Purchase Agreement,

                                  by and among

                              Halo Resources Ltd.,


                             Sheridan Platinum Group


                                February 18, 2005

                               PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                        THE SHERIDAN PLATINUM GROUP LTD.


                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                February 18, 2005

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                               PURCHASE AGREEMENT

ARTICLE 1 INTERPRETATION.......................................................1
1.1      DEFINITIONS...........................................................1
1.2      SCHEDULES.............................................................5
1.3      INTERPRETATION........................................................5
ARTICLE 2 PURCHASE AND SALE....................................................6
2.1      PURCHASE AND SALE.....................................................6
2.2      PURCHASE PRICE........................................................6
2.3      SECTION 85 ELECTION...................................................7
2.4      ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE PRICE AMONG ASSETS.............................7
2.6      TRANSFER TAXES........................................................7
3.1      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE VENDOR..........................7
3.2      SURVIVAL.............................................................10
3.3      RELIANCE.............................................................10
4.1      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.......................................11
4.2      SURVIVAL.............................................................12
4.3      RELIANCE.............................................................13
ARTICLE 5 COVENANTS OF THE VENDOR.............................................13
5.1      PRIOR TO CLOSING DATE................................................13
5.2      CONFIDENTIALITY......................................................14
ARTICLE 6 COVENANTS OF PURCHASER..............................................14
6.1      PURCHASER'S COVENANTS................................................14
ARTICLE 7 CONDITIONS OF THE PURCHASER.........................................15
7.1      PURCHASER'S CONDITIONS...............................................15
7.2      WAIVER/SURVIVAL......................................................16
ARTICLE 8 CONDITIONS OF THE VENDOR............................................16
8.1      VENDOR'S CONDITIONS..................................................16
8.2      WAIVER/SURVIVAL......................................................17
ARTICLE 9 CLOSING AND TERMINATION.............................................17
9.1      CLOSING DATE AND LOCATION............................................17
9.2      VENDOR'S CLOSING DOCUMENTS...........................................17
9.3      PURCHASER'S CLOSING DOCUMENTS........................................18
9.4      CONVEYANCE OF ASSETS.................................................19
9.5      TRUST REGARDING ASSETS NOT CONVEYED..................................19
9.7      EFFECT OF TERMINATION................................................20
ARTICLE 10 INDEMNITIES........................................................20
10.1     GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION OF PURCHASER.................................20
10.2     VENDOR'S LIMITATIONS.................................................20
10.3     GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION OF VENDOR....................................20
             TO EARLY ENTRY AND DRILLING......................................21
10.5     PURCHASER'S LIMITATIONS..............................................21
10.6     CLAIMS UNDER VENDOR'S INDEMNITY......................................21
10.7     CLAIMS UNDER PURCHASER'S INDEMNITY...................................22
10.8     CERTIFICATES.........................................................22


ARTICLE 11 POST CLOSING MATTERS...............................................23
11.1     PROPERTY MAINTENANCE.................................................23
11.2     RETURN OF ASSETS.....................................................23
11.3     CONDITION OF ASSETS..................................................23
11.4     REGISTRATION.........................................................23
11.5     RENEGOTIATION OF TERMS OF REGISTRATION...............................23
11.6     DISCHARGE OF SECURITY................................................24
ARTICLE 12 AREA OF INTEREST...................................................24
12.1     AREA OF INTEREST.....................................................24
ARTICLE 13 EVENTS OF DEFAULT..................................................24
13.1     EVENTS OF DEFAULT....................................................24
13.2     REMEDIES UPON DEFAULT................................................25
13.3     ESCROW ARRANGEMENT...................................................25
13.4     COVENANT NOT TO TRANSFER PROPERTIES..................................25
13.5     APPLICATION FOR SECTION 118 RESTRICTION..............................26
13.6     SURVIVAL............................................................ 26
ARTICLE 14 ARBITRATION........................................................26
14.1     SETTLING DISPUTES....................................................26
14.2     ARBITRATION..........................................................26
14.3     AVAILABILITY OF OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, ETC.............................27
14.4     ARBITRATION DOES NOT APPLY...........................................27
ARTICLE 15 GENERAL............................................................27
15.1     TENDER...............................................................27
15.2     EXPENSES.............................................................28
15.3     TIME.................................................................28
15.4     ASSIGNMENT...........................................................28
15.5     NOTICES..............................................................28
15.6     ANNOUNCEMENTS........................................................29
15.7     MODIFICATIONS, APPROVALS AND CONSENTS................................29
15.8     GOVERNING LAW........................................................29
15.9     SEVERABILITY.........................................................29
15.10    ENTIRE AGREEMENT.....................................................29
15.11    FURTHER ASSURANCES...................................................29
15.12    ENUREMENT............................................................30
15.13    COUNTERPARTS.........................................................30


THIS AGREEMENT is made as of February 18, 2005


         THE SHERIDAN PLATINUM GROUP LTD., a company incorporated under the laws
         of Canada, having a place of business at 14 Park Lane Circle,  Toronto,
         Ontario, M5B 1Z7

         (the "VENDOR")


         HALO  RESOURCES  LTD.,  a company  continued  under the laws of British
         Columbia, having a registered office at 1305, 1090 West Georgia Street,
         Vancouver, British Columbia, V1E 3V7

         (the "PURCHASER")


The Vendor has agreed to sell and the  Purchaser  has agreed to purchase  all of
the Assets on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter contained.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSES that in  consideration of one dollar and
the premises and mutual  agreements and covenants  herein contained (the receipt
and adequacy of such consideration  being mutually  acknowledged by each party),
the Parties covenant and agree with each other as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1


In this  Agreement  the  following  words and phrases  shall have the  following

"Action" means any claim,  action,  suit,  arbitration,  inquiry,  proceeding or
investigation by or before any Governmental Authority;

"Applicable  Laws" means,  with  respect to any Person,  any national or foreign
federal,  state,  provincial or local Laws, ordinance,  regulation,  rule, code,
order,  other  requirement or rule of law or stock  exchange rule  applicable to
such Person or any of its respective properties,  assets,  officers,  directors,
employees, independent contractors, consultants or agents;

"Area of Interest" has the meaning ascribed to it in Article 12;

"Assets" means:

         (a)      the Properties;

         (b)      the Buildings;

         (c)      the Equipment;

         (d)      the Inventory; and

         (e)      the Technical Information;


"Buildings" means all plants, mills, hoists, buildings,  structures,  erections,
improvements,  appurtenances  and fixtures  (including fixed machinery and fixed
equipment) situated on, under or in or forming part of the Properties;

"Business  Day" means any day upon which  banks and  financial  markets are open
during regular business hours in Toronto, Ontario;

"Closing" means the completion of the sale to, and the purchase by the Purchaser
of, the Assets and the completion of all other transactions contemplated by this
Agreement to occur contemporaneously therewith;

"Closing  Date"  means the date that is the  earlier  of the  following  (a) the
Business  Day upon which  conditions  7.1(h) and  8.1(e) are both  completed  or
waived by the Parties and the  registrations and records are engrossed with such
registrations  and do  not  reveal  any  encumbrances  that  are  not  Permitted
Encumbrances  which the Purchaser is not willing to then waive; and (b) April 1,
2005.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if conditions  7.1(h) and 8.1(e) or any
other  condition  of  Closing  cannot  be  satisfied  before or on April 1, 2005
because one or more of the Parties have  constructive or actual notice of a Lien
which  purports  to  affect  any  of the  Properties,  other  than  a  Permitted
Encumbrance  under  this  Agreement,  and  which  is not  acceptable  to  either
Purchaser  or Vendor,  then the Closing  Date shall be  extended  as  reasonably
required to deal with such Lien in a manner which is  reasonably  acceptable  to
both Vendor and Purchaser.

"Closing Time" means 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) or such other time as may
be agreed upon by the parties;

"Dispute" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 14.1;

"Dividends" means the dividends  payable on the Preferred  Shares,  the terms of
which are described in Schedule E attached hereto;

"Escrow Agreement" has the meaning given to it in Section 13.3;

"Employment Legislation" means,  collectively,  all Applicable Laws currently in
effect including respective regulations and orders promulgated  thereunder,  and
any similar federal,  state or other legislation  applicable in Ontario relating
to employment of Persons in Ontario;

"Equipment"  includes all fixed assets and tangible personal property,  wherever
situated, used in connection with the Properties;

"Event of Default" has the meaning given to it in Section 13.1;

"Governmental   Authority"  means  any  Canadian  or  foreign  federal,   state,
provincial,  municipal  or  local  governmental,  regulatory  or  administrative
authority,  agency or commission or any court,  tribunal or judicial or arbitral

"Governmental  Order"  means any  order,  writ,  judgment,  injunction,  decree,
stipulation,   determination   or  award  issued  or  entered  by  or  with  any
Governmental Authority;

"Inventory"  means all inventories or ore, raw materials,  minerals-in-progress,
stock-in-trade,  concentrated  or  refined  gold and  supplies  situated  on the
Properties  as of the Closing  Date  (including  any  tailings,  tailings  pond,
tailings dams and other tailings impound facilities);

"Laws" means any Canadian or foreign,  federal,  state, provincial or local law,
ordinance,  regulation, rule, code, Order, principle of common and civil law and
equity,  other requirement or rule of law or stock exchange rule,  including any
judicial or administrative interpretation thereof;


"Legal Proceeding" means any judicial,  administrative or arbitral action, suit,
proceeding (public or private), claim or governmental proceeding;

"Liabilities"  means  any  and  all  debts,  trade  accounts,   liabilities  and
obligations,  whether  accrued  or fixed,  absolute  or  contingent,  matured or
unmatured or determined or undeterminable,  including, without limitation, those
arising under any Law, Action or Governmental  Order and those arising under any
contract,  agreement,  arrangement,  commitment  or  undertaking  or  otherwise,
including, without limitation,  arising directly or indirectly under or pursuant
to  any  loan,  credit  agreement,   loan  or  credit  facility  transaction  or
arrangement or any off-balance sheet transaction or arrangement, in each case of
the Vendor affecting or relating to the Assets;

"Lien"  means any  encumbrance  of any nature or kind  whatever  and  includes a
security interest, mortgage, lien, hypothec, pledge, hypothecation,  assignment,
charge or security,  including  arising under or by operation of any  Applicable
Laws,  including  any  banking  legislation,  trust  or  deemed  trust  (whether
contractual,   statutory  or  otherwise  arising),   any  easement,   agreement,
reservation, right of way, restriction, encroachment, burden, bond, guarantee or
any  other  right or claim of  others of any kind  whatever  or any  restrictive
covenant or other agreement, restriction or limitation on title or use;

"Material Contracts" means those subsisting commitments, contracts, instruments,
leases and other  agreements,  oral or written,  entered into by the Vendor,  by
which it is bound or to which it or its assets are  subject and which have total
payment  obligations on the part of the Vendor which exceed $25,000 or are for a
term of or in excess of one year;

"Mining Rights" has the meaning given to it in Section 3.1(g);

"Minister" means the Ontario Minister of Northern Development and Mines;

"Mortgage" has the meaning given to it in Section 9.3(g);

"Order" means any order, (including any judicial or administrative order and the
terms of any administrative consent) injunction, judgment, decree, ruling, writ,
assessment or arbitration award;

"Ordinary  course" or "normal  course"  means any action  which  constitutes  an
ordinary day-to-day business activity or is consistent with past practices;

"Parties" means the Vendor and the Purchaser, and "Party" means any one of them;

"Permit"  means  any  and  all  permits,   licences,   concessions,   approvals,
certificates,   consents,   certificates  of  approval,  rights,  privileges  or
franchises,  registrations  (including any required export/import approvals) and
exemptions  of any  nature  and other  authorizations,  conferred  or  otherwise
granted by any Governmental Authority and related to any Asset;

"Permitted Encumbrances" means:

         (a)      in relation to the Assets, those Liens set out in Schedule B;

         (b)      security  given  to  a  public  utility  or  any  Governmental
                  Authority when required in the ordinary course;

         (c)      any reservations or exceptions contained in the concessions or
                  other  original  grant of rights  underlying or related to the

         (d)      easements and any  registered  restrictions  or covenants that
                  run with the Properties  that do not in the aggregate  detract
                  from the value of the Properties;


         (e)      rights of way for,  or  easements,  reservations  or rights of
                  others relating to, sewers, water lines, gas lines, pipelines,
                  electric  lines,  telegraph  and  telephone  lines  and  other
                  similar products or services, provided that they do not in the
                  aggregate  materially interfere with the use of the Properties
                  and which are on the Properties; and

         (f)      zoning by-laws, ordinances or other restrictions as to the use
                  of real property, and agreements with other Persons registered
                  against title to the Properties,  provided that they do not in
                  the  aggregate  materially  interfere  with  the  use  of  the
                  Properties and which are on the Properties;

"Person" includes an individual,  corporation,  limited  liability  corporation,
body corporate, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership,
unlimited liability company,  joint stock company,  joint venture,  association,
trust or unincorporated organization or any trustee, executor,  administrator or
other legal representative thereof;

"Preferred  Shares" means the preferred shares in the capital of Purchaser to be
issued  pursuant  to Article 2 herein and to be created  prior to  Closing,  the
terms of which are attached hereto as Schedule E;

"Properties" means the lands and mineral property interests in the Kenora Mining
Division,  Ontario  as set out in  Schedule  A hereto  and any other  properties
acquired within the Area of Interest;

"Purchase Price" has the meaning specified in Section 2.2;

"Purchaser" means Halo Resources Ltd.

"Purchaser's  Solicitors"  means,  the law firm of Axium Law Group,  3350 - 1055
Dunsmuir  Street,  PO Box  49222,  Vancouver,  British  Columbia  V7X 1L2 and/or
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP of Toronto, Ontario, as the case may be;

"Royalty"  means  the net  smelter  return  royalty  payable  to the  Vendor  in
accordance  with  Article 2 herein and  having the terms set out in the  Royalty

"Royalty Agreement" means the royalty agreement attached as Schedule F hereto;

"Section 118 Restriction" has the meaning specified in Section 13.5;

"Shares"  means the 1,000,000  common shares without par value in the capital of
the Purchaser to be issued to the Vendor pursuant to Article 2 herein;

"Tax Return" means all reports,  estimates,  information  statements and returns
relating to, or required to be filed in connection  with,  any Taxes pursuant to
the statutes,  rules and  regulations  of any federal,  state,  local or foreign
government taxing authority;

"Taxes"  means all taxes,  including  any interest or penalties  that may become
payable in respect  thereof,  imposed by any  federal,  state,  local or foreign
government or any agency or political subdivision of any such government,  which
taxes shall include, without limitation,  all income taxes, payroll taxes, sales
and use  taxes,  excise  taxes,  environmental  taxes,  franchise  taxes,  gross
receipts taxes,  occupation taxes, real and personal property taxes, value added
taxes, stamp taxes, transfer taxes,  withholding taxes,  workers'  compensation,
social security payments,  health taxes, unemployment insurance payments, public
works  payments  and any other  contributions  under  Applicable  Laws and other
obligations of the same or of a similar nature;

"Technical  Information" means all information and all know-how owned, leased or
licensed by the Vendor or in which the Vendor has a right, title or interest, or
which is otherwise related to the Properties, including:


         (a)      information  of a  scientific,  technical or business  nature,
                  whether in written,  graphic, machine readable,  electronic or
                  physical form;

         (b)      maps,   plans,   designs,   research  data,   research  plans,
                  development   plans,   drill  core  samples,   trade  secrets,
                  processes, formulas, drawings,  technology,  computer software
                  and  related  manuals,  unpatented  blueprints,  flow  sheets,
                  equipment and parts lists, instructions,  manuals, records and
                  procedures; and

         (c)      all   geological   reports,   technical   reports  or  similar
                  disclosure   documents   prepared  in   connection   with  the

"TSX-V" means the TSX Venture Exchange Inc.;

"Vendor" means The Sheridan Platinum Group Ltd.; and

"Vendor's  Solicitors" means the law firm of Stikeman Elliott LLP, 5300 Commerce
Court West, 199 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5L 1B9.

1.2      SCHEDULES

The following are the schedules to this Agreement:

Schedule A - Properties

Schedule B - Liens

Schedule C - Material Contracts

Schedule D - Licences, Permits and Authorizations

Schedule E - Summary of Terms of Preferred Shares

Schedule F - Net Smelter Return Royalty Agreement

Schedule G - Escrow Agreement

Schedule H - Mortgage

Schedule I - GST Certificate and Indemnity


For the  purposes of this  Agreement,  except as  otherwise  expressly  provided

         (a)      "this Agreement" means this Agreement, including the Schedules
                  hereto,  as it may  from  time  to  time  be  supplemented  or

         (b)      all  references  in this  Agreement to a  designated  Article,
                  section,  subsection,  paragraph,  clause,  subclause or other
                  subdivision,  or to a Schedule,  is to the designated Article,
                  section,  subsection,  paragraph,  clause,  subclause or other
                  subdivision of or Schedule to this Agreement  unless otherwise
                  specifically stated;

         (c)      the words  "herein",  "hereof" and "hereunder" and other words
                  of similar  import refer to this  Agreement as a whole and not
                  to any particular  Article,  section,  subsection,  paragraph,
                  clause, subclause or other subdivision or Schedule;

         (d)      the  singular of any term  includes  the plural and vice versa
                  and the use of any term is  equally  applicable  to any gender
                  and where applicable to a body corporate;


         (e)      the word "or" is not exclusive and the word "including" is not
                  limiting  (whether  or  not  non-limiting   language  such  as
                  "without limitation" or "but not limited to" or other words of
                  similar import are used with reference thereto);

         (f)      except  as  otherwise  provided,  any  reference  to a statute
                  includes  and  is a  reference  to  such  statute  and  to the
                  regulations  made pursuant  thereto with all  amendments  made
                  thereto and in force from time to time,  and to any statute or
                  regulations  that  may be  passed  which  have the  effect  of
                  supplementing or superseding such statute or such regulations;

         (g)      where the phrase "to the best of the  knowledge of" or phrases
                  of similar  import are used in this  Agreement,  it shall be a
                  requirement  that the  Person in respect of whom the phrase is
                  used  shall  have made such due  enquiries  as are  reasonably
                  necessary  to  enable  such  person to make the  statement  or

         (h)      the headings to the Articles  and other  subdivisions  of this
                  Agreement are inserted for convenience  only and do not form a
                  part of this  Agreement  and are not  intended  to  interpret,
                  define or limit the scope,  extent or intent of this Agreement
                  or any provision hereof;

         (i)      any  reference  to a corporate  entity  includes and is also a
                  reference to any corporate  entity that is a successor to such

         (j)      the Parties  acknowledge that this Agreement is the product of
                  arm's  length  negotiation  between the  parties,  each having
                  obtained  its own  independent  legal  advice,  and that  this
                  Agreement shall be construed neither strictly for nor strictly
                  against any party  irrespective of which party was responsible
                  for drafting this Agreement; and

         (k)      the  representations,  warranties,  covenants  and  agreements
                  contained in this Agreement shall not merge at the Closing and
                  shall  continue  in full force and  effect  from and after the
                  Closing  Date  for  the  applicable  period  set  out in  this

                                   ARTICLE 2
                                PURCHASE AND SALE


Relying on the warranties and  representations  in this Agreement and subject to
the  Royalty  and the terms  and  conditions  hereof,  on the  Closing  Date the
Purchaser  will  purchase  from the Vendor and the Vendor will sell,  assign and
transfer to the  Purchaser  the Assets  free and clear of all Liens,  except the
Permitted Encumbrances, in consideration for the Purchase Price.


The Purchase Price is the fair market value of the Assets to be satisfied by:

         (a)      CAD$250,000 payable by cheque of the Purchaser;

         (b)      1,000,000 common shares of the Purchaser; and

         (c)      Preferred  Shares  of  the  Purchaser  with a  face  value  of

The Vendor acknowledges receipt of a payment of $250,000.00,  satisfying Section
2.2(a),  and a  Preferred  Share  dividend  for the month of  February,  2005 of
$12,500.00,  both of  which  amounts  were  paid by  Purchaser  to  Vendor  upon
execution of this Agreement and both of which amounts shall be non-refundable.

