PRESS RELEASE
                                    For More Information Contact:

                                    GE Medical Systems Information Technologies
                                    Tesha Urban (414) 362-2351

                                    MedicaLogic Media:
                                    Alexa Venegas, Young & Roehr Group
                                    (503) 222-0626 ext. 542

                                    MedicaLogic Investor Relations:
                                    Jeanne Hanson


   Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record to Expand GE's Centricity Information
                             Beyond the Hospital

     MILWAUKEE,  Wis.,  and HILLSBORO,  Ore.,  January 24, 2002 - The GE Medical
Systems Information Technologies business of the General Electric Company (NYSE:
GE),  announced  today that it has signed a definitive  agreement to acquire the
digital health record assets of MedicaLogic  (Nasdaq:  MDLI), a leading provider
of electronic  medical records (EMR) for patients  treated in care areas outside
the hospital, or outpatient settings, for $20 million in cash.

     The offering from MedicaLogic will enable GE to expand its advanced medical
record  technology  beyond the hospital,  so healthcare  providers can capture a
patients'  medical  experience into a single  electronic  record that spans care
given  throughout  the  healthcare  network.  This is  especially  important for
"integrated  delivery  networks",  or IDNs,  a growing  movement  of  healthcare
delivery  that consists of a single  organization  of  hospitals,  clinics,  and
physician offices that together provide patients with end-to-end care options.

     "The acquisition of MedicaLogic's  advanced EMR products for the outpatient
care area allows us to expand into the fast-growing  segment," said Greg Lucier,
president and CEO of GE Medical Systems Information  Technologies.  "By coupling
this technology with our Centricity Clinical  Information System,  we'll be able
to offer healthcare  providers a comprehensive,  end-to-end medical  information
product that spans a patient's entire health  history--whether  the care process
occurred during an inpatient or outpatient encounter."

     Over the last several years, GE Medical has invested more than $1.5 billion
in technologies to help hospitals better manage clinical workflow.  The addition
of MedicaLogic's ambulatory electronic medical record will play an integral role
in expanding GE's reach from inpatient to outpatient care.

     "We are  very  excited  to make  this  announcement,  and we feel  that the
acquisition by GE Medical Systems Information Technologies reflects the value we
have created  over a decade of  development  and  deployment  of digital  health
record  solutions for ambulatory  care," said Mark Leavitt,  MD, PhD,  Chairman,
MedicaLogic.  "We look  forward to joining  the GE team and making our  products
part of their broad suite of clinical information technology solutions."

     MedicaLogic's  advanced  outpatient  systems are  installed  in hundreds of
hospitals  and  affiliated  doctors'  offices in the U.S.  and used by more than
16,000 physicians to manage millions of patients' records. MedicaLogic's premier
solution,  Logician(R),  is the most  widely  used  ambulatory  care  electronic
medical record.

     Vik Kheterpal,  M.D., vice president of Clinical  Information Systems at GE
said,  "The  combination  of  MedicaLogic's  outpatient  EMR  system  with  GE's
Centricity  Clinical  Information  System will enable GE to offer care providers
the  industry's  most  comprehensive  proven  solution  for an  enterprise-wide,
electronic  medical  record  spanning the entire care  continuum.  MedicaLogic's
outpatient  solutions  will be integrated  with the Centricity  architecture  to
provide  customers  an  integrated  clinical  information  system  for  labor  &
delivery,  critical care,  perioperative care, emergency  department,  med-surg,
cardiology, radiology and ambulatory care."

     Contemporaneous with execution of the agreement, MedicaLogic/Medscape,  the
parent company of MedicaLogic has filed under Chapter 11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy
Code.  This  process will permit  MedicaLogic  to resolve any  liabilities  that
remain after the acquisition  through the bankruptcy  process.  MedicaLogic will
maintain normal operations throughout the sale process.

     Assuming a successful  resolution of MedicaLogic's  residual and contingent
liabilities, MedicaLogic believes the proceeds from the sale of the DHR business
to GE, combined with the remaining proceeds from the sales of its other business
units, should be sufficient to pay creditors in full.  MedicaLogic also believes
these proceeds will be sufficient to pay  accumulated  dividends to, and satisfy
redemption claims of the preferred  shareholders,  as well as possibly provide a
distribution to common shareholders.

     The  transaction  is subject to various  approvals,  including  that of the
Bankruptcy  Court, and to customary  conditions.  The parties expect to close by
end of first quarter, 2002.

About GE Medical Systems Information Technologies

     GE  Medical  Systems  Information   Technologies   provides  hospitals  and
healthcare  systems with  advanced  software and  technologies  to improve their
clinical  performance.  The Company's  expertise  spans the areas of cardiology,
patient  monitoring,   image  management,   clinical  communications,   clinical
information systems and Six Sigma-based  management tools to enable a real-time,
integrated   electronic   medical  record.   GE  Medical   Systems   Information
Technologies is a business of GE Medical Systems, an $8 billion global leader in
medical imaging and technology.  Additional information about GE Medical Systems
can be found at www.gemedical.com.

About MedicaLogic

     MedicaLogic/Medscape,  Inc.  (MedicaLogic)  (NASDAQ:  MDLI)  is  a  leading
provider of digital health records. The core of MedicaLogic's  product portfolio
is the  industry-leading  Digital  Health Record  (DHR).  DHR  applications  and
services are an integral part of the practice of medicine and are used every day
by physicians across the country.

     MedicaLogic's DHR enables physicians to access patient  information,  share
data with existing systems,  communicate among physician  practice group members
and   capture   and   store   quantifiable   data  for   patient-by-patient   or
population-based  studies.  The DHR also enables practice sites to interact with
their patients  electronically  to answer questions,  schedule  appointments and
address personal health concerns. More than 16 million patients now have digital
records hosted on MedicaLogic  systems.  More  information  about  MedicaLogic's
products and services is available on the Web at www.medicalogic.com.

     MedicaLogic and Logician are registered trademarks of MedicaLogic/Medscape,
Inc. in the United States. Other product and brand names are trademarks of their
respective owners.

     The  statements in this press  release  regarding our prospects for growth,
increasing revenue,  reducing costs, and our plans to achieve  profitability are
forward-looking  statements  based  on  current  information  and  expectations.
Achievement of those results is subject to a number of risks and  uncertainties,
including  the risk that our  products  and  services  will not be  accepted  by
physicians;  the  risk  that we may not be able to  introduce  new  products  on
schedule  or at all;  the risk that our costs may not be  reduced  to the extent
anticipated;  the risk that we may not achieve  favorable  operating  results or
profitability;  and the risk of the ultimate outcome of the company's Chapter 11
Bankruptcy  process.  The reader is  cautioned  not to place  undue  reliance on
forward-looking statements, which are not a guarantee of future performance. For
more information  concerning these and other possible risks, please refer to our
Form 10-K/A for the year ended  December 31, 2001, our Form 10-Q for the quarter
ended  September  30, 2001 and other  filings with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission. These filings can be accessed over the Internet at www.sec.gov.

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