LETTER OF INTENT

                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.
                                  GOLDCORP INC.


                                 APRIL 18, 2006

April 18, 2006

Goldcorp Inc.
200 Burrard Street, Suite 1560
Vancouver BC  V6C 3L6


Dear Sirs:


This Letter of Intent ("LOI") sets out the terms and conditions whereby Goldcorp
Inc.  ("GOLDCORP")  agrees to grant to Halo Resources Ltd. ("HALO") the sole and
exclusive  right and option (the "OPTION") to acquire an undivided 60% legal and
beneficial  interest in and to certain  unpatented  mining claims located in the
Red Lake District of Ontario and known as the Middle  Property and the Pipestone
Property (collectively the "UNPATENTED PROPERTY") and an undivided 30% legal and
beneficial  interest in and to certain patented mining claims located in the Red
Lake  District of Ontario  and known as the Biron Bay  Property  (the  "PATENTED
PROPERTY"),  as such upatented and patented mining claims are set out and listed
on Schedule  "A" hereto  (the  Unpatented  Property  and the  Patented  Property
collectively,  the  "PROPERTY"),  in  consideration  of Halo performing  certain
exploration  work on the  Property.  The term of the Option (the  "TERM")  shall
commence  on the  date of the  Definitive  Agreement  (as  defined  below)  (the
"EFFECTIVE DATE") and end on the date that is the third (3rd) anniversary of the
Effective Date.

The general terms and conditions of this LOI are as follows:

1.       (a)      Halo shall have sixty (60) days from the date of this LOI (the
                  "DUE  DILIGENCE  PERIOD")  to  conduct  legal,  technical  and
                  environmental  due diligence  with respect to the Property and
                  to completely satisfy itself in respect of such due diligence,
                  in its  sole  discretion.  During  the  Due  Diligence  Period
                  Goldcorp  shall  maintain  the title to the  Property  in good
                  standing  and  shall  not  grant  any  other  right,  title or
                  interest in and to the Property to any third party.

                                     - 2 -

         (b)      Subject to the terms and conditions of this LOI,  Goldcorp and
                  Halo shall, as  expeditiously  as possible,  negotiate in good
                  faith and, in the event that Halo  confirms in writing that it
                  is satisfied  in its sole  discretion  with its due  diligence
                  review  (the "DUE  DILIGENCE  WAIVER"),  settle and  execute a
                  formal option agreement (the "DEFINITIVE  AGREEMENT")  whereby
                  Goldcorp  will grant the Option to Halo,  within five (5) days
                  of Halo delivering the Due Diligence  Waiver.  Such Definitive
                  Agreement shall include the terms set out in this LOI and such
                  other mutually  acceptable terms and conditions as the parties
                  may agree, including such terms, conditions,  representations,
                  warranties  and  covenants as are  customary  in  transactions
                  involving  the grant of an option to  acquire an  interest  in
                  mining properties.

         (c)      This LOI shall  terminate and be of no further force or effect
                  at the  expiry  of the Due  Diligence  Period  if Halo has not
                  delivered  the Due  Diligence  Waiver to Goldcorp at or before
                  the expiry of the Due Diligence Period.

2.       In  consideration   of  Goldcorp   entering  into  and  delivering  the
         Definitive  Agreement,  and in order to  maintain  the  Option  in good
         standing,  Halo shall perform an exploration program on the Property at
         the  following  minimum  expenditures  per  year  (on a  non-cumulative

             YEAR OF TERM                          MINIMUM EXPENDITURE AMOUNT
                                                       (CANADIAN DOLLARS)
                  1                                    Cdn. $750,000.00
                  2                                  Cdn. $1,000,000.00
                  3                                  Cdn. $1,250,000.00

         The first  Cdn.$750,000.00  of expenditures shall be committed and Halo
         shall  not be  entitled  to  terminate  the  Option  or the  Definitive
         Agreement   prior   to   incurring   Cdn.$750,000.00   of   exploration
         expenditures in respect of the Property.  For greater  certainty,  Halo
         shall during the Option Period incur such expenditures and perform such
         work commitments and pay Goldcorp's proportionate share of any taxes or
         assessments  payable as may be  necessary in order to keep the Property
         in good  standing  during the  Option  Period,  and such  expenditures,
         payments  or  work   commitments   shall  be  credited  against  Halo's
         commitment to incur expenditures pursuant to this Section 2.

