WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        For the month of SEPTEMBER, 2004.

                        Commission File Number: 0-30464

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

  #709 - 837 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3N6, Canada
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant  files or will file annual reports
under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F:   FORM 20-F  [X]   FORM 40-F  [ ]

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): _______

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): _______

Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  by  furnishing  the  information
contained  in this Form,  is also  thereby  furnishing  the  information  to the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
YES [ ] NO [ ]

If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule 12g3- 2(b): 82-_____________


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf of the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                           IMA EXPLORATION INC.

Date: SEPTEMBER 10, 2004                   /s/ Joseph Grosso
     ------------------------------        -------------------------------------
                                           Joseph Grosso,
                                           President & CEO

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.

                            TERMINAL CITY CLUB TOWER
                                    SUITE 709
                            837 WEST HASTINGS STREET
                              VANCOUVER, BC V6C 3N6
                            TELEPHONE: (604) 687-1828
                            FACSIMILE: (604) 687-1858

                         INITIAL ANNUAL INFORMATION FORM


                                SEPTEMBER 7, 2004

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


PRELIMINARY NOTES.............................................................ii

GLOSSARY OF TERMS..............................................................1

CORPORATE STRUCTURE............................................................3

         Name, Address  and Incorporation......................................3

         Intercorporate Relationships..........................................4

GENERAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUSINESS............................................5

         Three Year History....................................................5

         Financings and Other Corporate Developments...........................6


DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS........................................................7
         Principal Properties of IMA...........................................8
                  Navidad Project..............................................8
                  Navidad Area Properties (Other than the Navidad Project)....20
                  Taquetren Property..........................................20
                  Regalo Property.............................................20
                  Noel Property...............................................21
                  Trucha Property.............................................21
                  Mara Property...............................................21
                  Condor And Alamo Properties.................................21
                  Nina And Carlota Properties.................................21
                  Pampa 3 Property............................................21
                  Colonia Property............................................22
                  Julie Property..............................................22
                  Sierra 1 Property...........................................22
                  Sierra 2 Property...........................................22
                  Sierra 3 Property...........................................22
         Risk Factors.........................................................23


General Description of Capital Structure......................................28

market for securities.........................................................29

Escrowed Securities...........................................................29

directors and officers........................................................30
         Name, Occupation and Security Holding................................30
         Cease Trade Orders, Bankruptcies, Penalties or Sanctions.............31
         Conflicts of Interest................................................32

Legal Proceedings.............................................................32

Interest of management and others in material transactions....................32

Transfer Agents and Registrars................................................33

Material Contracts............................................................33

interests of experts..........................................................34

additional information........................................................34


                                PRELIMINARY NOTES


This Annual Information Form ("AIF")  incorporates by reference certain parts of
the  Company's  Management  Information  Circular  dated May 14,  2004 (the "IMA
Circular").  Copies of all  materials  incorporated  by reference  herein may be
obtained from SEDAR, under the Company's name, at www.sedar.com.


All information contained in this AIF is as of August 31, 2004, unless otherwise


Unless otherwise  specified,  in this AIF, all references to "dollars" or to "$"
are to Canadian dollars and all references to "U.S.  dollars" or to "US$" are to
U.S. dollars.

The  following  table sets  forth:  (i) the rate of  exchange  for the  Canadian
dollar,  expressed in United States  dollars in effect at the end of the periods
indicated,  (ii) the average of exchange rates in effect on the last day of each
month during such periods, and (iii) the high and low exchange rates during such
periods based on the noon rate of exchange as reported by the Bank of Canada for
conversion of Canadian dollars into United States dollars.

                                                  YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31

                                           2003            2002            2001
                                           US $            US $            US $

Rate at end of period:                    0.7617          0.6413          0.6278

Average rate for period:                  0.7136          0.6368          0.6458

High for period:                          0.7710          0.6598          0.6688

Low for period:                           0.6338          0.6179          0.6230

The noon rate of exchange on August 31, 2004,  as reported by the Bank of Canada
for the  conversion of Canadian  dollars into United States dollars was Canadian
$1.00 equals US$0.7595.


The  summaries  of financial  information  contained in this AIF are reported in
Canadian  dollars.  All such  financial  information  is derived from the annual
financial statements of the Company for the financial year end December 31, 2003
which  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  Canadian  generally  accepted
accounting principles.


Certain   statements   contained   in  this  AIF   constitute   "forward-looking
statements".  When used in this  document,  the words "may",  "would",  "could",
"will",  "intend",  "plan",  "propose",  "anticipate",   "believe",  "estimate",
"expect"  and  similar  expressions,  as  they  relate  to  the  Company  or its
management, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements
reflect  the  Company's  current  views with  respect  to future  events and are
subject to certain  risks,  uncertainties  and  assumptions.  Many factors could
cause the Company's  actual  results,  performance or  achievements  that may be
expressed  or  implied  by such  forward-looking  statements,  including,  among
others,  business  conditions in the general  economy;  changes in  governmental
regulation  of  the  mining  industry;  gold  price  volatility;  volatility  of
commodity prices;  mining industry operational hazards and environment concerns;
uncertainty  of  estimates  of  mineral  deposits;   government  regulation  and


requirements for permits and licenses and competition in addition to those which
are  discussed  under the heading  "Risk  Factors".  Should one or more of these
risks  or  uncertainties  materialize,  or  should  assumptions  underlying  the
forward-looking  statements prove incorrect,  actual results may vary materially
from  those  described  herein  as  intended,  planned,  anticipated,  believed,
estimated  or  expected.  The Company  does not intend,  and does not assume any
obligation, to update these forward-looking statements.

The terms "Mineral  Resource"  "Measured Mineral  Resource",  "Indicated Mineral
Resource" and "Inferred Mineral  Resource" used in the Company's  disclosure are
Canadian mining terms as defined in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -
Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects under the guidelines set out in the
Canadian  Institute of Metallurgy  and Petroleum  Standards.  Mineral  Resources
which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.


                                GLOSSARY OF TERMS

Except as otherwise defined,  the following terms, when used herein,  shall have
the following meanings:

Breccia             A rock containing  generally  angular fragments of itself or
                    some other rock.

Cateo               In Argentina,  a cateo is an exploration  concession granted
                    for a period of up to 1,100 days.  In areas where field work
                    seasons are limited, only the available field season will be
                    considered in determining  the 1,100 days. A cateo gives the
                    holder the exclusive  right to explore the area,  subject to
                    certain  pre-existing  rights of owners of mines  within the
                    area and abutting  owners of cateos.  Through the process of
                    exploration,  the  owner  of the  cateo  may  make  and file
                    "manifestations"  of discovery  (see below) and petition the
                    mining  authority  for the granting of mines (see below).  A
                    cateo may be up to 10,000  hectares in size.  A single legal
                    person may not hold more than 20 cateos or 200,000  hectares
                    of cateos in any one province.  When the cateo is officially
                    granted,  a one time payment of about US $0.35 (Pesos $0.80)
                    per hectare is required.

Clastic             Rock   components   consisting   of  fragments   derived  by
                    mechanical erosion of pre-existing rocks.

G/T                 grams per tonne

Km                  Kilometre

Mine                In Argentina,  a mine or "mina" is a real property interest.
                    It is a right of  exploration  granted on a permanent  basis
                    after the  completion  of an official  survey for as long as
                    the right is diligently utilized and semi-annual payments of
                    US$17.50  (Pesos $40) per claim are made. A mine may consist
                    of one or several claims or  "pertinencias".  In the case of
                    vein deposits,  each claim is a maximum of 200 by 300 meters
                    or six hectares; for disseminated deposits, each claim is up
                    to one square kilometer or 100 hectares.

Navidad Area        The Navidad  Project and certain  other  mineral  properties
Properties          held   indirectly  by  IMA  in  central   Chubut   Province,

Navidad Project     IMA's   silver-lead-copper   project   located   in   Chubut

Ppb                 parts per billion

Ppm                 parts per million

SEDAR               The System for Electronic Document Analysis and Referral.

Sedimentary Rocks   Descriptive term for a rock formed of sediment, namely solid
                    material both mineral and organic, deposited from suspension
                    in a liquid.

Stream Sediment     A sample of fine sediment derived from the mechanical action
Sample              of the stream.

Sulfide             A compound of sulfur  combined  with one or more metallic or
                    semi-metallic elements.

TSX-V               TSX Venture Exchange

Veins               An occurrence of minerals, having been intruded into another
                    rock, forming tabular shaped bodies.



          Ag        Silver

          As        Arsenic

          Au        Gold

          Bi        Bismut

          Ca        Calcium

          Cd        Cadmium

          Co        Cobalt

          Cu        Copper

          Fe        Iron

          Hg        Mercury

          Mg        Magnesium

          Mn        Manganese

          Mo        Molybdenum

          Ni        Nickel

          P         Phosphorus

          Pb        Lead

          S         Sulfur

          Sb        Antimony

          T1        Thallium

          Zn        Zinc


Biotite             An iron and magnesium bearing mica mineral.

Carbonate           A mineral containing the radical CO3.

Hornblende          A complex hydrated  aluminosilicate  of magnesium,  iron and

Pyroxene            An aluminosilicate of magnesium and iron.

                                   ROCK TYPES

Limestone           A sedimentary rock consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate.

Sandstone           A clastic  sedimentary  rock composed  largely of sand-sized
                    grains, principally quartz.

Shale               A clastic  sedimentary  rock derived from very  fine-grained
                    sediment (mud).


                               CORPORATE STRUCTURE


IMA Exploration Inc. ("IMA" or the "Company") was incorporated under the Company
Act (British  Columbia,  Canada) (the  "Company  Act") on September 17, 1979, as
Gold Star  Resources  Ltd. On May 1, 1990,  IMA filed an Altered  Memorandum  to
reflect its name change to EEC Marketing Corp. On January 13, 1992, IMA filed an
Altered  Memorandum  to reflect its name change to Amera  Industries  Corp.  IMA
filed another Altered  Memorandum on February 9, 1995 to reflect its name change
to  International  Amera  Industries  Corp.  On February 20, 1996,  IMA filed an
Altered Memorandum,  changing its name to IMA Resource  Corporation.  On July 7,
1998, IMA filed an Altered Memorandum, changing its name to IMA Exploration Inc.

On March 29,  2004,  the new British  Columbia  Business  Corporations  Act (the
"BCBCA") came into force in British Columbia and replaced the Company Act, which
is the statute that previously  governed IMA. Under the BCBCA, IMA has two years
within which to  transition  ("Transition")  itself  under the new statute.  The
Board of Directors (the "Board") of IMA approved the Transition of IMA under the
BCBCA on April 29, 2004. IMA filed a transition  application  with the Registrar
of Companies British Columbia and completed the Transition on May 4, 2004.

The head  office of the Company is located at  Terminal  City Club Tower,  Suite
709, 837 West Hastings Street,  Vancouver,  BC V6C 3N6. The Company's registered
office is located  at Suite  3350 - 1055  Dunsmuir  Street,  Vancouver,  British
Columbia, V7X 1L2.



IMA  presently  carries  on  its  business   operations  through  the  following

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                               IMA HOLDINGS CORP.
                      Canada           |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             IMA NAVIDAD (BVI) INC.
                      BVI/Barbados     |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      Argentina        |
                                  NAVIDAD AREA




IMA has been actively  acquiring and  exploring  mineral  properties in Peru and
Argentina since 1996 . In most cases,  IMA has conducted the exploration work on
the properties,  however in certain cases,  the properties were optioned out and
the work was conducted by third parties.


In a 1997  agreement  with the  Company,  Barrick Gold  Corporation  ("Barrick")
subscribed  to a $1.5  million  private  placement,  of which the Company had to
spend a minimum of  $1,125,000 on its Valle de Cura  properties in  northwestern
Argentina  before August 17, 2000. An August 1999 agreement  granted  Barrick an
option to earn a 50%  interest  in either the Rio de las  Taguas or  Potrerillos
properties in the Valle de Cura region for a US$250,000  payment and exploration
expenditure commitments. In 2000, Barrick exercised warrants for net proceeds to
the  Company of $2.25  million,  part of which  were used to fund the  Company's
exploration program in the Valle de Cura region from October 2000 to March 2001.
In December  2003,  Barrick  served notice that they would not be exercising the
option to earn a 50%  interest  in either the Rio de las  Taguas or  Potrerillos

In March 2001,  IMA  granted  Rio Tinto  Mining and  Exploration  Limited  ("Rio
Tinto")  an  option  to earn up to a 70%  interest  in the  Mogote  copper  gold
property.  Rio Tinto  terminated  the  option in  December  2001  citing  budget

In February 2003, IMA announced that it acquired by staking the Navidad  Project
in Chubut Province,  Argentina.  From that point, IMA focused its efforts on its
Navidad  properties  in Chubut  Province  located  in  southern  Argentina.  The
preliminary results of its initial exploration efforts were very encouraging.  A
Phase I drilling  program  commenced in November 2003 and  continued  into March
2004. A second phase  commenced in late May 2004.  IMA believes that the Navidad
project is worthy of its  primary  interest  and  accordingly  has  focused  the
majority of its  available  resources on this project and expects to continue to
do so.

In January 2004,  IMA announced  that it entered into an option  agreement  with
Amera  Resources  Corporation  ("Amera")  pursuant to which Amera was granted an
option to acquire 51% interest in the Mogote Property in San Juan, Argentina. In
April 2004,  IMA and Amera amended this agreement to allow Amera to earn up to a
75% interest in the Mogote Property.

On May 25, 2004, IMA announced that Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc. had
completed  a Resource  estimate  (the  "Snowden  Report")  at Galena Hill on the
Navidad  Property.  The Snowden  Report  concluded that Galena Hill contained an
indicated  resource of 63.6 million  tones grading 101 g/t silver and 1.76% lead
using a 50 gram per tonne silver  equivalent cut off grade.  See "Description of
Business - Principal Properties of IMA - Navidad Property - Resource Estimate".

Under the Arrangement  (described  below under  "Reorganization"),  all of IMA's
Argentinean  properties other than the Navidad Project and certain other Navidad
area properties, have been transferred to Golden Arrow.


