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                                                                             FINAL TRANSCRIPT


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  Conference Call Transcript

  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP Earnings Conference Call

  Event Date/Time: Feb. 28. 2005 / 11:00AM ET
  Event Duration: N/A

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(C) 2005  2002 Thomson Financial.  Republished with permission.  No part of this
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                                                                FINAL TRANSCRIPT
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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
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 Andrea Stine
 Celanese Corp. - Director of Investor Relations

 David Weidman
 Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Corky Nelson
 Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Lyndon Cole
 Celanese Corp. - Executive V.P.

 Kunal Banerjee
 Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 Sergey Vasnetsov
 Lehman Brothers - Analyst

 Kevin McCarthy
 Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Steven Bleier
 Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 Frank Mitsch
 Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 Tuan Pham
 Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Bill Hoffman
 UBS - Analyst

 Michael Judd
 Greenwich Consultants - Analyst

 Christopher Miller
 JP Morgan - Analyst

 Jeff Cianci
 UBS - Analyst

 Beth Fusco
 Merrill Lynch - Analyst

 Gregg Goodnight


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the fourth quarter 2004 Celanese
Corp. Conference call. My name is Anne Marie [ph] and I will be your coordinator
for today. At this time all  participants  are in a listen only mode. We will be
facilitating  a  question  and  answer  session   towards  the  end  of  today's
conference.  If at any time during the call you require  assistance please press
star followed by zero and a coordinator will be happy to assist you. I would now
like to turn the  presentation  over to your host for today's  call,  Ms. Andrea
Stine, Director of Investor Relations. Please proceed.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Andrea Stine  - Celanese Corp. - Director of Investor Relations

 Thank you, Anne Marie,  and welcome to Celanese  Corporation's  fourth  quarter
2004 financial results conference call on Monday, February 28. My name is Andrea
Stine,  Director of  Investor  Relations.  On the call today are David  Weidman,
Chief Executive Officer and Corky Nelson,  Chief Financial Officer. The Celanese
Corporation Press Release was distributed via Business Wire this morning at 8 AM
Eastern Time and is posted on our Web site, celanese.com.

During this call management may make forward-looking  statements concerning, for
example, Celanese Corporation's future objectives and results which will be made
under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995.  These  statements are based on management's  current  expectations and
subject to uncertainty and changes in  circumstances.  Actual results may differ
materially  from  these  expectations  due to changes  in  economics,  business,
competitive market,  political and regulatory factors. More detailed information
about these  factors is  contained  in this  morning's  earnings  release and in
Celanese  Corporation's  filings with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.
Celanese  Corporation  undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any
forward-looking statements.  Celanese Corporation's fourth quarter 2004 earnings
release references the performance  measures net debt and adjusted EBITDA, which
are non-US  GAAP  measures.  The most  directly  comparable  financial  measures
presented in accordance  with US GAAP and our financial  statements for net debt
and adjusted EBITDA are total debt and net earnings  respectively.  The combined
full-year  2004  results  in  the  release  are  based  on  the  results  of the
predecessor  company  for this  first  three  months  of 2004 and the  successor
company for the last nine months.  Each period is prepared on a basis consistent
with US GAAP.  However,  the combined  presentation is not in accordance with US
GAAP. This call makes reference to segment earnings, also a non-US GAAP measure.
The most directly  comparable  measure to segment  earnings in our  consolidated
financial statements is "earnings/loss from continuing


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                                                                FINAL TRANSCRIPT
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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
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operations before tax and minority  interest." For  reconciliation of our non-US
GAAP  measures to US GAAP  figures  please see the  schedules  accompanying  the
earnings release.

This morning Dave  Weidman  will review the  performance  of the Company and its
businesses and Corky Nelson will provide an overview of the  financials.  Lyndon
Cole, Executive Vice President and head of our Ticona Technical Polymers Segment
will be available  to answer  questions  about Ticona  during the Q and A. Now I
would like to turn the call over to David Weidman. Dave?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Andrea,  thank you and welcome  everyone to the first earnings  conference call
for Celanese Corporation and thank you for your interest. We are very excited to
be here.  This  morning  I'd like to start by briefly  covering  some  financial
highlights  for the year.  Then  Corky  will  provide  more  detail to this very
positive  story.  Lastly I'll get into results of our businesses and provide our
view of the future.

For Celanese 2004 saw  accomplishments in two major areas. First, we transformed
our Company  from a German  based AG with a dual  listing to a US  headquartered
company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This is enabling Celanese to be a
leaner, faster and more agile company and we're already starting to see tangible
benefits. Second, we achieved great results for the year and for the most recent
quarter.  Celanese is reporting strong underlying  business results for the year
2004. These business accomplishments reflect the success of our focused strategy
on strengthening our premier  integrated acetyls chain and Chemical Products and
our  ongoing  success in  building  global  leadership  positions  in our Ticona
technical polymers business.