The Assets are being transferred subject to the Royalty.



The Purchaser and the Vendor covenant and agree to elect, in the prescribed form
and within the time  specified in the  relevant  legislation  for such  election
pursuant  to   subsection   85(1)  of  the  Income  Tax  Act  (Canada)  and  the
corresponding provisions of any applicable provincial tax legislation in respect
of the  transfer by the Vendor of the Assets under this  Agreement.  The elected
amount shall be determined by the Vendor and shall be not less than the adjusted
cost base to the Vendor of the Assets and not greater  than the  Purchase  Price
for the  Assets and the  Parties  agree to  otherwise  fully  cooperate  in such


The  Purchase  Price shall be  allocated  among the Assets in such manner as the
Purchaser determines at Closing.


To the extent GST is legally  exigible,  the  Purchaser  hereby  represents  and
warrants to the Vendor that: (i) it is registered for the purposes of Part IX of
the Excise Tax Act (Canada) in accordance  with the  requirements of Subdivision
(d) of Division V thereof; (ii) it will continue to be so registered at the time
of Closing;  and (iii) it is buying the Properties on its own account and not as
agent.  The  Purchaser  covenants to deliver to the Vendor upon  Closing:  (i) a
notarial copy of the certificate evidencing its registration for purposes of the
goods and services tax ("GST"),  including the  registration  number assigned to
it; and (ii) the  declaration  and  indemnity of the  Purchaser  confirming  the
accuracy,  as at Closing,  of the representations and warranties set out in this
paragraph  and  agreeing to  indemnify  the Vendor for any amounts for which the
Vendor may become  liable as a result of any failure by the Purchaser to pay the
GST payable in respect of the sale of the Properties and Buildings under Part IX
of the Excise Tax Act (Canada) in the form attached as Schedule I. Provided that
the Purchaser  delivers a notarial copy of the  certificate  and the declaration
and indemnity as set out above,  then the Purchaser shall not be required to pay
to the Vendor,  nor shall the Vendor be required to collect from the  Purchaser,
the GST in respect of the Properties  and the  Buildings.  In the event that the
Purchaser  shall fail to deliver the  certificate,  declaration and indemnity as
set out above,  then the Purchaser  shall be responsible for any GST which might
be exigible in respect of the Properties and the Buildings.


Purchaser shall pay all land transfer taxes,  sales taxes,  GST and registration
fees or other like charges properly payable upon the transfer of the Assets from
the Vendor to the Purchaser hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE 3


To induce the Purchaser to enter into and complete the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement, the Vendor hereby represents and warrants, as representations
and  warranties  that are true and correct as at the date of this  Agreement and
that will be true and correct on the Closing Date as if such representations and
warranties  were made on each of the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date
(except insofar as such representations and warranties are stated to be given as
of a particular  date or for a particular  period and relate solely to such date
or period), as follows:

         (a)      Organization   and  Good   Standing   -  The  Vendor  is  duly
                  incorporated, amalgamated, or continued, validly existing, and
                  in good standing with respect to the filing of annual  reports
                  under  the  laws  of  its   jurisdiction   of   incorporation,
                  amalgamation, or continuance, and has all the corporate power,


                  authority  and  capacity to own its Assets and to carry on its
                  business as presently conducted;

         (b)      Authority  to  Sell  - The  execution  and  delivery  of  this
                  Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary  corporate
                  action on the part of the Vendor and this  Agreement  has been
                  duly and  validly  executed  and  delivered  by the Vendor and
                  constitutes  a legal,  valid  and  binding  obligation  of the
                  Vendor  enforceable  against the Vendor in accordance with its
                  terms except as may be limited by laws of general  application
                  affecting the rights of creditors;

         (c)      Sale will not cause  Default - Neither the  execution  nor the
                  delivery  of  this  Agreement,  or the  other  agreements  and
                  instruments  contemplated  hereby,  nor the  completion of the
                  transactions contemplated hereby will:

                  (i)      constitute  or  result in a  material  breach of or a
                           material  default  under  any  terms,  provisions  or
                           conditions  of, or  conflict  with,  violate or cause
                           any, or give to any Person or Governmental  Authority
                           any right of,  after the  giving of a notice or lapse
                           of time or otherwise,  acceleration,  termination  or
                           cancellation  in  or  with  respect  to  any  of  the

                           (A)      any constating documents,  charter documents
                                    or by-laws  of the Vendor or any  resolution
                                    of directors or shareholders of the Vendor;

                           (B)      any  indenture,  mortgage,  deed  of  trust,
                                    agreement,   contract,   lease,   franchise,
                                    certificate,   consent,   Permit,   license,
                                    authority,  registration or other instrument
                                    or commitment to which the Vendor is a party
                                    or is subject,  or by which it is bound,  or
                                    from which it derives benefit; or

                           (C)      to the best of the  knowledge  of the Vendor
                                    any   law,    judgment,    decree,    order,
                                    injunction,  rule,  statute or regulation of
                                    any  court,   arbitrator   or   Governmental
                                    Authority  by which  any of the  Assets  are
                                    bound  or to  which  any of the  Assets  are
                                    subject; or

                  (ii)     result  in the  creation  of  any  Lien,  except  the
                           Permitted Encumbrances, on any of the Assets;

         (d)      Tax  Liens - There  are no  Liens  for  Taxes  upon any of the

         (e)      Absence of Other  Interests  - Except for the  interest of the
                  Vendor, no other Person has any interest in the Assets;

         (f)      Title to Assets - The Vendor has an  undivided  100% legal and
                  beneficial good, valid,  marketable and exclusive right, title
                  and  interest in and to all of the  Assets,  free and clear of
                  all Liens except for  Permitted  Encumbrances  and none of the
                  Assets are in the  possession  of or under the  control of any
                  other Person;

         (g)      Property Rights

                  (i)      Schedule  A  contains  accurate  descriptions  of all
                           mineral   concessions,   mineral   claims,   patents,
                           licences of  occupation,  or mineral or mining rights
                           of  whatsoever  nature or kind (the "Mining  Rights")
                           and  options  to acquire  the  mineral  interests  in
                           respect of which the Vendor  holds an interest in the
                           Kenora  Mining  Division,  Ontario in relation to the
                           Assets.  All rental and other payments required to be
                           paid by the  Vendor  under  such  Mining  Rights  and
                           options to acquire  the mineral  interests  have been
                           duly paid and the Vendor is not otherwise


                           in default in meeting its obligations  under any such
                           concessions   and  options  to  acquire  the  mineral
                           interests.  All such mining concessions and/or Mining
                           Rights are in good standing;

                  (ii)     All   mining   concessions   and/or   Mining   Rights
                           underlying the Properties  have been duly and validly
                           transferred to the Vendor;

         (h)      No  Expropriation  - The Vendor has not received any notice of
                  expropriation  of all or any part of the  Assets  nor does the
                  Vendor have knowledge of any expropriation  proceeding pending
                  or  threatened  against  or  affecting  the  Assets nor of any
                  discussions  or  negotiations  which  could  lead to any  such

         (i)      No  Joint  Venture  Interests  Etc.  -  None  of  the  Assets,
                  including the Properties, are subject to any options or rights
                  of first refusal of any Person;

         (j)      Material  Contracts  - The  Vendor is not party to or bound by
                  any Material Contract, whether oral or written with respect to
                  the Assets,  except for the contracts and agreements listed in
                  Schedule C and the leases, licenses and staked claims referred
                  to in Schedule  A, all of which are all valid and  subsisting,
                  in full  force and  effect  and  unamended,  and in respect of
                  which,  no material  default  exists on the part of the Vendor
                  or, to the best of the knowledge of the Vendor, on the part of
                  any of the other parties  thereto.  The Vendor is not aware of
                  any  intention on the part of any of the other  parties to any
                  Material  Contract to  terminate  or  materially  alter any of

         (k)      Employees  - There  are no  employees  of the  Vendor or other
                  individuals  engaged  on  contract  to provide  employment  or
                  similar   services  or  who  are  sales  or  other  agents  or
                  representatives   of   the   Vendor   (in   this   subsection,
                  "employees") in relation to the Assets and there are no wages,
                  fees,  severance or other  similar  obligations  owing to past
                  employees of the Vendor under Employment Laws;

         (l)      Workers'  Compensation  -  No  employees  are  in  receipt  of
                  benefits under workers' compensation legislation. There are no
                  appeals   pending   involving   the  Vendor  and  all  levies,
                  assessments  and penalties made against the Vendor pursuant to
                  workers'  compensation  legislation have been paid. The Vendor
                  is not aware of any audit  currently  being  performed  by any
                  Governmental  Authority,  and all payments required to be made
                  in respect of  termination  or severance pay under  Employment
                  Legislation  in respect of former  employees or employees have
                  been made;

         (m)      Union  Contracts  -  The  Vendor  has  not  entered  into  any
                  collective   agreement  with  any  labour  union  or  employee
                  association  or  made  any  commitments  to or  conducted  any
                  negotiations  with any labour  union or  employee  association
                  with respect to any future collective agreement;

         (n)      Litigation  - There  is no  Action,  suit,  litigation,  Legal
                  Proceeding,  arbitration proceeding,  governmental proceeding,
                  investigation or claim, including appeals and applications for
                  review,  in progress,  or to the best of the  knowledge of the
                  Vendor  threatened  or pending  against,  or  relating  to the
                  Vendor or  affecting  the Assets  which might  materially  and
                  adversely affect the Assets, and there is no judgment, decree,
                  injunction,   rule  or  order  of  any   court,   governmental
                  department,  commission, agency, instrumentality or arbitrator
                  outstanding  against the Vendor relating to the Assets,  which
                  could in any way affect the Vendor's ownership of the Assets;

         (o)      Absence of Approvals Required - Other than the approval of the
                  Minister  pursuant to the Mining Act  (Ontario) to be obtained
                  by the Purchaser with the  appropriate  authorizations  of the
                  Vendor, no authorization,  approval,  order, license,  permit,
                  release, waiver or consent of any


                  Governmental  Authority,  any  municipal,  regional,  or other
                  authority,   regulatory   body,   stock  exchange  or  agency,
                  including any  governmental  department,  commission,  bureau,
                  board or  administrative  agency or court or any other  Person
                  and, other than the registration or filing by the Purchaser of
                  any  transfer/deed  of land or other  transfer  document  with
                  respect to the Properties with the  appropriate  land registry
                  office  or  mining   recorder's   office,   no   registration,
                  declaration or filing by the Vendor with any such Governmental
                  Authority,  regulatory body, stock exchange,  or agency, court
                  or any other Person is required in order for the Vendor:

                  (i)      to consummate the  transactions  contemplated by this

                  (ii)     to  execute  and  deliver  all of the  documents  and
                           instruments  to be delivered by the Vendor under this

                  (iii)    to duly perform and observe the terms and  provisions
                           of this Agreement, and

                  (iv)     to render this Agreement  legal,  valid,  binding and

         (p)      Permits and  Licences - All Permits or consents  issued by any
                  Governmental  Authority  which  are  held  by  the  Vendor  in
                  connection with the ownership, leasing or use of the Assets as
                  the same are now owned, leased, used conducted or operated are
                  listed in Schedule D, and the Vendor is not in breach of or in
                  default under any of the terms or conditions thereof;

         (q)      Trade-marks  - The  Vendor  does  not  have and do not use any
                  service marks,  trade names,  design marks or trade marks with
                  respect to the operation of the Assets; and

         (r)      Taxes - The Vendor will pay all of the  Vendor's  taxes if any
                  are payable in connection with the transfer of the Assets.

3.2      SURVIVAL

The  representations  and warranties of the Vendor  hereunder  shall survive the
Closing and the payment of the Purchase Price and,  notwithstanding  the Closing
and the payment of the Purchase  Price,  and  notwithstanding  the waiver of any
condition by the  Purchaser,  the  representations,  warranties,  covenants  and
agreements of the Vendor shall (except where otherwise  specifically provided in
this Agreement)  survive the Closing and shall continue in full force and effect
for a period of three years from the Closing Date for all matters except:

         (a)      the representations,  warranties,  covenants and agreements of
                  the  Vendor  with  respect  to the title to the  Assets  shall
                  survive the Closing and  continue in full force and effect for
                  five years; and

         (b)      a  claim  for  breach  of  any  of  the   representations  and
                  warranties made by the Vendor in or pursuant to this Agreement
                  involving fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of
                  the Vendor  shall  survive the  Closing  and  continue in full
                  force and effect for five years,  subject  only to  applicable
                  limitation periods imposed by law.

3.3      RELIANCE

The Vendor  acknowledges  and agrees that the  Purchaser  has entered  into this
Agreement  relying on the  warranties  and  representations  and other terms and
conditions  of  this  Agreement  notwithstanding  any  independent  searches  or
investigations  that  have  been or may be  undertaken  by or on  behalf  of the
Purchaser and that no information which is now known or should be known or which


may  hereafter  become  known to the  Purchaser  or its  officers,  directors or
professional  advisers  shall limit or extinguish  the right to  indemnification

                                   ARTICLE 4


To induce the Vendor to enter into and complete the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement, the Purchaser hereby represents and warrants, as representations
and  warranties  that are true and correct as at the date of this  Agreement and
that will be true and correct on the Closing Date as if such representations and
warranties  were made on each of the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date
(except insofar as such representations and warranties are stated to be given as
of a particular  date or for a particular  period and relate solely to such date
or period), as follows :

         (a)      Organization  and Good  Standing - The  Purchaser is a company
                  duly continued and validly existing and in good standing under
                  the laws of the Province of British Columbia;

         (b)      Authority  Relative to this  Agreement - The Purchaser has all
                  necessary  corporate power,  authority and capacity to acquire
                  the Assets  and to  perform  its  obligations  hereunder.  The
                  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  has  been  duly
                  authorized  by all necessary  corporate  action on the part of
                  the  Purchaser  and this  Agreement has been duly executed and
                  delivered by the Purchaser and constitutes a valid and binding
                  obligation  of the  Purchaser  in  accordance  with its  terms
                  except  as may be  limited  by  laws  of  general  application
                  affecting the rights of creditors;

         (c)      Purchase  will not cause  Default - neither the  execution nor
                  the delivery of this  Agreement,  or the other  agreements and
                  instruments  contemplated  hereby,  nor the  completion of the
                  transactions  contemplated hereby will constitute or result in
                  a material  breach of or a material  default  under any terms,
                  provisions  or  conditions  of, or conflict  with,  violate or
                  cause any, or give to any Person or Governmental Authority any
                  right  of,  after  the  giving of a notice or lapse of time or
                  otherwise,  acceleration,  termination or  cancellation  in or
                  with respect to any of the following:

                  (i)      any  constating   documents,   charter  documents  or
                           by-laws  of  the  Purchaser  or  any   resolution  of
                           directors or shareholders of the Purchaser;

                  (ii)     any indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust,  agreement,
                           contract,  lease,  franchise,  certificate,  consent,
                           Permit,  license,  authority,  registration  or other
                           instrument  or commitment to which the Purchaser is a
                           party or is subject, or by which it is bound, or from
                           which it derives benefit; or

                  (iii)    to the best of the  knowledge  of the  Purchaser  any
                           law,  judgment,  decree,  order,  injunction,   rule,
                           statute or  regulation  of any court,  arbitrator  or
                           Governmental   Authority   by   which   any   of  the
                           Purchaser's  assets  are bound or to which any of the
                           Purchaser's assets are subject;

         (d)      No  Approvals  - Other than the  approval of the TSX-V and the
                  Minister, no authorization,  approval,  order, licence, permit
                  or  consent  of any  governmental  authority  of  Canada,  any
                  province  of  Canada,   any   municipal,   regional  or  other
                  authority,   regulatory   body  or   agency,   including   any
                  governmental   department,   commission,   bureau,   board  or


                  administrative   agency   or  court,   and  no   registration,
                  declaration   or  filing  by  the  Purchaser   with  any  such
                  governmental authority, regulatory body or agency, or court is
                  required in order for the Purchaser:

                  (i)      to consummate the  transactions  contemplated by this

                  (ii)     to  execute  and  deliver  all of the  documents  and
                           instruments  to be delivered by the  Purchaser  under
                           this Agreement,

                  (iii)    to duly perform and observe the terms and  provisions
                           of this Agreement,

                  (iv)     to render this Agreement  legal,  valid,  binding and

         (e)      Capitalization - The authorized capital stock of the Purchaser
                  consists  of an  unlimited  number  of  common  shares  and an
                  unlimited  number of  preference  shares  of which  16,888,753
                  common  shares  and  no  preference   shares  are  issued  and
                  outstanding   on  the  date   hereof.   All  such  issued  and
                  outstanding   shares  are  validly  issued,   fully  paid  and
                  non-assessable  and  free of  pre-emptive  rights.  Except  as
                  publicly  disclosed  by the  Purchaser,  there are no existing
                  options,  warrants,  calls,  subscriptions  or other rights or
                  other  agreements or commitments  which obligate the Purchaser
                  or any of its  subsidiaries  to  issue,  transfer  or sell any
                  shares of the  capital  of the  Purchaser.  The  issuance  and
                  delivery by the Purchaser of the Shares in connection with the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been duly and
                  validly  authorized by all necessary  corporate  action on the
                  part of the Purchaser;

         (f)      Issuance  of Shares  and  Preferred  Shares - The  Shares  and
                  Preferred Shares to be issued to the Vendor in connection with
                  the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement  will, when
                  issued  in  accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement,  be
                  validly  issued,  fully  paid and  non-assessable  and will be
                  freely tradeable subject to (a) a four month hold period under
                  applicable  securities laws and (b) control block restrictions
                  (if applicable).  Such issuance of Shares and Preferred Shares
                  will be effected in such a way that it is in  compliance  with
                  all applicable securities laws; and

         (g)      Taxes - The  Purchaser  will  pay  all  land  transfer  taxes,
                  federal and provincial  sales taxes and goods and services tax
                  and all other  taxes,  duties,  registration  charges or other
                  like  charges   properly  payable  by  a  buyer  upon  and  in
                  connection  with the  conveyance and transfer of the Assets by
                  the Vendor to the Purchaser.

4.2      SURVIVAL

The  representations and warranties of the Purchaser hereunder shall survive the
Closing and the payment of the Purchase Price and,  notwithstanding  the Closing
and the payment of the Purchase  Price,  and  notwithstanding  the waiver of any
condition  by  the  Vendor  the  representations,   warranties,   covenants  and
agreements of the Purchaser shall (except where otherwise  specifically provided
in this  Agreement)  survive the  Closing  and shall  continue in full force and
effect for a period of three years from the Closing Date for all matters except:

         (a)      the representations,  warranties,  covenants and agreements of
                  the Purchaser with respect to the Shares and Preferred Shares,
                  including  those in Section  4.1(e) and (f), shall survive the
                  Closing and  continue in full force and effect for five years;

         (b)      a  claim  for  breach  of  any  of  the   representations  and
                  warranties  made  by the  Purchaser  in or  pursuant  to  this
                  Agreement involving fraud or fraudulent  misrepresentation  on
                  the  part of the  Purchaser  shall  survive  the  Closing  and
                  continue in full force and effect for five years, subject only
                  to applicable limitation periods imposed by law.