From  1997 to June  2002,  IMA had been  actively  exploring  the Rio  Tabaconas
property in Peru. In June 2002, IMA announced that it would take a more measured
approach to exploring this  property.  This action was taken based on the advice
of expert advisors and as a result of general  scepticism in Peru and opposition
towards various types of regional development, including power plants and mining
activity.  Since  June  2002,  IMA has not  conducted  any  further  exploration
activity   on  this   property,   but  has  been   attempting   to   finalize  a
Company/Community Plan to deal with the issues cited.


The Peruvian properties, known as Rio Tabaconas, have been transferred to Golden
Arrow pursuant to the Arrangement (described below under "Reorganization").


The  following is a summary of the major  financing and other  corporate  events
since January 1, 2001.

In July 2001,  the  Company  completed a  non-brokered  private  placement  of 3
million  units at a price of 26 cents per unit for gross  proceeds of  $780,000.
The proceeds  were used to help finance the  companies  exploration  programs in
Peru and for general working capital.

On July 19, 2001, the Company  announced the granting of 1,635,500 stock options
exercisable  for 5 years at a price of 40 cents  per  share.  In  addition,  the
Company  amended the terms of 2,195,000  and 1,397,167  outstanding  warrants to
extend the expiry date from  September  15,  2001,  April 19, 2002 and March 16,
2002 to September 15, 2004, April 19, 2005 and March 16, 2005, respectively.

In January 2002,  IMA completed a private  placement to raise gross  proceeds of
$1,026,000  through the sale of 2,700,000  units at 38 cents per unit. The funds
were used to help  finance the  Company's  exploration  programs in Peru and for
general working  capital.  Each whole warrant  entitled the holder to purchase 1
additional  common  share for a period of one year from  closing at 45 cents per

In April 2002,  IMA raised  gross  proceeds  of $800,000  through an offering of
1,777,778  units at 45 cents per unit. The proceeds from the financing were used
for further  exploration,  property  payments and for general  working  capital.
Canaccord Capital Corporation acted as lead agent on this financing.

In May 2002, IMA completed a non-brokered  private  placement for gross proceeds
of $775,000  through the sale of 1,722,222 units at 45 cents per unit. The funds
were used to help  finance the  Company's  exploration  programs in Peru and for
general working capital.

In September  2002,  IMA  completed a financing  for gross  proceeds of $730,810
through  the  sale of  1,154,915  units at a price of 47  cents  per  unit.  The
proceeds of the financing were used for general working capital.

In November  2002,  IMA amended the expiry  dates for  1,237,800  warrants  from
December 18, 2002 and 382,200 warrants from January 29, 2003 to March 31, 2003.

In April  2003,  IMA  completed  a financing  for gross  proceeds of  $2,610,000
through  the  sale of  2,900,000  units at a price of 90  cents  per  unit.  The
proceeds were used for general working capital.

In  September  2003,  IMA  announced  that it  entered  into an  agreement  with
Canaccord Capital  Corporation and First Associates  Investments Inc. who agreed
to purchase on a bought deal basis,  2 million  units of the Company at purchase
price of $2.25 per unit for total proceeds of 4.5 million.

On October 6, 2003,  IMA announced  that it received a letter from Toronto based
Aquiline   Resources  Inc.   suggesting  that  the  company  used   confidential
information  to acquire the Navidad  Property.  In October 2003, IMA commenced a
legal action in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against Aquiline Resources
Inc.  claiming  damages,  an  injunction  and  costs  for  injurious  falsehood,
interference with contractual  relations,  interference with economic  interests
and other claims.  See "Legal  Proceedings".  On October 6, 2004,  the Company's
press release indicated that the bought deal financing had been cancelled.

In February  2004,  IMA completed a bought deal  financing for gross proceeds of
$4.65  million  with  a  syndicate  of  underwriters  led by  Canaccord  Capital
Corporation and including First  Associates.  The proceeds of the financing were
used primarily for exploration of the Navidad Project.


In March 2004, IMA announced that Minera  Aquiline  Argentine SA, a wholly owned
subsidiary  of  Aquiline  Resources  Inc.,  had  commenced  an action in British
Columbia asserting that the Company unlawfully used confidential information and
seeking a constructive  trust over the Navidad Project in Argentina and damages.
In April 2004,  IMA filed a statement of defence to the claim of  Aquiline.  See
"Legal Proceedings".

On May 3, 2004,  IMA announced its proposed  reorganization  to spin off its non
Navidad Properties into a new public company to be called Golden Arrow Resources
Corporation. See "Reorganization" below.


Effective July 7, 2004 (the  "Effective  Date"),  IMA's assets were  reorganized
into two separate public companies,  IMA, and Golden Arrow Resources Corporation
("Golden  Arrow").  The  reorganization  was carried out via a statutory plan of
arrangement (the "Arrangement") under the provisions of the BCBCA pursuant to an
arrangement agreement (the "Arrangement Agreement") dated May 14, 2004 among the
Company,  Golden  Arrow  and  IMA  Holdings  Corp.  ("IMA  Holdco").  Under  the
Arrangement, IMA's most advanced project, the Navidad silver-lead-copper project
and certain other Navidad area properties in central Chubut  Province,  remained
in IMA,  while IMA's other  properties and related assets and $750,000 cash were
transferred  to Golden  Arrow.  Golden  Arrow will be  committed  to grass roots
exploration  while  IMA  will  retain  the  Navidad  project  and  focus  on its
development.  As of the  Effective  Date,  IMA and  Golden  Arrow  had the  same

The  Arrangement  was  intended to enhance  shareholder  value by enabling  each
company  to focus on the  development  of its own  properties,  and by  allowing
shareholders  to hold an interest in Golden  Arrow which  reflects  the value of
IMA's portfolio of exploration projects other than the Navidad properties

Shareholder  approval  was  received at the  Company's  June 24, 2004 Annual and
Special General  Meeting and court and regulatory  approvals have been received.
Pursuant to the  Arrangement  Agreement,  the common shares of Golden Arrow were
distributed to shareholders of IMA in proportion to their present  shareholdings
in IMA and on the basis of one Golden  Arrow share for every 10 IMA shares held.
Golden  Arrow's  common  shares  commenced  trading on the TSX-V on July 9, 2004
under the symbol "GRG".

Under the Arrangement,  all outstanding common share purchase warrants (the "IMA
Warrant") of IMA on the  Effective  Date will upon  exercise of such IMA Warrant
after the  Effective  Date,  entitle  the holder  thereof to receive  one common
shares of IMA and one tenth of a Golden Arrow common share at the exercise price
per share provided in the certificate  representing such IMA Warrant, subject to
the terms and conditions of such certificate.  The proceeds from the exercise of
the IMA Warrants  will be split  between IMA and Golden Arrow based on a formula
set out in the Arrangement.

IMA and Golden Arrow have the same Board of Directors as IMA, and it is intended
that Golden Arrow will be managed by the same management team as IMA.

Further  details of the  Arrangement  are set out in the IMA Circular  under the
heading "The  Arrangement"  which section is incorporated by reference into this
AIF.  This  document  has been  filed on SEDAR and is  available  for  review at

                             DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS


The  Company  is  a  natural   resource  company  engaged  in  the  business  of
acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Argentina. The
Company's  strategy  has been to acquire  properties  for the purpose of mineral
exploration and exploitation.  In the event the Company discovers mineralization
capable of economic  production,  it intends to develop or seek a joint  venture
partner and/or to sell all or a portion of its interest in the subject  property
to finance the  development  of such  property.  At present,  the Company has no
producing  properties and consequently  has no current  operating income or cash
flow.  As of this date the Company is an  exploration  stage company and has not
generated any revenues. There is no assurance that a commercially viable mineral


deposit exists on any of the properties.  Further  exploration  will be required
before a final  evaluation  as to the  economic  and  legal  feasibility  of the
Navidad properties is determined.



On February 3, 2003 IMA announced the discovery of high-grade silver-lead-copper
mineralization  at its 100% owned 10,000 hectare  (24,700 acres) Navidad Project
in north central Chubut,  Argentina.  The  mineralization had been discovered by
prospecting  on  December  10,  2002 and was a new  discovery  as there  were no
recorded  occurrences of silver  mineralization in the area. This was surprising
due to the fact that high-grade,  structurally-controlled mineralization and the
moderate-grade  replacement style  mineralization with abundant visible lead and
copper mineralization outcrops and subcrops over a strike length of thousands of
meters. There was no evidence of prior prospecting or sampling activity anywhere
despite the area being  inhabited.  Furthermore a fence line passes  through the
central part of the  outcropping  high-grade  mineralization  and blocks of rock
containing obvious green copper oxides had been used to prop up fence posts.

The following  disclosure  with respect to the Navidad Project (other than under
the headings  "Resource  Estimate" and "Planned  Future Work") is based upon the
Technical  Report for the Navidad  Project  dated May 12,  2004.  The  Technical
Report for the Navidad  Project was prepared by Dr. Paul Lhotka,  P. Geo.  PH.D.
Dr.  Lhotka is a  "qualified  person" for the  purposes  of National  Instrument
43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The Technical Report with
respect to the  Navidad  Project  has been filed on SEDAR and is  available  for
review at www.sedar.com.

Property description and location

The Navidad Project comprises 10,000 hectares consisting of one individual claim
(cateo) in the Gastre  Department  of the Province of Chubut.  It is centered at
approximately  42.415 decimal  degrees south latitude and 68.82 decimal  degrees
west longitude in the Campo Inchauspe datum. The above point has been located in
the field by professional  surveyors and has the coordinates  2,514,856.53  east
and  5,304,454.84  north in Gauss Kruger Campo Inchauspe zone 2 and was assigned
the local grid  coordinates  50,000E,  10,000N  with an  elevation  of 1218.18 m
(Height Above  Ellipsoid  WGS1984).  The local grid is rotated 30 degrees to the
east of Gauss Kruger north.

Mineral Titles included in the Navidad Project:

File Number    Year     Date                  Type        Name          Hectares
- -----------    ----     ----------------      -----       ----          --------

13984          2002     December 6, 2002      CATEO       Gan            10,000

Accessibility and infrastructure

The  property  is located in the  north-central  part of the  Province of Chubut
within the prominent Gastre  structural  lineament in a somewhat  uplifted area.
Minimum  elevation within the Gan cateo is 1060m while the maximum  elevation is
1460m. Relief is gentle with minor local exceptions.

Vegetation is sparse and comprises grasses and low brush.  Trees are absent. The
climate is characterized as continental  semi-arid with moderate temperatures in
summer often accompanied by high winds. Winters are cold with temperatures often
dipping below zero Celsius,  but are  generally  not  characterized  by extended
sub-zero  periods.  Most of the  precipitation  falls in winter as both rain and
snow  and as such  conditions  may not  favor  field  work  in the  winter,  but
depending on the year, work may be possible even during winter.

Access to the property is possible year around by two-wheel  drive pick-up truck
except in very wet periods. Gastre is the nearest town some 40km to the west and
the town of Gan Gan is about the same distance to the east; both are along Route
4, a gravel  highway.  The nearest  airport with scheduled  (rare) service is in
Esquel four hours drive to the  southwest by gravel road. To the north about two
hours drive,  in the province of Rio Negro,  is the town of Ingenerio  Jacobacci
which is larger than Gastre and has much better services including banking. From
Ingenerio  Jacobacci  it is  another  three  and a half  hours  to the  west  to


Bariloche,  a city with  multiple  daily  flights and a centre for tourism  year
around.  From Gastre to the Atlantic Coast it is approximately seven hours drive
virtually all on gravel  roads.  Along the coast  infrastructure  is much better
with paved, roads, ports and airports and larger population centers.

During  normal road  conditions  the trip from Gastre to the Navidad  Project is
about 30 minutes.

A high voltage power line running from the Futaleufu site to an aluminum smelter
at  Puerto  Madryn  passes  roughly  50km  south  of the  Navidad  Project.  The
government has announced a contract tendered to construct this power line to the
national  power  grid at  Choele  Choel in Rio  Negro  to the  north in order to
facilitate expansion of the aluminum smelter and other projects. Construction of
the connection will bring the national power grid within easy reach of Navidad.


The Navidad Project has no known exploration  history and there is no indication
that any of the showings were previously  discovered or sampled. The only nearby
sign of previous mining activity lies about 3km north west of Navidad Hill where
some barite veins were opened up by trenches presumably with the idea of selling
barite as an industrial mineral to the petroleum  industry.  Sampling during the
surface work showed these veins have very low values of silver, copper and lead.
Verbal  reports  suggest the trenching was done about 20 years ago.  Effectively
the  exploration  history of Navidad Project began on December 10, 2002 with the
discovery of outcropping mineralization by an IMA geologist.  Subsequent surface
work comprised extensive  geological mapping,  rock sampling,  soil sampling and
geophysics including magnetic, induced polarization and gravity surveys.

Regional and local geology

According  to the  preliminary  map 4369-II at 1:250,000  scale of SEGEMAR,  the
national geological service of Argentina,  the Navidad Project mineralization is
mapped as part of the Upper Jurassic  Canadon Asfalto  Formation.  Province wide
geological  maps of Chubut by the same  organization  indicate  that the Canadon
Asfalto is  restricted  to the central  part of Chubut.  The type section of the
formation is located along the Rio Chubut  southwest of the project area between
Paso Sapo and Paso de Indios.

Much of the  remainder of the Navidad  Project is underlain by the Lonco Trapial
Formation of Lower Jurassic age and finally older,  poorly age-defined  basement
granitic rocks of Paleozoic age.

The  Canadon  Asfalto  Formation  comprises  fine  sandstones,   limestones  and
volcanics of continental and  lacusterine  environment.  It appears  significant
regional  variations in composition  and  depositional  environment  are present
within the formation as currently  defined.  Both fossils and a K/Ar radiometric
age of 173 +/-4 Ma indicate a middle to upper Jurassic age.

The  Lonco  Trapial  Formation,   including   Tacquetren   Formation  and  other
equivalents,  is more widely distributed in Chubut excluding the Andean portion.
The  formation is volcanic  dominant and appears to be the first phase of infill
of local grabens in the developing San Jorge Basin. Again,  significant regional
variability  in  composition  and   depositional   facies  is  indicated,   with
compositions ranging from felsic to mafic.

Apparently  one of the  controlling  features  of the  San  Jorge  Basin  is the
long-lived,  major  structure  known as the Gastre Fault.  This fault is a wide,
northwest-trending zone of fracturing that appears to have controlled deposition
of units and then dismembered them from the Jurassic through the present.