Now some  highlights  of the year.  Our sales  grew  almost 10  percent  to $5.1
billion  reflecting strong volume growth in all of our businesses,  particularly
Ticona and Chemical Products. Adjusted EBITDA rose 19 percent to $801 million as
a result of this volume  growth and  improved  pricing  environment  with strong
demand and productivity  improvements.  For the fourth quarter our sales rose 15
percent  mainly due to the pricing  environment  amid strong  demand in chemical
products and volume growth in Ticona.  We achieved gross profit margin expansion
in the quarter  largely due to higher pricing amid strong demand in our Chemical
Products  segment  and for both the full year  2004 and the  fourth  quarter  we
reported  net  losses  which  primarily  reflect  costs  and  expenses  taken to
transform our Company. Now I'd like to turn it over to Corky who will review the
financials in a little more detail. Corky?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Thank you, Dave. As Dave has mentioned we had a superb 2004 led by solid fourth
quarter performance. For those following on the Web cast today you will see that
we achieved  sales growth of 10 percent to almost $5.1 billion in 2004  compared
to  $4.6  billion  in  2003  based  on  higher  volume,   pricing  and  improved
productivity  and  currency.  In the  quarter  our  sales  grew  15  percent  to
approximately  $1.3  billion  versus the same  period last year.  Gross  margins
expanded by 35 percent in the year, almost double in the fourth quarter compared
to  prior  year,  again  on  higher  pricing,  strong  demand  and  productivity
improvements  especially in our Chemical Products  segment,  partially offset by
higher raw material  cost. In the fourth quarter SG&A expense rose 75 percent to
$220  million  mainly  due to an  unusual  item  of $50  million  in  management
compensation  expense and $23 million in additional  amortization expense due to
purchase accounting  adjustments.  The management  compensation expense included
charges related to a new deferred  compensation plan, a new stock incentive plan
and other executive bonuses.  The higher amortization expense related to patents
and  customer  relations  that were  required  to be  marked  up under  purchase
accounting  literature.  I should also note SG&A in 2003 was somewhat lower than
usual due to the reversal of accrual of approximately $20 million mostly related
to environmental liabilities.  Taking into account these unusual items, SG&A was
flat fourth quarter 2004 over fourth quarter 2003.

Special charges rose in the fourth quarter mainly due to a $32 million  non-cash
impairment  relating  to  our  decision  to  dispose  of  Ticona's  cyclo-olefin
copolymer  business in the year. In the year,  special charges mainly related to
$50 million of non-cash  impairment  charges related to the restructuring of our
Acetate Products business and $26 million in charges we took for fees associated
with the acquisition by Blackstone of Celanese.

Operating  profit rose to $28 million in the fourth quarter over the $10 million
loss in 2003.  Contributing  to this  increase  were  higher  pricing and strong
demand, as well as productivity  improvements in our Chemical Products.  We also
have lower depreciation and amortization expense of $47 million,  largely due to
purchase accounting allocations related to the acquisition of Celanese and lower
stock  appreciation  rights expense of $18 million.  Partially  offsetting these
effects were higher raw material and energy costs and as we discussed previously
a management compensation expense and non-cash impairment items. On the tax line
we had a $12  million  provision  in the fourth  quarter and $87 million for the
full year.  For 2005 we expect to have an effective  tax rate in the range of 34
to 37 percent.

Now let's turn to the adjusted  EBITDA slide. In 2004 adjusted EBITDA rose by 19
percent  to  $801   million  due  to  higher   volumes,   pricing  and  improved
productivities and cost savings. Higher raw material costs partially offset some
of these increases.

We use  adjusted  EBITDA  as a key  performance  measurement  to help us  better
understand our underlying business. To give you a better understanding of how we
calculate  this  measure  we've put  together  this slide to help bridge the net
income to adjusted EBITDA by grouping  add-backs into major  categories of, one,


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                                                                FINAL TRANSCRIPT
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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
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interest,  tax,  depreciation and  amortization of about $650 million,  and two,
unusual and non-reoccurring  expenses of $259 million, and these include special
charges and restructuring costs,  management compensation and transitional costs
relating to the acquisition by Blackstone of Celanese. And the final category is
we've added back  one-time  non-cash  charges of $70 million  such as  inventory
step-ups  relating to purchase  accounting  adjustments.  We have also  provided
additional  detail in the tables of the Press  Release and suggest that you read
through these for greater understanding of these unusual activities in 2004 that
do not directly relate to the underlying performance of the business.

Next  I'd  like to  change  to or  move  on to  joint  ventures.  As  previously
discussed,  joint ventures play an important part of our global  strategy.  They
increase  our  ability  to serve  global  markets  including  through  Asia,  in
particular,  as extensions  of our Ticona and Acetate  Products  businesses  and
provide significant earnings and cash dividends,  typically ranging in the range
of $75 million to $85 million annually.  In 2004 the major  developments  within
affiliates included earnings from equity investments that grew almost 40 percent
versus 2003 in our affiliates in Asia,  benefiting  from higher sales volume.  I
should also point out that  dividends from cost  investments  were lower in 2004
due to the timing of a payment  that will be made in the first  quarter of 2005.
Also in 2004 I should  point out that there was a one-time  special  dividend of
almost $10 million,  which did not recur in 2004.  Please also keep in mind that
we are  receiving  minimal  dividends  from our  acetate  JVs as we  continue to
reinvest our dividends towards doubling production capacity in our 3 China joint
ventures. The expansions are expected to be complete by the end of 2007.

Next let me turn to  capitalization.  For those following on the Web cast today,
you will note from the next  slide that we ended  2004 with  approximately  $3.4
billion in debt  compared  to $637  million at the end of 2003.  Debt  increased
mainly to finance the Celanese acquisition and to make pension  contributions of
some $463 million to significantly  close the under-funded status of our pension
plan. Cash and cash  equivalents  were $838 million at the year-end  leaving net
debt of $2.5 billion.  Net debt to adjusted  EBITDA was a little over 3 times at
December  31st,  2004.  As  previously  disclosed  we  did a  major  refinancing
following the close of our initial  public  offering.  Using  proceeds from this
stock offering we are redeeming  today about $188 million of our senior discount
notes and $519 million of senior subordinated notes of our subsidiaries on a pro
rata basis.

And let me take a break here and point out that in today's  Press  Release there
were numbers of 207 and 573 noted as debt  reduction.  Those numbers did include
the premium and accrued  interest along with the debt being paid down today. The
main objective of our refinancing  wasto one, lower the overall cost to borrowed
capital and two, provide  financing for the acquisition of the Vinamul emulsions
business  which  closed  earlier  this  month  and  in  the  future  the  Acetex
acquisition  which is  currently  undergoing  regulatory  review and  finally to
provide  flexibility  in our debt  structure to retire debt going  forward as we
de-leverage the Company. Due to refinancing we achieved benefits of close to $40
million in interest expense savings annually excluding refinancing costs and the
acquisitions. Refinancing costs are expected to be about $115 million. As a part
of our new  financing we have in addition a delay draw term loan of $242 million
to finance Acetex. Including this additional borrowing, along with approximately
$265 million in debt we will assume with the closing of Acetex  acquisition  our
total debt is expected to rise to close to $4 billion.

