WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                     SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION (Rule 14a-101)

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.)

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement               [ ] Confidential, for Use of the
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement            Commission Only (as Permitted by Rule
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials    14a-6(e)(2))
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to
Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                            BOVIE MEDICAL CORPORATION

              (Name of the Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other then the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) (4) and 0-11. 1.
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: _____

2. Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: _________

3. Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed pursuant to
Exchange  Act Rule  0-11  (Set  forth the  amount  on which  the  filing  fee is
calculated and state how it was determined): ____________

4. Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: ______________

5. Total fee paid: _______________________________

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)  (2) and  identify  the  filing  for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1. Amount Previously Paid:

2. Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

3. Filing Party:

4. Date Filed:

                            Bovie Medical Corporation
                         734 Walt Whitman Road Suite 207
                               Melville, NY 11747

June 23, 2003

Dear Stockholder:

On behalf of your Board of Directors and Management,  you are cordially  invited
to attend the Annual Meeting of Common  Stockholders to be held on July 30, 2003
at 4:00P.M.,  at the Holiday Inn located at 215  Sunnyside  Blvd.,  (Exit46 Long
Island Expressway or Exit 38 Northern State Parkway) Plainview,  Long Island, NY
11803, Telephone No. (516)349-1240.

The enclosed Notice and Proxy Statement contain details  concerning the business
to come before the  meeting.  You will note that the Board of  Directors  of the
Company recommends a vote "FOR" the election of the nominated Directors to serve
until  the  next  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders,"FOR"  Ratification  of  the
selection of Bloom & Company,  as the  Company's  independent  accountants;  and
"FOR"  Ratification  of the Company's  2003  Executive and Employee Stock Option

Whether or not you attend the Annual Meeting, please vote as soon as possible by
returning  the enclosed  proxy.  Your vote is  important,  and voting by written
proxy will ensure your representation at the Annual Meeting. You may revoke your
proxy in accordance with the procedures  described in the Proxy Statement at any
time prior to the time it is voted.

Thank you for your support of Bovie.

Bovie Medical Corporation

/s/ Andrew Makrides

This  proxy  statement  and the  accompanying  proxy are  being  mailed to Bovie
Medical Corporation common stockholders beginning about June 23, 2003.

                            Bovie Medical Corporation
                         734 Walt Whitman Road Suite 207
                               Melville, NY 11747

June 23, 2003


Dear Stockholder:

Bovie Annual Meeting of Stockholders' will be held on July 30, 2003 at 4:00PM at
the Holiday Inn located at 215 Sunnyside Blvd.,  (Exit46 Long Island  Expressway
or Exit 38 Northern State Parkway)  Plainview,  Long Island,  NY 11803 Telephone
No. (516)349-1240.

 At the meeting, stockholders will be asked to:

1. Elect Bovie's entire Board of Directors,

2. Ratify the selection of Bovie's independent auditors for 2003,

3. Approve the Bovie 2003 Executive and Employee Stock Option Plan, and

4. Such other business properly brought before the meeting.

The  close of  business  on June 2,  2003 is the  record  date  for  determining
stockholders  entitled  to  vote  at  the  Annual  Meeting.  Consequently,  only
stockholders  whose names  appear on our books as owning our Common Stock at the
close of  business  on June 2, 2003 will be entitled to notice of and to vote at
the Annual Meeting and adjournment or postponement thereof.


In order to facilitate  planning for the Annual Meeting,  please indicate on the
enclosed proxy whether or not you plan to attend the meeting.

By order of the board of directors

/s/ Andrew Makrides

June 23, 2003


ABOUT THE ANNUAL MEETING                                 1

ANNUAL REPORT                                           2

STOCK OWNERSHIP                                         3

MANAGEMENT                                              3


DIRECTORS COMPENSATION                                  4

EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION                                  4

COMPENSATION TABLE                                      4





AND EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION PLAN                          9

THE PLAN                                                9

FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES                        10




FORM OF OPTION                                         20

                            ABOUT THE ANNUAL MEETING


The Board of Directors of Bovie Medical Corporation ("Bovie") is soliciting your
vote at the Annual Meeting of Bovie's common stockholders being held on July 30,


1. Election of Bovie's Board of Directors (see page 7).

2. Ratification of BLOOM & CO., LLP, as Bovie's auditors for 2003
(see page 9).

3. Approval and adoption of the Bovie 2003  Executive and Employee  Stock Option
Plan (see page 9).


You will have one vote for every share of the  Company's  common stock you owned
of record on June 2, 2003(the record date).


One vote for each of the Company's outstanding shares of common stock which were
outstanding  on the record date. The common stock will vote as a single class on
all  matters  scheduled  to be  voted  on at the  Annual  Meeting.  There  is no
cumulative voting.


A majority of the votes that can be cast,  or a minimum of 6,602,378  votes must
be present in person or by proxy in order to hold the meeting.


o    You can vote  either in person at the Annual  Meeting  or by proxy  without
     attending the Annual Meeting. We urge you to vote by proxy even if you plan
     to attend the Annual Meeting; so that we will know as soon as possible that
     enough votes will be present for us to hold the meeting.

o    To vote by proxy,  you must fill out the enclosed proxy,  date and sign it,
     and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

o    If you want to vote in  person  at the  Annual  Meeting,  and you hold your
     Bovie stock through a securities broker (that is, in street name), you must
     obtain a proxy from your broker and bring that proxy to the meeting.


Yes.  Just send in a new proxy with a later  date,  or send a written  notice of
revocation  to  Bovie's  Secretary  at the  address  on the cover of this  proxy
statement.  If you attend the Annual Meeting and want to vote in person, you can
request that your previously submitted proxy not be used.


If you return a signed proxy without  indicating  your vote, your shares will be
voted "FOR" each of the  director  nominees  listed on the proxy,  "FOR" Bloom &
Company  as  auditor,  and "FOR" the Bovie 2003  Executive  and  Employee  Stock
Purchase and Option Plan.


A vote to  "abstain" on any matter your shares will not be voted for such matter
and will have the effect of a vote against the proposal.


o    That depends upon  whether the shares are  registered  in your name or your
     broker's  name  ("street  name").  If you do not vote your  shares  held in
     street  name,  your  broker  can vote  your  shares  on any of the  matters
     scheduled to come before the meeting.

o    If you do not vote your  shares  held in your  broker's  name,  or  "street
     name",  and your  broker  does not vote them,  the votes will be broker non
     votes,  which will have the effect of a vote FOR any matter scheduled to be
     considered at the Annual Meeting.

o    If you do not attend and vote your shares which are registered in your name
     or otherwise vote by proxy, your shares will not be voted.


We do not know of any  other  matters  that  will be  considered  at the  Annual
Meeting.  If a stockholder  proposal that was excluded from this proxy statement
is  otherwise  properly  brought  before the  meeting,  we will vote the proxies
against that  proposal.  If any other matters arise at the Annual  Meeting,  the
proxies will be voted at the discretion of the proxy holders.


Your proxy will still be valid and may be voted at the  postponed  or  adjourned
meeting.  You will  still be able to  change or revoke  your  proxy  until it is
actually voted.


The Company  has  included  herewith a copy of its Annual  Report for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2002 ("2002 Annual  Report").  Additional  copies of the
2002 Annual Report may be obtained by Shareholders  without charge by writing to
Andrew  Makrides,  President,  at the  Company's  New York  offices  at 734 Walt
Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747.


It is the Company's  policy that all proxies,  ballots and voting materials that
identify the particular vote of a stockholder are kept  confidential,  except in
the following circumstances:

o    to allow the election inspector appointed for our Annual Meeting to certify
     the results of the vote;

o    as necessary to meet applicable legal  requirements,  including the pursuit
     or defense of a judicial action;

o    where we conclude in good faith that a bona fide  dispute  exists as to the
     authenticity  of one or  more  proxies,  ballots,  or  votes,  or as to the
     accuracy of the tabulation of such proxies, ballots, or votes;

o    where a  stockholder  expressly  requests  disclosure or has made a written
     comment on a proxy;

o    where  contacting  stockholders by us is necessary to obtain a quorum,  the
     names of  stockholders  who have or have not voted (but not how they voted)
     may be disclosed to us by the election  inspector  appointed for the Annual

o    aggregate vote totals may be disclosed to us from time to time and publicly
     announced at the meeting of stockholders at which they are relevant; and in
     the  event  of any  solicitation  of  proxies  with  respect  to any of our
     securities by a person other than us of which  solicitation  we have actual


We encourage stock  ownership by our directors,  officers and employees to align
their interests with the interests of stockholders.  Management further believes
this  policy has played a  significant  role in the  progress of our company and
will, ultimately, lead to beneficial future returns for its stockholders.

