Assignment and Assumption Agreement
                                 by and between

                               Halo Resources Ltd.
                             Wolfden Resources Inc.

                                 April 15, 2005.


THIS AGREEMENT is made effective as of the 15th day of April, 2005.


                  WOLFDEN RESOURCES INC., a corporation  incorporated  under the
                  laws of the Province of Ontario

                  (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

                                     - and -

                  HALO RESOURCES LTD., a corporation  existing under the laws of
                  the Province of British Columbia

                  (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

         WHEREAS  pursuant to the terms of the Option  Agreement (as hereinafter
defined),  the Assignor has the option to acquire from GeoNova Explorations Inc.
a 50 per cent  interest in the mining claims and mining  concessions  located in
Lesueur  Township in the Abitibi  Region of Quebec  comprising  what is commonly
known  as  the  Bachelor  Lake  Property,  as  such  mining  claims  and  mining
concessions  are  more  particularly  described  in  schedule  A to  the  Option

         AND WHEREAS  the  Assignor  and the  Assignee  entered  into a heads of
agreement  dated  November  12, 2004  pursuant to which the  Assignor  agreed to
assign,  sell,  transfer and convey to the  Assignee,  among other  things,  its
option to acquire up to a 50 per cent  interest in the  Bachelor  Lake  Property
pursuant  to the  Option  Agreement  and  the  Assignee  agreed  to  assume  all
liabilities  and  obligations of the Assignor  under and in connection  with the
Option Agreement and the Bachelor Lake Property;

         AND WHEREAS  pursuant to a sale and purchase  agreement  dated November
10, 2004, GeoNova Explorations Inc. transferred its 100 per cent interest in the
Bachelor Lake  Property and all of its right,  title and interest in and to, and
all of its obligations under, the Option Agreement to Metanor Resources Inc. and
Metanor  Resources Inc. agreed to be bound by, and agreed that its right,  title
and  interest  in and to the  Bachelor  Lake  Property  is bound by,  the Option

         AND WHEREAS the Assignor  and Assignee  wish to enter into an agreement
providing  for the  assignment  by the  Assignor to the Assignee of, among other
things,  the Assignor's right, title and interest in and to the Option Agreement
and the option to  acquire up to a 50 per cent  interest  in the  Bachelor  Lake
Property pursuant to the Option Agreement, and the assumption by the Assignee of
the liabilities  and obligations of the Assignor under the Option  Agreement and
in respect of the Bachelor Lake Property,  on the terms and conditions set forth
in this Agreement.


         NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSES  that in  consideration  of the
covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree
as follows:


         (a)      DEFINITIONS

         Where used in this  Agreement  the  following  words and terms with the
         initial letter or letters thereof  capitalized  shall have the meanings
         ascribed to them below:

                  (i)      "Affiliate"  of a Person  means any Person that is an
                           "affiliated  entity"  of the  first-mentioned  Person
                           under Rule  45-501 of the  Securities  Commission  as
                           such rule exists on the date of this Agreement;

                  (ii)     "Agreement"  means  this  assignment  and  assumption
                           agreement,  including the schedules  attached hereto,
                           as the same may be amended,  supplemented or replaced
                           from time to time;

                  (iii)    "Ancillary    Documents"    means   all   agreements,
                           certificates,  acknowledgements,  deeds, conveyances,
                           assurances,    transfers,   assignments   and   other
                           documents  executed and delivered,  or to be executed
                           and  delivered,  by the Assignor or the Assignee,  as
                           the case may be, in connection with the completion of
                           the transactions  contemplated hereby,  including the
                           assignment of the Assigned  Assets and the assumption
                           of the Assumed Obligations;

                  (iv)     "Applicable  Law" means,  with respect to any Person,
                           any  federal,  provincial,  local or  municipal  law,
                           ordinance,   regulation,  rule,  code,  order,  other
                           requirement  or rule of law or  rule,  instrument  or
                           policy of any stock exchange or securities commission
                           applicable   to  such   Person   or  to  any  of  the
                           properties,  assets, officers, directors,  employees,
                           independent contractors or agents of such Person;

                  (v)      "Assigned  Assets" means all of the Assignor's right,
                           title and interest in and to the Bachelor Lake Option
                           and the Bachelor  Lake  Property and in, to and under
                           the Option Agreement;

                  (vi)     "Assignee  Regulatory Approval" means the approval of
                           the Exchange;

                  (vii)    "Assumed   Obligations"  means  all  liabilities  and
                           obligations  of the Assignee  under and in connection
                           with  the  Option  Agreement  and the  Bachelor  Lake
                           Property,  including  those  described in  subsection
                           2(e) hereof;

                  (viii)   "Bachelor   Lake  Option"  means  the  right  of  the
                           Assignor  to acquire up to a 50 per cent  interest in
                           the  Bachelor  Lake  Property  pursuant to the Option

                  (ix)     "Bachelor Lake Property"  means the mining claims and
                           mining  concessions  described  in  schedule A to the
                           Option Agreement,  and after the date hereof includes
                           any  renewal  thereof  and any form of  successor  or
                           substitute title thereto;

                  (x)      "Bonus Consideration" means $250,000;


                  (xi)     "Bonus Shares" means 250,000  Common Shares  provided
                           that, in the event that,  prior to the time which the
                           Bonus Shares would otherwise be required to be issued
                           hereunder, there shall occur

                           A.       a  reclassification  or redesignation of the
                                    Common Shares, a change of the Common Shares
                                    into other shares or securities or any other
                                    capital reorganization  involving the Common

                           B.       a consolidation or subdivision of the Common
                                    Shares or an  amalgamation,  arrangement  or
                                    merger  of  the  Corporation  with  or  into
                                    another body  corporate  which  results in a
                                    change to the Common Shares, or

                           C.       the transfer of the undertaking or assets of
                                    the    Corporation   as   an   entirety   or
                                    substantially  as  an  entirety  to  another

                           (any  of  such   events   being   called  a  "Capital
                           Reorganization"),  "Bonus  Shares"  shall  thereafter
                           mean  the  kind  and   number  of  shares  and  other
                           securities  or  property  resulting  from the Capital
                           Reorganization  which the  Assignor  would  have been
                           entitled  to  receive  as a  result  of  the  Capital
                           Reorganization if, on the effective date thereof, the
                           Assignor  had been the  registered  holder of 250,000
                           Common  Shares  and  provided  further  that  if  any
                           successive   event   or   events   as   set   out  in
                           subparagraphs  A, B and C above shall occur (any such
                           events   being   called   an   "Additional    Capital
                           Reorganization")  after  a  Capital   Reorganization,
                           "Bonus  Shares" shall  thereafter  mean, for each and
                           every Additional Capital Reorganization, the kind and
                           number of shares  and other  securities  or  property
                           resulting from such Additional Capital Reorganization
                           which  the  Assignor  would  have  been  entitled  to
                           receive  as  a  result  of  such  Additional  Capital
                           Reorganization  if,  on the  effective  date  of such
                           Additional Capital  Reorganization,  the Assignor had
                           been the registered  holder of the kind and number of
                           shares and other  securities  or  property  which the
                           Assignor  was  entitled to receive as a result of the
                           Capital  Reorganization  and  each  prior  Additional
                           Capital Reorganization;

                  (xii)    "Business  Day" means any day other than a  Saturday,
                           Sunday or any holiday  when banks in the  Province of
                           Ontario are normally closed for business;

                  (xiii)   "Cash  Consideration"  means the aggregate  amount of
                           cash  to be  paid  by the  Assignee  to the  Assignor
                           pursuant to subsection 2(b) hereof;

                  (xiv)    "Closing"  means the  completion of the assignment by
                           the Assignor to the  Assignee of the Assigned  Assets
                           and the  assumption  by the  Assignee  of the Assumed

                  (XV)     "Closing  Date"  means  April 20,  2005 or such other
                           date as the  Assignor  and the  Assignee may mutually
                           agree upon in writing, provided that such date occurs
                           prior to the commencement of drilling on the Bachelor
                           Lake Property by the Operator;

