WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-PX


                 INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-22431

                             RIVERPARK FUNDS TRUST
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                              156 West 56th Street
                                   17th Floor
                               New York, NY 10019
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                  Morty Schaja
                              156 West 56th Street
                                   17th Floor
                               New York, NY 10019
                    (Name and address of agent for service)

                 Registrant's Telephone Number: 1-212-484-2100

                     Date of Fiscal Year End: SEPTEMBER 30

            Date of Reporting Period: JULY 1, 2014 TO JUNE 30, 2015

                                NON-VOTING FUNDS


No Securities Held by the Fund Had Proxy Votes During the Reporting Period.
Accordingly, no Votes Have Been Cast On Securities By This Fund During the
Reporting Period.


No Securities Held by the Fund Had Proxy Votes During the Reporting Period.
Accordingly, no Votes Have Been Cast On Securities By This Fund During the
Reporting Period.


Structural Alpha Fund Invests In Securities That Do Not Have Voting Rights.
No Votes Have Been Cast On Securities By This Fund During the Reporting


                                  RIVERPARK FOCUSED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 517834107 TICKER: LVS
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Jason N. Ader                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Micheline Chau                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Michael A. Leven                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: David F. Levi                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte & Touche
       Llc As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer
       Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 25-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.  To Elect Michael T. Fries As A Director of Liberty
       Global for A Term Expiring at the Annual General
       Meeting to be Held in 2018.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Elect Paul A. Gould As A Director of Liberty
       Global for A Term Expiring at the Annual General
       Meeting to be Held in 2018.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Elect John C. Malone As A Director of Liberty
       Global for A Term Expiring at the Annual General
       Meeting to be Held in 2018.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Elect Larry E. Romrell As A Director of Liberty
       Global for A Term Expiring at the Annual General
       Meeting to be Held in 2018.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Approve on an Advisory Basis the Annual Report
       on the Implementation of the Directors'
       Compensation Policy for the Year Ended December 31,
       2014, Contained in Appendix A of the Proxy
       Statement (in Accordance with Requirements
       Applicable to U.k. Companies).                       Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  To Ratify the Appointment of KPMG LLP (u.s.) As
       Liberty Global's Independent Auditor for the Year
       Ending December 31, 2015.                            Management     For          Voted - For
 7.  To Appoint KPMG LLP (u.k.) As Liberty Global's U.k.
       Statutory Auditor Under the U.k. Companies Act 2006
       (to Hold Office Until the Conclusion of the Next
       Annual General Meeting at Which Accounts are Laid
       Before Liberty Global).                              Management     For          Voted - For
 8.  To Authorize the Audit Committee of Liberty
       Global's Board of Directors to Determine the U.k.
       Statutory Auditor's Compensation.                    Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 02-Jun-15  Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Michael A. George                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Gregory B. Maffei                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: M. Lavoy Robison                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  A Proposal to Approve the Adoption of the Amendment
       and Restatement of our Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation (i) to Change the Name of the
       "interactive Group" to the "qvc Group," (ii) to
       Change the Name of the "liberty Interactive Common
       Stock" to the "qvc Group Common Stock," (iii) to
       Reclassify Each (due to Space Limits, See Proxy
       Statement for Full Proposal)                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  A Proposal to Approve the Adoption of the Amendment
       of our Certificate of Incorporation to Increase (i)
       the Total Number of Shares of our Capital Stock
       Which our Company Will Have the Authority to Issue,
       (ii) the Number of Shares of our Capital Stock
       Designated As "common Stock," and (iii) the Number
       of (due to Space Limits, See Proxy Statement
       for Full Proposal)                                  Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  A Proposal to Ratify the Selection of KPMG LLP As
       our Independent Auditors for the Fiscal Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 21-Aug-14     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Gregg J. Powers                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Regina Benjamin, M.D.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Hakan Bjorklund, Ph.D.          Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: John F. Levy                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Stephen P. Macmillan            Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Brian A. Markison               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Sir Thomas Fulton Wilson
       Mckillop, Ph.D.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: John A. Quelch, C.b.e., D.b.a.  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval of an Increase in the Number of Shares of
       Common Stock (due to Space Limits, See Proxy
       Statement for Full Proposal)                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of an Increase to the Number of Shares of
       Common Stock Available for Issuance Under the Alere
       Inc. 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan by
       1,000,000, from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000.             Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of an Amendment to our Certificate of
       Incorporation to (due to Space Limits, See
       Proxy Statement for Full Proposal)                  Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As our Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for our Fiscal
       Year Ending December 31, 2014.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Approval, by Non-binding Vote, of Executive
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 29-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Stuart L. Bascomb               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Paul M. Black                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Dennis H. Chookaszian           Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Michael A. Klayko               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Anita V. Pramoda                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: David D. Stevens                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Ralph H. Thurman                Management     For          Voted - For
 2   To Ratify the Appointment of Grant Thornton LLP As
       the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Year Ending December 31,
       2015.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3   To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Named Executive Officer Compensation.               Management     For          Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4   To Approve the Amendment and Restatement of the
       Company's Fourth Amended and Restated Certificate
       of Incorporation.                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 026874784 TICKER: AIG
 Meeting Date: 13-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: W. Don Cornwell                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Peter R. Fisher                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: John H. Fitzpatrick             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Peter D. Hancock                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: William G. Jurgensen            Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Christopher S. Lynch            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: George L. Miles, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Henry S. Miller                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Robert S. Miller                Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Suzanne Nora Johnson            Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Ronald A. Rittenmeyer           Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Douglas M. Steenland            Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Theresa M. Stone                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Vote, on A Non-binding Advisory Basis, to
       Approve Executive Compensation.                     Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Act Upon A Proposal to Ratify the Selection of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As Aig's Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2015.         Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 27-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Tim Armstrong                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Eve Burton                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Richard Dalzell                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Alberto Ibarguen                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Hugh Johnston                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Dawn Lepore                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Patricia Mitchell               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Fredric Reynolds                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: James Stengel                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for 2015.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of the Company's Executive Compensation on
       an Advisory Basis.                                  Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Approval of the Company's Amended and Restated Aol
       Inc. Annual Incentive Plan for Executive Officers.  Management     For          Voted - For

                            RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 037411105 TICKER: APA
 Meeting Date: 14-May-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.  Election of Director: George D. Lawrence             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Election of Director: John E. Lowe                   Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Election of Director: Rodman D. Patton               Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Election of Director: Charles J. Pitman              Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP As Apache's
       Independent Auditors                               Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of
       Apache's Named Executive Officers                  Management     For          Voted - Against
 7.  Approval of Amendment to Apache's Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation to Eliminate Apache's
       Classified Board of Directors                      Management     For          Voted - For
 8.  Consideration of Shareholder Proposal Regarding
       Proxy Access                                       Shareholder    For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 037833100 TICKER: AAPL
 Meeting Date: 10-Mar-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Tim Cook                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Al Gore                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Bob Iger                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Andrea Jung                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Art Levinson                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ron Sugar                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Sue Wagner                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
       Compensation                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  The Amendment of the Apple Inc. Employee Stock
       Purchase Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  A Shareholder Proposal by the National Center for
       Public Policy Research Entitled "risk Report"      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  A Shareholder Proposal by Mr. James Mcritchie and
       Mr. John Harrington Entitled "proxy Access for
       Shareholders"                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                               RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 14-May-15           Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Alex B. Best                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Harry L. Bosco                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: J. Timothy Bryan               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: James A. Chiddix               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Andrew T. Heller               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Dr. Jeong H. Kim               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Robert J. Stanzione            Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Doreen A. Toben                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Debora J. Wilson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: David A. Woodle                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Voting, on A Non-binding Advisory Basis, on
        Executive Compensation ("say on Pay") As Disclosed
        in the Proxy Statement.                            Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   Ratifying the Retention of Ernst & Young LLP As the
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
        the Company for 2015.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 054303102 TICKER: AVP
 Meeting Date: 06-May-15           Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Douglas R. Conant                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: W. Don Cornwell                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: V. Ann Hailey                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Nancy Killefer                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Susan J. Kropf                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Maria Elena Lagomasino                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Sara Mathew                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Helen Mccluskey                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Sheri Mccoy                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Charles H. Noski                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Gary M. Rodkin                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Paula Stern                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.     Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   Approval of Amended and Restated 2013 Stock
        Incentive Plan.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   Ratification of the Appointment of Independent
        Registered Public Accounting Firm.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 5.   Shareholder Proposal on Proxy Access.                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 19-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Paul D. Carrico               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: T. Kevin Denicola             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Patrick J. Fleming            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert M. Gervis              Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Victoria F. Haynes            Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Michael H. Mcgarry            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: William L. Mansfield          Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Mark L. Noetzel               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Robert Ripp                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: David N. Weinstein            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of the Company's Named Executive Officers.        Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP to
       Serve As the Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Year Ending December 31,
       2015.                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 086516101 TICKER: BBY
 Meeting Date: 09-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Bradbury H. Anderson          Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Lisa M. Caputo                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: J. Patrick Doyle              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Russell P. Fradin             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Kathy J. Higgins Victor       Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Hubert Joly                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David W. Kenny                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Thomas L. Millner             Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Gerard R. Vittecoq            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP
       As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending January 30, 2016. Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve in A Non-binding Advisory Vote our Named
       Executive Officer Compensation.                   Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 111621306 TICKER: BRCD
 Meeting Date: 07-Apr-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Judy Bruner                   Management     For          Voted - For

                            RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.2 Election of Director: Lloyd A. Carney                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Renato A. Dipentima             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: Alan L. Earhart                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: John W. Gerdelman               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Election of Director: Dave House                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: L. William Krause               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: David E. Roberson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Election of Director: Sanjay Vaswani                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Nonbinding Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
       Compensation                                        Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Approval of the Amendment and Restatement of the
       2009 Stock Plan                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of the Amendment and Restatement of the
       2009 Director Plan                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP As the
       Independent Registered Public Accountants of
       Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. for the Fiscal
       Year Ending October 31, 2015                        Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Stockholder Proposal to Adopt an Incentive
       Compensation Recoupment Policy                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Joseph J. Lhota                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Thomas V. Reifenheiser                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: John R. Ryan                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Steven J. Simmons                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Vincent Tese                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Leonard Tow                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of Cablevision Systems Corporation 2015
       Employee Stock Plan.                                Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 127055101 TICKER: CBT
 Meeting Date: 12-Mar-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director Whose Term Expires in 2018:
       John K. Mcgillicuddy                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director Whose Term Expires in 2018:
       John F. O'brien                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director Whose Term Expires in 2018:
       Lydia W. Thomas                                     Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.4 Election of Director Whose Term Expires in 2018:
       Mark S. Wrighton                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, in an Advisory Vote, Cabot's Executive
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Approve the Cabot Corporation 2015 Directors'
       Stock Compensation Plan.                            Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP
       As Cabot's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2015. Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 131347304 TICKER: CPN
 Meeting Date: 13-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Frank Cassidy                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Jack A. Fusco                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: John B. (thad) Hill III                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Michael W. Hofmann                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: David C. Merritt                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: W. Benjamin Moreland                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Robert A. Mosbacher, Jr                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Denise M. O'leary                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Year Ending December 31,
       2015.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, Named Executive
       Officer Compensation.                               Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Amend and Restate the Company's Bylaws to
       Implement Majority Voting in Uncontested Director
       Elections.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Reapprove the Material Terms of the Performance
       Goals Under the Calpine Corporation 2008 Equity
       Incentive Plan for Purposes of Section 162(m) of
       the Internal Revenue Code.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 150870103 TICKER: CE
 Meeting Date: 23-Apr-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: James E. Barlett                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Edward G. Galante               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: David F. Hoffmeister            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.      Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Ratify the Selection of KPMG LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                               Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 156700106 TICKER: CTL
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Virginia Boulet                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Peter C. Brown                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Richard A. Gephardt                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: W. Bruce Hanks                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Gregory J. Mccray                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: C.g. Melville, Jr.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: William A. Owens                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Harvey P. Perry                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Glen F. Post, III                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Michael J. Roberts                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Laurie A. Siegel                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Joseph R. Zimmel                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2    Ratify the Appointment of KPMG LLP As our
        Independent Auditor for 2015.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3    Approve our 2015 Executive Officer Short-term
        Incentive Plan.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 4    Advisory Vote Regarding our Executive Compensation.   Management     For          Voted - Against
 5    Shareholder Proposal Regarding Equity Retention.      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 165167107 TICKER: CHK
 Meeting Date: 22-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Archie W. Dunham                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Vincent J. Intrieri             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Robert D. Lawler                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: John J. Lipinski                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: R. Brad Martin                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Merrill A. "pete" Miller, Jr.   Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Frederic M. Poses               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Kimberly K. Querrey             Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Louis A. Raspino                Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Thomas L. Ryan                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Approve on an Advisory Basis our Named Executive
        Officer Compensation.                               Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
        LLP As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
        Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015.  Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   Appointment of Environmental Director.                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   Climate Change Report.                                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.   Political Spending Report.                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 7.  Creation of Board of Director Risk Oversight
       Committee.                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 125581801 TICKER: CIT
 Meeting Date: 12-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: John A. Thain                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Ellen R. Alemany                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Michael J. Embler                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: William M. Freeman                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: David M. Moffett                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: R. Brad Oates                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Marianne Miller Parrs             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Gerald Rosenfeld                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: John R. Ryan                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Sheila A. Stamps                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Seymour Sternberg                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Peter J. Tobin                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Laura S. Unger                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As Cit's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm and External Auditors for 2015.       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Recommend, by Non-binding Vote, the Compensation
       of Cit's Named Executive Officers.                    Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Approve the Cit Group Inc. 2015 Executive
       Incentive Plan.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 29-Jul-14      Meeting Type: Contested Annual
 1.1 Director: Gary B. Halverson                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Barry J. Eldridge                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Mark E. Gaumond                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Susan M. Green                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Janice K. Henry                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Stephen M. Johnson                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: James F. Kirsch                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Richard K. Riederer                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Director: Timothy W. Sullivan                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Approval of the 2014 Nonemployee Directors'
       Compensation Plan.                                    Management     For          Voted - Against
 3   Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of our Named
       Executive Officers' Compensation.                     Management     For          Voted - Against
 4   Approval of the Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
       Amended and Restated 2012 Incentive Equity Plan.      Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 5   Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte &
       Touche, LLP As our Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm to Serve for the 2014 Fiscal Year. Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 205363104 TICKER: CSC
 Meeting Date: 13-Aug-14     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of the Csc Board of Director: David J.
       Barram                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of the Csc Board of Director: Erik
       Brynjolfsson                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of the Csc Board of Director: Rodney F.
       Chase                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of the Csc Board of Director: Bruce B.
       Churchill                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of the Csc Board of Director: Nancy
       Killefer                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of the Csc Board of Director: J. Michael
       Lawrie                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of the Csc Board of Director: Brian P.
       Macdonald                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of the Csc Board of Director: Sean O'keefe  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval, by Non-binding Vote, of Executive
       Compensation                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratification of the Appointment of Independent
       Auditors                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 12-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Richard L. Armitage            Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Richard H. Auchinleck          Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Charles E. Bunch               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: James E. Copeland, Jr.         Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: John V. Faraci                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Jody L. Freeman                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Gay Huey Evans                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Ryan M. Lance                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Arjun N. Murti                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Robert A. Niblock              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Harald J. Norvik               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Proposal to Ratify Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
       As Conocophillips' Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation.         Management     For          Voted - Against


 PROPOSAL                                               PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4.  Report on Lobbying Expenditures.                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  No Accelerated Vesting Upon Change in Control.     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Policy on Using Reserves Metrics to Determine
       Incentive Compensation.                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  Proxy Access.                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 247361702 TICKER: DAL
 Meeting Date: 25-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Richard H. Anderson          Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Edward H. Bastian            Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Francis S. Blake             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Roy J. Bostock               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: John S. Brinzo               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Daniel A. Carp               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David G. Dewalt              Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Thomas E. Donilon            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: William H. Easter III        Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Mickey P. Foret              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Shirley C. Franklin          Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: David R. Goode               Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: George N. Mattson            Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Douglas R. Ralph             Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Sergio A.l. Rial             Management     For          Voted - For
 1P. Election of Director: Kenneth B. Woodrow           Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of Delta's Named Executive Officers.             Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       Delta's Independent Auditors for the Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  A Stockholder Proposal for Senior Executives to
       Retain Significant Stock.                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 247916208 TICKER: DNR
 Meeting Date: 19-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Wieland F. Wettstein                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Michael B. Decker                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: John P. Dielwart                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Gregory L. Mcmichael                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Kevin O. Meyers                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Phil Rykhoek                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Randy Stein                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Laura A. Sugg                            Management     For          Voted - For