Next let me quickly cover the positive  developments in our pension area. During
2004 as previously  mentioned we made  significant  contributions  to our plans.
These  contributions  increased the funding  status of our  accumulated  benefit
obligations from 77 percent at the end of 2003 to 90 percent at the end of 2004.
Our total benefit obligations decreased from approximately $1.2 billion to about
$1 billion.  Increases, due to purchase accounting adjustments,  offset in large
part the recent plan  contributions.  However, we expect pension expense will be
about half of what it was in 2004.  In 2005  pension  expense is  expected to be
about $26 million.  In 2005  post-retirement  benefit  expense is expected to be
about $26 million as well.  On a  historical  basis in 2004 the pension and OPEC
were about $110 million.  Given these contributions in the current guidelines we
do not anticipate  making any additional  contributions  of pension plans in the
foreseeable  future.  Obviously  this is  predicated on stable  capital  markets
during  this  period  and  no  significant  change  in  pension  legislation  or
accounting literature treatment.

Turning  next to  capital  expenditures,  capital  expenditures  for  2004  were
approximately  $210  million  compared  to  $211  million  in  2003.  As we have
previously  mentioned,  capex is typically about 4 to 5 percent of net sales. On
the left, I highlighted capital expenditures by business, on the right by types.
We spend  about a quarter of our  capital  expenditures  on  revenue  generating
projects which included a 20 percent recent expansion of Ticona's North American
polyacetal  capacity  of 102,000  tons and the  expansion  of our GUR ultra high
molecular  weight  polyethylene  plant in  Germany  which  increased  our  total
worldwide  capacity  by  17  percent.  We  also  spent  about  a  third  of  our
expenditures  for cost reduction  initiatives,  which has helped us maintain our
competitive position. And again, as I have recently mentioned,  about 45 percent
of our capital  expenditures  historically is non-discretionary  capital,  those
items  such as  environmental,  safety  and  maintenance  of  assets  to  insure
reliability of supply to our customers and safety of our operations.  In 2005 we
expect  spending  to be about  $210 to $230  million  with  most of the  revenue
generating  expenditures  dedicated to construction of our new acetic acid plant
in China.

In closing, I've added an appendix slide as part of the presentation today which
I do not plan to go through, but this slide should help you with giving guidance
on key 2005 data items  necessary for your modeling going  forward.  In summary,
the financial  highlights - Celanese delivered solid performance in 2004 and has


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                                                                FINAL TRANSCRIPT
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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
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significant momentum in the fourth quarter of 2004, which continues to grow into
2005. With that as context let me turn it back over to Dave.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Thanks,  Corky. Now let me move into some highlights for 2004. First,  Celanese
completed the acquisition of ICI's Vinamul emulsion business earlier this month.
This business has sales of about $350 million and  pre-synergy  EBITDA margin in
the low double-digit  percent range. By this acquisition we've accomplished four
things,  number  one - greater  integration  of our acetyl  chain,  number two -
greater  critical mass in our emulsion  business  which  effectively  doubles in
size,  number three - increased our emulsion product portfolio and number four -
extended  geographic reach to meet the technology and service needs of customers
on a global scale.  This acquisition  closed on February 4th and our integration
is on track. Second, in another transaction we received shareholder approval for
the announced acquisition of Acetex, a Canadian headquartered producer of acetyl
chemicals.  Acetex will  strengthen our ability to deliver a reliable  supply of
acetyl chemicals to the global marketplace.  We are awaiting regulatory approval
in Europe.

Third,  Celanese took three major steps to strengthen the  profitability  of our
leading global position in acetate products. Number one, in October we announced
our decision to  consolidate  production  into three  plants from five  existing
units.  Number two, we're exiting an  unprofitable  filament  business line, and
number three,  we are expanding our three acetate joint  ventures in China to be
positioned  for the growth in that region.  The magnitude of these three changes
in aggregate is huge. Fourth,  Celanese made significant  progress on our acetic
acid project in China by signing a major raw material  agreement  with Wison for
carbon monoxide. This raw material will be coal based and promises cheaper and a
more secure supply compared to competing  alternatives in China. Fifth, Celanese
is taking steps in our  commitment to reduce our SG&A spending by  consolidating
headquarters'  operations  to  Dallas,   downsizing  our  acetate  business  and
implementing restrictions on outside spending. Additionally in 2004 our Chemical
and Ticona businesses  streamlined their sales and marketing  organizations with
the benefits occurring, some, in 2004 but largely in 2005 and beyond. And sixth,
we  started  a  procurement   initiative   where  we  are  finding   substantial
Celanese-specific opportunities. Progress here is also on track.

Now I'd like to focus on the businesses.  Our Chemical Products business,  which
accounts  for about 65  percent  of our  sales,  had a great  quarter.  The main
headline here is margin  expansion  due to a favorable  pricing  environment  on
strong demand.  Success in pricing offset steep increases in raw material costs.
The improvements in our operations and business accelerated starting last spring
when we began to see  volume  growth,  further  productivity  gains  and  higher
pricing under good market driven demand,  but it really took off starting in the
fourth quarter as these factors continued to improve.  We believe that we are at
the  beginning  of a period of  sustained  demand  growth for most of our acetyl