Management also fosters stock ownership by all of its employees  through various
measures,   such  as  stock  option  grants,   restricted   stock  awards,   and
participation  in  developing  programs,   including,   if  it  is  approved  by
stockholders  at the Annual  Meeting,  the Company's 2003 Executive and Employee
Stock  Option Plan that is one of the  proposals  to be voted upon at the Annual


The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  as of the record  date,
regarding each of the executive officers and directors of the Company.

The Company's Executive Officers and directors are as follows:

Name                            Position                     Director Since
- ----                            --------                     --------------

Andrew Makrides            Chairman or the Board,            December, 1982
                           President, CEO& Director

J. Robert Saron            Director and President of         August, 1994
                           Aaron Medical Industries, Inc.

George W. Kromer, Jr.      Director                          October, 1995

Alfred V. Greco            Director                          April, 1998

Moshe Citronowicz          Executive Vice-President
                           Chief Operating Officer           -------

Charles Peabody            Chief Financial                   -------
                           Officer, Secretary- Treasurer


The Board of Directors  (the  "Board") had five special  meetings  times in 2002
which were  attended  by all  directors,  including  telephonic  meetings of the
Board.  There  were no  committees  established  in 2002  because  the  Board of
Directors  continues to manage the Plan.  As such,  the  participation  activity
requirements of each member of the Board are increasing. In addition, Management
is aggressively  pursuing and  implementing  marketing and other  strategies set
forth by the  Board.  Due to the  limited  number of members  and the  increased
degrees of activity of the Board of Directors  (four) the Nominees,  if elected,
may consider  establishment of Executive,  Audit and Compensation  committees in
accordance with the new legislation (Sarbanes- Oxley Act) and the procedures set
forth in the Company's by-laws.


Directors'  compensation is determined by the Board. At present,  the Board does
not have a standard  policy  regarding  compensation  of members of the Board of
Directors.  The Board has granted  directors stock options and restricted common
stock, in order to assure that the directors have an opportunity for and/or have
an  ownership  interest  in common with other  stockholders.  The  Nominees,  if
elected,  may require the Board or Compensation  committee,  if established,  to
adopt a standard policy regarding compensation of members of the Board.


The following table sets forth the compensation  paid to the executive  officers
of the registrant for the three years ended December 31, 2002:

                                   Summary Compensation Table

                                       Annual Compensation

Name and
Position                Year          Salary          Bonus        Other
- --------                ----          ------          -----        -----
Andrew Makrides         2002         $141,835         2,760        9,581
President, CEO          2001         $146,446         2,567       12,352
Chairman of             2000         $123,764         2,388        7,235
the Board

J. Robert Saron         2002         $200,545         3,907       15,533
Director                2001         $199,485         3,624       18,018
President of Aaron      2000         $167,528         3,381       12,556

Moshe Citronowicz
 Vice President-        2002         $147,370         2,871       15,688
 Chief Operating        2001         $149,697         2,671       17,205
 Officer                2000         $122,076         2,485       12,711

                                Summary Compensation Table

                                 Long Term Compensation

Name and
Position                           Awards(#)      SARS(#)       Pay-outs
- --------                           ---------      -------       --------
Andrew Makrides                       --            --             --
President, CEO                        --          155,000          --
Chairman of
the Board
                                      --            --             --

J. Robert Saron                       --            --             --
Director                              --          155,000          --
President of Aaron                    --            --             --
Medical and

Moshe Citronowicz
 Vice President-                      --            --             --
 Chief Operating                      --          155,000          --
 Officer                              --            --             --

   (a) Other compensation consists of medical insurance and auto.

No options were granted or issued to any  Executive  Officer or Director  during
fiscal year ending  December 31, 2002;  nor were any  previously  issued options
exercised by any Executive Officer or Director during the past year.

Equity Compensation Plan Information:

                          Column (a)                      Column (b)
Plan category             Number of Securities            Weighted-average
                          to be issued upon               exercise price of
                          exercise of                     outstanding options,
                          outstanding options,            warrants and rights

Equity compensation
Plans approved by
Security holders               2,909,000                        $ .70

Equity compensation
Plans not approved
By security holders           ----------                         ----

Total                          2,909,000                        $ .70
                              ==========                         ====

                                    Column (c)
Plan category                       Number of securities
                                    remaining available
                                    for future issuance
                                    under equity
                                    compensation plans
                                    (excluding securities
                                    reflected in column((a))

Equity compensation
Plans approved by
Security holders                          237,000

Equity compensation
Plans not approved
By security holders                       -------

Total                                     237,000

The following table summarizes the options granted to Executive  Officers in the
last fiscal year,  the aggregated  option  exercises in the last fiscal year and
the fiscal year end option values.

                  Shares                              Number of       Value of
                  Acquired            Value         Unexercised     Unexercised
Name                On                                Options at    in the money
                 Exercise(#)         Realized         Fiscal Year    Options at
                                                     Unexercised     Fiscal Year
                                                                       End (a)

Makrides            NONE               N/A             375,000         $72,313

J. Robert
Saron               NONE               N/A             395,000         $72,313

Citronowicz         NONE               N/A             330,000         $72,313

Outside  Directors are compensated in their  capacities as Board members through
option grants.  The Company's  Board of Directors  presently  consists of Andrew
Makrides,  Chairman,  CEO, and  President,  J. Robert Saron,  President of Aaron
Medical  Industries,  Inc. (our wholly owned subsidiary),  George W. Kromer, Jr.
and Alfred V. Greco.  Mr.  Kromer has been  retained  pursuant to agreement as a
management  consultant  by Bovie  Medical  Corporation  for the past  year at an
average  monthly fee of  approximately  $1,500 Mr.  Kromer was not awarded stock
options by the Company in fiscal 2002.  Mr.  Greco is the  managing  director of
Alfred V. Greco PLLC, counsel to Bovie, which earned legal fees from the Company
of $59,600  during 2002.  Mr.  Greco  received no options to purchase any of the
Company's Common Stock in 2002.

There have been no  changes in the  exercise  prices of any  options  previously
awarded.  In February 2002, the Company extended  employment  contracts with its
Officers for three years.

The  following  schedule  shows all  contracts  and terms with  Officers  of the

                            Bovie Medical Corporation
                          Executive Officers' Contracts
                                December 31, 2002

                Contract        Expiration         Current           Auto
                  Date            Date (1)        Base Pay (2)        Allowance
                --------        ----------        ------------       -----------
Makrides        01/01/98        12/31/2007         $ 135,327          $ 6,310

J. Robert
Saron           01/01/98        12/31/2007         $ 185,461          $ 6,310

Citronowicz     01/01/98        12/31/2007         $ 140,798          $ 6,310

(1)  Includes a two year and a three year extension. In the event of a change in
     control, each employment agreement grants each respective Executive Officer
     an option to resign and demand a sum equal to 3 years salary.

(2)  Salaries increase annually pursuant to a contract formula.

 Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management of Bovie

The following table sets forth certain information as of December 31, 2002, with
respect to the beneficial ownership of the Company's common stock by all persons
known  by the  Company  to be the  beneficial  owners  of  more  than  5% of its
outstanding shares, by directors who own common stock and/or options to purchase
common stock and by all officers and directors as a group.

