OPTION AGREEMENT

                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.
                                  GOLDCORP INC.


                                  JUNE 20, 2006

THIS OPTION AGREEMENT dated as of the 20th day of June, 2006.


                  GOLDCORP INC.
                  a corporation  duly existing under the laws of the Province of


                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

                  - and -

                  HALO RESOURCES LTD.
                  a corporation duly continued under the laws of the Province of
                  British Columbia


                                                              OF THE SECOND PART


A.       Goldcorp is the recorded and beneficial owner of a 100% interest in and
         to certain  unpatented  mining claims and the registered and beneficial
         owner of a l00%  interest  in and to certain  leasehold  mining  claims
         located in the Red Lake  District of Ontario,  as such  unpatented  and
         leasehold mining claims are more particularly described in Schedule "A"
         attached hereto  (collectively,  save and except for the Seventy-Five %
         Claims (as defined below), the "Unpatented Property");

B.       Goldcorp has agreed to grant Halo an exclusive  option (the "Unpatented
         Option")  to  acquire an  undivided  60%  recorded  or  registered  and
         beneficial  interest in and to the  Unpatented  Property in  accordance
         with and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

C.       Goldcorp is the registered  and  beneficial  owner of a 75% interest in
         and to leasehold  patent  mining  claims  KRL47707  and  KRL47708  (the
         "Seventy-Five  % Claims") as such  leasehold  patent  mining claims are
         described in Schedule "A" attached hereto;

D.       Goldcorp  has  agreed  to  grant  to  Halo  an  exclusive  option  (the
         "Seventy-Five  % Claims Option") to acquire an undivided 45% registered
         and  beneficial  interest  in and  to  the  Seventy-Five  %  Claims  in
         accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set

E.       Goldcorp is the registered  and  beneficial  owner of a 50% interest in
         and to certain  patented mining claims located in the Red Lake District
         of  Ontario,  as such  patented  mining  claims  are more  particularly
         described in Schedule "A1" attached hereto  (collectively the "Patented

F.       Goldcorp  has agreed to grant Halo an exclusive  option (the  "Patented
         Option") to acquire an undivided 30% registered and beneficial interest
         in and to the Patented  Property in accordance  with and subject to the
         terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and

                                     - 2 -

G.       The  Unpatented  Property,  the  Seventy-Five % Claims and the Patented
         Property are  sometimes  hereinafter  referred to  collectively  as the
         "Property" and the Unpatented  Option, the Seventy-Five % Claims Option
         and the Patented  Option are sometime  collectively  referred to as the

NOW THEREFORE  THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSETH  that in  consideration  of the mutual
covenants,  conditions and premises herein contained, the sum of Two Dollars now
paid by each of the Parties (as hereinafter  defined) to the other and for other
good and valuable  consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged by each of the Parties) the Parties do hereby covenant and agree as


1.1      DEFINITIONS. In this Agreement:

         "this Agreement", "herein", "hereby", "hereof", "hereunder" and similar
         expressions  shall mean or refer to this  Agreement  and all  schedules
         hereto and any and all written  agreements or instruments  supplemental
         or ancillary hereto and the expression  "section"  followed by a number
         means and refers to the specified section of this Agreement.

         "Agents"  shall  mean  consultants   (including   financial  advisors),
         servants, employees, agents, workmen, contractors and subcontractors.

         "Back-in Right" shall have the meaning set forth in section 6.3.

         "Development"  shall mean all  preparation for the removal and recovery
         of minerals from the Property.

         "Earn-In Date" shall have the meaning set forth in section 6.1.

         "Effective Date" shall mean the date of this Agreement set forth on the
         first page hereof.

         "Encumbrances"  shall  mean any and all  mortgages,  pledges,  security
         interests,  liens, charges,  encumbrances,  contractual obligations and
         rights and claims of others, whether recorded or unrecorded, registered
         or unregistered.

         "Excess Expenditures" shall have the meaning set forth in section 5.1.

         "Expenditures" shall mean all expenditures,  expenses,  obligations and
         liabilities of whatever kind or nature  reasonably spent or incurred by
         Halo in doing Work on the Property from and after the  Effective  Date,
         including for greater certainty and without  limitation,  expenses paid
         for  or  incurred  in  connection   with  any  program  of  surface  or
         underground  prospecting,   exploring,   geological,   geophysical  and
         geochemical surveying,  diamond drilling,  drifting,  raising and other

                                     - 3 -

         underground  work,  assaying,   metallurgical  testing,   environmental
         studies,  submissions to any Governmental  Authority and other agencies
         with respect to all required production and other permits, licenses and
         approvals,  moneys  expended  in  keeping  the  Property  and the title
         thereto  in  good  standing,   and  moneys  expended  in  acquiring  or
         constructing  facilities  and in developing and mining the Property and
         all field costs  incurred by employees  and Agents with respect to Work
         conducted on the Property together with all administrative and overhead
         costs  directly  incurred by the Operator and relating  directly to the
         administration  of the Property or Work done on the Property,  provided
         that in no event shall such  administrative  and overhead  costs exceed
         seven and one half percent  (7.5%) of all other  Expenditures  directly
         related  to the  Property  or Work done on the  Property  and  directly
         incurred or performed by Halo, or seven and one half percent  (7.5%) of
         the  contract  price in  respect  of all  other  Expenditures  directly
         related to the Property or Work done on the  Property  performed by any
         agent, contractor or subcontractor of Halo, and provided always that in
         no event shall such costs include non-project related overhead or legal
         or other  consultants'  fees related to the negotiation  (including the
         conduct of due diligence) execution and delivery of this Agreement.

         "Expenditure  Date" means each date upon which  Expenditures  must have
         been incurred as provided in the schedule set out in section 4.1.

         "Exploration"  shall mean all activities  directed toward  ascertaining
         the  existence,  location,  quantity,  quality or  commercial  value of
         deposits of minerals on the Property.

         "Governmental  Authority" means any federal,  provincial,  municipal or
         other  governmental  department,  commission,  board,  bureau,  agency,
         government-owned corporation or instrumentality, or any court.

         "Joint Venture Agreement" shall mean the joint venture agreement in the
         form set forth in Schedule "B" attached  hereto,  which agreement shall
         be executed  and  delivered by the Parties upon the due exercise of the

         "Losses"  shall mean actual  losses,  liabilities,  damages,  injuries,
         costs or expenses.

         "Operator" shall mean Halo.

         "Option"  shall  have the  meaning  set forth in the  recitals  to this

         "Option  Period"  shall mean the period  during  which the Option is in
         full force and effect as provided herein.

         "Option Shares" shall have the meaning set forth in section 6.3.

         "Party" shall mean Halo or Goldcorp, as the case may be.

         "Permitted  Encumbrances"  means  any  Encumbrance  in  respect  of the
         Property constituted by the following:

                                     - 4 -

                  (a)      inchoate or statutory liens for taxes not at the time

                  (b)      inchoate  or  statutory  liens for  overdue  taxes or
                           utilities,  the validity of which is being  contested
                           in  good   faith   but  only  for  so  long  as  such
                           contestation effectively postpones enforcement of any
                           such liens or taxes;

                  (c)      security   given   to  a   public   utility   or  any
                           Governmental  Authority when required in the ordinary
                           course of business;

                  (d)      any  reservations  or  exceptions  contained  in  the
                           original grants of land and the terms of any lease in
                           respect of any real property comprising the Property;

                  (e)      minor  discrepancies in the legal  description of the
                           Property or any adjoining  real property  which would
                           be  disclosed  in  an   up-to-date   survey  and  any
                           registered  easements and registered  restrictions or
                           covenants  that  run  with  the  land  which  do  not
                           materially  detract from the value of, or  materially
                           impair the use of, or affect  the right to  transfer,
                           the Property; and

                  (f)      rights of way for or reservations or rights of others
                           for, sewers, water lines, gas lines,  electric lines,
                           telegraph  and  telephone  lines,  and other  similar
                           utilities,  or zoning  by-laws,  ordinances  or other
                           restrictions as to the use of real property, which do
                           not in the  aggregate  materially  detract  from  the
                           value of, or materially  impair the use of, or affect
                           the right to transfer, the Property;

         "Person"  shall  mean  any  natural   person,   partnership,   company,
         corporation,  unincorporated  association,  Governmental  Authority  or
         other agency,  trust,  trustee or other entity howsoever  designated or

         "Prime Rate" shall mean the  interest  rate quoted from time to time as
         "Prime"  by  The   Toronto-Dominion   Bank  to  its  most  creditworthy

         "Property"  shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the preambles to
         this Agreement.

         "Work" means Exploration,  Development or other mining and milling work
         performed exclusively on or directly in relation to the Property.


2.1      SCHEDULES. The following are the schedules attached to and incorporated
in this Agreement by reference and deemed to be a part hereof:

                  Schedule "A"      -        Description   of   the   Unpatented
                                             Property  and  the  Seventy-Five  %

                  Schedule "A1"     -        Description    of   the    Patented

                                     - 5 -

                  Schedule "B"      -        Joint Venture Agreement

                  Schedule "C"      -        Rules for Arbitration

2.2      GENDER AND EXTENDED MEANINGS.  In this Agreement all words and personal
pronouns  relating  thereto shall be read and construed as the number and gender
of the Party or parties  referred to in each case  require and the verb shall be
construed as agreeing  with the required  word and  pronoun.  In this  Agreement
words importing the singular number include the plural and vice versa.

2.3      CANADIAN  DOLLARS.  All  references  to  currency  in  this  Agreement,
including "dollars" and "$", are in Canadian funds.

2.4      BUSINESS DAYS. All references in this Agreement to business days are to
days  excluding  Saturdays,  Sundays  and banking or  statutory  holidays in the
Province of Ontario.

2.5      PERIOD OF TIME.  When  calculating  the period of time within  which or
following  which any act is to be done or step is to be taken  pursuant  to this
Agreement, the date which is the reference date in calculating such period shall
be excluded. If the last day of such period is a non-business day, the period in
question  shall end on the next  business  day.  Time is of the  essence of this

2.6      SECTION  HEADINGS.  The section and other  headings  contained  in this
Agreement or in the  Schedules  are for  reference  purposes  only and shall not
affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.


hereby represents and warrants to the other as follows and acknowledges that the
other Party is relying on such  representations  and warranties in entering into
this Agreement:

         (a)      It is a company duly existing  under the laws of its governing
                  jurisdiction  and it is duly organized and validly  subsisting
                  under such laws.

         (b)      It has full  corporate  power  and  authority  to carry on its
                  business and to enter into this Agreement and to carry out and
                  perform all of its obligations and duties hereunder.

         (c)      It  has   duly   obtained   all   corporate   and   regulatory
                  authorizations for the execution,  delivery and performance of
                  this  Agreement  and,  except  as  expressly  set  out in this
                  Agreement,  such  execution,  delivery and performance and the
                  consummation of the transactions  herein contemplated will not
                  conflict  with or  result  in a  breach  of any  covenants  or
                  agreements  contained  in or  constitute  a  default  under or
                  result in the creation of any Encumbrance under the provisions
                  of its constating documents or any shareholders' or directors'
                  resolution  or any  indenture,  agreement or other  instrument
                  whatsoever  to which it is a party or by which it is bound and
                  does not contravene any applicable laws.

                                     - 6 -

         (d)      This  Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by it and
                  is valid,  binding and  enforceable  against it in  accordance
                  with its terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy,  insolvency,
                  reorganization and other laws of general application  limiting
                  the enforcement of creditors' rights generally and to the fact
                  that specific  performance  is an equitable  remedy  available
                  only in the discretion of a court.

         (e)      There is no Person  acting or purporting to act at its request
                  who is entitled to any  brokerage or finders fee in connection
                  with the transactions contemplated herein.

         (f)      It has not committed an act of  bankruptcy,  is not insolvent,
                  has not proposed a  compromising  arrangement to its creditors
                  generally,  has not had any petition for a receiving  order in
                  bankruptcy   filed  against  it,  has  not  made  a  voluntary
                  assignment in bankruptcy,  has not taken any proceedings  with
                  respect  to a  compromise  or  arrangement,  has not taken any
                  proceeding to have itself declared  bankrupt or wound-up,  has
                  not taken any  proceeding to have a receiver  appointed of any
                  part  of  its  assets,  has  not  had  any  encumbrancer  take
                  possession  of  any  of its  property  and  has  not  had  any
                  execution or distress become enforceable or become levied upon
                  any of its property.

3.2      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF GOLDCORP.  Goldcorp hereby represents
and  warrants to Halo as follows and  acknowledges  that Halo is relying on such
representations and warranties in entering into this Agreement:

         (a)      Goldcorp is the holder of record and is the beneficial  holder
                  of a 100% undivided interest in and to those unpatented mining
                  claims  forming  part  of  the  Unpatented  Property,  is  the
                  registered  owner of record and is the beneficial  holder of a
                  100%  undivided  interest  in and to  those  leasehold  mining
                  claims  forming  part of the  Unpatented  Property  and is the
                  registered  owner of record and is the beneficial  holder of a
                  75% interest in and to the  Seventy-Five  % Claims,  with good
                  and  marketable (to the extent  permitted by applicable  laws)
                  title thereto,  and is a registered  owner and is a beneficial
                  holder of an  undivided  50%  interest in and to the  Patented
                  Property, with good and marketable title thereto, all free and
                  clear  of any  and  all  Encumbrances,  other  than  Permitted

         (b)      There are no other agreements, adverse interests or options to
                  acquire or purchase the  Unpatented  Property,  Goldcorp's 75%
                  interest in and to the Seventy-Five % Claims or Goldcorp's 50%
                  interest  in and  to the  Patented  Property,  or any  portion
                  thereof.  Save for the terms of the leasehold  patents related
                  to those leased mining claims  forming part of the  Unpatented
                  Property and the Seventy-Five % Claims and save for the rights
                  of the other 50% owner of the Patented  Property in and to the
                  Patented  Property and the other 25% owner of the Seventy-Five
                  % Claims in and to the  Seventy-Five  % Claims,  no Person has
                  any  proprietary or possessory  interest in or to the Property
                  other than  Goldcorp  and, save for the terms of the leasehold
                  patents  related to those leased mining claims forming part of
                  the Unpatented Property and the Seventy-Five % Claims and save
                  for the rights of the other 50% owner of the Patented Property
                  in and to the Patented property and the other 25% owner of the

                                     - 7 -

                  Seventy-Five % Claims in and to the Seventy-Five % Claims,  no
                  Person is  entitled  to any  royalty  or other  payment in the
                  nature  of  rent  or  royalty  on  any  minerals,   metals  or
                  concentrates  or any other such  products  removed or produced
                  from the Property.

         (c)      The title to the  Unpatented  Property  (including  all leases
                  related  thereto),  the 75% interest of Goldcorp in and to the
                  Seventy-Five  % Claims  (including  Goldcorp's 75% interest in
                  and to the leases  related  thereto)  and the 50%  interest of
                  Goldcorp in and to the Patented Property, are in good standing
                  and the  condition of the  Property is in material  compliance
                  with  all  applicable  laws,  regulations  and  orders  of all
                  Governmental  Authorities  having  jurisdiction,  including in
                  respect of any material environmental  liability related to or
                  arising out of the Property.

         (d)      To  the  best  of its  knowledge,  there  are no  outstanding,
                  pending or threatened,  actions,  suits or claims affecting or
                  in respect of the Unpatented Property, Goldcorp's 75% interest
                  in and to the Seventy-Five % Claims or Goldcorp's 50% interest
                  in and to the Patented Property, or any part thereof.

         (e)      To the best of its  knowledge,  Goldcorp has made available to
                  Halo all material  information  in its  possession  or control
                  relating to the Property as  contemplated in section 7.1. Such
                  deliveries  are for the  information  and  convenience of Halo
                  only  and  Goldcorp   does  not   represent  the  accuracy  or
                  completeness  of such  deliveries  and shall not be liable for
                  any errors or  omissions  with  respect  thereto or  contained

3.3      REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES OF HALO.  Halo hereby  represents  and
warrants  to  Goldcorp,  and  acknowledges  that  Goldcorp  is  relying  on such
representations and warranties in entering into this Agreement;

         (a)      Halo is, and has not received any notice from any Governmental
                  Authority  advising  it  that  it  is  not  or  will  not  be,
                  authorized,  permitted or licensed to conduct  business in the
                  Province  of  Ontario  and  to  perform  such   operations  or
                  obligations  within  the  jurisdiction  of  each  Governmental
                  Authority  having  jurisdiction of the nature and scope of the
                  operations and obligations to be performed by Halo pursuant to
                  and in  accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement  and the
                  Joint Venture Agreement;

         (b)      The  outstanding  common  shares of Halo are listed and posted
                  for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange; and

         (c)      Halo  has  obtained   regulatory  and  TSX  Venture   Exchange
                  conditional  pre-approval  of the issuance and delivery of the
                  Option Shares in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


         (a)      Acknowledges  and agrees that the other Party is entering into
                  this Agreement relying upon the representations and warranties
                  made  by  it  herein   and  the   correctness   of  each  such

                                     - 8 -

                  representation  and  warranty is a  condition  upon which such
                  other Party is relying upon entering into this Agreement, each
                  of which  conditions or breach  thereof may be waived in whole
                  or in part  solely  by such  other  Party in  writing  without
                  prejudice to its rights in respect of any other breach of such
                  conditions and all such  representations  and warranties shall
                  survive  the  execution,  delivery  and  termination  of  this
                  Agreement and the completion of the transactions  contemplated
                  hereby  for a period  of one  year  from  the  Effective  Date
                  notwithstanding  any independent  investigations  either Party
                  has made or may make.

         (b)      Agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other Party from all
                  Losses  actually  incurred by such other  Party in  connection
                  with a breach of any representation or warranty made by it and
                  contained herein.


4.1      GRANT.  In  consideration  of the covenants and  agreements of Halo set
forth  herein,  Goldcorp does hereby give and grant the Option to Halo. In order
to  maintain  the Option in good  standing,  Halo shall  perform an  exploration
program on the Property at the  following  minimum  expenditures  per year on or
before the annual date set out below (on a non-cumulative basis):

                  YEAR OF TERM AND                    MINIMUM EXPENDITURE AMOUNT
                  EXPENDITURE DATE                        (CANADIAN DOLLARS)

         Year 1 - on or before December 31, 2006            Cdn $750,000.00
         Year 2 - on or before December 31, 2007           Cdn $1,000,000.00
         Year 3 - on or before December 31, 2008           Cdn $1,250,000.00

The first  Cdn.$750,000.00 of expenditures shall be committed and Halo shall not
be entitled to terminate the Option prior to incurring  Cdn.$750,000.00 worth of
Exploration Expenditures in respect of the Property. For greater certainty, Halo
shall during the Option Period incur such Expenditures and perform such Work and
pay Goldcorp's proportionate share of any taxes, rents or assessments payable as
may be  necessary  in order to keep the  Property  in good  standing  during the
Option Period, and such expenditures, payments or Work shall be credited against
Halo's commitment to incur  Expenditures  pursuant to this section 4.1. Halo and
Goldcorp each  acknowledge and agree that extraneous  circumstances  may make it
difficult  for Halo to fully expend the  Expenditure  amounts for each of Year 1
and Year 2 before the  requisite  Expenditure  Date.  Goldcorp  agrees  that the
requirement to spend such Expenditure amounts may be carried into the subsequent
year,  provided that (i) Halo uses,  and Halo hereby  agrees to use,  reasonable
commercial efforts to expend the scheduled  Expenditure amounts in the scheduled
year and (ii) in order to  exercise  the  Option,  Halo must expend a minimum of
$3,000,000 of  Expenditures  on or before  December 31, 2008 as  contemplated in
section 6.1.

                                     - 9 -

4.2      OPTION  PERIOD.  The Option shall  commence on the  Effective  Date and
shall terminate on December 31, 2008 (the "Option  Period") unless  exercised or
otherwise terminated, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


5.1      EXCESS  EXPENDITURES.  Expenditures  actually  incurred  exceeding  the
Expenditures  required from time to time to maintain the Option in good standing
in any period (the "Excess  Expenditures") shall be carried forward and credited
to future  Expenditure  requirements of Halo in subsequent  periods.  Any excess
Expenditures as at the Earn-In-Date  shall be carried forward and credited under
the Joint Venture Agreement.

5.2      OBLIGATIONS  OF HALO.  Subject to the firm  obligation  of Halo to fund
Expenditures  aggregating  a minimum  of  $750,000  in the first  year,  if Halo
notifies  Goldcorp in writing that it will not incur  Expenditures  for the next
scheduled  period or  periods  or if Halo  fails to incur  Expenditures  for any
scheduled  period for any reason  whatsoever,  save and except for a  continuing
event of Force  Majeure,  the  provisions of section 9.1 shall be applicable and
the Option shall be at an end.

5.3      ITEMIZED  EXPENDITURES.  Halo shall deliver to Goldcorp  within 60 days
after each Expenditure  Date, an itemized  statement  setting out the details of
such  Expenditures  for the  preceding  Expenditure  period.  In the event  that
Goldcorp  requires  further  information in respect of, or disputes the accuracy
of, any item in an itemized  statement  of  Expenditures  so  delivered by Halo,
Goldcorp  shall be entitled  to an audited  report of such  Expenditures  by the
statutory  auditor of Halo.  In the event that such  matters in dispute  are not
settled  between the Parties within 30 days of delivery of notice by Goldcorp to
Halo advising of such dispute,  then the matter shall be referred to arbitration
for determination as provided in Article 11.

the event that Halo  determines that it needs to reach agreement with any Person
other than  Goldcorp  that holds an interest in and to the Patented  Property or
the Seventy-Five % Claims in order for Halo to meet its commitments and exercise
its rights under this Agreement, Goldcorp shall take all such reasonable actions
as are reasonably required by Halo, or such other Person with an interest in the
Patented Property,  in order to assist Halo to reach such agreement.  Halo shall
not be  entitled  to credit any  payments it may agree to make to such Person in
order to reach such agreement,  against Halo's commitment to incur  expenditures
pursuant to section 4.1.


6.1      OPTION EXERCISE. If Halo has made Expenditures aggregating a minimum of
$3,000,000  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of section 4.1,  Halo shall be
entitled  to provide a written  notice of  exercise  of the  Option to  Goldcorp
stating the amount of  Expenditures  incurred and an itemized  statement of such
Expenditures.  Following  receipt of such notice of exercise of the Option,  and
subject to the rights of Goldcorp to request  more  information,  to dispute the
accuracy  of any item in the  statutory  declaration  or itemized  statement  of
Expenditures and to receive an audited report of such  Expenditures  prepared by
the  statutory  auditor of Halo as set out in section  5.3,  which  rights shall
apply equally to the statutory  declaration and itemized statements delivered by
Halo pursuant to this section, Halo shall be deemed to have exercised the Option

                                     - 10 -

as at the date of such written notice of exercise (the "Earn-In  Date") and Halo
shall have earned an undivided 60% interest in and to the  Unpatented  Property,
an undivided 45% interest in and to the  Seventy-Five  % Claims and an undivided
30%  interest  in  and  to  the  Patented  Property,   free  and  clear  of  all
Encumbrances,  other than Permitted  Encumbrances and such other Encumbrances as
may otherwise have been agreed to by the Parties during the Option Period.

