Date of Agreement:      January 1, 2001


(1)      Predictive Systems Limited of Chancery Court Business Centre, Lincoln
         Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK (the "Company"); and

(2)      Eamonn Kearns of [state address]

1.       TITLE

         You will be employed as the Company's MD, Europe.

2.       JOB DUTIES

         You agree that you will:-

2.1.     unless prevented by ill health, incapacity or injury, devote the whole
         of your working time, attention and abilities to your duties under this

2.2.     faithfully and diligently perform your duties to the best of your
         ability and use your best endeavours to promote the interests of the
         Company and any Group Companies;

2.3.     without payment of additional salary or remuneration, accept any
         offices or directorships in the Company or any Group Company and
         perform such other duties in relation to the business of the Company or
         the Group as may from time to time be reasonably vested in or assigned
         to you by the Board;

2.4.     obey the reasonable directions of the Board and comply with any lawful
         rules or regulations issued by the Company from time to time;

2.5.     keep the Board (or the board of any other Group Company for whom you
         are carrying out your duties), and/or the person to whom you are
         required to report fully informed and in a timely manner of any
         activities you are undertaking on the Company's or any Group Company's
         behalf, in such form as the Board may require;

2.6.     you agree to carry out your duties and exercise your powers jointly
         with any other person appointed by the Board in its discretion to act
         jointly with you.


3.1.     Without prejudice to clause 2.1 above, you agree that you will not be
         engaged, interested or concerned in any activity, office or outside
         business interests without the consent of the Board. You will disclose
         in writing to the Board any such activities, offices or outside
         business interests you may currently have or which you subsequently
         wish to undertake and in the event that the Board requires you to cease
         the same or decline an opportunity, you will do so forthwith. For the
         avoidance of doubt consent will not be given inter alia in relation to
         any activities, offices or business interests which in the view of the
         Board, are similar to, or compete directly or indirectly with the
         business of the Company or the Group, or which could in the view

         of the Board, give rise to a conflict of interest or interfere with the
         efficient performance of your duties.

3.2.     Subject to clauses 3.1 and 3.2 you may however hold (directly or
         through nominees including your spouse, partner or minor children) by
         way of bona fide personal investment, any units of any authorised unit
         trust, and up to 3% of the issued shares, debentures or other
         securities of any private company or of any class of company whose
         shares are listed on a recognised investment exchange or dealt in the
         Alternative Investment Market. Any existing shareholding in excess of
         the 3% threshold acquired before the commencement of your employment
         with the Company may only be retained with the consent of the Board,
         such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

3.3.     During your employment you will, and will procure that your spouse and
         minor children will comply with all applicable rules of law, any
         recognised investment exchange regulations any Company or Group policy,
         code or regulation issued in relation to dealings in shares, debentures
         or other securities of the Company and any Group Company or relating to
         any unpublished price sensitive information affecting the securities of
         any other company. Likewise you will not do or omit to do anything
         which shall result in the Company being in breach of any NASDAQ
         requirements or any rules or regulations published by NASDAQ.


         You undertake that any notice period you are required to give or to
         serve with a previous employer has expired and that by entering into or
         performing any of your duties for the Company, you will not be in
         breach of any other obligation binding on you.


         Subject to clause 6 below your employment and your period of continuous
         employment for the purposes of the Employment Rights Act 1996 will
         commence on your start date. No employment with a previous employer
         counts as part of your period of continuous employment with the


         Your employment with the Company is conditional on your passing a
         medical examination to establish in the view of the Company's or the
         Group's medical adviser, your fitness to carry out your duties under
         this agreement. Should you not pass that medical to the satisfaction of
         the said medical adviser, then any offer of employment by the Company
         may be withdrawn and if already accepted, the Company may terminate
         your employment without notice or a payment in lieu of notice.

7.       TERM

7.1.     Subject to clause 24 below, your employment is terminable by either
         party giving to the other not less than 6 months' written notice.