The  first  quarter  outlook  for  Chemical  Products  continues  to be a margin
momentum  story.  Both the  industry and  Celanese  continue to enjoy  sustained
demand growth in our key products. For the quarter we expect the pricing will be
favorable as demand  continues to be robust and the key raw  materials  will see
only modest  increases from fourth  quarter  levels taking into account  several
favorable cost  contracts we have on raw materials.  For the rest of the year we
anticipate the following developments in our chemicals business. Number one, the
pricing  environment  should  remain  stable as demand  remains high across most
acetyl products.  Number two, we expect to begin purchasing most of our internal
methanol  requirements from Southern Methanol Company by the middle of the year.
This  program  will lower our costs and  significantly  decrease our exposure to
volatile gulf coast  natural gas.  Number  three,  we expect the pressures  from
ethylene purchase prices to be partially offset by several  cost-based  purchase
contracts  that  Celanese has in place for this  commodity.  Number four, in the
second half expected capacity  expansions are announced for competitors'  acetyl
units  in  Asia,  with  some  capacity  in  Europe  shutting  down  and  several
turnarounds  slated.  We expect that demand will remain strong but there will be
some easing in the current supply-demand  balance,  which is tight. Number five,
one of Celanese's  strengths is a deeply integrated acetyl chain. Our integrated
strategy  gives us the  flexibility  to  capture  efficiencies  and add value at
multiple  points  along the chain,  which will drive  profitability,  and we are
beginning to see very strong pricing  momentum in many downstream  products amid
strong demand,  which we believe will continue  going forward.  In all we expect
that 2005 will be a much  better  year for our  chemical  business,  topping  an
already impressive 2004 performance.

Now let's  turn to our Ticona  engineered  plastics  business  which is about 17
percent of our sales. Ticona experienced solid growth of 13 percent in 2004 with
all product lines  contributing.  This volume growth was a result of new product
development  and an expanding  economy,  which more than offset raw material and
pricing pressures.  Earnings from our Asian joint ventures,  as Corky indicated,
also  increased  as a result of  improved  business  conditions.  In the  fourth
quarter  our  volumes  grew at 6  percent,  a healthy  rate but more  muted when
compared to earlier rates in 2004.  This slowing  growth  signaled an automotive
production  slowdown and demand weakening in electrical and electronics  sector.
We see these trends  extending  into the first quarter.  Profitability  was also
pressured by higher raw material  costs and some modest  price  erosions.  So we
believe that volume growth will pick up again following a pause as our customers
adjust inventory.

The  business  has  responded to this  earnings  growth  challenge by taking the
following four actions - number one, exiting the  under-


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                                                                FINAL TRANSCRIPT
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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
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performing cyclo-olefin copolymer or COC business, number two - announcing price
increases globally,  number three - accelerating new application  programs,  and
number four -  implementing  cost  containment  efforts.  Let me remind you that
Celanese-engineered  plastics is a higher margin business built on the strengths
of leading  market  position,  the ability to provide  service  and  products to
global  customers,  a pipeline of new applications  developed from deep intimate
customer  partnerships  and a low  cost  position.  Our  view is  that  Ticona's
earnings  growth  momentum  will pick up in the second half of 2005 and continue
beyond  that,  as this  business  has  traditionally  been a late bloomer in the
economic cycle.

Turning now to our other businesses,  our Acetate Products business, which makes
up about 14 percent of our sales,  continued  to provide  stable  results in the
fourth  quarter.  Full year  profitability  rose on higher  volumes and slightly
higher pricing and, as highlighted  earlier, our major task for the next several
quarters will be implementing  our acetate  restructuring  plan.  Currently this
project is on track. Our Performance Products segment,  which accounts for about
3 percent of our sales, came in as expected with modest earnings decline for the
quarter and the year, and our first quarter  expectations are roughly equivalent
to that of the same quarter last year.

Now I'd like to talk about our  outlook.  With a view that the  strong  business
environment  seen in the  fourth  quarter  will  continue,  we expect  the first
quarter  EBITDA on an adjusted  basis will be about 25 to 30 percent higher than
adjusted  EBITDA of 208  million  in the first  quarter of 2004.  This  expected
increase in adjusted EBITDA reflects strong underlying  business growth of 15 to
20 percent in adjusted EBITDA, particularly in Chemical Products and the receipt
of dividends from our affiliates in joint ventures of approximately  $40 million
to $45 million. Assuming global growth continues, we expect 2005 overall to be a
strong year for Celanese.  We believe we will benefit from the methanol sourcing
agreement with Southern  Methanol which will go into effect in July and from our
recent acquisition of the Vinamul emulsion  business.  We face the challenges of
volatile raw material costs and projected new capacity  coming on stream in Asia
for acetyls,  which could temporarily loosen the tight supply-demand balance. As
a result we expect adjusted EBITDA for the full year to grow by 12 to 17 percent
over combined full year 2004. Now I'd like to turn it back to Andrea.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Andrea Stine  - Celanese Corp. - Director of Investor Relations

 Thank you,  Dave. We would now like to begin the Q and A session.  May I please
request  that  each of you  interested  in  posing a  question  submit  just one
question at a time to enable as many of you as  possible to have an  opportunity
to ask  questions?  With  that we would now like to take  your  questions.  Anne
Marie, please.

++ q-and-a

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 [operator instructions] Gregg Goodnight with UBS.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Greg Goodnight

 Your SG&A  costs as a percent  of sales were  particularly  high.  What is your
expectation  in '05 and where do you see your target and how long is it going to
take to get there?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Real good. Obviously a number of those fourth quarter 2004 numbers related to a
lot of activity  relating to transaction,  and we would hope to get that back on
track and down towards the 10 to 10.5 percent  range and going south of that. We
have initiated  significant  internal cost containment  initiatives and we would
expect to see those  click in by the  first  quarter  and  running  through  the
balance of the year.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gregg Goodnight

 Okay, I'll get back in queue. Thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Kunal Banerjee with Morgan Stanley.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Kunal Banerjee  - Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 Just a couple of questions - first,  you talked a little bit about the capacity
that's coming on in Asia.  I'm assuming that is BP and BP's JV with Formosa [ph]
and again BP  offsetting  that with some  closures in the UK. Can you talk about
what else there may be, what sort of supply  growth  you're  looking for,  where
utilization rates are today and what kind of a hit the utilization could take as
a result of this capacity coming on?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Yes, Kamal, thanks for the question.  Let me break this into three buckets. The
first is acetic  acid that you talked  about.  Our view is that the acetic  acid
capacity  utilization today is somewhere in the mid-90 percent range, the low to
mid-90 percent range coming out of the fourth quarter. There is growth in acetic
acid, GDP plus 150 to 200 basis points so let's call it 5 to 6 percent,  and the
new capacity  you've  highlighted  are  de-bottlenecks  that will come on in the
second half of the year, or that's the announcement  that they'll come on in the
second half of the year.  That will add  capacity to