6.2      JOINT  VENTURE.  In the  event  Halo  exercises  the  Option,  Halo and
Goldcorp shall forthwith enter into the Joint Venture Agreement; for the purpose
of jointly further exploring,  developing and exploiting the Property.  Goldcorp
and Halo shall  thereafter  share all future  funding of  exploration  and other
expenditures and liabilities  proportionately  to their respective  interests in
the Property in  accordance  with and subject to the terms of the Joint  Venture

6.3      BACK-IN  RIGHT.  For a period of ninety (90) days following the date of
the exercise of the Option by Halo, Goldcorp shall, at its sole discretion, have
the right to elect by notice in writing  delivered to Halo to exercise the right
(the  "Back-in  Right") to acquire  from Halo (i) a  twenty-five  (25%)  percent
interest in and to the  Unpatented  Property such that Goldcorp will  thereafter
have a sixty-five (65%) percent  undivided  recorded and beneficial  interest in
and to the  Unpatented  Property and Halo will have a thirty-five  (35%) percent
undivided  recorded and beneficial  interest in and to the Unpatented  Property,
(ii) an eighteen  and  three-quarters  (18.75%)  percent  interest in and to the
Seventy-Five % Claims such that Goldcorp will  thereafter have a forty-eight and
three quarters (48.75%) percent undivided  registered and beneficial interest in
and to the Seventy-Five % Claims and Halo will have a twenty-six and one-quarter
(26.25%)  percent  undivided  registered and  beneficial  interest in and to the
Seventy-Five % Claims and (iii) a twelve and one-half  (12.5%) percent  interest
in and to the  Patented  Property  such that  Goldcorp  will  thereafter  have a
thirty-two  and one-half  (32.5%)  percent  undivided  registered and beneficial
interest in and to the Patented  Property and Halo will have a seventeen (17.5%)
percent  undivided  registered  and  beneficial  interest in and to the Patented
Property,  by giving  notice of such  election  in writing to Halo and by paying
Halo  $6,000,000.00  on or before the expiration of such ninety (90) day period.
If Goldcorp  advises  Halo in writing  that it does not intend to  exercise  the
Back-in  Right or fails to give such a notice and make such  payment  within the
ninety  (90) day time  frame for doing so,  Halo  shall  issue and  deliver  one
million  (1,000,000) fully paid and  non-assessable  common shares of Halo, free
and clear of all  Encumbrances  (the "Option  Shares") to Goldcorp in accordance
with and  subject to section  6.4 below.  This  section  6.3 shall  survive  the
termination  of this  Agreement  if this  Agreement  is  terminated  pursuant to
section 9.1(f).


         (a)      For the  purposes of section  6.3,  the Option  Shares  issued
                  shall be deemed to have a value per share  equal to the volume
                  weighted  average closing price of Halo's common shares on the
                  TSX Venture  Exchange for the thirty trading days  immediately
                  prior to the date that Goldcorp  advises Halo that it will not
                  exercise the Back-in Right or otherwise  fails to exercise the
                  Back-in-Right.  If  Goldcorp  does not  exercise  the  Back-in
                  Right, Halo shall take all necessary corporate action to issue
                  and  deliver the Option  Shares to Goldcorp  and to record the
                  Option  Shares on the  books of Halo in the name of  Goldcorp.

                                     - 11 -

                  Halo  shall  comply  with   applicable   securities   laws  in
                  connection with the issuance of such Option Shares.

         (b)      The Option  Shares to be issued by Halo to  Goldcorp  shall be
                  subject to all applicable hold periods  required by applicable
                  securities  laws and the TSX Venture  Exchange  (not to exceed
                  four months from the date of  issuance).  The  issuance of any
                  Option  Shares shall be  conditional  upon Halo  obtaining all
                  regulatory  consents or approvals  being  received,  including
                  those of the TSX  Venture  Exchange  and Halo will ensure that
                  all filings required to be made with all applicable securities
                  regulatory  authorities are made in a prompt and timely manner
                  to allow for the issuance of the Option Shares on a basis that
                  is exempt from all  prospectus and  registration  requirements
                  under  applicable  securities  laws. In the event that Halo is
                  unable to issue the  Option  Shares to  Goldcorp  on an exempt
                  basis within ten business  days of the date  Goldcorp  advises
                  Halo that it will not exercise the Back-in  Right or otherwise
                  fails to exercise the Back-in  Right,  Halo shall promptly pay
                  Goldcorp the cash value of the Option Shares, as determined in
                  accordance  with section 7, in cash,  by  certified  cheque or
                  wire transfer in immediately available funds.

         (c)      The Option  Shares  shall be listed and posted for  trading on
                  the TSX  Venture  Exchange  at the time  they are  issued  and
                  delivered to Goldcorp in accordance with the terms hereof.

         (d)      At the time of issuance of the Option Shares, Halo will be for
                  the preceding four months a reporting  issuer,  not in default
                  of the  requirements of the SECURITIES ACT (British  Columbia)
                  and no order ceasing or suspending  trading in any  securities
                  of Halo will have been issued or pending.

         (e)      This  section  6.4  shall  survive  the  termination  of  this
                  Agreement if this Agreement is terminated  pursuant to section


7.1      DATA. Goldcorp agrees to make available to Halo copies or originals for
copy by Halo (and returned to Goldcorp  forthwith) of all maps,  reports,  data,
drill case, results of surveys and drilling and any other reports of information
Goldcorp  may have  prepared  or  caused  to be  prepared  with  respect  to the
Property,  provided  that all such maps,  reports,  data,  drill case results of
surveys and drilling and other reports of information shall be kept confidential
by Halo as provided  in Article 14 and  further  provided  that  Goldcorp  shall
retain  exclusive  title thereto.  Such  deliveries are for the  information and
convenience  of Halo  only and  Goldcorp  does not  represent  the  accuracy  or
completeness  of such  deliveries  and  shall not be  liable  for any  errors or
omissions with respect thereto.

7.2      TITLE TO  PROPERTY.  Title to  Goldcorp's  50%  interest  in and to the
Patented  Property,  Goldcorp's 75% interest in and to the Seventy-Five % Claims
and  Goldcorp's  100% interest in and to the  Unpatented  Property  shall remain
registered and recorded,  as the case may be, in the name of Goldcorp until such
time as Halo shall have duly and  properly  exercised  the Option in  accordance
with the terms of this Agreement,  whereupon subject to section 6.3, title shall

                                     - 12 -

thereto be  transferred  and assigned to, and registered or recorded in the name
of, Halo in accordance with its earned title interest. Halo shall be entitled to
register,  record or file notice of this Agreement in all appropriate government
offices upon the due  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement by the Parties
provided  that,  in the event  that Halo does not  exercise  the  Option or this
Agreement is  otherwise  terminated  prior to the  exercise of the Option,  Halo
shall forthwith discharge and remove such  registrations,  recordings or filings
from such  government  offices,  and in the event  Halo does not  complete  such
discharge  and  removal  within  30 days  of its  obligation  to do so  arising,
Goldcorp  shall be  entitled  to  complete  and  register,  record  or file such
discharges and remove all such filings and for such limited purposes Halo hereby
appoints Goldcorp as its attorney with full power of substitution.


8.1      APPOINTMENT OF OPERATOR.  Halo shall act as Operator  during the Option
Period  and as such,  Halo  shall be  responsible  in its  sole  discretion  for
carrying out and administering Work on the Property, including the completion of
all  activities  necessary to fulfill its  Expenditures  obligations  under this
Agreement. Halo as Operator, shall, subject to the rights of the other 50% owner
of the Patented Property in and to that property and the rights of the other 25%
owner of the  Seventy-Five % Claims in and to that  property,  have the right to
enter in, upon and under the Property and to explore, develop, mine, and do such
work upon the  Property and to have  possession  of the  Property,  including in
order to sample, examine, diamond drill, prospect, explore, develop and mine the
Property in such manner as Halo may determine  (subject to the applicable  laws,
regulations,   policies  or  orders  of  all  Governmental   Authorities  having
jurisdiction),  including  without  limitation,  the right to  erect,  bring and
install thereon all buildings,  vehicles,  machinery,  equipment and supplies as
Halo shall deem necessary or advisable and to remove  therefrom for analysis and
testing  quantities of ores,  minerals or metals for assay,  testing and milling
purposes only as Halo shall in its sole discretion deem advisable. Halo shall be
responsible  for obtaining  and/or  maintaining in good standing all permits and
licenses  and  other  approvals,   from  all  Governmental   Authorities  having
jurisdiction as are necessary in order to conduct Work on the Property.

8.2      DELIVERY OF ANNUAL PROGRAMS AND BUDGETS.  During the Option Period, not
less than 60 days prior to each year of the term of the Option Period and before
June 30, 2006 for the first  $750,000  of  Expenditures,  Halo shall  deliver to
Goldcorp a written program and budget specifying in reasonable detail an outline
of any and all research, prospecting, exploration and development proposed to be
carried  out during the next  scheduled  period and the  estimated  Expenditures
together with an activities schedule and timetable.

8.3      INFORMAL  ADVISORY  COMMITTEE.  During the Option  Period,  an informal
committee  consisting of Halo and Goldcorp  management  and technical  personnel
shall meet on a  semi-annual  basis or on such other  basis as  mutually  deemed
necessary  by Halo  and  Goldcorp  to  address  matters  relating  to Work to be
conducted by Halo as Operator  pursuant to this Agreement.  Halo shall take into
account  in  good  faith  any  technical  and  managerial  comments  made by the
representatives of Goldcorp.

8.4      MAINTENANCE  OF  PROPERTY.  During  the Option  Period,  Halo shall do,
record  and/or pay when due or in advance,  all such  matters and amounts as are

                                     - 13 -

necessary,  including assessment work on the Property, and shall pay such taxes,
fees and rents, as are required to keep the Property in good standing.

8.5      WORK ON CLAIMS. All work by Halo on the Property as Operator during the
Option  Period shall be done in a prudent and  workmanlike  manner in accordance
with good  mining  practice,  in  compliance  with all laws of all  Governmental
Authorities having jurisdiction, including without limitation, all environmental
laws, and in accordance with the terms of all applicable  leases relating to the
Unpatented Property.

8.6      INSURANCE.  During the Option  Period,  Halo as Operator shall maintain
adequate  insurance  coverage in accordance with normal  industry  standards and
practice  protecting  the interests of the Parties  (including  from third party
claims)  and shall  cause its Agents to obtain  and  maintain  similar  adequate
insurance.  For greater  certainty  and without  limitation,  Halo shall acquire
public  liability  and property  damage  insurance  (including in respect of all
airstrips located on the Property) in accordance with normal industry  standards
naming the Parties as insureds, with severability of interest and protecting the
interests of the Parties (including from third party claims).

8.7      REMOVAL OF LIENS.  During the Option Period, Halo as Operator shall pay
or cause to be paid all Agents including,  without  limitation,  workers or wage
earners employed by Halo on the Property and for all material  purchased by Halo
in  connection  with Work on the  Property  which  might  give rise to a lien or
privilege  thereon.  Should any such lien or privilege  be recorded  against the
Property  in  consequence  of any Work done  thereon by or for Halo,  Halo shall
forthwith take all such actions,  including  initiating  proceedings,  as may be
necessary  to have such lien or privilege  removed  and/or  discharged  from the
Property and shall have the same removed and/or  discharged  with all reasonable
dispatch provided,  however, that upon such removal or discharge of such lien or
privilege,  Halo may proceed to contest any such claim of lien or  privilege  in
good faith and diligently.


         (a)      Halo shall keep full and complete  records of all  exploration
                  work  and  development  of the  Property,  together  with  the
                  results of assays made, and all such records and results shall
                  be available for  inspection by Goldcorp prior to the exercise
                  of the Option by Halo.

         (b)      During the  Option  Period,  Halo as  Operator  shall  provide
                  Goldcorp with any information forthwith upon the occurrence of
                  any material results,  supported by copies of relevant data in
                  respect of such material results.

8.9      ACCESS.  During the Option Period,  Halo shall permit  Goldcorp and its
Agents at their own risk and  expense,  access  at all  reasonable  times to the
Property and to all information  obtained,  results produced,  samples, core and
data  collected  from the  Property  and  records,  maps,  sections  and reports
prepared  by Halo in  connection  with any Work done on or with  respect  to the

8.10     INDEMNIFICATION BY OPERATOR.  Halo as Operator shall indemnify and hold
Goldcorp and its directors, officers, employees and consultants harmless against
and in respect of any and all Losses  actually  incurred by such Persons arising

                                     - 14 -

out of operations conducted on the Property or other actions by Halo as Operator
or by Halo'  Agents.  Such  indemnity  shall  survive  the  termination  of this


9.1      TERMINATION  EVENTS.  Subject to the  obligation  of the Parties  which
expressly  survive the  termination  of this  Agreement,  this  Agreement  shall

         (a)      if Halo fails to use  reasonable  commercial  efforts to incur
                  the   required   Expenditures   on  or  before  the   relevant
                  Expenditure Dates as set forth in section 4.1;

         (b)      if Halo fails to incur $3,000,000 of Expenditures on or before
                  December 31, 2008;

         (c)      upon  receipt by  Goldcorp  of notice from Halo given prior to
                  the  exercise  of the  Option  that  Halo  will not  incur the
                  Expenditures in accordance with section 5.2;

         (d)      upon 30 days prior written notice to Halo from Goldcorp in the
                  event that Halo shall fail to  maintain  the  Property  or any
                  part thereof in good standing, including any leases related to
                  the Unpatented Property;

         (e)      if Halo does not exercise the Option on or before December 31,
                  2008; or

         (f)      upon  exercise of the Option and execution and delivery by the
                  Parties of the Joint Venture Agreement;

provided  that,  for greater  certainty,  and without  limitation,  sections 9.2
through 9.6  inclusive as well as Article 14 shall  survive the  termination  of
this Agreement.

9.2      RELEASE AND QUITCLAIM OF PROPERTY.  If the Option is  terminated,  Halo
shall forthwith, and in any event within 30 days of such termination, deliver to
Goldcorp a release and quitclaim in form and content  satisfactory  to Goldcorp,
with respect to the Property and this Agreement.

9.3      TAXES AND RENTS. Upon termination of the Option, Halo shall ensure that
all taxes,  fees,  rents and payments in respect of the Property and all related
leases have been paid to the date of  termination  and that the Property and all
related  leases  remain  in good  standing  for not  less  than 6  months  after

9.4      DELIVERY OF DATA UPON TERMINATION. Upon termination of the Option, Halo
shall  deliver  to  Goldcorp  within  30 days of the  date  of  termination  all
originals  or copies of maps,  reports,  results of surveys and drilling and all
other reports of  information  provided to Halo by Goldcorp as well as copies of
any assay plans,  diamond drill records,  information,  maps and other pertinent
exploration reports produced by Halo or its Agents and related to the Property.

9.5      REMOVAL OF LIENS.  Upon  termination of the Option,  if at that time or
subsequently  thereafter a lien on the Property  shall arise in connection  with

                                     - 15 -

work done  thereon by Halo or its  Agents  and Halo  shall wish to contest  such
lien,  Halo shall post security  sufficient to permit such lien to be discharged
and  shall  forthwith  take  all  such  measures  as are  necessary  in order to
discharge such lien.


         (a)      All buildings, plant, equipment,  machinery, tools, appliances
                  and supplies  which may have been brought upon the Property by
                  or on behalf of Halo as  Operator  shall be removed by Halo at
                  any time not later  than  sixty  (60) days  after  termination
                  unless other  arrangements  on terms  satisfactory to Goldcorp
                  are made  between  Halo and  Goldcorp  and, if not so removed,
                  such buildings, plant, equipment, machinery, tools, appliances
                  and supplies shall, at the sole option of Goldcorp, become the
                  property  of  Goldcorp  or may be removed by  Goldcorp  or its
                  Agents at the expense of Halo.

         (b)      Halo  shall  perform  all   rehabilitation,   reclamation   or
                  pollution  control  on the  Property  which is  required  as a
                  result of the activities of Halo or its Agents thereon, to the
                  standard  required in accordance  with all applicable  laws as
                  approved by the appropriate  Governmental  Authorities  having


10.1     INDEMNIFICATION OF GOLDCORP. Halo shall indemnify and hold Goldcorp and
its  directors,  officers,  employees and  consultants  harmless  against and in
respect of any and all Losses incurred by Goldcorp and its directors,  officers,
employees and consultants arising from, relating to or in any way connected with
any loss of life, injury to persons or property or damage to the Property or the
natural  environment  caused by any act or  omission  on the part of Halo or its


11.1     BINDING  ARBITRATION.  Any matter in this Agreement in dispute  between
the Parties which has not been resolved by the Parties  within fifteen (15) days
of the  delivery  of notice by either  Party of such  dispute may be referred by
either Party to binding arbitration.  Such referral to binding arbitration shall
be to a qualified  single  arbitrator  pursuant to the  ARBITRATIONS  ACT,  1991
(Ontario) and its successor legislation, which act shall govern such arbitration
proceeding  in  accordance  with its terms except to the extent  modified by the
rules  for  arbitration  set out in  Schedule  "C".  The  determination  of such
arbitrator  shall be final and binding upon the Parties  hereto and the costs of
such arbitration shall be as determined by the arbitrator.  The Parties covenant
that they shall  conduct all aspects of such  arbitration  having  regard at all
times to expediting the final resolution of such arbitration.


12.1     FORCE MAJEURE. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, provided
however that  notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained  herein,  if
either Party  should at any time or times during the currency of this  Agreement
be delayed in or prevented from complying with this Agreement by reason of wars,
acts of God, strike, lockouts or other labour disputes,  inability to access its

                                     - 16 -

place of  business  or the  Property  (other  than the  inability  to access the
Property because of the seasonality of weather conditions for which Halo has not
adequately  or properly  planned),  acts of public  insurrection,  riots,  fire,
storm, flood, explosion, government restriction, failure to obtain any approvals
required from any Governmental  Authority having  jurisdiction  (but only in the
circumstances  that Halo has filed  timely and  complete  applications  for such
approvals from such  Governmental  Authorities  having  jurisdiction)  including
environmental  protection agencies,  interference of persons primarily concerned
about  environmental  issues or aboriginal or aboriginal rights groups, or other
causes  whether  of the  kind  enumerated  above  or  otherwise  which  are  not
reasonably within the control of the applicable Party, but excluding for greater
certainty, unavailability of funds, the period of all such delays resulting from
such causes or any of them, shall be excluded in computing the time within which
anything required or permitted by the applicable Party to be done, is to be done
hereunder,  and the time within which anything is to be done hereunder  shall be
extended  by the total  period of all such  delays.  Nothing  contained  in this
Article shall require the  applicable  Party to settle any labour  dispute or to
test the  constitutionality  of any  enacted  law.  In the event  that any Party
asserts that an event of force  majeure has  occurred,  it shall  complete  such
reasonable  actions or cause such  reasonable  actions to be completed as may be
necessary to correct or terminate  the alleged  event of force  majeure and give
notice in writing to the other Party specifying the following:

         (a)      the cause and nature of the alleged event of force majeure;

         (b)      a summary  of the  action it or its  Agents  have taken to the
                  date of such  notice to  correct  the  alleged  event of force

         (c)      confirmation as to all acts,  actions and things done by it or
                  its Agents to terminate the event of force majeure; and

         (d)      the  reasonably  expected  duration  of the  period  of  force

Any Party  asserting an event of force majeure shall  provide  ongoing  periodic
notice in  writing  to the other  Party  with  respect  to such  events of force
majeure,  including the matters set out above, within 15 days of the end of each
calendar  month  during the period of force  majeure  and shall  provide  prompt
notice in writing to the other Party upon the  termination of the event of force


13.1     RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. The rights,  privileges,  duties,  obligations
and  liabilities,  as between the  Parties,  shall be separate  and not joint or
collective  and  nothing  herein  contained  shall be  construed  as  creating a
partnership, an association,  agency or subject as herein specifically provided,
a trust of any kind or as imposing  upon  either of the Parties any  partnership
duty,  obligation or liability.  No Party is liable for the acts,  covenants and
agreements of any other Party.

13.2     OTHER  OPPORTUNITIES.  Each of the  Parties  shall  have  the  free and
unrestricted  right  independently to engage in and receive the full benefits of
any  and  all  business  endeavours  of  any  sort  whatsoever  whether  or  not
competitive with the endeavours contemplated herein without consulting the other

                                     - 17 -

Party or inviting or allowing the other Party to participate  therein.  No Party
shall be under any  fiduciary  or other  duty to the  other  Party  which  shall
prevent it from  engaging in or enjoying the  benefits of  competing  endeavours
within the general scope of endeavours contemplated by this Agreement. The legal
doctrine of "corporate  opportunity"  sometimes  applied to persons engaged in a
joint venture or having  fiduciary  status shall not apply in the case of either
Party.  Each Party  hereby  waives its rights to  partition  of the Property and
agrees  that it will not  seek or be  entitled  to  partition  of the  Property,
whether by way of physical partition, judicial sale or otherwise.


14.1     CONFIDENTIALITY.  All information  received by any Party as a result of
or in  connection  with the Property or this  Agreement  shall be  confidential,
shall be treated as confidential  and shall not be disclosed to any other Person
without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be
withheld  unless such other Party can reasonably  establish that it would suffer
material  damage  or would be in  violation  of any laws or  regulations  of any
Governmental  Authority  to which it is subject as a result of such  disclosure.
Where  disclosure  is  required  by  law  or  a  Governmental  Authority  having
jurisdiction,  a copy of the  information  required to be  disclosed  including,
without limitation,  any press release,  shall be provided to the other Party in
advance of its  disclosure.  The consent  required by this  Article 14 shall not
apply to a disclosure: (i) to an Agent that has a bona fide need to be informed;
and (ii) to any third Person to whom the disclosing  Party bona fide and in good
faith  contemplates  a transfer of all or any part of its  interest in or to the
Property and this Agreement.  Only such  confidential  information as such third
Person shall have a legitimate business need to know shall be disclosed and such
third  Person  shall  first  agree  in  writing  to  protect  the   confidential
information  from  further  disclosure  to the same  extent as the  Parties  are
obligated  under  this  Article  14.  The  provisions  of this  Article 14 shall
continue to apply to any Party  notwithstanding  any  termination of the Option.
Where  disclosure is required in connection  with a third Person  transfer,  any
intended third Person transferee must sign a confidentiality  agreement with the
other non-disclosing Party containing  provisions similar to this Article 14. No
Party   shall  be  liable  to  the   disclosing   Person  in   respect   of  any
interpretations,   opinions,   findings,   conclusions   or  other   non-factual
information  included by the  disclosing  Person in any report or other document
provided to the other Party whether  included by  negligence or otherwise.  Each
disclosing  Person shall jointly and  severally  indemnify and save harmless the
other Party from and against all Losses actually  incurred by the other Party in
respect of the release by the disclosing Person of such non-factual  information
to third Persons,  irrespective  of whether such release was consented to by the
other Party.


15.1     NOTICES. All notices,  requests,  demands or other communications which
by the terms hereof are permitted to be given by either Party to the other shall
be given in writing by  personal  delivery  or by fax,  addressed  to such other
Party or delivered to such other Party as follows:

                                     - 18 -

         (i)      to Goldcorp at:

                  Bag 2000
                  17 Mine Road
                  Balmertown, Ontario
                  P0V 1C0

                  Attention: Regional Exploration Manager
                  Fax No.:   807-735-3120

                  and to:

                  3201-130 Adelaide Street West
                  Toronto, Ontario
                  M5H 3P5

                  Attention: Executive Vice President, Canada and USA
                  Fax No.:   416-363-5950

         (ii)     to Halo at:

                  1305-1090 West Georgia Street
                  Vancouver BC  V6E 3V7
                  Attention: Marc Cernovitch
                  Fax No.:   604-484-0069

or at such other  addresses and to such other Person that may be given by any of
them to the others in writing from time to time on 10 days' prior written notice
and such notices,  requests,  demands or other communications shall be deemed to
have been received when delivered.

16.      GENERAL

16.1     ACTS IN GOOD FAITH.  The Parties shall at all times during the currency
of this  Agreement and after the  termination  of the Option,  act in good faith
with  respect  to the other  Party  and shall do or cause to be done all  things
within their respective  powers which may be necessary or desirable to give full
effect to the provisions hereof.

16.2     SEVERABILITY.  Any  provision  of this  Agreement  which is  invalid or
unenforceable  shall not  effect any other  provision  and shall be deemed to be
severable herefrom.

