

This  agreement  ("Agreement")  is  made  by  and between EssTec, Inc., a Nevada
corporation  ("EssTec"),  and Red Sea Ltd., a British Virgin Islands Corporation
("Consultant")  and  is  effective  as  of September 1, 2001 ("Effective Date").

1.   ENGAGEMENT  OF  SERVICES.  Attached  hereto  as  Exhibit A and incorporated
     herein by this reference is a description of the services to be provided by
     Consultant pursuant to the terms of this Agreement ("Consulting Services").
     Consultant  hereby  agrees  to  utilize  his best efforts in performing the
     Consulting  Services.

2.   COMPENSATION.  The Consultant's compensation for the Consulting Services is
     set  forth  in  Exhibit  B  attached hereto and incorporated herein by this

3.   INDEPENDENT  CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP. Consultant's relationship with EssTec
     is  that  of  an  independent  contractor, and nothing in this Agreement is
     intended to, or should be construed to, create a partnership, agency, joint
     venture  or employment relationship. Consultant will not be entitled to any
     of the benefits that EssTec may make available to its employees, including,
     but  not  limited  to,  group  health  or life insurance, profit sharing or
     retirement  benefits.  Consultant  is  not  authorized  to  make  any
     representation,  contract  or  commitment  on  behalf  of  EssTec  unless
     specifically  requested  or  authorized  in  writing  to  do so by a EssTec
     manager.  Consultant  is solely responsible for, and will file, on a timely
     basis,  all tax returns and payments required to be filed with, or made to,
     any  federal,  state or local tax authority with respect to the performance
     of  services and receipt of fees under this Agreement. Consultant is solely
     responsible  for,  and must maintain adequate records of, expenses incurred
     in  the  course  of  performing  services  under this Agreement. No part of
     Consultant's  compensation  will  be  subject to payroll taxes. EssTec will
     regularly  report  amounts paid to Consultant by filing Form 1099-MISC with
     the  Internal  Revenue  Service.


4.1.     Disclosure  and  Assignment  of  Intellectual  Property.

  4.1.a.  Intellectual Property. "Intellectual Property" includes any and all
          articles,  new  or  useful  art,  discoveries, improvements, technical
          developments, know-how, formulae, processes, manufacturing techniques,
          trade secrets, ideas, or inventions, whether or not patentable and all
          copyrightable  works,  designs, maskworks, trademarks, patents, patent
          applications, artwork and software, that Consultant, solely or jointly
          with  others, makes, conceives or reduces to practice within the scope
          of  Consultant's  work  for  EssTec  under  this  Agreement.

  4.1.b.  Disclosure and Ownership of Intellectual Property. Consultant agrees
          to  make  and maintain adequate and current records of all inventions,
          which  records  shall be and remain the property of EssTec. Consultant
          agrees  to  promptly  disclose  every  invention to EssTec. Consultant
          hereby  assigns  and  agrees  to  assign to EssTec or its designee its
          entire  right,  title  and  interest  worldwide  in  all  Intellectual

  4.1.c.  Assistance.  Consultant  agrees  to execute upon EssTec's request a
          signed  transfer  of  ownership  to EssTec for all, inventions and all
          works  subject to copyright protection, including, but not limited to,
          content  articles,  computer  programs,  notes, sketches, drawings and
          reports.  Consultant  agrees to assist EssTec in any reasonable manner
          to obtain and enforce EssTec's benefit patents, copyrights, maskworks,
          and  other  property  rights  in any and all countries, and Consultant
          agrees  to  execute,  when  requested,  patent,  copyright  or similar
          applications  and assignments to EssTec and any other lawful documents
          deemed necessary by EssTec to carry out the purpose of this Agreement.
          If  called  upon to render assistance under this paragraph, Consultant
          will  be  entitled  to  a  fair  and  reasonable  fee  in  addition to