4.3      RELIANCE

The  Purchaser  acknowledges  and agrees that the Vendor has  entered  into this
Agreement  relying on the  warranties  and  representations  and other terms and
conditions  of  this  Agreement  notwithstanding  any  independent  searches  or
investigations that have been or may be undertaken by or on behalf of the Vendor
and that no  information  which is now  known or  should  be known or which  may
hereafter become known to the Vendor or its officers,  directors or professional
advisers shall limit or extinguish the right to indemnification hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE 5
                             COVENANTS OF THE VENDOR


The Vendor  covenants and agrees with the Purchaser that from and after the date
of execution of this Agreement to the Closing Date:

         (a)      As soon as the  Vendor  has  determined  that a state of facts
                  exist which results in or will result in:

                  (i)      a representation or warranty  contained in subsection
                           3.1  being   untrue  or  incorrect  in  any  material
                           respect; or

                  (ii)     the non-fulfilment of any of the conditions precedent
                           set forth in subsection 8.1,

                  the Vendor will notify the Purchaser of such state of facts.

         (b)      Except with the prior  written  consent of the  Purchaser  the
                  Vendor  shall not do or fail to do anything  that would result
                  in any of the  representations  and  warranties  set  forth in
                  subsection  3.1 not being  true and  correct  in all  material
                  respects at the time of Closing.

         (c)      The  Vendor  will  obtain  any  release,  waiver,  consent  or
                  approval that the Purchaser,  acting reasonably, may advise is
                  required in order that none of the  execution  and delivery of
                  this   Agreement,   the   completion   of   the   transactions
                  contemplated  hereby, or the observance and performance of the
                  obligations of the Vendor herein will:

                  (i)      constitute  or  result in a  material  breach of or a
                           material  default under, or an event which,  with the
                           giving of notice or lapse of time or otherwise, would
                           constitute  or  result  in a  material  breach  of or
                           material default under, or

                  (ii)     give to any other Person,  after the giving of notice
                           or otherwise, any right of termination,  cancellation
                           or acceleration in or with respect to,

                  any indenture,  mortgage, deed of trust, agreement,  contract,
                  lease,  franchise,  certificate,  consent,  Permit, licence or
                  other  instrument or commitment to which the Vendor is a party
                  or is  subject,  or by which  it is  bound,  or from  which it
                  derives  benefit,  or which is required or  desirable  for the
                  conduct in the usual and ordinary  course of the  operation of
                  the business of the Vendor.

         (d)      The Vendor  will take or cause to be taken all  proper  steps,
                  actions and corporate  proceedings on its part  (including the
                  approval of the sale by its directors) to enable the Vendor to
                  vest a good  and  marketable  title  in the  Purchaser  to the
                  Assets  free and  clear of all  Liens,  except  the  Permitted


         (e)      The Vendor will not sell,  consume,  or dispose of or transfer
                  possession of any of the Assets.

         (f)      The Vendor  will make all  necessary,  governmental  and other
                  filings for which it is responsible  under this Agreement in a
                  timely  fashion and shall supply the  Purchaser  with whatever
                  consent or  authorization  Purchaser  reasonably  requires  to
                  complete its filings.


The Vendor, and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, relatives
and other  persons who acted on behalf of the Vendor and were or are involved in
any negotiations relating to this Agreement,  or had, have, will or may have any
knowledge  about  any part in such  negotiations,  will not,  without  the prior
written  consent of the  Purchaser,  reveal or disclose any of the terms of this
Agreement, any portion of this Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated
hereby,  and will keep strictly  confidential  the terms of this Agreement,  all
information,  communications, documents and material of any kind and in any form
whatsoever,  whether  written,  oral,  technical,  copied  or  relating  to this
Agreement and any of the transactions  contemplated hereby;  notwithstanding the
generality of the foregoing, the Vendor shall be permitted to disclose the terms
of this Agreement to any  Governmental  Authority  which  lawfully  requires the
Vendor to do so, and the Vendor shall be  permitted to disclose any  information
which is within the public domain. The Vendor  acknowledges that a breach of any
of the  covenants  contained  in this  paragraph  will  result  in damage to the
Purchaser,  that  such  damage  will be  difficult  to  determine  and  that the
Purchaser could not be adequately compensated for such damage by monetary award.
Accordingly,  in the event of a breach of any of the covenants contained in this
paragraph,  in addition to any and all other remedies available to the Purchaser
in law or in equity,  the Vendor hereby  consents to the covenants,  and each of
them,  contained  in this  paragraph  being  enforced by  temporary or permanent
injunction, restraining order or declaration, or all of such relief, and to such
enforcement  being without the necessity of a bond; the Vendor  acknowledges and
agrees that the scope of this paragraph is reasonable and commensurate  with the
protection of the legitimate interests of the Purchaser.

                                   ARTICLE 6
                             COVENANTS OF PURCHASER


The Purchaser  covenants and agrees with the Vendor that from and after the date
of execution of this Agreement to the Closing Date:

         (a)      As soon as the Purchaser has determined  that a state of facts
                  exist which results in or will result in:

                  (i)      a representation or warranty  contained in subsection
                           4.1  being   untrue  or  incorrect  in  any  material
                           respect; or

                  (ii)     the non-fulfilment of any of the conditions precedent
                           set forth in subsection 7.1,

                  the Purchaser will notify the Vendor of such state of facts.

         (b)      The  Purchaser,  and  any and  all of its  agents,  employees,
                  representatives,  relatives  and  other  persons  who acted on
                  behalf  of the  Purchaser  and  were  or are  involved  in any
                  negotiations relating to this Agreement, or had, have, will or
                  may have any  knowledge  about any part in such  negotiations,
                  will not,  without  the prior  written  consent  of the Vendor
                  reveal or  disclose  any of the terms of this  Agreement,  any
                  portion  of  this   Agreement  or  any  of  the   transactions
                  contemplated  hereby, and will keep strictly  confidential the
                  terms  of this  Agreement,  all  information,  communications,
                  documents and material of any kind and in any form whatsoever,
                  whether written,  oral, technical,  copied or relating to this


                  Agreement  and any of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby;
                  notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, the Purchaser
                  shall be permitted to disclose the terms of this  Agreement to
                  any  Governmental   Authority  which  lawfully   requires  the
                  Purchaser  to do so, and the  Purchaser  shall be permitted to
                  disclose any  information  which is within the public  domain.
                  The  Purchaser  acknowledges  that  a  breach  of  any  of the
                  covenants contained in this paragraph will result in damage to
                  the Vendor,  that such damage will be  difficult  to determine
                  and that the Vendor could not be  adequately  compensated  for
                  such damage by monetary award. Accordingly,  in the event of a
                  breach of any of the covenants contained in this paragraph, in
                  addition to any and all other remedies available to the Vendor
                  in law or in equity,  the  Purchaser  hereby  consents  to the
                  covenants, and each of them, contained in this paragraph being
                  enforced by  temporary or  permanent  injunction,  restraining
                  order  or  declaration,  or all of  such  relief,  and to such
                  enforcement  being  without  the  necessity  of  a  bond;  the
                  Purchaser  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  the  scope of this
                  paragraph is reasonable and  commensurate  with the protection
                  of the legitimate interests of the Vendor.

         (c)      Except  with the prior  written  consent  of the  Vendor,  the
                  Purchaser will not do or fail to do anything that would result
                  in any of the  representations  and  warranties  set  forth in
                  subsection  4.1 not being  true and  correct  in all  material
                  respects at the time of Closing.

         (d)      The Purchaser will take or cause to be taken all proper steps,
                  actions  and  corporate  proceedings  on its  part  (including
                  approval of such vesting by the directors of the Purchaser) to
                  enable the  Purchaser to vest a good and  marketable  title in
                  the shares which  comprise a portion of the Purchase  Price to
                  the  Vendor  subject  to the  restrictions  mentioned  in this

         (e)      The Purchaser will make all necessary governmental filings for
                  which  it is  responsible  under  this  Agreement  in a timely
                  fashion and shall supply the Vendor with  whatever  consent or
                  authorization   the  Vendor  requires  to  complete   Vendor's

                                   ARTICLE 7
                           CONDITIONS OF THE PURCHASER


The obligations of the Purchaser to complete the purchase of the Assets shall be
subject to the  satisfaction  of, or  compliance  with, at or before the Closing
Time, each of the following conditions precedent:

         (a)      Truth and Accuracy of Representations of the Vendor at Closing
                  - The  representations  and warranties of the Vendor contained
                  in this  Agreement  are true and correct and the covenants and
                  agreements  of the  Vendor to be  performed  on or before  the
                  Closing Date pursuant to the terms of this Agreement have been
                  duly performed;

         (b)      Absence of  Injunction - No Law or  Governmental  Order by any
                  Governmental  Authority,  nor any Order of any court under any
                  Applicable Law nor any Legal Proceeding or Action,  shall have
                  been  entered,  issued or  commenced  which is in effect or is
                  outstanding  and has the effect,  or seeks an Order having the
                  effect,  of making  the sale of the  Assets  to the  Purchaser
                  illegal, or otherwise  prohibiting  consummation thereof or of
                  any of the other transactions contemplated in this Agreement;

         (c)      Consents Obtained - The Purchaser where applicable, shall have
                  obtained all consents of Government Authorities, the TSX-V and
                  of  all  Persons,  as  are  required,   including  shareholder


                  approval to the creation of the  Preferred  Shares,  to permit
                  the  completion  of  the  transactions  contemplated  in  this

         (d)      Absence of Change of Conditions - No event shall have occurred
                  or  condition or  situation  shall have arisen or  legislation
                  (whether by statute,  rule,  regulation,  by-law or otherwise)
                  shall have been introduced  which might reasonably be expected
                  to have a materially adverse effect upon the Assets;

         (e)      Approval of the Board of Directors - The approval of the Board
                  of Directors of the  Purchaser to complete the purchase of the
                  Assets on the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement  shall
                  have been obtained;

         (f)      Closing Documentation - The Purchaser shall have received from
                  the Vendor the closing  documentation listed in Article 9.2 of
                  this Agreement;

         (g)      Absence  of Damages - No  damage,  destruction  or loss to any
                  Assets,  whether  owned,  leased  or  licensed,  that  is  not
                  adequately  covered  by  the  Purchaser's  insurance,  and  no
                  damage,  destruction  or loss to any Assets  where the cost of
                  repairing  or  replacing  all such Assets  exceeds  $50,000 in
                  total,  shall  have  occurred  other  than  as  caused  by the
                  Purchaser and those for whom it is at law responsible; and

         (h)      Registrations  and Consents-  Purchaser  shall have  confirmed
                  that it has made all public record  filings and  registrations
                  for the transfer of the Properties  that are  contemplated  by
                  this  Agreement.  The  Purchaser  will act  with due  haste in
                  making all such registrations.

The Vendor and the Purchaser will cooperate in order that the  registrations and
filings  contemplated in Sections 7.1(h) and 8.1(e) are filed and/or registered,
as the case may be, consecutively in the following order:

         (a)      transfer of the Properties;

         (b)      notice of Royalty Agreement;

         (c)      Mortgage; and

         (d)      the Section 118 Restriction.


The  conditions  set forth in this Article are for the exclusive  benefit of the
Purchaser  and may be waived by the  Purchaser in writing in whole or in part on
or before the Closing Date.  Notwithstanding  any such waiver, the completion of
the purchase and sale  contemplated by this Agreement by the Purchaser shall not
prejudice  or affect in any way the  rights of the  Purchaser  in respect of the
warranties and representations of the Vendor in this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 8
                            CONDITIONS OF THE VENDOR


The  obligations  of the  Vendor to  complete  the sale of the  Assets  shall be
subject to the  satisfaction  of, or  compliance  with, at or before the Closing
Time, each of the following conditions precedent:

         (a)      Truth and  Accuracy of  Representations  of the  Purchaser  at
                  Closing - The  representations and warranties of the Purchaser
                  contained  in this  Agreement  are  true and  correct  and the
                  covenants  and  agreements of the Purchaser to be performed on
                  or  before  the  Closing  Date  pursuant  to the terms of this
                  Agreement have been duly performed;


         (b)      Absence of Injunctions - No injunction or restraining order of
                  any court or administrative tribunal of competent jurisdiction
                  shall be in effect  prohibiting the transactions  contemplated
                  by this Agreement and no action or proceeding  shall have been
                  instituted  or be pending  before any court or  administrative
                  tribunal to restrain or prohibit the transactions  between the
                  Parties contemplated by this Agreement;

         (c)      Closing  Documentation  - The Vendor shall have  received from
                  the Purchaser the closing  documentation listed in section 9.3
                  of this Agreement;

         (d)      Consents Obtained - except for Ministerial approvals under the
                  Mining Act  (Ontario),  the Vendor  shall  have  obtained  all
                  consents  of  Governmental  Authorities,   and  of  all  other
                  Persons,   as  are  required  to  permit   completion  of  the
                  transactions contemplated in this Agreement; and

         (e)      Registrations and Consents - Vendor will have confirmed to the
                  Purchaser  that all public  record  filings and  registrations
                  contemplated  by this  Agreement in its favour have been made,
                  including the Mortgage,  notice of the Royalty Agreement,  and
                  entries on the register for the  Properties of the Section 118
                  Restriction  to the effect that no  transfer  shall be made or
                  charge  created  unless  (i)  notice  of  an  application  for
                  transfer or for the creation of a charge has been  transmitted
                  by  registered  mail to the Vendor at its  address  for notice
                  under this  Agreement,  and (ii) the consent of the Vendor has
                  been given to the transfer or the creation of the charge.  The
                  Vendor  will  act  with  due  haste  to   complete   all  such
                  registrations for which it is responsible.

The Vendor and the Purchaser will cooperate in order that the  registrations and
filings  contemplated in Sections 7.1(h) and 8.1(e) are filed and/or registered,
as the case may be, consecutively in the following order:

         (a)      transfer of the Properties;

         (b)      notice of Royalty Agreement;

         (c)      Mortgage; and

         (d)      the Section 118 Restriction.


The  conditions  set forth in this Article are for the exclusive  benefit of the
Vendor  and may be waived by the  Vendor  in  writing  in whole or in part on or
before the Closing  Date.  Notwithstanding  any such waiver,  completion  of the
purchase  and sale  contemplated  by this  Agreement  by the  Vendor  shall  not
prejudice  or affect  in any way the  rights of the  Vendor  in  respect  of the
warranties and representations of the Purchaser set forth in this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 9
                             CLOSING AND TERMINATION


The  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall be  completed  at the
Closing Time on the Closing Date at the offices of Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
in Toronto,  Ontario,  or at such other time or at such other location as may be
mutually agreed upon in writing by the Parties.


On the Closing Date, the Vendor shall deliver, or cause to be delivered,  to the
Purchaser's Solicitors:


         (a)      All  deeds  of  conveyance,   bills  of  sale,   transfer  and
                  assignments,  duly executed,  in form and content satisfactory
                  to the Purchaser's Solicitors, appropriate to effectively vest
                  good and  marketable  title to the Assets in the  Purchaser to
                  the extent  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  and immediately
                  registerable   in  all  places  where   registration  of  such
                  instruments is necessary or desirable;

         (b)      Possession of the Assets;

         (c)      A duly executed statutory  declaration of the President of the
                  Vendor,  dated  the  Closing  Date,  to the  effect  that  the
                  representations and warranties of the Vendor contained in this
                  Agreement  are true and  correct  and that the  covenants  and
                  agreements  of the  Vendor to be  performed  on or before  the
                  Closing Date pursuant to the terms of this Agreement have been
                  duly performed;

         (d)      A  certified  copy of a  resolution  of the  directors  of the
                  Vendor duly passed,  with a certification that it has not been
                  rescinded  and  continues  to be in  effect,  authorizing  the
                  execution,  delivery and  implementation of this Agreement and
                  of all transactions  contemplated  hereby and of all documents
                  to be delivered by the Vendor pursuant hereto;

         (e)      A  certificate  of an officer of the  Vendor,  dated as of the
                  Closing Date, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
                  the Purchaser, as to:

                  (i)      the validity of the  constating or other  constituent
                           documents of the Vendor; and

                  (ii)     the  incumbency and validity of the signatures of the
                           officers of the Vendor who executed this Agreement or
                           any other Transaction Documents;

         (f)      Legal Opinions - an opinion of the Vendor's Solicitors in form
                  and substance satisfactory to the Purchaser's Solicitors as to
                  the  validity of the  incorporation  of the Vendor and the due
                  authorization,  execution and delivery of this document by the

         (g)      The Escrow Agreement duly executed by the Vendor; and

         (h)      Such other  documents as the Purchaser may reasonably  require
                  to perfect the purchase and sale intended hereby.


On the Closing Date, the Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor's Solicitors:

         (a)      the  certificates  representing  the Shares and the  Preferred

         (b)      a  certified  copy of a  resolution  of the  directors  of the
                  Purchaser  authorizing the purchase of the Assets on the terms
                  and conditions set forth in this Agreement and the issuance of
                  the Shares and the  Preferred  Shares in  accordance  with the
                  terms of this Agreement;

         (c)      a  certified  copy of a  resolution  of the  directors  of the
                  Purchaser approving the creation of the Preferred Shares:

         (d)      a copy of the letter of the TSX-V  approving  the  purchase of
                  the Assets;

         (e)      an opinion of the Purchaser's Solicitors in form and substance
                  satisfactory to the Vendor's Solicitors as to (i) the validity
                  of  the   incorporation   of  the   Purchaser   and   the  due
                  authorization,  execution and delivery of this document by the
                  Purchaser,  and (ii) the validity of the creation and issuance
                  of the Shares and the Preferred Shares;

         (f)      a certificate of an officer of the Purchaser,  dated as of the
                  Closing Date, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
                  the Vendor, as to:


                  (i)      the validity of the  constating or other  constituent
                           documents of the Purchaser; and

                  (ii)     the  incumbency and validity of the signatures of the
                           officers of the Purchaser who executed this Agreement
                           or any other Transaction Documents;

         (g)      a first ranking mortgage  substantially in the form set out in
                  Schedule H (the  "Mortgage")  of the Properties in registrable
                  form securing all  obligations  of the Purchaser to the Vendor
                  arising as a result of an Event of Default  defined in Section
                  13.1 below;

         (h)      the Escrow Agreement duly executed by the Purchaser;

         (i)      the  instruments  of transfer  referred to in Section  13.3 in
                  respect of the Properties; and

         (j)      such other  documents as the Vendor may reasonably  require to
                  perfect the purchase and sale intended hereby.


On  completion  of the  Closing,  except as provided  for in section  9.5,  this
Agreement shall, without further act or formality,  operate as a transfer to the
Purchaser  of all Assets to be sold and  purchased  hereunder.  The Vendor shall
nevertheless,  at the Closing and from time to time after the  Closing,  execute
and deliver to the Purchaser all such  conveyances,  transfers,  assignments and
other  instruments  in writing and further  assurances  as the  Purchaser or the
Purchaser's  Solicitors  shall  reasonably  require  from  the  Vendor,  and the
Purchaser  shall  execute  and  deliver  to the Vendor  all such  agreements  of
assumptions  and other  instruments  in writing  and further  assurances  as the
Vendor or the Vendor's  Solicitors  shall reasonably  require,  in order to give
effect to the provisions of this Agreement.


Should any of the Assets intended to be transferred hereunder not be transferred
to the  Purchaser  at the  completion  of the Closing on the Closing  Date,  the
Vendor  shall hold all such  assets as bare  trustee in trust for the  Purchaser
from the  commencement  of business  on the  Closing  Date until such Assets are
effectively transferred.


         This Agreement may be terminated:

         (a)      By written agreement of the Parties; and

         (b)      By the  Purchaser or the Vendor by notice in writing  given to
                  the other Party:

                  i.       If the Closing has not occurred on or before April 1,
                           2005, in which case this  Agreement may be terminated
                           on any  Business  Day  after  April 1,  2005,  unless
                           conditions  7.1(h) and 8.1(e) or any other  condition
                           of Closing cannot be satisfied  before or on April 1,
                           2005   because  one  or  more  of  the  Parties  have
                           constructive   or  actual  notice  of  a  Lien  which
                           purports to affect any of the Properties,  other than
                           a Permitted  Encumbrance  under this  Agreement,  and
                           which  is  not  acceptable  to  either  Purchaser  or
                           Vendor; or

                  ii.      If   conditions   7.1(h)  and  8.1(e)  or  any  other
                           condition of Closing cannot be satisfied before or on
                           April 1, 2005 because one or more of the Parties have
                           constructive   or  actual  notice  of  a  Lien  which
                           purports to affect any of the Properties,  other than
                           a Permitted  Encumbrance  under this  Agreement,  and
                           which  is  not  acceptable  to  either  Purchaser  or


                           Vendor,  and the  Closing  Date  has  therefore  been
                           extended  as  reasonably  required  to deal with such
                           Lien in a manner which is  reasonably  acceptable  to
                           both  Vendor  and  Purchaser,   in  which  case  this
                           Agreement may be terminated on the first Business Day
                           after such  extended  Closing Date if the Closing has
                           not occurred on or before such Closing Date.


