THIS LEASE made and entered into this 1st date of October 2001, between
Covold Partners hereinafter called "Landlord" and US Patriot Inc
hereinafter called "Tenant".


In consideration of the covenants and agreements of the respective
parties herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as


     Landlord by these present does hereby demise and let unto Tenant,
     and Tenant leases and hires from Landlord all these certain premised
     hereinafter more fully described, together with and the buildings
     and other improvements now and hereafter erected thereon for the
     term and upon the rental and the covenants and agreements of the
     respective parties herein set forth.

     Said premises consist of a parcel of ground located in the State of
     South Carolina, County of Richland, City of Columbia, address is
     5401 Forest Drive.

     B.      TERMS

     The term of this lease shall be for three (3) years commencing
     October 1, 2001 and terminating September 30, 2004.


     This lease is made on the following covenants and conditions which
     are expressly agreed to by the Landlord and the Tenant:

             1.      RENT:  Tenant agrees to pay as rental to Landlord the
                     annual sum of Thirty Eight Thousand One Hundred
                     ($38,100.00) Dollars, payable in equal monthly
                     installments of Three Thousand One Hundred Seventy Five
                     ($3175.00) Dollars per month to Covold Partners,
                     Calendar Court, Suite 4, Columbia, SC 29206.  Rent is
                     due on the last cay of the month and shall not be
                     withheld for any reason whatsoever.
                 In the event Tenant shall fail to pay each rental on the
                 due date or within ten (10) days thereafter, a late charge
                 of (2%) percent of the monthly rental shall be added to the
                 rental and paid to the Landlord for each late payment, and
                 the same shall be treated as additional rent.

             2.      CONDITION OF PREMISES:  Tenant has inspected and
             accepted leased premises in the same condition they are in
             at the time of commencement of the term of this Lease.
             Tenant agrees if, during said term, Tenant shall change the


             usual method of conducting Tenant's business on leased
             premises, or should Tenant install thereon or therein any
             new facilities, Tenant will at the cost and expense of
             Tenant, make alterations or improvements in or to the
             demised which may be required of Federal or State law, or
             by any municipal ordinance, or regulation applicable

             3.      REPAIR AND CARE OF BUILDING BY TENANT:  Tenant shall,
             throughout the initial term of this Lease and any renewals
             thereof, as its own expense, maintain in food order and
             repair the leased premises, including the building and
             other improvements located thereon.  Such repairs by Tenant
             shall include as applicable but not limited to, repairs to
             electrical and plumbing systems and fixtures, air-
             conditioning and heating systems, loading doors, paved
             parking areas and drives, mowing of grass and care of
             shrubs.  Tenant shall at its expense contract with a
             reputable firm for periodic servicing of the heating, air-
             conditioning and ventilation systems as recommended by the
             manufacturer of such equipment and shall keep on file with
             Landlord or its agent a copy of said contract or other
             substantial proof of such servicing.  Tenant shall be
             responsible for all repairs to heating and air conditioning
             equipment including parts and labor.  Tenant shall also
             maintain pest control (including termite) inspection and
             treatment of the premises as required.  Tenant agrees to
             return said premises to Landlord at the expiration or prior
             termination of this lease in as good condition and repair
             as when received, natural wear and tear, damage by storm,
             fire lightening, or other natural casualty excepted.

                 OTHER APPURTENANCES:    Tenant may, with prior written
                 consent of Landlord, but at its own cost and expense in a
                 good, workmanlike manner, make such alterations and
                 repairs in the building as Tenant may require for the
                 conduct of its business without, however, materially
                 altering the basic character of the building or
                 improvements, or weakening any structure on the demised
                 premises.  Tenant shall have the right without the
                 permission of the Landlord to erect at Tenants sole cost
                 and expense, such temporary partitions, including office
                 partitions, as mat be necessary to facilitate the
                 handling of Tenant's business and to install electrical
                 fixtures, additional lights and wiring and other trade
                 appliances.  Any alterations and improvements to the
                 leased premises, including but not limited to partitions,
                 all electrical fixtures, lights and wiring, shall at the
                 option of Landlord, become the property of Landlord, at
                 the expiration or sooner termination of this lease.
                 Should Landlord request Tenant to remove all or any part
                 of the above mentioned items, Tenant shall do so prior to
                 the expiration of this lease, or any extension thereof,
                 Tenant shall remove said shelves, bins and machinery, and
                 repair, in good and workmanlike manner, all damage done



