ALCAN PENSION PLAN (CANADA)

                           SCHEDULE OF AMENDMENTS 01-1

1.   The following subsection is added immediately following subsection 19.07:

     19.08        Pension Augmentation at 1 July 2001

                  19.08.1           The retirement pension, the deferred
                                    retirement pension and the Disability
                                    Pension of a Member who has retired,
                                    terminated his employment or became disabled
                                    as the case may be, before 2 September 2000,
                                    including the pension payable under any
                                    attached elected pension payment guarantee,
                                    either contingent or in payment, and the
                                    pension, either deferred or in payment, to a
                                    surviving spouse, shall be augmented on 1
                                    July 2001.

                                    The monthly amount of the augmentation on
                                    any date of calculation on or after 1 July
                                    2001 is equal to the product of the
                                    Augmentation Factor and the Monthly Pension.

                                    Notwithstanding the preceding, this pension
                                    augmentation is not applicable if a Member
                                    at his Commencement Date has less than 100%
                                    of the Company's contributions to his
                                    retirement income vested and has less than
                                    10 years of Credited Service.


                  19.08.2           For the purposes of this subsection 19.08
                                    only, the following expressions shall have
                                    the meanings set out below:

                                    "Commencement Date" means the earliest of a
                                    Member's retirement date; the date he became
                                    disabled; the date of termination of
                                    service, however, in the case where the date
                                    of termination of service falls before 1
                                    January 1983, then in such case the date of
                                    termination of service shall be deemed to be
                                    1 January 1983; and, in the case of a
                                    pre-retirement surviving spouse's pension,
                                    the first of the month following the
                                    Member's date of death.

                                    "Consumer Price Index" for a month means the
                                    Consumer Price Index for the month as
                                    published by Statistics Canada under
                                    authority of the Statistics Act or the
                                    corresponding index of the country in whose
                                    currency the Monthly Pension is paid at a
                                    fixed rate of exchange.

                                    "Monthly Pension" means the monthly
                                    equivalent of the pension referred to in
                                    paragraph 19.08.1 excluding, in the case
                                    where the pension commenced between 1 April
                                    1975 and 1 January 1976 inclusively or in
                                    the case where the termination date was
                                    before 1 February 1976, any increase paid
                                    under the provisions of the Government
                                    Annuity Improvement Act, Chapter 83,
                                    Statutes of Canada 1974-75-76.

                                    "Augmentation Factor" means the factor
                                    determined by the following formula:

                                    [ (CPI1 / CPI2 ) / (1 + A) ] - 1



                                    "CPI1" equals the average Consumer Price
                                    Index for the 12-month period ending 30 June

                                    "CPI2" equals the average Consumer Price
                                    Index for the 12-month period ending three
                                    calendar months prior to the month during
                                    which the Commencement Date occurred, and

                                    "A" equals the sum, on a compounded basis,
                                    of the augmentation factors under all
                                    previous pension augmentations since
                                    Commencement Date.

                                    Notwithstanding the above, the Augmentation
                                    Factor shall equal 20% for a member who at
                                    his Commencement Date has less than 100% of
                                    the Company's contributions to his
                                    retirement income vested and 10 years or
                                    more of Credited Service.

                  19.08.3           Unless it is an integral number of tenths of
                                    1%, the sum, on a compounded basis, of the
                                    augmentation factors under this and all
                                    previous pension augmentations since
                                    Commencement Date shall be rounded to the
                                    next higher multiple of 0.1%.

                  19.08.4           The retirement pension of a Member, who
                                    retires on or after 1 July 2001 and who
                                    immediately prior to such retirement was in
                                    receipt of an Approved Disability Benefit,
                                    shall be augmented from his retirement date
                                    by the same augmentation percentage that
                                    would otherwise have applied


                                    to his retirement pension had his date of
                                    disability been his Commencement Date for
                                    the purpose of calculating such

                  19.08.5           The Monthly Pension payable for a particular
                                    month on or after the effective date of this
                                    augmentation shall not exceed the maximum
                                    pension augmented with increases of the
                                    Consumer Price Index as required by Revenue

2.   Subsection 2.09.1 is amended by inserting after the words "returns to
     work" the words "for a Participating Company".

3.   Subsection 2.10 is amended by replacing "Alcan Aluminium Limited" by "Alcan

4.   Subsection 2.28 is amended by inserting after the first paragraph the
     following paragraph

          " In the case where Credited Service is recognized in respect of a
            period of unpaid leave of absence in accordance with subsection
            3.07, the Pensionable Earnings of the Member for such period shall
            equal the amount of Pensionable Earnings that he would otherwise
            have earned had he not been on leave based on the Pensionable
            Earnings he was earning at the time he was granted leave."