                                     - 3 -

3.       As soon as possible  following the execution of this LOI, Goldcorp will
         make  available  to Halo for  review,  as part of Halo's due  diligence
         review,  copies of all  records and data in its  possession  or control
         respecting  the  Property,  including  all  reports  prepared by or for
         Goldcorp in respect of the  Property and Halo shall be entitled to make
         copies of all such  records,  data and reports,  provided that it shall
         keep all such information confidential and shall not disclose it or use
         it in any manner  contrary  to the intent of this LOI without the prior
         written consent of Goldcorp. If Halo does not deliver the Due Diligence
         Waiver  to  Goldcorp  within  the  Due  Diligence  Period,  Halo  shall
         immediately   destroy  or  deliver  to  Goldcorp   all  copies  of  all
         information  related to the  Property in the  possession  of Halo and a
         senior  officer  of  Halo  shall  deliver  a  certificate  to  Goldcorp
         certifying that all such  information has been destroyed or returned to
         Goldcorp.  Goldcorp  does not  represent  or warrant  the  accuracy  or
         completeness  of any  records,  data  or  reports  provided  to Halo in
         accordance with this Section 3.

4.       (a)      During the Due Diligence Period,  Halo, its employees,  agents
                  and independent  contractors  shall have the right (subject to
                  the rights of the other co-owner of the Patented Property), at
                  its  sole  risk and  expense,  to enter  in,  on or under  the
                  Property in order to conduct  its due  diligence  review,  but
                  shall not conduct any mining  exploration  activities or other
                  work on the Property during such time.

         (b)      From and after the Effective Date, Halo, its employees, agents
                  and independent  contractors  shall have the right (subject to
                  the rights of the other co-owner of the Patented Property):

                  (i)      to enter in, on or under the Property;

                  (ii)     to bring upon the Property such vehicles,  equipment,
                           portable  structures and other  apparatus as the Halo
                           shall in its sole discretion deem advisable;

                  (iii)    to do such work and  conduct  and manage  such mining
                           programs  on or under the  Property  as Halo shall in
                           its sole discretion deem advisable;

                  (iv)     to  remove  from  the  Property  such  materials  for
                           analysis  and  testing  as  Halo  shall  in  it  sole
                           discretion deem advisable; and

                                     - 4 -

                  (v)      to  have   possession  of  the  Property  during  the
                           currency of the Option Period.

         In the event that Halo determines that it needs to reach agreement with
         any person  other than  Goldcorp  that holds an  interest in and to the
         Patented  Property  in  order  for  Halo to meet  its  commitments  and
         exercise  its  rights  under  this LOI,  Goldcorp  shall  take all such
         reasonable  actions as are  reasonably  required by Halo, or such other
         person with an interest in the  Patented  Property,  in order to assist
         Halo to reach such agreement.  Halo shall not be entitled to credit any
         payments  it may agree to make to such  person  in order to reach  such
         agreement,  against Halo's commitment to incur expenditures pursuant to
         Section 2.

5.       Halo shall keep full and complete  records of all exploration  work and
         development of the Property,  together with the results of assays made,
         and all such records and results shall be available  for  inspection by
         Goldcorp  prior to the exercise of the Option by Halo. If the Option is
         terminated or otherwise  not  exercised by Halo,  Halo shall deliver to
         Goldcorp  all such records and results and all such records and results
         shall become the property of Goldcorp.

