Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP MORGAN LEWIS 1701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-2921 Tel. 215.963.5000 Fax: 215.963.5001 November 25, 2015 FILED AS EDGAR CORRESPONDENCE Patrick Scott, Esq. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Division of Investment Management 100 F. Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20549 Re: Gallery Trust Initial N-1A Filing (File Nos. 333-206713 and 811-23091) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Mr. Scott: On behalf of our client, Gallery Trust (the "Trust"), this letter responds to your letter dated October 1, 2015 in which you set forth the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") Staff's comments concerning the Trust's initial Registration Statement on Form N-1A (the "Registration Statement"). The Registration Statement was filed with the Commission on September 1, 2015 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), and the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), for the purpose of registering shares of the following series of the Trust: The Mondrian International Equity Fund (the "Fund"). Responses to each of the Staff's comments, based on information provided by Mondrian Investment Partners Limited (the "Adviser"), are set forth below. Capitalized terms not defined herein should be given the meaning provided in the Registration Statement. I. PROSPECTUS COMMENTS A. ITEM 3 1. COMMENT. In the introduction to the example, please state that the example assumes that the investor either redeems or retains the shares at the end of the period. RESPONSE. The requested change has been made. 2. COMMENT. In the paragraph on Portfolio Turnover, add disclosure indicating that no portfolio turnover rate is included because the Fund is new. RESPONSE. The requested change has been made. B. ITEMS 4 AND 9 1. COMMENT. The Principal Investment Strategies section states that, to the extent the Fund may invest in convertible securities, if those convertible securities are rated, the rating will not be an important factor in the Fund's investment decision. Please explain supplementally to the staff why this is the case with respect to ratings. Furthermore, consider adding disclosure regarding the rationale for this investment policy. RESPONSE. The statement has been removed from the section. 2. COMMENT. As noted above, the Fund may invest in convertible securities. If the Fund invests or expects to invest in contingent convertible securities ("CoCos"), the Fund should consider what, if any, disclosure is appropriate. The type and location of disclosure will depend on, among other things, the extent to which the Fund invests in CoCos, and the characteristics of the CoCos, (e.g., the credit quality, the conversion triggers). If CoCos are or will be a principal type of investment, the Fund should provide a description of them and should provide appropriate risk disclosure, including the amount the Fund might invest in such securities. RESPONSE. The Adviser does not currently expect the Fund to invest in CoCos. 3. COMMENT. In light of the Fund's statement on page 5, that it "may make limited use of foreign fixed income securities," the staff questions whether such investments should be considered a principal strategy. Please supplementally explain this, or revise your Items 4 and 9 disclosure, as appropriate. RESPONSE. Although the Adviser expects to commit a limited amount (up to 20%) of the Fund's assets to foreign fixed income securities, the Adviser considers investments in such securities to be a principal investment strategy of the Fund because of the amount of assets that can be invested in foreign fixed income securities and the possible impact of such investments on the Fund's potential risks and returns. See Instruction 2 to Item 9(b) of Form N-1A. 4. COMMENT. Include Foreign Government Agencies Risk as a principal risk only if foreign fixed income investments are disclosed as a principal strategy. RESPONSE. Foreign fixed income investments are disclosed as a principal strategy of the Fund. 5. COMMENT. Include Corporate Fixed Income Securities Risk as a principal risk only if foreign fixed income investments are disclosed as a principal strategy. RESPONSE. Foreign fixed income investments are disclosed as a principal strategy of the Fund. 6. COMMENT. If the Fund expects to have a portfolio turnover rate of 100% or more, please add appropriate risk disclosure, e.g., transaction costs, taxable distributions. RESPONSE. Under normal circumstances, the Adviser does not expect the Fund to have a portfolio turnover rate of 100% or more. 7. COMMENT. Disclosure states that the Fund's policy of 80% investment in equity securities will not be changed prior to 60 days' prior notice to shareholders. Since the word "International" is used in the Fund's name, please confirm to the staff that 60 days prior notice to shareholders would also be provided before changing the Fund's name or its investment policy regarding non U.S. companies. RESPONSE. Unlike the term "equity" in the Fund's name, the term "international" in the Fund's name does not implicate the 60 days' notice requirement under Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. That being said, the Fund will generally provide shareholders 60 days' notice before changing its investment policy to invest, under normal circumstances, in at least three countries, and invest at least 40% of its total assets in securities of non-U.S. companies. 