16.3     GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the  Province of Ontario  and the  federal  laws of
Canada applicable therein.

                                     - 19 -

16.4     FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  The  Parties  shall sign such  further  and other
documents and do such further acts or things as may be necessary or desirable in
order to give full force and effect to this Agreement and every part hereof.

16.5     AMENDMENT. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any respect
except by written instrument signed by the Parties.

16.6     ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement
between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes the
letter of intent between the parties dated April 18, 2006. The execution of this
Agreement  has not been  induced  by nor do the  Parties  rely upon or regard as
material,   any  covenants,   representations   or  warranties   whatsoever  not
incorporated herein and made a part hereof.

16.7     ENUREMENT.  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding
upon the Parties and each of their successors and permitted assigns. For greater
certainty  and without  limitation,  Halo shall not have the right to  mortgage,
charge,  transfer  or assign  this  Agreement  to any Person  without  the prior
written consent of Goldcorp. Goldcorp shall have the right to transfer or assign
this Agreement  provided that such assignment is in effected in conjunction with
the  transfer of the  interests  of Goldcorp in and to the Property and provided
that the transferee  shall have  covenanted in assisting with Halo in advance to
be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

16.8     WAIVER.  A Waiver of any breach of a provision of this Agreement  shall
not be binding  upon a party  unless the  waiver is in writing  and such  waiver
shall not affect such Party's rights in respect of any subsequent breach.

16.9     COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts
and by facsimile  transmission,  each of which so executed shall be deemed to be
an original and such  counterparts  together  shall  constitute one and the same

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the Parties have executed these presents as of the Effective

                                    GOLDCORP INC.


                                    HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                    Per:  /s/ Marc Cernovitch
                                          Name:  Marc Cernovitch
                                          Title:  President & CEO

                           AS OF JUNE 20, 2006 BETWEEN


                      (STK = UNPATENTED, LP = LEASE PATENT)

                  PROPERTY                     TYPE            OFFICIAL NO.
                                       UNPATENTED PROPERTY
                  Pipestone Bay                STK             1234170
                  Pipestone Bay                STK             1234140
                  Pipestone Bay                STK             1234141
                  Pipestone Bay                STK             1234142
                  Pipestone Bay                STK             1234143
                  Pipestone Bay                STK             1234144
                  Middle Bay                   LP              40860
                  Middle Bay                   LP              40861
                  Middle Bay                   LP              40862
                  Middle Bay                   LP              40863
                  Middle Bay                   LP              40864
                  Middle Bay                   LP              40865
                  Middle Bay                   LP              46181
                  Middle Bay                   LP              46182
                  Middle Bay                   LP              46183
                  Middle Bay                   LP              46184
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49874
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49875

                                     - 2 -

                  PROPERTY                     TYPE            OFFICIAL NO.

                  Middle Bay                   LP              49897
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49898
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49899
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49900
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49901
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49902
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49903
                  Middle Bay                   LP              49904
                  Middle Bay                   LP              52174
                  Middle Bay                   LP              52175
                  Middle Bay                   LP              53397
                  Middle Bay                   LP              53398
                  Middle Bay                   LP              53399
                  Middle Bay                   STK             870130
                  Middle Bay                   STK             870131
                  Middle Bay                   STK             870132
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1143622
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1143623
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1143624
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1143645
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1143646
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1143647
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1184230

                                     - 3 -

                  PROPERTY                     TYPE            OFFICIAL NO.

                  Middle Bay                   STK             1184316
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1184317
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1185055
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234022
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234029
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234030
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234039
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234051
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234081
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234082
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234083
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234155
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234156
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234157
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1248154
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234259
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234245
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234084
                  Middle Bay                   STK             3004674
                  Middle Bay                   STK             3004676
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1247933
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234401
                  Middle Bay                   STK             1234402

                                     - 4 -

                  PROPERTY                     TYPE            OFFICIAL NO.

                  Middle Bay                    STK             1248171
                  Middle Bay                    STK             1248129
                  Middle Bay                    STK             1248169

                                    SEVENTY-FIVE % CLAIMS

                  Middle Bay                    LP              47707
                  Middle Bay                    LP              47708

                           AS OF JUNE 20, 2006 BETWEEN

                                PATENTED PROPERTY

              PROPERTY                 TYPE             OFFICIAL NO.

             Biron Bay                Patent                11077
             Biron Bay                Patent                11078
             Biron Bay                Patent                11079
             Biron Bay                Patent                11080
             Biron Bay                Patent                11081
             Biron Bay                Patent                11082
             Biron Bay                Patent                11083
             Biron Bay                Patent                11104
             Biron Bay                Patent                11105
             Biron Bay                Patent                11106

                           AS OF JUNE 20, 2006 BETWEEN

                              RULES FOR ARBITRATION

The following rules and procedures  shall apply with respect to any matter to be
arbitrated by the Parties under the terms of the Agreement.


         (a)      If any Party to this Agreement wishes to have any matter under
                  this Agreement arbitrated in accordance with the provisions of
                  this Agreement, it shall give notice to the other Party hereto
                  specifying particulars of the matter or matters in dispute and
                  proposing  the name of the  person it wishes to be the  single
                  arbitrator.  Within 20 days after receipt of such notice,  the
                  other Party to this  Agreement  shall give notice to the first
                  Party  advising  whether  such Party  accepts  the  arbitrator
                  proposed  by the  first  Party.  If such  notice  is not given
                  within such 20 day period,  the other Party shall be deemed to
                  have accepted the arbitrator  proposed by the first Party.  If
                  the Parties do not agree upon a single  arbitrator within such
                  20 day period such  arbitrator  shall be chosen in  accordance
                  with the  ARBITRATION  ACT, 1991 (Ontario)  (the  "Arbitration

         (b)      The  individual  selected as Arbitrator  shall be qualified by
                  education and experience to decide the matter in dispute.  The
                  Arbitrator  shall be at arm's  length  from both  Parties  and
                  shall not be a member of the audit or legal  firm or firms who
                  advise either Party,  nor shall the Arbitrator be a person who
                  is otherwise regularly retained by either of the Parties.


         (a)      Within 20 days of the appointment of the Arbitrator, the Party
                  initiating the  arbitration  (the  "Claimant")  shall send the
                  other Party (the  "Respondent")  a statement of claim  setting
                  out in sufficient  detail the facts and any contentions of law
                  on which it relies, and the relief that it claims.

         (b)      Within 15 days of the receipt of the  statement of claim,  the
                  Respondent  shall  send the  Claimant a  statement  of defence
                  stating  in   sufficient   detail   which  of  the  facts  and
                  contentions  of law in the  statement  of claim it  admits  or
                  denies,  on  what  grounds,   and  on  what  other  facts  and
                  contentions of law he relies.

         (c)      Within 10 days of receipt of the  statement  of  defence,  the
                  Claimant may send the Respondent a statement of reply.

                                     - 2 -

         (d)      All   statements   of  claim,   defence  and  reply  shall  be
                  accompanied by copies (or, if they are especially  voluminous,
                  lists) of all essential documents on which the Party concerned
                  relies and which have not  previously  been  submitted  by any
                  Party, and (where practicable) by any relevant samples.

         (e)      After  submission of all the  statements,  the Arbitrator will
                  give directions for the further conduct of the arbitration.


         (a)      The  arbitration  shall  take  place in the  City of  Toronto,
                  Ontario  or in  such  other  place  as the  Claimant  and  the
                  Respondent shall agree upon in writing.  The arbitration shall
                  be  conducted  in  English  unless  otherwise  agreed  by such
                  Parties and the Arbitrator.  Subject to any adjournments which
                  the Arbitrator  allows, the final hearing will be continued on
                  successive working days until it is concluded.

         (b)      All  meetings  and  hearings  will be in  private  unless  the
                  Parties otherwise agree.

         (c)      Any Party may be  represented  at any  meetings or hearings by
                  legal counsel.

         (d)      Each  Party may  examine,  cross-examine  and  re-examine  all
                  witnesses at the arbitration.


         (a)      The Arbitrator will make a decision in writing and, unless the
                  Parties  otherwise agree, will set out reasons for decision in
                  the decision.

         (b)      The  Arbitrator  will send the decision to the Parties as soon
                  as practicable after the conclusion of the final hearing,  but
                  in any event no later  than 30 days  thereafter,  unless  that
                  time period is extended for a fixed  period by the  Arbitrator
                  on written  notice to each  Party  because of illness or other
                  cause beyond the Arbitrator's control.

         (c)      The decision shall determine and award costs.

         (d)      The  decision  shall be final and  binding on the  Parties and
                  shall  not  be  subject  to any  appeal  or  review  procedure
                  provided that the  Arbitrator  has followed the rules provided
                  herein in good faith and has proceeded in accordance  with the
                  principles  of  natural  justice.  In the event  either  Party
                  initiates  any court  proceeding in respect of the decision of
                  the  Arbitrator  or the  matter  arbitrated,  such  Party,  if
                  unsuccessful  in the  court  proceeding,  shall  pay the other
                  Party's  costs on a  solicitor/client  basis,  all  reasonable

                                     - 3 -

                  expenses  incurred  by such  other  Party and  related to such
                  court proceeding.


         (a)      By submitting to  arbitration  under these Rules,  the Parties
                  shall  be  taken  to  have  conferred  on the  Arbitrator  the
                  following  jurisdiction  and powers,  to be  exercised  at the
                  Arbitrator's  discretion  subject  only to these Rules and the
                  relevant   law  with  the   object  of   ensuring   the  just,
                  expeditious, economical and final determination of the dispute
                  referred to arbitration.

         (b)      Without  limiting the  jurisdiction  of the Arbitrator at law,
                  the Parties agree that the Arbitrator shall have  jurisdiction

                  (i)      determine   any   question  of  law  arising  in  the

                  (ii)     determine   any  question  as  to  the   Arbitrator's

                  (iii)    determine  any question of good faith,  dishonesty or
                           fraud arising in the dispute;

                  (iv)     order any Party to  furnish  further  details of that
                           Party's case, in fact or in law;

                  (v)      proceed  in  the  arbitration   notwithstanding   the
                           failure or refusal of any Party to comply  with these
                           Rules or with the Arbitrator's  orders or directions,
                           or to attend any meeting or  hearing,  but only after
                           giving that Party written  notice that the Arbitrator
                           intends to do so;

                  (vi)     receive and take into  account  such  written or oral
                           evidence  tendered by the  Parties as the  Arbitrator
                           determines  is  relevant,  whether  or  not  strictly
                           admissible in law;

                  (vii)    make one or more interim awards;

                  (viii)   hold  meetings  and  hearings,  and  make a  decision
                           (including a final  decision) in Toronto,  Ontario or
                           elsewhere   with  the   concurrence  of  the  Parties

                  (ix)     order the Parties to produce to the  Arbitrator,  and
                           to each other for  inspection,  and to supply  copies
                           of, any  documents  or other  evidence  or classes of
                           documents  in their  possession  or power  which  the
                           Arbitrator determines to be relevant; and

                  (x)      make  interim  orders  to  secure  all or part of any
                           amount in dispute in the arbitration.

                 DATED AS OF JUNE 20, 2006 BETWEEN GOLDCORP INC.
                             AND HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                             JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT

                                  made between

                                  GOLDCORP INC.


                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                 Dated as of , .

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.       DEFINITIONS...........................................................1
         1.1      DEFINITIONS..................................................1
         1.2      GENDER AND EXTENDED MEANINGS.................................7
         1.3      CURRENCY.....................................................7
         1.4      BUSINESS DAYS................................................7
         1.5      PERIOD OF TIME/TIME OF ESSENCE...............................7
         1.6      SECTION HEADINGS.............................................7

2.       SCHEDULES.............................................................7
         2.1      SCHEDULES....................................................7

3.       REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES........................................7
         3.1      REPRESENTATION AND WARRANTIES OF THE PARTIES.................7

4.       COMMENCEMENT OF AGREEMENT.............................................8
         4.1      EFFECTIVE DATE...............................................8

5.       NAME, PURPOSES AND TERM...............................................8
         5.1      GENERAL......................................................8
         5.2      NAME.........................................................8
         5.3      PURPOSES.....................................................8
         5.4      TERM OF THE VENTURE..........................................9
         5.5      FISCAL YEAR..................................................9

6.       RELATIONSHIP..........................................................9
         6.1      NO PARTNERSHIP...............................................9
         6.2      OTHER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.................................9
         6.3      TITLE.......................................................10
         6.4      WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PARTITION................................10
         6.5      PREPARATION OF TECHNICAL REPORTS............................10

7.       INTERESTS OF PARTICIPANTS............................................10
         7.1      INITIAL CONTRIBUTIONS.......................................10
         7.2      INITIAL PARTICIPATING INTERESTS.............................10
         7.3      BACK-IN RIGHT...............................................11
         7.4      OPTION SHARES...............................................11
         7.5      CASH CONTRIBUTIONS..........................................12
         7.6      CHANGES IN PARTICIPATING INTERESTS..........................12
         7.7      VOLUNTARY REDUCTION IN PARTICIPATION........................12
         7.8      DEFAULT IN MEETING CASH CALLS...............................13
         7.9      ELIMINATION OF MINORITY INTEREST............................13

8.       MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE.................................................14
         8.1      ORGANIZATION AND COMPOSITION................................14
         8.2      DECISION....................................................14
         8.3      MEETING.....................................................14
         8.4      ACTION WITHOUT MEETING......................................15
         8.5      MATTERS REQUIRING APPROVAL..................................15
         8.6      MATTERS REQUIRING UNANIMOUS APPROVAL........................15
         8.8      RESUMPTION OF OPERATIONS....................................16
         8.9      MINE MAINTENANCE PLAN.......................................16
         8.10     MINE CLOSURE PLAN...........................................17
         8.11     IMPLEMENTATION OF MINE CLOSURE PLAN.........................17
         8.12     NON-APPROVAL OF MINE CLOSURE PLAN...........................17


9.       MANAGER..............................................................17
         9.1      APPOINTMENT.................................................17
         9.2      POWERS AND DUTIES OF MANAGER................................18
         9.3      STANDARD OF CARE............................................21
         9.4      RESIGNATION; DEEMED OFFER TO RESIGN.........................21
         9.5      PAYMENTS TO MANAGER.........................................22
         9.6      TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES................................22

10.      PROGRAMS AND BUDGETS.................................................22
         10.1     OPERATIONS PURSUANT TO PROGRAMS AND BUDGETS.................22
         10.2     PRESENTATION OF PROGRAMS AND BUDGETS........................22
         10.4     PREPARATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDY............................23
         10.5     REQUEST FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY...............................23
         10.6     APPROVAL OF FEASIBILITY STUDY...............................24
         10.7     ELECTION TO PARTICIPATE.....................................24
         10.8     BUDGET DECREASES............................................24
         10.9     BUDGET OVERRUNS; PROGRAM CHANGES............................24
         10.10    EMERGENCY OR UNEXPECTED EXPENDITURES........................25

11.      ACCOUNTS AND SETTLEMENTS.............................................25
         11.1     MONTHLY STATEMENTS..........................................25
         11.2     CASH CALLS..................................................25
         11.3     SPECIAL CASH CALLS..........................................26
         11.4     PAYMENT OF CASH CALLS.......................................26
         11.5     FAILURE TO MEET CASH CALLS..................................26
         11.6     AUDITS AND ADJUSTMENTS......................................26

12.      DISPOSITION OF PRODUCTS..............................................26
         12.1     DIVISION OF PRODUCTION......................................26
         12.2     LIENS.......................................................27
         12.3     FAILURE OF PARTICIPANT TO TAKE IN KIND......................27

13.      WITHDRAWAL AND TERMINATION...........................................28
         13.1     TERMINATION BY EXPIRATION OR AGREEMENT......................28
         13.2     WITHDRAWAL..................................................28
         13.3     CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS......................................28
         13.4     DISPOSITION OF ASSETS ON TERMINATION........................28
         13.5     RIGHT TO DATA AFTER TERMINATION.............................29
         13.6     CONTINUING AUTHORITY........................................29

14.      TRANSFER OF INTEREST.................................................29
         14.1     HALO'S RIGHTS TO TRANSFER...................................29
         14.2     GOLDCORP'S RIGHT TO TRANSFER................................29
         14.3     RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL......................................30
         14.4     LIMITATIONS ON FREE TRANSFERABILITY.........................30
         14.5     RESTRICTIONS ON MORTGAGES...................................31

15.      ARBITRATION..........................................................31
         15.1     BINDING ARBITRATION.........................................31

16.      FORCE MAJEURE........................................................31
         16.1     FORCE MAJEURE...............................................31

17.      CONFIDENTIALITY......................................................32
         17.1     CONFIDENTIALITY.............................................32

18.      EVENT OF DEFAULT OF PARTICIPANT......................................33
         18.1     EVENT OF DEFAULT............................................33
         18.2     ADDITIONAL REMEDIES.........................................33


19.      NOTICE - GENERAL.....................................................33
         19.1     NOTICES.....................................................33

20.      MISCELLANEOUS - GENERAL..............................................33
         20.1     ACTS IN GOOD FAITH..........................................33
         20.2     SEVERABILITY................................................33
         20.3     GOVERNING LAW...............................................33
         20.4     FURTHER ASSURANCES..........................................33
         20.5     AMENDMENT...................................................33
         20.6     ENTIRE AGREEMENT............................................33
         20.7     ENUREMENT...................................................33
         20.8     COUNTERPARTS................................................33

SCHEDULE "I"................................................................33\\

SCHEDULE "II-1".............................................................33\\

SCHEDULE "III-1"............................................................33\\

SCHEDULE "IV-1".............................................................33\\

SCHEDULE "V-1"..............................................................33\\

THIS JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT dated as of the _________day of ____________, 2006


                  GOLDCORP INC.
                  a corporation duly existing under the laws of [o]

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

                                     - and -

                  HALO RESOURCES LTD.
                  a corporation duly continued under the laws of [o]


                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

WHEREAS  Goldcorp and Halo entered into an option  agreement dated as of the day
of June,  2006  (the  "Option  Agreement")  with  respect  to the  Property  (as
hereinafter  defined)  wherein  Goldcorp  granted Halo an exclusive  option (the
"Option") to earn (i) an undivided  60% recorded or  registered  and  beneficial
interest in and to the Unpatented  Property (as  hereinafter  defined),  (ii) an
undivided 45% registered and  beneficial  interest in and to the  Seventy-Five %
Claims (as  hereinafter  defined),  and (iii) a 30%  registered  and  beneficial
interest in and to the Patented Property (as hereinafter defined);

AND  WHEREAS the Option  Agreement  provides  that upon the due  exercise of the
Option by Halo, Goldcorp and Halo shall enter into this Agreement; and

AND WHEREAS Halo has duly exercised the Option.

NOW THEREFORE  THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSETH  that in  consideration  of the mutual
covenants,  conditions and premises herein contained, the sum of Two Dollars now
paid by each of the Parties (as hereinafter  defined) to the other and for other
good and valuable  consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged) the Parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows:


1.1      DEFINITIONS. In this Agreement:

         "this Agreement", "herein", "hereby", "hereof", "hereunder" and similar
         expressions shall mean or refer to this Joint Venture Agreement and all
         schedules hereto and any and all agreements or instruments supplemental

                                     - 2 -

         or ancillary hereto and the expression  "section"  followed by a number
         means and refers to the specified section of this Agreement.

         "Accounting  Procedure" shall mean the procedures set forth in Schedule

         "Affiliate"  shall  mean  any  person,   partnership,   joint  venture,
         corporation  or other form of enterprise  which  directly or indirectly
         controls,  is  controlled  by  or  is  under  common  control  with,  a
         Participant. "Control" means possession, directly or indirectly, of the
         power to direct or cause direction of management decisions and policies
         through  ownership  of voting  securities,  contract,  voting  trust or

         "Agents"  shall  mean  consultants   (including   financial  advisors),
         servants, employees, agents, workmen, contractors and subcontractors.

         "Assets"  shall mean the Property,  all Products and all other real and
         personal property,  tangible and intangible, held by or for the benefit
         of the Participants hereunder.

         "Auditor"  means  the  auditors  for the  Venture  as  determined  by a
         unanimous decision of the Management Committee.

         "Back-in Right" has the meaning set forth in section 7.3.

         "Budget"  shall mean a detailed  estimate  of all costs to be  incurred
         with respect to a Program and a schedule of cash advances to be made by
         the Participants.

         "Capital Expenditures" shall mean those items presented in Programs and
         Budgets  approved  by the  Management  Committee  and which are capital
         expenditures under Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

         "Claims"  shall  mean any and all  debts,  claims,  actions,  lawsuits,
         causes of action,  demands, duties and obligations of whatsoever nature
         and howsoever incurred.

         "Commercial  Production"  shall  mean the  commercial  exploitation  of
         Products,  but shall not  include  treating,  shipping  or  milling  of
         Products  for the purposes of testing or milling or leaching by a pilot
         plant or  during  an  initial  tune-up  period  of a plant.  Commercial
         Production shall be deemed to have commenced:

                  (i)      If a plant is located on the  Property,  on the first
                           day of the month  following  the  first  period of 30
                           consecutive  days  during  which  Products  have been
                           processed  through  such plant at an average  rate of
                           not less than 60% of the  initial  rated  capacity of
                           such plant; or

                  (ii)     If no plant is located on the Property,  on the first
                           day of the month  following  the  first  period of 30
                           consecutive  days  during  which  Products  have been
                           shipped  from the  Property on a  reasonably  regular
                           basis for the purpose of earning revenue.

                                     - 3 -

         "Development"  shall mean all  preparation for the removal and recovery
         of Products  including  the  construction  or  installation  of a mill,
         processing plant,  leach pads or any other  improvements to be used for
         the  mining,  handling,   milling,   treatment,   processing  or  other
         beneficiation  of Products and the  preparation of feasibility  studies
         and financing plans.

         "Effective Date" shall mean the date of this Agreement.

         "Encumbrances"  shall  mean any and all  mortgages,  pledges,  security
         interests,  liens, charges,  encumbrances,  contractual obligations and
         claims of others,  whether  recorded or  unrecorded,  or  registered or

         "Expenditures" shall mean all expenditures,  expenses,  obligations and
         liabilities of whatever kind or nature  reasonably spent or incurred by
         the Manager in doing Work from and after the Effective Date,  including
         for  greater  certainty  and  without  limitation,  moneys  expended in
         maintaining  the  Property  in  good  standing,  expenses  paid  for or
         incurred  in  connection  with any  program of  surface or  underground
         prospecting,   exploring,   geological,   geophysical  and  geochemical
         surveying,  diamond drilling,  drifting,  raising and other underground
         work,   assaying,   metallurgical   testing,   environmental   studies,
         submissions  to any  Governmental  Authority  and other  agencies  with
         respect to all  required  production  and other  permits,  licenses and
         approvals,  moneys expended in acquiring or constructing facilities and
         in developing  and mining the Property and all field costs  incurred by
         employees  and Agents with  respect to Work  conducted  on the Property
         together with all  administrative  and overhead costs directly incurred
         by the  Manager and  relating  directly  to the  administration  of the
         Property or Work done on the Property,  provided that in no event shall
         such  administrative  and  overhead  costs  exceed  seven  and one half
         percent  (7.5%)  of all  other  Expenditures  directly  related  to the
         Property  or  Work  done  on the  Property  and  directly  incurred  or
         performed  by the Manager or seven and one half  percent  (7.5%) of the
         contract price in respect of all other Expenditures directly related to
         the  Property  or Work done on the  Property  performed  by any  agent,
         contractor  or  subcontractor  of Halo and  provided  always that in no
         event shall such costs include non-project related overhead or legal or
         other  consultants'  fees  related to the  negotiation  (including  the
         conduct of due diligence) execution and delivery of this Agreement.