                  (xvi)    "Common  Shares"  means the common  shares  which the
                           Assignee is authorized to issue as constituted on the
                           date hereof;


                  (xvii)   "Consideration  Shares"  means that  number of Common
                           Shares to be issued by the  Assignee to the  Assignor
                           pursuant to subsection 2(b) hereof;

                  (xviii)  "Exchange" means the TSX Venture Exchange;

                  (xix)    "GeoNova"   means   GeoNova   Explorations   Inc.   a
                           corporation   existing  under  the  CANADA   BUSINESS
                           CORPORATIONS ACT and includes any successor thereto;

                  (xx)     "Governmental  Authority" means any Canadian federal,
                           provincial,    local   or   municipal   governmental,
                           regulatory  or  administrative  authority,  agency or
                           commission  or any court,  tribunal  or  judicial  or
                           arbitral body;

                  (xxi)    "Jurisdictions"   means  the   Provinces  of  British
                           Columbia,  Alberta  and Quebec  collectively  (any of
                           which may be referred to as a "Jurisdiction");

                  (xxii)   "Lien"  means any  encumbrance  of any nature or kind
                           whatever and includes a security interest,  mortgage,
                           lien, hypothec,  pledge,  hypothecation,  assignment,
                           charge or other security;

                  (xxiii)  "Losses"  means,  in  respect of any matter or thing,
                           all claims,  demands,  proceedings,  losses, damages,
                           liabilities,  obligations,  deficiencies,  costs  and
                           expenses  (including,  without limitation,  all legal
                           and  other   professional  fees  and   disbursements,
                           interest,  penalties and amounts paid in  settlement)
                           arising  directly or indirectly  as a consequence  of
                           such matter;

                  (xxiv)   "Metanor" means Metanor Resources Inc., a corporation
                           incorporated  under the CANADA BUSINESS  CORPORATIONS
                           ACT and includes any successor thereto;

                  (xxv)    "MI 45-102" means  Multilateral  Instrument  45-102 -
                           RESALE  OF  SECURITIES  of  the  Canadian  Securities

                  (xxvi)   "Operator" means the current operator of the Bachelor
                           Lake Property, being the Assignor;

                  (xxvii)  "Option  Agreement"  means the letter agreement dated
                           April 24, 2003 between the  Assignor  and GeoNova,  a
                           copy of which is  attached  hereto as schedule A, and
                           which has been assigned by GeoNova to Metanor;

                  (xxviii) "Person" means an individual,  a firm, a corporation,
                           a syndicate, a partnership,  a trust, an association,
                           an unincorporated  organization,  a joint venture, an
                           investment   club,  a  government  or  an  agency  or
                           political subdivision thereof and every other form of
                           legal or  business  entity  of  whatsoever  nature or

                  (xxix)   "Securities  Commission" means the Ontario Securities
                           Commission; and

                  (xxx)    "Securities  Laws" means the  securities  legislation
                           and  regulations of, and the  instruments,  policies,
                           rules,  orders,  codes,  notices  and  interpretation
                           notes  of  the  securities   regulatory   authorities
                           (including   the   Exchange)   of,   the   applicable
                           jurisdiction or jurisdictions collectively.


         (b)      INTERPRETATION

                  (i)      References    herein   to   sections,    subsections,
                           paragraphs  or  subparagraphs  shall be  construed as
                           references  to sections,  subsections,  paragraphs or
                           subparagraphs, as the case may be, of this Agreement.

                  (ii)     The headings of sections and  subsections  herein are
                           inserted for  convenience of reference only and shall
                           not  affect the  meaning or intent of the  provisions

                  (iii)    In  this  Agreement,  unless  the  context  otherwise
                           requires,  words  importing the singular  number only
                           shall  include  the  plural  and  VICE  VERSA,  words
                           importing   persons   shall   include    individuals,
                           corporations,   partnerships,  associations,  trusts,
                           unincorporated organizations, governmental bodies and
                           all other entities whatsoever and words importing the
                           masculine  gender shall  include the feminine  gender
                           and the neuter and VICE VERSA.

                  (iv)     Unless otherwise specifically  indicated,  all dollar
                           amounts  referred to in this  Agreement are expressed
                           in Canadian funds.

         (c)      KNOWLEDGE

                  The term  "knowledge",  when used herein to modify or describe
                  the state of knowledge of factual or legal matters, whether or
                  not used with any other limiting or expansive language,  means
                  to the  knowledge  of the Person so stating  after  reasonable
                  inquiry.  With respect to the Assignor,  "reasonable  inquiry"
                  shall  comprise  inquiry  of  appropriate  and   knowledgeable
                  employees, directors and officers of the Assignor.

         (d)      SCHEDULES

                  The following schedules are attached to this Agreement and are
                  deemed to be a part of and incorporated into this Agreement:

                           SCHEDULE     TITLE

                              A         Option Agreement
                              B         Net Smelter Returns Royalty
                              C         Details of Assignor's Expenditures
                              D         Sale and Purchase Agreement dated
                                        November 10, 2004 between GeoNova
                                        and Metanor


         (a)      Upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out herein,

                  (i)      the Assignor hereby agrees:

                           A.       to sell,  transfer,  assign,  convey and set
                                    over to the  Assignee,  effective  as of the
                                    Closing, all of the Assignor's right, title,
                                    benefit and interest in and to, the Assigned
                                    Assets,  with the Bachelor Lake Option,  the
                                    interest  of  the  Assignor  in  the  Option


                                    Agreement  and the rights of the Assignor in
                                    and under the  Option  Agreement  being free
                                    and clear of all Liens,  options,  rights of
                                    first  refusal  or  other  rights,  title or
                                    interests  or any right  capable of becoming
                                    any of the foregoing; and

                           B.       to delegate to the Assignee, effective as of
                                    the Closing,  all of the Assignor's  duties,
                                    obligations  and  liabilities  under  and in
                                    connection with the Assigned Assets; and

                  (ii)     the Assignee  hereby agrees to acquire,  effective as
                           of the Closing,  all of the Assignor's right,  title,
                           benefit and  interest in and to the  Assigned  Assets
                           and to assume,  effective as of the  Closing,  all of
                           the Assignor's  duties,  obligations  and liabilities
                           under and in connection with the Assumed Obligations;

                  in each  case  on and  subject  to the  terms  and  conditions
                  hereinafter set out.

         (b)      The aggregate consideration for the assignment of the Assigned
                  Assets to the Assignee shall consist of:

                  (i)      the amount of $650,000, which amount shall be paid by
                           the  Assignee  to  the  Assignor  at the  Closing  in
                           accordance with subsection 9(b) hereof;

                  (ii)     1,400,000 Common Shares, which Common Shares shall be
                           issued by the Assignee to the Assignor at the Closing
                           in accordance with subsection 9(b) hereof;

                  (iii)    the  amount  equal  to 50 per  cent of the  aggregate
                           amount  in  excess  of  $1,600,000  to a  maximum  of
                           $3,000,000,  spent by the  Assignor up to the time of
                           Closing  on  exploration  programs  pursuant  to  the
                           Option  Agreement,  which amount shall be paid by the
                           Assignee to the Assignor at the Closing in accordance
                           with subsection 9(b) hereof;

                  (iv)     that  number  of Common  Shares at a deemed  price of
                           $1.00 per  Common  Share  equal to 50 per cent of the
                           amount  in  excess  of  $1,600,000  to a  maximum  of
                           $3,000,000,  spent by the  Assignor up to the time of
                           Closing  on  exploration  programs  pursuant  to  the
                           Option Agreement, which number of Common Shares shall
                           be  issued by the  Assignee  to the  Assignor  at the
                           Closing in accordance with subsection 9(b) hereof;

                  (v)      the amount equal to the aggregate amount in excess of
                           $3,000,000  spent by the  Assignor  up to the time of
                           Closing  on  exploration  programs  pursuant  to  the
                           Option  Agreement,  which amount shall be paid by the
                           Assignee to the Assignor at the Closing in accordance
                           with subsection 9(b) hereof; and

                  (vi)     the  assumption  of  the  Assumed  Obligations,   the
                           payment of the Bonus  Consideration,  the issuance of
                           the Bonus  Shares  and the  grant of the net  smelter
                           returns  royalty,  all pursuant to and in  accordance
                           with the terms of this Agreement.