                            RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.  An Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer
       Compensation                                        Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Vote on the Amendment and Restatement of our
       2004 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan, Including to
       Increase the Number of Reserved Shares and for
       Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) Qualification  Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Audit Committee's Selection of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Barbara M. Baumann                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: John E. Bethancourt                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Robert H. Henry                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Michael M. Kanovsky                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Robert A. Mosbacher, Jr                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: J. Larry Nichols                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Duane C. Radtke                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Mary P. Ricciardello                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Director: John Richels                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.      Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratify the Appointment of the Company's Independent
       Auditors for 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Adoption of the Devon Energy Corporation 2015
       Long-term Incentive Plan.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Adoption of Proxy Access Bylaw.                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Report on Lobbying Activities Related to Energy
       Policy and Climate Change.                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  Report Disclosing Lobbying Policy and Activity.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8.  Report on Plans to Address Climate Change.            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Hilary E. Ackermann                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Paul M. Barbas                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Robert C. Flexon                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Richard L. Kuersteiner                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Jeffrey S. Stein                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: John R. Sult                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Pat Wood III                                Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of Dynegy's Named Executive Officers.             Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Act Upon A Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of
       Ernst & Young LLP As Dynegy's Independent
       Registered Public Accountants for the Fiscal Year
       Ending December 31, 2015.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 28176E108 TICKER: EW
 Meeting Date: 14-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: John T. Cardis                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Kieran T. Gallahue            Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Barbara J. Mcneil             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Michael A. Mussallem          Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Nicholas J. Valeriani         Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation             Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Approval of the 2015 Edwards Incentive Plan         Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Amendment and Restatement of the Long-term Stock
       Incentive Compensation Program                    Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Ratification of Appointment of the Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm                 Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding Action by Written
       Consent                                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 17-Jun-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Frank P. Willey                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Willie D. Davis                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: John D. Rood                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval of A Non-binding Advisory Resolution on
       the Compensation Paid to our Named Executive
       Officers.                                         Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratification of the Selection of KPMG LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       the 2015 Fiscal Year.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  A Stockholder Proposal on Proxy Access.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 336433107 TICKER: FSLR
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Michael J. Ahearn                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Sharon L. Allen                           Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.3  Director: Richard D. Chapman                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: George A. Hambro                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: James A. Hughes                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Craig Kennedy                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: James F. Nolan                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: William J. Post                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: J. Thomas Presby                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Paul H. Stebbins                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Michael Sweeney                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of the Appointment of
        PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Independent
        Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Fiscal
        Year Ending December 31, 2015.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Approval of the Adoption of the First Solar, Inc.
        2015 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan.           Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 28-Aug-14      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.   Re-election of Mr. Daniel H. Schulman As A Director
        of Flextronics.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2A.  Re-election of Mr. Michael D. Capellas As A
        Director of Flextronics.                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2B.  Re-election of Mr. Marc A. Onetto As A Director of
        Flextronics.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Re-appointment of Mr. Lawrence A. Zimmerman As A
        Director of Flextronics.                            Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Approve the Re-appointment of Deloitte & Touche
        LLP As Flextronics's Independent Auditors for the
        2015 Fiscal Year and to Authorize the Board of
        Directors to Fix Its Remuneration.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 5.   To Approve A General Authorization for the
        Directors of Flextronics to Allot and Issue
        Ordinary Shares.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 6.   Non-binding, Advisory Resolution. to Approve the
        Compensation of Flextronics's Named Executive
        Officers, As Disclosed Pursuant to Item 402 of
        Regulation S-k, Set Forth in "compensation
        Discussion and Analysis" and in the Compensation
        Tables and the Accompanying Narrative Disclosure
        Under "executive Compensation" in Flextronics's
        Proxy Statement Relating to Its 2014 Annual General
        Meeting.                                            Management     For          Voted - Against
 7.   To Approve Changes in the Cash Compensation Payable
        to Flextronics's Compensation Committee Members and
        the Chairman of the Compensation Committee.         Management     For          Voted - Against
 S1.  Extraordinary General Meeting Proposal: to Approve
        the Renewal of the Share Purchase Mandate Relating

                               RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
        to Acquisitions by Flextronics of Its Own Issued
        Ordinary Shares.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 345370860 TICKER: F
 Meeting Date: 14-May-15           Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Stephen G. Butler             Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Kimberly A. Casiano           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Anthony F. Earley, Jr.        Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Mark Fields                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Edsel B. Ford II              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: William Clay Ford, Jr.        Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: James P. Hackett              Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: James H. Hance, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: William W. Helman IV          Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Jon M. Huntsman, Jr.          Management     For          Voted - For
 1K.  Election of Director: William E. Kennard            Management     For          Voted - For
 1L.  Election of Director: John C. Lechleiter            Management     For          Voted - For
 1M.  Election of Director: Ellen R. Marram               Management     For          Voted - For
 1N.  Election of Director: Gerald L. Shaheen             Management     For          Voted - For
 1O.  Election of Director: John L. Thornton              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of Selection of Independent Registered
        Public Accounting Firm.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Say on Pay - an Advisory Vote to Approve the
        Compensation of the Named Executives.             Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.   Relating to Consideration of A Recapitalization
        Plan to Provide That All of the Company's
        Outstanding Stock Have One Vote Per Share.        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   Relating to Allowing Holders of 20% of Outstanding
        Common Stock to Call Special Meetings of
        Shareholders.                                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 10-Jun-15           Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Richard C. Adkerson                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Robert J. Allison, Jr.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Alan R. Buckwalter, III                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Robert A. Day                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: James C. Flores                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Gerald J. Ford                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Thomas A. Fry, III                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: H. Devon Graham, Jr.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Lydia H. Kennard                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Charles C. Krulak                         Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.11 Director: Bobby Lee Lackey                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Jon C. Madonna                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.13 Director: Dustan E. Mccoy                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.14 Director: James R. Moffett                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.15 Director: Stephen H. Siegele                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.16 Director: Frances Fragos Townsend                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2    Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
        of our Named Executive Officers.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3    Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
        LLP As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
        Firm for 2015.                                      Management     For          Voted - Against
 4    Reapproval of the Material Terms of the Section
        162(m) Performance Goals Under our Amended and
        Restated 2006 Stock Incentive Plan.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 5    Stockholder Proposal Regarding Proxy Access.          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 37045V100 TICKER: GM
 Meeting Date: 09-Jun-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Joseph J. Ashton                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Mary T. Barra                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Stephen J. Girsky               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Linda R. Gooden                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Joseph Jimenez, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Kathryn V. Marinello            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Michael G. Mullen               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: James J. Mulva                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Patricia F. Russo               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Thomas M. Schoewe               Management     For          Voted - For
 1K.  Election of Director: Theodore M. Solso               Management     For          Voted - For
 1L.  Election of Director: Carol M. Stephenson             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte & Touche
        LLP As Gm's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for 2015                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation       Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.   Independent Board Chairman                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   Cumulative Voting                                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 14-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: William H. Bolinder             Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: G. Kent Conrad                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Melina E. Higgins               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Nancy J. Karch                  Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1E. Election of Director: Thomas J. Mcinerney              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Christine B. Mead                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David M. Moffett                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Thomas E. Moloney                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: James A. Parke                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: James S. Riepe                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer
       Compensation.                                        Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratification of the Selection of KPMG LLP As the
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding the Preparation of
       an Annual Sustainability Report.                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 375558103 TICKER: GILD
 Meeting Date: 06-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: John F. Cogan                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Etienne F. Davignon              Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Carla A. Hills                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Kevin E. Lofton                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: John W. Madigan                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: John C. Martin                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Nicholas G. Moore                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Richard J. Whitley               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Gayle E. Wilson                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Per Wold- Olsen                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young LLP by the
       Audit Committee of the Board of Directors As the
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm of
       Gilead for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015. Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve an Amendment and Restatement to Gilead's
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan and International
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of our Named Executive Officers As Presented in the
       Proxy Statement.                                     Management     For          Voted - Against
 5.  To Vote on A Stockholder Proposal, If Properly
       Presented at the Meeting, Requesting That the Board
       Take Steps to Permit Stockholder Action by Written
       Consent.                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  To Vote on A Stockholder Proposal, If Properly
       Presented at the Meeting, Requesting That the Board
       Adopt A Policy That the Chairman of the Board of
       Directors be an Independent Director.                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  To Vote on A Stockholder Proposal, If Properly
       Presented at the Meeting, Requesting That Gilead
       Issue an Annual Sustainability Report.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 8.  To Vote on A Stockholder Proposal, If Properly
       Presented at the Meeting, Requesting That the Board
       Report on Certain Risks to Gilead from Rising
       Pressure to Contain U.S. Specialty Drug Prices.     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 23-Apr-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Pedro Cardoso                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Jonathan Christodoro                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Keith Cozza                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: James L. Nelson                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Executive Compensation.                             Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratify the Appointment of the Company's Independent
       Registered Public Accountants for Fiscal 2015.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approve an Amendment to the Company's Amended and
       Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association to
       Provide for Majority Voting in Uncontested Director
       Elections.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 06-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: R.f. Chase                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: T.j. Checki                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: H. Golub                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: J.b. Hess                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: E.e. Holiday                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: R. Lavizzo- Mourey              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: D. Mcmanus                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: J.h. Mullin III                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: J.h. Quigley                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: R.n. Wilson                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Approval of the Compensation of our Named
       Executive Officers.                                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratification of the Selection of Ernst & Young LLP
       As Independent Auditors for Fiscal Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of the Amended and Restated 2008 Long-term
       Incentive Plan.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Stockholder Proposal Recommending Proxy Access.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Stockholder Proposal Recommending A Scenario
       Analysis Report Regarding Carbon Asset Risk.        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 428236103 TICKER: HPQ
 Meeting Date: 18-Mar-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Marc L. Andreessen              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Shumeet Banerji                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Robert R. Bennett               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Rajiv L. Gupta                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Klaus Kleinfeld                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Raymond J. Lane                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Ann M. Livermore                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Raymond E. Ozzie                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Gary M. Reiner                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Patricia F. Russo               Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: James A. Skinner                Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Margaret C. Whitman             Management     For          Voted - For
 02. To Ratify the Appointment of the Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Fiscal
       Year Ending October 31, 2015.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 03. Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.      Management     For          Voted - Against
 04. Stockholder Proposal Related to Action by Written
       Consent of Stockholders                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 446413106 TICKER: HII
 Meeting Date: 30-Apr-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Paul D. Miller                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: C. Michael Petters                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Karl M. Von Der Heyden                      Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       our Independent Auditors for 2015.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approve Executive Compensation on an Advisory Basis.  Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Approve an Amendment to our Certificate of
       Incorporation to Declassify our Board of Directors. Management     For          Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 24-Jun-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Edgar Bronfman, Jr.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Chelsea Clinton                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Sonali De Rycker                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Barry Diller                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Michael D. Eisner                           Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.6  Director: Bonnie Hammer                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Victor A. Kaufman                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Bryan Lourd                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: David Rosenblatt                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Alan G. Spoon                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: A. Von Furstenberg                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Richard F. Zannino                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
        LLP As Iac's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for 2015.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 457187102 TICKER: INGR
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Luis Aranguren-trellez          Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: David B. Fischer                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Ilene S. Gordon                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Paul Hanrahan                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Rhonda L. Jordan                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Gregory B. Kenny                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Barbara A. Klein                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Victoria J. Reich               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Dwayne A. Wilson                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Approve, by Advisory Vote, the Compensation of
        the Company's "named Executive Officers"            Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   To Approve the Ingredion Incorporated Annual
        Incentive Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Ratify the Appointment of KPMG LLP As the
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm of
        the Company and Its Subsidiaries, in Respect of the
        Company's Operations in 2015                        Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 15-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Charles R. Crisp                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Jean-marc Forneri               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Fred W. Hatfield                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Terrence F. Martell             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Sir Callum Mccarthy             Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Sir Robert Reid                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Frederic V. Salerno             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Jeffrey C. Sprecher             Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Judith A. Sprieser              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Vincent Tese                    Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.  To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, the Advisory
       Resolution on Executive Compensation for Named
       Executive Officers.                                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Adoption of our Second Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation, Which
       Deletes Provisions No Longer Applicable to Us
       Following our Sale of Euronext.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 459902102 TICKER: IGT
 Meeting Date: 10-Feb-15       Meeting Type: Special
 1.  To Approve the Agreement and Plan of Merger, Dated
       As of July 15, 2014, As Amended, by and Among
       International Game Technology, A Nevada
       Corporation, Gtech S.p.a., Gtech Corporation
       (solely with Respect to Section 5.02(a) and Article
       Viii), Georgia Worldwide PLC and Georgia Worldwide
       Corporation (as Amended, the "merger Agreement").   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Adjourn the Special Meeting, If Necessary Or
       Appropriate, to Solicit Additional Proxies If There
       are Not Sufficient Votes to Approve the Foregoing
       Proposal.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  A Non-binding Advisory Vote to Approve Certain
       Compensation Arrangements for Igt's Named Executive
       Officers in Connection with the Transactions
       Contemplated by the Merger Agreement.               Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 465741106 TICKER: ITRI
 Meeting Date: 08-May-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Kirby A. Dyess                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Philip C. Mezey                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Daniel S. Pelino                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: Timothy M. Leyden               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Proposal to Re-approve the Itron, Inc. Executive
       Management Incentive Plan.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Proposal to Approve the Advisory (non-binding)
       Resolution Relating to Executive Compensation.      Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015.                           Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 31-Jul-14     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Bruce C. Cozadd                 Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 1B. Election of Director: Heather Ann Mcsharry            Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 1C. Election of Director: Rick E Winningham               Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 2.  To Approve the Appointment of KPMG As the
       Independent Auditors of Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC
       for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014 and to
       Authorize the Audit Committee of the Board of
       Directors to Determine the Auditors' Remuneration.  Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 3.  To Authorize Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC And/or Any
       Subsidiary of Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC to Make
       Market Purchases of Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC's
       Ordinary Shares.                                    Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC's Named Executive
       Officers As Disclosed in the Accompanying Proxy
       Statement.                                          Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 Meeting Date: 29-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Hugo Bague                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Samuel A. Di Piazza, Jr.   Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Colin Dyer                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Dame Deanne Julius         Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Ming Lu                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Martin H. Nesbitt          Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Sheila A. Penrose          Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Ann Marie Petach           Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Shailesh Rao               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: David B. Rickard           Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director to Serve One- Year Term Until
       the 2016 Annual Meeting: Roger T. Staubach          Management     For          Voted - For

                                RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.   To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, Executive
        Compensation ("say-on- Pay").                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   To Ratify the Appointment of KPMG LLP As our
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
        the Year Ending December 31, 2015.                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 481165108 TICKER: JOY
 Meeting Date: 10-Mar-15            Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Edward L. Doheny II                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Steven L. Gerard                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Mark J. Gliebe                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: John T. Gremp                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: John Nils Hanson                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Gale E. Klappa                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Richard B. Loynd                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: P. Eric Siegert                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: James H. Tate                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
        LLP As the Corporation's Independent Registered
        Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal 2015.             Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Advisory Vote on the Compensation of the
        Corporation's Named Executive Officers.             Management     For          Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15            Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Andrew G. Inglis                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Brian F. Maxted                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Sir Richard B. Dearlove                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: David I. Foley                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: David B. Krieger                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Joseph P. Landy                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Prakash A. Melwani                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Adebayo O. Ogunlesi                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Chris Tong                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Christopher A. Wright                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2    To Appoint Ernst & Young LLP As the Company's
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
        the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 and to
        Authorize the Company's Audit Committee of the
        Board of Directors to Determine Their Remuneration. Management     For          Voted - For
 3    To Approve, on A Nonbinding, Advisory Basis, Named
        Executive Officer Compensation.                     Management     For          Voted - Against

                               RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4    To Approve (i) an Amendment to the Kosmos Energy
        Ltd. Long Term Incentive Plan ("ltip") to Increase
        the Aggregate Number of Common Shares Authorized
        for Issuance Under the Ltip by 15,000,000 Common
        Shares and (ii) the Material Terms of the
        Performance Goals Under the Ltip for Purposes of
        Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 512807108 TICKER: LRCX
 Meeting Date: 06-Nov-14           Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Martin B. Anstice                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Eric K. Brandt                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Michael R. Cannon                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Youssef A. El-mansy                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Christine A. Heckart                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Grant M. Inman                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Catherine P. Lego                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Stephen G. Newberry                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Krishna C. Saraswat                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: William R. Spivey                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Abhijit Y. Talwalkar                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Advisory Vote on the Compensation of the Named
        Executive Officers of Lam Research ("say on Pay").   Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   Ratification of the Appointment of the Independent
        Registered Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year
        2015.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 517834107 TICKER: LVS
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15           Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Jason N. Ader                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Micheline Chau                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Michael A. Leven                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: David F. Levi                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2    Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte & Touche
        Llc As the Company's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Management     For          Voted - For
 3    Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer
        Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 524901105 TICKER: LM
 Meeting Date: 29-Jul-14          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Robert E. Angelica                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Carol Anthony Davidson                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Barry W. Huff                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Dennis M. Kass                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Cheryl Gordon Krongard                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: John V. Murphy                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: John H. Myers                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Nelson Peltz                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: W. Allen Reed                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Margaret M. Richardson                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Kurt L. Schmoke                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Joseph A. Sullivan                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Amendment to the Legg Mason, Inc. Executive
        Incentive Compensation Plan.                        Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   An Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of the
        Company's Named Executive Officers.                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.   Ratification of the Appointment of
        PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Company's
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
        the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015.              Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 527288104 TICKER: LUK
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Linda L. Adamany                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Robert D. Beyer                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Francisco L. Borges             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: W. Patrick Campbell             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Brian P. Friedman               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Richard B. Handler              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Robert E. Joyal                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Jeffrey C. Keil                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Michael T. O'kane               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Stuart H. Reese                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1K.  Election of Director: Joseph S. Steinberg             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation on an
        Advisory Basis.                                     Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
        As Independent Auditors for the Year-ended December
        31, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For

