HEADS OF AGREEMENT,

                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                              HALO RESOURCES LTD.,
                           W. BRUCE DUNLOP LIMITED NPL


                                FEBRUARY 9, 2006

THIS OPTION AGREEMENT dated as of the 18th day of April, 2006.


                  HALO RESOURCES LTD.
                  a corporation continued under the laws
                  of British Columbia

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

                                     - and -


                  (collectively, "DUNLOP")
                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

WHEREAS  Dunlop is the  registered or recorded and  beneficial  owner of certain
unpatented  mining claims located in the Sherridon area of Manitoba known as the
Bob Lake  Claim,  the Batty  Claim and the Bess 1 Claim,  as  outlined  and more
particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto (the "PROPERTY");

AND WHEREAS  Dunlop has agreed to grant Halo an exclusive  option (the "OPTION")
to acquire an undivided 100% legal and beneficial  interest in the Property,  in
accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

NOW THEREFORE  THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSETH  that in  consideration  of the mutual
covenants,  conditions and premises herein contained, the sum of Two Dollars now
paid by each of the Parties (as hereinafter  defined) to the other and for other
good and valuable  consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged by each of the Parties) the Parties do hereby covenant and agree as


1.1      DEFINITIONS.  In this Agreement:

(a)      "THIS AGREEMENT", "HEREIN", "HEREBY", "HEREOF", "HEREUNDER" and similar
         expressions  shall mean or refer to this  Agreement  and all  schedules
         hereto and any and all written  agreements or instruments  supplemental
         or ancillary hereto and the expression  "section"  followed by a number
         means and refers to the specified section of this Agreement.

(b)      "AGENTS" means consultants  (including financial  advisors),  servants,
         employees, agents, workmen, contractors and subcontractors.

                                     - 2 -

(c)      "EARN-IN DATE" shall have the meaning set forth in section 6.1.

(d)      "EFFECTIVE  DATE"  means  the date of this  Agreement  set forth on the
         first page hereof.

(e)      "ENCUMBRANCES"   means  any  and  all  mortgages,   pledges,   security
         interests,  liens, charges,  encumbrances,  contractual obligations and
         rights and claims of others, whether recorded or unrecorded, registered
         or unregistered.

(f)      "EXPENDITURES"  means  all  expenditures,   expenses,  obligations  and
         liabilities of whatever kind or nature  reasonably spent or incurred by
         Halo in doing Work from and after the  Effective  Date,  including  for
         greater   certainty  and  without   limitation,   moneys   expended  in
         maintaining  the  Property  in  good  standing,  expenses  paid  for or
         incurred  in  connection  with any  program of  surface or  underground
         prospecting,   exploring,   geological,   geophysical  and  geochemical
         surveying,  diamond drilling,  drifting,  raising and other underground
         work,   assaying,   metallurgical   testing,   environmental   studies,
         submissions  to any  Governmental  Authority  and other  agencies  with
         respect to all required  Exploration  or production  and other permits,
         licenses and approvals,  moneys  expended in acquiring or  constructing
         facilities and in exploring, developing and mining the Property and all
         field costs  incurred  by  employees  and Agents  with  respect to Work
         conducted  on  the  Property,  together  with  all  administrative  and
         overhead costs directly  incurred by the Operator and relating directly
         to the  administration  of the  Property or Work done on the  Property,
         provided that in no event shall such  administrative and overhead costs
         exceed ten percent of all other  Expenditures  directly  related to the
         Property  or  Work  done  on the  Property  and  directly  incurred  or
         performed by Halo or five  percent of the contract  price in respect of
         all other Expenditures directly related to the Property or Work done on
         the Property  performed by any Agent,  contractor or  subcontractor  of
         Halo and  provided  always  that in no event  shall such costs  include
         non-project  related  overhead  or  legal or  other  consultants'  fees
         related to the  negotiation  (including  the conduct of due  diligence)
         execution and delivery of this Agreement.

(g)      "EXPENDITURE  DATE" means each date upon which  Expenditures  must have
         been incurred as provided in the schedule set out in section 5.1.

(h)      "EXPLORATION"  means all activities  directed toward  ascertaining  the
         existence,  location, quantity, quality or commercial value of deposits
         of minerals on the Property.

(i)      "GOVERNMENTAL  AUTHORITY"  means any federal,  provincial  or municipal
         governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency, state owned
         corporation or instrumentality,  or any court,  including,  for greater
         certainty,  any stock exchange or securities  regulatory  commission or
         agency having jurisdiction.

(j)      "OPERATOR"  means the operator of the Property  during the term of this

(k)      "OPTION" has the meaning set forth in the preambles to this Agreement.

(l)      "OPTION  PERIOD"  means the period  during  which the Option is in full
         force and effect as provided herein.

                                     - 3 -

(m)      "PARTY" means Halo or Dunlop, as the case may be.

(n)      "PERSON" means any natural person, partnership,  company,  corporation,
         unincorporated  association,  Governmental  Authority or other  agency,
         trust, trustee or other entity howsoever designated or constituted.

(o)      "PROPERTY"  shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the preambles to
         this Agreement.

(p)      "WORK" means  Exploration  or other  mining and milling work  performed
         exclusively on or directly in relation to the Property.


2.1      SCHEDULES. The following are the schedules attached to and incorporated
in this Agreement by reference and deemed to be a part hereof:

         Schedule "A"   -   Description of the Property
         Schedule "B"   -   Net Smelter Returns Royalty Agreement
         Schedule "C"   -   Forms of Release
         Schedule "D"   -   Current Holdings of Halo in the Sherridon Area
         Schedule "E"   -   Halo Claims Within the Sherridon Community Boundary
         Schedule "F"   -   Rules for Arbitration

2.2      GENDER AND EXTENDED MEANINGS.  In this Agreement all words and personal
pronouns  relating  thereto shall be read and construed as the number and gender
of the Party or Parties  referred to in each case  require and the verb shall be
construed as agreeing  with the required  word and  pronoun.  In this  Agreement
words importing the singular number include the plural and vice versa.

2.3      CANADIAN  DOLLARS.   All  references  to  currency  in  this  Agreement
including "dollars" and "$" are in Canadian funds.

2.4      BUSINESS DAYS. All references in this Agreement to business days are to
days  excluding  Saturdays,  Sundays  and banking  holidays  in the  Province of

2.5      PERIOD OF TIME.  When  calculating  the period of time within  which or
following  which any act is to be done or step is to be taken  pursuant  to this
Agreement, the date which is the reference date in calculating such period shall
be excluded. If the last day of such period is a non-business day, the period in
question  shall end on the next  business  day.  Time is of the  essence of this

2.6      SECTION  HEADINGS.  The section and other  headings  contained  in this
Agreement or in the  Schedules  are for  reference  purposes  only and shall not
affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

                                     - 4 -


3.1      REPRESENTATION  AND WARRANTIES OF THE PARTIES.  Halo hereby  represents
and warrants in respect of itself to Dunlop and W. Bruce Dunlop  Limited NPL and
W. Bruce Dunlop hereby  jointly and  severally  represent and warrant to Halo in
respect of W. Bruce Dunlop Limited NPL and W. Bruce Dunlop (as  applicable)  and
each of Halo and  Dunlop  acknowledges  that the other  Party is relying on such
representations and warranties in entering into this Agreement:

(a)      It is a company duly incorporated under the laws of the jurisdiction of
         its incorporation and it is duly organized and validly subsisting under
         such laws.

(b)      It has full  corporate  power,  authority  and capacity to carry on its
         business and to enter into this  Agreement and to carry out and perform
         all of its obligations and duties hereunder.

(c)      It has duly obtained all corporate and  regulatory  authorizations  for
         the execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement and, except
         as expressly set out in this Agreement,  such  execution,  delivery and
         performance   and  the   consummation   of  the   transactions   herein
         contemplated  will not  conflict  with or  result  in a  breach  of any
         covenants or  agreements  contained in or constitute a default under or
         result in the creation of any  Encumbrance  under the provisions of its
         constating  documents or any shareholders' or directors'  resolution or
         any indenture,  agreement or other instrument whatsoever to which it is
         a Party or by which it is bound and does not  contravene any applicable

(d)      This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by it and is valid,
         binding and enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

(e)      There is no Person  acting or  purporting  to act at its request who is
         entitled  to any  brokerage  or  finder's  fee in  connection  with the
         transactions contemplated herein.

(f)      It has not committed an act of bankruptcy,  is not  insolvent,  has not
         proposed a compromising arrangement to its creditors generally, has not
         had any petition for a receiving order in bankruptcy  filed against it,
         has not made a voluntary  assignment in  bankruptcy,  has not taken any
         proceedings with respect to a compromise or arrangement,  has not taken
         any proceeding to have itself  declared  bankrupt or wound-up,  has not
         taken any  proceeding  to have a receiver  appointed of any part of its
         assets,  has not had any  encumbrancer  take  possession  of any of its
         property and has not had any execution or distress  become  enforceable
         or become levied upon any of its property.

and W. Bruce Dunlop hereby  jointly and severally  represent and warrant to Halo
as follows and  acknowledges  that Halo is relying on such  representations  and
warranties in entering into this Agreement:

(a)      upon the  exercise  of the  Option,  Halo will be  entitled to and will
         receive by transfer from Dunlop a 100%  undivided  legal and beneficial
         interest in and to the Property;

                                     - 5 -

(b)      Dunlop is the 100% undivided  legal and beneficial  owner of all right,
         title and  interest  in and to the  mining  claims  that  comprise  the
         Property and has good and marketable title thereto;

(c)      there  are no  significant  (over  $5,000)  outstanding  tax  or  other
         liabilities or other Encumbrances on or in respect of the Property;

(d)      the  condition  of the  Property  is in  material  compliance  with all
         applicable laws, regulations and orders of all Governmental Authorities
         having   jurisdiction,   including  in  respect  of  any  environmental
         liability related to or arising out of the Property;