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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

the market. Netting that against a capacity that BP is taking out we see about a
3 to 4 percent  increase  in total  capacity  and when you net that  against the
growth we think that that is basically  balancing the world,  perhaps,  out into
the second half of the year. Second is vinyl acetate.  There was an announcement
late last week that  there was new  vinyl  acetate  capacity  announced  in Asia
targeted to be in place and begin  producing  in about 6 months from now.  Vinyl
acetate growth again here is at 3 1/2 to 4 percent per year. We judge that to be
very, very tight right now with mid to high 90 percent capacity utilization. The
new capacity that was  announced  was, if it came on when  announced,  would add
about 4 to 6 percent new capacity in the marketplace. So again, going forward we
see some new  capacity  in the market  easing  very tight  capacity  utilization
temporarily  and that is assuming these come in. Now the third point I'd make is
that Celanese is an integrated  chain.  We have the  flexibility to optimize our
system and capture  through our integrated  chain the highest value shifting our
production and our sales  depending on where that  profitability  is. We're much
more than acetic acid and vinyl  acetate so as we look going forward we have the
flexibility  in our chain to  optimize  profitability  and we do have  different
capacity utilizations throughout the chain. Products are tight throughout and we
will optimize our business as the opportunity presents itself.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Kamal Banergy  - Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 Could I just ask one more question on the Acetex  closing and is it possible if
I look at your European  position  obviously you don't have an overlap with them
in acid but there is a VAM  overlap.  Is it  possible  that there  could be some
concessions required on the VAM position to make the Acetex acquisition happen?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Let me be  cautious  here  because  this  is  still  under  regulatory  review.
Obviously  we do believe  that there are  compelling  reasons  for the merger to
occur. We think this is  pro-competitive.  We're optimistic with the outcome but
until there is an actual opinion  rendered in judgment I'd rather stay away from

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Kamal Banergy  - Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 All right, thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Sergey Vasnetsov with Lehman Brothers.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Sergey Vasnetsov  - Lehman Brothers - Analyst

 David,  I wanted to ask you a question about the trends in China and in Asia in
general  given that  you're  reporting  a little bit later than other  companies
because it can give us some  benefits of your insight,  what activity  picked up
there after the Chinese New Year in February?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Sergey,  thanks for the  question.  We saw two things in the first quarter this
year.  Before  Chinese New Year we had very good demand and a very good  pricing
environment.  Part of that we believe  was  because  there was some  acetic acid
capacity that came out of the market  because of a disruption in one of our Asia
competitor's  manufacturing plant. The pricing was good in the first part of the
quarter and after  Chinese  New Year as expected  we've seen demand come back on
really quite strong.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Kevin McCarthy with Banc of America Securities.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Kevin McCarthy  - Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Good morning,  Dave. It sounds like there is perhaps a little bit more capacity
coming on in acetyls  than we might have  expected  say last year.  My  question
relates to the Acetex  acquisition.  I believe they have a large  project on the
drawing board for Saudi Arabia.  You are expanding in China.  Does it make sense
to go ahead with both of those large projects in the '07 or '08 time frame given
the news on the supply additions?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Kevin,  thanks for the question and  obviously  since we're still in regulatory
review there's not a lot I can say here. I'd be delighted to talk about it after
we go  through  the  approval  process.  But I can  say  that we look at it as a
strategic investment and we would manage the investment on a strategic basis.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Kevin McCarthy  - Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Okay then just to clarify  what is your current  expectation  on closure of the
Acetex deal?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 As soon as we get regulatory approval. We're right in the middle of that now.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Kevin McCarthy  - Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Okay and I think I heard  Corky say your  total  debt would be up to $4 billion
following  closure.  If I net out your cash as adjusted for


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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

potential  takeout of the Celanese AG minority  holders  would that put your net
debt in the range of say $3.6 billion? Is that about right?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 That's correct.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Steven Bleier with Morgan Stanley.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Steven Bleier  - Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 A quick  question on your  guidance.  Can I assume that your  guidance does not
include  EBITDA from the Acetex  business that you  hopefully  will acquire this

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Correct,  correct. That's right. We do have within the guidance of expectations
around the ICI Vinamul business but only what we have in hand right now.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Stephen Blyer  - Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 Okay, great. Next question just on your performance products business, is there
much seasonality here and I ask that because operating profit did decline in the
fourth quarter.  Should we-- is the fourth quarter  operating  profit a good run
rate to use for '05?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 No, no it's really not.  Let me guide you a little bit for  modeling  purposes.
There is  seasonality  in the  business  with the first  half of the year  being
stronger than the second half of the year. This is because it's a high intensity
food sweetener that goes into beverages and you sell a lot more beverages in the
summer time than you do in the fall and winter.  As we indicated in our guidance
we would see the first  quarter to be very  similar this year to what we saw the
first quarter last year and fourth quarter is the weakest quarter overall.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Steven Bleier  - Morgan Stanley - Analyst

 Okay, thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Frank Mitsch with Fulcrum Global Partners.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 I'm just  curious on one issue,  or on a couple of issues.  What are the shares
outstanding  that you're using and what was the  reasoning  behind not including
anything regarding EPS?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