                               RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                           PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 529771107 TICKER: LXK
 Meeting Date: 21-Apr-15           Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Ralph E. Gomory                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Michael J. Maples                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Stephen R. Hardis                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: William R. Fields                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Robert Holland, Jr.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Jared L. Cohon                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: J. Edward Coleman                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Sandra L. Helton                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of the Appointment of
        PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Company's
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
        the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Approval, by Non-binding Advisory Vote, of Lexmark
        International, Inc. Executive Compensation                  Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.   Approval of the Company's 2005 Non-employee
        Director Stock Plan, As Amended and Restated                Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 535919203 TICKER: LGF
 Meeting Date: 09-Sep-14           Meeting Type: Annual And Special
 1.1  Director: Michael Burns                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Gordon Crawford                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Arthur Evrensel                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Jon Feltheimer                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Frank Giustra                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Morley Koffman                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Harald Ludwig                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: G. Scott Paterson                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Mark H. Rachesky, M.D.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Daryl Simm                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Hardwick Simmons                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Phyllis Yaffe                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 02   Proposal to Reappoint Ernst & Young LLP As the
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
        the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31,
        2015.                                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 03   Proposal to Conduct an Advisory Vote to Approve
        Executive Compensation.                                     Management     For          Voted - Against
 04   Proposal to Approve Amendments to the Lions Gate
        Entertainment Corp. 2012 Performance Incentive Plan.        Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 05  In Their Discretion, the Proxies are Authorized to
       Vote Upon Such Other Business As May Properly Come
       Before the Meeting.                                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 06-May-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Class II Supervisory Director to Serve
       Until the Annual General Meeting in 2018: Robin
       Buchanan                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Class II Supervisory Director to Serve
       Until the Annual General Meeting in 2018: Stephen
       F. Cooper                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Class II Supervisory Director to Serve
       Until the Annual General Meeting in 2018: Isabella
       D. Goren                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Class II Supervisory Director to Serve
       Until the Annual General Meeting in 2018: Robert G.
       Gwin                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2A. Election of Managing Director to Serve A Three-year
       Term: Kevin W. Brown                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2B. Election of Managing Director to Serve A Three-year
       Term: Jeffrey A. Kaplan                             Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Adoption of Annual Accounts for 2014                  Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Discharge from Liability of Members of the
       Management Board                                    Management     For          Voted - Against
 5.  Discharge from Liability of Members of the
       Supervisory Board                                   Management     For          Voted - Against
 6.  Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm       Management     For          Voted - For
 7.  Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants
       N.v. As our Auditor for the Dutch Annual Accounts   Management     For          Voted - For
 8.  Ratification and Approval of Dividends in Respect
       of the 2014 Fiscal Year                             Management     For          Voted - For
 9.  Advisory (non-binding) Vote Approving Executive
       Compensation                                        Management     For          Voted - Against
 10. Approval of Authority of the Supervisory Board to
       Issue Shares Or Grant Rights to Acquire Shares      Management     For          Voted - For
 11. Approval for the Supervisory Board to Limit Or
       Exclude Pre- Emptive Rights from Any Shares Or
       Grants of Rights to Acquire Shares That It Issues   Management     For          Voted - For
 12. Approval of Amendment to the Lyondellbasell N.v.
       2012 Global Employee Stock Purchase Plan            Management     For          Voted - For
 13. Approval to Repurchase Up to 10% of Issued Share
       Capital                                             Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 15-May-15      Meeting Type: Special
 1.  Approve A Plan of Conversion, Including the
       Conversion and the Certificate of Incorporation and
       Bylaws, Dated As of April 10, 2015, Providing for
       the Conversion of Macquarie Infrastructure Company
       Llc from A Limited Liability Company Organized
       Under the Laws of the State of Delaware to A
       Corporation Organized Under the Laws of the State
       of Delaware.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approve the Authority of 100,000,000 Shares of
       Preferred Stock, Including the Approval of the
       Bracketed Provisions in the Certificate of
       Incorporation.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approve the Adjournment of the Special Meeting of
       Shareholders to A Later Date Or Dates, If Necessary
       Or Appropriate, to Solicit Additional Proxies If
       There are Insufficient Votes at the Time of the
       Special Meeting of Shareholders to Approve
       Proposals 1 Or 2 Above.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Norman H. Brown, Jr.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: George W. Carmany, III                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: H.e. (jack) Lentz                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Ouma Sananikone                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: William H. Webb                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  The Ratification of the Selection of KPMG LLP As
       our Independent Auditor for the Fiscal Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  The Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of Executive
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 28-Apr-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Cari M. Dominguez               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Jeffrey A. Joerres              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Roberto Mendoza                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: Ulice Payne, Jr.                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: Jonas Prising                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Election of Director: Paul Read                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: Elizabeth P. Sartain            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: John R. Walter                  Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.9  Election of Director: Edward J. Zore                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
        Independent Auditors for 2015.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our
        Named Executive Officers.                         Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 565849106 TICKER: MRO
 Meeting Date: 29-Apr-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Gregory H. Boyce              Management     For          Did Not Vote
 1B.  Election of Director: Pierre Brondeau               Management     For          Did Not Vote
 1C.  Election of Director: Chadwick C. Deaton            Management     For          Did Not Vote
 1D.  Election of Director: Marcela E. Donadio            Management     For          Did Not Vote
 1E.  Election of Director: Philip Lader                  Management     For          Did Not Vote
 1F.  Election of Director: Michael E.j. Phelps           Management     For          Did Not Vote
 1G.  Election of Director: Dennis H. Reilley             Management     For          Did Not Vote
 1H.  Election of Director: Lee M. Tillman                Management     For          Did Not Vote
 2.   Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
        As our Independent Auditor for 2015.              Management     For          Did Not Vote
 3.   Advisory Vote to Approve our Named Executive
        Officer Compensation.                             Management     For          Did Not Vote
 4.   Stockholder Proposal Seeking Approval of
        Stockholders' Rights to Proxy Access.             Shareholder    Against      Did Not Vote
 5.   Stockholder Proposal Seeking A Report Regarding
        Climate Change Risk.                              Shareholder    Against      Did Not Vote
 CUSIP: 585055106 TICKER: MDT
 Meeting Date: 21-Aug-14      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Richard H. Anderson                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Scott C. Donnelly                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Omar Ishrak                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Shirley Ann Jackson Phd                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Michael O. Leavitt                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: James T. Lenehan                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Denise M. O'leary                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Kendall J. Powell                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Robert C. Pozen                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Preetha Reddy                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Ratify Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
        As Medtronic's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year 2015.             Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Approve, in A Non-binding Advisory Vote, Named
        Executive Officer Compensation (a "say-on- Pay"
        Vote).                                            Management     For          Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4.  To Approve the Medtronic, Inc. 2014 Employees Stock
       Purchase Plan.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Amend and Restate the Company's Articles of
       Incorporation to Provide That Directors Will be
       Elected by A Majority Vote in Uncontested Elections. Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  To Amend and Restate the Company's Articles of
       Incorporation to Allow Changes to the Size of the
       Board of Directors Upon the Affirmative Vote of A
       Simple Majority of Shares.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 7.  To Amend and Restate the Company's Articles of
       Incorporation to Allow Removal of A Director Upon
       the Affirmative Vote of A Simple Majority of Shares. Management     For          Voted - For
 8.  To Amend and Restate the Company's Articles of
       Incorporation to Allow Amendments to Section 5.3 of
       Article 5 Upon the Affirmative Vote of A Simple
       Majority of Shares.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 595112103 TICKER: MU
 Meeting Date: 22-Jan-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Robert L. Bailey                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Richard M. Beyer                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Patrick J. Byrne                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: D. Mark Durcan                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: D. Warren A. East                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Election of Director: Mercedes Johnson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: Lawrence N. Mondry               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: Robert E. Switz                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve Amended & Restated 2007 Equity Incentive
       Plan & Increase Shares Reserved for Issuance
       Thereunder by 30,000,000.                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Amend the Company's Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation to Eliminate Cumulative Voting.        Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Approve the Material Terms of the Performance
       Goals Under the Company's Executive Officer
       Performance Incentive Plan.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  To Approve A Non-binding Resolution to Approve the
       Compensation of our Named Executive Officers As
       Described in the Proxy Statement.                    Management     For          Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Roger G. Eaton                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Charles M. Herington                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: H. Sanford Riley                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of the Company's Named Executive Officers.          Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 628530107 TICKER: MYL
 Meeting Date: 29-Jan-15       Meeting Type: Special
 1.  Approval of the Amended and Restated Business
       Transfer Agreement and Plan of Merger, Dated As of
       November 4, 2014, by and Among Mylan, Inc.
       ("mylan"), New Moon B.v., Moon of Pa Inc., and
       Abbott Laboratories (the "business Transfer
       Agreement").                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval, on A Non-binding Advisory Basis, of the
       Specified Compensatory Arrangements Between Mylan
       and Its Named Executive Officers Relating to the
       Merger and the Other Transactions Contemplated by
       the Business Transfer Agreement.                    Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Adjournment of the Special Meeting, If Necessary Or
       Appropriate, to Solicit Additional Proxies If There
       are Not Sufficient Votes to Approve the Business
       Transfer Agreement.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 04-Dec-14       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Walter Gilbert, Ph.D.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: D.h. Langer, M.D., J.d.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Lawrence C. Best                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve A Proposed Amendment to the Company's
       2010 Employee, Director and Consultant Equity
       Incentive Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young LLP As the
       Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of the Company's Named Executive Officers, As
       Disclosed in the Proxy Statement                    Management     For          Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: John K. Adams, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Ann Torre Bates                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Anna Escobedo Cabral            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: William M. Diefenderfer, III    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Diane Suitt Gilleland           Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Katherine A. Lehman             Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Linda A. Mills                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Barry A. Munitz                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: John F. Remondi                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Steve L. Shapiro                Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Jane J. Thompson                Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Laura S. Unger                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Barry L. Williams               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation.          Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Advisory Approval of the Frequency of an Executive
       Compensation Vote.                                  Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 5.  Approval of the Material Terms for
       Performance-based Awards Under the Navient
       Corporation 2014 Omnibus Incentive Plan.            Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 22-Apr-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: William R. Nuti*                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Gary J. Daichendt*                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Robert P. Derodes*                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Richard T. Mcguire III$                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Independent Registered
       Public Accounting Firm for 2015.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation As
       Disclosed in These Proxy Materials.                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Approve the Directors' Proposal to Approve the
       Amendment and Restatement of the Ncr Corporation
       Economic Profit Plan for Purposes of Section 162(m)
       of the Internal Revenue Code.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Approve the Directors' Proposal to Amend and
       Restate the Charter of the Company to Eliminate the
       Supermajority Provisions Contemplated by the

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
       Maryland General Corporation Law and the Company's
       Charter.                                            Management     For          Voted - Against
 6.  To Approve the Directors' Proposal to Amend the
       Charter of the Company to Eliminate the
       Classification of the Board of Directors of the
       Company and Provide for the Annual Election of All
       Directors Elected at Or After the Company's 2016
       Annual Meeting of Stockholders.                     Management     For          Voted - Against
 7.  To Vote and Otherwise Represent the Undersigned on
       Any Other Matter That May Properly Come Before the
       Meeting, Or Any Adjournment Or Postponement
       Thereof, in the Discretion of the Proxy Holder.     Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 651290108 TICKER: NFX
 Meeting Date: 15-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Lee K. Boothby                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Pamela J. Gardner               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: John Randolph Kemp III          Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Steven W. Nance                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Thomas G. Ricks                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Juanita M. Romans               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: John W. Schanck                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: J. Terry Strange                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As Independent Auditor
       for Fiscal 2015.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote on Named Executive Officer
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Approval of Second Amended and Restated Newfield
       Exploration Company 2011 Omnibus Stock Plan.        Management     For          Voted - For
 5A. Approval of Material Terms of the Performance Goals
       for Performance Awards Under 2011 Omnibus Stock
       Plan.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 5B. Approval of Material Terms of the Performance Goals
       and Metrics Under 2011 Annual Incentive Plan.       Management     For          Voted - For
 6A. Approval of Amendment to Third Amended and Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation to Increase Authorized
       Shares of Common Stock.                             Management     For          Voted - Against
 6B. Approval of Amendment to Third Amended & Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation to Increase Authorized
       Shares of Preferred Stock.                          Management     For          Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 651639106 TICKER: NEM
 Meeting Date: 22-Apr-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: B.r. Brook                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: J.k. Bucknor                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: V.a. Calarco                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: A. Calderon                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: J.a. Carrabba                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Election of Director: N. Doyle                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: G.j. Goldberg                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: V.m. Hagen                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Election of Director: J. Nelson                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify Appointment of Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approve, on an Advisory Basis, Named Executive
       Officer Compensation.                               Management     For          Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Robert K. Burgess               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Tench Coxe                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Persis S. Drell                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: James C. Gaither                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Jen-hsun Huang                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Dawn Hudson                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Harvey C. Jones                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Michael G. Mccaffery            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: William J. Miller               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Mark L. Perry                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: A. Brooke Seawell               Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Mark A. Stevens                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve our Executive Compensation.                Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for our Fiscal Year Ending January 31, 2016.   Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 674215108 TICKER: OAS
 Meeting Date: 04-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: William J. Cassidy                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Taylor L. Reid                              Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.3 Director: Bobby S. Shackouls                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accountants for 2015.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of our Named Executive Officers As Described in the
       "executive Compensation and Other Information -
       Compensation Discussion and Analysis" Section of
       the Accompanying Proxy Statement.                   Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Approve the First Amendment to the Amended and
       Restated 2010 Long-term Incentive Plan (the "ltip")
       to Increase the Maximum Number of Shares That May
       be Issued Under the Ltip by 1,350,000 Shares (the
       "additional Shares").                               Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Approve the Material Terms of the Ltip for
       Purposes of Complying with Section 162(m) of the
       Internal Revenue Code with Respect to the
       Additional Shares.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  To Request That the Board Adopt A Policy That the
       Board's Chairman Should be an Independent Director
       Who Has Not Previously Served As an Executive
       Officer of the Company.                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 675746309 TICKER: OCN
 Meeting Date: 02-Jun-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Phyllis R. Caldwell                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Ronald M. Faris                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Ronald J. Korn                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: William H. Lacy                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Deforest B. Soaries Jr.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Robert A. Salcetti                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Barry N. Wish                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Alan J. Bowers                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification, on an Advisory Basis, of the
       Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP As Ocwen
       Financial Corporation's Independent Registered
       Public Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
       of the Named Executive Officers, As Disclosed in
       the Accompanying Proxy Statement.                   Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 678026105 TICKER: OIS
 Meeting Date: 12-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: S. James Nelson                             Management     For          Voted - For

                               RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.2 Director: Gary L. Rosenthal                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: William T. Van Kleef                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Selection of Ernst & Young LLP
       As the Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Proposal to Approve the Advisory Vote Relating to
       Executive Compensation.                             Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 682189105 TICKER: ON
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15           Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Atsushi Abe                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Curtis J. Crawford, Ph.D.       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Paul A. Mascarenas              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: Daryl A. Ostrander, Ph.D.       Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Vote on an Advisory Resolution to Approve
       Executive Compensation.                             Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Current Year.               Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Second Amendment to the on
       Semiconductor Corporation Amended and Restated
       Stock Incentive Plan and Reapproval of the Material
       Terms of the Plan to Continue to Allow the
       Compensation Committee to Grant Awards That are
       Intended to Qualify for the "performance- Based
       Compensation" (due to Space Limits, See Proxy
       Statement for Full Proposal).                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Approve an Amendment to the on Semiconductor
       Corporation 2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan to
       Increase the Cumulative Total Number of Shares of
       Common Stock Issuable Thereunder from 18,000,000 to
       23,500,000.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 05-Nov-14           Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Jeffrey S. Berg                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: H. Raymond Bingham                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Michael J. Boskin                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Safra A. Catz                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Bruce R. Chizen                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: George H. Conrades                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Lawrence J. Ellison                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Hector Garcia-molina                        Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.9  Director: Jeffrey O. Henley                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Mark V. Hurd                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Naomi O. Seligman                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.      Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.   Ratification of the Selection of Ernst & Young LLP
        As Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
        for Fiscal Year 2015.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   Stockholder Proposal Regarding Vote Tabulation.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   Stockholder Proposal Regarding Multiple Performance
        Metrics.                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 6.   Stockholder Proposal Regarding Quantifiable
        Performance Metrics.                                Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 7.   Stockholder Proposal Regarding Proxy Access.          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 690742101 TICKER: OC
 Meeting Date: 16-Apr-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: James J. Mcmonagle                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: W. Howard Morris                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Suzanne P. Nimocks                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
        LLP As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
        Firm for 2015.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, 2014 Named
        Executive Officer Compensation.                     Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 704549104 TICKER: BTU
 Meeting Date: 04-May-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Gregory H. Boyce                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: William A. Coley                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: William E. James                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Robert B. Karn III                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Glenn L. Kellow                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Henry E. Lentz                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Robert A. Malone                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: William C. Rusnack                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Michael W. Sutherlin                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: John F. Turner                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Sandra A. Van Trease                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Heather A. Wilson                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
        our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
        for 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of our Named
       Executive Officers' Compensation.                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Approval of our 2015 Long-term Incentive Plan.      Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Shareholder Proposal on Proxy Access.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 05-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Glynis A. Bryan               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Jerry W. Burris               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Carol Anthony (john) Davidson Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Jacques Esculier              Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: T. Michael Glenn              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: David H.y. Ho                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Randall J. Hogan              Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: David A. Jones                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Ronald L. Merriman            Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: William T. Monahan            Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Billie Ida Williamson         Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by Non-binding Advisory Vote, the
       Compensation of the Named Executive Officers.     Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Ratify, by Non-binding Advisory Vote, the
       Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP As the
       Independent Auditors of Pentair PLC and to
       Authorize, by Binding Vote, the Audit and Finance
       Committee of the Board of Directors to Set the
       Auditors' Remuneration.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Authorize Holding the 2016 Annual General
       Meeting of Shareholders of Pentair PLC at A
       Location Outside of Ireland.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Authorize the Price Range at Which Pentair PLC
       Can Reissue Shares It Holds As Treasury Shares
       Under Irish Law (special Resolution).             Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 04-Nov-14     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Laurie Brlas                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Gary M. Cohen                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Jacqualyn A. Fouse            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: David T. Gibbons              Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Ran Gottfried                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ellen R. Hoffing              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Michael J. Jandernoa          Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Gary K. Kunkle, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For

                              RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1I. Election of Director: Herman Morris, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Donal O'connor                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Joseph C. Papa                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As our
       Independent Auditors for Fiscal Year 2015           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Vote to Approve the Company's Executive
       Compensation                                        Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Authorize Perrigo Company PLC And/or Any Subsidiary
       of Perrigo Company PLC to Make Market Purchases of
       Perrigo Company PLC's Ordinary Shares               Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Determine the Reissue Price Range for Perrigo
       Company PLC Treasury Shares                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Approve the Creation of Distributable Reserves by
       Reducing Some Or All of Perrigo Company PLC's Share
       Premium                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 01-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Gilberto Tomazoni*                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Joesley M. Batista*                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Wesley M. Batista*                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: William W. Lovette*                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Andre N. De Souza*                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: W.c.d. Vasconcellos Jr*                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: David E. Bell#                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Michael L. Cooper#                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Director: Charles Macaluso#                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation.              Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Ratify the Appointment of KPMG LLP As Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Company
       for the Fiscal Year Ending December 27, 2015.       Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 04-Mar-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Thomas Bogan                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Janice Chaffin                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Donald Grierson                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: James Heppelmann                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Paul Lacy                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Robert Schechter                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Renato Zambonini                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our
       Named Executive Officers (say-on-pay).              Management     For          Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3. Re-approve the Performance Goals Under the 2009
      Executive Cash Incentive Performance Plan.         Management     For          Voted - For
 4. Advisory Vote to Confirm the Selection of
      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As our Independent
      Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Current
      Fiscal Year.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 14-Aug-14     Meeting Type: Special
 1. To Approve and Adopt the Agreement and Plan of
      Merger, Dated As of April 5, 2014 (the "merger
      Agreement"), by and Among Mallinckrodt PLC
      ("mallinckrodt"), Quincy Merger Sub, Inc. ("merger
      Sub"), and Questcor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
      ("questcor"), and to Approve the Transactions
      Contemplated by the Merger (due to Space
      Limits, See Proxy Statement for Full Proposal)     Management     For          Did Not Vote
 2. To Adjourn the Meeting to Another Date and Place If
      Necessary Or Appropriate to Solicit Additional
      Votes If There are Insufficient Votes at the Time
      of the Questcor Special Meeting to Approve the
      Merger Proposal                                    Management     For          Did Not Vote
 3. To Approve, on A Non-binding, Advisory Basis, the
      Merger-related Compensation of Questcor's Named
      Executive Officers                                 Management     For          Did Not Vote
 CUSIP: 750236101 TICKER: RDN
 Meeting Date: 13-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A Election of Director: Herbert Wender                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B Election of Director: David C. Carney                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C Election of Director: Howard B. Culang               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D Election of Director: Lisa W. Hess                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1E Election of Director: Stephen T. Hopkins             Management     For          Voted - For
 1F Election of Director: Sanford A. Ibrahim             Management     For          Voted - For
 1G Election of Director: Brian D. Montgomery            Management     For          Voted - For
 1H Election of Director: Gaetano Muzio                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I Election of Director: Gregory V. Serio               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J Election of Director: Noel J. Spiegel                Management     For          Voted - For
 2  To Approve, by an Advisory, Non- Binding Vote, the
      Overall Compensation of Radian's Named Executive
      Officers.                                          Management     For          Voted - Against
 3  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
      LLP As Radian's Independent Registered Public
      Accounting Firm for the Year Ending December 31,
      2015.                                              Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 786514208 TICKER: SWY
 Meeting Date: 25-Jul-14         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.  Approval and Adoption of the Agreement and Plan of
       Merger (the "merger Agreement"), Dated March 6,
       2014 and Amended on April 7, 2014 and on June 13,
       2014, by and Among Safeway Inc., Ab Acquisition
       Llc, Albertson's Holdings Llc, Albertson's Llc and
       Saturn Acquisition Merger Sub, Inc.                Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 2.  Non-binding Advisory Approval of the Compensation
       That May be Paid Or Become Payable to Safeway's
       Named Executive Officers in Connection with the
       Merger.                                            Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 3.  Approval and Adoption of the Adjournment of the
       Annual Meeting, If Necessary Or Appropriate, to
       Solicit Additional Proxies for the Adoption of the
       Merger Agreement.                                  Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 5.  Non-binding Advisory Approval of the Company's
       Executive Compensation ("say-on-pay").             Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 6.  Ratification of Appointment of Deloitte & Touche
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year 2014.              Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 7.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding Labeling Products
       That Contain Genetically Engineered Ingredients.   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Abstain
 8.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding Extended Producer
       Responsibility.                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Abstain
 4A. Election of Director: Robert L. Edwards              Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4B. Election of Director: Janet E. Grove                 Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4C. Election of Director: Mohan Gyani                    Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4D. Election of Director: Frank C. Herringer             Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4E. Election of Director: George J. Morrow               Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4F. Election of Director: Kenneth W. Oder                Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4G. Election of Director: T. Gary Rogers                 Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4H. Election of Director: Arun Sarin                     Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4I. Election of Director: William Y. Tauscher            Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 CUSIP: 80007P307 TICKER: SD
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Everett R. Dobson                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Alan J. Weber                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Dan A. Westbrook                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approve an Amendment to the Company's Certificate
       of Incorporation to Increase the Number of
       Authorized Shares of Company Common Stock to
       1,800,000,000 Shares from 800,000,000 Shares, and