6.       For a period of ninety (90) days  following the date of the exercise of
         the Option by Halo,  Goldcorp shall, at its sole  discretion,  have the
         right to elect by notice in writing  delivered  to Halo to exercise the
         right (the  "BACK-IN  RIGHT") to  acquire  from Halo (i) a  twenty-five
         (25%)  percent  interest in and to the  Unpatented  Property  such that
         Goldcorp will  thereafter  have a sixty-five  (65%)  percent  undivided
         legal and  beneficial  interest in and to the  Unpatented  Property and
         Halo  will  have  a  thirty-five  (35%)  percent  undivided  legal  and
         beneficial interest in and to the Unpatented Property and (ii) a twelve
         and one-half (12.5%) percent  interest in and to the Patented  Property
         such that  Goldcorp  will  thereafter  have a  thirty-two  and one-half
         (32.5%) percent  undivided legal and beneficial  interest in and to the
         Patented  Property and Halo will have a seventeen  and one half (17.5%)
         percent undivided legal and beneficial  interest in and to the Patented
         Property,  by giving  notice of such election in writing to Halo and by
         paying  Halo Cdn.  $6,000,000.00  on or before the  expiration  of such
         ninety (90) day period.  If Goldcorp  advises  Halo in writing  that it
         does not intend to exercise  the Back-in  Right or fails to give such a
         notice and make such payment  within the ninety (90) day time frame for
         doing so, Halo shall issue and  deliver one million  (1,000,000)  fully
         paid and non-assessable  common shares of Halo (the "OPTION SHARES") to
         Goldcorp in accordance with and subject to Sections 7 and 8 below. Halo

                                     - 5 -

         shall during the Due  Diligence  Period seek the  regulatory  and stock
         exchange  conditional  pre-approval to the issuance and delivery of the
         Option Shares.

7.       For the purposes of Section 6, any Option Shares issued shall be deemed
         to have a value per share equal to the volume-weighted  average closing
         price of Halo's  common  shares  on the TSX  Venture  Exchange  for the
         thirty trading days immediately prior to the date that Goldcorp advises
         Halo that it will not exercise the Back-in Right or otherwise  fails to
         exercise the  Back-in-Right.  If Goldcorp does not exercise the Back-in
         Right  Halo  shall  take all  necessary  corporate  action to issue and
         deliver the Option  Shares to Goldcorp and to record the Option  Shares
         on the books of Halo in the name of  Goldcorp.  Halo shall  comply with
         applicable  securities  laws in  connection  with the  issuance of such
         Option Shares.

8.       The Option Shares to be issued by Halo to Goldcorp  shall be subject to
         all applicable hold periods required by applicable  securities laws and
         the TSX  Venture  Exchange  (not to exceed four months from the date of
         issuance).  The issuance of any Option Shares shall be conditional upon
         Halo obtaining all  regulatory  consents or approvals  being  received,
         including  those of the TSX Venture  Exchange and Halo will ensure that
         all  filings  required  to  be  made  with  all  applicable  securities
         regulatory  authorities are made in a prompt and timely manner to allow
         for the  issuance  of the Option  Shares on a basis that is exempt from
         all  prospectus  and   registration   requirements   under   applicable
         securities  laws.  In the event that Halo is unable to issue the Option
         Shares to Goldcorp on an exempt basis  within ten business  days of the
         date Goldcorp  advises Halo that it will not exercise the Back-in Right
         or otherwise  fails to exercise the Back-in Right,  Halo shall promptly
         pay  Goldcorp the cash value of the Option  Shares,  as  determined  in
         accordance  with  Section  7, in  cash,  by  certified  cheque  or wire
         transfer in immediately available funds.

9.       In the  event  Halo  exercises  the  Option,  Halo and  Goldcorp  shall
         forthwith enter into a definitive joint venture agreement, on terms and
         conditions  usual  in the  mining  industry  and  satisfactory  to both
         parties,  acting  reasonably,   for  the  purpose  of  jointly  further
         exploring,   developing   and   exploiting  the  Property  (the  "JOINT
         VENTURE").  The parties shall share all future  funding of  exploration
         and  other  expenditures  and  liabilities   proportionately  to  their
         respective interests in the Property (each, a "VENTURE INTEREST").  The
         joint venture agreement shall include  provisions  pertaining to, INTER

                                     - 6 -

         ALIA: (i) reciprocal  rights of first refusal  concerning  each party's
         Venture  Interest;  (ii) the  manner  in which  decisions  will be made
         concerning the Property,  including the approval of programs,  budgets,
         and the  determination  of amounts to be expended by the Joint Venture,
         and (iii) dispute resolution procedures.

