ENVIRO-DYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 770373 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73177 STREET ADDRESS: 3441 W. MEMORIAL ROAD OKLAHOMA CITY, OK PHONE (406) 762-0060 FAX 752-0061 E-MAIL lampkin@ionet.net CHARLES LAMPKIN MEMBER: REGISTRATIONS: ASTM Professional Engineer NLAC Environmental Property Assessor 0. U. CEES Advisory Board Environmental Manager April 19, 2000 Mr. Kendall Aduddell Aduddell Construction Company 10401 N. County Line Road Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73099 Re: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Proposed 6.38 Acre Site of Village of Oakwood 11400 SE 15th Street Midwest City, Oklahoma Gentlemen: We are transmitting three copies of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on the referenced property. The environmental assessment conforms to the standard practice of the Amefican Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 1527-97 for property transfers. A Registered Environmental Froperty Assessor Conducted this assessment. The report consists of a field inspection, interviews with knowledgeable persons, historical information and a review of environmental regulatory information. Enviro-Dyne Engineering Company appreciates this opportunity to provide these services to you. If you hpkpny questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact me. ENVIRO-DYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY /s/Charles Lampkin Charles Lampkin Registered Environmental Property Assessor #1 145 *ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS *PROPERRY CONDITION ASSESSMENTS *LEAD-BASED PAINT SURVEYS *REMEDIAL DESIGNS PHASE I ENVIRONMETAL SITE ASSESSMENT On 6.38 ACRES OF UNDEVELOPED LAND PROPOSED VILLAGE OF OAKWOOD SITE 11400 SE 15TH STREET MIDWEST CITY, OKLAHOMA Requested by: Mr. KENDALL ADUDDELL OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Prepared for: Mr. KANDALL ADUDDELL OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Prepared by: ENVIRO-DYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY 3441 WEST MEMORIAL ROAD, SUITE 6 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73134 Telephone (405) 752-0060 Fax (405) 752-0061 E-mail - lampkind@ionet.net Final Issued: APRIL 19, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS HEADINGS PAGE 1.0 SUMMARY 5-6 2.0 INTRODUCTION 6-8 2.1 PURPOSE 6 2.2 OBJECTIVE 7 2.3 SCOPE OF SERVICES 7 2.4 LIMITING CONDITIONS AND METHODOLOGY 8 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 8-10 3.1 SITE OBSERVATION 8 VICINITY MAP 3.2 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 9 3.3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 9 3.4 CURRENT USES OF PROPERTY 9 3.5 INFORMATION REPORTED BY OWNER 9 SITE LOCATION 3.6 ADJOINING PROPERTY OBSERVATION 10 3.7 UTILITIES 10 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW 11-13 4.1 ON-SITE RESEARCH 11 4.2 OFF-SITE RESEARCH 11 SEARCH AREA MAP 4.3 REGULATORY REVIEW 12 4.4 SUMMARY OF REGULATORY LISTINGS 13 4.5 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCES 13 4.6 STANDARD HISTORICAL SOURCES 13 4.7 HISTORICAL LAND USE 13 4.8 PRIOR OWNERSHIP 13 5.0 INFORMATION FROM SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS 14-17 5.1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING 14 5.2 TOPOGRAPHY 14 5.3 GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY 14 5.4 SITE CONDITIONS 14 5.5 OWNERS COMPLIANCE 15 5.6 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USED ON SITE 15 5.7 WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES 15 5.8 STORED MATERIALS 15 5.9 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCB) 16 5.10 RADON 16 5.11 WETLANDS 16 5.12 FLOODING 16 5.13 ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES 16 5.14 OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 16 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 17-18 6.1 RECOMMENDATIONS 17 6.2 CONCLUSIONS 17 LIMITATIONS 19 ASTM STANDARD PRACTICE 20 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 21 ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE 22 - 23 APPENDICES TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DEVELOPMENT MAP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS RADON MAP SITE PHOTOGRAPHS REGULATORY INFORMATION NPL CERCLA RCRATSD RCRA Generator ERNS PADS TRI SSTS DOCKET TSCA State Superfund SWF LUST UST AST Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 5 04/19/00 1.0 EXCUTIVE SUMMARY Enviro-Dyne Engineering Company (EDEC) was requested by Mr. Kendall Aduddell to conduct this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) on the 6.38 acres of undeveloped land in Midwest City, Oklahoma. An ESA conducted by Cardinal Environmental, Inc. in September of 1993 was reviewed. This assessment was performed on a large parcel of which the subject site was a part. The 1993 ESA concluded that there were no recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. This assessment includes an inspection of the property, an interview with knowledgeable persons, a review of local, state and federal environmental database records and a historical review of the site. Based on the results of this assessment, the following conclusions on the site are presented: * Historical sources as well as interviews with persons knowledgeable of the site did not identify past uses that could contribute to any contamination or threats of contamination on the properties. * The City of Midwest City Water Department furnishes drinking water to this area. Sanitary sewer service is provided by the city via underground pipelines. Sanitary waste treatment is conveyed to a municipal treatment facility off site. * There is no evidence of sumps, pits, lagoons or ponds on the site. * There is no evidence that there has been a spill or release on the site. * No hazardous materials are stored on the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6 04/19/00 * Electrical transformers owned by local electric utility company are located on the site, however the transformers are labeled non-PCB. * There are no wetlands identified on the site. The property is not located in a flood zone. * Based on the state/EPA radon data, the site does not have a potential for radon accumulation/formation. Average tests were reported to be less than 2 pCi/i . The EPA action level is 4 pCi/l. * Review of federal/state/local database records did not indicate any hazardous waste-related concerns associated with the site or with other properties that are within the search area. * It is not recommended that additional assessments be conducted. Pursuant to ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-97, there is no evidence of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Punpose The purpose of this report is to provide general information regarding the presence of, or the potential of, hazardous or toxic materials at the site that 1) constitute or result in a material violation of any applicable environmental law: 2) impose any material constraints on the operation of the site or require a material change in the use thereof: 3) require clean-up remedial action or other response with respect to hazardous substances: 4) may affect the value of the site: 5) may Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 7 04/19/00 require specific actions to be performed with regard to such conditions and circumstances. 2.2 Objective The objective of this report is to make "all appropriate inquiry" into the identification of "recognized environmental conditions" in connection with the property to satisfy the requirements of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). This practice is intended to qualify for the "innocent landlord defense"to CERCLA liability. 2.3 Scope of Services A. General - A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is a non-intrusive investigation that focuses on : (1) researching available documents, (2) interviews with persons knowledgeable of the site operations and background, and (3) an inspection of the site. If the assessment is inconclusive or if suspicious materials are encountered, a Phase II may be required. A Phase II Assessment includes physical sampling and the analysis of the materials by a laboratory. B. This report conforms to the Standard Practice of the American Society of Testing and Matetials (ASTM). These standards were developed to establish good site assessment practices that satisfy the due diligent responsibilities in commercial real estate transactions. C. Report - This report presents the findings and conclusions of the Phase I Assessment in accordance with ASTM Standard E 1527-97 and is signed by a Registered Environmental Property Assessor. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 8 04/19/00 2.4 Limiting Conditions and Methodology Used A. A site reconnaissance is conducted by a Registered Environmental Property Assessor. This reconnaissance consists of systematically walking the property to provide an overlapping field of view and noting potential environmental hazards or adverse site conditions. B. The site reconnaissance also includes identifying all adjoining properties within reasonable reach of migration of hazardous materials. The topography and surface water flow is observed. C. The records review includes records that are reasonably ascertainable which includes 1) information that is publicly available, 2) information that is obtainable from its source within a reasonable time and cost restraints or 3) information that is practically reviewable. D. There are no test for soil contamination, air quality or a wetlands delineation study as these items are not included within a standard Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and were not specifically requested by the owner. E. Non-Scope Considerations - There may be environmental issues or conditions at a property that parties may wish assess in connection with commercial real estate that are outside the scope of this practice. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Site Observation Mr. Charles Lampkin, P.E., of Enviro-Dyne Engineering Company conducted the site reconnaissance on April 11, 2000. The property was systematically walked to determine if any hazardous materials are present. The [VICINITY MAP INDICATING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY APPROX 3 MILE RADIUS] Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 9 04/19/00 adjacent properties were observed to determine if their operations would have any environmental impact on the subject properties. Photographs of pertinent areas were taken and are presented in the appendices. 3.2 Physical Description of Property The property consists of 6.38 acres of undeveloped land along SE 15th Street in Midwest City. The property is heavily wooded with trees, bushes and native grass. There are no improvements on the property. The access to the property is from SE 15th Street. 3.3 Legal Description of Property Legal descriptions of the properties are: a part of the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 1 1 North, Range 1 West, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. A more detailed description is in the appendices. 3.4 Current Uses of Property There is no current use of the property. 3.5 Information Reported by Owner The representative of the owner stated that there are no recorded environmental liens against the property, nor are they aware of any recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. [VICINITY MAP INDICATING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY APPROX 1 MILE RADIUS] Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 10 04/19/00 3.6 Adjoining Property Observation The adjoining properties were visually and physically observed to determine if there are recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject properties. North -Across SE 15 th Street - Vacant property South - Vacant property East - Single family development West - Vacant property The observation of the adjoining properties did not reveal any environmental conditions that would adversely affect the subject property. 3.7 Utilities Water Services - City of Midwest City Sanitary Sewer Services - City of Midwest City Storm Sewer Services - City of Midwest City Electrical Service - O. G. & E. Gas Service - ONG Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 11 04/19/00 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW 4.1 On-Site Research A review of available environmental information disclosed the following data relating to reports on incidents of contamination or storage of hazardous or toxic materials on the subject property. INFORMATION AGENCY RESPONSE National Priorities List (NPL) EPA None CERCLA List EPA None RCRA TSD List EPA None RCRA Generators List EPA None TRI Sites EPA None ERNS Sites EPA None State NPL State None State Superfund State None Underground Storage Tanks (USTS) State None Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) State None Solid Waste Facilities List (SWF) State None 4.2 Off-Site Research The off-site research of available environmental information also includes those properties or incidents within the minimum search distance as designated by the ASTM Standard Practice. INFORMATION AGENCY SEARCH AREA RESPONSE (miles) National Priorities List E.P.A. 1.0 None CERCLA Listing E.P.A. 0.5 None RCRA TSD List E.P.A. 1.0 None RCRA Generators List E.P.A. 0.25 None TRIS Sites E.P.A. 0.5 None ERN Sites E.P.A. 0.25 None DOCKET E.P.A. 1.0 None State Superfund State 1.0 None USTs State 0.25 None LUSTs State 0.5 None SWF State 1.0 None [PRIORITY RISK REPORT MAP INDICATING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 1 MILE RADIUS] Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 12 04/19/00 4.3 Regulatory Review Subject Property There are no listings on the subject site. Sites within a one mile radius CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) Sites and National Priorities (NPL) sites - Sites that have been designated by the EPA to have the potential for releasing hazardous materials into the environment. There are no CERCLA Sites within the review area. RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Sites - Sites that are used for transporting, storing or disposing (TSD) of hazardous waste. There are no RCRA TSD Sites within the search area. State Superfund - There are no State Superfund Sites within the search area. SWF (State Solid Waste) Facilities - The state list that contains information on permitted solid waste facilities. There are no SWF sites within the search area. Sites within a one-half mile search area TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) - Contains information from facilities that use listed toxic chemicals that are released into the air, water, land or are transported off-site. There are no TRI sites within the search area. LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tanks) - Reported leaking underground storage tanks listed by the State. There are no LUST sites within the search area. Sites within one-quarter mile search area RCRA Generator Sites - Large and small hazardous waste generators regulated by the EPA. There are no generator sites within the search area. ERNS (Emergency Response Notification System - A national database that contains information on releases of hazardous materials into the environment. There are no ERNS sites within the search area. DOCKET Site - Civil Enforcement Dockets are actions filed by the E.P.A. for violations. There are no DOCKET Sites within the search area. Underground Storage Tanks (USTS) - Information on underground storage tanks regulated by the State. There are no UST sites within the search area. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 13 04/19/00 4.4 Summary of Regulatory Listings There are no listings on the subject site. There are no listings within the respective search areas. 4.5 Physical Setting Sources A current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map covering the area of the property has been reviewed. The topography of the site and other physical characteristics were noted. 4.6 Standard Historical Sources Two aerial photographs have been reviewed. There are no fire insurance maps that cover this area. 4.7 Historical Land Use Prior Activities of the Site - After a review of two aerial photographs (1972 & 1992), and an interview with a knowledgeable person, it was evident that there was no prior usage on this property. During the inspection there were no indications of any prior foundations or any other signs of prior improvements. 4.8 Prior Ownership Environmental Chain of Ownership - The current ownership of the land is Oakwood East Development LLC. The property has been in this ownership since 1993. Prior to this ownership the property was owned by Tinker Investment and Management Corporation. Tinker Investment purchased the land from Sung K. Kang in 1984. After a review of the prior owners there is no indication that any previous owners used the property for generating, storing or transporting hazardous materials from this location. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 14 04/19/00 5.0 INFORMATION FROM SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS 5.1 Geographic Setting The property is located along SE 15 th Street in East Midwest City between Westminster Road and Anderson Road. SE 15th Street is a major corridor in East Midwest City. This area is sparsely developed with large parcels of vacant land. Because of the small number of regulatory listings, this area would be considered a low environmental risk area. 5.2 Topography The property gently falls to the south. The stormwater flows across the property toward the vacant land to the south. There is no significant amount of water from adjoining properties that flow across this property. The elevation of the property is approximately 1250'. 5.3 Geology and Hydrology The surface soils are a silty loam of the Renfrow-Huska complex. These soils are well drained and have a low permeability. The principal underlying formation is the Garber Sandstone Formation. This formation consists of a red-brown to orange-brown fine-grained sandstone. The thickness of the formation is approximately 300'. Based on field observations and a review of USGS Topographic Maps, shallow groundwater would flow to the south toward the Canadian River. The principal aquifer in this area is the Garber Sandstone and Wellington Formation. This formation is found between 200' and 500' and is a good quality of water. 5.4 Site Conditions * The general appearance of the site is good. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 15 04/19/00 * There are no physical indications of contamination or environmental damage on the property. Physical indicators of contamination include stained soils, stressed, dead or dying vegetation or areas of exposed soil on the property. * There were no pungent odors noted. * There are no cesspools, septic tanks, sumps or monitoring wells on the property. * There is no evidence or knowledge of pools of liquid or sumps containing liquids likely to be hazardous substances or petroleum products. * There is no demolition or construction debris on or buried on the property. * There are no foundation ruins, which might indicate that there had been previous improvements on the site. 5.5 Owner Compliance A representative of the owner stated that the property is in compliance with all Federal, state and local environmental regulations. The facility is not involved in or has received notification of any administrative proceedings alleging violations of Federal, state or local environmental laws and regulations. 5.6 Hazardous Materials Used On-Site There are no hazardous materials used on the site. 5.7 Waste Disposal Practices There are no solid or liquid waste generated on the site 5.8 Stored Materials There are no hazardous materials stored on the site.. None of the adjoining properties have hazardous materials stored outside. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 16 04/19/00 5.9 Polychlorinated Biphenvis (PCB) The contamination from PCBs usually occurs from leaking electrical transformers located on the site. The transformers are owned and maintained by the electric utility company. The transformers are pole mounted near the site. The transformers are labeled non-PCB. There were no leaks observed around the transformers. 5.10 Radon Radon gas usually appears in areas that have an underground formation reasonably near the surface that contains a uranium ore. The gas becomes a health liability when it collects in a basement or a similar isolated area. According to the EPA/State records this area is in a zone that tests below 2 picocuries per liter (pCi/1). Four picocuries per liter (pCi/1) is the action level for radon. 5.11 Wetlands On-site visual observations do not indicate that the subject property would be a likely candidate for wetlands designation. There is no evidence of standing water or aquatic vegetation on the subject property. A wetlands delineation study has not been performed on the property. 5.12 Flooding This site does not fall within a flood plain. 5.13 Endangered or Threatened Wildlife and Plant Species According to the US Wildlife Agency and the Oklahoma Fish and Game Department there are no threatened or endangered species in this area. 5.14 Other Environmental Issues None of the following was found on or immediately adjacent to the subject site: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 17 04/19/00 * Stockpiled soil * Evidence of application of herbicides or pesticides along site * Dumping or direct burial activity * Stained or discolored soils * Cisterns or lagoons * High transmission lines * Nature preserve * Historical Site Locations * Oil or gas wells 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Recommendations The available information reviewed and contained within this report does not indicate the past or present use, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste or substances on the property. It is not recommended that any additional assessments be conducted on this property. 6.2 Conclusions Based on the results of this assessment the following conclusions are presented : * Historical sources as well as interviews with persons knowledgeable of the site indicate that there are no improvements on this site prior to the present. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 18 04/19/00 * Review of ownership records did not indicate that any past owner was suspicious of storing, transporting or disposing of hazardous materials. * There are no drums, barrels or other containers that might imply that defined hazardous materials are stored on the site. * The electrical transformers on the site are labeled non-PCB. * There are no pits or sumps on the site. * Review of EPA, state and local databases do not indicate any hazardous waste related concerns on the site. * The development conforms to the current local, state and federal environmental laws. The conclusions are based on the information as of this date: We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-97. In our professional opinion there is no evidence of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. ENVIRO-DYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY /s/Charles Lampkin Charles Lampkin Registered Environmental Property Assessor #1145 [Registered Environmental Property Assessor Seal] Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 19 04/19/00 LIMITATIONS The field observations and research reported in this report are considered sufficient in detail and scope to form a reasonable basis for a general environmental assessment on this property. ENVIRO-DYNE ENGINEERING COMPAN warrants that the findings and conclusions contained have been promulgated in accordance with generally accepted environmental engineering methods, only for the site described in this report. These environmental methods have been developed to provide the client with information regarding apparent indications of existing or potential environmental conditions relating to the subject property and is necessarily limited to the conditions observed at the time of the site reconnaissance and research. The use of this assessment is strictly limited to the scope as set forth. The report is also limited to the information available at the time that it was prepared. ENVIRO-DYNE believes that the information provided during the record review of public information and interviews is reliable, however ENVIRO-DYNE cannot warrant or guarantee that the information provided by others is complete or accurate. This assessment is prepared and presented to the named client and is only intended for their use in evaluating the property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 20 04/19/00 ASTM E 1527-97 STANDARD PRACTICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS The purpose of the E 1527-97 Practice is to define good commercial practice for conducting an environmental site assessment of a parcel of commercial real estate with respect to the range of contamination within the scope of CERCLA. The user of the assessment can satisfy one of the requirement to qualify for the innocent landlord defense to CERCLA Liability: that is the practices that constitute "all appropriate inquiry into the previous ownership and uses of the property consistent with good commercial or customary practice". The term recognized environmental conditions means the presence of any hazardous substances on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substance into the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property. The term hazardous substance is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment. Performance of this practice is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for recognized environmental conditions in connection with a property, and the practice recognizes the reasonable limits of time and cost. The assessment is not intended to be an intrusive or exhaustive practice. Appropriate inquiry does not mean an exhaustive assessment of a clean property. The level of inquiry is variable. Not every property warrants the same level of assessment. The appropriate level of environmental site assessment will be guided by the type of property subject to assessment, the expertise and risk of the user, and the information developed in the course of the inquiry. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 21 04/19/00 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS ENVIRO-DYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY CHARLES E. LAMPKIN SERVED ON BANK BOARD OF DIRECTORS SERVED AS CHAIRMAN OF OKLAHOMA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY PRACTICED ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SINCE 1960 PRACTICED ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SINCE 1985 EDUCATION OKLAHOMA UNIVERSITY - B.S. IN ENGINEERING TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING STUDIES OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING STUDIES KANSAS UNIVERSITY - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING STUDIES FINDLAY UNIVERSITY - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING STUDIES REGISTRATIONS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTY ASSESSOR REGISTERED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER CERTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITOR LICENSED ABATEMENT DESIGNER EPA CERTIFIED ASBESTOS INSPECTOR EPA CERTIFIED ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT/PLANNER CERTIFIED LEAD-BASED PAINT INSPECTOR EXPERIENCE INSPECTED OVER 2,000 BUILDINGS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PERFORMED OVER 1,000 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS PERFORMED OVER 500 PROPERTY CONDITION REPORTS PARTIAL LIST OF LENDERS RECEIVING REPORTS BANK OF OKLAHOMA FIRST ENTERPRISE BANK NATIONS BANK BOATMEN'S BANK BANK ONE CHARTER NATIONAL BANK LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK QUAIL CREEK BANK OKLA FINANCE AUTHORITY BANK IV LOCAL FEDERAL BANK METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO. FIRST INTERSTATE BANK F.D.I.C. CONTINENTAL S & L CITY BANK UNION BANK R.T.C. HOLLIDAY AMERICAN MORTGAGE MIDLAND FINANCIAL MASS MUTUAL HARTFORD INSURANCE COMPANY CARGILL FINANCIAL SOONER S & L FANNIE MAE H.U.D. WASHINGTON FINANCIAL GROUP GMAC WMF/HUNTOON PAIGE BANK OF BOSTON STILLWATER NATIONAL BANK LEHMAN BROTHERS SUNAMERICA ORGANIZATIONS NATIONAL REGISTRY OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS (NREP) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) NATIONAL LEAD ABATEMENT COUNCIL OKLAHOMA UNIVERSITY CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD NATIONAL COMMITTEES SERVES ON ASTM COMMITTEE FOR PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS SERVES ON NREP COMMITTEE FOR LEAD-BASED PAINT STUDIES Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 04/19/00 ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE Property: 6.38 Acres of Undeveloped Land Address: SE 15th Street Midwest City, Oklahoma Person Interviewed: Mr. Michael Biddinger representing the present owner Person Conducting Interview: Charles Lampkin Enviro-Dyne Engineering Company Current Usage: None Dates of Construction: N/A Question Yes No Unk 1 . Do you have any knowledge that the property has been used for a heavy industrial use? x Are there any drums, sacks or containers of chemicals on the property? x Has fill dirt been brought on to the property? x Are there any pits or lagoons on the property? x Is there any stained soil on the property? x Are there any registered or unregistered storage tanks on the property? x Are there any drains, walls or floors that are stained or emitting foul odors? x Do you have any knowledge of environmental liens or violations of environmental laws with respect to the property? x Have you been informed of the past or current existence of hazardous materials with respect to the property? x Does the operation discharge any waste water on to the property or adjacent properties. x Does the operation discharge waste water other than stormwater into the storm sewer system. x Are you aware of any materials buried on the property? x Is there a transformer, capacitor or any other equipment for which there are records indicating the presence of PCB? x Are solid or liquid waste generated on the site regulated by the government? x Are the solid waste stored and transported offsite? x Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 23 04/19/00 Question Yes No Unk Are liquid waste discharged into the sanitary sewer system? N/A Has an asbestos inspection been performed on the property? N/A Are you aware of any asbestos on the site? x Has a lead-based paint inspection been performed on the site? N/A Are you aware of any lead-based paint on the site? x Have you ever been notified that there is lead in the drinking water? x Have there been any leaks or spills on the site? x Are there any air emissions generated from the operation? x Any requirements for compliance with the following regulations. Clean Air Act x Clean Water Act x NPDES x RCRA TSD x RCRA Generator x TSCA x CERCLA x SARA x FIFRA x State Solid Waste Facility x Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 24 04/19/00 APPENDICES TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DEVELOPMENT MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS RADON MAP SITE PHOTOS REGULATORY SEARCH INFORMATION ENVIRONMENTAL GLOSSARY ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS [TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP INDICATING SUBJECT PROPERTY] [NEIGHBORHOOD MAP OF SUBJECT PROPERTY] EXHIBIT "A" A part of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section EIGHT (8) Township ELEVEN (11) North, Range ONE (1) West of the Indian Meridian, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma being more particulary described as follows COMMENCING at the Northwest Corner of said NW/4; THENCE North 89 degrees 59'27" East along the North line of said NW/4 a distance of 1910.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing North 89 degrees 59'27" East along said North line a distance of 415.00 ft; THENCE South 00 degress 00'03" East and perpendicular to the north line of said NW/4 a distance of 670.00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 59'27" West and parallel with the North line of said NW/4 a distance of 415.00 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 00'03" Wert a distance of 670.00 feet to the POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. Said described tract contains 278,050.00 square feet or 6.38 acres (gross), more of less. Subject to easements and rights-of-way of record. [AERIAL PHOTO OF SUBJECT PROPERTY] [OKLAHOMA EPA MAP OF RADON ZONES] EcoSearch Environmental Resources, Inc. 9365 Counselors Row Suite 104 Indainapolis, Indaina 46240 ph:(317) 574-8830 fax:(317) 574-8840 EcoSearch Environmental Site Assessment Type of Report: Priority Risk Report Site Location: Village At Oakwood 11400 Southeast 15th Street Midwest City, OK 73130 Date: April 17, 2000 Report ID Number: 2078-8401 Especially Prepared For: Mr Charles Lampkin Enviro-Dyne Engineer Company Limits of Information: Customer proceeds at its own risk in choosing to rely on EcoSearch Environmental Resources, Inc. ("EcoSearch") services, in whole or in part, prior to proceeding with any transaction. EcoSearch cannot be an insurer of the accuracy of the information, errors occuring in the converision of the data, or for customer's use of the data. EcoSearch and its affiliated companies, officers, agents, employees, and independent contractors cannot be held liable for accuracy, storage, delivery, loss, or expense suffered by the customer resulting directly or indirectly from any information provided by EcoSearch Environmental Resources, Inc. Thank you for choosing EcoSearch. [PHOTOGRAPH #1 - VIEWING OF PROPERTY FROM SOUTHEAST] [PHOTOGRAPH #2 - VIEWING OF PROPERTY FROM NORTHWEST] [PHOTOGRAPH #3 -VIEWING OF PROPERTY FROM NORTHEAST] Introduction We want to thank you for your order requesting the enclosed site assessment. EcoSearch makes every effort possible to combine the most accurate environmental data available into an understandable and easy-to-use format. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy of the information presented, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data from the original sources, nor can we guarantee that no transcription or plotting errors have occurred. If any concerns arise from your re@ew of the databases in this report please call the appropriate agency involved. As a service, we have included phone numbers in the database description section of this report to help you in your evaluation. The enclosed maps present a working approximation of the location of surrounding environmental sites based primarily on available accurate site addresses. These maps should not be used for purposes more correctly handled by surveys. EcoSearch is driven by its mission to presert the most responsive, technically sound, and cost-effective environmental data services available to our customer. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 1 Read Me First The following suq gestons are offered in an attempt to help you in using and understanding this site assessment from 1 Skim over the entire report to familiarize yourself with its contents and layout. 2. You will notce that the information is presented following this gerneral concept: w mbegin by givinig sections that summarize data and then give detailed information about these summaries as you proceed further into the reporl 3. Then refer to the section titled "Statistical Overview". You will need to take a moment to read the column headings and the data below them. Also, as you go down the first column (left side) you will probably need to look back at the preceeding section tided "Database Descriptions". Please pay particular attention to the radius searched as they vary according to the database. These are ASTM standards that we meet and exceed. Your site's data is the third, shaded colunm. Also, the next column showing database hits within the first radius is important as it will include data about adjoining properties. The unmappable sites have their own section with a cover page explaining them. 4. The next section titled "Maps" is important as it gives a very clear visual preservation of the site, and which database(s) are at the site itself or within the study radii. 5. The site summary paqe(s) tells you by map ID# which database is at that location as well as the site' name and distance/direction from your study site. You will notice that the numbering corresponds to the distance from the subject site-- eg. #1 is your site itself or the site closest to it, #2 is further away. This continues until all database hits have been summarized within the largest study radius. Your report may extend further than one mile if you asked us to extend the radii. 6. As you will recall our format goes from summary-type pages to detailed information. Therefore, the next section is "Detailed Data. Here extensive data is given about each database hit. The map ID#, distance, and direction are in the top left comer. Further data follows. 7. The "Unmappable" section was referred to earlier. ln this summary you will find those sites. Please read the cover paqe as it describes unmappable sites and our efforts to minimize and/or eliminate them from all of our site assessments. 8. The last section -- "Glossary/Acronyms" is self-explanatory and often helpful to our customers. If you would like further help in understanding our reports please refer to the frequently asked questions list on our web site or call as our intention is to have this report helpful to you. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 2 Database Descriptions--Federal Databases NPL National Priorities List US Enivronmental Protection Agency Data Date: December 20,1999 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Release Date: December 20,1999 (703) 603-8881 Active Date: March 10, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The NPL is a subset of the CERCLIS and lists over 1,150 of the nation's most dangerous sites of uncontrolled or hazardous waste which require cleanup. Also known as the Superfund List, the sites are scored according to the hazardous ranking system, CERCLA (Active) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (Active) US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: December 20,1999 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Release Date: December 20,1999 Active Date: March 10, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 CERCLIS maintains information on over 15,000 sites nationally identified as hazardous or poternially hazardous which may require action. These sites are currently being investigated or an investigation has been competed regarding the release of hazardous substances. The most serious of this list as ranked by the hazardous ranking syvem are transferred to the NPL. CERCLA (NFRAP Archive) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (NFRAP Archive) US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: December 20,1999 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Release Date: December 20,1999 Active Date: March 10, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 For more complete information purposes we include sites which have been reclassified as No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) by the EPA. This action was taken by the EPA beginning February 1995 as a part of the Brownfields Redevelopment Program. These former CERCLIS sites, also known as the CERCLIS Archive, have been delisted because a lack of significant contamination was found. RCRA TSD Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System -- Treatment Storage, and Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: November 23,1999 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Release Date: November 23,1999 (202) 260-4610 Active Date: January 24, 2000 Last Contact Date: February 25, 2000 RCRIS contains information on hazardous waste handlers regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). It is a national system used to track events and a which fall under RCRA. The TSD database is a subset of the complete RCRIS file which includes facilities which treat store, dispose, or incinerate hazardous waste. Additionally, compliance and cwective action (CORRACTS) information is included. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 3 RCRA Generator Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System -- Large and Small Quantity Generators US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: November 23, 1999 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Release Date: November 23,1999 (202) 260-4610 Active Date: January 24, 2000 Last Contact Date: February 25, 2000 RCRIS contains information on hazardous waste handlers regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). It is a national system used to track events and activities which fall under RCRA. The generators database is a subset of the complete RCRIS file which includes hazardous waste generators which create more than 100kg of hazardous waste per month or meet other requeements of RCRA. We also include RCRA Notifiers, Transporters, and formerly regulated RCRA Sites for more complete hazardous waste information. Additionally, compliance and corrective action information is included. RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: April 14, 1995 Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Release Date: Not Available (202) 564-4104 Active Date: April 1 7, 1995 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System contains additional information on RCRA enforcement actions. Data includes the type of action, proposed penalty, and final penalty amount. This is a historical database and will not be updated by the source agency. EcoSearch