Check  the  appropriate  box:

[___]     Preliminary  Information  Statement
[___]     Confidential,  for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[ X ]     Definitive  Information  Statement

                               TMI HOLDINGS, INC.
                  (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

Payment  of  Filing  Fee  (Check  the  appropriate  box):

[ X ]     No  fee  required
[___]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and O-11

          1)  Title  of  each  class of securities to which transaction applies:

          2)  Aggregate  number  of  securities  to  which  transaction applies:

          3)  Per  unit  price or other underlying value of transaction computed
              pursuant to Exchange Act Rule O-11 (Set forth the amount on  which
              the  filing  fee  is calculated and state how it was  determined):

          4)  Proposed  maximum  aggregate  value  of  transaction:

          5)  Total  fee  paid:

[___]     Fee  paid  previously  with  preliminary  materials.
[___]     Check  box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
          Act  Rule  O-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
          fee  was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
          statement  number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          1)  Amount  Previously  Paid:

          2)  Form  Schedule  or  Registration  Statement  No.:

          3)  Filing  Party:

          4)  Date  Filed:

                               TMI HOLDINGS, INC.
                      11924 FOREST HILL BLVD., SUITE 22-204
                              WELLINGTON, FL  33414

                           TO BE HELD ON JUNE 17, 2003


     You  are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders
of  TMI  Holdings,  Inc. (the "Company") to be held on June 10, 2003 at 9:00 AM,
Pacific Standard Time, at the Courtyard Marriott located at 620 North University
Drive,  Coral  Springs,  Florida  33071,  to consider and act upon the following
proposals,  as  described  in  the  accompanying  Information  Statement:

     1.   To elect three (3) directors to serve until the next Annual Meeting of
          Shareholders  and  thereafter  until  their successors are elected and

     2.   To amend the Articles of Incorporation of the Company to effectuate an
          increase  in  the  number of shares of the Company's authorized common
          stock  to  30  million  shares;

     3.   To adopt the Second Restated Articles of Incorporation for the purpose
          of  consolidating  previous  amendments  to  the Company's Articles of

     4.   To  approve  the  TMI  Holdings,  Inc. 2003 Qualified Securities Plan;

     5.   To  ratify  the TMI Holdings, Inc. 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan;

     6.   To  approve  the  Second  Restated  Bylaws  of  TMI  Holdings,  Inc.;

     7.   To  ratify  the  appointment  of  Berkowitz  Dick Pollack & Brant LLP,
          Certified  Public  Accountants, as independent auditors of the Company
          for  the  fiscal  year  ending  December  31,  2003;  and

     8.   To  transact  such  other  business  as  may  properly come before the
          meeting  or  any  adjournments  thereof.

     The foregoing items of business are more fully described in the Information
Statement  accompanying  this Notice. The Board of Directors has fixed the close
of  business  on April 29, 2003, as the record date for Shareholders entitled to
notice  of  and  to  vote  at  this  meeting  and  any  adjournments  thereof.

                                       By  Order  of  the  Board  of  Directors

                                       /s/ Scott Siegel
                                       Scott  Siegel,  President

May  20,  2003
Coral  Springs,  Florida


                        WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT


     This  information  statement  is  being  mailed  or  otherwise furnished to
stockholders  of  TMI  Holdings,  Inc., a Florida corporation (the "Company") in
connection  with  the  upcoming  annual  meeting  of  its  shareholders.  This
information  statement  is  being first sent to stockholders on or about May 19,


     The  following  proposals  are  being  presented  at  the  meeting  (the

     1.   To elect three (3) directors to serve until the next Annual Meeting of
          Shareholders  and  thereafter  until  their successors are elected and

     2.   To amend the Articles of Incorporation of the Company to effectuate an
          increase  in  the  number of shares of the Company's authorized common
          stock  to  30  million  shares;

     3.   To adopt the Second Restated Articles of Incorporation for the purpose
          of  consolidating  previous  amendments  to  the Company's Articles of

     4.   To  approve the TMI Holdings, Inc. 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan ("2003
          Omnibus  Securities  Plan");

     5.   To  ratify  the  TMI Holdings, Inc. 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan
          ("2003  Non-Qualified  Securities  Plan");

     6.   To  approve  the  Second  Restated  Bylaws  of  TMI  Holdings,  Inc.;

     7.   To  ratify  the  appointment  of  Berkowitz  Dick Pollack & Brant LLP,
          Certified  Public  Accountants, as independent auditors of the Company
          for  the  fiscal  year  ending  December  31,  2003;  and

     8.   To  transact  such  other  business  as  may  properly come before the
          meeting  or  any  adjournments  thereof.


     The  vote  which  is  required  to  approve  the  above  Proposals  is  the
affirmative  vote  of  the  holders of a majority of the Company's voting stock.
Each  holder  of  common  stock is entitled to one (1) vote for each share held.
The  holders of Series A Preferred Stock are entitled to ten (10) votes for each
share  held; and the holders of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock do not have
voting  rights.


     The  record  date  for  purposes  of  determining the number of outstanding
shares of voting stock of the Company, and for determining stockholders entitled
to  vote,  is  the close of business on April 29, 2003 (the "Record Date").  The
Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company  adopted  the  resolution  approving  and
recommending  each  of the Proposals on May 2, 2003.  As of the Record Date, the
Company  had  outstanding  1,439,675  shares  of common stock, 250,000 shares of
Series  A  Preferred Stock, and 500,000 shares of Series B Convertible Preferred
Stock.  Holders of the shares have no preemptive rights.  All outstanding shares
are  fully  paid  and nonassessable.  The transfer agent for the common stock is
North  American  Transfer  Co., 147 West Merrick Rd., Freeport, New York  11520,
telephone  (516)  379-8501.


     Section  607.0704  of  the  Florida  Revised  Statutes  (the "Florida Law")
provides  that  the  written consent of the holders of the outstanding shares of
common  stock,  having  not less than the minimum number of votes which would be
necessary  to  authorize  or  take  such action at a meeting at which all shares
entitled  to  vote thereon were present and voted, may be substituted for such a
meeting.  Pursuant  to  Sections  607.1003  and  607.1007 of the Florida Revised
Statutes,  approval  by  a  majority  of the outstanding shares of preferred and
common  stock  entitled  to  vote thereon is a valid method in order to amend or
restate  the  Articles of Incorporation.  In addition, the Company's Articles of
Incorporation  require  a  majority  of  the outstanding shares of preferred and
common  stock  approve  the Restated Bylaws.  In addition, the terms of the 2003
Omnibus  Securities Plan and the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan (hereinafter
the  2003  Omnibus  Securities  Plan  and  the  2003 Non-Qualified Plan shall be
referred  to together as the "Plans") require that a majority of the outstanding
shares  of  preferred and common stock approve the Plans.  In order to eliminate
the  costs  and  management  time  involved in obtaining proxies and in order to
effect  the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation, the Restated Bylaws,
and  the  Plans, as early as possible in order to accomplish the purposes of the
Company  as  hereafter described, the Board of Directors of the Company voted to
utilize,  and  did  in  fact  obtain,  the  written  consent of the holders of a
majority  in  the  interest  of  the  common  stock  of  the  Company.

     Pursuant  to  Section 607.0704 of the Florida Revised Statutes, the Company
is  required  to  provide  prompt  notice  of the taking of the corporate action
without  a  meeting  to  the  stockholders  of  record who have not consented in
writing  to such action.  This Information Statement is intended to provide such
notice.  No  dissenters'  or appraisal rights under the Florida Law are afforded
to  the  Company's  stockholders  as  a result of the approval of the Proposals.

                                  PROPOSAL ONE
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Directors  are  elected  by the shareholders at each annual meeting to hold
office until their respective successors are elected and qualified, and need not
be  shareholders of the Company or residents of the State of Florida.  Directors
may  receive  compensation  for  their  services  as  determined by the Board of
Directors.  See  "Compensation  of  Directors."  Pursuant to the Second Restated
Bylaws  of  the  Company,  which were approved by the Shareholders, the Board of
Directors  consists  of  no  less  than one (1), nor more than ten (10) members.
Presently,  the  Board  consists of two (2) members, namely Mr. Scott Siegel and
Mr.  Neil Dolgin.  All of the above-mentioned directors have chosen to stand for
re-election  and have been nominated for re-election by the Board.  In addition,
the  Board  has  nominated  Mr.  Manny  Losada  for  election to the Board.  The
remaining  seven  (7)  spots  on  the  Board  of  Directors shall remain vacant.