         (c)      In the event that the Assignee  exercises  the  Bachelor  Lake
                  Option and acquires a 50% right,  title and interest in and to
                  the Bachelor  Lake  Property and the Bachelor Lake Property is
                  thereafter  placed into production,  the Assignee shall pay to
                  the Assignor the Bonus  Consideration  by certified  cheque or


                  bank draft (or the Assignee shall pay the Bonus  Consideration
                  to the Assignor by wire transfer or other means  acceptable to
                  the Assignor)  and issue to the Assignor the Bonus Shares,  in
                  each case within five  Business  Days after  50,000  ounces of
                  gold or gold  equivalent  have been produced from the Bachelor
                  Lake Property.

         (d)      In the event that after the Closing the Assignee exercises the
                  Bachelor  Lake  Option and  acquires  a 50%  right,  title and
                  interest in and to the Bachelor  Lake  Property,  the Assignor
                  shall be  entitled  to a one-half  of one per cent  (0.5%) net
                  smelter   returns   royalty  on  50%  of  any  ore,  metal  or
                  concentrate produced from the Bachelor Lake Property, such net
                  smelter  returns  royalty  to be  calculated  and  payable  in
                  accordance with the terms of schedule B attached  hereto.  The
                  Assignor and the Assignee  hereby  acknowledge  and agree that
                  the net smelter returns royalty  referenced in this subsection
                  2(d) is not only a  contractual  right or interest  but shall,
                  and it is intended that it shall, bind and run with the right,
                  title  and  interest  in  and to the  Bachelor  Lake  Property
                  acquired by the  Assignee  upon the  exercise of the  Bachelor
                  Lake Option.  The Assignee  further  hereby  acknowledges  and
                  agrees that, in the event that the Assignee wishes to transfer
                  all or any  portion of its  right,  title or  interest  in the
                  Bachelor Lake  Property,  such transfer shall not be effective
                  unless and until the transferee has delivered to and in favour
                  of the Assignor a written  undertaking in a form acceptable to
                  the Assignor  whereby such  transferee  agrees to be bound, to
                  the extent of the right, title or interest transferred, by all
                  of the  terms  and  conditions  of this  subsection  2(d)  and
                  schedule B attached  hereto,  whereupon the Assignee  shall be
                  released  from any further  obligation or liability in respect
                  of this  subsection 2(d) and schedule B attached hereto to the
                  extent of the right,  title or  interest so  transferred.  The
                  Assignee  hereby  agrees that it shall not transfer all or any
                  portion of its right,  title or interest in the Bachelor  Lake
                  Property  unless and until the transferee has delivered to the
                  Assignor a written  undertaking  in a form  acceptable  to the
                  Assignor  whereby such  transferee  agrees to be bound, to the
                  extent of the right, title or interest transferred,  by all of
                  the terms and conditions of this  subsection 2(d) and schedule
                  B attached hereto.

         (e)      From the Closing,  and subject to the terms of this Agreement,
                  including the  representations  and warranties of the Assignor
                  made in this Agreement,  the Assignee shall be responsible for
                  the  Assigned  Assets and liable for the Assumed  Obligations.
                  Without  limitation  to  the  foregoing  sentence,   from  the
                  Closing,   the  Assignee   shall,  to  the  extent  that  such
                  liabilities,   duties   or   obligations,   or   the   factual
                  circumstances  giving  rise to  such  liabilities,  duties  or
                  obligations, do not constitute a breach of the representations
                  or warranties of the Assignor made in this  Agreement  (and if
                  such  liabilities,  duties  or  obligations,  or  the  factual
                  circumstances  giving rise thereto constitute a breach of such
                  representations  and  warranties,  the Assignee  shall only be
                  relieved to the extent of such breach), assume and be bound by
                  and liable and  responsible  for, and undertakes to discharge,
                  perform and fulfill,  all liabilities,  duties and obligations
                  of the  Assignor  pursuant  to the  Option  Agreement  and the
                  Bachelor  Lake Option or related to the Bachelor Lake Property
                  and the Assignee hereby covenants and agrees that the Assignee
                  shall,  to  the  extent  that  such  liabilities,   duties  or
                  obligations,  or the factual circumstances giving rise to such
                  liabilities, duties or obligations, do not constitute a breach
                  of the  representations  or warranties of the Assignor made in
                  this   Agreement   (and  if  such   liabilities,   duties   or
                  obligations,  or the factual circumstances giving rise thereto


                  constitute a breach of such  representations  and  warranties,
                  the  Assignee  shall  only be  relieved  to the extent of such
                  breach),  observe  and  perform  all  covenants,   conditions,
                  agreements  and  obligations of the Assignor to be observed or
                  performed  by the  Assignor  from the Closing  pursuant to the
                  Option  Agreement  and the Bachelor  Lake Option or related to
                  the Bachelor Lake Property.  The  liabilities  and obligations
                  which the Assignee has agreed to assume under this  subsection
                  are  hereinafter  collectively  referred  to as  the  "Assumed

         (f)      The Assignor  acknowledges that the  Consideration  Shares and
                  the Bonus  Shares will be subject to a  statutory  hold period
                  under the  Securities  Laws of the Province of Ontario and the
                  resale  restriction  under the  policies of the Exchange for a
                  period of four  months  and one day from the date on which any
                  such  shares  are issued to the  Assignor  and that a suitable
                  legend  or  legends   will  be  placed  on  the   certificates
                  representing the Consideration  Shares and the Bonus Shares to
                  reflect the  applicable  restricted  period and statutory hold
                  period to which the Consideration  Shares and the Bonus Shares
                  are subject.


         (a)      The Assignor hereby represents and warrants to the Assignee as
                  follows (and acknowledges that the Assignee is relying on such
                  representations and warranties in entering into this Agreement
                  and in completing the assignment of the Assigned Assets):

                  (i)      the  Assignor  is a  corporation  existing  under the
                           BUSINESS  CORPORATIONS  ACT  (Ontario)  and  has  all
                           necessary corporate power,  capacity and authority to
                           enter into this  Agreement  and each of the Ancillary
                           Documents  to  be  executed  and   delivered  by  the
                           Assignor   and   to   complete    the    transactions
                           contemplated  hereby and thereby to be  completed  by
                           the Assignor;

                  (ii)     the Assignor has full corporate  power,  capacity and
                           authority to own, lease or acquire an interest in and
                           to, and to operate its properties and to carry on its
                           business  as  now   conducted  and  the  Assignor  is
                           qualified,  authorized,  registered  or  licensed  to
                           conduct its  business and is in good  standing  under
                           the laws of each  jurisdiction  in which it  conducts
                           its  business  or owns,  leases or  otherwise  has an
                           interest in its properties and assets,  including the
                           Province of Quebec;

                  (iii)    the execution and delivery of this Agreement and each
                           of  the  Ancillary   Documents  to  be  executed  and
                           delivered by the Assignor, and the performance of the
                           terms hereof and thereof by the  Assignor,  have been
                           authorized by all necessary corporate  proceedings of
                           the  Assignor  and  each  of this  Agreement  and the
                           Option  Agreement  constitutes  a  legal,  valid  and
                           binding agreement enforceable against the Assignor in
                           accordance  with its terms and,  upon being  executed
                           and delivered,  each of the Ancillary Documents to be
                           executed  and   delivered   by  the   Assignor   will
                           constitute a valid and legally binding  obligation of
                           the  Assignor  enforceable  against  the  Assignor in
                           accordance with its terms, except in each case to the
                           extent  that  enforcement  may be  limited by laws of
                           general  application  affecting  the  enforcement  of
                           creditor's   rights   and  the   provisions   of  the
                           LIMITATIONS  ACT,  2002  (Ontario)  and that  certain
                           remedies are  discretionary  in nature and may not be
                           available in all circumstances;

