PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.


                                DECEMBER 3, 2006


                               PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                  This Agreement is made as of December 3, 2006.


                  a limited partnership formed under the laws of the
                  province of Manitoba

                  (hereinafter referred to as the "VENDOR")

                  - and -

                  HALO RESOURCES LTD.,
                  a corporation incorporated under the laws of the
                  province of British Columbia

                  (hereinafter referred to as the "PURCHASER")

                  WHEREAS  the  Vendor is the legal and  beneficial  owner of an
undivided  100% interest in and to the  unpatented  mining  claims  described in
Schedule "A" attached hereto (the "PROPERTIES");

                  AND WHEREAS the Parties entered into a letter of intent, dated
November 3, 2006 (the "LETTER OF INTENT"),  whereby the Vendor agreed to sell to
the Purchaser  and Purchaser has agreed to purchase from the Vendor,  all of the
Vendor's right, title and interest in and to the Properties;

                  AND  WHEREAS the Parties  wish to  formalize  the terms of the
Letter of Intent by entering into this Agreement;

                  NOW THEREFORE IN  CONSIDERATION of the premises and the mutual
covenants in this Agreement,  and of other good and valuable  consideration (the
receipt and  sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged  by each Party),  the
Parties agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1

1.1               DEFINITIONS

                  In this  Agreement  and the  Schedules  attached  hereto,  the
following terms shall have the following meanings:

                                     - 2 -

                  "AGREEMENT"  means this  purchase  agreement  and all attached
                  schedules, as supplemented, amended, restated or replaced from
                  time to time in accordance with the terms hereof;

                  "APPLICABLE  LAW" means any federal,  provincial  or municipal
                  statute,  law,  ordinance,   rule,  regulation,   restriction,
                  regulatory  policy or guideline,  by-law (zoning or otherwise)
                  or order that applies to the Parties or to the  Properties and
                  includes the applicable by-laws or rules of any stock exchange
                  or securities commission having jurisdiction;

                  "APPROVALS"  means  any  and  all  approvals,  authorizations,
                  consents or other  orders of any  Government  Authority or any
                  third  party,  including  any  stock  exchange  or  securities
                  commission having jurisdiction;

                  "BUSINESS DAY" means any calendar day other than a Saturday or
                  Sunday  or any day that is a  statutory  or civic  holiday  in

                  "CASH  CONSIDERATION" has the meaning ascribed to such term in
                  subsection 2.2(a)(i) hereof;

                  "CLOSING"   means  the  completion  of  the  sale,   transfer,
                  assignment  and/or  conveyance  to  and  the  purchase  by the
                  Purchaser of the Properties from the Vendor in accordance with
                  the terms of this Agreement;

                  "CLOSING  DATE"  means  January 12, 2007 or such other date as
                  the Parties may mutually agree in writing;

                  "CLOSING DOCUMENT" means any document required to be delivered
                  at the Closing Time  pursuant to this  Agreement,  which shall
                  include,  without limitation,  such officers' certificates and
                  instruments  of  conveyance  as  may  be  prescribed  by  this
                  Agreement or as are  customary in  transactions  of the nature
                  contemplated  herein,  and such other documents as the Parties
                  may reasonably deem to be necessary or advisable;

                  "CLOSING  TIME" means 2:00 p.m. on the Closing  Date,  or such
                  other time and date as the Parties  agree in writing  that the
                  Closing shall take place;

                  "ENCUMBRANCE"   means  any  encumbrance,   security  interest,
                  mortgage,  lien,  hypothec,  pledge,  assignment,  charge,  or
                  right, title or interest affecting the Properties or the title

                  "ENVIRONMENTAL   LIABILITIES"   means  any  and  all  actions,
                  demands, claims, debts, costs,  liabilities,  damages, duties,
                  obligations,  penalties,  fines  and  charges  of  any  nature
                  imposed,  issued,  rendered  or arising  under or  pursuant to
                  common law or any past, present or future statute, regulation,
                  by-law or other  law,  or any  permit,  licence,  certificate,
                  approval,  order,  directive  or  other  authorization  of any
                  Governmental  Authority  in  respect of or  pertaining  to the
                  impairment or  contamination of the natural  environment,  the
                  undertaking  of  mineral  resource  exploration,  development,

                                     - 3 -

                  extraction or processing  operations and the  decommissioning,
                  abandonment  or  closure  of  such  operations  or any  matter
                  ancillary to all of the above including,  without  limitation,
                  the abatement,  reclamation,  rehabilitation,  remediation and
                  restoration  of mining  properties  and assets and the natural

                  "GOVERNMENTAL   AUTHORITY"   means   any   Canadian   federal,
                  provincial or municipal  government including any governmental
                  agency, department,  ministry, authority, tribunal, commission
                  or official,  stock exchange or securities  commission  having

                  "INCLUDING" means "INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION" and shall not
                  be construed to limit any general  statement  which it follows
                  to the  specific  or  similar  items  or  matters  immediately
                  following it;

                  "LETTER OF INTENT"  has the  meaning  ascribed to such term in
                  the second recital of this Agreement;

                  "LOSS" in respect of any  matter  includes  any and all costs,
                  expenses,  penalties, fines, losses, damages,  liabilities and
                  deficiencies (including,  without limitation, all amounts paid
                  in  settlement,  all interest and penalties and all reasonable
                  legal and other professional fees and disbursements, including
                  those  incurred in defending  any claim)  arising  directly or
                  indirectly as a consequence of such matter;

                  "MINERALS"  means all  marketable  metal  bearing  material in
                  whatever  form or state  that is  mined,  extracted,  removed,
                  produced or otherwise  recovered and sold from the  Properties
                  after   commencement   of  commercial   production   from  the

                  "PARTIES"  means the parties to this  agreement  collectively,
                  and "PARTY" means either of them;

                  "PERSON"  shall  be  broadly   interpreted   and  includes  an
                  individual, body corporate, partnership,  unincorporated joint
                  venture, trust, association,  unincorporated organization, any
                  Governmental Authority or any other entity recognized by law;

                  "PROPERTIES"  has the  meaning  ascribed  to such  term in the
                  first recital of this Agreement;

                  "PURCHASE PRICE" means the  consideration to be paid,  granted
                  or given by the Purchaser to the Vendor for the  Properties as
                  provided in section 2.2; and

                  "ROYALTY" has the meaning  ascribed to such term in subsection
                   2.2(c) hereof.

                  "ROYALTY  AGREEMENT" has the meaning  ascribed to such term in
                  subsection 2.2(c) hereof;

                                     - 4 -

1.2               HEADINGS

                  The  division  of  this  Agreement  into  articles,  sections,
subsections  and schedules and the insertion of headings are for  convenience of
reference only and shall not affect the construction or  interpretation  of this
Agreement.  The  article,  section,  subsection  and  schedule  headings in this
Agreement  are not  intended to be full or precise  descriptions  of the text to
which they refer and are not to be considered part of this  Agreement.  All uses
of the words "hereto",  "herein", "hereof", "hereby" and "hereunder" and similar
expressions refer to this Agreement and not to any particular section or portion
of it.

1.3               NUMBER AND GENDER

                  In this  Agreement,  words in the singular  include the plural
and vice-versa and words in one gender include all genders.

1.4               ENTIRE AGREEMENT

                  This   Agreement,   together   with  the  Closing   Documents,
constitutes the entire agreement  between the Parties  pertaining to the subject
matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, discussions and
understandings,  written or oral,  between the Parties,  including the Letter of
Intent. Except as may be specifically set forth in this Agreement,  there are no
representations, warranties, conditions, (including any representation, warranty
or condition of merchantability or fitness for a particular  purpose),  or other
agreements or acknowledgments, whether direct or collateral, express or implied,
that form part of or affect this Agreement,  or which induced any Party to enter
into this Agreement or on which reliance is placed by any Party.