Each Party's right of termination under this Article is in addition to any other
rights it may have under this  Agreement  or  otherwise,  and the  exercise of a
right of  termination  will not be an  election  of  remedies.  Nothing  in this
Article  limits or  affects  any other  rights or causes of action any Party may
have with respect to the representations,  warranties, covenants and indemnities
in its favour contained in this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 10


Subject to the limitations set out herein,  the Vendor covenants and agrees with
the  Purchaser to  indemnify  the  Purchaser  against all  liabilities,  claims,
demands,  actions,  causes  of  action,  damages,  losses,  costs  and  expenses
(including  legal fees on a solicitor and own client basis) suffered or incurred
by the Purchaser, directly or indirectly, by reason of or arising out of:

         (a)      any  warranties or  representations  on the part of the Vendor
                  hereunder being untrue; or

         (b)      a breach of any agreement, term or covenant on the part of the
                  Vendor  made  or  to  be  observed  or  performed  under  this

which liabilities,  claims, demands, actions, causes of action, damages, losses,
costs and expenses are collectively referred to as the "Purchaser's Losses".


The indemnity  obligations  of the Vendor under section 10.1 shall be limited in
the following respects:

         (a)      the Vendor shall only be liable for the Purchaser's  Losses in
                  respect  of  which  a  claim  for  indemnity  is  made  by the
                  Purchaser  on or before the  applicable  expiry  dates for the
                  survival of such  representations and warranties as set out in
                  section 3.2; and

         (b)      no  obligation  on the part of the  Vendor  to  indemnify  the
                  Purchaser  for the  Purchaser's  Losses  shall arise until the
                  aggregate amount of all Purchaser's Losses in respect of which
                  a claim for indemnity  has been made by the Purchaser  exceeds
                  CAD$25,000,  and  such  obligation  shall  only  apply  to the
                  aggregate  amount  of such  Purchaser's  Losses  in  excess of


Subject to the limitations set out in herein, the Purchaser covenants and agrees
with the  Vendor to  indemnify  the  Vendor  against  all  liabilities,  claims,
demands,  actions,  causes  of  action,  damages,  losses,  costs  and  expenses
(including  legal fees on a solicitor and own client basis) suffered or incurred
by the Vendor, directly or indirectly, by reason of or arising out of:

         (a)      any warranties or representations on the part of the Purchaser
                  hereunder being untrue; or


         (b)      a breach of any agreement, term or covenant on the part of the
                  Purchaser  made or to be  observed  or  performed  under  this

which liabilities,  claims, demands, actions, causes of action, damages, losses,
costs and expenses are collectively referred to as the "Vendor's Losses".


Whereas Vendor hereby agrees that Purchaser may enter onto any of the Properties
and drill for its  purposes of testing only at any time before until the Closing
Date, the Purchaser covenants and agrees with the Vendor as follows:

         (a)      The  Purchaser  shall add the  Vendor as an  additional  named
                  insured on any insurance policies of the Purchaser relating to
                  the  Properties  for the period ending on the Closing Date and
                  shall  deliver a  certificate  of  insurance  evidencing  same
                  forthwith; and

         (b)      The  Purchaser   shall   indemnify  the  Vendor   against  all
                  liabilities,  claims,  demands,  actions,  causes  of  action,
                  damages, losses, costs and expenses (including legal fees on a
                  solicitor  and own client  basis)  suffered or incurred by the
                  Vendor,  directly or  indirectly,  by reason of or arising out
                  of, any occurrence in, on or under the Properties,  during the
                  period  commencing  on  February  1,  2005 and  ending  on the
                  Closing  Date:

                  (i)      that is caused  by the  Purchaser  or its  employees,
                           agents  or  contractors  or  those  for  whom  it  is
                           responsible at law or

                  (ii)     that  arises from the  activity or directly  from the
                           presence of the Purchaser or of its employees, agents
                           or contractors or those for whom it is responsible at
                           law, in, on or under the Properties;

                  except  any such  occurrence  that  arises  directly  from the
                  negligence of the Vendor.


The indemnity  obligations of the Purchaser  under section 10.3 shall be limited
in the following respects:

         (a)      the Purchaser  shall only be liable for the Vendor's Losses in
                  respect of which a claim for  indemnity  is made by the Vendor
                  on or before the  applicable  expiry dates for the survival of
                  such representations and warranties as set out in section 4.2;

         (b)      no  obligation  on the part of the  Purchaser to indemnify the
                  Vendor for the Vendor's Losses shall arise until the aggregate
                  amount of all Vendor's  Losses in respect of which a claim for
                  indemnity has been made by the Vendor exceeds CAD$25,000,  and
                  such  obligation  shall only apply to the aggregate  amount of
                  such Vendor's Losses in excess of CAD$25,000.


If any claim is made by any Person against the Purchaser in respect of which the
Purchaser  may incur or suffer  damages,  losses,  costs or expenses  that might
reasonably be considered to be subject to the indemnity obligation of the Vendor
in section  10.1,  the  Purchaser  will notify the Vendor as soon as  reasonably
practicable  of the nature of such claim and the Vendor  shall be entitled  (but
not  required)  to assume the defence of any suit brought to enforce such claim.
The  defence of any such claim  (whether  assumed by the Vendor or not) shall be
through  legal  counsel,  and shall be conducted in a manner,  acceptable to the
Purchaser and the Vendor acting reasonably, and no settlement may be made by the
Vendor or the Purchaser  without the prior written consent of the others. If the
Vendor assumes the defence of any claim then:

         (a)      the Purchaser  and the  Purchaser's  counsel shall  co-operate
                  with the Vendor and its counsel in the course of the  defence,
                  such  co-operation to include providing or making available to


                  the Vendor,  and its counsel  documents  and  information  and
                  witnesses  for  attendance at  examinations  for discovery and

         (b)      the reasonable legal fees and disbursements and other costs of
                  such defence shall,  from and after such assumption,  be borne
                  by the Vendor; and

         (c)      if the  Purchaser  retains  additional  counsel  to act on its
                  behalf,  the Vendor and its counsel shall  co-operate with the
                  Purchaser  and  its  counsel,  such  co-operation  to  include
                  providing or making available to the Purchaser and its counsel
                  documents and  information  and  witnesses  for  attendance at
                  examinations for discovery and trials;  provided that all fees
                  and disbursements of such additional  counsel shall be paid by
                  the Purchaser.

If the Vendor and the  Purchaser are or become  parties to the same action,  and
the representation of all parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate due
to a  conflict  of  interest,  then  the  Purchaser  and  the  Vendor  shall  be
represented by separate counsel and, subject to the indemnity obligations of the
Vendor as set out herein, the costs associated with the action shall be borne by
the parties incurring such costs.


If any claim is made by any  Person  against  the Vendor in respect of which the
Vendor  may  incur or suffer  damages,  losses,  costs or  expenses  that  might
reasonably  be  considered  to be subject  to the  indemnity  obligation  of the
Purchaser  as  provided  in section  10.3 and 10.4,  the Vendor  will notify the
Purchaser as soon as reasonably  practicable of the nature of such claim and the
Purchaser shall be entitled (but not required) to assume the defence of any suit
brought to enforce such claim. The defence of any such claim (whether assumed by
the Purchaser or not) shall be through legal counsel and shall be conducted in a
manner  acceptable to the Vendor and the Purchaser,  acting  reasonably,  and no
settlement may be made by the Purchaser, or the Vendor without the prior written
consent of the others. If the Purchaser assumes the defence of any claim, then:

         (a)      the Vendor and its counsel shall co-operate with the Purchaser
                  and  its   counsel  in  the  course  of  the   defence,   such
                  co-operation to include  providing or making  available to the
                  Purchaser  and  its  counsel  documents  and  information  and
                  witnesses  for  attendance at  examinations  for discovery and

         (b)      the reasonable legal fees and disbursements and other costs of
                  such defence shall be borne by the Purchaser; and

         (c)      if the Vendor retains additional counsel to act on its behalf,
                  the Purchaser and its counsel shall co-operate with the Vendor
                  and its counsel,  such  co-operation  to include  providing or
                  making  available to the Vendor and its counsel  documents and
                  information and witnesses for attendance at  examinations  for
                  discovery and trials, provided that all fees and disbursements
                  of such additional counsel shall be paid by the Vendor.

If the  Purchaser and the Vendor are or become  parties to the same action,  and
the representation of all parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate due
to a  conflict  of  interest,  then  the  Vendor  and  the  Purchaser  shall  be
represented by separate counsel and, subject to the indemnity obligations of the
Purchaser as set out herein, the costs associated with the action shall be borne
by the parties incurring such costs.


Notwithstanding  anything  contained herein,  the Purchaser shall be entitled to
fully  pursue all rights or  remedies  available  to it in law or in equity if a
certificate  of the Vendor is untrue,  and nothing  contained in this  Agreement
shall limit or restrict  the claims or  remedies  of the  Purchaser  against the
persons declaring such  certificates,  it being acknowledged by the Parties that
the  Purchaser  shall be relying on the truth of the  Vendor's  certificates  in
completing  the  transaction  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding


anything  contained  herein,  the Vendor  shall be entitled to fully  pursue all
rights or remedies  available to it in law or in equity if a certificate  of the
Purchaser  is untrue,  and nothing  contained in this  Agreement  shall limit or
restrict the claims or remedies of the Vendor against the persons declaring such
certificates,  it being  acknowledged  by the Parties  that the Vendor  shall be
relying  on  the  truth  of  the  Purchaser's  certificates  in  completing  the
transaction contemplated by this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 11
                              POST CLOSING MATTERS


The Purchaser agrees to perform all work requirements  including but not limited
to all repairs, renewals,  replacements,  additions and improvements and pay and
file  when due (and  maintain  all  documentary  evidence  of such  performance,
payments and filings) all rents, fees, Taxes, local improvement charges,  rates,
assurances, deposits, security, levies, royalties,  registration and filing fees
and utilities  charges or rates and all other payments to and assessments of any
Governmental  Authority or any other Person,  that are to be performed,  paid or
filed with  respect  to the  Assets for a period of five years from the  Closing
Date or until the day which is six  months  following  the date the  Assets  are
returned to the Vendor in accordance with Article 11.2 or 13.2 herein, whichever
date is the earlier.


Provided the Dividends  payable  pursuant to the terms of the  Preferred  Shares
have been paid to date,  the  Purchaser  may,  at any time  within five years of
issuance of the Preferred  Shares,  redeem the Preferred Shares by returning the
Assets and all  engineering and technical data to the Vendor or its assigns upon
not less than 90 days  notice  to the  Vendor  (and as  otherwise  described  in
Section  29.4 of Schedule  "E"),  as a going  concern,  in which case the Vendor
shall return the Preferred  Shares to the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall have
no further  liability  to the Vendor  under this  Agreement or in respect of the
Preferred Shares or the Royalty Agreement.  Vendor shall indemnify Purchaser for
any claims against  Purchaser,  related,  in any way, to the return of Assets as
contemplated by Section 29.4 of Schedule "E".


Prior to returning the Assets under Section 11.2 or Section 13.2,  the Purchaser
will  remove all Liens that were not on the Assets as at Closing  except for any
Liens  that:  (i)  were  not  created  by and did  not  result  from  any act of
commission or omission by the Purchaser, its agents,  employees,  contractors or
those  for  whom it is at law  responsible  and  were  not  consented  to by the
Purchaser; or (ii) resulted directly from any act or omission of the Vendor.


The Purchaser and the Vendor agree that the Royalty  constitutes  an interest in
land and claims and the Vendor may register notice of the Royalty  Agreement and
of  its  interest  in  the  Preferred  Shares  against  the  Properties  in  the
appropriate land registry office and the mining office.


The Vendor  agrees to  negotiate  with the  Purchaser  in good faith at any time
should the registration or its interest in the Preferred  Shares,  notice of the
Royalty  Agreement  or the  Mortgage on title have the effect of  impairing  the
Purchaser's  ability to conduct business  including but not limited to arranging
joint venture agreements or debt financings.



Immediately upon redemption under Section 29.3 of Schedule E or retraction under
Section 29.5 of Schedule E, Vendor and/or its assignees, as applicable, will:

         (a)      discharge  all of their  security  on the Assets and any other
                  registrations which limit the Purchaser's ability to mortgage,
                  transfer or otherwise deal with the  Properties,  save for the
                  Mortgage  and the Royalty  Agreement  (except that the Parties
                  agree that after such  discharge,  the  definition of Event of
                  Default in Section  13.1  hereof and in the  Mortgage  and all
                  related  documentation  shall  no  longer  include  Subsection
                  13.1(b)  hereof  and  such  definition  will be  deemed  to be
                  amended by deleting such Subsection);

         (b)      without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Vendor
                  will  delete,  or assist the  Purchaser as may be necessary to
                  effect the deletion of, the Section 118 Restriction; and

         (c)      forthwith  deliver,  or execute and deliver a joint  direction
                  with the  Purchaser  that  directs the Escrow  Agent under the
                  Escrow Agreement to deliver, as applicable, all transfers held
                  in escrow under section 13.3 to the Purchaser.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                                AREA OF INTEREST


The  Parties  agree  that an area of  interest  (the "Area of  Interest")  shall
include all mineral  property and surface  interests  within an area of one mile
from any point on the outer perimeter of the  Properties.  In the event that the
Vendor,  or any "associate " or  "affiliate"  (as those terms are defined in the
Securities  Act  (Ontario)) of it acquires,  an interest in the Area of Interest
within five years of the date of issuance of the Preferred Shares, such interest
shall be deemed to form a part of the Properties and shall be transferred to the
Purchaser at no cost to the Purchaser.  In the event that the Purchaser acquires
an interest in the Area of Interest within five years of the date of issuance of
the  Preferred  Shares,  such  interest  shall be  deemed  to form a part of the
Properties  and the  Purchaser  shall  pay  the  Royalty  in  respect  of  those
additional property interests and the Mortgage shall,  without further action of
either Party, be amended to include the additional  interests and the Vendor may
register the Mortgage against such additional properties.

                                   ARTICLE 13
                                EVENTS OF DEFAULT


If any of the following occurs and is continuing it shall constitute an event of
default (an "Event of Default"):

(a)              The  Purchaser  fails to pay any amount  owing,  including  the
                 Dividends on the Preferred  Shares,  to the Vendor hereunder or
                 under the Royalty  Agreement  when that amount  becomes due and
                 payable and the Purchaser has not rectified such default within
                 60 days of receipt of written  notice of such  default from the

(b)              The Purchaser  fails to perform,  observe or comply with any of
                 the  covenants  contained in Section 11.1 and the Purchaser has
                 not rectified such default within 60 days of receipt of written
                 notice of such default from the Vendor;

(c)              Except  for a  judgement  or order  arising  from an event that
                 occurred  prior to the  Closing,  or as a result of  actions or
                 inactions of the Vendor,  any judgment or order for the payment


                 of money in excess of CAD$1,000,000  (the equivalent  amount in
                 any other  currency)  is  rendered  against the  Purchaser  and
                 either (i)  enforcement  proceedings  have been  commenced by a
                 creditor  upon the  judgment  or  order,  or (ii)  there is any
                 period  of  fifteen  consecutive  days  during  which a stay of
                 enforcement  of the  judgment or order,  by reason of a pending
                 appeal or otherwise, is not in effect; or

         (d)      The Purchaser  (i) becomes  insolvent or generally not able to
                  pay its debts as they become  due,  (ii) admits in writing its
                  inability  to pay its  debts  generally  or  makes  a  general
                  assignment for the benefit of creditors,  (iii)  institutes or
                  has  instituted  against  it  any  proceeding  seeking  (x) to
                  adjudicate  it  a  bankrupt  or  insolvent,  (y)  liquidation,
                  winding   up,   reorganization,    arrangement,    adjustment,
                  protection, relief or composition of it or its debts under any
                  law  relating to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization  or
                  relief  of  debtors   including  any  plan  of  compromise  or
                  arrangement  or  other  corporate   proceeding   involving  or
                  affecting  its  creditors,  or (z) the  entry of an order  for
                  relief or the  appointment  of a  receiver,  trustee  or other
                  similar  official  for it or for any  substantial  part of its
                  properties and assets,  and in the case of any such proceeding
                  instituted  against it (but not instituted by it),  either the
                  proceeding remains  undismissed or unstayed for a period of 30
                  days,  or  any  of  the  actions  sought  in  such  proceeding
                  (including  the entry of an order for relief against it or the
                  appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar
                  official for it or for any substantial  part of its properties
                  and  assets)  occurs,  or (iv) takes any  corporate  action to
                  authorize any of the above actions.


Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Vendor may either:

         (a)      register the transfer documentation with respect to the Assets
                  referred  to in  Section  13.3  below in order to  effect  the
                  transfer of such Assets and all engineering and technical data
                  back to the  Vendor,  require  the  Purchaser  immediately  to
                  return  possession  of such Assets with all  improvements  and
                  equipment on the  Properties  to the Vendor and the  Purchaser
                  shall  execute all such other  documents and do all such other
                  things as are  reasonable  necessary to effect the transfer of
                  the  Assets  and all  engineering  and  technical  data to the
                  Vendor as contemplated in this paragraph,  all in exchange for
                  the  Preferred  Shares,  in which case no Party shall have any
                  further  liability to any other Party  hereunder or in respect
                  of the Preferred Shares or the Royalty Agreement; or

         (b)      pursue  such  other  remedies  as it, in its sole  discretion,
                  wishes to pursue.


The Purchaser will place executed documents in registerable  form,  transferring
the Properties back to the Vendor or its nominees in escrow subject to the terms
and conditions of the Escrow  Agreement in the form attached  hereto as Schedule


The  Purchaser  shall not transfer,  charge or grant any  financial  interest or
enter into an agreement to transfer,  charge or grant any financial  interest in
any or all of the  Properties  without the prior written  consent of the Vendor,
and the Purchaser  agrees to negotiate with the Vendor in good faith at any time
should the registration or the Vendor interest in the Preferred  Shares,  notice
of the Royalty  Agreement  or the Mortgage on title have the effect of impairing
the  Purchaser's  ability  to  conduct  business  including  but not  limited to
arranging joint venture agreements or debt financings.



The Purchasers shall apply to the appropriate land registrar to make an entry on
the register for the  Properties  under  Section 118 of the Land Titles Act (the
"Section  118  Restriction")  to the effect  that no  transfer  shall be made or
charge  created  unless (i) notice of an  application  for  transfer  or for the
creation of a charge has been  transmitted  by registered  mail to the Vendor at
its address for notice under this Agreement,  and (ii) the consent of the Vendor
has been given to the transfer or the creation of the charge.

13.6     SURVIVAL

Article 13 and any other provisions  hereof that, by their terms,  shall survive
the Closing and the payment of the  Purchase  Price shall,  notwithstanding  the
Closing and the payment of the Purchase Price, and notwithstanding the waiver of
any condition by the Purchaser, (except where otherwise specifically provided in
this Agreement) survive the Closing and shall continue in full force and effect.

                                   ARTICLE 14


Subject to Section 14.4, if any dispute,  claim,  question or difference  arises
with  respect  to  this  Agreement  or  its  performance,  enforcement,  breach,
termination  or validity (a  "Dispute");  the Parties will use their  reasonable
efforts to settle the Dispute.