         "Exploration"  shall mean all activities  directed toward  ascertaining
         the  existence,  location,  quantity,  quality or  commercial  value of
         deposits of Products on, in or under the Property.

         "Facilities"   shall  mean  all  mines  and  plants  including  without
         limitation all pits, shafts, drifts, haulage ways and other underground
         workings and all buildings,  plants and other structures,  fixtures and
         improvements and all other property,  whether fixed or moveable, as the
         same may exist at any time in or on the  Property if for the  exclusive
         benefit of the Property.

         "Feasibility  Study" means a detailed report or reports  prepared by or
         for the Manager evaluating the feasibility of placing the Property,  or
         any part  thereof,  into  production  and  operation  as a mine,  which

                                     - 4 -

         detailed  report  or  reports  shall  include,  without  limitation,  a
         reasonable  assessment  of the  mineable  mineral  reserves  and  their
         amenability to metallurgical  treatment,  a complete description of the
         Work,  equipment  and  supplies  required  to bring the  Property  into
         mineral production and the estimated cost thereof, a description of the
         mining  methods to be employed  and a financial  appraisal  of possible
         mining  operations.  Such  detailed  report or reports shall be, in the
         opinion of the person or firm commissioning such report or reports, or,
         in the event of a dispute  between the Parties,  in the opinion of such
         qualified  independent  firm of consultants as the Manager shall select
         in good  faith,  in such form and of such  substance  which is normally
         accepted by  substantial,  recognized  financial  institutions  for the
         purpose of lending funds for the development of mineral  deposits,  and
         shall include and be supported by at least the following:

                  (i)      a  description  of the  Property and that part of the
                           Property proposed to be the subject of a mine;

                  (ii)     the  estimated  recoverable  reserves of minerals and
                           the estimated composition and content thereof;

                  (iii)    the  procedure  for  the   Development,   Mining  and
                           production of Products from the Property;

                  (iv)     results   of   mineral   processing   tests  and  ore
                           amenability tests;

                  (v)      the  nature  and  extent of the  Facilities  which it
                           might be necessary to acquire or construct, which may
                           include  ore  processing  facilities  if the  nature,
                           volume  and  location  of  the  ore  makes  such  ore
                           processing  facilities  necessary  and  feasible,  in
                           which event the study shall also include a design for
                           such ore processing facilities;

                  (vi)     a detailed  cost and  timing  analysis,  including  a
                           capital cost budget, of the total estimated costs and
                           expenses  required to develop a mine on the  Property
                           and  to   purchase,   construct   and   install   all
                           structures, machinery and equipment required for such
                           mine  including  an ore  processing  facility,  if so
                           included in accordance with the terms hereof;

                  (vii)    detailed operating cost estimates,  including working
                           capital  requirements for the initial three months of
                           operation of the mine or such longer period as may be
                           reasonably justified;

                  (viii)   all  necessary  environmental  impact and  mitigation
                           studies and costs including planned rehabilitation of
                           the Property with estimated costs thereof;

                  (ix)     a  critical  path  time  schedule  for  bringing  the
                           Property   or  any   part   thereof   to   Commercial

                                     - 5 -

                  (x)      such other  data and  information  as are  reasonably
                           necessary to substantiate  the existence of a mineral
                           deposit  of  sufficient  size and  grade  to  justify
                           development  of a mine on the  Property,  taking into
                           account all relevant business, tax and other economic

                  (xi)     disclosure of all price assumptions,  together with a
                           market analysis;

                  (xii)    a transportation cost analysis;

                  (xiii)   a  proposed  procedure  or  method  of  disposing  of
                           tailings  as  required  under the  environmental  and
                           mining laws of all  Governmental  Authorities  having

                  (xiv)    a detailed  discussion  and analysis of  governmental
                           requirements  with  respect to the  development  of a
                           mine on the Property including time schedules;

                  (xv)     a  discounted  cash flow (net of  income  taxes)  and
                           return on investment analysis,  including an economic
                           forecast for the life of the proposed mine; and

                  (xvi)    appropriate sensitivity analyses.

         "Governmental  Authority" means any federal,  provincial,  municipal or
         other  governmental  department,  commission,  board,  bureau,  agency,
         government-owned  corporation or  instrumentality,  or any court having

         "Initial  Contributions"  shall have the  meanings set forth in section

         "Initial Participating  Interests" shall mean the Initial Participating
         Interest of each Participant as set forth in section 7.2.

         "Management  Committee"  shall  mean the  committee  established  under
         Article 8.

         "Manager" shall mean the person or entity  appointed under Article 9 to
         manage Operations and any successor Manager.

         "Mining"  shall  mean  the  mining,  extracting,  producing,  treating,
         handling, milling or other processing of Products.

         "Non-Manager's  Program and Budget" shall have the meaning set forth in
         section 10.2.

         "Operations" shall mean Exploration,  Development, Mining and all other
         activities carried out pursuant to this Agreement.

         "Party"  shall mean Halo or Goldcorp,  as the case may be and "Parties"
         means such parties together.

                                     - 6 -

         "Participant"  and  "Participants"  mean the Persons  that from time to
         time have Participating Interests being initially, Goldcorp and Halo.

         "Participating   Interest"   shall   mean   the   percentage   interest
         representing  the  ownership  interest of a  Participant  in and to the
         Assets  and  all  other  rights  and  obligations  arising  under  this
         Agreement,  as  such  interest  may  from  time  to  time  be  adjusted

         "Patented  Property" means the interests of the  Participants in and to
         the patented mining claims described in Schedule "II".

         "Penalty Amount" shall have the meaning set forth in section 7.8(a).

         "Permitted Encumbrances" shall have the meaning set forth in the Option

         "Person"  shall  mean  any  natural   person,   partnership,   company,
         corporation, unincorporated association, joint venture, trust, trustee,
         Governmental   Authority  or  other  entity  howsoever   designated  or

         "Prime Rate" shall mean the  interest  rate quoted from time to time as
         "Prime"  by  The   Toronto-Dominion   Bank  to  its  most  creditworthy

         "Products"  shall mean all ores,  minerals and mineral products located
         on, in or under or delivered from the Property and all beneficiated and
         other products produced therefrom under this Agreement.

         "Program"  shall mean a description in reasonable  detail of Operations
         to be conducted and objectives to be  accomplished  by the Manager with
         respect to the Property.

         "Property"  shall mean the  Unpatented  Property,  the  Seventy-Five  %
         Claims and the Patented Property collectively.

         "Seventy-Five  %  Claims"  means the  leasehold  patent  mining  claims
         KRL47707 and KRL47708 described in Schedule "I".

         "Transfer" when used as a verb, shall mean to sell,  grant,  assign, or
         otherwise  dispose  of,  directly  or  indirectly,   including  through
         mergers,  consolidations  or asset  purchases  and when used as a noun,
         shall mean a sale, grant, assignment,  or disposal or the commitment to
         do any of the  foregoing,  directly or  indirectly,  including  through
         mergers, consolidation or asset purchase.

         "Unpatented  Property"  means the  unpatented  mining claims and leased
         mining  claims  described  in  Schedule  "I",  save and  except for the
         Seventy-Five % Claims.

         "Venture" shall mean the business arrangement of the Participants under
         this Agreement.

         "Work"  means   Exploration,   Development  or  Mining  work  performed
         exclusively  on or directly in relation to the  Property or Products by

                                     - 7 -

         or through  the  Manager  for the  benefit of and on the account of the
         Venture  and the  Participants,  in  accordance  with the terms of this

1.2      GENDER AND EXTENDED MEANINGS.  In this Agreement all words and personal
pronouns  relating  thereto shall be read and construed as the number and gender
of the party or parties  referred to in each case  require and the verb shall be
construed as agreeing  with the required  word and  pronoun.  In this  Agreement
words importing the singular number include the plural and vice versa.

1.3      CURRENCY.  All  references  to  currency in this  Agreement,  including
"dollars" and "$", are in Canadian funds.

1.4      BUSINESS DAYS. All references in this Agreement to business days are to
days  excluding  Saturdays,  Sundays  and banking or  statutory  holidays in the
Province of Ontario.

1.5      PERIOD OF TIME/TIME  OF ESSENCE.  When  calculating  the period of time
within  which or  following  which  any act is to be done or step is to be taken
pursuant to this Agreement,  the date which is the reference date in calculating
such period shall be excluded.  If the last day of such period is a non-business
day, the period in question  shall end on the next  business day. Time is of the
essence of this Agreement.

1.6      SECTION  HEADINGS.  The section and other  headings  contained  in this
Agreement or in the  Schedules  are for  reference  purposes  only and shall not
affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

2.       SCHEDULES

2.1      SCHEDULES. The following are the schedules attached to and incorporated
in this Agreement by reference and deemed to be a part hereof:

         Schedule "I"    -    Description of the Unpatented Property
         Schedule "II"   -    Description of the Patented Property
         Schedule "III"  -    Accounting Procedure
         Schedule "IV"   -    Net Smelter Returns Royalty Interest
         Schedule "V"    -    Rules for Arbitration


represents and warrants to the other Party as follows and acknowledges  that the
other Party is relying on such  representations  and warranties in entering into
this Agreement:

         (a)      It is a company duly existing  under the laws of its governing
                  jurisdiction  and it is duly organized and validly  subsisting
                  under such laws.

         (b)      It has full power and  authority  to carry on its business and
                  to enter into this  Agreement  and any agreement or instrument

                                     - 8 -

                  referred to or contemplated by this Agreement and to carry out
                  and perform all of its  obligations  and duties  hereunder and

         (c)      It  has   duly   obtained   all   corporate   and   regulatory
                  authorizations for the execution,  delivery and performance of
                  this Agreement and such  execution,  delivery and  performance
                  and the  consummation of the  transactions  herein and therein
                  contemplated  does not conflict  with or result in a breach of
                  any  covenants or  agreements  contained  in, or  constitute a
                  default  under or result in the  creation  of any  Encumbrance
                  under,  the  provisions  of its  constating  documents  or any
                  shareholders'  or  directors'  resolution  or  any  indenture,
                  agreement  or  other  instrument  whatsoever  to which it is a
                  party  or by which it is  bound  and does not  contravene  any
                  applicable laws of any Governmental Authority.

         (d)      This  Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by it and
                  is valid,  binding and  enforceable  against it in  accordance
                  with its terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy,  insolvency,
                  reorganization, and other laws of general application limiting
                  the enforcement of creditors  rights generally and to the fact
                  that specific  performance  is an equitable  remedy  available
                  only in the discretion of a court.

         (e)      It has not committed an act of  bankruptcy,  is not insolvent,
                  has not proposed a  compromising  arrangement to its creditors
                  generally,  has not had any petition for a receiving  order in
                  bankruptcy   filed  against  it,  has  not  made  a  voluntary
                  assignment in bankruptcy,  has not taken any proceedings  with
                  respect  to a  compromise  or  arrangement,  has not taken any
                  proceeding to have itself declared  bankrupt or wound-up,  has
                  not taken  any  proceeding  to have a  receiver  appointed  in
                  respect  of  any  part  of  its   assets,   has  not  had  any
                  encumbrancer  take  possession  of any of its property and has
                  not had any execution or distress become enforceable or become
                  levied upon any of its property.

         (f)      As of the Effective Date it owns its right, title and interest
                  in and to the  Property  free and  clear of all  Encumbrances,
                  other than the Permitted Encumbrances.


4.1      EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall be operative and shall take effect
as of the Effective Date.


5.1      GENERAL.  The Parties hereby enter into this Agreement for the purposes
herein stated.  All of the  Participants'  rights with respect to the Assets and
all of the Operations on or in connection  with the Property shall be subject to
and governed by this Agreement.

5.2      NAME. The name of the Venture may be as determined by mutual  agreement
of the Participants in writing.

5.3      PURPOSES.  The Venture shall be entered into for the following purposes
and shall serve as the exclusive  means by which the  Participants  or either of
them accomplish such purposes:

                                     - 9 -

         (a)      To conduct Exploration on, in and under the Property.

         (b)      To engage in Development and Mining on the Property.

         (c)      To evaluate the possible further Development of the Property.

         (d)      To  perform  any  other  activity  necessary,  appropriate  or
                  incidental to any of the foregoing.

Unless the Participants otherwise agree in writing,  Operations shall be limited
to the purposes described in this section.

5.4      TERM OF THE VENTURE. The term of the Venture shall be for 50 years from
the Effective Date and for so long  thereafter as Products are produced from the
Property unless this Agreement is terminated earlier as herein provided.  If any
right,  power or interest of any Party under this  Agreement  would  violate the
rule against perpetuities, then such right, power or interest shall terminate at
the  expiration  of 20 years  after  the death of the last  survivor  of all the
lineal descendants of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England,  living on the
date of this Agreement.

5.5      FISCAL  YEAR.  The fiscal year end of the Venture  shall be December 31
commencing  on December  31 in the year in which this  Agreement  takes  effect,
unless otherwise determined in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


6.1      NO PARTNERSHIP.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to
constitute either Party the partner of the other nor, except as otherwise herein
expressly provided, to constitute either Party the agent or legal representative
of the other nor to create any fiduciary relationship between the Parties. It is
not the intention of the Parties to create nor shall this Agreement be construed
to create any mining, commercial or other partnership.  Neither Party shall have
any authority to act for or to assume any obligation or responsibility on behalf
of the other Party except as otherwise  expressly  provided herein.  The rights,
duties,  obligations  and  liabilities  of the Parties  shall be several and not
joint  or  collective.  Each  Participant  shall  be  responsible  only  for its
obligations  as herein  set out and  shall be  liable  only for its share of the
costs and  expenses  as  provided  herein,  it being  the  express  purpose  and
intention  of  the  Participants  that  their  ownership  of  Assets  and  their
respective  rights  acquired under this Agreement shall be as tenants in common.
Each Party  shall  indemnify,  defend and hold  harmless  the other  Party,  its
directors,  officers  and Agents from and  against  any and all losses,  claims,
damages and liabilities arising out of any act or any assumption of liability by
the  indemnifying  Party or any of its  directors,  officers  and Agents done or
undertaken or apparently done or undertaken on behalf of the other Party, except
pursuant to the authority  expressly  granted  herein or as otherwise  agreed in
writing between the Parties.

6.2      OTHER  BUSINESS  OPPORTUNITIES.  Except as  expressly  provided in this
Agreement,  each  Party  shall  have the  right  independently  to engage in and
receive full benefits from other business activities, whether or not competitive
with Operations, without consulting the other Party. The doctrines of "corporate
opportunity"  or  "business  opportunity"  shall  not be  applied  to any  other

                                     - 10 -

activity,  venture or operation of either  Participant  and, except as expressly
provided in this Agreement, neither Party shall have any obligation to the other
with  respect  to any  opportunity  to  acquire  property  at any  time.  Unless
otherwise agreed in writing by the Participants,  neither Participant shall have
any obligation to mill, beneficiate or otherwise treat any Products or any other
Participant's  share of Products in any  facility  owned or  controlled  by such

6.3      TITLE.  Title to the  Assets  shall be held  jointly in the name of the
Participants in accordance with their Initial Participating  Interests provided,
however, that each of the Participants shall be entitled to file and record such
documents as may be required to document or provide notice of its  Participating
Interest in and to any or all of the Assets.

6.4      WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PARTITION. The Participants hereby waive and release
all rights of  partition  or of sale in lieu  thereof or other  division  of the
Assets including any such rights provided by statute.

6.5      PREPARATION  OF  TECHNICAL  REPORTS.  Nothing  in this  Agreement  will
obligate  either  Party  to (i)  prepare,  or  assist  the  other  Party  in the
preparation  of, any technical  report or reports  relating to the Property that
the  other  Party  might be  required  to  prepare  and file  with any  Canadian
regulatory  authority  at  any  time  pursuant  to  National  Instrument  43-101
"Standards  of  Disclosure  for Mineral  Projects",  or any  similar  regulatory
policy;  or (ii) provide the services of, or assist the other Party in procuring
the  services  of, a  "qualified  person"  (as that term is defined in  National
Instrument  43-101)  to  produce,  or to  oversee  the  production  of, any such
technical report or reports.


7.1      INITIAL   CONTRIBUTIONS.   The  value  of  each  Participant's  initial
contribution  (an  "Initial  Contribution")  shall be  deemed to be as set forth
below,  notwithstanding  the  provisions of the Option  Agreement or the amounts
spent by each  Participant in acquiring its right,  title and interest in and to
the Property:

                  Halo       -       $3,000,000
                  Goldcorp   -       $2,000,000

In the event that Goldcorp  exercises its Back-in Right pursuant to section 7.3,
the value of each Participants Initial Contribution shall be deemed to be as set
forth below:

                  Halo       -       $3,000,000
                  Goldcorp   -       $5,571,428.50

7.2      INITIAL   PARTICIPATING   INTERESTS.   Subject  to  section   7.3,  the
Participants  shall  have the  following  initial  Participating  Interests  (an
"Initial Participating Interest"):

                  Halo       -       60%
                  Goldcorp   -       40%

                                     - 11 -

In the event that Goldcorp  exercises its Back-in Right pursuant to section 7.3,
the Participants shall have the following Initial Participating Interests:

                  Halo       -       35%
                  Goldcorp   -       65%

7.3      BACK-IN  RIGHT.  For a period of ninety (90) days following the date of
this Agreement,  Goldcorp shall, at its sole discretion, have the right to elect
by notice in writing  delivered  to Halo to  exercise  the right  (the  "Back-in
Right") to acquire from Halo (i) a twenty-five  (25%) percent interest in and to
the  Unpatented  Property such that Goldcorp will  thereafter  have a sixty-five
(65%)  percent  undivided  recorded  and  beneficial  interest  in  and  to  the
Unpatented  Property and Halo will have a thirty-five  (35%)  percent  undivided
recorded and  beneficial  interest in and to the  Unpatented  Property,  (ii) an
eighteen and three-quarters (18.75%) percent interest in and to the Seventy-Five
% Claims  such  that  Goldcorp  will  thereafter  have a  forty-eight  and three
quarters (48.75%) percent undivided registered and beneficial interest in and to
the  Seventy-Five  % Claims  and Halo will  have a  twenty-six  and  one-quarter
(26.25%)  percent  undivided  registered and  beneficial  interest in and to the
Seventy-Five % Claims and (iii) a twelve and one-half  (12.5%) percent  interest
in and to the  Patented  Property  such that  Goldcorp  will  thereafter  have a
thirty-two  and one-half  (32.5%)  percent  undivided  registered and beneficial
interest in and to the Patented  Property and Halo will have a seventeen (17.5%)
percent  undivided  registered  and  beneficial  interest in and to the Patented
Property,  by giving  notice of such  election  in writing to Halo and by paying
Halo  $6,000,000.00  on or before the expiration of such ninety (90) day period.
If Goldcorp  advises  Halo in writing  that it does not intend to  exercise  the
Back-in  Right or fails to give such a notice and make such  payment  within the
ninety  (90) day time  frame for doing so,  Halo  shall  issue and  deliver  one
million  (1,000,000) fully paid and  non-assessable  common shares of Halo, free
and clear of all  Encumbrances  (the "Option  Shares") to Goldcorp in accordance
with and subject to section 7.4 below.


         (a)      For the  purposes of section  7.3,  the Option  Shares  issued
                  shall be deemed to have a value per share  equal to the volume
                  weighted  average closing price of Halo's common shares on the
                  TSX Venture  Exchange for the thirty trading days  immediately
                  prior to the date that Goldcorp  advises Halo that it will not
                  exercise the Back-in Right or otherwise  fails to exercise the
                  Back-in-Right.  If  Goldcorp  does not  exercise  the  Back-in
                  Right, Halo shall take all necessary corporate action to issue
                  and  deliver the Option  Shares to Goldcorp  and to record the
                  Option  Shares on the  books of Halo in the name of  Goldcorp.
                  Halo  shall  comply  with   applicable   securities   laws  in
                  connection with the issuance of such Option Shares.

         (b)      The Option  Shares to be issued by Halo to  Goldcorp  shall be
                  subject to all applicable hold periods  required by applicable
                  securities  laws and the TSX Venture  Exchange  (not to exceed
                  four months from the date of  issuance).  The  issuance of any
                  Option  Shares shall be  conditional  upon Halo  obtaining all
                  regulatory  consents or approvals  being  received,  including
                  those of the TSX  Venture  Exchange  and Halo will ensure that
                  all filings required to be made with all applicable securities
                  regulatory  authorities are made in a prompt and timely manner

                                     - 12 -

                  to allow for the issuance of the Option Shares on a basis that
                  is exempt from all  prospectus and  registration  requirements
                  under  applicable  securities  laws. In the event that Halo is
                  unable to issue the  Option  Shares to  Goldcorp  on an exempt
                  basis within ten business  days of the date  Goldcorp  advises
                  Halo that it will not exercise the Back-in  Right or otherwise
                  fails to exercise the Back-in  Right,  Halo shall promptly pay
                  Goldcorp the cash value of the Option Shares, as determined in
                  accordance with section 7.4(a),  in cash, by certified  cheque
                  or wire transfer in immediately available funds.

         (c)      The Option  Shares  shall be listed and posted for  trading on
                  the TSX  Venture  Exchange  at the time  they are  issued  and
                  delivered to Goldcorp in accordance with the terms hereof.

         (d)      At the time of issuance of the Option Shares, Halo will be for
                  the preceding four months a reporting  issuer,  not in default
                  of the  requirements of the SECURITIES ACT (British  Columbia)
                  and no order ceasing or suspending  trading in any  securities
                  of Halo will have been issued or pending.

         (e)      Halo   represents  and  warrants  to  Goldcorp  that  (i)  the
                  outstanding  common  shares of Halo are  listed and posted for
                  trading  on the  TSX  Venture  Exchange;  and  (ii)  Halo  has
                  obtained  regulatory  and  TSX  Venture  Exchange  conditional
                  pre-approval  of the  issuance  and  delivery  of  the  Option

7.5      CASH  CONTRIBUTIONS.  Subject to any election  permitted by section 7.7
the Participants shall be obligated to contribute funds to approved Programs and
Budgets in proportion to their respective Participating Interests.

7.6      CHANGES IN PARTICIPATING  INTERESTS.  The  Participants'  Participating
Interests shall be changed as follows:

         (a)      In the  event of an  election  by a  Participant  pursuant  to
                  section  7.7 to not  contribute  to an  approved  Program  and
                  Budget or  contribute to  Expenditures  which are a part of an
                  approved Program and Budget less than the percentage reflected
                  by its then current Participating Interest; or

         (b)      In the event of default by a Participant  in making its agreed
                  contribution to an approved Program and Budget; or

         (c)      In  the  event  of an  acquisition  of  less  than  all of the
                  Participating Interest of any Participant however arising.

7.7      VOLUNTARY  REDUCTION IN  PARTICIPATION.  A Participant may elect not to
contribute  to an  approved  Program  and  Budget or to limit its  contributions
toward  Expenditures  which are a part of an approved Program and Budget to some
amount less than its respective Participating Interest (other than in respect of
the then current Program and Budget to the extent to which such  Participant has
previously elected to contribute).  If a Participant elects not to contribute to
an approved  Program and Budget or elects to contribute  to an approved  Program
and Budget some amount toward Expenditures less than its Participating Interest,
the Participating Interest of that Participant shall be recalculated at the time

                                     - 13 -

of such  election  by  dividing  the  sum of,  (i)  such  Participant's  Initial
Contribution  set  forth  in  section  7.1,  (ii)  the  total  of  all  of  such
Participant's  contributions  toward the Venture's  Expenditures  to the date of
such election,  and (iii) the amount,  if any, that such  Participant  elects to
contribute toward the Venture's Expenditures in the approved Program and Budget,
by the sum of (i),  (ii)  and  (iii)  above  for  both  Participants;  and  then
multiplying  the  result  by  100.  The  Participating  Interest  of  the  other
Participant  shall  thereupon  become  the  difference   between  100%  and  the
recalculated  Participating  Interest of the Participant that made such election
pursuant to this section 7.7.