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
       to Correspondingly Increase the Number of
       Authorized Shares of Company Capital Stock.         Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Approve an Amendment to the Sandridge Energy, Inc.
       2009 Incentive Plan to Increase the Number of
       Shares of Company Common Stock Issuable Under the
       Plan to 36,250,000 Shares from 28,500,000 Shares.   Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
       As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015.  Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Approve, in A Non-binding Vote, the Compensation
       Provided to the Company's Named Executive Officers. Management     For          Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 22-Oct-14     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Stephen J. Luczo                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Frank J. Biondi, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Michael R. Cannon               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Mei-wei Cheng                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: William T. Coleman              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Jay L. Geldmacher               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Kristen M. Onken                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Dr. Chong Sup Park              Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Gregorio Reyes                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Stephanie Tilenius              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Edward J. Zander                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Grant the Directors Authority to Issue Shares.     Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Grant the Directors Authority to Issue Shares
       for Cash Without First Offering Shares to Existing
       Shareholders.                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Determine the Price Range at Which the Company
       Can Re-issue Shares Held As Treasury Shares.        Management     For          Voted - Against
 5.  To Approve the Amended and Restated Seagate
       Technology PLC 2012 Equity Incentive Plan.          Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  To Approve, in A Non-binding Advisory Vote, the
       Compensation of Named Executive Officers.           Management     For          Voted - Against
 7.  To Authorize Holding the 2015 Annual General
       Meeting of Shareholders of the Company at A
       Location Outside of Ireland.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 8.  To Ratify, in A Non-binding Vote, the Appointment
       of Ernst & Young As the Independent Auditors of the
       Company and to Authorize, in A Binding Vote, the
       Audit Committee of the Board of Directors to Set
       the Auditors' Remuneration.                         Management     For          Voted - For

                            RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 812350106 TICKER: SHLD
 Meeting Date: 06-May-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Cesar L. Alvarez                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Paul G. Depodesta                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Kunal S. Kamlani                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: William C. Kunkler, III                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Edward S. Lampert                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Steven T. Mnuchin                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Ann N. Reese                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Thomas J. Tisch                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our
       Named Executive Officers.                            Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratify the Appointment by the Audit Committee of
       Deloitte & Touche LLP As the Company's Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year
       2015.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 19-Jun-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Mr. Charles Huang                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Dr. Dave Qi                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Mr. Shi Wang                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Resolution Approving our Executive
       Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP As our
       Independent Auditors for the Fiscal Year Ending
       December 31, 2015                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding the Classification
       of our Board of Directors, If the Stockholder
       Proposal is Properly Presented at the Annual Meeting Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 784635104 TICKER: SPW
 Meeting Date: 08-May-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Christopher J. Kearney           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Robert F. Hull, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Anne K. Altman                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, Spx's Executive
       Compensation Practices.                              Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3.  To Amend and Restate our 2002 Stock Compensation
       Plan.                                             Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Amend our Certificate of Incorporation.          Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP
       As our Independent Public Accountants for 2015.   Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 855030102 TICKER: SPLS
 Meeting Date: 01-Jun-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Basil L. Anderson             Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Drew G. Faust                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Paul-henri Ferrand            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Kunal S. Kamlani              Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Carol Meyrowitz               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Rowland T. Moriarty           Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Ronald L. Sargent             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Robert E. Sulentic            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Raul Vazquez                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Vijay Vishwanath              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Paul F. Walsh                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval of an Amendment to the 2012 Employee Stock
       Purchase Plan.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of Named Executive
       Officer Compensation.                             Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Ratification of the Selection by the Audit
       Committee of Ernst & Young LLP As Staples'
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       the Current Fiscal Year.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Non-binding Stockholder Proposal Regarding Senior
       Executive Severance Agreements.                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Non-binding Stockholder Proposal Regarding
       Independent Board Chairman.                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 868157108 TICKER: SPN
 Meeting Date: 22-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Harold J. Bouillion                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: David D. Dunlap                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: James M. Funk                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Terence E. Hall                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Peter D. Kinnear                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Michael M. Mcshane                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: W. Matt Ralls                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Justin L. Sullivan                        Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                       PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
       of our Named Executive Officers.                         Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Adoption of the Amended and Restated 2013 Stock
       Incentive Plan.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 871503108 TICKER: SYMC
 Meeting Date: 28-Oct-14         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Michael A. Brown                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Frank E. Dangeard                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Geraldine B. Laybourne               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: David L. Mahoney                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Robert S. Miller                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Anita M. Sands                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Daniel H. Schulman                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: V. Paul Unruh                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Suzanne M. Vautrinot                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       the 2015 Fiscal Year.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.           Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 879433829 TICKER: TDS
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15         Meeting Type: Contested Annual
 1.1 Director: C.a. Davis                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: G.w. Off                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: M.h. Saranow                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: G.l. Sugarman                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify Accountants for 2015.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.           Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 880779103 TICKER: TEX
 Meeting Date: 15-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A) Election of Director: Ronald M. Defeo                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1B) Election of Director: G. Chris Andersen                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1C) Election of Director: Paula H.j. Cholmondeley              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D) Election of Director: Don Defosset                         Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1E) Election of Director: Thomas J. Hansen                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F) Election of Director: Raimund Klinkner                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G) Election of Director: David A. Sachs                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1H) Election of Director: Oren G. Shaffer                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I) Election of Director: David C. Wang                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1J) Election of Director: Scott W. Wine                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Company for 2015.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Compensation of the Company's Named
       Executive Officers.                                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 881609101 TICKER: TSO
 Meeting Date: 07-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A  Election of Director: Rodney F. Chase                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B  Election of Director: Gregory J. Goff                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C  Election of Director: Robert W. Goldman               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D  Election of Director: David Lilley                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E  Election of Director: Mary Pat Mccarthy               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F  Election of Director: J.w. Nokes                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1G  Election of Director: Susan Tomasky                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H  Election of Director: Michael E. Wiley                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I  Election of Director: Patrick Y. Yang                 Management     For          Voted - For
 02  To Conduct an Advisory Vote to Approve Executive
       Compensation;                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 3   To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       for Fiscal Year 2015.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 23-Apr-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Andres Gluski                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Charles L. Harrington           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Kristina M. Johnson             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Tarun Khanna                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Holly K. Koeppel                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Philip Lader                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: James H. Miller                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: John B. Morse, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Moises Naim                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Charles O. Rossotti             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Re-approve the Aes Corporation 2003 Long Term
       Compensation Plan, As Amended and Restated.         Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3.  To Re-approve the Aes Corporation Performance
       Incentive Plan, As Amended and Restated.          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       the Independent Auditors of the Company for the
       Year 2015.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Executive Compensation.                           Management     For          Voted - Against
 6.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Nonbinding Proposal to Allow Stockholders to
       Request Special Meetings of Stockholders.         Management     For          Voted - For
 7.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Nonbinding Proposal to Provide Proxy Access for
       Stockholder-nominated Director Candidates.        Management     For          Voted - For
 8.  If Properly Presented, to Vote on A Nonbinding
       Stockholder Proposal Relating to Special Meetings
       of Stockholders.                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 9.  If Properly Presented, to Vote on A Nonbinding
       Stockholder Proposal Relating to Proxy Access.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 064058100 TICKER: BK
 Meeting Date: 14-Apr-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Nicholas M. Donofrio          Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Joseph J. Echevarria          Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Edward P. Garden              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Jeffrey A. Goldstein          Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Gerald L. Hassell             Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: John M. Hinshaw               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Edmund F. Kelly               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Richard J. Kogan              Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: John A. Luke, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Mark A. Nordenberg            Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Catherine A. Rein             Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: William C. Richardson         Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Samuel C. Scott III           Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Wesley W. Von Schack          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Resolution to Approve the 2014
       Compensation of our Named Executive Officers.     Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratification of KPMG LLP As our Independent Auditor
       for 2015.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 631103108 TICKER: NDAQ
 Meeting Date: 06-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Charlene T. Begley            Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1B. Election of Director: Steven D. Black                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Borje E. Ekholm                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert Greifeld                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Glenn H. Hutchins              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Essa Kazim                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Thomas A. Kloet                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: John D. Markese                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Ellyn A. Mccolgan              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Michael R. Splinter            Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Lars R. Wedenborn              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve the Company's Executive Compensation on
       an Advisory Basis.                                 Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       Nasdaq's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015. Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Nasdaq Executive Corporate Incentive
       Plan, As Amended and Restated.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Consider the Stockholder Proposal Entitled
       "right to Act by Written Consent."                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 887317303 TICKER: TWX
 Meeting Date: 19-Jun-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: James L. Barksdale             Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: William P. Barr                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Jeffrey L. Bewkes              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Stephen F. Bollenbach          Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Robert C. Clark                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Mathias Dopfner                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Jessica P. Einhorn             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Carlos M. Gutierrez            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Fred Hassan                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Kenneth J. Novack              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Paul D. Wachter                Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Deborah C. Wright              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Appointment of Independent Auditor.  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer
       Compensation.                                      Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Shareholder Proposal on Right to Act by Written
       Consent.                                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 5.  Shareholder Proposal on Tobacco Depictions in Films. Shareholder    Against      Voted - For
 6.  Shareholder Proposal on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
       Reduction Targets.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 896047503 TICKER: TRCO
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Michael Kreger                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Peter Liguori                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote Approving Executive Compensation.       Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory
       Votes Approving Executive Compensation.             Management     For          Voted - Abstain
 4.  The Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the 2015
       Fiscal Year.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Thomas Casey                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Andrew P. Hines                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Wayne A. Hinman                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Peter Johnston                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Ilan Kaufthal                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Jeffry N. Quinn                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, Who
       Will Serve Until Such Accounting Firm Resigns Or is
       Removed.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, on A Non-binding Advisory Basis, the
       Compensation of the Company's Named Executive
       Officers (the "say-on-pay").                        Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 902494103 TICKER: TSN
 Meeting Date: 30-Jan-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: John Tyson                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Kathleen M. Bader               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Gaurdie E. Banister Jr.         Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Jim Kever                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Kevin M. Mcnamara               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Brad T. Sauer                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Donnie Smith                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Robert Thurber                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Barbara A. Tyson                Management     For          Voted - For

                              RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending
       October 3, 2015                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Consider and Act Upon Shareholder Proposal No. 1
       Described in the Proxy Statement, If Properly
       Presented at the Annual Meeting                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 4.  To Consider and Act Upon Shareholder Proposal No. 2
       Described in the Proxy Statement, If Properly
       Presented at the Annual Meeting                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  To Consider and Act Upon Shareholder Proposal No. 3
       Described in the Proxy Statement, If Properly
       Presented at the Annual Meeting                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 911684108 TICKER: USM
 Meeting Date: 10-Nov-14          Meeting Type: Special
 1.  Declassification Amendment                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Section 203 Amendment                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ancillary Amendment                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 19-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: J. Samuel Crowley                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Paul-henri Denuit                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Harry J. Harczak, Jr.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Gregory P. Josefowicz                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify Accountants for 2015.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.      Management     For          Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 26-Jun-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Katherine Klein                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Raymond Kurzweil                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Martine Rothblatt                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Louis Sullivan                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Approval of the United Therapeutics Corporation
       2015 Stock Incentive Plan.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As United Therapeutics Corporation's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                               Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 30-Apr-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Jerry D. Choate               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Joseph W. Gorder              Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Deborah P. Majoras            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Donald L. Nickles             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Philip J. Pfeiffer            Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Robert A. Profusek            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Susan Kaufman Purcell         Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Stephen M. Waters             Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Randall J. Weisenburger       Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Rayford Wilkins, Jr.          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of KPMG LLP As Valero
       Energy's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for 2015.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approve, by Non-binding Vote, the 2014 Compensation
       of our Named Executive Officers.                  Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Vote on A Stockholder Proposal Entitled,
       "greenhouse Gas Emissions."                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: D. James Bidzos               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: William L. Chenevich          Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Kathleen A. Cote              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Jamie S. Gorelick             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Roger H. Moore                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Louis A. Simpson              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Timothy Tomlinson             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve Verisign, Inc.'s Annual Incentive
       Compensation Plan.                                Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, on A Non-binding, Advisory Basis,
       Verisign, Inc.'s Executive Compensation.          Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  To Ratify the Selection of KPMG LLP As Verisign,
       Inc.'s Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Year Ending December 31, 2015.       Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Vote, on an Advisory Basis, on A Stockholder
       Proposal, If Properly Presented at the Meeting,
       Requesting That the Board Take Steps to Permit
       Stockholder Action by Written Consent.            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK/GARGOYLE HEDGED VALUE FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 92343V104 TICKER: VZ
 Meeting Date: 07-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Shellye L. Archambeau         Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Mark T. Bertolini             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Richard L. Carrion            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Melanie L. Healey             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: M. Frances Keeth              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Lowell C. Mcadam              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Donald T. Nicolaisen          Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Clarence Otis, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Rodney E. Slater              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Kathryn A. Tesija             Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Gregory D. Wasson             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Appointment of Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm                 Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation     Management     For          Voted - Against
 4.  Network Neutrality Report                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Political Spending Report                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Severance Approval Policy                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  Stock Retention Policy                              Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8.  Shareholder Action by Written Consent               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 928298108 TICKER: VSH
 Meeting Date: 19-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Marc Zandman                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Ruta Zandman                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Ziv Shoshani                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       Vishay's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Year Ending December 31, 2015.       Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 959319104 TICKER: WNR
 Meeting Date: 02-Jun-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Carin Marcy Barth                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Sigmund L. Cornelius                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Paul L. Foster                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: L. Frederick Francis                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Robert J. Hassler                         Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.6 Director: Brian J. Hogan                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Scott D. Weaver                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       the Company's Independent Auditors for Fiscal Year
       2015.                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of the Amended and Restated 2010 Incentive
       Plan of Western Refining, Inc. for Purposes of
       Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.       Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 978097103 TICKER: WWW
 Meeting Date: 22-Apr-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Roxane Divol                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Joseph R. Gromek                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Brenda J. Lauderback                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year 2015.              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Resolution Approving Compensation for
       the Company's Named Executive Officers.            Management     For          Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 984332106 TICKER: YHOO
 Meeting Date: 24-Jun-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: David Filo                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Susan M. James                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Max R. Levchin                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Marissa A. Mayer               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Thomas J. Mcinerney            Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Charles R. Schwab              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: H. Lee Scott, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Jane E. Shaw, Ph.D.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Maynard G. Webb, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Company's
       Executive Compensation.                            Management     For          Voted - Against
 3.  Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Shareholder Proposal Regarding A Board Committee on
       Human Rights, If Properly Presented at the Annual
       Meeting.                                           Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Shareholder Proposal Regarding A Right to Act by
       Written Consent, If Properly Presented at the
       Annual Meeting.                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 008252108 TICKER: AMG
 Meeting Date: 15-Jun-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Samuel T. Byrne                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Dwight D. Churchill            Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Glenn Earle                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Niall Ferguson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Sean M. Healey                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Tracy P. Palandjian            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Patrick T. Ryan                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Jide J. Zeitlin                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by A Non-binding Advisory Vote, the
       Compensation of the Company's Named Executive
       Officers.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Re-approve the Material Terms of the Performance
       Measures Included in the Company's Executive
       Incentive Plan, As Amended and Restated, for
       Purposes of Complying with the Requirements of
       Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Current Fiscal Year.       Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 018581108 TICKER: ADS
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Bruce K. Anderson              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Roger H. Ballou                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: D. Keith Cobb                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: E. Linn Draper, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: Edward J. Heffernan            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Election of Director: Kenneth R. Jensen              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: Robert A. Minicucci            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: Laurie A. Tucker               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation.         Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of 2015 Omnibus Incentive Plan.             Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of 2015 Employee Stock Purchase Program.    Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Ratify the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       of Alliance Data Systems Corporation for 2015.     Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding Proxy Access.         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 025816109 TICKER: AXP
 Meeting Date: 11-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Charlene Barshefsky           Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Ursula Burns                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Kenneth Chenault              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Peter Chernin                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Anne Lauvergeon               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Michael Leavitt               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Theodore Leonsis              Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Richard Levin                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Samuel Palmisano              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Daniel Vasella                Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Robert Walter                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Ronald Williams               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As our Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2015.       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
       Compensation.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Annual Disclosure
       of Eeo-1 Data.                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Report on Privacy,
       Data Security and Government Requests.            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Action by Written
       Consent.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Lobbying
       Disclosure.                                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Independent Board
       Chairman.                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Raymond P. Dolan              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Carolyn F. Katz               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Gustavo Lara Cantu            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Craig Macnab                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Joann A. Reed                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Pamela D.a. Reeve             Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David E. Sharbutt             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: James D. Taiclet, Jr.         Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Samme L. Thompson             Management     For          Voted - For