(e)      there are no  outstanding,  pending or  threatened,  actions,  suits or
         claims  affecting  or in respect of the  Property or any part  thereof,
         including  in  respect  of any  environmental  liability  related to or
         arising out of the Property; and

(f)      Dunlop  has  delivered  to  Halo  all  material  information  in  their
         possession or control relating to the Property. Such deliveries are for
         the  information  and  convenience  of Halo  only and  Dunlop  does not
         represent the accuracy or completeness of such deliveries and shall not
         be liable for any errors or omissions with respect thereto or contained


4.1      GRANT.  In  consideration  of the covenants and  agreements of Halo set
forth herein,  Dunlop does hereby give and grant to Halo an exclusive  option to
acquire an undivided 100% legal and  beneficial  interest in and to the Property
free and clear of all  Encumbrances,  by Halo satisfying  within the time limits
therefor, those obligations set forth in Article 5. The Option shall commence on
the  Effective  Date and  shall  terminate  on the date  that is the 4th  annual
anniversary  of the  Effective  Date (the  "Option  Period")  unless  exercised,
extended  or  otherwise  terminated,  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  this


5.1      MAINTAINING  OPTION.  In order to maintain the Option in good standing,
Halo shall:

(a) issue to Dunlop the  following  common  shares in the  capital of Halo on or
before the following respective dates:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DATE                                                    NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effective Date                                                  25,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First Anniversary of Effective Date                             50,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Second Anniversary of Effective Date                            75,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Third Anniversary of Effective Date                            100,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     - 6 -

(b)      pay  to  Dunlop  the  following  amounts  on or  before  the  following
         respective dates:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DATE                                                   AMOUNT (CANADIAN DOLLARS)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effective Date                                                 $15,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First Anniversary of Effective Date                            $20,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Second Anniversary of Effective Date                           $25,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Third Anniversary of Effective Date                            $30,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         ; and

(c)      incur Expenditures on Exploration Work (other than on the Bess 1 Claim)
         in  the  following   minimum   amounts  on  or  before  the  respective
         Expenditure Dates set out below (per year on a non-cumulative basis):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPENDITURE DATE                                      MINIMUM EXPENDITURE AMOUNT
                                                          (CANADIAN DOLLARS)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On or before the First Anniversary                             $10,000
of the EffectiveDate
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On or before the Second Anniversary                            $10,000
of the EffectiveDate
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On or before the Third Anniversary                             $50,000
of the EffectiveDate
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On or before the Fourth Anniversary                           $100,000
of the EffectiveDate
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.2      ISSUE OF  SHARES.  All  shares,  warrants,  units and other  securities
issued or to be issued by Halo to Dunlop  under and  pursuant to this  Agreement
(the "HALO SECURITIES") shall be subject to all applicable hold periods required
by applicable  securities laws, by any  Governmental  Authority and by any stock
exchange having jurisdiction, including the TSX Venture Exchange.

5.3      RELEASES.  In  consideration  of the  execution  and  delivery  of this
Agreement,  Dunlop shall execute and deliver to and unto Halo and its successors
and  assigns  and  to  and  unto  the   Government  of  Manitoba,   a  complete,
unconditional  and  irrevocable  release  of any  claim  to any  right  title or
interest in and to any current or future  mining  claim  staked and  recorded by
Halo, or in which it acquires any direct or indirect interest,  in or around the
Sherridon area of Manitoba (including,  without limitation, those claims set out
on Schedule "D" attached hereto),  such release shall be in the form attached as
Schedule  "C" and shall be against  and binding  upon  Dunlop,  his estate,  his
executors,  administrators  and heirs and all other  persons  or legal  entities
associated  with or under the control of Dunlop or in which  Dunlop has a direct
or indirect interest  (including,  without limitation,  all corporations,  joint
ventures and partnerships).

                                     - 7 -

5.4      REQUIRED  APPROVALS.  Halo's obligation to issue the shares pursuant to
section 5.1 and to otherwise complete the transactions  herein, shall be subject
to receipt of all  approvals  from all  Governmental  Authorities  and all stock
exchanges  having  jurisdiction and the receipt of any required consent from any
third party.


6.1      OPTION  EXERCISE.   If  Halo  has  made  the  payments,   incurred  the
Expenditures  and issued the shares in accordance with the provisions of section
5.1,  Halo shall  provide a written  notice of  exercise of the Option to Dunlop
stating the amount of Expenditures  incurred and an itemized detailed  statement
of such  Expenditures.  Following  receipt  of such  notice of  exercise  of the
Option,  and  subject to the rights of Dunlop to request  more  information,  to
dispute  the  accuracy  of any item in the  statutory  declaration  or  itemized
statement of Expenditures and to receive an audited report of such  Expenditures
prepared  by the  statutory  auditor  of  Halo,  Halo  shall be  deemed  to have
exercised  the Option as at the date of such  written  notice of  exercise  (the
"Earn-In  Date")  and Halo  shall  have  earned  an  undivided  100%  legal  and
beneficial interest in the Property free and clear of all Encumbrances,  subject
to any  Encumbrance  which has  arisen as a result  of Work  carried  out on the
Property by Halo.

6.2      NSR ROYALTY. On the Earn-in Date, Dunlop and Halo will enter into a net
smelter returns royalty agreement (the "NET SMELTER RETURNS ROYALTY  AGREEMENT")
in the form set out in  Schedule  "B",  pursuant  to which  Halo  will  grant to

(a)      a 3% net smelter returns  ("NSR") royalty on the Bob Lake Claim,  Batty
         Claim and Bess 1 Claim  calculated  and payable in accordance  with the
         terms of the Royalty Agreement;

(b)      a 2% NSR royalty on two mining claims owned by Halo and lying  adjacent
         to the Bob Lake Claim and known as Halo 6 (MB6189)  and Halo 3 (MB6186)
         calculated  and  payable in  accordance  with the terms of the  Royalty
         Agreement  (provided  that such 2% NSR  royalty  on such  claims  shall
         terminate  and be void in respect of either of such claims in the event
         that such  royalty  has  received  in  aggregate  $1  million  from the
         production of minerals from each of such claims); and

(c)      a 1/2% NSR royalty on all claims  owned by Halo and located  within the
         Sherridon  Community  Boundary  (as defined and set out on Schedule "E"
         attached hereto) calculated and payable in accordance with the terms of
         the  Royalty  Agreement  (provided  that  such 1/2% NSR  royalty  shall
         terminate  and be void in respect of all such  claims in the event that
         such royalty has received in aggregate $2.5 million from the production
         of minerals from any of such claim or claims).

6.3      The Royalty Agreement shall provide that Halo has the right to buy back
one third of the 3% NSR  royalty on the Bob Lake  Claim,  Batty Claim and Bess 1
Claim so that such royalty is a 2 % NSR royalty on such  claims,  for a purchase
price of $500,000.00 per half of one percent bought back.

                                     - 8 -


7.1      DATA.  Dunlop hereby covenants that it has or will forthwith deliver to
Halo all maps, reports, results of surveys and drilling and any other reports of
information  Dunlop may have  prepared or caused to be prepared  with respect to
the  Property,  provided  that all such maps,  reports,  results of surveys  and
drilling and other reports of information  shall be kept confidential by Halo as
provided in Article 13 and further  provided that Dunlop shall retain  exclusive
title thereto  until Halo has exercised the Option,  at which time title to such
information  shall transfer to Halo. Such deliveries are for the information and
convenience  of Halo  only  and  Dunlop  does  not  represent  the  accuracy  or
completeness  of such  deliveries  and  shall not be  liable  for any  errors or
omissions with respect thereto.

7.2      TITLE TO PROPERTY. Title to the Property shall remain registered and/or
recorded  in the name of  Dunlop  until  such time as Halo  shall  have duly and
properly  exercised the Option in accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement,
whereupon  title to the  Property  shall be  transferred  and  assigned  to, and
registered  or recorded in the name of, Halo,  and Dunlop shall  deliver to Halo
such  transfers  or other  documents of  conveyance  as required to transfer the
Property  to and into the name of Halo.  Halo  shall be  entitled  to  register,
record or file notice of this Agreement in all  appropriate  government  offices
upon the due  execution and delivery of this  Agreement by the Parties  provided
that,  in the event that Halo does not exercise the Option or this  Agreement is
otherwise  terminated prior to the exercise of the Option,  Halo shall forthwith
discharge  and  remove  such  registrations,  recordings  or  filings  from such
government  offices,  and in the event Halo does not complete such discharge and
removal  within 30 days of its  obligation  to do so  arising,  Dunlop  shall be
entitled to complete and register, record or file such discharges and remove all
such filings and for such limited  purposes Halo hereby  appoints  Dunlop as its
attorney with full power of substitution.


8.1      HALO AS OPERATOR.  Halo shall act as Operator  during the Option Period
and as such,  Halo shall be responsible in its sole  discretion for carrying out
and  administering  Work  on  the  Property,  including  the  completion  of all
activities necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Halo shall
be entitled to carry out its activities as Operator through its Agents and Halo,
as Operator, and its Agents shall have the right to enter upon, explore, develop
and mine the Property and have  possession  of the Property,  including  sample,
examine, diamond drill, prospect, explore, develop and mine the Property in such
manner as Halo may  determine  (subject  to the  applicable  laws,  regulations,
policies  or  orders  of  all  Governmental  Authorities  having  jurisdiction),
including without limitation,  the right to erect, bring and install thereon all
buildings,  machinery,  equipment and supplies as they shall deem  necessary and
proper and to remove therefrom reasonable quantities of ores, minerals or metals
for assay, testing and milling purposes. Halo shall be responsible for obtaining
and/or maintaining in good standing all permits and licenses and other approvals
from all Governmental  Authorities having jurisdiction as are necessary in order
to conduct Work on the Property.

8.2      MAINTENANCE  OF  PROPERTY.  During  the Option  Period,  Halo shall do,
record  and/or pay when due or in advance,  all such  matters and amounts as are

                                     - 9 -

necessary,  including assessment work on the Property, and shall pay such taxes,
fees and rents, as are required to keep the Property in good standing.