         (a)      If a default by a  Participant  in paying a cash  contribution
                  toward an approved  Program and Budget for which a Participant
                  has  agreed to  contribute  is not cured  within 15 days after
                  notice from the Manager to such defaulting  Participant of the
                  default, the defaulting  Participant shall have until the date
                  that is 30 days after the date of  receipt  of such  notice to
                  cure the default by paying the Manager an amount  equal to the
                  amount of the cash  contribution  for which the Participant is
                  in default plus interest calculated at the Prime Rate plus two
                  percent  calculated  from the date of such default to the date
                  of payment (in the aggregate the "Penalty Amount"). During the
                  period of default  commencing after the initial 15-day period,
                  the  Manager  shall  be  entitled  to any  proceeds  from  the
                  defaulting  Participant's share of Products during such 30 day
                  period to fund the  required  cash call up to a maximum of the
                  Penalty  Amount.  If such  proceeds are  sufficient to pay the
                  entire Penalty  Amount,  the defaulting  Participant  shall be
                  deemed  to  have  cured  the  default.  If such  proceeds  are
                  insufficient to pay the entire Penalty Amount,  the defaulting
                  Participant may cure the default by paying to the Manager, the
                  difference  between the Penalty Amount and the amount received
                  from such  proceeds  within the 30-day  period for curing such

         (b)      If a  Participant  defaults  in  paying  a  cash  contribution
                  pursuant to this Agreement then, in its sole  discretion,  the
                  non-defaulting Participant may advance the defaulted amount on
                  behalf of the  defaulting  Participant  and treat such amount,
                  together  with  accrued  interest  thereon,  as a demand  loan
                  bearing  interest at the Prime Rate plus two percent  from the
                  date of such advance until repaid.  Failure by the  defaulting
                  Participant  to repay the loan upon demand  shall be a default
                  in paying a cash contribution under this Agreement.

         (c)      In the event of the failure of a Participant to cure a default
                  in paying a cash  contribution in accordance with the terms of
                  sections   7.8(a)   and  (b)   above,   then  the   defaulting
                  Participant's  Participating  Interest  shall  be  diluted  in
                  accordance with section 7.7 above.

7.9      ELIMINATION OF MINORITY INTEREST.  Upon the dilution of a Participating
Interest to less than 10%, such  Participating  Interest shall convert to a 1.5%
Net Smelter Returns Royalty  interest and the  Participant  whose  Participating
Interest is so converted shall be entitled to receive  ongoing royalty  payments
equal to 1.5% of net smelter  returns as calculated and paid in accordance  with
the terms set out in  Schedule  "IV",  and  subject as set out in  section  7.10

                                     - 14 -

below,  such  Participant  shall be relieved of all obligations to contribute to
Programs and Budgets, shall be relieved of its share of any liabilities,  costs,
penalty or fine arising out of Operations  conducted  after such  conversion and
shall  forfeit all of its rights under this  Agreement,  including  the right to
have its representatives  appointed as members of the Management Committee,  the
right to receive notice of and to attend at Management  Committee Meetings,  the
right to become Manager, and the right to receive and participate in Feasibility
Studies and Programs  and Budgets,  except for the rights under this section 7.9
and Schedule "IV" attached hereto.

reduction or conversion of a  Participant's  Participating  Interest  under this
Article 7 shall not  relieve  such  Participant  of its share of any  liability,
cost,  penalty  or  fine  arising  out of  Operations  conducted  prior  to such
reduction provided that notwithstanding the foregoing,  upon the conversion of a
Participating  interest to a Net Smelter  Returns Royalty  interest  pursuant to
section 7.9, the holder of such Net Smelter Returns  Royalty  interest shall not
be obligated  to pay or incur any expense or  liability  related to the costs of
the  closure  of any mine or  processing  facility  located on the  Property  or
related to  rehabilitation  or  reclamation  of the Property upon the closure of
such mine or processing  facility  located on the Property.  For the purposes of
this Article 7, such  Participant's  share of such liability,  cost,  penalty or
fine shall be equal to its  Participating  Interest  at the time the  liability,
cost, penalty or fine was incurred and shall continue  thereafter to be equal to
its Participating Interest at the time such liability, cost, penalty or fine was
incurred.  The increased  Participating  Interest accruing to a Participant as a
result of the reduction of another Participant's Participating Interest shall be
free of Encumbrances  other than those existing at the date of this Agreement or
those arising out of Operations or to which both  Participants  have given their
written  consent.  At any time  upon the  request  of any other  Participant,  a
Participant whose  Participating  Interest has been adjusted,  shall execute and
acknowledge  such  instruments  and  perform  such acts as may be  necessary  to
evidence  such  adjustment,  including  in  such  form as may be  necessary  for
recording  or  registering  notice of such  adjustment  in the  relevant  public
offices of all Governmental Authorities having jurisdiction.


8.1      ORGANIZATION  AND  COMPOSITION.  The  Participants  hereby  establish a
Management  Committee to determine  overall  policies,  objectives,  procedures,
methods and actions under this  Agreement.  The  Management  Committee  shall be
constituted as at the Effective Date. The Management  Committee shall consist of
two members appointed by each of the Participants.  Each Participant may appoint
one or more alternates to act in the absence of a regular member.  Any alternate
so acting  shall be deemed a member of the  Management  Committee.  Appointments
shall be made or changed by notice to the other Participant.

8.2      DECISION.  Each Participant  acting through its appointed members shall
have the number of votes on the Management  Committee equal to its Participating
Interest.  Unless  otherwise  provided  in  this  Agreement,  decisions  of  the
Management  Committee  shall be  determined  by a majority  vote and the Manager
shall have a tie or casting vote.

8.3      MEETING.  The Management Committee shall hold regular meetings at least
every three months in  Vancouver,  British  Columbia or at such other  locations
agreed to by the Participants. The Manager shall give 30 days' advance notice to

                                     - 15 -

the Participants of such regular meetings. Additionally,  either Participant may
call a special meeting upon 15 days' advance notice to the Manager and the other
Participant. In the case of an emergency, reasonable notice of a special meeting
shall suffice.  A quorum of the Management  Committee  shall consist of at least
one member representing each Participant present at a duly called meeting of the
Management Committee or in attendance by telephone conference.  Each notice of a
meeting shall include an itemized  agenda prepared by the Manager in the case of
a regular  meeting or by the  Participant  calling  the meeting in the case of a
special  meeting,  but any  matters may be  considered  with the consent of both
Participants.  The Manager  shall prepare  detailed  minutes of all meetings and
shall distribute copies of such minutes to the Participants within 15 days after
each  meeting.  Failure by a  Participant  to sign or furnish  written  detailed
notice of objection to the minutes within 15 days after receipt from the Manager
shall be deemed acceptance of such minutes by the  Participants.  When signed or
deemed accepted by both  Participants,  the minutes shall be the official record
of the decisions  made by the  Management  Committee and shall be binding on the
Manager and the Participants.  If personnel  employed in Operations are required
to  attend  a  Management  Committee  meeting,   reasonable  costs  incurred  in
connection with such  attendance  shall be a Venture cost. All other costs shall
be paid by the Participants individually.

8.4      ACTION WITHOUT MEETING. In lieu of meetings,  the Management  Committee
may hold  telephone  conference  meetings  provided  that all  decisions  of the
Management  Committee  are  immediately  confirmed  in minutes in writing by the
Manager and distributed for review,  objection and accepted by the  Participants
in accordance with section 8.3.

8.5      MATTERS  REQUIRING  APPROVAL.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  by this
Agreement,  the Management Committee shall have exclusive authority to determine
all management matters related to this Agreement.

8.6      MATTERS  REQUIRING  UNANIMOUS   APPROVAL.   Notwithstanding  any  other
provision of this  Agreement the  following  matters shall require the unanimous
approval of the  Management  Committee  and the Manager  shall not have a tie or
casting vote with respect to such items:

         (a)      Changing the fiscal year end of the Venture.

         (b)      Selling or otherwise  disposing of all or substantially all of
                  the  Assets  or any Asset or Assets  or  Surplus  Material  in
                  accordance with Section IV of the Accounting Procedure.

         (c)      Entering  into  any   transaction   with  an  Affiliate  of  a
                  Participant  or any party related to a Participant  other than
                  on an arm's length basis.

         (d)      Entering into any acquisition or investment  other than in the
                  ordinary course of the business of the Venture.

         (e)      Executing and  delivering  any  agreement  with respect to the
                  disposition or encumbrance of all or any part of the Property.

         (f)      Carrying on any business other than Operations.

                                     - 16 -

         (g)      Giving financial assistance to any Participant or Affiliate of
                  a Participant or any associate or other related party thereof.

         (h)      Commencing any litigious or administrative claim for an amount
                  in excess of $50,000.00.

         (i)      Amending this Agreement.

         (j)      Appointing the Auditor.

shall  be  entitled,  by  notice  in  writing  to  the  Manager  and  the  other
Participant,  to require that  Operations be suspended if such  Participant  can
demonstrate  (as set  forth  in such  notice)  that its  proportionate  share of
Expenditures based on its Participating  Interest has exceeded its proceeds from
the sale of Products for a period of three consecutive months. If such notice is
given to the Manager, the Manager shall prepare a Program and Budget for placing
the mine on care and  maintenance  and shall convene a meeting of the Management
Committee to approve such Program and Budget.

8.8      RESUMPTION  OF  OPERATIONS.  If at any time  after  the  suspension  of
Operations  pursuant to section 8.7, the Manager determines that the mine can be
placed back into  Commercial  Production  with the  Participants'  proportionate
share of Expenditures  based on its  Participating  Interest being not more than
80% of the  proceeds  which they  should  realize on the sale of their  share of
Products,  the Manager shall prepare a Program and Budget for the  resumption of
Operations  and shall convene a meeting of the  Management  Committee to approve
such Program and Budget.

8.9      MINE  MAINTENANCE  PLAN. In addition to the rights of the  Participants
under section 8.7, the Manager may, at any time  subsequent to the  commencement
of  Commercial  Production,  on at least  30 days  notice  to all  Participants,
recommend  that the  Management  Committee  approve  the  suspension  of  Mining
Operations.  In considering  whether to make such a recommendation,  the Manager
will take into account good and reasonable mining,  environmental and commercial
reasons for making the recommendations but will not make a recommendation on the
basis of  matters  particular  to the party  acting as  Manager.  The  Manager's
recommendation  will include a Program and Budget (the "Mine Maintenance Plan"),
in reasonable  detail,  of the activities to be performed to maintain the Assets
during  the  period of  suspension  and the  Expenditures  to be  incurred.  The
Management Committee may:

         (a)      if the Mine  Maintenance Plan provides for a suspension of 180
                  days or less, then by simple majority; or

         (b)      if the Mine Maintenance Plan provides for a suspension of more
                  than 180 days, then by unanimous approval,

approve the Mine Maintenance Plan with such changes as the Management  Committee
deems necessary. If the Management Committee approves the Mine Maintenance Plan,
with or without  modifications,  then the Participants  will be committed to pay
their proportionate  share of Expenditures  incurred in connection with the Mine

                                     - 17 -

Maintenance Plan based on their then  Participating  Interest.  The Manager will
call a meeting of the  Management  Committee upon the reasons for the suspension
of Mining Operations ceasing to have effect and, in any event, within 90 days of
approval of the Mine Maintenance Plan. The Management Committee may cause Mining
Operations  to be  resumed  at any time (for  greater  certainty,  by  unanimous
approval if the  suspension has lasted for more than 180 days) and will take all
reasonable  steps to cause Mining  Operations to be resumed upon the reasons for
the suspension of Mining Operations ceasing to have effect.

8.10     MINE CLOSURE PLAN.  The Manager may, at any time  following a period of
at least 180 days during which Mining  Operations have been  suspended,  upon at
least  30  days  notice  to all  Participants,  recommend  that  the  Management
Committee approve the permanent termination of Mining Operations.  The Manager's
recommendation  will include a Program and Budget (the "Mine Closure Plan"),  in
reasonable  detail, of the activities to be performed to cease Mining Operations
and reclaim the Property and the  estimated  Expenditures  to implement the Mine
Closure Plan. The Management Committee may approve the Manager's  recommendation
by  unanimous  approval  with  such  changes  to the  Mine  Closure  Plan as the
Management Committee deems necessary.

8.11     IMPLEMENTATION  OF  MINE  CLOSURE  PLAN.  If the  Management  Committee
unanimously approves the Mine Closure Plan, then the Manager will:

         (a)      implement  the Mine Closure Plan,  whereupon the  Participants
                  will be  committed  to pay  their  proportionate  share of the
                  Expenditures  required to  implement  that Mine  Closure  Plan
                  based on their then Participating Interest; and

         (b)      remove,  sell and dispose of such Assets as may  reasonably be
                  removed and  disposed of  profitably  and such other Assets as
                  the Manager may be required to remove  pursuant to  applicable
                  environmental and mining laws.

8.12     NON-APPROVAL OF MINE CLOSURE PLAN. If the Management Committee does not
approve  the Mine  Closure  Plan,  then the  Manager  will,  unless  obliged  to
implement the Mine Closure Plan by order or direction of  applicable  Government
Authorities,  maintain Mining Operations in accordance with the Mine Maintenance
Plan as approved  pursuant to Section  8.9. If the Mining  Operations  have been
suspended for a period of one year or more and the Management Committee does not
approve  a Mine  Closure  Plan,  either  Participant  may  refer  the  matter to
arbitration in accordance with section 15.1.

9.       MANAGER

9.1      APPOINTMENT.  Commencing on the Effective  Date, and provided that Halo
holds a  minimum  50%  Participating  Interest  in the  Venture,  Halo  shall be
entitled to be and is hereby  appointed to be the Manager of the Venture,  which
Manager  shall  have  overall  management  responsibility  for  Operations,  and
Goldcorp hereby agrees to such appointment. In the event that Goldcorp exercises
the Back-in Right, and provided that Goldcorp holds a minimum 50%  Participating
Interest  in the  Venture,  Goldcorp  shall  be  entitled  to be  and is  hereby
appointed  to be the  Manager of the  Venture.  Any other  Participant  shall be
entitled  to be Manager if such other  Participant  shall  acquire a minimum 51%
Participating Interest in the Venture.

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9.2      POWERS AND DUTIES OF  MANAGER.  Subject to the  general  oversight  and
direction  of the  Management  Committee,  the  Manager is vested  with the full
authority to manage and carry out the day to day  management of the Property and
to conduct all  Operations  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and the most
recently approved Program and Budget. The Manager agrees to carry out its duties
as Manager itself or through its Agents in accordance  with the terms and intent
of this  Agreement and on behalf of and for the account of the  Participants  in
accordance with their Participating  Interests.  Without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, the Manager shall have the following powers and duties:

         (a)      The Manager shall manage, direct and control Operations.

         (b)      The Manager shall  implement  the decisions of the  Management
                  Committee,  make  all  expenditures  necessary  to  carry  out
                  approved Programs and promptly advise the Management Committee
                  if it lacks sufficient funds to carry out its responsibilities
                  under this Agreement.

         (c)      The  Manager  shall:  (i)  purchase or  otherwise  acquire all
                  material,    supplies,    equipment,    water,   utility   and
                  transportation  services  required for  Operations on the best
                  terms available, taking into account all of the circumstances;
                  (ii) obtain such  customary  warranties  and guarantees as are
                  available in connection with such purchases and  acquisitions;
                  and (iii) keep the Assets  free and clear of all  Encumbrances
                  except for those existing at the time of or created concurrent
                  with the  acquisition of such Assets,  the terms of any leases
                  and permits  related to the  Property  and those  encumbrances
                  contemplated in this Agreement,  any construction,  mechanic's
                  or  materialmen's  liens which shall be released or discharged
                  in  a  diligent   manner  by  the   Manager  or   Encumbrances
                  specifically approved by the Management Committee.

         (d)      The Manager  shall  preserve and protect title to the Property
                  at all times  (including  the  renewal of any and all  related
                  leases, mining claims, permits, licences or other approvals or
                  grants of interest as required)  and shall  conduct such title
                  examinations  and cure such title  defects as may be advisable
                  in the reasonable judgment of the Manager.

         (e)      The  Manager  shall:  (i)  make or  arrange  for all  payments
                  required by all leases, licenses, permits, contracts and other
                  agreements  related to the  Assets;  (ii) pay or  arrange  for
                  payment  of  all  taxes,   assessments  and  like  charges  on
                  Operations and Assets except taxes determined or measured by a
                  Participant's  sales  revenue or net income (if  authorized by
                  the Management Committee,  the Manager shall have the right to
                  contest in court or  otherwise,  the validity or amount of any
                  taxes,  assessments or charges if the Manager deems them to be
                  unlawful,  unjust,  unequal or excessive or to undertake  such
                  other steps or proceedings as the Manager may deem  reasonably
                  necessary to secure a cancellation, reduction, readjustment or
                  equalization thereof, but in no event shall the Manager permit
                  or allow  title to the  Assets to be lost as the result of the
                  non-payment of any taxes,  assessments  or like charges);  and
                  (iii)  do or  cause  to be  done  all  other  acts  reasonably

                                     - 19 -

                  necessary  to maintain  the Assets and to  maintain  the title
                  thereto in good standing including,  without  limitation,  the
                  performance  of all assessment and other Work that is required
                  by applicable law.

         (f)      The Manager  shall:  (i) apply for all  permits,  licenses and
                  approvals necessary to conduct Operations; (ii) use reasonable
                  best efforts to comply with all laws,  regulations,  orders or
                  policy   directions  of  any  Governmental   Authority  having
                  jurisdiction;  (iii) notify promptly the Management  Committee
                  of any allegations of substantial  violation of the foregoing;
                  and (iv) prepare and file all reports or notices  required for
                  or arising out of the conduct of Operations.

         (g)      With respect to any joint sale or other joint  disposition  of
                  Products  that may be  agreed to  pursuant  to  section  12.1,
                  procure  and  negotiate  on  behalf of the  Participants  such
                  contracts  as are  required,  deposit the  proceeds  from such
                  sales to the account of the  Venture to the extent  applicable
                  under the terms of this  Agreement and  distribute the surplus
                  proceeds  to  the   Participants   in  accordance  with  their
                  respective Participating Interests.

         (h)      Invest  all  cash  contributions  and  other  revenues  of the
                  Venture for the  benefit of the  Venture and the  participants
                  and any undistributed  proceeds of the sale of Product for the
                  benefit of the Participants on such basis as will maximize the
                  returns on such  investments  but will  enable the Manager and
                  the Venture to comply with their  contractual  obligations and
                  to exercise their contractual  rights,  including  pursuant to
                  the terms of this Agreement.

         (i)      The Manager shall prosecute and defend, but shall not initiate
                  without  the  consent  of  the   Management   Committee,   all
                  litigation or  administrative  proceedings  arising out of the
                  conduct of Operations.  The other  Participant  shall have the
                  right to  participate  in such  litigation  or  administrative
                  proceedings at its own expense.  The other  Participant  shall
                  approve  in  advance   any   settlement   of   litigation   or
                  administrative proceedings involving payments,  commitments or
                  obligations of the Venture in excess of $50,000.00.

         (j)      The  Manager  shall  obtain  or  arrange  and  keep  in  force
                  insurance  for  the  benefit  of the  Participants,  including
                  comprehensive  general  public  liability and property  damage
                  insurance and automobile  insurance,  insuring  against claims
                  for bodily injury or death or property  damage  arising out of
                  or  resulting  from  Operations,  in such amounts and covering
                  such claims,  losses and risks as will adequately  protect the
                  interests  of the  Participants,  including  by  enabling  the
                  Manager  to  repair or cause to be  repaired  or  rebuilt  all
                  Facilities  on the Property and to continue  operations of any
                  mine or mineral processing  facility relating thereto,  all in
                  accordance with sound mining  practice and customary  industry

         (k)      The Manager may dispose of Assets  (other than the Property or
                  part thereof) whether by abandonment, surrender or Transfer in
                  the  ordinary  course of business  but subject to the terms of
                  this  Agreement,   including  the  Accounting  Procedure.  The

                                     - 20 -

                  Manager   shall  not  enter  into  any  sales   contracts   or
                  commitments  for Product  without the prior  authorization  of
                  each Participant in respect of its share of Product.

         (l)      The Manager shall prepare and shall file after approval of the
                  Management  Committee  any tax  returns  or other tax  filings
                  required to be filed on behalf of the Venture. With respect to
                  the Goods and  Services  Tax (the "GST")  under Part IX of the
                  EXCISE TAX ACT S.C. 1990, c.45, (the "Act"), the Manager shall
                  account for all GST in respect of any  supplies  made to or by
                  the Venture.  The  Participants  shall be registrants and will
                  each  execute  and  provide  to the  Manager  a joint  venture
                  election (the "Election")  pursuant to section 273 of the Act,
                  confirming  that  the  Manager  shall  account  for all GST in
                  respect  of any  supplies  made to or by the  Venture  and the
                  Manager shall file the Election with Revenue  Canada,  Customs
                  and  Excise  along  with  the  Manager's  return  as and  when
                  required under Part IX and section 273 of the Act.  Accounting
                  for GST shall include paying GST on all taxable  purchases and
                  claiming the corresponding  input tax credits on behalf of the

         (m)      The   Manager   shall   have  the   right  to  carry  out  its
                  responsibilities  hereunder  through its Agents,  but shall be
                  and remain  liable  during the term of this  Agreement for any
                  acts or omissions of its Agents.

         (n)      The Manager  shall keep and maintain  all required  accounting
                  and financial records pursuant to Canadian  generally accepted
                  accounting   principles,   the  Accounting  Procedure  and  in
                  accordance with customary  accounting  practices in the mining

         (o)      The Manager shall keep the Management Committee advised of all
                  Operations  by   submitting  in  writing  to  the   Management
                  Committee:   (i)  monthly   progress  reports  in  respect  of
                  Operations   which  reports   shall   include   statements  of
                  Expenditures  and  comparisons  of  such  Expenditures  to the
                  adopted  Program  and  Budget  and all  other  pertinent  data
                  including, without limitation, drill and assay results, survey
                  results,   geological  and  reserve   figures  and  production
                  reports;   (ii)   periodic   summaries  of  data  acquired  as
                  reasonably  required by the Participants;  (iii) copies of all
                  reports   concerning   Operations,   including  the  immediate
                  delivery  to  the  Management  Committee  of  all  significant
                  results;  (iv) a detailed  final  report  within 30 days after
                  completion  of each  Program and Budget  which  shall  include
                  comparisons  between  actual  and  budgeted  Expenditures  and
                  comparisons between the objectives and results of the Program;
                  and (v) such other  reports as the  Management  Committee  may
                  request. At all reasonable times the Manager shall provide the
                  Management  Committee or the representative of any Participant
                  access  to and the right to copy all maps,  drill  logs,  core
                  tests, reports, surveys, assays, analyses, production reports,
                  operations,  technical,  accounting and financial  records and
                  other  information  acquired in Operations.  In addition,  the
                  Manager  shall allow the other  Participant,  at its sole risk
                  and expense and subject to reasonable safety  regulations,  to
                  inspect the Assets and  Operations  at all  reasonable  times,
                  provided that such inspection does not unreasonably  interfere
                  with Operations.

                                     - 21 -

         (p)      The Manager shall  undertake all other  activities  reasonably
                  necessary  to fulfill its  obligations  as Manager  under this
                  Agreement  and  shall  undertake  and is hereby  empowered  on
                  behalf of the  Venture to take all such other  actions  and do
                  all such other things as are  reasonably  necessary to advance
                  and conduct the business of the Venture.