1.5              AMENDMENT

                  This Agreement may be amended,  modified or supplemented  only
by a written agreement signed by both Parties.

1.6               WAIVER OF RIGHTS

                  Any waiver of, or consent to depart from, the  requirements of
any provision of this Agreement  shall be effective only if it is in writing and
signed by the Party  giving it, and only in the  specific  instance  and for the
specific  purpose  for which it has been  given.  No  failure on the part of any
Party to exercise,  and no delay in  exercising,  any right under this Agreement
shall operate as a waiver of such right, except as shall be specified herein. No
single or partial exercise of any such right shall preclude any other or further
exercise of such right or the exercise of any other right.

                                     - 5 -

1.7               SCHEDULES

                  The following Schedules form part of this Agreement:

                      SCHEDULE       DESCRIPTION OF SCHEDULE
                          A          List of Properties
                          B          Form of Royalty Agreement

1.8               APPLICABLE LAW

                  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by and  interpreted  and
enforced in accordance with the laws of the Province of Manitoba and the federal
laws of Canada applicable therein. Each Party irrevocably submits and attorns to
the  jurisdiction  of the courts of Manitoba with respect to any matter  arising
hereunder or related hereto.

1.9               CURRENCY

                  All  statements  of or  references  to dollar  amounts in this
Agreement are to lawful money of Canada.


                  If any  action  is  required  to be  taken  pursuant  to  this
Agreement on or by a specified date that is not a Business Day, then such action
shall be valid if taken on or by the next succeeding Business Day.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                             ASSET PURCHASE AND SALE

2.1               PURCHASE AND SALE

                  Subject to the terms and conditions  hereof, the Vendor hereby
agrees to sell, transfer,  assign and convey to the Purchaser, and the Purchaser
hereby  agrees to purchase and acquire,  all of the  Vendor's  right,  title and
interest in and to the Properties.

2.2               PURCHASE PRICE

         (a)      The aggregate  purchase  price payable by the Purchaser to the
                  Vendor for the Properties shall consist of:

                  (i)      the payment of $90,000 (the "CASH  CONSIDERATION") in
                           accordance with Section 2.2(b) hereof;

                                     - 6 -

                  (ii)     the  issuance  by  the  Purchaser  to the  Vendor  of
                           160,000  common  shares in the share  capital  of the
                           Purchaser.  The issuance of such shares shall be at a
                           per  share  value  equal to the  fifteen  day  volume
                           weighted  average  price  of the  Purchaser's  common
                           shares at the end of trading for the fifteen  trading
                           days immediately  prior to the date of such issuance;

                  (iii)    the grant of the Royalty by the  Purchaser  to and in
                           favour of the Vendor.

         (b)      The Cash  Consideration  is payable by the  Purchaser  by bank
                  draft or wire  transfer on the Closing Date as directed by the
                  Vendor in writing.

         (c)      At the Closing Time the Vendor and the  Purchaser  shall enter
                  into a net smelter  returns  royalty  agreement  (the "ROYALTY
                  AGREEMENT")  in the form  attached  hereto  as  Schedule  "B",
                  pursuant  to which the  Purchaser  will issue and grant to the
                  Vendor a 1% net smelter returns royalty calculated and payable
                  in accordance  with the Royalty  Agreement (the  "ROYALTY") on
                  the  Purchaser's  share of Net Smelter  Returns (as defined in
                  the  Royalty  Agreement)  derived  from  production  from  the
                  Properties  following  commencement  of commercial  production
                  from the Properties.  All Royalty  payments will be payable in
                  cash  only.   The  Purchaser   will  be  under  no  obligation
                  whatsoever to place the Properties into commercial  production
                  and, if the Properties are placed into  commercial  production
                  by the  Purchaser,  the  Purchaser  will have the right at any
                  time  to  curtail,   suspend  or  terminate  such   commercial
                  production  as the  Purchaser  in its  sole  discretion  deems
                  advisable. At the option of the Purchaser, which option may be
                  exercised at any time by the Purchaser by notice in writing to
                  the Vendor,  the  Purchaser  may acquire the rights  under the
                  Royalty  Agreement  to one half of the  Royalty for a purchase
                  price of  $500,000.00  so that  the  Royalty  interest  of the
                  Vendor thereafter shall be 0.5% of Net Smelter Returns.

2.3               TAXES

                  The  Purchaser  shall pay directly to or make the  appropriate
filings  with the  appropriate  taxing  authorities  in  respect of any sales or
transfer  taxes  (including  land  transfer  taxes),  registration  charges  and
transfer  fees and GST or other value added taxes  applicable  in respect of the
purchase and sale of the Properties under this Agreement.

2.4                AREA OF INFLUENCE

                  Any interest in and to a mining  claim(s)  staked or otherwise
acquired, or any right, title or interest acquired therein, by the Vendor or any
of its affiliates from and after the date of this Agreement that lies outside of
the perimeter  boundaries of the Properties,  or any part thereof, and wholly or
partly within the area (the "AREA OF  INFLUENCE")  comprised of those lands that
lie within one (1) kilometre of the  perimeters/boundaries of the Properties, as
such perimeters exist as at the date hereof,  shall be subject to this Agreement
and the Vendor shall sell or cause its  affiliate  to sell such right,  title or
interest to the Purchaser.  The Parties shall  negotiate in good faith the value
of consideration for such mining claim(s) or interest therein.  Each Party shall
be free to acquire properties outside the Area of Influence, in its own interest
and without any obligation or liability to the other Party.

                                     - 7 -


                  All  shares  issued or to be issued  by the  Purchaser  to the
Vendor under and pursuant to this  Agreement  (the "HALO  SECURITIES")  shall be
subject to all applicable  hold periods  required by Applicable Laws and the TSX
Venture Exchange.  The issuance of any Halo Securities shall be conditional upon
(i) the Purchaser obtaining all regulatory and third party consents or approvals
being  required,  including  those of the TSX Venture  Exchange  and  applicable
securities  regulatory  bodies;  and (ii) the  existence  of an  exemption  from
prospectus and registration  requirements  under applicable  securities laws for
the  issuance  of the Halo  Securities  to the  Vendor.  In the  event  that the
Purchaser  has not received the required  consents on or before the Closing Date
and as a result is unable to deliver the shares  contemplated in Section 2.2 (a)
(ii) within six months of the date thereof,  then the  Purchaser  shall have the
option to pay the  value of such  shares  in cash  based on the per share  value
referenced in section 2.2 (a) (ii) for the fifteen day period  immediately prior
to the date of such payment.

                                    ARTICLE 3


                  The Vendor,  acknowledging that the Purchaser is entering into
this Agreement in reliance thereon,  represents and warrants to the Purchaser as

         (a)      It is a limited  partnership validly formed and existing under
                  the  laws of the  Province  of  Manitoba  and is up to date in
                  respect of all filings  required by law or by any Governmental

         (b)      All requisite  corporate and partnership  acts and proceedings
                  have been done and taken by the  Vendor,  including  obtaining
                  all requisite board of directors',  shareholders'  and limited
                  partners'   approval   with  respect  to  entering  into  this
                  Agreement or completing the transactions contemplated herein;

         (c)      The Vendor has the requisite  corporate and partnership  power
                  and authority to enter into this  Agreement and to perform its
                  respective obligations hereunder;

         (d)      This  Agreement  has  been  duly  and  validly   executed  and
                  delivered  by the Vendor and  constitutes  a legal,  valid and
                  binding  obligation  of the Vendor  enforceable  against it in
                  accordance with its terms;

         (e)      Except for the rights of the Purchaser  pursuant to the Letter
                  of Intent and this  Agreement,  no Person  has any  agreement,
                  option,  right of first refusal or right, title or interest or
                  right capable of becoming an agreement, option, right of first
                  refusal or right, title or interest, in or to the Properties;