8.3      WORK ON  CLAIMS.  All Work by Halo or its  Agents  on the  Property  as
Operator  during the Option  Period  shall be done in a prudent and  workmanlike
manner in accordance  with good mining  practice and in compliance with all laws
of all Governmental Authorities having jurisdiction.

8.4      INSURANCE.  During the Option Period,  Halo, as Operator shall maintain
adequate  insurance  coverage in accordance with normal  industry  standards and
practice  protecting  the interests of the Parties  (including  from third party
claims)  and shall  cause its Agents to obtain  and  maintain  similar  adequate
insurance.  For greater  certainty  and without  limitation,  Halo shall acquire
public  liability  and  property  damage  insurance  in  accordance  with normal
industry standards naming the Parties as insureds, with severability of interest
and protecting the interests of the Parties (including from third party claims).

8.5      REMOVAL OF LIENS.  During the Option Period, Halo as Operator shall pay
or cause to be paid all Agents including,  without  limitation,  workers or wage
earners employed by Halo on the Property and for all material  purchased by Halo
in  connection  with Work on the  Property  which  might  give rise to a lien or
privilege  thereon.  Should any such lien or privilege  be recorded  against the
Property  in  consequence  of any Work done  thereon by or for Halo,  Halo shall
forthwith take all such actions,  including  initiating  proceedings,  as may be
necessary  to have such lien or privilege  removed  and/or  discharged  from the
Property and shall have the same removed and/or  discharged  with all reasonable
dispatch provided,  however, that upon such removal or discharge of such lien or
privilege,  Halo may proceed to contest any such claim of lien or  privilege  in
good faith and diligently.

8.6      REPORTS  AND  INSPECTION.  During the Option  Period,  Halo as Operator
shall, when Work is being conducted,  provide Dunlop with: (i) quarterly reports
indicating the status of Exploration Work on the Property and any significant or
potentially  significant results obtained or received by Halo in connection with
Work in respect of the  Property;  (ii)  annual  reports  within 60 days of each
anniversary of each Expenditure Date indicating any results obtained or received
by  Halo in  connection  with  Work on the  Property  and  the  compilation  and
interpretation  thereof as well as a breakdown of the  Expenditures  incurred in
carrying  out such Work and  conclusions  of  tonnages of ore and waste rock and
mineral resource calculations;  and (iii) timely current reports and information
forthwith upon the occurrence of any material results or other events, supported
by copies of relevant data in respect of such material results or events.

8.7      ACCESS.  During the Option  Period,  Halo shall  permit  Dunlop and its
Agents  at their own risk and  expense,  access to the  Property  at  reasonable
times,  and with advance prior notice to Halo and to all  information  obtained,
results  produced,  samples,  core and data  collected  from  the  Property  and
records, maps, sections and reports prepared by Halo in connection with any Work
done on or with respect to the Property.  All such information  shall be subject
to the confidentiality provisions set out in Article 13.

                                     - 10 -


9.1      TERMINATION  EVENTS.  Subject to the  obligations  of the Parties which
expressly  survive the  termination  of this  Agreement in  accordance  with its
terms, this Agreement shall terminate:

(a)      if Halo fails to deliver  notice to Dunlop in  accordance  with section
         6.1,  fails to make the deliveries to Dunlop on a timely basis pursuant
         to section 5.1 or fails to incur the required  Expenditures (or to make
         payments  to  Dunlop  in  lieu  thereof)  on  or  before  the  relevant
         Expenditure   Dates  as  set  forth  in  section  5.1,  upon  the  date
         immediately  following  the date such notice or other  deliveries  were
         deliverable or the date immediately following such relevant Expenditure
         Date, as the case may be;

(b)      upon  receipt by Dunlop of notice from Halo given prior to the exercise
         of the  Option  that Halo will not  incur  the  Expenditures,  make the
         payments or issue the shares in accordance with section 5.1;

(c)      if Halo does not  exercise the Option on or before the date that is the
         4th anniversary of the Effective Date; or

(d)      upon exercise of the Option by Halo,

provided  that for greater  certainty,  and  without  limitation,  sections  9.2
through 9.6  inclusive as well as Article 13 shall  survive the  termination  of
this Agreement.

9.2      RELEASE AND QUITCLAIM OF PROPERTY.  If the Option is  terminated,  Halo
shall forthwith, and in any event within 30 days of such termination, deliver to
Dunlop a release and quitclaim in form and content  satisfactory to Dunlop, with
respect to the Property and this Agreement.

9.3      PROPERTY IN GOOD STANDING.  Upon termination of the Option,  Halo shall
ensure that the  Property  remains in good  standing  for not less than 6 months
after termination.

9.4      DELIVERY OF DATA. Upon termination of the Option, Halo shall deliver to
Dunlop  within 30 days of the date of  termination  all  originals  or copies of
maps,  reports,  results  of  surveys  and  drilling  and all other  reports  of
information  provided  to Halo by Dunlop  as well as copies of any assay  plans,
diamond drill records, information, maps and other pertinent exploration reports
produced by Halo or its Agents and related to the Property.

9.5      REMOVAL OF LIENS.  Upon  termination of the Option,  if at that time or
subsequently  thereafter a lien on the Property  shall arise in connection  with
work done  thereon by Halo or its  Agents  and Halo  shall wish to contest  such
lien,  Halo shall post security  sufficient to permit such lien to be discharged
and  shall  forthwith  take  all  such  measures  as are  necessary  in order to
discharge such lien.


(a)      All  buildings,  plant,  equipment,  machinery,  tools,  appliances and
         supplies  which may have been brought upon the Property by or on behalf
         of Halo as Operator shall be removed by Halo at any time not later than
         twelve  months after  termination  unless other  arrangements  on terms

                                     - 11 -

         satisfactory  to Dunlop are made  between Halo and Dunlop and if not so
         removed, such buildings, plant, equipment, machinery, tools, appliances
         and supplies shall,  at the sole option of Dunlop,  become the property
         of Dunlop or may be removed  by Dunlop or its Agents at the  expense of

(b)      Halo shall perform all rehabilitation, reclamation or pollution control
         on the Property  which is required as a result of Halo's or its Agent's
         activities  thereon,  to the standard  required in accordance  with all
         applicable laws as approved by the appropriate Governmental Authorities
         having jurisdiction.


10.1     BINDING  ARBITRATION.  Any matter in this Agreement in dispute  between
the Parties which has not been resolved by the Parties  within fifteen (15) days
of the  delivery  of notice by either  Party of such  dispute may be referred by
either Party to binding arbitration.  Such referral to binding arbitration shall
be to a qualified  single  arbitrator  pursuant to the  Arbitrations  Act,  1991
(Ontario) and its successor legislation, which act shall govern such arbitration
proceeding  in  accordance  with its terms except to the extent  modified by the
rules  for  arbitration  set out in  Schedule  "F".  The  determination  of such
arbitrator  shall be final and binding upon the Parties  hereto and the costs of
such arbitration shall be as determined by the arbitrator.  The Parties covenant
that they shall  conduct all aspects of such  arbitration  having  regard at all
times to expediting the final resolution of such arbitration.


11.1     FORCE MAJEURE. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, provided
however that  notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained  herein,  if
either Party  should at any time or times during the currency of this  Agreement
be delayed in or prevented from complying with this Agreement by reason of wars,
acts of God, strike, lockouts or other labour disputes,  inability to access its
place of business or the Property,  acts of public  insurrection,  riots,  fire,
storm, flood, explosion, government restriction, failure to obtain any approvals
required  from  any  Governmental   Authority  having  jurisdiction,   including
environmental  protection agencies,  interference of persons primarily concerned
about  environmental  issues or native rights groups or other causes  whether of
the kind  enumerated  above or  otherwise  which are not  reasonably  within the
control  of  the  applicable   Party,  but  excluding  for  greater   certainty,
unavailability  of funds,  the  period of all such  delays  resulting  from such
causes or any of them,  shall be excluded  in  computing  the time within  which
anything required or permitted by the applicable Party to be done, is to be done
hereunder,  and the time within which anything is to be done hereunder  shall be
extended  by the total  period of all such  delays.  Nothing  contained  in this
Article shall require the  applicable  Party to settle any labour  dispute or to
test the  constitutionality  of any  enacted  law.  In the event  that any Party
asserts that an event of force  majeure has  occurred,  it shall  complete  such
reasonable  actions or cause such  reasonable  actions to be completed as may be
necessary to correct or terminate  the alleged  event of force  majeure and give
notice in writing to the other Party specifying the following:

(a)      the cause and nature of the alleged event of force majeure;

                                     - 12 -

(b)      a summary of the action it or its Agents have taken to the date of such
         notice to correct the alleged event of force majeure;

(c)      confirmation  as to all  acts,  actions  and  things  done by it or its
         Agents to terminate the event of force majeure; and

(d)      the reasonably expected duration of the period of force majeure.

Any Party  asserting an event of force majeure shall  provide  ongoing  periodic
notice in  writing  to the other  Party  with  respect  to such  events of force
majeure,  including the matters set out above, within 15 days of the end of each
calendar  month  during the period of force  majeure  and shall  provide  prompt
notice in writing to the other Party upon the  termination of the event of force


12.1     RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. The rights,  privileges,  duties,  obligations
and liabilities,  as between Halo and Dunlop, shall be separate and not joint or
collective  and  nothing  herein  contained  shall be  construed  as  creating a
partnership, an association,  agency or subject as herein specifically provided,
a trust of any kind or as imposing  upon  either of the Parties any  partnership
duty,  obligation or liability.  No Party is liable for the acts,  covenants and
agreements  of any other  Party.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  duties,
obligations  and  liabilities of W. Bruce Dunlop Limited NPL and W. Bruce Dunlop
shall be joint and  several  and each is liable for the acts,  failures  to act,
covenants, agreements and representations and warranties of the other.