         (q)      The Manager shall keep the financial and  accounting  records,
                  to the  extent and in such  detail  and at such  places as the
                  Management  Committee  may  determine,  such books and records
                  pertaining to the Venture and  Operations and to the costs and
                  expenses thereof and the performance of the Manager hereunder,
                  and to the receipt and  disposition of proceeds from any joint
                  sales  agreed to pursuant to section  12.1,  as will  properly
                  reflect,  in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
                  principles  in  Canada,  to the extent  applicable  and not in
                  conflict with the provisions  hereof,  all transactions of the
                  Manager in  relation to the  Venture  and  Operations  and the
                  performance  of its duties  hereunder and all costs paid by it
                  in  the  performance  thereof  and  for  which  it  will  seek
                  reimbursement  hereunder, all of which books and records shall
                  be  made  available  to  each  of  the  Participants  and  the
                  Management  Committee,  upon  reasonable  notice  and  at  all
                  reasonable times, for inspection,  audit and reproduction.  As
                  soon as  possible  after the close of each  fiscal year of the
                  Venture, all the books and accounts of the Manager relating to
                  the Venture and Operations for such fiscal year of the Venture
                  shall be audited by the  Auditor at the expense of the Venture
                  and  Operations  and copies of the report of the Auditor shall
                  be provided to each Participant  within 60 days of each fiscal
                  year end. Any claim of a Participant against the Manager,  and
                  vice  versa,  relating to any  transactions  during the period
                  covered by such audit shall be made within two years after the
                  receipt of such audit report by the Participant.

         (r)      Upon  termination of the Venture,  the Manager  shall,  at the
                  cost  and  expense  of the  Venture,  be  responsible  for the
                  rehabilitation  and reclamation of the Property as required by
                  applicable  environmental  and mining laws and to the standard
                  required by all Governmental  Authorities having  jurisdiction
                  including, without limitation, filing or posting or causing to
                  be filed or posted,  all letters of credit,  surety,  bonds or
                  other forms of security for all reclamation or  rehabilitation
                  obligations   of  the  Venture  as  may  be  required  by  any
                  Governmental Authority having jurisdiction.

9.3      STANDARD OF CARE.  The Manager shall conduct all  Operations in a good,
workmanlike and efficient manner to the best of its ability,  skill and judgment
in  accordance  with sound mining and other  applicable  industry  standards and
practices  and,  in  accordance  with all  applicable  laws of all  Governmental
Authorities having  jurisdiction and in compliance with the terms and provisions
of all leases, licenses, permits, contracts and other agreements relating to the

9.4      RESIGNATION;  DEEMED OFFER TO RESIGN. The Manager may resign as Manager
of the Venture upon 90 days prior written  notice to the other  Participant,  in
which case the other  Participant  may elect to become the new Manager by notice
to the resigning  Participant to such effect within 60 days after receipt of the
notice of  resignation.  Such  appointment  of the new Manager shall take effect
immediately upon the resignation of the outgoing  Manager taking effect.  If any

                                     - 22 -

of the  following  shall occur,  the Manager  shall be deemed to have offered to
resign as  Manager,  which  offer  shall be  rejected  or  accepted by the other
Participant  within 90 days  following  such deemed  offer (and if accepted  the
other Participant may elect to become the new Manager by notice to the resigning
Participant) and in the absence of written acceptance of such resignation by the
other  Participant  within such 90 day period,  the Manager shall continue to be
Manager hereunder:

         (a)      The  Participating  Interest of the Manager  becomes less than

         (b)      The  Manager  fails to perform a material  obligation  imposed
                  upon the Manager  under this  Agreement  and fails to commence
                  curing or contesting  such default within 30 days after notice
                  from  the  other  Participant  demanding  performance  of such
                  material obligation; or

         (c)      The Manager  shall  generally  not pay its debts as such debts
                  become  due  or  has  committed  an  act  of  bankruptcy,   is
                  insolvent,  has  proposed a  compromising  arrangement  to its
                  creditors  generally,  has had any  petition  for a  receiving
                  order in  bankruptcy  filed  against  it, has made a voluntary
                  assignment in bankruptcy,  has taken  proceedings with respect
                  to a compromise or arrangement,  has taken  proceeding to have
                  itself declared bankrupt or wound-up,  has taken proceeding to
                  have a receiver  appointed of any part of its assets,  has had
                  any  encumbrancer  take  possession of any of its property and
                  has had any execution or distress become enforceable or become
                  levied upon any of its property.

9.5      PAYMENTS TO  MANAGER.  The Manager  shall be  reimbursed  for its costs
hereunder in accordance with the Accounting Procedure.

9.6      TRANSACTIONS  WITH  AFFILIATES.  If the Manager  engages  Affiliates to
provide services  hereunder,  it shall do so on terms no less favourable to such
Affiliate  than  would  be the  case  with  unrelated  persons  in  arm's-length


10.1     OPERATIONS  PURSUANT  TO  PROGRAMS  AND  BUDGETS.  Except as  otherwise
provided in section 10.9,  Operations shall be conducted,  Expenditures shall be
made or incurred and Assets shall be acquired only pursuant to approved Programs
and Budgets.

10.2     PRESENTATION OF PROGRAMS AND BUDGETS.  In each calendar year during the
Venture,  the Manager shall submit to the  Participants,  a proposed Program and
Budget on or before  October 31,  covering the period from January 1 to December
31 of the following  year or such other period as the  Management  Committee may
unanimously determine having regard to, INTER ALIA, the then current fiscal year
end of the Venture.  Each approved  Program and Budget shall,  regardless of the
term of such  Program and Budget,  be reviewed at least once a year at a regular
meeting  of the  Management  Committee.  If at any time  during  the term of the
Venture no Work is  conducted on the Property  during any 18 month  period,  the
non-Manager Participant shall have the right to submit to the Manager a proposed
Program and Budget for a minimum period of 12 months (the "Non-Manager's Program

                                     - 23 -

and  Budget").  The  Non-Manager's  Program  and Budget  shall be  reviewed at a
meeting of the Management Committee, which meeting shall be called forthwith for
such purpose pursuant to section 8.3.

after submission of a proposed Program and Budget or a Non-Manager's Program and
Budget, each Participant shall submit to the Management Committee:

         (a)      Notice that the Participant  approves the proposed Program and
                  Budget or the  Non-Manager's  Program and Budget,  as the case
                  may be; or

         (b)      Proposed  modifications  of the proposed Program and Budget or
                  the Non-Manager's Program and Budget, as the case may be; or

         (c)      Notice that the Participant  rejects the proposed  Program and
                  Budget or the proposed  Non-Manager's  Program and Budget,  as
                  the case may be.

If a Participant fails to give any of the foregoing responses within such 30 day
period, such failure shall be deemed to be an approval by the Participant of the
Manager's  proposed Program and Budget or the Non-Manager's  Program and Budget.
If a Participant makes a timely submission to the Management  Committee pursuant
to section 10.3(b) or (c), then the Management  Committee shall meet to consider
and  develop  a  Program  and  Budget  acceptable  to the  Participants.  If the
Management  Committee  does not  unanimously  approve a Program  and Budget or a
Non-Manager's Program and Budget within 30 days after the Manager's receipt of a
notice  pursuant  to section  10.3(b) or (c), a proposed  Program  and Budget or
Non-Manager's  Program  and Budget  may be  approved  by a majority  vote of the
Management  Committee.  If a non-Manager's Program and Budget is not approved or
modified and approved by the Management Committee,  then the Non-Manager who has
proposed  the  Non-Manager's  Program  and  Budget  may  submit  the  matter  to
arbitration  pursuant  to  Article  15  for  determination  as to  whether  such
non-approval is reasonable in the circumstances.  If a Non-Manager's Program and
Budget is approved by the Management Committee, then the same shall be deemed to
be a Program and Budget for the purposes of this Agreement.

10.4     PREPARATION  OF  FEASIBILITY  STUDY.  At the request of the  Management
Committee,  the  Manager  shall  prepare  or  have  prepared  and  submit  (i) a
Feasibility  Study, or (ii) a pre-Feasibility  Study (which study shall be based
on such terms as the Management Committee shall determine), the purpose of which
shall be to  establish  whether a  mineralized  deposit  on the  Property  is of
sufficient  size  and  grade to  justify  development  of a mine and such  other
related  facilities as may be desirable,  including,  a beneficiation  plant for
processing Products.

10.5     REQUEST  FOR  FEASIBILITY   STUDY.  Any  Participant  may  request  the
Management  Committee to instruct the Manager to prepare or have  prepared (i) a
Feasibility Study or (ii) a pre-Feasibility Study (which study shall be based on
such terms as such Participant shall propose),  prepared when, in the reasonable
good faith opinion of such Participant, sufficient mineralization has been found
to justify  preparation of a Feasibility Study or pre-Feasibility  Study, and if
the Management  Committee fails or refuses to direct the Manager to prepare such

                                     - 24 -

Feasibility  Study or  pre-Feasibility  Study,  such  Participant may at its own
expense,  prepare and submit such  Feasibility  Study or  pre-Feasibility  Study
along with its recommendation to the Management Committee.

10.6     APPROVAL OF  FEASIBILITY  STUDY.  The Management  Committee  shall have
ninety (90) days after receipt of any Feasibility Study or pre-Feasibility Study
and the  recommendations  of the  Participant  commissioning  or conducting such
Feasibility Study or pre-Feasibility Study to meet and consider,  and to approve
or   reject,   the   Feasibility   Study  or   pre-Feasibility   Study  and  its
recommendations.  If the Management  Committee approves or makes substantial use
of the Feasibility Study or  pre-Feasibility  Study prepared by a non-Manager in
its decision to proceed to place the Property  into  Commercial  Production,  it
shall reimburse the non-Manager for the reasonable  costs of preparing the same.
If the  Management  Committee  rejects a  Feasibility  Study or  pre-Feasibility
Study, it may in its discretion  direct the Manager to perform or have performed
such additional  work as the Management  Committee deems necessary to revise the
Feasibility  Study or  pre-Feasibility  Study. In such event,  the Manager shall
promptly  perform  such  additional  work,   revise  the  Feasibility  Study  or
pre-Feasibility  Study accordingly and submit it to the Management Committee for
approval or rejection.

10.7     ELECTION TO PARTICIPATE.  By notice to the Management  Committee within
20 days after the final vote of the Management Committee approving a Program and
Budget,  a Participant may elect to contribute to Expenditures  which are a part
of such Program and Budget an amount less than its Participating Interest, or to
not  contribute  to such  Expenditures  at all, in which case the  Participating
Interests  shall be  recalculated  as provided in section 7.4. If a  Participant
fails to so notify the Management Committee,  the Participant shall be deemed to
have  elected to  contribute  to such  Program  and  Budget,  including  Capital
Expenditures,  in proportion to its respective  Participating Interest as of the
beginning of the period covered by the Program and Budget.

10.8     BUDGET DECREASES.  If a Program and Budget is subsequently  modified to
decrease   Expenditures  by  15%  or  more,  a  non-contributing   or  partially
contributing  Participant  shall  have the right to  contribute  the  difference
between  the  amount,   if  any,  it  has  already   contributed  and  its  full
proportionate share, based on its Participating Interest prior to the reduction,
of the  modified  Program  and Budget and  thereby  avoid any  reduction  in its
Participating  Interest.  At  such  time  as  the  Manager  becomes  aware  that
expenditures for the Budget shall be 85% or less than as originally adopted, the
Manager shall notify the non-contributing or partially-contributing Participant.
Within  30  days  thereafter  the  non-contributing  or   partially-contributing
Participant  may notify the Manager of its  election to  contribute  to its full
share of the modified Program and Budget. Such notice shall include full payment
of the  non-contributing  or  partially-contributing  Participant's share of the
modified Program and Budget to the date of the payment.

10.9     BUDGET OVERRUNS;  PROGRAM CHANGES. The Manager shall immediately notify
the Management  Committee of any departure from an adopted Program and Budget of
an amount equal to ten percent or more of the original  budgeted  amount of such
Program.  The Manager may not exceed an approved  Program or Budget by more than
ten percent without the unanimous  approval of the Management  Committee and the
Manager shall not have a tie or casting vote in respect thereof.  If the Manager
exceeds an  approved  Program  or Budget by more than ten  percent  without  the
unanimous approval of the Management Committee;  (i) the Manager shall be solely
responsible for Exploration  Expenditures  which exceed the approved  Program or
Budget; (ii) the Manager shall advance the non-Manager's  proportionate share of

                                     - 25 -

Development  Expenditures  which exceed the  approved  Program or Budget and the
Manager shall be entitled to receive, for its own benefit, interest at an annual
rate equal to the Prime Rate plus one percent  calculated  from the date of such
advance  until the date of  repayment  and shall be entitled to repayment by the
non-Manager  of such advances on the date that is one year from the date of each
such advance;  (iii) the Manager shall advance the  non-Manager's  proportionate
share of Mining Expenditures which exceed the approved Program or Budget and the
Manager  shall be entitled to  repayment  by Goldcorp of such  advances 120 days
after the date of each advance.

10.10    EMERGENCY OR UNEXPECTED EXPENDITURES.  In the case of an emergency, the
Manager may take any reasonable  action it deems necessary to protect life, limb
or  property,  to protect  the Assets or to comply  with all laws,  regulations,
orders or policy directives of any Governmental  Authority having  jurisdiction.
The Manager may also make reasonable  expenditures  for unexpected  events which
are beyond its reasonable control and which do not result from a breach by it of
its standard of care. The Manager shall promptly notify the  Participants of the
emergency or unexpected expenditures and the Manager shall be reimbursed for all
resulting  costs  by  the   Participants  in  proportion  to  their   respective
Participating Interests at the time the emergency or unexpected expenditures are
incurred  provided that the  Participant  that is not the Manager shall have 120
days to contribute its proportionate share of such excess costs.


11.1     MONTHLY  STATEMENTS.  Within 30 days of the end of each calendar month,
the Manager shall deliver to each  Participant  financial  statements  and other
relevant  information  reflecting in reasonable  detail all  transactions of the
Venture during the preceding month.

11.2     CASH CALLS. The Manager shall, at least seven days but not more than 21
days,  prior to the start of each calendar month present to each  Participant an
invoice  based  on the  most  recently  approved  Program  and  Budget  to  each
Participant  for their  proportionate  share  based on their then  Participating
Interest of:

         (i)      if  advances   for  the  prior  month  are  less  than  actual
                  Expenditures,  an  amount  equal to actual  Expenditures  less
                  advances for the prior month; and

         (ii)     estimated Expenditures for the succeeding month; and

         (iii)    estimated  Expenditures  for the  second  succeeding  month to
                  maintain a minimum 30 day cash balance;


         (iv)     if  advances  for the prior  month  are  greater  than  actual
                  Expenditures,   an  amount  equal  to  advances   less  actual
                  Expenditures for the prior month; and

         (v)      estimated  Expenditures  for the second  succeeding month from
                  the prior month billing; and

         (vi)     interest  or other  revenues  received  by the Manager for the
                  account of the Venture; and

                                     - 26 -

         (vii)    any cash  receipts  from the sale of  Assets  received  by the
                  Manager for the account of the Venture;

         plus or less:

         (viii)   any other adjustment necessary to comply with this Agreement.

Where a monthly  invoicing results in a negative amount the Manager shall at the
sole option of each Participant,  refund to the Participants their proportionate
share of the  over-contribution  or apply  such  amount as a credit  to  amounts
invoiced  for the next  ensuing  month.  The  Manager  shall use all  reasonable
efforts to maintain at all times a minimum cash balance  approximately  equal to
the estimated disbursements for the next 60 days.

11.3     SPECIAL  CASH CALLS.  The Manager may present an invoice at any time to
each  Participant for  significant  Expenditures  requiring  payment in a timely
manner that were  unforeseen at the time of the prior monthly  invoicing and for
which such Participant is responsible pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

11.4     PAYMENT OF CASH CALLS.  Each  Participant  shall advance to the Manager
its  proportionate  share of the  invoicing  within  15 days of  receipt  of the

11.5     FAILURE TO MEET CASH CALLS. A Participant that fails to meet cash calls
in the  amount  and at the  times  specified  in  sections  11.2,  11.3 and 11.4
respectively  shall be deemed to be in  default  of its  obligations  under this
Agreement  and the amounts of the  defaulted  cash call shall bear interest from
the date due in accordance with section 7.5 and the  non-defaulting  Participant
shall have those rights, remedies and elections specified in section 7.5.

11.6     AUDITS AND ADJUSTMENTS.  The financial  records of the Venture shall be
audited  annually by the Auditor.  The Manager  shall  arrange to have the audit
report prepared and distributed to each Participant not later than 60 days after
the end of each fiscal year end. Each  Participant  shall also have the right to
audit the Venture's  records on reasonable  notice to the Manager and at its own
expense in accordance with the Accounting  Procedure.  All claims for adjustment
made as a result of audits must be made within twenty-four months of delivery of
the audit report to the Participants making the claim.


12.1     DIVISION  OF  PRODUCTION.  Each  Participant  shall  take in  kind  and
separately  dispose of its  Participating  Share of all Products produced by the
Venture  from the  Property  at their  highest  state  of  beneficiation  on the
Property,  and for that purpose shall take delivery of its share of the Products
as the same are produced and placed in the storage facilities for the account of
such Participant.  Individual ownership of its share of said Products shall pass
to each  Participant  concurrently  with the taking of delivery thereof in kind.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Participants  may, upon mutual agreement at
any time and from  time to time,  jointly  sell or  otherwise  dispose  of their
respective  shares of the  Products  and make such  arrangements  in  connection
therewith as they deem mutually advisable, without in any way causing them to be

                                     - 27 -

deemed to be in partnership.  The proceeds from such joint sales shall be to the
account of the Participants in accordance with their Participating  Shares or as
they may otherwise agree in writing.

12.2     LIENS.  Each Participant  shall have a lien on the other  Participant's
share of Products to secure payment of such Participant's proportionate share of
Expenditures based on its Participating  Interest.  If a Participant defaults in
making a cash  contribution in accordance  with the terms of this Agreement,  to
cure such  default  in  accordance  with  section  7.8 or to repay a loan to the
non-defaulting   Participant   in   accordance   with  section  7.8,   then  the
non-defaulting Participant may without limitation to its other rights at law, in
equity or under this Agreement:

         (a)      Elect to treat  the  default  as an  immediate  and  automatic
                  assignment to the non-defaulting Participant of the defaulting
                  Participant's  share of the  Products  and from and  after the
                  non-defaulting   Participant   making   such   election,   the
                  non-defaulting  Participant  may require the  purchaser of the
                  defaulting  Participant's  share of Products  to make  payment
                  therefor to the  non-defaulting  Participant while the default
                  continues; and

         (b)      Enforce  the lien  created by the default in payment by taking
                  possession of all or any part of the defaulting  Participant's
                  share of Products  and selling the same.  The  proceeds of the
                  sale   shall  be  firstly   applied   by  the   non-defaulting
                  Participant in payment of any  Expenditures  to be paid by the
                  defaulting  Participant  and not  paid  by it and any  balance
                  remaining  shall be paid to the defaulting  Participant  after
                  deducting   reasonable  costs  of  the  sale.  Any  sale  made
                  aforesaid  shall be a perpetual  bar both at law and in equity
                  against  any  claims to the  Products  sold by the  defaulting
                  Participant  and its assigns  and  against  all other  Persons
                  claiming the Products or any part or parcel  thereof,  sold as
                  aforesaid,  from, through or under the defaulting  Participant
                  or its assigns.

In the event that the value of such  Products so assigned to the  non-defaulting
Participant or the proceeds  thereof are sufficient to cure a default or repay a
loan pursuant to the terms of section 7.8, the defaulting  Participant  shall be
deemed to be back in good standing under the terms of this Agreement.

12.3     FAILURE OF PARTICIPANT TO TAKE IN KIND. If after  reasonable  notice by
the Manager,  a  Participant  fails to take in kind its share of  Products,  the
Manager  shall  have  the  right,  but  not  the  obligation,  to  purchase  the
Participant's  share of  Products  for its own  account or to sell such share as
agent for the  Participant  on terms and  conditions  that are not less than the
then prevailing fair market value having regard to the quantity,  advanced sales
and other applicable market conditions. The Manager shall facilitate the sale of
Products  on  behalf  of each  Participant  on such  terms as may be  agreed  in
writing. Subject to the terms of any contracts of sale then outstanding,  during
any period that the Manager is  purchasing or selling a  Participant's  share of
production,  the  Participant may elect by notice to the Manager to take Product
in kind. The Manager shall be entitled to deduct from proceeds of any sale by it
for the account of a Participant reasonable expenses incurred in such a sale.

                                     - 28 -


13.1     TERMINATION BY EXPIRATION OR AGREEMENT.  This Agreement shall terminate
as  expressly  provided in section  13.2 and  additionally  shall  terminate  by
written agreement of both Participants.

13.2     WITHDRAWAL.  A Participant may elect to withdraw as a Participant  from
this  Agreement by giving notice to the other  Participant of the effective date
of  withdrawal,  which  date  shall be the later of the end of the then  current
Program  and  Budget  or 60 days  after  the date of the  notice.  Upon any such
withdrawal this Agreement shall terminate and the withdrawing  Participant shall
be deemed to have transferred to the remaining  Participant or those existing at
the date of this Agreement,  all of its Participating Interest in the Assets and
in this  Agreement  without cost and free and clear of any and all  Encumbrances
arising by,  through or under such  withdrawing  Participant,  except  Permitted
Encumbrances  and those to which  both  Participants  have given  their  written
consent  after  the  date  of this  Agreement,  and  subject  to the  terms  and
conditions of all leases,  permits,  licences or other approvals  related to the
Property.  No withdrawal  under this section 13.2 shall relieve the  withdrawing
Participant  of  its  share  of  liabilities,   costs,  penalties  or  fines  to
Governmental  Authority  having  jurisdiction or to third Persons  (whether such
accrues  before or after such  withdrawal)  arising out of Operations  conducted
prior to such withdrawal. For the purposes of this section 13.2, the withdrawing
Participant's  proportionate  share  of such  liabilities  shall be equal to its
Participating Interest at the time that the conduct of Operations giving rise to
such liability, cost, penalty or fine occurred.

13.3     CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS.  On termination of this Agreement under section
13.1, but subject to section 13.2, the Participants shall each remain liable for
continuing obligations hereunder as set out herein until final settlement of all
accounts and for any liability whether it accrues before or after termination if
it arises out of Operations during the term of the Agreement.

13.4     DISPOSITION OF ASSETS ON TERMINATION. Promptly after termination of the
Venture and this Agreement,  the Manager shall take all action necessary to wind
up the  activities  of the  Venture  and all  costs  and  expenses  incurred  in
connection with the  termination of the Venture shall be expenses  chargeable to
the Venture.  Any Participant  that has a negative  capital account balance when
the Venture is terminated  for any reason shall  contribute to the Assets of the
Venture an amount  sufficient  to raise such  balance to zero.  The Assets shall
first be paid,  applied or distributed in satisfaction of all liabilities of the
Venture  to  third  Persons  and  then to  satisfy  any  debts,  obligations  or
liabilities owed to the Participants. Before distributing any funds or Assets to
Participants  the Manager  shall have the right to segregate  amounts  which are
necessary to discharge continuing  obligations or to purchase for the account of
Participants, all required letters of credit, surety bonds or other security for
the  performance  of such  obligations  as may be required  by any  Governmental
Authority having  jurisdiction.  The foregoing shall not be construed to include
the  repayment  of  any  Participant's  capital  contributions.  Thereafter  any
remaining cash and all other Assets shall be distributed to the  Participants in
proportion to their respective Participating  Interests,  first in the ratio and
to the extent of their  respective  capital  accounts and then in  proportion to
their respective  Participating Interests subject to any dilution,  reduction or
termination of such Participating Interests as may have occurred pursuant to the
terms of this  Agreement.  No Participant  shall receive a  distribution  of any
interest in Products or  proceeds  from the sale  thereof if such  Participant's

                                     - 29 -

Participating  Interest  therein has been terminated  pursuant to this Agreement
other than by conversion to a royalty  interest in accordance  with the terms of
this Agreement.