                                Number of Share         Nature       Percentage
                                                          of            of
 Name and Address              Title      Owned       Ownership    Ownership(i)
- -----------------              -----     --------      ---------    ------------

Maxxim Medical Inc.            Common    3,000,000     Beneficial       18.2%
10300 49th Street, North
Clearwater, FL  33762

Directors and Officers
- ----------------------

Andrew Makrides               Common     690,800(ii)   Beneficial        4.2%
734 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY  11746

George W. Kromer, Jr.         Common     305,000(iii)  Beneficial        1.8%
P.O. Box 188
Farmingville, NY  11738

Alfred V. Greco               Common     301,500(iv)   Beneficial        1.8%
666 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY  10103

J. Robert Saron               Common     827,976(v)    Beneficial        5.0%
7100 30th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL  33710

Officers and Directors as a group        2,629,867(vi)                  16.0%

(i)  Based on  13,256,103  outstanding  shares  of Common  Stock  and  2,909,000
     outstanding  options to acquire a like number of shares of Common  Stock as
     of December 31, 2002,  of which  officers  and  directors  owned a total of
     1,655,000 options at December 31, 2002.

(ii) Includes  375,000 shares reserved and underlying ten year options owned by
     Mr.  Makrides to purchase  shares of Common Stock of the Company.  Exercise
     prices  for his  options  range from $.50 for  155,000  shares to $1.15 for

(iii)Constitute  shares  reserved  pursuant to 305,000 ten year options owned by
     Mr.  Kromer to  purchase  shares of the  Company.  Exercise  prices for his
     options range from $.50 for 100,000 shares to $1.125 for 105,000 shares.

(iv) Includes 250,000 shares reserved  pursuant to ten year options  exercisable
     at prices varying  between $.50 per share  (100,000  shares) up to $.75 per
     share (150,000 shares).

(v)  Includes 395,000 shares reserved  pursuant to ten year options  exercisable
     at prices ranging from $1.125 per share for 30,000  shares,  $.75 per share
     for 210,000 shares, and $0.50 per share for 155,000 shares.

(vi) Includes  1,655,000  shares reserved for  outstanding  options owned by all
     Executive Officers and directors as a group.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

In January 2003,  the Executive  Officers and directors  were awarded a total of
400,000  options to purchases the Company's  Common Stock at exercise  prices of
$.70 per share under the  Company's  2003  Executive  and Employee  Stock Option
Plan. See Remuneration

A director,  Alfred V. Greco Esq. is the  principal  of Alfred  Greco PLLC,  the
Company's counsel.  That law firm received $59,303 and $90,136 in legal fees for
the years 2002 and 2001, respectively.

A director,  George W. Kromer,  Jr. also serves as a  consultant  to the Company
with  consulting  compensation  of  $17,586  and  $19,807  for  2002  and  2001,

Two relatives of the chief operating  officer of the Company are employed by the
Company.  Yechiel Tsitrinovich,  an engineering consultant received compensation
for 2002 and 2001 of $77,150 and $4,500 respectively.  The other relative,  Arik
Zoran, is an employee of the Company in charge of the engineering department. He
has a two year  contract  providing for a salary of $90,000 per year plus living
expenses and benefits. We are attempting at this time to secure a permanent work
visa for Mr. Zoran.

                                  PROPOSAL ONE

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

The  Board  of  Directors  has  nominated  all  of  the  current  directors  for
re-election  at the Annual  Meeting.  All directors  serve until the next Annual
Meeting  of  stockholders  or  until  their  successors  are  duly  elected  and


The following section gives information - provided by the nominees - about their
principal occupation, business experience and other matters.






Andrew  Makrides,  age 61,  Chairman of the Board and  President,  member of the
Board of  Directors,  received  a Bachelor  of Arts  degree in  Psychology  from
Hofstra  University  and a Doctor of  Jurisprudence  JD Degree from Brooklyn Law
School.  He is a member  of the Bar of the State of New York and  practiced  law
from 1968 until joining Bovie Medical  Corporation  as Executive  Vice President
and director,  in 1982. Mr. Makrides became President of the Company in 1985 and
the CEO in December 1998 and has served as such to date.

J.  Robert  Saron,  age 50,  Director,  holds a  Bachelors  degree in Social and
Behavioral  Science from the University of South  Florida.  From 1988 to present
Mr. Saron has served as a president  and director of Aaron  Medical  Industries,
Inc.  ("Aaron").  Aaron is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bovie and serves,  among
other  things,  as Bovie's  marketing  subsidiary.  Mr.  Saron served as CEO and
chairman of the Board of the Company  from 1994 to December  1998.  Mr. Saron is
presently  the  President of Aaron and a member of the Board of Directors of the

A1fred V. Greco,  Esq., age 67,  Director,  is the principal of Alfred V. Greco,
PLLC,  and has been counsel to the Company since its  inception.  Mr. Greco is a
member of the Bar of the State of New York and has been  engaged in the practice
of law for the  past 35 years in the  City of New  York.  The main  focus of Mr.
Greco's  experience  for the past 30 years has been in the area of corporate and
securities  law  during  which  he has  represented  a large  number  of  public
companies, executives,  securities brokerage firms and registered representative
and has developed a broad range of experience in administrative,  regulatory and
legal  aspects of  companies  whose  securities  are  publicly  held.  Mr. Greco
graduated from Fordham  University  School of Law with a Doctor of Jurisprudence
(JD)  Degree,  in June 1960.  He was admitted to the New York State Bar in March

George W. Kromer,  Jr., age 62,  filled a vacancy on the Board of Directors  and
became a director  on October 1, 1995.  Mr.  Kromer has in the past  served as a
Senior Financial Correspondent for "Today's Investor" and has been employed as a
consultant  by a number of  companies,  both private and public.  Bovie  Medical
Corporation  has also  retained Mr.  Kromer as a  consultant  in addition to his
capacity as a director.  He received a Master's  Degree in 1976 from Long Island
University in Health  Administration.  He was engaged as a Senior  Hospital Care
Investigator for the City of New York Health & Hospital Corporation from 1966 to
1986. He also holds a Bachelor of Science  Degree from Long Island  University's
Brooklyn  Campus and an Associate in Applied  Science  Degree from New York City
Community College, Brooklyn, New York.

                                  PROPOSAL TWO


The  Board  of  Directors  has  selected  BLOOM  & CO.,  LLP,  ("BLOOM")  as the
independent  auditors  of Bovie for 2003.  BLOOM has  served as the  independent
auditors  of  the  Company  since  1983.  Arrangements  have  been  made  for  a
representative of BLOOM to attend the Annual Meeting.  The  representative  will
have an  opportunity to make a statement if he or she desires to do so, and will
be available to respond to appropriate  stockholder questions.  The selection of
BLOOM as the Company's auditors must be ratified by a majority of the votes cast
at the Annual Meeting. BLOOM is a member of the Securities and Exchange Division
of the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants  ("AICPA")  duly
authorized to perform  audits of SEC  registrants.  The firm is current with its
peer review system and has  maintained an  unqualified  quality  control  status
since the inception of the peer review system established by the AICPA.

Audit Fees. The aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered for the
audit of our financial  statements  for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2002
and the review of the Company's  financial  statements included in our quarterly
filings on Form 10QSB during that fiscal year were $121,304. There were no other
fees paid for other services performed by Bloom & Co., LLP or its employees.


                                 PROPOSAL THREE


On January 21,  2003,  Bovie's  Board of Directors  approved  the Bovie  Medical
Corporation  2003  Executive  and  Employee  Stock  Option Plan (the "Plan") and
recommended  formalizing and submitting the plan to stockholders for approval at
the Annual Meeting. The plan became effective as of January 21, 2003. A total of
400,000  options  to  purchase  a like  number of shares at $.70 per share  were
granted to officers and directors under the Plan in January, 2003.

The Board of Directors of the Company shall administer the Plan.

The plan affords key employees,  officers, and consultants,  who are responsible
for the continued growth of the Company, an opportunity to acquire a proprietary
interest in the Company,  and,  thus,  to create in such  individuals  a greater
concern for the welfare of the Company and its  subsidiaries.  The  Company,  by
means of this 2003 Executive and Employee Stock Option Plan, seeks to retain the
services  of persons now holding  key  positions  and to secure the  services of
persons capable of filling such positions. The following summary is qualified by
reference to the complete text of the Plan, which is attached hereto.

