Exhibit 10.1

Mr. George Toth
Sands Casino Hotel
136 South Kentucky Avenue
Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Dear Mr. Toth:

You (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee") and Atlantic Coast Entertainment
Holdings, Inc. (the "Company"), sole member of ACE Gaming LLC, dba Sands Casino
Hotel (the "Sands"), have agreed upon the terms of Employee's employment
agreement for the period commencing April 1, 2005. This letter (the "Agreement")
sets forth the terms upon which the Employee shall be employed by the Company.

1.       Employment

         Upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Company hereby
         agrees to employ Employee and Employee hereby agrees to become employed
         by the Company. During the Term of Employment (as hereinafter defined),
         Employee shall be employed in the position of President of the Sands.
         Employee shall serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the Company's
         board of directors (the "Board"). Employee shall report to and be under
         the supervision of the President and Chief Executive Officer of the
         Company. During the Term of Employment, Employee shall devote all of
         his professional attention to the business and affairs of the Company,
         shall use his best efforts to advance the best interest of the Company
         and shall comply with all of the policies of the Company, including,
         without limitation, such policies with respect to conflicts of
         interest, confidentiality and business ethics from time to time in

         Except as specifically provided herein, during the Term of Employment,
         the Employee shall not, without the prior written consent of the
         Company, render services, whether or not compensated, to any other
         person or entity ("Person") as an employee, independent contractor or
         otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein
         shall restrict the Employee from rendering services to charitable
         organizations in such manner as shall not interfere with the
         performance by the Employee of his duties hereunder.

2.       Term

         The employment period shall commence as of April 1, 2005 and shall
         continue through the period (the "Term of Employment") ending on March
         31, 2008 (the "Expiration Date"), unless earlier terminated as set
         forth in this Agreement.

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3.       Compensation

         For all services to be performed by Employee under this Agreement,
         during the Term of Employment, the Employee shall be compensated in the
         following manner:

         (a)  Base Compensation

              The Company will pay Employee a salary (the "Base Salary")
              initially at an annual rate of $400,000. The Base Salary shall be
              payable in accordance with the normal payroll practice of the
              Company (but no less frequently than bi-weekly), and shall be
              subject to annual review and increase, but not decrease. Base
              Salary increases will be reviewed under the normal performance
              review process, which occurs in March of each year and shall
              become effective during the first pay period in April, beginning
              in April 2006.

         (b)  Bonus Compensation

              In the event that, during the Term of Employment, the Company
              shall develop a management incentive plan ("Bonus Compensation"),
              Employee shall be eligible to participate in such plan, if any, on
              the same terms as other members of executive management of the

         (c)  Taxes

              All amounts paid by the Company to Employee under or pursuant to
              this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Base Salary and
              any Bonus Compensation, or any other compensation or benefits,
              whether in cash or in kind, shall be subject to normal withholding
              and deductions imposed by any one or more or local, state and
              federal governments.

4.       Termination

         This Agreement shall terminate (subject to Section 9(f) below) and the
         Term of Employment shall end, on the first to occur of (each a
         "Termination Event"):

         (a)  The Expiration Date;

         (b)  The death of Employee or the total or partial disability that
              renders Employee unable to perform in his position with the
              Company for a period of at least 90 consecutive business days;

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         (c)  The discharge of Employee by the Company with or without Cause (as
              defined below); or

         (d)  The voluntary resignation of Employee (and without limiting the
              effect of such resignation, Employee agrees to provide the Company
              with not less than 30 days prior written notice of his

         The Company may dismiss Employee at any time, for any reason or no
         reason, with or without Cause, in which event Employee shall be
         entitled only to such payments as are set forth in Section 5 below. As
         used herein, "Cause" is defined as Employee's: (i) willful personal
         misconduct or insubordination; provided that such conduct shall
         continue after notice by the Company, (ii) substance abuse, including
         reporting for work under the influence of intoxicants; the illegal use,
         manufacture, possession, distribution or dispensing of controlled
         substances or alcohol (iii) negligence or failure to perform work
         duties or obligations to the Company or such other acts involving
         behavior by the Employee that harms the Sands, the Company or their
         reputation, (iv) conviction of a crime or being charged with a felony,
         (v) commission of a fraudulent act; (vi) federal or state criminal
         indictment for securities law violation, (vii) commission of an act of
         moral turptitude or dishonesty relating to the discharge of his
         responsibilities to the Company, (viii) failure to comply with any of
         the terms of this Agreement after notice by the Company; (ix) willful
         disclosure, not required by law or court order, of any trade secrets or
         confidential corporate information of the Sands, the Company or any of
         their affiliates to Persons not authorized to know same; (x) any
         revocation or suspension by any state or local authority of Employee's
         required license(s) to be the President and General Manager (or similar
         position) of the Sands or the Company; or (xi) any other event which
         causes the gaming authorities, having jurisdiction over the Sands, the
         Company or any of their affiliates, to seek and redress or remedy
         against the Employee, the Sands, the Company or any of their affiliates
         as a result of Employee's act or failure to act.

