Washington, D.C. 20549

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Form 10-Q

          X        Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
      ---------    Exchange Act of 1934
                   For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2001

                   Transition Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange
      ---------    Act

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         EAGLE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Virginia                                           54-1601306
(State or other jurisdiction of                            (I.R.S. employer
incorporation or organization)                            identification no.)

          Post Office Box 391
          Berryville, Virginia                                 22611
(Address of principal executive offices)                     (Zip Code)

                                 (540) 955-2510
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all  documents and
reports  required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]

The  number  of  shares of the  Registrant's  Common  Stock  ($2.50  par  value)
outstanding as of November 8, 2001 was 1,454,761 .


                         EAGLE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

                               INDEX TO FORM 10-Q


Item 1.      Financial Statements (Unaudited)    ............................ 3

                 Consolidated Balance Sheets as of
                 September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000    ................ 3

                 Consolidated Statements of Income for the Three
                 and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2001 and 2000   ........ 4

                 Consolidated  Statements of  Shareholders'  Equity for the Nine
                 Months Ended September 30, 2001 and 2000 ....... 5

                 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for
                 the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2001 and 2000    ....... 6

                 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements    .............. 7

Item 2.      Management's Discussion and Analysis of
             Financial Condition and Results of Operations    ............... 8

Item 3.      Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures
             about Market Risk    ........................................... 9


Item 1.      Legal Proceedings    ...........................................10
Item 2.      Changes in Securities    .......................................10
Item 3.      Defaults Upon Senior Securities    .............................10
Item 4.      Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders    .........10
Item 5.      Other Information    ...........................................10
Item 6.      Exhibits and reports on Form 8-K    ............................11



Item 1.      Financial Statements

                  Eagle Financial Services, Inc. and Subsidiary
                           Consolidated Balance Sheets
                  As of September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000

                                               Sep 30, 2001       Dec 31, 2000
                                             ---------------    ---------------
Cash and due from banks                      $    8,290,095     $    5,623,765
Federal funds sold                                        0          2,881,000
Securities available for sale,
   at fair value                                 16,177,387         11,622,805
Securities held to maturity
(fair value:  2001,$21,676,291;
   2000,$26,075,829)                             21,208,440         26,295,851
Loans, net allowance for loan losses
   of $1,595,965 in 2001 and
   $1,340,086 in 2000                           166,728,627        140,709,430
Bank premises and equipment, net                  5,206,891          4,909,252
Other assets                                      4,393,049          4,091,185
                                             ---------------    ---------------
           Total assets                      $  222,004,489     $  196,133,288
                                             ===============    ===============
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
       Noninterest bearing demand deposits   $   34,164,533     $   28,189,351
       Interest bearing demand deposits,
          money market and savings accounts      65,826,664         56,699,785
       Time deposits                             79,312,488         83,167,640
                                             ---------------    ---------------
          Total deposits                     $  179,303,685     $  168,056,776
    Federal funds purchased and securities
       sold under agreements to repurchase       10,642,715          2,782,666
    Federal Home Loan Bank advances              10,000,000          5,000,000
    Other liabilities                             1,093,685          1,028,360
    Commitments and contingent liabilities                0                  0
                                             ---------------    ---------------
           Total liabilities                 $  201,040,085     $  176,867,802
                                             ---------------    ---------------
Shareholders' Equity
    Preferred Stock, $10 par value;
        500,000 shares authorized
        and unissued                         $            0     $            0
    Common Stock, $2.50 par value;
         authorized 5,000,000 shares;
         issued 2001, 1,454,763; issued
         2000, 1,445,431 shares                   3,636,907          3,613,578
    Surplus                                       3,063,345          2,873,924
    Retained Earnings                            13,924,488         12,760,698
    Accumulated other comprehensive income          339,664             17,286
                                             ---------------    ---------------
           Total shareholders' equity        $   20,964,404     $   19,265,486
                                             ---------------    ---------------
           Total liabilities and
              shareholders' equity           $  222,004,489     $  196,133,288
                                             ===============    ===============


