EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                               HALO RESOURCES LTD.
                                   LYNDA BLOOM


                                FEBRUARY 28, 2007

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT made the 28th day of February, 2007.


                  HALO RESOURCES LTD., a corporation  existing under the laws of
                  the Province of British Columbia

                  ("Halo" or the "Corporation")
                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

                                     - and -

                  LYNDA BLOOM, of the City of Toronto, Ontario

                  (the "Executive")
                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

         WHEREAS Halo wishes to employ the Executive and the Executive wishes to
be employed by Halo in connection with the continuing  operation of the business
carried on by Halo (the "Business").

         AND  WHEREAS  Halo and the  Executive  wish to set out the terms of the
Executive's employment.

         NOW THEREFORE IN  CONSIDERATION OF the payment of the sum of $1.00, the
covenants  and  agreements  continued  in this  Agreement,  and  other  good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


1.       In this Agreement,  in addition to those terms defined above and unless
there is something in the subject matter inconsistent  therewith,  the terms set
forth below shall have the following corresponding meanings:

"Affiliate"  means any Person  which,  directly  or  indirectly,  controls or is
controlled by or is under common control with a Party, and the term "Affiliated"
has a corresponding  meaning.  For the purposes of this Agreement  "control" and
"controlled"   shall  have  the  meanings   ascribed  thereto  in  the  BUSINESS

"Agreement" means this agreement between the Parties.

"Associate" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the SECURITIES ACT (Ontario).

                                      - 2 -

"Board" means the board of directors of Halo from time to time.

"Change of Control"  means the  occurrence  of any one or more of the  following

         (a)      less  than  50% of the  Board  being  composed  of  Continuing

         (b)      any  person,  entity or group of  persons or  entities  acting
                  jointly or in concert  (an  "Acquiror")  acquires  or acquires
                  control (including,  without limitation,  the right to vote or
                  direct the  voting) of Voting  Securities  of the  Corporation
                  which,  when added to the Voting Securities owned of record or
                  beneficially  by the  Acquiror or which the  Acquiror  has the
                  right to vote or in  respect  of which  the  Acquiror  has the
                  right to direct the voting,  would entitle the Acquiror and/or
                  Associates  and/or  Affiliates  of the  Acquiror to cast or to
                  direct the casting of 40% or more of the votes attached to all
                  of the Corporation's  outstanding  Voting Securities which may
                  be cast to elect directors of the Corporation or the successor
                  corporation  (regardless  of whether a meeting has been called
                  to elect directors);

         (c)      the  shareholders  of the  Corporation  approve all  necessary
                  resolutions  required to permit any person to  accomplish  the
                  result  set  forth  in  paragraph  (b),  above,  even  if  the
                  securities  have not yet been issued to or transferred to that

         (d)      the Corporation shall sell or otherwise transfer, including by
                  way of the  grant of a  leasehold  interest  or joint  venture
                  interest (or one or more subsidiaries of the Corporation shall
                  sell or otherwise  transfer,  including without  limitation by
                  way of the  grant of a  leasehold  interest  or joint  venture
                  interest)  property or assets (A) aggregating more than 50% of
                  the consolidated assets (measured by either book value or fair
                  market value) of the  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries as at
                  the end of the most recently  completed  financial year of the
                  Corporation  or (B) which during the most  recently  completed
                  financial  year of the  Corporation  generated,  or during the
                  then current financial year of the Corporation are expected to
                  generate,  more than 50% of the consolidated  operating income
                  or cash flow of the Corporation and its  subsidiaries,  to any
                  other Person or Persons (other than one or more  Affiliates of
                  the Corporation), in which case the Change in Control shall be
                  deemed  to  occur  on the  date  of  transfer  of  the  assets
                  representing  one  dollar  more  than 50% of the  consolidated
                  assets  in the case of clause  (A) or 50% of the  consolidated
                  operating  income or cash flow in the case of clause  (B),  as
                  the case may be;

         (e)      the  shareholders  of the  Corporation  approve all  necessary
                  resolutions  required to permit any person to  accomplish  the
                  result set forth in paragraph (d), above; or

                                     - 3 -

         (f)      the Corporation:

                  (i)      becomes  insolvent or  generally  not able to pay its
                           debts as they become due;

                  (ii)     admits  in  writing  its  inability  to pay its debts
                           generally  or  makes  a  general  assignment  for the
                           benefit of creditors;

                  (iii)    institutes   or  has   instituted   against   it  any
                           proceeding seeking,

                           a.       to adjudicate it bankrupt or insolvent;

                           b.       liquidation,   winding-up,   reorganization,
                                    arrangement,  adjustment, protection, relief
                                    or  composition of it or its debts under any
                                    law  relating  to  bankruptcy,   insolvency,
                                    reorganization    or   relief   of   debtors
                                    including   any   plan  or   compromise   or
                                    arrangement  or other  corporate  proceeding
                                    involving or affecting its creditors;

                           c.       the entry of an order for the  relief or the
                                    appointment of a receiver,  trustee or other
                                    similar   official   for  it  or   for   any
                                    substantial   part  of  its  properties  and
                                    assets,   and  in  the   case  of  any  such
                                    proceeding  instituted  against  it (but not
                                    instituted  by it),  either  the  proceeding
                                    remains undismissed or unstayed for a period
                                    of thirty  (30) days,  or any of the actions
                                    sought  in such  proceeding  (including  the
                                    entry of an order for  relief  against it or
                                    the  appointment  of  a  receiver,  trustee,
                                    custodian or other  similar  official for it
                                    or  for   any   substantial   part   of  its
                                    properties and assets) occurs; or

                  (iv)     takes any  corporate  action to authorize  any of the
                           above actions.

                  For the purposes of the foregoing,  "Voting  Securities" means
                  Common  Shares and any other  shares  entitled to vote for the
                  election of directors and shall include any security,  whether
                  or not  issued  by  the  Corporation,  which  are  not  shares
                  entitled  to  vote  for  the  election  of  directors  but are
                  convertible into or exchangeable for shares which are entitled
                  to vote for the election of directors including any options or
                  rights to purchase such shares or securities.

"Common Shares" means the common shares in the capital of the Corporation.

"Continuing Director" shall mean either:

         (a)      an  individual  who is a member of the Board on the  Effective
                  Date; or

         (b)      an individual who becomes a member of the Board  subsequent to
                  the date of this  Agreement  with the  agreement of at least a

                                     - 4 -

                  majority of the  Continuing  Directors  who are members of the
                  Board at the date that the  individual  became a member of the

"Effective Date" means March 1, 2007.

"Employment"  means the  employment  of the  Executive  in  connection  with the
Business and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

"Party" means a party to this  Agreement,  and "Parties" has a similar  extended

"Permanent  Disability"  means any  physical  or mental  incapacity,  disease or
affliction which:

         (a)      prevents the Executive from performing  substantially  all her
                  obligations as an executive officer of Halo; and

         (b)      has existed for a continuous  period of one hundred and eighty
                  (180) days in any period of three hundred and sixty-five (365)
                  consecutive days.

"Person"   includes  any   individual,   partnership,   joint  venture,   trust,
unincorporated  organization  or  any  other  association,  corporation,  or any
government or any department or agency thereof.

"Plan" means the Halo Resources Ltd. Share Option Plan.

"Policies"  means the Halo  Corporate  Disclosure  Policy  and the Halo  Insider
Trading Policy,  both of which are incorporated by reference in and form part of
this Agreement, and include such amendments as may occur from time to time.

"Securities Act" means the SECURITIES ACT (Ontario).

"Subsidiary"  means a body corporate which is a subsidiary of the Corporation as
defined in the BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT (Ontario).

"Triggering  Event" means any one of the following  events which occurs  without
the express agreement in writing of the Executive;

                  (i)      a  material  adverse  change  in any  of the  duties,
                           powers,   rights,   discretion,   prestige,   salary,
                           benefits, perquisites of the Executive as they exist,
                           and  with  respect  to  financial  entitlements,  the
                           conditions  under  and  manner  in  which  they  were
                           payable, immediately prior to the Change of Control;

                  (ii)     a material  diminution  of the title of the Executive
                           as it  exists  immediately  prior  to the  Change  of

                                     - 5 -

                  (iii)    a change in the person or body to whom the  Executive
                           reports  immediately  prior to the Change of Control,
                           except if such person or body is of  equivalent  rank
                           or  stature  or such  change  is as a  result  of the
                           resignation  or removal of such person or the persons
                           comprising  such body,  as the case may be,  provided
                           that this shall not include a change resulting from a
                           promotion in the normal course of business; or

                  (iv)     a material  change in the hours during or location at
                           which the Executive is regularly required immediately
                           prior to the Change of Control to carry out the terms
                           of her employment with the Corporation, or a material
                           increase  in the  amount of travel the  Executive  is
                           required to conduct on behalf of the Corporation.