                  (iv)     the  Assignor  has the right to assign  the  Assigned
                           Assets  and  all of its  right,  title,  benefit  and
                           interest  in  and  to  the  Assigned  Assets,  to the
                           Assignee  subject to obtaining the consent of Metanor
                           pursuant to subjection  2(j) of the Option  Agreement
                           and the execution and delivery of this  Agreement and
                           each of the  Ancillary  Documents  to be executed and
                           delivered by the Assignor and the  performance of the


                           terms  hereof and  thereof by the  Assignor  will not
                           conflict  with or result in a breach or  violation of
                           any of the  provisions  of, or  constitute  a default
                           under, any indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust, loan
                           agreement or other  agreement or  instrument to which
                           the  Assignor is a party or by which the  Assignor or
                           any of the assets or  properties  thereof is bound or
                           conflict  with  or  result  in any  violation  of the
                           provisions of the articles, by-laws or resolutions of
                           the directors  (including  any committee  thereof) or
                           shareholders  of the  Assignor  or of any  Applicable

                  (v)      none  of the  sale,  assignment  or  transfer  of the
                           Assigned  Assets to the  Assignee,  the execution and
                           delivery of this Agreement or any Ancillary  Document
                           by the Assignor,  the compliance by the Assignor with
                           the  provisions  of this  Agreement or any  Ancillary
                           Document to be executed and delivered by the Assignor
                           or the  completion of the  transactions  contemplated
                           hereby or thereby, do or will require the Assignor to
                           obtain the consent,  approval,  or authorization,  or
                           any  order  or  agreement  of,  or   registration  or
                           qualification  with,  any  Governmental  Authority or
                           other Person,  except the consent of Metanor pursuant
                           to subsection 2(j) of the Option Agreement;

                  (vi)     the Assignor  has  performed  all of its  obligations
                           required  to be  performed  to the date hereof by the
                           Assignor under the Option  Agreement  including,  but
                           not limited to, incurring an aggregate expenditure of
                           at least  $3,000,000 on  exploration  on the Bachelor
                           Lake Property  pursuant to and in accordance with the
                           terms of the Option  Agreement (as such  expenditures
                           are set out in detail on schedule C attached  hereto)
                           and  making   aggregate   payments   of  $200,000  in
                           accordance with section 1.1 of the Option  Agreement,
                           and is not in  default  under or in  breach  of,  any
                           representation,   warranty,  covenant,  agreement  or
                           condition  or  any  other  provision  set  out in the
                           Option Agreement;

                  (vii)    to the  knowledge  of the  Assignor,  Metanor  is the
                           registered  or recorded  owner of an  undivided  100%
                           right, title and interest in and to the Bachelor Lake
                           Property and, upon the exercise and completion of the
                           Bachelor Lake Option in accordance  with the terms of
                           the Option Agreement, the holder of the Bachelor Lake
                           Option will be  entitled  to a 50 per cent  undivided
                           legal and beneficial right, title and interest in and
                           to the  Bachelor  Lake  Property  subject only to the
                           provisions  of  the  Option  Agreement,  the  royalty
                           granted by GeoNova to Ced-Or Corporation  pursuant to
                           the purchase and sale agreement  dated March 30, 2001
                           between GeoNova and Ced-Or Corporation, which royalty
                           was  assigned  by  Ced-Or  Corporation  to  Concopper
                           Enterprises  Inc.   pursuant  to  the  assignment  of
                           royalties  dated  September  21, 2001 between  Ced-Or
                           Corporation, Concopper Enterprises Inc. and GeoNova a
                           copy of which is attached as schedule B to the Option
                           Agreement  and to the net smelter  return  royalty of
                           the Assignor pursuant to subsection 2(d) hereof;

                  (viii)   other than the rights of the Assignee set out in this
                           Agreement,  to  the  knowledge  of the  Assignor,  no
                           Person  has any  Lien,  agreement,  option,  right of
                           first  refusal  or right,  title or  interest  or any
                           right capable of becoming any of the foregoing, in or
                           to the  Bachelor  Lake  Property,  and other than the
                           rights of the Assignee set out in this Agreement,  no
                           Person  has any  Lien,  agreement,  option,  right of
                           first  refusal  or right,  title or  interest  or any


                           right capable of becoming any of the foregoing, in or
                           to the  Bachelor  Lake  Option,  the  interest of the
                           Assignor in the Option Agreement or the rights of the
                           Assignor  in and under the Option  Agreement  and, to
                           the   knowledge  of  the   Assignor,   there  are  no
                           outstanding tax liabilities (other than accrued taxes
                           which  are  not  yet  due)  on or in  respect  of the
                           Bachelor Lake Property;

                  (ix)     to the knowledge of the  Assignor,  the Bachelor Lake
                           Property is in good standing and all amounts required
                           to be  expended or work to be  performed  to maintain
                           the Bachelor Lake Property in good standing have been
                           and will  continue to be expended or performed  until
                           the Closing;

                  (x)      the Assignor is acquiring the Consideration Shares as
                           principal  for its own account and is an  "accredited
                           investor"  within the  meaning of Rule  45-501 of the
                           Ontario  Securities  Commission by virtue of the fact
                           that the  Assignor is a company,  other than a mutual
                           fund or non-redeemable  investment fund, that had net
                           assets of at least  $5,000,000  as  reflected  on its
                           most recently prepared financial statements;

                  (xi)     there  is  no  claim,  action,  suit,  proceeding  or
                           governmental   investigation   pending   or,  to  the
                           knowledge  of the  Assignor,  threatened  against the
                           Assignor by or before any  Governmental  Authority or
                           by any other Person which  challenges the validity of
                           this Agreement or the Option Agreement or which would
                           be reasonably  likely to adversely affect or restrict
                           the Assignor's ability to consummate the transactions
                           contemplated hereby;

                  (xii)    other than this  Agreement  and the sale and purchase
                           agreement dated November 10, 2004 between GeoNova and
                           Metanor  (a copy  of  which  is  attached  hereto  as
                           schedule  D),  there  are  no   agreements,   adverse
                           interests  or  options to  acquire  or  purchase  the
                           Bachelor Lake  Property,  the Bachelor Lake Option or
                           the Option  Agreement or any portion thereof to which
                           the  Assignor is a party or by which the  Assignor is
                           bound,  to the knowledge of the Assignor,  other than
                           GeoNova  and  Metanor,  no Person has any  possessory
                           interest in the Bachelor Lake  Property,  and, to the
                           knowledge of the  Assignor,  other than a net smelter
                           returns  royalty  of up to 2% in favour of  Concopper
                           Enterprises   Inc.  as  referred  to  in  the  Option
                           Agreement,  no Person,  is entitled to any royalty or
                           other  payment  in the  nature  of a  royalty  on any
                           minerals,  metals or  concentrates  or any other such
                           products  removed or produced  from the Bachelor Lake

                  (xiii)   to the  knowledge  of the  Assignor,  other than with
                           respect to reclamation  and closure  liabilities  and
                           costs, the condition of the Bachelor Lake Property is
                           in  material  compliance  with  all  Applicable  Laws
                           including in respect of any  environmental  liability
                           related  to or  arising  out  of  the  Bachelor  Lake

                  (xiv)    to the  knowledge of the  Assignor,  the Assignor has
                           conducted   its   activities  on  the  Bachelor  Lake
                           Property in accordance  with all Applicable  Laws and
                           has  not  caused  an  environmental   liability  with
                           respect  to the  Bachelor  Lake  Property  other than
                           those  reclamation  or   rehabilitation   obligations
                           ordinarily  related  to the  conduct  of  preliminary
                           exploration work or dewatering;


                  (xv)     to  the  knowledge  of  the  Assignor,  there  are no
                           outstanding, pending or threatened, actions, suits or
                           claims  affecting or in respect of, or arising out of
                           or in connection with any activities conducted on, in
                           or under, the Bachelor Lake Property, or affecting or
                           in respect of the right, title or interest therein or
                           thereto,  or  affecting or in respect of the Bachelor
                           Lake Option or the Option Agreement;

