1205 Westlakes Drive, Suite 100
                                Berwyn, PA 19312

                                  July 21, 2006


Securities and Exchange Commission
100  "F" Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

        Re:      Turner Funds (the "Trust")/ Registration Statement on Form N-14
                 (Registration No. 333-135090)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         Attached is a memorandum which summarizes the staff's comments on the
Registration Statement on Form N-14 (the "Registration Statement") and the
Trust's responses to such comments.

         The Trust acknowledges that it is responsible for the adequacy and
accuracy of the disclosure in the Registration Statement. The Trust further
acknowledges that staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff
comments on the Registration Statement may not foreclose the Securities and
Exchange Commission (the "Commission") from taking any action with respect to
the Registration Statement. The Trust further acknowledges that it may not
assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the Commission
or any party under the federal securities laws of the United States of America.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     Turner Funds

                                                     By:  /s/ Thomas Trala
                                                          Thomas Trala


       TO:        Vincent DiStefano                   CC:    Michael P. Malloy
                                                             Brian F. McNally
                                                             Stephanie A. Djinis

     FROM:        Joshua Deringer

     DATE:        July 21, 2006

       RE:        Response to SEC Staff Comments on the Turner Funds
                  Registration Statement on Form N-14
                  (Registration No. 333-135090)


         This memorandum summarizes the disclosure comments received on July 13,
2006 from you on the above-referenced filing and the Registrant's responses.

         A.       Proxy/Prospectus

                  1. Comment: The Proxy/Prospectus discusses potential economies
                  of scale as a reason for the proposed reorganization. However,
                  the net expense ratio for the combined pro forma fund is only
                  4 basis points lower than the Turner Technology Fund. Please
                  supplementally explain how this reflects economies of scale.

                  Response: As is currently disclosed in the Proxy/Prospectus,
                  the Board considered the expected realization of economies of
                  scale in the long run that should over time reduce the
                  operating expense ratios for the combined Fund as a result of
                  Turner managing one fund instead of two funds with similar
                  investment objectives and strategies. With respect to the
                  specific pro forma expenses for the combined Fund, the Board
                  concluded that shareholders would benefit from the 4 basis
                  point reduction in expenses - a material reduction - but also
                  recognized that more substantial economies of scale could
                  potentially be achieved in the future.

                  2. Comment: If Turner anticipates selling some of the
                  Technology Fund's securities prior to or after the
                  reorganization, please disclose the possible tax and
                  transaction cost implications to shareholders of such

                  Response:  The Proxy/Prospectus currently includes the
                  following disclosures:

                  "Turner anticipates selling portions of the Technology Fund's
                  securities shortly before or after the Reorganization. To the
                  extent that the Technology Fund's securities holdings are sold
                  prior to the Reorganization; the proceeds of such sales will

                  be held in temporary investments or reinvested in assets that
                  the New Enterprise Fund may hold. The sale of securities
                  either prior to the Reorganization or shortly thereafter could
                  result in the Technology Fund or the New Enterprise Fund
                  realizing gains, and making taxable distributions to
                  shareholders attributable to those gains, that would not
                  otherwise have been realized but for the Reorganization. Such
                  a sale of assets and the reinvestment of the proceeds would
                  involve brokerage and other transactional costs to be borne by
                  the Technology Fund."

                  "The New Enterprise Fund anticipates selling portions of the
                  portfolio holdings received from the Technology Fund after the
                  Reorganization. The sale of these securities after the
                  Reorganization will result in the New Enterprise Fund
                  recognizing gains and/or losses that it would not otherwise
                  have realized were it not for the Reorganization. If the net
                  effect of these additional gains and/or losses is an increase
                  in the New Enterprise Fund's net short-term or long-term
                  capital gain for the current calendar year and/or fiscal year,
                  the amount of the Fund's taxable distributions to shareholders
                  may likely be increased."

                  3. Comment: Please supplement the discussions of the Trustees'
                  considerations of the Plan of Reorganization.

                  Response: The disclosure has been supplemented as per your
                  request. The relevant disclosure now reads as follows (marked
                  to show changes):

                  "At a meeting held on May 18, 2006, the Trustees approved the
Plan of Reorganization. The Board of Trustees is proposing the Reorganization in
an attempt to reduce expenses associated with the operations of the Funds. The
Board of Trustees determined that the Funds have identical investment objectives
and similar strategies. The Board also noted that the Funds share the same lead
portfolio manager and that as of May 2, 2006, the portfolios of the Funds had
significant overlap. The Board of Trustees considered the potential effects of
the Reorganization on expense ratios over time. The Board of Trustees was also
advised by Turner that it did not expect the Technology Fund would ever reach
the scale needed to reduce expenses on a stand-alone basis. It was expected that
the larger combined fund should realize economies of scale that may, in the long
run, result in lower expense ratios. Therefore, given the long-term reduction of
expenses expected to be realized by combining the Funds, the reduction of fees
passed on to shareholders, and the compatibility between the investment
objectives and principal strategies of both Funds, the Board of Trustees
determined that the Reorganization would enable the shareholders of the
Technology Fund to continue their individual investment programs without
substantial disruption. In addition, the shareholders of the Technology Fund
will have the same shareholder rights since both Funds are series of the Trust
governed by the same Agreement and Declaration of Trust and Bylaws. The Board of
Trustees considered various factors in reviewing the proposed Reorganization.
Such factors include, but are not limited to the following:

   o     improved operating efficiencies of the Funds after the Reorganization
         due to the combination of similar Funds;

   o     While the gross total operating expenses of the New Enterprise Fund
         after the reorganization are expected to be higher than the current
         gross total operating expenses of the Technology Fund, the net total
         operating expenses are expected to decrease and be lower than those of
         the Technology Fund in light of the fact that Turner has contractually
         committed, effective in May 2006, to limit expenses of the New
         Enterprise Fund through November 2007;

   o     the fact that both Funds pay a performance-based advisory fee, and
         that, although the Funds' advisory fees track different indices, the
         New Enterprise Fund must outperform its index by a greater margin in
         order for Turner to earn the maximum performance fee (a greater margin
         also applies for Turner to earn the minimum performance fee);

   o     the expected realization of economies of scale in the long run that
         should over time reduce the operating expense ratios for the combined
         Fund as a result of Turner managing one fund instead of two funds with
         similar investment objectives and strategies;

   o     similarities between the investment objectives, policies and strategies
         of the Technology Fund and those of the New Enterprise Fund;

   o     the significant overlap of the current portfolio holdings of the
         Technology Fund and the New Enterprise Fund;

   o     the expectation of no reduction of the services provided to the
         Technology Fund shareholders after the Reorganization;

   o     the fact that the Funds share the same service providers;

   o     the proposed Reorganization will not result in the recognition of any
         gain or loss for federal income tax purposes by the Technology Fund,
         the New Enterprise Fund or their respective shareholders;

   o     neither the Technology Fund nor the New Enterprise Fund will bear any
         direct fees or expenses in connection with the reorganization;

   o     the proposed Reorganization is in the best interests of both Funds and
         their shareholders and will not dilute the interests of either Fund's
         shareholders; and

   o     the Technology Fund shareholders will have the opportunity to vote on
         the Reorganization.; and

   o     The recent investment performance of the New Enterprise Fund has
         generally been stronger than that of the Technology Fund.

         In addition, the Trustees considered the capital loss tax carryforwards
of the Technology Fund, which were approximately $130 million as of the end of
the Fund's last tax year ended September 30, 2005. The Trustees were informed

that while those capital loss tax carryforwards will be transferred to the New
Enterprise Fund in the Reorganization, most of the carryforwards will not be
usable, due to annual limitations resulting from the Reorganization. Therefore,
one consequence of the Reorganization will be to increase the likelihood that
shareholders of the Technology Fund who become shareholders of the New
Enterprise Fund will receive capital gains distributions after the
Reorganization that are taxable to them. The Trustees considered the loss of the
potential benefits of the capital loss tax carryforwards to the Technology Fund
and its shareholders in light of a number of factors including: (i) the
potential benefits of the Reorganization; and (ii) the possibility that, in
light of the Technology Fund's declining asset base, the potential benefits of a
substantial portion of that fund's capital loss carryforwards would remain
unused by the time they expired in 2009, 2010 and 2011.

         For these and other reasons, the Board of Trustees believes that the
Reorganization is in the best interest of the Technology Fund and its

                  4. Comment: Please supplementally confirm whether Turner's
                  contractual expense limitation provides for recoupment.

                  Response: The expense limitation does not provide for

                  5. Comment: Based upon the pro forma statement of operations,
                  it appears that the net operating expenses of the combined
                  fund and the New Enterprise Fund are higher than those of the
                  Technology Fund.

                  Response: The expense ratio of the combined Fund is lower than
                  that of the Technology Fund. While, on an absolute dollar
                  basis, the expenses may be higher in the combined Fund, when
                  divided over a larger asset base, shareholders of the combined
                  Fund will be paying lower expenses than New Enterprise Fund
                  shareholders currently pay.

                  6. Comment: The Proxy/Prospectus states that the Trustees
                  considered that recent investment performance of the New
                  Enterprise Fund has generally been stronger than that of the
                  Technology. However, it appears that the Technology Fund has
                  stronger performance.

                  Response: The New Enterprise Fund has consistently had
                  stronger performance than the Technology Fund. The performance
                  as of March 31, 2006 for the New Enterprise Fund was stronger
                  than that of the Technology Fund for the 6 month,
                  year-to-date, one-year, three-year and five-year periods.

         If you have any questions or comments concerning this memorandum,
please contact me at (215) 988-2959.