                 to the lease premises by such removal.  Tenant shall not
                 exercise the right and privilege granted by this Article
                 5 in such manner as to damage or affect the structural
                 qualities of the building.  Before any work is begun,
                 tenant agrees to furnish Landlord with hold harmless
                 agreements from all contractors protecting against
                 mechanics liens.

                 6.  SUBORDINATION OF LEASE: Tenants rights under this lease
                     shall remain subordinate to any bona fide mortgage or
                     deed to secure debt, which is now, or may hereafter be
                     placed upon the premises by Landlord.

                 7.  CONDEMNATION: In the event any part of the premises
                     shall be taken or condemned at any time during the term
                     hereof through the exercise of power of eminent domain,
                     with or without litigation, and Tenant shall determine
                     that the remaining portion of premises are not reasonably
                     suitable for it's use and occupation of premises are
                     giving written notice to Landlord within ninety (90) days
                     after the date of such taking, terminate this lease and
                     Landlord shall refund any unearned rent paid in advance
                     by Tenant. If Tenant does not terminate this lease as
                     provided above, this lease shall continue in force as to
                     the remaining portion of the demised premises and in such
                     event the monthly rental thereafter payable by Tenant
                     hereunder shall be adjusted and prorated in the exact
                     ratio which the value or the premises remaining after
                     such condemnation bears to the value of the premises
                     immediately preceding the condemnation, and Landlord
                     shall, at its own expense, make any repairs or
                     alterations to said premises which may be necessary to
                     restore the premises, in so far as possible, to their
                     condition prior to condemnation.
                            In the event of the taking of all or any
                 portion of the premises if the Tenant terminates the lease
                 as provided above, Landlord and Tenant shall together
                 pursue the claim against the condemning or taking authority
                 for the value of the property taken and tenant shall
                 receive from the condemnation award the value of his
                 improvements, of any, so taken; Tenant shall receive no
                 other part of the condemnation award. If the lease is not
                 terminated, Landlord shall receive the entire award in the
                 condemnation proceeding.

                 8.  ERECTION AND REMOVAL OF SIGNS: Tenant shall place
                     suitable signs on the leased premises for the purpose of
                     the indicating the nature of the business carried on by
                     the Tenant in said premises; provided, they shall not
                     damage the leased premises in any manner. At the
                     termination of this, Landlord may require that the Tenant
                     remove his sign and any damage to the premises caused by
                     the removal shall be promptly repaired by the Tenant.
                     Tenant shall be responsible for applying for and paying
                     for any and all licenses or fees which may be required by
                     any governmental authority as it pertains to signage. And
                     further, Tenant shall adhere to all local sign ordinances
                     as it pertains to the erection of the signs on the