                  (xvi)    the Assignor  has made  available to the Assignee all
                           material  information  in its  possession  or control
                           relating to the Bachelor Lake  Property,  or relating
                           to the right,  title or interest  therein or thereto,
                           or relating to the Bachelor Lake Option or the Option

                  (xvii)   the  Assigned   Assets  do  not   constitute  all  or
                           substantially all of the assets of Assignor;

                  (xviii)  the Option Agreement and the Bachelor Lake Option are
                           valid  and  subsisting,  in  good  standing  and  all
                           material  covenants and obligations  contained in the
                           Option  Agreement  to be observed or performed to the
                           date hereof by the Assignor  and, to the knowledge of
                           the  Assignor,  any other  party  thereto,  have been
                           observed and performed to the date hereof;

                  (xix)    none of the rights of the Assignor  arising  under or
                           pursuant  to the Option  Agreement  and the  Bachelor
                           Lake  Option  have been  waived nor  allowed to lapse
                           over time;

                  (xx)     the Assignor has not received notice with respect to,
                           nor is aware of, any matter of fact which with notice
                           or lapse of time or both would constitute,  a default
                           of the  obligations  of the  Assignor  to the  Option

                  (xxi)    the  Assignor is not and at the time of Closing  will
                           not be a non-resident of Canada within the meaning of
                           section 116 of the INCOME TAX ACT (Canada); and

                  (xxii)   other  than  as  provided  in  this  Agreement,   the
                           Assignor  has  not  assigned  its  right,  title  and
                           interest  in and to the  Bachelor  Lake Option or the
                           Option Agreement, or any part thereof, to any Person,
                           nor entered  into any  agreement or granted any right
                           to any person  capable of becoming an  assignment  or
                           right  to an  assignment  of it's  right,  title  and
                           interest  in and to the  Bachelor  Lake Option or the
                           Option Agreement.


         (a)      The Assignee hereby represents and warrants to the Assignor as
                  follows (and acknowledges that the Assignor is relying on such
                  representations and warranties in entering into this Agreement
                  and in completing the assignment of the Assigned Assets):

                  (i)      the  Assignee  is a  corporation  existing  under the
                           BUSINESS  CORPORATIONS ACT (British Columbia) and has
                           all necessary  corporate  power and capacity to enter
                           into  this   Agreement  and  each  of  the  Ancillary
                           Documents  to  be  executed  and   delivered  by  the
                           Assignee   and   to   complete    the    transactions
                           contemplated  hereby and thereby to be  completed  by
                           the Assignee;


                  (ii)     the Assignee has full corporate  power,  capacity and
                           authority  to own,  lease and operate its  properties
                           and to carry on its business as now conducted and the
                           Assignee  is  qualified,  authorized,  registered  or
                           licensed  to  conduct  its  business  and is in  good
                           standing in the laws of each jurisdiction in which it
                           conducts   its   business   or  owns  or  leases  its
                           properties  and  assets,  including  the  Province of

                  (iii)    the execution and delivery of this Agreement and each
                           of  the  Ancillary   Documents  to  be  executed  and
                           delivered by the Assignee and the  performance of the
                           terms  hereof and thereof by the  Assignee  have been
                           authorized by all necessary corporate  proceedings of
                           the Assignee and this Agreement  constitutes a legal,
                           valid  and  binding  agreement   enforceable  against
                           Assignee in accordance with its terms and, upon being
                           executed  and   delivered,   each  of  the  Ancillary
                           Documents  to  be  executed  and   delivered  by  the
                           Assignee will  constitute a valid and legally binding
                           obligation  of the Assignee  enforceable  against the
                           Assignee in accordance with its terms,  except to the
                           extent  that  enforcement  may be  limited by laws of
                           general  application  affecting  the  enforcement  of
                           creditor's   rights   and  the   provisions   of  the
                           LIMITATIONS  ACT,  2002  (Ontario)  and that  certain
                           remedies are  discretionary  in nature and may not be
                           available in all circumstances;

                  (iv)     the execution and delivery of this Agreement and each
                           of  the  Ancillary   Documents  to  be  executed  and
                           delivered by the Assignee and the  performance of the
                           terms  hereof and  thereof by the  Assignee  will not
                           conflict  with or result in a breach or  violation of
                           any of the  provisions  of, or  constitute  a default
                           under, any indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust, loan
                           agreement or other  agreement or  instrument to which
                           the  Assignee is a party or by which the  Assignee or
                           any of the assets or  properties  thereof is bound or
                           conflict  with  or  result  in any  violation  of the
                           provisions of its articles, by-laws or resolutions of
                           its directors  (including  any committee  thereof) or
                           shareholders or any Applicable Law;

                  (v)      the  Assignee  is a  reporting  issuer in each of the
                           Jurisdictions  not in  default  under the  Securities
                           Laws of the  Jurisdictions  and (i) the  Assignee has
                           filed  on  a  timely   basis   with  the   securities
                           regulatory  authorities in each of the  Jurisdictions
                           all forms, reports and documents required to be filed
                           by  it  pursuant  to  the  Securities   Laws  of  the
                           Jurisdictions  and  all  such  filings,   when  made,
                           complied in all material respects with the Securities
                           Laws   of  each   of  the   Jurisdictions,   and  all
                           information   required   to  be  stated   therein  or
                           necessary in light of the circumstances in which they
                           were made,  not  misleading in any material  respect,
                           (ii) as of their respective  dates,  none of any such
                           filings  contained any untrue statement of a material
                           fact or omitted to state a material  fact,  and (iii)
                           no confidential  disclosure has been made by Assignee
                           under any Securities Laws of the Jurisdictions;

                  (vi)     the  Assignee  is, and on the Closing Date will be, a
                           Canadian within the meaning of the INVESTMENT  CANADA
                           ACT (Canada), as amended to the Closing Date;

                  (vii)    there  is  no  claim,  action,  suit,  proceeding  or
                           governmental   investigation   pending   or,  to  the
                           knowledge  of the  Assignee,  threatened  against the
                           Assignee by or before any  Governmental  Authority or
                           by any other Person which  challenges the validity of


                           this Agreement or which would be reasonably likely to
                           adversely  affect or restrict the Assignee's  ability
                           to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;

                  (viii)   the  Assignee  is  authorized  to issue an  unlimited
                           number of Common  Shares of which  16,757,174  Common
                           Shares are issued and  outstanding  as fully paid and
                           non-assessable  common  shares of the  Assignee as at
                           the date of this Agreement;

                  (ix)     the  outstanding  Common  Shares  are  listed  on the
                           Exchange and no order ceasing or  suspending  trading
                           in any securities of the Assignee has been issued and
                           no  proceedings  for such purpose are pending,  or to
                           the knowledge of the Assignee, threatened;

                  (x)      upon the  issue  thereof  on the  Closing  Date,  the
                           Consideration Shares will be authorized and issued to
                           the Assignor as fully paid and non-assessable  Common
                           Shares and will be conditionally approved for listing
                           on the Exchange;

                  (xi)     upon the issue thereof in accordance  with subsection
                           2(c) hereof,  the Bonus Shares will be authorized and
                           issued   to  the   Assignor   as   fully   paid   and
                           non-assessable  Common  Shares  and will  be,  on the
                           Closing  Date  conditionally  approved for listing on
                           the Exchange;

                  (xii)    the  issue by the  Assignee  to the  Assignor  of the
                           Consideration   Shares  is,  and  the  issue  by  the
                           Assignee to the Assignor of the Bonus Shares,  if and
                           when issued,  will be,  exempt from the  registration
                           and prospectus requirements of the Securities Laws of
                           the  Province  of Ontario and no document is required
                           to be filed, proceeding taken or approval, consent or
                           authorization of any regulatory authority required to
                           be obtained by the Assignee in  connection  therewith
                           other than the Assignee  Regulatory Consent provided,
                           however,  that the  Assignee is required to file with
                           the Ontario  Securities  Commission within 10 days of
                           the date of issue of each of the Consideration Shares
                           and the Bonus Shares,  a report prepared and executed
                           in accordance  with Form 45-501F1  prescribed by Rule
                           45-501 of the Securities Commission in respect of the
                           issue and  delivery of the  Consideration  Shares and
                           the Bonus Shares;