5.   Paragraph 19.07.2 is amended by replacing in the expression "Monthly
     Pension Amount" the word "less" by the word "excluding".

6.   Annex B, Names and Addresses of Participating Companies, is amended as


The above amendments come into force on the following dates:

         Section                        Date
         -------                        ----
            1                       1 July 2001
            2                       1 July 2000
            3                       1 March 2001
            4                       1 January 1990
            5                       1 October 2000
            6                       1 March 2001


                                    ANNEX B


1.  ALCAN INC.                                    5.  ALCAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES CANADA LIMITED
    1188 Sherbrooke Street West                       1188 Sherbrooke Street West
    Montreal, Quebec                                  Montreal, Quebec
    H3A 3G2                                           H3A 3G2

2.  ALCAN ADMINCO (2000) INC.                     6.  ALCAN ASIA PACIFIC LIMITED
    1188 Sherbrooke Street West                       1188 Sherbrooke Street West
    Montreal, Quebec                                  Montreal, Quebec
    H3A 3G2                                           H3A 3G2

    1188 Sherbrooke Street West                       1188 Sherbrooke Street West
    Montreal, Quebec                                  Montreal, Quebec
    H3A 3G2                                           H3A 3G2

    1188 Sherbrooke Street West                       1188 Sherbrooke Street West
    Montreal, Quebec                                  Montreal, Quebec
    H3A 3G2                                           H3A 3G2


                           ALCAN PENSION PLAN (CANADA)

                           SCHEDULE OF AMENDMENTS 01-2

7.   The following subsection is added immediately following subsection 19.08:

     19.09     Pension Augmentation at 1 October 2001

               This pension augmentation consists of four successively applied
               pension augmentations. The first is described in paragraph
               19.09.1, the second in paragraph 19.09.2, the third in paragraph
               19.09.3 and the fourth in paragraph 19.09.4.

               19.09.1   Supplementary Augmentation of Smaller Pensions

                The retirement pension of a Member aged less
                                   than 65 on 1 April 1999, who either retired
                                   before 1 November 1998 or terminated
                                   employment before 1 November 1998 and retired
                                   before 2 May 1999, shall be augmented on 1
                                   October 2001, as applicable, in accordance
                                   with subparagraph

                The monthly amount of the augmentation is
                                   determined by the formula:

                                   (X - Y) x (1 + the augmentation factor
                                   determined under subparagraph x
                                   (1 + the augmentation factor determined under
                                   paragraph 19.07.3) x


                         (1 + the augmentation factor determined under paragraph


                         "X" equals the monthly amount of the augmentation,
                         determined in accordance with the variable "B" only in
                         subparagraph; and

                         "Y" equals the monthly amount of the augmentation,
                         determined in accordance with subparagraph

               19.09.2   Adjustment for Inflation between Date of
                         Discontinuation of Active  Participation and
                         Commencement Date

                The retirement pension of a Member who
                                   discontinued his active participation in the
                                   Plan while remaining in the service of the
                                   Company or an Affiliated Company until his
                                   Commencement Date or who on his Commencement
                                   Date was on sick leave and was not eligible
                                   to receive an Approved Disability Benefit
                                   shall be augmented on 1 October 2001.

                                   Notwithstanding the preceding, this pension
                                   augmentation is not applicable to the Member
                                   who, as a result of having


                                   discontinued his active participation in the
                                   Plan while remaining in the service of the
                                   Company or an Affiliated Company, became a
                                   Suspended Member pursuant to subsection 4.05.

                                   The monthly amount of the augmentation on any
                                   date of calculation on or after 1 October
                                   2001 is equal to the product of the
                                   Augmentation Factor and the Monthly Pension.

                For the purposes of this paragraph 19.09.2
                                   only, the following expressions shall have
                                   the meanings set out below:

                                   "Commencement Date" means the earliest of a
                                   Member's retirement date, the date he became
                                   disabled and the date of termination of

                                   "Consumer Price Index" for a month means the
                                   Consumer Price Index for the month as
                                   published by Statistics Canada under
                                   authority of the Statistics Act.