                                    THE PLAN

Up to  1,200,000  shares of  common  stock,  subject  to  adjustments  for stock
dividends,  splits and other  events  that affect the number of shares of common
stock outstanding, may be issued under the plan. Stock subject to purchase under
the plan will be shares of common stock that have been  authorized but unissued,
or have been previously issued and reacquired by the Company, or both.

Maximum  Purchase.  The options  offered under the plan are a matter of separate
inducement  and are not in lieu of any  salary  or  other  compensation  for the
services of any key employee or consultant.  The options  granted under the plan
are intended to be either  Incentive  Stock  Options  ("ISO") or Non-  Qualified
Stock Options ("NQSO").  The aggregate fair market value of shares subject to an
ISO to a participant's stock purchases in any calendar year shall not exceed one
hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00).

Option. Participants will receive an option. The option will state the number of
shares of common stock to be purchased underlying the options granted.

Exercise Price. The purchase price per share purchasable under an option will be
determined by the Committee,  provided,  however, that such purchase price shall
not be less than 90% of the fair market value of a share on the date of grant of
such option;  provided further,  any option granted to a participant who, at the
time such option is  granted,  is an officer or  director  of the  Company,  the
purchase  price shall not be less than 100% of the fair market  value of a share
on the date of grant of such option. However, in the case of an ISO granted to a
participant  who,  at the time  such  option is  granted,  is deemed to be a 10%
Shareholder,  the  purchase  price  for each  share  will be such  amount as the
Committee in its best judgment  shall  determine to be not less than 110% of the
fair market value per share on the date the ISO is granted.

Term of Option. The term of each option shall be fixed by the Committee which in
any  event  will  not  exceed a term of 10  years  from  the date of the  grant,
provided, however, that the term of any ISO' granted to any 10% Shareholder will
not be  exercisable  after the  expiration of 5 years from the date such ISO was

Termination  of  Employment.  The  Committee  will  determine  the  effects of a
participant's  retirement,  death,  disability,  leave of  absence  or any other
termination of employment during the Term of any option.

Amendments.  The Board may amend, alter,  suspend,  discontinue or terminate the
plan; provided,  however, that,  notwithstanding any other provision of the plan
or any option,  without  approval of the  stockholders  of the Company,  no such
amendment, alteration,  suspension,  discontinuation or termination will be made
that,  absent such  approval,  (1) would cause Rule 16b-3 to become  unavailable
with  respect to the Plan,  (2) would  violate the rules or  regulations  of any
national  securities  exchange  on which the shares of the Company are traded or
the rules or regulations of the NASD that are applicable to the Company,  or (3)
would  cause the Company to be unable,  under the Code,  to grant ISOs under the

                         FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES

The following is a general summary of the federal income tax consequences  under
current  tax law of NQSOs  and  ISOs.  It does not  purport  to cover all of the
special rules,  including special rules relating to optionees subject to Section
16(b) of the Exchange Act and the exercise of an option with previously acquired
shares,  or the state or local income or other tax consequences  inherent in the
ownership and exercise of stock options and the ownership and disposition of the
underlying shares.

An optionee will not recognize  taxable  income for federal  income tax purposes
upon the grant of a NQSO or an ISO.  Upon the  exercise of a NQSO,  the optionee
will recognize  ordinary income in an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the
fair  market  value of the  shares  acquired  on the date of  exercise  over the
exercise  price  thereof,  and the  Company  will  generally  be  entitled  to a
deduction  for such amount at that time.  If the  optionee  later  sells  shares
acquired pursuant to the exercise of a NQSO, he or she will recognize  long-term
or short-term capital gain or loss, depending on the period for which the shares
were held.  Long-term  capital gain is generally  subject to more  favorable tax
treatment than ordinary income or short-term  capital gain. Upon the exercise of
an ISO, the optionee will not recognize taxable income. If the optionee disposes
of the shares  acquired  pursuant to the  exercise of an ISO more than two years
after the date of grant and more than one year after the  transfer of the shares
to him or her, the optionee will  recognize  long-term  capital gain or 1055 and
the Company  will not be  entitled  to a  deduction.  However,  if the  optionee
disposes of such shares within the required holding period,  all or a portion of
the gain will be treated as ordinary  income and the Company  will  generally be
entitled to deduct such amount.

In addition to the federal income tax consequences  described above, an optionee
may be subject to the alternative minimum tax, which is payable to the extent it
exceeds the  optionee's  regular tax. For this purpose,  upon the exercise of an
ISO, the excess of the fair market  value of the shares over the exercise  price
therefor is an adjustment which increases alternative minimum taxable income. In
addition,  the  optionee's  basis in such shares is increased by such excess for
purposes  of  computing  the gain or loss on the  disposition  of the shares for
alternative  minimum  tax  purposes.  If an  optionee  is  required  to  pay  an
alternative  minimum tax, the amount of such tax which is attributed to deferral
preferences  (including  the ISO  adjustment) is allowed as a credit against the
optionee's  regular tax liability in subsequent  years. To the extent the credit
is not used, it is carried forward.

Although  management  believes it is in the interests of  shareholders  that the
Plan be  approved  in  order to  attract  and  retain  qualified  employees  and
consultants,  since the plan  authorizes  the grant of options to purchase up to
1,200,000  shares of common  stock,  the grant and exercise of the options would
tend  to  dilute  the  percentage  ownership  of  shareholders  in the  Company.
Furthermore,  the  nature  of the  options  is such  that the  options  would be
exercised  at a time that the  Company  likely  would be able to derive a higher
price for Company shares than the exercise price.

The Board believes the plan is an effective means of aligning the interests of a
broad range of employees with the interests of our stockholders.



Under  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  rules,  a stockholder  who
intends to present a proposal at the next Annual Meeting of stockholders and who
wishes the proposal to be included in the proxy  statement for that meeting must
submit the proposal in writing to the President or Secretary of the Company,  at
the address on the cover of this proxy statement.  The proposal must be received
no later than March 31, 2004.

Stockholders  who do not wish to follow the SEC rules in  proposing a matter for
action at the next  Annual  Meeting  must  notify the  Company in writing of the
information  required by the provisions of its by-laws dealing with  stockholder
proposals.  The notice must be delivered to the  Company's  Corporate  Secretary
between  Apri1,  2004  and  November  30,  2004.  You can  obtain  a copy of the
Company's by-laws by writing to the attention of the Corporate  Secretary at the
address shown on the cover of this proxy statement.


The Company pays the expense of  preparing,  assembling,  printing,  mailing and
filing this Proxy  Statement and materials used in this  solicitation of proxies
with the SEC and its stockholders, which is estimated not to exceed $30,000. The
solicitation  will be made by mail.  The Company will supply  brokers or persons
holding  shares of record in their names or in the names of  nominees  for other
persons,  as beneficial  owners,  with such additional copies of proxies,  proxy
materials  and Annual  Reports as may  reasonably be requested in order for such
record holders to send one copy to each beneficial  owner, and will upon request
of such record holders,  reimburse them for their reasonable expenses in mailing
such material.  Certain  directors,  officers and employees of the Company,  not
especially  employed for this purpose,  may solicit proxies,  without additional
remuneration therefor, by mail, telephone, telegraph or personal interview.

                            Bovie Medical Corporation
                  2003 Executive and Employee Stock Option Plan

                                    SECTION 1


     Bovie Medical  Corporation (the "Company") desires to afford certain of its
key employees,  officers,  directors and consultants who are responsible for the
continued growth of the Company an opportunity to acquire a proprietary interest
in the  Company,  and thus to  create in such  individuals  an  increase  in and
greater concern for the welfare of the Company and its subsidiary.

     The Company, by means of this 2003 Executive and Employee Stock Option Plan
(the "Plan"),  seeks to retain the services of persons now holding key positions
and to secure the services of persons capable of filling such positions.

     The stock  options  offered  pursuant  to the Plan are a matter of separate
inducement  and are not in lieu of any  salary  or  other  compensation  for the
services of any key employee or consultant.

     The  stock  options  granted  under  the Plan  are  intended  to be  either
incentive  stock  options  within the  meaning of  Section  422 of the  Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  or options that do not meet the  requirements
for incentive stock options.