                  Eagle Financial Services, Inc. and Subsidiary
                        Consolidated Statements of Income
                For the Periods Ended September 30, 2001 and 2000

                                                      Three Months Ended                   Nine Months Ended
                                                         September 30                        September 30
                                                     2001             2000              2001             2000
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------
    Interest Income
      Interest and fees on loans                $    3,185,509        2,901,450   $    9,154,592    $    8,102,528
      Interest on federal funds sold                       636            7,872            9,891            12,223
      Interest on securities held to maturity:
          Taxable interest income                      189,814          266,267          672,405           825,801
          Interest income exempt from
            federal income taxes                        97,372          102,361          297,960           314,374
      Interest and dividends on securities
        available for sale:
          Taxable interest income                      201,576          136,813          528,244           378,389
          Interest income exempt from
             federal income taxes                       18,377           18,378           55,132            51,033
          Dividends                                     34,981           37,946          106,000           100,355
      Interest on deposits in banks                        362              253            1,282             1,751
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------
                Total interest income           $    3,728,627   $    3,471,340   $   10,825,506    $    9,786,454
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------
    Interest Expense
      Interest on deposits                      $    1,350,437   $    1,437,355   $    4,252,084    $    3,884,128
      Interest on federal funds purchased and
          securities sold under agreements
          to repurchase                                 79,794           44,119          201,672           217,970
      Interest on Federal Home Loan
          Bank advances                                 74,101           63,122          198,287           188,004
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

                Total interest expense          $    1,504,332   $    1,544,596    $   4,652,043    $    4,290,102
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

                Net interest income             $    2,224,295   $    1,926,744   $    6,173,463    $    5,496,352
      Provision For Loan Losses                        270,000           90,000          505,000    $      260,000
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

                Net interest income after
                provision for loan losses       $    1,954,295   $    1,836,744    $   5,668,463    $    5,236,352
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

    Other Income
      Trust Department income                   $      131,360   $       85,595    $      409,982   $      250,961
      Service charges on deposits                      228,931          185,025           664,925          549,277
      Other service charges and fees                   371,476          259,241           963,555          757,817
      Securities gains                                  29,224                0            84,614                0
      Other operating income                            42,799           28,653            69,025           75,843
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

                                                $      803,790   $     558,514     $     2,192,101  $    1,633,898
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------
    Other Expenses
      Salaries and wages                        $      828,170   $      727,565    $     2,427,669  $    2,137,122
      Pension and other employee benefits              222,379          187,866            627,773         519,178
      Occupancy expenses                               105,477          124,272            326,514         370,187
      Equipment expenses                               165,375          181,079            501,433         475,424
      Stationary and supplies                           37,022           74,069            145,847         155,833
      Credit card expense                               61,780           52,467            164,576         147,711
      ATM network fees                                  42,094           35,424            118,159         101,188
      Postage                                           33,063           31,164            102,862         109,123
      Other operating expenses                         366,687          300,831          1,039,397         855,023
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

                                                $    1,862,047    $   1,714,737   $      5,454,230  $    4,870,789
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

               Income before income taxes       $      896,038    $     680,521   $      2,406,334  $    1,999,461
    Income Tax Expense                                 251,424          177,127            663,278         490,587
                                                ---------------  ---------------   ---------------  ---------------

                Net Income                      $      644,614    $     503,394   $      1,743,056  $    1,508,874
                                                ===============  ===============   ===============  ===============
    Net income per common share,
       basic and diluted                        $         0.44    $        0.35   $           1.20  $         1.05
                                                ===============  ===============   ===============  ===============


                 Eagle Financial Services, Inc. and Subsidiary
                Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity
             For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2001 and 2000