Faulting related to the Gastre Fault is present in the Navidad Project area, but
the most  striking  structural  elements  in the area are a series of  northwest
trending folds.


Diamond Drilling Program

Connors Argentina S. A. ("Connors") of Mendoza Argentina  commenced  drilling on
November  26, 2003 and finished  drilling on March 10, 2004,  including a 29 day
break during the Christmas/New Years holidays.  During the program 8853.58m were
drilled  in 53  holes  for an  average  of 118m  per  day  including  moves  and
breakdowns and excepting only the holiday break noted above.

All but one of the holes  recovered HQ diameter  (61mm) core.  The exception was
NV03-04 which was cored to 244.20m with HQ and then recovered NQ core to the end
of the hole at 284.98m.  The drill supplied was  containerized  and mounted on a
tracked  undercarriage  capable of moving itself. Water for drilling was brought
to the drilling sites by a water truck of 9,000 liters that was subcontracted by
Connors.  The water was trucked from several local sources under  agreement with
local surface land owners.

Down hole  surveys  of the holes  were done on all but one hole  using a Tropari
instrument. This instrument is a magnetic compass and inclinometer with a timing
mechanism that blocks the  instrument  once it has stabilized in the hole. It is
then  retrieved  and read by the  geologist.  In  general  the holes had  little
deviation  because of the relatively  large diameter of the drill string and the
relatively short lengths of the holes.

Surveyed coordinates and orientations of Navidad drillholes

                                         E GK faja 2    N GK faja 2               Az wrt      Down
                                            (Campo         (Campo     Elevation    GK CI      from      Length
Hole ID        Local E       Local N      Inchauspe)     Inchauspe)     m HAE      North    Vertical     (m)

NV03-01       50,000.6      10,005.0     2,514,819.5    5,304,458.8    1,219.5     210.0      -45.0     109.50
NV03-02       50,000.0       9,971.1     2,514,802.0    5,304,429.8    1,211.2      30.0      -45.0     154.50
NV03-03       51,160.5       9,660.1     2,515,651.6    5,303,580.3    1,178.4     210.0      -45.0     178.50
NV03-04       51,160.1       9,669.6     2,515,655.9    5,303,588.6    1,178.6      30.0      -45.0     284.98
NV03-05       51,160.1       9,802.1     2,515,722.2    5,303,703.3    1,176.6      30.0      -60.0     217.70
NV03-06       49,961.7       9,972.3     2,514,769.5    5,304,449.9    1,218.4      30.0      -45.0     136.20
NV03-07       49,919.7       9,965.9     2,514,729.9    5,304,465.4    1,222.2      30.0      -45.0     108.90
NV03-08       49,959.8      10,016.3     2,514,789.8    5,304,489.0    1,226.4     210.0      -45.0     146.00
NV03-09       49,919.9      10,027.4     2,514,760.8    5,304,518.6    1,231.4     210.0      -45.0     106.10
NV03-10       49,961.9       9,953.4     2,514,760.2    5,304,433.5    1,215.1      30.0      -45.0     150.70
NV03-11       49,625.2      10,040.0     2,514,511.9    5,304,676.8    1,209.2     120.0      -45.0     133.20
NV04-12       51,160.6       9,577.9     2,515,610.5    5,303,509.0    1,155.4      30.0      -65.0     220.00
NV04-13       50,876.5      10,015.0     2,515,583.1    5,304,029.5    1,179.4      30.0      -45.0     142.70
NV04-14       50,997.6       9,911.7     2,515,636.3    5,303,879.6    1,178.1     210.0      -70.0     158.00
NV04-15       51,159.8       9,910.5     2,515,776.1    5,303,797.4    1,167.0      30.0      -60.0     139.55
NV04-16       51,161.0       9,451.4     2,515,547.6    5,303,399.2    1,138.2      30.0      -55.0     250.50
NV04-17       50,998.8       9,614.4     2,515,488.6    5,303,621.4    1,156.7      30.0      -85.0     164.20
NV04-18       51,001.3       9,364.5     2,515,365.9    5,303,403.8    1,137.0      30.0      -55.0     274.70
NV04-19       51,001.9       9,826.2     2,515,597.2    5,303,803.4    1,181.7     210.0      -80.0     188.10
NV04-20       50,801.6       9,897.6     2,515,459.5    5,303,965.3    1,163.0     210.0      -70.0      70.90
NV04-21       50,997.6       9,948.5     2,515,654.7    5,303,911.4    1,174.2      30.0      -45.0     198.10
NV04-22       50,998.5       9,977.9     2,515,670.2    5,303,936.4    1,171.9     210.0      -75.0     193.75
NV04-23       51,000.7       9,713.6     2,515,540.0    5,303,706.4    1,177.3     210.0      -85.0     191.10
NV04-24       50,804.7      10,023.1     2,515,524.9    5,304,072.4    1,173.8      30.0      -50.0     145.60
NV04-25       51,204.1       9,014.3     2,515,366.4    5,302,999.1    1,140.0     210.0      -45.0     199.80
NV04-26       50,802.1       9,728.9     2,515,375.6    5,303,818.9    1,153.5      32.0      -75.0     134.00
NV04-27       50,100.7       9,719.0     2,514,763.2    5,304,161.1    1,164.0      30.0      -45.0     181.50


                                         E GK faja 2    N GK faja 2               Az wrt      Down
                                            (Campo         (Campo     Elevation    GK CI      from      Length
Hole ID        Local E       Local N      Inchauspe)     Inchauspe)     m HAE      North    Vertical     (m)

NV04-28       51,164.5       9,865.2     2,515,757.6    5,303,755.8    1,170.6      30.0      -60.0     158.00
NV04-29       51,299.1       9,847.6     2,515,865.4    5,303,673.3    1,157.6     210.0      -80.0     158.00
NV04-30       51,300.4       9,765.7     2,515,825.5    5,303,601.7    1,159.8     210.0      -80.0     209.00
NV04-31       51,160.7       9,666.8     2,515,655.1    5,303,585.9    1,178.5      30.0      -80.0     296.00
NV04-32       50,598.0      10,088.9     2,515,378.9    5,304,232.8    1,154.7      30.0      -45.0     154.50
NV04-33       50,598.4      10,016.4     2,515,343.0    5,304,169.8    1,154.8     210.0      -80.0     149.00
NV04-34       50,180.9       9,955.5     2,514,950.9    5,304,325.8    1,180.0      30.0      -45.0     228.20
NV04-35       51,199.5       9,251.1     2,515,480.9    5,303,206.5    1,134.2      30.0      -80.0     293.00
NV04-36       50,898.2       9,988.0     2,515,588.3    5,303,995.3    1,176.5     210.0      -80.0      77.00
NV04-37       50,899.9       9,914.7     2,515,553.2    5,303,931.0    1,173.8     210.0      -80.0     102.50
NV04-38       50,897.2       9,819.7     2,515,503.3    5,303,850.0    1,164.4      30.0      -80.0     107.00
NV04-39       50,400.2       9,982.9     2,515,154.5    5,304,239.9    1,157.1     210.0      -80.0     215.00
NV04-40       50,399.8      10,098.9     2,515,212.2    5,304,340.5    1,155.9      30.0      -45.0     127.20
NV04-41       51,080.8       9,943.4     2,515,724.2    5,303,865.4    1,174.9      30.0      -45.0     145.20
NV04-42       51,080.4       9,938.8     2,515,721.5    5,303,861.6    1,174.5     210.0      -80.0     187.90
NV04-43       51,080.4       9,853.2     2,515,678.7    5,303,787.4    1,180.3     210.0      -75.0     230.60
NV04-44       51,079.3       9,750.3     2,515,626.3    5,303,698.9    1,188.1     210.0      -75.0     232.90
NV04-45       51,230.9       9,861.1     2,515,813.0    5,303,719.1    1,164.0     210.0      -80.0     167.00
NV04-46       51,232.3       9,760.2     2,515,763.8    5,303,630.9    1,168.6     210.0      -80.0     239.00
NV04-47       51,236.7       9,681.0     2,515,728.1    5,303,560.2    1,176.6      30.0      -75.0     236.00
NV04-48       51,302.3       9,980.9     2,515,934.8    5,303,787.1    1,147.2      30.0      -45.0      67.50
NV04-49       51,301.0       9,915.2     2,515,900.8    5,303,730.8    1,150.5      30.0      -80.0      82.80
NV04-50       51,159.9       9,954.9     2,515,798.5    5,303,835.8    1,165.7      30.0      -80.0     113.00
NV04-51       51,159.1       9,971.9     2,515,806.2    5,303,850.9    1,165.5      30.0      -45.0     100.50
NV04-52       50,896.0       9,948.4     2,515,566.7    5,303,962.1    1,173.4      30.0      -45.0     100.50
NV04-53       50,796.8       9,954.7     2,515,483.9    5,304,017.1    1,169.2      30.0      -50.0      97.50
                                                                                            Total m   8,853.58

All core designated for sampling was cut with an electric-powered table saw with
a diamond  tipped blade.  The core was sawn in half and one half was sampled and
the  remainder was stored in the core box. In a few areas the core was broken or
rubbley and could not be sawn. In such cases the recovered  material was sampled
by spoon and if necessary was split with a knife or chisel.  Rarely, due to hard
core or problems with the saw, core was split with a mechanical splitter.

Alex Stewart  (Assayers)  Argentina S.A. ("Alex Stewart") of Mendoza,  Argentina
was the  primary  lab for all drill core  samples.  All  samples  are weighed on
receipt in the sample bag prior to drying and this weight is  reported  with the
analytical data. Sample  preparation  comprised drying at 90(degree) C for up to
40 hours, followed by crushing of the entire sample to #10 mesh. Next the sample
was split down to 1.5 kg with a riffle splitter for pulverization to 85% passing
#200 mesh.  Between each sample the crusher and the pulverizor were cleaned with
barren quartz.

All drill core samples were  submitted  for 30 gram  fire-assay  for silver with
gravimetric  finish and also a fire assay for Au (with AAS  finish).  The lab is
required to report all sample weights used in fire assays.

In addition, all samples were analyzed by Alex Stewart's ICP-ORE technique which
uses a strong  multi-acid  attack on a sample size of 0.2 grams.  The method has
been  optimized  to  handle a wide  range or  concentrations  of base and  other
metals,  but with some sacrifice in the higher than normal  detection limits for
typical ICP analyses.  Elements  included in the package are Ag, As, Bi, Ca, Cd,
Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Tl and Zn.  Extensive  testing was


undertaken by IMA on the ICP-ORE  technique that confirmed its  suitability  for
the Navidad mineralization. That testing included a precision test on 30 samples
as well as a blind  duplicate  pulp test on 32  samples  both with  satisfactory
results.  Furthermore,  ICP-ORE  was used in  characterization  of the  in-house
standards  developed  (see below) and was found to  correlate  well with methods
used by other labs. In fact all of the ICP-ORE  results for Cu and Pb lay within
the two standard  deviation  limit and hence were used in the  definition of the
accepted values for the standards.

Quality Control

A comprehensive  quality control and quality  assurance  program for analyses of
drill core was put in place well  prior to the start of the  drilling  campaign.
This program comprises controls including blind certified standards,  blanks and
core  duplicates  and a secondary  laboratory.  The primary  laboratory  for all
drilling samples was Alex Stewart and the secondary lab was ALS-Chemex La Serena
and/or  Vancouver.  In each set of 42  samples  sent to the  primary  lab  blind
high-grade,  low-grade,  blank  and  duplicate  core  sample  were  included  in
randomized positions.

In addition  to the above,  a  systematic  program of  reanalysis  of pulps by a
second   independent  lab  has  been  used  throughout  the  program.   Randomly
pre-selected  samples  are sent from the  primary  laboratory  and they  include
blanks and standards.  Two samples form each set of 42 samples,  or 4.8% percent
of the pulps are therefore being checked.  At the date of the Technical  Report,
results were available for 144 duplicates.

The purpose of this work is to confirm  the  reproducibility  of the  analytical
method at a second lab.

Results of the control by the secondary lab and through the inclusion of blanks,
standards,  and duplicates confirm the high quality of the data generated in the
drilling program.

Chain of Custody

Core is delivered to the core shack by the drill  contractor or picked-up by IMA
employees  and stored in the core shack in Gastre.  The core shack is kept under
lock and key when IMA employees are not present.

Core cutting is supervised  by the  geologist  logging core who ensures that the
sequence of blanks,  duplicates  and  standards is followed.  Cut core is placed
into clean new transparent plastic sample bags into which two pre-printed custom
sample  tickets are  placed.  The lab uses one of these for the pulp bag and one
for the reject bag. A third  sample  ticket is stapled  into the core tray along
with the meterage  represented by the sample. The fourth and final sample ticket
remains in the sample tag book with the hole  numbers and  meterages  filled in.
Once  samples  have been cut and  bagged  the bags are  double  sealed  with two
zip-strips.  The first  ordinary zip strip will close the bag around the neck of
the bag under as much  tension  as it will  support.  A second,  custom  printed
zip-strip  seal with IMA's  name and the  matching  sample  number to the sample
ticket inside will be affixed to the bag above the zip-strip under tension.  The
numbered  seal will  pierce the bag above the neck of the bag where it is sealed
by the  first  zip  strip  so as to make it  impossible  to  slip  the  ordinary
zip-strip  over the neck of the back.  The lab is  required to notify IMA if the
samples do not arrive with the IMA seals  intact.  All seals are being stored by
the assay lab to present as proof of use.

Sealed sample bags are placed in rice sacks in sequence for shipment to the lab.
A record of all  samples  shipped is kept by the  geologist  sending  the sample
shipment.  Samples are transported by a company  contracted to transport samples
directly from the core shack in Gastre to the assay  laboratory in Mendoza (some
1500km). They are not allowed to carry other cargo or make other stops.

General Geological Understanding

Drilling of the Navidad  Hill,  Galena  Hill and  intervening  areas has greatly
increased the geological  understanding  of the main geological  units and their
relationships. Most of the new information was gained by drilling at Galena Hill
as that is where  the  drilling  was  concentrated,  but  advances  were made at
Navidad and Esperanza as well.