12.2     OTHER  OPPORTUNITIES.  Each of the  Parties  shall  have  the  free and
unrestricted  right  independently to engage in and receive the full benefits of
any  and  all  business  endeavours  of  any  sort  whatsoever  whether  or  not
competitive with the endeavours contemplated herein without consulting the other
Party or inviting or allowing the other Party to participate  therein.  No Party
shall be under any  fiduciary  or other  duty to the  other  Party  which  shall
prevent it from  engaging in or enjoying the  benefits of  competing  endeavours
within the general scope of endeavours contemplated by this Agreement.


13.1     CONFIDENTIALITY.  All information  received by any Party as a result of
or in  connection  with the Property or this  Agreement  shall be  confidential,
shall be treated as confidential  and shall not be disclosed to any other Person
without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be
withheld  unless such other Party can reasonably  establish that it would suffer
material  damage  or would be in  violation  of any laws or  regulations  of any
Governmental  Authority  to which it is subject as a result of such  disclosure.
Where   disclosure  is  required  by  law  or  a  regulatory   authority  having
jurisdiction,  a copy of the  information  required to be  disclosed  including,
without limitation,  any press release,  shall be provided to the other Party in
advance of its  disclosure.  The consent  required by this  Article 13 shall not
apply to a disclosure: (i) to an Agent that has a bona fide need to be informed;
and (ii) to any third Person to whom the disclosing  Party bona fide and in good
faith  contemplates  a transfer of all or any part of its  interest in or to the
Property and this Agreement.  Only such  confidential  information as such third
Person shall have a legitimate business need to know shall be disclosed and such

                                     - 13 -

third  Person  shall  first  agree  in  writing  to  protect  the   confidential
information  from  further  disclosure  to the same  extent as the  Parties  are
obligated  under  this  Article  13.  The  provisions  of this  Article 13 shall
continue to apply to any Party  notwithstanding  any  termination of the Option.
Where  disclosure is required in connection  with a third Person  transfer,  any
intended third Person transferee must sign a confidentiality  agreement with the
other non-disclosing Party containing  provisions similar to this Article 13. No
Party   shall  be  liable  to  the   disclosing   Person  in   respect   of  any
interpretations,   opinions,   findings,   conclusions   or  other   non-factual
information  included by the  disclosing  Person in any report or other document
provided to the other Party whether  included by  negligence or otherwise.  Each
disclosing  Person shall jointly and  severally  indemnify and save harmless the
other Party from and against all Losses actually  incurred by the other Party in
respect of the release by the disclosing Person of such non-factual  information
to third Persons,  irrespective  of whether such release was consented to by the
other Party.


14.1     NOTICES. All notices,  requests,  demands or other communications which
by the terms hereof are permitted to be given by either Party to the other shall
be given in writing by  personal  delivery  or by fax,  addressed  to such other
Party or delivered to such other Party as follows:

         (i)      to Halo at:

                  1305-1090 West Georgia Street
                  Vancouver BC  V6E 3V7
                  Attention:  Marc Cernovitch
                  Fax No.:   (604)484-0069

                  with a copy to:

                  Cassels Brock & Blackwell
                  Scotia Plaza, Suite 2100
                  40 King Street West
                  Toronto ON  M5H 3C2
                  Attention:  Brian P. Dominique
                  Fax No.:    (416) 640-3051

         (ii)     to Dunlop at:

                  201-2639 Portage Avenue
                  Winnipeg, MB  R3J 0P7
                  Attention:  W. Bruce Dunlop
                  Fax No.:    (204) 623-5666

or at such other  addresses and to such other Person that may be given by any of
them to the others in writing from time to time on 10 days' prior written notice
and such notices,  requests,  demands or other communications shall be deemed to
have been received when delivered.

                                     - 14 -


15.1     PETER DUNLOP.  Peter Dunlop hereby acknowledges and agrees that he, and
his estate, executors, administrators, and heirs and any legal entity associated
with or under  the  control  of  Peter  Dunlop  or in which he owns a direct  or
indirect  interest,  are subject to and bound by the terms of this Agreement and
the terms of the releases contemplated in subsection 5.3 hereof, as evidenced by
his due execution of this Agreement.

15.2     EXPENSES.  Halo and Dunlop  agree that all  out-of-pocket  expenses and
disbursements  incurred in connection  with this Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated  herein,  including  fees and  expenses  relating  to  legal,  tax,
accounting  matters  and  financial  advisor  fees,  will be  paid by the  Party
incurring such expenses.

15.3     ACTS IN GOOD FAITH.  The Parties shall at all times during the currency
of this  Agreement and after the  termination  of the Option,  act in good faith
with  respect  to the other  Party  and shall do or cause to be done all  things
within their respective  powers which may be necessary or desirable to give full
effect to the provisions hereof.

15.4     SEVERABILITY.  Any  provision  of this  Agreement  which is  invalid or
unenforceable  shall not  effect any other  provision  and shall be deemed to be
severable herefrom.

15.5     GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the  Province of Ontario  and the  federal  laws of
Canada applicable therein.

15.6     FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  The  Parties  shall sign such  further  and other
documents and do such further acts or things as may be necessary or desirable in
order to give full force and effect to this Agreement and every part hereof.

15.7     AMENDMENT. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any respect
except by written instrument signed by the Parties.

15.8     ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement
between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.  The execution of
this Agreement has not been induced by nor do the Parties rely upon or regard as
material,   any  covenants,   representations   or  warranties   whatsoever  not
incorporated herein and made a part hereof.

15.9     ENUREMENT.  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding
upon the Parties and each of their respective heirs, executors,  administrators,
successors and permitted assigns. Any assignment of a party's interest hereunder
may be assigned only with the consent of the other Party which consent shall not
be  unreasonably  withheld,  and  which  consent  will be  conditional  upon the
assignee  agreeing in writing  with the  non-assigning  Party to be bound by the
terms of this Agreement.

                                     - 15 -

15.10    COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement may be executed in  counterparts  and by
facsimile  transmission,  each of which so  executed  shall be  deemed  to be an
original  and  such  counterparts  together  shall  constitute  one and the same

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the Parties have executed these presents as of the Effective

                                            HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                            Per: /s/ MARC CERNOVITCH
                                                 Marc Cernovitch

                                            W. BRUCE DUNLOP LIMITED NPL

                                            Per  /s/ W. BRUCE DUNLOP
                                                 W. Bruce Dunlop


/s/ JOSEPHINE DUNLOP                        /s/ W. BRUCE DUNLOP
- --------------------------                  ------------------------------------


/s/ ERNIE GIULANE                           /s/ PETER DUNLOP
- --------------------------                  ------------------------------------

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

                                  THE PROPERTY

Those unpatented  mining claims located in the Province of Manitoba and known as
Bob - MB2318, Batty 1 - MB4786, Bess 1 - MB4934, as such claims are shown on the
map below.

                       [GRAPHIC OMITTED][GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Omitted graphic is a map of the Sherridon VMS Project showing the claims covered
under Schedule A and the Halo claims subject to NSR under Schedule B

                                  SCHEDULE "B"

                           NET SMELTER RETURNS ROYALTY


B E T W E E N:

                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.
                                  (the "Owner")

                                     - and -

                           W. BRUCE DUNLOP LIMITED NPL
                                 (the "Holder")

         In  consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  and  agreements   herein
contained  and for  other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and
sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged by each of the parties hereto,  it
is agreed as follows:

1.       Definitions

(a)      "MINERALS"  means all  naturally  occurring  metallic and  non-metallic
         minerals  that are mined,  produced  or  otherwise  recovered  from the
         Property  by or on behalf  of the  Owner,  whether  in the form of dore
         bars,  concentrates or otherwise including,  without limitation,  gold,
         silver,  copper,  lead or  zinc,  and all  beneficiated  or  derivative
         products thereof.

(b)      "NET SMELTER RETURNS" and "NSR" means the gross proceeds received by or
         payable to the Owner  from the sale or other  disposition  of  Minerals
         (other  than in the  circumstances  of a sale of  Minerals by the Owner
         after such  Minerals  have been credited to the account of the Owner at
         the  Processor)  or, in the event that the  account of the Owner at the
         Processor is credited with Minerals refined by the Processor, the gross
         value of such Minerals so credited to the Owner calculated on the basis
         of the  aggregate  quantity  of such  Product  so  credited  during the
         relevant time period multiplied by the Spot Price (if applicable), less
         the following expenses:

         (i)      all taxes based  directly on or assessed  against the value or
                  quantity of Minerals produced from the Property, including the

                  (a)      direct sales tax;
                  (b)      use taxes;
                  (c)      gross receipts taxes;

                                     - 2 -

                  (d)      severance taxes; and
                  (e)      crown royalties;

                  but  excluding  any and all taxes  based upon the net or gross
                  income of the Owner or other  operator  of the  Property,  the
                  value of the Property or the  privilege of doing  business and
                  other taxes assessed on a similar basis; and

         (ii)     all transportation  costs,  including related insurance costs,
                  for  transportation  of  Minerals  from  the  Property  to the
                  Processor,  and all direct charges and/or costs charged by any
                  smelter, refiner, mint and/or other Processor of the Minerals,
                  including sales costs and penalties,  if any. Provided that if
                  the smelting,  refining,  minting and/or further processing is
                  carried out at facilities owned or controlled,  in whole or in
                  part,  by the  Owner,  then the  charges  and  costs  for such
                  smelting,  refining, minting and/or further processing of such
                  Minerals shall be the lesser of: (A) the charges and costs the
                  Owner would have incurred if such smelting,  refining, minting
                  and/or further  processing was carried out at facilities  that
                  are not owned or controlled by the Owner and that are offering
                  comparable  services  for  comparable  products;  and  (B) the
                  actual charges and costs incurred by the Owner with respect to
                  such smelting, refining, minting and/or further processing;

(c)      "PLACE OF DELIVERY"  means in the case of payment of the  Royalty,  the
         deposit account of the Holder as the Holder shall direct in writing.

