Investment Company Act File Number: 811-8572

                              Bishop Street Funds
                      C/O SEI Investment Distribution Co.
                            One Freedom Valley Drive
                                 Oaks, PA 19456

                               AGENT FOR SERVICE
                              Philip T. Masterson
                     C/O SEI Investment Management Services
                            One Freedom Valley Drive
                                 Oaks, PA 19456

                        Fiscal Year Ending: December 31

            Date of Reporting Period: July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009





Hawaii Municipal Bond Fund Invests in Securities That Do Not Have Voting
Rights. No Votes Have Been Cast on Securities by This Fund During the Reporting


High Grade Income Fund Invests in Securities That Do Not Have Voting Rights.
No Votes Have Been Cast on Securities by This Fund During the Reporting


Government Money Market Fund Invests in Securities That Do Not Have Voting
Rights. No Votes Have Been Cast on Securities by This Fund During the Reporting


Treasury Money Market Portfolio Invests in Securities That Do Not Have Voting
Rights. No Votes Have Been Cast on Securities by This Fund During the Reporting


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
"The Subadviser of the Bishop Street Large Cap Core Equity Fund, Lotsoff Capital
Management, did not vote shares while it was in the process of re-evaluation and
revising its proxy voting procedures between April 14, 2009 and June 8, 2009."

 CUSIP: G0070K103     TICKER: ACE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-Jul-2008
 1a Election of Director: Michael G. Atieh to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Mary A. Cirillo to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Bruce L. Crockett to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Thomas J. Neff to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Gary M. Stuart to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Robert M. Hernandez to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Peter Menikoff to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Robert Ripp to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Dermot F. Smurfit to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Evan G. Greenberg to Term
     Expiring In2010                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: John A. Krol to Term
     Expiring in 2011.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Leo F. Mullin to Term
     Expiring in 2011.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Olivier Steimer to Term
     Expiring in 2011.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the Amendment (The De-Registration
     Amendment) to the Company's Memorandum of
     Association and Articles of Association to Permit the
     Deregistration of the Company From the Cayman Islands    Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of the Amendment (The Financial Statement
     Amendment) to the Company's Articles of Association
     to Require the Company to Prepare and Provide to
     Shareholders Not Less Than Annually An Unconsolidated
     Balance Sheet of the Company Valuing the Company's
     Investment in Its Subsidiaries on A Mark-To-Market Basis Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of Amendments to the Articles of Association
     Which Will Have the Effect of Increasing the Par Value
     of the Ordinary Shares From $0.041666667 to An
     Amount in Swiss Francs Equal to $11,000,000,000
     Divided by the Number of Our Ordinary Shares
     Outstanding as of the Close of Business on July 10, 2008
     and Converted Into Swiss Francs Using the Then Most
     Recently Available Noon Buying Rate in New York
     Certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
     Customs Purposes, All as More Fully Described in the
     Proxy Statement                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Approval of the Company's De-Registration From the
     Cayman Islands and Continuation in Switzerland
     (The Continuation)                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 06 Approval of the Name of the Company                       Management     For          Voted - For
 07 Approval of the Change of the Purpose of the Company      Management     For          Voted - For
 08 Approval of the Rearrangement of the Company's
     Existing Share Capital                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 09 Approval of the Company's Articles of Association         Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Confirmation of Swiss Law as the Authoritative
     Legislation Governing the Company                        Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Confirmation of the Principal Place of Business of the
     Company as Zurich, Switzerland                           Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Appointment of BDO Visura as Special Auditor Until Our
     Next Annual General Meeting                              Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Approval of the Company's 2004 Long-Term Incentive
     Plan as Amended Through the Fourth Amendment             Management     For          Voted - For
 14 Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as Our the
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm And, If
      the Continuation Is Approved and as Required by Swiss
     Law, to Elect PriceWaterhouseCoopers Ag as Our
     Statutory Auditor for A One Year Term Until Our Next
     Annual General Meeting                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 15 Approval of Payment of A Dividend Through A Reduction
     of the Par Value of Our Shares in An Amount Equal to the
     Swiss Franc Equivalent of $0.87, Converted Into Swiss
     Francs Using the Most Recently Available Noon Buying
     Rate in New York Certified by the Federal Reserve Bank
     of New York for Customs Purposes as of the Close of
     Business on July 9, 2008, and Payment of Such Amount
     in Three Equal Installments at Such Times During the
     Period Through Our Next Annual General Meeting as
     Determined by the Board of Directors                     Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 524901105     TICKER: LM
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 22-Jul-2008
 01 Director
 1  Dennis R. Beresford                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2  W. Allen Reed                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Roger W. Schipke                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Nicholas J. St. George                                    Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Mark R. Fetting                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  Scott C. Nuttall                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of PriceWaterhouse-
     Coopers Llp as Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm.                                         Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal Relating to An Independent
     Director Serving as the Chairman of the Board.           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For


                              BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 04 Stockholder Proposal Relating to An Advisory Vote on
     Executive Compensation.                              Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 984332106 TICKER: YHOO
 Meeting Type: Contested-Annual Meeting Date: 01-Aug-2008
 Management Card
 01 Director
 1  Roy J. Bostock                                        Management     For          Take No Action
 2  Ronald W. Burkle                                      Management     For          Take No Action
 3  Eric Hippeau                                          Management     For          Take No Action
 4  Vyomesh Joshi                                         Management     For          Take No Action
 5  Arthur H. Kern                                        Management     For          Take No Action
 6  Robert A. Kotick                                      Management     For          Take No Action
 7  Mary Agnes Wilderotter                                Management     For          Take No Action
 8  Gary L. Wilson                                        Management     For          Take No Action
 9  Jerry Yang                                            Management     For          Take No Action
 02 Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm.                              Management     For          Take No Action
 03 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Pay-For- Superior-
     Performance.                                         Shareholder    Against      Take No Action
 04 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Internet Censorship.   Shareholder    Against      Take No Action
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Board Committee
     On Human Rights.                                     Shareholder    Against      Take No Action
 Shareholder Card
 01 Directors
 1  Lucian A. Bebchuk                                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 2  Frank J. Biondi, Jr.                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 3  John H. Chapple                                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 4  Mark Cuban                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 5  Adam Dell                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 6  Carl C. Icahn                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 7  Keith A. Meister                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 8  Edward H. Meyer                                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 9  Brian S. Posner                                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Withheld
 02 Ratification of Appointment of Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm.                   Management     For          Abstained
 03 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Pay-For- Superior-
     Performance.                                         Shareholder    Against      Abstained
 04 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Internet Censorship.   Shareholder    Against      Abstained
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Board Committee
     On Human Rights.                                     Shareholder    Against      Abstained


                             BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 345838106      TICKER: FRX
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 11-Aug-2008
 01 Director
 1  Howard Solomon                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  L.S. Olanoff, Md, PhD.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Nesli Basgoz, M.D.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4  William J. Candee, III                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 5  George S. Cohan                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Dan L. Goldwasser                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Kenneth E. Goodman                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Lester B. Salans, M.D.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Adoption of the Amended and Restated Certificate of
     Incorporation.                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Ratification of BDO Seidman, Llp as Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 740189105      TICKER: PCP
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 12-Aug-2008
 01 Director
 1  Don R. Graber                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Lester L. Lyles                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the 2008 Employee Stock Purchase Plan           Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of Amendments to the 2001 Stock Incentive Plan     Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Ratification of Appointment of Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm                          Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date:18-Aug-2008
 01 To Approve the Third Amended and Restated Certificate
     of Incorporation of CME Group, Which Increases the
     Maximum Size of the CME Group Board of Directors
     From 30 to 33 Directors and Specifies That the Number of
     CME Group Directors Is to Be Fixed Exclusively by One
     Or More Resolutions Adopted by the CME Group Board,
     All as More Fully Described in the Proxy Statement.        Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the Issuance of CME Group Class A Common
     Stock, Par Value $0.01 Per Share, to NYMEX Holdings,
     Inc. (NYMEX Holdings) Stockholders Pursuant to the
     Merger Contemplated by the Agreement and Plan of Merger,
     Dated as of March 17, 2008 and as Amended as of June
     30, 2008 and July 18, 2008, as More Fully Described in the
     Proxy Statement.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Adjourn the CME Group Special Meeting, If Necessary,
     to Solicit Additional Proxies.                             Management     For          Voted - For
    Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Type: Annual            Meeting Date:21-Aug-2008
 1  Victor J. Dzau, M.D.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 2  William A. Hawkins                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Shirley A. Jackson, Phd                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Denise M. O'leary                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Jean-Pierre Rosso                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Jack W. Schuler                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp
     as Medtronic's Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve the Medtronic, Inc. 2008 Stock Award and
     Incentive Plan.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 SECURITY       871503108             MEETING TYPE: ANNUAL
 Ticker Symbol                   SYMC           Meeting Date: 22-Sep-2008
 01 Director
 1  Michael Brown                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2  William T. Coleman                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Frank E. Dangeard                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 7  George Reyes                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Daniel H. Schulman                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 9  John W Thompson                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 10 V. Paul Unruh                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the Amendment and Restatement of Our 2004
     Equity Incentive Plan, Including the Reservation of An
     Additional 50,000,000 Shares for Issuance Thereunder.    Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve the Adoption of Our 2008 Employee Stock
     Purchase Plan, Including the Reservation of 20,000,000
     Shares for Issuance Thereunder.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Approve the Material Terms of the Amended and Restated
     Symantec Senior Executive Incentive Plan to Preserve the
     Deductibility Under Federal Tax Rules of Awards Made
     Under the Plan.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 05 To Ratify the Selection of KPMG Llp as Symantec's
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
     2009 Fiscal Year.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Type: Annual            Meeting Date: 09-Oct-2008
 01 Director
 1  David B. Mathis                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2  James L. Popowich                                         Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3  James T. Prokopanko                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Steven M. Seibert                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG Llp as Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 68389X105     TICKER: ORCL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 10-Oct-2008
 01 Director
 1  Jeffrey O. Henley                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Lawrence J. Ellison                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Donald L. Lucas                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Michael J. Boskin                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Jack F. Kemp                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Jeffrey S. Berg                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Safra A. Catz                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Hector Garcia-Molina                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 9  H. Raymond Bingham                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Charles E. Phillips, Jr                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Naomi O. Seligman                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 12 George H. Conrades                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Bruce R. Chizen                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal for the Approval of the Adoption of the Fiscal
     Year 2009 Executive Bonus Plan.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm of the
     Company for the Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2009.          Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal on Advisory Vote on Executive
     Compensation.                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 742718109     TICKER: PG
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-Oct-2008
 01 Director
 1  Kenneth I. Chenault                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Scott D. Cook                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Rajat K. Gupta                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 4  A.G. Lafley                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Charles R. Lee                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Lynn M. Martin                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 7  W. James Mcnerney, Jr.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Johnathan A. Rodgers                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Ralph Snyderman, M.D.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Margaret C. Whitman                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Patricia A. Woertz                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Ernesto Zedillo                                            Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 Ratify Appointment of the Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Amend Company's Amended Articles of Incorporation to
     Adopt Majority Voting                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal #1 - Rotate Site of Annual Meeting     Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal #2 - Advisory Vote on Executive
     Compensation                                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 701094104     TICKER: PH
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 22-Oct-2008
 01 Director
 1  William E. Kassling                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Joseph M. Scaminace                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Wolfgang R. Schmitt                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for Fy09     Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 189754104     TICKER: COH
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 30-Oct-2008
 01 Director
 1  Lew Frankfort                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Susan Kropf                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Gary Loveman                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Ivan Menezes                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Irene Miller                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Keith Monda                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Michael Murphy                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Jide Zeitlin                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Consider and Vote Upon A Proposal to Amend the
     Coach, Inc. Performance-Based Annual Incentive Plan.       Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 039483102     TICKER: ADM
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-Nov-2008
 1a Election of Director: G.W. Buckley                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: M.H. Carter                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: V.F. Haynes                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: A. Maciel                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: P.J. Moore                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: M.B. Mulroney                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: T.F. O'neill                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: K.R. Westbrook                        Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1i Election of Director: P.A. Woertz                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as Independent
     Accountants for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2009.     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Adopt Stockholder's Proposal Regarding Global Human
     Rights Standards.                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 17275R102     TICKER: CSCO
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 13-Nov-2008
 1a Election of Director: Carol A. Bartz                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: M. Michele Burns                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Michael D. Capellas                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Larry R. Carter                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: John T. Chambers                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Brian L. Halla                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Dr. John L. Hennessy                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Richard M. Kovacevich                Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Roderick C. Mcgeary                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Michael K. Powell                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Steven M. West                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Jerry Yang                           Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp
     as Cisco's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     for the Fiscal Year Ending July 25, 2009.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal Submitted by A Shareholder to Amend the
     Company's Bylaws to Establish A Board Committee on
     Human Rights.                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Proposal Submitted by Shareholders Requesting the Board to
     Publish A Report to Shareholders Within Six Months
     Providing A Summarized Listing and Assessment of
     Concrete Steps Cisco Could Reasonably Take to Reduce
     the Likelihood That Its Business Practices Might Enable
     Or Encourage the Violation of Human Rights, as Set
     Forth in the Proxy Statement.                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 594918104     TICKER: MSFT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 19-Nov-2008
 01 Election of Director: Steven A. Ballmer                    Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Election of Director: James I. Cash Jr.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Election of Director: Dina Dublon                          Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Election of Director: William H. Gates III                 Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Election of Director: Raymond V. Gilmartin                 Management     For          Voted - For
 06 Election of Director: Reed Hastings                        Management     For          Voted - For
 07 Election of Director: David F. Marquardt                   Management     For          Voted - For
 08 Election of Director: Charles H. Noski                     Management     For          Voted - For
 09 Election of Director: Helmut Panke                         Management     For          Voted - For


                             BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                          PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 10 Approval Of Material Terms Of Performance Criteria
     Under The Executive Officer Incentive Plan.                   Management     For          For
 11 Approval Of Amendments To The 1999 Stock Option
     Plan For Non-Employee Directors.                              Management     For          For
 12 Ratification Of The Selection Of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     As The Company's Independent Auditor.                         Management     For          For
 13 Shareholder Proposal - Adoption of Policies on Internet
     Censorship.                                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 14 Shareholder Proposal - Establishment of Board Committee
     on Human Rights.                                              Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 15 Shareholder Proposal - Disclosure of Charitable Contributions. Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 871829107      TICKER: SYY
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 19-Nov-2008
 1a To Elect Judith B. Craven as Director to Serve Until the
     Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2011.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1b To Elect Phyllis S. Sewell as Director to Serve Until the
     Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2011.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1c To Elect Richard G. Tilghman as Director to Serve Until the
     Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2011.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the Material Terms Of, and the Payment of
     Compensation to Certain Executive Officers Pursuant To,
     the 2008 Cash Performance Unit Plan So That the
     Deductibility of Such Compensation Will Not Be Limited by
     Section 162(M) of the Internal Revenue Code.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as Sysco's
     Independent Accountants for Fiscal 2009.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Consider A Stockholder Proposal, If Presented at the
      Meeting, Requesting That the Board of Directors Take the
     Necessary Steps to Require That All Directors Stand for
     Election Annually.                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 060505104      TICKER: BAC
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 05-Dec-2008
 01 A Proposal to Approve the Issuance of Shares of Bank of
     America Common Stock as Contemplated by the Agreement
     and Plan of Merger, Dated as of September 15, 2008, by
     and Between Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. and Bank of
     America Corporation, as Such Agreement May Be Amended
     From Time to Time.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 A Proposal to Approve An Amendment to the 2003 Key
     Associate Stock Plan, as Amended and Restated.                Management     For          Voted - For