will call once a year to verify historical status. CORRACTS Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System -- Corrective Action Sites US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: November 23,1999 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Release Date: November 23,1999 (202) 260-461C Active Date: January 24, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The CORRACTS database includes RCRIS (ResoLrce Conservation and Recovery Information System) sites with reported corrective action. This information is also reported in the standard RCPJS detailed data. ERNS Emergency Response Notification System US Erivtonmental Protection Agency Data Date: January 1, 2000 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Release Date: January 1, 2000 (202) 260-2342 Active Date: March 17, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 ERNS is a national database which contains information on specific notification of releases of oil and hazardous substances into the environment. The system stores data regarding the site of the spill, the material released, and the medium into which it occured. As a joint effort the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency have collaborated to compile more than 365,000 records. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 4 PADS PCB Activity Database System US Environmental Proteciion Agency Data Date: November 20, 1999 Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Release Date: November 20, 1999 (202) 260-3992 Active Date: February 18, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 This database stores information about facilities which handle PCBs and file EPA form 7710-53. It is divided into storage facilities, disposers, generators, and transporters. TRI Toxic Release Inventory US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: October 1997 Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Release Date: November 1999 (202) 260-1531 Active Date: March 17, 2000 Last Contact Date: February 25, 2000 TRI contains information from facilities which manufacture, process, or import any of the over 300 listed toxic chemicals which are released directly into air, water, or land or are transported off-site. The database includes facts on amounts of chemicals stored and emitted from the facility. This database is released on an infrequent basis by the US EPA. EcoSearch includes information from 1987 through the 19% reporting year. SSTS Section Seven Tracking System US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: July 31, 1998 Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances Release Date: Not Available (202) 564-5008 Active Date: August 27,1998 Last Contact Date: February 25, 2000 Formerly FATES, this system tracks the registration of pesticide-producing establishments and tracks the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients, and devices which are sold, produced, or distributed annually. DOCKET Civil Enforcement Docket US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: September 3, 1998 Office of Enforcement Release Date: Not Available (202) 564-4114 Active Date: February 3, 1999 Last Contact Date: March 15, 20DO The Civil Enforcement Docket is information on civil and administrative actions filed by the Department of Justice for the US Environmental Protection Agency. This record has been continually updated since 1972 and includes data regarding facility name, dates, laws violated, and penalties assessed. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 5 TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory US Environmental Protection Agency Data Date: May 14,1986 Release Date: Not Available (202) 554-1404 Last Contact Date: February 28, 2000 The Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory includes the locations and chemical production information of more than 7000 processors and manufacturers of chemicals. This database is no longer released to the public by the US EPA. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 6 Database Descriptions--State Databases State Superfund (HWS) Oklahoma State Superfund List Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Data Date: September 30,1999 Waste Management Division / Superfurid Program Release Date: January 2, 2000 (405) 271-7169 Active Date: February 23, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The Oklahoma State Supeifund List (The Site Status Report of Voluntary and Superfund Program Sites) includes information on known or suspected contaminated sftes which fall under the DEQ's Superfund Program. SWF Oklahoma Solid Wasle Facilities List Oklahoma State Department of Health Data Date: January 24, 2000 Solid Waste Management Service Release Date: January 24, 2000 (405) 702-5100 Active Date: January 26, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The Oklahoma Solid Waste Facilities List contains information on permitted solid waste facilities in the State of Oklahoma. LUST Oklahoma Leaking Underground Storage Tank List Oklahoma Corporation Commission Data Date: January 24, 2000 Underground Storage Tank Program Release Date: January 24, 2000 (405)522-1428 Active Date: February 6, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The Oklahoma LUST list includes information on reported leaking underground storage tank incidents in the State of Oklahoma. UST Oklahoma Underground Storage Tank List Oklahoma Corporation Commission Data Date: February 2, 2000 Underground Storage Tank Program Release Date: February 2, 2000 (405) 521-3107 Active Date: February 15, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The Oklahoma UST List contains information on known Underground Storage Tank facilities in the State of Oklahoma. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 7 AST Oklahoma Aboveground Storage Tank List Oklahoma Corporation Commission Data Date: February 2, 2000 Underground Storage Tank Program Release Date: February 2, 2000 (405) 521-3107 Active Date: February 9, 2000 Last Contact Date: March 15, 2000 The Oklahoma AST database includes information on aboveground storage tank sites in the State of Oklahoma. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 8 EcoSearch Statistical Overview Property Information Search Parameters 11400 Southeast 15th Street Report: Priority Risk Report Midwest City, OK 73130 Radii: ASTM* Latitude: 35.449909 N Zip Code(s): 73130 73020 Longitude: 97.329405 W City: Midwest City Choctaw FEDERAL Radius Mappable Sites Unmappable Sites DATABASES (miles) Total site within O.25- 0.50- Zip City County Cmrgy 1/4mi 0.50mi 1mi Code NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CERCLA 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Active) CERCLA 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (NFRAP 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Archive) RCRATSD 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA 0.250 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 Generator CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ERNS 0.250 0 0 0 - - - - - PADS 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - TRI 0.500 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 SSTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOCKET 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TSCA 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - STATE Radius Mappable Sites Unmappable Sites DATABASES (miles) Total site within O.25- 0.50- Zip City County Cmrgy 1/4mi 0.50mi 1mi Code State 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Superfund (HWS) SWF 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LUST 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 UST 0.250 0 0 0 - - 0 AST 0.250 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 MANUAL GEOCODING: For this city/township, 38 sites were manually plotted by EcoSearch. *This database search and study radii meets or exceeds the ASTM (American Society of tesing and Materials) standards for a government records review N/A denotes an ASTM-required database which is not available from the state. Manual Geocoding: Plotting environmental site data using paper maps and phone calls to property place the information on the map. Accurate street addresses are required for records to be found at the study property. Mappable Sites are environmental sites which were located and appear on the enclosed EcoSearch Map, Site Summary, and Detailed Data sections of the report. These sites are summarized based on proximily to the study site. Unmappable Sites are governmental reoords with incomplete or inaccurate address information. These sites could not be located on the street map, but have been searched by the Zip Codes, Cities, and Countys specified in the search parameters. Further investigation of these sites and their relationship to your study site is necessary. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 9 [PRIORITY RISK REPORT MAP 1 MILE RADIUS FROM THE SUBJECT PROPERTY] [PRIORITY RISK REPORT MAP 1 MILE RADIUS FROM THE SUBJECT PROPERTY] [USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP] Site Summary Map ID# Database/Agency ID# Site Name, Address, and County Distance/Direction No sites found within the study radii of your report * -- Manually Geocoded: Site plotted or carrected using paper maps, phone calls and other resources to properly place the site on the map. ** -- Agency Provded Lat/Long: Site plotted using the latitude and longitude given by the federal or state government agency. *** -- Area Manually Plotted: Area manually drawn using digital and paper maps. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 10 Detailed Data No environmental sites were found within the reported distances from your study site. There is no detailed data to report. Page 11 Unmappable Sites A limitation of many records of governmental databases is incompete or incorrect address information. Without proper addresses, it is more difficult to locate and map these sites. Instead of leaving these potentially important sites out of the manually geocoded EcoSearch report, we implement a painstaking manual geocoding strategy aimed at Ootting these unmappabie sites by looking at zip codes, city names, and county names identified with the radius around your study site. The zip codes, cities, and counties searched are identified on the EcoSearch Statistical Overview page. Our sophisticated mapping software, enhanced TIGER street maps, and address correction database processing methods find and plot most environmental sites. We then perform manual geocoding, Potting those sites the computer fails to find using a variety of resources. These include using our in-house collection of paper maps, directories, cross-referendng database information, and calling post offices, local government, or the sites themselves to accurately locate environmental records. We also correct obvious TIGER street map errors and omissions. This effort at manual geocoding results in a short or nonexistent orphan/unmappable list and increases accuracy and reliability of the data in our reports. The EcoSearch Instant Online and Preview reports take advantage of all previous geocoding work that has been done proading the highest quality report virtually instantaneously. The potential remains that an order can be placed in an area which has riot been worked, thus resulting in more unmappables than typically associated with an EcoSearch report. The limited number of sites which could not be reasonably found through our geocoding strategy are presented in this section for further review to assess their impact on your study site. After the summary unmappable site information, the detailed data follows. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 12 Unmappable Sites Database Agency ID# Site Name and Address County No unmappable sites were found for this report. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 7,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 13 Environmental Glossary Acid A large class of substances having a pH less than seven. An acid waste is considered hazardous when the pH is 2.0 or less. Acute Effect An adverse effect on a human or animal body, with severe symptoms developing rapidly and coming quickly to a crisis Acute Exposure A dose that is delivered to the body in a single event or in a short period of fiffie. Aerobic Occurring in the presence of free oxygen. Alkaline A substance with a pH between 7 and 14. An alkaline waste is considered hazardous when its pH is 12.5 or greater. Ambient Existing conditions of air, water, and other media at a particular time. Anaerobic Occurring in the absence of oxygen. Assessment An analysis or examination. Background Evironmental Sample Samples that are considered to contain no contaminiants or known concentrations of contaminiants. Base A substance which forms a salt when reacted with an acid. Bases have a pH of greater than seven. Buffer Zone An area of land which surrounds a hazardous waste facility and on which certain land uses and activities are restricted to protect the pubic health and safety and the environment from existing or potential hazards caused by the migration of hazardous waste (CH&SC Sec. 25110.3). Carcinogen A substance or agent capable of causing or producing cancer in mammals. Caustics A large class of substances which form solutions having a high pH. Chronic Effect An adverse effect an a human or animal body, with symptoms which develop slowly over a long period of time or which reoccur frequently. Chronic Exposure Low doses repeatedly received by the body over a long period of time. Combustible A term used by the NFPA, DOT, and others to classify certain liquids that will burn, on the basis of flash points. Both the NFPA and DOT generally define 'combustible liquids' as having a flash point of 100 degrees F or higher. Concentration The relative amount of a substance when combined or mixed with other substances. Contingency Plan A document setting out an organized, planned, and coordinated course of action to be followed in case of a fire or explosion or release of a hazardous waste from a TSD or a generator's facility that could threaten human health or the environment (RCRA). Corrosive As defined by DOT, a corrosive material is a liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible alterations in human skin tissue at the site of contact or in the case of leakage from its packaging a liquid that has a severe corrosion rate on steel. A solid or liquid which exhibits these characteristics can be regulated as hazardous waste. Decomposition Breakdown of material or substance (by heat, chemical reaction, electolysis, decay, or other processes) into elements or simpler compounds. Decontamination The process of removing contaminants ftom individuals and equipment Deep Well Injection Disposal of wastes by injecting them into a geological formation deep in the ground, sometimes after pretreatment to avoid solidification. EPA ID Number This unipue number assigned by EPA to each generator, transporter, or TSD. Effluent Waste material, either treated or untreated, discharged into the environment. Environmental Assessment The measurement or prediction of the transport, dispersion, and final location of a hazardous substance when released into the environment Environmental Emergencies Incidents involving the release (or potential release) of hazardous materials into the environment which require immediate remedial action. Environmental Hazard A conditon capable of posing risk of exposure to air, water, soil, plants, or wildlife. Exception Report A report that generators who transport waste off-site must submit if they do not receive a property completed copy of their manifest within 45 days of the date on which the initial transporter accepted the waste. Generator The person or facility who, by nature or ownership, management or control, is responsible for causing or allowing to be caused, the creation of hazardous waste. Glovebag A device used to remove a section of pipe insulation without isolating the entire space or room. Groundwater Hydrology The study of the movement of water below the earth's surface. Hazard A circumstance or condition that can cause harm. Hazards are often categorized into four groups: biological, chemical, physical, and radiation. Hazard Classes A series of nine descriptive terms That have been establihsed by the UN Committee of Experts to categorize the hazardous nature of chemical, physical, and biological materials. These categories are: flammable liquids, explosives, gases, oxidizers, radioactive materials, corrosives, flammable solids, poisonous and infectious substances, and dangerous substances. Hazardous Waste Any material that is subject to the hazardous waste manifest requirements of the EPA specified in the CFR, Tide 40, Part 262 or would be subject to these requirements in the absence of an interim authorization to a State under CFR, Title 40, Part 123, Subpart F. Heavy Metals Certain metalic elements having a high density and generate toxic, e.g., lead, silver, mercury, and arsenic. