September 26, 2005


Mr. Donald Walker
Senior Assistant Chief Accountant
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.  20549

          FILED MARCH 16, 2005
          FILE NO. 000-14703

Dear Mr. Walker:

     I  am  writing in response to the Staff's letter of comment dated September
15,  2005  (the  "Comment  Letter") to Mr. Daryl R. Forsythe of NBT Bancorp Inc.
(the  "Company").  The responses to the Comment Letter set forth below are keyed
to  the  sequence  of  the  comments  in  the  Comment  Letter.

- ----------------
- --------------------

     1.   We note your disclosures regarding the determination of your allowance
          for loan losses. Please tell us:

               -    the amount of the specific allowance attributable to your
                    non-performing loans, if any;

               -    why your provision for loan losses has remained constant
                    over the past several years in veiw of your net charge-off
                    history; and

               -    how you have considered the $48.0 million in potential
                    problem loans as of December 31, 2004 in determining your


a)   Specific allocations are established in compliance with Financial
     Accounting Standard Board (FASB) Statement of Financial Accounting
     Standards (FAS) No. 114, " Accounting by Creditors for Impairment of a
     Loan". At December 31, 2004, and 2003 the Company had $10.5 million and
     $8.7 million, respectively, in nonaccrual commercial and agricultural loans
     and real estate loans, that were considered impaired with a specific
     allocation of $0.2 million for both periods.

b)   The following represents Tables 7 (Nonperforming Assets) and 8 (Allowance
     for Loan and Lease Losses) from the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year
     ended December 31, 2004 ("Form 10-K"):

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   As of December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)                                 2004      2003      2002      2001      2000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial and agricultural loans and real estate    $10,550   $ 8,693   $16,980   $31,372   $14,054
Real estate mortgages                                  2,553     2,483     5,522     5,119       647
Consumer                                               1,888     2,685     1,507     3,719     2,402
Total nonaccrual loans                                14,991    13,861    24,009    40,210    17,103
Commercial and agricultural loans and  real estate         -       242       237       198     4,523
Real estate mortgages                                    737       244     1,325     1,844     3,042
Consumer                                                 449       482       414       933       865
Total loans 90 days or more past due and still
accruing                                               1,186       968     1,976     2,975     8,430
Restructured loans                                         -         -       409       603       656
Total nonperforming loans                             16,177    14,829    26,394    43,788    26,189
Other real estate owned                                  428     1,157     2,947     1,577     1,856
Total nonperforming loans and other real estate
owned                                                 16,605    15,986    29,341    45,365    28,045
Nonperforming securities                                   -       395     1,122     4,500     1,354
Total nonperforming loans, securities, and other
real estate owned                                    $16,605   $16,381   $30,463   $49,865   $29,399
Total nonperforming loans to loans and leases           0.56%     0.56%     1.12%     1.87%     1.17%
Total nonperforming loans and other real estate
owned to total assets                                   0.39%     0.40%     0.79%     1.25%     0.78%
Total nonperforming loans, securities, and other
real estate owned to total assets                       0.39%     0.40%     0.82%     1.37%     0.82%
Total allowance for loan and lease losses to
nonperforming loans                                   277.75%   287.62%   152.18%   102.19%   124.07%

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in thousands)                         2004      2003      2002      2001      2000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at January 1                         $42,651   $40,167   $44,746   $32,494   $28,240

Commercial and agricultural                    4,595     5,619     9,970    17,097     3,949
Real estate mortgages                            772       362     2,547       783     1,007
Consumer*                                      6,239     5,862     5,805     4,491     2,841
  Total loans and leases charged-off          11,606    11,843    18,322    22,371     7,797
Commercial and agricultural                    2,547     3,185     3,394     1,063       503
Real estate mortgages                            215       430       104       122       141
Consumer*                                      1,510     1,601     1,172     1,004       739
  Total recoveries                             4,272     5,216     4,670     2,189     1,383
Net loans and leases charged-off               7,334     6,627    13,652    20,182     6,414
Allowance related to purchase acquisitions         -         -         -       505       525
Provision for loan and lease losses            9,615     9,111     9,073    31,929    10,143
Balance at December 31                       $44,932   $42,651   $40,167   $44,746   $32,494
Allowance for loan and lease losses to
loans and leases outstanding at end of
year                                            1.57%     1.62%     1.70%     1.91%     1.45%
Net charge-offs to average loans and
leases outstanding                              0.27%     0.27%     0.58%     0.87%     0.31%
* Consumer charge-off and recoveries include consumer, home equity, and lease financing.

     Our provision for loan losses, net charge-offs, loan growth, and
     nonperforming loans, have remained relatively consistent over the past
     several years, with the exception of 2001 and 2002. During 2001, the
     provision for loan losses was increased to $31.9 million from $10.1 million
     in 2000 in consideration of following: the significant increase in
     non-performing loans and net charge-offs that occurred in 2001; the growth
     in higher credit risk loan types in 2001, as the Company's strategic focus
     on loan growth, particularly commercial lending, was also the focus of the
     banks acquired by the Company in 2001 and 2000 (commercial loans grew from
     $755.4 million at December 31, 1999 to $958.1 million at December 31,
     2001); the fact that recently acquired banks appeared to have used
     generally less conservative underwriting and monitoring standards than the
     Company (the Company acquired CNB Bank in 2001 and LA Bank, NA and Pioneer
     American Bank in 2000); and the significant downturn in economic conditions
     in the Company's market areas during 2001. Non-performing loans increased
     from $26.2 million at December 31, 2000 to $43.8 million at December 31,
     2001. Net charge-offs increased from $6.4 million in 2000 to $20.2 million
     in 2001. During 2002, the provision decreased to $9.1 million. Net
     charge-offs decreased to $13.7 million during 2002. Net charge-offs in 2002
     exceeded the 2002 provision for loan and lease losses because the Company
     had provided for certain of the 2002 charge-offs in previous years. Since
     2002, both the provision for loan losses and net charge-offs have returned
     to more normalized levels and have remained relatively consistent. The
     levels of provisions in recent years reflect in large part loan growth, as
     loans grew at a 12% rate in 2003 and a 9% rate in 2004. Although 2004 loan
     growth was somewhat less than 2003, that loan growth was significantly in
     higher credit risk type loans.

c)   As disclosed under the heading "Management's Discussion and Analysis of
     Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Nonperforming Assets" in
     the Form 10-K, potential problem loans are performing loans, but known
     information exists about possible credit problems of the related borrowers
     that causes management to have doubts as to the ability of such borrowers
     to comply with the present loan repayment terms and which may result in
     disclosure of such loans as nonperforming at some time in the future.
     Potential problem loans are loans that are performing but are classified by
     the Company's loan rating system as "substandard." Loans so classified must
     have a well-defined weakness, or weaknesses, that jeopardize the
     liquidation of the debt. They are characterized by the distinct possibility
     that the bank will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected.
     These criticized loans are assigned a loss factor by the severity of
     classification utilizing the bank's allowance methodology that is
     established based upon consideration of historical charge-off experience
     among other relevant factors.

                                    * * * *

          The  Company  hereby  acknowledges  that:

     -    the company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
          disclosure in the filing;

     -    staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments
          do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
          the filing; and

     -    the company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
          proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
          securities laws of the United States.

     If  you have any questions or would like further information concerning the
foregoing  please  do  not  hesitate  to  contact  me  at  (607)  337-6520.


                                                 Michael  J.  Chewens
                                                 Senior Executive Vice President
                                                 Chief Financial Officer and
                                                 Corporate Secretary

cc:  Daryl R. Forsythe
     NBT Bancorp Inc.