7.2.     Subject to its rights under clause 24, the Company may in its
         discretion terminate your employment at any time by making you a
         payment in lieu of notice equivalent to your basic salary over any
         unexpired period of notice less tax and other deductions required by


7.3.     Without prejudice to the above the Company's contractual retirement age
         and your normal retirement age is 65. Your employment will therefore
         come to an end automatically and without the need for notice at the end
         of the calendar month in which your 65th birthday falls.

8.       PLACE OF WORK

         Your place of work will initially be the Company's main offices in the
         UK, wherever they may be situated, the location of which may change
         from time to time. You may however be required to perform your duties
         anywhere in the world, even if this requires you to relocate and to
         travel on the business of the Company anywhere in the world.


9.1.     You will be paid a basic salary equivalent to (pound)120,000 per annum
         paid less tax, national insurance contributions and any other
         deductions required by law. Your salary will accrue on a day to day
         basis and will be payable monthly in arrears on or about the last
         Friday of the month. Your salary is paid in respect of your duties both
         for the Company and any other Group Company for whom you are required
         to work and includes any directors' fees to be paid to you. Your salary
         will be reviewed each year in the absolute discretion of the Board.

9.2.     Subject to the approval of the Board of Predictive Systems, Inc. you
         will be granted 100,000 stock options ("Options") to purchase 100,000
         of Predictive Systems, Inc.'s common stock subject the terms and
         conditions of the Predictive Systems, Inc. 1999 Stock Incentive Plan
         (the "Plan") as amended from time to time. The Options will vest over
         four years and in each year, 25% of the Options will vest (each an
         "Annual Instalment"). 25,000 of the Options will vest 366 days after
         the date of this Agreement. Thereafter the Options will vest monthly.
         In the event of a Change of Control (as such term is defined in the
         Plan), any unvested Options for the remainder of that Annual Instalment
         will vest immediately and become exercisable in accordance with the
         provisions of the Plan. If following a Change of Control your
         employment is terminated other than by reason of your dishonesty,
         fraud, misconduct or breach of this Agreement, then Options for the
         remainder of that Annual Instalment will vest immediately and become
         exercisable in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

10.      EXPENSES

         You will be reimbursed all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably and
         properly incurred by you on the business of the Company or the Group
         provided you produce to the Company such evidence of actual payment of
         the expenses concerned as the Company reasonably requires.

11.      BENEFITS

11.1     Each month during the term of this Agreement, the Company shall
         contribute an amount equal to 6% (five percent) of your basic salary to
         a personal pension scheme nominated by you. There is no contracting out
         certificate in force in relation to the State Earnings Related Pensions

11.2     The Company will pay to you the sum of (pound)______ per calendar month
         to cover private health insurance premiums expenses with _____ to cover
         private health insurance expenses for you and your spouse and dependent
         children living with you. This sum


         will be paid to you through payroll along with your normal salary.

11.3     The Company will provide you with a car allowance of(pound)600 per
         calendar month which will paid through payroll along with your normal

11.4     At the discretion of the Company and subject to your meeting any
         conditions of eligibility, you may participate in such schemes or plans
         as the Company considers appropriate for other senior executives
         subject to the rules of the relevant plans or schemes which may vary
         from time to time. The Company may in its discretion withdraw or amend
         any particular plan or scheme (which has been introduced or substitute
         it with such other plans or schemes as it considers fit whether such
         substitute plans or schemes equivalent benefits or not.

12.      BONUS

         The Company may award you a bonus dependant on your own and the
         Company's overall performance in accordance with the spreadsheet
         attached hereto.

13.      HOURS OF WORK

         Your normal office hours are 9.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday, however
         you agree to work such additional hours without overtime or additional
         remuneration as may be necessary for the proper and efficient
         performance of your duties. You agree that the limit on average weekly
         working time set out in paragraph 4(1) of the Working Time Regulations
         1998 will not apply to you, although you may withdraw your consent on
         giving the Company three months prior written notice.

