July 31, 2002

Richard T. Ludlow
136 East South Temple, Suite 1700-A
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

          Re:  Rescon Technology Corporation, a Nevada corporation (the

Dear Mr. Ludlow:

          Thank you for your letter dated July 26, 2002, regarding the S-8
proposals of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which I have reviewed.

          I am not a public relations person for the Company or any other
entity.  I have not and do not intend to raise any funding for the Company.
The services I will render and intend to render for the benefit of the
Company include providing advice, documentation and information only to the
Company regarding the services I have performed as outlined in the
Consulting Agreement, and that no services rendered under the Consulting
Agreement shall be "capital raising" services as that term may be deemed to
be services that promote or maintain a market for the securities of the

          I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the written Consulting Agreement
and that I have access to the website of the Securities and Exchange
Commission where I have reviewed all reports filed by the Company with the
Securities and Exchange Commission during the past 12 months.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        Anthony O'Donnell