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Executive Compensation                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 037833100 TICKER: AAPL
 Meeting Date: 10-Mar-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Tim Cook                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Al Gore                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Bob Iger                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Andrea Jung                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Art Levinson                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ron Sugar                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Sue Wagner                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
       Compensation                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  The Amendment of the Apple Inc. Employee Stock
       Purchase Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  A Shareholder Proposal by the National Center for
       Public Policy Research Entitled "risk Report"      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  A Shareholder Proposal by Mr. James Mcritchie and
       Mr. John Harrington Entitled "proxy Access for
       Shareholders"                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 127097103 TICKER: COG
 Meeting Date: 23-Apr-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Rhys J. Best                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Dan O. Dinges                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: James R. Gibbs                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert L. Keiser               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Robert Kelley                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: W. Matt Ralls                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of the Firm
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Company
       for Its 2015 Fiscal Year.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, by Non-binding Advisory Vote, the
       Compensation of our Named Executive Officers.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Consider A Shareholder Proposal to Provide A
       Report on the Company's Political Contributions.   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                                RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 5.  To Consider A Shareholder Proposal to Adopt A
       "proxy Access" Bylaw.                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Terrence A. Duffy             Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Phupinder S. Gill             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Timothy S. Bitsberger         Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Charles P. Carey              Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Dennis H. Chookaszian         Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ana Dutra                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Martin J. Gepsman             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Larry G. Gerdes               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Daniel R. Glickman            Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: J. Dennis Hastert             Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Leo Melamed                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: William P. Miller II          Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: James E. Oliff                Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Edemir Pinto                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Alex J. Pollock               Management     For          Voted - For
 1P. Election of Director: John F. Sandner               Management     For          Voted - For
 1Q. Election of Director: Terry L. Savage               Management     For          Voted - For
 1R. Election of Director: William R. Shepard            Management     For          Voted - For
 1S. Election of Director: Dennis A. Suskind             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young As
       our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       for 2015.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote on the Compensation of our Named
       Executive Officers.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of an Amendment to
       our Tenth Amended and Restated Bylaws to Adopt
       Delaware As the Exclusive Forum for Certain Legal
       Actions.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 256746108 TICKER: DLTR
 Meeting Date: 18-Jun-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Arnold S. Barron              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Macon F. Brock, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Mary Anne Citrino             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: H. Ray Compton                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Conrad M. Hall                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Lemuel E. Lewis               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: J. Douglas Perry              Management     For          Voted - For

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1H.  Election of Director: Bob Sasser                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Thomas A. Saunders III         Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Thomas E. Whiddon              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K.  Election of Director: Carl P. Zeithaml               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
        of the Company's Named Executive Officers          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Ratify the Selection of KPMG As the Company's
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Approve the Company's 2015 Employee Stock
        Purchase Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 25675T107
 Meeting Date: 10-Jun-15 Meeting Type: Agm
      Please Note That Shareholders are Allowed to Vote
        in Favor' Or 'abstain' Only for Resolution Numbers
        "1.1 to 1.10 and 2". Thank You                     Non-Voting                  Non-Voting
 1.1  Election of Director: Joshua Bekenstein              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Election of Director: Gregory David                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Election of Director: Elisa D. Garcia C              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Election of Director: Stephen Gunn                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Election of Director: Nicholas Nomicos               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Election of Director: Larry Rossy                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Election of Director: Neil Rossy                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Election of Director: Richard Roy                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Election of Director: John J. Swidler                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Election of Director: Huw Thomas                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2    Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP,
        Chartered Professional Accountants, As Auditor of
        the Corporation for the Ensuing Year and
        Authorizing the Directors to Fix Its Remuneration  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 278642103 TICKER: EBAY
 Meeting Date: 01-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Fred D. Anderson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Anthony J. Bates               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Edward W. Barnholt             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Jonathan Christodoro           Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Scott D. Cook                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: John J. Donahoe                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: David W. Dorman                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Bonnie S. Hammer               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Gail J. Mcgovern               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Kathleen C. Mitic              Management     For          Voted - For

                                RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1K. Election of Director: David M. Moffett                Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Pierre M. Omidyar               Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Thomas J. Tierney               Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Perry M. Traquina               Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Frank D. Yeary                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of our Named Executive Officers.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Material Terms, Including the
       Performance Goals, of the Amendment and Restatement
       of the Ebay Incentive Plan.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As our Independent Auditors for our Fiscal Year
       Ending December 31, 2015.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Consider A Stockholder Proposal Regarding
       Stockholder Action by Written Consent Without A
       Meeting, If Properly Presented Before the Meeting.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  To Consider A Stockholder Proposal Regarding
       Stockholder Proxy Access, If Properly Presented
       Before the Meeting.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  To Consider A Stockholder Proposal Regarding Gender
       Pay, If Properly Presented Before the Meeting.      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 278865100 TICKER: ECL
 Meeting Date: 07-May-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1A  Election of Director: Douglas M. Baker, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1B  Election of Director: Barbara J. Beck                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C  Election of Director: Leslie S. Biller                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D  Election of Director: Carl M. Casale                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E  Election of Director: Stephen I. Chazen               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F  Election of Director: Jeffrey M. Ettinger             Management     For          Voted - For
 1G  Election of Director: Jerry A. Grundhofer             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H  Election of Director: Arthur J. Higgins               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I  Election of Director: Joel W. Johnson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1J  Election of Director: Michael Larson                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1K  Election of Director: Jerry W. Levin                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1L  Election of Director: Robert L. Lumpkins              Management     For          Voted - For
 1M  Election of Director: Tracy B. Mckibben               Management     For          Voted - For
 1N  Election of Director: Victoria J. Reich               Management     For          Voted - For
 1O  Election of Director: Suzanne M. Vautrinot            Management     For          Voted - For
 1P  Election of Director: John J. Zillmer                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for the Current Year Ending December 31, 2015. Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of
       Executives Disclosed in the Proxy Statement.        Management     For          Voted - For
 4   Stockholder Proposal Requesting an Independent
       Board Chair.                                        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                                  RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 30-Apr-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Janet F. Clark                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Charles R. Crisp                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: James C. Day                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: H. Leighton Steward             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Donald F. Textor                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: William R. Thomas               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Frank G. Wisner                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment by the Audit Committee of
       the Board of Directors of Deloitte & Touche LLP,
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, As
       Auditors for the Company for the Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, the Compensation
       of the Company's Named Executive Officers.          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Stockholder Proposal Concerning Proxy Access, If
       Properly Presented.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Stockholder Proposal Concerning A Methane Emissions
       Report, If Properly Presented.                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 27-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Thomas Bartlett                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Gary Hromadko                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Scott Kriens                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: William Luby                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Irving Lyons, III                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Christopher Paisley                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Stephen Smith                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Peter Van Camp                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve by A Non-binding Advisory Vote the
       Compensation of the Company's Named Executive
       Officers.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December
       31, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For

                                    RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 30303M102 TICKER: FB
 Meeting Date: 11-Jun-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Marc L. Andreessen                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Erskine B. Bowles                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: S.d. Desmond-hellmann                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Reed Hastings                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Jan Koum                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Sheryl K. Sandberg                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Peter A. Thiel                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Mark Zuckerberg                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
        Facebook, Inc.'s Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Re-approve the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, As
        Amended, Section 162(m) Limits of our 2012 Equity
        Incentive Plan to Preserve our Ability to Receive
        Corporate Income Tax Deductions That May Become
        Available Pursuant to Section 162(m)                Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding Change in
        Stockholder Voting                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding an Annual
        Sustainability Report                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Human Rights
        Risk Assessment                                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Larry Page                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Sergey Brin                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Eric E. Schmidt                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: L. John Doerr                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Diane B. Greene                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: John L. Hennessy                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Ann Mather                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Alan R. Mulally                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Paul S. Otellini                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: K. Ram Shriram                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Shirley M. Tilghman                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2    The Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst &
        Young LLP As Google's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For

                                RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3   The Approval of an Amendment to Google's 2012 Stock
       Plan to Increase the Share Reserve by 17,000,000
       Shares of Class C Capital Stock.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 4   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding Equal Shareholder
       Voting, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Lobbying Report,
       If Properly Presented at the Meeting.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding the Adoption of A
       Majority Vote Standard for the Election of
       Directors, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Report on
       Renewable Energy Cost, If Properly Presented at the
       Meeting.                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8   A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Report on
       Business Risk Related to Climate Change
       Regulations, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 15-May-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Charles R. Crisp                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Jean-marc Forneri               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Fred W. Hatfield                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Terrence F. Martell             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Sir Callum Mccarthy             Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Sir Robert Reid                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Frederic V. Salerno             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Jeffrey C. Sprecher             Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Judith A. Sprieser              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Vincent Tese                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, the Advisory
       Resolution on Executive Compensation for Named
       Executive Officers.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Adoption of our Second Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation, Which
       Deletes Provisions No Longer Applicable to Us
       Following our Sale of Euronext.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 23-Apr-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Craig H. Barratt, Ph.D.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Gary S. Guthart, Ph.D.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Eric H. Halvorson                           Management     For          Voted - For

                                  RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.4 Director: Amal M. Johnson                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Alan J. Levy, Ph.D.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Mark J. Rubash                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Lonnie M. Smith                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: George Stalk Jr.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by Advisory Vote, the Compensation of
       our Named Executive Officers.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  The Ratification of Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("pwc") As the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015.            Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Amendment and Restatement of the
       Intuitive Surgical, Inc. 2010 Incentive Award Plan.  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 517834107 TICKER: LVS
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Jason N. Ader                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Micheline Chau                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Michael A. Leven                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: David F. Levi                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte & Touche
       Llc As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer
       Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 57636Q104 TICKER: MA
 Meeting Date: 09-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Richard Haythornthwaite          Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Ajay Banga                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Silvio Barzi                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: David R. Carlucci                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Steven J. Freiberg               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Julius Genachowski               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Merit E. Janow                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Nancy J. Karch                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Marc Olivie                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Rima Qureshi                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Jose Octavio Reyes Lagunes       Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Jackson P. Tai                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Edward Suning Tian               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Approval of the Company's Executive
       Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - For

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3.  Approval of the Amended and Restated Senior
       Executive Annual Incentive Compensation Plan        Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Company
       for 2015                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 585464100 TICKER: MPEL
 Meeting Date: 25-Mar-15 Meeting Type: Special
 O1. To Approve the Voluntary Withdrawal of the Listing
       of the Company's Ordinary Shares on the Main Board
       of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the
       "proposed De-listing"), and Upon Approval by the
       Shareholders of the Company in Accordance with Rule
       6.11 of the Rules Governing the Listing of
       Securities on the Stock Exchange, Authorize Any
       Director and Officer of the Company, Including the
       Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer,
       Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary
       (collectively (due to Space Limits, See Proxy
       Material for Full Proposal)                         Management     For          Voted - For
 S2. To Amend and Restate the Memorandum and Articles of
       Association of the Company by the Deletion of the
       Existing Memorandum and Articles of Association in
       Their Entirety and the Substitution in Their Place
       of the Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles
       of Association As Set Out in Appendix II to the
       Company's Circular Dated March 4, 2015, Conditional
       on and with Effect from the Proposed De- Listing
       Becoming Effective, and Authorize Any One
       Authorized Representative to Execute Such (due
       to Space Limits, See Proxy Material for Full
       Proposal)                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1.  To Ratify the Annual Report on Form 20-f Filed with
       the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and to
       Receive and Adopt the Audited Consolidated
       Financial Statements and the Directors' and
       Auditors' Reports, for the Year Ended December 31,
       2014.                                               Management     For          Take No Action
 2A. To Re-elect Mr. Lawrence Yau Lung Ho As the
       Executive Director of the Company.                  Management     For          Take No Action
 2B. To Re-elect Mr. James Douglas Packer As A
       Non-executive Director of the Company.              Management     For          Take No Action
 2C. To Re-elect Mr. John Peter Ben Wang As A
       Non-executive Director of the Company.              Management     For          Take No Action
 3.  To Appoint Mr. Robert Rankin As A Non-executive
       Director of the Company.                            Management     For          Take No Action

                                          RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
4.  To Authorize the Board of Directors of the Company
      (the "directors") to Fix the Remuneration of Each
      Director.                                           Management     For          Take No Action
5.  To Ratify the Appointment of and Re-appoint the
      Independent Auditors of the Company, Deloitte
      Touche Tohmatsu, and to Authorize the Directors to
      Fix Their Remuneration.                             Management     For          Take No Action
6.  To Grant A General and Unconditional Mandate to the
      Directors to Issue New Shares of the Company Not
      Exceeding 20% of the Issued Share Capital of the
      Company As at the Date of Passing This Resolution,
      Valid for A Period Commencing from This Resolution
      Date Until the Earliest of (i) the Conclusion of
      the Next Annual General Meeting; (ii) the
      Expiration of the Period Within Which the Next
      Annual General Meeting is Required to be Held by
      Articles, Cayman Islands Laws Or Any Other
      Applicable Law; and (due to Space Limits, See
      Proxy Material for Full Proposal)                   Management     For          Take No Action
7A. To Grant A General and Unconditional Mandate to the
      Directors to Repurchase Shares of the Company Not
      Exceeding 10% of the Issued Share Capital of the
      Company As at the Date of Passing This Resolution,
      Valid for A Period Commencing from This Resolution
      Date Until the Earliest of (i) the Relevant Period;
      and (ii) the Effective Date and Time of the
      Proposed Voluntary Withdrawal of the Listing of the
      Company's Shares on the Main Board of the Stock
      Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "proposed
      De-listing").                                       Management     For          Take No Action
7B. To Grant A General and Unconditional Mandate to the
      Directors to Repurchase Shares of the Company,
      Valid for A Period Immediately Following the
      Effective Date and Time of the Proposed De-listing
      Until the End of the Relevant Period.               Management     For          Take No Action
8.  To Extend the General Mandate Granted to the
      Directors to Issue New Shares of the Company Under
      Resolution No. 6 by the Aggregate Nominal Amount of
      Shares Repurchased by the Company Pursuant to the
      General Mandates Granted to the Directors to
      Repurchase Shares of the Company Under Resolutions
      7a and 7b.                                          Management     For          Take No Action
9.  To (a) Approve Certain Amendments to the Company's
      2011 Share Incentive Plan, Including Removing
      References To, and Provisions Required by Hong Kong
      Laws and the Rules Governing the Listing of
      Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
      Limited (the "listing Rules"), Adding
      Clarifications and Modifying and Updating Certain
      Provisions, to be Implemented As of the Effective
      Date and Time of the Proposed De-listing, and (b)
      Authorize Any One Director and Officer of the
      Company, Including (due to Space Limits, See
      Proxy Material for Full Proposal)                   Management     For          Take No Action

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 10. To (a) Approve Certain Amendments to the Share
       Incentive Plan of Melco Crown (philippines) Resorts
       Corporation ("mcp"), Including Removing References
       to Hong Kong Laws and Listing Rules, Adding
       Clarifications and Modifying and Updating Certain
       Provisions, to be Implemented Upon the Occurrence
       of the Following Events: (i) the Effective Date and
       Time of the Proposed De-listing; (ii) the Passing
       of the Necessary Resolutions by the Directors and
       Shareholders of Mcp; and (iii) the Philippine
       Securities and (due to Space Limits, See Proxy
       Material for Full Proposal)                         Management     For          Take No Action
 Meeting Date: 30-Jan-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Gregory H. Boyce                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Janice L. Fields                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Hugh Grant                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Laura K. Ipsen                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Marcos M. Lutz                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: C. Steven Mcmillan              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: William U. Parfet               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: George H. Poste, Ph.D., D.v.m.  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Robert J. Stevens               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       for Fiscal 2015.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory (non-binding) Vote to Approve Executive
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Shareowner Proposal: Lobbying Report.                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Shareowner Proposal: Shareowner Proxy Access.         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Shareowner Proposal: Independent Board Chairman.      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 04-Nov-14 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Laurie Brlas                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Gary M. Cohen                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Jacqualyn A. Fouse              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: David T. Gibbons                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Ran Gottfried                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ellen R. Hoffing                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Michael J. Jandernoa            Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Gary K. Kunkle, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1I. Election of Director: Herman Morris, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Donal O'connor                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Joseph C. Papa                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As our
       Independent Auditors for Fiscal Year 2015           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Vote to Approve the Company's Executive
       Compensation                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Authorize Perrigo Company PLC And/or Any Subsidiary
       of Perrigo Company PLC to Make Market Purchases of
       Perrigo Company PLC's Ordinary Shares               Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Determine the Reissue Price Range for Perrigo
       Company PLC Treasury Shares                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Approve the Creation of Distributable Reserves by
       Reducing Some Or All of Perrigo Company PLC's Share
       Premium                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 74005P104 TICKER: PX
 Meeting Date: 28-Apr-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Stephen F. Angel                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Oscar Bernardes                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Nance K. Dicciani               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Edward G. Galante               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Ira D. Hall                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Raymond W. Leboeuf              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Larry D. Mcvay                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Denise L. Ramos                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Wayne T. Smith                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Robert L. Wood                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory and Non-binding Basis,
       the Compensation of Praxair's Named Executive
       Officers As Disclosed in the 2015 Proxy Statement   Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Shareholder Proposal Regarding an Independent Board
       Chairman                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of the Independent Auditor  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 740189105 TICKER: PCP
 Meeting Date: 12-Aug-14 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Mark Donegan                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Don R. Graber                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Lester L. Lyles                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Daniel J. Murphy                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Vernon E. Oechsle               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ulrich Schmidt                  Management     For          Voted - For