2.       Halo  agrees  to  employ  the  Executive  as of the  Effective  Date in
connection  with the Business on the terms and conditions set out herein and the
Executive agrees to accept employment on such terms.


3.       The  term  of  this  Agreement  and  the  Employment  shall  be  for an
indefinite period,  provided that:

         (a)      Halo may terminate  this  Agreement and the  Employment at any
                  time as set out in paragraphs 10, 11 and 14 hereof;

         (b)      the Executive may terminate  this Agreement and the Employment
                  at any time as set out in paragraph 12 hereof;

         (c)      the  Corporation or the Executive may terminate this Agreement
                  and the Employment  upon the occurrence of a Change of Control
                  as set out in paragraph 13 hereof; and

         (d)      this Agreement and the Employment are automatically terminated
                  when the Executive dies.


4.       The Executive shall serve as President and Chief  Executive  Officer of
Halo and shall perform such duties and assume such responsibilities  inherent in
and  consonant  with her  position as an  executive  of Halo,  and further  will
perform such reasonable  additional duties and  responsibilities as the board of
directors  may  require  and  assign to her  including  serving as an officer of
Affiliates of Halo at no additional compensation.  The Executive shall report to

                                     - 6 -

the chair of the board of directors of Halo, or such other position as the Board
may designate.  The Executive shall work out of the Corporation's head office in
Toronto,  Ontario.  The Executive  acknowledges  that her employment will entail
frequent travel to places including where the Corporation has operations,  other
than her regular place of employment.


5.       The  Executive  agrees to fully and  faithfully  perform her duties and
responsibilities  hereunder,  and not to engage or have an interest in any other
enterprise,  occupation  or  profession,  directly  or  indirectly,  or become a
principal,  agent,  director,  officer or employee of another  company,  firm or
person,  as  applicable,  which will or may interfere  with or conflict with the
Executive's duties and  responsibilities  hereunder without the written approval
of the  chair of the  Board.  For  greater  certainty,  the  Executive  shall be
entitled to sit on external boards of directors and accept incidental consulting
assignments set out on Schedule "A", or otherwise if the consent of the chair of
the Board is first obtained in writing.  If the Corporation  determines that the
Executive is in breach of this  provision and such breach is capable of cure, it
shall provide  written  notice of the breach and afford the Executive 30 days to
cure the breach.  Failure by the Executive to cure the breach within such 30 day
period  shall   constitute   just  cause  for  termination  of  the  Executive's
employment.  In the event of  breach  not  capable  of cure,  the  breach by the
Executive of this provision shall constitute  immediate  grounds for termination
of the Executive's employment for just cause.


6.       The Executive agrees to keep the affairs of the Business, financial and
otherwise,  strictly confidential and shall not disclose the same to any person,
company or firm, directly or indirectly,  during or after her Employment by Halo
except  as  reasonably  necessary  to  carry  out her  Employment  duties  or as
otherwise  authorized in writing by the chair of the board. The Executive agrees
not to use such information,  directly or indirectly,  for her own interests, or
any interests  other than those of the Business,  whether or not those interests
conflict with the interests of the Business,  during or after her  employment by
Halo.  The  Executive  agrees  that  all  trade  secrets,  trade  names,  client
information,  client files,  processing  and marketing  techniques,  information
respecting existing or potential mineral properties, mineral exploration data or
information,  and mining and exploration  proposals  relating to the Business or
disclosed to the Executive in the course of pre-employment communications or her
Employment  shall  become,  on  execution  of  this  Agreement,   and  shall  be
thereafter, as the case may be, the sole property of Halo whether arising before
or after the execution of this Agreement.