                                         Common                       Retained     Comprehensive  Comprehensive
                                          Stock         Surplus       Earnings     Income (Loss)     Income          Total
                                      -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance, December 31, 1999            $  3,581,992   $  2,602,005   $ 11,407,018   $  (130,167)                  $ 17,460,848
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                                           1,508,874                  $  1,508,874      1,508,874
  Other comprehensive income:
    Unrealized gain on
      securities available for
      sale, net of deferred
      income taxes of $13,776                                                           26,740          26,740         26,740
    Total comprehensive income                                                                    $  1,535,614
Issuance of common stock, employee
    benefit plan (2,100 shares)              5,250         34,832                                                      40,082
Issuance of common stock, dividend
    investment plan (7,207 shares)          18,018        168,061                                                     186,079
Dividends declared ($0.34 per share)                                    (488,095)                                    (488,095)
Fractional shares purchased                    (15)          (148)                                                       (163)
                                      -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------                 -------------
Balance, September 30. 2000           $  3,605,245   $  2,804,750   $ 12,427,797   $   (103,427)                 $ 18,734,365
                                      =============  =============  =============  =============                 =============

Balance, December 31, 2000            $  3,613,578   $  2,873,924   $ 12,760,698   $     17,286                  $ 19,265,486
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                                           1,743,056                  $  1,743,056      1,743,056
  Other comprehensive income:
    Unrealized gain on
      securities available for
      sale, net of deferred
      income taxes of $166,073                                                           322,378       322,378        322,378
    Total comprehensive income                                                                    $  2,065,434
  Issuance of common stock, dividend
    investment plan (9,337 shares)          23,342        189,540                                                     212,882
  Dividends declared ($0.40 per share)                                  (579,266)                                    (579,266)
  Fractional shares purchased                  (13)          (119)                                                       (132)
                                      -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------                 -------------
Balance, September 30, 2001           $  3,636,907   $  3,063,345   $ 13,924,488   $    339,664                  $ 20,964,404
                                      =============  =============  =============  =============                 =============


                  Eagle Financial Services, Inc. and Subsidiary
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
              For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2001 and 2000

                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                          September 30
                                                      2001             2000
                                                  -------------   -------------
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
  Net income                                      $  1,743,056    $  1,508,874
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to
   net cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                      413,150         443,683
    Amortization of intangible assets                   33,788          33,788
    (Gain) loss on equity investment                     9,732          (9,402)
    Provision for loan losses                          505,000         260,000
    Loss on sale of other real estate owned                  0           1,184
    (Gain) on sale of securities                       (84,614)              0
    Premium amortization on securities, net             49,889          46,532
    Changes in assets and liabilities:
      (Increase) in other assets                      (243,979)       (594,595)
      Increase (decrease) in other liabilities        (107,332)        148,399
                                                  -------------   -------------
      Net cash provided by operating activities   $  2,318,690    $  1,838,463
                                                  -------------   -------------
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
  Proceeds from maturities and principal
   payments on securities held to maturity        $  5,049,966    $  2,894,917
  Proceeds from maturities and principal
   payments on securities available for sale         5,368,402       2,790,838
  Purchases of securities held to maturity                   0               0
  Purchases of securities available for sale        (9,362,363)     (3,824,088)
  Purchases of bank premises and equipment            (604,278)     (1,263,771)
  Proceeds from sale of other real estate owned              0         107,701
  Net (increase) in loans                          (26,725,529)    (16,454,623)
                                                  -------------   -------------
      Net cash (used in) investing activities     $(26,273,802)   $(15,749,026)
                                                  -------------   -------------
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
  Net increase in demand deposits,
   money market and savings accounts              $ 15,102,061    $  2,616,367
  Net increase (decrease) in certificates
   of deposits                                      (3,855,152)     11,696,111
  Net increase (decrease) in federal funds
   purchased and securities sold under
   agreements to repurchase                          7,860,049        (724,228)
  Proceeds from Federal Home Loan Bank advances      5,000,000               0
  Proceeds from issuance of common stock to ESOP             0          40,082
  Cash dividends paid                                 (366,384)       (302,016)
  Fractional shares purchased                             (132)           (163)
                                                  -------------   -------------
      Net cash provided by financing activities   $ 23,740,442    $ 13,326,153
                                                  -------------   -------------
      (Decrease) in cash and
         cash equivalents                         $   (214,670)   $   (584,410)