Stratigraphy  at  Galena  Hill is  comprised  of four  primary  sedimentary  and
volcanic units, from lowest to uppermost these are: a "lower" cycle comprised of
epiclastic,  volcaniclastic  and  volcanic  rocks  which are  unmineralized  and
unaltered  that dips  toward grid  south.  This is overlain by a volcanic  cycle
comprising  latitic volcanic rocks,  generally with quartz eyes, that is altered
and  mineralized  with silver and lead. The latite  sequence  comprises  massive
flows,  amygdaloidal  flows,  flow  breccias and  volcaniclastic  breccias.  The
latites are in turn overlain by pelitic  mudstones  and  limestones of which the
lowermost  portion may be highly  mineralized  with silver and lead. The latites
form a steadily  thickening  wedge towards grid south. It is unclear whether the
geometry of the uppermost  sediments  indicates tectonic folding or perhaps just
local slumping.

The contact  between the lower  volcanic  cycle and the latite cycle is of great
interest due to the dramatic change between  unaltered and  unmineralized  rocks
below and high  mineralized  rocks  above.  The upper part of the lower cycle is
generally  reddish as if affected by a lateritic  weathering.  On some  sections
such as  51,160E  the  contact  is quite  planar  whereas  on others it is quite
irregular,  possible  due to faulting or  paleotopography.  In some cases a dark
grey,  soft material with an unusual  texture and structure of partings and slip
surfaces is present below the latites on the contact.  This could be interpreted
as fault gouge or a paleosol.

The  latite  sequence  dramatically  thickness  towards  grid  south  (southwest
relative  to true  north).  It is absent to the north and  thickens to over 220m
within some 500m.  While the capping  sedimentary  sequence  varies in thickness
from zero to about 40m in thick on top of Galena Hill in hole NV04-35 it attains
a thickness  of about 140m on section  51,200E but 200m  further grid south than
NV04-16 shown in figure 23. In hole NV04-35 the latite sequence is at least 150m
thick, but the base was not intersected.

Galena Hill Drilling Results

Results of the  initial  drilling at Galena  Hill have been very  positive.  The
amount and continuity and grade of the mineralization in the subsurface exceeded
even the expectations that existed based on the surface work.

The   geometry   of   the   mineralization,   a   gently-dipping,   exposed   to
shallowly-buried  zone of  significant  thickness  suggests  potential  for bulk
mining.  Hence in  determining  how to select  the  mineralized  intercepts  for
tabulation and data manipulation is was decided to use a minimum of about 50 g/t
silver  irrespective of the copper,  lead and zinc grades. The minimum grade was
not  strictly  applied  to the  selection  of the  intercepts  as  samples  with
sub-fifty  gram per tonne silver values were  permitted  for several  samples in
some instances. In some cases where there were long intercepts of mineralization
somewhat below 50 g/t silver, but where there were significant lead values these
intercepts were also listed below.  At this time definitive  "cut-off" grade can
not be established since metallurgical and engineering  parameters have not been
determined.  The following  intercepts reflect the potential of Galena Hill in a
bulk mining scenario.  Some higher grade intercept are also shown.  These higher
grades tend to occur at or near the upper  contact of the latite  sequence  with
the overlying mudstones, or even in the lower part of the mudstones.

In total,  35 drill holes have been drilled into the Galena Hill deposit.  These
holes outline a silver-lead  deposit ranging in vertical thickness from about 10
to 115 metres with horizontal  dimensions of approximately  400 by 500 metres at
generally greater than 50 g/t silver. The top of the mineralized body is exposed
at surface  in some areas and in other  areas is covered by as much as 40 metres
of barren  sedimentary  cap rock. The shape and aspect of the  mineralized  body
suggests  that it could be bulk  mineable.  Grade  distributions  show a zone of
high-grade silver values with lesser copper and relatively low lead values along
the  northeastern  boundary of the deposit;  this area is  interpreted to be the
source or feeder zone for mineralizing fluids which created the deposit.  Moving
to the  southwest  from this feeder zone,  lead:silver  ratios  increase and are
interpreted as more distal portions of the deposit.


Mineralized Intercepts from drillholes at the Galena Hill Deposit

                                              Composite    Vertical      g/t        %         %         %
                (3)      From         To       Length      Thickness   Silver     Copper     Lead     Zinc
DDH             Dip     Metres      Metres     Metres       Metres       LWA        LWA       LWA      LWA

NV03-03         -45       3.00      178.50     175.50       124.61       26.2      0.00      1.35     0.04
including                 3.00      128.30     125.30        88.96       33.0      0.00      1.68     0.05
including                72.50      107.50      35.00        24.85       49.9      0.01      3.47     0.06
including                86.20       95.45       9.25         6.57       76.8      0.01      5.43     0.06

NV03-04         -45       2.80      266.70     263.90       187.37       74.1      0.00      2.04     0.08
including                 2.80      203.00     200.20       142.14       92.3      0.00      2.49     0.11
including                39.60      176.45     136.85        97.16      117.3      0.00      2.99     0.14
including                39.60      121.25      81.65        57.97      141.5      0.00      3.15     0.14
including                39.60       94.70      55.10        39.12      164.3      0.00      2.97     0.10
including                65.00       94.70      29.70        21.09      189.5      0.00      3.06     0.10
including                65.00       83.50      18.50        13.14      241.2      0.00      3.40     0.10

NV03-05         -60      43.30      126.25      82.95        72.17      229.2      0.01      4.24     0.20
including                46.70      113.25      66.55        57.90      271.8      0.01      4.82     0.20
including                46.70       55.90       9.20         8.00      578.9      0.04      6.82     0.36
including                89.00      107.25      18.25        15.88      503.0      0.01     11.19     0.36

NV04-12         -65      18.80       27.80       9.00         8.19       41.6      0.00      8.01     2.56
including                27.80       35.45       7.65         6.96       70.8      0.00      9.60     0.54
combined                 18.80       35.45      16.65        15.15       55.0      0.00      8.74     1.64
within                   18.80       60.60      41.80        38.04       35.5      0.00      4.46     0.68

NV04-13         -45      20.00       64.70      44.70        31.74      223.4      0.16      0.56     0.09

NV04-14         -70      27.70      142.80     115.10       109.35      453.6      0.08      5.26     0.50
including                27.70       75.10      47.40        45.03      775.6      0.17      6.42     0.92
including                32.70       50.70      18.00        17.10    1,421.2      0.42      5.24     1.69

NV04-15         -60      46.55      115.65      69.10        60.12      113.5      0.02      1.46     0.13
including                47.05       55.55       8.50         7.40      461.7      0.08      6.54     0.49

NV04-16         -55      63.45       72.45       9.00         7.56       34.2      0.00      2.47     0.07

NV04-17         -85      21.20       40.20      19.00        18.81       96.7      0.01      7.79     0.70
including                30.20       40.20      10.00         9.90      161.6      0.02     12.98     0.42

NV04-18         -55     232.00      244.00      12.00         9.96       70.1      0.06      0.40     0.01

NV04-19         -80      24.00       90.50      66.50        65.17      100.3      0.00      2.74     0.14
including                25.10       37.10      12.00        11.76      165.2      0.02      3.20     0.34
including                49.35       57.75       8.40         8.23      177.4      0.02      4.22     0.14
including                74.00       81.55       7.55         7.40      174.0      0.00      4.69     0.11

NV04-20         -70      35.50       40.60       5.10         4.79       54.8      0.02      1.82     0.03

NV04-21         -45      42.45      126.00      83.55        56.81      321.7      0.23      0.47     0.21
including                49.95       70.50      20.55        13.97      703.0      0.47      0.54     0.40


                                              Composite    Vertical      g/t        %         %         %
                (3)      From         To       Length     Thickness    Silver     Copper     Lead     Zinc
DDH             Dip     Metres      Metres     Metres       Metres       LWA        LWA       LWA      LWA

NV04-22         -75      38.65      101.65      63.00        61.11      418.4      0.15      1.82     0.32
including                42.50       55.60      13.10        12.71      923.3      0.26      1.70     0.56

NV04-23         -85      48.40       71.20      22.80        22.57       26.3      0.00      0.47     0.02

NV04-24         -50       3.00        5.65       2.65         1.88      917.9      0.28      1.13     0.18

NV04-26         -75       none                                0.00

NV04-28         -60      45.70      134.75      89.05        77.47      120.4      0.01      1.77     0.32
including                45.70       67.75      22.05        19.18       23.0     -0.01      0.65     0.90
including                67.75      134.75      67.00        58.29      152.5      0.01      2.14     0.12
including                68.10       71.55       3.45         3.00      760.9      0.05     10.96     0.60

NV04-29         -80      28.50       38.65      10.15         9.95       71.8      0.00      1.84     0.05

NV04-30         -80      44.80       52.70       7.90         7.74       47.8      0.00      1.11     0.04

NV04-31         -80       3.05       23.85      20.80        20.38       51.7      0.00      1.25     0.05
and                      47.35       78.45      31.10        30.48       71.0      0.00      2.62     0.31
including                73.85       75.95       2.10         2.06      618.6     -0.01     18.82     3.58

NV04-36         -80       8.00       57.90      49.90        48.90      179.1      0.08      1.21     0.17
including                35.30       49.30      14.00        13.72      209.5      0.10      0.97     0.15

NV04-37         -80      12.80       89.10      76.30        74.77      139.4      0.04      1.28     0.12
including                13.80       17.70       3.90         3.82      597.4      0.02      7.23     0.58

NV04-38         -80      20.70       61.20      40.50        39.69      104.5      0.04      0.40     0.10
including                34.10       52.55      18.45        18.08      166.8      0.07      0.15     0.13

NV04-41         -45      58.10      129.00      70.90        50.34       78.5      0.08      0.33     0.20

NV04-42         -80      48.35      161.55     113.20       110.94      150.8      0.03      1.98     0.11
including                67.90      121.90      54.00        52.92      239.1      0.04      3.04     0.16
including               148.90      161.55      12.65        12.40      121.6      0.04      1.74     0.11

NV04-43         -75      44.20      127.25      83.05        81.39      153.2      0.01      5.48     0.90
including                44.20       89.00      44.80        43.90      216.9      0.01      6.81     1.06

NV04-44         -75      13.35      103.90      90.55        88.74      177.8      0.01      5.33     0.22
including                13.35       28.90      15.55        15.24      445.3      0.02      8.77     0.14

NV04-45         -80      43.00       69.85      26.85        26.31      355.4      0.00      5.34     0.33
including                43.00       51.05       8.05         7.89      958.4      0.01     15.31     0.87

NV04-46         -80      30.40      167.00     136.60       133.87       30.9      0.00      1.06     0.05
including                30.40       65.00      34.60        33.91       61.8      0.00      1.51     0.06

NV04-47         -75      12.90      131.00     118.10       113.38       36.6      0.00      2.06     0.13
including                84.50      116.00      31.50        30.24       59.5      0.00      4.31     0.25

NV04-48         -45      16.50       32.85      16.35        11.61       30.6      0.00      0.53     0.18
including                26.70       31.80       5.10         3.62       49.7      0.01      0.54     0.25


                                              Composite    Vertical      g/t        %         %         %
                (3)      From         To       Length     Thickness    Silver     Copper     Lead     Zinc
DDH             Dip     Metres      Metres     Metres       Metres       LWA        LWA       LWA      LWA

NV04-49         -80      63.45       82.80      19.35        18.96       31.6      0.00      0.38     0.05

NV04-50         -80      20.80      101.00      80.20        78.60      254.7      0.14      0.93     0.19
including                20.80       65.00      44.20        43.32      391.0      0.23      0.44     0.26

NV04-51         -45      64.50       81.85      17.35        12.32      185.9      0.05      2.37     0.46

NV04-52         -45      16.50       62.55      46.05        32.70      270.6      0.10      0.62     0.21

NV04-53         -50      15.70       30.80      15.10        10.72       52.0      0.04      0.72     0.85


  1. All length weighted average (LWA) results are "uncut"
  2. Vertical thicknesses are calculated  considering the dip of the drill holes
     and assuming flat lying body.
  3. Inclincation

Navidad Hill Drilling Results

Much less  drilling  has been done at  Navidad  Hill  than at Galena  Hill.  The
results  of the  eight  holes  drilled  to  date  are  listed  below:  all  have
intersections  of silver  mineralization.  Seven of these holes were  drilled on
three sections  separated at 40m intervals while the eighth is located some 300m
to the  northwest.  Holes at Navidad Hill were drilled at  close-spacing  and as
"scissors"  crossing each other from opposite sides of the  mineralized  zone to
determine the dip and continuity of the narrow high grade structures that hosted
the mineralization at surface.

While these holes did confirm that the dip of the  structures is near  vertical,
two somewhat unexpected aspects were encountered:  firstly,  significant amounts
of clay  alteration  (argillic)  are  present;  secondly,  in between  the known
structures  there are many areas with minor veins and stockwork  veinlets.  High
silver grades were intersected in some of the structures in the drill holes (see
table  below);   however,   in  general  the  grades  in  the  drill  holes  are
significantly  less than the average  grades of the  structures on surface which
were  often in the  range of  5,000 to  20,000  grams  per  tonne  silver.  This
combination  of the features  suggests  that Navidad Hill should be considered a
bulk target rather than as individual high grade vein targets. Like Galena Hill,
intercepts  have been calculated at a 50 g/t silver minimum grade again somewhat
loosely  applied at this early  stage.  All of the seven  holes in the main area
drilled have significant  intercepts ranging from 48.0 to 143.5 m in core length
with 97.8 to 246.9 g/t silver with the best  individual  intercept being NV03-07
83.65m of 246.9 g/t silver with minor copper and lead values.  Assuming vertical
dips the true width of the mineralized intercept ranges from about 34 to 101m in
width. In most cases holes were started within the mineralized zone and the full
true width was not crossed by single holes and is only seen when considering the
scissor pair. Despite the high base metal grades of the individual structures in
the detailed  surface  sampling and in the core samples the grades of copper and
lead over the width of the bulk zone are generally less than 0.3%.  This marks a
significant difference from the central part of the Galena Hill deposit.