14.      HOLIDAYS

14.1.    The Company's holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

14.2.    You will be entitled to 20 days' paid holiday leave in each holiday
         year in addition to English public holidays.

14.3.    All holiday must be taken at times agreed in advance with the Board
         having regard to the needs of the Company (or any relevant Group
         Company's business). For the avoidance of doubt Regulations 15(1) to
         15(4) of the Working Time Regulations 1998 (dealing with dates when
         leave is taken) will not apply to your employment.

14.4.    You may not, save in exceptional circumstances and with the permission
         of the Board carry forward any unused part of your holiday entitlement
         to a subsequent holiday year. Subject to clause 14.6 below, the Company
         does not pay holiday pay in lieu of holiday which has accrued but has
         not been taken by the end of the holiday year.

14.5.    For the holiday year during which your employment commences or
         terminates, your holiday entitlement will be calculated on a pro rata

14.6.    On the termination of your employment with the Company, the Company may
         at its discretion:

         (a)      require you to take, during your notice period, any holiday
                  entitlement which will have accrued to you by the date of
                  termination of your employment, which you have not yet taken;


         (b)      pay you in lieu of some or all of the same less tax and other
                  deductions required by law;

         (c)      deduct from your final salary payment (or in the event that
                  this is insufficient) require you to pay to the Company an
                  amount representing salary paid during holiday taken but not
                  accrued by the date of termination of your employment.


         Without prejudice to any other rights open to the Company, you agree
         that the Company may deduct from any wages due to you, (including
         Company sick pay) sums representing the value of any Company property
         lost by you; the cost of repairing any Company property damaged by you
         or damaged as a consequence of negligence on your part; the amount of
         any outstanding loans or advances made to you by the Company; any other
         sums owing from you to the Company; where you have been unable to
         perform your duties under this Agreement due to an accident caused by a
         third party, an amount equal to the amount of any damages you recover
         from a third party in respect of that accident subject to a maximum of
         an amount equal to the salary and benefits you have received from the
         Company in respect of any period of absence to which the damages
         relate; any overpayment of salary or expenses or payment made to you by
         mistake or through misrepresentation; and any other sums authorised to
         be deducted by Section 13 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.


16.1.    If you are absent from work due to sickness, illness or accident you
         will notify another member of the Board as soon as possible.

16.2.    If you are absent from work for less than 7 days you will complete a
         self certification form setting out the nature of your illness or
         incapacity on your return to work. If your absence continues for more
         than 7 days you will on the eighth day of such absence and weekly
         thereafter, submit a doctor's certificate to the Company.

16.3.    Subject to the Company's rights to terminate for extended sickness
         absence under clause 24 below, and provided you comply with the
         notification and certification procedure set out above, the Company
         will pay you your normal salary for up to 3 months' absence in any
         period of twelve months, whether consecutive or not. Thereafter any
         company sick pay is entirely at the discretion of the Board.

16.4.    Company sick pay shall include any statutory sick pay payable to you
         under the prevailing rules of the statutory sick pay scheme. The
         Company may deduct from Company sick pay an amount or amounts equal to
         any state sickness benefit to which you are entitled or any payments
         made to you or for which you are eligible under any health insurance
         arrangement, effected from time to time by the Company on your behalf.

16.5.    The Company reserves the right to require you to undergo a medical
         examination by the Company's doctor or, an independent medical
         practitioner and you agree that the doctor or independent medical
         practitioner may disclose to the Company the results of the examination
         and discuss with the Company any matters arising from the examination
         as might impair you from properly discharging your duties. You also
         authorise your own doctor to provide the Company's doctor and/or
         independent medical practitioner with any relevant extracts from your
         medical notes. This clause


         is without prejudice to your statutory rights, (including your rights
         under the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988.