                                RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1G. Election of Director: Richard L. Wambold             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Timothy A. Wicks               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Appointment of Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote Regarding Compensation of Named
       Executive Officers.                                Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Shareholder Proposal Regarding Accelerated Vesting
       of Equity Awards Upon A Change in Control.         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 747525103 TICKER: QCOM
 Meeting Date: 09-Mar-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Barbara T. Alexander           Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Donald G. Cruickshank          Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Raymond V. Dittamore           Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Susan Hockfield                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Thomas W. Horton               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Paul E. Jacobs                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Sherry Lansing                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Harish Manwani                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Steven M. Mollenkopf           Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Duane A. Nelles                Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Clark T. Randt, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Francisco Ros                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Jonathan J. Rubinstein         Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Brent Scowcroft                Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Marc I. Stern                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As our Independent Public Accountants for our
       Fiscal Year Ending September 27, 2015.             Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve an Amendment to the 2001 Employee Stock
       Purchase Plan to Increase the Share Reserve by
       25,000,000 Shares.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Advisory Vote to Approve our Executive Compensation. Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 01-May-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Marc E. Becker                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Richard A. Smith                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Michael J. Williams                        Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Advisory Vote to Approve Realogy Holdings Executive
       Compensation Program.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to Serve As our

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       Fiscal Year 2015.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director for A Three- Year Term
       Expiring at the 2018 Annual Meeting: Brian C. Carr   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director for A Three- Year Term
       Expiring at the 2018 Annual Meeting: Mary S. Chan    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director for A Three- Year Term
       Expiring at the 2018 Annual Meeting: George R.
       Krouse, Jr.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As Sba's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the 2015 Fiscal Year.            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
       of Sba's Named Executive Officers.                   Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of Sba's Proposal Regarding Proxy Access.     Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Vote on Shareholder Proposal Regarding Proxy
       Access, If Properly Presented at the Annual Meeting. Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 806857108 TICKER: SLB
 Meeting Date: 08-Apr-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Peter L.s. Currie                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: K. Vaman Kamath                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: V. Maureen Kempston Darkes       Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Paal Kibsgaard                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Nikolay Kudryavtsev              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Michael E. Marks                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Indra K. Nooyi                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Lubna S. Olayan                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Leo Rafael Reif                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Tore I. Sandvold                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Henri Seydoux                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Executive Compensation.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Company's 2014 Financial Statements
       and the Board's 2014 Declarations of Dividends.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                                Management     For          Voted - For

                                  RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 845467109 TICKER: SWN
 Meeting Date: 19-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: John D. Gass                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Catherine A. Kehr              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Greg D. Kerley                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: Vello A. Kuuskraa              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: Kenneth R. Mourton             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Election of Director: Steven L. Mueller              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: Elliott Pew                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: Terry W. Rathert               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Election of Director: Alan H. Stevens                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Proposal to Ratify Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve our Executive Compensation. Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Proposal from Stockholder Regarding Special
       Meetings.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Proposal from Stockholder Regarding Proxy Access.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 855244109 TICKER: SBUX
 Meeting Date: 18-Mar-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Howard Schultz                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: William W. Bradley             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Robert M. Gates                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Mellody Hobson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Kevin R. Johnson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Olden Lee                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Joshua Cooper Ramo             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: James G. Shennan, Jr.          Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Clara Shih                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Javier G. Teruel               Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Myron E. Ullman, III           Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Craig E. Weatherup             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Resolution to Approve our Executive
       Compensation.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ratification of Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP
       As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for Fiscal 2015.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Establish A Board Committee on Sustainability.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Require an Independent Board Chairman.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against


 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 12-Feb-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: W. Edmund Clark                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Karen E. Maidment                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Mark L. Mitchell                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Fredric J. Tomczyk                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation.             Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending
       September 30, 2015.                                Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 808513105 TICKER: SCHW
 Meeting Date: 13-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Nancy H. Bechtle               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Walter W. Bettinger II         Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: C. Preston Butcher             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Christopher V. Dodds           Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Mark A. Goldfarb               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Independent Auditors                 Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Approval of Named Executive Officer
       Compensation                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of Corporate Executive Bonus Plan           Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Stockholder Proposal on Political Contributions      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Stockholder Proposal on Lobbying Payments            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  Stockholder Proposal on Annual Disclosure of Eeo-1
       Data                                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8.  Stockholder Proposal on Accelerated Vesting Upon
       Change in Control                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 9.  Stockholder Proposal on Vote Tabulation              Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 741503403 TICKER: PCLN
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Timothy M. Armstrong                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Howard W. Barker, Jr.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Jeffery H. Boyd                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Jan L. Docter                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Jeffrey E. Epstein                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: James M. Guyette                           Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.7  Director: Darren R. Huston                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Charles H. Noski                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Nancy B. Peretsman                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Thomas E. Rothman                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Craig W. Rydin                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Ratify the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
        the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
        of the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Approve on an Advisory Basis the Compensation
        Paid by the Company to Its Named Executive Officers. Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Consider and Vote Upon A Non- Binding
        Stockholder Proposal Concerning Stockholder Action
        by Written Consent.                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   To Consider and Vote Upon A Non- Binding
        Stockholder Proposal Concerning Proxy Access.        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 254687106 TICKER: DIS
 Meeting Date: 12-Mar-15    Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Susan E. Arnold                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: John S. Chen                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Jack Dorsey                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Robert A. Iger                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Fred H. Langhammer               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Aylwin B. Lewis                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Monica C. Lozano                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Robert W. Matschullat            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Sheryl K. Sandberg               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Orin C. Smith                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
        LLP As the Company's Registered Public Accountants
        for 2015.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Approve the Advisory Resolution on Executive
        Compensation.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Approve the Shareholder Proposal Relating to
        Independent Board Chairman.                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   To Approve the Shareholder Proposal Relating to
        Acceleration of Executive Pay.                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 896239100 TICKER: TRMB
 Meeting Date: 07-May-15    Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Steven W. Berglund                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Merit E. Janow                               Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.3 Director: Ulf J. Johansson                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Ronald S. Nersesian                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Mark S. Peek                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Nickolas W. Vande Steeg                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Borje Ekholm                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Kaigham (ken) Gabriel                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Re-approve the Material Terms of the Performance
       Goals Applicable to Stock Awards Under the
       Company's Amended and Restated 2002 Stock Plan That
       are Intended to Qualify As Performance-based
       Compensation Under Section 162(m) of the Internal
       Revenue Code.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Hold an Advisory Vote on Approving the
       Compensation for our Named Executive Officers.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       the Independent Auditor of the Company for the
       Fiscal Year Ending January 1, 2016.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 92826C839 TICKER: V
 Meeting Date: 28-Jan-15    Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Mary B. Cranston                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Francisco Javier
       Fernandez-carbajal                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Alfred F. Kelly, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert W. Matschullat           Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Cathy E. Minehan                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Suzanne Nora Johnson            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David J. Pang                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Charles W. Scharf               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: William S. Shanahan             Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: John A.c. Swainson              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Maynard G. Webb, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation to Facilitate
       Stock Splits.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
       Paid to the Company's Named Executive Officers.     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of the Visa Inc. Employee Stock Purchase
       Plan.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 5A. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Exiting our Core Payment Business                   Management     For          Voted - For
 5B. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All

                              RIVERPARK LARGE GROWTH FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Future Amendments to Sections of the Certificate of
       Incorporation                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5C. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Approval of Exceptions to Transfer Restrictions     Management     For          Voted - For
 5D. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Removal of Directors from Office                    Management     For          Voted - For
 5E. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Future Amendments to the Advance Notice Provisions
       in the By-laws                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP As the
       Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for Fiscal Year 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 983134107 TICKER: WYNN
 Meeting Date: 24-Apr-15 Meeting Type: Contested Annual
 1.1 Director: Elaine P. Wynn                              Management     Unknown      Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Mgt Nom: J. E. Virtue                       Management     Unknown      Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015.                           Management     Unknown      Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Articles Amendment to Provide the
       Company with Additional Flexibility in Making
       Distributions to Its Stockholders.                  Management     Unknown      Voted - For
 4.  To Vote on A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A
       Political Contributions Report, If Properly
       Presented at the Annual Meeting.                    Shareholder    Unknown      Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 008252108 TICKER: AMG
 Meeting Date: 15-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Samuel T. Byrne                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Dwight D. Churchill            Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Glenn Earle                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Niall Ferguson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Sean M. Healey                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Tracy P. Palandjian            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Patrick T. Ryan                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Jide J. Zeitlin                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by A Non-binding Advisory Vote, the
       Compensation of the Company's Named Executive
       Officers.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Re-approve the Material Terms of the Performance
       Measures Included in the Company's Executive
       Incentive Plan, As Amended and Restated, for
       Purposes of Complying with the Requirements of
       Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Current Fiscal Year.       Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 018581108 TICKER: ADS
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: Bruce K. Anderson              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Roger H. Ballou                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: D. Keith Cobb                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: E. Linn Draper, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: Edward J. Heffernan            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Election of Director: Kenneth R. Jensen              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: Robert A. Minicucci            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: Laurie A. Tucker               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation.         Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of 2015 Omnibus Incentive Plan.             Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of 2015 Employee Stock Purchase Program.    Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Ratify the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       of Alliance Data Systems Corporation for 2015.     Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding Proxy Access.         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 025816109 TICKER: AXP
 Meeting Date: 11-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Charlene Barshefsky           Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Ursula Burns                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Kenneth Chenault              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Peter Chernin                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Anne Lauvergeon               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Michael Leavitt               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Theodore Leonsis              Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Richard Levin                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Samuel Palmisano              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Daniel Vasella                Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Robert Walter                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Ronald Williams               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As our Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2015.       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
       Compensation.                                     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Annual Disclosure
       of Eeo-1 Data.                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Report on Privacy,
       Data Security and Government Requests.            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Action by Written
       Consent.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Lobbying
       Disclosure.                                       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8.  Shareholder Proposal Relating to Independent Board
       Chairman.                                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Raymond P. Dolan              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Carolyn F. Katz               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Gustavo Lara Cantu            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Craig Macnab                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Joann A. Reed                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Pamela D.a. Reeve             Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David E. Sharbutt             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: James D. Taiclet, Jr.         Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Samme L. Thompson             Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Executive Compensation                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 037833100 TICKER: AAPL
 Meeting Date: 10-Mar-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Tim Cook                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Al Gore                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Bob Iger                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Andrea Jung                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Art Levinson                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ron Sugar                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Sue Wagner                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
       Compensation                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  The Amendment of the Apple Inc. Employee Stock
       Purchase Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  A Shareholder Proposal by the National Center for
       Public Policy Research Entitled "risk Report"      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  A Shareholder Proposal by Mr. James Mcritchie and
       Mr. John Harrington Entitled "proxy Access for
       Shareholders"                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 127097103 TICKER: COG
 Meeting Date: 23-Apr-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Rhys J. Best                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Dan O. Dinges                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: James R. Gibbs                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert L. Keiser               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Robert Kelley                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: W. Matt Ralls                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of the Firm
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Company
       for Its 2015 Fiscal Year.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, by Non-binding Advisory Vote, the
       Compensation of our Named Executive Officers.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Consider A Shareholder Proposal to Provide A
       Report on the Company's Political Contributions.   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 5.  To Consider A Shareholder Proposal to Adopt A
       "proxy Access" Bylaw.                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Terrence A. Duffy             Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Phupinder S. Gill             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Timothy S. Bitsberger         Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Charles P. Carey              Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Dennis H. Chookaszian         Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ana Dutra                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Martin J. Gepsman             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Larry G. Gerdes               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Daniel R. Glickman            Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: J. Dennis Hastert             Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Leo Melamed                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: William P. Miller II          Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: James E. Oliff                Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Edemir Pinto                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Alex J. Pollock               Management     For          Voted - For
 1P. Election of Director: John F. Sandner               Management     For          Voted - For
 1Q. Election of Director: Terry L. Savage               Management     For          Voted - For
 1R. Election of Director: William R. Shepard            Management     For          Voted - For
 1S. Election of Director: Dennis A. Suskind             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young As
       our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       for 2015.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote on the Compensation of our Named
       Executive Officers.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of an Amendment to
       our Tenth Amended and Restated Bylaws to Adopt
       Delaware As the Exclusive Forum for Certain Legal
       Actions.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 256746108 TICKER: DLTR
 Meeting Date: 18-Jun-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Arnold S. Barron              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Macon F. Brock, Jr.           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Mary Anne Citrino             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: H. Ray Compton                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Conrad M. Hall                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Lemuel E. Lewis               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: J. Douglas Perry              Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1H.  Election of Director: Bob Sasser                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Thomas A. Saunders III         Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Thomas E. Whiddon              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K.  Election of Director: Carl P. Zeithaml               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
        of the Company's Named Executive Officers          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Ratify the Selection of KPMG As the Company's
        Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Approve the Company's 2015 Employee Stock
        Purchase Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 25675T107
 Meeting Date: 10-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Agm
      Please Note That Shareholders are Allowed to Vote
        in Favor' Or 'abstain' Only for Resolution Numbers
        "1.1 to 1.10 and 2". Thank You                     Non-Voting                  Non-Voting
 1.1  Election of Director: Joshua Bekenstein              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Election of Director: Gregory David                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Election of Director: Elisa D. Garcia C              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Election of Director: Stephen Gunn                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Election of Director: Nicholas Nomicos               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Election of Director: Larry Rossy                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Election of Director: Neil Rossy                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Election of Director: Richard Roy                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Election of Director: John J. Swidler                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Election of Director: Huw Thomas                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2    Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP,
        Chartered Professional Accountants, As Auditor of
        the Corporation for the Ensuing Year and
        Authorizing the Directors to Fix Its Remuneration  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 278642103 TICKER: EBAY
 Meeting Date: 01-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Fred D. Anderson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Anthony J. Bates               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Edward W. Barnholt             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Jonathan Christodoro           Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Scott D. Cook                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: John J. Donahoe                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: David W. Dorman                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Bonnie S. Hammer               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Gail J. Mcgovern               Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Kathleen C. Mitic              Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1K. Election of Director: David M. Moffett                Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Pierre M. Omidyar               Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Thomas J. Tierney               Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Perry M. Traquina               Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Frank D. Yeary                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation
       of our Named Executive Officers.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Material Terms, Including the
       Performance Goals, of the Amendment and Restatement
       of the Ebay Incentive Plan.                         Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As our Independent Auditors for our Fiscal Year
       Ending December 31, 2015.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Consider A Stockholder Proposal Regarding
       Stockholder Action by Written Consent Without A
       Meeting, If Properly Presented Before the Meeting.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  To Consider A Stockholder Proposal Regarding
       Stockholder Proxy Access, If Properly Presented
       Before the Meeting.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.  To Consider A Stockholder Proposal Regarding Gender
       Pay, If Properly Presented Before the Meeting.      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 30-Apr-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Janet F. Clark                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Charles R. Crisp                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: James C. Day                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: H. Leighton Steward             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Donald F. Textor                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: William R. Thomas               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Frank G. Wisner                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment by the Audit Committee of
       the Board of Directors of Deloitte & Touche LLP,
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, As
       Auditors for the Company for the Year Ending
       December 31, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, the Compensation
       of the Company's Named Executive Officers.          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Stockholder Proposal Concerning Proxy Access, If
       Properly Presented.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Stockholder Proposal Concerning A Methane Emissions
       Report, If Properly Presented.                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK LONG/SHORT OPPORTUNITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 27-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Thomas Bartlett                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Gary Hromadko                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Scott Kriens                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: William Luby                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Irving Lyons, III                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Christopher Paisley                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Stephen Smith                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Peter Van Camp                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve by A Non-binding Advisory Vote the
       Compensation of the Company's Named Executive
       Officers.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December
       31, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 30303M102 TICKER: FB
 Meeting Date: 11-Jun-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Marc L. Andreessen                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Erskine B. Bowles                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: S.d. Desmond-hellmann                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Reed Hastings                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Jan Koum                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Sheryl K. Sandberg                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Peter A. Thiel                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Mark Zuckerberg                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       Facebook, Inc.'s Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December
       31, 2015                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Re-approve the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, As
       Amended, Section 162(m) Limits of our 2012 Equity
       Incentive Plan to Preserve our Ability to Receive
       Corporate Income Tax Deductions That May Become
       Available Pursuant to Section 162(m)                Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  A Stockholder Proposal Regarding Change in
       Stockholder Voting                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  A Stockholder Proposal Regarding an Annual
       Sustainability Report                               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Human Rights
       Risk Assessment                                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                              RIVERPARK LONG/SHORT OPPORTUNITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Larry Page                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Sergey Brin                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Eric E. Schmidt                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: L. John Doerr                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Diane B. Greene                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: John L. Hennessy                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Ann Mather                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Alan R. Mulally                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Paul S. Otellini                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: K. Ram Shriram                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Shirley M. Tilghman                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2    The Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst &
        Young LLP As Google's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3    The Approval of an Amendment to Google's 2012 Stock
        Plan to Increase the Share Reserve by 17,000,000
        Shares of Class C Capital Stock.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 4    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding Equal Shareholder
        Voting, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Lobbying Report,
        If Properly Presented at the Meeting.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding the Adoption of A
        Majority Vote Standard for the Election of
        Directors, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Report on
        Renewable Energy Cost, If Properly Presented at the
        Meeting.                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Report on
        Business Risk Related to Climate Change
        Regulations, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 01-Jun-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Neil S. Braun                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Eric A. Demirian                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Richard L. Gelfond                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: David W. Leebron                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Michael Lynne                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Michael Macmillan                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: I. Martin Pompadur                          Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.8 Director: Darren D. Throop                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Director: Bradley J. Wechsler                        Management     For          Voted - For
 02  In Respect of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As Auditors of the
       Company and Authorizing the Directors to Fix Their
       Remuneration. Note: Voting Withhold is the
       Equivalent to Voting Abstain.                      Management     For          Voted - For
 03  Advisory Resolution to Approve the Compensation of
       the Named Executive Officers As Disclosed in the
       Accompanying Proxy Circular and Proxy Statement.
       Note: Voting Abstain is the Equivalent to Voting
       Withhold.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 15-May-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Charles R. Crisp               Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Jean-marc Forneri              Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Fred W. Hatfield               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Terrence F. Martell            Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Sir Callum Mccarthy            Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Sir Robert Reid                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Frederic V. Salerno            Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Jeffrey C. Sprecher            Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Judith A. Sprieser             Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Vincent Tese                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, the Advisory
       Resolution on Executive Compensation for Named
       Executive Officers.                                Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Adoption of our Second Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation, Which
       Deletes Provisions No Longer Applicable to Us
       Following our Sale of Euronext.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 23-Apr-15   Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Craig H. Barratt, Ph.D.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Gary S. Guthart, Ph.D.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Eric H. Halvorson                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Amal M. Johnson                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Alan J. Levy, Ph.D.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Mark J. Rubash                             Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.7 Director: Lonnie M. Smith                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: George Stalk Jr.                             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, by Advisory Vote, the Compensation of
       our Named Executive Officers.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  The Ratification of Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("pwc") As the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015.            Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Amendment and Restatement of the
       Intuitive Surgical, Inc. 2010 Incentive Award Plan.  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 517834107 TICKER: LVS
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Jason N. Ader                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Micheline Chau                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Michael A. Leven                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: David F. Levi                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte & Touche
       Llc As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer
       Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 57636Q104 TICKER: MA
 Meeting Date: 09-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Richard Haythornthwaite          Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Ajay Banga                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Silvio Barzi                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: David R. Carlucci                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Steven J. Freiberg               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Julius Genachowski               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Merit E. Janow                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Nancy J. Karch                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Marc Olivie                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Rima Qureshi                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Jose Octavio Reyes Lagunes       Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Jackson P. Tai                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Edward Suning Tian               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Approval of the Company's Executive
       Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of the Amended and Restated Senior
       Executive Annual Incentive Compensation Plan         Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                            PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4.  Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Company
       for 2015                                                       Management    For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 585464100 TICKER: MPEL
 Meeting Date: 25-Mar-15     Meeting Type: Special
 O1. To Approve the Voluntary Withdrawal of the Listing
       of the Company's Ordinary Shares on the Main Board
       of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the
       "proposed De-listing"), and Upon Approval by the
       Shareholders of the Company in Accordance with Rule
       6.11 of the Rules Governing the Listing of
       Securities on the Stock Exchange, Authorize Any
       Director and Officer of the Company, Including the
       Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer,
       Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary
       (collectively (due to Space Limits, See Proxy
       Material for Full Proposal)                                    Management    For          Voted - For
 S2. To Amend and Restate the Memorandum and Articles of
       Association of the Company by the Deletion of the
       Existing Memorandum and Articles of Association in
       Their Entirety and the Substitution in Their Place
       of the Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles
       of Association As Set Out in Appendix II to the
       Company's Circular Dated March 4, 2015, Conditional
       on and with Effect from the Proposed De- Listing
       Becoming Effective, and Authorize Any One
       Authorized Representative to Execute Such    (due
       to Space Limits, See Proxy Material for Full
       Proposal)                                                      Management    For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.  To Ratify the Annual Report on Form 20-f Filed with
       the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and to
       Receive and Adopt the Audited Consolidated
       Financial Statements and the Directors' and
       Auditors' Reports, for the Year Ended December 31,
       2014.                                                          Management    For          Take No Action
 2A. To Re-elect Mr. Lawrence Yau Lung Ho As the
       Executive Director of the Company.                             Management    For          Take No Action
 2B. To Re-elect Mr. James Douglas Packer As A
       Non-executive Director of the Company.                         Management    For          Take No Action
 2C. To Re-elect Mr. John Peter Ben Wang As A
       Non-executive Director of the Company.                         Management    For          Take No Action
 3.  To Appoint Mr. Robert Rankin As A Non-executive
       Director of the Company.                                       Management    For          Take No Action