                 9.  GLASS BREAKAGE AND VANDALISM: Tenant agrees to
                     immediately replace all broken or damaged glass with
                     glass of a comparable quality and characteristics which
                     meets appropriate agence building code requirements,
                     excepting breakage covered under Landlord's normal fire
                     and extended coverage insurance policy. Tenant shall make
                     any repairs or replacements caused by vandalism to the
                     premises or any part thereof, if said damage is not
                     covered by Landlord's insurance.
                10.  RIGHT OF ENTRY OF LANDLORD: Tenant at any time during
                     this lease term shall permit inspection of the demised
                     premises during reasonable business hours by Landlord or
                     Landlord's agents or representatives for the purpose of
                     ascertaining the condition of the demised premises and in
                     order that the Landlord may make such repairs as may be
                     required to be made by the Landlord under the terms of
                     this lease. Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of
                     this lease, Landlord may post suitable notice on the
                     demised premises that the same are "For Rent" and may
                     show the premises to prospective tenants at reasonable
                     times. Landlord may not, however, thereby unnecessarily
                     interfere with the use of demised premises by Tenant.
                11.  PAYMENT OF UTILITIES: Tenant shall contract for and
                     pay all charges for sewage, water, gas, electricity and
                     other public utilities used on the leased premises,
                     including all replacements of light bulbs, tubes,
                     ballasts and starters. Landlord may pay any delinquent
                     bills incurred by the Tenant during the lease term which
                     bills may create a lien on the demised premises and shall
                     upon demand be immediately reimbursed by Tenant. Said
                     payments shall be treated as additional rental even
                     though the lease term may have expired.
                12.  ASSINGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: Neither this lease nor any
                     interest herein may be assigned by the Tenant voluntarily
                     or involuntarily, by operation of law, and neither all
                     not any part of the leased premises shall be sublet by
                     Tenant without the written consent of Landlord first had
                     and obtained; however, Landlord agrees not to withhold
                     it's consent unreasonably for Tenant to sublet the
                     demised premises.
                13.  DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION:  If the demised premises or any
                     part thereof shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or
                     other casualty, Landlord shall promptly repair all such
                     damage and restore the demised premises without expense
                     to Tenant, subject to delays due to adjustment of
                     insurance claims, strikes and other causes beyond
                     Landlord's control. If such damage or destruction shall
                     render the premises untenantable in whole or in part, the
                     rent shall be abated wholly or proportionately as the
                     case may be until the damage shall be repaired and the
                     premises restored. If the damage or destruction shall be
                     so extensive as to require the substantial rebuilding
                     (i.e., expenditure of fifty (50%) percent or more of
                     replacement costs) of the building or buildings on the
                     demised premises, Landlord or Tenant may elect to



                     terminate this lease by written notice to the other given
                     thirty (30) days after the occurrence of such damage or
                            Landlord and Tenant hereby release each
                other from liability for loss or damage occurring on or to
                the leased premises or the premises of which they are a
                part or to the contents of either thereof, caused by fire
                or other hazards ordinarily covered by fire and extended
                coverage insurance policies and each waives all rights of
                recovery against the other for such loss or damage. Willful
                misconduct lawfully attributable to either part, whether in
                whole or in part a contributing cause of the casualty
                giving rise   to the loss or damage, shall not be excused
                under the foregoing release and waiver.

                14.  INJURIES AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: Tenant agrees to
                indemnify and hold Landlord harmless of and from any and
                all claims of any kind or nature arising from Tenant's use
                of the demised premises during the term hereof, and tenant
                hereby waives all claims against Landlord for damage to
                goods, wares, or merchandise of for injury to persons in
                and upon the premises from any cause whatsoever, except
                such as might result from the negligence of Landlord or
                Landlord's representatives or from failure of Landlord to
                perform it's obligation herunder within a reasonable within
                a reasonable time after notice in writing by Tenant
                requiring such performance by Landlord. Tenant shall at all
                times during the term hereof keep in effect in responsible
                companies liability insurance in the names of and for the
                benefit of Tenant and Landlord with limits as follows:

                           Bodily Injury .$ 100,000 each person
                                          $ 300,000 each accident

                           Property Damage . $ 100,000
                Such insurance may, at Tenant's election, be
carried under any general blanket coverage of Tenant. A renewal policy
shall be procured not less than ten (10) days prior to the expiration
of any policy. Each original policy or a certified copy thereof, or a
satisfactory certificate of the insurer evidencing insurance carried
with proof of payment of the premium shall be deposited with Landlord.
Tenant shall have the right to settle and adjust all liability claims
and all claims against the insuring companies, but without subjecting
Landlord to any liability or obligation.

                15.  SURRENDER OF PREMISES: Tenant agrees to deliver all
                     keys and to surrender the leased premises at the
                     expiration, or sooner termination, of this lease, or any
                     extension thereof, broom-clean in the same condition as
                     said when premises were delivered to Tenant, or as
                     altered, pursuant to the provisions of this lease,
                     ordinary wear, tear and damage by the elements excepted,
                     and Tenant shall remove all of it's property. Tenant
                     agrees to pay a reasonable cleaning charge should it be
                     necessary for Landlord to restore or cause to the
                     restored the premises to the same condition as when said
                     premises were delivered to Tenant.