Mineralization  in the main  group of  Navidad  Hill  drill  holes is  hosted by
massive latite to latite  breccias that generally  appear to be massive flows or
flow domes.  No internal  stratigraphy  has been recognized to date. None of the
holes penetrated the base of the latite sequence nor cut any obvious sedimentary
or volcaniclastic units with it. Mineralized structures appear to be of two main
types; firstly, sharp-walled structures filled with brecciated and re-brecciated
clasts of gangue and mineral and secondly,  veinlets and stockwork of gangue and
mineral. Gangue minerals include:  calcite which ranges from massive crystalline
to finely banded;  quartz as chalcedonic to crystalline  silica; and crystalline
barite.  "Ore"  minerals  visible by eye  include  minor  amounts  of  sulphides
included  pyrite, a grey sulphide  (tetrahedrite  or chalcocite),  minor galena,
rare native copper,  green copper oxides (probably  mainly  malachite) and black
copper oxides  (probably  mainly  neotocite or copper wad). No native silver was
observed by eye or hand lens. No clear division between oxide mineralization and
sulphide  mineralization  can be made with depth. Minor amounts of sulphides are
present at surface and are also  present a depth.  Copper  oxides are present at
surface and to the bottom of the zone tested to date (about 80m below surface).


Mineralized Intercepts from the Navidad Hill Drilling

                                                      Composite      True        g/t       %         %        %
                           (3)       From       To      Length       Width     Silver    Copper     Lead     Zinc
DDH           Location     Dip      Metres    Metres    Metres      Metres       LWA       LWA       LWA      LWA

NV03-01        Navidad     -45       3.05      61.45     58.40       41.29      111.1     0.22      0.06     0.07
including                           10.10      31.35     21.25       15.03      233.3     0.35      0.09     0.11
including                           10.10      17.50      7.40        5.23      535.6     0.81      0.07     0.14
including                           15.70      16.50      0.80        0.57     2677.6     3.07      0.30     0.24

NV03-02        Navidad     -45       2.50      50.50     48.00       33.94       97.8     0.15      0.06     0.05
including                            6.45       6.70      0.25        0.18      858.0     8.07      0.26     0.02
including                           17.60      25.00      7.40        5.23      227.1     0.25      0.16     0.09
including                           40.40      41.45      1.05        0.74     1320.3     0.82      0.28     0.14

NV03-06        Navidad     -45       3.00      63.20     60.20       42.57      161.6     0.26      0.10     0.06
including                           23.30      28.80      5.50        3.89      424.7     0.74      0.20     0.10

NV03-07        Navidad     -45       3.00      86.65     83.65       59.15      246.9     0.32      0.27     0.05
including                            3.00      40.75     37.75       26.69      474.9     0.54      0.35     0.07
including                            3.00       6.90      3.90        2.76     1997.9     0.92      0.32     0.07
including                           30.85      33.25      2.40        1.70     2129.6     3.34      0.60     0.09

NV03-08        Navidad     -45       2.50     146.00    143.50      101.47      146.0     0.20      0.19     0.04
including                            2.50      71.10     68.60       48.51      274.5     0.35      0.40     0.06
including                           26.10      40.15     14.05        9.93     1084.2     1.25      1.69     0.11
including                           26.10      28.40      2.30        1.63     2660.7     1.64      2.63     0.16
including                           35.45      37.20      1.75        1.24     3042.6     4.31      0.86     0.11

NV03-09        Navidad     -45       2.50      84.30     81.80       57.84      125.4     0.12      0.10     0.04
including                           21.00      21.70      0.70        0.49     5067.5     0.36      1.41     0.04
including                           65.25      66.20      0.95        0.67     1440.7     1.62      0.86     0.07

NV03-10        Navidad     -45       3.50      78.50     75.00       53.03      111.1     0.23      0.05     0.04
including                            3.50       9.40      5.90        4.17      669.7     1.25      0.09     0.06

NV03-11        Navidad     -45       1.52      12.10     10.58         n/a       98.3     0.53      0.02     0.12
               Hill West

  1. All length weighted average (LWA) results are "uncut"
  2. True widths are  calculated  assuming  -45 degree  drill holes and vertical
  3. Inclination


Other Areas Drilling Results

Eight drill holes were  collared  in areas  outside of Galena or Navidad  Hills.
These holes were drilled to test  stratigraphy  or suspected  mineralization  in
additional zones.

Mineralized Intercepts from Drilling Other Targets

                                                       Composite     True        g/t       %         %        %
                           (3)       From       To      Length       Width     Silver    Copper     Lead     Zinc
DDH           Location     Dip      Metres    Metres    Metres      Metres       LWA       LWA       LWA      LWA

NV04-32        Connector   -45      46.50      96.05     49.55       35.04       77.9     0.04      0.14     0.03

NV04-33        Connector   -80       none

NV04-34        Connector   -45      10.50      29.20     18.70       13.22       75.1     0.01      0.70     0.05

NV04-39        Connector   -80       none

NV04-40        Connector   -45      43.20      91.20     48.00       33.94      108.5     0.04      0.22     0.16
including                           67.20      88.20     21.00       14.85      160.4     0.08      0.19     0.09

NV04-25        Esperanza   -45     162.70     170.65      7.95        5.62      303.4     0.03      0.31     0.05

NV04-35        recce       -80       none

NV04-27        recce       -45       7.00       7.73      0.73      unknown      61.5     0.01      0.56     2.25
and                                 66.90      68.10      1.20      unknown     377.2     0.01      0.10     0.05

  1. All length weighted average (LWA) results are "uncut"
  2. True widths are  calculated  assuming  -45 degree  drill holes and vertical
  3. Inclination

Resource Estimate

The  following  is the Summary  from the  technical  report  dated June 22, 2004
entitled "Galena Hill, Navidad Project, Chabut Province,  Argentina prepared for
the Company by Neil Burns M.Sc., P. GEO of Snowden Mining Industry  Consultants.
The  entire  report  has been  filed on SEDAR  and is  available  for  review at

Snowden Mining  Industry  Consultants  (Snowden) was engaged by IMA  Exploration
Inc. (IMA) to provide a resource  estimate for the Galena Hill deposit,  located
in IMA's Navidad Project,  Chubut Province,  Argentina.  The area referred to as
Galena Hill includes the sub area known as Connector  Zone. The project is at an
advanced stage of exploration  and is not considered a development or production
property.  The resource  estimation  work was undertaken in compliance  with CIM
Mineral  Resource  and  Mineral  Reserve  definitions  that are  referred  to in
National  Instrument (NI) 43-101,  Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
This Technical  Report has been prepared in compliance with the  requirements of
Form 43-1O1F.

The  site  was  visited  by the  author  between  5th and 6th  April  2004.  The
geological  mapping,  results  of  diamond  core  drilling  programs  and  IMA's
geological interpretation were reviewed for reasonableness.  The author reviewed
the  core  logging  procedures  at site  and  concluded  that  it was  done in a
systematic fashion,  competently and in accordance with industry standards.  The
sampling,  analytical  procedures  and QA/QC  results  described  by IMA  either
conform  to or surpass  the  industry  norms  expected  for an initial  drilling
program.  The author has not  reviewed  the land  tenure  situation  and has not
independently  verified the legal status or ownership of the  properties  or any
agreements that pertain to the Navidad Project.


Mineral  resources  at Galena Hill have been  estimated in  compliance  with CIM
Standards of Mineral  Resources and Reserves (CIM 2000).  Three dimensional (3D)
modeling methods and parameters were used in accordance with principles accepted
in Canada. A geological  volume model was created by Snowden from the drill hole
logs and  interpretations  supplied  by IMA.  Statistical  and grade  continuity
analyses were completed to characterize the mineralization and subsequently used
to  develop  grade   interpolation   parameters.   The  mineralized  units  were
partitioned  into 7 zones to reflect the relative metal abundances and elemental
correlations within IMA's host rock units.

Gemcom  mining  software  was  used for  establishing  the 3D  block  model  and
subsequent  grade  estimates.  The impact of grade outliers was assessed.  Grade
caps were  applied to zinc  estimates of Zones 4 and 5 prior to  estimation,  to
restrict the influence of grade outliers.  The relationships  between base metal
(and sulfur)  grades and density  were applied to assign bulk density  values to
the block model.

A  mineral  resource  classification  scheme  consistent  with the  logic of CIM
guidelines  (CIM 2000) was applied.  The estimates are  categorized as Indicated
and  Inferred  mineral  resources  and  reported  above a grade  cutoff  that is
appropriate for a potentially bulk mineable deposit.

The  classified  Mineral  Resource at Galena Hill is  reported  with  respect to
silver equivalence cutoff values in the following table:

                   Metric       Ag Eq       Ag       Pb       Cu       Zn
CLASSIFICATION     Tonnes        g/t        g/t       %        %        %
- --------------     ------       ------------------------------------------

Measured               -           -          -         -        -       -

Indicated           63.6         191        101      1.76     0.03    0.24

MEA Plus IND        63.6         191        101      1.76     0.03    0.24

Inferred            16.9          91         67      0.34     0.03    0.12

At a cutoff grade of 50 grams silver equivalent per tonne, the currently defined
Indicated Mineral Resource at Galena Hill is 63.6 million tonnes grading 101 g/t
Ag, 1.76% Pb, 0.03% Cu and 0.24% Zn or a silver  equivalent of 191 g/t. Inferred
Resources  are  estimated  at 16.9 million  tonnes  grading 67 g/t Ag, 0.34% Pb,
0.03% Cu, and 0.12% Zn or a silver  equivalent of 91 g/t.  above the same silver
equivalent cutoff grade.

Equivalent grades were calculated using the following metal prices and formulae:

        -  Silver price = $5.50/oz or $0.1 60397/g;

        -  Lead price = $0.30/lb or $0.000661/g;

        -  Copper price = $1.10/lb or $0.002425/g;

        -  Zinc price = $0.40/lb or $0.000882/g; and

        -  Silver equivalence (AgEq) = Ag + Pb x 10,000/242.5 + Cu x 10,000/66.1
           + Zn x 10,000/181.9.

The resource model is considered appropriate for use in a Preliminary Assessment
or Scoping Study.


Ongoing and Planned Future Work

A 43-101  report  on the  Phase II  drilling  program  at  Navidad  has not been
completed as the program is still in progress.  Drilling in the Phase II program
has focused on the Esperanza Trend,  the Barite Hill target,  and on the Navidad
Hill and  Connector  Zone  targets.  Two drill holes were  completed  within the
Galena Hill  indicated  resource to obtain  samples for  metallurgical  testing.
Results from the Phase II program to date have been  described in News  Releases
dated July 8 and July 27, 2004.

Phase II drilling at Navidad Hill has returned intersections of 104.6m of 126g/t
silver,  including  35.5m of 295 g/t silver,  from hole  NV04-54,  85m of 83 g/t
silver in hole NV04-70, 1.4m of 3,975 g/t silver in hole NV04-73, and 19m of 149
g/t  silver  in  hole  NV04-71.  In  addition  to  the  structurally  controlled
mineralization    previously   identified   at   Navidad   Hill,    near-surface
stratigraphically controlled silver mineralization has now been identified along
the  southwest  and  southeast  flanks of Navidad Hill (drill holes  NV04-68 and
NV04-73).  This new style of mineralization  demonstrates potential for moderate
grade,  bulk-tonnage  silver  targets  around the south,  east and west sides of
Navidad Hill and into the  Connector  Zone.  Results  include  29.55m of 145 g/t
silver in NV04-68 starting at 52.2m downhole,  and 33m of 92 g/t silver starting
from surface in hole NV04-73, including 7.90m of 286 g/t silver.

At the 6 km Esperanza  Trend,  results include 2.7m of 831 g/t silver in hole 62
and 800m to the northwest hole 63 intersected 45.8m of 94 g/t silver,  including
4.0m of 246 g/t silver.  These results confirm the high grades and potential for
a significant structurally controlled zone at Esperanza.

Eight drill holes have been  completed to date at Barite  Hill.  The first three
holes (NV04-58  through 60) contain  significant  near surface  intersections of
galena  matrix  breccia  similar  in  style  to that at  Galena  hill,  but with
generally lower silver and lead values.

The  remaining  portion of the Phase II program will be utilized to increase the
density of drill data within the Navidad Hill - Connector  Zone area in order to
allow the estimation of an indicated resource.

A budget  of  approximately  $2,100,000  has  been  estimated  for the  Phase II
program. Based on the results of the Phase II program the Company will decide on
its plans for future work.


The following properties are 100% owned by IMA unless stated otherwise.


The Taquetren claim (File Number: 14015/03; 10,000 hectares) is located directly
east of the Rio Chubut,  approximately  70  kilometres  to the  southwest of the
Navidad  Project.  The area is mapped as being  underlain  by  Jurassic  Canadon
Asphalto and Lonco Trapial  Formation  volcanic and sedimentary rocks similar to
those that host the Navidad discovery.  Very preliminary  prospecting and stream
sediment sampling has shown anomalous values of antimony; no source has yet been
located  for this  anomaly.  Regional  mapping  and  terrain  analysis  shows an
important  northwest trending structure to bisect the Taquetren  property;  this
orientation is similar to structures that control  mineralization at the Navidad


The Regalo claim (File Number:  14016/03;  10,000 hectares) covers ground mapped
as prospective  Jurassic Canadon Asphalto and Lonco Trapial  Formation rocks and
includes several regionally-important northwest trending structures. Preliminary
stream-sediment  sampling has returned highly anomalous gold values. Gold values
from nine stream  sediment  samples,  along 6 kilometres  of one  drainage  (and
adjoining tributaries), range in value from 134 to 831 ppb. IMA has entered into
an option agreement with Consolidated  Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd.  ("Consolidated
Pacific Bay") whereby  Consolidated  Pacific Bay can acquire up to a 70-per-cent
interest in the Regalo  mineral claim through the issuance of 900,000  shares of
Consolidated Pacific Bay to IMA, and work expenditures totalling US$625,000 over
three years.  Consolidated  Pacific Bay must issue all 900,000 shares and expend


US$50,000  on the  property by Aug.  12,  2004,  in order to earn a  51-per-cent
interest in the claims.  Consolidated  Pacific Bay has issued the 900,000 shares
and meet the commitment  for work  expenditures  to date. A further  19-per-cent
interest in the claims can be earned by Consolidated Pacific Bay if it completes
a  feasibility  study and finances the  property to  production.  A second cateo
(Regalo  II) has been staked to the north of the primary  Regalo  claim,  adding
another  10,000  hectares  to the  property  subject  to  IMA's  agreement  with
Consolidated  Pacific  Bay.  Consolidated  Pacific Bay carried out a  three-week
geochemical  sampling  program on the Regalo  property  in March 2004  outlining
extensive gold anomalies in dry wash sediment samples.  Consolidated Pacific Bay
is currently planning an expanded exploration program.


