December 11, 2001

Board of Directors
Wayne Savings Bankshares, Inc.
Wayne Savings Bankshares, M.H.C.
Wayne Savings Community Bank
151 North Market Street
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Dear Sirs:

You have asked that we provide our opinion as to the State of Ohio income and
franchise tax consequences which will result from the conversion of Wayne
Savings Bankshares, M.H.C., a federal mutual holding company into the capital
stock form of organization, effectuated pursuant to three integrated
transactions more fully described in a Federal Tax Opinion letter delivered to
you by Luse Lehman Gorman Pomerenk & Schick, A Professional Corporation, dated

Our opinions are based on the foregoing description of the facts and may be
inapplicable if the actual facts differ from this description in any material
respect. Our opinions expressed herein are limited solely to the matters
expressly set forth herein and no opinions should be inferred as to any other
matters or as to the tax treatment of the transaction discussed herein under the
provisions of any section of the Ohio Revised Code thereunder not specifically
covered herein that may also be applicable to this transaction. If there is a
change in the applicable law or interpretations of the law or regulations, any
or all of the opinions expressed herein may become inapplicable. In addition,
any such change may in certain cases be applied retroactively, with adverse

Our opinions, which are based on the information contained in that document, as
well as on the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, published administrative
guidance, and court decisions as of the date hereof, are as follows:

         1.       So long as the conversion of the Mid-Tier Holding Company to a
                  federally chartered interim stock savings association
                  constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue Code
                  section 368(a)(1)(F), neither the Mid-Tier Holding Company nor
                  the federally chartered interim stock savings association will
                  recognize gain or loss by reason of the conversion.

         2.       So long as the merger of the Mid-Tier Holding Company and the
                  Bank constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue
                  Code section 368(a)(1)(A), neither the Mid-Tier Holding
                  Company nor the Bank will recognize gain or loss by reason of
                  the merger.

         3.       So long as the merger of the Mid-Tier Holding Company and the
                  Bank constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue
                  Code section 368(a)(1)(A), the Mid-Tier Holding Company
                  shareholders will not recognize any gain or loss upon their
                  constructive or actual exchange of Mid-Tier Holding Company
                  common stock for Bank Common stock.

Board of Directors
Wayne Savings Bankshares, Inc.
Wayne Savings Bankshares, M.H.C.
Wayne Savings Community Bank
December 11, 2001
Page 2

         4.       So long as the conversion of the Mutual Holding Company to a
                  federally chartered interim stock savings association
                  constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue Code
                  section 368(a)(1)(F), neither the Mutual Holding Company nor
                  the federally chartered interim stock savings association will
                  recognize gain or loss by reason of the conversion.

         5.       So long as the merger of the Mutual Holding Company and the
                  Bank constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue
                  Code section 368(a)(1)(A), neither the Mutual Holding Company
                  nor the Bank will recognize gain or loss by reason of the

         6.       So long as the merger of the Mutual Holding Company and the
                  Bank constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue
                  Code section 368(a)(1)(A), the persons who have an interest in
                  the Mutual Holding Company will recognize no gain or loss upon
                  the receipt of an interest in the Liquidation Account in the
                  Bank in exchange for their voting and liquidation rights in
                  the Mutual Holding Company.

         7.       So long as the merger of the Bank and Interim Corporation
                  constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue Code
                  sections 368(a)(1)(A) and (a)(2)(E), neither the Bank nor
                  Interim Corporation will recognize gain or loss by reason of
                  the merger.

         8.       So long as the merger of the Bank and Interim Corporation
                  constitutes a transaction described in Internal Revenue Code
                  sections 368(a)(1)(A) and (a)(2)(E), the Bank shareholders
                  will not recognize any gain or loss upon their exchange of
                  Bank common stock solely for shares of the Holding Company
                  common stock.

         9.       No gain or loss will be recognized by Eligible Account Holders
                  and Supplemental Eligible Account Holders upon distribution to
                  them of subscription rights to purchase shares of Holding
                  Company common stock, provided that the amount to be paid for
                  the Holding Company common stock is equal to the fair market
                  value of the Holding Company common stock.

         10.      No gain or loss will be recognized by Holding Company on the
                  receipt of money in exchange for Holding Company common stock
                  sold in the Offering.

Very truly yours,

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