7.       (a)      The Executive  shall be remunerated as follows during the term
                  of this Agreement:

                                     - 7 -

                  (i)      initial  base  salary  of  CDN$175,000.00  per  annum
                           payable monthly less any amount paid to the Executive
                           pursuant  to  any  other   employment  or  consulting
                           agreement or  arrangement  between the  Executive and
                           the Corporation or any of its  Affiliates,  and to be
                           reviewed annually by the Board;

                  (ii)     an  annual  bonus as may be  determined  by the Board
                           having in mind performance criteria to be established
                           by the  Executive and the Board having regard to such
                           market  or other  advice  or  guidance  as the  Board
                           considers appropriate; and

                  (iii)    four (4) weeks' vacation annually.

         (b)      All  payments  required  to be made under this  Agreement  are
                  subject to  statutory  deductions,  as  applicable,  including
                  without limitation for income tax.

8.       (a)      The Executive shall also be granted incentive stock options to
                  acquire  Common  Shares of the  Corporation  under the Plan in
                  such  amounts as approved by the Board from time to time.  The
                  Board  shall make a  determination  as to  whether  additional
                  options  shall be  granted  in or about six  months  after the
                  Effective Date, and annually thereafter.


9.       All the Executive's reasonable expenses related to the Business will be
reimbursed  upon the  submittal  by the  Executive  of an  expense  report  with
appropriate supporting documentation to Halo.


10.      This  Agreement and the  Employment may be terminated by Halo summarily
and without notice, or payment in lieu of notice, severance payments,  benefits,
damages  or any sums  whatsoever,  in the  event  that  there is just  cause for
termination of the  Executive's  Employment at common law.  Notwithstanding  the
generality  of the  foregoing,  just cause shall be deemed to exist in the event
the Executive:

         (a)      engages in conduct which is  detrimental  to the reputation of
                  the  Corporation  or  any of its  Affiliates  in any  material

         (b)      has  committed  an act of  fraud  or  material  dishonesty  in
                  connection with her Employment or the Business;

         (c)      is the subject of any  enforcement  proceeding by a securities
                  regulatory authority or agency; or

                                     - 8 -

         (d)      materially breaches her duties under this Agreement, including
                  the Policies.

11.      Despite  the Term of this  Agreement  and the  Employment  set forth in
paragraph 3, above:

         (a)      This  Agreement and the Employment may be terminated on notice
                  by Halo to the Executive  without  cause,  upon payment to the
                  Executive at  termination of three months'  Monthly  Severance
                  Compensation plus one month's Monthly  Severance  Compensation
                  per completed  year of service  hereunder,  to a maximum of 12
                  months  Monthly  Severance  Compensation  in  total.  For  the
                  purposes   of   this   paragraph   11,   "Monthly    Severance
                  Compensation" means one twelfth of her annual base salary plus
                  the greater of means one twelfth of her annual bonus at target
                  or means  one  twelfth  of the  bonus  received  by her in the
                  previous bonus year.  The Executive  shall also be entitled to
                  accrued but unused vacation to the date of termination.

         (b)      The parties agree that any payment to the  Executive  pursuant
                  to this  paragraph  11 is not  intended and will not be of the
                  nature of a penalty and shall be  considered by the parties as
                  liquidated   damages.   12.  Subject  to  paragraph  13,  this
                  Agreement  and the  Employment  may be terminated on notice by
                  the  Executive  to Halo by giving  ninety  (90) days'  written


13.      If at any time during the term of this  Agreement  there is a Change of
Control and within twelve (12) months of such Change of Control:

                  (i)      the  Corporation  gives  notice of its  intention  to
                           terminate  the  employment  of the  Executive for any
                           reason other than just cause, or

                  (ii)     a Triggering Event occurs and the Executive elects to
                           terminate this Agreement and her Employment

the Executive shall be entitled to receive from Halo the compensation set out in
paragraph 11 above in the manner and within the time periods set out therein.


14.      (a)      If the  Executive  suffers a  Permanent  Disability,  Halo may
                  replace the Executive either on a temporary or permanent basis
                  without terminating the Employment of the Executive.