                             BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                        PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 03 A Proposal to Adopt An Amendment to the Bank of America
     Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to
     Increase the Number of Authorized Shares of Bank of
     America Common Stock From 7.5 Billion to 10 Billion.        Management     For          Voted - For
 04 A Proposal to Approve the Adjournment of the Special
     Meeting, If Necessary Or Appropriate, to Solicit Additional
     Proxies, in the Event That There Are Not Sufficient Votes
     at the Time of the Special Meeting to Approve the Foregoing Proposals.     Management   For Voted - For
 CUSIP: 931422109      TICKER: WAG
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 14-Jan-2009
 01 Director
 1  William C. Foote                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Mark P. Frissora                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Alan G. Mcnally                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Cordell Reed                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Nancy M. Schlichting                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6  David Y. Schwartz                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Alejandro Silva                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 8  James A. Skinner                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Marilou M. Von Ferstel                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Charles R. Walgreen III                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.           Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Amend the Walgreen Co. 1982 Employees Stock
     Purchase Plan to Increase the Number of Shares of
     Common Stock Authorized for Issuance Under the Plan.        Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal That the Chairman of the Board Be
     An Independent Director Who Has Not Previously
     Served as An Executive Officer of Walgreen Co.              Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal That Walgreen Co. Shareholders
     Vote to Ratify the Compensation of the Named
     Executive Officers.                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 887317105      TICKER: TWX
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 16-Jan-2009
 01 Company Proposal to (A) Authorize the Board to Effect
     Prior to 12/31/09, A Reverse Stock Split of the Outstanding
     and Treasury Common Stock of Time Warner, at A
     Reverse Stock Split Ratio of Either 1-For-2 Or 1-For-3,
     and (B) Approve Amendment to the Company's
     Restated Certificate of Incorporation in the Relevant Form
     Attached to the Proxy Statement to Effect the Reverse
     Stock Split and to Reduce Proportionately the Total
     Number of Shares That Time Warner Is Authorized to
     Issue, Subject to the Board's Authority to Abandon
     Such Amendment.                                             Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 478366107     TICKER: JCI
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-Jan-2009
 01 Director
 1  Dennis W. Archer                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Richard Goodman                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Southwood J. Morcott                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of PriceWaterhouseCoopers as Independent
     Auditors for 2009.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal Regarding Survivor Benefits.                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 469814107     TICKER: JEC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 22-Jan-2009
 1a Election of Director: Joseph R. Bronson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Thomas M.T. Niles                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Noel G. Watson                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: John F. Coyne                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the Amendment to and Restatement of the
     1989 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve the Amendment to and Restatement of the
     1999 Stock Incentive Plan.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 902494103     TICKER: TSN
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-Feb-2009
 01 Director
 1  Don Tyson                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2  John Tyson                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Richard L. Bond                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Lloyd V. Hackley                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Jim Kever                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Kevin M. Mcnamara                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Brad T. Sauer                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Jo Ann R. Smith                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Barbara A. Tyson                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Albert C. Zapanta                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp,
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, as
     the Company's Independent Registered Public
     Accountant for the Fiscal Year Ending October 3, 2009. Management     For          Voted - For


                             BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 03 To Consider and Act Upon Shareholder Proposal 1
     Regarding Disclosure of Greenhouse Emissions.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 To Consider and Act Upon Shareholder Proposal 2
     Regarding Use of Gestation Crates.                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 617446448      TICKER: MS
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 09-Feb-2009
 01 To Approve the Conversion Terms of Morgan Stanley's
     Series B Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Perpetual
     Convertible Preferred Stock, the Issuance of Morgan
     Stanley's Common Stock Pursuant to Such Terms and
     Potential Equity Issuances Contemplated by Investor
     Agreement, Dated as of October 13, 2008, as Amended,
     by and Between Morgan Stanley and Mitsubishi Ufj
     Financial Group, Inc.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the Adjournment of the Special Meeting, If
     Necessary Or Appropriate, to Solicit Additional Proxies
     If (A) There Are Insufficient Votes at the Time of the
     Special Meeting to Approve Proposal 1 Or (B) A
     Quorum Is Not Present at the Time of the Special Meeting. Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: G1150G111      TICKER: ACN
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 12-Feb-2009
 1a Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Charles
     H. Giancarlo                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Dina Dublon      Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: William D. Green Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Nobuyuki Idei    Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Marjorie Magner  Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Re-Appointment of KPMG Llp as Independent Auditors for
     the 2009 Fiscal Year and Authorization of the Audit
     Committee of the Board of Directors to Determine
     KPMG Llp's Remuneration.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: G95089101      TICKER: WFT
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 17-Feb-2009
 01 Approval of the Scheme of Arrangement Attached to the
     Accompanying Proxy Statement as Annex B.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the Motion to Adjourn the Meeting to A
     Later Date to Solicit Additional Proxies If There Are
     Insufficient Votes at the Time of the Meeting to
     Approve the Scheme of Arrangement.                        Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                           PROPOSED BY  MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 037833100     TICKER: APPL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 25-Feb-2009
 01 Director
 1  William V. Campbell                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Millard S. Drexler                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Albert A. Gore, Jr.                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Steven P. Jobs                                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Andrea Jung                                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 6  A.D. Levinson, Ph.D.                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Eric E. Schmidt, Ph.D.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Jerome B. York                                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Political Contributions
     and Expenditures Report, If Properly Presented at the
     Meeting.                                                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Adoption of Principles
     for Health Care Reform, If Properly Presented at
     the Meeting.                                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Sustainability Report,
     If Properly Presented at the Meeting.                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Advisory Vote on
     Compensation, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 SECURITY             244199105            MEETING TYPE    ANNUAL
 Ticker Symbol                    DE                 Meeting Date: 25-Feb-2009
 1a Election of Director: Crandall C. Bowles                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Vance D. Coffman                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Clayton M. Jones                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Thomas H. Patrick                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche
     Llp as the Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for Fiscal 2009                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal #1 - Annual Election of Directors           Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal #2 - Advisory Vote on Executive
     Compensation                                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal #3 - Separation of Ceo and
     Chairman Responsibilities                                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 254687106     TICKER: DIS
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 10-Mar-2009
 1a Election of Director: Susan E. Arnold                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: John E. Bryson                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: John S. Chen                               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Judith L. Estrin                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Robert A. Iger                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1f Election of Director: Steven P. Jobs                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Fred H. Langhammer                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Aylwin B. Lewis                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: Monica C. Lozano                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Robert W. Matschullat               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: John E. Pepper, Jr.                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: Orin C. Smith                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of Pricewaterhouse- Coopers
     Llp as the Company's Registered Public Accountants for
     2009.                                                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Approve the Amendment to the Amended and Restated
     2005 Stock Incentive Plan.                               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 To Approve the Terms of the Amended and Restated 2002
     Executive Performance Plan.                              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 To Approve the Shareholder Proposal Relating to Political
     Contributions Reporting.                                 Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 To Approve the Shareholder Proposal Relating to Death
     Benefit Payments.                                        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 To Approve the Shareholder Proposal Relating to
     Shareholder Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation.     Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 038222105     TICKER: AMAT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 10-Mar-2009
 01 Director
 1  Aart J. De Geus                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  Stephen R. Forrest                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Philip V. Gerdine                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  Thomas J. Iannotti                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5  Alexander A. Karsner                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 6  Charles Y.S. Liu                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 7  Gerhard H. Parker                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 8  Dennis D. Powell                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 9  Willem P. Roelandts                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 10 James E. Rogers                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 11 Michael R. Splinter                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Approve Amendments to the Certificate of Incorporation
     That Eliminate Supermajority Voting Provisions.          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Ratify the Appointment of KPMG Llp as Applied
     Materials' Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for Fiscal Year 2009.                               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: J. R. Joyce                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: R. L. Ryan                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: L. S. Salhany                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: G. K. Thompson                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of the Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Fiscal
     Year Ending October 31, 2009.                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 00724F101     TICKER: ADBE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 01-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Class II Director: Robert K. Burgess        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Class II Director: Carol Mills              Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Class II Director: Daniel Rosensweig        Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Class II Director: Robert Sedgewick         Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Class II Director: John E. Warnock          Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Approval of the Amendment of the Adobe Systems
     Incorporated 2003 Equity Incentive Plan.               Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG Llp as the
     Company's Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending on
     November 27, 2009.                                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 913017109     TICKER: UTX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 08-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Louis R. Chenevert                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  George David                                            Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  John V. Faraci                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Jean-Pierre Garnier                                     Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Jamie S. Gorelick                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  Carlos M. Gutierrez                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Edward A. Kangas                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Charles R. Lee                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 9  Richard D. Mccormick                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Harold Mcgraw III                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 11 Richard B. Myers                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 12 H. Patrick Swygert                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 13 Andre Villeneuve                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 14 Christine Todd Whitman                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Appointment of Independent Auditors                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Shareowner Proposal: Offsets for Foreign Military Sales Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 064058100     TICKER: BK
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Ruth E. Bruch                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Nicholas M. Donofrio                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Gerald L. Hassell                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Edmund F. Kelly                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Robert P. Kelly                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld


                             BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 6  Richard J. Kogan                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Michael J. Kowalski                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 8  John A. Luke, Jr.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Robert Mehrabian                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Mark A. Nordenberg                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Catherine A. Rein                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 12 William C. Richardson                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Samuel C. Scott III                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 14 John P. Surma                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 15 Wesley W. Von Schack                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Approve the Advisory (Non-Binding)
     Resolution Relating to 2008 Executive Compensation.     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Ratification of Appointment of KPMG Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accountant.               Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal With Respect to Cumulative Voting.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal Requesting A 75% Retention
     Policy for Shares Acquired Through Compensation Plans.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 143658300      TICKER: CCL
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 15-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Micky Arison                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  A. Richard G. Capen, Jr                                  Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  Robert H. Dickinson                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Arnold W. Donald                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Pier Luigi Foschi                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  Howard S. Frank                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 7  Richard J. Glasier                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 8  Modesto A. Maidique                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 9  Sir John Parker                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Peter G. Ratcliffe                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 11 Stuart Subotnick                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 12 Laura Weil                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 13 Randall J. Weisenburger                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 14 Uzi Zucker                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 To Re-Appoint PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as
     Independent Auditors for Carnival Plc.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Authorize the Audit Committee of Carnival Plc to
     Agree to the Remuneration of the Independent Auditors.  Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Receive the Uk Accounts and Reports of the
     Directors and Auditors of Carnival Plc for the
     Financial Year Ended November 30, 2008.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 05 To Approve the Directors' Remuneration Report of
     Carnival Plc for the Financial Year Ended
     November 30, 2008.                                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 06 To Increase the Amount of the Authorized But
     Unissued Share Capital of Carnival Plc.                 Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 07 To Adopt the Amended and Restated Articles of Association
     of Carnival Plc.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 08 To Approve Certain Amendments to the Articles of
     Association of Carnival Plc, to Take Effect From
     October 1, 2009.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 09 To Approve the Giving of Authority for the Allotment of
     New Shares by Carnival Plc.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 10 To Approve the Disapplication of Pre-Emption Rights in
     Relation to the Allotment of New Shares by Carnival Plc. Management     For          Voted - For
 11 To Approve A General Authority for Carnival Plc to
     Buy Back Carnival Plc Ordinary Shares in the
     Open Market.                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 552715104     TICKER: WFR
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Robert J. Boehlke                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2  C. Douglas Marsh                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Michael Mcnamara                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Selection of KPMG Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
     the Year Ending December 31, 2009.                       Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 665859104     TICKER: NTRS
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Linda Walker Bynoe                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  Nicholas D. Chabraja                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Susan Crown                                               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  Dipak C. Jain                                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5  Arthur L. Kelly                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 6  Robert C. Mccormack                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 7  Edward J. Mooney                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 8  William A. Osborn                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 9  John W. Rowe                                              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Harold B. Smith                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 11 William D. Smithburg                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 12 Enrique J. Sosa                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 13 Charles A. Tribbett III                                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 14 Frederick H. Waddell                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG Llp as the
     Corporation's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Adoption of the Proposal Relating to An Advisory
     (Non-Binding) Vote on Executive Compensation.            Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 172967101     TICKER: C
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: C. Michael Armstrong              Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Alain J.P. Belda                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: John M. Deutch                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Jerry A. Grundhofer               Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Andrew N. Liveris                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Anne M. Mulcahy                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Michael E. O'neill                Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Vikram S. Pandit                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Richard D. Parsons                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Lawrence R. Ricciardi             Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Judith Rodin                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Robert L. Ryan                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Anthony M. Santomero              Management     For          Voted - For
 1n Election of Director: William S. Thompson, Jr.          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Selection of KPMG Llp as
     Citi's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for 2009.                                         Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Approve the Citigroup 2009 Stock Incentive
     Plan.                                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Proposal to Approve Citi's 2008 Executive Compensation  Management     Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal Requesting A Report on Prior
     Governmental Service of Certain Individuals.           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 06 Stockholder Proposal Requesting A Report on Political
     Contributions.                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Stockholder Proposal Requesting A Report on Predatory
     Credit Card Practices.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 08 Stockholder Proposal Requesting That Two Candidates
     Be Nominated for Each Board Position.                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 09 Stockholder Proposal Requesting A Report on the
     Carbon Principles.                                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 10 Stockholder Proposal Requesting That Executive
     Officers Retain 75% of the Shares Acquired Through
     Compensation Plans for Two Years Following
     Termination of Employment.                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 11 Stockholder Proposal Requesting Additional Disclosure
     Regarding Citi's Compensation Consultants.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 12 Stockholder Proposal Requesting That Stockholders
     Holding 10% Or Above Have the Right to Call
     Special Shareholder Meetings.                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 13 Stockholder Proposal Requesting Cumulative Voting.      Shareholder    Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 369604103     TICKER: GE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 22-Apr-2009
 A1  Election of Director: James I. Cash, Jr.               Management     Against      Voted - For
 A2  Election of Director: William M. Castell               Management     Against      Voted - For
 A3  Election of Director: Ann M. Fudge                     Management     For          Voted - For
 A4  Election of Director: Susan Hockfield                  Management     For          Voted - For
 A5  Election of Director: Jeffrey R. Immelt                Management     Against      Voted -- For
  A6 Election of Director: Andrea Jung                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 A7  Election of Director: Alan G. (A.G.) Lafley            Management     Against      Voted - For
 A8  Election of Director: Robert W. Lane                   Management     For          Voted - For
 A9  Election of Director: Ralph S. Larsen                  Management     For          Voted - For
 A10 Election of Director: Rochelle B. Lazarus              Management     For          Voted - For
 A11 Election of Director: James J. Mulva                   Management     For          Voted - For
 A12 Election of Director: Sam Nunn                         Management     Against      Voted - For
 A13 Election of Director: Roger S. Penske                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 A14 Election of Director: Robert J. Swieringa              Management     For          Voted - For
 A15 Election of Director: Douglas A. Warner III            Management     Against      Voted - For
 B   Ratification of KPMG                                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 C1  Cumulative Voting                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 C2  Executive Compensation Advisory Vote                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 C3  Independent Study Regarding Breaking Up Ge             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 C4  Dividend Policy                                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 C5  Shareholder Vote on Golden Parachutes                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 878742204     TICKER: TCK
 Meeting Type: Annual and Special Meeting Meeting Date: 22-Apr-2009
 01  To Elect as Directors All Nominees Named in the
      Accompanying Management Proxy Circular.               Management     Management   For Voted - Withheld
 02  To Appoint PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as Auditors
      and to Authorize the Directors to Fix the Auditors'
      Remuneration.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 03  To Approve A Special Resolution Authorizing An
      Amendment to the Articles of the Corporation (I) to
      Delete in Their Entirety the Authorized But Unissued
      Preferred Shares Series 1 and the Authorized But
      Unissued Preferred Shares Series 2, and (Ii) to
      Change the Corporation's Name to Teck Resources
      Limited/ Ressources Teck Limit[]e.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 14040H105     TICKER: COF
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 23-Apr-2009
 1a  Election of Director: Richard D. Fairbank              Management     Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1b Election of Director: E.R. Campbell                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Bradford H. Warner                Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Stanley Westreich                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Auditors of the Corporation for 2009.      Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Approval and Adoption of Capital One's Second
     Amended and Restated 2004 Stock Incentive Plan.        Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Advisory Approval of Capital One's Named Executive
     Officer Compensation.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 478160104     TICKER: JNJ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 23-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Mary Sue Coleman                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: James G. Cullen                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Michael M.E. Johns                Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Arnold G. Langbo                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Susan L. Lindquist                Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Leo F. Mullin                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: William D. Perez                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Charles Prince                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: David Satcher                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: William C. Weldon                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm   Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation Policies and
     Disclosure                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 717081103     TICKER: PFE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 23-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Dennis A. Ausiello                Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Michael S. Brown                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: M. Anthony Burns                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Robert N. Burt                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: W. Don Cornwell                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: William H. Gray, III              Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Constance J. Horner               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: James M. Kilts                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Jeffrey B. Kindler                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: George A. Lorch                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Dana G. Mead                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Suzanne Nora Johnson              Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Stephen W. Sanger                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1n Election of Director: William C. Steere, Jr.            Management     Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Selection of KPMG Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2009. Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Approve the Pfizer Inc. 2004 Stock Plan, as
     Amended and Restated.                                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Stock Options.            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 05 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Advisory Vote on
     Executive Compensation.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Cumulative Voting.        Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Special Shareholder
     Meetings.                                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 00206R102     TICKER: T
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 24-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Randall L. Stephenson              Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: William F. Aldinger III            Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Gilbert F. Amelio                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Reuben V. Anderson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: James H. Blanchard                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: August A. Busch III                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Jaime Chico Pardo                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: James P. Kelly                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Jon C. Madonna                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Lynn M. Martin                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: John B. Mccoy                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Mary S. Metz                       Management     Against      Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Joyce M. Roche                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1n Election of Director: Laura D'andrea Tyson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1o Election of Director: Patricia P. Upton                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Appointment of Independent Auditors.     Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Amendment to Increase Authorized Shares.                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Report on Political Contributions.                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Special Stockholder Meetings.                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Cumulative Voting.                                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Bylaw Requiring Independent Chairman.                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 08 Advisory Vote on Compensation.                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 09 Pension Credit Policy.                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 002824100     TICKER: ABT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 24-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  R.J. Alpern                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  R.S. Austin                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3  W.M. Daley                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  W.J. Farrell                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 5  H.L. Fuller                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  W.A. Osborn                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 7  D.A.L. Owen                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 8  W.A. Reynolds                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 9  R.S. Roberts                                            Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 10 S.C. Scott III                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 11 W.D. Smithburg                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 12 G.F. Tilton                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 13 M.D. White                                              Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 Approval of the Abbott Laboratories 2009 Incentive
     Stock Program                                          Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Approval of the Abbott Laboratories 2009 Employee
     Stock Purchase Plan for Non-U.S. Employees             Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Ratification of Deloitte & Touche Llp as Auditors       Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal - Animal Testing                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Shareholder Proposal - Health Care Principles           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Shareholder Proposal - Advisory Vote                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 097023105     TICKER: BA
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: John H. Biggs                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: John E. Bryson                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Arthur D. Collins, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Linda Z. Cook                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: William M. Daley                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Kenneth M. Duberstein             Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: John F. Mcdonnell                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: W. James Mcnerney, Jr.            Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Mike S. Zafirovski                Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Amendment to the Boeing Company 2003 Incentive
     Stock Plan.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Advisory Vote on Appointment of Deloitte & Touche
     Llp as Independent Auditor.                            Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Adopt Cumulative Voting.                                Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Require Advisory Vote on Named Executive
     Officer Compensation.                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Adopt Health Care Principles.                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Prepare A Report on Foreign Military Sales.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 08 Require An Independent Lead Director.                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 09 Require Shareholder Approval of Future Severance
     Arrangements.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 10 Require Disclosure of Political Contributions.          Shareholder    Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 589331107     TICKER: MRK
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Leslie A. Brun                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Thomas R. Cech, Ph.D.             Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Richard T. Clark                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Thomas H. Glocer                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Steven F. Goldstone               Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: William B. Harrison, Jr.          Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Harry R. Jacobson, M.D.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: William N. Kelley, M.D.           Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Rochelle B. Lazarus               Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Carlos E. Represas                Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Thomas E. Shenk, Ph.D.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Anne M. Tatlock                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Samuel O. Thier, M.D.             Management     Against      Voted - For
 1n Election of Director: Wendell P. Weeks                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1o Election of Director: Peter C. Wendell                  Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of the Company's
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2009 Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Amend the Restated Certificate of
     Incorporation to Limit the Size of the Board to No
     More Than 18 Directors                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal Concerning Special Shareholder
     Meetings                                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal Concerning An Independent
     Lead Director                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Stockholder Proposal Concerning An Advisory Vote
     on Executive Compensation                              Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 949746101     TICKER: WFC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: John D. Baker II                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: John S. Chen                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Lloyd H. Dean                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Susan E. Engel                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Enrique Hernandez, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Donald M. James                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Robert L. Joss                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Richard M. Kovacevich             Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Richard D. Mccormick              Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Mackey J. Mcdonald                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Cynthia H. Milligan               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Nicholas G. Moore                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Philip J. Quigley                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1n Election of Director: Donald B. Rice                    Management     Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1o Election of Director: Judith M. Runstad                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1p Election of Director: Stephen W. Sanger                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1q Election of Director: Robert K. Steel                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1r Election of Director: John G. Stumpf                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1s Election of Director: Susan G. Swenson                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Approve A Non-Binding Advisory
     Resolution Regarding the Compensation of the
     Company's Named Executives.                            Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Ratify Appointment of KPMG Llp as
     Independent Auditors for 2009.                         Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Proposal to Approve An Amendment to the Company's
     Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan.                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding A By-Laws
     Amendment to Require An Independent Chairman.          Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Report on Political
     Contributions.                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 30161N101     TICKER: EXC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: John A. Canning, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: M. Walter D'alessio               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Bruce Demars                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Nelson A. Diaz                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Rosemarie B. Greco                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Paul L. Joskow                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: John M. Palms                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: John W. Rogers, Jr.               Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: John W. Rowe                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Stephen D. Steinour               Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 The Renewal of the Exelon Corporation Annual
     Incentive Plan for Senior Executives Effective
     January 1, 2009.                                       Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 The Ratification of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as
     Exelon's Independent Accountant for 2009.              Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 A Shareholder Recommendation to Prepare A Report
     Showing That Exelon's Actions to Reduce Global
     Warming Have Reduced Mean Global Temperature
     Or Avoided Disasters.                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 912909108     TICKER: X
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Frank J. Lucchino                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Seth E. Schofield                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  John P. Surma                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4  David S. Sutherland                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm            Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 502424104     TICKER: LLL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Robert B. Millard                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Arthur L. Simon                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the L-3 Communications Corporation 2009
     Employee Stock Purchase Plan.                            Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Ratification of the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for 2009.                                           Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 171232101     TICKER: CB
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Zoe Baird                           Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Sheila P. Burke                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: James I. Cash, Jr.                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Joel J. Cohen                       Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: John D. Finnegan                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Klaus J. Mangold                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Martin G. Mcguinn                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Lawrence M. Small                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Jess Soderberg                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Daniel E. Somers                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Karen Hastie Williams               Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: James M. Zimmerman                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Alfred W. Zollar                    Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the Adoption of the Chubb Corporation
     Long-Term Incentive Plan (2009).                         Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Auditor.                                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 65334H102     TICKER: NXY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  W.B. Berry                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2  R.G. Bertram                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3  D.G. Flanagan                                             Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4  S.B. Jackson                                                Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  K.J. Jenkins                                                Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  A.A. Mclellan                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 7  E.P. Newell                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 8  T.C. O'neill                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 9  M.F. Romanow                                                Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 10 F.M. Saville                                                Management     For          Voted - For11    J.M.
     Willson                                                    Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 12 V.J. Zaleschuk                                              Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 To Appoint Deloitte & Touche Llp as Independent Auditors
     for 2009.                                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 918204108     TICKER: VFC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Robert J. Hurst                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  W. Alan Mccollough                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  M. Rust Sharp                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Raymond G. Viault                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Selection of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp
     as Vf's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     for the 2009 Fiscal Year.                                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 20854P109     TICKER: CNX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  John Whitmire                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  J. Brett Harvey                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  James E. Altmeyer, Sr.                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Philip W. Baxter                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 5  William E. Davis                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Raj K. Gupta                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Patricia A. Hammick                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 8  David C. Hardesty, Jr.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 9  John T. Mills                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 10 William P. Powell                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 11 Joseph T. Williams                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Anticipated Selection of Independent
     Auditor: Ernst & Young Llp.                                Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Consol Energy Inc. Amendment and Restatement of
     Equity Incentive Plan.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Majority Voting.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Early Disclosure of
     Voting Results of Shareholder Proposals.                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 655044105     TICKER: NBL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Jeffrey L. Berenson                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Michael A. Cawley                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  Edward F. Cox                                            Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Charles D. Davidson                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Thomas J. Edelman                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  Eric P. Grubman                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Kirby L. Hedrick                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Scott D. Urban                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 9  William T. Van Kleef                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of KPMG Llp as the
     Company's Independent Auditor.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Approve An Amendment to the Company's
     1992 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Plan to Increase
     the Number of Shares Authorized for Issuance From
     22,000,000 to 24,000,000.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 59156R108     TICKER :MET
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  C. Robert Henrikson                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  John M. Keane                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Catherine R. Kinney                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Hugh B. Price                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Kenton J. Sicchitano                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Reapproval of the Metlife, Inc. 2005 Stock and
     Incentive Compensation Plan                             Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as Independent Auditor for 2009                         Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 565849106     TICKER: MRO
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Charles F. Bolden, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Gregory H. Boyce                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: David A. Daberko                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: William L. Davis                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Shirley Ann Jackson                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Philip Lader                       Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION   REGISTRANT VOTED
 1h Election of Director: Charles R. Lee                      Management     Against        Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Michael E.J. Phelps                 Management     For            Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Dennis H. Reilley                   Management     For            Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Seth E. Schofield                   Management     Against        Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: John W. Snow                        Management     For            Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Thomas J. Usher                     Management     Against        Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as Our Independent Auditor for 2009                  Management     Against        Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal to Amend Our By-Laws to Lower
     the Threshold for Stockholders to Call Special Meetings  Shareholder    Against        Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal to Adopt A Policy for Ratification
     of Executive Compensation                                Shareholder    Against        Voted - For
 CUSIP: 060505104     TICKER: BAC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: William Barnet, III                 Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: Frank P. Bramble, Sr.               Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: Virgis W. Colbert                   Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: John T. Collins                     Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Gary L. Countryman                  Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Tommy R. Franks                     Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Charles K. Gifford                  Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Kenneth D. Lewis                    Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: Monica C. Lozano                    Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Walter E. Massey                    Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: Thomas J. May                       Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: Patricia E. Mitchell                Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1m Election of Director: Joseph W. Prueher                   Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1n Election of Director: Charles O. Rossotti                 Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1o Election of Director: Thomas M. Ryan                      Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1p Election of Director: O. Temple Sloan, Jr.                Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1q Election of Director: Robert L. Tillman                   Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 1r Election of Director: Jackie M. Ward                      Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 02 Ratification of the Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for 2009                                 Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 03 An Advisory (Non-Binding) Vote Approving Executive
     Compensation                                             Management     Unknown        Not Voted
 04 Stockholder Proposal - Disclosure of Government
     Employment                                               Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted
 05 Stockholder Proposal - Advisory Vote on Exec Comp         Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted
 06 Stockholder Proposal - Cumulative Voting                  Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted
 07 Stockholder Proposal - Special Stockholder Meetings       Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted
 08 Stockholder Proposal - Independent Board Chairman         Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted
    Management                                                Unknown        Not Voted 09   Stockholder Proposal -
     Predatory Credit Card Lending
     Practices                                                Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION   REGISTRANT VOTED
 10 Stockholder Proposal - Adoption of Principles for
     Health Care Reform                                     Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted
 11 Stockholder Proposal - Limits on Exec Comp              Shareholder    Unknown        Not Voted
 CUSIP: 617446448     TICKER: MS
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Roy J. Bostock                    Management     Against        Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Erskine B. Bowles                 Management     For            Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Howard J. Davies                  Management     For            Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Nobuyuki Hirano                   Management     Against        Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: C. Robert Kidder                  Management     Against        Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: John J. Mack                      Management     Against        Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Donald T. Nicolaisen              Management     For            Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Charles H. Noski                  Management     For            Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Hutham S. Olayan                  Management     For            Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Charles E. Phillips, Jr.          Management     For            Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: O. Griffith Sexton                Management     For            Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Laura D. Tyson                    Management     Against        Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as Independent Auditor                                 Management     Against        Voted - For
 03 To Approve the Compensation of Executives as
     Disclosed in the Proxy Statement                       Management     For            Voted - For
 04 To Amend the 2007 Equity Incentive Compensation Plan    Management     Against        Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Special Shareowner
     Meetings                                               Shareholder    Against        Voted - For
 06 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Independent Chair        Shareholder    Against        Voted - For
 CUSIP: 494368103     TICKER: KMB
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 30-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: John R. Alm                       Management     For            Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Dennis R. Beresford               Management     For            Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: John F. Bergstrom                 Management     Against        Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Abelardo E. Bru                   Management     For            Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Robert W. Decherd                 Management     Against        Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Thomas J. Falk                    Management     Against        Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Mae C. Jemison, M.D.              Management     For            Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Ian C. Read                       Management     For            Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: G. Craig Sullivan                 Management     For            Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Auditors                                Management     Against        Voted - For
 03 Approval of Amended and Restated Certificate of
     Incorporation Regarding Right of Holders of at
     Least Twenty-Five Percent of Shares to Call A
     Special Meeting of Stockholders                        Management     For            Voted - For
    Management                                              Unknown        Not Voted 04   Reapproval of Performance
     Goals Under the 2001
     Equity Participation Plan                              Management     For            Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Cumulative Voting         Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 219350105     TICKER: GLW
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 30-Apr-2009
 01 Directors
 1  James B. Flaws                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  James R. Houghton                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  James J. O'connor                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Deborah D. Rieman                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Peter F. Volanakis                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  Mark S. Wrighton                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratify the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp
     as Corning's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.          Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Regarding A Director Election
     Majority Vote Standard.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal Relating to the Election of Each
     Director Annually.                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 91913Y100     TICKER: VLO
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 30-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Jerry D. Choate                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: William R. Klesse                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Donald L. Nickles                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Susan Kaufman Purcell              Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratify the Appointment of KPMG Llp as Valero's
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2009. Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Vote on A Stockholder Proposal Entitled, Say-On- Pay.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Vote on A Stockholder Proposal Entitled, Stock Retention
     by Executives.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Vote on A Stockholder Proposal Entitled, Compensation
     Consultant Disclosures.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Vote on A Stockholder Proposal Entitled, Disclosure of
     Political Contributions/Trade Associations.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 018490102     TICKER: AGN
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 30-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: Herbert W. Boyer, Ph.D.            Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Robert A. Ingram                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: David E.I. Pyott                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Russell T. Ray                     Management     Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     for Fiscal Year 2009.                                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 To Approve A Stockholder Proposal Regarding
     Additional Animal Testing Disclosure.                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 001055102     TICKER: AFL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 04-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Daniel P. Amos                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: John Shelby Amos II                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Paul S. Amos II                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Yoshiro Aoki                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Michael H. Armacost                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Kriss Cloninger III                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Joe Frank Harris                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Elizabeth J. Hudson                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Kenneth S. Janke Sr.                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Douglas W. Johnson                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Robert B. Johnson                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Charles B. Knapp                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: E. Stephen Purdom                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1n Election of Director: Barbara K. Rimer, Dr. Ph            Management     Against      Voted - For
 1o Election of Director: Marvin R. Schuster                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1p Election of Director: David Gary Thompson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1q Election of Director: Robert L. Wright                    Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Consider and Approve the Following Advisory
     (Non-Binding) Proposal: Resolved, That the
     Shareholders Approve the Overall Executive
     Pay- For-Performance Compensation Policies and
     Procedures Employed by the Company, as Described
     in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and the
     Tabular Disclosure Regarding Named Executive
     Officer Compensation in This Proxy Statement.            Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Ratification of Appointment of KPMG Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm of
     the Company for the Year Ending December 31, 2009.       Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 98956P102     TICKER: ZMH
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 04-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Betsy J. Bernard                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Marc N. Casper                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: David C. Dvorak                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Robert A. Hagemann                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Arthur J. Higgins                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Cecil B. Pickett, Ph.D.             Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Augustus A. White, III, M.D., Ph.D. Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm                                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Approval of the 2009 Stock Incentive Plan               Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Approval of An Extension of the Stock Plan for
     Non-Employee Directors                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Approval of An Extension of the Restated Deferred
     Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors           Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 110122108     TICKER : BMY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 05-May-2009
 Meeting Date: 05-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: L. Andreotti                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: L.B. Campbell                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: J.M. Cornelius                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: L.J. Freeh                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: L.H. Glimcher, M.D.               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: M. Grobstein                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: L. Johansson                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: A.J. Lacy                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: V.L. Sato, Ph.D.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: T.D. West, Jr.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: R.S. Williams, M.D.               Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Executive Compensation Disclosure.                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 04 Simple Majority Vote.                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 05 Special Shareowner Meetings.                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Executive Compensation Advisory Vote.                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 713448108     TICKER: PEP
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: S.L. Brown                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: I.M. Cook                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: D. Dublon                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: V.J. Dzau                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: R.L. Hunt                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: A. Ibarguen                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: A.C. Martinez                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: I.K. Nooyi                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: S.P. Rockefeller                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: J.J. Schiro                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: L.G. Trotter                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: D. Vasella                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1m Election of Director: M.D. White                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 Approval of Independent Registered Public Accountants    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Approval of Pepsico, Inc. Executive Incentive
     Compensation Plan                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Shareholder Proposal - Beverage Container
     Recycling (Proxy Statement P. 59)                       Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Shareholder Proposal - Genetically Engineered
     Products Report (Proxy Statement P. 61)                 Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Shareholder Proposal - Charitable Contributions
     Report (Proxy Statement P. 63)                          Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Shareholder Proposal - Advisory Vote on
     Compensation (Proxy Statement P. 64)                    Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 031162100     TICKER: AMGN
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Dr. David Baltimore                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: Mr. Frank J. Biondi, Jr.           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: Mr. Francois De Carbonnel          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Mr. Jerry D. Choate                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Dr. Vance D. Coffman               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Mr. Frederick W. Gluck             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Mr. Frank C. Herringer             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Dr. Gilbert S. Omenn               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: Ms. Judith C. Pelham               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Adm. J. Paul Reason, Usn (Retired) Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: Mr. Leonard D. Schaeffer           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: Mr. Kevin W. Sharer                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accountants for the
     Year Ending December 31, 2009.                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Approve the Proposed 2009 Equity Incentive Plan,
     Which Authorizes the Issuance of 100,000,000 Shares.    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 To Approve the Proposed Amendment to Our Restated
     Certificate of Incorporation, as Amended, Which
     Reduces the Sixty-Six and Two- Thirds Percent (66-2/3%)
     Voting Requirement to A Simple Majority Voting
     Requirement for Approval of Certain Business
     Combinations.                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5a Stockholder Proposal #1 (Amend Our Bylaws to Permit 10
     Percent of Our Outstanding Common Stock the Ability to
     Call Special Meetings.)                                 Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 5b Stockholder Proposal #2 (Change Our Jurisdiction of
     Incorporation From Delaware to North Dakota.)           Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 28336L109     TICKER: EP
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Juan Carlos Braniff                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: James L. Dunlap                    Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1c Election of Director: Douglas L. Foshee                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Robert W. Goldman                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Anthony W. Hall, Jr.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Thomas R. Hix                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Ferrell P. Mcclean                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Steven J. Shapiro                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: J. Michael Talbert                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Robert F. Vagt                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: John L. Whitmire                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the El Paso Corporation 2005
     Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of the El Paso Corporation Employee Stock
     Purchase Plan.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp
     as Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.     Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 268648102     TICKER: EMC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Michael W. Brown                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: Randolph L. Cowen                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: Michael J. Cronin                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Gail Deegan                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: John R. Egan                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: W. Paul Fitzgerald                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Edmund F. Kelly                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Windle B. Priem                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: Paul Sagan                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: David N. Strohm                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: Joseph M. Tucci                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Ratify Selection by Audit Committee of
     PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as Emc's Independent
     Auditors.                                                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Approve An Amendment to Emc's Employee Stock
     Purchase Plan to Increase Shares Available by 30 Million. Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 To Approve An Amendment to Emc's Bylaws to Reduce the
     Percentage of Shares Required for Shareholders to Call A
     Special Meeting.                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 To Act Upon A Shareholder Proposal Relating to An
     Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation.                  Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 126650100     TICKER: CVS
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Edwin M. Banks                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: C. David Brown II                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: David W. Dorman                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Kristen G. Williams                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1e Election of Director: Marian L. Heard                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: William H. Joyce                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Jean-Pierre Millon                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Terrence Murray                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: C.A. Lance Piccolo                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Sheli Z. Rosenberg                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: Thomas M. Ryan                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: Richard J. Swift                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp
     as the Company's Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for the 2009 Fiscal Year.              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Special Stockholder
     Meetings.                                              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Independent Chairman
     of the Board.                                          Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Political Contributions
     and Expenditures.                                      Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Advisory Stockholder
     Vote on Executive Compensation.                        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 38259P508     TICKER: GOOG
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 07-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Eric Schmidt                                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  Sergey Brin                                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Larry Page                                              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  L. John Doerr                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5  John L. Hennessy                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 6  Arthur D. Levinson                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 7  Ann Mather                                              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 8  Paul S. Otellini                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 9  K. Ram Shriram                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Shirley M. Tilghman                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp
     as Google's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Approval of An Amendment to Google's 2004 Stock Plan
     to Increase the Number of Authorized Shares of Class A
     Common Stock Issuable Under the Plan by 8,500,000.     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Political Contribution
     Disclosure.                                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Internet Censorship.     Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Health Care Reform.      Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 92343V104     TICKER: VZ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 07-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Richard L. Carrion                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: M. Frances Keeth                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: Robert W. Lane                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Sandra O. Moose                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Joseph Neubauer                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Donald T. Nicolaisen              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Thomas H. O'brien                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Clarence Otis, Jr.                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: Hugh B. Price                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Ivan G. Seidenberg                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: John W. Snow                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: John R. Stafford                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Advisory Vote Related to Executive Compensation         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Approval of Long-Term Incentive Plan                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Approval of Short-Term Incentive Plan                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Prohibit Granting Stock Options                         Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Shareholder Ability to Call Special Meeting             Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 08 Separate Offices of Chairman and Ceo                    Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 09 Cumulative Voting                                       Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Shareholder Approval of Benefits Paid After Death       Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 26441C105     TICKER: DUK
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 07-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  William Barnet, III                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  G. Alex Bernhardt, Sr.                                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Michael G. Browning                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  Daniel R. Dimicco                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5  Ann Maynard Gray                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 6  James H. Hance, Jr.                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 7  James T. Rhodes                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 8  James E. Rogers                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 9  Philip R. Sharp                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Dudley S. Taft                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of Deloitte & Touche Llp as Duke Energy
     Corporation's Independent Public Accountant for 2009   Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 260003108     TICKER: DOV
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 07-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: D.H. Benson                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: R.W. Cremin                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: T.J. Derosa                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: J-P.M. Ergas                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: P.T. Francis                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: K.C. Graham                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: J.L. Koley                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: R.A. Livingston                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: R.K. Lochridge                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: B.G. Rethore                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: M.B. Stubbs                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: M.A. Winston                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Approve Amendments to the 2005 Equity and Cash
     Incentive Plan.                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Approve Amendments to the Executive Officer
     Annual Incentive Plan.                                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 To Act Upon A Shareholder Proposal Regarding A
     Climate Change Report.                                  Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 05 To Ratify the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp
     as the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     of Dover Corporation for 2009.                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 136385101     TICKER: CNQ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 07-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Catherine M. Best                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  N. Murray Edwards                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Hon. Gary A. Filmon                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  Amb. Gordon D. Giffin                                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5  John G. Langille                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 6  Steve W. Laut                                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 7  Keith A.J. Macphail                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 8  Allan P. Markin                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 9  Hon. Frank J. McKenna                                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 10 James S. Palmer                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 11 Eldon R. Smith                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 12 David A. Tuer                                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 The Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp,
     Chartered Accountants, Calgary, Alberta, as Auditors
     of the Corporation for the Ensuing Year and the
     Authorization of the Audit Committee of the Board of
     Directors of the Corporation to Fix Their Remuneration. Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 452308109     TICKER: ITW
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 08-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: William F. Aldinger                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: Marvin D. Brailsford                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: Susan Crown                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Don H. Davis, Jr.                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Robert C. Mccormack                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Robert S. Morrison                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: James A. Skinner                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Harold B. Smith                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: David B. Speer                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Pamela B. Strobel                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as Itw's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for 2009.                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Stockholder Proposal, If Presented at the Meeting, Urging
     the Board of Directors to Seek Stockholder Approval of
     Any Future Extraordinary Retirement Benefits for Senior
     Executives.                                              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 790849103     TICKER: STJ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 08-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  John W. Brown                                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  Daniel J. Starks                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Approve the St. Jude Medical, Inc. Management
     Incentive Compensation Plan.                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as the
     Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for 2009.                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 013817101     TICKER: AA
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 08-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Kathryn S. Fuller                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  Judith M. Gueron                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Patricia F. Russo                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  Ernesto Zedillo                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Independent Auditor                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Proposal to Approve 2009 Alcoa Stock Incentive Plan       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Shareholder Proposal: Simple Majority Vote                Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 29364G103     TICKER: ETR
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 08-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: M.S. Bateman                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: W.F. Blount                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: G.W. Edwards                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: A.M. Herman                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: D.C. Hintz                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: J.W. Leonard                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: S.L. Levenick                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: J.R. Nichols                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: W.A. Percy, II                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: W.J. Tauzin                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: S.V. Wilkinson                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of Selection of Independent Registered Public
     Accountants for 2009.                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 25470M109     TICKER: DISH
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 11-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  James Defranco                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Cantey Ergen                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  Charles W. Ergen                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Steven R. Goodbarn                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Gary S. Howard                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  David K. Moskowitz                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 7  Tom A. Ortolf                                              Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 8  Carl E. Vogel                                              Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of KPMG Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
     Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve Our 2009 Stock Incentive Plan.                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 To Approve Amendments to Existing Equity Plans to
     Allow for Stock Award Exchange Programs.                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 156708109     TICKER: CEPH
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  F. Baldino, Jr., Ph.D.                                     Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  William P. Egan                                            Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  Martyn D. Greenacre                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Vaughn M. Kailian                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Kevin E. Moley                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 6  C.A. Sanders, M.D.                                         Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 7  Gail R. Wilensky, Ph.D.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Dennis L. Winger                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of Amendment to the 2004 Equity
     Compensation Plan Increasing the Number of Shares
     Authorized for Issuance.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Ratification of Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as Independent Registered Public Accountants for
      the Year Ending December 31, 2009.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 62913F201     TICKER: NIHD
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  George A. Cope                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Raymond P. Dolan                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Carolyn Katz                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
     Fiscal Year 2009.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 540424108     TICKER: L
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: A.E. Berman                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: J.L. Bower                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: C.M. Diker                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: P.J. Fribourg                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: W.L. Harris                       Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: P.A. Laskawy                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: K. Miller                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: G.R. Scott                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: A.H. Tisch                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: J.S. Tisch                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: J.M. Tisch                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratify Deloitte & Touche Llp as Independent Auditors    Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approve A Proposed Amendment to Simplify and Update
     Our Corporate Charter the Board of Directors
     Recommends A Vote Against Item 4                       Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal - Cumulative Voting                Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 20030N101     TICKER: CMCSA
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 13-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  S. Decker Anstrom                                       Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Kenneth J. Bacon                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Sheldon M. Bonovitz                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Edward D. Breen                                         Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY    MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 5  Julian A. Brodsky                                         Management        For          Voted - For
 6  Joseph J. Collins                                         Management        For          Voted - Withheld
 7  J. Michael Cook                                           Management        For          Voted - For
 8  Gerald L. Hassell                                         Management        For          Voted - For
 9  Jeffrey A. Honickman                                      Management        For          Voted - For
 10 Brian L. Roberts                                          Management        For          Voted - Withheld
 11 Ralph J. Roberts                                          Management        For          Voted - For
 12 Dr. Judith Rodin                                          Management        For          Voted - Withheld
 13 Michael I. Sovern                                         Management        For          Voted - Withheld
 02 Ratification of Independent Auditors                      Management        For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of Our 2002 Employee Stock Purchase Plan,
     as Amended and Restated                                  Management        For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of Our 2002 Restricted Stock Plan, as
     Amended and Restated                                     Management        For          Voted - For
 05 Approval of Our 2003 Stock Option Plan, as Amended
     and Restated                                             Management        For          Voted - For
 06 Identify All Executive Officers Who Earn in Excess
     of $500,000                                              Shareholder       Against      Voted - Against
 07 Obtain Shareholder Approval of Certain Future Death
     Benefit Arrangements                                     Shareholder       Against      Voted - For
 08 Adopt An Annual Vote on Executive Compensation            Shareholder       Against      Voted - For
 09 Adopt A Recapitalization Plan                             Shareholder       Against      Voted - For
 SECURITY             20825C104          MEETING TYPE: ANNUAL
 Ticker Symbol                    COP              Meeting Date: 13-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Richard L. Armitage                 Management        For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Richard H. Auchinleck               Management        For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: James E. Copeland, Jr.              Management        For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Kenneth M. Duberstein               Management        For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Ruth R. Harkin                      Management        For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Harold W. Mcgraw III                Management        Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: James J. Mulva                      Management        Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Harald J. Norvik                    Management        For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: William K. Reilly                   Management        For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Bobby S. Shackouls                  Management        For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Victoria J. Tschinkel               Management        For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Kathryn C. Turner                   Management        Against      Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: William E. Wade, Jr.                Management        Against      Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Ratify Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp
     as ConocoPhillips' Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for 2009.                                Management        For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Approve 2009 Omnibus Stock and
     Performance Incentive Plan.                              Management        For          Voted - For
 04 Universal Health Care Principles.                         Shareholder       Against      Voted - For
 05 Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation.                  Shareholder       Against      Voted - For
 06 Political Contributions.                                  Shareholder       Against      Voted - For
 07 Greenhouse Gas Reduction.                                 Shareholder       Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 08 Oil Sands Drilling.                                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 09 Director Qualifications.                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 12572Q105     TICKER: CME
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 13-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Dennis H. Chookaszian                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Robert F. Corvino                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Larry G. Gerdes                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Daniel R. Glickman                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 5  James E. Oliff                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 6  John L. Pietrzak                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Alex J. Pollock                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 8  William R. Shepard                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 To Approve the CME Group Inc. Amended and Restated
     Omnibus Stock Plan.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve the CME Group Inc. Amended and
     Restated 2005 Director Stock Plan.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Approve the CME Group Inc. Amended and Restated
     Incentive Plan for Highly Compensated Executive Officers. Management     Against      Voted - For
 05 To Ratify Ernst & Young Llp as Our Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 637071101     TICKER: NOV
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 13-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Merrill A. Miller, Jr.               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Greg L. Armstrong                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: David D. Harrison                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification of Independent Auditors                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Approval of Amendment to National Oilwell
     Varco Long-Term Incentive Plan                            Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 500255104     TICKER: KSS
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Peter Boneparth                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Steven A. Burd                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: John F. Herma                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Dale E. Jones                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: William S. Kellogg                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Kevin Mansell                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: R. Lawrence Montgomery               Management     Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1h Election of Director: Frank V. Sica                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Peter M. Sommerhauser             Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Stephanie A. Streeter             Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Stephen E. Watson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratify Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.         Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Regarding the Amendment of
     the Company's Articles of Incorporation.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 260543103     TICKER: DOW
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Arnold A. Allemang                Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Jacqueline K. Barton              Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: James A. Bell                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Jeff M. Fettig                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Barbara H. Franklin               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: John B. Hess                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Andrew N. Liveris                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Geoffery E. Merszei               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Dennis H. Reilley                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: James M. Ringler                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Ruth G. Shaw                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Paul G. Stern                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of the Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal on Cumulative Voting               Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal on Special Meetings                Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal on Executive Stock Retention       Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Stockholder Proposal on Say on Executive Pay            Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Stockholder Proposal on Environmental Remediation
     in the Midland Area                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 655844108     TICKER: NSC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Daniel A. Carp                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Steven F. Leer                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  Michael D. Lockhart                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Charles W. Moorman                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG Llp, Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm, as Norfolk Southern's
     Independent Auditors for the Year Ending December 31,
     2009.                                                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal Concerning Corporate Political
     Contributions.                                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Robert M. Baylis                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Terence C. Golden                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Ann M. Korologos                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Richard E. Marriott                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Judith A. Mchale                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: John B. Morse, Jr.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: W. Edward Walter                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratify Appointment of KPMG Llp as Independent
     Registered Public Accountants.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of 2009 Comprehensive Stock and Cash
     Incentive Plan.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of Amendment to Our Charter to Increase
     Authorized Capital Stock.                                Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 907818108     TICKER: UNP
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: A.H. Card, Jr.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: E.B. Davis, Jr.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: T.J. Donohue                        Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: A.W. Dunham                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: J.R. Hope                           Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: C.C. Krulak                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: M.R. Mccarthy                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: M.W. Mcconnell                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: T.F. Mclarty III                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: S.R. Rogel                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: J.H. Villarreal                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: J.R. Young                          Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Appointment of Deloitte & Touche as the
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.           Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Political Contributions.   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 806605101     TICKER: SGP
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 18-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Thomas J. Colligan                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Fred Hassan                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3  C. Robert Kidder                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Eugene R. Mcgrath                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Antonio M. Perez                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Patricia F. Russo                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 7  Jack L. Stahl                                              Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 8  Craig B. Thompson, M.D.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Kathryn C. Turner                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Robert F.W. Van Oordt                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 11 Arthur F. Weinbach                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratify the Designation of Deloitte & Touche Llp as Auditor
     for 2009.                                                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Re Cumulative Voting.                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal Re Calling Special Meeting.           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 748356102     TICKER: STR
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 19-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Keith O. Rattie
 2  Harris H. Simmons
 3  M.W. Scoggins
 4  James A. Harmon
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp
     as the Company's Independent Auditor.                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Amend Articles to Provide for the Elimination of the
     Classified Board Structure and Remove the Requirement
     to Have 13 Directors.                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Amend Articles of Incorporation to Remove An Outdated
     Statutory Reference and Clarify the Director
     Liability Standard.                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Proposal to Amend Questar Corporation's Articles of
     Incorporation to Increase the Number of Authorized
     Shares From 360,000,000 to 510,000,000 and to Make
     Certain Other Clarifying Changes.                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Proposal to Amend Questar Corporations Articles of
     Incorporation to Eliminate A Limit on the Issuance of
     Preferred Stock.                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Proposal to Approve Performance Metrics and
     Amendments to the Long-Term Cash Incentive Plan.          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 08 A Shareholder Proposal to Utilize A Majority Voting
     Standard in Uncontested Director Elections.               Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 09 A Shareholder Proposal to Hold An Advisory Vote
     on Executive Compensation.                                Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 46625H100     TICKER: JPM
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 19-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Crandall C. Bowles                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1b Election of Director: Stephen B. Burke                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: David M. Cote                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: James S. Crown                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: James Dimon                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Ellen V. Futter                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: William H. Gray, III               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Laban P. Jackson, Jr.              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: David C. Novak                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Lee R. Raymond                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: William C. Weldon                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Appointment of Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Governmental Service Report                              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Cumulative Voting                                        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Special Shareowner Meetings                              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Credit Card Lending Practices                            Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 08 Changes to Kepp                                          Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 09 Share Retention                                          Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Carbon Principles Report                                 Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 020002101     TICKER: ALL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 19-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: F. Duane Ackerman                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Robert D. Beyer                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: W. James Farrell                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Jack M. Greenberg                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Ronald T. Lemay                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: H. John Riley, Jr.                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Joshua I. Smith                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Judith A. Sprieser                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Mary Alice Taylor                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Thomas J. Wilson                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as Allstate's Independent Registered Public Accountant
     for 2009.                                               Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Approval of the Material Terms of the Annual Executive
     Incentive Plan.                                         Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Approval of the 2009 Equity Incentive Plan.              Management     Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal Seeking the Right to Call Special
     Shareowner Meetings.                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Stockholder Proposal Seeking An Advisory Resolution to
     Ratify Compensation of the Named Executive Officers.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Stockholder Proposal Seeking A Report on Political
     Contributions and Payments to Trade Associations
     and Other Tax Exempt Organizations.                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 98385X106     TICKER: XTO
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 19-May-2009
 01 Approval of Amendment to Bylaws to Provide for the
     Annual Election of All Directors.                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2a Election of Phillip R. Kevil Class B Director (2-Year Term)
     Or, If Item 1 Is Not Approved, Class I Director
     (3-Year Term).                                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2b Election of Herbert D. Simons Class B Director
     (2- Year Term) Or, If Item 1 Is Not Approved, Class I
     Director (3-Year Term).                                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2c Election of Vaughn O. Vennerberg II Class B
     Director (2-Year Term) Or, If Item 1 Is Not
     Approved, Class I Director (3-Year Term).                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Approval of the 2009 Executive Incentive Compensation
     Plan.                                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG Llp as the
      Company's Independent Auditor for 2009.                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Stockholder Proposal Concerning A Stockholder
     Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation If
     Properly Presented.                                        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Stockholder Proposal Concerning Stockholder Approval
     of Executive Benefits Payable Upon Death If Properly
     Presented.                                                 Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 458140100     TICKER: INTC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Charlene Barshefsky                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: Susan L. Decker                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: John J. Donahoe                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Reed E. Hundt                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Paul S. Otellini                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: James D. Plummer                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: David S. Pottruck                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Jane E. Shaw                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: John L. Thornton                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Frank D. Yeary                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: David B. Yoffie                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     for the Current Year                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Amendment and Extension of the 2006 Equity Incentive Plan   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Approval of An Employee Stock Option Exchange Program       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Stockholder Proposal: Cumulative Voting                     Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Stockholder Proposal: Human Right to Water                  Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 857477103     TICKER: STT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  K. Burnes                                                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  P. Coym                                                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  P. De Saint-Aignan                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  A. Fawcett                                                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5  D. Gruber                                                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 6  L. Hill                                                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 7  R. Kaplan                                                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 8  C. Lamantia                                               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 9  R. Logue                                                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 10 R. Sergel                                                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 11 R. Skates                                                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 12 G. Summe                                                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 13 R. Weissman                                               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Approve Amendments to State Street's Articles of
     Organization and By-Laws Changing the Shareholder
     Quorum and Voting Requirements, Including the Adoption
     of A Majority Vote Standard for Uncontested Elections
     of Directors.                                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Approve the Amended and Restated 2006 Equity Incentive
     Plan To, Among Other Things, Increase By 17 Million the
     Number of Shares of Our Common Stock That May Be
     Delivered in Satisfaction of Awards Under the Plan.      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 To Approve A Non-Binding Advisory Proposal on Executive
     Compensation.                                            Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 05 To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as State
     Street's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     for the Year Ending December 31, 2009.                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 06 To Vote on A Shareholder Proposal.                        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 406216101     TICKER: HAL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: A.M. Bennett                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: J.R. Boyd                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: M. Carroll                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: S.M. Gillis                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: J.T. Hackett                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: D.J. Lesar                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: R.A. Malone                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: J.L. Martin                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: J.A. Precourt                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: D.L. Reed                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Proposal for Ratification of the Selection of Auditors.   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Proposal to Amend and Restate the 1993 Stock and
     Incentive Plan.                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 04 Proposal to Amend and Restate the 2002 Employee Stock
     Purchase Plan.                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Proposal on Human Rights Policy.                        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Proposal on Political Contributions.                    Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Proposal on Low Carbon Energy Report.                   Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 08 Proposal on Additional Compensation Discussion and
     Analysis Disclosure.                                   Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 09 Proposal on Special Shareowner Meetings.                Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Proposal on Iraq Operations.                            Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 883556102     TICKER: TMO
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Judy C. Lewent                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Peter J. Manning                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Jim P. Manzi                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Elaine S. Ullian                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Audit Committee's Selection of
     PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as the Company's
     Independent Auditors for 2009.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 75281A109     TICKER: RRC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Charles L. Blackburn              Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Anthony V. Dub                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: V. Richard Eales                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Allen Finkelson                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: James M. Funk                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Jonathan S. Linker                Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Kevin S. Mccarthy                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: John H. Pinkerton                 Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Jeffrey L. Ventura                Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 To Consider and Vote on A Proposal to Amend Our 2005
     Equity-Based Compensation Plan to Increase the Number
     of Shares of Common Stock Authorized to Be Issued
     Under That Plan by 900,000 Shares.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm as of
     and for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.      Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Transact Such Other Business as May Arise That Can
     Properly Be Conducted at the Meeting Or Any
     Adjournment.                                           Management     Against      Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: H0023R105     TICKER: ACE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Michael G. Atieh                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Mary A. Cirillo                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Bruce L. Crockett                  Management     Against      Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Thomas J. Neff                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 2a Approval of the Annual Report                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2b Approval of the Statutory Financial Statements of Ace
     Limited                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2c Approval of the Consolidated Financial Statements        Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Allocation of Disposable Profit                          Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Discharge of the Board of Directors                      Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Amendment of Articles of Association Relating to
     Special Auditor                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6a Election of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Ag (Zurich) as Our
     Statutory Auditor Until Our Next Annual Ordinary
     General Meeting                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6b Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp       Management     For          Voted - For
 6c Election of BDO Visura (Zurich) as Special Auditing Firm
     Until Our Next Annual Ordinary General Meeting          Management     For          Voted - For
 07 Approval of the Payment of A Dividend in the Form of A
     Distribution Through A Reduction of the Par Value of
     Our Shares                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 493267108     TICKER: KEY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  William G. Bares                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  Carol A. Cartwright                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Kristen L. Manos                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  Thomas C. Stevens                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Amendment to Articles to Require Majority Voting in
     Uncontested Director Elections.                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Amendment to Articles and Regulations to Revise the
     Voting Rights of the Series B Preferred Stock.          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Ratification of the Appointment of Independent Auditors. Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation Program.     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 988498101     TICKER: YUM
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: David W. Dorman                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: Massimo Ferragamo                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: J. David Grissom                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1d Election of Director: Bonnie G. Hill                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Robert Holland, Jr.                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Kenneth G. Langone                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Jonathan S. Linen                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Thomas C. Nelson                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: David C. Novak                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Thomas M. Ryan                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: Jing-Shyh S. Su                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: Jackie Trujillo                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1m Election of Director: Robert D. Walter                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of Independent Auditors (Page 16 of Proxy)     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Proposal to Approve the Company's Executive Incentive
     Compensation Plan (Page 18 of Proxy)                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Shareholder Proposal Relating to Shareholder Rights Plan
     (Page 21 of Proxy)                                         Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Shareholder Proposal Relating to An Advisory Shareholder
     Vote to Ratify Executive Compensation (Page 23 of Proxy)   Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Shareholder Proposal Relating to Food Supply Chain Security
     and Sustainability (Page 27 of Proxy)                      Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Shareholder Proposal Relating to Healthcare Reform
     Principles (Page 31 of Proxy)                              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 08 Shareholder Proposal Relating to Animal Welfare
     (Page 33 of Proxy)                                         Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 372917104     TICKER: GENZ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-May-2009
 1a Re-Election of Director: Douglas A. Berthiaume              Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Re-Election of Director: Gail K. Boudreaux                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Re-Election of Director: Robert J. Carpenter                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Re-Election of Director: Charles L. Cooney                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Re-Election of Director: Victor J. Dzau                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Re-Election of Director: Senator Connie Mack III            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Re-Election of Director: Richard F. Syron                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Re-Election of Director: Henri A. Termeer                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 A Proposal to Amend the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan to
     Increase the Number of Shares of Common Stock Available
     for Issuance Under the Plan By 2,500,000 Shares.           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 A Proposal to Approve the 2009 Employee Stock Purchase
     Plan.                                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 A Proposal to Ratify the Audit Committee's Selection of
     Independent Auditors for 2009.                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 166764100     TICKER: CVX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 27-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: S.H. Armacost                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: L.F. Deily                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: R.E. Denham                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1d Election of Director: R.J. Eaton                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: E. Hernandez                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: F.G. Jenifer                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: S. Nunn                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: D.J. O'reilly                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: D.B. Rice                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: K.W. Sharer                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: C.R. Shoemate                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: R.D. Sugar                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1m Election of Director: C. Ware                             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1n Election of Director: J.S. Watson                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm                                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Approve the Material Terms of Performance Goals for
     Performance-Based Awards Under the Chevron Incentive
     Plan                                                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Approve the Material Terms of Performance Goals for
     Performance-Based Awards Under the Long-Term
     Incentive Plan of Chevron Corporation                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Special Stockholder Meetings                              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Advisory Vote on Summary Compensation Table               Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Greenhouse Gas Emissions                                  Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 08 Country Selection Guidelines                              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 09 Human Rights Policy                                       Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Host Country Laws                                         Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: H5833N103     TICKER: NE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-May-2009
 01 Approval of the Payment of A Dividend Through A
     Reduction of the Par Value of the Shares in An Amount
     Equal to Swiss Francs 0.25                               Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Director                                                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1  Julie H. Edwards                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Marc E. Leland                                            Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  David W. Williams                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 03 Approval of the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as Noble Corporation's Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for 2009                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of An Amendment of Article 21 Paragraph 1(D)
     of the Articles of Association in Order to Limit the
     Changes to Authorized and Conditional Capital That
     Require Approval of at Least Two-Thirds of the Shares
     Represented at A General Meeting to An Increase in the
     Amount of the Authorized Or Conditional Share Capital    Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 548661107     TICKER: LOW
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Peter C. Browning                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Marshall O. Larsen                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Stephen F. Page                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 4  O. Temple Sloan, Jr.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve Amendments to the Company's 2006 Long
     Term Incentive Plan.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp as the
     Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.  Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 To Approve Amendments to Lowe's Articles of Incorporation
     Eliminating All Remaining Supermajority Vote
     Requirements.                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Reincorporating in
     North Dakota.                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Health Care Reform
     Principles.                                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 07 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Separating the Roles of
     Chairman and Ceo.                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 035710409     TICKER: NLY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  W. Denahan-Norris                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Michael Haylon                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Donnell A. Segalas                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte and Touche Llp
     as Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
     Company for the 2009 Fiscal Year.                         Management     Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 00817Y108     TICKER: AET
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Frank M. Clark                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Betsy Z. Cohen                       Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Molly J. Coye, M.D.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Roger N. Farah                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Barbara Hackman Franklin             Management     Against      Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Jeffrey E. Garten                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Earl G. Graves                       Management     Against      Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Gerald Greenwald                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Ellen M. Hancock                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Richard J. Harrington                Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1k Election of Director: Edward J. Ludwig                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Joseph P. Newhouse                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Ronald A. Williams                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Approval of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal on Cumulative Voting.                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Shareholder Proposal on Nominating A Retired Aetna
     Executive to the Board.                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 91324P102     TICKER: UNH
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 02-Jun-2009
 1a Election of Director: William C. Ballard, Jr.              Management     Against      Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Richard T. Burke                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Robert J. Darretta                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Stephen J. Hemsley                   Management     Against      Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Michele J. Hooper                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Douglas W. Leatherdale               Management     Against      Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Glenn M. Renwick                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Kenneth I. Shine, M.D.               Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Gail R. Wilensky, Ph.D.              Management     Against      Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
     the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31,
     2009.                                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Concerning Advisory Vote on
     Executive Compensation.                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 30212P105     TICKER: EXPE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 02-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  A. George Skip Battle                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Barry Diller                                               Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  Jonathan L. Dolgen                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  William R. Fitzgerald                                      Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Craig A. Jacobson                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Victor A. Kaufman                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 7  Peter M. Kern                                              Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 8  Dara Khosrowshahi                                          Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 9  John C. Malone                                             Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 10 Jose A. Tazon                                              Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 Approval of An Amendment to the Amended and Restated
     Expedia, Inc. 2005 Stock and Annual Incentive Plan to
     Increase the Number Shares of Expedia Common Stock
     Authorized for Issuance Thereunder by 26,000,000.      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Expedia's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Year Ending December 31, 2009.            Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: G6359F103     TICKER: NBR
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 02-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Eugene M. Isenberg
 2  William T. Comfort
 02 Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as
     Independent Auditors and to Authorize the Audit
     Committee of the Board of Directors to Set Auditors'
     Remuneration.                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Shareholder Proposal to Adopt A Pay for Superior
     Performance Standard in the Company's Executive
     Compensation Plan for Senior Executives.               Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Payments Following
     the Death of Senior Executives.                        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 88732J207     TICKER: TWC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2009
 1a Election of Director: Carole Black                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Glenn A. Britt                    Management     Against      Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Thomas H. Castro                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: David C. Chang                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: James E. Copeland, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Peter R. Haje                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Donna A. James                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Don Logan                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: N.J. Nicholas, Jr.                Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Wayne H. Pace                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Edward D. Shirley                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: John E. Sununu                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification of Auditors                                Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 25179M103     TICKER: DVN
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Robert L. Howard                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 2  Michael M. Kanovsky                                     Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  J. Todd Mitchell                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4  J. Larry Nichols                                        Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 Ratify the Appointment of Robert A. Mosbacher, Jr. as
     A Director.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Ratify the Appointment of the Company's Independent
     Auditors for 2009.                                     Management     Against      Voted - For
 04 Adoption of the Devon Energy Corporation 2009
     Long-Term Incentive Plan.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Adopt Director Election Majority Vote Standard.         Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 931142103     TICKER: WMT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 05-Jun-2009
 1a Election of Director: Aida M. Alvarez                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: James W. Breyer                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: M. Michele Burns                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: James I. Cash, Jr.                Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Roger C. Corbett                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Douglas N. Daft                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Michael T. Duke                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Gregory B. Penner                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: Allen I. Questrom                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: H. Lee Scott, Jr.                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: Arne M. Sorenson                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: Jim C. Walton                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1m Election of Director: S. Robson Walton                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1n Election of Director: Christopher J. Williams           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1o Election of Director: Linda S. Wolf                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Ratification of Ernst & Young Llp as Independent
     Accountants                                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Policy               Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 04 Pay for Superior Performance                            Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 05 Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation                 Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 06 Political Contributions                                 Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 07 Special Shareowner Meetings                             Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 08 Incentive Compensation to Be Stock Options              Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 855030102     TICKER: SPLS
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 09-Jun-2009
 1a Election of Director: Basil L. Anderson                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1b Election of Director: Arthur M. Blank                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1c Election of Director: Mary Elizabeth Burton               Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1d Election of Director: Justin King                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1e Election of Director: Carol Meyrowitz                     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1f Election of Director: Rowland T. Moriarty                 Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1g Election of Director: Robert C. Nakasone                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1h Election of Director: Ronald L. Sargent                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1i Election of Director: Elizabeth A. Smith                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1j Election of Director: Robert E. Sulentic                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1k Election of Director: Vijay Vishwanath                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1l Election of Director: Paul F. Walsh                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 To Approve An Amendment to Staples' Amended and
     Restated 1998 Employee Stock Purchase Plan Increasing
     the Number of Shares of Common Stock Authorized for
     Issuance From 15,750,000 To 22,750,000.                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 03 To Approve An Amendment to Staples' Amended and
     Restated International Employee Stock Purchase Plan
     Increasing the Number of Shares of Common Stock
     Authorized for Issuance From 1,275,000 To 2,775,000.     Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 04 To Ratify the Selection by the Audit Committee of Ernst &
     Young Llp as Staples' Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for the Current Fiscal Year.             Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 05 To Act on A Shareholder Proposal Regarding the
     Reincorporation of Staples, Inc. in North Dakota.        Shareholder    Unknown      Not Voted
 CUSIP: 149123101     TICKER: CAT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 10-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Daniel M. Dickinson                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2  David R. Goode                                            Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 3  James W. Owens                                            Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 4  Charles D. Powell                                         Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 5  Joshua I. Smith                                           Management     For          Voted - Withheld
 02 Ratify Auditors                                           Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal - Annual Election of Directors       Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal - Director Election Majority
     Vote Standard                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal - Foreign Military Sales             Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 06 Stockholder Proposal - Simple Majority Vote               Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 07 Stockholder Proposal - Independent Compensation
     Consultant                                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 08 Stockholder Proposal - Independent Chairman of the Board  Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 09 Stockholder Proposal - Lobbying Priorities                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 35671D857     TICKER: FCX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 11-Jun-2009
 1  Director                                                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1  Richard C. Adkerson                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Robert J. Allison, Jr.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Robert A. Day                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Gerald J. Ford                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 5  H. Devon Graham, Jr.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 6  J. Bennett Johnston                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Charles C. Krulak                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Bobby Lee Lackey                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Jon C. Madonna                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Dustan E. Mccoy                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Gabrielle K. Mcdonald                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 12 James R. Moffett                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 13 B. M. Rankin, Jr.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 14 J. Stapleton Roy                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 15 Stephen H. Siegele                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 16 J. Taylor Wharton                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification of Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Auditor.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Approval of the Proposed 2009 Annual Incentive Plan.       Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Stockholder Proposal Regarding the Selection of A
     Candidate With Environmental Expertise to Be
     Recommended for Election to the Company's Board
     of Directors.                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 165167107     TICKER: CHK
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Richard K. Davidson                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  V. Burns Hargis                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Charles T. Maxwell                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve An Amendment to Our Certificate of
     Incorporation to Increase the Number of Authorized Shares
     of Common Stock.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve An Amendment to Our Long Term Incentive
     Plan.                                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Ratify the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as Our Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.        Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 05 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Annual Elections of
     Directors.                                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 06 Shareholder Proposal Regarding Majority Voting
     Standard for Director Elections.                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 07 Shareholder Proposal Regarding the Company's
     Non-Discrimination Policy.                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 151020104     TICKER: CELG
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 17-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Sol J. Barer, Ph.D.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Robert J. Hugin                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Michael D. Casey                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Rodman L. Drake                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 5  A.H. Hayes, Jr., M.D.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Gilla Kaplan, Ph.D.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 7  James J. Loughlin                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Ernest Mario, Ph.D.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Walter L. Robb, Ph.D.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG Llp as the
     Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.       Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of An Amendment and Restatement of the
     Company's 2008 Stock Incentive Plan.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal Regarding the Voting Standard for
     Director Elections.                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 36467W109     TICKER: GME
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 23-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Daniel A. Dematteo                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Michael N. Rosen                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Edward A. Volkwein                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Approve the Fourth Amended and Restated
     Gamestop Corp. 2001 Incentive Plan.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of BDO Seidman, Llp
     as the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm of
     the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending January 30, 2010. Management     For          Voted - For