Cash and Cash Equivalents
  Beginning                                          8,504,765       6,420,162
                                                  -------------   -------------
  Ending                                          $  8,290,095    $  5,835,752
                                                  =============   =============

Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information
  Cash payments for:
    Interest                                      $  4,692,317    $  4,275,531
                                                  =============   =============
    Income taxes                                  $    732,995    $    528,950
                                                  =============   =============

Supplemental Schedule of Non-Cash Investing and
 Financing Activities:
   Issuance of common stock,
    dividend investment plan                      $    212,882    $    186,079
                                                  =============   =============
   Unrealized gain on securities
    available for sale                            $    488,451    $     40,516
                                                  =============   =============
   Other real estate acquired in settlement
    of loans                                      $    201,332    $          0
                                                  =============   =============


                               September 30, 2001

(1)   The  accompanying  unaudited  financial  statements  have been prepared in
      accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting  principals  from interim
      financial  information and with the  instructions to Form 10-Q and Article
      10 of  Regulation  S-X.  Accordingly,  they  do  not  include  all  of the
      information  and  footnotes  required  by  generally  accepted  accounting

(2)   In  the  opinion  of  management,  the  accompanying  unaudited  financial
      statements  contain all adjustments  (consisting of only normal  recurring
      accruals)  necessary  to  present  fairly  the  financial  position  as of
      September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000,  the results of  operations  for
      the three and nine months  ended  September  30,  2001 and 2000,  and cash
      flows  for the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  2001  and  2000.  The
      statements  should be read in conjunction  with the Notes to  Consolidated
      Financial  Statements included in the Company's Annual Report for the year
      ended December 31, 2000.

(3)   The  results  of  operations  for the three and nine month  periods  ended
      September 30, 2001 and 2000, are not necessarily indicative of the results
      to be expected for the full year.

(4)   Securities  held to maturity and  available  for sale as of September  30,
      2001 and December 31, 2000, are:

                                     Sep 30, 2001             Dec 31, 2000
Held to Maturity                     Amortized Cost           Amortized Cost
- ----------------                     --------------           --------------
U.S. Treasury securities             $      121,985           $      121,983
Obligations of U.S. government
 corporations and agencies                1,998,695                3,501,765
Mortgage-backed securities                6,139,411                8,176,056
Obligations of states and political
 subdivisions                            12,948,349               14,496,047
                                     --------------           --------------
                                     $   21,208,440           $   26,295,851
                                     ==============           ==============

                                     Sep 30, 2001             Dec 31, 2000
                                     Fair Value               Fair Value
                                     --------------           --------------
U.S. Treasury securities             $      124,288           $      124,554
Obligations of U.S. government
 corporations and agencies                2,065,940                3,498,510
Mortgage-backed securities                6,235,061                8,103,514
Obligations of states and political
 subdivisions                            13,251,002               14,349,251
                                     --------------           --------------
                                     $   21,676,291           $   26,075,829
                                     ==============           ==============

                                     Sep 30, 2001             Dec 31, 2000
Available for Sale                   Amortized Cost           Amortized Cost
- ------------------                   --------------           --------------
Obligations of U.S. government
 corporations and agencies           $      996,233           $    2,752,025
Mortgage-backed securities                2,690,111                4,162,991
Obligations of states and political
 Subdivisions                             1,497,841                1,494,942
Corporate securities                      9,227,448                1,944,875
Other                                     1,251,112                1,241,781
                                     --------------           --------------
                                     $   15,662,745           $   11,596,614
                                     ==============           ==============

                                     Sep 30, 2001             Dec 31, 2000
                                     Fair Value               Fair Value
                                     --------------           --------------
Obligations of U.S. government
 corporations and agencies           $    1,035,470           $    2,762,237
Mortgage-backed securities                2,756,945                4,177,761
Obligations of states and political
 Subdivisions                             1,577,147                1,535,210
Corporate securities                      9,527,258                1,933,653
Other                                     1,280,567                1,213,944
                                     --------------           --------------
                                     $   16,177,387           $   11,622,805
                                     ==============           ==============