                                    SECTION 2


As used in the Plan,  the  following  terms  shall have the  meanings  set forth

     (a)  "Affiliate"  shall mean (i) any entity  that,  directly or  indirectly
through one or more  intermediaries,  is  controlled by the Company and (ii) any
entity in which the Company has a significant equity interest.

     (b) "Code"  shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended from
time to time, and any regulations promulgated thereunder.

     (c)  "Committee"  shall mean the Board of Directors,  or a committee of the
Board of  Directors  of the Company  designated  by  resolution  of the Board of
Directors to administer  the Plan,  which shall consist of not less than two (2)
"Non-Employee  Directors,"  as such  term  is  defined  in  Rule  16b-3(b)(3)(i)
promulgated under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  each having
the  requisite  qualifications  thereunder to satisfy the  requirements  of Rule

     (d) "Company shall mean BOVIE MEDICAL CORPORATION", a Delaware corporation.

     (e)  "Eligible  Person"  shall mean any  employee,  officer  or  consultant
providing services to the Company or any Affiliate who the Committee  determines
to be an Eligible  Person. A director of the Company who is not also an employee
of the Company or an Affiliate shall not be an Eligible Person.

     (f) "Fair Market Value" shall mean the closing "bid" price of the Company's
Shares on the date in question as quoted on the Electronic Bulletin Board of the
National  Association of Securities  Dealers or its Automated  Quotation  System
("NASDAQ") or on any successor national stock exchange on which the Common Stock
is then traded,  provided,  however, that if on the date in question there is no
public market

for the Company's Shares and they are neither quoted on "NASDAQ" nor traded on a
national securities  exchange,  then the Committee shall, in its sole discretion
and best judgment, determine the Fair Market Value.

     (g)  "Incentive  Stock Option" shall mean an option  granted under the Plan
that is  intended  to meet the  requirements  of Section  422 of the Code or any
successor provision.

     (h)  "Non-Qualified  Stock Option"  shall mean an option  granted under the
Plan that is not intended to be an Incentive Stock Option.

     (i) "Option" shall mean an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-Qualified  Stock

     (j)  "Option  Agreement"  shall mean any  written  agreement,  contract  or
document evidencing any Option granted under the Plan.

      (k) "Participant" shall mean an Eligible Person designated to be granted
an Option  under the  Plan.

     (l)  "Person"  shall  mean  any   individual,   corporation,   partnership,
association, limited liability company, association or trust.

     (m) "Plan" shall mean this 2003  Executive and Employee  Stock Option Plan,
as amended from time to time.

     (n) "Rule 16b-3" shall mean Rule 16b-3  promulgated  by the  Securities and
Exchange  Commission under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  or
any successor rule or regulation.

     (o) "Shares"  shall mean shares of Common  Stock,  $.001 par value,  of the

                                    SECTION 3


(a) Power and Authority of the Committee.  The Plan shall be administered by the
Board of Directors,  or,  pursuant to  resolution  of the Board of Directors,  a
committee consisting of at least two non-employee directors,  (the "Committee").
Subject  to the  express  provisions  of the Plan  and to  applicable  law,  the
Committee  shall have full power and authority  to: (i) designate  Participants;
(ii) determine the types of Options (e.g.,  whether  Incentive  Stock Options or
Non-Qualified  Stock Options) to be granted to each Participant  under the Plan;
(iii)  determine  the  number of  Shares  to be  covered  by each  Option;  (iv)
determine the terms and conditions of any Option Agreement;  (v) amend the terms
and  conditions of any Option  Agreement and accelerate  the  exercisability  of
Options covered  thereunder;  (vi) determine  whether,  to what extent and under
what  circumstances  Options may be exercised in cash, Shares or other property,
or canceled, forfeited or suspended; (vii) determine whether, to what extent and
under what  circumstances  Options shall be deferred either  automatically or at
the  election  of the holder  thereof or the  Committee;  (viii)  interpret  and
administer  the Plan and any  instrument  or Option  Agreement  relating  to, or
Option  granted under the Plan;  (ix)  establish,  amend,  suspend or waive such
rules and regulations  and appoint such agents as it shall deem  appropriate for
the proper  administration of the Plan; and (x) make any other determination and
take any other action that the  Committee  deems  necessary or desirable for the
administration of the Plan. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Plan, all
designations, determinations,  interpretations and other decisions under or with
respect to the Plan or any Option  shall be within  the sole  discretion  of the
Committee,  may be made at any time and shall be final,  conclusive  and binding
upon any Participant,  any holder or beneficiary of any Option granted under the
Plan and any employee of the Company or any Affiliate.

                                    SECTION 4


     (a) Shares  Available.  The total number of Shares for which Options may be
granted  pursuant to the Plan shall be  1,200,000  Shares of the Common Stock in
the aggregate,  subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4(c). If any Shares
covered  by an Option or to which an Option  relates  are not  purchased  or are
forfeited,  or if an Option otherwise expires, then the number of Shares counted
against the aggregate  number of Shares available under the Plan with respect to
such Option, to the extent of any such forfeiture or termination, shall again be
available for Options under the Plan.

     (b)  Accounting  for Shares  Covered by an Option.  For  purposes  of this
Section  4, the number of Shares  covered  by an Option  shall be counted on the
date of grant of such Option  against the aggregate  number of Shares  available
for granting Options under the Plan.

     (c)  Adjustments.  In the event that the Committee shall determine that any
dividend  or other  distribution  (whether  in the form of cash,  Shares,  other
securities  or other  property),  recapitalization,  stock split,  reverse stock
split, reorganization,  merger, consolidation,  split-up, spin-off, combination,
repurchase or exchange of Shares or other securities of the Company, issuance of
warrants or other rights to purchase  Shares or other  securities of the Company
or other similar rights to purchase Shares or other securities of the Company or
other similar  corporation  transaction  or event affects the Shares  subject to
Option  grants  under the Plan  such that an  adjustment  is  determined  by the
Committee to be appropriate  in order to prevent  dilution or enlargement of the
benefits or potential  benefits  intended to be made  available  under the Plan,
then the Committee shall, in such manner as it may deem equitable, adjust any or
all of(i) the  number of Shares  which may  thereafter  be made the  subject  of
Options;  (ii) the number of Shares subject to outstanding Option awards;  (iii)
the purchase or exercise  price with respect to any Option,  provided,  however,
that the number of Shares  covered by an Option or to which such Option  relates
shall always be a whole number.

     (d) Incentive Stock Options.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the number of
Shares  available for granting  Incentive Stock Options under the Plan shall not
exceed 1,200,000,  subject to adjustment as provided in the Plan and Section 422
or 424 of the Code or any successor provisions.

                                    SECTION 5


Any  Eligible  Person  shall be  eligible to be  designated  a  Participant.  In
determining  which Eligible Persons shall receive an Option and the terms of any
Option,  the Committee may take into account the nature of the services rendered
by the respective Eligible Persons, their present and potential contributions to
the  success  of the  Company or such other  factors  as the  Committee,  in its
discretion,  shall deem relevant.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  an Incentive
Stock Option may only be granted to fall or part-time  employees  (which term as
used herein includes,  without  limitation,  officers and directors who are also
employees) and an Incentive  Stock Option shall not be granted to an employee of
an Affiliate  unless such  Affiliate is also a "subsidiary  corporation"  of the
Company  within  the  meaning  of  Section  424(f) of the Code or any  successor

                                    SECTION 6

                                 OPTION AWARDS.

     The Committee is hereby  authorized to grant Options to  Participants  with
the following terms and conditions and with such additional terms and conditions
not  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of the  Plan  as the  Committee  shall

     (i) Exercise  Price.  The  purchase  price per Share  purchasable  under an
Option  shall be  determined  by the  Committee,  provided,  however,  that such
purchase  price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market  Value of a Share
on the date of grant of such Option, provided further, however, that in the case
of an Incentive  Stock  Option  granted to a  Participant  who, at the time such
Option is  granted,  owns  Shares  of the  Company  or shares of any  subsidiary
corporation or parent  corporation of the Company which  possesses more than ten
percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of shares of the
Company or of any subsidiary  corporation  or parent  corporation of the Company
(hereinafter,  a "10% Shareholder"),  the purchase price for each Share shall be
such amount as the Committee in its best judgment shall determine to be not less
than one hundred ten  percent  (110%) of the Fair Market  Value per Share at the
date the Incentive Stock Option is granted.  In determining stock ownership of a
Participant  for any purposes under the Plan, the rules of Section 424(d) of the
Code shall be applied,  and the  Committee may rely on  representations  of fact
made to it by Participant and believed by it to be true.