(d)      "PROPERTY"  means  certain  unpatented  mining  claims  located  in the
         Sherridon  area of  Manitoba  known as the Bob Lake  Claim,  the  Batty
         Claim,  the Bess 1 Claim,  Halo 6 (MB 6189) and Halo 3 (MB 6186) Claims
         and those claims referenced in section 2 (c) of this Agreement.

(e)      "PRIME" means at any  particular  time, the reference rate of interest,
         expressed  as  a  rate  per  annum,  that  the  Toronto-Dominion   Bank
         establishes  as its  prime  rate of  interest  in  order  to  determine
         interest rates that it will charge for demand loans in Canadian dollars
         to its most credit worthy Canadian customers.

(f)      "PROCESSOR" means collectively any smelter,  refiner, mint or processor
         or other purchaser or user of the Minerals.

(g)      "ROYALTY"  means the  payments to the Holder  described in Section 2 of
         this Agreement.

(h)      "SPOT PRICE" means (i) in respect of Minerals  that is gold,  the price
         of gold in U.S.  Dollars on the London Bullion Market  Afternoon Fix on
         the day that  Product  that is Refined Gold is sold by the Owner (other
         than in the  circumstances  of a sale of  Product  by the  Owner  after
         Product has been credited to the account of the Owner at the Processor)
         or  credited  to the  account  of the Owner by the  Processor,  (ii) in
         respect  of  Minerals  that  is  silver,  the  price  in  U.S.  dollars
         determined by the Processor in purchasing such silver from the Owner or
         crediting  such silver to the  account of the Owner,  and (iii) for any

                                     - 3 -

         other  Minerals  other than gold or silver,  the price of such  Mineral
         quoted in U.S.  dollars at the close of business on a specified  day by
         the New York Commodity  Exchange.  If for any reason the London Bullion
         Market or the New York Commodity  Exchange is no longer in operation or
         the spot  price of a  particular  Mineral  is not  quoted by the London
         Bullion Market or the New York Commodity Exchange,  the "Spot Price" of
         such  Mineral  shall be  determined  by  reference to the price of such
         Mineral  on  another  similar  commercial  exchange  entity  having the
         largest  volume of trading in such  Mineral on such day.  The  exchange
         rate used to convert a "Spot Price" for any Minerals from U.S.  dollars
         to any other  currency on a particular  date shall be determined on the
         basis of the Bank of Canada noon exchange rate for U.S. dollars on such


         Subject  to  the  terms  of  this  Agreement,  the  Owner,  for  and in
consideration  of the sum of TEN DOLLARS  ($10.00)  and other good and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged by
the Owner, hereby grants and agrees to pay to the Holder the following:

(a)      3% of the Net Smelter  Returns from that part of the Property being the
         Bob Lake Claim, Batty Claim and Bess 1 Claim, calculated and payable in
         accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

(b)      2% of the Net Smelter  Returns from that part of the Property being two
         mining  claims  owned by Halo and lying  adjacent to the Bob Lake Claim
         and  known as Halo 6  (MB6189)  and  Halo 3  (MB6186),  calculated  and
         payable in accordance  with the terms of this Agreement  (provided that
         such 2% NSR  Royalty  on such  claims  shall  terminate  and be void in
         respect  of either of such  claims in the event that such  Royalty  has
         received in aggregate $1 million from the  production  of minerals from
         each of such claims); and

(c)      1/2% of the Net Smelter  Returns from that part of the  Property  being
         the claims  owned by Halo and located  within the  Sherridon  Community
         Boundary  (as  defined and set out on Schedule  "I"  attached  hereto),
         calculated  and payable in accordance  with the terms of this Agreement
         (provided  that such 1/2% NSR royalty  shall  terminate  and be void in
         respect of all such claims in the event that such  royalty has received
         in aggregate  $2.5 million from the production of minerals from any one
         or more of such claims).

         The Owner has the right to buy back one third of the 3% NSR  Royalty on
the Bob Lake  Claim,  Batty Claim and Bess 1 Claim  referred in 2 (a) above,  so
that such  Royalty  is a 2 % NSR  royalty  on such  claims,  such buy back for a
purchase price of $500,000.00 per one half of one percent bought back.


(a)      All Royalty  payments  shall be made in cash to the Place of  Delivery.
         The Royalty shall be calculated and paid, and the Owner shall cause the
         Royalty to be calculated and paid, to the Holder as follows:

         (i)      The  Royalty  shall be  calculated  for each  three  (3) month
                  period (a "Quarter")  during the term of this  Agreement,  the
                  first quarter  commencing on the date this  Agreement  becomes

                                     - 4 -

                  effective.  The Royalty payable for each Quarter shall be paid
                  to the Holder by the Owner by bank draft or wire  transfer (in
                  the sole and  absolute  discretion  of the Holder) in Canadian
                  dollars,  on or  before  the  last day of the  calendar  month
                  following the Quarter for which the Royalty is payable. To the
                  extent that the Owner is unable to calculate  the Royalty with
                  certainty  on the last day of such month,  the Owner shall pay
                  the  Royalty  for the  particular  Quarter on the basis of the
                  Owner's  best  good  faith  estimate  thereof,   and  a  final
                  determination  in respect of the Royalty  payment with respect
                  to  such  Quarter  shall  be made by the  Owner  with  all due
                  dispatch  and, in any event,  by the end of the next  Quarter.
                  Any adjustment  required by such final  determination shall be
                  paid to the  Holder  within  two (2)  days of the date of such
                  final  determination but in any event no later than the end of
                  the next Quarter  following  the Quarter for which the Royalty
                  is payable.  All such Royalty  payments  shall be delivered to
                  the  Holder  at  the  Place  of   Delivery   in  such   manner
                  contemplated  by this  Section 3(a) as specified in writing by
                  the Holder;

         (ii)     The Holder shall have no right to receive Royalty  payments by
                  delivery of Minerals in kind;

         (iii)    At the time each  Royalty  payment is paid to the Holder,  the
                  Owner  shall  prepare  and  deliver to the Holder a  statement
                  setting  out in  reasonable  detail  the  manner in which such
                  Royalty payment was calculated,  including: (i) the quantities
                  of Minerals  sold or  otherwise  disposed of by the Owner with
                  respect to such period or the amount of  Minerals  credited to
                  the  account  of the  Owner,  as the  case  may be;  (ii)  the
                  quantities  of  Minerals  to which  such  Royalty  payment  is
                  applicable;  (iii)  the  calculation  of  the  applicable  Net
                  Smelter  Returns;  (iv)  the  Spot  Price  for the  applicable
                  Minerals,  (v) the  calculation  of  interest  accrued on such
                  Royalty  payment,  if  any  and  (vi)  in  the  event  of  any
                  commingling  as  contemplated  in  Section 5, a summary of the
                  determination by the Owner of the quantity of Minerals subject
                  to the Royalty;

         (iv)     Notwithstanding  the  terms  of any  other  provision  in this
                  Agreement,  the  Owner  shall  not be  obligated  to make  any
                  Royalty payment before the Owner has received or been credited
                  with  payment  for  the  sale  or  other  disposition  of such

(b)      The Holder may object in  writing  to any  statement,  Royalty  payment
         amount  and  invoice  within 2 months  after  receipt  of the  relevant
         statement,  payment or  invoice.  If any  Royalty  payment has not been
         properly  paid or credited in full as provided  herein,  the Holder may
         give to the Owner  notice in writing of such  default  and,  unless the
         Holder has received such payment  within 15 business days after receipt
         of such  notice by the  Owner,  the Owner  shall  pay  interest  on any
         payment  determined  to be  delinquent  at a rate of Prime  plus 2% per
         annum,  commencing  on the date on which such  delinquent  payment  was
         properly due and continuing  until the Holder receives  payment in full
         of such delinquent  payment and all accrued interest  thereon;  and for
         the purposes of this  subsection,  Prime shall be  determined as of the
         date on which such delinquent payment was properly due.

                                     - 5 -

(c)      All Royalty payments, including interest and penalties, if any, will be
         made subject to withholding or deduction in respect of the Royalty for,
         or on account of, any present or future taxes,  duties,  assessments or
         governmental  charges  of  whatever  nature  imposed or levied by or on
         behalf of the Canadian  Government,  the  Government of Manitoba or any
         political  subdivision  thereof  or any  other  governmental  authority
         (foreign or domestic),  or  department,  authority or agency therein or
         thereof  having  power  and  jurisdiction  to tax  and  for  which  the
         Processor  or Owner is obligated in law to withhold or deduct and remit
         to such taxing authority having such power and jurisdiction.

4.       TERM

         This  Agreement  shall  continue in  perpetuity  unless  terminated  in
accordance with its terms. If any right, power or interest of either party under
this  Agreement  would violate the rule against  perpetuities,  then such right,
power or interest shall  terminate at the expiration of 20 years after the death
of the  last  survivor  of all the  lineal  descendants  of Her  Majesty,  Queen
Elizabeth II of England, living on the date of this Agreement.


         The Owner  shall be  entitled to  commingle  Minerals  from the various
Properties   and  from  any  other   properties   during   production,   milling
(concentrating),  refining,  minting or further  processing of Minerals produced
from the Properties.


         All  profits  and  losses  resulting  from the  Owner  engaging  in any
commodity  futures trading,  option trading,  metals trading,  gold loans or any
combination thereof, and any other hedging transactions  (collectively  "hedging
transactions")  are specifically  excluded from calculations of Royalty payments
pursuant to this agreement.  All hedging  transactions by the Owner shall be for
the Owner's sole account.


         The Owner or operator shall be entitled to temporarily stockpile, store
or place ores or mined rock  containing  Minerals  produced from the Property in
any  locations  owned by the Owner or the  Processor on or off the Property site
provided the same are appropriately secured from theft or tampering.