                                   "Monthly Pension" means the monthly
                                   equivalent of the pension referred to in
                                   subparagraph excluding in the case
                                   where the pension commenced between 1 April
                                   1975 and 1 January


                                   1976 inclusively or in the case where the
                                   termination date was before 1 February 1976,
                                   any increase paid under the provisions of the
                                   Government Annuity Improvement Act, Chapter
                                   83, Statutes of Canada 1974-75-76.

                                   "Augmentation Factor" means the factor
                                   determined by the following formula:

                                   (CPI1 / CPI2 ) - 1


                                   "CPI1" equals the average Consumer Price
                                   Index for the 12-month period ending three
                                   calendar months prior to the month during
                                   which the Commencement Date occurred, and

                                   "CPI2" equals the average Consumer Price
                                   Index for the 12-month period ending three
                                   calendar months prior to the month during
                                   which the Member discontinued his active
                                   participation in the Plan or, as the case may
                                   be, prior to the first day of the year during
                                   which he began his sick leave.

               19.09.3   Adjustment to Reflect Current Early Retirement Factors


                The retirement pension in payment of a Member
                                   shall be augmented on 1 October 2001, as
                                   applicable, in accordance with subparagraph

                The pension in payment of a surviving Spouse
                                   or of a surviving Contingent Annuitant and
                                   the Spouse's or the Contingent Annuitant's
                                   pension payment guarantee connected to the
                                   retirement pension of a Member shall be
                                   augmented on 1 October 2001, as applicable,
                                   in accordance with subparagraph

                Notwithstanding the preceding subparagraphs
                          and, this pension
                                   augmentation is not applicable:

                                   (i)       to the retirement pension of a
                                             Member who was not entitled to an
                                             immediate pension under the Plan at
                                             his date of termination of

                                   (ii)      to the retirement pension of a
                                             Member who at his Date of
                                             Retirement was in receipt of a
                                             Disability Pension in accordance
                                             with section 14;


                                   (iii)     to the retirement pension of a
                                             Member, other than a CAW Member,
                                             whose Retirement Date falls after
                                             31 December 2000;

                                   (iv)      to the retirement pension of a CAW
                                             Member whose Retirement Date falls
                                             after 30 June 2000;

                                   (v)       to the pension of a Beneficiary
                                             payable under the normal guarantee
                                             or the ten year guarantee;

                                   (vi)      to the pension of a limited member,
                                             as such term is defined under the
                                             Family Relations Act (British

                                   (vii)     to the retirement pension of a
                                             Member, either in payment or
                                             deferred pursuant to subsection
                                             8.03, who was or is entitled to
                                             credits under the Plan pursuant to
                                             section 80 of the Pension Benefits
                                             Act (Ontario);


                                   (viii)    to the retirement pension of a
                                             Member whose Early Retirement Date
                                             was after October 1996, who at such
                                             date was in receipt of the Approved
                                             Disability Benefit - preretirement
                                             for sickness and where the early
                                             retirement factor at his Early
                                             Retirement Date equaled 100%; and

                                   (ix)      for greater certainty, either to
                                             the retirement pension of a Member
                                             who retired pursuant to subsection
                                             6.02 and where the early retirement
                                             factor at his Early Retirement Date
                                             equaled 100% or to the retirement
                                             pension of a Member who retired
                                             pursuant to subsection 6.01, 6.03
                                             or 6.04;

                                   and is not applicable either to the pension
                                   in payment of a surviving Spouse or surviving
                                   Contingent Annuitant of such Member or CAW
                                   Member referred to above or to the Spouse's
                                   or Contingent Annuitant's pension payment
                                   guarantee connected to the retirement pension
                                   of such a Member or CAW Member referred to


                For the purposes of this paragraph 19.09.3,
                                   the following expressions shall have the
                                   meanings set out below:

                                   "Augmentation Factor" means the factor
                                   determined by the formula:

                                   (ERF1 / ERF2) - 1


                                   ERF1 means the early retirement factor
                                   determined pursuant to subsection 8.02,
                                   except that the number 75 shall be read as
                                   the number 70 and using the same age and
                                   Credited Service of the Member that were used
                                   to determine ERF2 and, where the Member had
                                   deferred payment of his early retirement
                                   pension, increased in accordance with
                                   subsection 8.03,


                                   the greater of the following amounts:

                                   (i)  12 %, if the Member was under the age
                                        of 55 at his Early Retirement Date



                                          3%, for each year that the sum of his
                                          age and Credited Service was less than
                                          84 at his Early Retirement Date,

                                   (ii)   12 %, if the Member was under the age
                                          of 55 and the sum of his age and
                                          Credited Service equaled 70 or more at
                                          his Early Retirement Date