13.5     RIGHT TO DATA AFTER  TERMINATION.  Each withdrawing  Participant  under
section 13.2 shall be entitled to all information acquired in the conduct of the
Venture  prior to such  withdrawal  and  pursuant  to any Work Plan of which the
withdrawing  Participant  has duly  paid its  Proportionate  Share of costs  and
expenses, including copies of maps, data and reports which can be reproduced and
which have not theretofore been furnished to such withdrawing  Participant,  but
such  withdrawing  Participant  shall for a period of two years from the date of
such withdrawal or the completion of the aforementioned Work Plan,  whichever is
the later,  hold in strict  confidence  all  information  acquired  by it in the
conduct of the Venture.

13.6     CONTINUING  AUTHORITY.  On  termination  of the  Venture  or the deemed
withdrawal of a Participant  from the Venture or the withdrawal of a Participant
pursuant to section 13.2 the Manager shall have the power and authority, subject
to control of the  Management  Committee,  if any, to do all things on behalf of
the  Participants  which are reasonably  necessary or convenient to: (a) wind up
Operations;  and (b)  complete  any  transaction  and  satisfy  any  obligation,
unfinished or unsatisfied  at the time of such  termination or withdrawal if the
transaction or obligation  arises out of Operations prior to such termination or
withdrawal.  The Manager  shall have the power and authority to grant or receive
extensions  of time or change the method of payment of an existing  liability or
obligation,  prosecute and defend actions on behalf of the  Participants and the
Venture, mortgage Assets and take any other reasonable action in any matter with
respect  to which  the  former  Participants  continue  to have or appear or are
alleged to have, a common interest or a common liability.


14.1     HALO'S RIGHTS TO TRANSFER. Halo may at any time after execution of this
Agreement Transfer all of its rights,  title and interest in and to the Property
and under this  Agreement to an Affiliate of Halo or,  subject to sections  14.3
and 14.4 below, to a third party, provided Halo provides Goldcorp 30 days notice
of such Transfer and provided such Affiliate or third party shall have agreed in
writing with Goldcorp to be bound by the terms and  conditions of this Agreement
and to perform all obligations of Halo hereunder.  Notwithstanding such Transfer
to an  Affiliate  by Halo,  Halo  shall  remain at all times  liable for the due
performance of all covenants and obligations of Halo to be performed  hereunder.
In the event Halo  completes a Transfer to a third party in accordance  with the
terms of this section  14.1 Halo shall be released  from its  obligations  under
this  Agreement to the extent such third party has agreed in writing to be bound
by and perform the obligations of Halo under this Agreement.

14.2     GOLDCORP'S RIGHT TO TRANSFER.  Goldcorp may at any time after execution
of this Agreement  Transfer all of its rights,  title and interest in and to the
Property and under this  Agreement  to an  Affiliate of Goldcorp or,  subject to
sections 14.3 and 14.4 below, to a third party,  provided Goldcorp provides Halo
30 days notice to such Transfer and provided such Affiliate or third party shall
have agreed in writing with Halo to be bound by the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and to perform all obligations of Goldcorp hereunder.  Notwithstanding
such Transfer by Goldcorp to an Affiliate of Goldcorp,  Goldcorp shall remain at
all times liable for the due  performance  of all covenants and  obligations  of

                                     - 30 -

Goldcorp to be performed  hereunder.  In the event Goldcorp completes a Transfer
to a third party in  accordance  with the terms of this  section  14.2  Goldcorp
shall be released from its  obligations  under this Agreement to the extent such
third party has agreed in writing to be bound by and perform the  obligations of
Goldcorp under this Agreement.

14.3     RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL.  Neither  Participant shall transfer all or any
part of its Participating  Interest or its interest in this Agreement other than
in accordance  with this Article 14. If a Participant  should desire to transfer
to a third party all or part of its  Participating  Interest and its interest in
this  Agreement  (the "Offered  Interest"),  it shall first have received an all
cash BONA FIDE written  offer from an arm's length third party (the "Third Party
Offer")  which Third  Party Offer shall state the price and all other  pertinent
terms and  conditions  upon which it wishes to  complete  the  Transfer  and the
Participant (the "Transferring  Participant") shall have delivered a copy of the
Third Party Offer to the other  Participant (the "Other  Participant")  together
with the Transferring  Participant's  own offer to sell to the Other Participant
on the same terms and conditions (the "Offer"). The Other Participant shall have
30 days from the date the Offer is delivered  to it, to notify the  Transferring
Participant  whether it elects to acquire the Offered  Interest at the price and
on the terms and  conditions  set forth in the Offer.  If the Other  Participant
does so elect the Transfer  shall be  consummated  promptly after notice of such
election is delivered by the Other  Participant.  If the Other Participant fails
to so elect,  within the period provided for in this section,  the  Transferring
Participant  shall  have 90 days  following  the  expiration  of such  period to
consummate  the  Transfer  to a third  Person  at a price  and on  terms no less
favourable  than those offered in the Offer and in accordance with sections 14.1
or 14.2 above,  as the case may be, in this section,  the right of first refusal
herein  contained  shall be deemed to be  revived.  Any  subsequent  proposal to
Transfer a  Participating  Interest  and an  interest in this  Agreement  by the
Transferring  Participant  shall be conducted in accordance  with the procedures
set forth in this section 14.3. If the  Transferring  Participant  transfers the
Offered  Interest  pursuant  to this  section,  it  shall be  released  from all
liabilities and obligations under this Agreement  provided that the third Person
delivers to the Other  Participant  an  agreement in writing  covenanting  to be
bound by this Agreement and the terms hereof in accordance with sections 14.1 or
14.2, as the case may be.

14.4     LIMITATIONS   ON  FREE   TRANSFERABILITY.   The  Transfer  right  of  a
Participant  in this  Article  14 shall be subject  to the  following  terms and

         (a)      No   transferee   of  all  or  part  of  the   interest  of  a
                  Participating  Interest or an interest in this Agreement shall
                  have  the  rights  of  a  Participant  unless  and  until  the
                  transferring Participant has provided to the other Participant
                  notice of the Transfer and the transferee, as of the effective
                  date of the Transfer,  has committed in writing to be bound by
                  the terms of this  Agreement  and the terms of the  Venture to
                  the same extent as the transferring Participant.

         (b)      No Transfer  permitted  by this  Article 14 shall  relieve the
                  transferring Participant of its share of any liability,  cost,
                  penalty  or  fine  whether   accruing  before  or  after  such
                  Transfer,  which arises out of Operations  conducted  prior to
                  such Transfer.

         (c)      The transferring Participant and the transferee shall bear all
                  tax consequences of the Transfer.

                                     - 31 -


         (a)      Other  than as set out below  neither  Party  shall  mortgage,
                  pledge,   charge,   hypothecate  or  otherwise   encumber  its
                  Participating   Interest  or  any  part  thereof  without  the
                  approval of the other Party.

         (b)      Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph  14.5(a) above,
                  each of the Parties  shall be entitled  to  mortgage,  pledge,
                  hypothecate or otherwise  encumber its Participating  Interest
                  provided that the proceeds of such mortgage, charge, pledge or
                  hypothec  are applied by such Party to fund its  participation
                  in Programs and Budgets  pursuant to this  Agreement  and then
                  only  if  the  holder  of  the   mortgage,   pledge,   charge,
                  hypothecation  or  other  encumbrance  shall  have  agreed  in
                  writing with the other  Participant  upon  realization  of its
                  security  to be bound  by the  provisions  of this  Agreement,
                  including  this  Article  14, and shall have agreed in writing
                  with the other  Participant  to require any  purchaser  of the
                  Participating  Interest  from it to be bound  by the  terms of
                  this Agreement.


15.1     BINDING  ARBITRATION.  Any matter in this Agreement in dispute  between
the Parties which has not been resolved by the Parties  within fifteen (15) days
of the delivery of notice by either  Party of such dispute  shall be referred to
binding  arbitration.  Such referral to binding arbitration shall be to a single
arbitrator  pursuant to the  ARBITRATIONS  ACT, 1991 (Ontario) and its successor
legislation,  which act shall govern such  arbitration  proceeding in accordance
with its terms except to the extent  modified by the rules for  arbitration  set
out in Schedule  "V".  Such  arbitrator  shall be  qualified  by  education  and
experience  to  determine  the  matter in  dispute.  The  determination  of such
arbitrator  shall be final and binding upon the Parties  hereto and the costs of
such arbitration shall be as determined by the arbitrator.  The Parties covenant
that they shall  conduct all aspects of such  arbitration  having  regard at all
times to expediting the final resolution of such arbitration.


16.1     FORCE MAJEURE. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, provided
however that  notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained  herein,  if
either Party  should at any time or times during the currency of this  Agreement
be delayed in or prevented from complying with this Agreement by reason of wars,
acts of God, strike, lockouts or other labour disputes,  inability to access its
place of  business  or the  Property  (other  than the  inability  to access the
Property because of the seasonality of weather  conditions for which a Party has
not properly or adequately planned),  acts of public insurrection,  riots, fire,
storm, flood, explosion, government restriction, failure to obtain any approvals
required from any Governmental  Authority having  jurisdiction  (but only in the
circumstances  where the Manager has filed timely and complete  applications for
approval from such  Governmental  Authorities  having  jurisdiction),  including
environmental  protection agencies,  interference of persons primarily concerned
about  environmental  issues or native rights groups or other causes  whether of
the kind  enumerated  above or  otherwise  which are not  reasonably  within the
control  of  the  applicable   Party,  but  excluding  for  greater   certainty,
unavailability  of funds,  the  period of all such  delays  resulting  from such

                                     - 32 -

causes or any of them,  shall be excluded  in  computing  the time within  which
anything required or permitted by the applicable Party to be done, is to be done
hereunder,  and the time within which anything is to be done hereunder  shall be
extended  by the total  period of all such  delays.  Nothing  contained  in this
Article shall require the  applicable  Party to settle any labour  dispute or to
test the  constitutionality  of any  enacted  law.  In the event  that any Party
asserts that an event of force  majeure has  occurred,  it shall  complete  such
reasonable  actions or cause such  reasonable  actions to be completed as may be
necessary to correct or terminate  the alleged  event of force  majeure and give
notice in writing to the other Party specifying the following:

         (a)      the cause and nature of the alleged event of force majeure;

         (b)      a summary  of the  action it or its  Agents  have taken to the
                  date of such  notice to  correct  the  alleged  event of force

         (c)      confirmation as to all acts,  actions and things done by it or
                  its Agents to terminate the event of force majeure; and

         (d)      the  reasonably  expected  duration  of the  period  of  force

Any Party  asserting an event of force majeure shall  provide  ongoing  periodic
notice in  writing  to the other  Party  with  respect  to such  events of force
majeure,  including the matters set out above, within 15 days of the end of each
calendar  month  during the period of force  majeure  and shall  provide  prompt
notice in writing to the other Party upon the  termination of the event of force


17.1     CONFIDENTIALITY.  All information  received by any Party as a result of
or in connection with the Assets or this Agreement shall be confidential,  shall
be  treated  as  confidential  and shall not be  disclosed  to any other  Person
without the prior written consent of the other Party.  Such consent shall not be
unreasonably  withheld.  Where  disclosure  is required  by law or a  regulatory
authority  having  jurisdiction,  a  copy  of  the  information  required  to be
disclosed including, without limitation, any press release, shall be provided to
the other  Party in advance of its  disclosure.  The  consent  required  by this
Article 18 shall not apply to a  disclosure:  (i) to an  Affiliate or Agent that
has a BONA FIDE need to be  informed;  and (ii) to any third  Person to whom the
disclosing  Party  contemplates a Transfer of all or any part of its interest in
or to the Assets and this Agreement.  Only such confidential information as such
third Person shall have a  legitimate  business  need to know shall be disclosed
and such third Person  shall first agree in writing to protect the  confidential
information  from  further  disclosure  to the same  extent as the  Parties  are
obligated  under  this  Article  17.  The  provisions  of this  Article 17 shall
continue  to apply to any  Party  which  withdraws  or which is  deemed  to have
withdrawn from this Agreement. Where disclosure is required in connection with a
third  Person  Transfer,  any  intended  third  Person  transferee  must  sign a
confidentiality  agreement containing  provisions similar to this Article 18. No
Party   shall  be  liable  to  the   disclosing   Person  in   respect   of  any
interpretations,   opinions,   findings,   conclusions   or  other   non-factual
information  included by the  disclosing  Person in any report or other document
provided to the other Party whether  included by  negligence or otherwise.  Each

                                     - 33 -

disclosing  Person shall jointly and  severally  indemnify and save harmless the
other Party from and against all Losses actually  incurred by the other Party in
respect of the release by the disclosing Person of such non-factual  information
to third Persons,  irrespective  of whether such release was consented to by the
other Party.


18.1     EVENT OF DEFAULT.  In the event of an  occurrence  with  respect to any
Participant of any one or more of the following:

         (a)      if  the  whole  or any  material  part  of  the  Participating
                  Interest  of the  Participant  shall be the subject of a lien,
                  charge or attachment  other than in accordance  with the terms
                  of this  Agreement and such lien,  charge or attachment  shall
                  not have been discharged within sixty days thereafter; or

         (b)      It has  committed  an act of  bankruptcy,  is  insolvent,  has
                  proposed  a   compromising   arrangement   to  its   creditors
                  generally,  has had any  petition  for a  receiving  order  in
                  bankruptcy  filed against it, has made a voluntary  assignment
                  in  bankruptcy,  has taken any  proceedings  with respect to a
                  compromise or  arrangement,  has taken any  proceeding to have
                  itself declared bankrupt or wound-up, has taken any proceeding
                  to have a  receiver  appointed  in  respect of any part of its
                  assets, has had any encumbrancer take possession of any of its
                  property  and  has  had  any  execution  or  distress   become
                  enforceable or become levied upon any of its property;


         (c)      if such event  occurs,  such event  shall be a default of such
                  Participant  under this  Agreement and the other  Participant,
                  without  prejudice to any other remedy it may have, shall have
                  the  right  to  purchase  the  Participating  Interest  of the
                  defaulting Participant in accordance with the following:

                  (i)      by giving  concurrent  written notice of its election
                           to do so to  the  defaulting  Participant  and to the
                           Manager (if it is not the defaulting Participant);

                  (ii)     the completion of the purchase of the said defaulting
                           Participating  Interest  shall take place at the time
                           and  place,  and  the  defaulting  Participant  shall
                           perform such acts and execute such documents,  as the
                           purchasing  Participant  may  reasonably  specify  or
                           provide.   The  purchase   price  of  the   aforesaid
                           Participating  Interest to the purchasing Participant
                           shall  be  the  fair  market  value   thereof  to  be
                           determined,  within  seventy  five days of receipt by
                           the defaulting Participant of the notice provided for
                           herein,  by an  independent  appraiser  appointed  by
                           mutual  agreement of the  Participant or failing such
                           agreement, by arbitration pursuant to Article 15; and

                                     - 34 -

                  (iii)    payment of any purchase price made as aforesaid shall
                           be a  perpetual  bar both at law and in equity by the
                           defaulting Participant and its successors and assigns
                           against the other Participant, and its successors and

18.2     ADDITIONAL REMEDIES. In the event of the occurrence with respect to any
Participant   of  any  of  the  events   referred  to  in  section  18.1,   each
non-defaulting  Participant,  without prejudice to any other remedy it may have,
shall  have the right to pursue  any remedy  available  at law or in equity,  it
being  acknowledged  by  each of the  Participants  that  specific  performance,
injunctive  relief (mandatory or otherwise) or other equitable relief may be the
only adequate remedy for a default.


19.1     NOTICES. All notices,  requests,  demands or other communications which
by the terms hereof are permitted to be given by either Party to the other shall
be given in writing by personal  delivery  delivered by facsimile  transmission,
addressed to such other Party or delivered to such other Party as follows:

                  (a)      to Goldcorp at:

                           Bag 2000
                           17 Mine Road
                           Balmertown, Ontario
                           P0V 1C0
                           Attention:  Regional Exploration Manager
                           Fax No.:    807-735-3120

                           and to:

                           3201-130 Adelaide Street West
                           Toronto, Ontario
                           M5H 3P5
                           Attention:  Executive Vice President, Canada and USA
                           Fax No.:    416-363-5950

                  (b)      to Halo at:

                           1305-1090 West Georgia Street
                           Vancouver BC  V6E 3V7
                           Attention:  Marc Cernovitch
                           Fax No.:    604-484-0069

                                     - 35 -


20.1     ACTS IN GOOD FAITH.  The Parties shall at all times during the currency
of this Agreement and after the termination of this Agreement during the period,
if any, when the  provisions of this  Agreement  continue to apply,  act in good
faith  with  respect  to the  other  Party  and shall do or cause to be done all
reasonable  things  within their  respective  control  which may be necessary or
desirable to give full effect to the provisions  hereof.  The following  clauses
shall survive  termination  of this  Agreement:  3.1, 6.2, 6.4, 7.8, 7.9,  11.3,
13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 15.1 and 17.1.

20.2     SEVERABILITY.  Any  provision  of this  Agreement  which is  invalid or
unenforceable  shall not  affect any other  provision  and shall be deemed to be
severable herefrom.

20.3     GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario.

20.4     FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  The  Parties  shall sign such  further  and other
documents and do such further acts or things as may be  reasonably  within their
control as may be  necessary or desirable in order to give full force and effect
to this Agreement and every part hereof.

20.5     AMENDMENT. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any respect
except by written instrument signed by the Parties.

20.6     ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement
between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.  The execution of
this Agreement has not been induced by nor do the Parties rely upon or regard as
material,   any  covenants,   representations   or  warranties   whatsoever  not
incorporated herein and made a part hereof.

20.7     ENUREMENT.  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding
upon the Parties and each of their  successors  and  permitted  assigns,  but no
other Person.

20.8     COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts,
each  of  which  so  executed  shall  be  deemed  to be  an  original  and  such
counterparts together shall constitute one and the same document.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the Parties have executed these presents as of the Effective

                                       GOLDCORP INC.


                                     - 36 -

                                       HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                       Per:  /s/ Marc Cernovitch
                                       Name:  Marc Cernovitch
                                       Title:  President & CEO

                  DATED AS OF ____________,___________ BETWEEN


                      (STK = UNPATENTED, LP = LEASE PATENT)

         PROPERTY                     TYPE                  OFFICIAL NO.
                                  UNPATENTED PROPERTY

         Pipestone Bay                STK                      1234170

         Pipestone Bay                STK                      1234140

         Pipestone Bay                STK                      1234141

         Pipestone Bay                STK                      1234142

         Pipestone Bay                STK                      1234143

         Pipestone Bay                STK                      1234144

         Middle Bay                   LP                        40860

         Middle Bay                   LP                        40861

         Middle Bay                   LP                        40862

         Middle Bay                   LP                        40863

         Middle Bay                   LP                        40864

         Middle Bay                   LP                        40865

         Middle Bay                   LP                        46181

         Middle Bay                   LP                        46182

         Middle Bay                   LP                        46183

         Middle Bay                   LP                        46184

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49874

                                     - 2 -

         PROPERTY                     TYPE                  OFFICIAL NO.

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49875

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49897

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49898

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49899

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49900

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49901

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49902

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49903

         Middle Bay                   LP                        49904

         Middle Bay                   LP                        52174

         Middle Bay                   LP                        52175

         Middle Bay                   LP                        53397

         Middle Bay                   LP                        53398

         Middle Bay                   LP                        53399

         Middle Bay                   STK                      870130

         Middle Bay                   STK                      870131

         Middle Bay                   STK                      870132

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1143622

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1143623

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1143624

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1143645

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1143646

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1143647

                                     - 3 -

         PROPERTY                     TYPE                  OFFICIAL NO.

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1184230

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1184316

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1184317

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1185055

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234022

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234029

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234030

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234039

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234051

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234081

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234082

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234083

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234155

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234156

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234157

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1248154

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234259

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234245

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234084

         Middle Bay                   STK                      3004674

         Middle Bay                   STK                      3004676

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1247933

         Middle Bay                   STK                      1234401

                                     - 4 -

         PROPERTY                     TYPE                  OFFICIAL NO.

         Middle Bay                    STK                     1234402

         Middle Bay                    STK                     1248171

         Middle Bay                    STK                     1248129

         Middle Bay                    STK                     1248169

                              SEVENTY-FIVE % CLAIMS
         Middle Bay                    LP                      47707

         Middle Bay                    LP                      47708

                  DATED AS OF ____________,___________ BETWEEN

                               PATENTED PROPERTY

                               LIST OF PROPERTIES

                  PROPERTY                  TYPE             OFFICIAL NO.
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11077
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11078
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11079
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11080
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11081
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11082
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11083
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11104
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11105
                  Biron Bay                Patent                11106

                  DATED AS OF ____________,___________ BETWEEN

                              ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE

                          SECTION I. GENERAL PROVISIONS


         (a)      "Agreement"  shall mean the Agreement to which this Accounting
                  Procedure is attached as Schedule "III".

         (b)      "Field Office" means any necessary  office in each place where
                  Work is  being  performed  on or  solely  in  relation  to the

         (c)      "Material" shall mean personal property, equipment or supplies
                  acquired or held for use in Operations.

         (d)      "section" or  "paragraph"  followed by a number shall mean and
                  refer to the specified section or paragraph of this schedule.

All other terms defined in the Agreement and used herein shall, unless otherwise
defined herein, have the same meaning ascribed thereto in the Agreement.


The Manager shall maintain detailed and comprehensive cost accounting records in
accordance  with the  requirements  of the laws of Canada and in accordance with
this Accounting Procedure and Canadian generally accepted accounting principles,
including general ledgers, supporting and subsidiary journals, invoices, cheques
and other customary documentation sufficient to provide a record of revenues and
expenditures  and periodic  statements of financial  position and the results of
operations  for  managerial,   tax,  regulatory  or  other  financial  reporting
purposes.  Such records  shall be retained for the longer of the duration of the
period allowed the Participants for audit or the period necessary to comply with
tax or other  regulatory  requirements.  The records shall include  accounts for
each Participant  which shall reflect all  obligations,  advances and credits of
the Participants in accordance with their Participating Interests.

3.       REPORTING

The Manager shall  provide,  not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal
year  financial   statements,   reports  and  other   information   required  by
Participants to complete their accounting procedures.

                                     - 2 -


The Manager shall maintain one or more separate bank accounts for the payment of
all expenses and the deposit of all cash receipts in respect of Operations.


In the event of a conflict  between the provisions of this Accounting  Procedure
and the provisions of the Agreement,  the provisions of the Agreement shall take


The Manager  shall  invoice  each  Participant  for its  proportionate  share of
Expenditures  in  accordance  with the terms of the  Agreement  in  respect of a
Program in which such  Participant  has agreed to participate in accordance with
the terms of the  Agreement.  Such invoices will be  accompanied by complete and
accurate statements reflecting all charges and credits summarized by appropriate
classifications indicative of the nature thereof.  Expenditures for all tangible
and intangible assets and any unusual charges shall be detailed.  If the Manager
does not request a  Participant  to pay its share of estimated  Expenditures  in
advance,  the  Participant  shall pay its share of  actual  Expenditures  within
twenty (20) days following receipt of a Manager's invoice related thereto.


Payments of invoices  shall not prejudice the rights of a Participant to protest
or question  the  correctness  thereof;  provided,  however,  all  invoices  and
statements rendered to a Participant by the Manager during any fiscal year shall
conclusively  be presumed to be true and correct after  twenty-four  (24) months
following the end of such fiscal year,  unless within the said  twenty-four (24)
month period a Participant  takes written exception thereto and makes a claim on
the Manager for  adjustment.  No  adjustment  favourable to the Manager shall be
made unless a claim is made within the same prescribed period. The provisions of
this paragraph shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory
of the Material purchased for Operations.