The Noel claim  (File  Number:  14036/03;  10,000  hectares)  is adjacent to the
Regalo  and  Trucha  claims  and  also  contains  a  significant,  multi-sample,
gold-in-stream sediment anomaly.  Government maps show the claim to be underlain
primarily by Canadon  Asphalto  Formation  sedimentary and volcanic rocks,  with
overlying  Cretaceous sandstone along the eastern side of the claim. Five stream
sediment samples taken from two drainages over  approximately 5 kilometres range
in value  from  114 to 1,570  ppb  gold.  The  apparent  source  area for  these
extremely  anomalous  values has not been prospected to date and is considered a
high-priority target for follow-up work.


The Trucha claim (File Number: 14014/03; 10,000 hectares) is contiguous with the
Regalo  and Noel  claims  and also  includes  a stream  sediment  sample  highly
anomalous in gold (single sample,  556 ppb Au). Regional mapping shows the claim
to be underlain  by  prospective  Jurassic  Canadon  Asphalto and Lonco  Trapial
Formation rocks, cut by several regional-scale  structures.  In conjunction with
evaluation of the Noel claims, the Trucha claim requires detailed prospecting to
identify the source of gold producing the high stream-sediment values.


The Mara claim (File Number:  14018/03; 9,945 hectares) is located approximately
95  kilometres to the  south-southwest  of Navidad.  Regional  mapping shows the
property  to be  underlain  by  Jurassic  Canadon  Asphalto  and  Lonco  Trapial
Formation rocks,  which  unconformably  overly granitic basement rocks.  Several
mapped and interpreted northwest-trending structures are present on the property
and are considered to be prospective for both  Navidad-style  mineralization and
traditional  low-sulphidation  gold veins.  No fieldwork has been carried out to
date on the property.


The Condor claim (File Number: 14017/03;  10,000 hectares) and Alamo claim (file
number:   14032/03;   10,000   hectares)  are  located  directly  south  of  the
Regalo/Noel/Trucha  claims and were staked  based on  prospective  stratigraphy,
structure  and the  presence  of known  barite  occurrences.  The  known  barite
together with Navidad-age  stratigraphy and similar structure makes these claims
highly  prospective  for  Navidad-style  mineralization.  No fieldwork  has been
completed on these claims to date; a first-pass evaluation is warranted.


The Nina claim (file number:  14018/03;  9,945 hectares) and Carlota claim (file
number:  14018/03;  9,945  hectares)  were  staked  based  on  the  presence  of
prospective  Canadon  Asphalto  stratigraphy  and  regional  northwest  trending
structures.  No  fieldwork  has  been  completed  to date  on  these  claims;  a
first-pass evaluation is warranted.


The Pampa 3 claim (File Number: 14004/03; 2,500 hectares) is located adjacent to
the Navidad  Project,  along trend and  immediately to the  southeast.  Although
predominantly covered with recent alluvium, it is interpreted to be underlain by
the Canadon Asphalto  Formation  limestone and  volcaniclastic  rocks which host
mineralization  at Navidad  (figs.  2 and 3). Work to date has been minimal with
only two stream-sediment samples collected, both of which drain areas peripheral
to the claim.



The Colonia claim (File Number:  14005/03;  10,000 hectares) covers a large area
of highly  prospective  ground directly along strike from the Navidad discovery.
Most of the 10,000  hectare claim is underlain by prospective  Canadon  Asphalto
Formation  rocks.  Preliminary   stream-sediment  sampling  has  defined  highly
anomalous values of antimony,  an important  "pathfinder" element at the Navidad
discovery.  Minor prospecting (four rock samples collected) has not yet unveiled
the  source of these  stream-sediment  values,  significant  additional  work is


The Julie claim (File Number:  14035/03;  5,675  hectares)  lies at the regional
contact  between   granitic  rocks  that  underlie  the   prospective   Jurassic
stratigraphy, and Jurassic volcanic rocks. Several important LandSat-interpreted
structures are present on this claim; regional structure has been shown to be of
critical  importance  at  the  Navidad  discovery.  Preliminary  stream-sediment
sampling  shows  anomalous  values of copper  and  antimony,  although  strongly
warranted, no significant follow-up work has been done.


The Sierra 1 claim (File Number:  14006/03;  10,000  hectares) covers a large of
prospective  Canadon Asphalto Formation rocks and the underlying  volcanic rocks
and a portion of the granitic basement. Significant areas of LandSat-interpreted
alteration  are present in the  northeastern  portion of the claim,  the imagery
shows patterns very similar to those seen in the area of the Navidad  discovery.
The property was subject to an option agreement with Tinka Resources Limited who
carried out a  reconnaissance  sampling program and has returned the property to


The  Sierra  2  claim  (File  Number:  14007/03;   10,000  hectares)  covers  an
interesting  area of  complex  geology  in the  hinge  zone of a  regional-scale
anticline.  Mapped  rock  units  include  the  Canadon  Asphalto  Formation  and
overlying Cretaceous sandstone. Essentially no work has been done in the central
portions of this claim as the local land owners  could not be  contacted to gain
permission  for entry onto their  land.  Mina  Yanquetreu  is a small  abandoned
barite mine in the  central  portions of the claim.  This  occurrence  is highly
encouraging  as both  strataform  (exhalative)  and  vein-controlled  barite  is
intimately  associated with the Navidad system.  This area is considered  highly
prospective and warrants a significant early-stage exploration program.


The  Sierra  3  claim  (File  Number:  14008/03;  10,000  hectares)  covers  the
southwestern  portions of mapped Canadon Asphalto Formation rocks in the Navidad
area.  Also  present on the claim are  Jurassic  volcanic  rocks and  underlying
granitic  basement.  Major  LandSat-interpreted  structures  are  present as are
possible zones of alteration.  Preliminary stream-sediment sampling has returned
strongly  anomalous copper values of up to 105 ppm. No follow-up  prospecting or
rock  sampling has been  undertaken  to date.  The Sierra 3 claim is  considered
highly prospective and warrants considerable follow-up work.


As of December 31, 2003 IMA employed approximately 10 people.



The following risk factors currently apply to IMA.


As at December 31, 2003,  IMA has not generated any revenues from  operations to
fund ongoing operational requirements and cash commitments. IMA has financed its
operations principally through the sale of its equity securities. As at June 30,
2004, IMA had working capital of approximately  $7,900,000.  IMA believes it has
adequate  resources  to  maintain  its ongoing  operations  and will not require
additional  financing for planned exploration and property  acquisitions for the
remainder of fiscal 2004. However, IMA may elect to acquire new projects or plan
additional  work on the Navidad  project.  These  decisions will be based on the
results of ongoing  exploration  programs and the response of equity  markets to
the projects and business plan.


IMA presently has sufficient financial resources to meet property commitments on
its  existing  property  holdings.  IMA  at  present  does  not,  however,  have
sufficient funds to develop the Navidad property.

There is no  assurance  that  IMA will be  successful  in  obtaining  additional
financing or negotiating  agreements with potential joint venture partners.  The
failure to obtain such  financing or complete joint venture  arrangements  could
result in the loss or substantial dilution of IMA's interests (as existing or as
proposed to be acquired) in its properties as disclosed  herein.  IMA's business
strategy  contemplates  joint  ventures to fund  exploration  activities  on its
properties.  Joint ventures may involve  significant  risks and IMA may lose any
investment  it  makes  in a  joint  venture,  including  IMA's  interest  in any
properties  it  contributes.  IMA does not have  any  definitive  commitment  or
agreement  concerning  any material  investment,  strategic  alliance or related
effort,  on any of its  properties.  Any  investments,  strategic  alliances  or
related efforts are accompanied by risks such as:

         (a)      the  difficulty  of  identifying   appropriate  joint  venture
                  partners or opportunities;

         (b)      the  time  IMA's  senior  management  must  spend  negotiating
                  agreements and monitoring joint venture activities;

         (c)      the possibility that IMA may not be able to reach agreement on
                  definitive agreements, with potential joint venture partners;

         (d)      potential   regulatory   issues   applicable  to  the  mineral
                  exploration business;

         (e)      the  investment of IMA's capital or properties and the loss of
                  control over the return of IMA's capital or assets;

         (f)      the  inability  of  management  to  capitalize  on the  growth
                  opportunities presented by joint ventures; and

         (g)      the insolvency of any joint venture partner.

There are no assurances  that IMA would be successful in overcoming  these risks
or any other problems  encountered with joint ventures,  strategic  alliances or
related efforts.


Mineral  exploration is highly  speculative  in nature,  involves many risks and
frequently  is  nonproductive.  There can be no assurance  that IMA's efforts to
identify resources will be successful.  Moreover,  substantial  expenditures are
required to establish  resources  through drilling,  to determine  metallurgical
processes  to  extract  the  metal  from  the ore and to  construct  mining  and
processing  facilities.   During  the  time  required  to  establish  resources,
determine  suitable  metallurgical  processes  and  construct  such  mining  and
processing facilities, the economic feasibility of production may change because
of fluctuating prices.



IMA's  minerals  business  is  subject  to the risk of  unanticipated  delays in
permitting its projects.  Such delays may be caused by fluctuations in commodity
prices,  mining risks,  difficulty in arranging needed financing,  unanticipated
permitting  requirements  or legal  obstruction  in the  permitting  process  by
project opponents.  In addition to adding to project capital costs (and possibly
operating costs), such delays, if protracted, could result in a write-off of all
or a portion of the carrying value of the delayed project.


The validity of mining claims,  which constitute a significant  portion of IMA's
undeveloped property holdings, is often uncertain and may be contested. Although
IMA has attempted to acquire  satisfactory title to its undeveloped  properties,
IMA, in  accordance  with mining  industry  practice,  does not intend to obtain
title  opinions  until a  decision  is made to  develop  a  property,  with  the
attendant risk that some titles,  particularly titles to undeveloped properties,
may be subject to contest by other  parties.  Title to properties may be subject
to litigation claims by others. On March 5, 2004 Minera Aquiline Argentina SA, a
subsidiary of Aquiline Resources Inc., commenced an action against IMA seeking a
constructive  trust over the Navidad  Project and  surrounding  properties,  and
damages.  IMA  believes  the  Aquiline  legal  action is without  merit and will
vigorously  defend itself.  A Statement of Defence has been filed. The trial has
been set for October 11, 2005 in Vancouver,  British Columbia.  At this date the
outcome is not determinable. See "Legal Proceedings" below.


In recent years the securities  markets in Canada have  experienced a high level
of price and  volume  volatility  and the  market  price of  securities  of many
companies,  particularly  junior mineral exploration  companies,  like IMA, have
experienced  wide  fluctuations  which have not necessarily  been related to the
operating  performance,  underlying asset values or prospects of such companies.
In particular,  the price of IMA's common shares fluctuated from a high of $2.54
to a low of $0.49 during the 12-month period ending December 31, 2003. There can
be no assurance that continual fluctuations in price will not occur.


Mining  operations  involve many risks,  which even a combination of experience,
knowledge  and careful  evaluation  may not be able to overcome.  Operations  in
which IMA has a direct or indirect  interest  will be subject to all the hazards
and risks  normally  incidental to  exploration  for metals,  any of which could
result in  damage to or  destruction  of mines and other  producing  facilities,
damage to life and property,  environmental  damage and possible legal liability
for any or all damage.  Although IMA maintains  liability insurance in an amount
which it considers adequate,  the nature of these risks is such that liabilities
could exceed policy  limits,  in which event IMA could incur  significant  costs
that could have a materially adverse effect upon its financial condition.


IMA maintains certain insurance  however,  such insurance is subject to numerous
exclusions  and  limitations.  IMA  maintains a Total Office  Policy in Canadian
dollars on its principal  offices.  Generally,  the Total Office Policy provides
90% coverage on office  contents,  up to $160,000,  with a $500  deductible.  In
addition, the policy provides general liability coverage of up to $5,000,000 for
personal  injury,  per occurrence and $2,000,000 for legal liability for any one
premises,  with a $500  deductible.  IMA also has  insurance  coverage  of up to
$5,000,000 for non-owned automobile liability.

IMA maintains a Foreign  Commercial  General  Liability  policy in U.S.  dollars
which provides  US$5,000,000  coverage for bodily injury or property  damage per
occurrence and coverage up to  US$5,000,000  per offence for personal  injury or
advertising  injury (libel,  slander,  etc.). The policy has a general aggregate
limit for all claims during each  consecutive  policy  period,  except for those
resulting from product hazards or completed operations hazards, of US$5,000,000.


The  policy  has a  US$5,000,000  aggregate  limit for each  consecutive  policy
period,  for bodily injury or property damage liability arising out of completed
operations and products.  In addition,  the Foreign Commercial General Liability
policy provides for coverage of up to US$10,000 in medical expenses, per person,
with a US$10,000 limit per accident, and up to US$100,000 for each occurrence of
tenants'  fire legal  liability.  The policy does not apply to injury or damages
occurring  within  Canada,  the United States  (including  its  territories  and
possessions), Puerto Rico, any countries or territories against which the United
States has an embargo,  sanction or ban in effect,  territorial waters of any of
the foregoing,  the Gulf of Mexico, or international  waters or airspace when an
injury or damage occurs in the course of travel or transportation to any country
or place  included in the  foregoing.  The policy  also does not cover  asbestos
related claims or liability for bodily injury or property damages arising out of
the discharge,  dispersal,  release or escape of smoke,  vapours,  soot,  fumes,
acids,  alkalis,  toxic  chemicals,  liquids or gases,  waste materials or other
irritants,  contaminants or pollutants into or upon land, the atmosphere, or any
water-course or body of water. The policy also contains a professional liability
exclusion  which  applies to bodily  injury or  property  damage  arising out of
defects in maps, plans, designs or specifications prepared,  acquired or used by
IMA or arising  out of any act of  negligence,  error,  mistake or  omission  in
rendering or failing to render professional  consulting or engineering services,
whether performed by IMA or other for whom IMA is responsible.