8. COMMENT. Please revise the sections captioned, "More Information about the Fund's Investment Objectives and Strategies," and "More Information About Risk," as required by Item 9. Disclosure in response to Items 4 and 9 cannot be substantially the same. See IM Guidance Update 2014-08. RESPONSE. The Trust respectfully declines to make the requested changes because it believes that the disclosure provided in the "More Information About Risk" section is not substantially the same as the disclosure provided in the "Principal Risks" section, and that the disclosure in the "More Information about the Fund's Investment Objectives and Strategies" section appropriately describes how the Fund intends to achieve its investment objective, in accordance with Item 9(b) of Form N-1A. C. INVESTMENT ADVISER 1. COMMENT. Consider moving the disclosure on page 13 in the paragraph that begins, "[f]rom time to time," to the section where risk disclosure is set forth. RESPONSE. The requested change has been made. 2. COMMENT. In the next paragraph beginning with, "if permitted under applicable law," please discuss the law applicable to the Adviser reducing the shareholder's investment advisory fees. RESPONSE. The phrase has been removed from the paragraph. D. RELATED PERFORMANCE DATA OF THE ADVISER - PERFORMANCE INFORMATION FOR THE ADVISER'S OTHER INTERNATIONAL EQUITY ACCOUNTS 1. COMMENT. Since the Fund is presenting adjusted performance, the Fund should represent supplementally that the use of adjusted fees and expenses does not result in performance that is higher than what would have been achieved using the actual fees and expenses. RESPONSE. The "Related Performance Data of the Adviser" section has been removed. 2. COMMENT. At the end of the first paragraph in this section, prior to the parenthetical that states, "as set forth in the Annual Fund Operating Expenses table... ," please add, "including maximum sales loads." RESPONSE. The "Related Performance Data of the Adviser" section has been removed. 3. COMMENT. Please add to the narrative disclosure how the performance was calculated. For clarity and to the extent applicable, consider adding an explanation similar to that used in footnote 1 of this section, regarding the modified Dietz method. RESPONSE. The "Related Performance Data of the Adviser" section has been removed. 4. COMMENT. We note that the composite performance information is calculated in and expressed in U.S. dollars. Please clarify to the staff whether the accounts included in this performance were denominated in a different currency. If so, the Fund should explain what currency the accounts were denominated in and explain that performance would have been different because of currency conversions. RESPONSE. The "Related Performance Data of the Adviser" section has been removed. 5. COMMENT. The heading on page 15 should read "Prior Performance Information for the Adviser's Other International Equity Accounts." RESPONSE. The "Related Performance Data of the Adviser" section has been removed. 6. COMMENT. Please represent supplementally that the Fund has the records necessary to support the calculation of the performance as required by rule 204-2(a)(16) under the Investment Advisers Act. RESPONSE. The "Related Performance Data of the Adviser" section has been removed. E. INVOLUNTARY REDEMPTION OF YOUR SHARES COMMENT. Please disclose the circumstances under which you would involuntarily redeem shares when the account balance drops below $1 million. RESPONSE. Disclosure has been added to indicate that involuntary redemptions will be effected only if they are deemed to be in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders. II. SAI COMMENTS A. INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS - FUNDAMENTAL POLICIES COMMENT. Please revise the disclosure in item 2 on page S-31 so that it is clear that this exclusion does not eliminate the requirement for tax-exempt bond funds to disclose their policy with respect to concentration. RESPONSE. The Trust believes that the disclosure in item 2 on page S-31 is appropriate in light of the Fund's principal investment strategies. However, the "Concentration" paragraph on page S-32 has been revised to state that the 1940 Act requires that every investment company have a fundamental investment policy regarding concentration. B. UNDERWRITING COMMENT. In the first sentence of the second paragraph in this section, on page S-33, insert the words, "and illiquid securities," after the words, "the Fund's policy concerning borrowing." RESPONSE. Long-standing Commission guidelines generally limit an open-end fund's aggregate holdings of illiquid securities to 15% of the fund's net assets (the "15% guideline"). The Commission has stated that the 15% guideline should be interpreted as a limit on the acquisition of illiquid assets, not a limit on the holdings of illiquid assets, and the Commission has acknowledged that this approach is consistent with approaches that Congress and the Commission have historically taken in other parts of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder. See Open-End Fund Liquidity Risk Management Programs; Swing Pricing; Re-Opening of Comment Period for Investment Company Reporting Modernization Release, Investment Company Act Release No. 31835 (Sept. 22, 2015), at n.92 and accompanying text. Accordingly, the Trust respectfully declines to make the requested change because, although the Fund will take steps to bring the aggregate amount of illiquid instruments back within the 15% guideline as soon as reasonably practicable in the event that a change in net assets or other circumstances causes the Fund to exceed the 15% guideline, an increase in holdings of illiquid securities above the 15% guideline not resulting from an acquisition will not constitute a violation of the 15% guideline. C. PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS COMMENT. In this section, identify by name all third parties who receive portfolio holdings information in advance pursuant to an ongoing arrangement. RESPONSE. No third parties are currently expected to receive the Fund's portfolio holdings information in advance pursuant to an ongoing arrangement. * * * * * * * * * * * * If you have any questions, need any additional information or would like any clarification, please contact me at (215) 963-5620. Very truly yours, /s/ Leon Salkin ----------------- Leon Salkin