Exhibit 4.10
[Board of Advisors]
                             Lifestyle Technologies
                          5970 Fairview Road, Suite 650
                         Charlotte, North Carolina 28210

                                   May 3, 2001
Dear Mr. Deutsch:

          We are  pleased  you have  agreed to  participate  in our  growth as a
     member of the Board of Advisors of LST, Inc. d/b/a  Lifestyle  Technologies
     (Lifestyle).  Although we may have already discussed this relationship,  we
     thought  it  might be  useful  to  review  some of the  particulars  of our
     relationship, including how you will be compensated for your services.

          We would expect you to use your best efforts  attend a formal  meeting
     of the  Board of  Advisors  at least  once  every two  months,  and to meet
     individually  with the  management  team at least  once a month.  The exact
     dates and times of these  meetings will be mutually  agreed upon by you and
     us. We may also ask you to attend special meetings of the Board of Advisors
     from time to time. In addition to sharing your experience and insight,  and
     consulting  and  implementation  with respect to  franchising  matters,  we
     expect  members of our Board of Advisors to provide  contacts to  potential
     investors and strategic partners.  We will reimburse you for all reasonable
     and documented travel expenses related to these meetings and other services
     you provide to us, which expenses in excess of $500 are approved in advance
     in writing by us.

          In  consideration  for  these  services  and for being a member of our
     Board of  Advisors,  our parent  company,  eResource  Capital  Group,  Inc.
     (eRCG),  will, subject to eRCG Board of Directors'  approval,  issue to you
     50,000  shares of common  stock of eRCG (the  "Shares"),  such  issuance to
     occur  promptly  upon the  completion  and filing of a  franchise  offering
     circular (the "Offering  Circular") for use in selling  franchises in those
     states  within the United  States  that we  request  and all other  actions
     necessary  or  appropriate  for  us to  embark  on a  national  franchising
     program.   Your  role  will  be  managing  and  consulting  with  Lifestyle
     Technologies'  staff  on  this  project  and  assisting  legal  counsel  in
     preparing the Offering Circular. All legal and filing expenses will be paid
     directly by Lifestyle  Technologies.  The offering  circular must include a
     form of franchise  agreement  and other  franchise-related  documents  that
     applicable  law (federal and state)  mandate must be issued to  prospective
     franchisees  in connection  with our sale of franchises.  Once issued,  the
     Shares  will not be  subject to  forfeiture,  however,  the Shares  will be
     subject to  restrictions  on  transfer  until  such time as a  registration
     statement   covering  the  Shares  is   effective.   Consistent   with  our
     discussions,  eRCG will undertake to cause, at its sole cost and expense, a
     registration statement to be filed within six months of the issuance of the
     Shares.  If the  issuance  of the  Shares is not  approved  by the Board of
     Directors  of eRCG,  then we will pay you cash in the  amount  equal to the
     value of the Shares based on the closing  price of eRCG common stock on the
     date the Shares would have been issued had such issuance been approved.

          In addition to the Shares, you will receive  additional  consideration
     in the form of: (i) subject to eRCG Board of Directors' approval, the grant
     of a warrant (the  "Warrant"),  expiring four years from the date of grant,
     to purchase  100,000  shares of eRCG common stock at an exercise  price per
     share  equal to the closing  price of eRCG  common  stock as of the date of
     grant.  Such Warrant shares shall vest quarterly in equal amounts of 12,500
     over a two year period should you remain in continuous  service as a member
     of our Board of Advisors.  In the event of  termination  of your service as
     member  of the Board of  Advisors  for any or no  reason,  the  vested  and
     unexercised  portion of the Warrant  shall be  forfeited  if not  exercised
     within six months after the date of termination; and (ii) a fee equal to 3%
     of all the  revenues  we  collect,  from,  by or  through  the  independent
     franchises which are established within our national franchise system while
     you are  actively  consulting  for us and a member of our Board of Advisors
     including,  without  limitation,  initial franchise fees,  royalty fees and
     fees, charges, rebates or other monies received from our suppliers, vendors
     or third parties to whom our franchisees do business in connection with the
     operation of their  franchises,  exclusive of applicable taxes (the "Fee").
     We will pay the Fee to you on a quarterly basis within forty-five (45) days
     after  the  end of each  applicable  quarter.  The Fee  will be paid to you
     during the period you are providing  franchise services for us and a member
     of our Board of Advisors and for a period of the later of (i) one year from
     the date of  termination  of your services and (ii) May 3, 2003;  provided,
     however,  Fees will not be paid to you beyond the period you are  providing
     franchise  services  for us and a member  of our Board of  Advisors  in the
     event your services are terminated because you (i)  misappropriated,  stole
     or embezzled funds or property from us or our affiliates, (ii) committed an
     act of deceit, fraud,  dereliction of duty, or misconduct having an adverse
     effect  upon  us  or  our  affiliates,  (iii)  disclosed  our  confidential
     information or trade  secrets,  (iv) have been convicted of either a felony
     or a crime  causing harm to our  reputation or entered a plea of no contest
     or plea to any lesser charge predicated on the same underlying conduct, (v)
     engaged in competitive  behavior  against us or our  affiliates,  purposely
     aided a competitor of ours or our affiliates,  or  misappropriated or aided
     in misappropriating a material opportunity of