IMA maintains a Foreign  Commercial  Automobile  Liability  Insurance  policy on
owned,  leased,  hired and non-owned  automobiles  with the following  liability

        -  $5,000,000 bodily injury liability for each person.
        -  $5,000,000 bodily injury liability for each occurrence.
        -  $5,000,000 property damage liability for each occurrence.
        -  $10,000 medical expense coverage, per person.
        -  $10,000 medical expense coverage, per accident.

The  foregoing  descriptions  of IMA's  insurance  policies do not purport to be
complete and does not cover all of the exclusions to such policies.


IMA is dependent on the services of Joseph Grosso,  the President and a director
of IMA. The loss of the services of Mr.  Grosso could have an adverse  affect on
IMA.  Mr.  Grosso  provides  his  services  to IMA through  Oxbow  International
Marketing Corp. ("Oxbow").  IMA does not maintain "key-man" insurance in respect
of Mr. Grosso.


The Company competes with other  exploration  corporations  with the recruitment
and retention of qualified employees. There can be no assurance that the Company
will continue to be able to retain or attract qualified employees.


The success of IMA's operations will depend upon numerous factors, many of which
are  beyond  IMA's  control,  including:  (i) the  ability  of IMA to enter into
strategic alliances through a combination of one or more joint ventures, mergers
or acquisition transactions,  (ii) the ability to discover and produce minerals;
(iii) the ability to attract and retain  additional  key  personnel  in investor
relations,  marketing,  technical support, and finance; and (iv) the ability and
the  operating  resources to develop and maintain  the  properties  held by IMA.
These and other factors will require the use of outside suppliers as well as the
talents and efforts of IMA. There can be no assurance of success with any or all
of these factors on which IMA's operations will depend.



All of IMA's  directors are also  directors,  officers or  shareholders of other
companies. Such associations may give rise to conflicts of interest from time to
time.  Such a conflict  poses the risk that IMA may enter into a transaction  on
terms which could place IMA in a worse position than if no conflict existed. The
directors  of IMA are  required by law to act  honestly and in good faith with a
view to the best  interest of IMA and to disclose any  interest  which they many
have in any project or opportunity of IMA. However,  each director has a similar
obligation to other  companies  for which such director  serves as an officer or
director.  IMA has no specific internal policy governing  conflicts of interest.
See "Directors and Officers - Conflicts of Interest" below.


The  projects in which IMA has an interest  are  located in  Argentina.  Mineral
exploration  and mining  activities  in  Argentina  may be  affected  in varying
degrees by political  instability  and  government  regulations  relating to the
mining  industry.  Any changes in regulations or shifts in political  conditions
are beyond the control of IMA and may adversely  affect its  business.  IMA does
not  maintain  and  does  not  intend  to  purchase  political  risk  insurance.
Operations  may be affected in varying  degrees by government  regulations  with
respect to restrictions on production,  price controls,  export controls, income
taxes,  expropriations of property,  environmental  legislation and mine safety.
The status of Argentina as a developing  country may make it more  difficult for
IMA to obtain any required exploration financing for its projects. The effect of
all of these factors  cannot be accurately  predicted.  Argentina's  economy has
experienced  recession in recent  years and there can be no  assurance  that the
economy will recover from such recession.

Argentina has recently  experienced  some  economic and  political  instability.
Management  believes the new democratic elected government is making progress in
the   domestic   economy  and  it  is   improving   the  image  of  the  country
internationally.  Additionally,  management  believes  the  economic  crisis  of
December  2001 has been  overcome,  and  although  the country  defaulted on its
loans,  it has worked  out a  bail-out  loan  agreement  with the  International
Monetary  Fund.  IMA  maintains  the  majority  of its funds in Canada  and only
forwards sufficient funds to meet current obligations and overhead in Argentina.
IMA does not believe that any current currency restrictions which may be imposed
in Argentina will have any immediate impact on IMA's exploration activities.


IMA's  operations  are  subject  to  environmental  regulations  promulgated  by
government agencies from time to time.  Environmental  legislation  provides for
restrictions  and  prohibitions  on spills,  releases  or  emissions  of various
substances produced in association with certain mining industry operations, such
as seepage from tailings  disposal  areas,  which would result in  environmental
pollution.  A breach of such  legislation  may result in the imposition of fines
and  penalties.   At  present,   IMA  does  not  believe  that  compliance  with
environmental  legislation and regulations  will have a material affect on IMA's
operations; however, any changes in environmental legislation or regulations, or
in IMA's business,  may cause compliance with such legislation and/or regulation
to have a material  impact on IMA's  operations.  In addition,  certain types of
operations   require  the  submission  and  approval  of  environmental   impact
assessments.  Environmental  legislation  is  evolving  in a manner  which means
stricter standards, and enforcement,  fines and penalties for non-compliance are
more  stringent.   Environmental   assessments  of  proposed  projects  carry  a
heightened  degree of responsibility  for companies and directors,  officers and
employees. The cost of compliance with changes in governmental regulations has a
potential to reduce the profitability of operations.  IMA intends to ensure that
it complies fully with all environmental  regulations relating to its operations
in Argentina.

The  provincial  government of Chubut  Province,  Argentina has enacted  certain
anti-mining  laws  banning  the use of cyanide and  open-pit  mining in metallic
extraction  in the  Province  of  Chubut.  The  provincial  legislation  is more
restrictive than current federal Argentinean mining laws. IMA has hired a mining
engineering  consultant to oversee all environmental and socio-economic  studies
and programs to ensure  international best practices for the mining industry are
applied in the development of IMA's properties. Certain authorities believe that
the provincial  legislation may be  unconstitutional.  However,  there can be no
assurance that the provincial legislation will be repealed.



IMA's  operations  in Argentina  and Canada make it subject to foreign  currency
fluctuations and such fluctuation may adversely affect IMA's financial  position
and  results.   IMA's  property,   option  and  mining  expenses  are  generally
denominated in U.S. dollars.  As such, IMA's principal foreign exchange exposure
is related to the  conversion  of the  Canadian  dollar into U.S.  dollars.  The
Canadian  dollar varies under market  conditions.  Continued  fluctuation of the
Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar will continue to affect IMA's operations
and  financial  position.  IMA's  foreign  subsidiaries  comprise  a direct  and
integral  extension of IMA's  operations.  These  subsidiaries are also entirely
reliant  upon IMA to  provide  financing  in order  for them to  continue  their
activities.  Consequently,  the  functional  currency of these  subsidiaries  is
considered  by  management to be the Canadian  dollar and  accordingly  exchange
gains and losses are included in net income.  Management does not believe IMA is
subject to material exchange rate exposure from any fluctuation of the Argentine
currency. IMA does not engage in hedging activities.


IMA has not paid out any cash dividends to date and has no plans to do so in the
immediate future.


The United  States  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  has adopted rules that
regulate  broker-dealer  practices in  connection  with  transactions  in "penny
stocks". Generally, penny stocks are equity securities with a price of less than
US$5.00  (other  than  securities  registered  on  certain  national  securities
exchanges  or quoted on the NASDAQ  system).  Since IMA's  shares are traded for
less than  US$5.00  per share,  the shares are  subject to the SEC's penny stock
rules.  IMA's shares will be subject to the penny stock rules until such time as
(1) the issuer's net tangible  assets  exceed  US$5,000,000  during the issuer's
first three years of continuous  operations or  US$2,000,000  after the issuer's
first three years of  continuous  operations;  or (2) the issuer has had average
revenue of at least  US$6,000,000 for three years. The penny stock rules require
a  broker-dealer,  prior to a transaction in a penny stock not otherwise  exempt
from the rules, to deliver a standardized risk disclosure document prescribed by
the SEC that provides information about penny stocks and the nature and level of
risks in the  penny  stock  market.  The  broker-dealer  must  obtain a  written
acknowledgement   from  the  purchaser  that  the  purchaser  has  received  the
disclosure  document.  The  broker-dealer  also must provide the  customer  with
current bid and offer  quotations for the penny stock,  the  compensation of the
broker-dealer  and  its  salesperson  in the  transaction  and  monthly  account
statements  showing the market value of each penny stock held in the  customer's
account. In addition,  the penny stock rules require that prior to a transaction
in a penny stock not otherwise exempt from those rules, the  broker-dealer  must
make a  special  written  determination  that  the  penny  stock  is a  suitable
investment for the purchaser and receive the  purchaser's  written  agreement to
the transaction. These requirements may have the effect of reducing the level of
trading activity in the secondary market for a stock that becomes subject to the
penny stock rules.  Such rules and regulations may make it difficult for holders
to  sell  the  common  shares  of  IMA,  and  they  may be  forced  to  hold  it


It may be difficult  for U.S.  investors to bring and enforce  suits against the
IMA.  IMA is  incorporated  in British  Columbia.  None of IMA's  directors  are
residents of the United States, and all or a substantial portion of their assets
are located outside of the United States.  As a result,  it may be difficult for
U.S.  holders  of IMA's  common  shares to effect  service  of  process on these
persons within the United States or to enforce  judgements  obtained in the U.S.
based on the civil  liability  provisions of the U.S.  federal  securities  laws
against IMA or their officers and directors.  In addition,  a shareholder should
not assume that the courts of Canada (i) would enforce  judgments of U.S. courts
obtained in actions  against IMA or their officers or directors  predicated upon
the civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws or other laws
of the United States, or (ii) would enforce,  in original  actions,  liabilities
against IMA or their  officers or  directors  predicated  upon the U.S.  federal
securities laws or other laws of the United States.


However, U.S. laws would generally be enforced by a Canadian court provided that
those laws are not contrary to Canadian  public  policy,  are not foreign  penal
laws or laws that deal with  taxation  or the  taking of  property  by a foreign
government  and provided that they are in compliance  with  applicable  Canadian
legislation regarding the limitation of actions.  Also, a judgment obtained in a
U.S.  court would  generally  be  recognized  by a Canadian  court  except,  for

         (a)      where the U.S.  court where the  judgment  was rendered had no
                  jurisdiction according to applicable Canadian law;

         (b)      the judgment was subject to ordinary remedy (appeal,  judicial
                  review and any other  judicial  proceeding  which  renders the
                  judgment not final,  conclusive or enforceable  under the laws
                  of  the  applicable   state)  or  not  final,   conclusive  or
                  enforceable under the laws of the applicable state;

         (c)      the judgment  was obtained by fraud or in any manner  contrary
                  to natural justice or rendered in contravention of fundamental
                  principles of procedure;

         (d)      a dispute between the same parties,  based on the same subject
                  matter  has given rise to a  judgment  rendered  in a Canadian
                  court or has been decided in a third  country and the judgment
                  meets the necessary  conditions for  recognition in a Canadian

         (e)      the outcome of the judgment of the U.S. court was inconsistent
                  with Canadian public policy;

         (f)      the judgment enforces  obligations  arising from foreign penal
                  laws or laws that deal with taxation or the taking of property
                  by a foreign government; or

         (g)      there has not been  compliance  with  applicable  Canadian law
                  dealing with the limitation of actions.


IMA has not paid any dividends on its common shares since its incorporation, nor
has it any present  intention of paying  dividends,  as it anticipates  that all
available funds will be used to undertake  exploration and development  programs
on its mineral  properties as well as for the acquisition of additional  mineral
properties. Other than lack of available funds, there is no restriction on IMA's
ability to pay dividends.


The  authorized  share capital of IMA consists of an unlimited  number of common
shares (the "IMA Common  Shares")  without par value and  100,000,000  Preferred
Shares (the "Preferred Shares") without par value, of which 18,283,053 have been
designated as Preferred Shares, Series 1.


All of the issued IMA Common Shares are fully paid and  non-assessable.  All IMA
Common Shares  issued rank equally as to dividends,  voting rights (one vote per
share) and  distribution of assets on winding up or liquidation,  subject to the
prior  rights  of  the  holders  of  Preferred  Shares.   Shareholders  have  no
pre-emptive  rights,  nor any right to convert  their  common  shares into other
securities.  There are no existing indentures or agreements affecting the rights
of shareholders other than the Notice of Articles and Articles of IMA.


The Preferred  Shares are issuable in one or more series.  The Preferred  Shares
are entitled to priority  over the IMA Common Shares with respect to the payment
of dividends and  distributions in the event of the dissolution,  liquidation or
winding-up  of IMA. The Preferred  Shares rank equally  within their class as to
dividends,  voting rights,  participation and assets in all other respects.  The
issued Preferred Shares are not subject to call or assessment nor pre-emptive or
conversion  rights.  The  holders  of the  Preferred  Shares  as a class are not
entitled  to  receive  notice  of, to attend  or to vote at any  meeting  of the
Shareholders.  The Preferred  Shares are subject to the rights and  restrictions
attached to the IMA Preferred Shares set out in the Articles of IMA.


Preferred Shares, Series 1

The Preferred Shares, Series 1 are entitled to receive non-cumulative  dividends
in an amount  determined  by the board of directors  from time to time.  IMA may
redeem at any time on  payment in cash or  property  for each share of an amount
equal to the  Redemption  Amount  (as that term is defined  within  the  special
rights and  restrictions  attached to the Preferred  Shares,  Series 1) together
with all  declared and unpaid  dividends  thereon.  The holder of the  Preferred
Shares,  Series 1 may  require  IMA to redeem the shares at any time upon giving
notice.  The  holders  of the  Preferred  Shares,  Series  1 as a class  are not
entitled  to  receive  notice  of, to attend  or to vote at any  meeting  of the
shareholders of IMA.

As at June 30,  2004,  IMA had  41,450,375  IMA Common  Shares  outstanding  and
options,  warrants or other  rights  entitling  the holders to purchase up to an
additional 7,309,450 IMA Common Shares.

As at June 30, 2004, IMA had 18,283,053 Preferred Shares,  Series I outstanding,
all of which are owned by a subsidiary of IMA.

                              MARKET FOR SECURITIES

The IMA Common  Shares are listed and posted for  trading on the TSX-V under the
symbol "IMR".