     The  Board  of Directors has instructed the President to explore additional
candidates to be added to the Board.  No candidates have been identified at this

     Voting  for the election of directors is non-cumulative, which means that a
simple majority of the shares voting may elect all of the directors.  Each share
of  common  stock  is  entitled  to one (1) vote and, therefore, has a number of
votes  equal  to  the  number  of  authorized directors.  Each share of Series A
Preferred  Stock  is entitled to ten (10) votes, and, therefore, has a number of
votes equal to ten times the number of authorized directors.  Shares of Series B
Convertible  Preferred  Stock  do  not  have voting rights and, as such, are not
entitled  to  vote  on  this  proposal.

     On  May  2,  2003, the three nominees were approved by written consent of a
majority  of  the  Company's  stockholders.

     Although  management  of  the  Company  expects  that each of the following
nominees will be available to serve as a director, in the event that any of them
should  become unavailable prior to the shareholders meeting, a replacement will
be  appointed by a majority of the then-existing Board of Directors.  Management
has  no  reason  to  believe  that  any  of  its  nominees,  if elected, will be
unavailable  to serve.  All nominees are expected to serve until the next annual
shareholders  meeting  or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.


     The  following table sets forth certain information with respect to persons
nominated  by the Board of Directors of the Company for election as Directors of
the  Company  and who will be elected following the annual shareholders meeting:

Name                    Age            Position(s)
- ----                    ---            ------------

Scott Siegel            49             Director, Chief Executive Officer, Chief
                                       Financial Officer, and Treasurer

Neil Dolgin             51             Director

Manny Losada            38             Director Nominee

     Mr.  Siegel  has  been  a director of the Company since March 5, 2003.  Mr.
Siegel  was  also installed as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer,
and  Treasurer  of  the  Company  since  March  5, 2003. Mr. Siegel is the Chief
Executive  Officer,  Secretary  and  Treasurer of First Aid Direct, Inc.. He has
been  an  officer  and/or  director of First Aid Direct, Inc. since August 1997.

     Mr.  Dolgin  has  been  a director of the Company since April 29, 2003.  He
also  serves  in  the  following  capacities:  Chairman  of  the Board and Chief
Executive  Officer  of  AMRES  (commencing  in 1997); Chief Executive Officer of,,  and  Anza Properties; Chief Executive Officer of
Firstline  Mortgage,  Inc.,  a  HUD-approved  originator of FHA, VA, and Title 1
loans  (commencing  in  1985); and Chairman of the Board of Firstline Relocation
Services,  Inc.,  a  three  office  enterprise  that provides real estate sales,
financing,  destination,  and  departure  services  to  Fortune  500  companies
(commencing in 1995).  Mr. Rinehart received his B.A. in Business Administration
from  California  State  University  at  Long  Beach  in  1972.


     Mr.  Losada is a nominee for the Board of Directors.  He is not currently a
director  of  the Company.  Mr. Losada was Vice President and General Manager of
Henry  Schein,  Inc.  from  1999-2002,  where  he  managed  the overall business
operations  of  the  Caligor Hospital Supply division.  Prior to his position at
Henry  Schein,  Inc., Mr. Losada held various positions at Caligor Physician and
Hospital  Supply  from  1992-1998.  His  latest position was Vice President, and
prior  to  that  he was Sales Manager and Director of Sales.  In these positions
Mr.  Losada  was responsible for sales as well as the successful acquisitions of
several  regional  hospital  suppliers.  Mr.  Losada  is  a member of the Health
Industry Distributor Association.  In 1994 Mr. Losada received his Certification
in Materials Management from Bloomfield College, and in 1986 Mr. Losada received
his  Bachelor  of  Science  from  Montclair  State  University.


     Directors of  the  Company  receive  no compensation as a Director but they
are  entitled  to  reimbursement for their travel expenses. The Company does not
pay additional amounts for committee participation or special assignments of the
Board  of  Directors.


     During  the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002, the Board of Directors met
on  several  occasions  and took written action on numerous other occasions. All
the  members  of  the  Board  attended the meetings. The written actions were by
unanimous  consent.

     The  Company  presently has no executive committee, nominating committee or
audit  committee  of  the  Board  of  Directors.

                                  PROPOSAL TWO

     On May 2, 2003, the Board of Directors of the Company approved, declared it
advisable  and  in  the  Company's  best  interests  and  directed that there be
submitted  to the holders of a majority of the Company's common stock for action
by written consent the proposed amendment to Article 5 of the Company's Articles
of  Incorporation  to  increase  the  Company's  authorized  common  stock  from
1,500,000  shares  to  30  million  shares. On May 2, 2003, the Amendment to the
Articles  of  Incorporation was approved by written consent of a majority of the
Company's  stockholders.

     The  Board  of Directors believes that it is advisable and in the Company's
best  interests  to  have available additional authorized but unissued shares of
common  stock  in  an amount adequate to provide for the Company's future needs.
The  additional  shares  will be available for issuance from time to time by the
Company  in  the  discretion of the Board of Directors, normally without further
stockholder  action  (except  as may be required for a particular transaction by
applicable law, requirements of regulatory agencies or by stock exchange rules),
for  any  proper  corporate  purpose  including,  among  other  things,  future
acquisitions  of  property or securities of other corporations, stock dividends,
stock  splits,  stock  options,  convertible  debt  and  equity  financing.  The
availability  of  additional  authorized but unissued shares will be achieved by
effectuating an increase in the number of authorized shares of common stock from
1,500,000  to  30 million.  This step is necessary, in the judgment of the Board
of  Directors,  in order to raise additional capital and carry out the Company's
business  objectives.  The  Board of Directors believes that it is advisable and
in the Company's best interests to increase the authorized common stock in order
to  more  accurately reflect changes in the Company's business focus and changes
in  management.


                                 PROPOSAL THREE
                           ADOPTION OF SECOND RESTATED
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

     On  May 2, 2003, the Board of Directors approved, declared it advisable and
in  the  Company's  best  interests  and directed that there be submitted to the
holders  of  a  majority  of  the  Company's  common stock for action by written
consent  the Second Restated Articles of Amendment of TMI Holdings, Inc.  On May
2,  2003,  the Second Restated Articles of Incorporation was approved by written
consent  of  a  majority  of  the Company's stockholders.  Following the initial
filing  of  the Company's original Articles of Incorporation, and First Restated
Articles  of  Incorporation,  the  Company  has filed numerous amendments to its
Articles  of Incorporation and First Restated Articles of Incorporation, and the
amendment  discussed  herein  will  be  an  additional  amendment.

     In  order  to  simplify  the  Company's  Articles  of Incorporation and the
various  subsequent  amendments,  the  Board  of  Directors  believes  it in the
Company's  best  interest to consolidate the original Articles of Incorporation,
the First Restated Articles of Incorporation, and the subsequent amendments into
a  single  Second  Restated  Articles  of Incorporation.

                                  PROPOSAL FOUR


     On May 2, 2003, the Board of Directors of the Company approved, declared it
advisable  and  in  the  Company's  best  interests  and  directed that there be
submitted  to the holders of a majority of the Company's voting stock for action
by  written  consent,  the  TMI Holdings, Inc. 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan (the
"2003  Omnibus  Securities  Plan").  On May 2, 2003, the 2003 Omnibus Securities
Plan  was  approved  by  written  consent  of  a  majority  of  the  Company's


     The purpose of the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan is to promote the interests
of  the  Company  (including  its  subsidiaries)  and  its stockholders by using
investment  interests  in  the  Company  to  attract,  retain  and  motivate its
management  and  other persons, including officers, directors, key employees and
certain  consultants, to encourage and reward such persons' contributions to the
performance  of  the  Company and to align their interests with the interests of
the  Company's  stockholders.  In  furtherance of this purpose, the 2003 Omnibus
Securities  Plan  authorizes  the granting of the following types of stock-based
awards  (each,  an  "Award"):


     -  stock options (including incentive stock options and non-qualified stock
     -  restricted  stock  awards;
     -  unrestricted  stock  awards;  and
     -  performance  stock  awards.