17.1.    During the course of your employment you will have access to and become
         aware of information which is confidential to the Company. You
         undertake that you will not, save in the proper performance of your
         duties, make use of, or disclose to any person, (including for the
         avoidance of doubt any competitors of the Company), any of the trade
         secrets or other confidential information of or relating to the
         Company, or any user of the Company's services or any company,
         organisation or business with which the Company is involved in any kind
         of business venture or partnership, or any other information concerning
         the business of the Company which you may have received or obtained in
         confidence while in the service of the Company. You will likewise use
         your best endeavours to prevent the unauthorised publication or
         disclosure or any such trade secrets or confidential information.

17.2.    This restriction shall continue to apply after the termination of your
         employment without limit in point of time but both during your
         employment and after its termination, shall cease to apply to
         information ordered to be disclosed by a Court or Tribunal of competent
         jurisdiction or otherwise required to be disclosed by law, or to
         information which becomes available to the public generally (other than
         by reason of your breaching this clause) without requiring a
         significant expenditure of labour skill or money. Nothing in this
         clause will prevent you making a "protected disclosure" within the
         meaning of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.

17.3.    For the purposes of this Agreement confidential information shall
         include, but shall not be limited to:-

         (a)      the Company's corporate and marketing strategy and plans,
                  business development plans and research results;

         (b)      budgets, management accounts, bank account details and other
                  confidential financial data of the Company;

         (c)      business methods and processes, information relating to the
                  running of the Company's business which is not in the public
                  domain, including details of salaries, bonuses, commissions
                  and other employment terms applicable within the Company;

         (d)      personal information provided to the Company by visitors to
                  and users of any of its web sites, including their names,
                  addresses, contact details, and requirements for the Company's
                  services or for services provided by third parties available
                  through the Company's web sites;

         (e)      the names, addresses and contact details of any customers or
                  prospective customers of the Company including customer lists
                  in whatever medium this information is stored and the
                  requirements of those customers or the potential requirements
                  of prospective customers for any of the Company's products or

         (f)      the terms on which the Company does business with its
                  advertisers, customers and suppliers, including any pricing
                  policy adopted by the Company and the


                  terms of any partnership, joint venture or other form of
                  commercial co-operation or agreement the Company enters into
                  with any third party;

         (g)      software and technical information necessary for the
                  development, maintenance or operation of any of the Company's
                  websites and the source code of each website; and

         (h)      any document marked "confidential" or which you have seen that
                  or which you are aware is confidential or which you might
                  reasonably expect the Company would regard as confidential;

         (i)      any other information which the Company is bound by an
                  obligation of confidence owed to a third party, in particular
                  the content of discussions or communications with any
                  prospective business.

17.4.    In this clause 17, any reference to "Company" includes any "Group
         Company" as defined in clause 30. and your undertaking to the Company
         in clause 17.1 is given to the Company for itself and as trustee for
         each Group Company.


18.1.    You may not save in the proper performance of your duties or with the
         Company's permission, remove any property belonging to the Company or
         any Group Company, or relating to the affairs of the Company or any
         Group Company, from the Company's or any Group Company's premises, or
         make any copies of documents or records relating to the Company's or
         any Group Company's affairs.

18.2.    Upon the Company's request at any time, and in any event on the
         termination of your employment, you will immediately deliver up to the
         Company or its authorised representative, any plans, keys, security
         passes, credit cards, customer lists, price lists, equipment,
         documents, records, papers, computer disks, tapes or other computer
         hardware or software (together with all copies of the same), and all
         property of whatever nature in your possession or control which belongs
         to the Company or any Group Company or relates to its or their business
         affairs. You will at the Company's request furnish the Company with a
         written statement confirming that you have complied with this

18.3.    If you have any information relating to the Company or the Group or
         work you have carried out for the Company or any Group Company which is
         stored on a computer or laptop computer which computer or lap top does
         not belong to the Company, this must be disclosed to the Company and
         the Company shall be entitled to down load the information and/or
         supervise its deletion from the computer or laptop concerned.