          reimbursement  of  authorized  expenses  incurred at the prior written
          request  of  EssTec. In the event that EssTec is unable for any reason
          to secure Consultant's signature to any document required to apply for
          or  execute any patent, copyright, maskwork or other applications with
          respect  to  any  Intellectual  Property  (including  improvements,
          renewals,  extensions,  continuations,  divisions  or continuations in
          part  thereof),  Consultant hereby irrevocably designates and appoints
          EssTec  and  its duly authorized officers and agents as its agents and
          attorneys-in-fact  to  act  for  and  in  its  behalf  and  instead of
          Consultant,  to  execute  and  file any such application and to do all
          other  lawfully permitted acts to further the prosecution and issuance
          of  patents,  copyrights,  maskworks  or other rights thereon with the
          same  legal  force  and  effect  as  if  executed  by  Consultant.

4.2.     Confidential  Information.

  4.2.a.  Definition  of Confidential Information. "Confidential Information"
          as  used  in  this  Agreement  shall  mean  any  and all technical and
          non-technical  information  and  proprietary  information,  including
          without  limitation,  techniques,  sketches,  drawings,  models,
          Intellectual  Property,  apparatus,  equipment,  algorithms,  software
          programs  and  software source code documents, related to the current,
          future and proposed products and services of EssTec, its suppliers and
          customers,  EssTec's  information  concerning  research,  experimental
          work,  development,  design  details  and  specifications, engineering
          information,  financial  information,  procurement  requirements,
          purchasing  and  manufacturing  information,  customer lists, business
          forecasts,  sales  and  merchandising  and  marketing  plans  and

  4.2.b.  Nondisclosure  and  Nonuse  Obligations.  Consultant  will  use the
          Confidential Information solely to perform Consulting Services for the
          benefit  of  EssTec.  Consultant  agrees  that  it  shall  treat  all
          Confidential  Information of EssTec with the same degree of care as it
          accords to its own Confidential Information, and Consultant represents
          that  it  exercises  reasonable  care  to protect its own Confidential
          Information,  and  Consultant  represents that it exercises reasonable
          care to protect its own Confidential Information. If Consultant is not
          an  individual,  Consultant agrees that it shall disclose Confidential
          Information  only to those employees who need to know such information
          and  certifies that such employees have previously agreed, either us a
          condition  of  employment,  or  in  order  to  obtain the Confidential
          Information, to he bound by terms and conditions substantially similar
          to  those  of this Agreement. Consultant agrees not to communicate any
          information  to  EssTec  in violation of the Proprietary rights of any
          third  party. Consultant will immediately give notice to EssTec of any
          unauthorized  use  or  disclosure  of  the  Confidential  Information.
          Consultant  agrees to assist EssTec in remedying any such unauthorized
          use  or  disclosure  of  the  Confidential  Information.

  4.2.c.  Exclusions from Nondisclosure Obligations. Consultant's obligations
          under  Paragraph 4.2(b) ("Nondisclosure") with respect to Confidential
          Information shall terminate when Consultant can document that: (a) the
          information  was  in the public domain at or subsequent to the time it
          was  communicated  to  Consultant  by  the disclosing party through no
          fault  of  Consultant;  (b)  the  information  was  rightfully  in
          Consultant's  possession  free  of  any obligation of confidence at or
          subsequent  to  the  time  it  was  communicated  to Consultant by the
          disclosing party; or (c) the information was developed by employees or
          agents  of  Consultant  independently  of and without reference to any
          information  communicated  to  Consultant  by the disclosing party. If
          Consultant  is  required  to  disclose the Confidential Information in
          response  to  a valid order by a court or other government body, or as
          otherwise  required  by law or as necessary to establish the rights of
          either party under this Agreement, Consultant agrees to provide EssTec
          with  prompt  written notice so as to provide EssTec with a reasonable
          opportunity  to  protect  such  Confidential  Information.