                  (xiii)   the  Consideration  Shares  will not be  subject to a
                           restricted  period or statutory hold period under the
                           Securities  Laws of the  Province  of  Ontario or any
                           Jurisdiction or to any resale  restriction  under the
                           policies of the Exchange  which  extends  beyond four
                           months and one day after the Closing  Date (and after
                           the expiry of such four month restricted  period, the
                           first  trade of  Consideration  Shares will be exempt
                           from the  prospectus  requirements  of the Securities
                           Laws of the Province of Ontario and each Jurisdiction
                           and no  document  will be required to be filed and no
                           proceeding taken or approval,  permit, consent, order
                           or  authorization  obtained by the Assignee under the
                           Securities  Laws of the  Province  of Ontario and the
                           Jurisdictions   in  respect  of  such  first  trade),
                           provided  that the  conditions  set out in paragraphs
                           2.5(2), 4, 5, 6 and 7 of MI 45-102 are satisfied; and

                  (xiv)    if and when  issued,  the  Bonus  Shares  will not be
                           subject  to a  restricted  period or  statutory  hold
                           period under the  Securities  Laws of the Province of
                           Ontario  or  any   Jurisdiction   or  to  any  resale
                           restriction  under the policies of the Exchange which
                           extends beyond four months and one day after the date
                           of issue  thereof  (and after the expiry of such four
                           month  restricted  period,  the first  trade of Bonus


                           Shares   will   be   exempt   from   the   prospectus
                           requirements  of the Securities  Laws of the Province
                           of Ontario and each Jurisdiction and no document will
                           be  required to be filed and no  proceeding  taken or
                           approval,  permit,  consent,  order or  authorization
                           obtained by the Assignee under the Securities Laws of
                           the  Province  of Ontario  and the  Jurisdictions  in
                           respect  of such  first  trade),  provided  that  the
                           conditions set out in paragraphs  2.5(2), 4, 5, 6 and
                           7 of MI 45-102 are satisfied.


         All  of the  representations  and  warranties  of  the  parties  hereto
         contained in this Agreement or in any Ancillary  Document shall be true
         and  complete at the time of Closing as if made at the time of Closing.
         Subject to the following  sentence,  the representations and warranties
         of the parties  hereto  contained in this Agreement or in any Ancillary
         Document shall survive the Closing and shall continue in full force and
         effect  thereafter  for a period of three years after the Closing  Date
         and  such  representations  and  warranties  shall  not  merge  in  any
         agreement or instrument effecting any of the transactions  contemplated
         hereby.  Notwithstanding the preceding sentence the representations and
         warranties of the Assignee contained in this Agreement or any Ancillary
         Document with respect to the Bonus Shares shall survive the Closing and
         shall  continue  in full  force and effect  thereafter  for a period of
         three years after the date on which the Bonus  Shares are issued to the



                  The  Assignee  hereby  covenants  and agrees with the Assignor
                  that the Assignee will:

                  (i)      forthwith seek to obtain,  in a diligent manner using
                           commercially  reasonable  efforts,  to the extent not
                           already obtained,  the necessary  regulatory consents
                           from the Exchange and, to the extent necessary,  from
                           the  Securities  Commission  for  the  issue  of  the
                           Consideration Shares and the Bonus Shares;

                  (ii)     forthwith seek to arrange, in a diligent manner using
                           commercially  reasonable efforts,  the listing of the
                           Consideration  Shares  and the Bonus  Shares,  on the
                           Stock Exchange as soon as possible;

                  (iii)    forthwith  make all  necessary  filings to obtain all
                           other  necessary  regulatory  and other  consents and
                           approvals    required   in   connection    with   the
                           transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

                  (iv)     maintain  the  listing  of the  Common  Shares on the
                           Exchange and the status thereof as a reporting issuer
                           not in default under the  securities  legislation  of
                           each of the  Jurisdictions  for a period of 18 months
                           after the Closing Date; and

                  (v)      as soon as practicable after the Closing Date (and in
                           any  event  within  the  time   required)  file  such
                           documents  as may be  required  under the  Securities
                           Laws of the Province of Ontario and each Jurisdiction
                           relating  to the  issue of the  Consideration  Shares
                           which,   without   limiting  the  generality  of  the
                           foregoing,   shall   include  a  Form   45-501F1   as
                           prescribed   by  Rule   45-501   of  the   Securities


         (b)      COVENANTS OF ASSIGNOR

                  The  Assignor  hereby  covenants  and agrees with the Assignee
                  that the Assignor will:

                  (i)      forthwith use its  reasonable  commercial  efforts to
                           obtain all necessary consents,  approvals and waivers
                           for the completion of the  transactions  contemplated
                           hereby  required  to be  obtained  by  the  Assignor,
                           including without  limitation,  any necessary consent
                           or approval required from any Governmental  Authority
                           having  jurisdiction in respect of such  transactions
                           or any third party  consents or  approvals  as may be
                           necessary  under the Option  Agreement  to the extent
                           not already obtained; and

                  (ii)     not sell,  transfer,  hypothecate or otherwise  trade
                           any of  the  Consideration  Shares  or  Bonus  Shares
                           issued to the Assignor  hereunder for a period of one
                           year  from  the date on which  any  such  shares  are
                           issued  to the  Assignor  other  than  pursuant  to a
                           take-over  bid  made  for all of the  Common  Shares,
                           provided  that,  this section  shall not apply to any
                           transfer of  Consideration  Shares or Bonus Shares to
                           an Affiliate of the  Assignor  provided  that if such
                           transfer  to an  Affiliate  of  the  Assignor  occurs
                           within   one  year  of  the  date  of  issue  of  the
                           Consideration   Shares  or  the  Bonus  Shares  being
                           transferred,  such  Affiliate  agrees in writing with
                           the Assignee at the time of such transfer to be bound
                           by the terms of this paragraph 6(b)(ii).



         (a)      The  obligation  of the Assignor to complete the  transactions
                  contemplated  hereby and to assign the Assigned  Assets to the
                  Assignee is subject to the fulfilment of each of the following

                  (i)      the  representations  and  warranties of the Assignee
                           contained  herein  shall be true and  correct  in all
                           material respects as of the Closing Date;

                  (ii)     the Assignee  shall have  performed all covenants and
                           agreements   of  the   Assignee   contained  in  this
                           Agreement to be  performed  by the Assignee  prior to

                  (iii)    all   necessary   consents  and   approvals  for  the
                           completion of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby
                           shall   have  been   obtained   in  form   reasonably
                           satisfactory to the Assignor, including all necessary
                           consents and approvals of the  Securities  Commission
                           and the  Exchange  to the  issue and  listing  of the
                           Consideration Shares and the Bonus Shares;

                  (iv)     delivery by the  Assignee to the Assignor of the Cash
                           Consideration  and the certificates  representing the
                           Consideration Shares; and

                  (v)      delivery  by  the  Assignee  to the  Assignor  of the
                           documents described in subsection 9(b) hereof.

                  The  conditions  set  out  in  this  subsection  are  for  the
                  exclusive  benefit of the  Assignor and may be waived in whole
                  or in  part  by  the  Assignor  at  any  time.  If  any of the
                  conditions set out in this  subsection  shall not be fulfilled
                  or  performed  at or before the Closing or the Closing has not


                  been  completed  prior to the  earlier of May 14, 2005 and the
                  commencement  of drilling by the Operator on the Bachelor Lake
                  Property,  the  Assignor may rescind the  obligations  thereof
                  under this  Agreement by notice in writing to the Assignee and
                  in such event the Assignor  shall be released  from all of its
                  obligations hereunder.

