November 4, 2005

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D. C. 20549
Attn:    Mr. Steven Jacobs
         Branch Chief

Re:      Kimco Realty Corporation (the "Company")
         Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004
         File No. 1-10899

Dear Mr. Jacobs:

In reply to your letter dated October 24, 2005, on the above-mentioned File
Number, please find our responses to your comments:


Financial Statements

Consolidated Statements of Income, page 56

1.       In future filings, please revise your statements of income for
         consistency with Rule 5-03 of Regulation S-X. Your revisions should
         include, but not be limited to, a change in the location of the
         captions "Adjustment of property carrying values" and "General and
         Administrative Expenses". These captions currently appear to be placed
         below non-operating income and should be moved above non-operating
         income in accordance with the rule.


         As requested, in future filings beginning with the Company's September
         30, 2005 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, the Company, in accordance with
         Rule 5-03 of Regulation S-X, will revise the face of its statements of
         income to present Adjustment of property carrying values and General
         and administrative expenses in a location above non-operating income
         and present Income from other real estate investments after Provision
         for income taxes, as these investments are primarily accounted for
         under the equity method of accounting.

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Revenue Recognition and Accounts Receivable, page 62

2.       We note your policy on recognition of revenue from real estate rentals.
         In a separate policy note, distinct from Accounts Receivable, please
         describe in detail your revenue recognition policies for each of your
         material revenue streams including mortgage financing, other real
         estate investments, property management services, etc. Additionally,
         disclose your revenue recognition policies related to the sale of
         development and operating properties.


         To enhance disclosure of the Company's revenue recognition policies
         relating to mortgage financing, other real estate investments, property
         management services and sales of development and operating properties,
         the Company will provide the following disclosures within Footnote 1 of
         the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
         31, 2005.

         Mortgage and other financing receivables

         Mortgages and other financing receivables consist of loans purchased
         and loans originated by the Company. Loan receivables are recorded at
         stated principal amounts net of any discount or premium or deferred
         loan origination costs or fees. The related discounts or premiums on
         mortgages and other loans purchased are amortized or accreted over the
         life of the related loan receivable. The Company defers certain loan
         origination and commitment fees, net of certain origination costs, and
         amortizes them as an adjustment of the loan's yield over the term of
         the related loan. The Company evaluates the collectibility of both
         interest and principal of each of its loans to determine whether it is
         impaired. A loan is considered to be impaired, when based upon current
         information and events, it is probable that the Company will be unable
         to collect all amounts due according to the existing contractual terms.
         When a loan is considered to be impaired, the amount of loss is
         calculated by comparing the recorded investment to the value determined
         by discounting the expected future cash flows at the loan's effective
         interest rate or to the value of the underlying collateral if the loan
         is collateralized. Interest income on performing loans is accrued as
         earned. Interest income on impaired loans is recognized on a cash

         Other real estate investments

         Other real estate investments primarily consist of Preferred equity
         investments for which the Company provides capital to developers and
         owners of real estate. The Company accounts for its Preferred equity
         investments on the equity method of accounting, whereby earnings for
         each investment are recognized in accordance with each respective
         investment agreement and based upon an allocation of the investment's
         net assets at book value as if the investment was hypothetically
         liquidated at the end of each reporting period.

         Property management services

         Management and other fee income consist of property management fees,
         leasing fees, property acquisition and disposition fees, development
         fees and asset management fees. These fees arise from contractual
         agreements with third parties or with entities in which the Company has
         a partial non-controlling interest. Fee income is recognized as earned
         under the respective agreements. Acquisition and disposition fees are
         recognized when the respective transactions are closed. Fee income
         related to partially owned entities is recognized to the extent
         attributable to the unaffiliated interest.

         Property sales

         Gains and losses from the sale of depreciated operating property and
         ground-up development projects are generally recognized using the full
         accrual method in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting
         Standards No. 66, Accounting for Sales of Real Estate, ("SFAS No. 66"),
         provided that various criteria relating to the terms of sale and
         subsequent involvement by the Company with the properties are met.

         Gains and losses on transfers of operating properties result from the
         sale of partial interests in properties to unconsolidated joint
         ventures and are recognized using the partial sale provisions of SFAS
         No. 66.

The Company acknowledges that:
o        the Company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
         disclosure in the filing;
o        staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments
         do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
         the filing; and
o        the Company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
         proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
         securities laws of the United Sates.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification with regard to
our responses, please feel free to contact me directly at (516) 869-7185.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Michael V. Pappagallo
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Michael V. Pappagallo
Chief Financial Officer