18.4.    You agree that the Company may direct one or more of its employees to
         search you and any bag, case or container belonging to you or which is
         in your custody or possession, which the Company reasonably considers
         may contain any property of the Company or relating to its affairs, and
         any vehicle belonging to or driven by you parked on or in the vicinity
         of the Company's premises. You may however request that such a search
         is carried out by another person of the same sex and in an area out of
         sight of other employees



19.1.    You will promptly disclose to the Company all works in which copyright
         or design rights may exist which you make or originate either by
         yourself or jointly with other people during your employment.

19.2.    Any copyright work or design created by you in the normal course of
         your employment or in the course of carrying out duties specifically
         assigned to you, which relate to the affairs of the Company, shall be
         the property of the Company whether or not the work was made at the
         direction of the Company, or was intended for the Company and the
         copyright in it and the rights in any design shall belong absolutely to
         the Company throughout all jurisdictions and in all parts of the world,
         together with all rights of registration, extensions and renewal (where

19.3.    To the extent that such copyright or design rights are not otherwise
         vested in the Company, you hereby assign the same to the Company,
         together with all past and future rights to action relating thereto.

19.4.    You recognise and accept that the Company may edit, copy, add to, take
         from, adapt, alter and translate the product of your services in
         exercising the rights assigned under clause 19.3.

19.5.    To the full extent permitted by law, you irrevocably and
         unconditionally waive any provision of law known as "moral rights"
         including any moral rights you may otherwise have under sections 77 to
         85 inclusive of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 in relation
         to the rights referred to at clause 19.2.

19.6.    You agree that you will at the Company's request and expense, execute
         such further documents or deeds and do all things necessary or
         reasonably required to confirm and substantiate the rights of the
         Company under this clause 19 and despite the termination of this
         Agreement for any reason.

19.7.    You agree that you will not at any time make use of the Company's
         property or documents or materials in which the Company owns the
         copyright or the design rights for any purpose which has not been
         authorised by the Company.


20.1.    It shall be part of your normal duties at all times to consider in what
         manner and by what new methods or devices, products, services,
         processes, equipment or systems of the Company and each Group Company
         might be improved, and promptly to give to the Board full details of
         any invention, discovery, design, improvement or other matter or work
         whatsoever in relation thereto (the "Inventions") which you may from
         time to time make or discover during your employment, and to further
         the interests of the Company in relation to the same. You hereby
         acknowledge and agree that the sole ownership of the Inventions and all
         proprietary rights therein discovered or made by you (whether alone or
         jointly with others) at any time during your employment shall (subject
         to any contrary provisions of the Patents Act 1977 and the Copyright
         Designs and Patents Act 1988 and to any rights of a joint inventor
         thereof) belong free of charge and exclusively to the Company as it may


20.2.    All worldwide copyright and design rights in all the Inventions shall
         be and remain the property of the Company and the provisions of clause
         19above shall apply in relation to the same.

20.3.    You agree that you will, at any time during your employment or
         thereafter, at the Company's expense, do all such acts and things and
         execute such documents (including without limitation making application
         for letters patent) as the Board may reasonably request in order to
         vest effectually any Invention (whether owned by the Company in
         accordance with this clause 20 or owned by you) and any protection as
         to ownership or use (in any part of the world) of the same, in the
         Company or any Group Company, or as the Company may direct, jointly if
         necessary with any joint inventor thereof, and you hereby irrevocably
         appoint the Company for these purposes to be your attorney in your name
         and on your behalf to execute and do such acts and things and execute
         any such documents as set out above.

20.4.    You agree that you will not knowingly do or omit to do anything which
         will or may have the result of imperilling any such protection
         aforesaid or any application for such protection.


21.1.    The Company shall be under no obligation to provide you with work
         during any period of notice to terminate your employment (or any part
         thereof), whether given by the Company or by you. During such period
         the Company may require you to carry out different duties from your
         normal duties and in particular to cease duties which give you access
         to the Company's customers and/or to its confidential information or
         those of any Group Company, whether or not that occasion a loss of
         status suspend you from employment and require you to cease carrying
         out your duties altogether or having any business dealings with the
         Company's employees, suppliers, advertisers, customers and agents and
         may exclude you from any premises of the Company or any Group Company.
         You agree that you will, if requested to do so, forthwith resign from
         all offices held by you in any Group Companies and to cease attending
         board meetings. You will continue to receive your salary and all
         contractual benefits provided by your employment. During such period of
         suspension you may not be engaged or employed by or take up any office
         or partnership in any other company, firm or business, or trade on your
         own account without the written permission of the Board.