         (b)      The  obligation  of the Assignee to complete the  transactions
                  contemplated  hereby and to acquire  the  Assigned  Assets and
                  assume the Assumed  Obligations are subject to the fulfillment
                  of each of the following conditions:

                  (i)      the  representations  and  warranties of the Assignor
                           contained herein shall be true and complete as of the
                           Closing Date;

                  (ii)     the Assignor  shall have  performed all covenants and
                           agreements   contained   in  this   Agreement  to  be
                           performed by the Assignor prior to Closing;

                  (iii)    all   necessary   consents  and   approvals  for  the
                           completion of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby
                           shall  have been  obtained  prior to  Closing in form
                           reasonably  satisfactory  to the Assignee,  including
                           all consents  required  under the terms of the Option
                           Agreement and  including  all necessary  consents and
                           approvals  of  the  Securities   Commission  and  the
                           Exchange   to   the   issue   and   listing   of  the
                           Consideration Shares and the Bonus Shares;

                  (iv)     the Assignee being satisfied, in its sole discretion,

                           A.       Metanor  has  consented  in  favour  of  the
                                    Assignee in writing  prior to Closing to the
                                    assignment  by the Assignor to the Assignee,
                                    and the  assumption by the Assignee,  all as
                                    contemplated  by this Agreement and on terms
                                    that are satisfactory to the Assignee;

                           B.       at  the  time  of   Closing,   Metanor   has
                                    confirmed   in  writing  that  it  holds  an
                                    undivided 100% legal and  beneficial  right,
                                    title and  interest  in and to the  Bachelor
                                    Lake Property,  free and clear of all Liens;

                           C.       at the time of Closing, the Option Agreement
                                    and the  Bachelor  Lake Option are valid and
                                    subsisting  and is in full force and effect,
                                    unamended free and clear of all Liens and no
                                    material default exists thereunder;

                  (v)      delivery  by  the  Assignor  to the  Assignee  of the
                           documents described in subsection 9(c) hereof.

                  The  conditions  set  out  in  this  subsection  are  for  the
                  exclusive  benefit of the  Assignee and may be waived in whole
                  or in  part  by  the  Assignee  at  any  time.  If  any of the
                  conditions set out in this  subsection  shall not be fulfilled
                  or  performed  at or before the Closing or the Closing has not
                  been  completed  prior to the  earlier of May 14, 2005 and the
                  commencement  of drilling by the Operator on the Bachelor Lake
                  Property,  the  Assignee may rescind the  obligations  thereof
                  under this  Agreement by notice in writing to the Assignor and
                  in such event the Assignee  shall be released  from all of its
                  obligations hereunder.


9.       CLOSING

         (a)      The completion of the transactions  contemplated  hereby shall
                  take place at 10:00 a.m. (Toronto Time) on the Closing Date at
                  the offices of Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP, Suite 3900, 1 First
                  Canadian Place, 100 King Street West,  Toronto,  Ontario,  M5X

         (b)      At the Closing, the Assignee shall deliver to the Assignor:

                  (i)      a certificate of an officer of the Assignee dated the
                           Closing Date  certifying  that as of the Closing Date
                           the  representations  and  warranties of the Assignee
                           contained in this  Agreement  are true and correct in
                           all   material   respects  and  all   covenants   and
                           agreements required by this Agreement to be performed
                           or complied  with by the Assignee  prior to or at the
                           Closing have been  performed and complied with except
                           as otherwise specifically agreed by the Assignor;

                  (ii)     all documents,  in form and substance satisfactory to
                           the Assignor,  acting reasonably,  required under the
                           Option  Agreement  and the  laws of the  Province  of
                           Quebec to validly  effect the transfer and assignment
                           of the  Assigned  Assets to the Assignee and required
                           to be executed by the Assignee (such  documents to be
                           executed by the  Assignee  and to be in  registerable
                           form to the extent required);

                  (iii)    a  certificate  or  certificates   representing   the
                           Consideration  Shares,  registered in the name of the
                           Assignor or as the Assignor may otherwise direct (the
                           Assignor  acknowledging  that a  suitable  legend  or
                           legends  will  be  placed  on  such  certificates  to
                           reflect   the   applicable   restricted   period  and
                           statutory  hold  period  to which  the  Consideration
                           Shares are subject);

                  (iv)     a  certified  cheque or bank draft  representing  the
                           aggregate of the Cash  Consideration (or the Assignee
                           shall otherwise arrange to pay the Cash Consideration
                           to the  Assignor  by wire  transfer  or  other  means
                           acceptable to the Assignor);

                  (v)      an assignment and assumption  agreement,  in form and
                           substance   satisfactory  to  the  Assignor  and  the
                           Assignee,  each  acting  reasonably,   regarding  the
                           assumption by the Assignee of the Assumed Obligations
                           executed by the Assignee;

                  (vi)     the  consent  of  Metanor  to the  assignment  of the
                           Assigned   Assets  to  the   Assignee   pursuant   to
                           subsection  2(j)  of the  Option  Agreement  and  the
                           assumption   by   the   Assignee   of   the   Assumed

                  (vii)    release by Metanor of the Assignor in connection with
                           all liabilities and obligations of the Assignor under
                           and in connection with the Option Agreement; and

                  (viii)   such further documents as may be contemplated by this
                           Agreement or as the Assignor may reasonably require.

         (c)      At the Closing, the Assignor shall deliver to the Assignee:

                  (i)      a certificate of an officer of the Assignor dated the
                           Closing Date  certifying  that as of the Closing Date
                           the  representations  and  warranties of the Assignor
                           respectively contained in this Agreement are true and
                           correct in all material  respects  and all  covenants


                           and  agreements  required  by  this  Agreement  to be
                           performed   or   complied   with   by  the   Assignor
                           respectively  prior to or at the  Closing  have  been
                           performed  and  complied  with  except  as  otherwise
                           specifically agreed by the Assignee;

                  (ii)     all documents,  in form and substance satisfactory to
                           the  Assignee,   acting   reasonably,   including  in
                           registrable  or recordable  form,  required under the
                           Option  Agreement  and the  laws of the  Province  of
                           Quebec to validly effect the transfer and assignment,
                           and to register or record notice against title to the
                           Bachelor   Lake   Property   of  the   transfer   and
                           assignment, of the Assigned Assets to the Assignee;

                  (iii)    all forms  required  by the  Exchange  and such other
                           forms,  if any,  as are  required  by the  Securities
                           Commission  in  respect  of  the  acquisition  by the
                           Assignor  of the  Consideration  Shares and the Bonus

                  (iv)     an assignment and assumption  agreement,  in form and
                           substance   satisfactory  to  the  Assignor  and  the
                           Assignee,  each  acting  reasonably,   regarding  the
                           assumption by the Assignee of the Assumed Obligations
                           executed by the Assignee;

                  (v)      the  consent  of  Metanor  to the  assignment  of the
                           Assigned   Assets  to  the   Assignee   pursuant   to
                           subsection  2(j)  of the  Option  Agreement  and  the
                           assumption   by   the   Assignee   of   the   Assumed
                           Obligations,   together   with  the   other   written
                           confirmations   of  Metanor  pursuant  to  subsection
                           8(b)(iv) of this Agreement;

                  (vi)     release by Metanor of the Assignor in connection with
                           all liabilities and obligations of the Assignor under
                           and in connection with the Option Agreement; and

                  (vii)    such further documents as may be contemplated by this
                           Agreement or as the Assignee may reasonably require.

         (d)      Where the consent or approval of any Governmental Authority or
                  any registration is required for the transfer or assignment of
                  any of the Assigned Assets to the Assignee and such consent or
                  approval has not been  obtained or such  registration  has not
                  been made on or before the Closing  Date and the  Assignee and
                  the  Assignor  have  waived the  delivery  of such  consent or
                  approval as a condition  precedent  to the  completion  of the
                  Closing,  then the Assignor  shall hold such Assigned Asset in
                  trust for the  Assignee  pending  receipt  of such  consent or
                  approval  or  such   registration;   provided  that  the  sole
                  obligation of the Assignor will be to hold such Assigned Asset
                  and, at the request  and expense of the  Assignee,  to perform
                  such acts in compliance  with  Applicable  Laws as an owner of
                  such Assigned Asset would perform.  The maximum period of time
                  that the Assignor shall be required to hold any Assigned Asset
                  pursuant to this  subsection  9(d) shall be for one year after
                  the Closing Date.