(5)   Net loans at September  30, 2001 and December 31, 2000 are  summarized  as
      follows (In Thousands):

                                            Sep 30, 2001        Dec 31, 2000
                                            ---------------     ---------------
Loans secured by real estate:
  Construction and land development         $        8,384     $         4,396
  Secured by farmland                                5,531               5,109
  Secured by 1-4 family residential                 88,598              75,809
  Nonfarm, nonresidential loans                     27,020              25,217
Loans to farmers (except those secured
     by real estate)                                   495                 656
Commercial and industrial loans (except
     those secured by real estate)                  13,930              10,749
Consumer installment loans (except those
     secured by real estate)                        22,241              18,749
Loans to U.S. state and political
 subdivisions                                          867               1,306
All other loans                                      1,261                  66
                                            ---------------     ---------------
Gross loans                                 $      168,327      $      142,057

  Unearned income                                       (2)                 (8)
  Allowance for loan losses                         (1,596)             (1,340)
                                            ---------------     ---------------
Loans, net                                  $      166,729      $      140,709
                                            ===============     ===============

(6)   Allowance for Loan Losses

                                            Sep 30, 2001      Sep 30, 2000      Dec 31, 2000
                                            --------------    --------------    --------------
Balance, beginning                          $   1,340,086     $   1,122,616     $   1,122,616
Provision charged to operating expense            505,000           260,000           350,000
Recoveries added to the allowance                  56,395            27,150            37,988
Loan losses charged to the allowance             (305,516)         (101,126)         (170,518)
                                            --------------    --------------    --------------
Balance, ending                             $   1,595,965     $   1,308,640     $   1,340,086
                                            ==============    ==============    ==============

(7)   Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In July, 2001, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued two statements -
Statement 141,  Business  Combinations,  and Statement  142,  Goodwill and Other
Intangible Assets, which will potentially impact the accounting for goodwill and
other  intangible  assets.  Statement  141  eliminates  the  pooling  method  of
accounting for business  combinations  and requires that intangible  assets that
meet certain criteria be reported  separately from goodwill.  The Statement also
requires negative goodwill arising from a business combination to be recorded as
an extraordinary gain. Statement 142 eliminates the amortization of goodwill and
other  intangibles that are determined to have an indefinite life. The Statement
requires,  at  a  minimum,  annual  impairment  tests  for  goodwill  and  other
intangible assets that are determined to have an indefinite life.

         Upon  adoption  of these  Statements,  an  organization  is required to
re-evaluate  goodwill  and other  intangible  assets  that arose  from  business
combinations entered into before July 1, 2001. If the recorded other intangibles
assets do not meet the criteria for  recognition,  they should be  classified as
goodwill. Similarly, if there are other intangible assets that meet the criteria
for recognition but were not separately  recorded from goodwill,  they should be
reclassified from goodwill.  An organization also must reassess the useful lives
of intangible assets and adjust the remaining  amortization periods accordingly.
Any negative goodwill must be written-off.

         The standards  generally are required to be  implemented by the Bank in
its 2002 financial  statements.  The adoption of these standards will not have a
material impact on the financial statements.


Item 2.      Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
             Results of Operations


Net  income  of the  company  for the  first  nine  months  of 2001 and 2000 was
$1,743,056  and  $1,508,874,  respectively.  This is an  increase of $234,182 or
15.52%.  Net interest  income after provision for loan losses for the first nine
months of 2001 and 2000 was $5,668,463 and $5,236,352,  respectively. This is an
increase of $432,111 or 8.25%. This increase can be attributed to continued loan
growth during 2001. Total noninterest  income increased  $558,203 or 34.16% from
$1,633,898  for the first nine months of 2000 to  $2,192,101  for the first nine
months of 2001. This change can be attributed to increases in fees earned by the
Trust  Department  and fees  earned from the  origination  of  secondary  market
mortgages.   Total  noninterest  expenses  increased  $583,441  or  11.98%  from
$4,870,789  during the first nine months of 2000 to $5,454,230  during the first
nine months of 2001.  This change can be attributed to increases in compensation
and benefits expense and increases in other operating expenses.