         (f)      The Vendor has all necessary  corporate and partnership  power
                  to own the Properties and, to the best of the knowledge of the
                  Vendor,  the Vendor is in compliance  with all Applicable Laws

                                     - 8 -

                  and   licences,    registrations,    permits,   consents   and
                  qualifications to which the Properties are subject;

         (g)      No Approvals are required of the Vendor in connection with the
                  execution and delivery or with the  performance  by it of this
                  Agreement or the Closing Documents or to effectively  complete
                  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

         (h)      The Vendor has an undivided  100% legal and  beneficial  good,
                  valid,  marketable and exclusive right,  title and interest in
                  and  to,  and  actual  and   exclusive   possession   of,  the
                  Properties, free and clear of all Encumbrances;

         (i)      All taxes, local improvements, assessment rates, utilities and
                  any  and  all  other   payments  to  or   assessments  of  any
                  Governmental  Authority having  jurisdiction in respect of the
                  Properties  have been paid by the  Purchaser in respect of the
                  Properties to and including the Closing Date;

         (j)      The sale of the Properties to the Purchaser and the completion
                  of the  transactions  contemplated  in this  Agreement  do not
                  breach  (i) the  constating  documents  of the  Vendor  or any
                  directors,  shareholders or partnership resolutions,  (ii) any
                  agreements, documents, instruments,  covenants or undertakings
                  to which  the  Vendor  is a party  or is  bound  or  otherwise
                  affected, or (iii) any Applicable Law;

         (m)      There are no  finder's  fees,  commissions  or other  payments
                  payable  by  the  Vendor  in  relation  to  the   transactions
                  contemplated herein;

         (n)      At the time the Vendor transfers all of its rights,  title and
                  interests  in and to the  Properties  to the  Purchaser,  such
                  rights,  title  and  interests  will be free and  clear of all

         (o)      Subject to the Royalty contemplated in this Agreement, neither
                  the  Properties  nor any Minerals  derived from the Properties
                  are  subject to or bound by any  royalty or royalty  interest,
                  whether  registered  or  unregistered,  and the Vendor has not
                  granted any royalty interest in or affecting the Properties;

         (p)      There  is  no  action,  suit,  order,  work  order,  petition,
                  prosecution  or other  similar  proceeding  of  which  process
                  initiating   the  same  has  been  served  on  the  Vendor  or
                  threatened  against  the  Vendor  and  affecting  any  of  the
                  Properties   at  law  or  in   equity  or  before  or  by  any
                  Governmental Authority;

         (q)      There  are  no  Environmental   Liabilities  relating  to  the
                  Properties,  nor, to the best of the  knowledge of the Vendor,
                  any  legal or  administrative  actions  existing,  pending  or
                  threatened against the Vendor nor the Properties in respect of
                  any  Environment  Liabilities and to the best of the knowledge
                  of the Vendor,  no contaminants,  pollutants,  wastes or toxic
                  substances  (collectively  "HAZARDOUS  SUBSTANCES")  have been
                  released,  discharged, placed, escaped, leached or disposed of
                  on,  into,   under  or  through  the   Properties   (including
                  watercourses,  improvements  thereon and contents  thereof) or
                  nearby areas;

                                     - 9 -

         (r)      The  Vendor  has not  received  notice  of any  breach  of any
                  Applicable  Law in  respect  of its  conduct  on or under  the
                  Properties   which  could  have  an  adverse   effect  on  the
                  Properties or the right,  title and/or  interest of the Vendor
                  therein  and  thereto  and  neither  the  Vendor  nor,  to the
                  Vendor's  knowledge,  any  other  Person,  is  subject  to any
                  obligations or commitments for  reclamation,  closure or other
                  environmental  corrective,   clean-up  or  remediation  action
                  directly or indirectly relating to the Properties;

         (s)      The sale, transfer, assignment and conveyance by the Vendor of
                  all of its right, title and interest in, and to the Properties
                  to  the  Purchaser  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  this
                  Agreement does not  constitute a sale of all or  substantially
                  all of the assets, property or undertaking of the Vendor;

         (t)      The  Vendor  is not  and  will  not on the  Closing  Date be a
                  non-resident  of Canada for the purposes of the INCOME TAX ACT

         (u)      The mining  claims that  comprise the  Properties  are in good
                  standing with respect to the  performance  of all  obligations
                  (including,  without  limitation,  payment  of mining  duties,
                  performance of minimum  assessment  work and filing of reports
                  with respect to minimum  assessment work) applicable under all
                  laws  of  Canada  and the  Province  of  Manitoba  (including,
                  without  limitation,  applicable mining and environmental laws
                  and regulations) and are, and at closing will be, owned by and
                  duly  registered in the name of Endowment Lakes (2002) Ltd. as
                  general  partner  of  the  Vendor,   free  and  clear  of  any
                  registered, or to the knowledge of the Vendor any unregistered
                  encumbrances,  royalties  or  underlying  rights or  interests

         (v)      Upon completion of the transactions  contemplated  herein, the
                  Purchaser  shall acquire a 100% undivided legal and beneficial
                  interest in and to the Properties;

         (w)      The Vendor  has not  assigned,  encumbered  or  covenanted  to
                  assign or encumber any of the mining  claims that comprise the
                  Properties or the rights which derive therefrom and the Vendor
                  has  not  acquired,   with  respect  to  third  parties,   any
                  obligation  whatsoever  that would  prevent  the  Vendor  from
                  entering into the Letter of Intent or this Agreement; and

         (x)      The Vendor has no information  or knowledge  pertaining to the
                  Properties  or  the  lands   comprising   the   Properties  or
                  substances  thereon,  therein or  therefrom  not  disclosed in
                  writing to the  Purchaser  which,  if known to the  Purchaser,
                  might  reasonably  be  expected  to deter the  Purchaser  from
                  completing the transactions  contemplated  hereby on the terms
                  and conditions contained herein.


                  The Purchaser,  acknowledging that the Vendor is entering into
this  Agreement in reliance  thereon,  represents  and warrants to the Vendor as

                                     - 10 -

         (a)      It is a corporation  duly  incorporated  and validly  existing
                  under  the  laws  of  British  Columbia  and is up to  date in
                  respect of all filings required by law;

         (b)      All requisite  corporate acts and  proceedings  have been done
                  and taken by the Purchaser  with respect to entering into this
                  Agreement and completing the transactions contemplated herein;

         (c)      The Purchaser has the requisite  corporate power and authority
                  to enter into this  Agreement  and to perform its  obligations

         (d)      This  Agreement  has  been  duly  and  validly   executed  and
                  delivered by the Purchaser and constitutes a legal,  valid and
                  binding obligation of the Purchaser  enforceable against it in
                  accordance with the terms hereof;

         (e)      There are no  finder's  fees,  commissions  or other  payments
                  payable by the Purchaser,  in cash or shares or otherwise,  in
                  relation to the transactions contemplated herein;

         (f)      The  Purchaser  has all  necessary  authority  and capacity to
                  enter into the Agreement and all necessary  acts,  actions and
                  authorizations have been performed by the Purchaser in respect
                  thereof; and

         (g)      The Purchaser,  or any affiliate the Purchaser proposes to use
                  to perform any operations  contemplated by this Agreement,  is
                  registered  in the  Province of Manitoba to carry on business,
                  has the  capacity to own  property in the Province of Manitoba
                  and  has  not  received  any  notice  from  any   Governmental
                  Authority advising it that it is not, authorized, permitted or
                  licensed  to conduct  business  in Canada or the  Province  of
                  Manitoba or to perform such  operations or obligations  within
                  the   jurisdiction  of  any   Governmental   Authority  having
                  jurisdiction  of the nature and scope of the obligations to be
                  performed by the Purchaser or any of its  affiliates  pursuant
                  to and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


                  Any  representation  or  warranty  made by a  Party  as to the
enforceability  of this Agreement against such Party is subject to the following

         (a)      specific performance,  injunction and other equitable remedies
                  are  discretionary  and, in  particular,  may not be available
                  where damages are considered an adequate remedy; and

         (b)      enforcement   may  be  limited  by   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
                  liquidation,  reorganization,  reconstruction  and other  laws
                  generally affecting enforceability of creditors' rights.

