K E N N E T H I. D E N O S, P. C.

                                     10757 SOUTH, RIVER FRONT PARKWAY, SUITE 125
                                                       SOUTH JORDAN, UTAH 84 095
                                                              FAX:(801) 816-2599

                                 April 25, 2006

Mr. Jay Ingram
Mr. John Reynolds
Division of Corporate Finance
Office of Emerging Growth Companies
450 Fifth Street, N.W., Mail Stop 0511
Washington, D.C. 20549
Telephone (202) 942-2791
Facsimile (202) 942-9516

         Re:      Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.
                  Registration Statement on Form SB-2
                  File No. 333-119915
                  Amendment Filed:  April 25, 2006

Dear Messrs. Ingram and Reynolds:

         This firm serves as counsel to Cancer Therapeutics, Inc. in connection
with its submission of a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on Form SB-2. We acknowledge receipt of your comments to our initial
filing on Form SB-2 dated April 19, 2006. We thank you for your input and this
letter is intended to respond accordingly. Each paragraph number of this letter
corresponds to your comments to us dated April 19, 2006, and we have attached
two redlined copies and one clean copy, each such copy bound, of our amended
registration statement on Form SB-2 for your timely review and comment as
appropriate. We note to you that in addition to the comment you have made, we
have amended our filing to include another quarter of financial information to
keep this filing current.

Results of Operations - Revenues, page 10
- -----------------------------------------

     1.   COMMENT.  We note your revisions in response to our prior comment 2 of
          our letter  dated April 10,  2006,  specifically,  that you  generated
          $1,350 of revenue  from the  treatment  of one  patient  using  T-cell
          therapy. In this regard, you disclose that T-cell therapy is available
          to patients on an  "experimental  basis."  Please provide a materially
          complete  explanation of how it is that you are able to provide T-cell
          treatment  on an  "experimental  basis" and charge  patients for these
          services  without  approval from the US Food and Drug  Administration.
          Also, is the FDA aware that you have charged fees for  providing  this
          service in the past?  Finally,  reconcile  your  disclosure  with that
          contained on page 13 where you indicate  that you do no  commercialize
          or market T-cell therapy.  We may have further comment after reviewing
          your response.

          RESPONSE:  Cancer Therapeutics is able to provide  experimental T-cell
          therapy  for  patients  through  patient-funded  research.   Patients,
          through  their  physicians,  request to have  cells from their  tumors
          grown.  If the patient's  own T-cells can be grown in a culture,  then
          these  T-cells can be used by the  patient's  physician  for treatment
          using  an FDA  approved  support  drug  called  interleukin-2.  Cancer
          Therapeutics'  role is to attempt to grow the T-cells for patients and
          physicians, and not to do the actual injection of the patient's cells.

          Each year the FDA reviews  each of Cancer  Therapeutics'  INDs and any
          applications   of  the  INDs.   In  2004,   the  FDA  visited   Cancer
          Therapeutics. The FDA has been satisfied each year with the use of the
          INDs  and is  aware  of  Cancer  Therapeutics'  use of  patient-funded
          research.  The costs passed  through to the patients are for the costs
          and expenses for growing the T-cells.

          Cancer  Therapeutics  does not  market  or  commercialize  the  T-cell
          therapy.  This is an accurate statement.  Physicians that store tumors
          in the Cryobank are aware that Cancer Therapeutics has an IND allowing
          for the harvest of T-cells.  At the physician's and patient's request,
          we can  attempt  to grow  T-cells.  Many  scholarly  papers  have been
          written on the possible  benefits of T-cell  injection and oncologists
          are  aware of  T-cell  therapy.  The  T-cell  patient-funded  research
          partially  covers the costs that are associated with the  experimental
          T-cell therapy. Patient funded research supports research efforts, but
          does not purchase a product.  Sometimes,  the research is unsuccessful
          in  producing  any  T-cells.  The FDA has not raised any concern  over
          Cancer Therapeutic's use of patient-funded  research.  In fact, I have
          attached  one of the  many  ethics  studies  regarding  patient-funded

          In sum, Cancer  Therapeutics uses  patient-funded  research,  does not
          market or commercialize  their services and is in full compliance with
          the FDA in its use of its INDs.

     We hope that our  responses  to your  comments  have been both  timely  and
succinct.  If you  require  any further  information,  please  contact me at the
number above via telephone or fax, or by e-mail at kdenos@denoslaw.com.

                                    KENNETH I. DENOS P.C.

                                    /s/Kenneth I. Denos
                                    Kenneth I. Denos

cc:   Robert Oldham, M.D.
      Michael Low
      Chene Gardner