Each  of  these  types  of  Awards  is  described  below  under  "Awards."


     Key  employees  (including  employees  who are also directors or officers),
directors  and certain consultants of the Company or any subsidiary are eligible
to be granted Awards under the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan at the discretion of
the  Board  of Directors.  In determining the eligibility of any person, as well
as in determining the number of shares to be covered by an Award and the type or
types  of  Awards  to  be  made,  the  Board  of  Directors  may  consider:

     -  the  position, relationship,  responsibilities  and  importance  of  the
        person  to  the  Company;  and
     -  such  other  factors  as  the  Board  of  Directors  deems  relevant.

Selected  consultants  may  participate  in the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan if:

     -  the  consultant  renders bona fide services to the Company or one of its
     -  the  services  rendered by the consultant are not in connection with the
        offer  or  sale  of securities in a capital-raising  transaction  and do
        not  directly  or  indirectly  promote  or  maintain  a  market  for the
        Company's  securities;  and
     -  the  consultant is a natural person who has contracted directly with the
        Company  or  a  subsidiary  of  the  Company  to render such services.


     The  2003 Omnibus Securities Plan currently is administered by the Board of
Directors.  In  the  future,  the  Board  of  Directors  may form a Compensation
Committee  to  administer  the  2003  Omnibus Securities Plan.  Any Compensation
Committee  must  be  comprised  of  at  least  two non-employee directors.  If a
Compensation Committee is formed to administer the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan,
the  Board  of  Directors  will  delegate  to  the  Compensation  Committee full
authority,  in  its  discretion,  to:

     -    select  the  persons  to  whom  Awards  will  be  granted  (each  a
     -    grant  Awards  under  the  2003  Omnibus  Securities  Plan;
     -    determine  the  number  of  shares  to  be  covered  by  each  Award;
     -    determine  the  nature, amount, pricing, timing and other terms of the
     -    interpret,  construe and implement the provisions of the 2003 O mnibus
          Securities  Plan  (including  the  authority  to  adopt  rules  and
          regulations  for  carrying  out  the  purposes  of  the  plan);  and
     -    terminate,  modify  or  amend  the  2003  Omnibus  Securities  Plan.


     The  2003  Omnibus  Securities Plan is not subject to the provisions of the
Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act  of  1974.


     A  total  of  140,000  shares  of  Common  Stock  (subject to adjustment as
described  below)  are  reserved  for issuance under the 2003 Omnibus Securities
Plan.  Shares  of common stock issued under the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan may
be  authorized  but  unissued  shares,  or  shares  reacquired  by  the Company,
including  shares  purchased  on  the open market.  The unexercised, unearned or
yet-to-be acquired portions of any Award that expire, terminate or are canceled,
and  shares  of  common  stock  issued pursuant to Awards under the 2003 Omnibus
Securities  Plan  that are reacquired by the Company pursuant to the terms under
which  such  shares  were  issued,  will again become available for the grant of
further  Awards.

     ADJUSTMENT.  In  general, the aggregate number of shares as to which Awards
may  be  granted  to  Participants  under  the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan, the
number  and kind of shares thereof covered by each outstanding Award, and/or the
price  per  share  thereof  in each such Award will, upon a determination of the
Board of Directors, all be proportionately adjusted for any increase or decrease
in  the  number  of  issued  shares  of common stock resulting from an increase,
decrease  or  exchange  in  the outstanding shares of common stock or additional
shares  or  new or different shares are distributed in respect of such shares of
common  stock,  through  merger,  consolidation,  sale  or  exchange  of  all or
substantially  all  of  the  assets  of  the  Company,  reorganization,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock
split,  spin-off or other distribution with respect to such shares.  On May 1 of
each  year,  the  number  of  shares  in  the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan shall
automatically  be  adjusted  to  an  amount  equal  to  ten percent (10%) of the
outstanding  stock of the Company on April 30 of the immediately preceding year.

     Fractional  interests  will  not be issued upon any adjustments made by the
Board  or  Directors; however, the committee may, in its discretion, make a cash
payment in lieu of any fractional shares of common stock issuable as a result of
such  adjustments.


     STOCK  OPTIONS.  Under  the  2003  Omnibus  Securities  Plan,  the Board of
Directors  may  grant  either  incentive  stock  options  or  nonqualified stock
options.  Incentive stock options and non-qualified stock options may be granted
for  such number of shares of common stock as the Board of Directors determines,
so  long as such number of shares does not exceed the amount permitted under the
plan,  or  in  the case of incentive stock options, the amount permissible under
I.R.C.  Section  422.

     The  exercise  price  for  each  stock option is determined by the Board of
Directors.  Stock  options  must have an exercise price of at least 85% (100% in
the  case  of incentive stock options, or at least 110% in the case of incentive
stock  options  granted  to  certain  employees  owning  more  than  10%  of the
outstanding  voting  stock)  of the fair market value of the common stock on the
date  the  stock option is granted. Under the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan, fair
market  value of the common stock for a particular date is generally the average
of the closing bid and asked prices per share for the stock as quoted on the OTC
Bulletin  Board  on  such  date.


     No stock option may be exercised after the expiration of ten years from the
date  of  grant (or five years in the case of incentive stock options granted to
certain  employees  owning  more  than  10%  of  the  outstanding voting stock).
Pursuant to the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan, the aggregate fair market value of
the  common  stock, for which one or more incentive stock options granted to any
participant may for the first time become exercisable as incentive stock options
under  the  federal  tax  laws  during  anyone  calendar  year  shall not exceed

     A  stock option may be exercised in whole or in part according to the terms
of  the  applicable  stock  option  agreement  by  delivery of written notice of
exercise  to  the  Company  specifying the number of shares to be purchased. The
exercise  price  for each stock option may be paid by the Participant in cash or
by  such  other means as the Board of Directors may authorize. Fractional shares
are not to be issued upon exercise of a stock option. The Board of Directors may
grant  reload  stock  options  in  tandem with stock options that provide for an
automatic  grant  of a stock option in the event a participant pays the exercise
price  of  a  stock  option  by  delivery  of  common  stock.

     The  Board of Directors may, in its discretion, at any time after the grant
of  a stock option, accelerate vesting of such option, as a whole or in part, by
increasing  the  number  of  shares  then  purchasable.  However,  the  Board of
Directors  may  not  increase  the  total number of shares subject to an option.

     Subject  to  the  foregoing  and  the  other provisions of the 2003 Omnibus
Securities  Plan,  stock  options  may  be  exercised  at such times and in such
amounts  and  be subject to such restrictions and other terms and conditions, if
any,  as  determined  by  the  Board  of  Directors.

     RESTRICTED STOCK. Restricted stock may be awarded by the Board of Directors
subject  to  such  terms,  conditions  and restrictions as it deems appropriate.
Restrictions may include limitations on voting rights and transferability of the
shares,  restrictions based on the duration of employment or engagement with the
Company, and Company or individual performance. Restricted stock may not be sold
or  encumbered  until all restrictions expire or are terminated. In this regard,
the  Secretary  of  the  Company  or  such  other  escrow holder as the Board of
Directors  may  appoint  shall  retain  physical  custody  of  each  certificate
representing  restricted  stock  until  all  restrictions  imposed  under  the
applicable  Award  Agreement  shall  expire  or  be  removed.

     The  Board  of  Directors may require the Participant to pay the Company an
amount  at  least  equal  to  the  par  value of the common stock awarded to the
Participant.  Subject  to  any  limitations  imposed  by  the  applicable  Award
Agreement,  from  the  date  a  Participant  becomes  the  holder  of  record of
restricted  stock,  the  Participant  has  all  the rights of a stockholder with
respect  to  such  shares, including the right to vote the shares and to receive
all  dividends  and  other  distributions  paid  with  respect  to  the  shares.

     The  2003  Omnibus Securities Plan provides that to the extent the Board of
Directors  elects  to  grant  an  Award of restricted stock, the Award Agreement
applicable  thereto  shall,  except in certain specified situations, provide the
Company  with  the  right  to  repurchase  the  restricted stock then subject to
restrictions  immediately upon a termination of employment or engagement for any
reason  whatsoever  at  a  cash  price  per share equal to the price paid by the
Participant  for  the  restricted  stock.