                16.  QUIET ENJOYMENT: If and so long as Tenant pays the
                     rents reserved by this lease and performs and observes
                     all the covenants and provisions hereof, Tenant shall
                     quietly enjoy the demised premises, subject, however, to
                     the terms of this lease, and the Landlord will warrant
                     and defend Tenant in the enjoyment and peaceful
                     possession of the demised premises throughout the term of
                     the lease.

                17.  WAIVER OF COVENANTS: It is agreed that the waiving of
                     any of the covenants of this lease agreement by either
                     party shall be limited to the particular instance and
                     shall not be deemed to waive any other breaches of such
                     covenant or any provision herein contained.

                18.  DEFAULT: If Tenant shall make default in the
                     fulfillment of any of the covenants and conditions hereof
                     except default in payment of rent, Landlord may, at it's
                     option, after fifteen (15) days prior to notice to
                     Tenant, make performance for Tenant and for the purpose
                     advance such amounts as may be necessary. Any amounts so
                     advanced or any reasonable expence incurred or sum of
                     money paid by Landlord by reason of the failure of Tenant
                     to comply with any covenant, agreement, obligation, or
                     provision of this lease shall be deemed to be additional
                     rent for the leased premises and shall be dire and
                     payable to Landlord on demand. The acceptance by Landlord
                     or any installment of fixed rent or of any additional
                     rent hereunder shall not be a waiver of any other rent
                     than due.
                           If Tenant shall make default in
fulfillment of any of the covenants or conditions of this lease (other
then the covenants for the payment of rent or other amounts) and any
such default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after
notice, then Landlord may, at it's option, terminate this lease by
giving Tenant notice of such termination and, thereupon, this lease
shall expire as fully and completely as if that day were the date
definitely fixed for the expiration of the term of this lease and
Tenant shall then quit and surrender the leased premises.

                19.  DEFAULT IN RENT, INSOLVENCY OF TENANT: If Tenant shall
                     make default in the payment of the rent reserved
                     hereunder, or any part thereof, or making nay other
                     payment herein provided for , and any such default shall
                     continure for a period of fifteen (15) days, after
                     written notice to Tenant, or if the leased premises or
                     any part thereof shall be abandoned or vacated or if the
                     Tenant shall be dismissed therefrom by or under any
                     authority other than Landlord, or if Tenant shall file a
                     voluntary petition in bankruptcy or if Tenant shall file
                     any petition or institute any proceedings under any
                     Insolvency or Bankruptcy Act or any amendment therto
                     hereafter made, made seeking to effect it's
                     reorganization or a composition with it's creditors or
                     if, in any proceedings based on the insolvency of the
                     Tenants or relation to bankruptcy proceedings, a receiver
                     or trustee shall be appointed for Tenant or the leased
                     premises or if any proceedings shall be commenved for the
                     reorganization of Tenant or if the leasehold estate
                     created hereby shall admit in writing it's inability to
                     pay it's obligations generally as they become due, then



                     Landlord may, at it's option,  terminate this lease,
                     without notice, and Landlord or Landlord's agents and
                     servants may immediately, or at any time thereafter, re-
                     enter said premises by force, summary proceedings or
                     otherwise, and remove all persons and property  therein,
                     without being liable to indictment, prosecution or damage
                     therefore, and Tenant herby expressly waives the service
                     of any notice in writing of intention to re-enter said
                     premises. Landlord may in addition to any other remedy
                     provided by law or permitted herein, at it's option
                     re-let said premises on behalf of Tenant, applying any
                     moneys collected first to the payment of expenses of
                     resuming or obtaining permission, and second to the
                     payment of costs of placing the leased premises in
                     rentable condition, including leasing commission, and
                     third to the payment of rent due hereunder, and any other
                     charges due to the Landlord. Any surplus remaining
                     thereafter shall be paid to Tenant and Tenant shall
                     remain liable  for any deficiency in rental which shall
                     be paid upon demand therefore to Landlord.