         The Owner shall keep true and accurate  books and records of all of its
operations  and  activities  with  respect to the  Property,  and the  Minerals,
prepared on an accrual basis in  accordance  with  Canadian  generally  accepted
accounting  principles,  consistently  applied.  The Holder shall be entitled to
perform audits or other  examinations of the Owner's books and records  relevant
to the  calculation  and payment of the Royalty  pursuant to this Agreement once
per  calendar  year to  confirm  compliance  with the  terms of this  Agreement,
including  without   limitation,   calculations  of  Net  Smelter  Returns.   In
particular,  the  Holder  shall have the right to audit all  invoices  and other
records relating to the transportation of Minerals from the Property to the mill

                                     - 6 -

at which ore and Minerals  from the Property  may be milled  (concentrated)  and
relating to the  transportation  of Minerals in the form of concentrates,  dore,
slag or other waste  products  from the mill at which ore and Minerals  from the
Property may be milled,  to the Processor.  The Holder shall promptly  commence,
and diligently complete, any audit or other examination permitted hereunder. The
reasonable expenses of any audit or other examination  permitted hereunder shall
be paid by the  Holder,  unless the  results of such audit or other  examination
permitted  hereunder  disclose a deficiency  in respect of the Royalty  payments
paid to the Holder  hereunder in an amount  greater than 5% of the amount of the
Royalty  properly  payable,  in which  event  the  costs of such  audit or other
examination shall be paid by the Owner.


(a)      Neither party shall,  without the express  written consent of the other
         (which  consent  shall  not be  unreasonably  withheld),  disclose  any
         non-public  information  in respect of the terms of this  Agreement  or
         otherwise  received under or in conjunction with this Agreement and, in
         the case of the  Holder,  concerning  Minerals  and  operations  on the
         Property,  other  than to its  employees,  agents and  consultants  for
         purposes related to the  administration  of this Agreement and no party
         shall issue any press  releases  concerning the terms of this Agreement
         or, in the case of the  Holder,  in  respect of the  operations  of the
         Owner,  without the consent of the other party after such party  having
         first  reviewed the terms of such press  release.  Each party agrees to
         reveal such information  only to its employees,  agents and consultants
         who need to know,  who are informed of the  confidential  nature of the
         information  and who agree to be bound by the terms of this  Section 9.
         In addition  neither party shall use any such  information  for its own
         use or benefit  except for the purpose of  enforcing  its rights  under
         this Agreement.

(b)      The parties  may  disclose  data or  information  obtained  under or in
         conjunction  with  this  Agreement  and  otherwise  prohibited  by this
         Section 9 after  providing  the other party with a copy of the proposed
         disclosure and if the other party does not object,  acting  reasonably,
         to such  disclosure  by notice in writing to such party within 48 hours
         after receipt of such copy:

         (i)      to  any  third  person  to  whom  such  party  in  good  faith
                  anticipates selling or assigning its interest hereunder; or

         (ii)     to a prospective lender or other financier;

         provided  that in each case the other  parties  shall  first  have been
         provided with a confidentiality  agreement executed by such third party
         purchaser or lender which agreement  shall include the  confidentiality
         provisions of this  section.  Each party hereby agrees to indemnify and
         save the other  harmless from any damages  resulting from any breach of
         this Section 9 by such party, its employees,  agents and consultants or
         any  claim  made  by  third  parties  receiving   information  provided

(c)      The  parties  may  disclose  data or  information  obtained  under this
         Agreement if required to do so for  compliance  with  applicable  laws,
         rules, regulations or orders of a governmental agency or stock exchange
         having  jurisdiction over such parties,  provided that such party shall
         disclose  only  such data or  information  as,  in the  opinion  of its
         counsel,  is required to be disclosed  and provided  further that where

                                     - 7 -

         possible (time permitting after reasonable  efforts on the part of such
         disclosing  party) the other  party  shall be given the right to review
         and  object to the data or  information  to be  disclosed  prior to any
         public release subject to any reasonable changes proposed by such other


(a)      All decisions  concerning methods,  the extent,  times,  procedures and
         techniques of any (i)  exploration,  development  and mining related to
         the Property, (ii) leaching, milling, processing,  extraction treatment
         and refining,  if any,  including,  without  limitation,  the choice of
         refiner and (iii)  materials to be  introduced on or to the Property or
         produced  therefrom  and all  decisions  concerning  the  sale or other
         disposition of ore and Minerals from the Property  (including,  without
         limitation,  decisions as to buyers, times of sale, whether to store or
         stockpile  ore and Minerals  derived from the Property for a reasonable
         length of time without  selling,  refining or otherwise  processing the
         same) shall be made by the Owner, in its sole discretion.

(b)      The Owner shall not be responsible  for nor obliged to make any Royalty
         payments for Minerals or Mineral value lost in any mining or processing
         of the Minerals conducted pursuant to good mining practices.  The Owner
         shall not be required  to mine or to  preserve or protect the  Minerals
         which under good mining industry  practices  cannot be mined or shipped
         at a reasonable profit by the Owner at the time mined.


         The  parties  agree  that  there  are no  implied  covenants  or duties
relating  to  or  affecting  any  of  their  respective  rights  or  obligations
hereunder,  and that the only  covenants  or duties which affect such rights and
obligations  shall  be  those  expressly  set  forth  and  provided  for in this


         The Holder shall have the right,  at any time and from time to time, to
assign, transfer,  convey, mortgage,  pledge or charge any portion or all of the
Royalty  and  its  interest  in and  to  this  Royalty  Agreement,  in its  sole
discretion, free from any restrictions from the Owner.


         The Holder may or may cause, at its own expense,  the due  registration
of this Agreement or notice of this Agreement against the title to the Property.
The Owner  shall  co-operate  with such  registration  and  provide  its written
consent  or  signature  to any  documents  or  things  reasonably  necessary  to
accomplish  such  registration in order to ensure that any successor or assignee
or other acquiror of the Property,  or any interest  therein,  shall have public
notice of the terms of this Agreement.

                                     - 8 -


         Any matter in this  Agreement in dispute  between the Parties which has
not been  resolved by the Parties  within  fifteen  (15) days of the delivery of
notice  by either  Party of such  dispute  may be  referred  by either  Party to
binding  arbitration.  Such  referral  to  binding  arbitration  shall  be  to a
qualified single arbitrator pursuant to the Arbitrations Act, 1991 (Ontario) and
its successor legislation, which act shall govern such arbitration proceeding in
accordance  with its  terms  except  to the  extent  modified  by the  rules for
arbitration set out in Schedule "II". The determination of such arbitrator shall
be final and binding upon the Parties  hereto and the costs of such  arbitration
shall be as determined by the arbitrator.  The Parties  covenant that they shall
conduct all aspects of such arbitration having regard at all times to expediting
the final resolution of such arbitration.


(a)      FURTHER   ASSURANCES:  Each  party  shall   execute  all  such  further
         instruments  and  documents  and do all such further  actions as may be
         necessary to effectuate the documents and transactions  contemplated in
         this  Agreement,  in each  case at the cost and  expense  of the  party
         requesting  such  further  instrument,   document  or  action,   unless
         expressly indicated otherwise.

(b)      BINDING EFFECT: All covenants, conditions,  and terms of this Agreement
         shall be binding  upon and enure to the benefit of the  parties  hereto
         and their  respective  successors  and  assigns.  In the event that the
         Owner  sells,  transfers,  charges or assigns the  Property or any part
         thereof,  the Owner shall be entitled to charge,  novate or assign this
         Agreement, as the case may be, to such purchaser,  transferee,  chargee
         or assignee,  provided that the Owner shall ensure that contemporaneous
         with the consummation of any such sale, transfer, charge or assignment,
         the Owner shall procure from the transferee or chargee pursuant to such
         transaction,  a written  agreement with and in favour of the Holder, in
         form and content satisfactory to the Holder acting reasonably,  wherein
         such transferee or chargee covenants and agrees to and in favour of the
         Holder to be bound by the terms and  conditions of this Agreement as if
         it were an original  signatory hereto (or in the case of a chargee,  to
         obtain such a written  agreement  from any  transferee of such chargee)
         and the Holder shall execute all such  documentation  as is required in
         respect  thereof and the Owner shall  thereafter  be released  from all
         obligations  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement in respect of that
         part of the Property so sold, transferred or assigned.

(c)      RELATIONSHIP  OF THE  PARTIES:  Nothing herein  shall be  construed  to
         create,   expressly  or  by  implication,   a  joint  venture,   mining
         partnership,  commercial partnership, or other partnership relationship
         between the Owner and the Holder.

                                     - 9 -

(d)      GOVERNING LAW:  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under
         the laws of the Province of Manitoba and the laws of Canada  applicable

(e)      TIME OF ESSENCE: Time is of the essence in this Agreement.

(f)      SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this Agreement is wholly or partially
         invalid,  this  Agreement  shall  be  interpreted  as  if  the  invalid
         provision had not been a part hereof so that the  invalidity  shall not
         affect the validity of the  remainder of the  Agreement  which shall be
         construed as if the  Agreement  had been  executed  without the invalid
         portion.  It is hereby declared to be the intention of the parties that
         this  Agreement  would  have been  executed  without  reference  to any
         portion  which may,  for any  reason,  hereafter  be  declared  or held

(g)      ACCOUNTING  PRINCIPLES:  All  calculations  hereunder  shall be made in
         accordance with Canadian  generally accepted  accounting  principles as
         the same may be in effect from time to time.