     UNRESTRICTED STOCK. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, grant an
Award  of unrestricted stock to any eligible Participant, pursuant to which such
Participant  may receive shares of Common Stock free of any vesting restrictions
under  the  2003  Omnibus Securities Plan.  The Board of Directors may also sell
shares  of  unrestricted  stock  to  eligible  Participants  at a purchase price
determined  in  its  discretion.  Unrestricted  stock  may be granted or sold in
respect  of  past  services or other valid consideration, or in lieu of any cash
compensation  due  to  such  individual.


     PERFORMANCE STOCK AWARDS. The Board of Directors may make performance stock
awards  under  the  2002  Securities Plan based upon terms it deems appropriate.
The  Board  of  Directors may make performance stock awards independent of or in
connection  with  the  granting  of  any  other  Award  under  the  2003 Omnibus
Securities  Plan.  The  Board  of  Directors shall determine whether and to whom
performance  stock  awards  shall  be  made, the performance criteria applicable
under  each  such Award, the periods during which performance is to be measured,
and  all other limitations and conditions applicable to the awarded shares.  The
Board  of  Directors  may utilize any of the following performance criteria when
granting  performance  stock  awards:

     -  net  income;
     -  pre-tax  income;
     -  operating  income;
     -  cash  flow;
     -  earnings  per  share;
     -  return  on  equity;
     -  return  on  invested  capital  or  assets;
     -  cost  reductions  or  savings;
     -  funds  from  operations;
     -  appreciation  in  the  fair  market  value  of  the  common  stock;
     -  earnings  before  anyone  or  more  of  the  following: interest, taxes,
        depreciation  or  amortization;  and
     -  such  other  criteria  deemed  appropriate  by  the  Board of Directors.

     The  Participant  receiving a performance stock award shall have the rights
of  a stockholder only as to shares actually received by the Participant and not
with  respect  to shares subject to the Award but not actually received.  At any
time  prior  to  the  Participant's termination of employment (or other business
relationship)  by  the  Company,  the Board of Directors may, in its discretion,
accelerate,  waive  or,  subject  to  the  other  provisions of the 2003 Omnibus
Securities  Plan,  amend  any  and  all performance criteria specified under any
performance  stock  award.


     The  following  is  a  brief  summary  of  the principal federal income tax
consequences  of  the  grant  and  exercise  of  Awards under present law.  This
summary is not intended to be exhaustive and does not describe foreign, state or
local  tax  consequences.  Recipients  of  Awards  are  advised to consult their
personal  tax  advisors with regard to all tax consequences arising with respect
to  the  Awards.

     TAX  WITHHOLDING.  If  a  distribution  is  made  under  this  2003 Omnibus
Securities  Plan in cash, the Company will withhold taxes as required by law. If
an  Award is satisfied in the form of shares of the common stock, then no shares
may  be  issued  unless  and until arrangements satisfactory to the Company have
been  made to satisfy any tax withholding obligations applicable with respect to
such  Award.


     DEDUCTIBILITY  OF  AWARDS.  Company deductions for Awards granted under the
2003  Omnibus  Securities  Plan  are  limited  by Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code") which generally limits the Company's deduction
for  non-performance  based  compensation  to  $1.0  million  per  year  for the
Company's  CEO  and  its  other  four  (4) most highly compensated officers. The
Company  has  not  paid  any compensation to any executive officers that was not
deductible  by  reason  of  the  prohibition  of  Section  162(m).

     INCENTIVE  STOCK  OPTIONS.  Pursuant  to  the 2003 Omnibus Securities Plan,
employees  may  be  granted  stock  options  that  are  intended  to  qualify as
"incentive  stock  options"  under the provisions of Section 422 of the Code. An
optionee  will  not recognize any taxable income for federal income tax purposes
upon receipt of an incentive stock option or, generally, at the time of exercise
of  an  incentive  stock  option.  The  exercise  of  an  incentive stock option
generally  will  result  in  an  increase  in  an  optionee's taxable income for
alternative  minimum  tax  purposes.

     If  an optionee exercises an incentive stock option and does not dispose of
the  shares  received  in a subsequent "disqualifying disposition" (generally, a
sale,  gift  or  other  transfer within two years after the date of grant of the
incentive  stock  option  or within one year after the shares are transferred to
the  optionee),  upon disposition of the shares any amount realized in excess of
the  optionee's  tax  basis  in  the  shares  disposed  of  will be treated as a
long-term  capital  gain,  and  any  loss will be treated as a long-term capital
loss.  In  the  event of a disqualifying disposition, the difference between the
fair  market  value  of  the  shares  received  on  the date of exercise and the
exercise  price  (limited,  in  the  case  of a taxable sale or exchange, to the
excess  of the amount realized upon disposition over the optionee's tax basis in
the shares) will be treated as compensation received by the optionee in the year
of  disposition.  Any  additional gain will be taxable as a capital gain and any
loss  as a capital loss, which will be long-term or short-term, depending on the
length  of  time  the  optionee  held  the  shares.

     If  the  exercise price of an incentive stock option is paid in whole or in
part  with  shares  of  common  stock,  no income gain or loss generally will be
recognized  by  the  optionee with respect to the shares of common stock paid as
the  exercise  price. However, if such shares of common stock were received upon
the exercise of an incentive stock option, the use of those shares as payment of
the  exercise price will be considered a disposition for purposes of determining
whether  there  has  been  a  disqualifying  disposition  of  those  shares.

     Neither  the  Company  nor  any  of  its subsidiaries will be entitled to a
deduction  with  respect  to  shares received by an optionee upon exercise of an
incentive stock option and not disposed of in a disqualifying disposition. If an
amount  is  treated  as  compensation  received  by  an  optionee  because  of a
disqualifying disposition, the Company or one of its subsidiaries generally will
be  entitled  to  a  corresponding deduction in the same amount for compensation

     NON-QUALIFIED  STOCK  OPTIONS.  An  optionee will not recognize any taxable
income  for  federal  income  tax purposes upon receipt of a non-qualified stock
option.  Upon  the  exercise of a non-qualified stock option the amount by which
the  fair  market  value  of  the  shares received, determined as of the date of
exercise,  exceeds  the  exercise  price,  the  stock  option will be treated as
compensation  received  by the optionee in the year of exercise. If the exercise
price of a non-qualified stock option is paid in whole or in part with shares of
common  stock, (i) no income, gain or loss will be recognized by the optionee on
the  receipt  of  shares  equal  in  value on the date of exercise to the shares
delivered  in  payment  of  the exercise price, and (ii) no income, gain or loss
will  be  recognized  by the optionee with respect to the shares of common stock
paid as the exercise price of the option. The fair market value of the remainder
of  the  shares  received  upon  exercise  of  the  non-qualified  stock option,
determined  as  of  the  date of exercise, less the amount of cash, if any, paid
upon  exercise,  will be treated as compensation income received by the optionee
on  the  date  of  exercise  of  the  stock  option.  The  Company or one of its
subsidiaries, generally will be entitled to a deduction for compensation paid in
the  same  amount  treated  as  compensation  received  by  the  optionee.


     RELOAD  OPTION  RIGHTS. An optionee should not recognize any taxable income
for  federal  income  tax  purposes  upon receipt of reload option rights, and a
reload  option  should  be  treated  as  a  non-qualified  stock  option.

     RESTRICTED  STOCK.  A  recipient of restricted stock will not recognize any
taxable  income  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  in  the year of the Award,
provided  the  shares  are  subject  to  restrictions  (that  is,  they  are
non-transferable  and subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture). However, the
recipient  may  elect  under Section 83(b) of the Code to recognize compensation
income  in  the year of the Award in an amount equal to the fair market value of
the  shares  on the date of the Award (less the amount paid by the recipient for
such  shares),  determined  without regard to the restrictions. If the recipient
does  not  make a Section 83(b) election, the fair market value of the shares on
the  date the restrictions lapse (less the amount paid by the recipient for such
shares)  will  be  treated  as  compensation income to the recipient and will be
taxable  in  the  year  the  restrictions  lapse.  The  Company  or  one  of its
subsidiaries  generally will be entitled to a deduction for compensation paid in
the  same  amount  treated  as  compensation  income  to  the  recipient.