The following table sets out, for the periods indicated,  the high and low sales
price and the volume of trading  for the IMA Common  Shares on the TSX-V  during
the financial year ended December 31, 2003:

         2003                         HIGH             LOW            VOLUME
         ---------                   -----            -----           ----------

         January                     $0.64            $0.49           1,169,246
         February                    $0.81            $1.62           3,588,441
         March                       $1.06            $0.70           8,954,680
         April                       $1.00            $0.78           2,953,770
         May                         $1.07            $0.83           2,275,442
         June                        $1.65            $1.04           4,664,751
         July                        $1.95            $1.32           3,109,642
         August                      $2.20            $1.65           3,003,740
         September                   $2.54            $1.77           6,821,196
         October                     $2.37            $1.48           6,802,815
         November                    $2.17            $1.73           2,943,614
         December                    $2.30            $1.42           4,285,421

                               ESCROWED SECURITIES

None of the Company's securities are held under escrow or similar arrangements.


                             DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS


The name, province or state and county of residence, position with and principal
business or  occupation  in which each  director of the Company has been engaged
during the immediately preceding five years, is as follows:



GERALD D. CARLSON                      President and director of Copper Ridge Exploration Inc.,          1999
Chairman and Director                  a public British Columbia mineral exploration company
British Columbia, Canada               from March 1999 to present.

JOSEPH GROSSO                          Director  and  officer  of  IMA  since   February   1990;         1990
President, Chief Executive Officer     President  of  Oxbow  International  Marketing  Corp., a
and Director                           private BC company.
British Columbia, Canada

ART LANG (2)                           Chief  Financial  Officer  of IMA  since  April 2,  2004;         2004
Chief Financial Officer,               Consultant  providing  financial  management services to
Vice-President and Director            various clients from 1999 to March 31, 2004.
British Columbia, Canada

NIKOLAOS CACOS                         Corporate Secretary of IMA since 1993.                            2002
Director and Secretary
British Columbia, Canada

SEAN HURD                              Investor  relations  manager  for IMA from  June  2001 to         2000
Director                               present and director since September 2000.
British Columbia, Canada

ROBERT STUART (TOOKIE) ANGUS (2)       Managing  Director,  Mergers and Acquisitions,  Endeavour         2003
Director                               Financial Ltd., November 2003 to present;  Partner in law
British Columbia, Canada               firm,  Fasken  Martineau  DuMoulin LLP from February 2001
                                       to October 2003;  Partner in law firm,  Stikeman  Elliott
                                       from 1998 to 2001.

CHET IDZISZEK (2)                      President,  CEO and director of Madison Enterprises Corp.         2003
Director                               from 1993 to  present;  President,  CEO and  director  of
British Columbia, Canada               Adrian Resources Ltd. from June 1990 to April 2004.

DAVID TERRY                            Vice   President,   Exploration   for  Amera  Resources           2004
Vice President, Exploration            Corporation  from  March  2004  to  present;   Regional
Director                               geologist  with the BC  Ministry of Energy and Mines in
British Columbia, Canada               Cranbrook,  BC from  May 2001 to  March  2004;  Project
                                       Geologist with Boldien Limited prior to May 2001.

DAVID HORTON (2)                       Senior  Vice-President  of Canaccord  Capital  Corporation        2004
Director                               from 1996 to present
British Columbia, Canada

(1)  The  information as to country of residence and principal  occupation,  not
     being within the  knowledge of IMA,  has been  furnished by the  respective
     directors individually.

(2)  Denotes member of Audit Committee.


The term of office for the  Company's  directors,  officers  and  members of the
Company's  committees  expire  at each  annual  general  meeting.  The  board of
directors after each annual general meeting appoints the Company's  officers and
committees for the ensuing year.

The  Company's  directors and senior  officers,  as a group,  beneficially  own,
directly or  indirectly,  or exercise  control or direction over an aggregate of
1,216,553 IMA Common Shares that represents  2.94% of the issued and outstanding
IMA Common Shares as at the date of this AIF.


No director or executive  officer of the  Company,  or a  shareholder  holding a
sufficient number of securities of the Company to affect  materially  control of
the Company:

(a)      is, as at the date of this AIF or has been,  within the 10 years before
         the date  hereof,  a  director  or  executive  officer  of any  company
         (including  the  Company),  that while  that  person was acting in that

          (i)  was the  subject of a cease  trade  order or similar  order or an
               order that denied the relevant  company  access to any  exemption
               under  securities  legislation,  for a  period  of  more  than 30
               consecutive days;

          (ii) was  subject to an event that  resulted,  after the  director  or
               executive  officer ceased to be a director or executive  officer,
               in the  company  being the  subject  of a cease  trade or similar
               order or an order that denied the relevant  company access to any
               exemption under securities legislation, for a period of more than
               30 consecutive days;

          (iii)or within a year of that person  ceasing to act in that capacity,
               became bankrupt,  made a proposal under any legislation  relating
               to bankruptcy  or insolvency or was subject to or instituted  any
               proceedings,  arrangement  or compromise  with creditors or had a
               receiver,  receiver  manager  or  trustee  appointed  to hold its
               assets; or

(b)      has, within the 10 years before the date hereof, become bankrupt,  made
         a proposal under any legislation  relating to bankruptcy or insolvency,
         or become  subject to or instituted  any  proceedings,  arrangement  or
         compromise  with  creditors,  or had a  receiver,  receiver  manager or
         trustee  appointed  to hold the  assets  of the  director,  officer  or

The foregoing  information,  not being within the knowledge of the Company,  has
been furnished by the respective directors,  officers and shareholders holding a
sufficient number of securities of the Company to affect  materially  control of
the Company.

No director or executive  officer of the  Company,  or a  shareholder  holding a
sufficient  number of securities of the Company to affect materially the control
of the Company, has been subject to:

(a)    any  penalties or  sanctions  imposed by a court  relating to  securities
       legislation or by a securities regulatory authority or has entered into a
       settlement agreement with a securities regulatory authority; or

(b)    any other  penalties or sanctions  imposed by a court or regulatory  body
       that would likely be  considered  important  to a reasonable  investor in
       making an investment decision regarding the Company.

The foregoing  information,  not being within the knowledge of the Company,  has
been furnished by the respective directors,  officers and shareholders holding a
sufficient number of securities of the Company to affect  materially  control of
the Company.



All of IMA's directors and senior officers are also directors or senior officers
of other  companies.  For example,  all of IMA's directors are also directors of
Golden Arrow, and Messrs. Grosso and Cacos are also directors of Amera Resources
Corporation.  As a result,  conflicts of interest may arise between their duties
as directors of IMA and as directors of other companies. To the extent that such
other   companies  may   participate  in  ventures  in  which  the  Company  may
participate,  the  directors  of the  Company may have a conflict of interest in
negotiating and concluding terms respecting the extent of such participation. In
the event that such  conflict of interest  arises at a meeting of the  Company's
directors,  a director  who has such a conflict  will abstain from voting for or
against the approval of such a  participation  or such terms.  All such possible
conflicts  are required to be disclosed in  accordance  with the BCBCA,  and the
directors of the Company are required to act honestly,  in good faith and in the
best interests of the Company.

The  directors  and  officers of the Company are aware of the  existence of laws
governing the accountability of directors and officers for corporate opportunity
and  requiring  disclosures  by the  directors  of conflicts of interest and the
Company  will rely upon such laws in respect  of any  directors'  and  officers'
conflicts  of  interest  or in  respect  of any  breaches  of duty by any of its
directors and officers.  All such  conflicts will be disclosed by such directors
or officers in  accordance  with the BCBCA and they will  govern  themselves  in
respect  thereof to the best of their ability in accordance with the obligations
imposed upon them by law.

                                LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

In March 2004,  Minera  Aquiline  Argentina  S.A., a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
Aquiline  Resources Inc.,  commenced a legal  proceeding in the Supreme Court of
British  Columbia  against IMA asserting that IMA unlawfully  used  confidential
information,  and is seeking a constructive  trust over the Navidad  Project and
surrounding properties, and damages. IMA is defending this action. The trial has
been set for October 11, 2005 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Pursuant to the Arrangement, Golden Arrow was added as a defendant to the action
and as a result, IMA has agreed to indemnify Golden Arrow for any loss sustained
as a result of the Aquiline  litigation.  To satisfy this  requirement,  IMA and
Golden Arrow entered into an Indemnity  Agreement dated July 7, 2004 pursuant to
which IMA has agreed,  among other  things,  to  indemnify  Golden Arrow and its
directors,  officers,  agents and employees  from and against all losses,  cost,
charges,  damages,  liabilities,  claims and expenses of any nature which may be
incurred by the indemnified  parties in respect of the Aquiline  litigation.  As
security for the indemnity obligation,  IMA has pledged all of its shares of its
wholly owned subsidiary IMA Holdings Corp., to Golden Arrow.

IMA  commenced  an action  against  Aquiline  Resources  Inc.  by way of Writ of
Summons  filed on October  15,  2003 in the  Supreme  Court of British  Columbia
Vancouver Registry Action No. S035507.  In the action, IMA alleges that Aquiline
wrongfully interfered with a "bought deal" private placement financing scheduled
to close on October 2, 2003  through  the  issuance  of a letter  which  falsely
asserted that IMA had misused confidential  information belonging to Aquiline or
its  subsidiary  in  staking  its  Navidad  mineral  claims.  Aquiline  filed an
Appearance to the claim on October 24, 2003. To date, no further steps have been
taken in the action.


Except as outlined below, the Company believes no director or executive  officer
of the  Company  or any  person  or  company  that  is the  direct  or  indirect
beneficial owner of, or who exercise control or direction over, more than 10% of
any  class or series  of the  Company's  outstanding  voting  securities  or any
associate or affiliate of any of the persons or companies  referred to above has
any material interest,  direct or indirect, in any transactions which materially
affected  or would  materially  affect the  Company or any of its  subsidiaries,
occurring  during the years ended  December  31,  2003,  2002 and 2001 except as

1.       Pursuant  to an  agreement  dated March 6, 2003,  as amended  April 13,
         2004,  between  IMA and  Amera  Resources  Corporation  ("Amera"),  IMA
         granted  Amera an option to earn a 75% interest in a property  known as
         the  Mogote  (Arturo's)  Property.  To earn this  interest , Amera must
         issue  1,950,000  common  shares  to  IMA  and  incur  US$3,000,000  of
         expenditures,  including work programs and underlying  option payments,
         all  over  three  years.  Amera  has  committed  to spend  the  initial
         US$1,000,000 by May


         30,  2007.  The  Mogote   property  and  this  option   agreement  were
         subsequently transferred to Golden Arrow under the Arrangement.  At the
         time of the option agreement,  Joseph Grosso,  Nikolaos Cacos and David
         Terry, all directors and/or officers of IMA, were also directors and/or
         officers of Amera.  Where required,  these persons disclosed the nature
         of their interest in these  transactions  to the Board of Directors and
         abstained from voting on the resolutions to approve the agreements.

2.       Pursuant to the Arrangement, all directors of IMA on the Effective Date
         of the Arrangement  (July 7, 2004) became directors of Golden Arrow. In
         addition,  at the time the Arrangement  Agreement was entered into (May
         14,  2004),  Joseph  Grosso,  a  director  of IMA,  was  also  the sole
         director,  officer and  shareholder of Golden Arrow.  This was done for
         convenience  only to facilitate the  transaction.  Mr. Grosso disclosed
         this  interest  to the IMA  board  and  abstained  from  voting  on the
         Arrangement and the indemnity  agreement entered into in respect of the
         Aquiline litigation.

3.       IMA is a party to employment or consulting  agreements with most of its
         directors  or senior  management.  See for example the  agreement  with
         Oxbow   International   Marketing   Corp.   disclosed  under  "Material

                         TRANSFER AGENTS AND REGISTRARS

The  registrar  and  transfer  agent of IMA is  Computershare  Trust  Company of
Canada, 2nd Floor, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B9.

                               MATERIAL CONTRACTS

1.       Consulting  Services  Agreement between Oxbow  International  Marketing
         Corp. ("Oxbow") and IMA Resource Corporation, dated January 1, 1999 and
         amended on July 1, 1996,  July 1, 1999, July 1, 2001, and July 1, 2002.
         Pursuant  to this  consulting  services  agreement,  Oxbow,  a  private
         company owned by Joseph Grosso,  is paid a consulting fee of $8,500 per
         month for making  available  the services of Joseph Grosso as President
         and Chief Executive Officer of IMA. Under the terms of the contract,  a
         payment  is due in the  event  that  Oxbow's  services  are  terminated
         without  cause or upon a change of  control.  The  termination  payment
         would include a bonus of $6,500 per month, retroactive to July 1, 1999,
         plus an additional  three years of  compensation  at $15,000 per month.
         During  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2003,  Oxbow  was paid

3.       Arrangement  Agreement  dated May 14, 2004 among IMA,  Golden Arrow and
         IMA  Holdings  Corp.  See  "General   Development  of  the  Business  -

4.       Indemnity  Agreement  dated July 7, 2004 between IMA and Golden  Arrow.
         See "Legal Proceedings".


                              INTERESTS OF EXPERTS

The following persons have prepared reports described or included in this AIF:

                                                                                     # OF
NAME                                                                                  HELD

Dr. Paul Lhotka,        Qualified  Person  who  prepared  the  report  entitled         0%
P. Geo PH.D             "Diamond  Drilling  of the  Navidad  Silver-Lead-Copper
                        Project,  November 2003 to March 2004, Chabut Province,
                        Argentina, On Behalf of IMA Exploration Inc." dated May
                        12, 2004 and  referred to in this AIF under the heading
                        "Description of Business - Principal  Properties of IMA
                        -Navidad Project".

Neil R. Burns,          Qualified  Person  who  prepared  the  report  entitled         0%
M.Sc., P Geo            "Technical Report,  Galena Hill, Navidad Project" dated
                        June 22,  2004 and  referred  to in this AIF  under the
                        heading "Description of Business - Principal Properties
                        of IMA - Navidad Project - Resource Estimate"

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Additional  information,  including  directors  and  officers  remuneration  and
indebtedness,  principal  holders of the  Company's  securities  and  securities
authorized  for issuance under equity  compensation  plans,  if  applicable,  is
contained in the Company's management proxy circular dated May 14, 2004.

Additional  financial  information  is  provided  in  the  Company's  Management
Discussion and Analysis and the audited financial  statements for the year ended
December 31, 2003.

Additional  information relating to the Company,  including the above referenced
information, may be found under the Company's name on Sedar at www.sedar.com.