10.      If either party  elects not to fund its share of future  Joint  Venture
         expenditures where the other party does fund its share, the non-funding
         party's  Venture  Interest shall be diluted in accordance with standard
         mining industry dilution provisions. If either party's Venture Interest
         is reduced to ten (10%) percent or less, its Venture  Interest shall be
         converted to a one and a half (1.5%) percent Net Smelter Return Royalty
         calculated and paid in the manner described in Schedule "B".

11.      Subject to the committed expenditure  requirements set out in Section 2
         of this LOI, Halo may terminate the Option and its obligations to incur
         expenditures  at any time and  return  possession  of all of the mining
         claims  forming the  Property to  Goldcorp by giving  Goldcorp  written
         notice thereof.

12.      Upon  termination  of the Option,  Halo shall  ensure that the Property
         shall  remain in good  standing  for at least six (6) months  after the
         date of such termination.

13.      Upon the termination of the Option, Halo shall have the right for sixty
         (60) days beyond the date of such  termination to enter on, in or under
         the  Property in order,  to remove  therefrom  such  equipment,  tools,
         materials, structures, apparatus or supplies brought thereon by Halo or
         on its  behalf,  and to the extent  that Halo does not remove them they
         shall become the property of Goldcorp.

14.      The obligation of the parties to complete the transactions contemplated
         by this LOI is subject to the following conditions precedent:

                  (i)      Halo  being   completely   satisfied,   in  its  sole
                           discretion,    with   its   legal,    technical   and
                           environmental  due diligence  undertaken with respect
                           to the Property during the Due Diligence Period; and

                  (ii)     execution of the Definitive Agreement.

15.      The  terms  of  this  LOI,  including  the  terms  of the  transactions
         contemplated  hereby and the fact that Halo and  Goldcorp  are pursuing
         the proposed  transactions  contemplated  herein are  confidential  and

                                     - 7 -

         neither Halo nor Goldcorp  shall  disclose any such  information to any
         person or entity without the prior written consent of the other, except
         as may  otherwise be required by applicable  law,  rule or  regulation.
         Notwithstanding  the foregoing and for greater certainty,  either party
         may make a public  announcement  of the  existence  of this LOI and the
         transactions  contemplated  hereby provided that the timing and content
         thereof have been agreed upon by both parties, acting reasonably.

16.      Halo  and   Goldcorp   agree  that  all   out-of-pocket   expenses  and
         disbursements  incurred in connection  with this LOI and the completion
         of the transactions  contemplated  herein,  including fees and expenses
         relating to legal, tax,  accounting matters and financial advisor fees,
         will be paid by the party incurring such expenses.

17.      This LOI, the Definitive Agreement, the joint venture agreement and any
         other  agreement  or  instrument  contemplated  by this  LOI  shall  be
         governed by and construed in  accordance  with the laws of the Province
         of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.

18.      Any  assignment  of a party's  interest  hereunder may be assigned only
         with the prior written consent of the other party.