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 17,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 14 Immediate Removal Actions undertaken to prevent or mitigate immediate and significant risk of harm to human life or health or the environment. As set forth in the National Contingency Plan, these actions shall be terminated after $1 million has been obligated or six months have elapsed from the date of initial response. Incident The release or potential release of a hazardous substance into the environment. Inert Exhibiting no chemical activity, totally unreactive. Innocent Land Owner's Defense The defense of a purchaser of real property that he or she exercsed due diligence in having hazards assessed prior to purchase. Interim Status Allows owners and operators of TSDs that were in existence, or for which construction had commenced, prior to November 19, 1980 to continue to operate without a permit after this date pending final issuance from RCRA. Joint and Several Liability Under federal law each party that contributed to damages may be held liable for all damages, but each has the right to compel the others to contribute and indemnify Liability Being subject to legal action for one's behavior. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet Required by OSHA of owners to alert employees to hazards, their effect and protective action. Manifest Form which indicates generator, quantity, and type of waste for each shipment of hazardous wastes disposed in off-site facilities. National Contingency Plan Policies and procedures that the Federal Government follows in implementing responses to incidents hazardous substances. P Wastes A federal waste list comprise of substances categorized as acutely hazardous. Part A The first part of a two part application that must be submitted by a TSD to receive a permit. It contains general facility information. Part B The second part of a two part application that must be submitted by a TSD to receive a permit. It cortains highly technical and detailed information. Planned Removal The removal of released hazardous substances from the environment within a non-immediate, long term time period. Under CERCLA: Actions intended to minimize increases in exposure such that time and cost commitments are limited to six months and/or $1 million. Poison. Class A A DOT term for extremely dangerous poisons, that is, poisonous gases or liquids of such nature that a very small amount of the gas, or vapor of the lquid, mixed with air is dangerous to life. Some examples: phosgene, cyanogen, and hydrocyanic acid. Poison Class B A DOT term for liquid, solid, paste, of semisolid substances, other than Class A poisons, which are know to be toxic to man as to afford a hazard to health during transportation. Polluant A substance or mixture which after release into the environment and upon exposure to any organisms will or may reasonably be anticipated to cause adverse effects in such organisms and their offspring. Priority Pollutants A list of chemicals selected from the list of toxic pollutants by the EPA as priority toxic pollutants for regulation under the Clean Water Act. Remedial Actions Responses to releases of hazardous substances on the NPL that are consistent with a permanent remedy which would prevent or mitigate the migration of materials into the environment. Risk The probability that an unwanted event will occur. Second Responders Those personnel required to assist or relieve first responders at a hazardous material incident due to their specialized knowledge, equipment or experience. These include State environmental protection or health officials, commercial response, cleanup companies, and appropriate industry representatives. Strict Liability Holds a party responsible for damages irrespective of the amount of care taken in handing a hazardous substance. Subtitle C The part of RCRA which pertains to the management of hazardous waste. Subtitle 1 The part of RCRA which pertains to the storage of petroleum products and hazardous substances, other than wastes, in USTs. Superfund See CERCLA. Synergistic The action of two materials together which is greater in effect than the sum of the individuals actions. TIGER Files The US Census Bureau's TIGER files provide a nationwide computerized map with address range information. Tort A legal wrong, sometimes referred to as negligence. Toxicity The ability of a substance to produce injury by non-mechanical means once it reaches a susceptible site in or on the body. U Wastes A federal list of hazardous wastes which consists of substances deemed to be hazardous for hazards other than acute hazards. EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 17,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 15 - -- Adapted from Lincoln Graduate Center, 1993. Real Estate Environmental Screening. San Antonio, Texas Acronyms and Abbreviations - -AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System - -AST Aboveground Storage Tank - -ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials - -BLM Bureau of Land Management - -BNA Bureau of National Affairs - -CAA Clean Air Act - -CDC Centers for Disease Control - -CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 - -CERCLIS CERCLA Information System - -CICIS Chemicals in Commerce Information System - -COE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - -CWA Clean Water Act - -DDT Dicholoro-diphenyl-dichloroethane - -DOC Department of Commerce - -DOCKET Enforcement Docket System--Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring - -DOE Department of Energy - -DOT Department of Transportation - -EPA Environmental Protection Agency - -ERCS Emergency Response Cleanup Services - -ERNS Emergency Response Notification System - -ESA Environmental Site Assessment - -FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act - -FINDS Facility Index System - -FOIA Freedom of Information Act - -FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act - -HHS Department of Health and Human Services - -HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 - -HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development - -LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank - -MSDS Matehal Safety Data Sheet - -NEPA National Environment Policy Act - -NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants - -NFRAP No Further Remedial Action Planned (Delisted CERCLA Site) - -NOI Notice of Intent - -NOV Notice of Violation - -NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System - -NPL National Priorities List - -NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission - -NRIS Nuclear Regulatory Information System - -OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration - -PADS PCB Activity Database System EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 17,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 16 Acronyms and Abbreviations - -PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls - -POTW Publicly-Owned Treatment Works - -PPM Parts Per Million - -PRP Potentially Responsible Parties - -RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System - -RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 - -RCRIS Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System - -RFA RCRA Facility Assessment - -RFI RCRA Facility Investigation - -RI Remedial Investigation (CERCLA) - -SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 - -SCS Soil Conservation Service - -SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act - -SETS Superfund Enforcement Tracking System - -SSTS Section Seven Tracking System - -SWF/LF Solid Waste Facilities / Landfills - -TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing System - -TRI Toxic Release Inventory - -TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act - -TSD Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility - -USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture - -USGS U.S. Geological Survey - -UST Underground Storage Tank - -WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant EcoSearch Report ID: 2978-8401 Enviromnental Date of Report: April 17,2000 Resources. Inc. Page 17