Subject to Section 14.4, except as is expressly  provided in this Agreement,  if
the Parties do not reach a solution  pursuant to Section 14.1 within a period of
30 Business  Days  following the first notice of the Dispute by any Party to the
other,  then upon written notice by any Party to the other, the Dispute shall be
finally  settled  by  arbitration  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of the
Arbitration Act, 1991 (Ontario), based upon the following:

         (a)      The  arbitration  tribunal  shall  consist  of one  arbitrator
                  appointed by mutual agreement of the Parties,  or in the event
                  of failure to agree within 10 Business Days following delivery
                  of the written  notice to arbitrate,  any Party may apply to a
                  judge of the Ontario  Superior  Court of Justice to appoint an
                  arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be qualified by education and
                  training to rule upon the particular matter to be decided.

         (b)      The arbitrator shall be instructed that time is of the essence
                  in  the  arbitration   proceeding  and,  in  any  event,   the
                  arbitration   award  must  be  made  within  60  days  of  the
                  submission of the Dispute to arbitration.

         (c)      After  written  notice  is  given  to  refer  any  Dispute  to
                  arbitration,  the Parties will meet within 15 Business Days of
                  delivery  of the notice and will  negotiate  in good faith any
                  changes  in  these  arbitration  provisions  or the  rules  of
                  arbitration which are herein adopted, in an effort to expedite
                  the  process  and   otherwise   ensure  that  the  process  is
                  appropriate  given the nature of the Dispute and the values at

         (d)      The  Parties  agree  that  s.52(1)  of  the  Arbitrations  Act
                  (Ontario)   does  not  apply  to  any  Dispute   submitted  to

         (e)      The arbitration shall take place in Toronto, Ontario.

         (f)      The  arbitration  award shall be given in writing and shall be
                  final and binding on the  Parties,  not subject to any appeal,
                  and shall deal with the question of costs of  arbitration  and
                  all related matters,  subject to the next sentence. A Party to
                  a Dispute  may, at any time,  make an offer to the other Party
                  to the Dispute to settle all or any part of the  Dispute.  Any


                  offer to settle  shall be deemed to be an offer of  compromise
                  made in  confidence  and without  prejudice.  The fact that an
                  offer to settle has been made shall not be communicated to the
                  arbitrator until the arbitrator has made a final determination
                  of all aspects of the Dispute other than costs. If an offer to
                  settle is not  accepted and the  arbitration  award is no more
                  favourable to the Party to which the offer was made, the Party
                  making  the  offer  shall be  entitled  to all of its costs in
                  connection  with the arbitration in respect of the period from
                  the date the  offer to  settle  was made to the  making of the
                  arbitration  award.  The  costs  of  arbitration  include  the
                  arbitrators'  fees and  expenses,  the provision of a reporter
                  and transcripts, reasonable legal fees and reasonable costs of

         (g)      Judgment  upon any award may be  entered  in any Court  having
                  jurisdiction  or  application  may be made to the  Court for a
                  judicial  recognition of the award or an order of enforcement,
                  as the case may be.

         (h)      All Disputes  referred to arbitration  (including the scope of
                  the  agreement  to  arbitrate,  any  statute  of  limitations,
                  set-off  claims,  conflict  of laws  rules,  tort  claims  and
                  interest  claims) shall be governed by the  substantive law of

         (i)      The  Parties  agree  that  the   arbitration   shall  be  kept
                  confidential  and that the existence of the proceeding and any
                  element  of it  (including  any  pleadings,  briefs  or  other
                  documents submitted or exchanged,  any testimony or other oral
                  submissions and any awards) shall not be disclosed  beyond the
                  arbitrator,   the  Parties,   their  counsel  and  any  person
                  necessary  to the  conduct  of the  proceeding,  except as may
                  lawfully be required in judicial  proceedings  relating to the
                  arbitration or otherwise or as may be required by Law.


Each Party to a Dispute agrees to use all  reasonable  efforts to make available
to the other Party to the Dispute,  upon reasonable  request,  those current and
former officers,  employees,  agents and  representatives of the Party or any of
its  affiliates  (as such  term is  defined  in the  Business  Corporations  Act
(Ontario)) whose assistance,  testimony or presence is necessary or desirable to
assist the other Party in preparing for and  participating in the arbitration of
the Dispute,  but only for such  purpose.  The Party making the request shall be
responsible  for  paying  all costs,  including  the  salary  and  out-of-pocket
expenses,  of the other  Party and its  affiliates  associated  with making such
individuals available.


Section  14.1 and Section  14.2 do not apply to third party claims which will be
resolved in the manner set forth in Section  10.6 and Section  10.7.  Nothing in
this  Article  14 shall  limit or prevent a Party  from  seeking to enforce  the
performance  of this  Agreement  by  injunction  or  specific  performance  upon
application to a court of competent  jurisdiction without proof of actual damage
(and without the requirement of posting a bond or other security).

                                   ARTICLE 15

15.1     TENDER.

Any tender of  documents or money  hereunder  may be made upon the Vendor or the
Purchaser or their respective solicitors on the day set for Closing.


15.2     EXPENSES

         (a)      All  costs  and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  the
                  preparation   of   this   Agreement   and   the   transactions
                  contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall  be paid by the  Party
                  incurring such expenses.

         (b)      All costs pertaining to the escrow arrangement  referred to in
                  Section 13.3 hereof shall be paid by the Vendor.

15.3     TIME

Time shall be of the essence hereof.


This Agreement or any interest herein is personal to the Purchaser and cannot be
assigned,  transferred  or conveyed by the  Purchaser  without the prior written
consent of the Vendor. This Agreement or any interest herein,  including without
limitation  the  Preferred  Shares,  is  assignable  by the Vendor to any Person
provided that:

         (a)      The Vendor  provides  written notice of such assignment to the
                  Purchaser; and

         (b)      No such  assignment  shall  relieve  the  Vendor of any of its
                  obligations hereunder.

15.5     NOTICES

Any notice or other writing  required or permitted to be given  hereunder or for
the purposes  hereof shall be  sufficiently  given if delivered or telecopied to
the  party to whom it is  given  or,  if  mailed,  by  prepaid  registered  mail
addressed to such party at:

         If to the Purchaser at:

                  Halo Resources Ltd.
                  Suite # 1305, 1090 West Georgia Street
                  Vancouver, B.C.  VIE 3V7
                  Attention:  Nick DeMare
                  Fax No.: 604-683-1585

         with a copy to Purchaser's Solicitors at:

                  Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
                  2100 Scotia Plaza
                  40 King Street West
                  Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3C2
                  Attention:  Jason Bullen
                  Fax No.:  416-360-8877

         If to the Vendor at:

                  The Sheridan Platinum Group Ltd.
                  14 Park Lane Circle
                  Toronto, Ontario  M5B 1Z7
                  Attention:  Pat Sheridan
                  Fax No.: 416-447-1381


         with a copy to the Vendor's Solicitors at:

                   Stikeman Elliott LLP
                   5300 Commerce Court West
                   199 Bay Street
                   Toronto, Ontario  M5L 1B9
                   Attention:  Brian Pukier
                   Fax No.: 416-947-0866

Or at such other  address as the Party to whom such writing is to be given shall
have last  notified to the Party giving the same in the manner  provided in this
clause. Any notice mailed shall be deemed to have been given and received on the
fifth  Business Day next following the date of its mailing unless at the time of
mailing  or  within  five  Business  Days  thereafter   there  occurs  a  postal
interruption  which could have the effect of delaying  the mail in the  ordinary
and usual course,  in which case any notice shall only be  effectively  given if
actually  delivered or sent by telecopy.  Any notice  delivered or telecopied to
the  Party to whom it is  addressed  shall be  deemed  to have  been  given  and
received  on the  Business  Day  next  following  the  day it was  delivered  or


The Purchaser and the Vendor agree that neither Party will issue a press release
regarding the  Properties  or this  Agreement  without  giving the other Party a
reasonable opportunity to comment on the press release.


No amendment,  modification,  supplement, termination or waiver of any provision
of this Agreement will be effective  unless in writing signed by the appropriate
Party and then only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
Ontario and the parties submit and attorn to the  jurisdiction  of the courts of


If a court or other tribunal of competent  jurisdiction  determines that any one
or more of the  provisions  contained in this  Agreement is invalid,  illegal or
unenforceable  in any respect in any  jurisdiction,  the validity,  legality and
enforceability  of such provision or provisions shall not in any way be affected
or impaired  thereby in any other  jurisdiction  and the validity,  legality and
enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way
be  affected  or  impaired  thereby,  unless in either  case as a result of such
determination this Agreement would fail in its essential purpose.


This  Agreement  constitutes  the  entire  agreement  between  the  parties  and
supersedes all prior  agreements  and  understandings,  oral or written,  by and
between any of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.


The Parties shall with reasonable diligence,  do all such things and provide all
such  reasonable  assurances as may be required to consummate  the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  and each Party  shall  provide  such  further


documents  or  instruments  required  by the  other  Party as may be  reasonably
necessary or desirable to give effect to the purpose of this Agreement and carry
out its provisions whether before or after the Closing Date.

15.12    ENUREMENT

This  Agreement and each of the terms and  provisions  hereof shall enure to the
benefit  of  and be  binding  upon  the  Parties  and  their  respective  heirs,
executors,  administrators,  personal representatives,  successors and permitted


This Agreement may be executed in as many counterparts as may be necessary or by
facsimile and each such counterpart  agreement or facsimile so executed shall be
deemed to be an original and such  counterparts  and facsimile  copies  together
shall constitute one and the same instrument.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this  Agreement as of the day
and year first above written.




         Authorized Signatory



         Authorized Signatory

                            SCHEDULES TO BE ATTACHED

                  SCHEDULE A - PROPERTIES

                  SCHEDULE B - LIENS






                  SCHEDULE H - MORTGAGE


                                   SCHEDULE A


A.       PATENTS

PARCEL NUMBERS                  CLAIM NUMBERS                        APPROX AREA

3457                            JES96toJES105                             172
10524                           K1332                                       7
10525                           K1333                                      17
10526                           K1334                                      16
10527                           K1335                                      24
30433                           K13464, K13467                             25
16650                           K1328                                      20
16651                           K1329                                      16
3922                            McA11                                      16
16121                           S158                                        1
3456                            S170, S172                                 14
2063                            S173                                        3
1420                            S185                                      136


2440                            K2554                                      16
2927                            K268722 & K268728-K268732                  86
2926                            K268723-K268727 & K268733                  76
2449                            K2555, K2689, K2690, K2691                 64
2450                            K2556, K3026, K1330                        41




12126                           K12113-K12120,K3014-K3015,K3028-K3029     133
12369                           K13791-K13797&K13811                      163
12548                           K13802                                      2
2702                            K2284, D493                                16
2871                            K2374                                      10
10381                           K6127                                      16
10383                           K6I28                                      16
10382                           K6129                                      16
10385                           K6130                                      16
10386                           K6131, K3019                               16
10387                           K6132                                      18
10388                           K6I33, K3018                               15


STAKED CLAIMS                   K3007239,K3007240,K3007250
                                K3007322-K3007326,K3007332               2256
                                K3007333-K3007334                         224

TOTAL                           93 Claims                                3667 ha


                                   SCHEDULE B



                                   SCHEDULE C

                               MATERIAL CONTRACTS


                                   SCHEDULE D



                                   SCHEDULE E

                            TERMS OF PREFERRED SHARES

Rights and Restrictions Attaching to Preferred Shares, Series 1

29.      Provisions Attaching to Preferred Shares, Series 1

Subject to the provisions of the BUSINESS  CORPORATIONS ACT (British  Columbia),
there shall be attached to the Preferred Shares,  Series 1 the following special
rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:


29.1     The  holders of the  Preferred  Shares,  Series 1 shall be  entitled to
receive  and  the  Corporation  shall  pay  thereon  out  of the  monies  of the
Corporation  properly  applicable to the payment of dividends  fixed  cumulative
cash dividends, at the following rates:

         for each of the two years  commencing  on November  1, 2004,  an annual
         dividend of $0.00625  per share  payable in  quarterly  instalments  of
         $0.0015625  per share on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 of
         each year,  commencing  on  February  1, 2005 and ending on November 1,
         2006; and

         for each of the three years  commencing  on November 1, 2006, an annual
         dividend of $0.04 per share payable in quarterly  instalments  of $0.01
         per share on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1, of each year,
         commencing on February 1, 2007 and ending on November 1, 2009.

29.2     The Corporation may, in its sole discretion,  upon written notice given
to the  holders  of the  Preferred  Shares,  Series 1 at least 40 days  before a
dividend is due, elect to pay such dividend in Common Shares of the Corporation.
If the  Corporation  so elects,  the number of Common  Shares  issuable  will be
determined  by dividing the amount of the  dividend due by the weighted  average
trading  price  of the  Common  Shares  of the  Corporation  on the TSX  Venture
Exchange or such other stock  exchange or  quotation  system on which the Common
Shares of the Corporation  trade, for the 15 trading days  immediately  prior to
the date the dividend is due.


29.3     The Corporation  may at any time prior to November 1, 2009,  redeem the
Preferred  Shares,  Series 1 in  whole or in part  without  the  consent  of the
holders  thereof on payment  to the  holders  thereof of the amount of $1.05 per
share plus an amount equal to all accrued and unpaid dividends thereon which for
such purpose shall be calculated  as if such  dividends  were accruing up to the
date of redemption (collectively the " Redemption Amount"). The Corporation,  in
its sole  discretion  may elect to pay the  Redemption  Amount in cash or Common
Shares of the Corporation.  If the Corporation  elects to the pay the Redemption
Amount in Common Shares, the number of Common Shares issuable will be determined
by dividing the Redemption  Amount by the weighted  average trading price of the
Common Shares of the Corporation on the TSX Venture Exchange or such other stock
exchange  or  quotation  system on which the  Common  Shares of the  Corporation
trade,  for the 15 trading  days  immediately  prior to the date  specified  for
redemption in the Redemption  Notice  (defined  below).  The  Corporation  shall
provide the holders with not less than 15 days written  notice (the  "Redemption
Notice")  sent to the  holders'  latest  address  on the  Corporation's  central
securities register,  of its intention to redeem the Preferred Shares,  Series 1
pursuant to this section 29.3. The Redemption Notice shall specify the number of
shares  being  redeemed  and  whether  the  Corporation  has  elected to pay the
Redemption Amount in cash or Common Shares. On or after the date so specified in
the notice for redemption,  the Corporation shall pay or cause to be paid to the
holders,   the  Redemption   Amount  on  presentation  and  surrender,   at  the


Corporation's  registered office or such other place specified in the Redemption
Notice, of the certificate(s) for the Preferred Shares, Series 1 being redeemed.
Notwithstanding  the  failure  of the  holders to present  the  aforesaid  share
certificate,  the  redemption  shall be effective as of the date  specified  for
redemption  in the  Redemption  Notice,  and the  holders  shall have no further
rights as a shareholder of the  Corporation  from and after such effective date,
other than the right to receive the Redemption Amount.

29.4     Provided all dividends payable on the Preferred  Shares,  Series 1 have
been paid up to date, the Corporation may at any time prior to November 1, 2009,
redeem the Preferred Shares, Series 1 without the consent of the holders thereof
by  transferring  to the holders  thereof,  in proportion  to the  percentage of
issued and  outstanding  Preferred  Shares,  Series 1, held by each holder,  the
Corporation's title to the Assets (defined below). The Corporation shall provide
the holders with not less than 90 days written  notice to each  holders'  latest
address on the Corporation's  central securities  register,  of its intention to
redeem the Preferred Shares, Series 1 pursuant to this section 29.4. On or after
the date so  specified  in the  notice for  redemption,  the  Corporation  shall
deliver all documentation,  in registrable form,  necessary to transfer title to
the Assets to the holders,  on presentation and surrender,  at the Corporation's
registered office or such other place specified in the notice of redemption,  of
all certificates for the Preferred  Shares,  Series 1. If the Preferred  Shares,
Series 1 are held by more than one holder,  the title transfer documents will be
made out in the names of all  holders as tenants  in common  with each  holder's
undivided interest being equal to his/her percentage holdings of all outstanding
Preferred Shares, Series 1. Notwithstanding the failure of any holder to present
the aforesaid  share  certificate,  the redemption  shall be effective as of the
date  specified  for  redemption  in the  notice,  and no holder  shall have any
further rights as a shareholder of the Corporation from and after such effective
date,  other than the right to receive  his, her or its  proportionate  share of
title to the Assets. For the purposes of this section 29.4,  "Assets" shall have
the meaning set forth in the Purchase  Agreement dated February  ________,  2005
among The Sheridan Platinum Group Ltd. and the Corporation.


29.5     If the Preferred Shares, Series 1 have not been redeemed by November 1,
2009, the Corporation will,  effective  November 1, 2009,  retract the Preferred
Shares,  Series 1 by payment to the  holders  thereof of the  Retraction  Amount
(defined below).  The retraction amount (the "Retraction  Amount") in respect of
each Preferred Share,  Series 1 shall be $1.00 per share plus an amount equal to
all  accrued  and unpaid  dividends  thereon  which for such  purposes  shall be
calculated as if such dividends were accruing up to the date of retraction.  The
Corporation,  in its sole  discretion may elect to pay the Retraction  Amount in
cash or Common Shares of the Corporation.  If the Corporation  elects to the pay
the  Retraction  Amount in Common Shares,  the number of Common Shares  issuable
will be determined  by dividing the  Retraction  Amount by the weighted  average
trading  price  of the  Common  Shares  of the  Corporation  on the TSX  Venture
Exchange or such other stock  exchange or  quotation  system on which the Common
Shares of the Corporation  trade, for the 15 trading days  immediately  prior to
the  date  specified  for  retraction.  On  or  after  the  date  specified  for
retraction,  the Corporation  shall pay or cause to be paid to the holders,  the
Retraction Amount on presentation and surrender, at the Corporation's registered
office or such other place specified by the Corporation,  of the  certificate(s)
for the Preferred Shares, Series 1 being retracted.  Notwithstanding the failure
of the holders to present the aforesaid  share  certificate(s),  the  retraction
shall be effective as of the retraction date specified  herein,  and the holders
shall have no further rights as shareholders  of the Corporation  from and after
such date, other than the right to receive the Retraction Amount.

Return of Capital

29.6     In the  event of the  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding-up  of the
Corporation,  whether  voluntary or  involuntary,  or other  distribution of its
property  or assets  among its  shareholders  for the  purpose of winding up its
affairs,  the  holders of the  Preferred  Shares,  Series 1 shall be entitled to
receive,  before any  distribution  of any part of the property or assets of the
Corporation  among the holders of any other shares, an amount equal to $1.00 per
share together with an amount equal to all accrued and unpaid dividends  thereon


which for such purpose shall be calculated as if such dividends were accruing up
to the date of such  distribution.  Thereafter,  the  holders  of the  Preferred
Shares, Series 1 will not participate further in the capital of the Corporation.


29.7     The holders of the  Preferred  Shares  shall not as such be entitled to
receive notice of or to attend and vote at any meetings of the  shareholders  of
the  Corporation  unless a dividend  payable on a due date  specified in section
29.1 above remains unpaid for a period of 60 days past the date the dividend was
due, in which case each Preferred Share,  Series 1 shall have one vote per share
at all meetings of shareholders until such dividend is paid.

Transfer of Preferred Shares, Series 1

29.8     No  Preferred  Shares,   Series  1  shall  be  transferred  unless  the
transferee agrees in writing to be bound by the provisions of sections 4, 5, and
6 of the Escrow Agreement dated _____, 2005 among the Corporation,  The Sheridan
Platinum  Group Ltd. and McLean & Kerr LLP, as amended from time to time,  as if
the transferee were the "Vendor" under such agreement.

                                   SCHEDULE F



                        THE SHERIDAN PLATINUM GROUP LTD.


                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                              DATED [CLOSING DATE]

                                ROYALTY AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT dated as of the ___ day of ______, 2005.