                                          6%, for each year by which the
                                          Member's age preceded 54 years and 6
                                          months at his Early Retirement Date,


                                   (iii)  nil;

                                   ERF2 means the early retirement factor
                                   determined at the Member's Early Retirement
                                   Date and, where the Member had deferred
                                   payment of his early retirement pension,
                                   increased in accordance with subsection 8.03
                                   at his Pension Commencement Date;


                                   "Monthly Pension" means the monthly
                                   equivalent of the pension referred to in
                                   either of subparagraphs and
                          or of the pension payment guarantee
                                   referred to in subparagraph;

                                   "Total Monthly Pension" means the sum of the
                                   Monthly Pension and as the case may be, the
                                   monthly equivalent of the pension or of the
                                   pension payment guarantee under the Regime
                                   agree de pensions Alcan (Quebec) and the
                                   Alcan Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan;

                                   "Adjusted Total Monthly Pension" means the
                                   Total Monthly Pension excluding that portion
                                   which ceases to be paid at the date when the
                                   Member reaches or would have reached age 65.

                In regard to subparagraph, the
                                   monthly amount of the augmentation is equal
                                   to the product of the Augmentation Factor and
                                   one of the following amounts, as applicable:

                                   (i)    if the Member was not a Suspended
                                          Member at his Early Retirement Date
                                          and, his retirement


                                        pension is subject to a pension
                                        conversion currency option or he is
                                        receiving a pension under a plan other
                                        than the Plan, the Regime agree de
                                        pensions Alcan (Quebec) and Alcan
                                        Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan,
                                        the lesser of

                                        (i.1)    the Adjusted Total Monthly


                                        (i.2)    $1722.22 / 12 per year of
                                                 Credited Service x the
                                                 percentage that would have
                                                 applied to the Member's
                                                 retirement pension, depending
                                                 on the payment option elected
                                                 at his Early Retirement Date,
                                                 in application of section 10 as
                                                 in effect on 1 October 2001;

                                 (ii)   if the Member was not a Suspended
                                        Member at his Early Retirement Date and
                                        his retirement pension is not subject to
                                        a pension conversion currency option and
                                        he is not receiving a pension under a


                                        plan other than the Plan, the Regime
                                        agree de pensions Alcan (Quebec) and
                                        Alcan Supplemental Retirement Benefit
                                        Plan, the lesser of

                                        (ii.1)    the greater of

                                                  (ii.1.1)  $30.00 per year of
                                                            Credited Service


                                                  (ii.1.2)  the Adjusted Total
                                                            Monthly Pension


                                        (ii.2)   $1722.22 /12 per year of
                                                  Credited Service x the
                                                  percentage that would have
                                                  applied to the Member's
                                                  retirement pension, depending
                                                  on the payment option elected
                                                  at his Early Retirement Date,
                                                  in application of section 10
                                                  as in effect on 1 October

                                (iii)   if the Member was a Suspended Member
                                        immediately prior to his


                                        Early Retirement Date and, either was
                                        not a member of the Regime agree de
                                        pensions Alcan (Quebec) or being a
                                        member of the Regime agree the pension
                                        Alcan (Quebec) was a suspended member at
                                        his early retirement date, the lesser of

                                        (iii.1)   the Adjusted Total Monthly


                                        (iii.2)   $1722.22 /12 per year of
                                                  Credited Service x the
                                                  percentage that would have
                                                  applied to the Member's
                                                  retirement pension, depending
                                                  on the payment option elected
                                                  at his Early Retirement Date,
                                                  in application of section 10
                                                  as in effect on 1 October


                                   (iv) if the Member was a Suspended Member
                                        at his Early Retirement Date and, being
                                        a member of the Regime agree the pension
                                        Alcan (Quebec), was not a suspended


                                        member at his early retirement date, the
                                        Monthly Pension;

                In regard to subparagraph, the
                                   monthly amount of the augmentation is equal
                                   to the product of the Augmentation Factor and
                                   one of the amounts determined in accordance
                                   with subparagraph, as applicable,
                                   except that in applying subparagraph
                         , the amount of $30.00 shall be read
                                   as $18.00 and the amounts determined in
                                   clauses (i.2), (ii.2) and (iii.2) shall be
                                   multiplied by the percentage guaranteed to
                                   the Spouse or Contingent Annuitant.