     UNRESTRICTED  STOCK.  Any  shares  of  common stock received pursuant to an
Award  of  unrestricted stock will be treated as compensation income received by
the  recipient,  generally,  in  the  year  in which the recipient receives such
shares.  In  each  case,  the  amount of compensation income will equal the fair
market  value  of  the shares of common stock on the date compensation income is
recognized (less the amount, if any, paid by the recipient for such shares). The
Company  or  one  of  its  subsidiaries,  generally,  will  be  entitled  to  a
corresponding  deduction  in  the  same  amount  for  compensation  paid.

     PERFORMANCE STOCK AWARDS. A recipient of a performance stock award will not
recognize any taxable income for federal income tax purposes upon receipt of the
Award. Any shares of common stock received pursuant to the Award will be treated
as  compensation  income  received  by  the recipient, generally, in the year in
which  the  recipient  receives  such  shares  of  common  stock.  The amount of
compensation  income  will  equal  the fair market value of the shares of common
stock  on  the date compensation income is recognized. The Company or one of its
subsidiaries,  generally,  will be entitled to a deduction for compensation paid
in  the  same  amount  treated  as  compensation  income  to  the  recipient.

     OTHER TAX MATTERS. The exercise by a recipient of a stock option, the lapse
of  restrictions on restricted stock, or the deemed earnout of performance stock
awards  following  the  occurrence  of  a  change  in  control,  in  certain
circumstances,  may  result  in:

     -  a  20%  federal  excise  tax  (in addition to federal income tax) to the
        recipient  on  certain payments of common stock or cash  resulting  from
        such exercise or deemed earnout of performance  stock  awards or, in the
        case of restricted stock, on all or a portion of the fair  market  value
        of  the  shares  on  the  date  the  restrictions  lapse;  and
     -  the  loss of a compensation deduction which would otherwise be allowable
        to  the  Company  or  one  of  its  subsidiaries  as  explained above.



     As  of the date of this Information Statement, no employee has been granted
Options  or  Shares  under  the  Plan.

                                  PROPOSAL FIVE


     On May 2, 2003, the Board of Directors of the Company approved, declared it
advisable  and  in  the  Company's  best  interests  and  directed that there be
submitted  to the holders of a majority of the Company's voting stock for action
by  written  consent,  the TMI Holdings, Inc. 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan
(the  "2003  Non-Qualified  Securities  Plan").  On  May  2,  2003, the Board of
Directors  approval  of  the  2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan was ratified by
written  consent  of  a  majority  of  the  Company's  stockholders.  The  2003
Non-Qualified Securities Plan is already in effect based upon the above Board of
Directors'  approval.


     The  purpose  of  the  2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan is to promote the
interests  of  the  Company (including its subsidiaries) and its stockholders by
using  investment  interests  in the Company to attract, retain and motivate its
management  and  other persons, including officers, directors, key employees and
certain  consultants, to encourage and reward such persons' contributions to the
performance  of  the  Company and to align their interests with the interests of
the  Company's  stockholders.  In  furtherance  of  this  purpose,  the  2003
Non-Qualified  Securities Plan authorizes the granting of the following types of
stock-based  awards  (each,  an  "Award"):

     -  stock options (including incentive stock options and non-qualified stock
     -  restricted  stock  awards;
     -  unrestricted  stock  awards;  and
     -  performance  stock  awards.

Each  of  these  types  of  Awards  is  described  below  under  "Awards."


     Key  employees  (including  employees  who are also directors or officers),
directors  and certain consultants of the Company or any subsidiary are eligible
to  be  granted  Awards  under  the  2003  Non-Qualified  Securities Plan at the
discretion  of  the  Board  of  Directors. In determining the eligibility of any
person, as well as in determining the number of shares to be covered by an Award
and the type or types of Awards to be made, the Board of Directors may consider:

     - the position, relationship, responsibilities and importance of the person
       to  the  Company;  and
     - such  other  factors  as  the  Board  of  Directors  deems  relevant.


Selected  consultants  may participate in the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan

     -  the  consultant  renders bona fide services to the Company or one of its
     -  the  services  rendered by the consultant are not in connection with the
        offer  or  sale  of securities  in  a capital-raising transaction and do
        not  directly  or  indirectly  promote  or  maintain  a market  for  the
        Company's  securities;  and
     -  the  consultant is a natural person who has contracted directly with the
        Company  or  a  subsidiary  of  the  Company  to render such services.


     The  2003  Non-Qualified  Securities  Plan currently is administered by the
Board  of  Directors.  In  the  future,  the  Board  of  Directors  may  form  a
Compensation Committee to administer the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan. Any
Compensation Committee must be comprised of at least two non-employee directors.
If  a  Compensation  Committee  is  formed  to administer the 2003 Non-Qualified
Securities  Plan,  the  Board  of  Directors  will  delegate to the Compensation
Committee  full  authority,  in  its  discretion,  to:

     - select the persons to whom Awards will be granted (each a "Participant");
     - grant Awards under the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan;
     - determine the number of shares to be covered by each Award;
     - determine the nature, amount, pricing, timing  and  other  terms  of  the
     - interpret,  construe  and implement  the  provisions  of  the  2003
       Non-Qualified Securities Plan (including the authority to adopt rules
       and regulations for carrying out the purposes of the plan); and
     - terminate,  modify  or  amend  the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan.

     The  2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan is not subject to the provisions of
the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act  of  1974.


     A  total  of  2.5  million shares of Common Stock (subject to adjustment as
described  below)  are  reserved  for  issuance  under  the  2003  Non-Qualified
Securities  Plan.  Shares  of  common  stock issued under the 2003 Non-Qualified
Securities  Plan  may be authorized but unissued shares, or shares reacquired by
the  Company,  including  shares purchased on the open market.  The unexercised,
unearned  or  yet-to-be acquired portions of any Award that expire, terminate or
are  canceled,  and  shares  of common stock issued pursuant to Awards under the
2003  Non-Qualified  Securities Plan that are reacquired by the Company pursuant
to  the  terms  under which such shares were issued, will again become available
for  the  grant  of  further  Awards.

     ADJUSTMENT.  In  general, the aggregate number of shares as to which Awards
may be granted to Participants under the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan, the
number  and kind of shares thereof covered by each outstanding Award, and/or the
price  per  share  thereof  in each such Award will, upon a determination of the
Board of Directors, all be proportionately adjusted for any increase or decrease
in  the  number  of  issued  shares  of common stock resulting from an increase,
decrease  or  exchange  in  the outstanding shares of common stock or additional
shares  or  new or different shares are distributed in respect of such shares of
common  stock,  through  merger,  consolidation,  sale  or  exchange  of  all or
substantially  all  of  the  assets  of  the  Company,  reorganization,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock
split,  spin-off  or  other  distribution  with  respect  to  such  shares.


     Fractional  interests  will  not be issued upon any adjustments made by the
Board  or  Directors; however, the committee may, in its discretion, make a cash
payment in lieu of any fractional shares of common stock issuable as a result of
such  adjustments.


     STOCK  OPTIONS.  Under the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan, the Board of
Directors  may  only  grant  non-qualified  stock  options.  Non-qualified stock
options may be granted for such number of shares of common stock as the Board of
Directors  determines,  so  long  as  such  number of shares does not exceed the
amount  permitted  under  the  plan.

     The  exercise  price  for  each  stock option is determined by the Board of
Directors.  Stock options under the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan must have
an  exercise  price of at least 85% of the fair market value of the common stock
on the date the stock option is granted. Under the 2003 Non-Qualified Securities
Plan,  fair  market value of the common stock for a particular date is generally
the  average  of  the  closing  bid  and asked prices per share for the stock as
quoted  on  the  OTC  Bulletin  Board  on  such  date.

     No stock option may be exercised after the expiration of ten years from the
date  of  grant.

     A  stock option may be exercised in whole or in part according to the terms
of  the  applicable  stock  option  agreement  by  delivery of written notice of
exercise  to  the  Company  specifying the number of shares to be purchased. The
exercise  price  for each stock option may be paid by the Participant in cash or
by  such  other means as the Board of Directors may authorize. Fractional shares
are not to be issued upon exercise of a stock option. The Board of Directors may
grant  reload  stock  options  in  tandem with stock options that provide for an
automatic  grant  of a stock option in the event a participant pays the exercise
price  of  a  stock  option  by  delivery  of  common  stock.