                  HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                  (the "PURCHASER")



                  (the "VENDOR")

For good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency  of which is
acknowledged by each of the Parties, the Parties covenant and agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1


In this Agreement, unless otherwise provided:

         (v)      "ACT" means the Securities Act (Ontario);

         (vi)     "AFFILIATE" has the meaning given such term under the Act;

         (vii)    "AGREEMENT" means this royalty agreement;

         (viii)   "ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS" means, for any Product, (i) the cost of
                  transportation  of such Product to a smelter or other place of
                  treatment, and (ii) smelter and treatment charges but does not
                  include the costs of milling or concentration;

         (ix)     "AREA OF  INTEREST"  means all  mineral  property  and surface
                  interests  within  an area of one mile  from any  point on the
                  outer perimeter of the Properties;

         (x)      "BUSINESS  DAY" means a day on which banks are generally  open
                  for business in Toronto, Ontario;

         (xi)     "DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF COMMERCIAL  PRODUCTION"  shall be the
                  date upon which Ore from the  Property  is being  consistently
                  milled on a continuous  basis at 75% of the rate  projected in
                  the final  feasibility  study, if any,  prepared by or for the
                  Purchaser in respect of the  Properties  or 180 days after the
                  date  on  which  Ore  from  the  Properties  is  first  mined,
                  whichever  shall  first  occur,  but in any event the  Royalty
                  shall be payable on all production;

         (xii)    "GROSS  PROCEEDS"  means,  for  any  Product,   the  aggregate
                  proceeds  received  by the  Purchaser  for  the  Sale  of such


         (xiii)   "NET SMELTER RETURN" means the Gross Proceeds  received by the
                  Purchaser in any year from the sale of Product from the mining
                  operation on the Property less Allowable Deductions;

         (xiv)    "ORE" shall mean any material containing a mineral or minerals
                  of commercial  economic value mined from the Properties or any
                  production sold from the Property of any nature whatsoever.

         (xv)     "PARTY" or "Parties"  means one or more of the parties to this

         (xvi)    "PERSON" has the meaning given such term under the Act;

         (xvii)   "PRODUCT"   means  Ore  mined  from  the  Properties  and  any
                  concentrates or other materials or products derived therefrom,
                  provided, however, that if any such Ore, concentrates or other
                  materials  or  products  are  further  treated  as part of the
                  mining  operation  in  respect  of the  Properties,  such Ore,
                  concentrates  or other  materials  or  products  shall  not be
                  considered  to be  "Product"  until  after  they  have been so

         (xviii)  "PROPERTIES"  means  the  mineral  property  interests  in the
                  Kenora  Mining  Division,  Ontario  as set out in  Schedule  A
                  hereto and any other  properties  acquired  within the Area of

         (xix)    "PURCHASE  AGREEMENT"  means the purchase  agreement among The
                  Sheridan Platinum Group Ltd. and Halo Resources Ltd., dated as
                  of ___, 2004.

         (xx)     "ROYALTY" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.2;

         (xxi)    "SALE"  means  a sale  of a  Product  by or on  behalf  of the
                  Purchaser  or any  Affiliate  of the  Purchaser  to any  other

1.2      EXHIBITS

Exhibit A, which is attached to this Agreement,  is incorporated  into and forms
part of this Agreement:


This  Agreement  will  in all  respects  be  governed  by and  be  construed  in
accordance  with the laws in force in the  Province of Ontario and will be under
the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of such jurisdiction.


If any one or more of the  provisions  contained in this Agreement is held to be
invalid,  illegal  or  unenforceable  in  any  respect  under  the  laws  of any
jurisdiction,  the validity,  legality and enforceability of such provision will
not in any way be  affected  or  impaired  thereby  under  the laws of any other
jurisdiction  and the  validity,  legality and  enforceability  of the remaining
provisions contained herein will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.


If any time  period  set  forth in this  Agreement  ends of a day which is not a
Business Day, then  notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,  such
period  will be  extended  until  the end of the next  following  day which is a
Business Day.


1.6      HEADINGS

The headings to the articles  and  sections of this  Agreement  are inserted for
convenience only and will not affect the construction hereof.


In this Agreement:

         (xxii)   the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

         (xxiii)  the masculine includes the feminine and vice versa;

         (xxiv)   references to "article",  "section"  and  "subsection"  are to
                  articles,   sections  and   subsections  of  this   Agreement,

         (xxv)    all  provisions  requiring a Party to do or refrain from doing
                  something  will be  interpreted  as the covenant of that Party
                  with respect to that matter notwithstanding the absence of the
                  words "covenants" or "agrees" or "promises"; and

         (xxvi)   the words "hereto", "herein", "hereby", "hereunder",  "hereof"
                  and similar  expressions  when used in this Agreement refer to
                  the whole of this Agreement and not to any particular article,
                  part, section, exhibit or portion thereof.

                                    ARTICLE 2

2.1      ROYALTY

Subject to paragraph 2.2 hereof,  the Purchaser will pay to the Vendor a royalty
equal to 2.5% of Net Smelter Returns until 1,500,000 ounces of gold are produced
from the  Properties  and then  shall pay a royalty  equal to 5% of Net  Smelter
Returns after  1,500,000  ounces of gold are produced from the  Properties  (the


The Purchaser  shall have the option to purchase from the Vendor a Royalty of 1%
by the payment of the sum of  CDN$2,500,000  to the Vendor at any time until the
Date of Commencement of Commercial Production,  and thereafter such option shall
no longer exist.

                                   ARTICLE 3
                           OPERATION OF THE PROPERTIES


The  Purchaser  may  remove  reasonable  quantities  of Ore and  rock  from  the
Properties  for the purpose of bulk sampling and of testing,  and there shall be
no Royalty  payable to the Vendor  with  respect  thereto  unless  revenues  are
derived therefor.


The Purchaser shall have the right to commingle with Ores from the Property, ore
produced  from other  properties  provided that prior to such  commingling,  the
Purchaser  shall  adopt and  employ  reasonable  practices  and  procedures  for
weighing,  determination of moisture content,  sampling and assaying, as well as
utilize reasonable accurate recovery factors in order to determine the amount of


products  derived  from,  or  attributable  to Ore mined and  produced  from the
Properties. The Purchaser shall maintain accurate records of the results of such
sampling, weighing and analysis as pertaining to Ore mined and produced from the

                                   ARTICLE 4


The Vendor may transfer, sell, assign or otherwise dispose of all or any part of
the Royalty on the Property, without the consent of the Purchaser.


The Purchaser may not transfer,  sell, assign or otherwise dispose of all or any
portion of its interest in the  Properties  until the fifth  anniversary  of the
date of issue of the Preferred  Shares without the prior written  consent of the
Vendor and after such time, may transfer,  sell,  assign or otherwise dispose of
all or any  portion  of  its  interest  in the  Properties  provided  that  such
disposition  will not be effective as against the Vendor until the purchaser has
delivered  to the Vendor a written  and  enforceable  agreement  agreeing  to be
bound,  to the  extent  of the  interest  disposed  of,  by all of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 5

5.1      PAYMENTS

The  obligation  to pay the  Royalty on any  Product  will accrue upon any Sale,
provided  that where a Sale is made on a  provisional  basis,  the amount of the
Royalty  payable will be initially  based upon the value of Product  credited by
such provisional  settlement,  with later adjustment to account for the value of
Product established by final settlement.


Each Royalty  payment  shall be  calculated  by the Purchaser at the end of each
quarter and will be due and payable  quarterly on the last day of the month next
following the end of the calendar quarter in which the same accrued.


On or  before  the last  day of each  quarter  of each  year  after  the Date of
Commencement of Commercial Production, the Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor
a statement showing in reasonable detail for the quarter due:

         (i)      the  quantities  and  grades  of  Product   outturned  to  the
                  Purchaser's account and for all other Products for which there
                  has been a Sale in the quarter;

         (ii)     the Gross Proceeds received during such quarter;

         (iii)    the Allowable Deductions for such quarter; and

         (iv)     other  pertinent  information in sufficient  detail to explain
                  the calculation of the Royalty payment due.


5.4      CURRENCY

All payments to be made under this Agreement will be made in Canadian dollars.


Each payment  hereunder will be made by wire transfer in  immediately  available
funds,  to such  account at a banking  institution  as the Vendor may  designate
pursuant to  instructions  provided by the Vendor to the Purchaser not less than
three (3) Business Days prior to the date upon which such payment is to be made.
Payment by the Purchaser in accordance  with this paragraph 5.5 will  constitute
payment duly received by the Vendor. If the banking institution nominated by the
Vendor does not accept a payment prior to its due date from the Purchaser,  then
the Purchaser will be entitled to make payment to the Vendor by delivery  within
ten (10)  Business  Days of such due date of a bank  draft to the  Vendor at the
address specified under or in accordance with the paragraph 7.3 below.


The Purchaser  agrees to maintain for each mining operation on the Properties up
to date and  complete  records  relating to the  production  and sale of Product
including  accounts,  records,  statements and returns relating to treatment and
smelting  arrangements  of the Product,  and the Vendor or its agents shall have
the right at all times,  including for a period of twelve (12) months  following
the  expiration  or  termination  of this  Agreement,  to inspect such  records,
statements,  and  returns  and make  copies  thereof at its own  expense for the
purpose of verifying the amount of Royalty  payments to be made by the Purchaser
to the Vendor  pursuant  hereto.  The  Vendor  shall have the right to have such
account  audited by independent  auditors once a year. If such audit  determines
that  there  has been a  deficiency  in the  payment  made to the  Vendor,  such
deficiency will be resolved by adjusting the next quarterly  Royalty payment due
hereunder. If production has ceased, settlement will be made between the Parties
by cash payment. The Vendor will pay all costs of such audit unless a deficiency
of five percent or more of the amount due to the Vendor is  determined to exist,
in which event the Purchaser will pay such costs.


The Purchaser shall have an audited statement  prepared by its auditors for each
year with respect to the Royalty  payable to the Vendor  hereunder,  by the 30th
day of July in the following year, and the Purchaser  shall forthwith  deliver a
copy of such statement to the Vendor.

                                    ARTICLE 6


Subject to Section 6.4, if any dispute,  claim,  question or  difference  arises
with  respect  to  this  Agreement  or  its  performance,  enforcement,  breach,
termination  or validity (a  "Dispute"),  the Parties will use their  reasonable
efforts to settle the Dispute.


Subject to Section 6.4, except as is expressly  provided in this  Agreement,  if
the  Parties do not reach a solution  pursuant to Section 6.1 within a period of
30 Business  Days  following the first notice of the Dispute by any Party to the
other,  then upon written notice by any Party to the other, the Dispute shall be
finally  settled  by  arbitration  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of the
Arbitration Act, 1991 (Ontario), based upon the following:

         (a)      The  arbitration  tribunal  shall  consist  of one  arbitrator
                  appointed by mutual agreement of the Parties,  or in the event
                  of failure to agree within 10 Business Days following delivery
                  of the written  notice to arbitrate,  any Party may apply to a


                  judge of the Ontario  Superior  Court of Justice to appoint an
                  arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be qualified by education and
                  training to rule upon the particular matter to be decided.

         (b)      The arbitrator shall be instructed that time is of the essence
                  in  the  arbitration   proceeding  and,  in  any  event,   the
                  arbitration   award  must  be  made  within  60  days  of  the
                  submission of the Dispute to arbitration.

         (c)      After  written  notice  is  given  to  refer  any  Dispute  to
                  arbitration,  the Parties will meet within 15 Business Days of
                  delivery  of the notice and will  negotiate  in good faith any
                  changes  in  these  arbitration  provisions  or the  rules  of
                  arbitration which are herein adopted, in an effort to expedite
                  the  process  and   otherwise   ensure  that  the  process  is
                  appropriate  given the nature of the Dispute and the values at

         (d)      The  Parties  agree  that  s.52(1)  of  the  Arbitrations  Act
                  (Ontario)   does  not  apply  to  any  Dispute   submitted  to

         (e)      The arbitration shall take place in Toronto, Ontario.

         (f)      The  arbitration  award shall be given in writing and shall be
                  final and binding on the  Parties,  not subject to any appeal,
                  and shall deal with the question of costs of  arbitration  and
                  all related matters,  subject to the next sentence. A Party to
                  a Dispute  may, at any time,  make an offer to the other Party
                  to the Dispute to settle all or any part of the  Dispute.  Any
                  offer to settle  shall be deemed to be an offer of  compromise
                  made in  confidence  and without  prejudice.  The fact that an
                  offer to settle has been made shall not be communicated to the
                  arbitrator until the arbitrator has made a final determination
                  of all aspects of the Dispute other than costs. If an offer to
                  settle is not  accepted and the  arbitration  award is no more
                  favourable to the Party to which the offer was made, the Party
                  making  the  offer  shall be  entitled  to all of its costs in
                  connection  with the arbitration in respect of the period from
                  the date the  offer to  settle  was made to the  making of the
                  arbitration  award.  The  costs  of  arbitration  include  the
                  arbitrators'  fees and  expenses,  the provision of a reporter
                  and transcripts, reasonable legal fees and reasonable costs of

         (g)      Judgment  upon any award may be  entered  in any Court  having
                  jurisdiction  or  application  may be made to the  Court for a
                  judicial  recognition of the award or an order of enforcement,
                  as the case may be.

         (h)      All Disputes  referred to arbitration  (including the scope of
                  the  agreement  to  arbitrate,  any  statute  of  limitations,
                  set-off  claims,  conflict  of laws  rules,  tort  claims  and
                  interest  claims) shall be governed by the  substantive law of

         (i)      The  Parties  agree  that  the   arbitration   shall  be  kept
                  confidential  and that the existence of the proceeding and any
                  element  of it  (including  any  pleadings,  briefs  or  other
                  documents submitted or exchanged,  any testimony or other oral
                  submissions and any awards) shall not be disclosed  beyond the
                  arbitrator,   the  Parties,   their  counsel  and  any  person
                  necessary  to the  conduct  of the  proceeding,  except as may
                  lawfully be required in judicial  proceedings  relating to the
                  arbitration or otherwise or as may be required by Law.


Each Party to a Dispute agrees to use all  reasonable  efforts to make available
to the other Party to the Dispute,  upon reasonable  request,  those current and
former officers,  employees,  agents and  representatives of the Party or any of
its  affiliates  (as such  term is  defined  in the  Business  Corporations  Act
(Ontario)) whose assistance,  testimony or presence is necessary or desirable to


assist the other Party in preparing for and  participating in the arbitration of
the Dispute,  but only for such  purpose.  The Party making the request shall be
responsible  for  paying  all costs,  including  the  salary  and  out-of-pocket
expenses,  of the other  Party and its  affiliates  associated  with making such
individuals available.


Nothing in this Article 6 shall limit or prevent a Party from seeking to enforce
the  performance  of this Agreement by injunction or specific  performance  upon
application to a court of competent  jurisdiction without proof of actual damage
(and without the requirement of posting a bond or other security).

                                   ARTICLE 7


The Purchaser and the Vendor agree that the Royalty  constitutes  an interest in
land and claims,  and the Vendor may register notice of the Royalty Agreement on
title to the Properties in the appropriate land registry office and appropriated
mining office as a first charge on the Property.

The Vendor  agrees to  negotiate  with the  Purchaser  in good faith at any time
should the registration of the Royalty on title have the effect of impairing the
Purchaser's  ability to conduct business  including but not limited to arranging
joint venture agreements or debt financings.


This  Agreement  is not  intended  to,  and will not be deemed  to,  create  any
partnership relation between the Parties including, without limitation, a mining
partnership or commercial  partnership.  The  obligations and liabilities of the
Parties will be several and not joint and neither  Party will have or purport to
have any authority to act for or to assume any obligations or  responsibility on
behalf of the other  Party  except as  expressly  contemplated  herein.  Nothing
herein  contained  will be deemed to  constitute a Party the  partner,  agent or
legal representative of the other Party or to create any fiduciary  relationship
between the Parties.

7.3      NOTICE

Any notice, election,  proposal, consent objection or other document required or
permitted to be given hereunder  ("Notices") will be in writing addressed to the
Parties as follows:

         Purchaser:        HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                           Suite #1305, 1090 West Georgia Street,
                           Vancouver, BC  V1E 3V7
                           Attention:  Nick DeMare
                           Fax No.:  604-683-1585

                           with a copy to Purchaser's Solicitors at:

                           CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL LLP
                           2100 Scotia Plaza
                           40 King Street West
                           Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3C2
                           Attention:  Jason Bullen
                           Fax No.:  416-360-8877


         Vendor:           THE SHERIDAN PLATINUM GROUP LTD.
                           14 Park Lane Circle
                           Toronto, ON  M5B 1Z7
                           Attention: Patrick Sheridan
                           Fax No.: 416-447-1381

                           with a copy to the Vendor's Solicitors at:

                           STIKEMAN ELLIOTT LLP
                           5300 Commerce Court West
                           199 Bay Street
                           Toronto, Ontario  M5L 1B9
                           Attention:  Brian Pukier
                           Fax No.: 416-947-0866

All  Notices  will be given by  personal  delivery,  facsimile  transmission  or
prepaid registered mail, return receipt requested. All Notices will be effective
and will be deemed delivered as follows:

                  (i)      if by personal  delivery,  on the date of delivery if
                           delivered  during normal business hours,  and, if not
                           delivered  during normal  business hours, on the next
                           Business Day following delivery;

                  (ii)     if by electronic communication,  on the next Business
                           Day    following    receipt    of   the    electronic
                           communication;  and

                  (iii)    if by mail,  on the next  Business  Day after  actual

A Party may at any time  change its  address  for future  Notices  hereunder  by
Notice in accordance with this section.


Each Party will, at the request of another Party and at the  requesting  Party's
expense,  execute  all  such  documents  and take  all  such  actions  as may be
reasonably required to effect the purposes and intent of this Agreement.


Subject to the terms of the Purchase Agreement,  this Agreement  constitutes the
entire  agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof,  all
previous  agreements  and promises in respect  thereto  being  hereby  expressly
rescinded and replaced hereby. There are no representations,  warranties, terms,
conditions,   undertakings  or  collateral  agreements,   express,   implied  or
statutory,  between the  Parties  other than those  expressly  set forth in this
Agreement and the Purchase Agreement.

7.6      NO WAIVERS

No waiver of or with respect to any term or condition of this  Agreement will be
effective unless it is in writing and signed by the waiving Party, and then such
waiver will be effective  only in the  specific  instance and for the purpose of
which  given.  No course  of  dealing  among the  Parties,  nor any  failure  to
exercise, nor any delay in exercising,  any right, power, or privilege hereunder
will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any
specific waiver of any right, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or
further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.



Time is of the essence in the  performance of any and all of the  obligations of
the Parties, including, without limitation, the payment of monies.


This  Agreement  may be executed in  multiple  counterparts,  each of which will
constitute an original,  but all of which  together will  constitute one and the
same instrument.


This  Agreement  will enure to the  benefit of and be binding on the Parties and
their respective successors and permitted assigns.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this  Agreement as of the day
and year first above written.



Authorized Signatory



Authorized Signatory

                                   SCHEDULE G

                                ESCROW AGREEMENT

THIS ESCROW  AGREEMENT is made as of _____,  2005,  by and among HALO  RESOURCES
LTD.  (the"PURCHASER") with an address at Suite 1305 - 1090 West Georgia Street,
Vancouver,  British  Columbia  V6E 3V7, THE SHERIDAN  PLATINUM  GROUP LTD.  (the
"VENDOR") with an address at 14 Park Lane Circle,  Toronto,  Ontario M5B 1Z7 and
McLEAN & KERR LLP (the "ESCROW  AGENT")  with an address at 130 Adelaide  Street
West, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3P5.