Earnings  per common share  outstanding  (basic and diluted) was $1.20 and $1.05
for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  Annualized
return on average assets for the nine month periods ended September 30, 2001 and
2000 was 1.13% and 1.10%, respectively.  Annualized return on average equity for
the nine month periods ended  September 30, 2001 and 2000 was 11.60% and 11.18%,


The provision for loan losses is based upon management's  estimate of the amount
required to maintain an adequate  allowance  for loan losses  reflective  of the
risks in the loan  portfolio.  The Company reviews the adequacy of the allowance
for loan  losses  monthly  and  utilizes  the  results of these  evaluations  to
establish the provision for loan losses.  The allowance is maintained at a level
believed by management to absorb  potential  losses in the loan  portfolio.  The
methodology  considers  specific  identifications,  specific and estimate pools,
trends in  delinquencies,  local and regional  economic trends,  concentrations,
commitments,  off balance sheet  exposure and other  factors.  The provision for
loan losses for the nine month  periods  ended  September  30, 2001 and 2000 was
$505,000 and $260,000,  respectively.  The  allowance for loan losses  increased
$255,879  or 19.09%  during the first  nine  months of 2001 from  $1,340,086  at
December 31, 2000 to  $1,595,965  at  September  30,  2001.  The  allowance as a
percentage of total loans  increased from 0.94% as of December 31, 2000 to 0.95%
as of  September  30,  2001.  The Company had net  charge-offs  of $249,121  and
$73,976 for the first nine months of 2001 and 2000,  respectively.  The ratio of
net  charge-offs  to average loans was 0.16% and 0.06% for the first nine months
of 2001 and 2000, respectively.

Loans past due greater than 90 days and still accruing  interest  increased from
$46,713 at December  31, 2000 to $211,124 at September  30, 2001.  There were no
nonaccrual  loans as of December 31, 2000 and September 30, 2001. Total impaired
loans were  $125,752 at December  31, 2000.  There were no impaired  loans as of
September 30, 2001.

Loans are viewed as  potential  problem  loans  when  management  questions  the
ability of the borrower to comply with current repayment terms.  These loans are
subject to  constant  review by  management  and their  status is  reviewed on a
regular  basis.  The  amount  of  problem  loans as of  September  30,  2001 was
$632,743.  Most of these loans are well secured and management  expects to incur
only immaterial losses on their disposition.


Total assets  increased  $25.9 million or 13.19% from $196.1 million at December
31, 2000 to $222.0  million at September  30, 2001.  Securities  decreased  $0.5
million  or 1.41%  during the first  nine  months of 2001 from $37.9  million at
December 31, 2000 to $37.4 million at September 30, 2001. Loans, net of unearned
discounts  increased  $26.3 million or 18.50% during the same period from $142.0
million at December  31, 2000 to $168.3  million at September  30,  2001.  Total
liabilities  increased  $24.1  million or 13.66% during the first nine months of
2001 from $176.9 million at December 31, 2000 to $201.0 million at September 30,
2001.  Total  deposits  increased  $11.2 million or 6.69% during the same period
from $168.1 at December 31, 2000 to $179.3 million at September 30, 2001.  Total
shareholders'  equity  increased  $1.7  million  or 8.82%  during the first nine
months of 2001 from  $19.3  million at  December  31,  2000 to $21.0  million at
September 30, 2001.


The  Company  continues  to  be  a  well  capitalized   financial   institution.
Shareholders' equity per share increased $1.08 or 8.10% from $13.33 per share at
December  31, 2000 to $14.41 per share at September  30,  2001.  During 2000 the
Company paid $0.46 per share in dividends.  The Company's  2001 total  dividends
for the first three  quarters  were $0.40 per share.  The Company has a Dividend
Investment  Plan that reinvests the dividends of  participating  shareholders in
Company stock.