(h)      NOTICES: All notices,  requests,  demands or other communications which
         by the terms  hereof are  permitted  to be given by either Party to the
         other  shall  be given  in  writing  by  personal  delivery  or by fax,
         addressed  to such other  Party or  delivered  to such  other  Party as

         (i)      to Halo at:
                  1305-1090 West Georgia Street
                  Vancouver BC V6E 3V7
                  Attention: Marc Cernovitch
                  Fax No.: (604)484-0069

                  with a copy to:
                  Cassels Brock & Blackwell
                  Scotia Plaza, Suite 2100
                  40 King Street West
                  Toronto ON  M5H 3C2
                  Attention:  Brian P. Dominique
                  Fax No.: (416) 640-3051

         (ii)     to Dunlop at:
                  201-2639 Portage Avenue
                  Winnipeg,  MB R3J 0P7
                  Attention: W. Bruce Dunlop
                  Fax No.: (204) 623-5666

                                     - 10 -

         or at such other  addresses  and to such other Person that may be given
         by any of them to the others in  writing  from time to time on 10 days'
         prior  written  notice  and such  notices,  requests,  demands or other
         communications shall be deemed to have been received when delivered.

(i)      SCHEDULES:  The schedules  which are  attached  to this  Agreement  are
         incorporated  into this  Agreement by reference  and are deemed to form
         part hereof.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties  hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the day and year first above written.

                                           HALO RESOURCES LTD.


                                           W. BRUCE DUNLOP LIMITED NPL


                                  SCHEDULE "I"


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub-         Name       Number     Area   Recorded     Expires      Map   Holder
Project                            (ha)                             Ref.    (*)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sherridon    Halo 15    MB 6198    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 16    MB 6199    250    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 17    MB 6023    233    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 18    MB 6024     96    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 19    MB 6048     64    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 20    MB 6049     72    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 21    MB 6050     70    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO

*  Full name is Halo Resources Ltd.

                                  SCHEDULE "II"

                              RULES OF ARBITRATION

The following rules and procedures  shall apply with respect to any matter to be
arbitrated by the parties under the terms of the Agreement.

1.       Initiation of Arbitration Proceedings

         (a)      If any party to this Agreement wishes to have any matter under
this Agreement  arbitrated in accordance  with the provisions of this Agreement,
it shall give notice to the other party  hereto  specifying  particulars  of the
matter or matters in dispute and  proposing  the name of the person it wishes to
be the single arbitrator.  Within 5 days after receipt of such notice, the other
party to this  Agreement  shall give return  notice to the first party  advising
whether  such party  accepts the  arbitrator  proposed by the first party and if
such party does not accept the arbitrator proposed by the first party, proposing
the name of the person it wishes to be the  single  arbitrator.  If such  return
notice is not given by the other party  within  such 5 day  period,  it shall be
deemed to have  accepted the  arbitrator  proposed by the first  party.  If such
return notice is given within such 5 day period and does not accept the proposed
arbitrator of the first party and proposes another person to be arbitrator,  the
first  party  shall,  within 5 days after  receipt of such return  notice,  give
notice  to the other  party  advising  whether  such  first  party  accepts  the
arbitrator  proposed  by the other  party.  If the  parties  do not agree upon a
single arbitrator  within such second 5 day period,  the single arbitrator shall
be chosen in accordance with the Arbitrations Act, 1991 (Ontario).

         (b)      The  individual  selected  as Arbitrator shall be qualified by
education and experience to decide the matter in dispute.  The Arbitrator  shall
be at arm's  length from both  parties and shall not be a member of the audit or
legal firm or firms who  advise  either  party,  nor shall the  Arbitrator  be a
person who is otherwise regularly retained by either of the parties.

2.       Submission of Written Statements

         (a)      Within  5 days of the appointment of the Arbitrator, the party
initiating  the  arbitration  (the  "Claimant")  shall send the other party (the
"Respondent")  a statement of claim setting out in  sufficient  detail the facts
and any contentions of law on which it relies, and the relief that it claims.

         (b)      Within  10  days of the receipt of the statement of claim, the
Respondent  shall send the Claimant a statement of defence stating in sufficient
detail which of the facts and  contentions  of law in the  statement of claim it
admits or denies,  on what grounds,  and on what other facts and  contentions of
law he relies.

         (c)      Within 5 days of  receipt of the  statement  of  defence,  the
Claimant may send the Respondent a statement of reply.

         (d)      All   statements   of  claim,   defence  and  reply  shall  be
accompanied  by copies (or,  if they are  especially  voluminous,  lists) of all

                                      - 2 -

essential  documents  on which the party  concerned  relies  and which  have not
previously been submitted by any party, and (where  practicable) by any relevant

         (e)      After  submission of all the  statements,  the Arbitrator will
give directions for the further conduct of the arbitration.

3.       Meetings and Hearings

         (a)      The arbitration  shall take place in the City of Winnipeg,  or
in such other  place as the  Claimant  and the  Respondent  shall  agree upon in
writing.  The  arbitration  shall  be  conducted  in  English.  Subject  to  any
adjournments which the Arbitrator allows, the final hearing will be continued on
successive working days until it is concluded.

         (b)      All  meetings  and  hearings  will be in  private  unless  the
 parties otherwise agree.

         (c)      Any party may be  represented  at any  meetings or hearings by
legal counsel.

         (d)      Each  party may  examine,  cross-examine  and  re-examine  all
witnesses at the arbitration.

4.       The Decision

         (a)      The Arbitrator will make a decision in writing and, unless the
parties otherwise agree, will set out reasons for decision in the decision.

         (b)      The  Arbitrator  will send the decision to the parties as soon
as practicable  after the  conclusion of the final hearing,  but in any event no
later than 10 days  thereafter,  unless that time period is extended for a fixed
period by the  Arbitrator on written  notice to each party because of illness or
other cause beyond the Arbitrator's control.

         (c)      The decision shall determine and award costs to the successful
party in the arbitration.

         (d)      The  decision  shall be final and  binding on the  parties and
shall  not be  subject  to any  appeal  or review  procedure  provided  that the
Arbitrator  has  followed  the  rules  provided  herein  in good  faith  and has
proceeded in accordance  with the  principles of natural  justice.  In the event
either party  initiates  any court  proceeding in respect of the decision of the
Arbitration or the matter  arbitrated,  such party shall, if unsuccessful in the
court proceeding,  shall pay the other parties costs on a solicitor/client basis
plus all other reasonable expenses incurred by such other party from the date of
delivery of the notice  commencing  arbitration to the date of  determination of
such court proceeding.

5.       Jurisdiction and Powers of the Arbitrator

         (a)      By submitting to  arbitration  under these Rules,  the parties
shall be taken to have conferred on the  Arbitrator  the following  jurisdiction
and powers, to be exercised at the Arbitrator's discretion subject only to these

                                      - 3 -

Rules and the relevant  law with the object of ensuring  the just,  expeditious,
economical and final determination of the dispute referred to arbitration.

         (b)      Without  limiting the  jurisdiction  of the Arbitrator at law,
the parties agree that the Arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to:

                  (i)      determine   any   question  of  law  arising  in  the

                  (ii)     determine   any  question  as  to  the   Arbitrator's

                  (iii)    determine  any question of good faith,  dishonesty or
                           fraud arising in the dispute;

                  (iv)     order any party to  furnish  further  details of that
                           party's case, in fact or in law;

                  (v)      proceed  in  the  arbitration   notwithstanding   the
                           failure or refusal of any party to comply  with these
                           Rules or with the Arbitrator's  orders or directions,
                           or to attend any meeting or  hearing,  but only after
                           giving that party written  notice that the Arbitrator
                           intends to do so;

                  (vi)     receive and take into  account  such  written or oral
                           evidence  tendered by the  parties as the  Arbitrator
                           determines  is  relevant,  whether  or  not  strictly
                           admissible in law;

                  (vii)    make one or more interim awards;

                  (viii)   hold  meetings  and  hearings,  and  make a  decision
                           (including a final decision) in Winnipeg, Manitoba or
                           elsewhere   with  the   concurrence  of  the  parties

                  (ix)     order the parties to produce to the  Arbitrator,  and
                           to each other for  inspection,  and to supply  copies
                           of, any  documents  or other  evidence  or classes of
                           documents  in their  possession  or power  which  the
                           Arbitrator determines to be relevant; and

                  (x)      make  interim  orders  to  secure  all or part of any
                           amount in dispute in the arbitration.

                                  SCHEDULE "C"




For good and  valuable  consideration,  the  undersigned  Bruce Dunlop and Peter
Dunlop, for and on behalf of themselves and with effect against and binding upon
their respective  estates,  executors,  administrators,  and heirs and all other
persons or legal entities  associated  with or under the control of Bruce Dunlop
or Peter  Dunlop  or in which  Bruce  Dunlop  or Peter  Dunlop  have a direct or
indirect interest (including, without limitation, any corporation, joint venture
or partnership)  (collectively,  the "Releasors") do hereby  unconditionally and
irrevocably remise, release, disclaim and quit claim any and all claims, and all
rights to claim,  any right,  title or  interest in and to any current or future
mining  claim  staked and  recorded  by Halo  Resources  Ltd.,  or in which Halo
Resources Ltd. acquires any direct or indirect right, title or interest,  in and
around the  Sherridon  Area of the  Province  of  Manitoba  (including,  without
limitation,  those  claims  set out on  Schedule D  attached  hereto)  (all such
current or future  mining  claims  collectively,  the "Mining  Claims") with the
intention  that from and after this date the Releasors are and shall be estopped
from making any such claims as described herein).

This Release shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Manitoba.

DATED AT WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, THIS      DAY OF                  , 2006

- --------------------------- )                   --------------------------------
                            )                   BRUCE DUNLOP
- --------------------------- )                   --------------------------------
                            )                   PETER DUNLOP

                                  SCHEDULE "C"




In consideration  of the execution and delivery of an Option  Agreement  between
Bruce  Dunlop  and  Halo  Resources  Ltd.  of even  date  herewith,  each of the
undersigned  Bruce Dunlop and Peter Dunlop,  for and on behalf of themselves and
with effect  against  and  binding  upon their  respective  estates,  executors,
administrators,  and heirs and all other  persons or legal  entities  associated
with or under the  control  of Bruce  Dunlop or Peter  Dunlop or in which  Bruce
Dunlop or Peter Dunlop have a direct or indirect  interest  (including,  without
limitation, any corporation,  joint venture or partnership)  (collectively,  the
"Releasors")  do  hereby   unconditionally  and  irrevocably  remise,   release,
disclaim,  and quit claim to and unto Halo  Resources  Ltd., any and all claims,
and all rights to claim,  any right,  title or interest in and to any current or
future mining claim staked and recorded by Halo Resources Ltd., or in which Halo
Resources Ltd. acquires any direct or indirect right, title or interest,  in and
around the  Sherridon  Area of the  Province  of  Manitoba  (including,  without
limitation,  those  claims  set out on  Schedule D  attached  hereto)  (all such
current or future  mining  claims  collectively,  the "Mining  Claims") with the
intention  that from and after this date the Releasors are and shall be estopped
from making any such claims as described herein.