         Quite apart from the right to put you on garden leave set out in clause
         21, the Company may suspend you on full pay pending the outcome of a
         disciplinary investigation or for health reasons. Whilst on suspension
         the Company may impose the same conditions as apply to employees on
         garden leave.


23.1.    The Company may terminate your employment without notice and without a
         payment in lieu of notice in the event that you:

         (a)      are guilty of gross misconduct or breach a fundamental term of
                  your employment. Gross misconduct would include but is not
                  limited to any act of dishonesty committed in relation to your
                  duties including the submission of false expenses claims; the
                  wilful misuse or disclosure of the Company's or any


                  Group Company's confidential information or other intellectual
                  property; attempts to solicit customers or potential customers
                  of the Company or any Group Company to transfer business away
                  from the Company or any Group Company for the purposes of a
                  competitor, or employees to leave the Company or any Group
                  Company; engaging in any form of sexual or racial harassment
                  at work; consuming alcohol to an extent which the Board
                  regards as excessive, or consuming or supplying controlled
                  drugs and other illegal substances whilst at work; or

         (b)      breach any other term of this agreement and fail to remedy the
                  breach within 7 days of written notice from the Company
                  advising of the breach;

         (c)      are in the reasonable view of the Board guilty of gross
                  negligence or persistently fail to meet targets set for you by
                  the Company; or

         (d)      infringe any rules or regulations imposed by any regulatory or
                  other external authority or professional body applicable to
                  your employment or which regulate the performance of your
                  duties or you fail to possess any qualification or meet any
                  condition or requirement laid down by any applicable
                  regulatory authority professional body or legislation; or

         (e)      act in a way which in the view of the Board brings you, the
                  Company or any Group Company into disrepute, whether or not
                  such act is directly related to the affairs of the Company or
                  any Group Company; or

         (f)      violate any share dealing rules referred to in clause 3 above
                  and/or enter into any transaction which contravenes the
                  insider dealing provisions contained in the Criminal Justice
                  Act 1993 or any other statutory provisions; or

         (g)      become bankrupt have an interim order made against you under
                  the Insolvency Act 1986 or make any composition or enter into
                  any deed of arrangement with your creditors or the equivalent
                  of any of these under any other jurisdiction; or

         (h)      become of unsound mind or become a patient under the Mental
                  Health legislation; or

         (i)      are convicted of a criminal offence (other than one carrying a
                  non custodial sentence or a driving offence); or

         (j)      become disqualified from acting as a director of a company or
                  resign as a director of the Company otherwise than at the
                  request of the Company or with the consent of the Company; or

         (k)      are absent from work for a period of 180 days (whether or not
                  consecutive) in any period of 12 months.

24.      OFFICES

24.1.    You will on the termination of your employment, forthwith resign from
         all offices you hold in either the Company or any Group Company. You
         will not however otherwise (or save as required by law), resign your
         office as a director of the Company or any Group Company without the
         Board's consent.


24.2.    You hereby irrevocably appoint the Company to be your attorney to
         execute any documents and do anything in your name to effect your
         resignation as a director of the Company or any Group Company should
         you fail to resign following a request from the Company to do so in
         accordance with clause 24.1. A written notification signed by a
         director of the Company that any instrument, document or act falls
         within the authority conferred by this clause will be conclusive
         evidence that it does so.

24.3.    Your employment shall terminate automatically and with immediate effect
         upon your ceasing to be a Director of the Company, but subject to
         clause 24.1, without prejudice to any rights you may have to damages or
         compensation arising out of the termination of this Agreement.