5.       Effect of Termination

         In the event of termination of Employee's employment hereunder, all
         rights of Employee under this Agreement, including all rights to
         compensation, shall end and Employee shall only be entitled to be paid
         the amounts set forth in this Section 5 below.

         (a)  In the event that Employee's employment is terminated prior to the
              Expiration Date (i) for any of the reasons set forth in Section
              4(b) above (i.e. death or disability) or (ii) for any of the
              reasons set forth in Section 4(d) above (i.e. voluntary
              resignation) or (iii) due to the discharge of Employee by the
              Company with Cause, then, in lieu of any other payments of any
              kind (including without limitation, any severance payments),
              Employee shall be entitled to receive, within thirty (30) days
              following the date on which the Termination Event in question
              occurred (the "Termination Date") any amounts of Base Salary and
              previously earned Bonus Compensation due and unpaid to Employee
              from the Company as of the Termination Date in question.

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         (b)  In the event that Employee's employment is terminated prior to the
              Expiration Date due to the discharge of the Employee by the
              Company without Cause, then, in lieu of any other payments of any
              kind (including, without limitation, any severance payments),
              Employee shall be entitled to receive, within thirty (30) days
              following the applicable Termination Date:

              i.      any amounts of Base Salary and previously earned Bonus
                      Compensation due and unpaid to Employee from the Company
                      as of the Termination Date in question;

              ii.     a lump-sum payment in the amount equal to one year's Base
                      Salary; and

              iii.    all earned Bonus Compensation or other payments deferred
                      by the Employee and not yet paid by the Company.

         For the purpose of this Paragraph 5, any Bonus Compensation shall be
         deemed earned with respect to any year on the last business day of
         February of the year following the year with respect to which the
         relevant performance targets are computed. By way of example, any Bonus
         Compensation with respect to 2005 performance targets shall be deemed
         earned on February 28, 2006.

6.       Non-Disclosure

         During the Term of Employment and at all times thereafter, Employee
         shall hold in a fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the Sands, the
         Company and each of their affiliates, respectively, all secret or
         confidential information, knowledge or data, including, without
         limitation, trade secrets, investments, contemplated investments,
         business opportunities, valuation models and methodologies, relating to
         the business of the Sands, the Company or their affiliates, and their
         respective business as, (i) obtained by Employee during Employee's
         employment by the Company and (ii) not otherwise in the public domain
         ("Confidential Information"). Employee also agrees to keep confidential
         and not disclose to any unauthorized Person any personal information
         regarding any controlling Person of the Sands, the Company or any of
         their affiliates and any member of the immediate family of any such
         Person (and all such personal information shall be deemed "Confidential
         Information" for the purposes of this Agreement). Employee shall not,
         without prior written consent of the Company: (i) except to the extent
         compelled pursuant to the order of a court or other body having
         jurisdiction over such matter or based upon the advise of counsel,
         communicate or divulge any Confidential Information to anyone other
         than the Company and those designated by the Company; or (ii) use any
         Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of
         his duties pursuant to this Agreement. Employee will assist the
         Company, at the Company's expense, in obtaining a protective order,
         other appropriate remedy or other reliable assurance that confidential
         treatment will be accorded any Confidential Information disclosed
         pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

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         All processes, technologies, investments, contemplated investments,
         business opportunities, valuation models and methodologies, and
         invention (collectively, "Inventions"), including without limitation
         new contributions, improvements, ideas, business plans, discoveries,
         trademarks and trade names, conceived, developed, invented, made or
         found by Employee, alone or with others, during the Term of Employment,
         whether or not patentable and whether or not on the Company's time or
         with the use of the Company's facilities or materials, shall be the
         property of the Company and shall be promptly and fully disclosed by
         the Employee to the Company. Employee shall perform all necessary acts
         (including, without limitations, executing and delivering any
         confirmatory assignments, documents, or instruments requested by the
         Company) to vest title to any such Invention in the Company and to
         enable to the Company, at its expense, to secure and maintain domestic
         and/or foreign patents or any other rights for such Inventions.

