FILING FEE: $100.00

     FILE IN DUPLICATE                                        FILED

     PRINT CLEARLY                                          FEB 17 2000
                                                        OKLAHOMA SECRETARY
                                                             OF STATE
                            ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION
                                     OF AN

2300 N Lincoln Blvd.. Room 101, State Capitol Building
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4897
(405) 522-4560

The Undersigned for the purpose, of forming an Oklahoma limited liability
company pursuant to the provisions of 18 O.S., Section 2004, does hereby
execute the following articles:

1.  The name of the limited liability company (Note: The name mug contain
either the words limited liability company or limited company or the
abbreviations LLC, LC, L.L.C. or L.C. The word limited may be abbreviated as
Ltd. and the word Company may be abbreviated as Co.):

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          VILLAGE AT OAKWOOD L.L.C.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.  The street address of its principal place of business, wherever located:

             6125 Arrowhead N E     Piedmont Oklahoma     73078
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Street address                   City       State         Zip Code

3.  The name and street address of the resident agent in the state of Oklahoma:

        Kendall L. Aduddell   6125 Arrowhead NE Piedmont OK. 73078
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name                Street Address     City        State       Zip Code
                        (P.O. Boxes are not acceptable.)

4.  The term of existence:     Perpetual
Articles of organization must be signed by at least one person who need
not be a member of the limited liability company.

                               Dated:   February     17,   2000
Signature:  /s/KENDALL L. ADUDDELL
Type or Print Name:     Kendall L. Aduddell
Address:          6125 Arrowhead N E     Piedmont ,    Oklahoma 73078

                                                        (SOS FORM 0073-11/99)