     The  Board of Directors may, in its discretion, at any time after the grant
of  a stock option, accelerate vesting of such option, as a whole or in part, by
increasing  the  number  of  shares  then  purchasable.  However,  the  Board of
Directors  may  not  increase  the  total number of shares subject to an option.

     Subject to the foregoing and the other provisions of the 2003 Non-Qualified
Securities  Plan,  stock  options  may  be  exercised  at such times and in such
amounts  and  be subject to such restrictions and other terms and conditions, if
any,  as  determined  by  the  Board  of  Directors.

     RESTRICTED STOCK. Restricted stock may be awarded by the Board of Directors
subject  to  such  terms,  conditions  and restrictions as it deems appropriate.
Restrictions may include limitations on voting rights and transferability of the
shares,  restrictions based on the duration of employment or engagement with the
Company, and Company or individual performance. Restricted stock may not be sold
or  encumbered  until all restrictions expire or are terminated. In this regard,
the  Secretary  of  the  Company  or  such  other  escrow holder as the Board of
Directors  may  appoint  shall  retain  physical  custody  of  each  certificate
representing  restricted  stock  until  all  restrictions  imposed  under  the
applicable  Award  Agreement  shall  expire  or  be  removed.


     The  Board  of  Directors may require the Participant to pay the Company an
amount  at  least  equal  to  the  par  value of the common stock awarded to the
Participant.  Subject  to  any  limitations  imposed  by  the  applicable  Award
Agreement,  from  the  date  a  Participant  becomes  the  holder  of  record of
restricted  stock,  the  Participant  has  all  the rights of a stockholder with
respect  to  such  shares, including the right to vote the shares and to receive
all  dividends  and  other  distributions  paid  with  respect  to  the  shares.

     The  2003  Non-Qualified  Securities  Plan  provides that to the extent the
Board  of  Directors  elects  to  grant  an Award of restricted stock, the Award
Agreement  applicable  thereto  shall,  except  in certain specified situations,
provide  the  Company  with  the  right  to repurchase the restricted stock then
subject  to  restrictions  immediately  upon  a  termination  of  employment  or
engagement  for  any  reason  whatsoever  at a cash price per share equal to the
price  paid  by  the  Participant  for  the  restricted  stock.

     UNRESTRICTED STOCK. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, grant an
Award  of unrestricted stock to any eligible Participant, pursuant to which such
Participant  may receive shares of Common Stock free of any vesting restrictions
under  the  2003  Non-Qualified Securities Plan. The Board of Directors may also
sell  shares  of unrestricted stock to eligible Participants at a purchase price
determined  in  its  discretion.  Unrestricted  stock  may be granted or sold in
respect  of  past  services or other valid consideration, or in lieu of any cash
compensation  due  to  such  individual.

     PERFORMANCE STOCK AWARDS. The Board of Directors may make performance stock
awards  under  the  2002  Securities Plan based upon terms it deems appropriate.
The  Board  of  Directors may make performance stock awards independent of or in
connection  with  the  granting  of any other Award under the 2003 Non-Qualified
Securities  Plan.  The  Board  of  Directors shall determine whether and to whom
performance  stock  awards  shall  be  made, the performance criteria applicable
under  each  such Award, the periods during which performance is to be measured,
and  all other limitations and conditions applicable to the awarded shares.  The
Board  of  Directors  may utilize any of the following performance criteria when
granting  performance  stock  awards:

     -  net  income;
     -  pre-tax  income;
     -  operating  income;
     -  cash  flow;
     -  earnings  per  share;
     -  return  on  equity;
     -  return  on  invested  capital  or  assets;
     -  cost  reductions  or  savings;
     -  funds  from  operations;
     -  appreciation  in  the  fair  market  value  of  the  common  stock;
     -  earnings  before  anyone  or  more  of  the  following: interest, taxes,
        depreciation  or  amortization;  and
     -  such  other  criteria  deemed  appropriate  by  the  Board of Directors.

     The  Participant  receiving a performance stock award shall have the rights
of  a stockholder only as to shares actually received by the Participant and not
with  respect  to shares subject to the Award but not actually received.  At any
time  prior  to  the  Participant's termination of employment (or other business
relationship)  by  the  Company,  the Board of Directors may, in its discretion,
accelerate,  waive or, subject to the other provisions of the 2003 Non-Qualified
Securities  Plan,  amend  any  and  all performance criteria specified under any
performance  stock  award.



     The  following  is  a  brief  summary  of  the principal federal income tax
consequences  of  the  grant  and  exercise  of  Awards under present law.  This
summary is not intended to be exhaustive and does not describe foreign, state or
local  tax  consequences.  Recipients  of  Awards  are  advised to consult their
personal  tax  advisors with regard to all tax consequences arising with respect
to  the  Awards.

     TAX  WITHHOLDING.  If  a distribution is made under this 2003 Non-Qualified
Securities  Plan in cash, the Company will withhold taxes as required by law. If
an  Award is satisfied in the form of shares of the common stock, then no shares
may  be  issued  unless  and until arrangements satisfactory to the Company have
been  made to satisfy any tax withholding obligations applicable with respect to
such  Award.

     DEDUCTIBILITY  OF  AWARDS.  Company deductions for Awards granted under the
2003 Non-Qualified Securities Plan are limited by Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code") which generally limits the Company's deduction
for  non-performance  based  compensation  to  $1.0  million  per  year  for the
Company's  CEO  and  its  other  four  (4) most highly compensated officers. The
Company  has  not  paid  any compensation to any executive officers that was not
deductible  by  reason  of  the  prohibition  of  Section  162(m).

     NON-QUALIFIED  STOCK  OPTIONS.  An  optionee will not recognize any taxable
income  for  federal  income  tax purposes upon receipt of a non-qualified stock
option.  Upon  the  exercise of a non-qualified stock option the amount by which
the  fair  market  value  of  the  shares received, determined as of the date of
exercise,  exceeds  the  exercise  price,  the  stock  option will be treated as
compensation  received by the optionee in the year of exercise.  If the exercise
price of a non-qualified stock option is paid in whole or in part with shares of
common  stock, (i) no income, gain or loss will be recognized by the optionee on
the  receipt  of  shares  equal  in  value on the date of exercise to the shares
delivered  in  payment  of  the exercise price, and (ii) no income, gain or loss
will  be  recognized  by the optionee with respect to the shares of common stock
paid  as  the  exercise  price  of  the  option.  The  fair  market value of the
remainder  of  the  shares  received  upon  exercise  of the non-qualified stock
option,  determined as of the date of exercise, less the amount of cash, if any,
paid  upon  exercise,  will  be  treated  as compensation income received by the
optionee on the date of exercise of the stock option.  The Company or one of its
subsidiaries, generally will be entitled to a deduction for compensation paid in
the  same  amount  treated  as  compensation  received  by  the  optionee.

     RELOAD  OPTION  RIGHTS. An optionee should not recognize any taxable income
for  federal  income  tax  purposes  upon receipt of reload option rights, and a
reload  option  should  be  treated  as  a  non-qualified  stock  option.

     RESTRICTED  STOCK.  A  recipient of restricted stock will not recognize any
taxable  income  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  in  the year of the Award,
provided  the  shares  are  subject  to  restrictions  (that  is,  they  are
non-transferable  and subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture). However, the
recipient  may  elect  under Section 83(b) of the Code to recognize compensation
income  in  the year of the Award in an amount equal to the fair market value of
the  shares  on the date of the Award (less the amount paid by the recipient for
such  shares),  determined  without regard to the restrictions. If the recipient
does  not  make a Section 83(b) election, the fair market value of the shares on
the  date the restrictions lapse (less the amount paid by the recipient for such
shares)  will  be  treated  as  compensation income to the recipient and will be
taxable  in  the  year  the  restrictions  lapse.  The  Company  or  one  of its
subsidiaries  generally will be entitled to a deduction for compensation paid in
the  same  amount  treated  as  compensation  income  to  the  recipient.