         (b)      If the Executive recovers from the Permanent Disability,  Halo
                  may offer to the  Executive  the position  that the  Executive
                  formerly   occupied   prior  to  the   Executive's   Permanent

                                     - 9 -

                  Disability or another comparable other executive position.  If
                  no  comparable  position is offered by Halo to the  Executive,
                  the Executive shall be entitled to the compensation set out in
                  paragraph 11(a) above.

         (c)      Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  in the event  the  Executive
                  continues to suffer from a Permanent  Disability for in excess
                  of 24  months,  Halo may,  at its  option  and  subject to its
                  obligation to make reasonable  accommodation of the disability
                  as required by applicable human rights legislation,  terminate
                  the Executive's employment, provided that:

                  (i)     such  termination  does not and will not prejudice the
                          Executive's eligibility for disability and other group
                          insured benefits; and

                  (ii)     Halo   provides   the    Executive    forthwith   the
                           compensation set out in paragraph 11(a) above.


15.      The invalidity or  unenforceability  of any provision of this Agreement
will not affect the validity or enforceability  of any other provision,  and any
invalid provision will be severable from this Agreement.


16.      This Agreement is governed by and is to be considered,  interpreted and
enforced in accordance  with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal
laws  of  Canada  applicable  therein.  The  Executive  hereby  attorns  to  the
non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario.


17.      This Agreement inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the parties
and their respective heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns as
appropriate.  The  Corporation  will require any  successor  (whether  direct or
indirect,  by purchase,  amalgamation,  consolidation  or  otherwise)  to all or
substantially  all of the business and/or assets of the Corporation to expressly
assume and agree to perform  this  Agreement  in the same manner and to the same
extent  that  the  Corporation  would  be  required  to  perform  it if no  such
succession had taken place,  provided that, if the Executive  agrees, an express
agreement  may not be required if such results by  operation of law.  Failure of
the Corporation to obtain such agreement prior to the  effectiveness of any such
succession  shall be a breach of this  Agreement and shall entitle the Executive
to compensation from the Corporation at the same amount and on the same terms as
the Executive  would be entitled  hereunder  pursuant to paragraph 13 as if such
succession  had not  occurred,  except  that for  purposes of  implementing  the

                                     - 10 -

foregoing,  the date of which any such  succession  becomes  effective  shall be
deemed the date of termination of the Executive's employment.


18.      This Agreement is not assignable by either party without the consent in
writing of the other party, which consent may be unreasonably withheld, provided
that Halo shall be entitled to assign this  Agreement,  without the  Executive's
consent  to an  Affiliate  of Halo  provided  the  Affiliate  offers  comparable
employment  and  there  is  not  material  prejudice,  including  diminution  of
responsibilities, to the Executive by reason of such assignment.


19.      As  of  its  date  execution,   this  Agreement  supersedes  all  prior
agreements,  whether written or oral,  express or implied,  between the parties,
and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. The parties agree that
there are no other collateral  agreements or understandings  between them except
as set out in this Agreement.


20.      This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by the parties and


21.      All headings in this Agreement are for  convenience  only and shall not
be used for the interpretation of this Agreement.


22.      The Executive  acknowledge that damages would be an insufficient remedy
for a breach of this Agreement and agrees that Halo may apply for and obtain any
relief available to it in a court of law or equity, including injunctive relief,
to  restrain  breach or threat of breach of this  Agreement  or to  enforce  the
covenants  contained  herein,  and, in  particular,  the  covenant  contained in
paragraph 6 herein,  in addition to rights Halo may have to damages arising from
said breach or threat of breach.


23.      The parties agree that this Agreement is confidential  and shall remain
so. The parties  agree that this  Agreement or the contents  hereof shall not be
divulged by any party  without the consent in writing of the other  party,  with
the  exception  of  disclosure  to  personal  advisors,  disclosure  that may be
required by the laws of any  jurisdiction  in which the Business is conducted or
may be conducted in future and disclosure pursuant to applicable securities laws

                                     - 11 -

and the rules and policies of any stock  exchange on which Halo  securities  are
traded.  Each party agrees to request of its personal  advisors  that they enter
into similar  agreements of  confidentiality  if requested to do so by the other
party to this Agreement.


