For Immediate Release

                       4 October 2002

  P&O Princess receives Federal Trade Commission clearance

             Intends to have talks with Carnival

*     Today  the  United  States  Federal  Trade  Commission
   announced  that  it  would  not  oppose  either  the  DLC
   combination  with Royal Caribbean or Carnival's  takeover
*    The Board continues to believe that the agreed DLC
combination with Royal Caribbean will accelerate the
creation of value for P&O Princess shareholders, and the
Board continues to recommend that transaction.
*    Now that one of its key original concerns,
deliverability on the regulatory front, has been removed,
the Board has re-examined the Carnival offers and focused on
Carnival's proposal to enter into a DLC combination as an
alternative to its share exchange offer.
*    The Board considers the Carnival DLC alternative to be
more attractive than Carnival's share exchange offer because
many P&O Princess UK institutional shareholders would be
unwilling or unable to hold Carnival's US shares.  For these
shareholders, the Carnival share exchange offer would be, in
effect, a forced cash sale at a time when the price they
would receive might not adequately reflect the full value of
the company's future prospects.
*    After consulting with its advisers, the Board has
concluded that a DLC combination with Carnival is both
feasible and financially more attractive than the agreed DLC
combination with Royal Caribbean.
*    Accordingly, as permitted by its agreement with Royal
Caribbean, the Board has decided to enter into talks with
Carnival to discuss Carnival's DLC proposal.
*    In the meantime, P&O Princess is taking the necessary
steps to reconvene the adjourned EGM before November 16, the
termination date of the Royal Caribbean agreement.
*    Together with Royal Caribbean, P&O Princess is
examining ways of changing their agreement so that their
combination can be approved by a simple majority vote,
putting the Royal Caribbean merger and the Carnival share
exchange offer on a more equal footing so far as shareholder
approval is concerned.

Peter Ratcliffe, Chief Executive of P&O Princess said today:

"We are pleased that the regulatory position is now clear.

"One of our principal concerns about the Carnival proposal -
namely deliverability on the regulatory front - has now been
removed.   We  have  decided that we can  and  should  begin
talking to them about their DLC proposal.

"We are focussing on the Carnival DLC alternative as many of
our  shareholders are unable to hold the Carnival US  shares
which they would receive in a share exchange offer and might
not  get  full  value  when they are forced  to  sell  those

"Although  we  will be talking to Carnival, we  continue  to
believe  that  the agreed combination with  Royal  Caribbean
will  accelerate the creation of value for our shareholders.
We  have  kept  Royal Caribbean informed as to  the  Board's
deliberations  and are working with them  to  reconvene  the
EGM,  ideally  with a shareholder approval threshold  on  an
equal footing with the Carnival proposal.

"We  are  determined to do everything we can to  ensure  the
best possible future for P&O Princess and its employees  and
to create the best value for our shareholders."

This  summary  should be read in conjunction with  the  full
text of this announcement which is set out below.


P&O Princess Cruises plc                  +44 (0) 20 7805
Caroline Keppel-Palmer                    +44 (0) 7730

Schroder Salomon Smith Barney             +44 (0) 20 7986
Robert Swannell
Wendell Brooks
Peter Tague
Ian Hart
David James (Corporate Broking)

Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Ltd   +44 (0) 20 7888
Tom Reid (Corporate Broking)

Brunswick (London)                        +44(0) 20 7404
John Sunnucks / Sophie Fitton

Brunswick (New York)                      +1 212 706 7867
Steve Lipin / Lauren Teggelaar

An interview with Peter Ratcliffe, Chief Executive Officer
is available in video, audio and text on
<> or


FTC clearance

P&O  Princess Cruises plc ("P&O Princess" or the  "Company")
notes  the  decision  of  the United  States  Federal  Trade
Commission  to  clear  both the agreed dual  listed  company
("DLC")  combination  with  Royal  Caribbean  Cruises   Ltd.
("Royal  Caribbean") and Carnival Corporation's ("Carnival")
proposed acquisition of P&O Princess.

Royal Caribbean DLC combination

The Board of P&O Princess (the "Board") continues to believe
that  the  agreed DLC combination with Royal Caribbean  will
accelerate   the   creation  of  value  for   P&O   Princess
shareholders  and notes that the only significant  remaining
condition  to the completion of the combination is  approval
by the shareholders of each company.