     UNRESTRICTED  STOCK.  Any  shares  of  common stock received pursuant to an
Award  of  unrestricted stock will be treated as compensation income received by
the  recipient,  generally,  in  the  year  in which the recipient receives such
shares.  In  each  case,  the  amount of compensation income will equal the fair
market  value  of  the shares of common stock on the date compensation income is
recognized (less the amount, if any, paid by the recipient for such shares). The
Company  or  one  of  its  subsidiaries,  generally,  will  be  entitled  to  a
corresponding  deduction  in  the  same  amount  for  compensation  paid.

     PERFORMANCE STOCK AWARDS. A recipient of a performance stock award will not
recognize any taxable income for federal income tax purposes upon receipt of the
Award. Any shares of common stock received pursuant to the Award will be treated
as  compensation  income  received  by  the recipient, generally, in the year in
which  the  recipient  receives  such  shares  of  common  stock.  The amount of
compensation  income  will  equal  the fair market value of the shares of common
stock  on  the date compensation income is recognized. The Company or one of its
subsidiaries,  generally,  will be entitled to a deduction for compensation paid
in  the  same  amount  treated  as  compensation  income  to  the  recipient.

     OTHER TAX MATTERS. The exercise by a recipient of a stock option, the lapse
of  restrictions on restricted stock, or the deemed earnout of performance stock
awards  following  the  occurrence  of  a  change  in  control,  in  certain
circumstances,  may  result  in:

     -    a 20% federal excise tax (in addition to federal income tax) to the
          recipient on certain payments of common stock or cash resulting from
          such exercise or deemed earnout of performance stock awards or, in the
          case of restricted stock, on all or a portion of the fair market value
          of the shares on the date the restrictions lapse; and
     -    the loss of a compensation deduction which would otherwise be
          allowable to the Company or one of its subsidiaries as explained


     As  of the date of this Information Statement, no employee has been granted
Options  or  Shares  under  the  Plan.

                                  PROPOSAL SIX

     On  May  2,  2003,  the Board of Directors approved, subject to stockholder
approval, the Second Restated Bylaws of TMI Holdings, Inc.  In order to simplify
the Company's Bylaws and subsequent amendments, including changing the number of
directors  in  the  Bylaws  to  correspond  with  the  Company's  Articles  of
Incorporation, the Board of Directors believes it in the Company's best interest
to  adopt  the Second Restated Bylaws of TMI Holdings, Inc.  On May 2, 2003, the
Second  Restated  Bylaws  were  approved by written consent of a majority of the
Company's  stockholders.


     The  Second  Restated  Bylaws  will  become effective upon their execution,
anticipated  to  be  approximately  twenty-one  (21) days after this Information
Statement  has  been  distributed  to  the  Company's  stockholders.

                                 PROPOSAL SEVEN
                           RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT
                             OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The  Board  of  Directors has appointed Berkowitz Dick Pollack & Brant LLP,
independent  certified  public  accountants, to audit the consolidated financial
statements of the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003 and seeks
ratification  of such appointment.  On May 2, 2003, the appointment of Berkowitz
Dick  Pollack  &  Brant LLP was ratified by written consent of a majority of the
Company's  stockholders.

     Representatives  of Berkowitz Dick Pollack & Brant LLP, are not expected to
be  present  at  the  Annual  Meeting.

Audit  Fees:

     During  the  fiscal  year ended December 31, 2002, Berkowitz Dick Pollack &
Brant  LLP  billed  the  Company  approximately $37,000 in fees for professional
services rendered in connection with the audit of the Company's annual financial
statements  and  for  reviewing  the  Company's  quarterly  financial statements
included in its quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB for the fiscal year then ended.

Financial  Information  Systems  Design  and  Implementation  Fees:

     During  the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002, the Company did not engage
Berkowitz  Dick  Pollack  &  Brant  LLP  to  provide  advice regarding financial
information  systems  design  and  implementation.

All  Other  Fees:

     During  the  fiscal  year ended December 31, 2002, Berkowitz Dick Pollack &
Brant  LLP  billed the approximately $7,000 for professional services related to
tax  consulting  and  general  consulting.

     The  Company does not have an audit committee, however, the Company's Board
of  Directors  has  considered  whether  the services provided by Berkowitz Dick
Pollack  &  Brant  LLP  in  connection  with  the  Other Fees is compatible with
maintaining  the  independence  of  Berkowitz  Dick  Pollack  &  Brant  LLP.


                                OTHER INFORMATION


     The  following table sets forth the names and ages of the current directors
and  executive officers of the Company, the principal offices and positions with
the  Company  held  by each person and the date such person became a director or
executive  officer  of  the  Company.  The executive officers of the Company are
elected  annually by the Board of Directors.  The directors serve one year terms
until  their  successors are elected.  The executive officers serve terms of one
year  or  until  their  death, resignation or removal by the Board of Directors.
Unless  described  below,  there  are  no  family relationships among any of the
directors  and  officers.

NAME                         Age       Position(s)
                             ---       -----------

Scott Siegel                 49        Director, Chie  Executive Officer,
                                       Chief  Financial Officer,  and  Treasurer

Neil  Dolgin                 51        Director

     Mr.  Siegel  has  been  a director of the Company since March 5, 2003.  Mr.
Siegel  was  also installed as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer,
and  Treasurer  of  the  Company since  March  5, 2003.  Mr. Siegel is the Chief
Executive  Officer,  Secretary  and  Treasurer of First Aid Direct, Inc.. He has
been  an  officer  and/or  director of First Aid Direct, Inc. since August 1997.

     Mr.  Dolgin  has  been  a director of the Company since April 29, 2003.  He
also  serves  in  the  following  capacities:  Chairman  of  the Board and Chief
Executive  Officer  of  AMRES  (commencing  in 1997); Chief Executive Officer of,,  and  Anza Properties; Chief Executive Officer of
Firstline  Mortgage,  Inc.,  a  HUD-approved  originator of FHA, VA, and Title 1
loans  (commencing  in  1985); and Chairman of the Board of Firstline Relocation
Services,  Inc.,  a  three  office  enterprise  that provides real estate sales,
financing,  destination,  and  departure  services  to  Fortune  500  companies
(commencing in 1995).  Mr. Rinehart received his B.A. in Business Administration
from  California  State  University  at  Long  Beach  in  1972.


     The  Summary  Compensation Table shows certain compensation information for
services rendered in all capacities for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2001
and  2000.  Other  than  as  set forth herein, no executive officer's salary and
bonus  exceeded  $100,000  in  any  of  the  applicable  years.  The  following
information includes the dollar value of base salaries, bonus awards, the number
of stock options granted and certain other compensation, if any, whether paid or


                                               SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                 Annual Compensation                                    Long Term Compensation
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    Annual Compensation                                    Long Term Compensation
                            --------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
                                                                                       Awards                  Payouts
                                                                          ----------------------------   --------------

                                                                        RESTRICTED        SECURITIES
                                                        OTHER ANNUAL       STOCK          UNDERLYING        LTIP        ALL OTHER
POSITION                                                    ($)                               (#)            ($)           ($)

Scott Siegel(1)           2003    -0-        -0-            -0-              -0-              -0-            -0-            -0-

W. Michael Sessions       2002    -0-        -0-            -0-              -0-              -0-            -0-            -0-

John W. Meyers (3)        2002    -0-        -0-            -0-              -0-              -0-            -0-            -0-

Marc Douglas (4)          2002    -0-        -0-            -0-              -0-              -0-            -0-            -0-

                          2001   286,347     -0-            -0-              -0-              -0-            -0-            -0-

Ileen Little(5)           2001    59,200     7,000         -0-(6)            -0-           25,000            -0-            -0-

Stephen L. Wiley (7)      2001    65,385     -0-           -0-(6)            -0-           25,000            -0-            -0-

          (1) Mr. Siegel was appointed as a Director and as President, Treasurer
          and  Secretary  of  the  Company  on  March  5,  2003.

          (2) On March 5, 2003, Mr. Sessions resigned as President and Secretary
          of  the  Company.

          (3)  On  March 5, 2003, Mr. Meyers resigned as President and Secretary
          of  the  Company.

          (4)  On  November  7, 2002, Mr. Douglas resigned from all positions he
          held  at  the  Company.

          (5)  Ms. Little resigned as the Company's Vice President and Secretary
          following the sale of the Company's business units on August 27, 2001.