There's an  additional  slide for  modeling  purposes  that's  been  included in
today's presentation. The number of shares outstanding is 158.7 million.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mistch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 Okay and what was the  reasoning  that you decided  not to include  that in the
actual Press Release?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Well  because of all of the extra  noise and  unrelated  activities  around the
acquisition and the one-off cost we have elected not to do it this past year but
on a going-forward basis we will certainly be using that.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 All  right,  terrific  and then  you made a  comment  or there  was a  question
regarding  the cost in terms of taking out the  minority  holders in Germany.  I
guess the news last week  regarding a German  court  revisiting  the  domination
agreement  might throw a monkey  wrench into those  works.  Can you give us your
take on what's going on there and what the timing of the court's action could be
and what are the implications?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Delighted  to,  Frank.  What came out last week was fully  within  expectation.
There was not a material change in our  expectations or the activity.  This is a
process in the German courts that will go on for an extended period of time. The
judge in the case  asked  for more  questions  and  wanted  to get more data and
information.  That is to be expected.  The next time  they'll  likely pick it up
will be about a year after our general  meeting  that passed the  domination  in
profit  and loss  agreement  and it's our view  that this  will  extend  out for
several years.


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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 So we might not get a resolution to this issue for several years?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 It could be several years, yes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 Okay, terrific. Thank you. I'll get back in the queue.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Tuan Pham with Banc of America Securities.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Tuan Pham  - Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Hi, it's Tuan Pham. It seems as though your  guidance for dividends  from joint
ventures and affiliates is pretty high in the first quarter. Could you elaborate
on where you anticipate  most of the  improvement  will come from? And could you
also maybe give us some guidance for the balance of the year?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Yes, as I mentioned in my prepared remarks there was a carryover from last year
that won't be paid  until the first  quarter  of this  year,  so that's  kind of
driven  the thing  unusually  high in the first  quarter of this year but by and
large it should be fairly consistent with what it has been in the past. Again, I
want to emphasize as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, it was a carryover.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Tuan Pham - Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Okay and what was the size of that carryover? I might have missed it.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 About $10 million to $12 million.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 I'd also add that in some of our  joint  ventures  there is a  dividend  payout
towards the end of first quarter for the prior year so we get some, if you will,
first  quarter  effect with that.  It's not  straight  lined.  It's a little bit

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Tuan Pham  - Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Yes,  because  according to what I've been looking at in the past net dividends
have been  about $80 to $100  million.  I mean would you  anticipate  it will be
around that this year?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Yes, yes, it should be around that line.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Tuan Pham  - Banc of America Securities - Analyst

 Okay, thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Bill Hoffman with UBS.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Bill Hoffman  - UBS - Analyst

 Yes, you  mentioned a couple of times the Southern  Methanol  contract.  I just
wondered if you could help us  quantify  what  percentage  of supply is based on
this and  maybe  some kind of  insight  into the cost  differential  that it may
provide you as a benefit this year.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Yes,  Bill,  let me take a pass at that. The background I can share with you is
that Celanese  consumes in North  America just a little over 100 million  MMBTUs
[ph] of natural gas.  About a third of that is used for our methanol  production
in the gulf coast that will be affected,  positively affected,  by this Southern
Methanol agreement. Another third of it goes for producing methanol in Edmonton,
Canada where we supply methanol to that local market on an attractive basis with
contracts  and raw  materials  and the other third goes for energy and other raw
material  consumption  inside of the gulf coast US.  Now what we've  effectively
done by Southern  Methanol is we've  eliminated the volatility on that one-third
that goes for methanol production that's consumed internally for our acetic acid
production  in that region.  Now we have some  non-disclosures  here,  but I can
share with you that the  financial  effect on an annualized  basis,  a full-year
basis,  if you assume gas is going to be  somewhere in the $5.50 to $6 per MMBTU
range,  is  somewhere  around $45  million to $55 million and we will begin this
project in the middle part of the year and we'll see a partial  year  benefit in
2005 and in 2006 we'll see a full year benefit.


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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Bill Hoffman  - UBS - Analyst

 That's great. Thank you very much.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Michael Judd with Greenwich Consultants.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Michael Judd  - Greenwich Consultants - Analyst

 One of your  comments  about your outlook in terms of adjusted  EBITDA and your
cap ex, do you have an  estimate  in terms of how much  debt you think  that you
could pay down this year and then next year?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 At this point in time we haven't looked at it but we plan to take another look,
fresh  look  at it  after  the  first  quarter.  As you  see  we are  generating
significant  free  cash  flow  and  consistent  with our  objectives  we plan to
de-leverage  the  Company on a going  forward  basis.  But we haven't  given any
specific guidance on that at this point in time.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Michael Judd  - Greenwich Consultants - Analyst

 Okay and then I think what I read through your  presentation was that you don't
expect to make any voluntary pension contributions this year or next year?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 That's correct.  As I mentioned there's nothing required at this time given the
significant  contributions that were made this past year in conjunction with the
Blackstone acquisition when $463 million was put in the funds. And I should also
point out prior to that the Company on two  different  occasions did put in $150
million each as well so there has been significant build up in the contributions
to well over 90 percent of funding percentage.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Michael Judd  - Greenwich Consultants - Analyst

 And lastly are there further acquisitions we should anticipate?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Michael,  it's a good question and obviously we have nothing  announced at this
time.  However,  we continue to look for  acquisitions  that are accretive,  are
strategic for the Company and help  strengthen our position  globally.  We think
those types of  acquisitions  create  value for the  shareholders,  but as Corky
indicated  we do have the  objective  of  using  the cash  that we  generate  to
de-leverage the Company.  We look for both on  acquisitions,  and we continue to
invest in value investments inside of our Company.  We think those are very good
projects, and we have a modest dividend that we announced too, all in the effort
to create value for the shareholder.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Michael Judd  - Greenwich Consultants - Analyst

 Thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Christopher Miller [ph] with JP Morgan.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Christopher Miller  - JP Morgan - Analyst

 I just wanted to follow up on a couple issues.  D&A this quarter was definitely
a little bit lower than it had been. What do you see as your run rate for D&A on
a quarterly basis?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 On D&A we looked on an annual basis for 2005 to be in the 230 to 250 range.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Christopher Miller  - JP Morgan - Analyst

 Okay and from additional  restructuring charges, as you look to take some costs
out, what sort of cash  restructuring  charges do you expect that we'll see over
the course of 2005 and then into 2006?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 I haven't  looked at 2006 but somewhere in the $30 million for 2005,  which has
been built into the plan.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Christopher Miller  - JP Morgan - Analyst

 Okay, thank you so much.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Jeff Cianci [ph] with UBS.