                                     - 11 -


                  The  respective  representations  and warranties of the Vendor
and of the Purchaser contained in sections 3.1 and 3.2 shall survive the Closing
and will  continue  in full force and effect for a period of two (2) years after
the Closing.

                                    ARTICLE 4


                  The Vendor hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the Purchaser
from any Loss suffered or incurred by the Purchaser arising from a claim against
the Purchaser arising from, related to or in any way connected with:

         (a)      any failure by the Vendor to sell, transfer, assign and convey
                  to the  Purchaser  all  of  the  Vendor's  rights,  title  and
                  interests in and to the Properties;

         (b)      any breach or non-performance of any representation, warranty,
                  covenant or  agreement  made or to be  performed by the Vendor
                  under this Agreement; or

         (c)      any  activities  of or performed on behalf of the Vendor on or
                  under  the  surface  of  Properties  up to and  including  the
                  Closing Date.


                  The Purchaser hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the Vendor
from any Loss  suffered or incurred by the Vendor  arising from a claim  against
the Vendor  arising from,  related to or in any way connected with any breach or
non-performance of any representation,  warranty,  covenant or agreement made or
to be performed by the Purchaser under this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 5

5.1               CLOSING

                  The  Closing  will  take  place by escrow  arrangements  to be
agreed between the Vendor and the Purchaser and their  respective legal counsel,
at 2:00 p.m. on the  Closing  Date or at such other time and date as the Parties
may agree in writing.

                                     - 12 -


                  The  obligation of the Purchaser to complete the  transactions
contemplated  in this  Agreement  shall be  subject to the  satisfaction  of, or
compliance with, at or before the Closing Date, each of the following conditions
precedent (each of which is hereby acknowledged to be inserted for the exclusive
benefit  of the  Purchaser  and may be  waived by it in  writing  in whole or in

         (a)      Each  of the  representations  and  warranties  of the  Vendor
                  contained  in this  Agreement  shall  be  true,  complete  and
                  accurate as and when made and at and as of the Closing Time;

         (b)      The Vendor shall have  performed  and complied with all of the
                  covenants,  terms  and  conditions  in  this  Agreement  to be
                  performed or complied with by it at or before Closing;

         (c)      The  Purchaser  shall have  received at the  Closing  from the
                  Vendor  the  following  Closing  Documents,  dated  as of  the
                  Closing Date,  prepared and/or delivered at the expense of the
                  Vendor and in form and substance satisfactory to the Purchaser
                  including, without limitation:

                  (i)      such  instruments  of  sale,  transfer,   conveyance,
                           assignment  or  delivery,   in  registrable  form  or
                           otherwise,  in  respect  of  the  Properties  as  the
                           Purchaser may  reasonably  require to assure the full
                           and effective sale, transfer, conveyance,  assignment
                           or delivery of all of the Vendor's  right,  title and
                           interest in and to the Properties to the Purchaser;

                  (ii)     an  officer's  certificate,  dated as of the  Closing
                           Date, in form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory
                           to the Purchaser, as to: (1) resolutions of the board
                           of directors of the Vendor  authorizing the execution
                           and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  and  the  Royalty
                           Agreement  and  the  completion  of the  transactions
                           contemplated   hereby,   and   (2)   incumbency   and
                           signatures  of the  officers of the Vendor  executing
                           the Agreement and Closing Documents; and

                  (iii)    such   other   documents,   certificates   and  other
                           instruments  as  would be  usual  in  respect  of the
                           transactions  contemplated herein or as the Purchaser
                           may reasonably require; and

         (e)      The Vendor shall have entered into the Royalty Agreement.


                  The  obligations  of the Vendor to complete  the  transactions
contemplated  in this  Agreement  shall be  subject to the  satisfaction  of, or
compliance with, at or before the Closing Date, each of the following conditions

                                     - 13 -

precedent (each of which is hereby acknowledged to be inserted for the exclusive
benefit of the Vendor and may be waived by it in writing in whole or in part):

         (a)      Each of the  representations  and  warranties of the Purchaser
                  contained  in this  Agreement  shall  be  true,  complete  and
                  accurate as and when made and at and as of the Closing Time;

         (b)      The  Purchaser  shall have  performed and complied with all of
                  the  covenants,  terms and  conditions in this Agreement to be
                  performed or complied with by it at or before Closing;

         (c)      The  Vendor  shall  have  received  at the  Closing  from  the
                  Purchaser the  following  Closing  Documents,  dated as of the
                  Closing Date,  prepared at the expense of the Purchaser and in
                  form  and  substance  satisfactory  to the  Vendor  including,
                  without limitation, an officer's certificate,  dated as of the
                  Closing Date, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
                  the Vendor, as to incumbency and signatures of the officers of
                  the  Purchaser   executing  this  Agreement  and  the  Closing
                  Documents; and

         (d)      The Purchaser shall have entered into the Royalty Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 6

6.1               EXPENSES

                  Subject as  otherwise  set out in this  Agreement,  each Party
shall pay all  expenses  it  incurs in  authorizing,  preparing,  executing  and
performing this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereunder,  whether
or not the Closing occurs, including all fees and expenses of its legal counsel,
accountants or other representatives or consultants.

6.2               TIME

                  Time is of the essence of each provision of this Agreement.

6.3               NOTICES

                  Any notice or any  communication  required or  permitted to be
given under this  Agreement by either Party to the other Party,  in any capacity
(hereinafter  called a "NOTICE") shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
been  sufficiently  given if sent by facsimile  transmission or delivered to the
address of such other Party set forth as follows:

                                     - 14 -

         (i)      if to the Purchaser at: Halo Resources Ltd.
                  1305 - 1090 West Georgia Street
                  Vancouver, BC  V6E 3V7

                  Attention:     Marc Cernovitch, President
                  Fax No.:       604-484-0069
                  Telephone No.: 604-484-0068

         (ii)     if to Vendor at:
                  Endowment Lakes (2002) Limited Partnership
                  c/o the General Partner
                  #1 -102 Main Street
                  Flin Flon, MB  R8A 1K1

                  Attention:     Eckart Buhlmann, President
                  Fax No.:       204-687-3133
                  Telephone No.  204-687-5577

or such substitute address or fax number as is specified by a Party by notice to
the other Party given in accordance with this section, and any such Notice shall
be deemed to have been received, if sent by facsimile transmission, on the first
Business Day after the date of facsimile  transmission,  and if delivered,  upon
the day of  delivery,  or if such day is not a Business  Day,  then on the first
Business Day thereafter.

                  Each notice sent in accordance  with this section 6.3 shall be
deemed to have been received:

         (a)      on the day it was delivered; or

         (b)      on the same day that it was sent by facsimile transmission, or
                  on the first  Business Day  thereafter  if the day on which it
                  was sent by facsimile transmission was not a Business Day.

                  Any Party may change its address  for notice by giving  notice
to the other Party in accordance with this section 6.3.

6.4               ASSIGNMENT

                  Neither  Party may assign any  rights or  benefits  under this
Agreement,  including  the benefit of any  representation  or  warranty,  to any
Person without the prior written  consent of the other Party.  Each Party agrees
to perform its obligations  under this Agreement  itself,  and not to arrange in
any way for any other Person to perform  those  obligations.  No  assignment  of
benefits or arrangement for substituted performance by one Party shall be of any
effect  against  any other  Party  except to the extent that the other Party has
consented to it in writing.

                                     - 15 -

6.5               FURTHER ASSURANCES

                  Each Party shall do such acts and shall  execute  such further
documents, conveyances, deeds, assignments, transfers and other instruments, and
will cause the doing of such acts and will cause the  execution  of such further
documents  as are within its power as any other Party may in writing at any time
and from time to time  reasonably  request be done and or executed,  in order to
give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement and the Closing Documents.