                            BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 086516101     TICKER: BBY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Ronald James                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Elliot S. Kaplan                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Sanjay Khosla                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 4  George L. Mikan III                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Matthew H. Paull                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Richard M. Schulze                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Hatim A. Tyabji                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Gerard R. Vittecoq                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     for the Fiscal Year That Began on March 1, 2009.         Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of Amendments to Our 2004 Omnibus Stock
     and Incentive Plan, as Amended.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of Amendment to Article Ix of Our Amended
     and Restated Articles of Incorporation to Change
     Approval Required.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Approval of An Amendment to Article Ix of Our Articles to
     Decrease the Shareholder Approval Required to Amend
     Article Ix.                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 06 Approval of Amendment to Article Ix of Our Articles to
     Decrease Shareholder Approval Required to Remove
     Directors Without Cause.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 07 Approval of Amendment to Article Ix to Decrease
     Shareholder Approval Required to Amend Classified
     Board Provisions.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 08 Approval of An Amendment to Article X to Decrease
     Shareholder Approval Required for Certain Repurchases
     of Stock.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 09 Approval of An Amendment to Article X of Our Articles
     to Decrease the Shareholder Approval Required to
     Amend Article X.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 075896100     TICKER: BBBY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 30-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Warren Eisenberg                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Leonard Feinstein                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Steven H. Temares                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Dean S. Adler                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Stanley F. Barshay                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Klaus Eppler                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Patrick R. Gaston                                         Management     For          Voted - For