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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 Yes, a follow up with Corky.  It was nice of you to give us EBITDA guidance but
we all have to come up with  some EPS  numbers  on First  Call so  there's  some
inconsistencies below the line I'm just trying to clarify. Equity affiliates you
did say-- I think  David  said  they'll  be heavy in the first  quarter so don't
multiply that by four.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 That's correct.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 Do you have an idea-- I mean is the first quarter basically the whole year? You
do get more as the year progresses, right? Do you have a range for us?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Let me take a look at that. I'm not sure we've got a range for you that at this
time but we can come out with that.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 What  about  the  difference   between  the  cost  accounting  and  the  equity
accounting?  Is it skewed one way or the other? Do you have some cost affiliates
as well?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Yes, we do have some cost affiliates.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 Can you give me any  numbers  in the  plan,  which one is going to be bigger in

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Why don't we get back with you on that? It's a good question.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 And then  finally the  interest  and other income it looks like for the year it
came in about 25 million for '04 combined if I'm reading that right?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 That's correct.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 Is that a good run rate?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 It would appear that way, yes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 Okay I guess the missing  question is that the equity  earnings and the cost of
where those cost affiliates are in the income statement? I can't see them.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Okay the equity is obviously  above and in the  operational or OP line and then
the cost is down below.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 Is it on page 12? I just don't see it. Is it buried in a different place?  I've
been missing-- or was it in the statements?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Let us do this. Let us get back with you on that.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jeff Cianci  - UBS - Analyst

 All right. [indiscernible] Thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Beth Fusco with Merrill Lynch.


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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Beth Fusco  - Merrill Lynch - Analyst

 Just a follow-up on the domination agreement issue, can you tell us whether you
have access to the cash flow of these entities  pending the  deliberation of the
German  courts or are you relying on cash on your balance  sheet to service your

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp.l - President and CEO

 The domination of profit and loss agreements allow for full access to the cash.
We have no limitations on cash, no limitations on operations.  We view this as a
subsidiary  of  Celanese  Corporation  and we also  view the  obligation  to the
minorities as being more debt-like rather than equity-like obviously.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Beth Fusco  - Merrill Lynch - Analyst

 Well, if the domination agreement is being challenged by minority  shareholders
saying that they weren't getting enough  sufficient  information then maybe they
just want to be paid more.  There is no stopping you from  continuing to control
the entities with whom you've  concluded the  domination  agreement  pending the
judgment by the German courts, is that how it works?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Beth,  that's right.  There's no restrictions  while the challenges are ongoing
and I would also point out that there are no  restrictions  even if there were a
judgment  by the lower court  while the appeal  process is in place.  There's no
restrictions on our ability to operate these  subsidiaries while this process is
ongoing at the court it's in now as well as other  courts if there are  appeals,
which there likely would be. That's why I indicated  earlier we view that what's
going on now is the normal course of business.  It's not a surprise test that we
are where we are.  It's within  expectation  and we view this as being a process
that will continue over several years.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Beth Fusco  - Merrill Lynch - Analyst

 So is it your  intention  then to just let the process  take its - follow along
through the appeal until you reach a decision or would you consider  just simply
settling with the plaintiffs and getting on with it.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Yes, we  certainly  would look at that on a value  creation  basis.  We have no
obligation to settle.  We have no  restrictions in the operations of the Company
or the access to the cash and I think if an  opportunity  presented  itself that
would be interesting  and  compelling we certainly  would consider it, but we're
not at this point in time suggesting that we would settle.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Beth Fusco  - Merrill Lynch - Analyst

 Okay so at the end of the day once the appeal process is completed  you're very
confident  that this could not be decided in favor of the plaintiffs and against

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 We have  high  confidence  in that and we  believe  that it's a  stretched  out

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Beth Fusco  - Merrill Lynch - Analyst

 Okay, thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 [operator instructions]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Corky Nelson  - Celanese Corp. - Executive Vice President and CFO

 Dave, why don't I go back and answer an earlier question on the cost and equity
while we're  waiting for the final  queue ups.  Again,  let me point out that if
you'll go to page 12 you'll  see in two areas  there  where the  equity  and net
earnings  of  affiliates  is located  and in the cost basis its  affiliates  are
picked up on the other  income and expense  line as a net item.  And if you also
tie that back to the table on dividends  you can see how that splits out between
those two categories.  That's on table 7 in the appendix to the Press Release so
that should help you out with that guidance.

One additional item I should also point out is you're  calculating  earnings per
share in addition to the common stock of 158.7  outstanding.  On a fully diluted
basis I believe  that's 170.7 as well and again,  that's in that appendix  slide
that I've added to key 2005 modeling purposes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Frank Mitsch with Fulcrum Global partners.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 Just a question on the volume growth of the overall Company, you grew 6 percent
for '04, up only 1 percent for the fourth quarter, and I know you mentioned that
you had some  terrific-- you had a difficult  comp in your acetyls  business but
that seems like a pretty


