Exhibit 10.1

                             FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE
                            TRIPLE NET INVESTMENT LLC

OF TRIPLE NET IVNESTMENT COMPANY LLC, dated as of April 22, 2004, is made and
entered into, as of December 22, 2004 (this "Amendment"), by and among Lexington
Corporate Properties Trust, a Maryland real estate investment trust ("LXP"), and
Utah State Retirement Investment Fund, a common trust fund created pursuant to
the statutes of the State of Utah (the "Fund").

               WHEREAS, Triple Net Investment Company LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company (the "Company") is governed by that certain Limited Liability
Company Agreement, dated as of April 22, 2004, by and among LXP, as a member and
the sole manager of the Company, and the Fund, as a member of the Company, (the

               WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 12.12 of the Agreement, the
Agreement may not be amended without the written consent of all of the Members;

               WHEREAS, the parties hereto, constituting all of the Members,
desire to amend the Agreement in the manner set forth herein. Unless otherwise
defined, all defined terms used herein shall have such meaning ascribed such
terms in the Agreement.

               NOW, THEREFORE, the Members, in consideration of the covenants
and agreements set forth herein, hereby amend the Partnership Agreement as

               1. Amendment to Section 1.1. - Revised Definitions. Section 1.1
of the Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the definition of "Qualified
Property" or "Qualified Properties" in its entirety and replacing it with new
definition of "Qualified Property" or "Qualified Properties," which shall read
as follows:

        "Qualified Property" or "Qualified Properties" shall mean (x) the
        interest of the Partnership in each parcel of real property acquired as
        provided in Section 3.6 hereof, together with all buildings, structures
        and improvements located thereon, fixtures contained therein,
        appurtenances thereto and all personal property owned in connection
        therewith, and (y) subject to the provisions of Section 2.8 hereof, the
        Malvern Property.

               2. Amendment to Section 1.1. - New Definitions. Section 1.1 of
the Partnership Agreement is hereby amended by adding the following new defined
terms thereto:

        "Lexington TNI" shall mean Lexington TNI LLC, a Delaware limited
        liability company and wholly-owned subsidiary of LXP.

        "Other Partner's Interest" shall mean the limited partner interest in
        Triple Net Investment L.P. held by another Member.

        "Partnership" shall mean Triple Net Investment L.P., a Delaware limited
        partnership of which the Members are the limited partners and Lexington
        TNI is the general partner.

        "Partnership Agreement" shall mean the agreement of limited partnership
        of the Partnership dated as of December 8, 2004.

        "Partnership Properties" shall mean all Approved Qualified Properties
        acquired directly or indirectly by the Partnership.

               3. Amendment to Article II. Article II of the Partnership
Agreement is hereby amended by adding a new Section 2.8 thereto which shall read
as follows:

        2.8    Treatment of the Partnership Properties as Qualified Properties.

               (a) It is the intention of the parties that the Partnership
        Properties be regarded as Qualified Properties, notwithstanding that (i)
        the Partnership is not an SP Subsidiary, and (ii) the Company does not
        have an interest in the Partnership Properties. Accordingly, for
        purposes of this Agreement (and the agreements and arrangements
        contemplated by this Agreement), the Members agree that, subject to the
        provisions of this Section 2.8, the Partnership Properties shall be
        deemed to be "Qualified Properties" for purposes of this Agreement as of
        the date they are acquired by the Partnership and that, without limiting
        the generality of the foregoing: (i) LXP, acting through Lexington TNI,
        shall manage the Partnership Properties and the Partnership in
        accordance with, and subject to, the provisions of Article III hereof
        and that LXP shall obtain the consent of the Fund in each instance in
        which such consent would otherwise have been required if the Partnership
        Properties were owned by the Company; (ii) capital contributions made by
        the LXP and the Fund to the Partnership shall be credited toward the
        Members' Capital Commitment requirements under this Agreement; (iii)
        capital contributions made by the LXP and the Fund to the Partnership,
        Acquisition Fees and Financing Fees paid by the Fund in its capacity as
        a limited partner of the Partnership, and distributions, if any, paid by
        the Partnership to LXP and the Fund shall be factored into the
        calculation of "12% IRR" under this Agreement; (iv) the Manager and the
        Asset Manager, as applicable, shall be entitled to receive the
        Acquisition Fees, Financing Fees, Management Fees and Oversight Fees
        with respect to the Partnership Properties; (v) for purposes of Section
        3.7, and Section 11.1, the Right of First Refusal and Buy/Sell Property,
        as applicable, shall be deemed to include the Other Partner's Interest;
        (vi) for purposes of Section 3.8, the total debt of the Company shall
        include any debt related to the Partnership Properties; (vii) for
        purposes of Section 8.3, the Removal Amount shall include the net
        proceeds from the sale of the Partnership Properties; and (viii) for
        purposes of Section 11.2 and Schedule 5, the average maturity and Fair
        Market Value tests which are applicable to the Redemption Right granted
        to the Fund shall include the Partnership Properties and the references
        to "Retained Qualified Properties" and "Proposed Tendered Qualified
        Properties" shall include, with respect to the Partnership Properties,
        the Other Partner's Interest, as applicable.