          (6)  Perquisites  and  other  personal  benefits paid to the indicated
          Named Executive Officers for the applicable periods did not exceed 10%
          of  the  total  of  annual  salary  and  bonus  reported.

          (7)  Mr.  Wiley  resigned  as  the  Company's  Chief Financial Officer
          following the sale of the Company's business units on August 27, 2001.


                                       OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR
                                                (INDIVIDUAL GRANTS)

                            UNDERLYING              OPTIONS/SAR'S GRANTED
                               (#)                           YEAR                        ($/SH)              EXPIRATION DATE
Scott Siegel                   -0-                           N/A                          N/A                       N/A

W. Michael Sessions.           -0-                           N/A                          N/A                       N/A

John W. Meyers                 -0-                           N/A                          N/A                       NA/

Marc Douglas                   -0-                           N/A                          N/A                       N/A

                                         AND FY-END OPTION/SAR VALUES

                                                                     NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                     SECURITIES UNDERLYING         VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                     OPTIONS/SARS AT FY-END (#)      MONEY OPTION/SARS
                      SHARES ACQUIRED ON                             EXERCISABLE/UNEXERCISABLE         AT FY-END ($)
NAME                      EXERCISE (#)      VALUE REALIZED ($)                                     EXERCISABLE/UNEXERCISABLE
Scott Siegel                 -0-                  N/A                      N/A                           N/A

W. Michael Sessions          -0-                  N/A                      N/A                           N/A

John W. Meyers               -0-                  N/A                      N/A                           N/A

Marc Douglas                 -0-                  N/A                      N/A                           N/A


     Directors of the Company receive no compensation as a Director but they are
entitled  to  reimbursement  for their travel expenses. The Company does not pay
additional  amounts  for  committee  participation or special assignments of the
Board  of  Directors.



     On  January  31,  2003, TMI Holdings, Inc. (the "Company") acquired 100% of
the  assets  and outstanding stock of Kina'ole Development Corporation, a Hawaii
corporation.  The  Company  acquired the  Kina'ole  shares  from William Michael
Sessions  and  John  W.  Meyers, both of whom were officers and directors of the
Company at that time.  In exchange for Kina'ole's assets and shares, the Company
issued Mr. Sessions and Mr. Meyers each 250,000 shares of the Company's Series B
Convertible  Preferred  Stock.  Mr. Sessions and Mr. Meyers resigned as officers
and  directors  of  the  Company  on  March  5,  2003.

     The  Company's Series B Convertible Preferred Stock entitles its holders to
30  votes on all matters brought before a vote of the Company's stockholders and
each share of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock will be converted into the 30
shares  of  the  Company's  common  stock  as soon as the Company has sufficient
authorized  but  unissued common stock to convert all 500,000 shares of Series B
Convertible  Preferred  Stock.


     Kina'ole is located in Lihue, Hawaii and is a seller of manufactured homes.
Through arrangements with dealerships on each Hawaiian island Kina'ole sells the
manufactured  homes to retail customers.  Kina'ole also delevops subdivisions of
manufactured  homes  and  has  an  installation  company  that,  as  a  licensed
contractor,  completes  the  foundation  and site work as well as installing the
manufactured  homes.


     On  February  21, 2003, the Company entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement
with  Scott  Siegel, whereby the Company issued 1,050,000 shares of common stock
and 250,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock to Mr. Siegel in exchange for Mr.
Siegel  agreeing  to pay approximately $222,500 in outstanding Company debt.  At
the  time of this transaction Mr. Siegel was not a related party to the Company;
however,  he  became  an  officer  and director of the Company on March 5, 2003.


     The  following  table sets forth, as of April 29, 2003, certain information
with  respect to the Company's equity securities owned of record or beneficially
by  (i)  each  Officer  and  Director  of the Company; (ii) each person who owns
beneficially  more  than  5%  of  each class of the Company's outstanding equity
securities;  and  (iii)  all  Directors  and  Executive  Officers  as  a  group.

                                       Common Stock

                Name and Address of                     Amount and Nature of  Percent
Title of Class  Beneficial Owner (1)                    Beneficial Ownership  of Class (2)
- --------------  --------------------                    --------------------  ------------
Stock.          Scott Siegel(3)                               1,000,000         69.5%

Stock           Neil Dolgin(4)                                    0              0.0%

Common          All officers and directors as a group
Stock           (2 persons)                                   1,000,000         69.5%

     (1)  Unless  otherwise  noted,  the address of each beneficial owner is c/o
          TMI  Holdings, Inc., 11924 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 22-204, Wellington
          Florida  33414.

     (2)  Based  on  1,439,675  shares  outstanding  as  of  April  29,  2003.

     (3)  Mr.  Siegel  is  a  Director  of  the  Company and the Chief Executive
          Officer,  Chief  Financial  Officer,  and  Treasurer  of  the Company.

     (4)  Mr.  Dolgin  is  a  Director  of  the  Company.


                                         Series A Preferred Stock(1)

                             Name and Address of                     Amount and Nature of  Percent
Title of Class               Beneficial Owner                        Beneficial Ownership  of Class
- --------------               ----------------                        --------------------  ---------
Series A
Preferred                    Scott Siegel                                   250,000           100%

Series A                     All officers and directors as a group
Preferred                    (1 person)                                     250,000           100%

     (1)  Each  Share  of  Series A Preferred Stock has 10 to 1 voting rights on
          any  matters properly brought before a the shareholders of the Company
          for  a  vote.

                                         Series B Preferred Stock(1)

                             Name and Address of                     Amount and Nature of          Percent
Title of Class               Beneficial Owner                        Beneficial Ownership          of Class
- --------------               ----------------                        --------------------          ---------
Series B
Preferred                    W. Michael Sessions                          250,000                    50%

Series B
Preferred                    John W. Meyers                               250,000                    50%

Series B.                    All officers and directors as a group
Preferred                    (0 person)                                      0                        0%

     (1)  Shares  of  Series  B  Preferred  Stock  do  not  have  voting rights.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
directors  and executive officers and persons who own more than ten percent of a
registered class of the Company's equity securities to file with the SEC initial
reports  of  ownership  and  reports of changes in ownership of Common Stock and
other  equity  securities  of the Company.  Officers, directors and greater than
ten  percent shareholders are required by SEC regulations to furnish the Company
with  copies  of  all  Section  16(a)  forms  they  file.

     To  the Company's knowledge, none of the required parties are delinquent in
their  16(a)  filings.


                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Any shareholder desiring to submit a proposal for action at the 2004 Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders and presentation in the Company's Information or Proxy
Statement  with  respect  to such meeting should arrange for such proposal to be
delivered  to  the  Company's  offices at 11924 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 22-204,
Wellington,  Florida  33414, addressed to the corporate Secretary, no later than
December  15,  2003  in  order  to  be considered for inclusion in the Company's
Information  or  Proxy Statement relating to the meeting.  Matters pertaining to
such  proposals, including the number and length thereof, eligibility of persons
entitled  to have such proposals included and other aspects are regulated by the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934, Rules and Regulations of the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  and other laws and regulations to which interested persons
should refer.  The Company anticipates that its next annual meeting will be held
in  May  2004.

     On  May  21,  1998,  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  adopted an
amendment to Rule 14a-4, as promulgated under the Securities and Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended.  The amendment to Rule 14a-4(c)(1) governs the Company's use
of  its  discretionary  proxy  voting  authority  with  respect to a shareholder
proposal  which  is  not  addressed  in  the Company's proxy statement.  The new
amendment provides that if a proponent of a proposal fails to notify the Company
at least 45 days prior to the month and day of mailing of the prior year's proxy
statement,  then  the  Company  will  be allowed to use its discretionary voting
authority  when the proposal is raised at the meeting, without any discussion of
the  matter  in  the  proxy  statement.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The  Company has not enclosed a copy of the Annual Report on Form 10-KSB to
Shareholders  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2002  with  this Information
Statement  because, due to financial constraints, the Annual Report has not been

                                  By  order  of  the  Board  of  Directors

                                  /s/ Scott Siegel
                                  Scott  Siegel,  Chief  Executive  Officer

Coral  Springs,  Florida
May  20,  2003