  4.2.d.  Disclosure  of  Third  Party  Information.  Neither  party  shall
          communicate  any  information  to  the  other  in  violation  of  the
          proprietary  rights  of  any  third  party.

4.3.     Return  of  EssTec's  Property.     All  materials  (including, without
          limitation,  content  articles,  source  code,  documents,  drawings,
          models,  apparatus,  sketches,  designs  and  lists)  furnished  to
          Consultant  by  EssTec,  whether  delivered to Consultant by EssTec or
          made by Consultant in the performance of services under this Agreement
          (collectively  referred  to as the "EssTec Property") are the sole and
          exclusive  property  of  EssTec  and/or  its  suppliers  or customers.
          Consultant  agrees  to  keep  all EssTec property at EssTec's premises
          unless  otherwise permitted in writing by EssTec. Consultant agrees to
          promptly deliver the original and any copies of the EssTec Property to
          EssTec  at  any  time  upon EssTec's request. Upon termination of this
          Agreement  by  either  party  for  any  reason,  Consultant  agrees to
          promptly  deliver  to  EssTec  or  destroy,  at  EssTec's  option, the
          original  and  any copies of the EssTec Property. Within five (5) days
          after  the termination of this Agreement, Consultant agrees to certify
          in  writing  that  Consultant  has  so  returned or destroyed all such
          EssTec  Property.

4.4.     Observance  of  EssTec  Rules.     At  all  times  while  on  EssTec's
          premises,  Consultant will observe EssTec's rules and regulations with
          respect  to  conduct,  health and safety and protection of persons and

5.     NO  CONFLICT  OF  INTEREST. During the term of this Agreement, Consultant
will  not  accept  work,  enter  into  a  contract,  or  accept  any obligation,
inconsistent  or  incompatible  with  Consultant's  obligations, or the scope of
services  rendered  for EssTec, under this Agreement.  Consultant warrants that,
to the best of its knowledge, there is no other contract or duty on Consultant's
part,  which  conflicts with or is inconsistent with this Agreement.  Consultant
agrees to indemnify EssTec from any and all loss or liability incurred by reason
of  the  alleged  breach  by Consultant of any services agreement with any third


6.1.     Term.  This  Agreement  is effective as of the Effective Date set forth

6.2.     Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without
cause,  at  any  time  upon fifteen (15) days' prior written notice to the other
party.  In  the  event  of  termination,  Consultant's  stock  options  shall
immediately  stop  vesting.

6.3.     Survival.  The  rights  and  obligations  contained  in  Sections  4
("Intellectual  Property  Rights")  and 7 ("Noninterference with Business") will
survive  any  termination  or  expiration  of  this  Agreement.

7.     NONINTERFERENCE WITH BUSINESS. During this Agreement, and for a period of
two  years  immediately following its termination, and for a period of two years
immediately  following  its termination, Consultant agrees not to interfere with
the  business  of EssTec in any manner. By way of example and not of limitation,
Consultant  agrees  not  to  solicit  or  induce  any  employee  or  independent
Consultant  to  terminate  or  breach  an  employment,  contractual  or  other
relationship  with  EssTec.

8.     SUCCESSOR  AND  ASSIGNS.  Consultant  may  not  assign  this Agreement or
subcontract  or  otherwise delegate its obligations under this Agreement without
EssTec's  prior  written consent.  Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will
be  for  the  benefit of EssTec's successors and assigns, and will be binding on
Consultant's  assignees.

9.     CONSEQUENTIAL  DAMAGES. Neither party will be liable to the other for any
consequential,  special  or  incidental.

10.     NOTICES.     Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be
in  writing  and  shall  be  delivered  as  follows  with notice deemed given as
indicated: (I) by personal delivery when delivered personally; (ii) by overnight
courier  upon  written  verification  of  receipt; iii) by telecopy or facsimile
transmission  upon acknowledgment of receipt of electronic transmission; or (iv)
by  certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, upon verification of
receipt.  Notice  shall  be  sent to the addresses set forth above or such other
address  as  either  party  may  specify  in  writing.