                20.  ENFORCEMENT: In the even either party shall enforce
                     the terms of this lese by suit or otherwise, the party at
                     fault shall pay the costs and expenses incident thereto,
                     including a reasonable attorneys fee.

                21.  FAILURE TO PERFORM COVENANT: Any failure on the part
                     of either party to theis lease to perform any obligation
                     hereunder, and any delay in doing any act required hereby
                     shall be excused if such failure or delay is caused by
                     any other similar caused by any strike, lockout,
                     governmental restriction or any other similar cause
                     beyond the control of the party so failing to perform, to
                     the extent and for the period that such continues, save
                     and except that the provisions of this paragraph shall
                     not excuse a non-payment fo rent or other sums due
                     hereunder on it's due day.

                22.  RIGHTS TO SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The covenants and
                     agreements contained in the within lease shall apply to,
                     inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the parties
                     hereto, their heirs, distributes, executors,
                     administrators, legal representatives, assigns and upon
                     their respective successors in interest, except as
                     expressly otherwise hereinbefore provided.

                23.  LIENS: Tenant agrees not to permit any lien for moneys
                     owing by Tenant to remain against the leased premises for
                     a period of more then thirty (30) days following
                     discovery of the same by Tenant; provided, however, that
                     nothing herin contained shall prevent Tenant, in good
                     faith and for good cause, from contesting in the courts
                     the claim or claims of any person, firm or corporation
                     growing out of Tenants operation of the demised premises
                     or costs of improvements by Tenant on the said premises,
                     and the postponement of payment of such claim or claims,
                     until such contest shall finally be decided by the courts
                     shall not be a violation of this agreement or any
                     covenant thereof. Should any such lien be filed and not
                     released or discharged or action not commenced to declare



                     the same by Tenant, Landlord may at Landlord's option
                     (but without any obligation so to do) pay and discharge
                     such lien and may likewise pay and discharge any taxes,
                     assessments or other charges against the leased premises
                     which Tenant is obligated hereunder to pay and which may
                     or might become a lien on said premises. Tenant agrees to
                     repay any sums so paid by Landlord upon demand therefore,
                     together with interest at the rate of ten (10%) percent
                     per annum for the date any such payment is made.

                24.  CONSTRUCTION OF LEASE: The word " Landlord" as used
                     herein shall refer to the individual, individuals,
                     partnership, or corporation called "Tenant". Word of any
                     gender used in this lease shall be held to include any
                     other gender, and words in a singular number shall be
                     held to include plural when the sense requires.

                25.  NOTICES: It is agreed that the legal address of the
                     parties for all notices required or permitted to give
                     hereunder, or for all purposes of billing, process,
                     correspondence, and any other legal purposes whatsoever,
                     shall be deemed sufficient, if given by communication in
                     writing by United States mail, postage prepaid and
                     certified, and address as follows: To the Landlord at the
                     following address: Covold Partners, 17 Calender Ct
                     Suite 4 Columbia, SC 29206. To the Tenant at the
                     following address: U.S. Patriot, 5401 Forest Drive,
                     Columbia, SC 29206.

                26.  ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: Insofar as the following
                     provisions conflict with other provisions of the lease,
                     the following shall control.
                     A. INSURANCE: Tenant shall maintain suitable fire and
                     extended coverage insurance upon the building during the
                     term of this lease and any renewals thereof, and agrees
                     to name the Mortgage as additional named on the policy.
                     Such insurance will be to the full extent of the
                     insurable replacement value of the building improvements.
                     Tenant agrees to provide the Landlord with written proof
                     of such insurance protection. It is further understood
                     that Tenant shall be responsible for maintaining it's own
                     fire and extended coverage insurance on it's contents.
                     Such insurance may be carried under a blanket policy by
                     B. REAL ESTATE TAXES: To be paid by Landlord.

                27.  SECURITY DEPOSIT: Security deposit of Three thousand
                     three hundred seventy five Dollars ( $3375)

                     WITNESS:                        LANDLORD: Covold Partners

                     ____________________            By:______________________
                                                       Mike Arnold

                     ____________________            By:______________________
                                                       Tenant    U.S. Patriot

                     ____________________            By:____________________