24.      The Executive  agrees that she has had independent  legal advice or the
opportunity  to receive same in connection  with the execution of this Agreement
and has read this  Agreement in its  entirety,  understands  its contents and is
signing this Agreement freely and voluntarily, without duress or undue influence
from any party.


25.      Any  notice  required  or  permitted  to be made or  given  under  this
Agreement to either party shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given if
delivered  personally,  or if sent by prepaid  registered  mail to the  intended
recipient of such notice at:

         (a)      in the case of Halo, to:

                  Commerce Court North
                  25 King Street West, Suite 2900
                  Toronto, ON
                  M5L 1G3

                  Attention:  Chair, Board of Directors

                  with a copy (which shall not constitute notice hereunder) to:

                  Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
                  2100 Scotia Plaza
                  40 King Street West
                  Toronto, Ontario  M5H 3C2

                  Attention:  Jason Bullen

         (b)      in the case of the Executive, to:

                  12-1000 Dundas St. E.
                  Toronto, Ontario M4M 1R7

or at such other  address as the party to whom such writing is to be given shall
provide in writing to the party giving the said notice.  Any notice delivered to
the  party to whom it is  addressed  shall be  deemed  to have  been  given  and
received on the day it is so  delivered  or, if such day is not a business  day,

                                     - 12 -

then on the next business day following any such day. Any notice mailed shall be
deemed to have been given and received on the fifth  business day  following the
date of mailing.


26.      By accepting employment with the Corporation, the Executive consents to
the Corporation  collecting,  using and disclosing her personal  information for
purposes  relating  to the  maintenance  of  the  employment  relationship.  The
purposes of the Corporation's  collection,  use and disclosure include,  but are
not limited to:

         (a)      ensuring  that the Executive is properly  remunerated  for her
                  services to the Corporation which shall include  disclosure to
                  third party payroll providers;

         (b)      administering   and/or   facilitating  the  provision  of  any
                  benefits  to which the  Executive  is or may become  entitled,
                  including bonuses, benefits,  pensions,  registered retirement
                  savings plan,  short,  medium and long-term  incentive  plans;
                  this shall include the disclosure of the Executive's  personal
                  information to the Corporation's third party service providers
                  and administrators;

         (c)      ensuring  that  the  Corporation  is able to  comply  with any
                  regulatory, reporting and withholding requirements relating to
                  the Executive's employment;

         (d)      performance evaluation;

         (e)      monitoring   the   Executive's   access  to  and  use  of  the
                  Corporation's  electronic  media  services  in order to ensure
                  that  the use of  such  services  is in  compliance  with  the
                  Corporation's  policies and procedures and is not in violation
                  of any applicable laws;

         (f)      complying  with  the   Corporation's   obligations  to  report
                  improper or illegal conduct by any director, officer, employee
                  or agent of the Corporation  under any applicable  securities,
                  criminal or other law;

         (g)      allowing a potential  purchaser of the shares or assets of the
                  Corporation   to  conduct  due   diligence   with  respect  to
                  employment   obligations  of  the   Corporation,   subject  to
                  compliance with the treatment of such  information as required
                  by applicable legislation respecting privacy; and

         (h)      any other  purpose for which the Executive is given notice and
                  which  is  reasonably   related  to  the  maintenance  of  the
                  Executive's employment relationship.

                                     - 13 -


27.      Paragraphs  6, 22,  23 and 27 shall  survive  the  termination  of this
Agreement  and the  Employment  and shall  continue  in full  force  and  effect
according to their terms.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties  hereto have  executed  these  presents
under their  respective  seals and hands of their proper  offices  authorized in
that behalf, as applicable.

The Corporate Seal of HALO INC.  )
was hereunto affixed             )
in the presence of:              )
/s/ Marc Cernovitch              )
- -------------------------------- )
Authorized Signatory             )
                                 )                      c/s
- -------------------------------- )
Authorized Signatory             )

SIGNED in the presence of:       )
                                 )         /s/ Lynda Bloom
- -------------------------------- )         --------------------------------
Witness                          )

                                     - 14 -

                                  Schedule "A"

Directorships:    Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada

                  Canadian Shield Resources Inc.

                  Augen Capital Corp.

President:        Analytical Solutions Ltd.