6.6               CONFIDENTIALITY

         (a)      The  terms  of this  Agreement,  including  the  terms  of the
                  proposed transactions contemplated hereunder and the fact that
                  the Parties are pursuing such  transactions,  are confidential
                  and except as expressly  permitted by this  Agreement  neither
                  Party shall disclose any of such  information to any Person or
                  entity without the prior written consent of the other.

         (b)      Each Party agrees to keep confidential any and all information
                  made available to it by the other Party or its representatives
                  or   advisors  in  the  course  of  the   investigations   and
                  negotiations  related to the  settlement of this Agreement and
                  agrees not to use, in relation to the  Properties and the Area
                  of Influence, any such information except for or in respect of
                  the completion of the proposed  transactions  contemplated  by
                  this  Agreement,  except to the extent that  disclosure may be
                  required   by  or  under  any  law  or  under  the  rules  and
                  regulations  of  any  Governmental  Authority.  The  foregoing
                  restriction  does not apply to any  information (i) that is or
                  becomes  generally  available to the public,  except through a
                  breach of this Agreement, (ii) that was known to a Party prior
                  to the receipt of such information from the other Party, (iii)
                  that is  developed  by a Party  independently  of  information
                  received from the other Party,  or (iv) that a Party  obtained
                  from an independent  third party who obtained such information
                  lawfully and was under no  obligation of secrecy in respect of
                  such  information.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  and  for
                  greater certainty,  no public announcement of the existence of
                  this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated  hereby shall
                  be made by either Party unless the timing and content  thereof
                  have been  agreed  upon by both  Parties,  acting  reasonably,
                  except as may, in the opinion of the  announcing  Party acting
                  reasonably, be required by Applicable Law.


                  The parties  hereto  acknowledge  that the Vendor is a limited
partnership formed under the laws of Manitoba and that the covenants, agreements
and obligations of the Vendor  hereunder  shall not be personally  binding upon,
nor shall resort be had to the personal property of any of, the limited partners
of the Vendor,  nor their heirs,  successors and assigns,  and that resort shall
only be had to the  property  of the  Vendor  and the  property  of its  general
partner,  other than with respect to and to the extent of their  investment  and
interests in such limited partnership.

                                     - 16 -

6.8               COUNTERPARTS

                  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts.  Each executed
counterpart  shall be  deemed to be an  original.  Executed  counterparts  taken
together shall constitute one agreement.

6.9               FACSIMILE EXECUTION

                  An executed  copy of this  Agreement  may be  delivered by any
Party by facsimile.  In such event,  such Party shall  forthwith  deliver to the
other Party the original copy of this Agreement executed by such Party.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the Parties hereto have duly executed this
Agreement as of the date first written above.

                                      ENDOWMENT LAKES (2002) LIMITED
                                      PARTNERSHIP, BY ITS GENERAL PARTNER,
                                      ENDOWMENT LAKES (2002) LTD.

                                      Per:   /s/ ECKART BUHLMANN
                                      Name:  Eckart Buhlmann
                                      Title: President


                                      HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                                      Per:    /s/ MARC CERNOVITCH
                                      Name:  Marc Cernovitch
                                      Title: President


                      DATED AS OF DECEMBER 3, 2006 BETWEEN
                             AND HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                               LIST OF PROPERTIES
         PROJECT                    CLAIM NAME          CLAIM NUMBER

         Eagle's Nest L.              Elm 16               MB 3459
         Meat Lake                    Elm 13               MB 3457
         Meat Lake                    Elm 14               MB 3458
         QM Lake                      Elm 08               MB 3637
         QM Lake                      Elm 09               MB 3638
         QM Lake                      Elm 12               MB 3456
         QM Lake                      Elm 10               MB 3639
         QM Lake                      Elm 07               MB 3636
         QM Lake                      Elm 24               MB 5146
         QM Lake                      Elm 25               MB 5145


                      DATED AS OF DECEMBER 3, 2006 BETWEEN
                             AND HALO RESOURCES LTD.

                            FORM OF ROYALTY AGREEMENT


B E T W E E N:

                  HALO RESOURCES LTD.,
                  a corporation incorporated under the laws of the
                  province of British Columbia

                  (the "Owner")

                                    - and -

                  a limited partnership formed under the laws of the
                  province of Manitoba

                  (the "Holder")


         WHEREAS  the  Owner  owns  an  undivided  100%  interest  in and to the
properties described on Schedule "A" attached hereto (the "Properties");

         AND  WHEREAS  the  Owner  has  agreed  to grant to and in favour of the
Holder a 1 % net smelter  return  royalty in respect of any  Minerals  mined and
sold from the Properties;

         AND  WHEREAS all of the defined  terms used in this  Royalty  Agreement
have the meaning ascribed  thereto in Section 1 hereof unless otherwise  defined

         NOW THEREFORE in  consideration  of the mutual covenants and agreements
herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby  acknowledged by each of the parties hereto,  the
parties agree as follows:


(a)      "AFFILIATE" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in THE CORPORATIONS
         ACT (Manitoba).

(b)      "BUSINESS  DAY" means any  calendar day other than a Saturday or Sunday
         or any statutory holiday or civic holiday in the Province of Manitoba.

                                     - 2 -

(c)      "ENCUMBRANCES" means any encumbrance as set out on Schedule "B";

(d)      "FISCAL  PERIOD"  means  each  calendar  year  or  other  period  of 12
         consecutive months adopted by the Purchaser for tax purposes;

(e)      "MINERALS"  means all naturally  occurring  metallic  minerals that are
         mined,  produced or otherwise  recovered from the Properties  after the
         date of commencement of commercial  production,  whether in the form of
         Ore, dore,  concentrates or otherwise,  including  without  limitation,
         gold,  silver and copper and other base metals and all  beneficiated or
         derivative products thereof.

(f)      "NET SMELTER  RETURNS" means the gross proceeds  received by or payable
         to the Owner of the Properties,  from the sale or other  disposition of
         Minerals, less the following expenses, if actually incurred:

         (i)      direct sales,  use, gross receipts and severance taxes and all
                  mining taxes,  payable by the Owner of the Properties or other
                  operator of the  Properties  (and which taxes  payable by such
                  operator  are charged to the  account of the Owner),  that are
                  based directly upon, and actually assessed against,  the value
                  or quantity of Minerals sold or otherwise disposed of from the
                  Properties; but excluding any and all taxes based upon the net
                  or  gross  income  of the  Owner  of the  Properties  or other
                  operator of the Properties, the value of the Properties or the
                  privilege  of doing  business,  and other taxes  assessed on a
                  similar basis;

         (ii)     all  transportation,  marketing and sales and insurance  costs
                  associated  with  transporting,  smelting  and/or refining and
                  selling any Minerals from the  Properties  and all charges and
                  costs charged by a Processor of the Minerals; but, if smelting
                  and/or  refining  are  carried  out  in  facilities  owned  or
                  controlled,  in  whole  or in  part,  by the  Owner,  then the
                  charges  and  costs  for such  smelting  or  refining  of such
                  Minerals shall be the lesser of: (A) the charges and costs the
                  Owner  would have  incurred if such  smelting or refining  was
                  carried out at facilities  that are not owned or controlled by
                  the  Owner  and  that are  offering  comparable  services  for
                  comparable products;  and (B) the actual costs incurred by the
                  Owner with respect to such smelting and refining; and

         (iii)    charges, costs (including assaying and sampling costs) and all
                  penalties,  if  any,  charged  by any  Processor  of  Minerals
                  produced from the Properties.