               (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (a), the Members
        agree that while their intent is to treat the Partnership Properties as
        if they were Qualified Properties hereunder, in order to avoid "double
        counting", the Members further acknowledge that: (i) the Company shall
        not call for capital from the Members, and the Members shall not make
        capital contributions to the Company, in respect of the Partnership
        Properties, provided, however, that if either LXP or the Fund fails,
        with respect to the Partnership Properties, to (x) make a required
        Capital Contribution, Additional Capital Contribution, Extraordinary
        Capital Contribution or Extraordinary Loan (as such terms are defined in
        the Malvern Owner LP Agreement) or (y) satisfy a claim under the Default
        Amount or Claim Amount (as such terms are defined in the Partnership
        Agreement), as the case may be, with respect thereto shall be a Default
        Amount or Claim Amount, as the case may be, under this Agreement (as
        well as the Partnership Agreement) which results in an adjustment to the
        Percentage Interests in this Agreement (as well as the Partnership
        Agreement); (ii) the Members shall not receive distributions from the
        Company in respect of the Partnership Properties by virtue of their
        interests in the Company (which distributions shall be payable by the
        Partnership pursuant to the Partnership Agreement); (iii) the Members
        shall not be allocated profits and losses (or items thereof) in respect
        of the Partnership Properties by virtue of their interests in the
        Company (which allocations shall be applied by the Partnership pursuant
        to the Partnership Agreement); (iv) expenses exclusively attributable to
        the Partnership Properties shall not be treated as expenses of the
        Company; (v) revenues generated by the Partnership Properties shall not
        be treated as revenues of the Company; and (vi) the governing
        instruments of the Partnership and the SP Subsidiaries formed to acquire
        Partnership Properties may not be amended without consent of all of the

               4. Amendment to Section 3.8(a) - Limitation on Company
Indebtedness. Section 3.8 of the Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the
figure "$92,857,143" and replacing it with "$225,510,204.08."

               5. Amendment to Schedule 1 - Names and Capital Commitments of
Members. Schedule 1 of the Agreement is hereby amended by deleting it in its
entirety and replacing it with:

                                   SCHEDULE 1

                    Names and Capital Commitments of Members

            Member Name                Capital Commitment    Percentage Interest
            -----------                ------------------    -------------------

Lexington Corporate Properties Trust       $36,428,571.43                    30%

Utah State Retirement Investment Fund      $85,000,000.00                    70%


               6. Amendment to Paragraph 12(a)(ii) of Schedule 5 - Calculation
of Purchase Price.

               (a) Paragraph 12(a)(ii)(y) of Schedule 5 of the Agreement is
hereby amended by deleting the figure "11.0" and replacing it with "12.0."

               (b) Paragraph 12(a)(ii)(z) of Schedule 5 of the Agreement is
hereby amended by deleting the figure "$21.20" and replacing it with "$21.87."

               7. Ratification and Confirmation of the Agreement; No Other
Changes. Except as modified by this Amendment, the Agreement is hereby ratified
and affirmed in all respects. Nothing herein shall be held to alter, vary or
otherwise affect the terms, conditions and provision of the Partnership
Agreement, other than as stated above.

               8. Further Assurances. Each of the parties hereto covenants and
agrees to promptly take such action, and to cause such party's affiliates to
promptly take such action, as may be reasonably required to effectively carry
out the intent and purposes of this Amendment.

               9. Governing Law. This Amendment shall be construed in accordance
with and governed by the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to
the provisions, policies or principles thereof relating to choice or conflict of

               10. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                            [Signature Page Follows]


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment to the Agreement is executed
effective as of the date first set forth above.



                            By:/s/ Patrick Carroll
                               Name:  Patrick Carroll
                               Title: Chief Financial Officer

                            THE FUND


                            By:/s/ Devon W. Olson
                               Name:  Devon W. Olson
                               Title: Director of Real Estate