A.       The  Vendor  and the  Purchaser  have  entered  into an Asset  Purchase
Agreement dated February ___, 2005 (the "ASSET PURCHASE  AGREEMENT") whereby the
Vendor  has  agreed to sell to the  Purchaser  and the  Purchaser  has agreed to
purchase  from the Vendor  certain  assets as  described  in the Asset  Purchase
Agreement (the "ASSETS");

B.       Under the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  the purchase price for the Assets
is to be satisfied in part by the issuance of the Preferred Shares (as such term
is defined in the Asset  Purchase  Agreement) in the capital of the Purchaser to
the Vendor;

C.       Pursuant to section 11.2 of the Asset Purchase Agreement the Vendor and
the Purchaser agreed, subject to the provisions of the Asset Purchase Agreement,
that the Purchaser may, at any time until November 1, 2009, redeem the Preferred
Shares by returning the Assets to the Vendor.

D.       Pursuant  to  section  13.2 of the Asset  Purchase  Agreement  upon the
occurrence of an Event of Default (as such term is defined in the Asset Purchase
Agreement)  the Vendor has the right to, among other things,  have the Purchaser
transfer  the Assets to the Vendor in exchange for the transfer by the Vendor of
the Preferred Shares to the Purchaser;

E.       Pursuant  to the  rights and  restrictions  attached  to the  Preferred
Shares (attached as Schedule "E" to the Asset Purchase  Agreement) the Purchaser
may redeem the Preferred  Shares and may elect to pay the  redemption  amount in
common shares of the Purchaser;

F.       Pursuant  to the  rights and  restrictions  attached  to the  Preferred
Shares,  if the  Preferred  Shares have not been  redeemed  prior to November 1,
2009,  the Purchaser  will retract the Preferred  Shares on November 1, 2009 and
may elect to pay the retraction amount in common shares of the Purchaser;

G.       The Vendor and the  Purchaser  have  agreed  that on the closing of the
transaction  contemplated  in the Asset Purchase  Agreement the Purchaser  shall
deliver  into  trust to the  Escrow  Agent  duly  executed  good and  sufficient
transfers  of the  Properties  (as such term is  defined  in the Asset  Purchase
Agreement)  comprising in part the Assets and all other  documents  (the "ESCROW
DOCUMENTATION")  which in the opinion of counsel for the Vendor are necessary or
desirable to permit the  registration  or recording of such  transfers  into the
name of the Vendor  free and clear of all liens,  charges  and  encumbrances  of
every  nature  and  kind  whatsoever,  which  documentation  shall  be  held  in
accordance with this agreement;

H.       The Vendor and the Purchaser have also agreed that if any common shares
of the Purchaser  are issued to the Vendor  pursuant to the rights of retraction
or redemption  attached to the Preferred Shares, the Purchaser shall, in certain
circumstances,   deliver  into  trust  to  the  Escrow  Agent  the  certificates
representing  such common shares (the "COMMON ESCROW SHARES") which shares shall
be held in escrow in accordance with this agreement; and

I.       The  parties  desire to enter  into this  agreement  to  establish  the
obligations  and rights of the parties with respect to the Escrow  Documentation
and the Common Escrow Shares.


NOW  THEREFORE in  consideration  of the  foregoing  and other good and valuable
consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto agree as follows:

1.       The  Purchaser has  delivered  the Escrow  Documentation  to the Escrow

2.       The   Escrow   Agent   hereby   acknowledges   receipt  of  the  Escrow
Documentation  and agrees  that the Escrow  Documentation  and,  when  deposited
hereunder, the Common Escrow Shares, shall be held by the Escrow Agent in escrow
to be dealt with pursuant to the provisions of this agreement.

3.       The  Escrow  Agent  agrees to hold the Escrow  Documentation  in escrow
until receipt by the Escrow Agent of an irrevocable  joint  direction  signed by
each of the Purchaser and the Vendor to release the Escrow  Documentation to the
party named in such direction.

The  Purchaser  and the Vendor agree that if, as a result of the issuance of the
Common Escrow Shares, the Vendor becomes an "Insider" or "Control Person" of the
Purchaser  (as such terms are  defined  in section  1.2 of Policy 1.1 of the TSX
Venture Exchange Company Manual) and the Purchaser's common shares are listed on
the TSX-V at such time, the Purchaser shall deliver the certificates  respecting
the Common Escrow  Shares,  to the Escrow Agent,  forthwith upon the issuance of
such shares.

4.       The  Escrow  Agent  agrees to hold the  certificates  representing  any
Common  Escrow  Shares it  receives  in escrow to be dealt with  pursuant to the
provisions of this  agreement.  The Escrow Agent will hold such  certificates in
escrow until Patrick Sheridan (or if the Preferred Shares have been transferred,
a transferee  of such  shares) has filed a TSX-V Form 2A - Personal  Information
Form with the TSX Venture Exchange,  and the Escrow Agent has received a copy of
the written approval of the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX Approval") to the release
of the Common  Escrow Shares to the Vendor.  Upon receipt of TSX  Approval,  the
Escrow Agent will release such certificates to the Vendor or as directed by it.

5.       The  Vendor  shall  not  transfer  the  Preferred   Shares  unless  the
transferee agrees in writing with the Purchaser and the Escrow Agent to be bound
by  sections  4,  5,  and 6 of  this  agreement  as if they  were  the  "Vendor"

6.       The Vendor shall be liable to pay the Escrow Agent its reasonable fees,
disbursements and other charges in connection with the performance of its duties

7.       The terms and conditions set out in Schedule A annexed hereto form part
of this agreement.

8.       All notices and other communications which may be or are required to be
given under this agreement shall be in writing, shall be delivered personally or
sent by registered mail addressed to the parties at their  respective  addresses
set forth on the first page hereof or at such other place as such party may from
time to time designate by written  notice to the other given in accordance  with
this section, and shall conclusively be deemed received for all purposes hereof,
in the case of those personally  delivered,  on the day of such delivery and, in
the case of those given by registered  mail on the fourth business day following
that upon which the notice or other communication was so mailed.

9.       This agreement enures to the benefit of and is binding upon the parties
hereto and their  successors and assigns.  This agreement may not be amended nor
shall  any  waiver of any  provisions  hereof be  effective,  except  only by an
instrument in writing and signed by all the parties.

10.      This agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts,  each of
which  shall be  determined  to be an original  and all of which taken  together
shall be deemed to constitute one and the same  instrument.  Counterparts may be
executed  either  in  original  or  facsimile  form and the  parties  adopt  any
signatures received by facsimile as original signatures of the parties; provided
however,  that any party  providing its signature in such manner shall  promptly
forward to the others an original of the signed copy of this agreement which was
so provided by facsimile.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties have executed this  agreement as of the
date first above written.

                                HALO RESOURCES LTD.




                                THE SHERIDAN PLATINUM GROUP LTD.




                                MCLEAN & KERR LLP




                                   SCHEDULE A


Acceptance  by MCLEAN & KERR LLP (the  "ESCROW  AGENT") of its duties  under the
agreement  to  which  this is  attached  (the  "AGREEMENT")  is  subject  to the
following terms and conditions,  which the parties to the Agreement hereby agree
shall govern and control the rights,  duties and  privileges of the Escrow Agent
and shall be deemed incorporated by reference into the Agreement as if set forth
in full therein:

1.       Capitalized terms not specifically  defined in this Schedule shall have
         the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement.

2.       The  duties  of the  Escrow  Agent are to be  determined  solely by the
         express  provisions  of the  Agreement;  accordingly,  the Escrow Agent
         shall  only be  responsible  for the  performance  of those  duties and
         obligations as are specifically set forth in the Agreement.

3.       The Escrow Agent shall be fully  protected in acting on or relying upon
         any written notice,  direction,  request,  waiver, consent,  receipt or
         other paper or document  which the Escrow Agent in good faith  believes
         to have been  signed or  presented  by the  proper  party or parties as
         contemplated by the Agreement.

4.       The Escrow Agent shall be entitled to rely on any  judgment,  demand or
         other  writing  delivered to it  hereunder  without  being  required to
         determine  the  authenticity  or the  correctness  of any facts  stated
         therein,  the validity  thereof or the  jurisdiction of a Court or duly
         appointed arbitrator issuing any judgment.  The Escrow Agent may act in
         reliance upon any instrument,  direction or signature believed by it in
         good faith to be genuine and duly authorized and upon advice of counsel
         in reference to any matters connected herewith.

5.       The Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any error of judgment,  or for
         any act done or step  taken or  omitted  by it in good faith or for any
         mistake in fact or law, or for anything which it may do or refrain from
         doing in good  faith in  connection  herewith,  except  its own  wilful
         misconduct or negligence.

6.       In the event of any dispute or question as to the  construction  by the
         Escrow Agent of its duties,  neither  party shall hold the Escrow Agent
         liable with respect to any action taken or omitted by it in good faith.

7.       In the event of any dispute  between the parties,  the Escrow Agent may
         (at its option)  transmit  the escrow  property to a court of competent
         jurisdiction  and upon doing so the Escrow  Agent  shall be relieved of
         all further obligations under the Agreement.

8.       Save and except as the parties may have expressly  otherwise  agreed to
         in  the  Agreement,  the  parties,  jointly  and  severally,  agree  to
         indemnify  and hold  harmless  the Escrow  Agent from any and all loss,
         cost,  claim,  liability  and  expense  (including  legal  fees paid to
         outside  attorneys  or  amounts  representing  the fair  value of legal
         services  rendered  to itself)  which may be  incurred  by reason of it
         acting as Escrow Agent,  provided that it acted in accordance  with the
         terms of the Agreement.


9.       The  Escrow  Agent  shall  not be bound or in any way  affected  by any
         notice of any  modification  or cancellation of the Agreement or of any
         fact  or  circumstance   affecting  or  alleged  to  affect  rights  or
         liabilities  hereunder or otherwise  other than as is  hereinafter  set
         forth,  unless  notice of the same is  delivered to the Escrow Agent in
         writing signed by the parties to the Agreement.

10.      The parties  each  acknowledge  that the Escrow Agent is acting only in
         the  capacity of escrow  agent and not as counsel to any of the parties
         and that each party has retained  independent  legal  representation in
         connection with the Agreement and the related transactions.

11.      The Escrow Agent and any successor  escrow  agent,  as the case may be,
         may  resign its duties and be  discharged  from all  further  duties or
         obligations hereunder at any time upon giving 30 days written notice to
         the parties to the  Agreement.  The  parties  shall  thereupon  jointly
         designate a successor  escrow agent hereunder within said 30 day period
         to whom the  escrow  property  shall be  delivered.  In default of such
         designation of a successor  escrow agent, the Escrow Agent shall retain
         the escrow  property in escrow as  custodian  thereof  until  otherwise
         jointly  directed  by the  parties to the  Agreement,  without  further
         liability or responsibility.

                                   SCHEDULE H


                                DEMAND DEBENTURE

                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                 (THE "OBLIGOR")


For value received, the Obligor acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay
ON DEMAND,  to or to the order of the Holder the principal  sum of  THIRTY-THREE
MILLION  DOLLARS  ($33,000,000.00)  in lawful money of Canada in accordance with
the terms of this Debenture.  The Obligor  promises to pay the principal  amount
and other  amounts  owing under this  Debenture  at the offices of the Holder at
which any notice may be given to the Holder in connection with this Debenture or
at such  other  place as the Holder  may  designate  by notice in writing to the


Terms defined in the Personal  Property  Security Act (Ontario) and used but not
otherwise  defined in this  Debenture  have the same  meanings.  As used in this
Debenture, the following terms have the following meanings:

"BUSINESS DAY" means any day of the year,  other than a Saturday,  Sunday or any
day on which major banks are closed for business in Toronto, Ontario.

"CHARGED PREMISES" means the property and undertaking subject to the Security.

"DEBENTURE" means this demand debenture and all schedules  attached to it, as it
may be amended, modified,  extended, renewed, restated, replaced or supplemented
from time to time.

"HOLDER" means The Sheridan  Platinum Group Ltd. and its successors and assigns,
and any subsequent holder or holders of this Debenture.

 "LIEN"  means  (i)  any  mortgage,  charge,  pledge,  hypothecation,   security
interest,  assignment  by way  of  security,  encumbrance,  lien  (statutory  or
otherwise),  hire  purchase  agreement,   conditional  sale  agreement,  deposit
arrangement,  title retention agreement or arrangement, or any other assignment,
arrangement or condition that in substance  secures payment or performance of an
obligation,  (ii) any trust  arrangement,  (iii) any arrangement which creates a
right of set-off out of the ordinary  course of business,  or (iv) any agreement
to grant any such rights or interests.

"OBLIGOR" means Halo Resources Ltd., a corporation  continued and existing under
the laws of British Columbia, and its successors and permitted assigns.

"PERSON"  means a natural  person,  partnership,  limited  partnership,  limited
liability partnership,  corporation,  limited liability  corporation,  unlimited
liability company, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated association, joint
venture or other entity or  Governmental  Entity,  and pronouns have a similarly
extended meaning.

"PURCHASE AGREEMENT" means the purchase agreement dated as of February 18, 2005,
between  the  Obligor  and the  Holder  as the  same may be  amended,  modified,
extended, renewed, replaced, restated or supplemented from time to time.

"SECURITY"  means  the  grants,   mortgages,   charges  and  security  interests
constituted by this Debenture.



(1)      In this Debenture the words "including",  "includes" and "include" mean
         "including   (or  includes  or  include)   without   limitation".   The
         expressions  "Article",  "Section" and other subdivision  followed by a
         number  mean  and  refer to the  specified  Article,  Section  or other
         subdivision of this Debenture.

(2)      Any reference in this Debenture to gender  includes all genders.  Words
         importing  the singular  number only include the plural and vice versa.
         Except as otherwise  provided in this Debenture,  any reference to this
         Debenture is a reference to this Debenture as the same may have been or
         may  from  time  to  time  be  amended,  modified,  extended,  renewed,
         restated,  replaced or  supplemented  and includes all schedules to it.
         Except as otherwise  provided in this Debenture,  any reference in this
         Debenture to a statute is a reference to such statute and all rules and
         regulations made under it as the same may have been or may from time to
         time be amended or re-enacted.

(3)      The  division  of this  Debenture  into  Articles,  Sections  and other
         subdivisions and the insertion of headings are for convenient reference
         only and do not affect its  interpretation.  The schedules  attached to
         this Debenture form an integral part of it for all purposes of it.


Subject to Section 6, as security  for the due payment of the  principal  amount
and other  amounts  owing under this  Debenture,  the Obligor  grants,  assigns,
conveys, transfers, mortgages, pledges and charges, as and by way of a fixed and
specific  mortgage,  charge  and  pledge,  to and in  favour of the  Holder  and
otherwise  grants to the Holder a  security  interest  in, all of the  Obligor's
right,  title and  interest  in and to the real and  immoveable  property,  both
freehold and leasehold, and other interests, including without limitation staked
claims and licences of  occupation,  in the  property  described in Schedule "A"
(collectively,  the  "Properties");  all rights,  leases,  licences,  easements,
rights-of-way,  profits a prendre and interests in real property with respect to
the Properties  (and all renewals,  extensions  and amendments or  substitutions
thereof);  all facilities relating to or required for use in connection with the
Properties; and all buildings, erections, structures, improvements,  underground
facilities,  power, fuel and water supply,  storage,  waste disposal,  roads and
other  transportation  facilities  and  fixed  plant,  machinery  and  equipment
presently situated on or under the Properties or which may at any time hereafter
be  constructed  or  brought  or placed on or under  the  Properties  or used in
connection with the Properties.


(1)      The Security is effective  whether or not any monies or  liabilities so
         secured are advanced or incurred before or after or at the same time as
         this Debenture is issued. The Security will remain effective until such
         time as this  Debenture  is  discharged  as  provided  in  Section  19,
         irrespective  of  whether,  at any prior  time,  there may have been no
         indebtedness,  liabilities or obligations (direct, indirect,  absolute,
         contingent or otherwise) of the Obligor to the Holder outstanding.

(2)      The Obligor  acknowledges  that (i) value has been  given,  (ii) it has
         rights in the  Charged  Premises  (other  than  after-acquired  Charged
         Premises),  (iii) it has not agreed to postpone the time of  attachment
         of the Security and (iv) it has received a duplicate  original  copy of
         this Debenture.


(1)      To the extent that an assignment of amounts  payable and other proceeds
         arising  under  or in  connection  with,  or the  grant  of a  security
         interest  in any  agreement,  licence,  permit or quota of the  Obligor
         would result in the termination of such agreement,  licence,  permit or
         quota (each,  a "Restricted  Asset"),  the Security  will  constitute a
         trust created in


         favour of the  Holder,  pursuant  to which the  Obligor  shall  hold as
         trustee all proceeds arising under or in connection with the Restricted
         Asset in trust for the Holder.

(2)      The  Security  does not  extend or apply to the last day of the term of
         any lease or sublease  of real  property  or  agreement  for a lease or
         sublease  of real  property,  now  held or  hereafter  acquired  by the
         Obligor, but the Obligor will stand possessed of any such last day upon
         trust to assign and dispose of it as the Holder may direct.


If the  Obligor  fails to perform  any of its  covenants  in this  Debenture  or
otherwise, then the Holder may, in its absolute discretion, perform any covenant
capable of being  performed by it and, if the  covenant  requires the payment or
expenditure of money, the Holder may make the payment but is under no obligation
to do so.  All sums so paid or  expended  by the  Holder  shall  be  immediately
payable  by the  Obligor  and shall be  secured  by this  Debenture,  having the
benefit of the  Security  in  priority  to the  indebtedness  evidenced  by this
Debenture.  No such  performance  or payment  will  relieve the Obligor from any
default under this Debenture or the consequences of such default.


Subject  to the terms of the  Purchase  Agreement,  the  Obligor  will not sell,
assign, convey, exchange,  lease, release or abandon or otherwise dispose of any
Charged Premises except as permitted by the Holder in writing.  The Obligor will
not  create  or  suffer to exist  any Lien on the  Charged  Premises,  except as
permitted by the Holder in writing. Enforcement.


The  Security  becomes  and is  enforceable  against the Obligor if and when the
Obligor fails to repay the  principal  amount and other amounts owing under this
Debenture on demand or otherwise when the same become due and payable.


Whenever  the Security is  enforceable,  the Holder may realize upon the Charged
Premises and enforce its rights by:

         (a)      entry into  possession  of the Charged  Premises by any method
                  permitted by law;

         (b)      sale,  grant of  options to  purchase,  or lease of all or any
                  part of the Charged Premises;

         (c)      holding, storing and keeping idle or operating all or any part
                  of the Charged Premises;

         (d)      collection  of any proceeds  arising in respect of the Charged

         (e)      institution   of   proceedings   in  any  court  of  competent
                  jurisdiction  for the appointment of a receiver (which term as
                  used in this Debenture includes a receiver and manager) of all
                  or any part of the Charged Premises;

         (f)      institution   of   proceedings   in  any  court  of  competent
                  jurisdiction for sale or foreclosure of all or any part of the
                  Charged Premises;

         (g)      filing of proofs of claim  and other  documents  to  establish
                  claims to the Charged  Premises in any proceeding  relating to
                  the Obligor;


         (h)      appointment by instrument in writing of a receiver or agent of
                  all or any  part  of  the  Charged  Premises  and  removal  or
                  replacement  from time to time of any such  receiver or agent;

         (i)      any other remedy or proceeding authorized or permitted in this
                  Debenture or otherwise by law or equity.