(g)      "ORE"  means  all  mineralized   rock  mined  and/or  milled  from  the
         Properties or any part thereof;

(h)      "PRIME" means at any  particular  time, the reference rate of interest,
         expressed  as a rate per  annum,  that the  Canadian  Imperial  Bank of

                                     - 3 -

         Commerce  establishes  as its  prime  rate  of  interest  in  order  to
         determine  interest  rates  that it will  charge  for  demand  loans in
         Canadian dollars to its Canadian customers.

(i)      "PROCESSOR" means collectively any smelter,  refiner or other processor
         of the Minerals, including the Owner.

(j)      "PROPERTIES"  means the  properties  described in Schedule "A" attached

(k)      "ROYALTY"  means  the  net  smelter  royalty  payments  to  the  Holder
         described in Section 2 of this Agreement.


         Subject to the terms of this Agreement and subject to the Encumbrances,
the Owner,  for and in  consideration  of the sum of TEN DOLLARS  ($10.00),  the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged  by the Owner,  hereby
grants,  sells, conveys and covenants to pay to the Holder, with effect from the
date of this  Agreement,  a net  smelter  return  royalty in respect of Minerals
mined and sold from the Properties at a rate equal to 1% of Net Smelter Returns.


         (a)      The Royalty shall be calculated  and paid to the Holder by the
Owner  quarterly  during the Fiscal Year  within 45 Business  Days of the end of
such fiscal quarter.

         (b)      All  Royalty  payments  shall  be  payable  in cash  (or  cash
equivalent)  only and shall be delivered to the Holder at its principal place of
business or paid at such other place as the Holder may specify in writing.

         (c)      At the time each  Royalty  payment is paid by the  Owner,  the
Owner  shall  prepare and  deliver to the  Holder,  or cause to be prepared  and
delivered  to the  Holder,  a  detailed  statement  of the  manner in which such
Royalty payment was calculated.

         (d)      The Holder may object in writing to any  statement and payment
amount within two months after receipt of the relevant statement or payment.  If
any Royalty payment is determined pursuant to the terms of this Agreement not to
have been paid in full as provided  herein,  the Owner shall pay interest on the
delinquent payment at a rate of Prime plus 1% per annum,  commencing on the date
on which  such  delinquent  payment  was due and  continuing  until  the  Holder
receives  payment in full of such  delinquent  payment and all accrued  interest
thereon;  and for the purposes of this subsection,  Prime shall be determined as
of the date on which such delinquent payment was due.

         (e)      All Royalty payments, including interest, if any, will be made
subject to withholding or deduction in respect of the Royalty for, or on account
of, any present or future taxes, duties,  assessments or governmental charges of
whatever nature imposed or levied by or on behalf of any governmental  authority
having power and jurisdiction to tax and for which the Owner is obligated in law
to withhold or deduct and remit to such taxing  authority  having such power and

                                     - 4 -

4.       TERM

         This Agreement shall continue for the term of the Properties (including
any related  Crown mining lease or unpatented  mining  claims) and any renewals,
replacements  and successions  thereof,  including any conversion of interest to
lease or fee simple  and  whether  created  privately  or  through  governmental
action. If any right,  power or interest of any party under this Agreement would
violate the rule against perpetuities,  then such right, power or interest shall
terminate at the  expiration of 20 years after the death of the last survivor of
all the lineal descendants of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England, living
on the date of this Agreement.


         The Owner,  and any  operator of the Owner and any  Processor  shall be
entitled,  in the sole  discretion of the Owner,  to  stockpile,  store or place
Minerals in locations on or off the Properties.


         Before  any  Minerals  are  commingled  with  minerals  from any  other
properties,  the Minerals shall be measured and sampled in accordance with sound
mining and  metallurgical  practices for moisture,  metal, and other appropriate
content.  Representative  samples of the Minerals shall be retained by the Owner
and assays  (including  penalty  substances) and other  appropriate  analyses of
these samples shall be made before  commingling to determine metal,  mineral and
other  appropriate  content and penalty  substances of the  Minerals.  From this
information,  the Owner shall determine the quantity of the Minerals  subject to
the Royalty notwithstanding that the Minerals have been commingled with minerals
from other  properties.  Following the  expiration of the period for  objections
described above in Subsection 3(d) above, and absent timely  objection,  if any,
the Owner may dispose of the materials and data required to be produced pursuant
to this section.


         All  profits  and losses  resulting  from any owner of the  Properties,
including the Owner, engaging in any commodity futures trading,  option trading,
metals  trading,  gold loans or any combination  thereof,  and any other hedging
transactions  are  specifically  excluded from  calculations of Royalty payments
pursuant to this agreement.


         (a)      The Owner  shall keep true and  accurate  books and records of
all of its  operations  and  activities  with respect to the  Properties and the
Minerals, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting  principles,
consistently  applied.  The Holder may, once per Fiscal Year,  perform audits or
other  examinations  of the  Owner's  relevant  books and records to confirm all
calculations of Royalty payments made by the Owner and compliance with the terms
of this Agreement.  The Holder shall promptly commence, and diligently complete,
any audit or other examination  permitted hereunder.  The reasonable expenses of

                                     - 5 -

any audit or other examination  permitted hereunder shall be paid by the Holder,
unless  the  results  of such  audit or other  examination  permitted  hereunder
discloses a  deficiency  in respect of the Royalty  payments  paid to the Holder
hereunder in an amount  greater than  $25,000,  in which event the costs of such
audit or other examination shall be paid by the Owner.

         (b)      Within 120 days  following  the end of each Fiscal  Year,  the
Owner  shall  prepare and  deliver to the  Holder,  or cause to be prepared  and
delivered  to the  Holder,  an annual  report in  respect  of such  Fiscal  Year
summarizing  (i) the  quantities  of Ore  mined  from the  Properties,  (ii) the
quantities of Ore milled, and (iii) calculations in respect of the Royalty.


         (a)      Subject to  subsections  9(b) and 9(c),  the Holder shall not,
without  the  express  written  consent of the Owner,  disclose  any  non-public
information  received under this Agreement relating to the Owner, the Properties
or any Minerals (the  "Confidential  Information"),  or issue any press releases
relating to the Owner.  In addition,  the Holder shall not use any  Confidential
Information  for its own use or benefit  except for the purpose of enforcing its
rights under this Agreement.

         (b)      The Holder may disclose Confidential  Information to any third
party to whom the Holder,  in good faith,  anticipates  selling or assigning its
interest  hereunder,  or to a prospective lender to whom the Holder may grant an
interest in Royalty payments as security for its obligations to such lender,  in
each case only if the Owner has been provided with a  confidentiality  agreement
in its favour from such third party or lender that includes the  confidentiality
provisions of subsection 9(a), and that has been executed by such third party or
lender, as the case may be.

         (c)      The  Holder  may  disclose  Confidential  Information  if such
disclosure is required for compliance with applicable laws,  rules,  regulations
or orders of any governmental agency or stock exchange having jurisdiction.


         All decisions concerning the methods, the extent, times, procedures and
techniques  of  any  exploration,   development,   mining,  leaching,   milling,
stockpiling,  transporting, processing, extraction or treatment or sale or other
disposition,  if any, of Ore or Minerals from the  Properties,  shall be made by
the Owner in its sole and absolute discretion. The Owner shall not be liable for
nor obliged to make any Royalty  payments for Mineral  values lost in any mining
or processing of the Minerals  conducted  pursuant to customary mining practice.
The Owner shall not be required  to mine or to sell or  otherwise  dispose of or
preserve or protect any Minerals,  which under customary mining practices cannot
be mined,  milled,  sold or shipped at a  reasonable  profit by the Owner at the
time mined.


         The  parties  agree  that  there  are no  implied  covenants  or duties
relating to the  exploration,  development  or mining of, or the  production  of

                                     - 6 -

Minerals from, the Properties and that the only  covenants,  duties,  rights and
obligations  of the parties shall be those  expressly set forth and provided for
in this Agreement.