25.1.    You agree that you will not, without the written permission of the
         Board, during your employment with the Company, or for a period of 12
         months following the termination of your employment (less any period
         you spend on garden leave pursuant to clause 21), in connection with
         the carrying on of any business which competes with any business of any
         Group Company with which you were involved in the 12 months prior to
         the termination of your employment, and whether on your own behalf or
         on behalf of any individual, company, firm, business or other
         organisation, directly or indirectly

         (a)      solicit or entice away from the Company or any Group Company
                  the business of any customer or potential customer with whom
                  you had business dealings on behalf of the Company or any
                  Group Company in the course of the 12 months prior to the
                  termination of your employment, or about which customer, or
                  potential customer you are or someone reporting directly to
                  you is privy to confidential information at the date your
                  employment terminates; or

         (b)      have business dealings (involving the provision of services of
                  a type provided by the Company or any Group Company at the
                  date your employment terminates) with any customer or
                  prospective customer of the Company or any Group Company with
                  which customer/or potential customer you had business dealings
                  on behalf of the Company or any Group Company in the course of
                  the 12 months prior to the termination of your employment, or
                  about which client you are privy to confidential information
                  at the date your employment terminates; or.

         (c)      seek to entice away from the Company or any Group Company any
                  director of any Group Company, or any other person employed by
                  any Group Company as, or carrying out the functions of a
                  Managing Consultant or higher, at the date your employment
                  terminates (or who would have been so employed had he or she
                  not left the Company or any Group Company due to solicitation
                  on your part in the 4 months prior thereto) or any employees
                  of the Company or any Group Company with whom you had direct
                  dealings in the last 12 months of your employment with the
                  Company. This restriction shall apply regardless of whether
                  the solicitation involves a breach of contract on the part of
                  the director or employee concerned.

25.2.    You agree that you will not, without the written permission of the
         Board, during your employment with the Company, or for a period of 12
         months following the


         termination of your employment (less any period you spend on garden
         leave pursuant to clause 21), be engaged or employed by, or otherwise
         involved in any company firm or business which competes with any
         business of the Company or any Group Company with which you are
         involved in the last 12 months of your employment under this Agreement.

25.3.    Each of the sub-clauses contained in clause 25 constitutes an entirely
         separate and independent covenant. If any restriction is held to be
         invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is
         intended and understood by the parties that such invalidity or
         unenforceability will not affect the remaining restrictions or the
         validity of the rest of the Agreement and that if any such restriction
         would be valid if some part thereof were deleted or the period or area
         of application reduced, such restrictions shall apply with such
         modification as may be necessary to make them effective.

25.4.    You agree that if you receive an offer of employment, consultancy,
         directorship or other office or partnership during the continuance in
         force of any of the above, you will prior to acceptance of an offer,
         provide the party making the offer with copies of this clause and
         details of your notice period, the restrictions on your use and
         disclosure of confidential information and the clauses dealing with
         copyright and inventions.

25.5.    You acknowledge that:-

         (a)      each of the restrictions in clause 25 goes no further than is
                  necessary to protect the legitimate business interests of the
                  Company and any Group Company; and

         (b)      the Company is entering into this Agreement not only for
                  itself but as trustee for each Group Company and with the
                  intention that the Company and/or any Group Company will be
                  entitled to seek the protection of and enforce each of its
                  restrictions directly against you. If requested to do so by
                  the Company however, you will at any time enter into like
                  restrictions as those contained in this clause 25 (mutatis
                  mutandis) with any other Group Company.

25.6.    Nothing in this clause 25 shall prohibit you from holding the
         investments and interests set out in clause 3 above.

25.7.    Following the date your employment terminates, you will not represent
         yourself as being in any way connected with the business of the Company
         or any Group Company (except to the extent agreed by such Company)


         Copies of the Company's disciplinary and grievance policies may be
         obtained from [state job title of person concerned]. The policies do
         not have contractual force and may be varied from time to time; or:
         there is no disciplinary procedure applicable to you. Any matter of
         discipline shall be monitored and determined by the Board whose
         decision shall be final. If you have any grievance relating to your
         employment, you should write to the Board setting out full details, and
         you agree to promptly answer (in writing if so required) any questions
         put to you by any member of the Board. A majority decision of the Board
         on said matter shall be final. If you consider the matter has still not
         been resolved to your satisfaction you may appeal to the Chairman of
         the Board whose decision shall be final.