                                RIVERPARK LONG/SHORT OPPORTUNITY FUND
PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
4.  To Authorize the Board of Directors of the Company
      (the "directors") to Fix the Remuneration of Each
      Director.                                           Management     For          Take No Action
5.  To Ratify the Appointment of and Re-appoint the
      Independent Auditors of the Company, Deloitte
      Touche Tohmatsu, and to Authorize the Directors to
      Fix Their Remuneration.                             Management     For          Take No Action
6.  To Grant A General and Unconditional Mandate to the
      Directors to Issue New Shares of the Company Not
      Exceeding 20% of the Issued Share Capital of the
      Company As at the Date of Passing This Resolution,
      Valid for A Period Commencing from This Resolution
      Date Until the Earliest of (i) the Conclusion of
      the Next Annual General Meeting; (ii) the
      Expiration of the Period Within Which the Next
      Annual General Meeting is Required to be Held by
      Articles, Cayman Islands Laws Or Any Other
      Applicable Law; and (due to Space Limits, See
      Proxy Material for Full Proposal)                   Management     For          Take No Action
7A. To Grant A General and Unconditional Mandate to the
      Directors to Repurchase Shares of the Company Not
      Exceeding 10% of the Issued Share Capital of the
      Company As at the Date of Passing This Resolution,
      Valid for A Period Commencing from This Resolution
      Date Until the Earliest of (i) the Relevant Period;
      and (ii) the Effective Date and Time of the
      Proposed Voluntary Withdrawal of the Listing of the
      Company's Shares on the Main Board of the Stock
      Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "proposed
      De-listing").                                       Management     For          Take No Action
7B. To Grant A General and Unconditional Mandate to the
      Directors to Repurchase Shares of the Company,
      Valid for A Period Immediately Following the
      Effective Date and Time of the Proposed De-listing
      Until the End of the Relevant Period.               Management     For          Take No Action
8.  To Extend the General Mandate Granted to the
      Directors to Issue New Shares of the Company Under
      Resolution No. 6 by the Aggregate Nominal Amount of
      Shares Repurchased by the Company Pursuant to the
      General Mandates Granted to the Directors to
      Repurchase Shares of the Company Under Resolutions
      7a and 7b.                                          Management     For          Take No Action
9.  To (a) Approve Certain Amendments to the Company's
      2011 Share Incentive Plan, Including Removing
      References To, and Provisions Required by Hong Kong
      Laws and the Rules Governing the Listing of
      Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
      Limited (the "listing Rules"), Adding
      Clarifications and Modifying and Updating Certain
      Provisions, to be Implemented As of the Effective
      Date and Time of the Proposed De-listing, and (b)
      Authorize Any One Director and Officer of the
      Company, Including (due to Space Limits, See
      Proxy Material for Full Proposal)                   Management     For          Take No Action

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 10. To (a) Approve Certain Amendments to the Share
       Incentive Plan of Melco Crown (philippines) Resorts
       Corporation ("mcp"), Including Removing References
       to Hong Kong Laws and Listing Rules, Adding
       Clarifications and Modifying and Updating Certain
       Provisions, to be Implemented Upon the Occurrence
       of the Following Events: (i) the Effective Date and
       Time of the Proposed De-listing; (ii) the Passing
       of the Necessary Resolutions by the Directors and
       Shareholders of Mcp; and (iii) the Philippine
       Securities and (due to Space Limits, See Proxy
       Material for Full Proposal)                         Management     For          Take No Action
 Meeting Date: 30-Jan-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Gregory H. Boyce                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Janice L. Fields                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Hugh Grant                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Laura K. Ipsen                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Marcos M. Lutz                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: C. Steven Mcmillan              Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: William U. Parfet               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: George H. Poste, Ph.D., D.v.m.  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Robert J. Stevens               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
       our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       for Fiscal 2015.                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory (non-binding) Vote to Approve Executive
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Shareowner Proposal: Lobbying Report.                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Shareowner Proposal: Shareowner Proxy Access.         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.  Shareowner Proposal: Independent Board Chairman.      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 04-Nov-14     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Laurie Brlas                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Gary M. Cohen                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Jacqualyn A. Fouse              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: David T. Gibbons                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Ran Gottfried                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ellen R. Hoffing                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Michael J. Jandernoa            Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Gary K. Kunkle, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1I. Election of Director: Herman Morris, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Donal O'connor                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Joseph C. Papa                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As our
       Independent Auditors for Fiscal Year 2015           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Vote to Approve the Company's Executive
       Compensation                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Authorize Perrigo Company PLC And/or Any Subsidiary
       of Perrigo Company PLC to Make Market Purchases of
       Perrigo Company PLC's Ordinary Shares               Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Determine the Reissue Price Range for Perrigo
       Company PLC Treasury Shares                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Approve the Creation of Distributable Reserves by
       Reducing Some Or All of Perrigo Company PLC's Share
       Premium                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 747525103 TICKER: QCOM
 Meeting Date: 09-Mar-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Barbara T. Alexander            Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Donald G. Cruickshank           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Raymond V. Dittamore            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Susan Hockfield                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Thomas W. Horton                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Paul E. Jacobs                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Sherry Lansing                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Harish Manwani                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Steven M. Mollenkopf            Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Duane A. Nelles                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Clark T. Randt, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Francisco Ros                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Jonathan J. Rubinstein          Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Brent Scowcroft                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Marc I. Stern                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As our Independent Public Accountants for our
       Fiscal Year Ending September 27, 2015.              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve an Amendment to the 2001 Employee Stock
       Purchase Plan to Increase the Share Reserve by
       25,000,000 Shares.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Advisory Vote to Approve our Executive Compensation.  Management     For          Voted - For

                             RIVERPARK LONG/SHORT OPPORTUNITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 01-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Marc E. Becker                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Richard A. Smith                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Michael J. Williams                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Advisory Vote to Approve Realogy Holdings Executive
       Compensation Program.                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to Serve As our
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       Fiscal Year 2015.                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 760174102 TICKER: RENT
 Meeting Date: 13-Aug-14         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: David Boylan                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: William Engel                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Patricia Gottesman                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: William Livek                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Anne Macdonald                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Martin O'connor                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Brent Rosenthal                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Ralph Shaw                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Grant Thornton LLP As
       Rentrak's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approve Amendment to Article III of Rentrak
       Corporation's Restated Articles of Incorporation to
       Increase the Number of Authorized Shares of Common
       Stock from 30,000,000 to 75,000,000.                Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approve Amendment to Rentrak Corporation's 2011
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan to Increase the Number
       of Shares of Common Stock Available for Issuance
       Under the Plan by 100,000 Shares.                   Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation of
       Rentrak's Named Executive Officers.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15         Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director for A Three- Year Term
       Expiring at the 2018 Annual Meeting: Brian C. Carr  Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.2 Election of Director for A Three- Year Term
       Expiring at the 2018 Annual Meeting: Mary S. Chan    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director for A Three- Year Term
       Expiring at the 2018 Annual Meeting: George R.
       Krouse, Jr.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As Sba's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for the 2015 Fiscal Year.            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
       of Sba's Named Executive Officers.                   Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of Sba's Proposal Regarding Proxy Access.     Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Vote on Shareholder Proposal Regarding Proxy
       Access, If Properly Presented at the Annual Meeting. Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 806857108 TICKER: SLB
 Meeting Date: 08-Apr-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Peter L.s. Currie                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: K. Vaman Kamath                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: V. Maureen Kempston Darkes       Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Paal Kibsgaard                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Nikolay Kudryavtsev              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Michael E. Marks                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Indra K. Nooyi                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Lubna S. Olayan                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Leo Rafael Reif                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Tore I. Sandvold                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Henri Seydoux                    Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Executive Compensation.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Company's 2014 Financial Statements
       and the Board's 2014 Declarations of Dividends.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                                Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 845467109 TICKER: SWN
 Meeting Date: 19-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Election of Director: John D. Gass                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Election of Director: Catherine A. Kehr                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Election of Director: Greg D. Kerley                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Election of Director: Vello A. Kuuskraa                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Election of Director: Kenneth R. Mourton               Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.6 Election of Director: Steven L. Mueller              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Election of Director: Elliott Pew                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Election of Director: Terry W. Rathert               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Election of Director: Alan H. Stevens                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Proposal to Ratify Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Vote to Approve our Executive Compensation. Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Proposal from Stockholder Regarding Special
       Meetings.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Proposal from Stockholder Regarding Proxy Access.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 855244109 TICKER: SBUX
 Meeting Date: 18-Mar-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Howard Schultz                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: William W. Bradley             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Robert M. Gates                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Mellody Hobson                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Kevin R. Johnson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Olden Lee                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Joshua Cooper Ramo             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: James G. Shennan, Jr.          Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Clara Shih                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Javier G. Teruel               Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Myron E. Ullman, III           Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Craig E. Weatherup             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Resolution to Approve our Executive
       Compensation.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ratification of Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP
       As our Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for Fiscal 2015.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Establish A Board Committee on Sustainability.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Require an Independent Board Chairman.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 12-Feb-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: W. Edmund Clark                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Karen E. Maidment                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Mark L. Mitchell                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Fredric J. Tomczyk                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation.             Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public

                              RIVERPARK LONG/SHORT OPPORTUNITY FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
        Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending
        September 30, 2015.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 808513105 TICKER: SCHW
 Meeting Date: 13-May-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Nancy H. Bechtle                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Walter W. Bettinger II           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: C. Preston Butcher               Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Christopher V. Dodds             Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Mark A. Goldfarb                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of Independent Auditors                   Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Advisory Approval of Named Executive Officer
        Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   Approval of Corporate Executive Bonus Plan             Management     For          Voted - For
 5.   Stockholder Proposal on Political Contributions        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.   Stockholder Proposal on Lobbying Payments              Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7.   Stockholder Proposal on Annual Disclosure of Eeo-1
        Data                                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8.   Stockholder Proposal on Accelerated Vesting Upon
        Change in Control                                    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 9.   Stockholder Proposal on Vote Tabulation                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 741503403 TICKER: PCLN
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15          Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Timothy M. Armstrong                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Howard W. Barker, Jr.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Jeffery H. Boyd                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Jan L. Docter                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Jeffrey E. Epstein                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: James M. Guyette                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Darren R. Huston                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Charles H. Noski                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Nancy B. Peretsman                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Thomas E. Rothman                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Craig W. Rydin                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Ratify the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
        the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
        of the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Approve on an Advisory Basis the Compensation
        Paid by the Company to Its Named Executive Officers. Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4.  To Consider and Vote Upon A Non- Binding
       Stockholder Proposal Concerning Stockholder Action
       by Written Consent.                                 Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  To Consider and Vote Upon A Non- Binding
       Stockholder Proposal Concerning Proxy Access.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 254687106 TICKER: DIS
 Meeting Date: 12-Mar-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Susan E. Arnold                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: John S. Chen                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Jack Dorsey                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert A. Iger                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Fred H. Langhammer              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Aylwin B. Lewis                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Monica C. Lozano                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Robert W. Matschullat           Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Sheryl K. Sandberg              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Orin C. Smith                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Registered Public Accountants
       for 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Advisory Resolution on Executive
       Compensation.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Shareholder Proposal Relating to
       Independent Board Chairman.                         Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  To Approve the Shareholder Proposal Relating to
       Acceleration of Executive Pay.                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 896239100 TICKER: TRMB
 Meeting Date: 07-May-15        Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Steven W. Berglund                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Merit E. Janow                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Ulf J. Johansson                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Ronald S. Nersesian                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Mark S. Peek                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: Nickolas W. Vande Steeg                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Borje Ekholm                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Kaigham (ken) Gabriel                       Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Re-approve the Material Terms of the Performance
       Goals Applicable to Stock Awards Under the
       Company's Amended and Restated 2002 Stock Plan That
       are Intended to Qualify As Performance-based

 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
       Compensation Under Section 162(m) of the Internal
       Revenue Code.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Hold an Advisory Vote on Approving the
       Compensation for our Named Executive Officers.      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       the Independent Auditor of the Company for the
       Fiscal Year Ending January 1, 2016.                 Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 92826C839 TICKER: V
 Meeting Date: 28-Jan-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Mary B. Cranston                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Francisco Javier
       Fernandez-carbajal                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Alfred F. Kelly, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert W. Matschullat           Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Cathy E. Minehan                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Suzanne Nora Johnson            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David J. Pang                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Charles W. Scharf               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: William S. Shanahan             Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: John A.c. Swainson              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Maynard G. Webb, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation to Facilitate
       Stock Splits.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
       Paid to the Company's Named Executive Officers.     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of the Visa Inc. Employee Stock Purchase
       Plan.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 5A. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Exiting our Core Payment Business                   Management     For          Voted - For
 5B. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Future Amendments to Sections of the Certificate of
       Incorporation                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5C. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Approval of Exceptions to Transfer Restrictions     Management     For          Voted - For

 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 5D. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Removal of Directors from Office                     Management     For          Voted - For
 5E. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
       Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
       Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
       with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
       Future Amendments to the Advance Notice Provisions
       in the By-laws                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP As the
       Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for Fiscal Year 2015                            Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 01-Oct-14     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: William J. Marino                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Herman Sarkowsky                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Kristiina Vuori, M.D.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Martin J. Wygod                              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Advisory Vote to Approve Webmd's Executive
       Compensation.                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve Webmd's Amended and Restated 2005
       Long-term Incentive Plan, Including an Increase in
       the Number of Shares Reserved for Issuance.          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
       to Serve As Webmd's Independent Auditor for the
       Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014.                Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 983134107 TICKER: WYNN
 Meeting Date: 24-Apr-15     Meeting Type: Contested Annual
 1.1 Director: Elaine P. Wynn                               Management     Unknown      Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Mgt Nom: J. E. Virtue                        Management     Unknown      Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015.                            Management     Unknown      Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Articles Amendment to Provide the
       Company with Additional Flexibility in Making
       Distributions to Its Stockholders.                   Management     Unknown      Voted - For

                                  RIVERPARK LONG/SHORT OPPORTUNITY FUND
PROPOSAL                                            PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
4. To Vote on A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A
        Political Contributions Report, If Properly
        Presented at the Annual Meeting.            Shareholder    Unknown      Voted - Against

                                RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 037833100 TICKER: AAPL
 Meeting Date: 10-Mar-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Tim Cook                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Al Gore                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Bob Iger                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Andrea Jung                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Art Levinson                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Ron Sugar                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Sue Wagner                     Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
        LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   An Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive
        Compensation                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   The Amendment of the Apple Inc. Employee Stock
        Purchase Plan                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 5.   A Shareholder Proposal by the National Center for
        Public Policy Research Entitled "risk Report"      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6.   A Shareholder Proposal by Mr. James Mcritchie and
        Mr. John Harrington Entitled "proxy Access for
        Shareholders"                                      Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 084670702 TICKER: BRKB
 Meeting Date: 02-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Warren E. Buffett                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Charles T. Munger                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Howard G. Buffett                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Stephen B. Burke                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Susan L. Decker                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: William H. Gates III                       Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: David S. Gottesman                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Charlotte Guyman                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Thomas S. Murphy                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Ronald L. Olson                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Walter Scott, Jr.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Meryl B. Witmer                            Management     For          Voted - For