         The Owner shall be entitled to sell,  transfer,  mortgage or charge the
Properties or any part thereof  without the prior written  consent of the Holder
provided that any such  transferee,  mortgagee,  chargee or secured party of the
Properties  agrees in writing to assume and  perform  (upon  enforcement  of its
security only) and to cause any transferee  therefrom to assume and perform, the
obligations of the Owner pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, in which event
the Owner shall be released from its  obligations  herein and therein in respect
of such part or parts so  transferred  and the Holder shall execute such release
in respect of the foregoing in such form as the Owner deems advisable.


         In  consideration of the covenants and agreements of the parties herein
contained,  the  Holder  hereby  grants to and in favour of the Owner a right of
first refusal to acquire the Royalty. The Holder hereby agrees that any right of
the Holder to sell the Royalty and/or to assign this Agreement  shall be limited
to a cash  only  purchase  price  and to  such a sale  or  assignment  of a 100%
interest  only.  In the event that the Holder  receives an offer to purchase the
Royalty  and/or  to  take  an  assignment  of this  Agreement  from a bona  fide
purchaser at arm's length to the Holder,  which offer the Holder has accepted or
is willing to accept,  the Holder shall give the Owner written  notice  thereof,
including  the terms and  conditions  of such offer to  purchase,  and the Owner
shall have the right,  within 30 days from the date of  delivery to the Owner of
such notice,  to exercise its right of first  refusal in respect  thereof and to
acquire  the  Royalty on the same terms and  conditions  as are set forth in the
offer to purchase.  In addition to the  foregoing  right of first  refusal,  the
Owner shall be entitled at any time,  commencing on the date of this  Agreement,
to  purchase  50% of the  Royalty  from the Holder  and,  if the Owner  provides
written  notice to the Holder to such  effect,  the Holder shall be obligated to
sell 50% of the Royalty to the Owner, for a purchase price of $500,000.00,  such
that the Royalty interest of the Holder under this Agreement thereafter shall be
..5% of Net Smelter Returns.


         Any matter in this  Agreement in dispute  between the parties which has
not been  resolved by the parties  within  fifteen  (15) days of the delivery of
notice by either party of such dispute shall be referred to binding arbitration.
Such referral to binding  arbitration  shall be to a qualified single arbitrator
pursuant  to  THE  ARBITRATIONS  ACT  (Manitoba),   which  Act,   including  its
successors,  shall govern such  arbitration  proceeding in  accordance  with its
terms  except to the extent  modified  by the rules for  arbitration  set out in
Schedule "C". The  determination  of such arbitrator  shall be final and binding
upon the parties hereto and the costs of such arbitration shall be as determined
by the arbitrator.  The parties  covenant that they shall conduct all aspects of
such  arbitration  having  regard  at all  times  to  minimizing  the  cost  and
expediting the final resolution of such arbitration.

                                     - 7 -

15.      NOTICES

         Any notice or any communication required or permitted to be given under
this Agreement by either party to the other party, in any capacity  (hereinafter
called a  "Notice")  shall  be in  writing  and  shall be  deemed  to have  been
sufficiently given if sent by facsimile transmission or delivered to the address
of such other party set forth as follows:

         if to the Owner at:

                  Halo Resources Ltd.
                  1305 - 1090 West Georgia Street
                  Vancouver, BC  V6E 3V7

                  Attention:      Marc Cernovitch, President
                  Fax No.:        604-484-0069
                  Telephone No.:  604-484-0068

         if to the Holder at:

                  Endowment Lakes (2002) Limited Partnership
                  c/o the General Partner
                  #1 -102 Main Street
                  Flin Flon, MB  R8A 1K1

                  Attention:      Eckart Buhlmann, President
                  Fax No.:        204-687-3133
                  Telephone No.   204-687-5577

or such substitute address or fax number as is specified by a party by notice to
the other party given in accordance with this section, and any such Notice shall
be deemed to have been received, if sent by facsimile transmission, on the first
Business Day after the date of facsimile  transmission,  and if delivered,  upon
the day of  delivery,  or if such day is not a Business  Day,  then on the first
Business Day thereafter.

         Each notice sent in accordance  with this section 15 shall be deemed to
have been received:

(c)      on the day it was delivered; or

(d)      on the same day that it was sent by facsimile  transmission,  or on the
         first  Business  Day  thereafter  if the day on  which  it was  sent by
         facsimile transmission was not a Business Day.

         Any party may change  its  address  for notice by giving  notice to the
other party in accordance with this section 15.



         Each party shall execute all such further instruments and documents and
do all such further  actions as may be necessary to effectuate the  transactions
contemplated  in this  Agreement,  in each case at the cost and  expense  of the
party requesting such further instrument,  document or action,  unless expressly
indicated otherwise.  The Holder shall be entitled to register this Agreement or
notice of this  Agreement  against  title to the  Properties  and  covenants and
agrees to subordinate its interests pursuant to this Agreement to all mortgages,
charges and  security  interests  in favour of any lender to the Owner  provided
that such mortgagee,  chargee or secured party agrees in writing with the Holder
to assume (upon  enforcement of its security  only),  and to cause any purchaser
from such mortgagee,  chargee or secured party to assume, the obligations of the
Owner, as the case may be, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. In the event
of any enforcement by or purchase from such mortgagee, chargee or secured party,
the Owner,  as the case may be, shall be released  from its  obligations  herein
arising thereafter in respect of such part or parts of the Properties subject to
such  enforcement by or purchase from such  mortgagee,  chargee or secured party
and the  Holder  shall  execute  such  release  in such form as the Owner  deems


         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the
Province of Manitoba and the laws of Canada applicable therein.


         Time is of the essence in this Agreement.


         If any provision of this agreement is wholly or partially invalid, this
Agreement  shall be interpreted as if the invalid  provision had not been a part
hereof so that the invalidity  shall not affect the validity of the remainder of
the  agreement  which shall be construed as if the  agreement  had been executed
without the invalid  portion.  It is hereby  declared to be the intention of the
parties that this Agreement  would have been executed  without  reference to any
portion which may, for any reason, hereafter be declared or held invalid.


         All  calculations  hereunder  shall be made in accordance with Canadian
generally accepted accounting principles.

                                     - 8 -

(f)      CURRENCY

         All dollar amounts or references herein are in Canadian currency.


         The parties hereto acknowledge that the Holder is a limited partnership
formed  under  the  laws of  Manitoba  and that the  covenants,  agreements  and
obligations of the Holder  hereunder  shall not be personally  binding upon, nor
shall resort be had to the personal  property of any of, the limited partners of
the Holder, nor their heirs,  successors and assigns, and that resort shall only
be had to the  property of the Holder and the  property of its general  partner,
other than with respect to and to the extent of their  investment  and interests
in such limited partnership.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties  hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the day and year first above written.

                                   HALO RESOURCES LTD.



                                   ENDOWMENT LAKES (2002) LIMITED
                                   PARTNERSHIP, BY ITS GENERAL PARTNER,
                                   ENDOWMENT LAKES (2002) LTD.



                      DATED AS OF JANUARY 12, 2007 BETWEEN
                             HALO RESOURCES LTD. AND
                                 ENDOWMENT LAKES

                               LIST OF PROPERTIES
         PROJECT                  CLAIM NAME          CLAIM NUMBER

         Eagle's Nest L.            Elm 16               MB 3459
         Meat Lake                  Elm 13               MB 3457
         Meat Lake                  Elm 14               MB 3458
         QM Lake                    Elm 08               MB 3637
         QM Lake                    Elm 09               MB 3638
         QM Lake                    Elm 12               MB 3456
         QM Lake                    Elm 10               MB 3639
         QM Lake                    Elm 07               MB 3636
         QM Lake                    Elm 24               MB 5146
         QM Lake                    Elm 25               MB 5145

                      DATED AS OF JANUARY 12, 2007 BETWEEN
                             HALO RESOURCES LTD. AND
                                 ENDOWMENT LAKES


1.       Liens for property taxes, assessments or governmental charges or levies
         not at the time due and  delinquent  or the  validity of which is being
         contested at the time in good faith by the Owner.