     (ii) Option Term.  The term of each Option shall be fixed by the  Committee
which in any event  shall  not  exceed a term  (10)  years  from the date of the
grant, provided, however, that the term of any Incentive Stock Option granted to
any 10%  Shareholder  shall not be exercisable  after the expiration of five (5)
years from the date such Incentive Stock option was granted.

     (iii)Maximum  Grant of Incentive  Stock Options.  The aggregate Fair Market
Value  (determined on the date the Incentive  Stock Option is granted) of Shares
subject to an  Incentive  Stock  Option  (when first  exercisable)  granted to a
Participant by the Committee in any calendar year shall not exceed $100,000.

     (iv) Time and Method of Exercise.  Subject to the  provisions  of the Plan,
the  Committee  shall  determine  the time or times  at which an  Option  may be
exercised  in whole or in part and the method or methods by which,  and the form
or forms (including,  without limitation,  cash, Shares, promissory notes, other
securities, other property,  cancellation of credit or amounts due optionee from
Company, or any combination thereof,  having a Fair Market Value on the exercise
date equal to the  relevant  exercise  price) in which,  payment of the exercise
price with respect thereto may be made or deemed to have been made.

     (v) Vesting of Options.  Options granted to participants  shall either vest
immediately on grant or shall vest over time as follows:

     (a)  Except as  specified  by the  Committee  at the time of  grant,  as to
Participants  that have served the Company for a period of less than five years,
options  granted  under the Plan shall vest at the rate of 20%  thereof for each
year served and 20% per year for each additional  year thereafter  until a total
of five  years has been  served by the  Participant.  At that  time,  the Option
granted to the Participant shall be deemed fully vested.

     (b) As to  Participants  that have been  employed or  otherwise  served the
Company for a period of five consecutive  years or more at the time of the grant
of an Option under the Plan, such Option shall be deemed fully vested at time of

     (c) All  Options  under the Plan shall be  required  to be vested  prior to
exercise  and if the entire  option is not fully vested at the time of exercise,
only that portion of the option that is vested shall be  exercisable.  e.g. If a
participant  who has been an employee  (as  defined)  with the Company for three
years is  granted an option for one  thousand  shares and wishes to  immediately
exercise  it. Under the terms of the Plan,  six hundred  shares may be exercised
immediately  (because  the shares  vest  immediately  due to his three  years of
service)  and as to the other  four  hundred  shares,  options to  exercise  two
hundred shares shall vest and be  exercisable  during the fourth year of service
with the Company  and  options  for the balance of 200 shares  shall vest and be
exercisable  during the fifth  year that the  participant  has  served  with the
Company.  After the fifth year of service,  any other  options  received by that
Participant  shall vest  immediately  because  participant  will have served the
Company for five years at the time of such option  grant.

     (vi) Limits on Transfer of Options.  No Option shall be  transferable  by a
Participant  otherwise than by will or by the laws of descent and  distribution;
provided,  however,  that, if so determined by the Committee, a Participant may,
in  the  manner  established  by  the  Committee,  designate  a  beneficiary  or
beneficiaries  to exercise the rights of the  Participant and receive any Shares
purchased  with  respect to any Option upon the death of the  Participant.  Each
Option  shall be  exercisable  during  the  Participant's  lifetime  only by the
Participant  or, if  permissible  under  applicable  law,  by the  Participant's
guardian  or legal  representative.  No Option or Shares  underlying  any Option
shall be pledged, alienated, attached or otherwise encumbered, and any purported
pledge,  alienation,  attachment  or  encumbrance  thereof  shall  be  void  and
unenforceable against the Company or any Affiliate.

     (vii)  Restrictions:  Securities  Exchange  Listing.  All  certificates for
Shares delivered upon the exercise of Options under the Plan shall be subject to
such stop  transfer  orders and other  restrictions  as the  Committee  may deem
advisable under the Plan or the rules, regulations and other requirements of the
Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  and  any  applicable  federal  or  state
securities laws, and the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be placed on
such  certificates to make appropriate  reference to such  restrictions.  If the
Shares or other  securities are traded on a national  securities  exchange,  the
Company shall not be required to deliver any Shares  covered by an Option unless
and until  such  Shares  have  been  admitted  for  trading  on such  securities

     (viii) Termination of Employment.

     (A) Upon termination of the employment or consultancy,  as the case may be,
of any Participant,  an Option  previously  granted to the  Participant,  unless
otherwise  specified by the  Committee in the Option,  shall,  to the extent not
theretofore  exercised,  terminate and become null and void,  provided  that:

     (a) If the  Participant  shall die while in the  employ of the  Company  or
during a period after termination of employment as specified in clause (b) below
and at a time when such Participant was entitled to exercise an Option as herein
provided,  the legal  representative  of such  Participant,  or such  Person who
acquired such Option by bequest or  inheritance or by reason of the death of the
Participant,  may, not later than one (1) year from the date of death,  exercise
any non-vested  Option which was not theretofore  exercised in respect of any or
all of such number of Shares as specified by the Committee in such Option; and

     (b)With respect to Participants who are employees, if the employment of any
employee to whom such Option shall have been granted  shall  terminate by reason
of the Employee's  retirement  (at such age or upon such  conditions as shall be
specified  by the Board of  Directors),  disability  (as  described  in  Section
22(e)(3)  of the Code) or  dismissal  by the  employer  other than for cause (as
defined below), and while such employee  Participants  entitled to exercise such
option as herein  provided,  such employee  Participant  shall have the right to
exercise  any  non-vested  Option  held  by him  (or  her),  to the  extent  not
theretofore  exercised,  in  respect  of any or all of such  number of Shares as
specified  by the  Committee  in such  Option,  at any time up to and  including
twelve (12) months  after the date of such  termination  of  employment.  In the
event death occurs during the 12 month period after  termination  for any reason
other than for cause,  the time for such optionee's  representative  to exercise
such option shall extend to one (1) year from date of death of the optionee.

     (B) If a  Participant  voluntarily  terminates  his or  her  employment  or
consultancy,  as the case may be, any non-vested Option granted hereunder shall,
unless otherwise  specified by the Committee in the Option,  forthwith terminate
with respect to any unexercised portion thereof.

     (C) If a Participant is terminated for cause as  hereinafter  defined,  all
vested and  non-vested  options shall  terminate  immediately  unless  otherwise
specified by the committee in the Option or at time of termination.

     (D) If an  Option  granted  hereunder  shall  be  exercised  by  the  legal
representative  of a  deceased  or  disabled  Participant,  or by a  person  who
acquired an Option  granted  hereunder by bequest or inheritance or by reason of
death of any such person,  written  notice of such exercise shall be accompanied
by a certified copy of letters  testamentary or equivalent proof of the right of
such legal representative or other person to exercise such Option.

     (E) For all purposes of the Plan, the term "for cause" shall mean, (i) with
respect to a Participant  who is a party to a written  employment or consultancy
agreement  with the Company,  as the case may be, which contains a definition of
"for cause" or "cause" (or words of like import) for purposes of  termination of
employment or consultancy  thereunder by the Company,  "for cause" or "cause" as
defined in the most recent of such  agreements,  or (ii) in all other cases,  as
determined by the  Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  that one or more of the
following  has  occurred:  (W) any  failure by a  Participant  to  substantially
perform his or her employment or consultancy  duties,  as the case may be, which
shall not have been corrected  within thirty (30) days following  written notice
thereof,  (X) any engaging by such  Participant in misconduct or, in the case of
an officer  Participant,  any failure or refusal by such officer  Participant to
follow the  directions  of the Company's  Board of Directors or Chief  Executive
Officer of the Company which, in either case, is injurious to the Company or any
Affiliate,  (Y) any breach by a  Participant  of any  covenant  contained in the
instrument  pursuant  to which an Option is granted,  or (Z) such  Participant's
conviction of or entry of a plea of nolo contendere in respect of any felony, or
of a  misdemeanor  which  results  in or is  reasonably  expected  to  result in
economic or reputational injury to the Company or any of its Affiliates.