                                   RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 189754104 TICKER: COH
 Meeting Date: 06-Nov-14    Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: David Denton                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Susan Kropf                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Gary Loveman                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Victor Luis                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: IVan Menezes                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: William Nuti                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Stephanie Tilenius                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Jide Zeitlin                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2   Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte &
       Touche LLP As the Company's Independent Registered
       Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year 2015        Management     For          Voted - For
 3   Approval, on A Non-binding Advisory Basis, of the
       Company's Executive Compensation As Disclosed in
       the Proxy Statement for the 2014 Annual Meeting    Management     For          Voted - For
 4   Approval of the Amended and Restated Coach, Inc.
       2010 Stock Incentive Plan                          Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 192446102 TICKER: CTSH
 Meeting Date: 02-Jun-15    Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Class II Director: Michael Patsalos-fox  Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Class II Director: Robert E. Weissman    Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Class III Director: Francisco D'souza    Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Class III Director: John N. Fox, Jr.     Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Class III Director: Leo S. Mackay, Jr.   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Class III Director: Thomas M. Wendel     Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval, on an Advisory (non- Binding) Basis, of
       the Compensation of the Company's Named Executive
       Officers.                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Ratification of the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As our Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Year
       Ending December 31, 2015.                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Stockholder Proposal Requesting That the Board of
       Directors Take the Steps Necessary to Permit
       Stockholder Action by Written Consent.             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                                RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 21-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. To Re-elect Class III Supervisory Director to Serve
       Until our Annual Meeting in 2018 and Until Their
       Successors Shall Have Been Duly Elected and
       Qualified: Richard L. Bergmark                      Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. To Re-elect Class III Supervisory Director to Serve
       Until our Annual Meeting in 2018 and Until Their
       Successors Shall Have Been Duly Elected and
       Qualified: Margaret Ann Van Kempen                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       As our Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accountants for the Year Ending December 31, 2015.  Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation,
       Philosophy, Policies and Procedures Described in
       the Cd&a, and the Compensation of Core Laboratories
       N.v.'s Named Executive Officers As Disclosed
       Pursuant to the Sec's Compensation Disclosure
       Rules, Including the Compensation Tables.           Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Confirm and Adopt our Dutch Statutory Annual
       Accounts in the English Language for the Fiscal
       Year Ended December 31, 2014.                       Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Approve and Resolve the Cancellation of our
       Repurchased Shares Held at 12:01 A.m. Cest on May
       21, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  To Approve and Resolve the Extension of the
       Existing Authority to Repurchase Up to 10% of our
       Issued Share Capital from Time to Time for an
       18-month Period, Until November 21, 2016, and Such
       Repurchased Shares May be Used for Any Legal
       Purpose.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 7.  To Approve and Resolve the Extension of the
       Authority to Issue Shares And/or to Grant Rights
       (including Options to Purchase) with Respect to our
       Common and Preference Shares Up to A Maximum of 10%
       of Outstanding Shares Per Annum Until November 21,
       2016.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 8.  To Approve and Resolve the Extension of the
       Authority to Limit Or Exclude the Preemptive Rights
       of the Holders of our Common Shares And/or
       Preference Shares Up to A Maximum of 10% of
       Outstanding Shares Per Annum Until November 21,
       2016.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 9.  To Approve the Appointment of KPMG As our Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accountants for the
       Year Ending December 31, 2016.                      Management     For          Voted - For

                                RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 231021106 TICKER: CMI
 Meeting Date: 12-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1)  Election of Director: N. Thomas Linebarger           Management     For          Voted - For
 2)  Election of Director: Robert J. Bernhard             Management     For          Voted - For
 3)  Election of Director: Dr. Franklin R. Chang Diaz     Management     For          Voted - For
 4)  Election of Director: Bruno V. Di Leo Allen          Management     For          Voted - For
 5)  Election of Director: Stephen B. Dobbs               Management     For          Voted - For
 6)  Election of Director: Robert K. Herdman              Management     For          Voted - For
 7)  Election of Director: Alexis M. Herman               Management     For          Voted - For
 8)  Election of Director: Thomas J. Lynch                Management     For          Voted - For
 9)  Election of Director: William I. Miller              Management     For          Voted - For
 10) Election of Director: Georgia R. Nelson              Management     For          Voted - For
 11) Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of the
       Named Executive Officers As Disclosed in the Proxy
       Statement.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 12) Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As Auditors for 2015.   Management     For          Voted - For
 13) Shareholder Proposal Regarding Independent Board
       Chair.                                             Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 268648102 TICKER: EMC
 Meeting Date: 30-Apr-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Jose E. Almeida                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Michael W. Brown               Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Donald J. Carty                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Randolph L. Cowen              Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: James S. Distasio              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: John R. Egan                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: William D. Green               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Edmund F. Kelly                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Jami Miscik                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Paul Sagan                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: David N. Strohm                Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Joseph M. Tucci                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Selection by the Audit
       Committee of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As Emc's
       Independent Auditors for the Fiscal Year Ending
       December 31, 2015, As Described in Emc's Proxy
       Statement.                                         Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Approval of our Executive Compensation, As
       Described in Emc's Proxy Statement.                Management     For          Voted - For

                                    RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 4.  Approval of the Emc Corporation Amended and
       Restated 2003 Stock Plan, As Described in Emc's
       Proxy Statement.                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  To Act Upon A Shareholder Proposal Relating to an
       Independent Board Chairman, As Described in Emc's
       Proxy Statement.                                   Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 06-May-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Gary G. Benanav                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Maura C. Breen                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: William J. Delaney             Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Elder Granger, Md, Mg, Usa
       (retired)                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Nicholas J. Lahowchic          Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Thomas P. Mac Mahon            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Frank Mergenthaler             Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Woodrow A. Myers, Jr., Md      Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Roderick A. Palmore            Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: George Paz                     Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: William L. Roper, Md, Mph      Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Seymour Sternberg              Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accountants for 2015.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve, by Non-binding Vote, Executive
       Compensation.                                      Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding Political Disclosure
       and Accountability.                                Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.  Stockholder Proposal Regarding an Independent Board
       Chairman.                                          Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 03-Jun-15     Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: Larry Page                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Sergey Brin                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Eric E. Schmidt                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: L. John Doerr                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5 Director: Diane B. Greene                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6 Director: John L. Hennessy                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7 Director: Ann Mather                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8 Director: Alan R. Mulally                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9 Director: Paul S. Otellini                           Management     For          Voted - For


 PROPOSAL                                                   PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1.10 Director: K. Ram Shriram                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Shirley M. Tilghman                         Management     For          Voted - For
 2    The Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst &
        Young LLP As Google's Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3    The Approval of an Amendment to Google's 2012 Stock
        Plan to Increase the Share Reserve by 17,000,000
        Shares of Class C Capital Stock.                    Management     For          Voted - For
 4    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding Equal Shareholder
        Voting, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.       Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Lobbying Report,
        If Properly Presented at the Meeting.               Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 6    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding the Adoption of A
        Majority Vote Standard for the Election of
        Directors, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.    Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 7    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Report on
        Renewable Energy Cost, If Properly Presented at the
        Meeting.                                            Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 8    A Stockholder Proposal Regarding A Report on
        Business Risk Related to Climate Change
        Regulations, If Properly Presented at the Meeting.  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 CUSIP: 501889208 TICKER: LKQ
 Meeting Date: 04-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia         Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: A. Clinton Allen                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Ronald G. Foster                Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Joseph M. Holsten               Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Blythe J. Mcgarvie              Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: Paul M. Meister                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: John F. O'brien                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Guhan Subramanian               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Robert L. Wagman                Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: William M. Webster, IV          Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte &
        Touche LLP As our Independent Registered Public
        Accounting Firm for our Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015.                                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
        of our Named Executive Officers.                    Management     For          Voted - For

                                      RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 21-Apr-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Brent D. Baird                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: C. Angela Bontempo                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Robert T. Brady                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: T.j. Cunningham III                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Mark J. Czarnecki                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: Gary N. Geisel                               Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: John D. Hawke, Jr.                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Patrick W.e. Hodgson                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Richard G. King                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Melinda R. Rich                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Robert E. Sadler, Jr.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.12 Director: Herbert L. Washington                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.13 Director: Robert G. Wilmers                            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Approve the Material Terms of the M&t Bank
        Corporation 2009 Equity Incentive Compensation Plan. Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Approve the Compensation of M&t Bank
        Corporation's Named Executive Officers.              Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
        LLP As the Independent Registered Public Accounting
        Firm of M&t Bank Corporation for the Year Ending
        December 31, 2015.                                   Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 582839106 TICKER: MJN
 Meeting Date: 30-Apr-15       Meeting Type: Annual
 1A.  Election of Director: Steven M. Altschuler, M.D.       Management     For          Voted - For
 1B.  Election of Director: Howard B. Bernick                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C.  Election of Director: Kimberly A. Casiano              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D.  Election of Director: Anna C. Catalano                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E.  Election of Director: Celeste A. Clark, Ph.D.          Management     For          Voted - For
 1F.  Election of Director: James M. Cornelius               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G.  Election of Director: Stephen W. Golsby                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H.  Election of Director: Michael Grobstein                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I.  Election of Director: Peter Kasper Jakobsen            Management     For          Voted - For
 1J.  Election of Director: Peter G. Ratcliffe               Management     For          Voted - For
 1K.  Election of Director: Michael A. Sherman               Management     For          Voted - For
 1L.  Election of Director: Elliott Sigal, M.D., Ph.D.       Management     For          Voted - For
 1M.  Election of Director: Robert S. Singer                 Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   Advisory Approval of Named Executive Officer
        Compensation                                         Management     For          Voted - For

                                RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 3.  Approval of the Mead Johnson Nutrition Company
       Long-term Incentive Plan                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  The Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte &
       Touche LLP As our Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015                          Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 637071101 TICKER: NOV
 Meeting Date: 13-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A  Election of Director: Clay C. Williams              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B  Election of Director: Greg L. Armstrong             Management     For          Voted - For
 1C  Election of Director: Robert E. Beauchamp           Management     For          Voted - For
 1D  Election of Director: Marcela E. Donadio            Management     For          Voted - For
 1E  Election of Director: Ben A. Guill                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1F  Election of Director: David D. Harrison             Management     For          Voted - For
 1G  Election of Director: Roger L. Jarvis               Management     For          Voted - For
 1H  Election of Director: Eric L. Mattson               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I  Election of Director: Jeffery A. Smisek             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Independent Auditors.               Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approve, by Non-binding Vote, the Compensation of
       our Named Executive Officers.                     Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 27-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A  Election of Director: Terry Bonno                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1B  Election of Director: Galen Cobb                    Management     For          Voted - For
 1C  Election of Director: James Crandell                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As
       Independent Auditors for 2015                     Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval of Compensation of our Named Executive
       Officers                                          Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Recommend, by Non-binding Vote, the Frequency of
       the Advisory Vote on Named Executive Officer
       Compensation                                      Management     1 Year       Voted - 1 Year
 5.  Approval of the Now Inc. Executive Officer Annual
       Incentive Plan                                    Management     For          Voted - For
 Meeting Date: 04-Nov-14 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Laurie Brlas                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Gary M. Cohen                 Management     For          Voted - For

                                 RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 1C. Election of Director: Jacqualyn A. Fouse              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: David T. Gibbons                Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Ran Gottfried                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Ellen R. Hoffing                Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Michael J. Jandernoa            Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Gary K. Kunkle, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Herman Morris, Jr.              Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Donal O'connor                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Joseph C. Papa                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP As our
       Independent Auditors for Fiscal Year 2015           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  An Advisory Vote to Approve the Company's Executive
       Compensation                                        Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Authorize Perrigo Company PLC And/or Any Subsidiary
       of Perrigo Company PLC to Make Market Purchases of
       Perrigo Company PLC's Ordinary Shares               Management     For          Voted - For
 5.  Determine the Reissue Price Range for Perrigo
       Company PLC Treasury Shares                         Management     For          Voted - For
 6.  Approve the Creation of Distributable Reserves by
       Reducing Some Or All of Perrigo Company PLC's Share
       Premium                                             Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 747525103 TICKER: QCOM
 Meeting Date: 09-Mar-15  Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Barbara T. Alexander            Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Donald G. Cruickshank           Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Raymond V. Dittamore            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Susan Hockfield                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Thomas W. Horton                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Paul E. Jacobs                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Sherry Lansing                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Harish Manwani                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Steven M. Mollenkopf            Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Duane A. Nelles                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Clark T. Randt, Jr.             Management     For          Voted - For
 1L. Election of Director: Francisco Ros                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1M. Election of Director: Jonathan J. Rubinstein          Management     For          Voted - For
 1N. Election of Director: Brent Scowcroft                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1O. Election of Director: Marc I. Stern                   Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Ratify the Selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers
       LLP As our Independent Public Accountants for our
       Fiscal Year Ending September 27, 2015.              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve an Amendment to the 2001 Employee Stock
       Purchase Plan to Increase the Share Reserve by
       25,000,000 Shares.                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Advisory Vote to Approve our Executive Compensation.  Management     For          Voted - For

                                RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                 PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 806857108 TICKER: SLB
 Meeting Date: 08-Apr-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Peter L.s. Currie              Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: K. Vaman Kamath                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: V. Maureen Kempston Darkes     Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Paal Kibsgaard                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Nikolay Kudryavtsev            Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Michael E. Marks               Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Indra K. Nooyi                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Lubna S. Olayan                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: Leo Rafael Reif                Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Tore I. Sandvold               Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Henri Seydoux                  Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's
       Executive Compensation.                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  To Approve the Company's 2014 Financial Statements
       and the Board's 2014 Declarations of Dividends.    Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  To Approve the Appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP As the Company's
       Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       2015.                                              Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 858912108 TICKER: SRCL
 Meeting Date: 27-May-15 Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Mark C. Miller                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Jack W. Schuler                Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Charles A. Alutto              Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Lynn D. Bleil                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Thomas D. Brown                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Thomas F. Chen                 Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: Rod F. Dammeyer                Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: William K. Hall                Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: John Patience                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: Mike S. Zafirovski             Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
       LLP As the Company's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm for 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Advisory Resolution Approving the Compensation Paid
       to the Company's Executive Officers                Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Stockholder Proposal to Require an Independent
       Board Chairman                                     Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against

                                     RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                    PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 CUSIP: 741503403 TICKER: PCLN
 Meeting Date: 04-Jun-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Timothy M. Armstrong                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: Howard W. Barker, Jr.                        Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: Jeffery H. Boyd                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4  Director: Jan L. Docter                                Management     For          Voted - For
 1.5  Director: Jeffrey E. Epstein                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.6  Director: James M. Guyette                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.7  Director: Darren R. Huston                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.8  Director: Charles H. Noski                             Management     For          Voted - For
 1.9  Director: Nancy B. Peretsman                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.10 Director: Thomas E. Rothman                            Management     For          Voted - For
 1.11 Director: Craig W. Rydin                               Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Ratify the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP As
        the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
        of the Company for the Fiscal Year Ending December
        31, 2015.                                            Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Approve on an Advisory Basis the Compensation
        Paid by the Company to Its Named Executive Officers. Management     For          Voted - For
 4.   To Consider and Vote Upon A Non- Binding
        Stockholder Proposal Concerning Stockholder Action
        by Written Consent.                                  Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 5.   To Consider and Vote Upon A Non- Binding
        Stockholder Proposal Concerning Proxy Access.        Shareholder    Against      Voted - Against
 Meeting Date: 12-Feb-15      Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1  Director: Timothy E. Guertin                           Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2  Director: David J. Illingworth                         Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3  Director: R. Naumann-etienne                           Management     For          Voted - For
 2.   To Approve the Compensation of the Varian Medical
        Systems, Inc. Named Executive Officers As Described
        in the Proxy Statement.                              Management     For          Voted - For
 3.   To Ratify the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
        LLP As Varian Medical Systems, Inc.'s Independent
        Registered Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year
        2015.                                                Management     For          Voted - For

                                   RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
 PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
 Meeting Date: 20-May-15    Meeting Type: Annual
 1.1 Director: J. Hyatt Brown                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.2 Director: Samuel G. Liss                              Management     For          Voted - For
 1.3 Director: Therese M. Vaughan                          Management     For          Voted - For
 1.4 Director: Bruce Hansen                                Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  To Amend our Bylaws to Implement Majority Voting
       for the Uncontested Election of Directors.          Management     For          Voted - For
 3   To Amend and Restate our Amended and Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws to
       Eliminate References to our Class B Common Stock,
       Rename our Class A Common Stock, Make Related
       Conforming Changes, and Update Certain Outdated
       Provisions and Remove Certain Redundant Provisions. Management     For          Voted - For
 4   To Approve Executive Compensation on an Advisory,
       Non- Binding Basis.                                 Management     For          Voted - For
 5   To Ratify the Appointment of Deloitte and Touche
       LLP As our Independent Auditor for the 2015 Fiscal
       Year.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 CUSIP: 92826C839 TICKER: V
 Meeting Date: 28-Jan-15    Meeting Type: Annual
 1A. Election of Director: Mary B. Cranston                Management     For          Voted - For
 1B. Election of Director: Francisco Javier
       Fernandez-carbajal                                  Management     For          Voted - For
 1C. Election of Director: Alfred F. Kelly, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 1D. Election of Director: Robert W. Matschullat           Management     For          Voted - For
 1E. Election of Director: Cathy E. Minehan                Management     For          Voted - For
 1F. Election of Director: Suzanne Nora Johnson            Management     For          Voted - For
 1G. Election of Director: David J. Pang                   Management     For          Voted - For
 1H. Election of Director: Charles W. Scharf               Management     For          Voted - For
 1I. Election of Director: William S. Shanahan             Management     For          Voted - For
 1J. Election of Director: John A.c. Swainson              Management     For          Voted - For
 1K. Election of Director: Maynard G. Webb, Jr.            Management     For          Voted - For
 2.  Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation to Facilitate
       Stock Splits.                                       Management     For          Voted - For
 3.  Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation
       Paid to the Company's Named Executive Officers.     Management     For          Voted - For
 4.  Approval of the Visa Inc. Employee Stock Purchase
       Plan.                                               Management     For          Voted - For
 5A. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the

                                            RIVERPARK/WEDGEWOOD FUND
PROPOSAL                                                  PROPOSED BY MGT. POSITION REGISTRANT VOTED
      Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
      Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
      with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
      Exiting our Core Payment Business                   Management     For          Voted - For
5B. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
      Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
      Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
      Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
      with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
      Future Amendments to Sections of the Certificate of
      Incorporation                                       Management     For          Voted - For
5C. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
      Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
      Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
      Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
      with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
      Approval of Exceptions to Transfer Restrictions     Management     For          Voted - For
5D. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
      Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
      Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
      Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
      with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
      Removal of Directors from Office                    Management     For          Voted - For
5E. Approval of Amendments to the Fifth Amended and
      Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the
      Amended and Restated By-laws to Remove All
      Supermajority Vote Requirements and Replace Them
      with Majority Vote Requirements for the Action:
      Future Amendments to the Advance Notice Provisions
      in the By-laws                                      Management     For          Voted - For
6.  Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP As the
      Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting
      Firm for Fiscal Year 2015                           Management     For          Voted - For


Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


By: /s/ Morty Schaja
    Morty Schaja
    Date: August 25, 2015