         There are no collective Agreements which directly affect your terms and
         conditions of employment.


         This Agreement includes the particulars of employment required by the
         Employment Rights Act 1996.


         If before the termination of this Agreement, your employment is
         terminated by reason of the liquidation of the Company for the purposes
         of any reconstruction or amalgamation, and you are offered employment
         with any concern or undertaking resulting from such reconstruction or
         amalgamation on terms and conditions no less favourable than the terms
         of this Agreement, then, to the extent permitted by law, you will have
         no claim against the Company in respect of the determination of your


30.1.    Any reference in this Agreement to:-

30.2.    any Act or delegated legislation includes any statutory modification or
         re-enactment of it or the provision referred to;

30.3.    "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company and the Board
         of Predictive Systems, Inc. from time to time, or any person or any
         committee of such Board duly appointed by it;

30.4.    "Group Company" means a company which from time to time is a subsidiary
         or a holding company of the Company or a subsidiary of such holding
         company and "subsidiary" and "holding company" have the meanings
         attributed to them by section 736 of the Companies Act 1985.


         In order to keep and maintain records relating to your employment under
         this Agreement, it will be necessary for the Company to record, keep
         and process personal data relating to you on computer and in hard copy
         form. To the extent that it is reasonably necessary in connection with
         your employment and the Company's responsibilities as an employer, this
         data may be disclosed to others, including other employees of the
         Company or any Group Company, the Company's professional advisers, the
         Inland Revenue and other authorities. You hereby consent to the
         recording, processing, use and disclosure by the Company or personal
         data relating to you as set out above, and you also consent to the
         Company transferring this information to other Group Companies
         including Group Companies situated outside of the UK. This consent does
         not affect your rights under the Data Protection Acts 1984 and 1998.


32.      SECURITY

         The Executive consents to the Company checking, recording and reviewing
         telephone calls, computer files, records and e-mails and any other
         compliance, security, audit or risk analysis checks the Company
         considers reasonably necessary.


33.1.    This Agreement is in substitution for any previous contract of
         employment between the Company and you which shall be deemed to have
         been terminated by mutual agreement from the date of this agreement.
         You hereby acknowledge and warrant that there are no agreements or
         arrangements whether written or oral or implied between the Company or
         any Group Company and you relating to employment by the Company other
         than those expressly set out in this Agreement and that you are not
         entering into this Agreement in reliance on any representation not
         expressly set out herein save that the you shall be entitled to be
         indemnified by the Company in respect of any such liability mentioned
         in Article 118 of Table A of the Companies Act 1985 as incorporated
         into the Articles of Association of the Company.

33.2.    The termination of this Agreement howsoever arising shall not affect
         any of the provisions of this Agreement which are expressed to operate
         or have effect or are capable of operation or effect after such

33.3.    This document shall not be presumed to be delivered, and is not
         intended by the person or persons making it to be a deed, and shall not
         be or take effect as a deed until it is dated.

34.      NOTICES

         Any notice you are required to give under this Agreement should be
         handed or delivered to another member of the Board at the Company's
         main office from time to time. Any notice the Company is required to
         give you should be handed to you or delivered to your last notified
         address. These notices will be deemed to have been given on the date of
         receipt if hand delivered and if posted, on the day on which in the
         ordinary course of post they would be delivered.


         Your terms of employment with the Company are governed by English law
         and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English
         Courts. The Company may however enforce the Agreement in any other
         courts of competent jurisdiction.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF a duly authorised representation of the Company and you have
executed this Agreement on the date hereof.


by and on behalf

of the Company by:-




by the Employee:-

in the presence of:-

Name of Witness

Address of Witness