                                    SECTION 7


Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law and unless otherwise expressly
provided in an Option Agreement or in the Plan:

     (a)  Amendments  to the Plan.  The Board of  Directors  of the  Company may
amend, alter,  suspend,  discontinue or terminate the Plan;  provided,  however,
that,  notwithstanding  any other provision of the Plan or any Option Agreement,
without the  approval of the  stockholders  of the Company,  no such  amendment,
alteration,  suspension,  discontinuation  or  termination  shall be made  that,
absent such approval:

     (i) would cause Rule 16b-3 to become unavailable with respect to the Plan;

     (ii) would  violate the rules or  regulations  of any  national  securities
exchange  on  which  the  Shares  of the  Company  are  traded  or the  rules or
regulations  of the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc. that are
applicable to the Company; or

     (iii)  would  cause the  Company  to be  unable,  under the Code,  to grant
Incentive Stock Options under the Plan.

     (b) Amendments to Option Grants.  The Committee may waive any conditions or
rights of the Company  under any  outstanding  Option  grant,  prospectively  or
retroactively.  The  Committee may not amend,  alter,  suspend,  discontinue  or
terminate any outstanding Option grant, prospectively or retroactively,  without
the  consent of the  Participant  or holder or  beneficiary  thereof,  except as
otherwise herein provided.

     (c) Correction of Defects,  Omissions and  Inconsistencies.  The Committees
may correct any defect,  supply any omission or reconcile any  inconsistency  in
the Plan or any Option in the  manner and to the extent it shall deem  desirable
to carry the Plan into effect.

                                    SECTION 8


     (a)  Withholding.  In order to comply with all applicable  federal or state
income tax laws or  regulations,  the  Company  may take such action as it deems
appropriate to ensure that all applicable federal or state payroll, withholding,
income or other  taxes,  which  are the sole and  absolute  responsibility  of a
Participant, are withheld or collected from such Participant. In order to assist
a  Participant  in paying all or a portion of the  federal and state taxes to be
withheld  or  collected  upon  exercise  of any Option,  the  Committee,  in its
discretion and subject to such additional  terms and conditions as it may adopt,
may permit the  Participant  to satisfy such tax  obligation  by (i) electing to
have the Company withhold a portion of the Shares otherwise to be delivered upon
exercise  of any Option  with a Fair  Market  Value  equal to the amount of such
taxes or (ii)  delivering to the Company  Shares other than the Shares  issuable
upon  exercise of the  applicable  Option with a Fair Market  Value equal to the
amount of such taxes.  The election,  if any, must be made on or before the date
that the amount of tax to be withheld is determined.

     (b)  Tax  Bonuses.  The  Committee,  in  its  discretion,  shall  have  the
authority,  at the time of grant of any  Option  under  this Plan or at any time
thereafter,  to approve cash bonuses to designated  Participants to be paid upon
their  exercise in order to provide funds to pay all or a portion of federal and
state  taxes due as a result of such  exercise.  The  Committee  shall have lull
authority in its discretion to determine the amount of any such tax bonus.

                                    SECTION 9

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS.

     (a) No Rights to Option Grants.  No Eligible  Person,  Participant or other
Person shall have any claim to be granted an Option under the Plan, and there is
no obligation for uniformity of treatment of Eligible  Persons,  Participants or
holders  or  beneficiaries  of  Options  granted  under the Plan.  The terms and
conditions  of Options need not be the same with respect to any  Participant  or
with respect to different Participants.

     (b)Option  Certificates.  No  Participant  will have rights under an Option
granted to such Participant  unless and until an Option  Certificates shall have
been duly executed by the Company.  Each Option Certificates shall set forth the
terms and conditions of any Option granted to a Participant  consistent with the
provisions of this Plan.

     (c) No Limit on Other Compensation  Arrangements.  Nothing contained in the
Plan shall prevent the Company or any  Affiliate  from adopting or continuing in
effect other or additional compensation arrangements,  and such arrangements may
be either generally applicable or applicable only in specific cases.

     (d) No Right to  Employment.  The grant of an Option shall not be construed
as giving a Participant the right to be retained in the employ of the Company or
any  Affiliate,  nor will it  affect in anyway  the right of the  Company  or an
Affiliate to terminate such  employment at any time,  with or without cause.  In
addition, the Company or an Affiliate may at any time dismiss a Participant from
employment free from any liability or any claim under the Plan, unless otherwise
expressly provided in the Plan or in any Option Agreement.

     (e) Governing Law. The validity, construction and effect of the Plan or any
Option granted hereunder,  and any rules and regulations relating to the Plan or
any Option granted hereunder, shall be determined in accordance with the laws of
the State of Delaware except to the extent preempted by Federal law.

     (f) Severability.  If any provision of the Plan or any Option is or becomes
or is deemed to be invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  in any  jurisdiction  or
would  disqualify the Plan or any Option under any law deemed  applicable by the
Committee,  such  provision  shall be construed or deemed  amended to conform to
applicable laws, or if it cannot be so construed or deemed amended  without,  in
the determination of the Committee, materially altering the purpose or intent of
the Plan or the Option, such provision shall be stricken as to such jurisdiction
or Option,  and the  remainder  of the Plan or any Option  shall  remain in full
force and effect.

     (g) Section  Headings.  The section  headings  included herein are only for
convenience, and they shall have no effect on the interpretation of the Plan.

                                   SECTION 10

                           EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PLAN.

The Plan shall be  effective  on January 21, 2003 (the "Plan  Effective  Date"),
subject  to  approval  by  the  Company's   stockholders  within  one  (1)  year

                                   SECTION 11

                                TERM OF THE PLAN.

Unless  the Plan shall have been  discontinued  or  terminated  as  provided  in
Section 7(a),  the Plan shall  terminate on January 20, 2013. No Option shall be
granted after the termination of the Plan.  However,  unless otherwise expressly
provided  in  the  Plan  or in an  applicable  Option  Certificate,  any  Option
theretofore  granted  may extend  beyond the  termination  of the Plan,  and the
authority of the Committee  provided for hereunder  with respect to the Plan and
any Option grants, and the authority of the Board of Directors of the Company to
amend the Plan, shall extend beyond the termination of the Plan.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Plan has been executed at Melville,  N.Y on this 21st
day of January, 2003.

                                                  Bovie Medical Corporation
                                                  By S/Andrew Makrides
                                                  Andrew Makrides, President
                                                  and Chief Executive Officer

                            Bovie Medical Corporation
                             A Delaware Corporation
                              FORM OF STOCK OPTION

Name of Optionee                                      Date Option Granted
Address                                               No. ________

This option  ("Option")  is made as of the date set forth above by Bovie Medical
Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  (hereinafter  the  "Company"),  and  the
Optionee  named above  (hereinafter  "Optionee").  The option  granted hereby is
granted  pursuant to the Bovie Medical  Corporation  2003 Executive and Employee
Stock Option Plan dated January 21, 2003 (the "Plan").

     1.Grant of Option.  Pursuant to and subject to the terms and  conditions of
the Plan, the Company grants to the Optionee the right and option (the "Option")
to purchase at $.__ per share on the terms and conditions  hereinafter set forth
all  or any  part  of an  aggregate  of________  shares  (the  "Shares")  of the
currently  authorized  and  unissued  Common  Stock,  par value $.OO1 per share.
Subject to the terms of the Plan, the Option shall be  exercisable,  in whole or
in part,  during the period  commencing with the date on which it is granted and
ending on ________ , 20___.

     Nothing  contained herein shall be construed to limit or restrict the right
of the Company or a parent or subsidiary corporation of the Company to terminate
the Optionee's services for the Company.

