STATE OF ARKANSAS SECRETARY [GRAPHIC OMITTED] OF STATE CHARLIE DANIELS SECRETARY OF STATE To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greetings: I, Charlie .Daniels, Secretary of State of Arkansas, do hereby certify that the following and hereto attached instrument of writing is a true and perfect copy of Articles OF ORGANIZATION OF MW LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC filed in this office February 18, 2004 In TESTIMONY Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officiai Seal Done at roy office in the City of Little Rock, this 18th day of February 2004, [GRAPHIC OMITTED] /s/ Charlie Daniels ------------------------------- Secretary of State CORPORATE NAME: MW Land Development LLC CONTACT PERSON: G. Robert Hardin : 410 West Third Street, Suite 200 CITY: Little Rock STATE: AR ZIP: 72201- TELEPHONE NUMBER: 501-378-7900 G. Robert Hardin SIGNATURE OF INCORPORATOR, OFFICER OR AGENT FOR THE CORPORATION The undersigned authorized manager or member or person forming this Limited Liability Company under the Small Business Entity Tax Pass Through Act, Act 1003 of 1993, adopts the following Articles of Organization of such Limited Liability Company: FIRST: THE NAME OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY IS: MW Land Development LLC Must contain the words "Limited Liability Company," "Limited Company," or the abbreviation "L.L.C," "L.C.," "LLC," or "LC." The word "Limited" may be abbreviated as "Ltd.", and the "Company" may be abbreviated as "Co." Companies which perform Professional Service MUST additionally contain the words "Professional Limited Liability Company," "Professional Limited Company," or the abbreviations "P.L.L.C.," "P.L.C.," "PLLC," or "PLC" and may not contain the name of the person who is not a member except that of a deceased member. The word "Limited" may be abbreviated as "Ltd." and the word "Company" may be abbreviated as "Co." SECOND: ADDRESS OF REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY WHICH MAY BE, BUT NEED NOT BE, THE PLACE OF BUSINESS SHALL BE: STREET ADDRESS: 410 West Third Street, Suite 200 CITY: Little Rock STATE: AR ZIP: 72201- THIRD: THE NAME OF THE REGISTERED AGENT AND THE PHYSICAL BUSINESS ADDRESS OF SAID AGENT SHALL BE: NAME: G. Robert Hardin STREET ADDRESS: 410 West Third Street, Suite 200 CITY: Little Rock STATE: AR ZIP: 72201- FOURTH: IF THE MANAGEMENT OF THIS COMPANY IS VESTED IN A MANAGER OR MANAGERS, A STATEMENT TO THAT EFFECT MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE SPACE PROVIDED OR BY ATTACHMENT: The management of this company is vested in a manager or managers. THE NAME OF THE PERSON(S) AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THIS DOCUMENT: NAME 1: G. Robert Hardin NAME 2: NAME 3: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED MANAGER, MEMBER OR PERSON FORMING THIS COMPANY: G. ROBERT HARDIN