This  Release  shall be binding upon and may be enforced by the  successors  and
assigns,  including the successors in title to any of the Mining Claims, of Halo
Resources Ltd.

This Release shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Manitoba.

DATED AT WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, THIS         DAY OF                 , 2006

WITNESS:                    )
- --------------------------- )                   --------------------------------
                            )                   BRUCE DUNLOP
- --------------------------- )                   --------------------------------
                            )                   PETER DUNLOP

                                  SCHEDULE "D"


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub-         Name       Number     Area   Recorded     Expires      Map   Holder
Project                            (ha)                             Ref.    (*)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sherridon    Halo 1     MB 6184    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 2     MB 6185    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 3     MB 6186    236    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 4     MB 6187    111    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 5     MB 6188    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 6     MB 6189    252    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 7     MB 6190    247    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 8     MB 6191    253    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 9     MB 6192    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 10    MB 6193    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 11    MB 6194    247    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 12    MB 6195    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 13    MB 6196    148    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 14    MB 6197    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 15    MB 6198    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 16    MB 6199    250    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 17    MB 6023    233    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 18    MB 6024     96    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 19    MB 6048     64    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 20    MB 6049     72    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo
Sherridon    Halo 21    MB 6050     70    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    Halo

East         East 1     MB6251      90    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 2     MB6252     100    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 3     MB6253      64    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 4     MB6254      90    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 5     MB6255     190    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 6     MB6256     224    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 7     MB6257     216    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 8     MB6258      76    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 9     MB6259      96    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 10    MB6260     212    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 11    MB6261     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 12    MB6262     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 13    MB6263     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 14    MB6264     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 15    MB6265     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo
East         East 16    MB6266     120    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N3    Halo

Meat Lake    Meat 1     MB6200     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 2     MB6267     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 3     MB6268     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 4     MB6269     220    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 5     MB6270     253    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 6     MB6271     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 7     MB6272     256    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 8     MB6273      40    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 9     MB6274     218    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 10    MB6275     200    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 11    MB6308     184    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 12    MB6309     160    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 13    MB6310     100    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
Meat Lake    Meat 14    MB6311     160    30-Nov-05    29-Jan-08    63N2    Halo
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*  Full name is Halo Resources Ltd.

                                  SCHEDULE "E"


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub-         Name       Number     Area   Recorded     Expires      Map   Holder
Project                            (ha)                             Ref.    (*)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sherridon    Halo 15    MB 6198    256    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 16    MB 6199    250    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 17    MB 6023    233    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 18    MB 6024     96    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 19    MB 6048     64    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 20    MB 6049     72    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO
Sherridon    Halo 21    MB 6050     70    14-Oct-05    12-Dec-07    63N3    HALO

*  Full name is Halo Resources Ltd.

                                  SCHEDULE "F"

                              RULES OF ARBITRATION

The following rules and procedures  shall apply with respect to any matter to be
arbitrated by the parties under the terms of the Agreement.

1.       Initiation of Arbitration Proceedings

         (a)      If any party to this Agreement wishes to have any matter under
this Agreement  arbitrated in accordance  with the provisions of this Agreement,
it shall give notice to the other party  hereto  specifying  particulars  of the
matter or matters in dispute and  proposing  the name of the person it wishes to
be the single arbitrator.  Within 5 days after receipt of such notice, the other
party to this  Agreement  shall give return  notice to the first party  advising
whether  such party  accepts the  arbitrator  proposed by the first party and if
such party does not accept the arbitrator proposed by the first party, proposing
the name of the person it wishes to be the  single  arbitrator.  If such  return
notice is not given by the other party  within  such 5 day  period,  it shall be
deemed to have  accepted the  arbitrator  proposed by the first  party.  If such
return notice is given within such 5 day period and does not accept the proposed
arbitrator of the first party and proposes another person to be arbitrator,  the
first  party  shall,  within 5 days after  receipt of such return  notice,  give
notice  to the other  party  advising  whether  such  first  party  accepts  the
arbitrator  proposed  by the other  party.  If the  parties  do not agree upon a
single arbitrator  within such second 5 day period,  the single arbitrator shall
be chosen in accordance with the Arbitrations Act, 1991 (Ontario).

         (b)      The  individual  selected as Arbitrator  shall be qualified by
education and experience to decide the matter in dispute.  The Arbitrator  shall
be at arm's  length from both  parties and shall not be a member of the audit or
legal firm or firms who  advise  either  party,  nor shall the  Arbitrator  be a
person who is otherwise regularly retained by either of the parties.

2.       Submission of Written Statements

         (a)      Within 5 days of the appointment of the Arbitrator,  the party
initiating  the  arbitration  (the  "Claimant")  shall send the other party (the
"Respondent")  a statement of claim setting out in  sufficient  detail the facts
and any contentions of law on which it relies, and the relief that it claims.

         (b)      Within 10 days of the receipt of the  statement of claim,  the
Respondent  shall send the Claimant a statement of defence stating in sufficient
detail which of the facts and  contentions  of law in the  statement of claim it
admits or denies,  on what grounds,  and on what other facts and  contentions of
law he relies.

         (c)      Within 5 days of  receipt of the  statement  of  defence,  the
Claimant may send the Respondent a statement of reply.

         (d)      All   statements   of  claim,   defence  and  reply  shall  be
accompanied  by copies (or,  if they are  especially  voluminous,  lists) of all
essential  documents  on which the party  concerned  relies  and which  have not

                                     - 2 -

previously been submitted by any party, and (where  practicable) by any relevant

         (e)      After  submission of all the  statements,  the Arbitrator will
give directions for the further conduct of the arbitration.

3.       Meetings and Hearings

         (a)      The arbitration  shall take place in the City of Winnipeg,  or
in such other  place as the  Claimant  and the  Respondent  shall  agree upon in
writing.  The  arbitration  shall  be  conducted  in  English.  Subject  to  any
adjournments which the Arbitrator allows, the final hearing will be continued on
successive working days until it is concluded.

         (b)      All  meetings  and  hearings  will be in  private  unless  the
parties otherwise agree.

         (c)      Any party may be  represented  at any  meetings or hearings by
legal counsel.

         (d)      Each  party may  examine,  cross-examine  and  re-examine  all
witnesses at the arbitration.

4.       The Decision

         (a)      The Arbitrator will make a decision in writing and, unless the
parties otherwise agree, will set out reasons for decision in the decision.

         (b)      The  Arbitrator  will send the decision to the parties as soon
as practicable  after the  conclusion of the final hearing,  but in any event no
later than 10 days  thereafter,  unless that time period is extended for a fixed
period by the  Arbitrator on written  notice to each party because of illness or
other cause beyond the Arbitrator's control.

         (c)      The decision shall determine and award costs to the successful
party in the arbitration.

         (d)      The  decision  shall be final and  binding on the  parties and
shall  not be  subject  to any  appeal  or review  procedure  provided  that the
Arbitrator  has  followed  the  rules  provided  herein  in good  faith  and has
proceeded in accordance  with the  principles of natural  justice.  In the event
either party  initiates  any court  proceeding in respect of the decision of the
Arbitration or the matter  arbitrated,  such party shall, if unsuccessful in the
court proceeding,  shall pay the other parties costs on a solicitor/client basis
plus all other reasonable expenses incurred by such other party from the date of
delivery of the notice  commencing  arbitration to the date of  determination of
such court proceeding.

5.       Jurisdiction and Powers of the Arbitrator

         (a)      By submitting to  arbitration  under these Rules,  the parties
shall be taken to have conferred on the  Arbitrator  the following  jurisdiction
and powers, to be exercised at the Arbitrator's discretion subject only to these

                                     - 3 -

Rules and the relevant  law with the object of ensuring  the just,  expeditious,
economical and final determination of the dispute referred to arbitration.

         (b)      Without  limiting the  jurisdiction  of the Arbitrator at law,
the parties agree that the Arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to:

                  (i)      determine   any   question  of  law  arising  in  the

                  (ii)     determine   any  question  as  to  the   Arbitrator's

                  (iii)    determine  any question of good faith,  dishonesty or
                           fraud arising in the dispute;

                  (iv)     order any party to  furnish  further  details of that
                           party's case, in fact or in law;

                  (v)      proceed  in  the  arbitration   notwithstanding   the
                           failure or refusal of any party to comply  with these
                           Rules or with the Arbitrator's  orders or directions,
                           or to attend any meeting or  hearing,  but only after
                           giving that party written  notice that the Arbitrator
                           intends to do so;

                  (vi)     receive and take into  account  such  written or oral
                           evidence  tendered by the  parties as the  Arbitrator
                           determines  is  relevant,  whether  or  not  strictly
                           admissible in law;

                  (vii)    make one or more interim awards;

                  (viii)   hold  meetings  and  hearings,  and  make a  decision
                           (including a final decision) in Winnipeg, Manitoba or
                           elsewhere   with  the   concurrence  of  the  parties

                  (ix)     order the parties to produce to the  Arbitrator,  and
                           to each other for  inspection,  and to supply  copies
                           of, any  documents  or other  evidence  or classes of
                           documents  in their  possession  or power  which  the
                           Arbitrator determines to be relevant; and

                  (x)      make  interim  orders  to  secure  all or part of any
                           amount in dispute in the arbitration.