Talks with Carnival

Now that the regulatory uncertainties have been removed, the
Board  has  re-examined the written offers made by  Carnival
prior   to  the  adjourned  Extraordinary  General   Meeting
("EGM").    In  those  offers  Carnival  proposed,   as   an
alternative  to its share exchange offer, a DLC  combination
with P&O Princess on the same economic terms.

After consulting with its financial and legal advisers,  the
Board has determined that a DLC combination with Carnival is
feasible and reasonably likely to be consummated. The  Board
has  also  determined  in consultation  with  its  financial
advisers  that, taking into account the potential  synergies
for each transaction, a DLC with Carnival is more favourable
from  a financial point of view to P&O Princess shareholders
than the agreed DLC combination with Royal Caribbean.  As  a
result,  the  Board  has decided that it  would  be  in  the
interests  of P&O Princess shareholders and the company  for
P&O Princess to enter into talks with Carnival.

The    implementation   agreement   with   Royal   Caribbean
specifically  provides that P&O Princess  may  talk  with  a
third  party bidder in these circumstances without breaching
the agreement or giving Royal Caribbean a termination right.
P&O Princess has notified Royal Caribbean of its decision to
have talks with Carnival.

Advantages of a DLC structure to P&O Princess shareholders

The  Board  has  focused on the DLC alternative  because  it
would give all of P&O Princess' shareholders the opportunity
to  retain their shares and participate in the future upside
potential of a combination with Carnival.  By contrast,  the
Board  believes that many of P&O Princess' UK  institutional
shareholders  would  be  unable or  unwilling  to  hold  the
Carnival  shares  they  would receive  under  the  terms  of
Carnival's  share exchange offer because those shares  would
not  be  included in the FTSE indices.  For this significant
block  of  shareholders, the share exchange offer would,  in
effect, be a forced cash sale at a time when the price  they
would receive might not adequately reflect the full value of
the Company's future prospects.

The  Board  continues  to believe the DLC  Combination  with
Royal  Caribbean can be implemented without any  adverse  US
tax  consequences.  The Board also believes the same is true
for  a  DLC  with  Carnival and notes that,  in  any  event,
Carnival's previously expressed concerns in this area should
have been eliminated by the changes to the "publicly traded"
test in the new draft Section 883 tax regulations.

It  should be noted, however, that Carnival is not under any
Takeover Code or contractual obligation to enter into a  DLC
with   P&O  Princess  and  there  are  issues  relating   to
Carnival's  DLC  proposal that P&O Princess  would  like  to
explore  in  discussions  with Carnival.   Accordingly,  the
Board  is not in a position to recommend Carnival's  current
DLC proposal.

Board recommendation

The  Board hereby reconfirms its approval and recommendation
of  the  contractually committed DLC combination with  Royal
Caribbean,  as  set  out  in the circular  to  P&O  Princess
shareholders   dated   27  December  2001,   including   the
conclusion that the Royal Caribbean combination  is  in  the
best interests of P&O Princess shareholders as a whole.

As  required by the Takeover Code, the Board, which has been
so  advised by Schroder Salomon Smith Barney, confirms  that
it  considers  the terms of the DLC combination  with  Royal
Caribbean to be fair and reasonable.  In providing advice to
the  Board,  Schroder Salomon Smith Barney  has  taken  into
account the Board's commercial assessments.

Horst  Rahe,  a non-executive director of P&O Princess,  has
excused  himself  from  Board decisions  relating  to  these
transactions because he has a potential conflict of interest
arising  from benefits he may obtain under change of control
provisions in the Aida Cruises sale and purchase agreement.

Shareholder approval

P&O  Princess  and  Royal  Caribbean  are  each  taking  the
necessary  steps  to reconvene their respective  shareholder
meetings before 16 November, the first date on which  either
party  can terminate the implementation agreement.   Further
information on the timing of the reconvened P&O Princess EGM
will be released in due course.

At present, the DLC Combination with Royal Caribbean must be
approved  by  a  75%  vote  of  P&O  Princess  shareholders.
Although  it  currently  has  a  90%  acceptance  condition,
Carnival   could   declare   its   share   exchange    offer
unconditional if it is accepted by holders of a majority  of
P&O Princess' shares.

