declaration of Trust
          and the resolutions  authorizing their issuance,  the Preferred Shares
          will be  validly  issued,  fully paid and  non-assessable.  The Common
          Shares have been duly  authorized  and when issued upon  conversion of
          the  Preferred  Shares  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the
          Declaration of Trust and the resolutions  authorizing  their issuance,
          the   Common   Shares   will  be  validly   issued,   fully  paid  and

                                           LEXINGTON CORPORATE PROPERTIES TRUST
                                                               December 8, 2004
                                                                         Page 3

         This opinion is subject to additional assumptions,  qualifications, and
limitations as follows:

               (a) We have made no  investigation  of, and we express no opinion
          as to, the laws of any  jurisdiction  other than the laws of the State
          of Maryland.  To the extent that any documents  referred to herein are
          governed by the laws of a jurisdiction  other than  Maryland,  we have
          assumed that the laws of such jurisdiction are the same as the laws of

               (b) This opinion  concerns only the effect of the laws (exclusive
          of the  principles  of  conflict  of laws) of the State of Maryland as
          currently  in  effect.  We assume no  obligation  to  supplement  this
          opinion if any applicable  laws change after the date hereof or if any
          facts or  circumstances  come to our  attention  after the date hereof
          that might change this opinion.

               (c) We express no opinion as to  compliance  with the  securities
          (or "blue sky") laws or the real estate  syndication laws of the State
          of Maryland.

               (d) We assume that the  issuance of the Shares will not cause (1)
          the Trust to issue Common  Shares in excess of the number of shares of
          Common Stock  authorized  by the  Declaration  of Trust at the time of
          their issuance or (2) any person to violate any of the Ownership Limit
          provisions  of the  Declaration  of Trust (as defined in Article NINTH

               (e) This opinion is limited to the matters set forth herein,  and
          no other  opinion  should be  inferred  beyond the  matters  expressly

         We hereby  consent to the  filing of this  opinion as an exhibit to the
Current  Report.  In giving our consent,  we do not thereby admit that we are in
the category of persons whose consent is required  under Section 7 of the Act or
the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        /s/ Piper Rudnick LLP