In  addition  to the rights of the Holder set forth in Section 9,  whenever  the
Security is enforceable, the Holder may:

         (a)      require the Obligor, at the Obligor's expense, to assemble the
                  Charged Premises, to the extent reasonably  practicable,  at a
                  place or  places  designated  by  notice  in  writing  and the
                  Obligor agrees to so assemble the Charged Premises immediately
                  upon receipt of such notice;

         (b)      require the Obligor,  by notice in writing, to disclose to the
                  Holder the location or  locations of the Charged  Premises and
                  the Obligor agrees to make such disclosure when so required;

         (c)      repair,  process,  modify, complete or otherwise deal with the
                  Charged  Premises,  and  prepare  for the  disposition  of the
                  Charged  Premises,  whether on the  premises of the Obligor or

         (d)      pay any  liability  secured by any Lien  against  any  Charged
                  Premises other than Liens in existence at the time the Obligor
                  acquired  the  Charged  Premises  or arising  out of action or
                  inaction by the Holder (the Obligor will immediately on demand
                  reimburse the Holder for all such payments);

         (e)      borrow for the maintenance,  preservation or protection of the
                  Charged  Premises  and  mortgage,  charge or grant a  security
                  interest in the Charged  Premises,  whether or not in priority
                  to the Security, to secure repayment;

         (f)      commence,  continue or defend any  judicial or  administrative
                  proceedings   for  the   purpose   of   protecting,   seizing,
                  collecting,  realizing or obtaining  possession  or payment of
                  the Charged  Premises,  and give good and valid  receipts  and
                  discharges  and  compromise  or give time for the  payment  or
                  performance  of all or any part of the  accounts  or any other
                  obligation of any third party to the Obligor; and

         (g)      at any public sale, and to the extent  permitted by law on any
                  private  sale,  bid  for  and  purchase  any  or  all  of  the
                  Collateral offered for sale and upon compliance with the terms
                  of such  sale,  hold,  retain and  dispose of such  Collateral
                  without any further accountability to the Obligor or any other
                  Person with respect to such holding, retention or disposition,
                  except as required by law. In any such sale to the Holder, the
                  Holder may,  for the purpose of making  payment for all or any
                  part of the Collateral so purchased, use any claim for Secured
                  Obligations then due and payable to it as a credit against the
                  purchase price.


The remedies  under Section 9 and Section 11 may be exercised  from time to time
separately  or in  combination  and are in addition to, and not in  substitution
for, any other rights of the Holder  however  arising or created.  The Holder is
not  bound to  exercise  any right or remedy  and the  exercise  of any right or
remedy is without  prejudice  to any other  rights of the Holder  including  the
right to claim for any  deficiency.  The taking of any action or  proceeding  or
refraining  from so doing, or any other dealings with any other security for the
monies secured by this Debenture shall not release or affect the Security.



(1)      Any  receiver  appointed  by the  Holder is vested  with the rights and
         remedies  which could have been  exercised  by the Holder in respect of
         the  Obligor  or  the  Charged  Premises  and  such  other  powers  and
         discretions  as are granted in the  instrument of  appointment  and any
         supplemental instruments. The identity of the receiver, any replacement
         and any remuneration  are within the sole and unfettered  discretion of
         the Holder.

(2)      Any  receiver  appointed by the Holder will act as agent for the Holder
         for the  purposes of taking  possession  of the Charged  Premises,  but
         otherwise and for all other  purposes  (except as provided  below),  as
         agent for the  Obligor.  The  receiver  may sell,  lease,  or otherwise
         dispose of the  Charged  Premises  as agent for the Obligor or as agent
         for the Holder as the  Holder  may  determine  in its  discretion.  The
         Obligor agrees to ratify and confirm all actions of the receiver acting
         as agent for the Obligor,  and to release and indemnify the receiver in
         respect of all such actions.

(3)      The Holder,  in appointing or refraining  from appointing any receiver,
         does not incur liability to the receiver,  the Obligor or otherwise and
         is not responsible for any misconduct or negligence of such receiver.

(4)      All moneys from time to time received by the receiver may be applied as
         follows (i) first,  in  discharge of all  operating  expenses and other
         outgoings  affecting the Charged  Premises,  (ii) second, in keeping in
         good  standing  all charges and liens on the  Charged  Premises  having
         priority over the Security, (iii) third, in payment of the remuneration
         and  disbursements  of the  receiver,  (iv)  fourth,  in payment to the
         Holder of the moneys payable  hereunder,  and (v) the balance,  if any,
         shall be paid to the  Obligor or as a court of  competent  jurisdiction
         may otherwise direct.


The Obligor  hereby  irrevocably  constitutes  and  appoints the Holder (and any
officer of the  Holder)  the true and lawful  attorney  of the  Obligor.  As the
attorney of the  Obligor,  the Holder has the power to  exercise  for and in the
name of the  Obligor  with full power of  substitution,  whenever  the  Security
becomes  enforceable,  any  of the  Obligor's  right  (including  the  right  of
disposal),  title and  interest in and to the  Charged  Premises  including  the
execution,  endorsement,  delivery and  transfer of the Charged  Premises to the
Holder,  its  nominees  or  transferees,  and the  Holder  and its  nominees  or
transferees  are  hereby  empowered  to  exercise  all  rights and powers and to
perform all acts of ownership  with respect to the Charged  Premises to the same
extent as the  Obligor  might do.  All acts of the  attorney  are  ratified  and
approved,  and the  attorney  is not liable  for any act,  failure to act or any
other matter or thing, except for its own gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
This power of attorney is  irrevocable,  is coupled with an  interest,  has been
given  for  valuable  consideration  (the  receipt  and  adequacy  of  which  is
acknowledged)  and  survives,  and  does not  terminate  upon,  the  bankruptcy,
dissolution,  winding up or  insolvency  of the Obligor.  This power of attorney
extends to and is binding upon the Obligor's  successors and permitted  assigns.
The Obligor  authorizes  the Holder to delegate in writing to another Person any
power and  authority  of the  Holder  under  this  power of  attorney  as may be
necessary or  desirable  in the opinion of the Holder,  and to revoke or suspend
such delegation.


(1)      The Holder is not obliged to exhaust its  recourse  against the Obligor
         or any other  Person or against  any other  security it may hold before
         realizing upon or otherwise  dealing with the Charged  Premises in such
         manner as it may consider desirable.


(2)      The Holder may grant extensions or other indulgences,  take and give up
         securities,  accept  compositions,  grant  releases and  discharges and
         otherwise  deal with the  Obligor and with other  Persons,  sureties or
         securities as it may see fit without  prejudice to the  obligations and
         liability  of the Obligor or the rights of the Holder in respect of the
         Charged Premises.

(3)      The Holder is not (i) liable or accountable for any failure to collect,
         realize or obtain  payment in respect  of the  Charged  Premises,  (ii)
         bound  to  institute   proceedings   for  the  purpose  of  collecting,
         enforcing,  realizing or obtaining  payment of the Charged  Premises or
         for the purpose of  preserving  any rights of any Persons in respect of
         the Charged Premises,  (iii) responsible for any loss occasioned by any
         sale or other dealing with the Charged  Premises or by the retention of
         or failure to sell or otherwise deal with the Charged Premises, or (iv)
         bound to protect the Charged  Premises  from  depreciating  in value or
         becoming worthless.

(4)      The  Holder  has no  obligation  to keep the  Charged  Premises  in its
         possession identifiable.

(5)      The Holder  may,  after the  Security  is  enforceable,  (i) notify any
         Person obligated on an account or on chattel paper or any obligor on an
         instrument to make  payments to the Holder,  whether or not the Obligor
         was previously  making  collections  on such  accounts,  chattel paper,
         instruments,  and (ii) assume control of any proceeds  arising from the
         Charged Premises.


Without  prejudice  to the  ability  of the  Holder to  dispose  of the  Charged
Premises  in  any  manner  which  is   commercially   reasonable,   the  Obligor
acknowledges that:

         (a)      the Charged Premises may be disposed of in whole or in part;

         (b)      the Charged  Premises  may be  disposed of by public  auction,
                  public tender or private contract, with or without advertising
                  and without any other formality;

         (c)      any assignee of the Charged  Premises may be a customer of the

         (d)      any sale  conducted  by the  Holder  will be at such  time and
                  place,  on such notice and in accordance  with such procedures
                  as the Holder, in its sole discretion, may deem advantageous;

         (e)      the Charged  Premises  may be disposed of in any manner and on
                  any terms  necessary  to avoid  violation  of  applicable  law
                  (including compliance with such procedures as may restrict the
                  number of prospective bidders and purchasers, require that the
                  prospective    bidders    and    purchasers    have    certain
                  qualifications,  and  restrict  the  prospective  bidders  and
                  purchasers  to Persons who will  represent and agree that they
                  are  purchasing  for their own account for  investment and not
                  with a view  to the  distribution  or  resale  of the  Charged
                  Premises) or in order to obtain any  required  approval of the
                  disposition (or of the resulting purchase) by any governmental
                  or regulatory authority or official;

         (f)      a disposition of the Charged Premises may be on such terms and
                  conditions  as to credit or  otherwise  as the Holder,  in its
                  sole discretion, deems advantageous; and

         (g)      the Holder may  establish  an upset or reserve bid or price in
                  respect of the Charged Premises.


No Person  dealing  with the Holder or its agent or a receiver  is  required  to
determine  (i) whether the  Security  has become  enforceable,  (ii) whether the
powers  which the Holder or its agent or a receiver  is  purporting  to exercise
have become exercisable,  (iii) whether any money remains due upon the Security,
(iv) the necessity or expediency of the stipulations  and conditions  subject to
which any sale or lease is made,  (v) the propriety or regularity of any sale or
any other  dealing  by the Holder or its agent or a  receiver  with the  Charged


Premises,  or (vi) how any money paid to the Holder has been  applied.  Any bona
fide purchaser of all or any part of the Charged Premises from the Holder or any
receiver or agent will hold the Charged Premises absolutely, free from any claim
or right of whatever kind,  including any equity of redemption,  of the Obligor,
which it specifically waives (to the fullest extent permitted by law) as against
any such  purchaser and all rights of  redemption,  stay or appraisal  which the
Obligor has or may have under any rule of law now existing or hereafter adopted.


The principal and other amounts and  liabilities  secured by this Debenture will
be paid by the Obligor when due without regard to any equities  existing between
the Obligor and any other party  including the Holder and without  regard to any
right of set-off or  cross-claim  or of any other claim or demand of the Obligor
against the Holder or otherwise.


The Security  will be  discharged  upon,  but only upon,  full and  indefeasible
payment of all  principal  and other  amounts  secured  and  performance  of all
obligations of the Obligor to the Holder and the Holder having no obligations to
the Obligor. At the request and expense of the Obligor,  the Holder will execute
and deliver to the Obligor such releases,  discharges,  financing statements and
other  documents or instruments as the Obligor may reasonably  require to effect
the discharge of the Security.


Any notice,  direction or other communication (each a "Notice") given under this
Debenture must be in writing,  sent by personal  delivery,  courier or facsimile
(but not by electronic mail) and addressed:

         (a)      to the Obligor  at:

                  Suite  #1305,  1090 West  Georgia  Street
                  Vancouver, British Columbia
                  V1E 3V7

                  Attention:    Nick DeMare
                  Telephone:    604-685-9316
                  Facsimile:    604-683-1585

         (b)      to the Holder at:

                  14 Park Lane Circle
                  Toronto, Ontario
                  M5B 1Z7

                  Attention:    Patrick Sheridan


                  With a copy to:

                  Stikeman Elliott LLP
                  5300 Commerce Court West
                  199 Bay Street
                  Toronto, Ontario  M5L 1B9

                  Attention:    Brian Pukier

A  Notice  is  deemed  to be  delivered  and  received  (i) if sent by  personal
delivery,  on the date of delivery if it is a Business  Day and the delivery was
made prior to 4:00 p.m.  (local time in place of receipt)  and  otherwise on the
next  Business  Day, (ii) if sent by same-day  service  courier,  on the date of
delivery  if sent on a  Business  Day and  delivery  was made prior to 4:00 p.m.
(local time in place of receipt) and otherwise on the next  Business Day,  (iii)
if sent by  overnight  courier,  on the next  Business  Day,  or (iv) if sent by
facsimile,   on  the  Business  Day  following  the  date  of   confirmation  of
transmission by the originating facsimile.  The Obligor or the Holder may change
its  address for notice  from time to time by  providing a Notice in  accordance
with the  foregoing.  Any  subsequent  Notice must be sent to the Obligor or the
Holder  at  its  changed  address.  Any  element  of  an  address  that  is  not
specifically changed in a Notice will be assumed not to be changed.


This  Debenture  does not operate by way of merger of any of the  principal  and
other amounts owing under this Debenture and no judgment recovered by the Holder
will operate by way of merger of, or in any way affect,  the Security,  which is
in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other security now or hereafter
held by the Holder in respect of the  principal  and other  amounts  owing under
this Debenture.


The  Obligor  is liable  for and will pay on demand  by the  Holder  any and all
Expenses.  "Expenses"  means all expenses,  costs and charges  incurred by or on
behalf of the Holder in  connection  with this  Debenture,  the  Security or the
Charged Premises,  including all legal fees, court costs,  receiver's or agent's
remuneration and other expenses of taking possession of, repairing,  protecting,
insuring,   preparing   for   disposition,   realizing,   collecting,   selling,
transferring,  delivering or obtaining payment for the Charged Premises,  and of
taking, defending or participating in any action or proceeding in connection wit
any of the  foregoing  matters or  otherwise  in  connection  with the  Holder's
interest  in any  Charged  Premises,  whether or not  directly  relating  to the
enforcement of this Debenture.  All such sums shall be added to the indebtedness
secured by this  Debenture  and shall also be secured,  together  with all other
indebtedness, by this Debenture.


The  Obligor  will do all acts and things and execute and deliver or cause to be
executed and delivered all deeds,  transfers,  assignments and instruments  that
the Holder may require for (i) protecting the Charged Premises,  (ii) perfecting
the Security,  and (iii)  exercising  all powers,  authorities  and  discretions
conferred upon the Holder.  After the Security  becomes  enforceable the Obligor
will do all acts and things  and  execute  and  deliver  all  deeds,  transfers,
assignments and  instruments  that the Holder may require for  facilitating  the
sale of the Charged Premises in connection with its realization.


This  Debenture is binding upon the Obligor,  its  successors  and assigns,  and
enures to the  benefit  of the  Holder  and its  successors  and  assigns.  This
Debenture may be assigned by the Holder  without the consent of the Obligor,  to
such Person as the Holder may determine and, in such event,  such Person will be
entitled  to all of the rights and  remedies  of the Holder as set forth in this


Debenture or  otherwise.  The Holder will  provide  notice to the Obligor of any
such  assignment,  specifying the identity of the assignee and the date on which
the assignment  took place.  In any action brought by an assignee to enforce any
such right or remedy, the Obligor will not assert against the assignee any claim
or defence which the Obligor now has or may have against the Holder. The Obligor
may not assign, transfer or delegate any of its rights or obligations under this
Debenture  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  the  Holder  which  may be
unreasonably withheld.


This  Debenture  may only be  amended,  supplemented  or  otherwise  modified by
written agreement executed by the Holder and the Obligor.


If any court of competent  jurisdiction from which no appeal exists or is taken,
determines  any  provision  of  this   Debenture  to  be  illegal,   invalid  or
unenforceable,  that  provision  will be  severed  from this  Debenture  and the
remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.


No consent or waiver by the Holder is binding  unless made in writing and signed
by an authorized  officer of the Holder.  Any consent or waiver given under this
Debenture  is  effective  only in the  specific  instance  and for the  specific
purpose for which given.  No waiver of any of the  provisions of this  Debenture
constitutes a waiver of any other  provision.  A failure or delay on the part of
the Holder in  exercising  a right  under this  Debenture  does not operate as a
waiver  of, or  impair,  any right of the Holder  however  arising.  A single or
partial  exercise  of a right on the part of the Holder  does not  preclude  any
other or further  exercise  of that right or the  exercise of any other right by
the Holder.  So long as The Sheridan  Platinum  Group Ltd. is the Holder of this
Debenture,  the Obligor  waives  presentation  and  surrender of this  Debenture
against payment.  In any other case, the Holder of this Debenture is required to
present and surrender this Debenture against payment.


This Debenture will be governed by,  interpreted and enforced in accordance with
the laws of the  Province of Ontario and the federal  laws of Canada  applicable
therein.   The  Obligor   irrevocably  attorns  and  submits  to  the  exclusive
jurisdiction  of any court of competent  jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario
sitting  in  Toronto,  Ontario  in any action or  proceeding  arising  out of or
relating to this  Debenture.  The Obligor  irrevocably  waives  objection to the
venue of any action or proceeding  in such court or that such court  provides an
inconvenient  forum.  Nothing in this Section  limits the right of the Holder to
bring proceedings  against the Obligor in the courts of any other  jurisdiction.
The Obligor hereby irrevocably consents to the service of any and all process in
any such action or  proceeding  by the delivery of copies of such process to the
Obligor at 1305, 1090 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V1E 3V7.
Nothing in this Section  affects the right of the Holder to serve process in any
manner permitted by law.


This Debenture is a negotiable  instrument and all holders from time to time are
invited by the Obligor to treat it accordingly.


                                HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                       Authorized Signing Officer

                                       Authorized Signing Officer


                                  SCHEDULE "A"

                                 THE PROPERTIES

A.       PATENTS

PARCEL NUMBER                   CLAIM NUMBERS                        APPROX AREA

3457                            JES96toJES105                            172
10524                           K1332                                      7
10525                           K1333                                     17
10526                           K1334                                     16
10527                           K1335                                     24
30433                           K13464, K13467                            25
16650                           K1328                                     20
16651                           K1329                                     16
3922                            McA11                                     16
16121                           S158                                       1
3456                            S170, S172                                14
2063                            S173                                       3
1420                            S185                                     136



2440                            K2554                                      16
2927                            K268722 & K268728-K268732                  86
2926                            K268723-K268727 & K268733                  76
2449                            K2555, K2689, K2690, K2691                 64
2450                            K2556, K3026, K1330                        41



12126                           K121I3-K12I20,K3014-K3015,K3028-K3029     133
12369                           K13791-KI3797&K13811                      163
12548                           K13802                                      2
2702                            K2284, K3019                               16
2871                            K2374                                      10
10381                           K6127                                      16
10383                           K6I28                                      16
10382                           K6129                                      16
10385                           K6130                                      16
10386                           K6131, D493                                16
10387                           K6132                                      18
10388                           K6I33, K3018                               15



STAKED CLAIMS                   K3007239,K3007240,K3007250
                                K3007322-K3007326,K3007332               2256
                                K3007333-K3007334                         224
                                K3016925-K3016928                         896

TOTAL                           100 Claims                              4563 ha

                                   SCHEDULE I

                          GST CERTIFICATE AND INDEMNITY

                             GOODS AND SERVICES TAX
                            DECLARATION AND INDEMNITY


RE:               Purchase by Halo  Resources  Ltd. (the  "PURCHASER")  from the
                  Vendor  of the  properties  described  in  Schedule  "B"  (the
                  "PROPERTY")  pursuant to an  agreement  of  purchase  and sale
                  dated as of__________________, as amended from time to time


         The undersigned hereby represents, warrants and agrees as follows:

1.       The Purchaser is registered under Subdivision (d) of Division V of Part
         IX of the EXCISE TAX ACT (Canada) for the  collection and remittance of
         the goods and  services  tax  ("GST")  and its  registration  number is
         ________________________, and such registration is in good standing and
         has not been revoked or terminated;

2.       Attached  hereto as Schedule "A" is a notarial copy of the  Purchaser's
         Goods and Services Tax registration certificate;

3.       The Property is being  purchased by the  Purchaser as principal for its
         own account and is not being  purchased  by the  Purchaser as an agent,
         trustee, or otherwise on behalf of or for another person;

4.       The  Purchaser  shall  self-assess,  be  liable  for and  remit  to the
         appropriate   governmental  authority  all  GST  which  is  payable  in
         connection with its purchase of the Property; and

5.       The  Purchaser  shall  indemnify  and save harmless the Vendor from any
         GST, penalty,  costs,  interest or other amount which may be payable by
         or assessed  against the Vendor under the EXCISE TAX ACT as a result of
         or in connection with the Vendor's failure to collect and remit any GST
         applicable  in this  transaction  or as a result of any  failure by the
         Purchaser  to  comply  with  the  provisions  of this  Declaration  and

DATED as of _____________________, 2005.

                                HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                Per:  _________________________________