                              BISHOP STREET LARGE CAP CORE EQUITY FUND
PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
8   Jordan Heller                                           Management     For          Voted - For
9   Victoria A. Morrison                                    Management     For          Voted - For
10  Fran Stoller                                            Management     For          Voted - For
02  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG Llp             Management     For          Voted - For
03  Amend Certificate of Incorporation; Majority Voting in
     Non-Contested Director Elections                       Management     For          Voted - For
4a  Amend Certificate of Incorporation; Eliminate Express
     Supermajority Voting Provisions                        Management     For          Voted - For
4b  Amend Certificate of Incorporation; Eliminate Statutory
     Supermajority Voting Requirements                      Management     For          Voted - For
05  Re-Approval of Performance Goals Under 2004 Incentive
     Compensation Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
06  Shareholder Proposal; Sustainability Report             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: G0070K103     TICKER: ACE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-Jul-2008
 1a Election of Director: Michael G. Atieh to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Mary A. Cirillo to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Bruce L. Crockett to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Thomas J. Neff to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Gary M. Stuart to Term
     Expiring in 2009.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Robert M. Hernandez to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Peter Menikoff to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Robert Ripp to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Dermot F. Smurfit to Term
     Expiring in 2010.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Evan G. Greenberg to Term Expiring In Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: John A. Krol to Term
     Expiring in 2011.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Leo F. Mullin to Term
     Expiring in 2011.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Olivier Steimer to Term
     Expiring in 2011.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the Amendment (The De-Registration
     Amendment) to the Company's Memorandum of
     Association and Articles of Association to Permit the
     Deregistration of the Company From the Cayman Islands      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of the Amendment (The Financial Statement
     Amendment) to the Company's Articles of Association to
     Require the Company to Prepare and Provide to
     Shareholders Not Less Than Annually An Unconsolidated
     Balance Sheet of the Company Valuing the Company's
     Investment in Its Subsidiaries on A Mark-To-Market Basis   Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of Amendments to the Articles of Association
     Which Will Have the Effect of Increasing the Par Value of
     the Ordinary Shares From $0.041666667 to An Amount in
     Swiss Francs Equal to $11,000,000,000 Divided by the
     Number of Our Ordinary Shares Outstanding as of the
     Close of Business on July 10, 2008 and Converted Into
     Swiss Francs Using the Then Most Recently Available
     Noon Buying Rate in New York Certified by the Federal
     Reserve Bank of New York for Customs Purposes, All as
     More Fully Described in the Proxy Statement                Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Approval of the Company's De-Registration From the
     Cayman Islands and Continuation in Switzerland
     (The Continuation)                                         Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 06 Approval of the Name of the Company                        Management     For          Voted - For
 07 Approval of the Change of the Purpose of the Company       Management     For          Voted - For
 08 Approval of the Rearrangement of the Company's Existing
     Share Capital                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 09 Approval of the Company's Articles of Association          Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Confirmation of Swiss Law as the Authoritative Legislation
     Governing the Company                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Confirmation of the Principal Place of Business of the
     Company as Zurich, Switzerland                            Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Appointment of BDO Visura as Special Auditor Until Our
     Next Annual General Meeting                               Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Approval of the Company's 2004 Long-Term Incentive
     Plan as Amended Through the Fourth Amendment              Management     For          Voted - For
 14 Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as Our the
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm And, If
     the Continuation Is Approved and as Required by Swiss
     Law, to Elect PriceWaterhouseCoopers Ag as Our Statutory
     Auditor for A One Year Term Until Our Next Annual
     General Meeting                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 15 Approval of Payment of A Dividend Through A Reduction
     of the Par Value of Our Shares in An Amount Equal to
     the Swiss Franc Equivalent Of $0.87, Converted Into Swiss
     Francs Using the Most Recently Available Noon Buying
     Rate in New York Certified by the Federal Reserve Bank
     of New York for Customs Purposes as of the Close of
     Business on July 9, 2008, and Payment of Such Amount
     in Three Equal Installments at Such Times During the
     Period Through Our Next Annual General Meeting as
     Determined by the Board of Directors                      Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 740189105     TICKER: PCP
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-Aug-2008
 01 Director
 1  Don R. Graber                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Lester L. Lyles                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the 2008 Employee Stock Purchase Plan          Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of Amendments to the 2001 Stock Incentive Plan    Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 756577102     TICKER: RHT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-Aug-2008
 01 Director
 1  Dr. Narendra K. Gupta                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 2  William S. Kaiser                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  James M. Whitehurst                                        Management     For          Voted - For