7.       Non-Compete

         Employee covenants and agrees with the Company and its subsidiaries
         that, during the Term of Employment and, unless the Employee's
         employment is terminated by the Company without Cause, continuing for
         one (1) year thereafter:

         (a)  Employee will not, either directly or indirectly, as principal,
              agent, owner, employee, partner, investor, shareholder (other than
              solely as a holder of not more than 1% of the issued and
              outstanding shares of any public corporation), consultant, advisor
              or otherwise howsoever own, operate, carry on or engage in the
              operation of or have any financial interest in or provide,
              directly or indirectly, financial assistance to or lend money to
              or guarantee the debts or obligations of any Person carrying on or
              engaged in any business that is competitive with or similar to the
              business conducted by the Company or any of its subsidiaries (the
              "Business") which is located within Clark County, Nevada, Atlantic
              City, NJ or within fifty (50) miles of these locations as long as
              the Company or any of its affiliates are still doing business in

         (b)  Employee shall not directly, or indirectly, for himself or for any
              other Person:

              i.      solicit, interfere with or endeavor to entice away from
                      the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, any
                      customer, client or any Person in the habit of dealing
                      with any of the foregoing;

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              ii.     attempt to direct or solicit any customer or client away
                      from the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates;

              iii.    interfere with, entice away or otherwise attempt to obtain
                      the withdrawal of any employee of the Company or any of
                      its subsidiaries or affiliates; or

              iv.     advise any Person not to do business with the Company or
                      any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.

         Employee represents to the Company that the enforcement of the
         restrictions contained in Section 6 and Section 7 (the Non-Disclosure
         and Non-Compete sections respectively) would not be unduly burdensome
         to Employee. Employee agrees that the remedy of damages for any breach
         by Employee of the provisions of either of these sections may be
         inadequate and that the Company shall be entitled to injunctive relief,
         without posting any bond. This section constitutes an independent and
         separable covenant that shall be enforceable notwithstanding any right
         or remedy that the Company may have under any other provision of this
         Agreement or otherwise.

8.       Benefits

         During the Term of Employment, Employee shall be entitled (i) to
         receive certain healthcare and other employee benefits comparable to
         those received by other employees at a similar pay level and/or
         position with the Company; (ii) 15 business days paid vacation per
         calendar year, at the rate of 1.25 days per each calendar month.
         Vacation days must be used in the calendar year they are awarded or
         within the first three months of the following year or shall be
         forfeited unless the Company work requirements prohibit use, and (iii)
         an auto allowance in the amount of $1000.00 per month payable with the
         last paycheck of the month.

9.       Miscellaneous

         (a)  If the Company awards to its executives stock options or
              restricted stock in anticipation of a public offering, Employee
              shall be eligible to receive an award of such options or
              restricted stock; provided, however, that the amount of any such
              award shall be subject to the review and approval of the Board, in
              their sole and absolute discretion.

         (b)  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the
              parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes
              all previous written, and all previous or contemporaneous oral
              negotiations, understandings, arrangements, and agreements.

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         (c)  This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof shall inure to the
              benefit of and be binding upon the legal representative, heirs,
              distributes, successors (whether by merger, operation of law or
              otherwise) and assigns of the parties hereto; provided, however,
              that Employee may not delegate any of Employee's duties hereunder,
              and may not assign any of Employee's rights hereunder, without the
              prior written consent of the Company.

         (d)  This Agreement will be interpreted and the rights of the parties
              determined in accordance with the laws of the United States
              applicable thereto and the internal laws of the State of New York.

         (e)  Employees covenants and represents that he is not a party to any
              contract, commitment or agreement, nor is he subject to, or bound
              by, any order, judgment, decree, law, statute, ordinance, rule,
              regulation or other restriction of any kind or character, which
              would prevent or restrict him from entering into and performing
              his obligations under this Agreement.

         (f)  This Agreement and all of its provisions, other than provisions of
              Section 5, Section 6 and Section 7 hereunder (which shall survive
              termination), shall terminate upon Employee ceasing to be an
              employee of the Company for any reason.


By: /s/ Richard P. Brown                        By: /s/ George Toth
    ---------------------                           -------------------------
    Richard P. Brown, CEO

Date: April 21, 2005                            Date: April 21, 2005
      -------------------                             -----------------------

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