11.     GOVERNING  LAW.  This Agreement shall he governed in all respects by the
laws of the United States of America and by the laws of the State of California,
excluding  California's  conflict  of  law  provisions.

12.     SEVERABILITY.  Should  any  provisions  at  this  Agreement be held by a
court of law to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and
enforceability  of  the  remaining  provisions  of  this  Agreement shall not be
affected  or  impaired  thereby.

13.     WAIVER.  The  waiver  by  EssTec  of  a  breach of any provision of this
Agreement  by  Consultant  shall  not operate or be construed as a waiver of any
other  or  subsequent  breach  by  Consultant.

14.     INJUNCTIVE  RELIEF  FOR  BREACH.  Consultant's  obligations  under  this
Agreement  are of a unique character that gives them particular value; breach of
any  of  such  obligations  will result in irreparable and cont8inuing damage to
EssTec  or  which  there will be no adequate remedy at law; and, in the event of
such  breach,  EssTec  will be entitled to injunctive relief and/or a decree for
specific  performance,  and  such  other  and  further  relief  as may be proper
(including  monetary  damages  if  appropriate).

15.     ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.     This  Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement
between  the parties relating to this subject matter and supersedes all prior or
contemporaneous  oral or written agreements concerning such subject matter.  The
terms  of  this  Agreement  will  govern  all  Project  Assignments and services
undertaken  by  Consultant  for  EssTec.  This Agreement will govern all Project
Assignments  and  services  undertaken by Consultant for EssTec.  This Agreement
may  only  be  changed  by mutual agreement of authorized representatives of the
parties  in  writing.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have executed this Agreement as of the date
first  written  above.


                              EssTec,  Inc.,
                              a  Nevada  Corporation

                              By:  Abdul  L  Saquib
                              Its:  VP  Operations


                              For  Red  Sea  Ltd.

                                    EXHIBIT A

                               CONSULTING SERVICES

The  Consultant  shall  perform  the  following  services  under  its consulting
agreement  with  EssTec  dated  on  the  1st  of  September,  2001:


     -    Develop  acquisition  strategy
     -    Perform  due  diligence on potential partners and acquisition targets,
          ranging  from  a  general assessment of potential partners to detailed
          due  diligence  (financial  and  operations  analysis,  cultural  and
          strategic  direct  fit,  etc.).
     -    Close atleast one acquisition within one year from the signing of this


     -    Develop  alliance  strategy
     -    Develop  strategic value proposition and positioning documentation for
          each  potential  partner.  Evaluate  the  proposed  structure  and
          consideration  for  any  relationship,  and
  conduct such other analyses and investigations as necessary.
     -    Close  atleast  one  alliance within one year from the signing of this


     -    Develop  business development and marketing strategy. Develop pipeline
          or  prospective  customers.  Help  EssTec  in  closure  of  sales.
     -    Help  EssTec  to  develop  product  line and their marketing strategy.
          Identify  markets  for  the  expansion  of  EssTec's  services.
     -    Develop penetration strategy for these markets, (acquisition, mergers.
          joint  ventures,  subsidiaries,  etc.)
     -    Establish  EssTec's presence in atleast one new market within one year
          from  signing  of  this  agreement.


     -    Identify  potential  investors  for  EssTec.

                                    EXHIBIT B


For  services  outlined  in  Exhibit A. above, EssTec shall pay the consultant a
compensation  outlined  below:

     -    Engagement  fee  of  $  150,000.
     -    Monthly  retainer  of  $  24,000. The monthly retainer will only be in
          effect after successful raise of $ $5,000,000 in equity financing or $
          1,000,000  in  booked  revenues  thru  the  efforts of the Consultant.
     -    Non-qualified  Stock Options of 300,000 shares at an exercise price of
          $  3.50,  vested  over  one  year,  commencing  from  the date of this