2.       Any   undetermined   or  inchoate  liens  and  charges   incidental  to
         construction  on  the  Properties  or  operations  in  respect  of  the
         Properties  which have not been filed against the Owner or which relate
         to obligations not due or delinquent.

3.       Any right reserved to or vested in any governmental or public authority
         by any statute, regulation,  lease, licence, franchise, grant or permit
         in respect of the  Properties  including  any  statutory  provision  to
         terminate any such lease,  licence,  franchise,  grant or permit, or to
         require  annual  or  other  periodic  payments  as a  condition  of the
         continuance thereof.

4.       Easements,  rights of way,  servitudes or other similar rights in lands
         granted to or taken by other persons in respect of the Properties.

5.       Rights, reservations,  limitations,  provisos and conditions in respect
         of the Properties  expressed in any original grant from the Crown or in
         any applicable statute or regulation.

6.       Subject to the terms of section 16 (a) of the  Agreement,  all charges,
         mortgages, pledges, liens or security interests to and in favour of any
         lender to the Owner.

7.       Any Existing Royalties on the Properties

                      DATED AS OF JANUARY 12, 2007 BETWEEN
                             HALO RESOURCES LTD. AND
                                 ENDOWMENT LAKES

                              RULES FOR ARBITRATION

The following rules and procedures  shall apply with respect to any matter to be
arbitrated by the parties under the terms of the Agreement.

2.       Initiation of Arbitration Proceedings

         (a)      If any party to this Agreement wishes to have any matter under
this Agreement  arbitrated in accordance  with the provisions of this Agreement,
it shall give notice to the other party  hereto  specifying  particulars  of the
matter or matters in dispute and  proposing  the name of the person it wishes to
be the single arbitrator. Within 10 days after receipt of such notice, the other
party to this  Agreement  shall give return  notice to the first party  advising
whether  such party  accepts the  arbitrator  proposed by the first party and if
such party does not accept the arbitrator proposed by the first party, proposing
the name of the person it wishes to be the  single  arbitrator.  If such  return
notice is not given by the other party  within  such 10 day period,  it shall be
deemed to have  accepted the  arbitrator  proposed by the first  party.  If such
return  notice  is given  within  such 10 day  period  and does not  accept  the
proposed  arbitrator  of the  first  party  and  proposes  another  person to be
arbitrator,  the first party shall,  within 10 days after receipt of such return
notice, give notice to the other party advising whether such first party accepts
the arbitrator  proposed by the other party.  If the parties do not agree upon a
single arbitrator  within such second 5 day period,  the single arbitrator shall
be chosen in accordance with THE ARBITRATIONS ACT (Manitoba).

         (b)      The  individual  selected as Arbitrator  shall be qualified by
education and experience to decide the matter in dispute.  The Arbitrator  shall
be at arm's  length from both  parties and shall not be a member of the audit or
legal firm or firms who  advise  either  party,  nor shall the  Arbitrator  be a
person who is otherwise regularly retained by either of the parties.

2.       Submission of Written Statements

         (a)      Within 10 days of the appointment of the Arbitrator, the party
initiating  the  arbitration  (the  "Claimant")  shall send the other party (the
"Respondent")  a statement of claim setting out in  sufficient  detail the facts
and any contentions of law on which it relies, and the relief that it claims.

         (b)      Within 10 days of the receipt of the  statement of claim,  the
Respondent  shall send the Claimant a statement of defence stating in sufficient
detail which of the facts and  contentions  of law in the  statement of claim it
admits or denies,  on what grounds,  and on what other facts and  contentions of
law he relies.

                                     - 2 -

         (c)      Within 10 days of receipt of the  statement  of  defence,  the
Claimant may send the Respondent a statement of reply.

         (d)      All   statements   of  claim,   defence  and  reply  shall  be
accompanied  by copies (or,  if they are  especially  voluminous,  lists) of all
essential  documents  on which the party  concerned  relies  and which  have not
previously been submitted by any party, and (where  practicable) by any relevant

         (e)      After  submission of all the  statements,  the Arbitrator will
give directions for the further conduct of the arbitration.

3.        Meetings and Hearings

         (a)      The arbitration  shall take place in the City of Winnipeg,  or
in such other  place as the  Claimant  and the  Respondent  shall  agree upon in
writing.  The  arbitration  shall  be  conducted  in  English.  Subject  to  any
adjournments which the Arbitrator allows, the final hearing will be continued on
successive working days until it is concluded.

         (b)      All  meetings  and  hearings  will be in  private  unless  the
parties otherwise agree.

         (c)      Any party may be  represented  at any  meetings or hearings by
legal counsel.

         (d)      Each  party may  examine,  cross-examine  and  re-examine  all
witnesses at the arbitration.

4.       The Decision

         (a)      The Arbitrator will make a decision in writing and, unless the
parties otherwise agree, will set out reasons for decision in the decision.

         (b)      The  Arbitrator  will send the decision to the parties as soon
as practicable  after the  conclusion of the final hearing,  but in any event no
later than 20 days  thereafter,  unless that time period is extended for a fixed
period by the  Arbitrator on written  notice to each party because of illness or
other cause beyond the Arbitrator's control.

         (c)      The decision shall determine and award costs to the successful
party in the arbitration.

         (d)      The  decision  shall be final and  binding on the  parties and
shall  not be  subject  to any  appeal  or review  procedure  provided  that the
Arbitrator  has  followed  the  rules  provided  herein  in good  faith  and has
proceeded in accordance  with the  principles of natural  justice.  In the event
either party  initiates  any court  proceeding in respect of the decision of the
Arbitration or the matter  arbitrated,  such party shall, if unsuccessful in the
court proceeding,  shall pay the other parties costs on a solicitor/client basis
plus all other reasonable expenses incurred by such other party from the date of
delivery of the notice  commencing  arbitration to the date of  determination of
such court proceeding.

                                      - 3 -

5.       Jurisdiction and Powers of the Arbitrator

         (a)      By submitting to  arbitration  under these Rules,  the parties
shall be taken to have conferred on the  Arbitrator  the following  jurisdiction
and powers, to be exercised at the Arbitrator's discretion subject only to these
Rules and the relevant  law with the object of ensuring  the just,  expeditious,
economical and final determination of the dispute referred to arbitration.

         (b)      Without  limiting the  jurisdiction  of the Arbitrator at law,
the parties agree that the Arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to:

                  (i)      determine   any   question  of  law  arising  in  the

                  (ii)     determine   any  question  as  to  the   Arbitrator's

                  (iii)    determine  any question of good faith,  dishonesty or
                           fraud arising in the dispute;

                  (iv)     order any party to  furnish  further  details of that
                           party's case, in fact or in law;

                  (v)      proceed  in  the  arbitration   notwithstanding   the
                           failure or refusal of any party to comply  with these
                           Rules or with the Arbitrator's  orders or directions,
                           or to attend any meeting or  hearing,  but only after
                           giving that party written  notice that the Arbitrator
                           intends to do so;

                  (vi)     receive and take into  account  such  written or oral
                           evidence  tendered by the  parties as the  Arbitrator
                           determines  is  relevant,  whether  or  not  strictly
                           admissible in law;

                  (vii)    make one or more interim awards;

                  (viii)   hold  meetings  and  hearings,  and  make a  decision
                           (including a final  decision) in Toronto,  Ontario or
                           elsewhere   with  the   concurrence  of  the  parties

                  (ix)     order the parties to produce to the  Arbitrator,  and
                           to each other for  inspection,  and to supply  copies
                           of, any  documents  or other  evidence  or classes of
                           documents  in their  possession  or power  which  the
                           Arbitrator determines to be relevant; and

                  (x)      make  interim  orders  to  secure  all or part of any
                           amount in dispute in the arbitration.