               19.09.4   Inflation Adjustment

                The retirement pension, the deferred
                                   retirement pension and the Disability Pension
                                   of a Member who has retired, terminated his
                                   employment or became disabled as the case may
                                   be, before 2 September 2001, including the
                                   pension payable under any attached elected
                                   pension payment guarantee, either contingent
                                   or in payment, and the pension, either
                                   deferred or in payment,


                                   to a surviving spouse, shall be augmented on
                                   1 October 2001.

                                   The monthly amount of the augmentation on any
                                   date of calculation on or after 1 October
                                   2001 is equal to the product of the
                                   Augmentation Factor and the Monthly Pension.

                                   Notwithstanding the preceding, this pension
                                   augmentation is not applicable if a Member at
                                   his Commencement Date has less than 100% of
                                   the Company's contributions to his retirement
                                   income vested and has less than 10 years of
                                   Credited Service.

                For the purposes of this paragraph 19.09.4
                                   only, the following expressions shall have
                                   the meanings set out below:

                                   "Commencement Date" means the earliest of a
                                   Member's retirement date; the date he became
                                   disabled; the date of termination of service;
                                   the date he became eligible to an unreduced
                                   early retirement pension, but not before 1
                                   January 2001, if on 30 December 2000 he had
                                   been on the non-active payroll of a
                                   Participating Company and, in the case of a
                                   pre-retirement surviving spouse's


                                   pension, the first of the month following the
                                   Member's date of death.

                                   "Consumer Price Index" for a month means the
                                   Consumer Price Index for the month as
                                   published by Statistics Canada under
                                   authority of the Statistics Act or the
                                   corresponding index of the country in whose
                                   currency the Monthly Pension is paid at a
                                   fixed rate of exchange.

                                   "Monthly Pension" means the monthly
                                   equivalent of the pension referred to in
                                   subparagraph excluding, in the case
                                   where the pension commenced between 1 April
                                   1975 and 1 January 1976 inclusively or in the
                                   case where the termination date was before 1
                                   February 1976, any increase paid under the
                                   provisions of the Government Annuity
                                   Improvement Act, Chapter 83, Statutes of
                                   Canada 1974-75-76.

                                   "Augmentation Factor" means the factor
                                   determined by the following formula 1:

                                   the greater of

                                   (i)      A + B - 1

- -------------------------------


                                   (ii)     nil


                                   "A" equals the lesser of
                                   (i)      1.03C/12


                                   (ii)     CPI1 / CPI2,

                                   "B" equals the greater of
                                   (i)      0.5 x (CPI1 / CPI2 - 1.03C/12)


                                   (ii)     nil

                                   "C" equals the lesser of
                                   (i)      12


                                   (ii)     the  number  of months  that the
                                            Commencement Date precedes 1
                                            October 2001,

                                   "CPI1"   equals the average Consumer Price
                                            Index for the 12-month period
                                            ending 30 June 2001,


                                   "CPI2"   equals the average Consumer Price
                                            Index for the 12-month period
                                            ending the later of

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   (i) three calendar months prior to the month
                                   during which the Commencement Date occurred
                                   (ii) 30 June 2000.

                The retirement pension of a Member, who
                                   retires on or after 1 October 2001 and who
                                   immediately prior to such retirement was in
                                   receipt of an Approved Disability Benefit,
                                   shall be augmented from his retirement date
                                   by the same augmentation percentage that
                                   would otherwise have applied to his
                                   retirement pension had his date of disability
                                   been his Commencement Date for the purpose of
                                   calculating such augmentation.

                The retirement pension of a Member, who
                                   retires on or after 1 October 2001 and, who
                                   on 30 December 2000 and immediately prior to
                                   such retirement was on the non-active payroll
                                   of a Participating Company, shall be
                                   augmented from his retirement date by the
                                   same augmentation percentage that would
                                   otherwise have applied to his retirement
                                   pension had the date of his eligibility to an
                                   unreduced early


                                   retirement pension, but not before 1 January
                                   2001, been his Commencement Date for the
                                   purpose of calculating such augmentation.

                         19.09.5   Unless it is an integral number of hundreds
                                   of 1%, the sum, on a compounded basis, of the
                                   augmentation factors under this and all
                                   previous pension augmentations since
                                   Commencement Date shall be rounded to the
                                   next higher multiple of 0.01%.

                         19.09.6   The Monthly Pension payable for a
                                   particular month on or after the effective
                                   date of this augmentation shall not exceed
                                   the maximum pension augmented with increases
                                   of the Consumer Price Index as required by
                                   Revenue Rules.

The above amendment shall come into force on 1 October 2001.