19.      This LOI shall enure to the benefit of and be binding  upon the parties
         hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

20.      This LOI may be executed by  facsimile  transmission  in  counterparts,
         each of which so  executed  and  delivered  shall  be  deemed  to be an
         original and such  counterparts  together shall  constitute one and the
         same document

Yours truly,


- ----------------------------
Name:    Marc Cernovitch
Title:   President

                                     - 8 -



Per:     /s/ LINDSAY HALL
- -------------------------
Name:    Lindsay Hall
Title:   VP and CFO

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

                                  THE PROPERTY

         PROPERTY        TYPE           TOWNSHIP         NUMBER
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11077
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11078
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11079
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11080
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11081
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11082
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11083
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11104
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11105
         Biron Bay      Patent            Ball            11106

                                ACTION                        OFFICIAL
    PROPRTY           TYPE        DUE           TOWNSHIP       NUMBER
    Pipestone Bay     STK      6/7/2007           Ball         1234170
    Pipestone Bay     STK      7/4/2008           Ball         1234140
    Pipestone Bay     STK      7/4/2008           Ball         1234141
    Pipestone Bay     STK      7/4/2007           Ball         1234142
    Pipestone Bay     STK      7/4/2006*          Ball         1234143
    Pipestone Bay     STK      7/4/2007           Ball         1234144
    *  Assessment ($6,000) required on these mineral claims by July 4, 2006


                                ACTION                        OFFICIAL
    PROPRTY           TYPE        DUE           TOWNSHIP       NUMBER

    Middle Bay         LP       2/1/2008          Ball           40860
    Middle Bay         LP       2/1/2008          Ball           40861
    Middle Bay         LP       2/1/2008          Ball           40862
    Middle Bay         LP       2/1/2008          Ball           40863
    Middle Bay         LP       2/1/2008          Ball           40864
    Middle Bay         LP       2/1/2008          Ball           40865
    Middle Bay         LP       8/1/2014          Ball           46181
    Middle Bay         LP       8/1/2014          Ball           46182
    Middle Bay         LP       8/1/2014          Ball           46183
    Middle Bay         LP       8/1/2014          Ball           46184
    Middle Bay         LP       8/1/2014          Ball           47707
    Middle Bay         LP       8/1/2014          Ball           47708
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49874
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49875
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49896
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49897
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49898
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49899
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2019          Ball           49900
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49901
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49902
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49903
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           49904
    Middle Bay         LP      12/1/2018          Ball           52174
    Middle Bay         LP      12/1/2018          Ball           52175
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2019          Ball           53397
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           53398
    Middle Bay         LP       3/1/2011          Ball           53399
    Middle Bay        STK      8/29/2007          Ball          870130
    Middle Bay        STK      8/29/2008          Ball          870131
    Middle Bay        STK      8/29/2007          Ball          870132
    Middle Bay        STK      5/31/2007          Ball         1143622
    Middle Bay        STK      5/31/2007          Ball         1143623
    Middle Bay        STK      5/31/2007          Ball         1143624
    Middle Bay        STK      5/31/2007          Ball         1143625
    Middle Bay        STK      5/31/2007          Ball         1143646
    Middle Bay        STK      5/31/2007          Ball         1143647
    Middle Bay        STK      3/17/2007          Ball         1184230
    Middle Bay        STK       6/1/2007          Ball         1184316
    Middle Bay        STK       6/1/2007          Ball         1184317
    Middle Bay        STK       6/4/2007          Ball         1185055
    Middle Bay        STK      6/28/2008          Ball         1234022
    Middle Bay        STK      6/28/2007          Ball         1234029
    Middle Bay        STK      6/28/2007          Ball         1234030
    Middle Bay        STK      6/28/2008          Ball         1234039
    Middle Bay        STK      6/28/2007          Ball         1234051

                                      - 3 -

                                ACTION                        OFFICIAL
    PROPRTY           TYPE        DUE           TOWNSHIP       NUMBER

    Middle Bay        STK     11/24/2008          Ball         1234081
    Middle Bay        STK     11/24/2007          Ball         1234082
    Middle Bay        STK     11/24/2008          Ball         1234083
    Middle Bay        STK      10/5/2007          Ball         1234155
    Middle Bay        STK      10/5/2007          Ball         1234156
    Middle Bay        STK      10/5/2008          Ball         1234157
    Middle Bay        STK      6/12/2006(1)       Ball         1248154
    Middle Bay        STK      6/21/2007          Ball         1234259
    Middle Bay        STK       7/4/2008          Ball         1234245
    Middle Bay        STK     11/24/2006(2)       Ball         1234084
    Middle Bay        STK       6/2/2006(1)       Ball         3004674
    Middle Bay        STK       6/2/2006(1)       Ball         3004676
    Middle Bay        STK       6/2/2006(1)       Ball         1247933
    Middle Bay        STK     10/23/2007          Ball         1234401
    Middle Bay        STK     10/23/2007          Ball         1234402
    Middle Bay        STK       6/2/2006(1)       Ball         1248171
    Middle Bay        STK     07/16/2007          Ball         1248129
    Middle Bay        STK       6/4/2006(3)       Ball         1248169