     2.Vesting of Option.  The option  granted  hereby shall vest at the rate of
20% of the amount of the grant for each year of employment up to a total of five
years at which time the option  becomes fully  vested.  Each Optionee is able to
apply his (her) prior years of employment in order to achieve  immediate vesting
of a portion or all of the  options  granted  hereby,  depending  upon the total
years of prior employment.  Accordingly, if an Optionee has been employed by the
Company for three years at the time he (she)  receive this option,  then a total
of 60% of this  option  is  deemed  fully  vested  to the  extent of 60% of such
option.  For each  additional  year  employed,  an additional  20% of the option
granted  hereby  shall  vest until a total of 5 years of  employment  (including
employment prior to the grant of this option) will have occurred.  At that time,
the option will be deemed fully vested.

     3.  Exercisability  of Option.  All options granted under the plan shall be
exercisable during the term of the option provided the option is fully vested or
the  Optionee is employed by the Company at the time of  exercise.  In the event
the option is not fully  vested or the  Optionee is no longer an employee of the
Company at the time of exercise, then the provisions of paragraph 5 shall apply.

     4. Method of  Exercise.  The Option may be  exercised  pursuant  thereto by
written notice to the Company stating the number of shares with respect to which
the option is being  exercised,  together  with payment in full,  (a) in cash or
certified  check;  (b) or  acknowledgement  of  cancellation  of  the  Company's
indebtedness  to the Optionee for services or otherwise;  or (c) any combination
of the foregoing. If requested by the Board of Directors,  prior to the delivery
of any  Shares,  the  Optionee  shall  supply  the  Board  of  Directors  with a
representation  that the Shares are not being  acquired  with a view to unlawful
distribution  and will be sold or otherwise  disposed of only in accordance with
applicable federal and state statutes, rules and regulations.

     As soon after the notice of exercise as the Company is  reasonably  able to
comply,  the Company shall,  without payment of any transfer or issue tax by the
Optionee,  deliver to the Optionee or any such other person,  at the main office
of the  company  or  such  other  place  as  shall  be  mutually  acceptable,  a
certificate or certificates  for the Shares being purchased upon exercise of the
Option.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Company  shall have the right to
postpone  the time of  delivery of the Shares for such period as may be required
for  it  with  reasonable  diligence  to  comply  with  any  applicable  listing
requirements of any national securities exchange or any federal,  state or local
law.  The  Optionee  may  exercise  the Option for less than the total number of
Shares  for  which  the  Option  is then  exercisable,  provided  that a partial
exercise  may not be for fewer  than 100  Shares,  unless the  remaining  shares
exercisable  under the  Option is for less than 100  Shares.  The  Option may be
exercisable for whole Shares only.

     5. Termination of Option. The Option shall terminate and expire immediately
as to the total number of remaining  unexercised option shares at the expiration
date of the option. In addition,  the option shall automatically  terminate upon
the earlier of the following:

(i)Immediately  upon  termination of the Optionee's  employment with the Company
for cause (as defined under the Plan) regardless of whether the option is vested
or non-vested;

(ii) If the option is not vested,  at the expiration of twelve (12) months after
of termination of the Optionee's employment by the Company for any other reason,
as such term is defined  under the Plan;  provided,  that if the  Optionee  dies
within such twelve-month period, subclause (iii) below shall apply; or

(iii) At the  expiration  of twelve (12)  months  after the date of death of the
Optionee, if the Option is not vested.

(iv) On the  effective  date of  voluntary  termination  with the Company by the
Participant if the Option is not vested.

(v) Except for  termination  for cause,  all vested  options,  as defined in the
Plan, shall expire upon the expiration date set forth in Paragraph 1 hereof.

     6.Adjustments.  If there is any change in the capitalization of the Company
affecting in any manner the number or kind of outstanding shares of Common Stock
of the Company,  whether by stock  dividend,  stock split,  reclassification  or
recapitalization   of  such  stock,   or  because  the  Company  has  merged  or
consolidated  with one or more other  corporations (and provided the Option does
not thereby terminate pursuant to Section 5 hereof), then the number and kind of
shares then  subject to the Option and the price to be paid  therefore  shall be
appropriately adjusted by the Board of Directors;  provided, however, that in no
event shall any such  adjustment  result in the Company's being required to sell
or issue any fractional shares. Any such adjustment shall be made without change
in the aggregate  purchase price  applicable to the  unexercised  portion of the
option,  but with an appropriate  adjustment to the price of each Share or other
unit of security covered by this Option.

     7.Cessation of Corporate Existence.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
this  Option,   upon  the  dissolution  or  liquidation  of  the  Company,   the
reorganization,  merger  or  consolidation  of the  Company  with  one  or  more
corporations as a result of which the Company is not the surviving  corporation,
or the sale of  substantially  all the assets of the Company or of more than 50%
of the then  outstanding  stock of the Company to another  corporation  or other
entity, the option granted hereunder shall terminate;  provided,  however, that:
(i)  each  option  for  which  no  option  has been  tendered  by the  surviving
corporation in accordance  with all of the terms of provision  (ii)  immediately
below shall,  within five days before the effective date of such  dissolution or
liquidation,  merger or  consolidation or sale of assets in which the Company is
not the surviving  corporation or sale of stock,  become fully  exercisable;  or
(ii) in its sole and absolute  discretion,  the surviving  corporation  may, but
shall not be so  obligated  to,  tender to any  Optionee,  an option to purchase
shares  of the  surviving  corporation,  and such new  option or  options  shall
contain such terms and provisions as shall be required substantially to preserve
the rights and benefits of this option.

     8. Non-Transferability. The Option is not assignable or transferable by the
Optionee,  either  voluntarily or by operation of law, otherwise than by will or
by the  laws  of  descent  and  distribution,  and is  exercisable,  during  the
Optionee's lifetime,  only by the Optionee.  Upon any attempted transfer of this
Option  contrary to the  provisions  hereof,  the Board of Directors may, at its
discretion, terminate this option.

     9. No Stockholder Rights. The Optionee or other person entitled to exercise
this option shall have no rights or privileges as a stockholder  with respect to
any Shares  subject  hereto  until the  Optionee  or such  person has become the
holder of record of such Shares,  and no adjustment  (except such  adjustment as
may be effected  pursuant to the  provisions  of Section 4 hereof) shall be made
for dividends or distributions of rights in respect of such Shares if the record
date is prior to the date on which  the  Optionee  or such  person  becomes  the
holder of record.

Executed by the Company as of this _____ day of _______________, 2003.

                                                Bovie Medical Corporation
                                                a Delaware corporation


(Printed Name) (As Registered)

                            BOVIE MEDICAL CORPORATION



The undersigned  hereby appoints Andrew Makrides and George W. Kromer,  Jr., and
each of them,  Proxies with power of  substitution  each, for and in the name of
the  undersigned,  and hereby  authorize  them to represent and to vote, all the
shares of common  stock of Bovie  Medical  Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation
("Company"),  that the  undersigned  would be entitled to vote at the  Company's
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  ("Annual  Meeting") on July 30, 2003 and at any
adjournments  thereof,  upon the  matters  set  forth in the  Notice  of  Annual
Meeting,  hereby revoking any Proxy  heretofore  given.  The Proxies are further
authorized to vote in their  discretion upon such other business as may properly
come before the Annual  Meeting.  This proxy will be voted as  specified.  If no
direction is made, this proxy will be voted in favor of all proposals.


1. Election of Directors (check one box only)
FOR [   ]           AGAINST [   ]


Andrew Makrides

J. Robert Saron

Alfred V Greco

George W. Kromer, Jr.

(Instruction:  To  withhold  authority  to vote  for any  nominee,  circle  that
nominee's name in the above list)

(Continued and to be signed and dated on reverse side)

(Back of Proxy)

(Please sign and date below)

2. To ratify the  selection of BLOOM & COMPANY as  independent  auditors for the
Company. FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

3. To approve the Company's 2003 Executive and Employee Stock Option Plan.

FOR [   ]        AGAINST [   ]      ABSTAIN [   ]

 I (We) will[   ] will not [   ] attend the meeting in person.

Dated:_________________________, 2003

(Please Print Name)

(Signature of Stockholder) (Title, if applicable)

(Please Print Name)

(Signature of Stockholder) (Title, if applicable)