Together  with  Royal Caribbean, P&O Princess  is  examining
ways of changing their agreement so that the combination  of
their  two businesses can be approved by a majority vote  of
P&O Princess' shareholders.  This change would put the Royal
Caribbean merger and the Carnival share exchange offer on  a
more  equal  footing  as  far  as  shareholder  approval  is

Profit forecast

In  accordance with the provisions of the Takeover Code, P&O
Princess  is now required to update its 2002 profit forecast
for  the  company on a stand alone basis, and  to  have  the
forecast  reported  on  by KPMG and Schroder  Salomon  Smith
Barney.   Accordingly,  P&O  Princess  intends  to  issue  a
revised  2002 forecast, together with a trading  update,  on
Tuesday 8 October 2002.

A further announcement will be made in due course.

                          - ENDS -

The  directors of P&O Princess accept responsibility for the
information contained in this announcement.  To the best  of
the  knowledge and belief of the directors of  P&O  Princess
(who  have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such  is
the  case), the information contained herein for which  they
accept  responsibility is in accordance with the  facts  and
does  not omit anything likely to affect the import of  such
Salomon  Brothers International Limited, trading as Schroder
Salomon  Smith Barney ("Schroder Salomon Smith Barney")  and
Credit  Suisse First Boston (Europe) Limited are acting  for
P&O  Princess and no one else in connection with the matters
referred to herein and will not be responsible to any  other
person for providing the protections afforded to clients  of
Schroder Salomon Smith Barney or Credit Suisse First  Boston
(Europe) Limited or for providing advice in relation to  the
matters  referred  to herein.Salomon Brothers  International
Limited  (trading  as  Schroder  Salomon  Smith  Barney)  is
regulated  in  the United Kingdom by the Financial  Services
Authority  Limited.  Salomon Smith Barney is a service  mark
of  Salomon  Smith Barney Inc.  Schroders is a trademark  of
Schroders Holdings PLC and is used under licence.
Certain  statements  contained  in  this  announcement   are
``forward-looking   statements''   that    involve    risks,
uncertainties and assumptions with respect to P&O  Princess,
Royal   Caribbean   and   Carnival  and   their   respective
subsidiaries,  including certain statements  concerning  the
transactions  described  herein, profit  forecasts,  working
capital,  future results, strategies, plans  and  goals  and
other  events which have not yet occurred.  These statements
are intended to qualify for the safe harbours from liability
provided by Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933, as
amended,  and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange  Act
of  1934,  as  amended, which are part  of  the  US  Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can find  many
(but  not all) of these statements by looking for words like
``will'',      ``may'',      ``believes'',      ``expects'',
``anticipates'', ``plans'' and ``estimates'' and for similar
expressions.   Because  forward-looking  statements  involve
risks  and uncertainties, there are many factors that  could
cause  the transactions described herein not to occur and/or
each  of  P&O  Princess', Royal Caribbean's  and  Carnival's
actual   results,  performance  or  achievements  to  differ
materially   from  those  expressed  or  implied   in   this
announcement.   These  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,
regulatory and shareholder approvals, achievement of planned
synergies, economic and business conditions in general  and,
conditions in the cruise, travel and vacation industries  in
particular,  including  changes  in  industry  cruise   ship
capacity  and  competition from other cruise ship  operators
and   other  vacation  alternatives,  safety  and   security
concerns,   incidents  at  sea,  weather   conditions,   the
political   climate,   fluctuations   in   interest   rates,
fluctuations  in the price of oil, changes in  the  tax  and
regulatory  regimes  under  which  each  company   operates,
capital  expenditures,  and factors impacting  each  of  P&O
Princess',  Royal  Caribbean's and Carnival's  international
operations.   In  addition,  the paragraph  entitled  ``Risk
Factors''  in  Section  5 of the circular  to  P&O  Princess
shareholders  dated  27  December  2002  and  each  of   P&O
Princess' and Royal Caribbean's Annual Reports on Form  20-F
and Carnival's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the  US
Securities   and   Exchange  Commission  contain   important
cautionary  statements  and  a discussion  of  many  of  the
factors  that could materially affect the accuracy  of  each
company's forward-looking statements and/or adversely affect
their  respective  businesses,  results  of  operations  and
financial   position,  which  statements  and  factors   are
incorporated herein by reference.
Subject  to any continuing obligations under applicable  law
or  any  relevant  listing  rules,  P&O  Princess  expressly
disclaims any intention or obligation to disseminate,  after
the  date of this announcement, any updates or revisions  to
any such forward-looking statements to reflect any change in
expectations or events, conditions or circumstances on which
any such statements are based.

"Schroder"  is a trademark of Schroder Holdings PLC  and  is
used   under   licence  by  Salomon  Brothers  International