(1) Assessment ($4,000) required on these mineral cliams by June 2, 2006.
(2) Assessment ($1,538) required on these mineral cliams by November 24, 2006.
(3) Assessment ($800) required on these mineral cliams by June 2, 2006.

                                  SCHEDULE "B"

                           NET SMELTER RETURNS ROYALTY

Where used in this Schedule "B":

(a)      "Agreement"  means the LOI and the  Definitive  Agreement to which this
         schedule is or becomes  attached,  including any amendments  thereto or
         renewals or extensions thereof.

(b)      "Property" means those mining  Properties  described in Schedule "A" of
         the LOI to which this Schedule "B" is attached.

(c)      "Fiscal  Period"  means  each  calendar  year  or  other  period  of 12
         consecutive  months  adopted by the payor of the Royalty  Interest  for
         accounting and tax purposes.

(d)      "Royalty Interest" means the 1.5% Net Smelter Returns royalty which may
         become payable  pursuant to the terms of the LOI to which this Schedule
         "B" is attached.


"Net Smelter Returns" shall mean the gross proceeds received by the payor of the
Royalty Interest in accordance with its proportionate  ownership interest in and
to the Property from the sale or other  disposition  of minerals,  ores,  metals
(metals shall include, precious metals and metals other than precious metals) or
concentrates  of metals  produced from the Property and sold, less the following
expenses if actually incurred:

(a)      taxes specifically  based on mining  production,  but excluding any and
         all taxes (i) based upon the net or gross  income of the owner or other
         operator of the Property or the payor of the Royalty  Interest and (ii)
         based upon the value of the Property,  the privilege of doing  business
         and other similarly based taxes;

(b)      charges and costs,  if any, for  transportation  and insurance of ores,
         metals  (metals shall  include,  precious  metals and metals other than
         precious  metals) or  concentrates of metals produced from the Property
         to any mint, smelter, or refinery; and

                                     - 2 -

(c)      charges,   costs  (including  assaying  and  sampling  costs)  and  all
         penalties,  if any,  charged by a smelter  or  refiner of ores,  metals
         (metals shall include,  precious  metals and metals other than precious
         metals) or concentrates of metals produced from the Property.

3.       PAYMENT

(a)      The Royalty  Interest  shall be paid in cash only on a quarterly  basis
         within 45 days after the end of each fiscal quarter during the relevant
         Fiscal Period;

(b)      Each payment under  subsection 3(a) shall be accompanied by a statement
         indicating the calculation of Net Smelter Returns. The Royalty Interest
         holder shall be entitled to audit,  during normal business hours,  such
         books and records as are necessary to determine the  correctness of the
         payment of the Royalty Interest provided,  however, that such audit may
         be made once only on an annual basis and within 12 months of the end of
         the Fiscal Period in respect of which such audit is made; and

(c)      Payment of the Royalty  Interest shall be made to the Royalty  Interest
         holder at such place or places as the  Royalty  Interest  holder  shall
         advise the payor from time to time.


The owner of the  Property  shall be entitled  to  transfer  all or part of such
title in and to the Property to any third party,  provided that such third party
shall agree in writing to be bound by the terms of the  Royalty  Interest to the
extent of such interest in the Property acquired and, in such circumstances, the
transferor  of such  interest in and to the Property  shall be released from all
obligations in respect of the Royalty Interest  accruing from and after the date
of such transfer.