         (a)      A Participant,  upon reasonable  notice to the Manager,  shall
                  have access and the right,  at its sole expense,  to audit all
                  records  relating to the accounting and Operations  hereunder,
                  including any records  originating  from an Affiliate or other
                  offices of the  Manager  for any fiscal year of the Venture or
                  portion  thereof,  within the  twenty-four  (24) month  period
                  following the end of such fiscal year.

         (b)      The Manager's  verification of contractors' invoices shall not
                  be construed as constituting a bona fide audit of contractors'
                  records  of  original  entry.  In the  event  that an audit of
                  contractors'  records of original entry is deemed necessary by
                  the Manager or by a  Participant  the cost of such audit shall
                  be charged to the account for Operations.

                                     - 3 -

                           SECTION II. DIRECT CHARGES

Subject to  limitations  hereinafter  prescribed,  the Manager  shall charge the
account for Operations for all costs necessary to conduct Operations as follows:


All costs incurred in maintaining and operating a Field Office for Operations.


All fees, rent and royalties,  including the Existing Royalties, paid in respect
of mining  claims,  exploration  permits,  leases,  licences,  or other  similar
grants, forming part of the Property.

3.       LABOUR

         (a)      Salaries and wages of all  employees,  including the Manager's
                  employees,  directly  engaged  on a  full  time  basis  in the
                  conduct of the  Operations,  and a charge for the  salaries or
                  wages of employees who are temporarily assigned on a full time
                  basis to and directly employed in the Operations in proportion
                  to the time spent by such  employees to provide such services.
                  No costs will be charged to the Venture for salaries and wages
                  that  relate  to  employment  other  than  employment  in  the

         (b)      A  percentage  of the  salaries  and wages  chargeable  to the
                  account for  Operations  under  paragraph 3(a) of this Section
                  II, to cover the cost of payroll burden for employee  benefits
                  including   vacations,   statutory   holidays,   sickness  and
                  disability  benefits,  group life insurance,  hospitalization,
                  pensions,  dental,  major medical and other benefit plans of a
                  like  nature  and  for   mandatory   payments  to  the  local,
                  provincial and federal governments for worker's  compensation,
                  unemployment insurance,  pension and any other similar charges
                  that any  government may impose on the Manager based on salary
                  and wage costs.  The percentage  will be established  based on
                  the Manager's  cost  experience and the amount charged will be
                  adjusted  retroactively  on an  annual  basis to  reflect  the
                  actual  percentage for the previous year when actual costs are
                  determined.  No costs  shall be  charged  to the  Venture  for
                  benefits  that  relate to  employment  other  than  employment
                  directly related to Operations.

         (c)      Out of pocket  expenses  applicable to the Operations of those
                  employees  whose  salaries  and  wages are  chargeable  to the
                  account for Operations  under  paragraph 3 (a) and (d) of this
                  Section II and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed
                  under  the  Manager's  usual  practice   (including,   without
                  restriction,  any relocation expenses  necessarily incurred in
                  order to properly staff a Program).

         (d)      A charge  for the  salaries  and the  wages  of the  Manager's
                  employees  and the employees of the other  Participant  at the
                  request of the Manager,  including  corporate office employees
                  and officers and senior management personnel,  not involved in
                  Operations on a full time or contractual basis, as follows:

                                     - 4 -

                  (i)      during  the  Exploration  phase  - the  actual  costs
                           directly  incurred by the Manager for such  employees
                           in respect of Work actually performed,  provided that
                           in no event shall such costs exceed in aggregate five
                           percent of all other Expenditures directly related to
                           the  Property  or  Work  done  on  the  Property  and
                           directly  incurred  or  performed  by  Halo  or  five
                           percent of the contract price in respect of all other
                           Expenditures directly related to the Property or Work
                           done  on  the   Property   performed  by  any  agent,
                           contractor or subcontractor of Halo; and

                  (ii)     during the Development and Mining phases - the actual
                           costs  directly  incurred  by the  Manager  for  such
                           employees  in  respect  of Work  actually  performed,
                           provided that in no event shall such costs exceed two
                           percent of all other Expenditures directly related to
                           the  Property  or Work done on the  Property  whether
                           directly  incurred  or  performed  by the  Manager or
                           performed by any agent,  contractor or  subcontractor
                           of the Manager.

4.       MATERIAL

All Material purchased or furnished by the Manager for use in Operations. So far
as it is  reasonably  practical and  consistent  with  efficient and  economical
operation,  only such  Material  shall be purchased  for or  transferred  to the
Operations as may be required for  immediate  use. The  accumulation  of surplus
stocks shall be avoided.


Reasonable  transportation costs of Agents of the Manager (and the Agents of the
other  Participant  as  necessary  for the conduct of  Operations)  and Material
necessary for the conduct of Operations. Such costs shall include transportation
of such Agents' families and their personal effects,  household effects, and all
other relocation costs incurred in the staffing of the Operations.

6.       SERVICES

         (a)      The cost of contract  services  and  utilities  procured  from
                  outside sources other than services  covered by paragraph 8 of
                  this Section II.

         (b)      Use and service of equipment and  facilities  furnished by the
                  Manager as provided in Section III.


All costs or expenses  necessary  for the repair or  replacement  of Assets made
necessary because of damages or losses resulting from fire, flood, storm, theft,
accident, or any other cause.

The Manager shall furnish the other  Participant  with written notice of damages
or losses  incurred  forthwith  after a report  thereof has been received by the

                                     - 5 -


All  reasonable  costs and  expenses of  handling,  investigating,  and settling
litigation  or claims  arising in respect of the  Operations,  including but not
limited to,  independent  counsel's fees, court costs, costs of investigation or
procuring  evidence and amounts paid in settlement or  satisfaction  of any such
litigation or claims, provided that no settlement shall be entered into when the
amount of such settlement  exceeds  $50,000.00 without the unanimous approval of
the Management Committee as set out in the Agreement.

9.       TAXES

All taxes of every kind and nature assessed or levied upon or in connection with
the Operations, which have been paid by or for the benefit of the Venture.


Premiums paid for insurance required to be carried in respect of the Operations.


All costs incurred in the sale of Products including, but not limited to, labour
costs, as set out in Section II,  paragraph 3 of this Schedule,  transportation,
insuring sampling,  assaying,  impurity penalties and marketing fees,  including
such marketing fees as are contemplated by the Agreement.


Any other expenditures not covered or dealt with in the foregoing  provisions of
this  Section  II and which  are  reasonably  incurred  by the  Manager  for the
necessary and proper conduct of the Operations.


1.       PURCHASE

Material and equipment  purchased and services  procured shall be charged at the
price paid by the Manager after deduction of all discounts actually received.


Material  required for  Operations  shall be purchased  for direct charge to the
account for Operations whenever practicable, except that the Manager may furnish
such Material from the Manager's own stocks under the following conditions:

         (a)      New Material (Condition "A")

                  New Material  transferred  from the Manager's own warehouse or
                  other properties shall be priced f.o.b. the nearest  reputable
                  supply store or railway  receiving point,  where such Material

                                     - 6 -

                  is available,  at current replacement cost of the same kind of

         (b)      Used Material (Conditions "B" and "C")

                  (i)      Material which is in sound and serviceable  condition
                           and suitable for reuse without  reconditioning  shall
                           be   classed   as   Condition   "B"  and   priced  at
                           seventy-five per cent (75%) of new price.

                  (ii)     Material  which cannot be classified as Condition "B"
                           but which;

                           after  reconditioning will be further serviceable for
                           its original  function as good  second-hand  Material
                           (Condition "B"); or

                           is  serviceable  for  its  original  function  but is
                           substantially not suitable for reconditioning,

                           shall be  classified  as Condition  "C" and priced at
                           fifty per cent (50%) of new price.

                  (iii)    Material  which cannot be classified as Condition "B"
                           or   Condition   "C"  shall  be  priced  at  a  value
                           commensurate with its use.

         (c)      Material Furnished by the Manager when not Readily Available

                  When  Material or  supplies  are not  readily  available  from
                  reputable sources,  the Manager may furnish such material from
                  its stock or  properties at its nearest  available  supply and
                  charge  the  Manager's  full cost of same to the  account  for
                  Operations  including,  without  limitation,  purchase  price,
                  procurement,  warehousing,  handling,  transportation  and all
                  other costs incurred in connection therewith up to the time of
                  delivery to the Property.

         (d)      Material Over $50,000.00

                  The Manager  shall  obtain two quotes in advance in respect of
                  any Material and equipment purchased, other than New Material,
                  or services procured at a price over $50,000.00 (calculated on
                  an  aggregate  basis in respect of all  Material  or  services
                  procured  in any one  transaction)  and shall make such quotes
                  available  for  review  to the  non-Manager  Participant.  The
                  non-Manager  Participant  shall be entitled to appoint a third
                  party   evaluator  when  Used  Material  over   $50,000.00  is
                  furnished by the Manager.


Whenever Material is not readily  obtainable at the customary supply point or at
prices  specified  in  paragraphs  1 and 2 of this Section III because of causes
over which the Manager  has no  control,  the Manager may charge the account for
Operations for the required  Material on the basis of the Manager's  direct cost
and expense incurred in procuring such Material,  in making it suitable for use,

                                     - 7 -

and in moving it to the required  location,  provided,  however,  that notice in
writing  is  furnished  to the  Participants  of the  proposed  charge  prior to
invoicing the Participants for such Material,  whereupon the Participants  shall
have the right,  by so electing and notifying the Manager,  within  fifteen (15)
days after  receiving  such notice from the Manager,  to furnish in kind, all or
part of its share of such Material  which shall be  reasonably  suitable for use
and acceptable to the Manager.  Transportation  costs on such Material furnished
by a  Participant,  at any point other than at the required  location,  shall be
borne by the Participant.  If, a Participant  furnishes Material pursuant to the
provisions  of this  paragraph,  the  Manager  shall  make  appropriate  credits
therefor to the account of such Participant.


The Manager  does not  warrant the  Material  furnished  beyond the  dealer's or
manufacturer's guarantee; and in case of defective Material, credit shall not be
passed until adjustment has been received by the Manager from the  manufacturers
or their agents.



The Manager shall be under no obligation to purchase surplus, new or second-hand
Material. The disposition of items with a replacement value in excess of $50,000
of surplus Material shall be subject to the unanimous approval of the Management
Committee;  provided that the Manager shall dispose of normal  accumulations  of
junk and scrap Material  either by transfer or sale from the Property.  Proceeds
of such sale shall be credited to the account for Operations.


Material  purchased by either the Manager or a Participant  shall be credited by
the Manager to the account for  Operations at an amount equal to the  reasonable
fair market value  thereof for the month in which the Material is removed by the


Sales to Participants or third parties of Material from the Operations  shall be
credited  by the  Manager  to the  account  for  Operations  at the  net  amount
collected by the Manager from such purchaser. All sales to Participants or third
parties of Material from  Operations in excess of $50,000.00  (calculated  on an
aggregate  basis in respect of all  Material  or  services  procured  in any one
transaction) shall require prior unanimous approval of the Management Committee.
Any claims by a purchaser for defective  Material or otherwise  shall be charged
back to the account for Operations if and when paid by the Manager.

                             SECTION V. INVENTORIES


         (a)      At reasonable  intervals and, in any event,  at least once per
                  fiscal year of the Venture,  inventories shall be taken by the
                  Manager,   which  shall   include  all  such  Material  as  is

                                     - 8 -

                  ordinarily  considered  controllable  by  Managers  of  mining
                  properties  and  the  expense  of  conducting   such  periodic
                  inventories  shall be charged to the account  for  Operations.
                  The Manager shall give written notice to the  Participants  of
                  its intent to take any  inventory  at least  thirty  (30) days
                  before  such   inventory  is   scheduled  to  take  place.   A
                  Participant  shall be deemed to have  accepted  the results of
                  any inventory taken by the Manager if the Participant fails to
                  be represented at such inventory.

         (b)      Reconciliation  of the  inventory  with charges to the account
                  for  Operations  shall be  made,  and a list of  overages  and
                  shortages  shall be furnished to the  Participants  within one
                  month  after the  inventory  is taken.  Inventory  adjustments
                  shall be made by the  Manager to the  accounting  records  for
                  overages  and  shortages,   but  the  Manager  shall  be  held
                  accountable  only  for  shortages  due to lack  of  reasonable

                   DATED AS OF ________________, _____ BETWEEN



Where used herein:

         (a)      "Agreement"  means the letter agreement to which this schedule
                  is attached,  including any amendments  thereto or renewals or
                  extensions thereof.

         (b)      "Fiscal Period" means each calendar year or other period of 12
                  consecutive  months  adopted  by the  Venture  for  accounting

         (c)      "Net Smelter  Returns" shall mean the gross proceeds  received
                  from the sale or other  disposition  of ores,  metals  (metals
                  shall include bullion, precious metals and other than precious
                  metals) or  concentrates  produced from the Property and sold,
                  less the following expenses if actually incurred:

                  (i)      Taxes specifically  based on mining  production,  but
                           excluding any and all taxes (a) based upon the net or
                           gross  income of the owner or other  operator  of the
                           Property   and  (b)  based  upon  the  value  of  the
                           Property,  the privilege of doing  business and other
                           similarly based taxes; and

                  (ii)     Charges   and  costs,   if  any,   for  sales   fees,
                           transportation  and insurance of ores, metals (metals
                           shall include bullion, precious metals and other than
                           precious  metals) or  concentrates  produced from the
                           Property to any mint, smelter, or refinery.

                  (iii)    Charges,   costs  (including  assaying  and  sampling
                           costs)  and  all  penalties,  if  any,  charged  by a
                           smelter  or  refiner of ores,  metals  (metals  shall
                           include  bullion,  precious  metals  and  other  than
                           precious  metals) or  concentrates  produced from the

         (d)      "Payee"  means the party under the  Agreement  entitled to the
                  payment of the Royalty Interest thereunder.

         (e)      "Payor"  means  the  Participant  or  Participants  under  the
                  Agreement  obligated  to make the  Royalty  Interest  payments

         (f)      "Property" has the meaning  ascribed to such definition in the

         (g)      "Royalty  Interest"  means the 1.5% Net Smelter  Returns which
                  may become payable under the Agreement.

                                     - 2 -

2.       PAYMENT

         (a)      The Royalty Interest shall be paid in cash only on a quarterly
                  basis  within 45 days after the end of each fiscal  quarter in
                  respect  of  the  actual  proceeds  received  in  such  fiscal

         (b)      Each payment under  subsection  2(a) shall be accompanied by a
                  statement  indicating the  calculation of Net Smelter  Returns
                  hereunder. The Payee shall be entitled to audit, during normal
                  business  hours,  such books and records as are  necessary  to
                  determine  the  correctness  of the  payment  of  the  Royalty
                  Interest, provided however, that such audit shall be made once
                  only on an annual basis and within 12 months of the end of the
                  Fiscal Period in respect of which such audit is made.

         (c)      Payment of the Royalty  Interest shall be made to the Payee at
                  such place or places as it shall advise the Payor from time to


No  sale,  assignment  or  transfer  by the  Payor  of all  or any  part  of its
Participating  Interest  including  all or any  part  of its  right,  title  and
interest  in  and  to the  Property,  may be  completed  unless  and  until  the
purchaser,  assignee  or  transferee  therein  and  thereof  delivers  a written
agreement with and for the benefit of the Payee,  in a form  satisfactory to the
Payee,  acting  reasonably,  to assume and agree to pay and perform or guarantee
all or a pro rata portion of the  liabilities and obligations of the Payor under
the Agreement in respect of the payment of the Royalty Interest of the Payee and
to comply with this  covenant  in respect of any  subsequent  sale,  transfer or
assignment.  Such  assumption  shall not serve to release or discharge the Payor
from any of the said liabilities or obligations theretofore accrued with respect
to the Royalty Interest of the Payee or portion thereof being  transferred,  but
shall  release  and  discharge  a  transferring  Payor  from  all  of  the  said
liabilities  and  obligations  thereafter  accruing  with respect to the Royalty
Interest of the Payee or portion thereof being transferred.


In the event the Payor  defaults  in payment or is found to have  underpaid  the
Payee in respect of any Royalty Interest payment due hereunder,  the Payor shall
pay interest on such  delinquent  payment at a rate equal to the Prime Rate plus
two (2%)  percent  per annum  commencing  on the date on which  such  delinquent
payment was due and payable and continuing  until the Payee receives  payment in
full  of  such  delinquent  payment  and  all  accrued  interest  thereon.  Such
delinquent  amount and all interest  accrued thereon shall be paid with the next
quarterly payment. For the purposes of this subsection,  the Prime Rate shall be
determined as of the date on which such delinquent payment was due.


To the extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  the Payee  shall be  entitled to
register or record a copy of this Agreement  establishing its Royalty  Interest,
or a notice or  memorandum  thereof,  against  title to the Property and to file
such  agreement  or  notice  or  memorandum  in the  office  of any  appropriate

                                     - 3 -

Governmental Authority, with the intent of the Parties,  including the Payor and
the Payee,  that such  Royalty  Interest  run with and bind the Property and the
title thereto and the interests of any successor owner,  mortgagee,  lessee,  or
other encumbrancer thereof or therein.

6.       DISPUTES

Any dispute  between  the  Parties,  including  between the Payor and the Payee,
arising in respect of matters related to the net profits royalty interest of the
Payee shall be submitted  to and decided by binding  arbitration  in  accordance
with the arbitration provisions of the Agreement.

                   DATED AS OF ________________, _____ BETWEEN

                              RULES FOR ARBITRATION

The following rules and procedures  shall apply with respect to any matter to be
arbitrated by the Parties under the terms of the Agreement.


         (a)      If any Party to this Agreement wishes to have any matter under
                  this Agreement arbitrated in accordance with the provisions of
                  this Agreement, it shall give notice to the other Party hereto
                  specifying particulars of the matter or matters in dispute and
                  proposing  the name of the  person it wishes to be the  single
                  arbitrator.  Within 20 days after receipt of such notice,  the
                  other Party to this  Agreement  shall give notice to the first
                  Party  advising  whether  such Party  accepts  the  arbitrator
                  proposed  by the  first  Party.  If such  notice  is not given
                  within such 20 day period,  the other Party shall be deemed to
                  have accepted the arbitrator  proposed by the first Party.  If
                  the Parties do not agree upon a single  arbitrator within such
                  20 day period such  arbitrator  shall be chosen in  accordance
                  with the  ARBITRATION  ACT, 1991 (Ontario)  (the  "Arbitration

         (b)      The  individual  selected as Arbitrator  shall be qualified by
                  education and experience to decide the matter in dispute.  The
                  Arbitrator  shall be at arm's  length  from both  Parties  and
                  shall not be a member of the audit or legal  firm or firms who
                  advise either Party,  nor shall the Arbitrator be a person who
                  is otherwise regularly retained by either of the Parties.


         (a)      Within 20 days of the appointment of the Arbitrator, the Party
                  initiating the  arbitration  (the  "Claimant")  shall send the
                  other Party (the  "Respondent")  a statement of claim  setting
                  out in sufficient  detail the facts and any contentions of law
                  on which it relies, and the relief that it claims.

         (b)      Within 15 days of the receipt of the  statement of claim,  the
                  Respondent  shall  send the  Claimant a  statement  of defence
                  stating  in   sufficient   detail   which  of  the  facts  and
                  contentions  of law in the  statement  of claim it  admits  or
                  denies,  on  what  grounds,   and  on  what  other  facts  and
                  contentions of law he relies.

         (c)      Within 10 days of receipt of the  statement  of  defence,  the
                  Claimant may send the Respondent a statement of reply.

         (d)      All   statements   of  claim,   defence  and  reply  shall  be
                  accompanied by copies (or, if they are especially  voluminous,
                  lists) of all essential documents on which the Party concerned

                                     - 2 -

                  relies and which have not  previously  been  submitted  by any
                  Party, and (where practicable) by any relevant samples.

         (e)      After  submission of all the  statements,  the Arbitrator will
                  give directions for the further conduct of the arbitration.


         (a)      The  arbitration  shall  take  place in the  City of  Toronto,
                  Ontario,  or in  such  other  place  as the  Claimant  and the
                  Respondent shall agree upon in writing.  The arbitration shall
                  be  conducted  in  English  unless  otherwise  agreed  by such
                  Parties and the Arbitrator.  Subject to any adjournments which
                  the Arbitrator  allows, the final hearing will be continued on
                  successive working days until it is concluded.

         (b)      All  meetings  and  hearings  will be in  private  unless  the
                  Parties otherwise agree.

         (c)      Any Party may be  represented  at any  meetings or hearings by
                  legal counsel.

         (d)      Each  Party may  examine,  cross-examine  and  re-examine  all
                  witnesses at the arbitration.


         (a)      The Arbitrator will make a decision in writing and, unless the
                  Parties  otherwise agree, will set out reasons for decision in
                  the decision.

         (b)      The  Arbitrator  will send the decision to the Parties as soon
                  as practicable after the conclusion of the final hearing,  but
                  in any event no later  than 30 days  thereafter,  unless  that
                  time period is extended for a fixed  period by the  Arbitrator
                  on written  notice to each  Party  because of illness or other
                  cause beyond the Arbitrator's control.

         (c)      The decision shall determine and award costs.

         (d)      The  decision  shall be final and  binding on the  Parties and
                  shall  not  be  subject  to any  appeal  or  review  procedure
                  provided that the  Arbitrator  has followed the rules provided
                  herein in good faith and has proceeded in accordance  with the
                  principles  of  natural  justice.  In the event  either  Party
                  initiates  any court  proceeding in respect of the decision of
                  the  Arbitrator  or the  matter  arbitrated,  such  Party,  if
                  unsuccessful  in the  court  proceeding,  shall  pay the other
                  Party's  costs on a  solicitor/client  basis,  all  reasonable
                  expenses  incurred  by such  other  Party and  related to such
                  court proceeding.


         (a)      By submitting to  arbitration  under these Rules,  the Parties
                  shall  be  taken  to  have  conferred  on the  Arbitrator  the
                  following  jurisdiction  and powers,  to be  exercised  at the
                  Arbitrator's  discretion  subject  only to these Rules and the

                                     - 3 -

                  relevant   law  with  the   object  of   ensuring   the  just,
                  expeditious, economical and final determination of the dispute
                  referred to arbitration.

         (b)      Without  limiting the  jurisdiction  of the Arbitrator at law,
                  the Parties agree that the Arbitrator shall have  jurisdiction

                  (i)      determine   any   question  of  law  arising  in  the

                  (ii)     determine   any  question  as  to  the   Arbitrator's

                  (iii)    determine  any question of good faith,  dishonesty or
                           fraud arising in the dispute;

                  (iv)     order any Party to  furnish  further  details of that
                           Party's case, in fact or in law;

                  (v)      proceed  in  the  arbitration   notwithstanding   the
                           failure or refusal of any Party to comply  with these
                           Rules or with the Arbitrator's  orders or directions,
                           or to attend any meeting or  hearing,  but only after
                           giving that Party written  notice that the Arbitrator
                           intends to do so;

                  (vi)     receive and take into  account  such  written or oral
                           evidence  tendered by the  Parties as the  Arbitrator
                           determines  is  relevant,  whether  or  not  strictly
                           admissible in law;

                  (vii)    make one or more interim awards;

                  (viii)   hold  meetings  and  hearings,  and  make a  decision
                           (including a final  decision) in Toronto,  Ontario or
                           elsewhere   with  the   concurrence  of  the  Parties

                  (ix)     order the Parties to produce to the  Arbitrator,  and
                           to each other for  inspection,  and to supply  copies
                           of, any  documents  or other  evidence  or classes of
                           documents  in their  possession  or power  which  the
                           Arbitrator determines to be relevant; and

                  (x)      make  interim  orders  to  secure  all or part of any
                           amount in dispute in the arbitration.