      ours or our  affiliates,  (vi)  failed,  after  written  notice  and a
      reasonable  opportunity to cure, to comply with the reasonable written
      directives  of our Board of  Directors,  (vii) failed to comply in any
      material  respect  with the  terms  hereof or  (viii)  habitually  use
      alcohol or other substances.

          This will also  confirm that neither one of us has the ability to bind
     the  other  legally  and that only we shall  have the  right to select  our
     franchisees.  Each party agrees that all representations  made by the party
     to a prospective  franchisee  shall be factual and will be consistent  with
     the Offering Circular.

          You understand that the Offering  Circular and any other materials and
     information created pursuant hereto are our sole and exclusive property and
     your performance hereunder shall not create any right, title or interest in
     our property.  You acknowledge that to perform your services hereunder,  it
     will be  necessary  for us to disclose to you  certain  data,  information,
     processes,  procedures,  documents and trade secrets that are  commercially
     valuable  to us and not  generally  known  in the  industry  ("Confidential
     Information")  and that  have been  developed  by us at great  expense  and
     effort. You agree not to disclose,  transfer,  use, copy or allow access to
     any  such  Confidential  Information  to any  third  party,  not to use the
     Confidential  Information  for  any  purpose  or in any  manner  whatsoever
     (including, without limitation, for your own use or together with others in
     any manner that is  competitive  with, or adverse to, us) other than as set
     forth herein and to treat such information in a confidential  manner.  Upon
     termination of your service as a member of our Board of Advisors,  you will
     promptly  return to us all material  containing  Confidential  Information,
     including copies thereof and notes relating thereto.

          The  relationship  between us will be one of principal and independent
     contractor  and  neither  party  shall  have the  authority  to create  any
     obligation or make any  representation  on behalf of the other party.  Each
     party agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party and its
     affiliates from any and all damages,  losses, demands,  claims, actions and
     liabilities,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs,  incurred by
     the other  party  resulting  from such  party's  actions or  omissions.
          We  recognize  that  your  needs and ours may  change  in the  future.
     Accordingly,  either of us may  terminate  this  relationship  by giving 30
     days' written notice to the other.  Notwithstanding  the termination of our
     relationship,  the  termination  will  not  relieve  either  party  of  any
     liability accrued prior to the termination date, and the provisions of this
     letter  agreement  which  one  would  reasonably  expect  to  survive  such
     termination,  including our obligation to pay the Fee and your  obligations
     with respect to Confidential  Information as detailed above,  will continue
     in effect according to its terms.

          We agree  that you may  conduct  an  audit  of our  relevant  business
     records in order to verify the Fee being paid to you,  provided  such audit
     is done upon  reasonable  prior  notice  to us and the  audit is  conducted
     during  business  hours  without  unduly   interfering  with  our  business

          To confirm your  interest in serving on the Board of Advisors,  please
     sign in the space below and return an original by mail to the  attention of
     Glenn Barrett at the above address. We thank you for your interest and look
     forward to working with you.

                                   Lifestyle Technologies, Inc.

                                   By: --------------------------
                                   Glenn I. Barrett, Jr., President

                                   eResource Capital Group, Inc.

                                   Michael D. Pruitt, CEO

- -----------------------------------
Name (print):     David Deutsch

Address: ----------------------------------