                                   BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02  To Ratify the Selection of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp
      as the Company's Independent Registered Public
      Accountants for the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2009. Management     For          Voted - For
 03  To Approve An Amendment and Restatement of the
      Company's 2004 Long-Term Incentive Plan, as Amended.      Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 62948N104      TICKER: NMX
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 18-Aug-2008
 01  To Adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger, Dated as
      of March 17, 2008, and as Amended as of June 30,
      2008 and July 18, 2008, Among CME Group Inc.,
      NEW YORK Mercantile Exchange, Inc., And As The
      Same May Be Further Amended From Time To Time
      (The Merger Additional Proxies In Favor Of The
      Proposal To Adopt The Merger Agreement.                   Management     For          Voted - For
 02  To Adjourn the Special Meeting to Solicit Additional
      Proxies in Favor of the Proposal to Adopt the Merger
      Agreement.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 654106103      TICKER: NKE
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 22-Sep-2008
 01  Director
 1   Jill K. Conway                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Alan B. Graf, Jr.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Jeanne P. Jackson                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02  To Ratify the Appointment of PriceWaterhouse-
      Coopers Llp as Independent Registered Public
      Accounting Firm.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 22-Sep-2008
  01 Director
 1   Michael Brown                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2   William T. Coleman                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Frank E. Dangeard                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4   Geraldine B. Laybourne                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 5   David L. Mahoney                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 6   Robert S. Miller                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7   George Reyes                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 8   Daniel H. Schulman                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 9   John W Thompson                                            Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 10 V. Paul Unruh                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the Amendment and Restatement of Our
     2004 Equity Incentive Plan, Including the Reservation
     of An Additional 50,000,000 Shares for Issuance
     Thereunder.                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve the Adoption of Our 2008 Employee Stock
     Purchase Plan, Including the Reservation of 20,000,000
     Shares for Issuance Thereunder.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Approve the Material Terms of the Amended and
     Restated Symantec Senior Executive Incentive Plan to
     Preserve the Deductibility Under Federal Tax Rules of
     Awards Made Under the Plan.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 05 To Ratify the Selection of KPMG Llp as Symantec's
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
     the 2009 Fiscal Year.                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 68389X105     TICKER: ORCL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 10-Oct-2008
 01 Director
 1  Jeffrey O. Henley                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Lawrence J. Ellison                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Donald L. Lucas                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Michael J. Boskin                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Jack F. Kemp                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Jeffrey S. Berg                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Safra A. Catz                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Hector Garcia-Molina                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 9  H. Raymond Bingham                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Charles E. Phillips, Jr                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Naomi O. Seligman                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 12 George H. Conrades                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Bruce R. Chizen                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal for the Approval of the Adoption of the Fiscal
     Year 2009 Executive Bonus Plan.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm of the
     Company for the Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2009.        Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal on Advisory Vote on Executive
     Compensation.                                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 958102105     TICKER: WDC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-Nov-2008
 1a Election of Director: Peter D. Behrendt                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Kathleen A. Cote                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: John F. Coyne                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Henry T. Denero                    Management     For          Voted - For