Asset and  liability  management  assures  liquidity  and  maintains the balance
between rate sensitive assets and  liabilities.  Liquidity  management  involves
meeting the present and future  financial  obligations  of the Company  with the
sale or maturity of assets or through the occurrence of additional  liabilities.
Liquidity  needs are met with cash on hand,  deposits  in banks,  federal  funds
sold,  securities classified as available for sale and loans maturing within one
year.  Total liquid  assets were $62.4  million at September  30, 2001 and $47.5
million at December 31, 2000. These amounts represent 31.06% and 26.85% of total
liabilities as of September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000, respectively.

There have been no material changes in Quantitative and Qualitative  Disclosures
about Market Risk as reported at December 31, 2000 in the Company's Form 10-K.


Certain statements contained in this report that are not historical facts may be
forward  looking  statements.  The  forward  looking  statements  are subject to
certain  risks and  uncertainties  which  could cause  actual  results to differ
materially  from  historical or expected  results.  Readers are cautioned not to
place undue reliance on these forward looking statements.


Item 3.      Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

             The information required by Part I, Item 3., is incorporated herein
by reference to the section titled LIQUIDITY AND MARKET RISK within Part I, Item
2  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of



Item 1.      Legal proceedings.


Item 2.      Changes in securities.


Item 3.      Defaults upon senior securities.


Item 4.      Submission of matters to a vote of security holders.


Item 5.      Other Information.



Item 6.      Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)    Exhibits

       The following exhibits, when applicable, are filed with this Form 10-Q or
       incorporated by reference to previous filings.

            Number                    Description
            ---------                 -----------------------------------------

            Exhibit 2.                Not applicable.

            Exhibit 3.             (i)  Articles  of  Incorporation  of
                                        Registrant   (incorporated   herein   by
                                        reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Registrant's
                                        Form   S-4    Registration    Statement,
                                        Registration No. 33-43681.)

                                   (ii) Bylaws   of   Registrant   (incorporated
                                        herein by  reference  to Exhibit  3.2 of
                                        Registrant's   Form   S-4   Registration
                                        Statement, Registration No. 33-43681)

            Exhibit 4.                 Not applicable.

            Exhibit 10.                Material Contracts.

                  10.1                 Description  of  Executive   Supplemental
                                       Income Plan (incorporated by reference to
                                       Exhibit  10.1  to  the  Company's  Annual
                                       Report  on Form  10-K for the year  ended
                                       December 31, 1996).

                  10.2                 Lease  Agreement  between  Bank of Clarke
                                       County     (tenant)    and     Winchester
                                       Development   Company   (landlord)  dated
                                       August 1, 1992 for the  branch  office at
                                       625 East Jubal Early  Drive,  Winchester,
                                       Virginia    (incorporated    herein    by
                                       reference   to   Exhibit   10.2   of  the
                                       Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                                       the year ended December 31, 1995).

                  10.3                 Lease  Agreement  between  Bank of Clarke
                                       County   (tenant)  and  Winchester   Real
                                       Estate Management,  Inc. (landlord) dated
                                       March 20,  2000 for the branch  office at
                                       190   Campus   Boulevard,    Suite   120,
                                       Winchester, Virginia (incorporated herein
                                       by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.5  of  the
                                       Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q
                                       for the quarter ended March 31, 2000).

            Exhibit 11.                Computation of Per Share Earnings
                                       (incorporated herein as Exhibit 11).

            Exhibit 15.                Not applicable.

            Exhibit 18.                Not applicable.

            Exhibit 19.                Not applicable.

            Exhibit 22.                Not applicable.

            Exhibit 23.                Not applicable.

            Exhibit 24.                Not applicable.

            Exhibit 27.                Not applicable

            Exhibit 99.                Not applicable.

(b) Reports on Form 8-K.

     No  reports  on Form 8-K were  filed by the  registrant  during  the  third
quarter of 2001.



        Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                  EAGLE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

Date:          November 8, 2001      /s/ JOHN R. MILLESON
                                    John R. Milleson
                                    President and Chief Executive

Date:          November 8, 2001      /s/ JAMES W. MCCARTY, JR.
                                    James W. McCarty, Jr.
                                    Vice President, Chief Financial
                                    Officer, and Secretary/Treasurer