10.      INDEMNITY

         (a)      The Assignee  hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the
                  Assignor from all Losses  suffered or incurred by the Assignor
                  directly  or  indirectly  as a  result  of,  arising  out  of,
                  associated with or in connection with:


                  (i)      the Assignor  having held a right,  title or interest
                           in and to, or the Assignor having exercised any right
                           pursuant to, the Assigned Assets;

                  (ii)     any  failure  to  assume  or  discharge,  perform  or
                           fulfill any of the Assumed Obligations;

                  (iii)    a breach of any  representation  or warranty  made by
                           the Assignee in this Agreement; or

                  (iv)     a breach by the  Assignee of any of its  covenants or
                           obligations in this Agreement.

         (b)      The Assignor  hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the
                  Assignee from all Losses  suffered or incurred by the Assignee
                  directly  or  indirectly  as a  result  of,  arising  out  of,
                  associated with or in connection with:

                  (i)      a breach of any  representation  or warranty  made by
                           the Assignor in this Agreement; or

                  (ii)     a breach by the  Assignor of any of its  covenants or
                           obligations in this Agreement.



         (a)      Except as  specifically  otherwise  provided for herein,  each
                  party  hereto  will keep  confidential  the terms of,  and all
                  information  with  respect  to, this  Agreement  and all other
                  information  received in  conjunction  with this Agreement and
                  will  refrain  from  using  such  information  other  than for
                  activities  contemplated hereunder or from publicly disclosing
                  such  terms  and   information   unless  required  by  law  or
                  regulation  or by the  rules  or  policies  of any  regulatory
                  authority or stock exchange having  jurisdiction,  or with the
                  written consent of the other party hereto, such consent not to
                  be unreasonably withheld. The provisions of this section 12 do
                  not  apply  to  information  which is or  becomes  part of the
                  public  domain other than through a breach of the terms hereof
                  by a party  hereto.  Nothing in this section 12 shall  prevent
                  either party hereto from making any disclosure with respect to
                  this Agreement,  or filing a copy of this Agreement,  pursuant
                  to any  requirement of the Securities  Laws or from disclosing
                  information  to  an  Affiliate,  or  an  employee,   agent  or
                  consultant  of a party  hereto  for  purposes  related  to the
                  administration  of  this  Agreement  or to a third  party  for
                  purposes of a transaction or reorganization, financing, review
                  of  materials,  data and results by a  consultant  and similar
                  matters provided that the person or company to whom disclosure
                  is made  shall  first  agree in  writing  to be bound by these
                  provisions of confidentiality.

         (b)      Where a request is made for permission to disclose information
                  hereunder,  a reply thereto will be made within three Business
                  Days after  receipt of such  request,  failing which the party
                  hereto requesting such permission will be entitled to disclose
                  such  information  in the limited  circumstances  specified in
                  such request as if such consent had been given.

         (c)      The  parties  hereto  will  consult  with each other  prior to
                  issuing any press release or other public statement  regarding
                  this terms of this Agreement.  In addition,  each party hereto


                  will obtain prior  approval from the other party hereto before
                  issuing any press release or public  statement  using the name
                  of the other party hereto or of any of the officers, directors
                  or employees of the other party hereto.

13.               GENERAL

         (a)      The expenses  incurred by each party hereto in connection with
                  this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby shall
                  be borne by such party.

         (b)      Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement and each of the
                  terms and  conditions of this  Agreement.

         (c)      This  Agreement  shall not be assigned by either  party hereto
                  without the prior written consent of the other party hereto.

         (d)      Any notice to be given to one party  hereto by any other party
                  hereto may be sent by facsimile or e-mail or may be personally
                  delivered  and all payments on account of the smelter  returns
                  royalty payable under  subsection 2(d) hereof shall be made to
                  the Assignor, as follows:

                           in the case of the Assignor:

                           Wolfden Resources Inc.
                           309 Court Street South
                           Thunder Bay, Ontario
                           P7B 2Y1
                           Attention:  Chief Financial Officer
                           Fax:  (807) 345-0284

                           in the case of the Assignee:

                           Halo Resources Ltd.
                           1305 - 1090 West Georgia Street
                           Vancouver, British Columbia
                           V6E 3V7
                           Attention:  Marc Cernovitch, President
                           Fax:  (604) 601-8209

         (e)      Each  party  hereto  shall  from time to time and at all times
                  after the  Closing  Date at the  request  of the  other  party
                  hereto, but without further consideration,  do, or cause to be
                  done,  all such acts and things and  execute and  deliver,  or
                  cause  to  be  executed  and   delivered,   all  such  further
                  agreements, transfers, assurances, instruments or documents as
                  shall be  reasonably  required  in order to fully  perform and
                  carry out the provisions and intent of this Agreement.

         (f)      No party  hereto  shall be liable for or  otherwise  incur any
                  obligation  to  any  other  party  hereto  in  respect  of any
                  commissions  or finder's fees to any broker,  intermediary  or
                  finder payable in connection with any transaction contemplated

         (g)      If any one or more of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  are
                  held to be illegal,  invalid or unenforceable  for any reason,
                  then such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not


                  affect any other provision hereof, but this Agreement shall be
                  construed  and  enforced  as  if  such  illegal,   invalid  or
                  unenforceable provision or provisions had never been contained

         (h)      This  Agreement   supersedes  the  heads  of  agreement  dated
                  November 12, 2004 between the Assignor and the  Assignee,  and
                  all  understandings  and  agreements  heretofore  made  by the
                  parties hereto  (including  such  agreement) in respect of the
                  transactions  contemplated  hereby are merged in the Agreement
                  and of no further effect.

         (i)      This  Agreement  shall  enure to the benefit of and be binding
                  upon the parties  hereto and their  respective  successors and
                  permitted assigns.

         (j)      The  provisions of this Agreement may only be amended with the
                  written  consent of each of the parties  hereto.  No waiver of
                  any provision of this Agreement shall be effective,  unless in
                  writing,  and no waiver  of any  provision  of this  Agreement
                  shall  constitute  a waiver  of any  other  provision  of this
                  Agreement or, unless expressly provided in writing, constitute
                  a continuing waiver.

         (k)      The parties  hereto  acknowledge  and  confirm  that they have
                  requested that this Agreement as well as all notices and other
                  documents  contemplated  hereby  be  drawn  up in the  English
                  language.   Les  parties  aux   presentes   reconnaissent   et
                  conferment  qu'elles  ont convenu  que la presente  convention
                  ainsi que tous les avis et documents qui s'y rattachent soient
                  rediges dans la lnague anglaise.

         (l)      This  Agreement  shall be construed and enforced in accordance
                  with,  and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the
                  laws  of the  Province  of  Ontario  and the  laws  of  Canada
                  applicable  therein and each party hereto  hereby  irrevocably
                  attorns to the  jurisdiction  of the courts of the Province of
                  Ontario   in  respect  of  all   matters   arising   from  the
                  transactions contemplated hereby.

         (m)      This Agreement may be executed in  counterparts  and, upon the
                  execution of one such  counterpart by each party hereto,  such
                  counterparts shall together constitute one agreement and shall
                  be construed as if all parties hereto had executed one copy of
                  this Agreement.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF  this  Agreement  is  effective as of the day and year first
above written.

                                         WOLFDEN RESOURCES INC.


                                         John Seaman
                                         Chief Financial Officer

                                         HALO RESOURCES LTD.


                                         Marc Cernovitch

                                     - 22 -

                        LIST OF SCHEDULES [NOT ATTACHED]




                           DATED NOVEMBER 10, 2004
                           BETWEEN GEONOVA AND METANOR