                                   BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1e Election of Director: William L. Kimsey                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Michael D. Lambert                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Matthew E. Massengill              Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Roger H. Moore                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Thomas E. Pardun                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Arif Shakeel                       Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve An Amendment to the Company's 2005
     Employee Stock Purchase Plan That Would Increase
     by 8,000,000 the Number of Shares of Common Stock
     Available for Issuance Under the Plan.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Ratify the Appointment of KPMG Llp as the
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
     Western Digital Corporation for the Fiscal Year
     Ending July 3, 2009.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 594918104      TICKER: MSFT
 Meeting Type: Annual  Meeting Date: 19-Nov-2008
 01 Election of Director: Steven A. Ballmer                  Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Election of Director: James I. Cash Jr.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Election of Director: Dina Dublon                        Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Election of Director: William H. Gates III               Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Election of Director: Raymond V. Gilmartin               Management     For          Voted - For
 06 Election of Director: Reed Hastings                      Management     For          Voted - For
 07 Election of Director: David F. Marquardt                 Management     For          Voted - For
 08 Election of Director: Charles H. Noski                   Management     For          Voted - For
 09 Election of Director: Helmut Panke                       Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Approval of Material Terms of Performance Criteria
     Under the Executive Officer Incentive Plan.             Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Approval of Amendments to the 1999 Stock Option
     Plan for Non-Employee Directors.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as the Company's Independent Auditor.                   Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Shareholder Proposal - Adoption of Policies on Internet
     Censorship.                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 14 Shareholder Proposal - Establishment of Board
     Committee on Human Rights.                              Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 15 Shareholder Proposal - Disclosure of Charitable
     Contributions.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: G90073100      TICKER: RIG
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 08-Dec-2008
 01 Approval of the Merger Transaction to Be Effected by the
     Schemes of Arrangement, Attached to the Accompanying
     Proxy Statement as Annex B.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the Motion to Adjourn the Meeting to A Later
     Date to Solicit Additional Proxies If There Are


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY    MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
     Insufficient Votes at the Time of the Meeting to Approve
     the Merger Transaction.                                    Management        For          Voted - For
 SECURITY             61166W101            MEETING TYPE: ANNUAL
 Ticker Symbol                    MON                Meeting Date: 14-Jan-2009
 1a Election of Director: Janice L. Fields                      Management        For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Hugh Grant                            Management        For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: C. Steven McMillan                    Management        For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Robert J. Stevens                     Management        For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp as
     the Company's Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for the 2009 Fiscal Year.                  Management        For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 075887109     TICKER: BDX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 03-Feb-2009
 01 Director
 1  C.M. Fraser-Liggett                                         Management        For          Voted - For
 2  E.J. Ludwig                                                 Management        For          Voted - For
 3  W.J. Overlock, Jr.                                          Management        For          Voted - For
 4  B.L. Scott                                                  Management        For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Selection of Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm.                                    Management        For          Voted - For
 03 Amendment to Bd's Restated Certificate of Incorporation.    Management        For          Voted - For
 04 Amendment to the 2004 Employee and Director
     Equity-Based Compensation Plan.                            Management        For          Voted - For
 05 Approval of Material Terms of Performance Goals.            Management        For          Voted - For
 06 Special Shareholder Meetings.                               Shareholder       Against      Voted - Against
 07 Cumulative Voting.                                          Shareholder       Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: G1150G111     TICKER: ACN
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-Feb-2009
 1a Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Charles H.
     Giancarlo                                                  Management        For          Voted - For
 1b Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Dina Dublon       Management        For          Voted - For
 1c Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: William D. Green  Management        For          Voted - For
 1d Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Nobuyuki Idei     Management        For          Voted - For
 1e Re-Appointment to the Board of Directors: Marjorie Magner   Management        For          Voted - For
 2  Re-Appointment of KPMG Llp as Independent Auditors for
     the 2009 Fiscal Year and Authorization of the Audit
     Committee of the Board of Directors to Determine
     KPMG Llp's Remuneration.                                   Management        For          Voted - For


                                   BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 747525103      TICKER: QCOM
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 03-Mar-2009
 01 Director
 1  Barbara T. Alexander                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Stephen M. Bennett                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Donald G. Cruickshank                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Raymond V. Dittamore                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Thomas W. Horton                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Irwin Mark Jacobs                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Paul E. Jacobs                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Robert E. Kahn                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Sherry Lansing                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Duane A. Nelles                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Marc I. Stern                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Brent Scowcroft                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Selection of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp
     as the Company's Independent Public Accountants
     for the Company's Fiscal Year Ending September 27, 2009.   Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: G9143X208      TICKER: TYC
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 12-Mar-2009
 01 To Consider and Approve A Resolution to Approve Tyco
     International Ltd.'s Discontinuance From Bermuda as
     Provided in Section 132g of the Companies Act 1981
     of Bermuda and the Company's Change of Domicile to
     Schaffhausen, Switzerland.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Consider and Approve A Resolution That Will Have
     the Effect of Increasing Our Registered Share Capital.     Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Consider and Approve the Name of Tyco International Ltd. Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Consider and Approve the Change of the Corporate
     Purpose of Tyco International Ltd.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 05 To Consider and Approve Tyco International Ltd.'s Proposed
     Swiss Articles of Association.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 06 To Confirm Swiss Law as the Authoritative Legislation
     Governing Tyco International Ltd.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 07 To Confirm the Principal Place of Business of Tyco
     International Ltd. as Schaffhausen, Switzerland.           Management     For          Voted - For
 08 To Appoint PriceWaterhouseCoopers Ag, Zurich as Special
     Auditor Until Tyco International Ltd.'s Next Annual
     General Meeting.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 09 To Elect Deloitte Ag as Our Statutory Auditors for A
     Term of One Year Until Tyco International Ltd.'s Next
     Annual General Meeting.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 10 To Approve the Payment of A Dividend Through A
     Reduction of Registered Capital.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 11 To Approve the Motion to Adjourn the Meeting to A
     Later Date to Solicit Additional Proxies If There Are


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
     Insufficient Votes at the Time of the Meeting to
     Approve the Change of Domicile.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: G9143X208     TICKER: TYC
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-Mar-2009
 01 Director
 1  Edward D. Breen                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Timothy M. Donahue                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Brian Duperreault                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Bruce S. Gordon                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Rajiv. L. Gupta                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 6  John A. Krol                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Brendan R. O'neill                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 8  William S. Stavropoulos                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Sandra S. Wijnberg                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Jerome B. York                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 11 R. David Yost                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Reappointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp as Tyco's
     Independent Auditors and Authorization for the Audit
     Committee of the Board of Directors to Set the
     Auditors' Remuneration.                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Amendments to the Company's 2004 Stock and Incentive Plan. Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 428236103     TICKER: HPQ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 18-Mar-2009
 1a Election of Director: L. T. Babbio, Jr.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: S. M. Baldauf                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: R. L. Gupta                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: J. H. Hammergren                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: M. V. Hurd                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: J. Z. Hyatt                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: J. R. Joyce                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: R. L. Ryan                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: L. S. Salhany                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: G. K. Thompson                       Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of the Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Fiscal
     Year Ending October 31, 2009.                             Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 913017109     TICKER: UTX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 08-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Louis R. Chenevert                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2  George David                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  John V. Faraci                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Jean-Pierre Garnier                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Jamie S. Gorelick                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Carlos M. Gutierrez                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Edward A. Kangas                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Charles R. Lee                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Richard D. Mccormick                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Harold Mcgraw III                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Richard B. Myers                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 12 H. Patrick Swygert                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Andre Villeneuve                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 14 Christine Todd Whitman                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Appointment of Independent Auditors                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Shareowner Proposal: Offsets for Foreign Military Sales  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 552715104     TICKER: WFR
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Robert J. Boehlke                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  C. Douglas Marsh                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Michael Mcnamara                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Selection of KPMG Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
     Year Ending December 31, 2009.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 125509109     TICKER: CI
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 22-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: H. Edward Hanway                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: John M. Partridge                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: James E. Rogers                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Eric C. Wiseman                    Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as Cigna's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for 2009                                           Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 539830109     TICKER: LMT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 23-Apr-2009
 1a Election of Director: E.C. Pete Aldridge Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Nolan D. Archibald                Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: David B. Burritt                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: James O. Ellis Jr.                Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Gwendolyn S. King                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: James M. Loy                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Douglas H. Mccorkindale           Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Joseph W. Ralston                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Frank Savage                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: James M. Schneider                Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Anne Stevens                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Robert J. Stevens                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: James R. Ukropina                 Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Independent Auditors                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Management Proposal - to Amend the Charter to
     Delete the 80% Supermajority Vote Required to Amend
     Article XIII                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal - Report on Space-Based Weapons
     Program                                                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 05 Stockholder Proposal - Policy on Payments to Executives
     After Death                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 06 Stockholder Proposal - Advisory Vote on Executive
     Compensation                                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 867229106     TICKER: SU
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 23-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Mel E. Benson                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 2  Brian A. Canfield                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 3  Bryan P. Davies                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 4  Brian A. Felesky                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 5  John T. Ferguson                                        Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 6  W. Douglas Ford                                         Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 7  Richard L. George                                       Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 8  John R. Huff                                            Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 9  M. Ann McCaig                                           Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 10 Michael W. O'Brien                                      Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 11 Eira M. Thomas                                          Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 02 Re-Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as
     Auditor of the Corporation for the Ensuing Year.       Management     Unknown      Not Voted

** Following an announcement of a proposed merger between Suncor and
Petro-Canada, this meeting was cancelled. No vote was held.

                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 384802104     TICKER: GWW
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2009
 01 Director
 1  Brian P. Anderson                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Wilbur H. Gantz                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3  V. Ann Hailey                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 4  William K. Hall                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Richard L. Keyser                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Stuart L. Levenick                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 7  John W. Mccarter, Jr.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Neil S. Novich                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Michael J. Roberts                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Gary L. Rogers                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 11 James T. Ryan                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 12 James D. Slavik                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 13 Harold B. Smith                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp
     as Independent Auditor for the Year Ending
     December 31, 2009.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 674599105     TICKER: OXY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 01-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Spencer Abraham                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Ronald W. Burkle                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: John S. Chalsty                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Edward P. Djerejian                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: John E. Feick                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Ray R. Irani                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Irvin W. Maloney                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Avedick B. Poladian                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Rodolfo Segovia                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Aziz D. Syriani                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Rosemary Tomich                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Walter L. Weisman                    Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Selection of KPMG as Independent Auditors. Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Amendment of Restated Certificate of Incorporation to
     Permit Stockholders to Call Special Meetings.             Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Report on Assessment of Host Country Laws.                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 071813109     TICKER: BAX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 05-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Walter E. Boomer                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: James R. Gavin III, M.D., Ph.D.      Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY    MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1c Election of Director: Peter S. Hellman                    Management        For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: K.J. Storm                          Management        For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Management    For          Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Relating to Animal Testing           Shareholder       Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 718172109     TICKER: PM
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 05-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Harold Brown                        Management        For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Mathis Cabiallavetta                Management        For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Louis C. Camilleri                  Management        For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: J. Dudley Fishburn                  Management        For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Graham Mackay                       Management        For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Sergio Marchionne                   Management        For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Lucio A. Noto                       Management        For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Carlos Slim Helu                    Management        For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Stephen M. Wolf                     Management        For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification of the Selection of Independent Auditors.    Management        For          Voted - For
 3  Approval of Eligibility, Business Criteria for Awards and
     Award Limits Under the Pmi 2008 Performance
     Incentive Plan.                                          Management        For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 235851102     TICKER: DHR
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 05-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Mortimer M. Caplin                  Management        For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Donald J. Ehrlich                   Management        For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Walter G. Lohr, Jr.                 Management        For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Linda P. Hefner                     Management        For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Danaher's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Year Ending December 31, 2009.              Management        For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve Certain Amendments to Danaher's 2007 Stock
     Incentive Plan.                                          Management        For          Voted - For
 04 To Act Upon A Shareholder Proposal Requesting That
     Danaher's Compensation Committee Adopt Specified
     Principles Relating to the Employment of Any Named
     Executive Officer.                                       Shareholder       Against      Voted - Against
 05 To Act Upon A Shareholder Proposal Requesting That
     Danaher's Compensation Committee Adopt A Policy
     Requiring That Senior Executives Retain A Significant
     Percentage of Shares Acquired Through Equity
     Compensation Programs Until Two Years Following
     Termination of Their Employment.                         Shareholder       Against      Voted - Against
 06 To Act Upon A Shareholder Proposal Requesting That
     Danaher's Board of Directors Issue A Report Identifying
     Policy Options for Eliminating Exposure of the