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  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

stark  drop-off for the fourth  quarter.  Can you talk about some factors behind
that and then the context of what are you seeing so far in January and  February
in terms of volume growth?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Frank,  yes,  let me break this into two parts.  One is Celanese and one is the
market. We continue to see very robust growth in the market and demand continues
to climb.  For Celanese though we're running the majority of our operations on a
sold-out basis.  That frankly is a hybrid company.  It's an integrated change is
good news  because  it allows us then to pick and  choose  where we put our base
molecules,  in upgraded  products  and look for margin  expansion  opportunities
either through upgraded products or through price.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 Okay so we should continue to see volume growth slow but margins expand.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 That would be our view.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 And you mentioned in the Chemical  Products that you  recalculated  some of the
contract manufacturing  business.  What percent of profitability is that of that
segment? I assume it's a relatively small part. I just wanted to be sure.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Let me share a few facts with you. We buy about 1.2 billion  pounds of ethylene
going primarily into our vinyl acetate  business,  and on a global basis we have
over 50 percent of that contracted on cost-based formulas,  somewhere between 50
and 60 percent on cost-based formulas. There are a number of contracts that have
been in place for a number of years.  Others  have been in place only for two or
three years. They extend out over the longer and intermediate future.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 Okay but I thought what the comment in the press  release said was that you had
a contract manufacturing range [indiscernible]  certain  [indiscernible] are now
being sold. Only the margins realized under the contract manufacturing agreement
is reported in net sales. So the fact that you would be reporting  fewer-- lower
sales but that would all be positive margin obviously would help your margins in
that  segment.  I just  wanted to get a sense for this  particular,  the certain
acrylate  products  that  are now  being  sold and how big of a  portion  of the
overall Chemical Products business that was.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Low single digit millions.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Frank Mitsch  - Fulcrum Global Partners - Analyst

 All right, terrific. Thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Gregg Goodnight.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gregg Goodnight

 With respect to the Southern  Methanol the material  balances suggest that that
alone will not allow you to shut down or to exit your Clear Lake methanol JV. Is
that correct?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Gregg,  what I can  share  with  you is  that we made a  sourcing  decision  on
methanol on a make or a buying basis.  In other words, if we find the ability to
buy in the market or buy on a long-term  contract is better than making  ourself
out of high cost gulf coast gas we'll do that. We have done that in the past. We
would view, with the  favorability of the Southern  contract,  that we would not
source  from our own  production  in the Gulf Coast but those  facilities  being
idled they have a very low book cost, a very small  single-digit book value. The
costs of idling those  facilities,  separating  the people,  again is a very low
number, and going forward we would view purchasing under the contract to be more
favorable than making it.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gregg Goodnight

 Okay,  in  terms  of  shutting  down  that  venture,  would  you see  that as a

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Well, there have been no announcements on that so I really can't say much about

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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                                                                FINAL TRANSCRIPT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gregg Goodnight

 Okay,  next  question,  Ticona,  even without the special  charge on the fourth
quarter, seemed particularly weak. You mentioned the automotive. I was trying to
get a sense for  seasonality of the business.  Is that some of it or was it just
that week?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Let me answer a question  on this  broadly  and then Lyndon Cole is on the line
and perhaps he can add some flavor into the fourth quarter and what we're seeing
in the first quarter.  But overall the fourth quarter is the weakest quarter for
Ticona and that was  reflected in the numbers  compared to the rest of the year.
On top of that  we saw the  slowing  in  demand  in  automotive  and  electrical
electronics  that I  highlighted  in my speech and also on top of that there was
one other effect, which was a turnaround in our facilities that had an effect in
the high single digit range on the earnings. Lyndon, do you want to add a little

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lyndon Cole

 Going forward the first quarter,  the first half of the year is always stronger
than the second half due to the  seasonality  and what we're seeing in the first
quarter  is  continuation  of what the  automotive  industry  did in the  fourth
quarter where they're constantly  expecting the inventory  [inaudible] and their
production,  and  we'll  expect  in the  first  quarter  that the US  automotive
industry will be off close to 5 percent in production and the European  industry
up around 2 percent.  You'll see exactly the same  phenomenon  in the  connector
industry so the  electrical  connector  market is  [inaudible] in this inventory
chain  relative  to its sales.  So you  really do see a  breather  in the fourth
quarter and that continues in the first couple of months of this year as well.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 Thanks Lyndon.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lyndon Cole

 Was that okay?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gregg Goodnight

 If I can just ask one last question,  your tender offer to buy out the minority
shares, when would that expire if it's not expected?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 The tender offer in the US for the minorities is open until the first of April.
However,  it will go  beyond  that  date,  since it will be  extended  to remain
outstanding until two months after the German courts reach a final resolution on
the issue of the price offered.

[Editor's  Note: The transcript has been edited to clarify that the tender offer
will be extended beyond the April 1 date.]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gregg Goodnight

 Okay and your expectation right now is--how is it going?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 David Weidman  - Celanese Corp. - President and CEO

 I don't know.  I really  can't  speculate at this time but it's out there until
the first of April. However,  again, the tender offer will likely go beyond that
date, since it will be extended to remain outstanding until two months after the
German courts reach a final resolution on the issue of the price offered,

[Editor's  Note: The transcript has been edited to clarify that the tender offer
will be extended beyond the April 1 date.]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gregg Goodnight

 Okay, thank you very much.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 And you seem to have no further  questions  at this time.  I'd like to turn the
call back to you and Andrea Stine for closing remarks.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Andrea Stine  - Celanese Corp. - Director of Investor Relations

 Thank you for joining the Celanese  Corporation fourth quarter conference call.
If you have further  questions  about  Celanese  please call me in Dallas at 972
443-3756.  A telephone replay of the conference call will be available from noon
central  time today  until 11 PM central  time on March 4th.  The numbers to the
replay are posted on our Web site at www.celanese.com.  A replay of the Web cast
is also  available on our Web site as well.  The next Celanese  conference  call
will be on May 10th when we release our first  quarter 2005  results.  Thank you
for your interest in Celanese and this concludes our conference call.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Thanks  for  your  participation  in  today's  call.  This  does  conclude  the
presentation. You may now disconnect. Have a great day.


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Thomson StreetEvents    streetevents@thomson.com  617.603.7900    www.streetevents.com   14
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publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without
the prior written consent of Thomson Financial.

                                                                FINAL TRANSCRIPT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CE - Q4 2004 CELANESE CORP DEL Earnings Conference Call
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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