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
     Environment and Dental Consumers to Mercury From
     Dental Amalgams Sold by Danaher.                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 031162100     TICKER: AMGN
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Dr. David Baltimore                Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Mr. Frank J. Biondi, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Mr. Francois De Carbonnel          Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Mr. Jerry D. Choate                Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Dr. Vance D. Coffman               Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Mr. Frederick W. Gluck             Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Mr. Frank C. Herringer             Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Dr. Gilbert S. Omenn               Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Ms. Judith C. Pelham               Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Adm. J. Paul Reason, Usn (Retired) Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Mr. Leonard D. Schaeffer           Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Mr. Kevin W. Sharer                Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accountants for the Year
     Ending December 31, 2009.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve the Proposed 2009 Equity Incentive Plan,
     Which Authorizes the Issuance of 100,000,000 Shares.    Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Approve the Proposed Amendment to Our Restated
     Certificate of Incorporation, as Amended, Which
     Reduces the Sixty-Six and Two- Thirds Percent (66-2/3%)
     Voting Requirement to A Simple Majority Voting
     Requirement for Approval of Certain Business
     Combinations.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 5a Stockholder Proposal #1 (Amend Our Bylaws to Permit 10
     Percent of Our Outstanding Common Stock the Ability to
     Call Special Meetings.)                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 5b Stockholder Proposal #2 (Change Our Jurisdiction of
     Incorporation From Delaware to North Dakota.)           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 126650100     TICKER: CVS
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Edwin M. Banks                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: C. David Brown II                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: David W. Dorman                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Kristen G. Williams                Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Marian L. Heard                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: William H. Joyce                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Jean-Pierre Millon                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Terrence Murray                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: C.A. Lance Piccolo                 Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1j Election of Director: Sheli Z. Rosenberg                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Thomas M. Ryan                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Richard J. Swift                    Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp
     as the Company's Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm for the 2009 Fiscal Year.                Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Special Stockholder
     Meetings.                                                Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 04 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Independent Chairman of
     the Board.                                               Shareholder    Against      Abstained
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Political Contributions
     and Expenditures.                                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 06 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Advisory Stockholder
     Vote on Executive Compensation.                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 375558103     TICKER: GILD
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 06-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Paul Berg                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2  John F. Cogan                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Etienne F. Davignon                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4  James M. Denny                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Carla A. Hills                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 6  John W. Madigan                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  John C. Martin                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Gordon E. Moore                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Nicholas G. Moore                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Richard J. Whitley                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Gayle E. Wilson                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young Llp by the Audit
     Committee of the Board of Directors as the Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm of Gilead for the
     Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve An Amendment to Gilead's 2004 Equity
     Incentive Plan.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 38259P508     TICKER: GOOG
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 07-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Eric Schmidt                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Sergey Brin                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Larry Page                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 4  L. John Doerr                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 5  John L. Hennessy                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Arthur D. Levinson                                        Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 7  Ann Mather                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Paul S. Otellini                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 9  K. Ram Shriram                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Shirley M. Tilghman                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp
     as Google's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009.      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of An Amendment to Google's 2004 Stock Plan
     to Increase the Number of Authorized Shares of Class A
     Common Stock Issuable Under the Plan by 8,500,000.      Management     For          Abstained
 04 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Political Contribution
     Disclosure.                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Internet Censorship.      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 06 Stockholder Proposal Regarding Health Care Reform.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 450911102     TICKER : ITT
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 12-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Steven R. Loranger                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Curtis J. Crawford                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Christina A. Gold                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Ralph F. Hake                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 5  John J. Hamre                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Paul J. Kern                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Frank T. Macinnis                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Surya N. Mohapatra                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Linda S. Sanford                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification Of The Appointment Of Deloitte & Touche
     Llp As ITT's Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm For 2009. Accounting Firm For 2009.                Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Vote on A Shareholder Proposal, If Properly Presented
     at the Meeting, Requesting That the Company Provide A
     Comprehensive Report at A Reasonable Cost and Omitting
     Proprietary and Classified Information of the Company's
     Foreign Sales of Military and Weapons-Related Products
     and Services.                                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 959802109     TICKER: WU
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 13-May-2009
 01 Election of Director: Roberto G. Mendoza                 Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Election of Director: Michael A. Miles, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Election of Director: Dennis Stevenson                   Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Ratification of Selection of Auditors                    Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 12572Q105     TICKER: CME
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 13-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Dennis H. Chookaszian                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Robert F. Corvino                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Larry G. Gerdes                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Daniel R. Glickman                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 5  James E. Oliff                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 6  John L. Pietrzak                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Alex J. Pollock                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 8  William R. Shepard                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Approve the CME Group Inc. Amended and Restated
     Omnibus Stock Plan.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 03 To Approve the CME Group Inc. Amended and Restated
     2005 Director Stock Plan.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 04 To Approve the CME Group Inc. Amended and Restated
     Incentive Plan for Highly Compensated Executive Officers. Management     For          Voted - For
 05 To Ratify Ernst & Young Llp as Our Independent
     Registered Public Accounting Firm.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 637071101     TICKER: NOV
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 13-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Merrill A. Miller, Jr.               Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Greg L. Armstrong                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: David D. Harrison                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification of Independent Auditors                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Approval of Amendment to National Oilwell Varco
     Long-Term Incentive Plan                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 111320107     TICKER: BRCM
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 14-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  George L. Farinsky                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Nancy H. Handel                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Eddy W. Hartenstein                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4  John E. Major                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Scott A. Mcgregor                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  William T. Morrow                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Robert E. Switz                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of KPMG Llp as the Company's
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
     Year Ending December 31, 2009.                            Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 907818108     TICKER: UNP
 Meeting Type: Annual                                          Meeting Date: 14-May-2009
 ISIN                             US9078181081 Agenda 933048399 - Management
 1b   Election of Director: E.B. Davis, Jr.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1c   Election of Director: T.J. Donohue                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1d   Election of Director: A.W. Dunham                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1e   Election of Director: J.R. Hope                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1f   Election of Director: C.C. Krulak                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1g   Election of Director: M.R. Mccarthy                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1h   Election of Director: M.W. Mcconnell                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1i   Election of Director: T.F. Mclarty III                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1j   Election of Director: S.R. Rogel                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1k   Election of Director: J.H. Villarreal                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1l   Election of Director: J.R. Young                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02   Appointment of Deloitte & Touche as the Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03   Shareholder Proposal Regarding Political Contributions.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: H8817H100     TICKER: RIG
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 15-May-2009
 01   Approval of the 2008 Annual Report, the Consolidated
       Financial Statements of Transocean Ltd. for Fiscal Year
       2008 and the Statutory Financial Statements of
       Transocean Ltd.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 02   Discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors
       and the Executive Officers for Fiscal Year 2008         Management     For          Voted - For
 03   Appropriation of the Available Retained Earnings
       Without Payment of A Dividend to Shareholders for
       Fiscal Year 2008 and Release of Chf 3.5 Billion
       of Legal Reserves to Other Reserves.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 04   Authorization of A Share Repurchase Program              Management     For          Voted - For
 05   Approval of the Long-Term Incentive Plan of Transocean
       Ltd. in the Form as Amended and Restated Effective
       as of 2/12/09                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 6a   Reelection of Class I Director for A Three Year Term:
       W. Richard Anderson                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 6b   Reelection of Class I Director for A Three Year Term:
       Richard L. George                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 6c   Reelection of Class I Director for A Three Year Term:
       Robert L. Long                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6d   Reelection of Class I Director for A Three Year Term:
       Edward R. Muller                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 6e   Reelection of Class III Director for A Two-Year Term:
       Victor E. Grijalva                                      Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 07 Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as Transocean Ltd.'s
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
     Fiscal Year 2009 and Reelection of Ernst & Young Ltd.,
      Zurich, as Transocean Ltd.'S Auditor Pursuant to the
     Swiss Code of Obligations for A Further One-Year Term  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 806605101     TICKER: SGP
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 18-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Thomas J. Colligan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Fred Hassan                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  C. Robert Kidder                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Eugene R. Mcgrath                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Antonio M. Perez                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Patricia F. Russo                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Jack L. Stahl                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Craig B. Thompson, M.D.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Kathryn C. Turner                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Robert F.W. Van Oordt                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Arthur F. Weinbach                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratify the Designation of Deloitte & Touche Llp as
     Auditor for 2009.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal Re Cumulative Voting.              Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 04 Shareholder Proposal Re Calling Special Meeting.        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 631103108     TICKER: NDAQ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Soud Ba'alawy                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Urban Backstrom                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  H. Furlong Baldwin                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Michael Casey                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Lon Gorman                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Robert Greifeld                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Glenn H. Hutchins                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Birgitta Kantola                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 9  Essa Kazim                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 10 John D. Markese                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Hans Munk Nielsen                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Thomas F. O'neill                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 13 James S. Riepe                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 14 Michael R. Splinter                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 15 Lars Wedenborn                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 16 Deborah L. Wince-Smith                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as Our
     Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
     Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2009                    Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: H0023R105     TICKER: ACE
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 20-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Michael G. Atieh                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Mary A. Cirillo                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Bruce L. Crockett                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Thomas J. Neff                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2a Approval of the Annual Report                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2b Approval of the Statutory Financial Statements of Ace
     Limited                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2c Approval of the Consolidated Financial Statements        Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Allocation of Disposable Profit                          Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Discharge of the Board of Directors                      Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Amendment of Articles of Association Relating to
     Special Auditor                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6a Election of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Ag (Zurich) as Our
     Statutory Auditor Until Our Next Annual Ordinary
     General Meeting                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6b Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp       Management     For          Voted - For
 6c Election of BDO Visura (Zurich) as Special Auditing Firm
     Until Our Next Annual Ordinary General Meeting          Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 07 Approval of the Payment of A Dividend in the Form of A
     Distribution Through A Reduction of the Par Value of
     Our Shares                                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 372917104     TICKER: GENZ
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-May-2009
 1a Re-Election of Director: Douglas A. Berthiaume              Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Re-Election of Director: Gail K. Boudreaux                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Re-Election of Director: Robert J. Carpenter                Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Re-Election of Director: Charles L. Cooney                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Re-Election of Director: Victor J. Dzau                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Re-Election of Director: Senator Connie Mack III            Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Re-Election of Director: Richard F. Syron                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Re-Election of Director: Henri A. Termeer                   Management     For          Voted - For
 02 A Proposal to Amend the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan to
     Increase the Number of Shares of Common Stock
     Available for Issuance Under the Plan By 2,500,000 Shares. Management     For          Voted - For
 03 A Proposal to Approve the 2009 Employee Stock Purchase
     Plan.                                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 04 A Proposal to Ratify the Audit Committee's Selection of
     Independent Auditors for 2009.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 969457100     TICKER: WMB
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 21-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Irl F. Engelhardt                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: William E. Green                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: W.R. Howell                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: George A. Lorch                       Management     For          Voted - For
 02 To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     Our Independent Auditors for 2009.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Stockholder Proposal Relating to the Election of Directors
     Annually.                                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 CUSIP: 302182100     TICKER: ESRX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 27-May-2009
 1  Director                                                    Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1  Gary G. Benanav                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Frank J. Borelli                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Maura C. Breen                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Nicholas J. Lahowchic                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Thomas P. Mac Mahon                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Frank Mergenthaler                                          Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 7  Woodrow A. Myers, Jr.,                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 8  John O. Parker, Jr.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 9  George Paz                                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Samuel K. Skinner                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Seymour Sternberg                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Barrett A. Toan                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification of the Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as the Company's Independent Registered Public
      Accountants for 2009.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 580135101     TICKER: MCD
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 27-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Robert A. Eckert                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Enrique Hernandez, Jr.                Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Jeanne P. Jackson                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Andrew J. Mckenna                     Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of the Appointment of An Independent Registered
     Public Accounting Firm to Serve as Independent Auditors
     for 2009.                                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of Performance Goals for Certain Qualified
     Performance-Based Awards Under the Mcdonald's
     Corporation Amended and Restated 2001 Omnibus Stock
     Ownership Plan.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of Mcdonald's Corporation 2009 Cash Incentive
     Plan.                                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Shareholder Proposal Relating to Shareholder Vote on
     Executive Compensation.                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 06 Shareholder Proposal Relating to the Use of Cage-Free Eggs. Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 858912108     TICKER: SRCL
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 28-May-2009
 01 Director
 1  Mark C. Miller                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Jack W. Schuler                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Thomas D. Brown                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Rod F. Dammeyer                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 5  William K. Hall                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Jonathan T. Lord, M.D.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 7  John Patience                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Ronald G. Spaeth                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young Llp as
     the Company's Independent Public Accountants for the
     Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2009                        Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                      PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 00817Y108     TICKER: AET
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 29-May-2009
 1a Election of Director: Frank M. Clark                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1b Election of Director: Betsy Z. Cohen                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1c Election of Director: Molly J. Coye, M.D.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1d Election of Director: Roger N. Farah                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1e Election of Director: Barbara Hackman Franklin             Management     For          Voted - For
 1f Election of Director: Jeffrey E. Garten                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1g Election of Director: Earl G. Graves                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1h Election of Director: Gerald Greenwald                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1i Election of Director: Ellen M. Hancock                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1j Election of Director: Richard J. Harrington                Management     For          Voted - For
 1k Election of Director: Edward J. Ludwig                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1l Election of Director: Joseph P. Newhouse                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1m Election of Director: Ronald A. Williams                   Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Shareholder Proposal on Cumulative Voting.                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 04 Shareholder Proposal on Nominating A Retired Aetna
     Executive to the Board.                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 872540109     TICKER: TJX
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 02-Jun-2009
 01 Director
 1  Jose B. Alvarez                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Alan M. Bennett                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3  David A. Brandon                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Bernard Cammarata                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5  David T. Ching                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Michael F. Hines                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Amy B. Lane                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Carol Meyrowitz                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 9  John F. O'brien                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Robert F. Shapiro                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Willow B. Shire                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 12 Fletcher H. Wiley                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Approval of Amendments to and Performance Terms of
     the Stock Incentive Plan.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Ratification of Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp. Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 336433107     TICKER: FSLR
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 04-Jun-2009
 1  Director                                                   Management     Unknown      Not Voted


                                   BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1  Michael J. Ahearn                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Craig Kennedy                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3  James F. Nolan                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 4  J. Thomas Presby                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Paul H. Stebbins                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Michael Sweeney                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Jose H. Villarreal                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Ratification of Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
     Llp as the Independent Registered Public Accounting
     Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 26, 2009        Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 867229106      TICKER: SU
 Meeting Type: Special             Meeting Date: 04-Jun-2009
 01 The Plan of Arrangement (The Arrangement) Under
     Section 192 of the Canada Business Corporations Act
     Providing for the Amalgamation of Suncor Energy Inc.
     and Petro-Canada, as More Particularly Described in
     the Accompanying Joint Information Circular and
     Proxy Statement of Suncor Energy Inc. and Petro- Canada. Management     For          Voted - For
 02 The Adoption of A Stock Option Plan by the Corporation
     Formed by the Amalgamation of Suncor Energy Inc. and
     Petro-Canada, Conditional Upon the Arrangement
     Becoming Effective.                                      Management     Against      Voted - For
 03 Director                                                  Management     Unknown      Not Voted
 1  Mel E. Benson                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Brian A. Canfield                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Bryan P. Davies                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 4  Brian A. Felesky                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5  John T. Ferguson                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  W. Douglas Ford                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Richard L. George                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 8  John R. Huff                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 9  M. Ann Mccaig                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 10 Michael W. O'brien                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 11 Eira M. Thomas                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Re-Appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Llp as
     Auditor of Suncor Energy Inc. Until the Earlier of the
     Completion of
 CUSIP: 36467W109      TICKER: GME
 Meeting Type: Annual              Meeting Date: 23-Jun-2009
 1  Daniel A. Dematteo                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Michael N. Rosen                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Edward A. Volkwein                                        Management     For          Voted - For


                                  BISHOP STREET STRATEGIC GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                     PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 02 Proposal to Approve the Fourth Amended and Restated
     Gamestop Corp. 2001 Incentive Plan.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of BDO Seidman, Llp
     as the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm of
     the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending January 30, 2010. Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 086516101     TICKER: BBY
 Meeting Type: Annual             Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2009
 1  Ronald James                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2  Elliot S. Kaplan                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3  Sanjay Khosla                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 4  George L. Mikan III                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5  Matthew H. Paull                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6  Richard M. Schulze                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 7  Hatim A. Tyabji                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 8  Gerard R. Vittecoq                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 02 Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche Llp
     as Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
     for the Fiscal Year That Began on March 1, 2009.         Management     For          Voted - For
 03 Approval of Amendments to Our 2004 Omnibus Stock and
     Incentive Plan, as Amended.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 04 Approval of Amendment to Article Ix of Our Amended
     and Restated Articles of Incorporation to Change
     Approval Required.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 05 Approval of An Amendment to Article Ix of Our Articles
     to Decrease the Shareholder Approval Required to
     Amend Article Ix.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 06 Approval of Amendment to Article Ix of Our Articles to
     Decrease Shareholder Approval Required to Remove
     Directors Without Cause.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 07 Approval of Amendment to Article Ix to Decrease
     Shareholder Approval Required to Amend Classified
     Board Provisions.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 08 Approval of An Amendment to Article X to Decrease
     Shareholder Approval Required for Certain Repurchases
     of Stock.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 09 Approval of An Amendment to Article X of Our Articles to
     Decrease the Shareholder Approval Required to
     Amend Article X.                                         Management     For          Voted - For



Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


By: /s/ Philip T. Masterson


Date: August 31, 2009